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Essay on Feudalism
Western Europe suffered numerous hardships through the ninth and tenth centuries and this was the ultimate reason they established a new political
organization which was known as feudalism. By providing honor, protection, and a sense of control, this new social system revived peace and order in
Western Europe after the fall of the Carolingian Empire.Feudalism was a necessary ingredient to yield stability in during these times of calamity. The
primary motive behind creating this organization was to render protection to the people since the government was unable to do so. Instead of
depending on the Government as their defense, people resorted to finding a powerful lord who could grant protection in exchange more
Then they would grant portions of this land to vassals who in return would fight for their lord. The relationship between the lord and vassal became
official by having a public ceremony. In the ceremony the vassal would perform an act of homage to his lord. This alliance was based on loyalty.
During the ninth century, the land that was granted to a vassal was now known as a fief. After owning the land for a while, many vassals would
possess the power to exercise rights of jurisdiction or political and legal authority within their fiefs. When the Carolingian political system began to
fall, because of numerous invasions and internal differences, various powerful lords arose. Now it was the people's job to keep order, they could no
longer depend on the government. Since number of lords substantially increased, the number of vassals multiplied also. This abundant increase brought
about the development of subinfeudation. This is where fief–holding became complicated. Vassals of a king might also have vassals who might owe
them military service for land that was granted to them. These vassals sometimes also had other vassals under them who might only have enough land
to provide their equipment. Even though this system brought about greater and lesser landowners, this relationship was still honorable. Since this was
a willing relationship between free men, it was not based on servitude. This
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Medieval Feudalism
After the fall of the Roman empire, there was need for a new government system, that new system was Feudalism. Feudalism was a system made of
giving and receiving, it was designed to include all members of every class. Knights were key members of the feudal system, offering their protection
to the serfs, and their loyalty to upperclassmen, in turn they received land, money and serfs to rule over and protect. Feudalism was essential to building
a strong, successful and wealthy military. The church had a strong influence on the people of the medieval ages and affected everyone's lives. The
church's system of the Great Chain of Being, influenced the feudal system though social class views. The new system of feudalism greatly affected the more content...
Many people respected knights for their bravery and their heroic acts. All members looked up to the knights because of their bravery and relations with
upper class citizens. Knights were in charge of protecting a lord or vassal as well, and for that reason they were highly respected (Nardo 31). The lords
and Kings were the most important people in the Middle Ages, and anyone who would protect the, was greatly respected by all. These knights were
models for everyone on their land (Smith, Andrew 2). Not only were they models and heroic figures for their jobs of protecting the lord and King,
but they were also considered extremely brave and some even considered them heroes. Being a knight came with many advantages with the higher
class citizens. By having relations with higher class citizens, knights were more likely to get a rich and upper class wife (Nardo 31). An upper
class couple received many more be idiots for themselves, as well as their future heirs. They also received many other advantages from being a
knight. Knights were able to live in or around castles that belonged to important figures. They also received a great deal of money and the respect of
many from their social status in the Middle Ages (Nardo 29). The respect and advantages given with being a knight made it all worth
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Feudalism: A Way For People In The Middle Ages
Feudalism was a way for people in the Middle Ages to be divided into different sections, some to be looked down upon and some to be held at the
upmost respect. Feudalism was a necessity in times of turmoil, it kept peace, provided a sense of control and protection for those in need. Feudalism
was a complex social system, that defined how each class was connected. At the top of the feudal system was the King, him and his queen were
respected by all. They were the most important people in the system. The king officially ruled the kingdom, but because a kingdom is heavily
populated, he appoints his subjects to take control over certain task. Which are the nobles and knights, whom both swore their loyalty and sovereignty
to their king. Their
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Explain how the system known as "feudalism" worked in Medieval Europe.
The bases of feudalism is best described as a social system in Europe throughout the Middle Ages where individuals worked and battled for upper
class who gave them protection and the use of the land in return for their services (Merriam–Webster). "Feudalism" is not a medieval term and not even
a translation of a medieval concept (Abels 2010; Brown 2010; Bouchard 1998). In our day and time Feudalism would be difficult and baffling in
several ways, but some may feel that we would benefit from it.
During this time the social class depended on how much land you owned. Royalty in your Kings and Queens was part of the upper class; the noble
lords and vassals followed more content...
The attacks were unsuspecting on the towns and villages so that they couldn't maintain order. All the while this was taking place the Frankish Empire
was falling apart. They begin to fight among each other for the Kingdom. They became a disorder society. Life may have been not suitable for some
but feudalism turned dysfunction into order during a violent time.
What was its impact on the mission of the church?
The Church was the absolute most predominant foundation in medieval life, its impact invading practically every part of individuals' lives. Its
religious observances often shape to the plan; its customs checked every minute in a person 's life; and its lessons supported standard convictions about
morals, the significance of life and existence. Church in Western Europe was recognized as the Roman Catholic Church went from the religion of the
Roman Empire to the official religion and the most powerful institution of the Middle Ages. All of Europe had been converted to Christianity by the
year 1000. Although this process was peaceful at times but other times it got downright ugly.
The inclusion of the church in the system became a political reality. The unsettled conditions caused by the Viking and Magyar invasions forced
church officials to enter into close relations with the only power able to offer them protection. Bishops and abbots thus became vassals, receiving fiefs
for which they were obligated to provide the usual feudal services. The
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The Importance Of Feudalism In Europe
Real Draft Feudalism in Europe during the middle ages came out of the necessity for both order and protection from the attacks and raids of the
Vikings or Germanic warriors who traveled and pillaged Europe around the 5th to the 11th century. The Roman Empire's destruction in the 5th
century A.D., along with rulers failing to maintain their authority and rule allowed nobles and those in power to take more power of the areas that
were under them. The people's protections that were more common under a centralized government, as in the times of the Roman Empire
vanished. As such, the peasants and the lower class found it necessary to negotiate with local rulers for security from enemy forces. This system
included lords and serfs. Now, the nobles were stark contrasts to the peasants. Nobles exercised greater power economically, politically, and in
other areas. Serfs could include servants, and peasant farmers. A lord could give land to these people in exchange for protection. This process of
giving land as payment or reward was also known as a fief. In order to recognize the importance of how the feudal system came to be, as well as
analyzing its strengths and weaknesses, we must go back in time to briefly see how the Roman Empire governed. In the Roman Empire, there were
opportunities for aspiring men to achieve a better life. A main example is seen through their governing system. During this time, Curus Honorum was
in effect. This was designed for Roman senators.
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Feudalism: A Military Based Society
The system of feudalism was a way that everyone could get the things they needed through mutual relationships. Feudalism worked because of the
loyalty of the people and the influential church. Furthermore, the manor also contributed to supporting feudalism. Each and every role was important in
this system and it wouldn't have worked without the farmers. Feudalism is a military based society that has mutualistic relationships which help the
people meet their needs and this system would not work without the roles of peasants. Feudalism was a system where everyone relied on each other
through trust, loyalty, and different social classes. It was created when Germanic tribes made the Roman Empire fall. Germanic culture did not have a
written language and most of Rome's learning, science, and technology more content...
The king has everything, but he must keep his respect and all his things. The king needed loyal people to work the land and he also needed an army
to protect the land. The king expected his lord to supply him with a great army, in return from the king giving the lord land (Biel 9). The king had an
official/sheriff put together a small army of knights that helped fulfill the king's wishes throughout the kingdom. The sheriffs also collected a type of
income tax for the King which helped the king fiance the armies that protected his kingdom (Biel 18). The King was the highest rank and he provided
land for his vassals. The king divided his whole kingdom into 50–60 fiefs and his role was to give out land (Biel 9). The kingdoms were divided into
duchies, earldoms, or countries, for the king's vassals. Their land was then divided into smaller fiefs again and again until the lowest rank got land
(Biel 10). The king was the highest rank and he had everything, but he also had to keep his people's loyalty and everything he
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15th Century Feudalism
Before the end of the 15th century, farmers had some sense of financial freedom through their relationship to the property. Several people lived on
ten to thirty acreages of land. The land was preserved by the ruler but assigned to one of his nobles to who the laborers paid rent. In exchange for the
rent peasants had some common rights to graze stock, cut wood, draw water, or cultivate harvests on the noble's land. Such communal privileges gave
the laborers some financial individuality. They grew their own crops; grazed animals and recycled their wastes to fertilize their gardens. This was the
system of feudalism. Because life was socially and economically congregated, the laborers had a diminutive chance to expand their custom of living.
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Causes And Effects Of Feudalism
The Medieval period lasted between the decline of Roman Empire and the Renaissance. It stretched from the fifth century to fifteenth century,
accompanied by federalism, invasions, and the supreme authority of the Church. During 500 to 1500, constant warfare had caused a period of turmoil
in Europe. Kings weren't able to defend their territories efficiently, hence, people no longer looked up to central power for protection. In the response
to increasing mounted knights and disintegration of centralization, feudalism arose as a new pattern of society. Mutual obligations were exchanged
for military protection and lands. Regarding to the uncertainties of safety, people began to look for consolation. The Church began to dominate the
aspects of life and served as a stable power for souls. However, maleficent byproducts were introduced to Europe. Brutal aristocracy and waves of more content...
During this period, people searched for forces that could offer them protection. Local rulers developed into a more reliable power than kings. The lord
would distribute the lands to his vassals. In the return, the vassal needed to serve the lord with loyalty and with military protection (Document 4). An
excerpt from the Homage Oath taken by John of Toul promised to send lands to mounted knights who served him (Document 2). It stated how
feudalism depended on the control of fiefs and how two–sided bargain functioned. Individual lords were supreme in their own ruling territories, kings
held power that were superficial in reality. The manor system had demonstrated the feudal social classes and illustrated the common phenomenon
during the Middle Ages. Understanding the growing social structure of feudalism, central government had gradually lose its prestige and influence. It
emphasised the label of the Age of Faith with ascendancy of feudalism and the fading of
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The Effects of Feudalism Essay
In Medieval times during the 10th and 13th centuries, a form of political and social organization called feudalism was a way of life that had great
effect on people of the time and on the modern world. Feudalism was developed because of the weakness of Europe and it's kings. The word
feudalism comes from the word fief, which was the land held on condition of feudal service, similar to an estate (English). The fiefs bound together
lords and vassals. Feudalism was a structure in which a lord divided his land into smaller parts to give to lesser lords ("Feudalism"). A noble, or lord,
was in control of his manor. The manor was the heart of feudal economy (Ellis and Esler 222). A manor often consisted of the castle, a church, a
village, more content...
Life as a serf or peasant was not easy. Serfs were bound to their lord's land and required to do services for him. Although they could not be sold like
slaves, they had no freedom (Ellis and Esler 219–244). Peasants farmed for the goods that the lord and his manor needed. They went through difficult
hardship because of this. Peasants were heavily taxed and had to provide for themselves the goods that they needed ("The Middle Ages"). According to
the medieval law, the peasants were not considered to 'belong to' themselves ("The Middle Ages"). Although serfs were peasants and had relatively
the same duties and similar rights, what differentiated a peasant from a serf was that a peasant was not bound to the land ("The Middle Ages").
Peasants had no schooling and no knowledge of the outside world (Ellis and Esler 219–244). They rarely traveled more than a couple miles outside of
their villages. All members of a peasant family, including children, tended crops, farmed, and did some sort of work to help out (Ellis and Esler
224). Very few peasants lived past the age of 35 because of hunger in the winter and the easy development and transmission of disease (Ellis and
Esler 224). Women in this time lived a hard life as well. Regardless of their status in society, they were tied to household tasks ("The Middle Ages").
This including duties such as cooking, cleaning, taking care of the children, sewing, and baking. Along with these jobs, women also
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The Rise and Fall of Feudalism
Xiang Wei
Feudalism, as a decentralized political system, flourished in Medieval Europe. In this essay, the main political and economic characteristics of
Feudalism will be mentioned, while discussing the main historical factors to the rise and fall of feudalism.
The rise of Feudalism was a direct result of insecurity that caused by several significant historical factors. At first, the collapse of Roman Empire that
led to prolonged unrest and power struggles was essentially a reason for why Europe was divided into many small states. The frequent fights among
those states made people suffered from violence and insecurity. Even though Charlemagne united those states and Europe lasted for a period time of
peace, Holy Roman more content...
The revival of commerce and the widespread use of money changed the relations between feudal lord and serf. Some lords began to rent out their
lands to tenant farmers. Using those lands, serfs engaged themselves into trade, which allowed them to substitute a money payment for their feudal
obligations and become tenant farmers. In the 14th century, the labor shortage caused by the Black Death led to a rise of bargaining power of
serfs; many serfs' wages raised and became able to purchase their freedom while feudal lords lost their power by the end of the Medieval Europe. At
third, as stability and security in Europe gradually came back, the existence of a feudal knight's military service became unnecessary. What monarchs
were more willing to do is assemble large mercenary armies at relatively low cost. Based on all of the factors above, feudalism was replaced by a system
of government that brought the birth of modern capitalism.
In conclusion, while feudalism functioned very well in the insecure and undeveloped period of early Middle Ages, its end was inevitable under the
powerful push of historical trend in terms of politics and
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Feudalism In Medieval Europe
Around 800 AD, a new concept called feudalism was developing. This system defined the destiny of every person born in Europe during that time,
and it was formed to bring a sense of ranking to European society. Feudalism was Medieval Europe's way to organize the social relations between
three classes: the nobles, the clergy, and the common people. The nobles consisted of the king and his knights. When the king would decide to go to
war, he would give away fiefs or parts of his land to his vassals. The vassals had an oath called fealty: they would participate in the king's army for
two months out of the year in return for the land. This chain went on–and–on, making nearly everyone a lord and vassal. The commoners on the fiefs
were either serfs
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Ap European Feudal System Essay
Feudalism began in Europe during 850–950. It can be defined as a system of governing and landholding. The feudal system is based on rights and
obligations. In exchange for military protection and other services, a landowner, or lord, granted land, or fief, to someone, who was called the
vassal. An example of this system is shown with Charles the Simple and Rollo. Rollo, the head of a viking army, had been plundering and leading
raids on the Seine River Valley for years. Charles the Simple, the king of France at the time, granted Rollo a piece of French territory if he would stop
these raids in return. Charles the Simple would have been the lord in this situation, while Rollo was the vassal. Other rulers and warriors during this
time made similar agreements in many parts of Europe.
The feudal society is structured like a pyramid. At the top of the pyramid is the king, and then the most powerful vassals such as nobles and bishops.
Beneath these vassals are knights, who serve their king in exchange for fiefs. At the bottom of the pyramid are the landless peasants. In the feudal
system, status determines a person's prestige and power. Social class is inherited from previous generations. During the Middle Ages, most people were
peasants. These peasants more content...
The lord provides the serfs with housing, farmland, and protection from bandits, and in return, serfs tends the lord's lands and care for his animals.
All peasants, no matter if they are free or serf, owe the lord certain duties, which includes a few days of labor each week and a certain portion of the
peasants' grain. Peasants don't usually travel more than 25 miles from their own manor. A manor covers only a few square miles of land, and consists
of the lord's house, a church, and workshops. The manor is a self–sufficient community, with the serfs and peasants raising or producing nearly
everything that they and their lord need for daily
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Feudalism In Medieval Europe
ife was extremely difficult for those living during the Middle Ages. Many people were illiterate, and relied mainly on their beliefs. The people
believed that fate ruled their existence; therefore, there was little hope for improving their condition. During the years of the Roman Empire, the
peasants, or poor citizens of the empire, were protected by the soldiers of the emperor. After the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 A.D., the peasants
longed for protection. There were no laws protecting these peasants, so they turned to the lords to keep the peace and to act on their behalf. The
willingness exemplified by the peasants to be ruled by the lords led to the beginnings of the dominant social system in Medieval Europe: feudalism.
Feudalism is simply defined as land exchanged for work. However, feudalism entails a more complicated aspect: a social hierarchy in which
protection and military service was exchanged for homage, labor, and a share of the produce. R.J. Barendense, an author of the Journal of World
History, states that feudalism is "...a specific world historic juncture in which peasant societies were subjugated by an aristocracy of mounted warriors
that became more powerful than any central institution and increasingly appropriated the jurisdiction over the peasants, and thus the land revenue." In
other worlds, the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the
peasants, or serfs, were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military
protection. Feudalism established an ultimate system of control for medieval society, providing a degree of cohesiveness in a society that lacked an
adequate bureaucracy or method of taxation.
As stated, feudalism was simply a system of government in which people were given land and protection by people of a higher rank. The lower class
worked fought for the upper class in return. In feudalism, the main Feudal Hierarchy consisted of the King, the Nobles, the Knights, and the Peasants,
who were called serfs.
The King was the highest person according to the feudal system. A king had the duty of controlling his
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European Feudalism
Feudalism was a political and economic system in the Middle Ages. It occured from around the 5th century to the 12th century. It is based on land
ownership, loyalty, and protective alliances. European feudalism rose when invaders started to attack Europe and it only existed in some parts of
Europe. In a feudal system, a lord would grant land called a fief to a worker. This worker was known as a vassal, and in return for getting the land, the
vassal would be able to get military protection. In 911 AD, Rollo, the head of a viking army, was granted a large piece of land by king Charles. This
land was known as a fief. King Charles was the king of France, and when he granted Rollo the large piece of land, Rollo pledged his loyalty to the
king. During
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Feudalism In The Middle Ages Research Paper
THESIS STATEMENT Feudalism in the Middle Ages was a key component when it came to the organization of society.
PURPOSE STATEMENT The focal point of this paper is to prove the importance of feudalism in the medieval period. The paper yields factual
information about the upper, middle, and lower class of this era.
In the Middle Ages, the people heavily relied on feudalism as a social system in Europe. Feudalism gained popularity after William I and his Norman
soldiers seized the English land. In exchange for the military services, King William I showed gratitude to his army by dividing portions of land to
each of them. The lands were called manors and the soldiers were titled lords. "It was a simple, but effective system, more content...
Peasants were the lowest of all the social classes and had little to none privileges; they worked on the lord's manor. Peasants lived in the village
community. The freemen were poor farmers. They were not allowed to step foot out of the land. They worked under the rule of the lord. Serfs owned
no property they were borderline slaves, but were considered without the title of one. Serfs must have consent from their lord when it came to
marriage. Their jobs were laborious and physically intensive. "Landless peasants... did most of the work on the fiefs: They planted and harvested crops
and gave most of the produce to the landowner" ( Serfs tend to plants and mend equipment, and hunt and gather food. With a hut–like
house, half is for livestock. The meals were simple: vegetables, porridge, bread, and cheese. The serfs worked on the land and did not possess
anything. The land was corrupt, since the serfs worked on the land for the lord, then they were charged for making use of the land. They were paid
via labor and food. There was a fee for everything such as, using the mill to pulverise grain and using the oven to bake
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Feudalism Inequalities
After the fall of the Roman Empire, Europe had forsaken its history of empires and republics, immersing itself into a system built upon inequalities.
Feudalism resulted in a consequential hierarchy in which each level had a role that directly benefitted the entire society. Not only enforced by the
people, feudalism was enforced by their religion of Christianity; the Medieval Church advocating for the belief that humanity was born unequal, kings
justly superior to peasants, a reminder for every individual to know their place. King John, a man whose desires for power led to his own ruin, would
be known as the king whose actions inadvertently induced to the conception of a precedential document which would bring a start to the end of the more content...
Feudalism, an order which had arisen from the urge for strength through possessions and status, had been founded by the desires of those in power,
who had taken advantage of the needs of the weak, creating the system which had dominated Medieval Europe for centuries. Developing due to the
kings' inabilities to hold and protect their lands, there was no dominant political power or effective central leadership within feudalism–no state or
empire. Unlike the ancient civilizations of old, political decisions and economics were controlled primarily by local leaders, who commanded private
military forces of their own power (Smith). The word feudalism originates from feudum, the medieval Latin word for fief, or possession. Feudalism
emerged in the middle of the 9th century, peaking in the 12th and 13th centuries (King 25). The social hierarchy which rose in consequence of the very
being of feudalism was one in which those born within the Middle Ages were born into a permanent position in society, unable to defy the fate which
had been believed to be given to them, as they believed they were undeserving of anything other than the life and status which God had given them
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Feudalism During The Middle Ages
Feudalism was a social and political system based on granting land in return for loyalty that helped create order in society. During the Middle Ages
there was no central government for the people, this is due to the fall of the Roman Empire. Due to this loss a central military was unable to form to
give people protection. The only protection people could get was by forming groups of farmers who could only fight part time due to harvesting.
Because of this groups such as the Muslims from the south, along with the Vikings and Magyars from the North and East, left Europe in disarray and in
fear. Landowners even made small armies to defend there lands! Due to this threat of war and the people not being able to get their needs for survival
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Medieval Feudalism Essay
As children, we grew up with a picture of the medieval European society to be a fairy tale, where everyone had wonderful lives. As it is also stated in
the book about how Disney–interpretations ignores the level of oppression under feudalism. In the medieval times the social and economic system ran
based on the European feudalism, which caused various problems for majority of the population. The Europeans feudalism consisted of 90 percent of
their population being peasant, then 5 percent being knights, the other 5 percent being the nobles and royalty. This was the structure of the medieval
feudalism and what might have led to the Europe to colonization.
The lower class were majority of the population that consisted of the peasants and serfs. In more content...
Feudal lords got в…” of the production, and the serfs got ВЅ; so, they were completely impoverished" (Cottin,29). This demonstrate how little the
lower class got even though they were majority of the population and did all labor. The lords of the manors even had power to do what they wish,
since they had the law at their feet. An example as stated, "The brutal system includes a law called "Rite de seigneur," which mandated that the
feudal lord could be the first to sleep with the bride of his serf on her wedding night" (Cottin,30). The nobles were very greedy and wanted more
wealth for themselves so in Britain, they passed the Enclosure Acts. In which the nobles used it to get rid of the commoners and use it as a private
property to produce more wealth. Which they did by using the land to raise sheep to get wools. As stated "Wool became the backbone and driving
force of the medieval English economy between the late 13th century and the late 15th century, and at the time the trade was described as the jewel in
the realm" (Cottin,31). This destroyed the Noblesse Oblige, which provide Serfs housing and food to eat, In exchange for their labor. Now nowhere to
go, they became refugees in their own
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Feudal Europe Essay
There have been several key time periods that have changed the face of society such as; the hunter gatherer nomadic lifestyle to agriculture, classical
antiquities, the Middle Ages renaissance, reformation to modern times. In a lecture for History and Social Change at the University of Abertay
Dundee, W Mcneish describes history as being a "contested terrain with the views of the historian giving their perception of events". This essay will
discuss the key features of the feudal period and the key processes leading to the transition of this society from a sociological perspective covering; the
rise of feudalism, the hierarchical structure of feudal Europe, the feudal mode of production, urban life, the role of religion and finally, more
Bartlett (2008) intimates that if the Lords dominated the law of the land, the Church controlled the morality of the medieval min, constantly interfering
in people's lives from birth to death "Spewing forth fire and brimstone from the pulpit" creating fear with myth and superstition. Women were vilified
as the root of evil since it was they who caused original sin. Women were devoid of rights and effectively the property of their fathers then husbands.
Harman (2008) alludes to exploitation of the Serfs as the Lords requisite. He extorted maximum dues. However, some of the surplus was invested in
new technology such as, a new design of iron plough, stiff harness for horses making ploughing faster and cattle grazing on and fertilising the land.
The mechanical water mill and the introduction of crop rotation escalated production by 50%. Food then could be traded as a commodity for goods.
Other advances were; the fly wheel, rudders for boats, eye glasses, stirrups, crossbow, gunpowder, the wheel barrow and pedal loom.
By contrast Anderson (1978) indicates how the towns were bustling with merchants and craftsman controlling the urban economy. Regulatory guilds
were introduced from the 12th century which had some civic power. However, the feudal lord was still
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Essay On Feudalism

  • 1. Essay on Feudalism Feudalism Western Europe suffered numerous hardships through the ninth and tenth centuries and this was the ultimate reason they established a new political organization which was known as feudalism. By providing honor, protection, and a sense of control, this new social system revived peace and order in Western Europe after the fall of the Carolingian Empire.Feudalism was a necessary ingredient to yield stability in during these times of calamity. The primary motive behind creating this organization was to render protection to the people since the government was unable to do so. Instead of depending on the Government as their defense, people resorted to finding a powerful lord who could grant protection in exchange more content... Then they would grant portions of this land to vassals who in return would fight for their lord. The relationship between the lord and vassal became official by having a public ceremony. In the ceremony the vassal would perform an act of homage to his lord. This alliance was based on loyalty. During the ninth century, the land that was granted to a vassal was now known as a fief. After owning the land for a while, many vassals would possess the power to exercise rights of jurisdiction or political and legal authority within their fiefs. When the Carolingian political system began to fall, because of numerous invasions and internal differences, various powerful lords arose. Now it was the people's job to keep order, they could no longer depend on the government. Since number of lords substantially increased, the number of vassals multiplied also. This abundant increase brought about the development of subinfeudation. This is where fief–holding became complicated. Vassals of a king might also have vassals who might owe them military service for land that was granted to them. These vassals sometimes also had other vassals under them who might only have enough land to provide their equipment. Even though this system brought about greater and lesser landowners, this relationship was still honorable. Since this was a willing relationship between free men, it was not based on servitude. This Get more content on
  • 2. Medieval Feudalism After the fall of the Roman empire, there was need for a new government system, that new system was Feudalism. Feudalism was a system made of giving and receiving, it was designed to include all members of every class. Knights were key members of the feudal system, offering their protection to the serfs, and their loyalty to upperclassmen, in turn they received land, money and serfs to rule over and protect. Feudalism was essential to building a strong, successful and wealthy military. The church had a strong influence on the people of the medieval ages and affected everyone's lives. The church's system of the Great Chain of Being, influenced the feudal system though social class views. The new system of feudalism greatly affected the more content... Many people respected knights for their bravery and their heroic acts. All members looked up to the knights because of their bravery and relations with upper class citizens. Knights were in charge of protecting a lord or vassal as well, and for that reason they were highly respected (Nardo 31). The lords and Kings were the most important people in the Middle Ages, and anyone who would protect the, was greatly respected by all. These knights were models for everyone on their land (Smith, Andrew 2). Not only were they models and heroic figures for their jobs of protecting the lord and King, but they were also considered extremely brave and some even considered them heroes. Being a knight came with many advantages with the higher class citizens. By having relations with higher class citizens, knights were more likely to get a rich and upper class wife (Nardo 31). An upper class couple received many more be idiots for themselves, as well as their future heirs. They also received many other advantages from being a knight. Knights were able to live in or around castles that belonged to important figures. They also received a great deal of money and the respect of many from their social status in the Middle Ages (Nardo 29). The respect and advantages given with being a knight made it all worth Get more content on
  • 3. Feudalism: A Way For People In The Middle Ages Feudalism was a way for people in the Middle Ages to be divided into different sections, some to be looked down upon and some to be held at the upmost respect. Feudalism was a necessity in times of turmoil, it kept peace, provided a sense of control and protection for those in need. Feudalism was a complex social system, that defined how each class was connected. At the top of the feudal system was the King, him and his queen were respected by all. They were the most important people in the system. The king officially ruled the kingdom, but because a kingdom is heavily populated, he appoints his subjects to take control over certain task. Which are the nobles and knights, whom both swore their loyalty and sovereignty to their king. Their Get more content on
  • 4. Feudalism Explain how the system known as "feudalism" worked in Medieval Europe. The bases of feudalism is best described as a social system in Europe throughout the Middle Ages where individuals worked and battled for upper class who gave them protection and the use of the land in return for their services (Merriam–Webster). "Feudalism" is not a medieval term and not even a translation of a medieval concept (Abels 2010; Brown 2010; Bouchard 1998). In our day and time Feudalism would be difficult and baffling in several ways, but some may feel that we would benefit from it. During this time the social class depended on how much land you owned. Royalty in your Kings and Queens was part of the upper class; the noble lords and vassals followed more content... The attacks were unsuspecting on the towns and villages so that they couldn't maintain order. All the while this was taking place the Frankish Empire was falling apart. They begin to fight among each other for the Kingdom. They became a disorder society. Life may have been not suitable for some but feudalism turned dysfunction into order during a violent time. What was its impact on the mission of the church? The Church was the absolute most predominant foundation in medieval life, its impact invading practically every part of individuals' lives. Its religious observances often shape to the plan; its customs checked every minute in a person 's life; and its lessons supported standard convictions about morals, the significance of life and existence. Church in Western Europe was recognized as the Roman Catholic Church went from the religion of the Roman Empire to the official religion and the most powerful institution of the Middle Ages. All of Europe had been converted to Christianity by the year 1000. Although this process was peaceful at times but other times it got downright ugly. The inclusion of the church in the system became a political reality. The unsettled conditions caused by the Viking and Magyar invasions forced church officials to enter into close relations with the only power able to offer them protection. Bishops and abbots thus became vassals, receiving fiefs for which they were obligated to provide the usual feudal services. The Get more content on
  • 5. The Importance Of Feudalism In Europe Real Draft Feudalism in Europe during the middle ages came out of the necessity for both order and protection from the attacks and raids of the Vikings or Germanic warriors who traveled and pillaged Europe around the 5th to the 11th century. The Roman Empire's destruction in the 5th century A.D., along with rulers failing to maintain their authority and rule allowed nobles and those in power to take more power of the areas that were under them. The people's protections that were more common under a centralized government, as in the times of the Roman Empire vanished. As such, the peasants and the lower class found it necessary to negotiate with local rulers for security from enemy forces. This system included lords and serfs. Now, the nobles were stark contrasts to the peasants. Nobles exercised greater power economically, politically, and in other areas. Serfs could include servants, and peasant farmers. A lord could give land to these people in exchange for protection. This process of giving land as payment or reward was also known as a fief. In order to recognize the importance of how the feudal system came to be, as well as analyzing its strengths and weaknesses, we must go back in time to briefly see how the Roman Empire governed. In the Roman Empire, there were opportunities for aspiring men to achieve a better life. A main example is seen through their governing system. During this time, Curus Honorum was in effect. This was designed for Roman senators. Get more content on
  • 6. Feudalism: A Military Based Society The system of feudalism was a way that everyone could get the things they needed through mutual relationships. Feudalism worked because of the loyalty of the people and the influential church. Furthermore, the manor also contributed to supporting feudalism. Each and every role was important in this system and it wouldn't have worked without the farmers. Feudalism is a military based society that has mutualistic relationships which help the people meet their needs and this system would not work without the roles of peasants. Feudalism was a system where everyone relied on each other through trust, loyalty, and different social classes. It was created when Germanic tribes made the Roman Empire fall. Germanic culture did not have a written language and most of Rome's learning, science, and technology more content... The king has everything, but he must keep his respect and all his things. The king needed loyal people to work the land and he also needed an army to protect the land. The king expected his lord to supply him with a great army, in return from the king giving the lord land (Biel 9). The king had an official/sheriff put together a small army of knights that helped fulfill the king's wishes throughout the kingdom. The sheriffs also collected a type of income tax for the King which helped the king fiance the armies that protected his kingdom (Biel 18). The King was the highest rank and he provided land for his vassals. The king divided his whole kingdom into 50–60 fiefs and his role was to give out land (Biel 9). The kingdoms were divided into duchies, earldoms, or countries, for the king's vassals. Their land was then divided into smaller fiefs again and again until the lowest rank got land (Biel 10). The king was the highest rank and he had everything, but he also had to keep his people's loyalty and everything he Get more content on
  • 7. 15th Century Feudalism Before the end of the 15th century, farmers had some sense of financial freedom through their relationship to the property. Several people lived on ten to thirty acreages of land. The land was preserved by the ruler but assigned to one of his nobles to who the laborers paid rent. In exchange for the rent peasants had some common rights to graze stock, cut wood, draw water, or cultivate harvests on the noble's land. Such communal privileges gave the laborers some financial individuality. They grew their own crops; grazed animals and recycled their wastes to fertilize their gardens. This was the system of feudalism. Because life was socially and economically congregated, the laborers had a diminutive chance to expand their custom of living. Get more content on
  • 8. Causes And Effects Of Feudalism The Medieval period lasted between the decline of Roman Empire and the Renaissance. It stretched from the fifth century to fifteenth century, accompanied by federalism, invasions, and the supreme authority of the Church. During 500 to 1500, constant warfare had caused a period of turmoil in Europe. Kings weren't able to defend their territories efficiently, hence, people no longer looked up to central power for protection. In the response to increasing mounted knights and disintegration of centralization, feudalism arose as a new pattern of society. Mutual obligations were exchanged for military protection and lands. Regarding to the uncertainties of safety, people began to look for consolation. The Church began to dominate the aspects of life and served as a stable power for souls. However, maleficent byproducts were introduced to Europe. Brutal aristocracy and waves of more content... During this period, people searched for forces that could offer them protection. Local rulers developed into a more reliable power than kings. The lord would distribute the lands to his vassals. In the return, the vassal needed to serve the lord with loyalty and with military protection (Document 4). An excerpt from the Homage Oath taken by John of Toul promised to send lands to mounted knights who served him (Document 2). It stated how feudalism depended on the control of fiefs and how two–sided bargain functioned. Individual lords were supreme in their own ruling territories, kings held power that were superficial in reality. The manor system had demonstrated the feudal social classes and illustrated the common phenomenon during the Middle Ages. Understanding the growing social structure of feudalism, central government had gradually lose its prestige and influence. It emphasised the label of the Age of Faith with ascendancy of feudalism and the fading of Get more content on
  • 9. The Effects of Feudalism Essay In Medieval times during the 10th and 13th centuries, a form of political and social organization called feudalism was a way of life that had great effect on people of the time and on the modern world. Feudalism was developed because of the weakness of Europe and it's kings. The word feudalism comes from the word fief, which was the land held on condition of feudal service, similar to an estate (English). The fiefs bound together lords and vassals. Feudalism was a structure in which a lord divided his land into smaller parts to give to lesser lords ("Feudalism"). A noble, or lord, was in control of his manor. The manor was the heart of feudal economy (Ellis and Esler 222). A manor often consisted of the castle, a church, a village, more content... Life as a serf or peasant was not easy. Serfs were bound to their lord's land and required to do services for him. Although they could not be sold like slaves, they had no freedom (Ellis and Esler 219–244). Peasants farmed for the goods that the lord and his manor needed. They went through difficult hardship because of this. Peasants were heavily taxed and had to provide for themselves the goods that they needed ("The Middle Ages"). According to the medieval law, the peasants were not considered to 'belong to' themselves ("The Middle Ages"). Although serfs were peasants and had relatively the same duties and similar rights, what differentiated a peasant from a serf was that a peasant was not bound to the land ("The Middle Ages"). Peasants had no schooling and no knowledge of the outside world (Ellis and Esler 219–244). They rarely traveled more than a couple miles outside of their villages. All members of a peasant family, including children, tended crops, farmed, and did some sort of work to help out (Ellis and Esler 224). Very few peasants lived past the age of 35 because of hunger in the winter and the easy development and transmission of disease (Ellis and Esler 224). Women in this time lived a hard life as well. Regardless of their status in society, they were tied to household tasks ("The Middle Ages"). This including duties such as cooking, cleaning, taking care of the children, sewing, and baking. Along with these jobs, women also Get more content on
  • 10. The Rise and Fall of Feudalism Xiang Wei Feudalism, as a decentralized political system, flourished in Medieval Europe. In this essay, the main political and economic characteristics of Feudalism will be mentioned, while discussing the main historical factors to the rise and fall of feudalism. The rise of Feudalism was a direct result of insecurity that caused by several significant historical factors. At first, the collapse of Roman Empire that led to prolonged unrest and power struggles was essentially a reason for why Europe was divided into many small states. The frequent fights among those states made people suffered from violence and insecurity. Even though Charlemagne united those states and Europe lasted for a period time of peace, Holy Roman more content... The revival of commerce and the widespread use of money changed the relations between feudal lord and serf. Some lords began to rent out their lands to tenant farmers. Using those lands, serfs engaged themselves into trade, which allowed them to substitute a money payment for their feudal obligations and become tenant farmers. In the 14th century, the labor shortage caused by the Black Death led to a rise of bargaining power of serfs; many serfs' wages raised and became able to purchase their freedom while feudal lords lost their power by the end of the Medieval Europe. At third, as stability and security in Europe gradually came back, the existence of a feudal knight's military service became unnecessary. What monarchs were more willing to do is assemble large mercenary armies at relatively low cost. Based on all of the factors above, feudalism was replaced by a system of government that brought the birth of modern capitalism. In conclusion, while feudalism functioned very well in the insecure and undeveloped period of early Middle Ages, its end was inevitable under the powerful push of historical trend in terms of politics and Get more content on
  • 11. Feudalism In Medieval Europe Around 800 AD, a new concept called feudalism was developing. This system defined the destiny of every person born in Europe during that time, and it was formed to bring a sense of ranking to European society. Feudalism was Medieval Europe's way to organize the social relations between three classes: the nobles, the clergy, and the common people. The nobles consisted of the king and his knights. When the king would decide to go to war, he would give away fiefs or parts of his land to his vassals. The vassals had an oath called fealty: they would participate in the king's army for two months out of the year in return for the land. This chain went on–and–on, making nearly everyone a lord and vassal. The commoners on the fiefs were either serfs Get more content on
  • 12. Ap European Feudal System Essay Feudalism began in Europe during 850–950. It can be defined as a system of governing and landholding. The feudal system is based on rights and obligations. In exchange for military protection and other services, a landowner, or lord, granted land, or fief, to someone, who was called the vassal. An example of this system is shown with Charles the Simple and Rollo. Rollo, the head of a viking army, had been plundering and leading raids on the Seine River Valley for years. Charles the Simple, the king of France at the time, granted Rollo a piece of French territory if he would stop these raids in return. Charles the Simple would have been the lord in this situation, while Rollo was the vassal. Other rulers and warriors during this time made similar agreements in many parts of Europe. The feudal society is structured like a pyramid. At the top of the pyramid is the king, and then the most powerful vassals such as nobles and bishops. Beneath these vassals are knights, who serve their king in exchange for fiefs. At the bottom of the pyramid are the landless peasants. In the feudal system, status determines a person's prestige and power. Social class is inherited from previous generations. During the Middle Ages, most people were peasants. These peasants more content... The lord provides the serfs with housing, farmland, and protection from bandits, and in return, serfs tends the lord's lands and care for his animals. All peasants, no matter if they are free or serf, owe the lord certain duties, which includes a few days of labor each week and a certain portion of the peasants' grain. Peasants don't usually travel more than 25 miles from their own manor. A manor covers only a few square miles of land, and consists of the lord's house, a church, and workshops. The manor is a self–sufficient community, with the serfs and peasants raising or producing nearly everything that they and their lord need for daily Get more content on
  • 13. Feudalism In Medieval Europe ife was extremely difficult for those living during the Middle Ages. Many people were illiterate, and relied mainly on their beliefs. The people believed that fate ruled their existence; therefore, there was little hope for improving their condition. During the years of the Roman Empire, the peasants, or poor citizens of the empire, were protected by the soldiers of the emperor. After the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 A.D., the peasants longed for protection. There were no laws protecting these peasants, so they turned to the lords to keep the peace and to act on their behalf. The willingness exemplified by the peasants to be ruled by the lords led to the beginnings of the dominant social system in Medieval Europe: feudalism. Feudalism is simply defined as land exchanged for work. However, feudalism entails a more complicated aspect: a social hierarchy in which protection and military service was exchanged for homage, labor, and a share of the produce. R.J. Barendense, an author of the Journal of World History, states that feudalism is "...a specific world historic juncture in which peasant societies were subjugated by an aristocracy of mounted warriors that became more powerful than any central institution and increasingly appropriated the jurisdiction over the peasants, and thus the land revenue." In other worlds, the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants, or serfs, were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection. Feudalism established an ultimate system of control for medieval society, providing a degree of cohesiveness in a society that lacked an adequate bureaucracy or method of taxation. As stated, feudalism was simply a system of government in which people were given land and protection by people of a higher rank. The lower class worked fought for the upper class in return. In feudalism, the main Feudal Hierarchy consisted of the King, the Nobles, the Knights, and the Peasants, who were called serfs. The King was the highest person according to the feudal system. A king had the duty of controlling his Get more content on
  • 14. European Feudalism Feudalism was a political and economic system in the Middle Ages. It occured from around the 5th century to the 12th century. It is based on land ownership, loyalty, and protective alliances. European feudalism rose when invaders started to attack Europe and it only existed in some parts of Europe. In a feudal system, a lord would grant land called a fief to a worker. This worker was known as a vassal, and in return for getting the land, the vassal would be able to get military protection. In 911 AD, Rollo, the head of a viking army, was granted a large piece of land by king Charles. This land was known as a fief. King Charles was the king of France, and when he granted Rollo the large piece of land, Rollo pledged his loyalty to the king. During Get more content on
  • 15. Feudalism In The Middle Ages Research Paper THESIS STATEMENT Feudalism in the Middle Ages was a key component when it came to the organization of society. PURPOSE STATEMENT The focal point of this paper is to prove the importance of feudalism in the medieval period. The paper yields factual information about the upper, middle, and lower class of this era. INTRODUCTION In the Middle Ages, the people heavily relied on feudalism as a social system in Europe. Feudalism gained popularity after William I and his Norman soldiers seized the English land. In exchange for the military services, King William I showed gratitude to his army by dividing portions of land to each of them. The lands were called manors and the soldiers were titled lords. "It was a simple, but effective system, more content... Peasants were the lowest of all the social classes and had little to none privileges; they worked on the lord's manor. Peasants lived in the village community. The freemen were poor farmers. They were not allowed to step foot out of the land. They worked under the rule of the lord. Serfs owned no property they were borderline slaves, but were considered without the title of one. Serfs must have consent from their lord when it came to marriage. Their jobs were laborious and physically intensive. "Landless peasants... did most of the work on the fiefs: They planted and harvested crops and gave most of the produce to the landowner" ( Serfs tend to plants and mend equipment, and hunt and gather food. With a hut–like house, half is for livestock. The meals were simple: vegetables, porridge, bread, and cheese. The serfs worked on the land and did not possess anything. The land was corrupt, since the serfs worked on the land for the lord, then they were charged for making use of the land. They were paid via labor and food. There was a fee for everything such as, using the mill to pulverise grain and using the oven to bake Get more content on
  • 16. Feudalism Inequalities After the fall of the Roman Empire, Europe had forsaken its history of empires and republics, immersing itself into a system built upon inequalities. Feudalism resulted in a consequential hierarchy in which each level had a role that directly benefitted the entire society. Not only enforced by the people, feudalism was enforced by their religion of Christianity; the Medieval Church advocating for the belief that humanity was born unequal, kings justly superior to peasants, a reminder for every individual to know their place. King John, a man whose desires for power led to his own ruin, would be known as the king whose actions inadvertently induced to the conception of a precedential document which would bring a start to the end of the more content... Feudalism, an order which had arisen from the urge for strength through possessions and status, had been founded by the desires of those in power, who had taken advantage of the needs of the weak, creating the system which had dominated Medieval Europe for centuries. Developing due to the kings' inabilities to hold and protect their lands, there was no dominant political power or effective central leadership within feudalism–no state or empire. Unlike the ancient civilizations of old, political decisions and economics were controlled primarily by local leaders, who commanded private military forces of their own power (Smith). The word feudalism originates from feudum, the medieval Latin word for fief, or possession. Feudalism emerged in the middle of the 9th century, peaking in the 12th and 13th centuries (King 25). The social hierarchy which rose in consequence of the very being of feudalism was one in which those born within the Middle Ages were born into a permanent position in society, unable to defy the fate which had been believed to be given to them, as they believed they were undeserving of anything other than the life and status which God had given them Get more content on
  • 17. Feudalism During The Middle Ages Feudalism was a social and political system based on granting land in return for loyalty that helped create order in society. During the Middle Ages there was no central government for the people, this is due to the fall of the Roman Empire. Due to this loss a central military was unable to form to give people protection. The only protection people could get was by forming groups of farmers who could only fight part time due to harvesting. Because of this groups such as the Muslims from the south, along with the Vikings and Magyars from the North and East, left Europe in disarray and in fear. Landowners even made small armies to defend there lands! Due to this threat of war and the people not being able to get their needs for survival they Get more content on
  • 18. Medieval Feudalism Essay As children, we grew up with a picture of the medieval European society to be a fairy tale, where everyone had wonderful lives. As it is also stated in the book about how Disney–interpretations ignores the level of oppression under feudalism. In the medieval times the social and economic system ran based on the European feudalism, which caused various problems for majority of the population. The Europeans feudalism consisted of 90 percent of their population being peasant, then 5 percent being knights, the other 5 percent being the nobles and royalty. This was the structure of the medieval feudalism and what might have led to the Europe to colonization. The lower class were majority of the population that consisted of the peasants and serfs. In more content... Feudal lords got в…” of the production, and the serfs got ВЅ; so, they were completely impoverished" (Cottin,29). This demonstrate how little the lower class got even though they were majority of the population and did all labor. The lords of the manors even had power to do what they wish, since they had the law at their feet. An example as stated, "The brutal system includes a law called "Rite de seigneur," which mandated that the feudal lord could be the first to sleep with the bride of his serf on her wedding night" (Cottin,30). The nobles were very greedy and wanted more wealth for themselves so in Britain, they passed the Enclosure Acts. In which the nobles used it to get rid of the commoners and use it as a private property to produce more wealth. Which they did by using the land to raise sheep to get wools. As stated "Wool became the backbone and driving force of the medieval English economy between the late 13th century and the late 15th century, and at the time the trade was described as the jewel in the realm" (Cottin,31). This destroyed the Noblesse Oblige, which provide Serfs housing and food to eat, In exchange for their labor. Now nowhere to go, they became refugees in their own Get more content on
  • 19. Feudal Europe Essay There have been several key time periods that have changed the face of society such as; the hunter gatherer nomadic lifestyle to agriculture, classical antiquities, the Middle Ages renaissance, reformation to modern times. In a lecture for History and Social Change at the University of Abertay Dundee, W Mcneish describes history as being a "contested terrain with the views of the historian giving their perception of events". This essay will discuss the key features of the feudal period and the key processes leading to the transition of this society from a sociological perspective covering; the rise of feudalism, the hierarchical structure of feudal Europe, the feudal mode of production, urban life, the role of religion and finally, more content... Bartlett (2008) intimates that if the Lords dominated the law of the land, the Church controlled the morality of the medieval min, constantly interfering in people's lives from birth to death "Spewing forth fire and brimstone from the pulpit" creating fear with myth and superstition. Women were vilified as the root of evil since it was they who caused original sin. Women were devoid of rights and effectively the property of their fathers then husbands. Harman (2008) alludes to exploitation of the Serfs as the Lords requisite. He extorted maximum dues. However, some of the surplus was invested in new technology such as, a new design of iron plough, stiff harness for horses making ploughing faster and cattle grazing on and fertilising the land. The mechanical water mill and the introduction of crop rotation escalated production by 50%. Food then could be traded as a commodity for goods. Other advances were; the fly wheel, rudders for boats, eye glasses, stirrups, crossbow, gunpowder, the wheel barrow and pedal loom. By contrast Anderson (1978) indicates how the towns were bustling with merchants and craftsman controlling the urban economy. Regulatory guilds were introduced from the 12th century which had some civic power. However, the feudal lord was still Get more content on