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My Expectations In My Writing
At the start of this semester, without a question, I was not meeting expectations. You see, I couldn't even speak in sentences let alone write in them. In
fact, I didn't know any verbs or how to properly conjugate them. My writing was incomprehensible. Much has changed since then. I can organize my
writing in a clear way, write about basic topics, and be understood with little difficulty. I believe I am meeting expectations on the somewhat stronge
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Essay on You Are What You Eat
You Are What You Eat It is indeed true that the quality of food that you take in will do a great deal to determine the quality of life that goes on in
each cell of your body. Food has a huge effect on your health, and a diet rich in any one aspect would be an unhealthy diet, in the same way that a
diet lacking in a certain nutrient would also affect your health. A balanced diet consists of carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins, minerals and water.
Carbohydrate provides us with energy. Fats (lipids) with healthy cell membranes and an energy reserve. Proteins are essential for growth and repair or
body tissues. Vitamins are needed to keep our cells working properly and minerals build more content...
The averages for male and female are two thousand–nine hundred for males and two thousand–one hundred for females. Protein is recommended
seventy grams for males and fifty–eight for females. Fat is ninety grams for a male and seventy for a female (Samuels & Henett, 1973). Although
some amounts vary for male and female most vitamins are consistent for both sexes, like seventy milligrams of vitamin C. What types of food you eat
determine whether your diet is healthy. By looking at the nutritional information of food packaging we can see what we get out of what we eat. Per
one hundred grams of chocolate we are provided with four hundred and ninety–one calories, six point one grams of protein and twenty–three grams of
fat. Where as per one hundred grams of cereal, such as corn flakes, we are provided with three hundred and seventy calories, six grams of protein
and only one gram of fat. By comparing these two foods we can clearly see which one is healthier, as chocolate has and extremely high fat content.
In this way could say that maybe what you eat is what you are because if you ate a diet rich in chocolate with few vitamins etc then your skin would
not be as healthy and weight gain would be inevitable with such high levels of saturated and unsaturated lipids into your system. The absence of
proteins, would cause weak bones, your cells would not operate so well as
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Essay on Places I Have Lived
I have opinions of all the places I have lived. Each place has its advantages and disadvantages, and I am not sure if there is any place that really fits me
well. In this essay, I will examine the bad and good aspects of some of the places I have lived. Then, I will compare what I consider to be "ideal"
conditions with the good aspects of those places where I have lived. Lastly, I will choose the place that I think is best for me.
I was born in Gujarat , India , and I lived there for 9 years then I moved to America . I consider it to be my hometown. I have some bad memories
from there. I don?t like the people and places, especially some of its unique characteristics, like the night market from Gujarat . The pattern of the more content...
But, it was very hot in summer and freezing cold in spring. My town had so many good restaurants and shopping mall. Well, it?s up to north of
Alabama so it doesn?t have beach, however, it has rivers down there. On the Good side, this town was wide open. There was lots of space and the
natural scenery was just beautiful. Because it was not so crowded, and traffic was not a problem, there was not much pollution either. I like this
because it was easier to keep healthy.
Finally, I moved to Ventura because my family said so. They didn?t want me to do a party and all so they moved back me to Ventura . The entire
place I have lived, I think I like it here the best. It is nice here for several reasons. Because the population is not too high, there are lots of place to
visit, lots of job opportunities and less crowded transportation facilities. I am not sure of all the reasons, but I think life here is just much more exciting.
I have some problem here because my family is here so I can?t go for parties and go home late night. However I do parties because sometime I get
lonely. After living in these entire places, I think I can honestly say which characteristics are most important to me, and which ones are not so
important. I have though about this very much, and now I feel like I can rank these things in order from first to last. First of all I like to live in less
populated and clean town.
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Essay on Wildfires
A wildfire is any instance of uncontrolled burning in grasslands, brush, or woodlands. Wildfires destroy property and valuable natural resources, and
may threaten the lives of people and animals. Wildfires can occur at any time of the year, but usually occur during hot, dry weather. Wildfires are
usually signaled by dense smoke which may fill the air for miles around. The National Weather Service, U.S. Forest Service, and State forestry
agencies combine to give wildfire probability forecasts. Local radio and television stations broadcast information and warnings on local fire conditions.
Wildfires pose an increasing threat to the residential United States. In 1987, 53,000 fires consumed more than two million acres. By October 1988, more content...
On the actual day of the fire, the fire planners will again check such conditions as wind and moisture content in the vegetation. The wind direction
will determine where the fire is started. Fire crews start the burn with a device called a drip torch. A drip torch is a can of fuel with a flame–carrying
wick at the end. When the crewmember tilts the wick toward the ground, a flame streams out and ignites the vegetation. Most of the effort that goes
into a prescribed fire is making sure that it is contained in the boundaries set for the fire. Firefighters and fire suppression equipment are near the site if
the fire grows out of control (–why.html, pgs. 1–3).
While not all the effects of prescribed burns are known some are very evident. The first of these common effects is that vegetation and fallen dead
material are burned creating an open forest floor. This eliminates any fuel that could contribute to a high intensity fire in the future. When the fire burns
the organic material in the forest, nutrient rich ash is left behind. When the first rain comes, the nutrients in the ash dissolve into the soil for the new
plants to use. This process is called nutrient recycling. These nutrients left in the soil are a good source of food for the young plants that will begin to
grow back. Another outcome of prescribed fire is that new growth begins immediately after the fires have been extinguished. Within
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Essay on The Meaning of Life
The Meaning of Life
My few years on this planet have been a bit confusing. I have learned of many aspects of life from which one can draw meaning, if indeed such
meaning can be drawn. I have also learned that there can be no singular meaning of life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. What I have learned
above all is that trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. This is not to be confused with the idea that life has no
meaning, for life certainly has meaning. However, there is no single meaning of life to be defined – life is different for us all. Therefore, rather than
define life for an entire planet, I shall try to explain what life means as I perceive it, and why it means more content...
Life is a complicated twist of suffering, laughing, and learning all merging to tell a great story – or great many stories. Based on this view, "it is not the
end goal or outcome of life that gives life meaning but rather the quality of the story, the quality with which one lives out and develops his or her role."
At the time, this event seemed rather insignificant and did not merit remembrance. However, its catastrophic effects on my attitude that evening may
have helped to mold me into the person I have become. I learned that suffering through such an event, as childish as it was, is quite necessary in any
life. Such pains are part of an interminable cycle and only generate balance in one's life (p. 62, 'Life as Suffering'). Despite my horrid time spent that
evening, the laughter brought since the incident is a worthy tradeoff. Laughter is an all too necessary function of life, just as suffering and the wide
range of other emotions. "Some thinkers would emphasize the importance of sophistication in humor, but others would say that laughter itself is what
is important." Whatever the case may be, laughter is an important ingredient in life, and must not be taken for granted nor ignored.
Despite such emotional ties to life, I have also learned that life is not only about emotions. Those emotions are generated from the chain reactions
created endlessly in
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Essay My Thoughts on Writing
My Thoughts on Writing
The only thing I care about; the only thing I hope to get from this course, is some improvement in my ability to write what I think –– explain ideas and
feelings to other people. I don't give a damn about anything else, and so far I haven't been disappointed. At the beginning of the course I was informed
that we were going to be discussing exposition, which isn't so much a kind of writing as a purpose or attitude behind it. This purpose is to explore,
unfold, or develop an idea or issue. And the sense I've gotten from our discussion is that the attitude is one of intellectual honesty, of dedication to
learning something and reporting what's there , instead of protecting preconceived notions or projecting more content...
A friend of mine has already graduated from a university, and she recently went through a whole crate of papers she wrote in the process. She told me
she couldn't remember what many of them were about; couldn't even remember writing most of them. We've talked about "themewriting"as something
written for and from a closed environment: a mini–universe apart from everyday life, with its own abbreviated rules, in which oversimplification is
acceptable. When I consider the sheer tonnage of the stuff that's written every midquarter and finals week around here, it sure seems that most of it is
intended to, deserves to, and does head right for the wastebasket immediately when it's of no further use in that universe: after it's recorded in the grade
book. "Commitment" is a term applied to solid exposition, and themewriting frequently lacks it.
Does anyone like to do this –– does it provide a warm, human, joyous feeling of having made contact and saying something Important? Or do we
just get comfortable doing it? Like being an accountant: is there a real sense of joy to be found in adding up columns of figures? There may be some
people who would tell me "sure, it's fun," but I think actually they're just feeling safe in a sort of half–sleep state which isn't exactly happy and may in
fact be miserable, but at least is stable. There may be a different kind of warmth, reserved for "a job well done," and "I might get a promotion," and
most especially: "I feel good
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My Future Essay
My future is something I often think about. Most often, the questions that arise include the common doubts of "Am I doing this right?", or even the
occasional midnight philosophical questions such as "Why are we here?", and so on. For the purpose of this essay, I will focus on the factors that
have allowed me to reach this point in my life and how these factors influenced and continue to influence me, in order to provide me with a
visualization of my future.
Factors that contributed to my current life choices include the desperate want to be something greater, as well as to experience the world in ways
some could only dream of. I study hard, allowing for me to have the possibility of an early graduation. I dream big, allowing me with the
imagination to draw up plans for myself and my future. I work hard, allowing me the strength and vision to execute my plans for the future. The way
that I was raised has greatly benefited me. My parents have taught me that anything and everything is possible as long as you work hard for it despite
the what others may tell you or even if the odds are against you. Another factor that led to my current life, is the amount of time I allow myself to think
about my plans and refine them. This is extremely important because, without a solid, flexible, long–term plan, you could get lost in dreaming about
the future, and end up not accomplishing anything. Hence, many aspects of my life have been planned out with not one or two possible alternatives
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Essay on Listening for Understanding
Listening for Understanding
Listening is an important form of communication. Unfortunately, many people who do not know how to listen believe they can listen well. They
often say "I have been doing this all of my life of course I can listen". Listening is not inherited, or a personality trait, it is a skill that must be worked
on and practiced.
Anybody can become a good listener if they are committed to learn how and are willing to work hard. The first mistake that people tend to make
when listening is to not make any type of comments while listening. They tend to just stand there and listen while the speaker talks. This can become
very frustrating for the speaker and the listener. While the speaker may feel like he isn't more content...
Try to listen to what the speaker is trying to say and not to what is making you angry. Summarize the main points of what the speaker was saying so
that the focus is on the speaker and not you. It is always important to try and listen objectively no matter what the speaker is trying to say. By doing
this, you will become a better listener and more able to communicate with others concerning subjects that might normally make you angry to the point
that you would no longer be able to carry on a working conversation with that individual. This will make you especially valuable in the management
industry where, as a rule, people will come to you with problems that need to be resolved.
It is important to listen carefully and to withhold personal judgement. This is especially true when the subject matter or the position taken by the
speaker is making you angry. In this circumstance, your interjections, if not thoroughly thought through, may just make the person defensive. Problems
can also arise if you are too nice and give a lot of positive comments. People like it when they are being praised. This can alter what the speaker is
saying. If you continue to give positive comments the speaker will continue to want more of them from you. If you want to find out what the speaker is
really thinking you need to listen and withhold evaluation.
As well as withholding evaluation one must also show patience. While many
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The Power of Choice Essay
"Use wisely your power of choice" laws of life essay.
Choices are the decisions we make in life, some are good and others are bad. People make choices every second of everyday. The choices we make
will always have an outcome, whether or not it is a positive or negative one. People have the choice of whom they accept as normal through
comparisons of what they look like and also by their own behaviors. People who act and look like each other and with similar values are more likely
to accept individuals of the same kind. Whether it is the difference between race, religion, or even political views, to tell an individual to accept
everyone for their differences is only impossible.
We make over 100 choices daily and we don't even more content...
For many kids their role models are a favorite singer, athlete, or their parents. Based on what their role model would do, they would think it is right
to do also. As years pass, kids may change who their role models are but at the same time, they can keep the same one, they may just have a better
understanding of what to do. Sometimes the views of their role model is that, if he or she can do it, it will be okay for them to do it also. But this is
very untrue. If their role model is and alcoholic , then the person may get the impression that it is okay and that they can too, but they cannot if they
are not of age.
Life is said to be a basic human right, whereas death is a natural occurrence. The only things that is different between a living human being and a dead
one are prior events. One can choose a path that keeps one's self alive one extra day, whereas another can choose a path that leads to one's death.
Choices for a Day, Consequences for a Lifetime
Many believe that we are born innocent and pure, and from day one we choose how our life is to be dictated. Others may believe that we are evil and
are not capable of a life without sin. Another thought may be that we are born with an unbiased arrangement or a clean state and we are affected and
influenced by the world around us. However, whatever the case may be, the choices we make dictate the lives we lead but yet the lives we lead dictate
our choices. Our environment and the
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Artificial Intelligence: An Overview
Artificial Intelligence
Computers are everywhere today. It would be impossible to go your entire life without using a computer. Cars, ATMs, and TVs we use everyday, and
all contain computers. It is for this reason that computers and their software have to become more intelligent to make our lives easier and computers
more accessible. Intelligent computer systems can and do benefit us all; however people have constantly warned that making computers too intelligent
can be to our disadvantage.
Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a field of computer science that attempts to simulate characteristics of human intelligence or senses. These include
learning, reasoning, and adapting. This field studies the designs of more content...
Expert systems are also known as knowledge based systems. These systems rely on a basic set of rules for solving specific problems and are capable of
learning. The laws are defined for the system by experts and then implemented using if–then rules. These systems basically imitate the expert's thoughts
in solving the problem. An example of this is a system that diagnosis medical conditions. The doctor would input the symptoms to the computer system
and it would then ask more questions if need or give diagnoses. Other examples include banking systems for acceptance of loans, advanced calculators,
and weather predictions.
Natural language systems interact allow computers to interact with the user in their usual language. They accept, interpret, and execute the commands
in this language. The attempt is to allow a more natural interaction between the computer and user. Language is sometimes thought to be the foundation
of intelligence in humans. Therefore, it is reasonable for intelligent systems to be able to understand language. Some of these systems are advanced
enough to hold conversations.
A system that emulates human senses uses human sensory simulation. These can include methods of sight, sound, and touch. A very common
implementation of this intelligence is in voice recognition software. It listens to what the user says, interprets the sounds, and displays the information
on the screen. These are
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My Definition of Success Essay example
"Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value."
– Albert Einstein ––
My personal definition would not include "stuff" at all. No one will care (and neither will you) what kind of car your drove or how big your house
was when you're on your deathbed. Your thoughts will not be about your job, the office or how much money you made.
Personal success is defined by how content and enjoyable your life is. That is not to say that challenges and disappointments aren't included in this. A
rich, eventful and challenging life doing what you enjoy and positively affecting others seems to me to be just about right. Find a job you love and
you'll never work another day in your life. I know I won't. In more content...
Past, present and future are all important to keep in perspective. Looking back and not having regrets is extremely satisfying. Your current situation and
your contentment with it are also very important, and having goals and milestones to work toward in the future keeps you motivated and keeps life
interesting and challenging.
In this age in which we live, success is generally measured by the amount of money you earn, or the amount of wealth or power or number of
promotions you've accumulated. I find that the older I grow, the more I view the people who are most happy and content with their lives as the most
successful. Rich, poor or in between, they've tended to treat life as a journey, not a final destination. They took that trip when they were 25 even
though they really couldn't afford it, they ordered the $55 bottle of wine with their filet because they knew that even though it was expensive it would
enhance the meal so much more than water would. They took a chance on a start–up company, moved to Europe or Asia and experienced things that
most people only dream about. If they managed to grow wealthy from the experience, so much the better. As long as moderation with most things is
practiced, things won't spin out of control.
Bottom line rules for a successful life:
Always try new things.
Listen twice as much as you talk.
Travel as much as you can comfortably afford.
Faith and family always come first –
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My Expectations In My Writing

  • 1. My Expectations In My Writing At the start of this semester, without a question, I was not meeting expectations. You see, I couldn't even speak in sentences let alone write in them. In fact, I didn't know any verbs or how to properly conjugate them. My writing was incomprehensible. Much has changed since then. I can organize my writing in a clear way, write about basic topics, and be understood with little difficulty. I believe I am meeting expectations on the somewhat stronge side. Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on You Are What You Eat You Are What You Eat It is indeed true that the quality of food that you take in will do a great deal to determine the quality of life that goes on in each cell of your body. Food has a huge effect on your health, and a diet rich in any one aspect would be an unhealthy diet, in the same way that a diet lacking in a certain nutrient would also affect your health. A balanced diet consists of carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins, minerals and water. Carbohydrate provides us with energy. Fats (lipids) with healthy cell membranes and an energy reserve. Proteins are essential for growth and repair or body tissues. Vitamins are needed to keep our cells working properly and minerals build more content... The averages for male and female are two thousand–nine hundred for males and two thousand–one hundred for females. Protein is recommended seventy grams for males and fifty–eight for females. Fat is ninety grams for a male and seventy for a female (Samuels & Henett, 1973). Although some amounts vary for male and female most vitamins are consistent for both sexes, like seventy milligrams of vitamin C. What types of food you eat determine whether your diet is healthy. By looking at the nutritional information of food packaging we can see what we get out of what we eat. Per one hundred grams of chocolate we are provided with four hundred and ninety–one calories, six point one grams of protein and twenty–three grams of fat. Where as per one hundred grams of cereal, such as corn flakes, we are provided with three hundred and seventy calories, six grams of protein and only one gram of fat. By comparing these two foods we can clearly see which one is healthier, as chocolate has and extremely high fat content. In this way could say that maybe what you eat is what you are because if you ate a diet rich in chocolate with few vitamins etc then your skin would not be as healthy and weight gain would be inevitable with such high levels of saturated and unsaturated lipids into your system. The absence of proteins, would cause weak bones, your cells would not operate so well as Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Places I Have Lived I have opinions of all the places I have lived. Each place has its advantages and disadvantages, and I am not sure if there is any place that really fits me well. In this essay, I will examine the bad and good aspects of some of the places I have lived. Then, I will compare what I consider to be "ideal" conditions with the good aspects of those places where I have lived. Lastly, I will choose the place that I think is best for me. I was born in Gujarat , India , and I lived there for 9 years then I moved to America . I consider it to be my hometown. I have some bad memories from there. I don?t like the people and places, especially some of its unique characteristics, like the night market from Gujarat . The pattern of the more content... But, it was very hot in summer and freezing cold in spring. My town had so many good restaurants and shopping mall. Well, it?s up to north of Alabama so it doesn?t have beach, however, it has rivers down there. On the Good side, this town was wide open. There was lots of space and the natural scenery was just beautiful. Because it was not so crowded, and traffic was not a problem, there was not much pollution either. I like this because it was easier to keep healthy. Finally, I moved to Ventura because my family said so. They didn?t want me to do a party and all so they moved back me to Ventura . The entire place I have lived, I think I like it here the best. It is nice here for several reasons. Because the population is not too high, there are lots of place to visit, lots of job opportunities and less crowded transportation facilities. I am not sure of all the reasons, but I think life here is just much more exciting. I have some problem here because my family is here so I can?t go for parties and go home late night. However I do parties because sometime I get lonely. After living in these entire places, I think I can honestly say which characteristics are most important to me, and which ones are not so important. I have though about this very much, and now I feel like I can rank these things in order from first to last. First of all I like to live in less populated and clean town. Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Wildfires A wildfire is any instance of uncontrolled burning in grasslands, brush, or woodlands. Wildfires destroy property and valuable natural resources, and may threaten the lives of people and animals. Wildfires can occur at any time of the year, but usually occur during hot, dry weather. Wildfires are usually signaled by dense smoke which may fill the air for miles around. The National Weather Service, U.S. Forest Service, and State forestry agencies combine to give wildfire probability forecasts. Local radio and television stations broadcast information and warnings on local fire conditions. Wildfires pose an increasing threat to the residential United States. In 1987, 53,000 fires consumed more than two million acres. By October 1988, more content... On the actual day of the fire, the fire planners will again check such conditions as wind and moisture content in the vegetation. The wind direction will determine where the fire is started. Fire crews start the burn with a device called a drip torch. A drip torch is a can of fuel with a flame–carrying wick at the end. When the crewmember tilts the wick toward the ground, a flame streams out and ignites the vegetation. Most of the effort that goes into a prescribed fire is making sure that it is contained in the boundaries set for the fire. Firefighters and fire suppression equipment are near the site if the fire grows out of control (–why.html, pgs. 1–3). While not all the effects of prescribed burns are known some are very evident. The first of these common effects is that vegetation and fallen dead material are burned creating an open forest floor. This eliminates any fuel that could contribute to a high intensity fire in the future. When the fire burns the organic material in the forest, nutrient rich ash is left behind. When the first rain comes, the nutrients in the ash dissolve into the soil for the new plants to use. This process is called nutrient recycling. These nutrients left in the soil are a good source of food for the young plants that will begin to grow back. Another outcome of prescribed fire is that new growth begins immediately after the fires have been extinguished. Within Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on The Meaning of Life The Meaning of Life My few years on this planet have been a bit confusing. I have learned of many aspects of life from which one can draw meaning, if indeed such meaning can be drawn. I have also learned that there can be no singular meaning of life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. What I have learned above all is that trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. This is not to be confused with the idea that life has no meaning, for life certainly has meaning. However, there is no single meaning of life to be defined – life is different for us all. Therefore, rather than define life for an entire planet, I shall try to explain what life means as I perceive it, and why it means more content... Life is a complicated twist of suffering, laughing, and learning all merging to tell a great story – or great many stories. Based on this view, "it is not the end goal or outcome of life that gives life meaning but rather the quality of the story, the quality with which one lives out and develops his or her role." At the time, this event seemed rather insignificant and did not merit remembrance. However, its catastrophic effects on my attitude that evening may have helped to mold me into the person I have become. I learned that suffering through such an event, as childish as it was, is quite necessary in any life. Such pains are part of an interminable cycle and only generate balance in one's life (p. 62, 'Life as Suffering'). Despite my horrid time spent that evening, the laughter brought since the incident is a worthy tradeoff. Laughter is an all too necessary function of life, just as suffering and the wide range of other emotions. "Some thinkers would emphasize the importance of sophistication in humor, but others would say that laughter itself is what is important." Whatever the case may be, laughter is an important ingredient in life, and must not be taken for granted nor ignored. Despite such emotional ties to life, I have also learned that life is not only about emotions. Those emotions are generated from the chain reactions created endlessly in Get more content on
  • 6. Essay My Thoughts on Writing My Thoughts on Writing The only thing I care about; the only thing I hope to get from this course, is some improvement in my ability to write what I think –– explain ideas and feelings to other people. I don't give a damn about anything else, and so far I haven't been disappointed. At the beginning of the course I was informed that we were going to be discussing exposition, which isn't so much a kind of writing as a purpose or attitude behind it. This purpose is to explore, unfold, or develop an idea or issue. And the sense I've gotten from our discussion is that the attitude is one of intellectual honesty, of dedication to learning something and reporting what's there , instead of protecting preconceived notions or projecting more content... A friend of mine has already graduated from a university, and she recently went through a whole crate of papers she wrote in the process. She told me she couldn't remember what many of them were about; couldn't even remember writing most of them. We've talked about "themewriting"as something written for and from a closed environment: a mini–universe apart from everyday life, with its own abbreviated rules, in which oversimplification is acceptable. When I consider the sheer tonnage of the stuff that's written every midquarter and finals week around here, it sure seems that most of it is intended to, deserves to, and does head right for the wastebasket immediately when it's of no further use in that universe: after it's recorded in the grade book. "Commitment" is a term applied to solid exposition, and themewriting frequently lacks it. Does anyone like to do this –– does it provide a warm, human, joyous feeling of having made contact and saying something Important? Or do we just get comfortable doing it? Like being an accountant: is there a real sense of joy to be found in adding up columns of figures? There may be some people who would tell me "sure, it's fun," but I think actually they're just feeling safe in a sort of half–sleep state which isn't exactly happy and may in fact be miserable, but at least is stable. There may be a different kind of warmth, reserved for "a job well done," and "I might get a promotion," and most especially: "I feel good Get more content on
  • 7. My Future Essay My future is something I often think about. Most often, the questions that arise include the common doubts of "Am I doing this right?", or even the occasional midnight philosophical questions such as "Why are we here?", and so on. For the purpose of this essay, I will focus on the factors that have allowed me to reach this point in my life and how these factors influenced and continue to influence me, in order to provide me with a visualization of my future. Factors that contributed to my current life choices include the desperate want to be something greater, as well as to experience the world in ways some could only dream of. I study hard, allowing for me to have the possibility of an early graduation. I dream big, allowing me with the imagination to draw up plans for myself and my future. I work hard, allowing me the strength and vision to execute my plans for the future. The way that I was raised has greatly benefited me. My parents have taught me that anything and everything is possible as long as you work hard for it despite the what others may tell you or even if the odds are against you. Another factor that led to my current life, is the amount of time I allow myself to think about my plans and refine them. This is extremely important because, without a solid, flexible, long–term plan, you could get lost in dreaming about the future, and end up not accomplishing anything. Hence, many aspects of my life have been planned out with not one or two possible alternatives Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Listening for Understanding Listening for Understanding Listening is an important form of communication. Unfortunately, many people who do not know how to listen believe they can listen well. They often say "I have been doing this all of my life of course I can listen". Listening is not inherited, or a personality trait, it is a skill that must be worked on and practiced. Anybody can become a good listener if they are committed to learn how and are willing to work hard. The first mistake that people tend to make when listening is to not make any type of comments while listening. They tend to just stand there and listen while the speaker talks. This can become very frustrating for the speaker and the listener. While the speaker may feel like he isn't more content... Try to listen to what the speaker is trying to say and not to what is making you angry. Summarize the main points of what the speaker was saying so that the focus is on the speaker and not you. It is always important to try and listen objectively no matter what the speaker is trying to say. By doing this, you will become a better listener and more able to communicate with others concerning subjects that might normally make you angry to the point that you would no longer be able to carry on a working conversation with that individual. This will make you especially valuable in the management industry where, as a rule, people will come to you with problems that need to be resolved. It is important to listen carefully and to withhold personal judgement. This is especially true when the subject matter or the position taken by the speaker is making you angry. In this circumstance, your interjections, if not thoroughly thought through, may just make the person defensive. Problems can also arise if you are too nice and give a lot of positive comments. People like it when they are being praised. This can alter what the speaker is saying. If you continue to give positive comments the speaker will continue to want more of them from you. If you want to find out what the speaker is really thinking you need to listen and withhold evaluation. As well as withholding evaluation one must also show patience. While many Get more content on
  • 9. The Power of Choice Essay "Use wisely your power of choice" laws of life essay. Choices are the decisions we make in life, some are good and others are bad. People make choices every second of everyday. The choices we make will always have an outcome, whether or not it is a positive or negative one. People have the choice of whom they accept as normal through comparisons of what they look like and also by their own behaviors. People who act and look like each other and with similar values are more likely to accept individuals of the same kind. Whether it is the difference between race, religion, or even political views, to tell an individual to accept everyone for their differences is only impossible. We make over 100 choices daily and we don't even more content... For many kids their role models are a favorite singer, athlete, or their parents. Based on what their role model would do, they would think it is right to do also. As years pass, kids may change who their role models are but at the same time, they can keep the same one, they may just have a better understanding of what to do. Sometimes the views of their role model is that, if he or she can do it, it will be okay for them to do it also. But this is very untrue. If their role model is and alcoholic , then the person may get the impression that it is okay and that they can too, but they cannot if they are not of age. Life is said to be a basic human right, whereas death is a natural occurrence. The only things that is different between a living human being and a dead one are prior events. One can choose a path that keeps one's self alive one extra day, whereas another can choose a path that leads to one's death. Choices for a Day, Consequences for a Lifetime Many believe that we are born innocent and pure, and from day one we choose how our life is to be dictated. Others may believe that we are evil and are not capable of a life without sin. Another thought may be that we are born with an unbiased arrangement or a clean state and we are affected and influenced by the world around us. However, whatever the case may be, the choices we make dictate the lives we lead but yet the lives we lead dictate our choices. Our environment and the Get more content on
  • 10. Artificial Intelligence: An Overview Artificial Intelligence Computers are everywhere today. It would be impossible to go your entire life without using a computer. Cars, ATMs, and TVs we use everyday, and all contain computers. It is for this reason that computers and their software have to become more intelligent to make our lives easier and computers more accessible. Intelligent computer systems can and do benefit us all; however people have constantly warned that making computers too intelligent can be to our disadvantage. Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a field of computer science that attempts to simulate characteristics of human intelligence or senses. These include learning, reasoning, and adapting. This field studies the designs of more content... Expert systems are also known as knowledge based systems. These systems rely on a basic set of rules for solving specific problems and are capable of learning. The laws are defined for the system by experts and then implemented using if–then rules. These systems basically imitate the expert's thoughts in solving the problem. An example of this is a system that diagnosis medical conditions. The doctor would input the symptoms to the computer system and it would then ask more questions if need or give diagnoses. Other examples include banking systems for acceptance of loans, advanced calculators, and weather predictions. Natural language systems interact allow computers to interact with the user in their usual language. They accept, interpret, and execute the commands in this language. The attempt is to allow a more natural interaction between the computer and user. Language is sometimes thought to be the foundation of intelligence in humans. Therefore, it is reasonable for intelligent systems to be able to understand language. Some of these systems are advanced enough to hold conversations. A system that emulates human senses uses human sensory simulation. These can include methods of sight, sound, and touch. A very common implementation of this intelligence is in voice recognition software. It listens to what the user says, interprets the sounds, and displays the information on the screen. These are
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  • 12. My Definition of Success Essay example "Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value." – Albert Einstein –– My personal definition would not include "stuff" at all. No one will care (and neither will you) what kind of car your drove or how big your house was when you're on your deathbed. Your thoughts will not be about your job, the office or how much money you made. Personal success is defined by how content and enjoyable your life is. That is not to say that challenges and disappointments aren't included in this. A rich, eventful and challenging life doing what you enjoy and positively affecting others seems to me to be just about right. Find a job you love and you'll never work another day in your life. I know I won't. In more content... Past, present and future are all important to keep in perspective. Looking back and not having regrets is extremely satisfying. Your current situation and your contentment with it are also very important, and having goals and milestones to work toward in the future keeps you motivated and keeps life interesting and challenging. In this age in which we live, success is generally measured by the amount of money you earn, or the amount of wealth or power or number of promotions you've accumulated. I find that the older I grow, the more I view the people who are most happy and content with their lives as the most successful. Rich, poor or in between, they've tended to treat life as a journey, not a final destination. They took that trip when they were 25 even though they really couldn't afford it, they ordered the $55 bottle of wine with their filet because they knew that even though it was expensive it would enhance the meal so much more than water would. They took a chance on a start–up company, moved to Europe or Asia and experienced things that most people only dream about. If they managed to grow wealthy from the experience, so much the better. As long as moderation with most things is practiced, things won't spin out of control. Bottom line rules for a successful life: Always try new things. Listen twice as much as you talk. Travel as much as you can comfortably afford. Faith and family always come first –
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