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Argumentative Essay On Marijuana
Marijuana a drug or elixir of good health.
Marijuana is a very controversial topic today. The United States made it illegal in the mid–1920 and
has been illegal ever since until recent times. It has been told that Medical marijuana has many
health benefits and is also proven to help cure some deadly diseases. Using marijuana for medicinal
purposes is not a recent discovery. The use of marijuana dates back nearly 5000 years. Western
medicine embraced its medicinal properties in the mid–1800's. Physicians have published more than
100 papers in the western medical literature recommending its use for a variety of disorders
(Urena). India is the world's 2nd largest population with 1.525 billion people unfortunately a lot of
them suffer from cancer and other deadly diseases. In this argumentative essay I am going to link
the medicinal benefits of using marijuana and how it can help the people of India.
Cannabis consumption and production are governed by the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Act, 1985. Under this law, the consumption ofcannabis could lead to a jail term of six
months or a fine of Rs10,000, Cultivation could lead to a term of 10 years. Though marijuana
grows wild in India. Its possession or use is illegal. Marijuana is widely used in India, so why not
legalize it. Especially if its known for having medical benefits such as treating chronic pain, nausea
after chemotherapy, epilepsy, and symptoms of multiple sclerosis (Balachandran, 2017). India has a
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Cannabis Essay: Marijuana
Cannabis Essay
Cannabis is a drug many people use. It is a genus of flowering plant that includes three species or
subspecies, sativa, indica, and ruderalis. Cannabis, along with other drugs, is a very addicting habit.
Many people, teens in particular, smoke weed. Cannabis is a flowering herb.
Why do people smoke weed? People smoke it because they feel as if it relieves stress. Some
smoke it to look cool. It starts out as something to do in your free time, and leads to a life long
habit. Many people smoke to get high. The main two symptoms of being high is red eyes, and
unusual behavior. Cannabis was intended for use as a psychoactive drug or medicine. In the U.S.,
about 4.5 million people, more than 860,000 of them
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Cannabis Industry Essay
The cannabis industry has become one of Colorado's fastest growing industries. Dispensaries seem
to be popping up like Starbucks in NYC. With shops selling products ranging from the "bud of the
day" and vape pens to glass pipes and edibles of every kind imaginable, it would be hard to find a
product that wouldn't at least peak your curiosity. Among the many items, a category that's gaining
fast attention is the cannabis–infused beauty product line. Body lotions, skin cream, hair care, lip
balms and even mascara are all infused with the plant. With the rise of this luxury skin care taking
over the beauty world, it would be worth knowing why this plant is so popular and what it means
for your beauty regimen.
Cannabis–infused beauty more content...
CBD doesn't. You must consume cannabis to experience that "weed high". You don't consume your
face lotion. Or at least I hope you don't. Then comes the question, if my cannabis face cream doesn't
get me high – what's the point of having cannabis–infused beauty products? Fun fact: cannabis has
been in beauty products for ages. You may be familiar with its more common name:hemp. Hemp is
extracted from the seeds of the cannabis plant and has been used to treat and prevent dry skin,
inflammation, pain to localized areas and other skin issues such as eczema and acne. Hemp can do
a lot for your beauty routine. What it can't do is get you high. Hemp seed oil contains virtually no
levels of THC and when the seeds are processed, the THC levels become almost nonexistent.
Because of this, you can find hempseed oil based beauty products in most common grocery
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Marijuana as a Gateway Drug
Sociology 225 Research Paper Marijuana as a Gateway Drug The gateway theory is a hypothesis
which states that the use of gateway drugs (alcohol, tobacco and marijuana) lead to the use of more
illicit drugs such as heroin and cocaine. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA),
marijuana is a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act. "Schedule I drugs are
classified as having a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the
United States, and a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical
supervision." Marijuana is thus considered by the U.S. government to be more dangerous than
cocaine and opium – both Schedule II drugs, and at the same time more content...
Risk of hard drug use goes up with marijuana use as a matter of circumstance not due to an
unbreakable link. There are two parts to the gateway theory: 1) those that use illicit substances like
cocaine or heroin will use marijuana first and 2) the use of marijuana exerts a casual influence on
one's likelihood of using other illicit substances. According to the "Can Social Psychological
Delinquency Theory Explain The Link Between Marijuana and Other Illicit Drug Use?" article, the
study set out to disprove the second qualification of the gateway theory. However, it failed to do so
because the results suggested "those who use marijuana are between three and five times more likely
than counterparts to use other illicit drugs even after adjusting statistically for the influence for
strain, social bonding and differential association." It noted that the "results were observed across
multiple time points and across multiple methods, one of which adjusts statistically for the influence
of unmeasured variables." It conceded the point that the use of marijuana may contribute in a casual
manner to one's probability of using other illicit drugs. It has been widely regarded that "postponing
youths' marijuana initiation, prevention efforts will reduce the likelihood of hard drug use and
abuse" (Yamaguchi & Kandel 1984b; Kandel et al. 1992; Golub & Johnson 2001).
Postponing one's marijuana initiation to a certain extent only brings them closer to the drug
underworld. In a
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Alcohol vs. Marijuana Essay
Alcohol vs. Marijuana
Alcohol and marijuana are two drugs commonly used and abused in the United States. Alcohol is the
number one abused drug, while marijuana is number one among illegal drugs. While alcohol
remains legal, and marijuana illegal, this does not necessarily mean that alcohol is better for you.
There have been many arguments where people suggest that marijuana should be legal because
alcohol is more deadly. On the other hand, there are alcoholics who would tell a pothead that
smoking weed is bad for you. Both substances are very bad for your health and should not be
heavily used by anyone.
Marijuana has an immediate effect during and for about 2 hours after smoking. With alcohol, users
feel slight more content...
Alcohol impairs judgment and vision, and causes speeding and reckless driving. On the other hand,
there has been debate over the effect of marijuana on driving. One study by a computer software
company reported that people who smoked a small amount of marijuana drove faster and with fewer
collisions in a driving computer game. Another study said that marijuana causes abnormally slow
driving, proneness to distraction, and increases the time it takes to react, therefore greatly impairs
your ability to drive.
Long–term effects of alcohol are liver cirrhosis, stomach ailments, impotence, vitamin deficiency,
increased stroke risk, decreased mental performance, heart disease, peptic ulcers, hepatitis, and
various forms of cancer. Alcohols effects on the brain are loss of coordination, poor judgment,
slowed reflexes, distorted vision, memory lapses, and even blackouts. Long–term effects of
marijuana are mouth, throat, and lung cancer, increased heart rate, decrease in testosterone levels for
men, increased testosterone levels for women, diminished sexual pleasure, increased blood pressure,
increased stress, decreased motivation, and respiratory problems. The THC in marijuana damages
the nerve cells in the part of the brain where memories are formed, making it hard to remember
Both substances can lead to dependence, especially alcohol. If one abuses alcohol for to long and
becomes dependent, they are
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Essay On Recreational Marijuana
Government Ruling on Recreational Marijuana
Marijuana has been used long before it showed up in the United states. It was widly popular and
used among some of the world's earliest civilizations. Historic Documents show that the cannabis
plants were used to produce rope and fabric around 7000 B.C in South and Central Asia. It was also
found being referenced in Chinese manuscripts dating all the way back to 2700 B.C. In the 1500's
marijuana, known as Cannabis Sativa was used to make industrial goods. The recreational use in
America became popular in the early 20th century. Misunderstandings started to arise shortly after.
The idea that Marijuana was as bad cocaine or heroin was along the lines of the misunderstandings
that the plant had, but there have never been any records of human deaths due to intake of Cannabis
Sativa or Cannabis Indica. There is in fact a difference between "Marijuana" and "Hemp", but the
distinctions has always been confusing. They are both species of the same genus botanically
speaking. What separates the two is the amount of anti psychoactive and more
In the 17th century government tried to encourage at home growing of hemp for the production
of ropes, clothing, and sails for boats. The Virginia Assembly passed legislation making the
growing of hemp a requirement for every farmer. It was even allowed to be used as currency.
Many people used it as a trading good instead of money in Pennsylvania, Virginia and in Maryland.
The massive production of hemp was a big deal up until the end of the Civil War. After this imports
replaced hemp for many purposes. The late 19th Century welcomed marijuana as a medical
ingredient in products that were sold over the counter. Towards the ending of the 19th century
Hashish became a fad in france and someone in the US. That's when the plant started to become
questionable to some
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Thesis Statement About Marijuana
Outline– English research paper– marijuana Introduction: –general idea –definition –problematic
Thesis statement –presentation of arguments Paragraph 1: what is marijuana? –origins of marijuana
(what it's derived from, how and where it was discovered, how they first started to use it, etc...)
–where is it mostly found and grown? Depending on what? (weather, ground quality, etc....)
Paragraph 2: what does marijuana do? –what is it used for? (medical reasons, psychological, etc...)
–what are its benefits? Its disadvantages? – what are its effect on the person in the short and the long
term ? Paragraph 3: marijuana today –where and why marijuana is legal? Why and where is it not?
–who are the marijuana consumers around the world? Who are the dealers? Conclusion: –general
ideas –summary of the arguments –general conclusion more content...
In this research paper, we will be discussing one specific herb, Marijuana, as there are many
misconceptions around it rendering it illegal, and we will attempt to argue with its unfounded
illegality. What is Marijuana? Where, how and why is it consumed? What are recurrent
misconceptions? First, we will be talking about the origins of the plant and where it is mainly found
and grown, then we'll be discussing the various uses for it and its effects on consumers, to finish off
with its legality and position in today's
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Marijuana In Marijuana Essay
Should Marijuana be legalized in Texas The controversy over Marijuana has gone back in forth for
much time, but the growth of Marijuana use has grown rapidly throughout the years. With multiple
states legalizing marijuana many people that live in Texas ask, why has Texas not legalized
marijuana? Though this question goes often unanswered to many the difficulty of the answer will
continue as well. A number of states have legalized marijuana for medical use only and the results
of this have made many lives worth living for many people across the nation. Nigel McCourry is a
former U.S Marine, he was deployed to Iraq for seven months in 2004. After coming back to the
United States he could not seem to get away from what he experienced. After time went on with
everyday being a struggle of motivation to get out of bed, move on, continue to live as before, and
sleep without waking up through the night with dreams recalling what he witnessed in Iraq. Seeking
a solution to his nightmare of a life he enrolled in the study of MDMA–assisted psychotherapy. What
he did not expect was that the journey back to a normal life would start with illegal drugs. In a
short two years he experienced sleeping through the night without wake up calls of the past and
shortly after the full healing experience began. Roberto Pickering was another Marine who was
deployed in Iraq a year before McCourry. Pickering served nine months in Iraq and lost many
friends in his unit while in combat. He says "We
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Persuasive Essay Benefits Of Marijuana
The Benefits of Marijuana Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a plant used to produce hemp
fiber and as a psychotropic drug. There are many ways to consume the plant, but most often, it is
consumed through a cigarette. Over many years, marijuana has been looked at as a gateway drug
and something attached to violence and addiction. Users of marijuana have been stereotyped to
abuse the drug to get high rather than to medicate their bodies. The hip–hop and hippie communities
shed a light on marijuana that gave society a good excuse to view it negatively. Many have
overlooked the benefits of marijuana by being blinded by the stereotypes society has created. Despite
the negative outlooks, there are an abundance of benefits that more content...
There is no cure for the disorder and in some cases, it is deemed fatal. One in three epilepsy
patients do not respond to traditional medicines and treatments. Introducing marijuana to epilepsy
patients has shown to be a positive solution. They don't actually have to smoke the plant. They are
given CBD, which is one of the main compounds in marijuana. They are not exposed to THC, which
causes the feeling of euphoria. Therefore, they do not get "high". It has also been shown to be
anticonvulsant and have antipsychotic effects. Establishing CBD as a safe and effective drug
treatment has become the goal of many doctors that have epileptic patients. There are not many
studies that have been conducted on it, but it doesn't show any severe or life–threatening side effects.
Depression is a widespread issue in today's world. It can be caused by abuse, conflict, a sudden
change in one's life, and much more. The number one cause of depression is stress. Cannabis, or
marijuana, has been used to treat depression dating back to the year 1621 with doctors in India
using it to treat depression in their patients. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, was shown to change
negative images or emotions in the minds of the patients who smoked marijuana. Many patients
stated that it took them to another world, a place where they felt comfortable and the feeling of
depression was obsolete. The sad part is that since marijuana is still classified as a
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Opinions on the Use of Marijuana Essay
Opinions on the Use of Marijuana Marijuana is the most widely used drug in the world today. Is
marijuana as dangerous as it is made out to be. A large variety of different people have many
different opinions depending on their professions. Many doctors disagree with each other and the
subject is one of their most controversial topics. Also marijuana as an illegal drug is more wide
spread in the U.S. today than it ever has been before. Therefore it is becoming a large problem for
law enforcement and many other governmental groups in the U.S. today. Marijuana has been in our
society for many years. It is not exactly known when the drug first came into perspective in this
nation. During the 1960's is when this drug became more content...
These reasons are closely related to the abuse of marijuana. A lot of the reasons are closely
related, or are the same reasons people become alcoholics. There are other reasons people use
marijuana such a medicinal use. The drug can be used for many medical problems, some of which
are very extravagant. Such as some people with cancer use marijuana to be able to tolerate their
chemotherapy. " Cancer patients on chemotherapy often suffer severe nausea. Marijuana can control
it and make their therapy more tolerable (–zone/maribill.html P.1)".
Marijuana is also used in AIDS patients. AIDS patients suffer from many things one of which is
weight loss. " Many people with HIV have massive weight loss or wasting that can be fatal.
Marijuana can restore their ability to eat (–zone/maribill.html P.1 )". Another
us of marijuana for medical purposes is for Multiple Sclerosis. Someone with Multiple Sclerosis is
very incompetent and is in desperate need of anything that can help them in any way. " Marijuana
can improve muscle control for people with Multiple Sclerosis (–zone
/maribill.html P.1 ) ". Marijuana is also used in the optical industry as well. The drug can be used
to improve the eye site of a glaucoma patient. It is also used in this case to slow down the effect of
the glaucoma disease. This medical use was the first one to be discovered. The chemical in
marijuana that is known to
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Marijuana or Cannabis is one of the bused drugs in America and the rest of the world. Interesting
accumulating evidence show that the significant negative impact of this drug outweighs the positive
effects. However, the medical benefits of the drug seem on the process of chemical compounds as
compared to the drug itself. Medical debates show that chemical compound in marijuana are the
problem as compared to the plant. The said chemical compound affects the mental and physical
health of the persons abusing this drug. There have been traditional efforts to control the use of
marijuana through legislation laws, (Crick, Haase, & Bewley–Taylor, 2013). However, in the recent
past the efforts and the laws are being lifted to relax the implementation of the same legislations
and the population is responding fast in accepting the legalization of the use of marijuana. The aim
of this paper is to discuss how lifting on the laws of the said drug indicate adverse tolerance of
Cannabis among populations. The paper will also discuss impact of legalization marijuana on the
safety, security and overall quality of human life. Also, the paper will analyses the effect of
relaxation of the laws controlling this drug to other hard core drugs such as cocaine, heroin and
meth–amphetamines among others.
Available scientific evidence indicate that marijuana contain a useful chemical that treats several
mental disorder illnesses. The useful purpose of this drug has prompted a long standing debate as
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Informative Essay About Marijuana
Cancel Cannabis! Marijuana also known as Mary Jane, pot, bud, or ganja has been used in the
world for thousands of years. It has been used for different reasons, medical or recreational. "The
main psychoactive (mind–altering) chemical in marijuana, responsible for most of the intoxicating
effects that people seek, is delta–9–tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The chemical is found in resin
produced by the leaves and buds primarily of the female cannabis plant. The plant also contains more
than 500 other chemicals, including more than 100 compounds that are chemically related to THC,
called cannabinoids." (National Institute on Drug Abuse 1). The cannabis plant, known as marijuana
has a positive view for medication, but the side people do not see, is where weed can damage a
person physically and mentally, along with influencing one's brain to make unordinary decisions
while damaging the brain at the same time.
Marijuana has a variety of effects that can damage a person. There are short and long term effects.
Long term effects usually occur if a person uses marijuana from their teenage years. "The short–term
effects of marijuana occur because THC rapidly moves from the lungs into the blood. This chemical
acts on cannabinoid receptors, leading to a "high" for users. These receptors are found in the parts of
the brain that influence concentration, thinking, sensory and time perception, pleasure, memory and
coordination." (Patterson 1). Short term effects of marijuana can include
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Essay On Cannabis
Cannabis is the most prevalent illicit drug worldwide that was classified by the DEA as a schedule I
drug. Cannabis exhibits a combination of stimulant, depressant, and hallucinogenic properties.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is considered the primary active component of the cannabis plant
which contribute to cannabis psychosis properties, another active component of cannabis is
cannabidiol (CBD) which has anti–anxiety and anti–psychotic properties. Cannabis is consumed in
various way, for example cannabis can be inhaled from small pipes or smoked as bongs, joint, or
tobacco–leaf–wrapped blunt. Cannabis can be also consumed as a tea or as an ingredient baked or
cooked in food like cookies and brownies. Cannabis is involved in approximately 50% of psychosis,
schizophrenia, more content...
THC induce it's psychotogenic role by modulating brain dopamine transmitters. A series of cohort
studies like the Swedish conscript study and Dunedin cohort study have shown the association
between cannabis abuse and psychosis risk. Two meta–analysis studies concluded that cannabis
consumption was associated with approximately two–fold increase risk of developing a psychotic
disorder. Individuals who showed any evidence of psychosis proneness are those who started using
cannabis in early adolescence because early adulthood is a period of time during which the
developing brain is more vulnerable to the adverse effect of cannabis. Cannabis is widely abused in
Florida according to treatment data. The number of cannabis related treatment admission per
100,000 populations estimated to be (133) in Florida exceeded the number per 100,000 population
nationwide (103), leaving Miami with a significant number of ED mentions associated with cannabis
use. In this retrospective case–control study the focus of the study will involve psychosis induction
by Tetrahydrocannabinol in Miami
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Essay on Marijuana
Marijuana is a drug that has been used for thousands of years. Marijuana was used in ancient
China, as far back as 5000 B.C. The Incan's and Mayan's used marijuana in religious ceremonies.
Marijuana also has roots in this country. The Indians of the plains used marijuana in their peace
pipes as a sign of friendship and peace. After prohibition there was a sharp rise in the use of this
drug in America, but after prohibition was repealed the use went down. In the 1920's and 30's the
use of marijuana was primarily by the minorities. In the 1930's it was common belief that minorities
where inhumane and violent, and people believed that marijuana was part of the cause. Then in 1937
marijuana was declared illegal. more content...
Marijuana has a positive effect on patients with certain diseases. AIDS victims are sometimes
prescribed marijuana to help increase their appetite. Victims of AIDS do not want to eat and thus
they do not get the nutrients they need. Marijuana helps them to eat, and thus enabling them to get
the nutrients they need. Marijuana also helps to increase the appetite in cancer patients. People who
get glaucoma's also use marijuana. It helps to ease the pain for many glaucoma patients. Marijuana is
very helpful to these people. This is just one example of why marijuana prohibition should be
reconsidered. When comparing tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana, there is evidence that marijuana has
the least addictive power. During the Nixon administration, the government concluded that
marijuana did not posses any physically addictive traits. The University of California did a study on
the power of heroin, cocaine, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, and marijuana in terms of power to induce
psychological dependence. Nicotine was first, marijuana last. Marijuana was deemed least likely to
produce signs of withdrawal upon quitting, and last in terms of producing a physical tolerance to the
drug. Marijuana is less addictive than two legal drugs in this country. This does not make sense, and
so prohibition should be reconsidered. The United States government spends too much money each
year on prohibition of marijuana. The
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The Effects of Marijuana Essay
People might think smoking marijuana is cool. They might try it without knowing what it is or
what affects is has on you. Once someone smokes it for the first time, they might keep doing it
again and again and they could get hooked on it for life. People who use marijuana usually never
use any other type of illegal drugs, but more than seven thousand five hundred people get arrested
for using marijuana every year. There is a wide variety of marijuana, but they are all based off of
two marijuana plants, Indica and Sativa. Marijuana is very popular in America, and all over the
world. Marijuana affects the body, it can be used as medicine, and marijuana can be addictive.
Marijuana can simply increase the user's happiness, but it can also more content...
As soon as someone smells smoke that smells sweet and sour, they know that it is definitely
marijuana smoke. It can be used in many ways such as smoked, usually in joints, bongs, and
blunts. Some people even put it on their food and brew as tea! The two most common types of
marijuana plants are Sativa and Indica. The only differences are the Indica grows short and wide
and are better suited to grow inside. The Sativa are thin and tall and are suited to grow outside
because they can even grow to reach twenty five feet in height. Some popular types of marijuana are
White Widow, Sour Diesel, Bubblegum, Vortex, and Holland's Hope. All of them give the user the
"high" feeling, which leaves them happy and dizzy at the same time.
Marijuana was first used in ancient China by a Chinese Emperor by the name of Shen Nung.
Even Queen Victoria used it. Shen Nung the Chinese Emperor was the first recorded person who
used marijuana. He would use it as a pain killer during operations. In ancient India marijuana was
holy. A Hindu god by the name of Shiva gave hemp as a gift to all humanity. It was inexpensive
and available to almost everyone. It was known as "The Poor Man's Heaven". Cannabis leaves were
commonly brewed, and they would add milk and sugar to make a drink. In ancient Rome there was
a physician named Galen. He recommended the use of marijuana to reduce pain in operations, or for
just everyday pains.
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Persuasive Essay About Marijuana
"Weed is addictive and is gateway drug. You shouldn't smoke it." This is a common
misconception about Marijuana that a variety of people believe. This is because they do not
know the history of it and what is in the Marijuana that makes it, what people say is "addictive."
They also probably do not know that there are disadvantages and advantages of using Marijuana.
At the end of the day, it is really the choice of the user. But people should become more aware of
where Marijuana originated from, what it is made from and the pros and cons of smoking it if they
choose to.
Marijuana has a long history of human use. But when was it first brought into the world? In Asia,
around 500 BC, that was when Marijuana was first introduced to mankind. more content...
Marijuana is usually smoked through joints, which are hand–rolled, but can be smoked out of a
bong, or pipe. The edible products are mostly made from weed butter and is then mixed with
cookie dough, brownie mix, or cake batter. So why do so many people think it is bad for us?
That's because the THC is what makes the Marijuana "addictive". THC increases the level of
dopamine, which is the pleasure chemical, in the brain. Therefore, people who smoke a lot have a
higher chance of becoming dependant on the use of cannabis and then this dependency can turn into
an addiction.
Possibility of addiction is only one of the disadvantages on Marijuana. There are short–term and
long–term effects from the use of the drug. The most common short–term effects include paranoia,
difficulty with concentration, anxiety, fatigue, and hallucinations. "If you're not around good
people, you will end up having a bad experience and be very paranoid and anxious." (Daily User
One, 2017) This person said that the people you are around and your surroundings in general can
also alter how you react to the THC in your system. Other short–term effects that are more dangerous
include increased heart rate (which is particularly dangerous to people with heart disease),
decreased blood pressure, and damaged blood vessels caused by the smoke. The long–term effects
include memory loss, IQ level (due to blood cell lose from smoking), decreased motivation, and
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Possession And Use Of Marijuana
Possession and use of cannabis, also commonly known as marijuana, is considered illegal. For
years marijuana has been an illegal "drug" in most countries. In today's world a few countries have
legalized cannabis while others are still progressing toward it. In particular, small amount of
marijuana have been allowed in places such as Europe, North America and South America. In the
United States in particular, states such as Washington and Colorado have also legalized the usage of
marijuana for medical/recreational purposes. On the other hand, numerous penalties are enforced
pertaining the use or possession of cannabis where it is not legal. The chance of the penalties being
small are seldom; offenders often receive severe punishments. Possession of small quantities of
marijuana is not punished the same way as possession of large quantities of other illegal narcotics.
In this essay, there will be an in–depth argument on the reasons why cannabis should be legalized,
and why it should not.
Firstly, cannabis should be legal and decriminalized since it is used for medication. Its legalization
means better and higher quality health standards. For example, Sativex is a recent
marijuana–derived treatment that has been discovered to cure Multiple Sclerosis (Kmietowicz 89).
The drug has been used in the United Kingdom to treat patients, and it has been found to produce
effective results. Banning marijuana would be a disadvantage to people who suffer from diseases
that use cannabis as a
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Essay about Marijuana
Marijuana Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States. A dry, shredded
greenish brown mix of flowers, stems, seeds, and leaves of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa,
usually is smoked as a cigarette or in a pipe. It also is smoked in blunts, which are cigars that have
been emptied of tobacco and refilled with marijuana, often in combination with another drug. As a
more concentrated form it is called hashish and as a sticky black liquid, hash oil. There are countless
street terms for marijuana including pot, herb, weed, grass, widow, ganja, and hash. The main active
chemical in marijuana is delta–9–tetrahydrocannabinol, more content...
Research findings for long–term marijuana use indicate some changes in the brain similar to those
seen after long–term use of other major drugs of abuse. One study has indicated that a user's risk of
heart attack more than quadruples in the first hour after smoking marijuana. Researchers suggest that
such an effect might occur from marijuana's effects on blood pressure and heart rate and reduced
oxygen–carrying capacity of blood. Even infrequent use can cause burning and stinging of the mouth
and throat, often accompanied by a heavy cough. Someone who smokes marijuana regularly may
have many of the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers do, such as daily cough and
phlegm production, more frequent acute chest illness, a heightened risk of lung infections, and a
greater tendency to obstructed airways. Smoking marijuana increases the likelihood of developing
cancer of the head or neck, and the more marijuana smoked the greater the increase. A study
comparing 173 cancer patients and 176 healthy individuals produced strong evidence that marijuana
smoking doubled or tripled the risk of these cancers.
Marijuana use also has the potential to promote cancer of the lungs and other parts of the respiratory
tract because it contains irritants and carcinogens. In fact, marijuana smoke contains 50 to 70
percent more
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Teenage Marijuana Use Essay
Teenage marijuana use is at an all time high, it has been found that today's teen marijuana smokers
are doing so at extreme amounts, some even do so daily. What are the factors that cause them to
start experimenting and smoking marijuana? The amounts of marijuana being smoked by today's
teenagers must have an effect on the developing teens. The minds and bodies of the teens who
smoke must be facing some sort of developing issues. Marijuana is a mild drug compared to harsher
drugs like cocaine, heroin, meth, etc. the users of marijuana will eventually look for a stronger and
long lasting high so they will turn to these harsher and more addicting substances. The decisions that
today's teens are making to smoke marijuana might have more content...
Both points of view neglect to include what causes the teenage smokers that are the ones giving it to
their friends, the ones that are popular and aren't stressed. Today's research is only done on a specific
group of teens not the remaining individuals and why they started and currently smoke marijuana.
What the developmental issues regarding smoking marijuana as a teen:
It seems every decade marijuana studies show that it has no side effects on users, in turn it
become more available like when some states in America had legalized it. Dr Kevin M. Gray
believes that the only side effect of smoking weed is the physical addictions it causes, he believes
that over 51% of all teens have used weed at least once and the biggest problem we are facing with
this rapidly growing drug use is only addiction. Dr Marshall M. Gay believes that the health effects
of weed isn't that much as smoking cigarettes and doesn't see it a threat to people's health. "More
than half (51%) of adolescents reported that marijuana is fairly or very easy to obtain.2 this ease
of availability may have contributed to a recently reported "reverse gateway" from cigarettes use to
marijuana". The more ignored belief is that marijuana can lead to a variety of developmental,
mental and physical side effects. The effects of smoking weed can extend to those of smoking
cigarettes "studies show regular marijuana use can lead to many of the same
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Legalization of Marijuana Essay
Marijuana is a big topic these days. Many people want to make sure that marijuana stays illegal. Yet
they do not know all the facts about marijuana.
They just think that marijuana is bad. I believe that marijuana should be made legal. First of all,
marijuana refers to the dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant, which contain the narcotic
chemical THC at various potencies.
It is smoked or eaten to produce the feeling of being "high". Marijuana has been used for thousands
of years for medical, social, relaxation, and religious reasons. Several of our presidents are believed
to have smoked it. Those presidents include Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and many others. John F.
Kennedy smoked it to more content...
The government states that over 20 million Americans still smoke marijuana. You can say that
marijuana affects your health, but marijuana is less dangerous than tobacco and people smoke less
of it at a time. Or you can eat the plant instead of smoking it, which can lower health risks by a lot.
Another way to reduce health risks is by reducing smoking amounts. There is no proof that
marijuana causes health problems that can lead to death or sexual programs, but like alcohol, it is
not recommended for children or teenagers to use. This is simply because children and teenagers
are in the process of growing up, and it would not be a good idea to smoke anything or drink
alcohol. Cannabis is a medical herb that has literally hundreds of proven, valuable therapeutic uses.
For example, you can use marijuana for stress reduction, asthma, cancer therapy, and much more.
Marijuana is not just for getting "high", but a valuable medical medicine. Dr. Gabriel Nahas, who
made totally false statistics and studies, was very biased and unscientific. He was even fired by the
National Institute of
Health and the NIH told the public his studies were meaningless. For one experiment, he suffocated a
monkey for 5 minutes at a time, using way more smoke than the average marijuana user inhales in
an entire lifetime. The other studies were lacking controls and produced results which cannot be
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Essay Marijuana

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  • 3. Cannabis Industry Essay The cannabis industry has become one of Colorado's fastest growing industries. Dispensaries seem to be popping up like Starbucks in NYC. With shops selling products ranging from the "bud of the day" and vape pens to glass pipes and edibles of every kind imaginable, it would be hard to find a product that wouldn't at least peak your curiosity. Among the many items, a category that's gaining fast attention is the cannabis–infused beauty product line. Body lotions, skin cream, hair care, lip balms and even mascara are all infused with the plant. With the rise of this luxury skin care taking over the beauty world, it would be worth knowing why this plant is so popular and what it means for your beauty regimen. Cannabis–infused beauty more content... CBD doesn't. You must consume cannabis to experience that "weed high". You don't consume your face lotion. Or at least I hope you don't. Then comes the question, if my cannabis face cream doesn't get me high – what's the point of having cannabis–infused beauty products? Fun fact: cannabis has been in beauty products for ages. You may be familiar with its more common name:hemp. Hemp is extracted from the seeds of the cannabis plant and has been used to treat and prevent dry skin, inflammation, pain to localized areas and other skin issues such as eczema and acne. Hemp can do a lot for your beauty routine. What it can't do is get you high. Hemp seed oil contains virtually no levels of THC and when the seeds are processed, the THC levels become almost nonexistent. Because of this, you can find hempseed oil based beauty products in most common grocery Get more content on
  • 4. Marijuana as a Gateway Drug Sociology 225 Research Paper Marijuana as a Gateway Drug The gateway theory is a hypothesis which states that the use of gateway drugs (alcohol, tobacco and marijuana) lead to the use of more illicit drugs such as heroin and cocaine. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), marijuana is a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act. "Schedule I drugs are classified as having a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, and a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision." Marijuana is thus considered by the U.S. government to be more dangerous than cocaine and opium – both Schedule II drugs, and at the same time more content... Risk of hard drug use goes up with marijuana use as a matter of circumstance not due to an unbreakable link. There are two parts to the gateway theory: 1) those that use illicit substances like cocaine or heroin will use marijuana first and 2) the use of marijuana exerts a casual influence on one's likelihood of using other illicit substances. According to the "Can Social Psychological Delinquency Theory Explain The Link Between Marijuana and Other Illicit Drug Use?" article, the study set out to disprove the second qualification of the gateway theory. However, it failed to do so because the results suggested "those who use marijuana are between three and five times more likely than counterparts to use other illicit drugs even after adjusting statistically for the influence for strain, social bonding and differential association." It noted that the "results were observed across multiple time points and across multiple methods, one of which adjusts statistically for the influence of unmeasured variables." It conceded the point that the use of marijuana may contribute in a casual manner to one's probability of using other illicit drugs. It has been widely regarded that "postponing youths' marijuana initiation, prevention efforts will reduce the likelihood of hard drug use and abuse" (Yamaguchi & Kandel 1984b; Kandel et al. 1992; Golub & Johnson 2001). Postponing one's marijuana initiation to a certain extent only brings them closer to the drug underworld. In a Get more content on
  • 5. Alcohol vs. Marijuana Essay Alcohol vs. Marijuana Alcohol and marijuana are two drugs commonly used and abused in the United States. Alcohol is the number one abused drug, while marijuana is number one among illegal drugs. While alcohol remains legal, and marijuana illegal, this does not necessarily mean that alcohol is better for you. There have been many arguments where people suggest that marijuana should be legal because alcohol is more deadly. On the other hand, there are alcoholics who would tell a pothead that smoking weed is bad for you. Both substances are very bad for your health and should not be heavily used by anyone. Marijuana has an immediate effect during and for about 2 hours after smoking. With alcohol, users feel slight more content... Alcohol impairs judgment and vision, and causes speeding and reckless driving. On the other hand, there has been debate over the effect of marijuana on driving. One study by a computer software company reported that people who smoked a small amount of marijuana drove faster and with fewer collisions in a driving computer game. Another study said that marijuana causes abnormally slow driving, proneness to distraction, and increases the time it takes to react, therefore greatly impairs your ability to drive. Long–term effects of alcohol are liver cirrhosis, stomach ailments, impotence, vitamin deficiency, increased stroke risk, decreased mental performance, heart disease, peptic ulcers, hepatitis, and various forms of cancer. Alcohols effects on the brain are loss of coordination, poor judgment, slowed reflexes, distorted vision, memory lapses, and even blackouts. Long–term effects of marijuana are mouth, throat, and lung cancer, increased heart rate, decrease in testosterone levels for men, increased testosterone levels for women, diminished sexual pleasure, increased blood pressure, increased stress, decreased motivation, and respiratory problems. The THC in marijuana damages the nerve cells in the part of the brain where memories are formed, making it hard to remember things. Both substances can lead to dependence, especially alcohol. If one abuses alcohol for to long and becomes dependent, they are Get more content on
  • 6. Essay On Recreational Marijuana Government Ruling on Recreational Marijuana Marijuana has been used long before it showed up in the United states. It was widly popular and used among some of the world's earliest civilizations. Historic Documents show that the cannabis plants were used to produce rope and fabric around 7000 B.C in South and Central Asia. It was also found being referenced in Chinese manuscripts dating all the way back to 2700 B.C. In the 1500's marijuana, known as Cannabis Sativa was used to make industrial goods. The recreational use in America became popular in the early 20th century. Misunderstandings started to arise shortly after. The idea that Marijuana was as bad cocaine or heroin was along the lines of the misunderstandings that the plant had, but there have never been any records of human deaths due to intake of Cannabis Sativa or Cannabis Indica. There is in fact a difference between "Marijuana" and "Hemp", but the distinctions has always been confusing. They are both species of the same genus botanically speaking. What separates the two is the amount of anti psychoactive and more content... In the 17th century government tried to encourage at home growing of hemp for the production of ropes, clothing, and sails for boats. The Virginia Assembly passed legislation making the growing of hemp a requirement for every farmer. It was even allowed to be used as currency. Many people used it as a trading good instead of money in Pennsylvania, Virginia and in Maryland. The massive production of hemp was a big deal up until the end of the Civil War. After this imports replaced hemp for many purposes. The late 19th Century welcomed marijuana as a medical ingredient in products that were sold over the counter. Towards the ending of the 19th century Hashish became a fad in france and someone in the US. That's when the plant started to become questionable to some Get more content on
  • 7. Thesis Statement About Marijuana Outline– English research paper– marijuana Introduction: –general idea –definition –problematic Thesis statement –presentation of arguments Paragraph 1: what is marijuana? –origins of marijuana (what it's derived from, how and where it was discovered, how they first started to use it, etc...) –where is it mostly found and grown? Depending on what? (weather, ground quality, etc....) Paragraph 2: what does marijuana do? –what is it used for? (medical reasons, psychological, etc...) –what are its benefits? Its disadvantages? – what are its effect on the person in the short and the long term ? Paragraph 3: marijuana today –where and why marijuana is legal? Why and where is it not? –who are the marijuana consumers around the world? Who are the dealers? Conclusion: –general ideas –summary of the arguments –general conclusion more content... In this research paper, we will be discussing one specific herb, Marijuana, as there are many misconceptions around it rendering it illegal, and we will attempt to argue with its unfounded illegality. What is Marijuana? Where, how and why is it consumed? What are recurrent misconceptions? First, we will be talking about the origins of the plant and where it is mainly found and grown, then we'll be discussing the various uses for it and its effects on consumers, to finish off with its legality and position in today's Get more content on
  • 8. Marijuana In Marijuana Essay Should Marijuana be legalized in Texas The controversy over Marijuana has gone back in forth for much time, but the growth of Marijuana use has grown rapidly throughout the years. With multiple states legalizing marijuana many people that live in Texas ask, why has Texas not legalized marijuana? Though this question goes often unanswered to many the difficulty of the answer will continue as well. A number of states have legalized marijuana for medical use only and the results of this have made many lives worth living for many people across the nation. Nigel McCourry is a former U.S Marine, he was deployed to Iraq for seven months in 2004. After coming back to the United States he could not seem to get away from what he experienced. After time went on with everyday being a struggle of motivation to get out of bed, move on, continue to live as before, and sleep without waking up through the night with dreams recalling what he witnessed in Iraq. Seeking a solution to his nightmare of a life he enrolled in the study of MDMA–assisted psychotherapy. What he did not expect was that the journey back to a normal life would start with illegal drugs. In a short two years he experienced sleeping through the night without wake up calls of the past and shortly after the full healing experience began. Roberto Pickering was another Marine who was deployed in Iraq a year before McCourry. Pickering served nine months in Iraq and lost many friends in his unit while in combat. He says "We Get more content on
  • 9. Persuasive Essay Benefits Of Marijuana The Benefits of Marijuana Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a plant used to produce hemp fiber and as a psychotropic drug. There are many ways to consume the plant, but most often, it is consumed through a cigarette. Over many years, marijuana has been looked at as a gateway drug and something attached to violence and addiction. Users of marijuana have been stereotyped to abuse the drug to get high rather than to medicate their bodies. The hip–hop and hippie communities shed a light on marijuana that gave society a good excuse to view it negatively. Many have overlooked the benefits of marijuana by being blinded by the stereotypes society has created. Despite the negative outlooks, there are an abundance of benefits that more content... There is no cure for the disorder and in some cases, it is deemed fatal. One in three epilepsy patients do not respond to traditional medicines and treatments. Introducing marijuana to epilepsy patients has shown to be a positive solution. They don't actually have to smoke the plant. They are given CBD, which is one of the main compounds in marijuana. They are not exposed to THC, which causes the feeling of euphoria. Therefore, they do not get "high". It has also been shown to be anticonvulsant and have antipsychotic effects. Establishing CBD as a safe and effective drug treatment has become the goal of many doctors that have epileptic patients. There are not many studies that have been conducted on it, but it doesn't show any severe or life–threatening side effects. Depression is a widespread issue in today's world. It can be caused by abuse, conflict, a sudden change in one's life, and much more. The number one cause of depression is stress. Cannabis, or marijuana, has been used to treat depression dating back to the year 1621 with doctors in India using it to treat depression in their patients. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, was shown to change negative images or emotions in the minds of the patients who smoked marijuana. Many patients stated that it took them to another world, a place where they felt comfortable and the feeling of depression was obsolete. The sad part is that since marijuana is still classified as a Get more content on
  • 10. Opinions on the Use of Marijuana Essay Opinions on the Use of Marijuana Marijuana is the most widely used drug in the world today. Is marijuana as dangerous as it is made out to be. A large variety of different people have many different opinions depending on their professions. Many doctors disagree with each other and the subject is one of their most controversial topics. Also marijuana as an illegal drug is more wide spread in the U.S. today than it ever has been before. Therefore it is becoming a large problem for law enforcement and many other governmental groups in the U.S. today. Marijuana has been in our society for many years. It is not exactly known when the drug first came into perspective in this nation. During the 1960's is when this drug became more content... These reasons are closely related to the abuse of marijuana. A lot of the reasons are closely related, or are the same reasons people become alcoholics. There are other reasons people use marijuana such a medicinal use. The drug can be used for many medical problems, some of which are very extravagant. Such as some people with cancer use marijuana to be able to tolerate their chemotherapy. " Cancer patients on chemotherapy often suffer severe nausea. Marijuana can control it and make their therapy more tolerable (–zone/maribill.html P.1)". Marijuana is also used in AIDS patients. AIDS patients suffer from many things one of which is weight loss. " Many people with HIV have massive weight loss or wasting that can be fatal. Marijuana can restore their ability to eat (–zone/maribill.html P.1 )". Another us of marijuana for medical purposes is for Multiple Sclerosis. Someone with Multiple Sclerosis is very incompetent and is in desperate need of anything that can help them in any way. " Marijuana can improve muscle control for people with Multiple Sclerosis (–zone /maribill.html P.1 ) ". Marijuana is also used in the optical industry as well. The drug can be used to improve the eye site of a glaucoma patient. It is also used in this case to slow down the effect of the glaucoma disease. This medical use was the first one to be discovered. The chemical in marijuana that is known to Get more content on
  • 11. Marijuana or Cannabis is one of the bused drugs in America and the rest of the world. Interesting accumulating evidence show that the significant negative impact of this drug outweighs the positive effects. However, the medical benefits of the drug seem on the process of chemical compounds as compared to the drug itself. Medical debates show that chemical compound in marijuana are the problem as compared to the plant. The said chemical compound affects the mental and physical health of the persons abusing this drug. There have been traditional efforts to control the use of marijuana through legislation laws, (Crick, Haase, & Bewley–Taylor, 2013). However, in the recent past the efforts and the laws are being lifted to relax the implementation of the same legislations and the population is responding fast in accepting the legalization of the use of marijuana. The aim of this paper is to discuss how lifting on the laws of the said drug indicate adverse tolerance of Cannabis among populations. The paper will also discuss impact of legalization marijuana on the safety, security and overall quality of human life. Also, the paper will analyses the effect of relaxation of the laws controlling this drug to other hard core drugs such as cocaine, heroin and meth–amphetamines among others. Available scientific evidence indicate that marijuana contain a useful chemical that treats several mental disorder illnesses. The useful purpose of this drug has prompted a long standing debate as Get more content on
  • 12. Informative Essay About Marijuana Cancel Cannabis! Marijuana also known as Mary Jane, pot, bud, or ganja has been used in the world for thousands of years. It has been used for different reasons, medical or recreational. "The main psychoactive (mind–altering) chemical in marijuana, responsible for most of the intoxicating effects that people seek, is delta–9–tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The chemical is found in resin produced by the leaves and buds primarily of the female cannabis plant. The plant also contains more than 500 other chemicals, including more than 100 compounds that are chemically related to THC, called cannabinoids." (National Institute on Drug Abuse 1). The cannabis plant, known as marijuana has a positive view for medication, but the side people do not see, is where weed can damage a person physically and mentally, along with influencing one's brain to make unordinary decisions while damaging the brain at the same time. Marijuana has a variety of effects that can damage a person. There are short and long term effects. Long term effects usually occur if a person uses marijuana from their teenage years. "The short–term effects of marijuana occur because THC rapidly moves from the lungs into the blood. This chemical acts on cannabinoid receptors, leading to a "high" for users. These receptors are found in the parts of the brain that influence concentration, thinking, sensory and time perception, pleasure, memory and coordination." (Patterson 1). Short term effects of marijuana can include Get more content on
  • 13. Essay On Cannabis Cannabis is the most prevalent illicit drug worldwide that was classified by the DEA as a schedule I drug. Cannabis exhibits a combination of stimulant, depressant, and hallucinogenic properties. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is considered the primary active component of the cannabis plant which contribute to cannabis psychosis properties, another active component of cannabis is cannabidiol (CBD) which has anti–anxiety and anti–psychotic properties. Cannabis is consumed in various way, for example cannabis can be inhaled from small pipes or smoked as bongs, joint, or tobacco–leaf–wrapped blunt. Cannabis can be also consumed as a tea or as an ingredient baked or cooked in food like cookies and brownies. Cannabis is involved in approximately 50% of psychosis, schizophrenia, more content... THC induce it's psychotogenic role by modulating brain dopamine transmitters. A series of cohort studies like the Swedish conscript study and Dunedin cohort study have shown the association between cannabis abuse and psychosis risk. Two meta–analysis studies concluded that cannabis consumption was associated with approximately two–fold increase risk of developing a psychotic disorder. Individuals who showed any evidence of psychosis proneness are those who started using cannabis in early adolescence because early adulthood is a period of time during which the developing brain is more vulnerable to the adverse effect of cannabis. Cannabis is widely abused in Florida according to treatment data. The number of cannabis related treatment admission per 100,000 populations estimated to be (133) in Florida exceeded the number per 100,000 population nationwide (103), leaving Miami with a significant number of ED mentions associated with cannabis use. In this retrospective case–control study the focus of the study will involve psychosis induction by Tetrahydrocannabinol in Miami Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Marijuana Marijuana Marijuana is a drug that has been used for thousands of years. Marijuana was used in ancient China, as far back as 5000 B.C. The Incan's and Mayan's used marijuana in religious ceremonies. Marijuana also has roots in this country. The Indians of the plains used marijuana in their peace pipes as a sign of friendship and peace. After prohibition there was a sharp rise in the use of this drug in America, but after prohibition was repealed the use went down. In the 1920's and 30's the use of marijuana was primarily by the minorities. In the 1930's it was common belief that minorities where inhumane and violent, and people believed that marijuana was part of the cause. Then in 1937 marijuana was declared illegal. more content... Marijuana has a positive effect on patients with certain diseases. AIDS victims are sometimes prescribed marijuana to help increase their appetite. Victims of AIDS do not want to eat and thus they do not get the nutrients they need. Marijuana helps them to eat, and thus enabling them to get the nutrients they need. Marijuana also helps to increase the appetite in cancer patients. People who get glaucoma's also use marijuana. It helps to ease the pain for many glaucoma patients. Marijuana is very helpful to these people. This is just one example of why marijuana prohibition should be reconsidered. When comparing tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana, there is evidence that marijuana has the least addictive power. During the Nixon administration, the government concluded that marijuana did not posses any physically addictive traits. The University of California did a study on the power of heroin, cocaine, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, and marijuana in terms of power to induce psychological dependence. Nicotine was first, marijuana last. Marijuana was deemed least likely to produce signs of withdrawal upon quitting, and last in terms of producing a physical tolerance to the drug. Marijuana is less addictive than two legal drugs in this country. This does not make sense, and so prohibition should be reconsidered. The United States government spends too much money each year on prohibition of marijuana. The Get more content on
  • 15. The Effects of Marijuana Essay People might think smoking marijuana is cool. They might try it without knowing what it is or what affects is has on you. Once someone smokes it for the first time, they might keep doing it again and again and they could get hooked on it for life. People who use marijuana usually never use any other type of illegal drugs, but more than seven thousand five hundred people get arrested for using marijuana every year. There is a wide variety of marijuana, but they are all based off of two marijuana plants, Indica and Sativa. Marijuana is very popular in America, and all over the world. Marijuana affects the body, it can be used as medicine, and marijuana can be addictive. Marijuana can simply increase the user's happiness, but it can also more content... As soon as someone smells smoke that smells sweet and sour, they know that it is definitely marijuana smoke. It can be used in many ways such as smoked, usually in joints, bongs, and blunts. Some people even put it on their food and brew as tea! The two most common types of marijuana plants are Sativa and Indica. The only differences are the Indica grows short and wide and are better suited to grow inside. The Sativa are thin and tall and are suited to grow outside because they can even grow to reach twenty five feet in height. Some popular types of marijuana are White Widow, Sour Diesel, Bubblegum, Vortex, and Holland's Hope. All of them give the user the "high" feeling, which leaves them happy and dizzy at the same time. Marijuana was first used in ancient China by a Chinese Emperor by the name of Shen Nung. Even Queen Victoria used it. Shen Nung the Chinese Emperor was the first recorded person who used marijuana. He would use it as a pain killer during operations. In ancient India marijuana was holy. A Hindu god by the name of Shiva gave hemp as a gift to all humanity. It was inexpensive and available to almost everyone. It was known as "The Poor Man's Heaven". Cannabis leaves were commonly brewed, and they would add milk and sugar to make a drink. In ancient Rome there was a physician named Galen. He recommended the use of marijuana to reduce pain in operations, or for just everyday pains. Get more content on
  • 16. Persuasive Essay About Marijuana "Weed is addictive and is gateway drug. You shouldn't smoke it." This is a common misconception about Marijuana that a variety of people believe. This is because they do not know the history of it and what is in the Marijuana that makes it, what people say is "addictive." They also probably do not know that there are disadvantages and advantages of using Marijuana. At the end of the day, it is really the choice of the user. But people should become more aware of where Marijuana originated from, what it is made from and the pros and cons of smoking it if they choose to. Marijuana has a long history of human use. But when was it first brought into the world? In Asia, around 500 BC, that was when Marijuana was first introduced to mankind. more content... Marijuana is usually smoked through joints, which are hand–rolled, but can be smoked out of a bong, or pipe. The edible products are mostly made from weed butter and is then mixed with cookie dough, brownie mix, or cake batter. So why do so many people think it is bad for us? That's because the THC is what makes the Marijuana "addictive". THC increases the level of dopamine, which is the pleasure chemical, in the brain. Therefore, people who smoke a lot have a higher chance of becoming dependant on the use of cannabis and then this dependency can turn into an addiction. Possibility of addiction is only one of the disadvantages on Marijuana. There are short–term and long–term effects from the use of the drug. The most common short–term effects include paranoia, difficulty with concentration, anxiety, fatigue, and hallucinations. "If you're not around good people, you will end up having a bad experience and be very paranoid and anxious." (Daily User One, 2017) This person said that the people you are around and your surroundings in general can also alter how you react to the THC in your system. Other short–term effects that are more dangerous include increased heart rate (which is particularly dangerous to people with heart disease), decreased blood pressure, and damaged blood vessels caused by the smoke. The long–term effects include memory loss, IQ level (due to blood cell lose from smoking), decreased motivation, and ability Get more content on
  • 17. Possession And Use Of Marijuana Possession and use of cannabis, also commonly known as marijuana, is considered illegal. For years marijuana has been an illegal "drug" in most countries. In today's world a few countries have legalized cannabis while others are still progressing toward it. In particular, small amount of marijuana have been allowed in places such as Europe, North America and South America. In the United States in particular, states such as Washington and Colorado have also legalized the usage of marijuana for medical/recreational purposes. On the other hand, numerous penalties are enforced pertaining the use or possession of cannabis where it is not legal. The chance of the penalties being small are seldom; offenders often receive severe punishments. Possession of small quantities of marijuana is not punished the same way as possession of large quantities of other illegal narcotics. In this essay, there will be an in–depth argument on the reasons why cannabis should be legalized, and why it should not. Firstly, cannabis should be legal and decriminalized since it is used for medication. Its legalization means better and higher quality health standards. For example, Sativex is a recent marijuana–derived treatment that has been discovered to cure Multiple Sclerosis (Kmietowicz 89). The drug has been used in the United Kingdom to treat patients, and it has been found to produce effective results. Banning marijuana would be a disadvantage to people who suffer from diseases that use cannabis as a Get more content on
  • 18. Essay about Marijuana Marijuana Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States. A dry, shredded greenish brown mix of flowers, stems, seeds, and leaves of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa, usually is smoked as a cigarette or in a pipe. It also is smoked in blunts, which are cigars that have been emptied of tobacco and refilled with marijuana, often in combination with another drug. As a more concentrated form it is called hashish and as a sticky black liquid, hash oil. There are countless street terms for marijuana including pot, herb, weed, grass, widow, ganja, and hash. The main active chemical in marijuana is delta–9–tetrahydrocannabinol, more content... Research findings for long–term marijuana use indicate some changes in the brain similar to those seen after long–term use of other major drugs of abuse. One study has indicated that a user's risk of heart attack more than quadruples in the first hour after smoking marijuana. Researchers suggest that such an effect might occur from marijuana's effects on blood pressure and heart rate and reduced oxygen–carrying capacity of blood. Even infrequent use can cause burning and stinging of the mouth and throat, often accompanied by a heavy cough. Someone who smokes marijuana regularly may have many of the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers do, such as daily cough and phlegm production, more frequent acute chest illness, a heightened risk of lung infections, and a greater tendency to obstructed airways. Smoking marijuana increases the likelihood of developing cancer of the head or neck, and the more marijuana smoked the greater the increase. A study comparing 173 cancer patients and 176 healthy individuals produced strong evidence that marijuana smoking doubled or tripled the risk of these cancers. Marijuana use also has the potential to promote cancer of the lungs and other parts of the respiratory tract because it contains irritants and carcinogens. In fact, marijuana smoke contains 50 to 70 percent more Get more content on
  • 19. Teenage Marijuana Use Essay Intro: Teenage marijuana use is at an all time high, it has been found that today's teen marijuana smokers are doing so at extreme amounts, some even do so daily. What are the factors that cause them to start experimenting and smoking marijuana? The amounts of marijuana being smoked by today's teenagers must have an effect on the developing teens. The minds and bodies of the teens who smoke must be facing some sort of developing issues. Marijuana is a mild drug compared to harsher drugs like cocaine, heroin, meth, etc. the users of marijuana will eventually look for a stronger and long lasting high so they will turn to these harsher and more addicting substances. The decisions that today's teens are making to smoke marijuana might have more content... Both points of view neglect to include what causes the teenage smokers that are the ones giving it to their friends, the ones that are popular and aren't stressed. Today's research is only done on a specific group of teens not the remaining individuals and why they started and currently smoke marijuana. What the developmental issues regarding smoking marijuana as a teen: It seems every decade marijuana studies show that it has no side effects on users, in turn it become more available like when some states in America had legalized it. Dr Kevin M. Gray believes that the only side effect of smoking weed is the physical addictions it causes, he believes that over 51% of all teens have used weed at least once and the biggest problem we are facing with this rapidly growing drug use is only addiction. Dr Marshall M. Gay believes that the health effects of weed isn't that much as smoking cigarettes and doesn't see it a threat to people's health. "More than half (51%) of adolescents reported that marijuana is fairly or very easy to obtain.2 this ease of availability may have contributed to a recently reported "reverse gateway" from cigarettes use to marijuana". The more ignored belief is that marijuana can lead to a variety of developmental, mental and physical side effects. The effects of smoking weed can extend to those of smoking cigarettes "studies show regular marijuana use can lead to many of the same Get more content on
  • 20. Legalization of Marijuana Essay Marijuana Marijuana is a big topic these days. Many people want to make sure that marijuana stays illegal. Yet they do not know all the facts about marijuana. They just think that marijuana is bad. I believe that marijuana should be made legal. First of all, marijuana refers to the dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant, which contain the narcotic chemical THC at various potencies. It is smoked or eaten to produce the feeling of being "high". Marijuana has been used for thousands of years for medical, social, relaxation, and religious reasons. Several of our presidents are believed to have smoked it. Those presidents include Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and many others. John F. Kennedy smoked it to more content... The government states that over 20 million Americans still smoke marijuana. You can say that marijuana affects your health, but marijuana is less dangerous than tobacco and people smoke less of it at a time. Or you can eat the plant instead of smoking it, which can lower health risks by a lot. Another way to reduce health risks is by reducing smoking amounts. There is no proof that marijuana causes health problems that can lead to death or sexual programs, but like alcohol, it is not recommended for children or teenagers to use. This is simply because children and teenagers are in the process of growing up, and it would not be a good idea to smoke anything or drink alcohol. Cannabis is a medical herb that has literally hundreds of proven, valuable therapeutic uses. For example, you can use marijuana for stress reduction, asthma, cancer therapy, and much more. Marijuana is not just for getting "high", but a valuable medical medicine. Dr. Gabriel Nahas, who made totally false statistics and studies, was very biased and unscientific. He was even fired by the National Institute of Health and the NIH told the public his studies were meaningless. For one experiment, he suffocated a monkey for 5 minutes at a time, using way more smoke than the average marijuana user inhales in an entire lifetime. The other studies were lacking controls and produced results which cannot be Get more content on