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Cyber Bullying Essay example
Social Networking has taken bullying to the extreme. Before advanced technology, children and
teenagers were troubled by school bullies. Today, they are targeted by bullies via internet. Most
people undergo some form of bullying in life. Growing up, I experienced the typical name calling
and spiteful comments. I also dealt with minor cases of virtual bullies. These bullies are known as
cyber bullies. I find this topic compelling because it's a matter that has spiraled out of control. "Cyber
bullying is defined as using the computer or other electronic devices to intimidate, threaten or
humiliate another individual," Admin October 13th, 2008. As the
Hartman 2 internet continues growing more popular with the youth, so do more
This makes the bully feel more powerful.
Hartman 3
There's not a legitimate reason for cyber bullying. Many perpetrators bully just to get a reaction. It's
common for them to bully another just to boost their ego. It makes the tormentor feel in charge.
Some may think it's humorous to tease and make fun of others and that it's not harmful in any way.
The reality is being bullied can cause many problems for children and teenagers.
Many negative effects are outcomes of cyber bullies. The impact cyber bullying has on kids is
detrimental. Victims can develop psychological problems. For example, victims begin having
anxiety, lower self–esteem, and frustration. They may also be diagnosed with depression. It's tough
to ignore cyber bullying. Compared to school bullies, internet bullies cause their victim more
emotional pain. Children and teenagers are able to escape school bullies when they return home.
However targets of cyber bullying don't have that advantage.
There is no argument as to if cyber bullying is good or bad. However is social networking to
blame? Or is lack of parent monitoring the problem? It's true that adolescents are often given too
much technology independence. I believe parents should fully acknowledge what websites their
children are visiting and what they are posting. On the contrary, I feel there is no excuse for child or
teenager to feel the urge to emotionally attack
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Analysis Of Hook's Essay By Ann Hook
Hook's essay is a compelling literary piece that explored how the poor are represented. She wrote
about how she herself grew up poor and explored how our culture portrays the poor as lazy,
worthless, and dishonest. Hook also explained how in television and film the rich are seen as those
who are hard–working, honest, and eager to share.
In this essay Hook structures the essay so that whenever she talks about something she gives a real
world example or personal experience to back up her thoughts. This is a genius writing technique.
She is showing that she has reason to write about this topic and that she's not just making
In paragraphs 6 through 8 hook speaks about the relationship between poverty and personal integrity.
I notice
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Ethos, Pathos, and Logos, bell hooks Style
bell hooks ties in the three elements of argument, ethos, pathos, and logos in her essay, "Keeping
Close to Home: Class and Education," by telling us about the many events of her life. hooks
establishes credibility, or ethos, unintentionally, through descriptions of her achievements and
character. hooks appeals to the readers logic, or logos, by giving real world examples from her
personal experiences. She also appeals to the readers emotions, or pathos. Pathos is the aspect of
argument she uses most heavily. hooks does this by talking about family, peers, feelings, and
change. hooks shows us ,in her essay, credibility, logic, and emotion using the stories of her life.
bell hooks is more content...
It is important that we hold onto and cherish our past so that we may never be divided from it. One
way hooks remains faithful to her working class past is by speaking or writing in an
"anti–intellectual" way. When hooks feels she has an audience this would apply to, despite the
criticism she may receive, she uses eye contact, speaking directly to the audience. As hook points
out, "..., the use of a language and style of presentation that alienates most folks who are not also
academically trained reinforces the notion that the academic world is separate from the real life,
that everyday world where we constantly adjust our language and behavior to meet diverse needs"
(90). It is important that people work to keep the academic world from being a separate world as
bell hooks has done. bell hooks appeals to the reader's logic by truthfully stating how society divides
the academic and working class. She points out that when circumstances change, one's values usually
change as well. She says that young black people are encouraged by the dominant culture to believe
that assimilation is the only possible way to survive, to succeed. As hook argues, "Effort to
assimilate the values and beliefs of privileged white people, presented through media like television,
undermine and destroy potential structures of opposition" (89). hooks also points out that at Stanford
there were class differences, but it was an issue not to be dealt with. Everyone
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Overcoming Obstacles Essay
Overcoming Obstacles What is life? Life consists of experiences, challenges, and achievements;
all of which are building blocks that essentially create ones path to success. In one's lifetime they
can experience tough and difficult challenges. Sometimes these challenges become unbearable,
especially when the odds are against you. However, going against all odds is something everyone is
capable of doing, and to overcome these challenges everyone needs to have a "never quit" attitude in
life. If we develop it, we'll overcome quite a bit. Many people all around the world face challenges
and obstacles every day in their daily lives. One man in particular is Nic Sheff; a man who was a
drug addict and wrote an autobiography more content...
Society doesn't usually think of drug addicts as "good people" and they end up losing their
respect and reputation as they grow up. If these teens and young adults don't change who they are
when they are young, they won't be able to fix themselves as they grow older which can be a bad
influence. Bad habits start as a kid and if you don't change those habits you won't be able to when
you get older! Many people face challenges and obstacles at a very young age and that can change
who they are as they grow up. My grandma faced a very harsh and unfortunate childhood. Her
father died when she was 17 and that changed her life and her future. It meant she was given
many responsibilities since she was the eldest out of her siblings. She had to do many house
chores such as cooking, washing the clothes and dishes and waking up early in the morning to get
water from a nearby well every day! This placed a very large obstacle in her life at a very young
age. She had to leave school at a very young age because of all the responsibilities she was given
and had to overcome these obstacles and face them with great integrity. But due to these obstacles
that she has overcome, it has changed who she is now. She struggled in life right from when she
was just a little kid. But if she hadn't overcome these obstacles she wouldn't have been a very
independent woman like she is today. If her father hadn't died when she was young, she probably
would have had a completely different
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Hook-Up Essay Examples
Social Networking also tends to take away from experiencing personal in person interactions. For
example, in the bar scene instead of walking up to somebody that you find attractive, all you have
to do is go on one of the many hookup apps out there and message anybody that you see near you
and that is basically how social interactions take place in today's society. With popular hook up
apps such as Grindr and Jackd that allows on the go access and minute by minute updates that let
the user have the ability to see dozens of local men who are searching for sex. These apps just
make it that much easier to find a quick one night stand in a matter of seconds, without even leaving
the comfort of one's own home. Another feature that is offered on many of these social sites is the
option to send out your GPS location to whoever more content...
In an article by Tyler Curry for HIV equal titled Grindr Fatigue and the Dehumanization of Gay
men, he talks a great deal about how many gay guys use Grindr as a way to belittle other people
based on physical characteristics or how they may present themselves and in doing so destroy
their self esteem in the process. Curry also talks about another article by Samantha Allen No
Blacks is not a sexual preference, it's racism, Allen goes over how "On gay dating apps like grindr
and scruff, some men post blunt and often offensive disclaimers on their profiles such as 'No oldies',
or 'No fems and 'No fatties'" (qtd. in Grindr Fatigue). One example of how this is occurring on social
media, I personally was able to witness exactly as I type this
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Hooks All About Love Hooks Analysis
Love can be categorized as romantic love, family love, friendship love. Yet, divine love is always
indispensable. However, do these religions really promote how to love? In All about love, hook
seems to disagree that religion is used effectively to promote how to love in the world. But is this
the truth? Are religions as hooks says, "corrupts and violates religion principles"? In this essay, I
will discuss how religions play a role in creating and practicing the spiritual love, then I will
examine oppositely and comment on how hooks criticize organized religions in promoting other
cultures. Lastly, I will examine how spiritual practice and religion beliefs work together to enhance
our spiritual life.
First, hook suggests there is a more content...
She criticizes that divine spirit creates lovelessness by promoting individualism, materialism,
consumerism. She first suggests the spiritual life "co–opted by the powerful forces of materialism
and hedonistic consumerism." She even emphasizes that her target is American by explicitly
saying: "Yet an overwhelming majority of Americans who express faith in Christianity, Judaism,
Islam, Buddhism, or other religious traditions clearly believe that spiritual life is important."
(hooks 71) She demonstrates how our spiritual life is being replaced by consumerism by
referencing to The Art of Loving by psychoanalyst Erich Fromm: "While the zeal to possess
intensities, so does the sense of spiritual emptiness. Because we are spiritually empty we try to fill
up on consumerism. We may not have enough love but we can always shop." (hooks 72) She
criticizes that lovelessness is caused by materialism and consumerism. In response to lovelessness,
she suggests that this "can only be resurrected by spiritual awakening." (hooks 71) and lovelessness
will create spiritual hunger which she brings in the idea of organized religions here. She criticizes
that organized religion "has failed to satisfy spiritual hunger because it has accommodated secular
demands, interpreting spiritual life in ways that uphold the values of a production–centered
commodity culture." (hooks 72) Spirituality and religion play few roles here in reality, it upholds the
value of production–centered commodity culture, promoting segregation. I personally do not
support these ideas. Organized religions emphasize on "love" very much and religion believers act
out in the world based on their "bible". They do whatever the bible supports and promote love to
each other in the world. For example, Christian acts as what the bible said: "Be completely humble
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Thesis Statement On Water Scarcity
Rough Draft
Thesis statement: The world is on its way for a water shortage. Water is considered as an essential
for human existence. We all can survive without food for some day but no one can live without
water at least two days. Human body consists of 70% percent of water and our globe is covered
by 69.9% percent of water. But unfortunately the useable fresh water is just 2.5% out of it. Water is
a social good, water is an economic good, water has ecological value and water has religious, moral
and cultural value.
If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water – Loren Eisely, The Immense Journey Water
scarcity is a consequence of imbalances between more content...
Economic relations and resource management, 2. Ideology and culture including the way people
think about the environment and water rights, 3.political agents like the state, transnational actors
and organizations involved in water disputes and trade 4.the transnational social movements which
endorse and resist water privatization, and 5.the power relations which engender unequal access to
safe water (Bywater, 2008).
Till taught by pain, men really know not what good water's worth – Lord Byron, "Don Juan".
Reference List
Bywater, K. (2008). Globalization, privatization, and the crisis of sustainability: Examining the
global water crisis. Conference Papers –– American Sociological Association, 1.
Manzoor, K. P. (2011). The global water crisis: Issues and solutions. IUP Journal of
Infrastructure, 9(2), 34–43.
Solving the global water crisis moves beyond the technical feasibility stage.(2011). Trends
Magazine, (104), 19–24.
Priscoli, J. D. & Wolf, A. T. (2009). Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts: USA:
Cambridge University Press.
Hicks, J. Arii, K. Rothman, S. (2012). Taking sides: Selected articles for discussion. Singapore:
McGraw–Hill companies
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Rhetorical Analysis Of ' Bell Hooks '
Persuasion is a key focus in many essays, stories, commercials, and other forms of media. There
are many methods to this, one of which is rhetorical devices. Bell hooks, the author of Feminism is
for Everybody, writes to persuade the reader to her own cause: feminism. She uses rhetorical
devices, which can be used to persuade–or dissuade–readers in comparison to the writer's own point
of view.
Division is a strategy which is used to convey the meaning of a word or a phrase to the reader.
Hooks uses this well, splitting her own definition of feminism into three, much simpler, phrases–for
the mathematicians in the world, this is akin to factoring a number. In the text, she writes this:
"Simply put, feminism is a movement to end sexism, more content...
In some cases, this can lead to show bias, as the writer can accidentally focus on the pros of their
own side, and the cons of the opposite side. A good writer, such as hooks, can use this strategy
without too much of a problem. For example, her writings compare & contrast two definitions of
feminism: her own, and the common, anti–male definition. The standard definition of feminism is
"the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes", according to the
Merriam–Webster dictionary. While this definition is similar to the one that hooks uses, she expands
feminism to not only include anti–sexism, but also includes the possibility of anti–racism. By
writing "The feminism they hear about the most is portrayed by women who are primarily
committed to gender equality..." (hooks, pg1), she helps us to understand exactly how different the
two definitions are. By using this strategy, hooks is able to make herself seem more credible, as
well as allow us to make our own decision on feminism.
Finally, hooks used the strategy of cause and effect in her writings. She writes "Since our society
continues to be a primarily 'Christian' culture, masses of people continue to believe that God has
ordained that women be subordinate to men in the domestic household." (hooks, pg2) By writing
this, she effectively analyzes the cause of the problems, and why our culture continues to be sexist.
For those who have scientific minds, this statement carries
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Teen Suicide Essay examples
Suicide is a major problem worldwide, especially for teenagers. Self image plays a big roll in
American society today, especially in enabling someone to make a wrong and destructive decision
like suicide. Self image and low esteem effect the chances of a teenagers suicide greatly. There are
many events that lead up to a young persons suicide, for instance a little problem that seems
inescapable which manifests themselves into overwhelming burdens. Detection and prevention are
both key for adults and young people to stop suicide from happening. After taking a look at the
numbers of suicide, most would be amazed. For example, by the time one reads this paragraph there
will be someone attempting to commit suicide, but only 5% of more content...
His girlfriend broke up with him and declined his invitation to winter ball. On top of that he lost
his after school job and suffered a severe drop in academic performance. When it was time for
Winter Ball he was all alone and trying to get back with his ex. After many failed attempts Chuck
was yelled at by one of her friends, she screamed "She doesn't like you, get away from here, and
get a life". The next day his parents discovered his body hanging shower. Many teens have a story
similar to this where they fear being a outcast and being made fun of by their peers, or having a
wrecked social life(Inside Suicide, 5). Suicide is highly preventable for teens by anyone close to
them, but early detection is key. We all know a teenager whether their a friend or family member,
but what we don't know is what goes on in their heads prior to their suicide. Suicide is a tricky
thing to prevent because you don't know whether it's a mood swing or the real deal. There are
clear warning signs that give you a hint that the teen is suicidal. They usually talk about death and
have wish to die. Although it may seem as if a teen always says "I'm going to kill myself!", this is
just an example of anxiety. Another sign is a social life that encounters a downfall as well as a
problem that gives them a bad image of themselves. They let themselves go on the outside
(appearance) and also on the inside. After these turn of events
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How will college change my life
"How will college change my life?" Colleges are institutions of higher learning; I would go to
college simply to make more money. College could be described as a rite of passage, where future
working men and women step out from sheltered childhood lives into an independent place of
learning. It is different from the original schooling most children receive as there is a more in–depth
workload that requires more studying. College will change my life as I am open to many fields of
study, expanding my mind and giving a glimpse of what to expect when I step out into the working
world. Flexibility with learning and providing me with the option to choose what interests me, being
treated as an adult by taking responsibility for one's own more content...
As college students, we as students must have a fierce ambition to accomplish a balance between
a healthy, steady social life and a bright academic future. Communication is an important tool in
life, not just inside college that broadens our horizons and makes us more intelligent generally.
The future working men and women who enter college are adults and will be treated as such. An
adult is one who has matured to know what is right and what is wrong. The importance of a rule
is a line between right and wrong that many places including colleges have as a guiding tool.
College students who enter are expected to follow rules as the rules are meant to protect us and set
a guideline. Adults also know how to be self–sufficient, being able to do their work, without anyone's
help or stealing someone else's work: plagiarism. College is where we are expected to perform to the
best of our abilities because as students we have a fierce ambition to get ahead by earning a degree.
College is a chance to be free and is a bridge between the real world and school. I'm an adult and
expected to behave as such; I make my own choices where I have to decide what is important to
me. I have an opportunity to learn how the world works, to explore the limitless possibilities and a
chance to admire how vast knowledge can be. College will change my life in the way that I can
develop life skills outside academics, to be fully
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Hook Feminism Essay
Feminism is for everyone explains the emotional encounters of the struggles and challenges faced by
the feminist movement. The experiences of the feminist movement helped shaped a strong case that
the inclusion of men is required within the movement. One main goal of the feminist movement is to
end all forms of sexism, sexist exploitations, and oppression (Hook). The key argument that Hook
makes throughout her novel is that feminism is about creating a world free of sexism. The only way
to make this possible is by having both males and females fight to end sexist causes.
The patriarchal society is based on powers in relationships–whether that power is men over women,
bosses over their workers and even parents over their children. Relationships
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Loneliness Essay
To be lonely is an easy thing, being alone is another matter entirely. To understand this, first one
must understand the difference between loneliness and being alone. To be alone means that your
are not in the company of anyone else. You are one. But loneliness can happen anytime, anywhere.
You can be lonely in a crowd, lonely with friends, lonely with family. You can even be lonely
while with loved ones. For feeling lonely, is in essence a feeling of being alone. As thought you
were one and you feel as though you will always be that way. Loneliness can be one of the most
destructive feelings humans are capable of feeling. For loneliness can lead to depression, suicide,
and even to raging out and hurting friends and/ more content...
Generally almost all loneliness can be traced back to low or below "average" self–esteem.
Chronically lonely people will usually have low opinions of themselves. They may think of
themselves as unintelligent, unattractive, broken, unwanted, not worthy of good things, no good,
unable to do anything right, and/or socially isolated. Unlike many other emotionally hurting people,
the chronically lonely usually know what is wrong, but like many others they don't believe they can
do anything to fix it, or, circling back to the low self–esteem, they may also believe they are not
worth of happiness.
It takes the strong support of a good friend(s) or other loved one(s) to help the lonely conquer their
feelings. Simply trying to counteract the low self–esteem verbally will not do it, though, for in their
down state, they will see the person as just trying to be nice or spare their feelings. The lonely
must be shown in more subtle, yet clear ways that they are not the useless person they perceive
themselves to be. For example, with a person who feels particularly unloved and unwanted,
someone close to them should try to take a little extra time to spend with that person and try to set
aside a little extra time to talk to the person.
Nothing special needs to be said or done, simply spending time, willing and without having been
asked, allows the lonely one to see that they are loved. That they are worthy of being associated with
and that there are
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Argumentative Essay Hook
The important points of the video to properly write an argumentative essay. They are five most
important parts to write in an argumentative essay. They are the hook, background information,
counter–claim, and the claim and evidence. The most important is the hook, which will grab the
reader's attention. In the hook you shouldn't ask questions but add a quote from a credible source,
also include a provoking idea. The background information gives the audience all the information
they need to understand what you are writing about. Don't forget to use TASC, using the title and
author. If you use difficult words, write them in a simpler way so the reader can understand them. A
must is to give the reader everything they need to know about your topic.
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This book showed the struggle between rich and poor. The two main groups of the story were the
Socs and the greasers. The Socs are in the upper class while the greasers are the poor ones that
dislike the Socs because they have more money, better cars, and act like they are better than the
greasers. The Outsiders is a good story by S.E. Hinton that shows the struggles of growing up
Hinton did a fine job with the character development, the plot, and the theme with a few flaws. The
Outsiders is a book that changed the style of young adult writers because it went off from the genre
that young adult writer were using during that time period. The reader sees the everyday problems
that teenagers were going through, "I can't take much more content...
The fact that all three boys were still moving on without their parents showed that they had a lot
of heart. The two main divisions were between the Greasers and the Socs, and this rivalry led to
many conflicts in the book. Hinton illustrates the divisions and fighting in this quote, "They
caught him and one of them had a lot of rings on his hand that's what had cut Johnny up so badly"
(Hinton 33). Johnny was attacked by four Socs when he was playing with a football at the park.
There are many times in the book where Socs attacked Greasers that were walking alone. Howard
explains the divisions and violence of the gangs in this quote, "Tulsa was one of many American
cities that had seen an increasing division between social classes since World War II, and the
animosity between Greasers and Socs gangs illustrated the extent to which this division between
social classes had permeated society" (Howard 28). The Greasers were seen as the poor outcast
while the Socs were the popular one with all the money. The Socs provoke the Greasers by saying
hurtful things and attacking them so both gangs feel the need to fight to prove that they are better.
Hinton did a good job of portraying the violence and building up to these points and this keeps the
reader interested in the book. There are many critics and parents who were outraged about the
violence that takes place in the book. This quote by Hinton demonstrates the harsh violence, "I
ducked and
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Ghost are Real Essay
Ghost are Real
Ghosts, as with any other misunderstood group or people, have been preyed upon by others
without understanding. The lack of knowledge about ghosts and haunting activity has led people
astray as to what they really are. What Hollywood and television portrays is very inaccurate and
cannot be relied upon as truthful. They show these spirits of the dead as being evil in nature, filled
with malice and harmful intent. But that this is not the case. The field of paranormal activity is
amazing. It has caught the imagination of people from every walk of life. It has always interested
me and has influenced me to pick this as the topic for my research. Through this research I wish to
uncover the truth about the existence of more content...
In a sense our essence will not change. Just as there are disagreeable people we meet in life, there
will be disagreeable Spirits we will encounter. Some people believe all ghosts to be evil. This is not
so. Just because a person does, not for whatever reason, go on after death does not make them evil
or mean they are here to do harm.
In theory, ghosts are the remnants of what was once a human being. Someone, who at one time, had
substance on this earth. They are everything that we, as living creatures, are– but without the vehicle
we call the human body. They exhibit all the mental attributes that you and I have such as thought,
conscience, emotions and emotional needs, morals, calculation, ego, personality and everything that
makes up the human psyche.
Acknowledging the existence of ghosts or spirits leads one to ask why they are here. Here are
several answers. One reason is that the spirit does not realize, or refuses to believe, that it has died.
This can often be the case, but not always. If one suffers a sudden or unexpected death, in disbelief,
they may not pass on to whatever destination. Denial or unawareness may be the key to someone
remaining behind. They will continue to go about their daily lives as though nothing happened.
There are documented cases of this instance. Take for example; a mother dies unexpectedly,
obviously she'd want to be home with her family. Soon, the family begins to notice strange
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Informative Essay Hook
Pinkston, Anna Dr. Jeff Newberry ENGL 1101H August 26, 2017 As my ninth
–grade English
teacher, Mrs. Newton would say, without a good hook to start your essay, no one will ever read
it. As I was taught, a hook is a crucial part in your essay because it will help grab the audience's
attention so that they will continue to be invested throughout the paper. For example, the hook
could be a question or a quote about the overall topic of your essay. In my junior year, we had to
do a controversial essay and I used a quote from a famous tattoo artist as my hook because I did my
essay over tattoos and piercings. After the hook, the introduction begins to take form and show the
audience what your essay is about. The introduction is the first thing in your essay that will tell the
audience what the essay is about. The introduction paragraph should be as interesting as the initial
hook and keep the audience invested in the paper. It will establish the basis of the essay and should
contain the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the point in your essay where you will state the
topics that the essay will contain. In high school, we were taught that the thesis should contain the
three points that you will elaborate upon in your three body paragraphs: the weakest point, the
middle point, and the strongest point. The first body paragraph should be the weakest or simplest
way to get the overall point of the essay across to the readers. This will be the foundation of all three
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What is Stress? Essay
Stress is something that affects many people each and every day. Life is full of hassles,
deadlines, frustrations, and demands. For some people stress is so common it is a way of life.
Stress can be very harmful and or helpful. It could help motivate you to meet a deadline and
perform a task under pressure. Stress can also be very harmful, such as memory problems,
moodiness, aches and pains, and eating more or less.
So what is stress? Stress is a normal physical response that happens when you feel threatened or
upset. When you feel that you are in danger whether it is real or imaged. Your body has a response
when stress occurs and it is a way of actually protecting you. Many times, stress helps people stay
more focussed and more content...
Stress can affect the mind, body, and behavior. These affects could cause your relationships with
others can be affected with your girlfriend, parents, or anyone else who is significant in your life.
Stress has many different symptoms the most often and most common is having a headache. On
your body the effects of stress are muscle tension or pain, chest pain, and fatigue. The effects of
stress on your mood is anxiety, restlessness, and lack of motivation or focus. Finally, the effects of
stress on your behavior is overeating or under eating, drug or alcohol abuse, and social withdraw.
Since anyone at any age can be stressed there is no certain population that is effected the most. I
would say that teenagers get stressed easily due to school, spots and or jobs. The thing that
stresses most high school student out is picking and choosing what they are going to do after
high school and what college they will be going to if any. People a little bit older after college could
be stressed by trying to find a job or trying to find or support a family. Older people could be stressed
if they are running out of money but besides that older people are probably the least stressful people
in are population.
Stress is not only affected in the work place and at home, it is also affected during sports. There is a
ton of pressure in many high school sports especially individual sports. Stress is the body's way of
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Why Do Hooks Use Persuasive Techniques
I catch fish with hooks! However, I'm talking about a different type of hook in this paper. I often
notice advertisers effectively using various techniques to persuade people to buy their products. I
decided to do some research on which two hooks work the best in advertisements. The two
persuasive techniques which I have found to work the best for advertisers are repetition and
alliteration. First, advertisers use repetition to persuade people to buy their products. Basically,
repetition creates emphasis on a phrase or word. For example, if I went up to my mom and said "
can I go to the movies tonight? Please, please, please, please, please," I'm using repetition to
persuade her to let me go. I have seen repetition in an ad where three Coke bottles are next to each
other all with the word Coke on the front of them. This visual is very effective as more
Rhetorical question is a question that doesn't need an answer. For example, in an ad a woman is
holding a scale that has the words "wanna lose weight?" on it. These words provoke your thoughts
making you realize that you need to lose weight and buy the product. Altogether, rhetorical question
works exceptionally well in this ad. Throughout this paper, we have viewed a few different
persuasive techniques. We even discussed an alternate claim, rhetorical question. Although rhetorical
question may work well in some ads, alliteration and repetition are still much better. As I remind
you that alliteration tied for second in a survey on which hook is easiest to understand, and
repetition tied for first in a survey on which ad is the most effective overall, it is clear that repetition
and alliteration are the two best persuasive techniques that advertisers could possibly
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Essay Hook Example

  • 1. Cyber Bullying Essay example Social Networking has taken bullying to the extreme. Before advanced technology, children and teenagers were troubled by school bullies. Today, they are targeted by bullies via internet. Most people undergo some form of bullying in life. Growing up, I experienced the typical name calling and spiteful comments. I also dealt with minor cases of virtual bullies. These bullies are known as cyber bullies. I find this topic compelling because it's a matter that has spiraled out of control. "Cyber bullying is defined as using the computer or other electronic devices to intimidate, threaten or humiliate another individual," Admin October 13th, 2008. As the Hartman 2 internet continues growing more popular with the youth, so do more content... This makes the bully feel more powerful. Hartman 3 There's not a legitimate reason for cyber bullying. Many perpetrators bully just to get a reaction. It's common for them to bully another just to boost their ego. It makes the tormentor feel in charge. Some may think it's humorous to tease and make fun of others and that it's not harmful in any way. The reality is being bullied can cause many problems for children and teenagers. Many negative effects are outcomes of cyber bullies. The impact cyber bullying has on kids is detrimental. Victims can develop psychological problems. For example, victims begin having anxiety, lower self–esteem, and frustration. They may also be diagnosed with depression. It's tough to ignore cyber bullying. Compared to school bullies, internet bullies cause their victim more emotional pain. Children and teenagers are able to escape school bullies when they return home. However targets of cyber bullying don't have that advantage. There is no argument as to if cyber bullying is good or bad. However is social networking to blame? Or is lack of parent monitoring the problem? It's true that adolescents are often given too much technology independence. I believe parents should fully acknowledge what websites their children are visiting and what they are posting. On the contrary, I feel there is no excuse for child or teenager to feel the urge to emotionally attack Get more content on
  • 2. Analysis Of Hook's Essay By Ann Hook Hook's essay is a compelling literary piece that explored how the poor are represented. She wrote about how she herself grew up poor and explored how our culture portrays the poor as lazy, worthless, and dishonest. Hook also explained how in television and film the rich are seen as those who are hard–working, honest, and eager to share. In this essay Hook structures the essay so that whenever she talks about something she gives a real world example or personal experience to back up her thoughts. This is a genius writing technique. She is showing that she has reason to write about this topic and that she's not just making assumptions. In paragraphs 6 through 8 hook speaks about the relationship between poverty and personal integrity. I notice Get more content on
  • 3. Ethos, Pathos, and Logos, bell hooks Style bell hooks ties in the three elements of argument, ethos, pathos, and logos in her essay, "Keeping Close to Home: Class and Education," by telling us about the many events of her life. hooks establishes credibility, or ethos, unintentionally, through descriptions of her achievements and character. hooks appeals to the readers logic, or logos, by giving real world examples from her personal experiences. She also appeals to the readers emotions, or pathos. Pathos is the aspect of argument she uses most heavily. hooks does this by talking about family, peers, feelings, and change. hooks shows us ,in her essay, credibility, logic, and emotion using the stories of her life. bell hooks is more content... It is important that we hold onto and cherish our past so that we may never be divided from it. One way hooks remains faithful to her working class past is by speaking or writing in an "anti–intellectual" way. When hooks feels she has an audience this would apply to, despite the criticism she may receive, she uses eye contact, speaking directly to the audience. As hook points out, "..., the use of a language and style of presentation that alienates most folks who are not also academically trained reinforces the notion that the academic world is separate from the real life, that everyday world where we constantly adjust our language and behavior to meet diverse needs" (90). It is important that people work to keep the academic world from being a separate world as bell hooks has done. bell hooks appeals to the reader's logic by truthfully stating how society divides the academic and working class. She points out that when circumstances change, one's values usually change as well. She says that young black people are encouraged by the dominant culture to believe that assimilation is the only possible way to survive, to succeed. As hook argues, "Effort to assimilate the values and beliefs of privileged white people, presented through media like television, undermine and destroy potential structures of opposition" (89). hooks also points out that at Stanford there were class differences, but it was an issue not to be dealt with. Everyone Get more content on
  • 4. Overcoming Obstacles Essay Overcoming Obstacles What is life? Life consists of experiences, challenges, and achievements; all of which are building blocks that essentially create ones path to success. In one's lifetime they can experience tough and difficult challenges. Sometimes these challenges become unbearable, especially when the odds are against you. However, going against all odds is something everyone is capable of doing, and to overcome these challenges everyone needs to have a "never quit" attitude in life. If we develop it, we'll overcome quite a bit. Many people all around the world face challenges and obstacles every day in their daily lives. One man in particular is Nic Sheff; a man who was a drug addict and wrote an autobiography more content... Society doesn't usually think of drug addicts as "good people" and they end up losing their respect and reputation as they grow up. If these teens and young adults don't change who they are when they are young, they won't be able to fix themselves as they grow older which can be a bad influence. Bad habits start as a kid and if you don't change those habits you won't be able to when you get older! Many people face challenges and obstacles at a very young age and that can change who they are as they grow up. My grandma faced a very harsh and unfortunate childhood. Her father died when she was 17 and that changed her life and her future. It meant she was given many responsibilities since she was the eldest out of her siblings. She had to do many house chores such as cooking, washing the clothes and dishes and waking up early in the morning to get water from a nearby well every day! This placed a very large obstacle in her life at a very young age. She had to leave school at a very young age because of all the responsibilities she was given and had to overcome these obstacles and face them with great integrity. But due to these obstacles that she has overcome, it has changed who she is now. She struggled in life right from when she was just a little kid. But if she hadn't overcome these obstacles she wouldn't have been a very independent woman like she is today. If her father hadn't died when she was young, she probably would have had a completely different Get more content on
  • 5. Hook-Up Essay Examples Social Networking also tends to take away from experiencing personal in person interactions. For example, in the bar scene instead of walking up to somebody that you find attractive, all you have to do is go on one of the many hookup apps out there and message anybody that you see near you and that is basically how social interactions take place in today's society. With popular hook up apps such as Grindr and Jackd that allows on the go access and minute by minute updates that let the user have the ability to see dozens of local men who are searching for sex. These apps just make it that much easier to find a quick one night stand in a matter of seconds, without even leaving the comfort of one's own home. Another feature that is offered on many of these social sites is the option to send out your GPS location to whoever more content... In an article by Tyler Curry for HIV equal titled Grindr Fatigue and the Dehumanization of Gay men, he talks a great deal about how many gay guys use Grindr as a way to belittle other people based on physical characteristics or how they may present themselves and in doing so destroy their self esteem in the process. Curry also talks about another article by Samantha Allen No Blacks is not a sexual preference, it's racism, Allen goes over how "On gay dating apps like grindr and scruff, some men post blunt and often offensive disclaimers on their profiles such as 'No oldies', or 'No fems and 'No fatties'" (qtd. in Grindr Fatigue). One example of how this is occurring on social media, I personally was able to witness exactly as I type this Get more content on
  • 6. Hooks All About Love Hooks Analysis Love can be categorized as romantic love, family love, friendship love. Yet, divine love is always indispensable. However, do these religions really promote how to love? In All about love, hook seems to disagree that religion is used effectively to promote how to love in the world. But is this the truth? Are religions as hooks says, "corrupts and violates religion principles"? In this essay, I will discuss how religions play a role in creating and practicing the spiritual love, then I will examine oppositely and comment on how hooks criticize organized religions in promoting other cultures. Lastly, I will examine how spiritual practice and religion beliefs work together to enhance our spiritual life. First, hook suggests there is a more content... She criticizes that divine spirit creates lovelessness by promoting individualism, materialism, consumerism. She first suggests the spiritual life "co–opted by the powerful forces of materialism and hedonistic consumerism." She even emphasizes that her target is American by explicitly saying: "Yet an overwhelming majority of Americans who express faith in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, or other religious traditions clearly believe that spiritual life is important." (hooks 71) She demonstrates how our spiritual life is being replaced by consumerism by referencing to The Art of Loving by psychoanalyst Erich Fromm: "While the zeal to possess intensities, so does the sense of spiritual emptiness. Because we are spiritually empty we try to fill up on consumerism. We may not have enough love but we can always shop." (hooks 72) She criticizes that lovelessness is caused by materialism and consumerism. In response to lovelessness, she suggests that this "can only be resurrected by spiritual awakening." (hooks 71) and lovelessness will create spiritual hunger which she brings in the idea of organized religions here. She criticizes that organized religion "has failed to satisfy spiritual hunger because it has accommodated secular demands, interpreting spiritual life in ways that uphold the values of a production–centered commodity culture." (hooks 72) Spirituality and religion play few roles here in reality, it upholds the value of production–centered commodity culture, promoting segregation. I personally do not support these ideas. Organized religions emphasize on "love" very much and religion believers act out in the world based on their "bible". They do whatever the bible supports and promote love to each other in the world. For example, Christian acts as what the bible said: "Be completely humble and Get more content on
  • 7. Thesis Statement On Water Scarcity Rough Draft Thesis statement: The world is on its way for a water shortage. Water is considered as an essential for human existence. We all can survive without food for some day but no one can live without water at least two days. Human body consists of 70% percent of water and our globe is covered by 69.9% percent of water. But unfortunately the useable fresh water is just 2.5% out of it. Water is a social good, water is an economic good, water has ecological value and water has religious, moral and cultural value. If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water – Loren Eisely, The Immense Journey Water scarcity is a consequence of imbalances between more content... Economic relations and resource management, 2. Ideology and culture including the way people think about the environment and water rights, 3.political agents like the state, transnational actors and organizations involved in water disputes and trade 4.the transnational social movements which endorse and resist water privatization, and 5.the power relations which engender unequal access to safe water (Bywater, 2008). Till taught by pain, men really know not what good water's worth – Lord Byron, "Don Juan". Reference List Bywater, K. (2008). Globalization, privatization, and the crisis of sustainability: Examining the global water crisis. Conference Papers –– American Sociological Association, 1. Manzoor, K. P. (2011). The global water crisis: Issues and solutions. IUP Journal of Infrastructure, 9(2), 34–43. Solving the global water crisis moves beyond the technical feasibility stage.(2011). Trends Magazine, (104), 19–24. Priscoli, J. D. & Wolf, A. T. (2009). Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts: USA: Cambridge University Press. Hicks, J. Arii, K. Rothman, S. (2012). Taking sides: Selected articles for discussion. Singapore: McGraw–Hill companies Get more content on
  • 8. Rhetorical Analysis Of ' Bell Hooks ' Persuasion is a key focus in many essays, stories, commercials, and other forms of media. There are many methods to this, one of which is rhetorical devices. Bell hooks, the author of Feminism is for Everybody, writes to persuade the reader to her own cause: feminism. She uses rhetorical devices, which can be used to persuade–or dissuade–readers in comparison to the writer's own point of view. Division is a strategy which is used to convey the meaning of a word or a phrase to the reader. Hooks uses this well, splitting her own definition of feminism into three, much simpler, phrases–for the mathematicians in the world, this is akin to factoring a number. In the text, she writes this: "Simply put, feminism is a movement to end sexism, more content... In some cases, this can lead to show bias, as the writer can accidentally focus on the pros of their own side, and the cons of the opposite side. A good writer, such as hooks, can use this strategy without too much of a problem. For example, her writings compare & contrast two definitions of feminism: her own, and the common, anti–male definition. The standard definition of feminism is "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes", according to the Merriam–Webster dictionary. While this definition is similar to the one that hooks uses, she expands feminism to not only include anti–sexism, but also includes the possibility of anti–racism. By writing "The feminism they hear about the most is portrayed by women who are primarily committed to gender equality..." (hooks, pg1), she helps us to understand exactly how different the two definitions are. By using this strategy, hooks is able to make herself seem more credible, as well as allow us to make our own decision on feminism. Finally, hooks used the strategy of cause and effect in her writings. She writes "Since our society continues to be a primarily 'Christian' culture, masses of people continue to believe that God has ordained that women be subordinate to men in the domestic household." (hooks, pg2) By writing this, she effectively analyzes the cause of the problems, and why our culture continues to be sexist. For those who have scientific minds, this statement carries Get more content on
  • 9. Teen Suicide Essay examples Suicide is a major problem worldwide, especially for teenagers. Self image plays a big roll in American society today, especially in enabling someone to make a wrong and destructive decision like suicide. Self image and low esteem effect the chances of a teenagers suicide greatly. There are many events that lead up to a young persons suicide, for instance a little problem that seems inescapable which manifests themselves into overwhelming burdens. Detection and prevention are both key for adults and young people to stop suicide from happening. After taking a look at the numbers of suicide, most would be amazed. For example, by the time one reads this paragraph there will be someone attempting to commit suicide, but only 5% of more content... His girlfriend broke up with him and declined his invitation to winter ball. On top of that he lost his after school job and suffered a severe drop in academic performance. When it was time for Winter Ball he was all alone and trying to get back with his ex. After many failed attempts Chuck was yelled at by one of her friends, she screamed "She doesn't like you, get away from here, and get a life". The next day his parents discovered his body hanging shower. Many teens have a story similar to this where they fear being a outcast and being made fun of by their peers, or having a wrecked social life(Inside Suicide, 5). Suicide is highly preventable for teens by anyone close to them, but early detection is key. We all know a teenager whether their a friend or family member, but what we don't know is what goes on in their heads prior to their suicide. Suicide is a tricky thing to prevent because you don't know whether it's a mood swing or the real deal. There are clear warning signs that give you a hint that the teen is suicidal. They usually talk about death and have wish to die. Although it may seem as if a teen always says "I'm going to kill myself!", this is just an example of anxiety. Another sign is a social life that encounters a downfall as well as a problem that gives them a bad image of themselves. They let themselves go on the outside (appearance) and also on the inside. After these turn of events Get more content on
  • 10. How will college change my life "How will college change my life?" Colleges are institutions of higher learning; I would go to college simply to make more money. College could be described as a rite of passage, where future working men and women step out from sheltered childhood lives into an independent place of learning. It is different from the original schooling most children receive as there is a more in–depth workload that requires more studying. College will change my life as I am open to many fields of study, expanding my mind and giving a glimpse of what to expect when I step out into the working world. Flexibility with learning and providing me with the option to choose what interests me, being treated as an adult by taking responsibility for one's own more content... As college students, we as students must have a fierce ambition to accomplish a balance between a healthy, steady social life and a bright academic future. Communication is an important tool in life, not just inside college that broadens our horizons and makes us more intelligent generally. The future working men and women who enter college are adults and will be treated as such. An adult is one who has matured to know what is right and what is wrong. The importance of a rule is a line between right and wrong that many places including colleges have as a guiding tool. College students who enter are expected to follow rules as the rules are meant to protect us and set a guideline. Adults also know how to be self–sufficient, being able to do their work, without anyone's help or stealing someone else's work: plagiarism. College is where we are expected to perform to the best of our abilities because as students we have a fierce ambition to get ahead by earning a degree. College is a chance to be free and is a bridge between the real world and school. I'm an adult and expected to behave as such; I make my own choices where I have to decide what is important to me. I have an opportunity to learn how the world works, to explore the limitless possibilities and a chance to admire how vast knowledge can be. College will change my life in the way that I can develop life skills outside academics, to be fully Get more content on
  • 11. Hook Feminism Essay Feminism is for everyone explains the emotional encounters of the struggles and challenges faced by the feminist movement. The experiences of the feminist movement helped shaped a strong case that the inclusion of men is required within the movement. One main goal of the feminist movement is to end all forms of sexism, sexist exploitations, and oppression (Hook). The key argument that Hook makes throughout her novel is that feminism is about creating a world free of sexism. The only way to make this possible is by having both males and females fight to end sexist causes. The patriarchal society is based on powers in relationships–whether that power is men over women, bosses over their workers and even parents over their children. Relationships Get more content on
  • 12. Loneliness Essay To be lonely is an easy thing, being alone is another matter entirely. To understand this, first one must understand the difference between loneliness and being alone. To be alone means that your are not in the company of anyone else. You are one. But loneliness can happen anytime, anywhere. You can be lonely in a crowd, lonely with friends, lonely with family. You can even be lonely while with loved ones. For feeling lonely, is in essence a feeling of being alone. As thought you were one and you feel as though you will always be that way. Loneliness can be one of the most destructive feelings humans are capable of feeling. For loneliness can lead to depression, suicide, and even to raging out and hurting friends and/ more content... Generally almost all loneliness can be traced back to low or below "average" self–esteem. Chronically lonely people will usually have low opinions of themselves. They may think of themselves as unintelligent, unattractive, broken, unwanted, not worthy of good things, no good, unable to do anything right, and/or socially isolated. Unlike many other emotionally hurting people, the chronically lonely usually know what is wrong, but like many others they don't believe they can do anything to fix it, or, circling back to the low self–esteem, they may also believe they are not worth of happiness. It takes the strong support of a good friend(s) or other loved one(s) to help the lonely conquer their feelings. Simply trying to counteract the low self–esteem verbally will not do it, though, for in their down state, they will see the person as just trying to be nice or spare their feelings. The lonely must be shown in more subtle, yet clear ways that they are not the useless person they perceive themselves to be. For example, with a person who feels particularly unloved and unwanted, someone close to them should try to take a little extra time to spend with that person and try to set aside a little extra time to talk to the person. Nothing special needs to be said or done, simply spending time, willing and without having been asked, allows the lonely one to see that they are loved. That they are worthy of being associated with and that there are Get more content on
  • 13. Argumentative Essay Hook The important points of the video to properly write an argumentative essay. They are five most important parts to write in an argumentative essay. They are the hook, background information, counter–claim, and the claim and evidence. The most important is the hook, which will grab the reader's attention. In the hook you shouldn't ask questions but add a quote from a credible source, also include a provoking idea. The background information gives the audience all the information they need to understand what you are writing about. Don't forget to use TASC, using the title and author. If you use difficult words, write them in a simpler way so the reader can understand them. A must is to give the reader everything they need to know about your topic. Get more content on
  • 14. This book showed the struggle between rich and poor. The two main groups of the story were the Socs and the greasers. The Socs are in the upper class while the greasers are the poor ones that dislike the Socs because they have more money, better cars, and act like they are better than the greasers. The Outsiders is a good story by S.E. Hinton that shows the struggles of growing up Hinton did a fine job with the character development, the plot, and the theme with a few flaws. The Outsiders is a book that changed the style of young adult writers because it went off from the genre that young adult writer were using during that time period. The reader sees the everyday problems that teenagers were going through, "I can't take much more content... The fact that all three boys were still moving on without their parents showed that they had a lot of heart. The two main divisions were between the Greasers and the Socs, and this rivalry led to many conflicts in the book. Hinton illustrates the divisions and fighting in this quote, "They caught him and one of them had a lot of rings on his hand that's what had cut Johnny up so badly" (Hinton 33). Johnny was attacked by four Socs when he was playing with a football at the park. There are many times in the book where Socs attacked Greasers that were walking alone. Howard explains the divisions and violence of the gangs in this quote, "Tulsa was one of many American cities that had seen an increasing division between social classes since World War II, and the animosity between Greasers and Socs gangs illustrated the extent to which this division between social classes had permeated society" (Howard 28). The Greasers were seen as the poor outcast while the Socs were the popular one with all the money. The Socs provoke the Greasers by saying hurtful things and attacking them so both gangs feel the need to fight to prove that they are better. Hinton did a good job of portraying the violence and building up to these points and this keeps the reader interested in the book. There are many critics and parents who were outraged about the violence that takes place in the book. This quote by Hinton demonstrates the harsh violence, "I ducked and Get more content on
  • 15. Ghost are Real Essay Ghost are Real Ghosts, as with any other misunderstood group or people, have been preyed upon by others without understanding. The lack of knowledge about ghosts and haunting activity has led people astray as to what they really are. What Hollywood and television portrays is very inaccurate and cannot be relied upon as truthful. They show these spirits of the dead as being evil in nature, filled with malice and harmful intent. But that this is not the case. The field of paranormal activity is amazing. It has caught the imagination of people from every walk of life. It has always interested me and has influenced me to pick this as the topic for my research. Through this research I wish to uncover the truth about the existence of more content... In a sense our essence will not change. Just as there are disagreeable people we meet in life, there will be disagreeable Spirits we will encounter. Some people believe all ghosts to be evil. This is not so. Just because a person does, not for whatever reason, go on after death does not make them evil or mean they are here to do harm. In theory, ghosts are the remnants of what was once a human being. Someone, who at one time, had substance on this earth. They are everything that we, as living creatures, are– but without the vehicle we call the human body. They exhibit all the mental attributes that you and I have such as thought, conscience, emotions and emotional needs, morals, calculation, ego, personality and everything that makes up the human psyche. Acknowledging the existence of ghosts or spirits leads one to ask why they are here. Here are several answers. One reason is that the spirit does not realize, or refuses to believe, that it has died. This can often be the case, but not always. If one suffers a sudden or unexpected death, in disbelief, they may not pass on to whatever destination. Denial or unawareness may be the key to someone remaining behind. They will continue to go about their daily lives as though nothing happened. There are documented cases of this instance. Take for example; a mother dies unexpectedly, obviously she'd want to be home with her family. Soon, the family begins to notice strange Get more content on
  • 16. Informative Essay Hook Pinkston, Anna Dr. Jeff Newberry ENGL 1101H August 26, 2017 As my ninth –grade English teacher, Mrs. Newton would say, without a good hook to start your essay, no one will ever read it. As I was taught, a hook is a crucial part in your essay because it will help grab the audience's attention so that they will continue to be invested throughout the paper. For example, the hook could be a question or a quote about the overall topic of your essay. In my junior year, we had to do a controversial essay and I used a quote from a famous tattoo artist as my hook because I did my essay over tattoos and piercings. After the hook, the introduction begins to take form and show the audience what your essay is about. The introduction is the first thing in your essay that will tell the audience what the essay is about. The introduction paragraph should be as interesting as the initial hook and keep the audience invested in the paper. It will establish the basis of the essay and should contain the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the point in your essay where you will state the topics that the essay will contain. In high school, we were taught that the thesis should contain the three points that you will elaborate upon in your three body paragraphs: the weakest point, the middle point, and the strongest point. The first body paragraph should be the weakest or simplest way to get the overall point of the essay across to the readers. This will be the foundation of all three points, Get more content on
  • 17. What is Stress? Essay Stress is something that affects many people each and every day. Life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. For some people stress is so common it is a way of life. Stress can be very harmful and or helpful. It could help motivate you to meet a deadline and perform a task under pressure. Stress can also be very harmful, such as memory problems, moodiness, aches and pains, and eating more or less. So what is stress? Stress is a normal physical response that happens when you feel threatened or upset. When you feel that you are in danger whether it is real or imaged. Your body has a response when stress occurs and it is a way of actually protecting you. Many times, stress helps people stay more focussed and more content... Stress can affect the mind, body, and behavior. These affects could cause your relationships with others can be affected with your girlfriend, parents, or anyone else who is significant in your life. Stress has many different symptoms the most often and most common is having a headache. On your body the effects of stress are muscle tension or pain, chest pain, and fatigue. The effects of stress on your mood is anxiety, restlessness, and lack of motivation or focus. Finally, the effects of stress on your behavior is overeating or under eating, drug or alcohol abuse, and social withdraw. Since anyone at any age can be stressed there is no certain population that is effected the most. I would say that teenagers get stressed easily due to school, spots and or jobs. The thing that stresses most high school student out is picking and choosing what they are going to do after high school and what college they will be going to if any. People a little bit older after college could be stressed by trying to find a job or trying to find or support a family. Older people could be stressed if they are running out of money but besides that older people are probably the least stressful people in are population. Stress is not only affected in the work place and at home, it is also affected during sports. There is a ton of pressure in many high school sports especially individual sports. Stress is the body's way of Get more content on
  • 18. Why Do Hooks Use Persuasive Techniques I catch fish with hooks! However, I'm talking about a different type of hook in this paper. I often notice advertisers effectively using various techniques to persuade people to buy their products. I decided to do some research on which two hooks work the best in advertisements. The two persuasive techniques which I have found to work the best for advertisers are repetition and alliteration. First, advertisers use repetition to persuade people to buy their products. Basically, repetition creates emphasis on a phrase or word. For example, if I went up to my mom and said " can I go to the movies tonight? Please, please, please, please, please," I'm using repetition to persuade her to let me go. I have seen repetition in an ad where three Coke bottles are next to each other all with the word Coke on the front of them. This visual is very effective as more content... Rhetorical question is a question that doesn't need an answer. For example, in an ad a woman is holding a scale that has the words "wanna lose weight?" on it. These words provoke your thoughts making you realize that you need to lose weight and buy the product. Altogether, rhetorical question works exceptionally well in this ad. Throughout this paper, we have viewed a few different persuasive techniques. We even discussed an alternate claim, rhetorical question. Although rhetorical question may work well in some ads, alliteration and repetition are still much better. As I remind you that alliteration tied for second in a survey on which hook is easiest to understand, and repetition tied for first in a survey on which ad is the most effective overall, it is clear that repetition and alliteration are the two best persuasive techniques that advertisers could possibly Get more content on