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What Are The Barriers Of Gender Equality
Today, the world is not doing as well as people would like: gender equality has yet to be achieved,
climate change is putting millions at risk, two–hundred million people are unemployed, and people
are more stressed than ever. Trying to solve these world challenges, people are working more and
more hours, yet little progress is being made. The solution is rather simple: work less.
Women around the world are under–represented in the workforce, making up less than 20% of CEO
positions, and, in America, fewer than 20% of Congressional positions are filled by women.
Reasons for this lack of representation may be due to prejudice, but it is important to recognize
that women are viewed as the primary child caregiver in most families. For this reason, many
women take off work for several months after childbirth and are often thwarted from higher
positions because they take leave. If both males and females had shorter work weeks, then both
genders would be able to devote more time to child care, allowing women to continue to work
sooner and progress in their fields. In addition, studies have shown that men who take paternity
leave are more devoted to their families and are 50% more likely to help their wives with domestic
labor, such as cooking, cleaning, and laundry. Thus, the shorter work week would lead to both equal
representation in the work place and at home, subsequently, breaking the barriers of gender
Shorter work weeks will not only benefit parents, but they
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Essay On Gender Equality
Equality has been a fighting issue for centuries, whether in race, gender, religion, etc. While strides
have occurred to decrease these discrimination, there are still a plethora of situations fought within
the government to create a safe space for all and create equitable opportunity for all. Within the
political and economic world, one battle being fought is the barrier of gender equality amongst
Gender inequality became socially normal especially within the workplace, a social normative
implemented into people's mind since youth. Implications are created by society on the role of
women in the workplace, limiting the exploration for woman to expand into new, higher
professions. Society pressures women into lower position jobs rather than providing equitable
opportunity to proceed into higher position jobs. Research accumulated by CNN concluded that
only 14.2% of the top five leadership positions at the companies are women. Women obtain far
fewer positions in high paying jobs due to past dictation that a woman's place is within "soft" jobs,
though women have begun to perforate this predetermined situation by integrating themselves in a
myriad of different careers. Another research, done by Harvard Business, states that "On average
men's projects had budgets twice as big and three times as many staffers as women's" (Harvard
Business Review). Not only do women acquire lower position jobs, but when they do achieve these
jobs, men receive more beneficial resources
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Examples Of Gender Equality In The Workplace
Workplace gender equality
"Women cannot be as effective as men" is often a statement that has been used in defense by those
found guilty of undermining women. Yet, women have grown to take up positions of leadership
that they were feared to not being able to handle. Women can be just as hard working as men and
even surpass when it comes to performance in any given position. Men, on the other hand, have
always had the assumption of being naturally gifted at anything they do, sometimes without even
trying: that is, however, changing sighting the changes that have been taking place in the world. A
paramount example can be seen in politics, with women like Hilary Clinton, running for
presidential office. There are ongoing debates, nevertheless, that women almost in all occasions
must do something extra in order to achieve same results as would men without breaking a sweat.
This can be seen by the appraisal of women in the workplace, which has in line pushed men to be
the ones doing an additional entail to achieve given results. A work place should not be run by a
specific gender, neither should a given gender be able to say that they perform more or gave more, it
should be an environment characterized by equality. This paper purposes to address the question
whether gender equality exists at the workplace or not.
Foundation of my thesis is the article, GENDER EQUALITY IN THE WORKPLACE: Moving
from Practices to Strategy. The article has been written by three authors namely Towns,
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Gender Equity Essay
Gender Equity
Are male students and female student's receiving the same opportunities when it comes to Math
and Science in the schools? I don't believe they are. This is why gender equity is a major problem
facing our schools today. Many girls are having very negative attitudes towards Math and Science.
Through doing research on this topic I found out why.
In the article How Research Helps Address Gender Equity, a very shocking and eye opening thing
was written. I learned that children as young as kindergarten already have formed set stereotypes
about Science and Math. The boys in the class wanted to and believed that they could be Scientist
while the girls in the class did not. They perceived being more content...
He also seemed to talk down to the girls. My self–esteem in Math wasn't good going into this course
and when I came out of it, it only became worse. I was terrified of
Math. I don't think my Math teacher or other teachers intentionally call on boys and encourage them
more but it ends up happening anyway. Another problem that girls are faced with is they aren't
getting the same opportunities and encouragement that boys receive in lab experiments. All of these
things play a big factor in girls having low self–esteem when it comes to Math and Science.
When doing my research on gender equity, I found a lot of good steps taken to improve the
equality of boys and girls in school. One of the first things that needs to be done is a teacher
assessment. The article Fair and Square, says that the teacher should have a friend or colleague
come into the class to do the assessment. The observer would write a 'b' if the teacher asked a boy
the question and a 'g' if the teacher asked the girl the question. The observer would also "make a
brief notation of the type of reaction you make to each child, whether it's praise, criticism,
remediation, or acceptance"(Sadker , Sadker ,
Stulberg, 2001 ). I think this assessment is a good idea. However, I would think if the teacher knew
that he/she was being assessed they would be more conscience of calling on both boys and girls the
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Essay On Gender Equality
Create the gender equality society
Nowadays, gender equality is a popular topic in our society. It is not referring to the material
"equal", but in preferably in the realm of spirit and personality of understanding each other, and the
mutual respect. The exact definition refers to that everyone in the world has the same right and
freedom to do what they want, bear the same obligation and will not be treated unequally. People
across the world are all yearning for an equal society. However, in the contemporary world,gender
bias or even sexism still exists in many occasions. In Australia, this phenomenon still exists largely.
Gloria Steinem states that the world could be equal, which is everyone can treat the "gender" to be
neutral when there is no difference between genders. My personal opinion of the statement is that I
agree with Gloria Steinem's argument because one of the most influential reasons that cause sexism
is the unequal treatment of different genders in today's society. Sexism for example, is a serious
branch of gender inequality, it has been studied and researched that women have more difficulties
than men in finding jobs, students are supposed to go to the single–sex school, and men are not
allowed to show their inner failures in some situations. Imagine if we remove the barriers between
males and females, there will be no gaps between people and everyone will be treated equal. That is
what we can do to make a more gender equality society.
As we know, gender
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Essay On Gender Equality
Everybody is born equal, but are not treated equally. Gender equality has been an ongoing fight in
the United States for decades. The majority of people in the United States would agree that equality
is fantastic and that there could be no downside to complete equality. However, in the case of gender
equality (only referring to male and female), it may be better for one gender to dominate a particular
role to increase effectiveness. This only applies to some specialized fields, such as the military,
teaching, and child care.
The push for gender equality has always been led by women, as males have historically
dominated all positions of power (with a few exceptions), in both politics and business. Today,
many actively push for more women in male dominated roles, and more males in female
dominated roles. One such male role is in the military. There are also those who fight for more
balance between men and women in teaching and childcare. In these cases, scientific studies may
suggest that having more women in combat and more men in childcare and teaching may not be
as much of a positive endeavor as some may think. Women are generally not as well equipped for
combat as men are. Men are generally not as well equipped for dealing with children as women are.
Biological differences play a serious role in how effective certain jobs can be.
War and conflict between humans has always been around, and always will be. Historically, men
have always been the warriors. There have been
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Essay On Gender Equality
We cannot achieve gender equality until we end gendered discrimination. Great strides have been
made in the last century to even the playing field; for instance, women are no longer required to
have their husbands sign a form that allows them to have a credit card, and women are beginning
to assume a dominant presence in careers that they legally were not allowed to have in the very
recent past. However at a very basic level America's legal system supports a type of discrimination
that seems trivial on the surface but, at its core, represents a fundamental societal flaw that
emboldens discrimination against women. Simply put, until women are legally and safely allowed
to be topless anywhere a man can be topless, we cannot achieve true gender equality. The history of
women being forced to cover arbitrary parts of their bodies to adhere to modesty laws is rooted in
the Victorian Age. Horrified by the erotic exhibitionism and sexual lawlessness of their Georgian
parents, Victorians collectively reshaped society into a passionless assembly of citizens painfully
concerned with adhering to strict morality and modesty. A shift in women's fashion from loose,
low–cut, flowing gowns to high collared, long sleeved dresses was the most visual change in the
shift of values (Boyd). Women's bodies, once glorified and revered, were seen as scandalous and
inherently impure. By the late nineteenth century contention over female sexuality through the
burgeoning yet highly influential
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Gender Equality Essay
In today's world, when you look around there are so many different types of people. Different
races, different backgrounds, and also different stories. We live in a world of a diverse group of
people. Some would think living in such a diverse world we would form a common ground and
maybe unite together to be "equal" but that is far from true. No I'm not talking about the inequality
of people based off of race or background, the grouping of sex is the issue here. From the beginning
of time till now, cultural practices have formed these boundaries. There has always been a
separation of males and females and the way they are raised and taught even to what occupations
they take on. Over time these became a set of gender boundaries. I more content...
Lorber focuses on the biological differences between male and female. She goes into detail about
how women are separated or treated differently from men just because of a biological difference.
In comparison, Tannen discusses the behavior and language of males and females in a classroom
setting, discussing how males take on different types of questions and public speaking differently
than females. She discusses how males and females learn to participate in different ways. Between
the two authors, there is one point that serves for the basis of my argument and that would be the
inequality that both genders face due to these gender boundaries. For example, in Lorber's essay,
she formulates a issues called the Bathroom Problem. This is a perfect example of how society tries
to make both sexes equal when in reality, they are not. In this Bathroom Problem, we give both
males and females the same amount of bathroom facilities. But as Lorber states on page 732,
"[A]lthough an equal number of bathrooms seems fair, equality would mean more women's
bathrooms or allowing women to use men's bathrooms for a certain amount of time." (732). If you
want both sexes to be equal, then help both sexes out by giving them the supplies or facilities that
they need. This point also ties into Tannen's argument about how both male and female students
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Gender Equality Essay
Gender Equality in Today's Workforce
In today's business environment, women get paid on average 12–30% less than men. This affects
their ways of living and retirement options. To this day, women still have less rights when it comes
to workforce in many Asian and European countries. Men are the preferred gender because they are
perceived to be smarter. In many countries, women are limited on the amount of education they can
receive. Women are not treated fairly in the workforce because it harder for them to get jobs, they
get paid less than men, and men are thought to be smarter than women.
It is very difficult for women to get jobs compared to men. Men are the preferred choice of
employment over women in many situations ("Chapter 4"). Even when the job might be more suited
for a female, men are still preferred in some places. Currently the only country to not permit women
to drive is Saudi Arabia. This makes it very hard for those women to get jobs. Although it is harder,
women are trying very hard and are joining the workforce in huge numbers. These women are then
forced to share the money they have earned with their husbands. Saudi women are making a
statement but saying that a woman that is working should get to spend what she has earned
("Movement Grows In"). This shows that women are making a difference and standing up for what
they believe should happen in the workforce. Although, Saudi Arabia isn't the only country that is
starting to allow women to
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Future Of Gender Inequality
Equality is 'the state of being equal' (Collins, pg.182). A topic of recognition in philosophical
sociology and mass communication sources is gender equality. Members of a democratic society
consider equality to be a moral which is followed by everyone. Moving towards equality is an
objective in todays world. There is no doubt that inequality is still present in the 21st century and it
remains a concern. It generates a continuous pattern of obstacles that effects the rights of women in
the future and creates a new inequality. This essay will talk about gender equality in the UK from 4
different aspects; Culture, Media, Education and then Employment.
Cultural stereotypes increase discrimination against women which can enforce social roles and
increase gender inequality. An overall image was created to show traditional roles on basis of
sex. Social stereotypes has been practiced against women and is a fact. In April 2012, a British
feminist Laura Bates established a project to collect cultural abuse from all over the world. The
Everyday Sexism Project received 25,000 entries from 15 countries by April 2013 (Laura, The
Guardian). Also, Lad culture which is a British subculture raised in the early 90's was reintroduced
and that will have a great impact on the future of gender equality. In 2003 the ability of women to
participate politics was decreased due to lad culture affects.(Gates, Charlie). in April 2014 the UN
special rapporteur on violence against women recorded that
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Essay On Gender Equality
To claim nothing will ever change is an understandable statement. There is no denying the current
oppression women face on a daily bases. However, if you reflect on the societal progress America
has made to create gender equality, there is a glimmer of hope. To begin, throughout the 1900's,
America has passed many laws to decrease the disparity among gender. For example, the right to
vote and the civil right act were key legislation for equivalence. It is also notable that it is now a
norm for mothers to be a part of the workforce. In fact, today, only about 12 percent of American
households consist of a husband who financially supports a wife and children, while the mother
stays home (Wade 248). The equal pay act was another major gender equality progression.
Although there is still a major gender pay gap, the gap is decreasing. Moreover, in 2017, 18
percent of federal officials are women. This is the highest it has ever been. The progression
America has made for gender equality is conspicuous. A women's life in 2017 is completely
different than what it was like in the 1950's. However, most people know or should realize men and
women are inherently equal, especially because of our shared humanity. Other than a few biological
difference and functions, men and women are the same. Though, our patriarchal society has put a
lower status on women when compared to men. Because of our shared humanity, the prevalent
disparities in our current society are unacceptable. Therefore,
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Essay On Gender Equality
Which role would you prefer to have in a marriage? Would you rather have the stereotypical role
of a male or female? Or would you rather contribute both roles equally? Gender plays a significant
role in today's society. Compared to fifty years ago, we have come a long way in gender equality.
Yet some are still faced with the difficulties of differentiating between what a women's role in a
marriage should be and a man's role. When you really think about it, what should be the gender roles
for men and women in a marriage? Some examples of deciding which person takes on what role in a
marriage are household chores, financial decisions, and raising children.
In our generation today, Women most of the time are stereotyped into being known as the ones to
stay home, cook, and clean while the men are at their jobs earning money. However, gender roles
in society are always changing. Traditional views of men and women have changed over the years.
Gender equality is equal rights between both men and women in a society and It should be
implemented or carried out in a marriage regardless of the sex. Judy Brady from "I Want aWife" is a
women's rights advocate who is a cofounder of the "Toxic Links Coalition", and a volunteer at the
"Women's Cancer Resource Center". Brady admits to belonging to the general stereotype of "I am A
wife" (Brady1). Brady states,
I want a wife who will keep my house clean ... I want a wife who will keep my clothes cleaned,
ironed, mended, replaced when need be,
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Essay About Gender Equality

  • 1. What Are The Barriers Of Gender Equality Today, the world is not doing as well as people would like: gender equality has yet to be achieved, climate change is putting millions at risk, two–hundred million people are unemployed, and people are more stressed than ever. Trying to solve these world challenges, people are working more and more hours, yet little progress is being made. The solution is rather simple: work less. Women around the world are under–represented in the workforce, making up less than 20% of CEO positions, and, in America, fewer than 20% of Congressional positions are filled by women. Reasons for this lack of representation may be due to prejudice, but it is important to recognize that women are viewed as the primary child caregiver in most families. For this reason, many women take off work for several months after childbirth and are often thwarted from higher positions because they take leave. If both males and females had shorter work weeks, then both genders would be able to devote more time to child care, allowing women to continue to work sooner and progress in their fields. In addition, studies have shown that men who take paternity leave are more devoted to their families and are 50% more likely to help their wives with domestic labor, such as cooking, cleaning, and laundry. Thus, the shorter work week would lead to both equal representation in the work place and at home, subsequently, breaking the barriers of gender inequality. Shorter work weeks will not only benefit parents, but they Get more content on
  • 2. Essay On Gender Equality Equality has been a fighting issue for centuries, whether in race, gender, religion, etc. While strides have occurred to decrease these discrimination, there are still a plethora of situations fought within the government to create a safe space for all and create equitable opportunity for all. Within the political and economic world, one battle being fought is the barrier of gender equality amongst employees. Gender inequality became socially normal especially within the workplace, a social normative implemented into people's mind since youth. Implications are created by society on the role of women in the workplace, limiting the exploration for woman to expand into new, higher professions. Society pressures women into lower position jobs rather than providing equitable opportunity to proceed into higher position jobs. Research accumulated by CNN concluded that only 14.2% of the top five leadership positions at the companies are women. Women obtain far fewer positions in high paying jobs due to past dictation that a woman's place is within "soft" jobs, though women have begun to perforate this predetermined situation by integrating themselves in a myriad of different careers. Another research, done by Harvard Business, states that "On average men's projects had budgets twice as big and three times as many staffers as women's" (Harvard Business Review). Not only do women acquire lower position jobs, but when they do achieve these jobs, men receive more beneficial resources Get more content on
  • 3. Examples Of Gender Equality In The Workplace Workplace gender equality "Women cannot be as effective as men" is often a statement that has been used in defense by those found guilty of undermining women. Yet, women have grown to take up positions of leadership that they were feared to not being able to handle. Women can be just as hard working as men and even surpass when it comes to performance in any given position. Men, on the other hand, have always had the assumption of being naturally gifted at anything they do, sometimes without even trying: that is, however, changing sighting the changes that have been taking place in the world. A paramount example can be seen in politics, with women like Hilary Clinton, running for presidential office. There are ongoing debates, nevertheless, that women almost in all occasions must do something extra in order to achieve same results as would men without breaking a sweat. This can be seen by the appraisal of women in the workplace, which has in line pushed men to be the ones doing an additional entail to achieve given results. A work place should not be run by a specific gender, neither should a given gender be able to say that they perform more or gave more, it should be an environment characterized by equality. This paper purposes to address the question whether gender equality exists at the workplace or not. Foundation of my thesis is the article, GENDER EQUALITY IN THE WORKPLACE: Moving from Practices to Strategy. The article has been written by three authors namely Towns, Get more content on
  • 4. Gender Equity Essay Gender Equity Are male students and female student's receiving the same opportunities when it comes to Math and Science in the schools? I don't believe they are. This is why gender equity is a major problem facing our schools today. Many girls are having very negative attitudes towards Math and Science. Through doing research on this topic I found out why. In the article How Research Helps Address Gender Equity, a very shocking and eye opening thing was written. I learned that children as young as kindergarten already have formed set stereotypes about Science and Math. The boys in the class wanted to and believed that they could be Scientist while the girls in the class did not. They perceived being more content... He also seemed to talk down to the girls. My self–esteem in Math wasn't good going into this course and when I came out of it, it only became worse. I was terrified of Math. I don't think my Math teacher or other teachers intentionally call on boys and encourage them more but it ends up happening anyway. Another problem that girls are faced with is they aren't getting the same opportunities and encouragement that boys receive in lab experiments. All of these things play a big factor in girls having low self–esteem when it comes to Math and Science. When doing my research on gender equity, I found a lot of good steps taken to improve the equality of boys and girls in school. One of the first things that needs to be done is a teacher assessment. The article Fair and Square, says that the teacher should have a friend or colleague come into the class to do the assessment. The observer would write a 'b' if the teacher asked a boy the question and a 'g' if the teacher asked the girl the question. The observer would also "make a brief notation of the type of reaction you make to each child, whether it's praise, criticism, remediation, or acceptance"(Sadker , Sadker , Stulberg, 2001 ). I think this assessment is a good idea. However, I would think if the teacher knew that he/she was being assessed they would be more conscience of calling on both boys and girls the same Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On Gender Equality Create the gender equality society Nowadays, gender equality is a popular topic in our society. It is not referring to the material "equal", but in preferably in the realm of spirit and personality of understanding each other, and the mutual respect. The exact definition refers to that everyone in the world has the same right and freedom to do what they want, bear the same obligation and will not be treated unequally. People across the world are all yearning for an equal society. However, in the contemporary world,gender bias or even sexism still exists in many occasions. In Australia, this phenomenon still exists largely. Gloria Steinem states that the world could be equal, which is everyone can treat the "gender" to be neutral when there is no difference between genders. My personal opinion of the statement is that I agree with Gloria Steinem's argument because one of the most influential reasons that cause sexism is the unequal treatment of different genders in today's society. Sexism for example, is a serious branch of gender inequality, it has been studied and researched that women have more difficulties than men in finding jobs, students are supposed to go to the single–sex school, and men are not allowed to show their inner failures in some situations. Imagine if we remove the barriers between males and females, there will be no gaps between people and everyone will be treated equal. That is what we can do to make a more gender equality society. As we know, gender Get more content on
  • 6. Essay On Gender Equality Everybody is born equal, but are not treated equally. Gender equality has been an ongoing fight in the United States for decades. The majority of people in the United States would agree that equality is fantastic and that there could be no downside to complete equality. However, in the case of gender equality (only referring to male and female), it may be better for one gender to dominate a particular role to increase effectiveness. This only applies to some specialized fields, such as the military, teaching, and child care. The push for gender equality has always been led by women, as males have historically dominated all positions of power (with a few exceptions), in both politics and business. Today, many actively push for more women in male dominated roles, and more males in female dominated roles. One such male role is in the military. There are also those who fight for more balance between men and women in teaching and childcare. In these cases, scientific studies may suggest that having more women in combat and more men in childcare and teaching may not be as much of a positive endeavor as some may think. Women are generally not as well equipped for combat as men are. Men are generally not as well equipped for dealing with children as women are. Biological differences play a serious role in how effective certain jobs can be. War and conflict between humans has always been around, and always will be. Historically, men have always been the warriors. There have been Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Gender Equality We cannot achieve gender equality until we end gendered discrimination. Great strides have been made in the last century to even the playing field; for instance, women are no longer required to have their husbands sign a form that allows them to have a credit card, and women are beginning to assume a dominant presence in careers that they legally were not allowed to have in the very recent past. However at a very basic level America's legal system supports a type of discrimination that seems trivial on the surface but, at its core, represents a fundamental societal flaw that emboldens discrimination against women. Simply put, until women are legally and safely allowed to be topless anywhere a man can be topless, we cannot achieve true gender equality. The history of women being forced to cover arbitrary parts of their bodies to adhere to modesty laws is rooted in the Victorian Age. Horrified by the erotic exhibitionism and sexual lawlessness of their Georgian parents, Victorians collectively reshaped society into a passionless assembly of citizens painfully concerned with adhering to strict morality and modesty. A shift in women's fashion from loose, low–cut, flowing gowns to high collared, long sleeved dresses was the most visual change in the shift of values (Boyd). Women's bodies, once glorified and revered, were seen as scandalous and inherently impure. By the late nineteenth century contention over female sexuality through the burgeoning yet highly influential Get more content on
  • 8. Gender Equality Essay In today's world, when you look around there are so many different types of people. Different races, different backgrounds, and also different stories. We live in a world of a diverse group of people. Some would think living in such a diverse world we would form a common ground and maybe unite together to be "equal" but that is far from true. No I'm not talking about the inequality of people based off of race or background, the grouping of sex is the issue here. From the beginning of time till now, cultural practices have formed these boundaries. There has always been a separation of males and females and the way they are raised and taught even to what occupations they take on. Over time these became a set of gender boundaries. I more content... Lorber focuses on the biological differences between male and female. She goes into detail about how women are separated or treated differently from men just because of a biological difference. In comparison, Tannen discusses the behavior and language of males and females in a classroom setting, discussing how males take on different types of questions and public speaking differently than females. She discusses how males and females learn to participate in different ways. Between the two authors, there is one point that serves for the basis of my argument and that would be the inequality that both genders face due to these gender boundaries. For example, in Lorber's essay, she formulates a issues called the Bathroom Problem. This is a perfect example of how society tries to make both sexes equal when in reality, they are not. In this Bathroom Problem, we give both males and females the same amount of bathroom facilities. But as Lorber states on page 732, "[A]lthough an equal number of bathrooms seems fair, equality would mean more women's bathrooms or allowing women to use men's bathrooms for a certain amount of time." (732). If you want both sexes to be equal, then help both sexes out by giving them the supplies or facilities that they need. This point also ties into Tannen's argument about how both male and female students participate Get more content on
  • 9. Gender Equality Essay Gender Equality in Today's Workforce In today's business environment, women get paid on average 12–30% less than men. This affects their ways of living and retirement options. To this day, women still have less rights when it comes to workforce in many Asian and European countries. Men are the preferred gender because they are perceived to be smarter. In many countries, women are limited on the amount of education they can receive. Women are not treated fairly in the workforce because it harder for them to get jobs, they get paid less than men, and men are thought to be smarter than women. It is very difficult for women to get jobs compared to men. Men are the preferred choice of employment over women in many situations ("Chapter 4"). Even when the job might be more suited for a female, men are still preferred in some places. Currently the only country to not permit women to drive is Saudi Arabia. This makes it very hard for those women to get jobs. Although it is harder, women are trying very hard and are joining the workforce in huge numbers. These women are then forced to share the money they have earned with their husbands. Saudi women are making a statement but saying that a woman that is working should get to spend what she has earned ("Movement Grows In"). This shows that women are making a difference and standing up for what they believe should happen in the workforce. Although, Saudi Arabia isn't the only country that is starting to allow women to Get more content on
  • 10. Future Of Gender Inequality Equality is 'the state of being equal' (Collins, pg.182). A topic of recognition in philosophical sociology and mass communication sources is gender equality. Members of a democratic society consider equality to be a moral which is followed by everyone. Moving towards equality is an objective in todays world. There is no doubt that inequality is still present in the 21st century and it remains a concern. It generates a continuous pattern of obstacles that effects the rights of women in the future and creates a new inequality. This essay will talk about gender equality in the UK from 4 different aspects; Culture, Media, Education and then Employment. Cultural stereotypes increase discrimination against women which can enforce social roles and increase gender inequality. An overall image was created to show traditional roles on basis of sex. Social stereotypes has been practiced against women and is a fact. In April 2012, a British feminist Laura Bates established a project to collect cultural abuse from all over the world. The Everyday Sexism Project received 25,000 entries from 15 countries by April 2013 (Laura, The Guardian). Also, Lad culture which is a British subculture raised in the early 90's was reintroduced and that will have a great impact on the future of gender equality. In 2003 the ability of women to participate politics was decreased due to lad culture affects.(Gates, Charlie). in April 2014 the UN special rapporteur on violence against women recorded that Get more content on
  • 11. Essay On Gender Equality To claim nothing will ever change is an understandable statement. There is no denying the current oppression women face on a daily bases. However, if you reflect on the societal progress America has made to create gender equality, there is a glimmer of hope. To begin, throughout the 1900's, America has passed many laws to decrease the disparity among gender. For example, the right to vote and the civil right act were key legislation for equivalence. It is also notable that it is now a norm for mothers to be a part of the workforce. In fact, today, only about 12 percent of American households consist of a husband who financially supports a wife and children, while the mother stays home (Wade 248). The equal pay act was another major gender equality progression. Although there is still a major gender pay gap, the gap is decreasing. Moreover, in 2017, 18 percent of federal officials are women. This is the highest it has ever been. The progression America has made for gender equality is conspicuous. A women's life in 2017 is completely different than what it was like in the 1950's. However, most people know or should realize men and women are inherently equal, especially because of our shared humanity. Other than a few biological difference and functions, men and women are the same. Though, our patriarchal society has put a lower status on women when compared to men. Because of our shared humanity, the prevalent disparities in our current society are unacceptable. Therefore, Get more content on
  • 12. Essay On Gender Equality Which role would you prefer to have in a marriage? Would you rather have the stereotypical role of a male or female? Or would you rather contribute both roles equally? Gender plays a significant role in today's society. Compared to fifty years ago, we have come a long way in gender equality. Yet some are still faced with the difficulties of differentiating between what a women's role in a marriage should be and a man's role. When you really think about it, what should be the gender roles for men and women in a marriage? Some examples of deciding which person takes on what role in a marriage are household chores, financial decisions, and raising children. In our generation today, Women most of the time are stereotyped into being known as the ones to stay home, cook, and clean while the men are at their jobs earning money. However, gender roles in society are always changing. Traditional views of men and women have changed over the years. Gender equality is equal rights between both men and women in a society and It should be implemented or carried out in a marriage regardless of the sex. Judy Brady from "I Want aWife" is a women's rights advocate who is a cofounder of the "Toxic Links Coalition", and a volunteer at the "Women's Cancer Resource Center". Brady admits to belonging to the general stereotype of "I am A wife" (Brady1). Brady states, I want a wife who will keep my house clean ... I want a wife who will keep my clothes cleaned, ironed, mended, replaced when need be, Get more content on