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                     Expense Reduction
Quick reference

    Introduction                      3   Dilapidations                  10
    Strategic Property Costs Review   4   Aquisitions                    12
    Business Rates                    6   10-Stage Acquisition Process   13
    Rent Reviews & Lease Renewals     8   Corporate Property Advice      16

2   Quick Reference

Expense Reduction Analysts Property offers a dedicated range of
services specifically tailored to occupiers. We have no allegiance
to landlords and developers and can therefore be confident that
other competing interests do not influence our efforts.

Conventional property advice often focuses       property costs and exposure match your
on individual services that do not necessarily   business needs. As we are part of Expense
tie into a coordinated approach and do not       Reduction Analysts, ongoing property costs
always match the Client’s expectations.          is a constant driver of our service whether
We will, where appropriate and if requested,     we are handling business rates, dilapidations,
always refer back to how the subject             rent reviews or acquisitions.
activities reflect the business objectives,
not just in the short-term but also over         Furthermore, this carries through to our fee
the medium to long-term.                         bases which will always be offered to you
                                                 including a results basis. This cost focused
Our Property Team maintains a focus on best      approach is the ethos of the network and
value and this can be demonstrated through       clearly demonstrates that, together, we
simple comparison tools to ensure your           can achieve significant savings.

                                                                                  Introduction    3
Strategic Property
    Costs Review

    Rationalise Annual Property Costs

    In the current market you might well be           Our initial analysis will look at:
    affected by economic uncertainty and
    therefore you may wish to consider                •   Group turnover/profitability
    reducing your property costs.                     •   Operating costs
                                                      •   Floor space
    Our property experts can undertake a review       •   Headcount
    of your properties to identify opportunities to   •   Acquisition criteria
    reduce ongoing costs through, for example,        •   Lease terms/book value
    identifying and disposing of surplus space,       •   Market values
    advising on new working practices that            •   Void space – whole buildings
    reduce the need for space, renegotiating              or within buildings
    leases or mitigating dilapidations liabilities.

    Following this scoping review, we may
    uncover specific action points for you that
    can demonstrate tangible savings for your
    company. We can work from your current
    expenditure levels to produce benchmark
    prices to verify the results.

4   Strategic Property Costs Review
This data could then be used to                 We will then have specific benchmarks
compare performance across the                  which can be used to compare sites within
portfolio to identify:                          a single company and also overall costs
                                                compared to industry standards. These
• Performance measures including                costs would then guide many future
  cost/employee/turnover per square foot        decision making strategies and could
• Effectiveness of site acquisition and         be backed up by further qualitative
  disposal strategy                             property analysis, when needed.
• Exposure by site/store/portfolio
• Trouble spots
• Relocation/closure options – after liaising
  with local managers
• Accuracy of provisions
• Effectiveness of disposal programme –
• Individual site/store analysis
• Head office costs

                                                            Strategic Property Costs Review   5
Business Rates

    Save £££’s by dramatically reducing your business rates.
    All fees are charged on a ‘no saving, no fee’ basis, so if
    there is no rates saving, there would be no charge.

    The business rates that a company pays          What process would we follow?
    can be reduced through an appeals process
    and savings are possible over a five-year        In order to focus on those appeals that
    period. The average reduction in rating         create a stronger opportunity for savings,
    assessments by our specialist team is 14%.      we initially correspond with our clients
                                                    to gather key information about their
    The current rating revaluation is effective     property and any proposed changes.
    from April 2005 and definite opportunities
    exist to reduce business rates up to 2010 and   An inspection is usually then undertaken
    beyond, when a further revaluation takes        followed by recommendations on whether
    place. The revaluation reflects movements in    to appeal. The matter will result in
    the property market and the rates bill you      negotiations with the Valuation Office,
    receive from your Local Authority may have      hopefully achieving savings. Following
    been rising above inflation to take account     any settlement, we will liaise with the
    of these changes. However, a proposal can be    Local Authority to ensure the saving is
    lodged against your rateable value and any      refunded correctly to you.
    reduction could benefit you over the whole
    five-year period of the revaluation.

6   Business Rates
Tower chart

Reach for the low hanging fruit!

Additional savings opportunities exist where   accommodation that previously may
physical changes exist in the locality that    have had reduced or zero rates but now
have a negative impact on a rateable value.    have a full charge. Each property would
Clients may be able to secure a temporary      be considered differently and pro-actively
reduction in the rateable value up to 20%!     but there is still excellent scope for
                                               savings here.
There may also be further opportunities
to reduce rates liabilities for empty

                                                                           Business Rates   7
Rent Reviews &
    Lease Renewals

    Are you paying over the odds
    for your rent?

    When a landlord quotes a revised figure at       Our service comprises:
    rent review or for a new lease, the quoted
    rent can be challenged, based on a detailed      • Undertaking a detailed inspection of the
    understanding of the lease, together with          premises, together with a full and
    market evidence.                                   thorough reading of the lease provisions
                                                     • Analysis of the rental evidence and details
    An adviser should be involved at an early          of any rent-free incentives provided
    stage to provide the correct advice, including   • Meeting the other appointed Surveyor
    checks for any ‘time of the essence’ clauses.      to compare lease findings, details of the
                                                       property and comparable evidence
    In undertaking a rent review, it is extremely    • Negotiations
    important to initially value the covenants       • Recommendation reports to the Client
    contained in the lease and relate those to         regarding the level of rent that is
    comparable evidence.                               applicable having compared the evidence
                                                       put forward by both parties, leading
                                                       eventually to an agreed rent, failing that,
                                                       reference to independent Third Party

                                                     We welcome the opportunity to discuss your
                                                     requirements in more detail and look forward
                                                     to arranging a meeting to showcase our
                                                     service, expertise and our commitment
                                                     to meeting your needs.

8   Rent Reviews & Lease Renewals
What you should do next?

We will require a copy of the lease and any   You can rest assured that we offer expertise,
rent review memoranda if appropriate.         up-to-date market knowledge and a genuine
Having discussed the situation, we will       enthusiasm for communicating with our
create a brief audit report of our advice.    clients.
We will then provide initial advice on our
opinion of rental value.                      Should your lease be due to end, there are
                                              also opportunities to renegotiate the terms
                                              and possibly a rent reduction along with any
                                              other more favourable terms that are re-

                                                          Rent Reviews & Lease Renewals       9

   Lease coming to an end?
   Unsure of your responsibilities?

   Typically, a tenant is responsible for the      Our service includes:
   upkeep of their property during the period
   of their occupation. Upon expiry of a lease,    • Understanding how to interpret the
   the landlord can instruct a surveyor to           repair clauses in your lease
   establish whether there are any breaches        • Determine whether the repairs are
   of these responsibilities and demand              required under the terms of your lease
   payment for losses incurred.                    • Consider the impact of any tenants
   It is possible through an understanding of      • Calculating the cost of repairing
   the client’s lease, the property and property     the breaches
   law to query the amount of the claim. This      • Evaluate what impact the current
   can enable us to set about reducing this          condition of the property has on its
   claim and ultimately saving money for             re-letting capability
   the occupier.                                   • Respond to the landlord or the surveyor
                                                     on your behalf
   A Landlord’s claim will provide a full          • Negotiate potential savings with the
   breakdown of the alleged breaches, the            landlord or the surveyor
   required repair works, the cost of these
   repairs and associated fees. On some
   occasions, there may also be an element
   for loss of rent, as the landlord will allege
   that the condition of the property has
   harmed its re-letting capability.

10 Dilapidations
Success Story

National Client                               We were able to review all the alleged
Location: Weston Super Mare                   breaches and review if the required repairs
Landlord’s surveyors prepared a Schedule      and redecoration were reasonable. In many
of Dilapidation and Wants of Repair and       cases we were able to establish elements
Redecoration amounting to a total claim       that were unreasonable.
of £56,500.
                                              As property specialists, we undertook a
We initiated our involvement with a           review looking at whether the alleged
thorough review of the lease and also         breaches would actually damage the
arranged a joint site inspection with the     potential letting of the client’s former
opposing surveyor.                            accommodation. If we could argue the
                                              space would let just as readily, it could
We were able to identify parts of the claim   be possible to effectively dispute most
that our client was not liable for, as they   of the claim.
were outside of their leased area. It was
also apparent that parts of the property      Finally, we evaluated the Landlord’s
were in poor condition and it would be        surveyors fees and considered if these were
tantamount to an improvement to incur         deemed to be excessive. We successfully
this expense.                                 negotiated a reduction in the claim from
                                              £56,500 to £28,000, effectively halving
                                              the amount.

                                                                              Dilapidations 11

   How shrewd are your                          Expense Reduction Analysts
   property negotiations?                       Property?

   Acting nationally on many property           We have an extensive knowledge of the
   acquisitions, we tap into the latest deals   agency market, courtesy of our corporate
   meaning that we are perfectly positioned     property role to a national client base.
   to offer advice on rent and pricing whilst
   negotiating the best deal for the client.    Furthermore, the knowledge we acquire
                                                about our client’s business, together with
   We ensure that the proposed terms are fair   our knowledge of the property market,
   and protect the client’s interests now and   provides us with the best opportunity
   in the future.                               to identify properties that suit your

                                                We don’t waste your time offering
                                                numerous properties that simply
                                                do not match your needs.

12 Acquisitions
10-Stage Acquisition

    Expense Reduction Analysts’ 10 Stages to Successful
    Property Acquisition

              10          Exchange and       1       Confirm the
                          Complete                   Acquisition Criteria

        9          Consider Related              2          Summarise all
                   Property Services                        Available Properties

8           Further Inspection                          3             Create a Short-List
            of Property                                               of Properties to

    7         Agree Heads of                            4             Conduct
              Terms                                                   Inspections

               6          Negotiations on    5       Short to Long-
                          Selected Options           Term Impact

                                                         10-Stage Acquisition Process 13
10-Stage Acquisition

   1 Confirm the Acquisition criteria.            4 Undertaking, either with you or
     Structuring a brief to identify exactly        independently, a thorough inspection
     what you require, including location,          of the options, creating a precise
     size, configuration, quality, car parking,     comment on suitability.
     accessibility and cost parameters.
                                                  5 After inspecting your selected list of
   2 Creating a full and thorough list of all       properties, we will comment not only
     possibilities that meet the above brief,       on the short-term, but also observe
     including collation of brochures and           the impact over the long-term such as
     plans of all options.                          planning issues, future development
                                                    opportunities and the impact of lease
   3 Discussing the list of possibilities with      obligations.
     yourselves, providing direct comments
     where suitable, with a view to creating      6 Agree the acquisition of a selected
     a shortlist of best options. Once this         option, whilst at the same time
     has been achieved, then the process of         ensuring that the other suitable
     acquisition can proceed.                       options are kept live in reserve, so as
                                                    not to give the preferred option any

14 10-Stage Acquisition Process
7 Agree detailed Heads of Terms for an         Our involvement will always keep your
  acquisition (or renewal) including           interests as the foremost requirement, and
  demise, lease length/tenure,                 hopefully will keep your time commitment
  rental/price, repairing covenants,           to a minimum. The importance therefore in
  service charge levels, legal costs and       structuring an accurate brief that we can all
  any incentives available.                    work to cannot be stressed enough and our
                                               work will be undertaken swiftly and with
8 Once Heads of Terms are agreed, to           minimum fuss for you.
  undertake a final inspection of the
  property and to verify floor areas etc.      Our fees are typically charged on a
                                               percentage of the acquisition price or
9 At this stage to offer, if required, other   rental amount, with no fee payable if
  services such as Rating, Building            a suitable property is not identified.
  Surveying, schedule of Conditions etc.

10 Proceed to an acquisition of the
   selected options alongside your legal
   advisors to ensure that any legal
   agreement properly reflects the
   negotiated terms.

                                                               10-Stage Acquisition Process 15
Corporate Property Advice
   Encompasses all Property Services

   Profit through property                            What is involved?

   Our aim is to reduce the medium term              Through an experienced and focused
   solution that is inevitably associated with       approach, we will initially gather an
   commercial property, to a managed process         appreciation of your company, your current
   that allows property to perform as an asset.      property portfolio and costs relative to your
                                                     company turnover.
   Strategic property decisions need to be at
   the forefront of your business to                 We believe that it is important for us to
   improve your company performance.                 understand if your company occupies large
                                                     properties on long leaseholds or if you
   In line with this, it is ideal to then create a   require short-term leases based on a
   corporate property strategy to coordinate         localised work contract. Alternatively,
   the separate elements that are involved in        you may prefer to trial new locations first
   the property process. We know that property       and require lease flexibility, or your
   decisions are generally a reactive response       business may demand a substantial amount
   to a particular request or event and they         of alterations to a property before you can
   may not be part of an organised plan.             commence trading.

                                                     Following our initial appreciation of your
                                                     long-term business and property goals,
                                                     we will create a strategy based on your
                                                     needs, providing specific advice using
                                                     our expertise and understanding.

16 Corporate Property Advice
The Strategy                                 Benefits

• Read and understand all tenure             • Achieve Client objectives
• Create a terrier of data                   • Create a better property understanding
• Devise an acquisition/disposal list          and control of Clients property
• Budget for rent reviews                    • Meet with Client on regular basis
• Create a database of inspections           • Appoint and manage local advisers
  and properties                             • Charge market fees for work types
• Record for lease renewals, critical        • Enjoy a full and rewarding client/advisor
  break dates, repairing frequencies, etc.     relationship that benefits all parties
                                             • Save Client money/budget for costs
The Actions
                                             How is this different to
• Assess and budget for dilapidations        conventional advice?
• Help local branches deal with
  Landlords/Tenants                          All too often companies acquire and
• Carry out rent reviews/lease renewals      dispose of property in an ad-hoc fashion,
• Carry out acquisitions/disposals           which places unnecessary time pressures
• Advise and challenge business rating       on the personnel involved and is also likely
  assessments                                to cost your company money, either today
• Planning advice for own use and/or         or in a few years time or at the expiration
  higher value uses                          of a lease. Corporate advice applies a
• Appraisals and valuations                  planned strategy to your decision making,
• Bring forward pro-active                   ensuring fewer surprises and hence saving
  recommendations                            you money.
• Act as an equivalent in-house
  property team

                                                                                 Services 17
How will it benefit you?                       How are fees charged?

   Your company will notice improved             These can be charged on a fee basis that
   performance, as you will have the correct     best suits your company. There would
   property structure in place to support your   normally be a base charge and then a
   operations.                                   percentage fee is usually charged, for
                                                 example on the acquisition costs or
   In addition, you will experience cost         based on cost savings.
   savings as this planned and preventative
   action avoids surplus space, reduces          Expense Reduction Analysts services are
   dilapidations costs and avoids excessive      undertaken by consultants whose firms
   occupancy costs of rent, business rates       are members of the Royal Institution of
   and service charges,                          Chartered Surveyors (RICS). RICS is one
                                                 of the most respected organisations for
                                                 property professionals. As members they
                                                 are highly experienced, chartered
                                                 professionals offering impartial,
                                                 specialist advice.

18 Services
The Expense Reduction Analysts Property Team can
achieve, on average, savings of 30% for its clients.
To find out how you can benefit from this service
contact your local specialist.
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Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Chile Columbia Ecuador France
Germany Greece Hungary Jordan Italy Lebanon Luxembourg Mexico Morocco Netherlands
New Zealand Panama Portugal Spain Taiwan United Kingdom & Ireland United States Uruguay

                                                         Expense Reduction


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Era property

  • 1. Your Property Team find extra profit Expense Reduction Analysts
  • 2. Quick reference Introduction 3 Dilapidations 10 Strategic Property Costs Review 4 Aquisitions 12 Business Rates 6 10-Stage Acquisition Process 13 Rent Reviews & Lease Renewals 8 Corporate Property Advice 16 2 Quick Reference
  • 3. Introduction Expense Reduction Analysts Property offers a dedicated range of services specifically tailored to occupiers. We have no allegiance to landlords and developers and can therefore be confident that other competing interests do not influence our efforts. Conventional property advice often focuses property costs and exposure match your on individual services that do not necessarily business needs. As we are part of Expense tie into a coordinated approach and do not Reduction Analysts, ongoing property costs always match the Client’s expectations. is a constant driver of our service whether We will, where appropriate and if requested, we are handling business rates, dilapidations, always refer back to how the subject rent reviews or acquisitions. activities reflect the business objectives, not just in the short-term but also over Furthermore, this carries through to our fee the medium to long-term. bases which will always be offered to you including a results basis. This cost focused Our Property Team maintains a focus on best approach is the ethos of the network and value and this can be demonstrated through clearly demonstrates that, together, we simple comparison tools to ensure your can achieve significant savings. Introduction 3
  • 4. Strategic Property Costs Review Rationalise Annual Property Costs In the current market you might well be Our initial analysis will look at: affected by economic uncertainty and therefore you may wish to consider • Group turnover/profitability reducing your property costs. • Operating costs • Floor space Our property experts can undertake a review • Headcount of your properties to identify opportunities to • Acquisition criteria reduce ongoing costs through, for example, • Lease terms/book value identifying and disposing of surplus space, • Market values advising on new working practices that • Void space – whole buildings reduce the need for space, renegotiating or within buildings leases or mitigating dilapidations liabilities. Following this scoping review, we may uncover specific action points for you that can demonstrate tangible savings for your company. We can work from your current expenditure levels to produce benchmark prices to verify the results. 4 Strategic Property Costs Review
  • 5. This data could then be used to We will then have specific benchmarks compare performance across the which can be used to compare sites within portfolio to identify: a single company and also overall costs compared to industry standards. These • Performance measures including costs would then guide many future cost/employee/turnover per square foot decision making strategies and could • Effectiveness of site acquisition and be backed up by further qualitative disposal strategy property analysis, when needed. • Exposure by site/store/portfolio • Trouble spots • Relocation/closure options – after liaising with local managers • Accuracy of provisions • Effectiveness of disposal programme – restructuring • Individual site/store analysis • Head office costs Strategic Property Costs Review 5
  • 6. Business Rates Save £££’s by dramatically reducing your business rates. All fees are charged on a ‘no saving, no fee’ basis, so if there is no rates saving, there would be no charge. The business rates that a company pays What process would we follow? can be reduced through an appeals process and savings are possible over a five-year In order to focus on those appeals that period. The average reduction in rating create a stronger opportunity for savings, assessments by our specialist team is 14%. we initially correspond with our clients to gather key information about their The current rating revaluation is effective property and any proposed changes. from April 2005 and definite opportunities exist to reduce business rates up to 2010 and An inspection is usually then undertaken beyond, when a further revaluation takes followed by recommendations on whether place. The revaluation reflects movements in to appeal. The matter will result in the property market and the rates bill you negotiations with the Valuation Office, receive from your Local Authority may have hopefully achieving savings. Following been rising above inflation to take account any settlement, we will liaise with the of these changes. However, a proposal can be Local Authority to ensure the saving is lodged against your rateable value and any refunded correctly to you. reduction could benefit you over the whole five-year period of the revaluation. 6 Business Rates
  • 7. Tower chart Reach for the low hanging fruit! Additional savings opportunities exist where accommodation that previously may physical changes exist in the locality that have had reduced or zero rates but now have a negative impact on a rateable value. have a full charge. Each property would Clients may be able to secure a temporary be considered differently and pro-actively reduction in the rateable value up to 20%! but there is still excellent scope for savings here. There may also be further opportunities to reduce rates liabilities for empty Business Rates 7
  • 8. Rent Reviews & Lease Renewals Are you paying over the odds for your rent? When a landlord quotes a revised figure at Our service comprises: rent review or for a new lease, the quoted rent can be challenged, based on a detailed • Undertaking a detailed inspection of the understanding of the lease, together with premises, together with a full and market evidence. thorough reading of the lease provisions • Analysis of the rental evidence and details An adviser should be involved at an early of any rent-free incentives provided stage to provide the correct advice, including • Meeting the other appointed Surveyor checks for any ‘time of the essence’ clauses. to compare lease findings, details of the property and comparable evidence In undertaking a rent review, it is extremely • Negotiations important to initially value the covenants • Recommendation reports to the Client contained in the lease and relate those to regarding the level of rent that is comparable evidence. applicable having compared the evidence put forward by both parties, leading eventually to an agreed rent, failing that, reference to independent Third Party mediation. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your requirements in more detail and look forward to arranging a meeting to showcase our service, expertise and our commitment to meeting your needs. 8 Rent Reviews & Lease Renewals
  • 9. Interested? What you should do next? We will require a copy of the lease and any You can rest assured that we offer expertise, rent review memoranda if appropriate. up-to-date market knowledge and a genuine Having discussed the situation, we will enthusiasm for communicating with our create a brief audit report of our advice. clients. We will then provide initial advice on our opinion of rental value. Should your lease be due to end, there are also opportunities to renegotiate the terms and possibly a rent reduction along with any other more favourable terms that are re- quired. Rent Reviews & Lease Renewals 9
  • 10. Dilapidations Lease coming to an end? Unsure of your responsibilities? Typically, a tenant is responsible for the Our service includes: upkeep of their property during the period of their occupation. Upon expiry of a lease, • Understanding how to interpret the the landlord can instruct a surveyor to repair clauses in your lease establish whether there are any breaches • Determine whether the repairs are of these responsibilities and demand required under the terms of your lease payment for losses incurred. • Consider the impact of any tenants improvements It is possible through an understanding of • Calculating the cost of repairing the client’s lease, the property and property the breaches law to query the amount of the claim. This • Evaluate what impact the current can enable us to set about reducing this condition of the property has on its claim and ultimately saving money for re-letting capability the occupier. • Respond to the landlord or the surveyor on your behalf A Landlord’s claim will provide a full • Negotiate potential savings with the breakdown of the alleged breaches, the landlord or the surveyor required repair works, the cost of these repairs and associated fees. On some occasions, there may also be an element for loss of rent, as the landlord will allege that the condition of the property has harmed its re-letting capability. 10 Dilapidations
  • 11. Success Story National Client We were able to review all the alleged Location: Weston Super Mare breaches and review if the required repairs Landlord’s surveyors prepared a Schedule and redecoration were reasonable. In many of Dilapidation and Wants of Repair and cases we were able to establish elements Redecoration amounting to a total claim that were unreasonable. of £56,500. As property specialists, we undertook a We initiated our involvement with a review looking at whether the alleged thorough review of the lease and also breaches would actually damage the arranged a joint site inspection with the potential letting of the client’s former opposing surveyor. accommodation. If we could argue the space would let just as readily, it could We were able to identify parts of the claim be possible to effectively dispute most that our client was not liable for, as they of the claim. were outside of their leased area. It was also apparent that parts of the property Finally, we evaluated the Landlord’s were in poor condition and it would be surveyors fees and considered if these were tantamount to an improvement to incur deemed to be excessive. We successfully this expense. negotiated a reduction in the claim from £56,500 to £28,000, effectively halving the amount. Dilapidations 11
  • 12. Acquisitions How shrewd are your Expense Reduction Analysts property negotiations? Property? Acting nationally on many property We have an extensive knowledge of the acquisitions, we tap into the latest deals agency market, courtesy of our corporate meaning that we are perfectly positioned property role to a national client base. to offer advice on rent and pricing whilst negotiating the best deal for the client. Furthermore, the knowledge we acquire about our client’s business, together with We ensure that the proposed terms are fair our knowledge of the property market, and protect the client’s interests now and provides us with the best opportunity in the future. to identify properties that suit your requirements. We don’t waste your time offering numerous properties that simply do not match your needs. 12 Acquisitions
  • 13. 10-Stage Acquisition Process Expense Reduction Analysts’ 10 Stages to Successful Property Acquisition 10 Exchange and 1 Confirm the Complete Acquisition Criteria 9 Consider Related 2 Summarise all Property Services Available Properties 8 Further Inspection 3 Create a Short-List of Property of Properties to View 7 Agree Heads of 4 Conduct Terms Inspections 6 Negotiations on 5 Short to Long- Selected Options Term Impact 10-Stage Acquisition Process 13
  • 14. 10-Stage Acquisition Process 1 Confirm the Acquisition criteria. 4 Undertaking, either with you or Structuring a brief to identify exactly independently, a thorough inspection what you require, including location, of the options, creating a precise size, configuration, quality, car parking, comment on suitability. accessibility and cost parameters. 5 After inspecting your selected list of 2 Creating a full and thorough list of all properties, we will comment not only possibilities that meet the above brief, on the short-term, but also observe including collation of brochures and the impact over the long-term such as plans of all options. planning issues, future development opportunities and the impact of lease 3 Discussing the list of possibilities with obligations. yourselves, providing direct comments where suitable, with a view to creating 6 Agree the acquisition of a selected a shortlist of best options. Once this option, whilst at the same time has been achieved, then the process of ensuring that the other suitable acquisition can proceed. options are kept live in reserve, so as not to give the preferred option any advantage. 14 10-Stage Acquisition Process
  • 15. 7 Agree detailed Heads of Terms for an Our involvement will always keep your acquisition (or renewal) including interests as the foremost requirement, and demise, lease length/tenure, hopefully will keep your time commitment rental/price, repairing covenants, to a minimum. The importance therefore in service charge levels, legal costs and structuring an accurate brief that we can all any incentives available. work to cannot be stressed enough and our work will be undertaken swiftly and with 8 Once Heads of Terms are agreed, to minimum fuss for you. undertake a final inspection of the property and to verify floor areas etc. Our fees are typically charged on a percentage of the acquisition price or 9 At this stage to offer, if required, other rental amount, with no fee payable if services such as Rating, Building a suitable property is not identified. Surveying, schedule of Conditions etc. 10 Proceed to an acquisition of the selected options alongside your legal advisors to ensure that any legal agreement properly reflects the negotiated terms. 10-Stage Acquisition Process 15
  • 16. Corporate Property Advice Encompasses all Property Services Profit through property What is involved? Our aim is to reduce the medium term Through an experienced and focused solution that is inevitably associated with approach, we will initially gather an commercial property, to a managed process appreciation of your company, your current that allows property to perform as an asset. property portfolio and costs relative to your company turnover. Strategic property decisions need to be at the forefront of your business to We believe that it is important for us to improve your company performance. understand if your company occupies large properties on long leaseholds or if you In line with this, it is ideal to then create a require short-term leases based on a corporate property strategy to coordinate localised work contract. Alternatively, the separate elements that are involved in you may prefer to trial new locations first the property process. We know that property and require lease flexibility, or your decisions are generally a reactive response business may demand a substantial amount to a particular request or event and they of alterations to a property before you can may not be part of an organised plan. commence trading. Following our initial appreciation of your long-term business and property goals, we will create a strategy based on your needs, providing specific advice using our expertise and understanding. 16 Corporate Property Advice
  • 17. The Strategy Benefits • Read and understand all tenure • Achieve Client objectives • Create a terrier of data • Create a better property understanding • Devise an acquisition/disposal list and control of Clients property • Budget for rent reviews • Meet with Client on regular basis • Create a database of inspections • Appoint and manage local advisers and properties • Charge market fees for work types • Record for lease renewals, critical • Enjoy a full and rewarding client/advisor break dates, repairing frequencies, etc. relationship that benefits all parties • Save Client money/budget for costs The Actions How is this different to • Assess and budget for dilapidations conventional advice? • Help local branches deal with Landlords/Tenants All too often companies acquire and • Carry out rent reviews/lease renewals dispose of property in an ad-hoc fashion, • Carry out acquisitions/disposals which places unnecessary time pressures • Advise and challenge business rating on the personnel involved and is also likely assessments to cost your company money, either today • Planning advice for own use and/or or in a few years time or at the expiration higher value uses of a lease. Corporate advice applies a • Appraisals and valuations planned strategy to your decision making, • Bring forward pro-active ensuring fewer surprises and hence saving recommendations you money. • Act as an equivalent in-house property team Services 17
  • 18. How will it benefit you? How are fees charged? Your company will notice improved These can be charged on a fee basis that performance, as you will have the correct best suits your company. There would property structure in place to support your normally be a base charge and then a operations. percentage fee is usually charged, for example on the acquisition costs or In addition, you will experience cost based on cost savings. savings as this planned and preventative action avoids surplus space, reduces Expense Reduction Analysts services are dilapidations costs and avoids excessive undertaken by consultants whose firms occupancy costs of rent, business rates are members of the Royal Institution of and service charges, Chartered Surveyors (RICS). RICS is one of the most respected organisations for property professionals. As members they are highly experienced, chartered professionals offering impartial, specialist advice. 18 Services
  • 19. The Expense Reduction Analysts Property Team can achieve, on average, savings of 30% for its clients. To find out how you can benefit from this service contact your local specialist.
  • 20. find extra profit Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Chile Columbia Ecuador France Germany Greece Hungary Jordan Italy Lebanon Luxembourg Mexico Morocco Netherlands New Zealand Panama Portugal Spain Taiwan United Kingdom & Ireland United States Uruguay Expense Reduction Analysts