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Written by Yvonne Orme
Published 30th October 2016
Entrepreneurial Leadership Training Resource Preamble
 This Training Resource has been primarily designed for Middle/Senior managers, the purpose of the
resource is to; develop an awareness of how Leadership is evolving, identify which skills and
behaviours which are attributed to Entrepreneurial Leadership, and how these skills can be developed.
 The purpose of the Resource is to Educate Managers in how to lead in a Entrepreneurial Leadership
style, which when aligned with organisational objectives the organisation is able to create value.
Managers who have an awareness of social ,environmental and economic opportunity, are able to
be innovative and through thought and action can enhance their competitive advantage.
 The concept of Entrepreneurial Leadership was founded by Babson College, where extensive research
was conducted to enable a comprehensive understanding of the leader behaviours and attributes and
how these are associated with Entrepreneurialism.
 It is widely recognised that in years passed, the organisational objective would be "profit maximization
and shareholder value creation"(Porter and Kramer (2011) cited in Greenberg (2011).
 Where as in the 21st Century a new model of Leadership was required. Babson College therefore
identified an opportunity to develop a leadership model that incorporates an opportunistic mind-set
whilst also demonstrating strategic vision and an ability to influence and motivate others. The outcome
was the concept of "Entrepreneurial Leadership".
 Entrepreneurial leadership theory has three underpinning principles, which essentially are the
framework to the behaviour, attitude and mind-set of an entrepreneurial leader.
 This Training Resource aims to assist Managers in adopting an Entrepreneurial style of leadership and
enable them to gain an understanding of how individual actions and behaviour can influence the
corporate environment in which they conduct their organisational activities.
Introduction To Training Resource
This Training Resource has been designed for Supply Chain
and Procurement Managers of Asda who work with Textile Manufacturers ,
primarily in Bangladesh. The Resource aims to highlight Corporate Social
Responsibility Issues and focus on how our
Leadership decisions impact upon the industry.
The format of the resource is an eBook which
will highlight the key principles of Entrepreneurial
Leadership with the focus on Social, Environmental ,
Economic , Responsibility and Sustainability (SEERS).
The design of the Training Resource incorporates
a range of self audit materials and case studies.
The resource can also be used as a tool to
reflect on the primary issues relating to the
understanding of Entrepreneurial Leadership and
the SEERS principle of creating value through social and economic opportunity.
The resource will also highlight the importance of self development through group discussions,
activities and shared leadership experiences. As part of the of the evaluation process, students
will be able to participate in identifying each others strengths and weaknesses with the use of a
SWOT analysis.
Outlined are the Aims and Learning
outcomes of The Training Resource.
 To gain an understanding of Entrepreneurial
Leadership and the key principles that
underpin this leadership style.
Learning Outcomes
 To identify key global issues relating to
SEERS and the supply chain.
 To demonstrate and express an
understanding of the skills and
characteristics associated with
entrepreneurial leadership.
 Analyse self audit materials and complete a
plan of action to allow you to remedy any
skills shortages.
The Organisation
Asda is the second largest supermarket in the UK, owned by Walmart since
1999. Asda has 525 stores across the UK and employs over 175,000
In 1989 Asda launched George clothing line and it is now sold in 560 stores
and through which is one of the fastest growing online fashion
businesses serving over 800,000 customers a week.
The George range of clothing exclusive to Asda has contributed to changing
the face of fashion. George is one of the largest fashion retailers in Britain.
The George clothing range is primarily manufactured in Bangladesh.
In Bangladesh the textile industry accounts for 80% of its exports and
approximately 20% of the countries GDP (Gross Domestic Product).
Due to this rapidly expanding garment industry sector these figures are
set to rise annually by 6.7% as the demand grows for low cost fashion.
Manufacturers primarily produce garments for High street stores such
as Primark, Matalan, Asda, Zara, Gap, Mango Benetton, H&M and
many more.
Suppliers and Sourcing The Issues
Darka is Bangladesh's Capital city and is central to their expanding garment
industry. Bangladesh has a population of 15 million of which it is estimated that
4 million are directly employed in the industry with
an additional eight million being indirectly involved in the garment industry.
Asda has a sustainable supply chain strategy, whilst it is committed to improving
the safety and welfare of workers in the supply chain, equally important is the
focus on social and environmental issues.
Asda has adopted the standards of Bureau Veritas Safety Assessment all
garment factories in Bangladesh that supply their garments must comply with
these standards.
From 2013 Bureau Veritas is responsible for Building , Electrical and Fire
Safety Audits.,default,pg.html
Entrepreneurial Leadership What Is It?
Traditionally Leadership studies and entrepreneurial Research have been perceived as two fields of studies
with numerous definitions for each, however there is a conceptual overlap. The study of leadership and
entrepreneurship is rarely studied in unison. If firstly we take an overview of leadership and an often cited
definition such as “Leadership is the process of directing the behaviour of others toward the
accomplishment of some objective” Certo and Certo (2014).
Mullins (2013) suggest “leadership is essentially a relationship through which one person influences the
behaviour or actions of other people” academics acknowledge common characteristics of leadership such
as, leadership involves non coercive influence, influence is goal directed and that leadership requires
followers, Greenberg (2013).
Stevenson & Gumpert (1985) cited in Entrepreneurial Leadership: What Is It and How Should It Be Taught
(2011) that general leadership consists of strategic vision coupled with the ability to motivate others through
the systems, processes and culture of an organisation, Kotter(1990).
Also that "Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity beyond the resources one currently controls
(Stevenson & Gumpert,1985).
In the article Entrepreneurial Leadership: What Is It and How Should It Be Taught (2011) Entrepreneurial
Leadership is considered to be a fusion of the two constructs. Entrepreneurial Leadership is a style of
leadership therefore that incorporates an opportunistic mind set whilst demonstrating a strategic vision and
an ability to influence and motivate others.
This style of leadership requires a different logic to decision making within business, whilst also recognising
social and economic opportunity to enable value creation for the organisation.
Entrepreneurial Leadership is defined as a fusion of two
constructs Stevenson & Gumpert,1985 (cited in
Entrepreneurial Leadership; What is it And How Should It Be
Taught, 2011) Firstly the concept generally is that
“entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity beyond the
resources one currently controls” (Stevenson &
Gumpert,1985). Secondly also cited in the same article
“General Leadership consists of strategic vision coupled with
the ability to influence and motivate others through systems,
processes and culture of an organisation (Kofter,1990) cited in
the same article.
The skills attributed to
Entrepreneurial Leadership
are founded from overlaps
between Entrepreneurship
and Leadership, the two
fields of study converge to
identify the following a
recognised skills;
Becherr,Medenhall and Eickoff 2008;Cogliser and
Brigham 2004; Fernald, Solomon and Tarbishy
2005;;Thornberry 2006). Cited in Understanding and
Measuring Entrepreneurial Leadership Style, Journal of
Small Business Management 2015 53 (1),pp,54-74
The Key Principles
•Cognitive Ambidexterity.
•A Worldview; Developing
Social . Environmental,
Economic Responsibility and
•Self and Social Awareness to
create action.
3 Principles That Underpin Entrepreneurial
 Cognitive
 Self
What Is Cognitive
This is the first principle of Entrepreneurial Leadership and refers to
a different way of thinking and taking action to achieve
organisational objectives.
Engaging in prediction logic as stated by Fixon & Ray (2011) as a
method of thinking and planning future goals, using analysis and
reflection of past outcomes, whereby creation logic is centred
around uncertainty in unknowable situations.
Learning to be cognitively ambidextrous as an Entrepreneurial
Leader and engaging both prediction logic and creation logic when
making decisions enables an organisation to have a competitive
advantage, adapt and be flexible to changing operating business
At different stages of organisation development the need to amend
strategies to fit with the organisational objectives is necessary for
continued growth.
Entrepreneurial Leaders can distinguish between when to rely on
data and when to be creative and innovative.
Greiners growth model outlines different stages of organisational
growth. ( Greiners Growth Model 1972).
Cognitive Ambidexterity
Principles of a Prediction Approach
Goals are predetermined and achievable given
known information.
Enough information is known for rigorous analysis and
Tools and frameworks are available to guide decision
Optimal solutions are identifiable within a given set of
Through analysis, risk can be minimized
or mitigated to achieve optimal returns.
Outside organization are seen as
competitors and barriers to growth.
Adapted from Dew et al.2008; Greenberg et al. 2009; and Sarasvathy 2008.
 If perceived resource needs are beyond your
control, start to create something with what you
 When the future is unpredictable, create the
future by shaping opportunities.
 When operating with limited information, take
action in the world to acquire information but
expect and leverage surprises or failures.
 Optimal decision making is never possible in
highly uncertain environments. By starting
something with current available means, you are
“satisficing” to take swift action.
 Determine what you are willing to lose (money,
time, and social capital) to engage in the activity.
Once you know what you re willing to lose, risk is
no longer a inhibitor to entrepreneurial action.
 Outside organisations, customers, and self
selected stakeholders are co-creators and not
Adapted from Dew etal.2008; Greenberg et al,2009; and Sarasvathy
Principles of a Creation Approach to Thought and Action
Principle 2 Principle 2 SEERS
SEERS AND The Supply Chain
In todays volatile business climate organisations consider how
profitability and value can be created by addressing issues such as the
social impact of business activity, environmental and economic
considerations whilst also demonstrating that the organisation is
accountable, responsible and sustainable. All of which may seem like an
exhaustive task which involves organisations taking action to remedy
these issues, in order to capitalise on the opportunity they present .
Organisations continue to be under pressure to increase value for
stakeholders and as Freeman(2010) would suggest stakeholder theory is
concerned with the involvement of its customers suppliers, investors,
employees and communities integrating and sustaining relationships as
part of the community with a shared sense of what is valuable.
Principle 2 SEERS
The SEERS principle of entrepreneurial leadership
focuses on the organisational leader or Manager
demonstrating a commitment to social, environmental,
economic, responsibility and sustainability.
In the Article Focusing On Value: Reconciling Corporate
Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Approach in a Network
World (2003) Wheeler, Colbert and Freeman identify two
models that have particular relevance to the understanding
of business Value and the different facets it incorporates.
Whilst there are numerous models demonstrating concepts
of ethics and CSR ( Corporate Social Responsibility) and how
it can be embraced by organisations to create value.
The US Committee for Economic Development,
in 1971, described Corporate Social
Responsibility as: (i) related to products, jobs and
economic growth; (ii) related to social
expectations; and (iii) related to activities aimed
at improving the social environment of the firm.
Sethis 1975 three level model included: (i) social
obligation ( a response to legal and market
constraints; (ii) Social Responsibility ( congruent
with societal norms); and (iii) Social Responsive
adaptive, anticipatory and preventative (Journal
of General Management
Vol 28 3 2003).
Addition Sources
Principle 3
Self And Social Awareness To Create
What is Self Awareness And How does it Assist in
Entrepreneurial Leadership
Greenberg (2011) in "The New Entrepreneurial Leader" argues that an
acute awareness of ones self is key to being an entrepreneurial Leader,
being conscious of our own capabilities enables personal development
and assists in fuelling our passion for the causes, projects or
innovations we believe in.
Utilising a reflective process to assess are Leadership Qualities and
organisational relationships which enables a leader to adapt, change,
overcome, whilst also realising potential.
Relating to yourself Discuss In
Groups the following Professional
 In The Face Of Globalisation How To Embrace A New
Type Of Leadership?
Watch Babson Education Video Clip
Group Activity
Activity 1.
Analyse the Nike Case study and identify the ethical, responsible and
accountable behaviours which led to the Company being Transformational.
Activity 2.
Read the Rana Plaza Case study and utilising and incorporating SEERS
into organisational strategies when sourcing in Bangladesh how could the
Rana Plaza Tragedy been avoided ?
Nike & Rana Plaza Case Studies
Here are two case studies in groups discuss the following:
 How have Entrepreneurial Leadership skills changed the way Nike operated its supply
 How are economic and social opportunity realised by implementing SEERS into their
supply chain strategies?
 Using the SWOT analysis Template with one for each case study assess Entrepreneurial
Leadership from a SEERS perspective and comment on the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and Threats for this organisational strategy.
 Using 250 to 500 words summarise how this strategy added business value to each
organisation Nike and Asda.
Group Activity
In groups of about 8 persons work on ideas for ethical decision-making use
information about from either case study for the activity.
1. Identify problems the entrepreneur might encounter in running this business in an ethical
2. Develop a 10-point code of ethics for the business.
3. Discuss policies and procedures appropriate for this business that would support the code of
4. List as many ethical problems as possible that might be faced by employees during a normal
work day. Discuss the possible solutions for the problems. Consider how a procedure guide might
help employees to make the best decisions.
5. Members of the group should then role-play the process of handling an ethical issue with a
customer, with a supplier, with a competitor, and with the son of the owner. Discuss the results of
the role-playing exercise. If necessary you may want to modify your code of ethics at this time.
6. Each group should present their code of ethics to the class and discuss major outcomes of their
Source: PACE, available from the Centre on Education and Training for Employment, The Ohio
State University, Columbus, OH. 1-614-292-4277.
• Identify key principles of
Entrepreneurial Leadership
• Explore situations where SEERS
would Improve the decision
• Work in groups to discuss
previous Entrepreneurial
Leadership experiences
Learning Overview
Additional Reading & Sources of
Information Relating to SEERS
Freeman, R. E., ‘Business Ethics at the
Millennium’, Business
Ethics Quarterly, 10, No. 1, 2000, pp. 169-180
Asda Company Facts [Online Resource] [Retrieved 14th Nov 2016]
Asda Supplier About Asda [Online Resource] [Retrieved 30thOct 2016]
Babson Executive And Enterprise Education [Online Resource] [Retrieved 18th Nov 2016]
Becherr,Medenhall and Eickoff 2008;Cogliser and Brigham 2004; Fernald, Solomon and
Tarbishy 2005;;Thornberry 2006). Understanding and Measuring Entrepreneurial Leadership
Style, Journal of Small Business Management 2015 53 (1),pp,54-74
Bushra Tobah (2012) Just Do It: How Nike Turned a Supply chain crisis into Opportunity
[Online Resource] [Retrieved 11th Nov 2016]
Certo,S.C.,& Certo,S.T.(2014).Modern Management: Concepts And Skills (13th ed). England:
Dew et al (2008), Greenberg et al(2009),and Sarasvathy (2008) No Title. Manchester
Metropolitan University, PowerPoint Slides Nov 2016 In Entrepreneurial Leadership
Entrepreneurial Audit [Online Resource] [Retrieved 10th Nov 2016] http://www.corporate-
Freeman,R.E.(2000).Business Ethics At The Millenium.Business Ethics Quarterly, vol 10
Freeman,R.E.(2010).Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. New York:
Cambridge University Press
George Welcome to Sourced By George [Online Resource] [Retrieved 1st Dec 2016],default,pg.html
Global [Online Resource] [Retrieved 8th Nov 2016]
Greiner,L.E.,(1997).Evolution And Revolution As Organisations Grow.1972.Harvard
Business Review,76 (3),pp.55-60
Greenberg,D.,Mckone-Sweet,K.,Wilson,H.J.(2011). The New Entrepreneurial
Leader.San Francisco:Berrett-Koehler Publishers,Inc.
Kolb,A.Y.& Kolb,D.A.,(2012).Experiential Learning Theory. In Encyclopaedia of the
Sciences of Learning (pp.1215-1219.US Springer
Kotter,J.P.(1990). A Force For Change; How Leadership Differs From Management:
New York: The Free Press
Mullins,L.J.(2013).Management And Organisational Behaviour(10th ed).England:
OECD.Org [Online Resource] [Retrieved 14th Nov 2016]
References Continued
Piercy, N. and Giles, W., 1989. Making SWOT analysis work. Marketing Intelligence &
Planning, 7(5/6), pp.5-7.
The Rana Plaza Disaster, Human Rights and Democracy Report 2013,Human Rights
Internationally and Bangladesh [Online Resource] [Retrieved 11th Nov 2016]
UN Global Compact Online Resource Retrieved Nov 2016 from
US Committee For Economic Development [Online Resource] [Retrieved 25th Nov
Wheeler,D,Colbert,B.& Freeman R,E,(2003) Focusing On Value: Reconciling
Corporate Social Resposibility,Sustainability and Stakeholder Approach In a
Network World Journal of General Management 28 (3) [Online Resource] [Retrieved
24th Nov 2016]

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Entrepreneurial leadership training resource final upload

  • 1. ENTREPRENEURIAL LEADERSHIP TRAINING RESOURCE Written by Yvonne Orme Published 30th October 2016
  • 2. Entrepreneurial Leadership Training Resource Preamble  This Training Resource has been primarily designed for Middle/Senior managers, the purpose of the resource is to; develop an awareness of how Leadership is evolving, identify which skills and behaviours which are attributed to Entrepreneurial Leadership, and how these skills can be developed.  The purpose of the Resource is to Educate Managers in how to lead in a Entrepreneurial Leadership style, which when aligned with organisational objectives the organisation is able to create value. Managers who have an awareness of social ,environmental and economic opportunity, are able to be innovative and through thought and action can enhance their competitive advantage.  The concept of Entrepreneurial Leadership was founded by Babson College, where extensive research was conducted to enable a comprehensive understanding of the leader behaviours and attributes and how these are associated with Entrepreneurialism.  It is widely recognised that in years passed, the organisational objective would be "profit maximization and shareholder value creation"(Porter and Kramer (2011) cited in Greenberg (2011).  Where as in the 21st Century a new model of Leadership was required. Babson College therefore identified an opportunity to develop a leadership model that incorporates an opportunistic mind-set whilst also demonstrating strategic vision and an ability to influence and motivate others. The outcome was the concept of "Entrepreneurial Leadership".  Entrepreneurial leadership theory has three underpinning principles, which essentially are the framework to the behaviour, attitude and mind-set of an entrepreneurial leader.  This Training Resource aims to assist Managers in adopting an Entrepreneurial style of leadership and enable them to gain an understanding of how individual actions and behaviour can influence the corporate environment in which they conduct their organisational activities.
  • 3. Introduction To Training Resource This Training Resource has been designed for Supply Chain and Procurement Managers of Asda who work with Textile Manufacturers , primarily in Bangladesh. The Resource aims to highlight Corporate Social Responsibility Issues and focus on how our Leadership decisions impact upon the industry. The format of the resource is an eBook which will highlight the key principles of Entrepreneurial Leadership with the focus on Social, Environmental , Economic , Responsibility and Sustainability (SEERS). The design of the Training Resource incorporates a range of self audit materials and case studies. The resource can also be used as a tool to reflect on the primary issues relating to the understanding of Entrepreneurial Leadership and the SEERS principle of creating value through social and economic opportunity. The resource will also highlight the importance of self development through group discussions, activities and shared leadership experiences. As part of the of the evaluation process, students will be able to participate in identifying each others strengths and weaknesses with the use of a SWOT analysis.
  • 4. Objectives Outlined are the Aims and Learning outcomes of The Training Resource. Aims  To gain an understanding of Entrepreneurial Leadership and the key principles that underpin this leadership style. Learning Outcomes  To identify key global issues relating to SEERS and the supply chain.  To demonstrate and express an understanding of the skills and characteristics associated with entrepreneurial leadership.  Analyse self audit materials and complete a plan of action to allow you to remedy any skills shortages.
  • 5. The Organisation Asda is the second largest supermarket in the UK, owned by Walmart since 1999. Asda has 525 stores across the UK and employs over 175,000 people. In 1989 Asda launched George clothing line and it is now sold in 560 stores and through which is one of the fastest growing online fashion businesses serving over 800,000 customers a week. The George range of clothing exclusive to Asda has contributed to changing the face of fashion. George is one of the largest fashion retailers in Britain.
  • 6. The George clothing range is primarily manufactured in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh the textile industry accounts for 80% of its exports and approximately 20% of the countries GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Due to this rapidly expanding garment industry sector these figures are set to rise annually by 6.7% as the demand grows for low cost fashion. Manufacturers primarily produce garments for High street stores such as Primark, Matalan, Asda, Zara, Gap, Mango Benetton, H&M and many more.
  • 7. Suppliers and Sourcing The Issues Darka is Bangladesh's Capital city and is central to their expanding garment industry. Bangladesh has a population of 15 million of which it is estimated that 4 million are directly employed in the industry with an additional eight million being indirectly involved in the garment industry. Asda has a sustainable supply chain strategy, whilst it is committed to improving the safety and welfare of workers in the supply chain, equally important is the focus on social and environmental issues. Asda has adopted the standards of Bureau Veritas Safety Assessment all garment factories in Bangladesh that supply their garments must comply with these standards. From 2013 Bureau Veritas is responsible for Building , Electrical and Fire Safety Audits.,default,pg.html
  • 8. Entrepreneurial Leadership What Is It? Traditionally Leadership studies and entrepreneurial Research have been perceived as two fields of studies with numerous definitions for each, however there is a conceptual overlap. The study of leadership and entrepreneurship is rarely studied in unison. If firstly we take an overview of leadership and an often cited definition such as “Leadership is the process of directing the behaviour of others toward the accomplishment of some objective” Certo and Certo (2014). Mullins (2013) suggest “leadership is essentially a relationship through which one person influences the behaviour or actions of other people” academics acknowledge common characteristics of leadership such as, leadership involves non coercive influence, influence is goal directed and that leadership requires followers, Greenberg (2013). Stevenson & Gumpert (1985) cited in Entrepreneurial Leadership: What Is It and How Should It Be Taught (2011) that general leadership consists of strategic vision coupled with the ability to motivate others through the systems, processes and culture of an organisation, Kotter(1990).
  • 9. continuedContinued Also that "Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity beyond the resources one currently controls (Stevenson & Gumpert,1985). In the article Entrepreneurial Leadership: What Is It and How Should It Be Taught (2011) Entrepreneurial Leadership is considered to be a fusion of the two constructs. Entrepreneurial Leadership is a style of leadership therefore that incorporates an opportunistic mind set whilst demonstrating a strategic vision and an ability to influence and motivate others. This style of leadership requires a different logic to decision making within business, whilst also recognising social and economic opportunity to enable value creation for the organisation.
  • 10. ENTREPRENEURIAL LEADERSHIP Entrepreneurial Leadership is defined as a fusion of two constructs Stevenson & Gumpert,1985 (cited in Entrepreneurial Leadership; What is it And How Should It Be Taught, 2011) Firstly the concept generally is that “entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity beyond the resources one currently controls” (Stevenson & Gumpert,1985). Secondly also cited in the same article “General Leadership consists of strategic vision coupled with the ability to influence and motivate others through systems, processes and culture of an organisation (Kofter,1990) cited in the same article.
  • 11. VISION OPPORTUNITY-FOCUS INFLUENCE PLANNING MOTIVATING OTHERS ACHIEVEMENT ORIENTATED CREATIVITY FLEXIBILITY PATIENCE PERSISTENCE RISK TAKING HIGH TOLERANCE OF AMBIGUITY TENACITY SELF CONFIDENCE POWER ORIENTATION PROACTIVE INTERNAL FOCUS OF CONTROL The skills attributed to Entrepreneurial Leadership are founded from overlaps between Entrepreneurship and Leadership, the two fields of study converge to identify the following a recognised skills; Becherr,Medenhall and Eickoff 2008;Cogliser and Brigham 2004; Fernald, Solomon and Tarbishy 2005;;Thornberry 2006). Cited in Understanding and Measuring Entrepreneurial Leadership Style, Journal of Small Business Management 2015 53 (1),pp,54-74
  • 12. Entrepreneurial Leadership The Key Principles •Cognitive Ambidexterity. •A Worldview; Developing Social . Environmental, Economic Responsibility and Sustainability. •Self and Social Awareness to create action.
  • 13. 3 Principles That Underpin Entrepreneurial Leadership  Cognitive Ambidextrous  SEERS  Self Awareness
  • 14. What Is Cognitive Ambidexterity? This is the first principle of Entrepreneurial Leadership and refers to a different way of thinking and taking action to achieve organisational objectives. Engaging in prediction logic as stated by Fixon & Ray (2011) as a method of thinking and planning future goals, using analysis and reflection of past outcomes, whereby creation logic is centred around uncertainty in unknowable situations. Learning to be cognitively ambidextrous as an Entrepreneurial Leader and engaging both prediction logic and creation logic when making decisions enables an organisation to have a competitive advantage, adapt and be flexible to changing operating business environments. At different stages of organisation development the need to amend strategies to fit with the organisational objectives is necessary for continued growth. Entrepreneurial Leaders can distinguish between when to rely on data and when to be creative and innovative. Greiners growth model outlines different stages of organisational growth. ( Greiners Growth Model 1972).
  • 15. Cognitive Ambidexterity Principles of a Prediction Approach Goals are predetermined and achievable given known information. Enough information is known for rigorous analysis and testing. Tools and frameworks are available to guide decision making. Optimal solutions are identifiable within a given set of constraints. Through analysis, risk can be minimized or mitigated to achieve optimal returns. Outside organization are seen as competitors and barriers to growth. Adapted from Dew et al.2008; Greenberg et al. 2009; and Sarasvathy 2008.
  • 16.  If perceived resource needs are beyond your control, start to create something with what you have.  When the future is unpredictable, create the future by shaping opportunities.  When operating with limited information, take action in the world to acquire information but expect and leverage surprises or failures.  Optimal decision making is never possible in highly uncertain environments. By starting something with current available means, you are “satisficing” to take swift action.  Determine what you are willing to lose (money, time, and social capital) to engage in the activity. Once you know what you re willing to lose, risk is no longer a inhibitor to entrepreneurial action.  Outside organisations, customers, and self selected stakeholders are co-creators and not competitors. Adapted from Dew etal.2008; Greenberg et al,2009; and Sarasvathy 2008. Principles of a Creation Approach to Thought and Action
  • 17. Principle 2 Principle 2 SEERS •Social •Environmental •Economic •Responsibility •Sustainability
  • 18. SEERS AND The Supply Chain In todays volatile business climate organisations consider how profitability and value can be created by addressing issues such as the social impact of business activity, environmental and economic considerations whilst also demonstrating that the organisation is accountable, responsible and sustainable. All of which may seem like an exhaustive task which involves organisations taking action to remedy these issues, in order to capitalise on the opportunity they present . Organisations continue to be under pressure to increase value for stakeholders and as Freeman(2010) would suggest stakeholder theory is concerned with the involvement of its customers suppliers, investors, employees and communities integrating and sustaining relationships as part of the community with a shared sense of what is valuable.
  • 19. Worldview Principle 2 SEERS The SEERS principle of entrepreneurial leadership focuses on the organisational leader or Manager demonstrating a commitment to social, environmental, economic, responsibility and sustainability. In the Article Focusing On Value: Reconciling Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Approach in a Network World (2003) Wheeler, Colbert and Freeman identify two models that have particular relevance to the understanding of business Value and the different facets it incorporates. Whilst there are numerous models demonstrating concepts of ethics and CSR ( Corporate Social Responsibility) and how it can be embraced by organisations to create value.
  • 20. Continued The US Committee for Economic Development, in 1971, described Corporate Social Responsibility as: (i) related to products, jobs and economic growth; (ii) related to social expectations; and (iii) related to activities aimed at improving the social environment of the firm. Sethis 1975 three level model included: (i) social obligation ( a response to legal and market constraints; (ii) Social Responsibility ( congruent with societal norms); and (iii) Social Responsive adaptive, anticipatory and preventative (Journal of General Management Vol 28 3 2003). Addition Sources https://www.unglobalcompact. org/ https://www.globalreporting.or g/information/sustainability- reporting/Pages/default.aspx
  • 21. Principle 3 Self And Social Awareness To Create Action
  • 22. What is Self Awareness And How does it Assist in Entrepreneurial Leadership Greenberg (2011) in "The New Entrepreneurial Leader" argues that an acute awareness of ones self is key to being an entrepreneurial Leader, being conscious of our own capabilities enables personal development and assists in fuelling our passion for the causes, projects or innovations we believe in. Utilising a reflective process to assess are Leadership Qualities and organisational relationships which enables a leader to adapt, change, overcome, whilst also realising potential.
  • 23. Action Relating to yourself Discuss In Groups the following Professional Behaviours. content/uploads/2015/10/Entrepreneurial-Audit-Data-Sheet-2015.pdf
  • 24.
  • 25.  In The Face Of Globalisation How To Embrace A New Type Of Leadership? Watch Babson Education Video Clip
  • 26. Group Activity Activity 1. Analyse the Nike Case study and identify the ethical, responsible and accountable behaviours which led to the Company being Transformational. Activity 2. Read the Rana Plaza Case study and utilising and incorporating SEERS into organisational strategies when sourcing in Bangladesh how could the Rana Plaza Tragedy been avoided ?
  • 27. Nike & Rana Plaza Case Studies Here are two case studies in groups discuss the following:  How have Entrepreneurial Leadership skills changed the way Nike operated its supply chain.  How are economic and social opportunity realised by implementing SEERS into their supply chain strategies?  Using the SWOT analysis Template with one for each case study assess Entrepreneurial Leadership from a SEERS perspective and comment on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and Threats for this organisational strategy.  Using 250 to 500 words summarise how this strategy added business value to each organisation Nike and Asda. Https://
  • 28.
  • 29. Group Activity In groups of about 8 persons work on ideas for ethical decision-making use information about from either case study for the activity. 1. Identify problems the entrepreneur might encounter in running this business in an ethical manner. 2. Develop a 10-point code of ethics for the business. 3. Discuss policies and procedures appropriate for this business that would support the code of ethics. 4. List as many ethical problems as possible that might be faced by employees during a normal work day. Discuss the possible solutions for the problems. Consider how a procedure guide might help employees to make the best decisions. 5. Members of the group should then role-play the process of handling an ethical issue with a customer, with a supplier, with a competitor, and with the son of the owner. Discuss the results of the role-playing exercise. If necessary you may want to modify your code of ethics at this time. 6. Each group should present their code of ethics to the class and discuss major outcomes of their discussion. Source: PACE, available from the Centre on Education and Training for Employment, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. 1-614-292-4277.
  • 30. • Identify key principles of Entrepreneurial Leadership 1 • Explore situations where SEERS would Improve the decision process. 2 • Work in groups to discuss previous Entrepreneurial Leadership experiences 3 Learning Overview
  • 31. Additional Reading & Sources of Information Relating to SEERS content/uploads/Adding-Value-Report-Final.pdf Colbert_%26_Freeman_2003_- _Focusing_on_Value.pdf Freeman, R. E., ‘Business Ethics at the Millennium’, Business Ethics Quarterly, 10, No. 1, 2000, pp. 169-180
  • 32. References Asda Company Facts [Online Resource] [Retrieved 14th Nov 2016] Asda Supplier About Asda [Online Resource] [Retrieved 30thOct 2016] Babson Executive And Enterprise Education [Online Resource] [Retrieved 18th Nov 2016] Becherr,Medenhall and Eickoff 2008;Cogliser and Brigham 2004; Fernald, Solomon and Tarbishy 2005;;Thornberry 2006). Understanding and Measuring Entrepreneurial Leadership Style, Journal of Small Business Management 2015 53 (1),pp,54-74 Bushra Tobah (2012) Just Do It: How Nike Turned a Supply chain crisis into Opportunity [Online Resource] [Retrieved 11th Nov 2016] turned-disclosure-into-an-opportunity/ Certo,S.C.,& Certo,S.T.(2014).Modern Management: Concepts And Skills (13th ed). England: Pearson Dew et al (2008), Greenberg et al(2009),and Sarasvathy (2008) No Title. Manchester Metropolitan University, PowerPoint Slides Nov 2016 In Entrepreneurial Leadership Entrepreneurial Audit [Online Resource] [Retrieved 10th Nov 2016] http://www.corporate- Freeman,R.E.(2000).Business Ethics At The Millenium.Business Ethics Quarterly, vol 10 (1),pp.169-180
  • 33. REFERENCES CONTINUED Freeman,R.E.(2010).Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. New York: Cambridge University Press George Welcome to Sourced By George [Online Resource] [Retrieved 1st Dec 2016],default,pg.html Global [Online Resource] [Retrieved 8th Nov 2016] reporting/pages/default.aspx Greiner,L.E.,(1997).Evolution And Revolution As Organisations Grow.1972.Harvard Business Review,76 (3),pp.55-60 Greenberg,D.,Mckone-Sweet,K.,Wilson,H.J.(2011). The New Entrepreneurial Leader.San Francisco:Berrett-Koehler Publishers,Inc. Kolb,A.Y.& Kolb,D.A.,(2012).Experiential Learning Theory. In Encyclopaedia of the Sciences of Learning (pp.1215-1219.US Springer Kotter,J.P.(1990). A Force For Change; How Leadership Differs From Management: New York: The Free Press Mullins,L.J.(2013).Management And Organisational Behaviour(10th ed).England: Pearson OECD.Org [Online Resource] [Retrieved 14th Nov 2016]
  • 34. References Continued Piercy, N. and Giles, W., 1989. Making SWOT analysis work. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 7(5/6), pp.5-7. The Rana Plaza Disaster, Human Rights and Democracy Report 2013,Human Rights Internationally and Bangladesh [Online Resource] [Retrieved 11th Nov 2016] Https:// UN Global Compact Online Resource Retrieved Nov 2016 from US Committee For Economic Development [Online Resource] [Retrieved 25th Nov 2016] Wheeler,D,Colbert,B.& Freeman R,E,(2003) Focusing On Value: Reconciling Corporate Social Resposibility,Sustainability and Stakeholder Approach In a Network World Journal of General Management 28 (3) [Online Resource] [Retrieved 24th Nov 2016] _Focusing_on_Value.pdf