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M.Sc., M.Phil., M.Ed., Ph.D., MISTE., MILCS.,
Asst.Prof of Chemistry
5.1 Introduction
īļ A fuel is a combustible substance, containing carbon as the main
constituent, which on burning gives large amount of heat.
īļ During the process of combustion of a fuel, the atoms of carbon,
hydrogen, etc., combine with oxygen with simultaneous liberation of
C + O2 ------- > CO2 + 94 k cals.
2H2 + O2 ------- > 2H2O + 68.5 k cals.
īļ The main source of fuel is coal and crude petroleum oil.
īļ These are stored fuels available in earth’s crust and are generally
called fossil fuels, because they were formed from fossilised remains
of plants and animals.
īƒ˜ It should be cheap and readily available.
īƒ˜ It should be safe and economical for storage and transport.
īƒ˜ It should not undergo spontaneous combustion.
īƒ˜ It should have higher calorific value.
īƒ˜ It should have moderate ignition temperature.
īƒ˜ The combustion should be easily controllable.
īƒ˜ It should have low moisture content, because the moisture content
reduces the calorific value.
īƒ˜ The products of combustion should not be harmful.
īƒ˜ It should have low non-combustible matter or ash content.
īą Fuels are classified based on occurance and physical state
as follows.
I. Classification based on occurrence
īą Fuels are classified into two types.
1. Primary fuels: It occurs in nature as such.
īƒŧeg., coal, petroleum, natural gas.
2. Secondary fuels: It is derived from primary fuels.
īƒŧe.g., coke, gasoline, coal gas.
II. Classification based on their physical state
īą Both primary and secondary fuels may be further sub-
classified into three types.
īƒŧ Solid fuels, eg., coal, coke.
īƒŧ Liquid fuels eg., gasoline, diesel.
īƒŧ Gaseous fuels eg., coal gas, natural gas
Thus, the classification is summarised as follows.
5.4 Goal
īą Coal is an important primary solid fuel, that has been formed as a
result of alteration of vegetable matter under some favourable
Coalification (or) Metamorphism
The process of conversion (or alteration) of vegetable matter to
anthracite (coal) is called coalification or metamorphism of coal.
5.4.1 Classification of Coal
īļCoal is classified on the basis of its rank.
īļThe rank of coal indicates its degree of maturity.
īļVarious types of coal are:
The progressive transformation of wood to anthracite results in
īƒ˜ decrease in moisture content,
īƒ˜ decrease in volatile content,
īƒ˜ decrease in hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and
sulphur contents,
īƒ˜ increase in carbon content,
īƒ˜ increase in hardness,
īƒ˜ increase in calorific value.
5.5.1 Proximate Analysis
īą It is the analysis involving the determination of physical
constituents like percentage of
īƒŧ Moisture content.
īƒŧ Volatile matter.
īƒŧ Ash content.
īƒŧ Fixed carbon in coal.
1. Moisture content
īļ About 1 gm of powdered air-dried coal sample is taken in a
crusible, and is heated at 100 Âą 105 C in an electric hot-air oven
for 1 hour.
īļ The loss in weight of the sample is found out and the % of
moisture is calculated as
2. Volatile matter
īļ After the analysis of moisture content the crusible with residual
coal sample is covered with a lid, and is heated at 950 Âą 20 C for
7 minutes in a muffle furnace.
īļ The loss in weight of the sample is found out and the % of
volatile matter is calculated as
3. Ash content
īļ After the analysis of volatile matter, the crusible with residual
coal sample is heated without lid at 700 Âą 50 C for 1/2 an hour in
a muffle furnace.
īļ The loss in weight of the sample is found out and the % of ash
content is calculated as
4. Fixed carbon
īą It is determined by subtracting the sum total of moisture,
volatile and ash contents from 100.
% of fixed carbon in coal
1. Moisture content
īą High percentage of moisture is undesirable because
īƒŧ it reduces the calorific value of coal,
īƒŧ moisture in coal consumes more heat in the form of latent
heat of evaporation and hence more heat is to be supplied to
the coal,
īƒŧ it increases the transport cost.
2. Volatile matter
īą High percentage of volatile matter is undesirable
īƒŧ it reduces the calorific value of coal,
īƒŧ large proportion of fuel on heating will distill over as
vapour, which escapes out unburnt,
īƒŧ coal with high percentage of volatile matter burns
with a long flame with high smoke,
īƒŧ the coal containing high percentage of volatile matter
do not coke well.
3. Ash content
īąHigh percentage of ash content is undesirable because
īƒŧ it reduces the calorific value of coal,
īƒŧ ash causes hindrance to heat flow as well as
produces clinkers, which blocks the air supply through
the fuel,
īƒŧ it increases the transporting, handling and storage
īƒŧ it involves additional cost in ash disposal.
4. Fixed carbon
īƒŧ High percentage of fixed carbon is desirable because
higher the percentage of fixed carbon in a coal, greater
is its calorific value,
īƒŧ the percentage of fixed carbon helps in designing
the furnace and the shape of the fire-box.
5.5.2 Ultimate Analysis
īą It is the analysis involving the determination of chemical
constituents like percentage of
īƒŧ carbon and hydrogen contents
īƒŧ nitrogen content
īƒŧ sulphur content
īƒŧ ash content
īƒŧ oxygen content.
1. Carbon and Hydrogen contents
īļA known amount of the coal sample is burnt in a current of O2
in a combustion apparatus.
īļ The carbon and hydrogen, present in the coal sample, are
converted into CO2 and H2O respectively according to the
following equations.
C + O2 ------ > CO2
H2 + 1/2O2 ------ > H2O
īļ The liberated CO2 and H2O vapours are absorbed respectively in
KOH and anhydrous CaCl2 tubes of known weights.
īļ The increase in weight of KOH tube is due to the formation of
CO2 while increase in weight of CaCl2 tube is due to the formation
of H2O.
īļ From the weights of CO2 and H2O formed, the % of carbon and
hydrogen present in the coal can be calculated as follows.
2KOH + CO2 ----- > K2CO3 + H2O
CaCl2 + 7H2O ------ > CaCl2 . 7H2O
īƒ˜m = weight of the coal sample taken.
īƒ˜x = increase in weight of KOH tube.
īƒ˜y = increase in weight of CaCl2 tube.
(a) % of carbon
(b) % of hydrogen
2. Nitrogen content
īļ The determination of nitrogen content is carried out by
Kjeldahl’s method.
īļ A known amount of powdered coal sample is heated with con.
H2SO4 in presence of K2SO4 (catalyst) in a long necked flask
(called Kjeldahl’s flask).
īļ Nitrogen in the coal is converted into ammonium sulphate and
a clear solution is obtained.
2N + 3H2 + H2SO4 ------ > (NH4)2SO4
īļ The clear solution is then heated with excess of NaOH and the
liberated ammonia is distilled over and is absorbed in a known
volume of standard N/10 HCl.
(NH4)2SO4 + 2NaOH ----- > 2NH3 + Na2SO4 + 2H2O
NH3 + HCl ------ > NH4Cl
īļ The volume of unused N/10 HCl is then determined by titrating it
against standard N/10 NaOH.
īļ Thus the amount of acid neutralised by liberated ammonia from coal
is determined.
īļ From this the percentage of nitrogen is calculated as follows.
3. Sulphur content
īļ A known amount of coal sample is burnt completely in a bomb
calorimeter. During this process sulphur is converted into sulphate,
which is extracted with water.
īļ The extract is then treated with BaCl2 solution so that sulphates
are precipitated as BaSO4.
īļ The precipitate is filtered, dried and weighed. From the weight of
BaSO4 obtained, the sulphur present in the coal is calculated as
4. Ash content
īą Determination of ash content is carried out as in proximate
5. Oxygen content
īą The percentage of oxygen is calculated as follows.
% of oxygen in coal = 100 - % of (C + H + N + S + ash)
Significance (or) Importance of Ultimates Analysis
1. Carbon and hydrogen contents
īƒŧ Higher the % of carbon and hydrogen, better is the
quality of coal and higher is its calorific value.
īƒŧ The % of carbon is helpful in the classification of coal.
īƒŧ Higher % of carbon in coal reduces the size of
combustion chamber required.
2. Nitrogen content
īļ Nitrogen does not have any calorific value, and its presence in
coal is undesirable.
īļ Good quality coal should have very little nitrogen content.
3. Sulphur content
īąThough sulphur increases the calorific value, its presence in
coal is undesirable because
īļ The combustion products of sulphur, i.e., SO2 and SO3 are
harmful and have corrosion effects on equipments.
īļ The coal containing sulphur is not suitable for the preparation
of metallurgical coke as it affects the properties of the metal.
4. Oxygen content
īļ Lower the % of oxygen higher is its calorific value.
īļ As the oxygen content increases its moisture holding capacity
increases, and the calorific value of the fuel is reduced.
Table 5.1 Differences between proximate analysis and ultimate
S.No. Proximate analysis Ultimate analysis
(i) It involves the
determinations of physical
constituents like moisture,
volatile, ash and fixed
carbon contents in coal.
It involves the
determination of chemical
constituents like carbon,
hydrogen, nitrogen and
sulphur and oxygen contents
in coal.
(ii) It gives the approximate
composition of the main
constituents of coal.
It gives the exact
composition of the
elementary constituents of
īļ When coal is heated strongly in the absence of air (called
destructive distillation) it is converted into lustrous, dense, porous and
coherent mass known as coke.
īļ This process of converting coal into coke is known as
īļ Caking coals and coking coals When coals are heated strongly, the
mass becomes soft, plastic and fuses to give a coherent mass.
īļ Such type of coals are called Caking Coals.
īļ But if the mass so produced is hard, porous and strong then the
coals are called Coking Coals.
īļ Coking coals possess lower volatile matter and are used for the
manufacture of metallurgical coke.
īļ Thus all coking coals are caking coals but all caking coals are not
coking coals.
5.6.1 Types of carbonisation
īą Based on the temperature, used for carbonisation,
carbonisation is classified into two types.
1. Low Temperature carbonisation (LTC)
īƒ˜In LTC, carbonisation is carried out at 500 – 700 C.
2. High Temperature carbonisation (HTC)
īƒ˜ In HTC, carbonisation is carried out at 900 – 1300 C.
S.No. Property LTC HTC
1. Temperature 500 – 700 C 900 – 1200 C
2. Nature of the coke formed soft Hard
3. Yield 75 - 85% 65 - 75%
4. Percentage of volatile
5 - 15% 1 - 3%
5. Yield of gaseous
Products (m /tonne)
130 - 150 300 - 390
6. Mechanical strength of
coke obtained
less strong
7. Calorific value of gaseous
Low High
8. Use of the coke
0 0
5.7 Metallurgical Coke
īą When bituminous coal is heated strongly in the absence of air,
the volatile matter escapes out and the mass becomes hard, strong,
porous and coherent which is called Metallurgical Coke.
5.7.1 Requisites (or) characteristics of good metallurgical coke
1. Purity
īļ The moisture, ash, sulphur and phosphorus contents in
metallurgical coke should be low, because moisture and ash reduce
the calorific value.
īļ Sulphur and phosphorus may contaminate the metal.
2. Porosity
īļ Coke should be highly porous so that oxygen will have
intimate contact with carbon and combustion will be complete and
3. Strength
īļ The coke should have very high mechanical strength inorder
to withstand high pressure of the overlying material in the
4. Calorific value
īļ The calorific value of coke should be very high.
5. Combustibility
īļ The coke should burn easily.
6. Reactivity
īļ The reactivity of the coke should be low because low reactive
cokes produce high temperature on combustion.
7. Cost
īļ It should be cheap and readily available.
īļ There are so many types of ovens used for the manufacture of
metallurgical coke.
īļ But the important one is Otto-Hoffman’s by product oven.
5.8.1 Otto-Hoffman’s by-product oven
Inorder to
īƒŧ increase the thermal efficiency of the carbonisation process
īƒŧ recover the valuable by products (like coal gas, ammonia,
benzol oil, etc.) Otto-Hoffman developed modern by product
coke oven.
īļ The oven consists of a number of silica chambers. Each
chamber is about 10 - 12 m long, 3 - 4 m height and 0.4 - 0.45 m
wide. Each chamber is provided with a charging hole at the top.
īļ It is also provided with a gas off take valve and iron door at
each end for discharging coke (Fig 5.1).
īļ Coal is introduced into the silica chamber and the chambers are
īļ The chambers are heated to 1200 C by burning the preheated air
and the producer gas mixture in the interspaces between the
īļ The air and gas are preheated by sending them through 2nd and
3rd hot regenerators.
īļ Hot flue gases produced during combustion are allowed to pass
through 1st and 4th regenerators until the temperature has been raised
to 1000 C.
īļ While 1st and 4th regenerators are being heated by hot flue gases,
the 2nd and 3rd regenerators are used for heating the incoming air
and gas mixture.
īļ For economical heating, the direction of inlet gases and flue
gases are changed frequently.
īļ The above system of recycling the flue gases to produce heat
energy is known as regenerative system of heat economy.
When the process is complete, the coke is removed and
quenched with water.
īļ Time taken for complete carbonisation is about 12-20 hours.
The yield of coke is about 70%. The valuable by products like
tar, ammonia, H2S and benzol, etc. can be recovered from coal
Recovery of by product
1. Tar
īļ The coal gases are first passed through a tower in which liquor
ammonia is sprayed.
īļ Tar and dust get dissolved and collected in a tank below, which is
heated by steam coils to recover back the ammonia sprayed.
2. Ammonia
īļ The gases are then passed through another tower in which water
is sprayed.
īļ Here ammonia gets converted to NH4OH.
3. Naphthalene
īļ The gases are again passed through a tower, in which cooled
water is sprayed.
īļ Here naphthalene gets condensed.
4. Benzene
īļ The gases are passed through another tower, where petroleum is
īļ Here benzene gets condensed to liquid.
5. Hydrogen Sulphide
īļ The remaining gases are then passed through a purifier packed
with moist Fe2O3.
īļ Here H2S is retained.
īļ The final gas left out is pure coal gas, which is used as a gaseous
Advantages of Otto Hoffman’s Process
īƒ˜ Valuable by products like ammonia, coal gas, naphthalene
etc., are recovered.
īƒ˜ The carbonisation time is less.
īƒ˜ Heating is done externally by producer gas.
5.9 Petroleum
īļ Petroleum or crude oil is naturally occuring liquid fuel.
īļ It is a dark brown or black coloured viscous oil found deep in
earth’s crust.
īļ The oil is usually floating over a brine solution and above the
oil, natural gas is present.
īļ Crude oil is a mixture of paraffinic, olefinic and aromatic
hydrocarbons with small amounts of organic compounds like N,
O and S.
The average composition of crude oil is as follows
Constituents Percentage (%)
C 80 - 87
H 11 - 15
S 0.1 - 3.5
N + O 0.1 - 0.5
5.9.1 Classification of petroleum
īą Petroleum is classified into three types.
1. Paraffinic-Base type crude oil
īļ It contains saturated hydrocarbons from CH4 to C35 H72 with a
smaller amount of naphthenes and aromatics.
2. Naphthenic (or) Asphaltic Base type crude oil
īļ It contains cycloparaffins or naphthenes with a smaller amount
of paraffins and aromatics.
3. Mixed Base type crude oil
īļ It contains both paraffinic and asphaltic hydrocarbons.
5.9.2 Refining of Petroleum or Crude Oil
īļ The crude oil obtained from the earth is a mixture of oil, water and
unwanted impurities.
īļ After the removal of water and other impurities, the crude oil is
subjected to fractional distillation.
īļ During fractional distillation, the crude oil is separated into various
īļ Thus, the process of removing impuritaies and separating the
crude oil into various fractions having different boiling points is
called Refining of Petroleum.
īļ The process of refining involves the following steps.
Step 1: Separation of water (Cottrell’s process)
īļ The crude oil from oil well is an extremely stable emulsion
of oil and salt water.
īļ The crude oil is allowed to flow between two highly charged
electrodes, where colloidal water droplets combine to form large
drops, which is then separated out from the oil.
Step 2: Removal of harmful sulphur compounds
īļ Sulphur compounds are removed by treating the crude oil
with copper oxide.
īļ The copper sulphide formed is separated out by filtration.
Step 3: Fractional distillation
īļ The purified crude oil is then heated to about 400 C in an iron
retort, where the oil gets vapourised.
īļ The hot vapours are then passed into the bottom of a
“fractionating column” (Fig 5.2).
īļ The fractionating column is a tall cylindrical tower containing a
number of horizontal stainless steel trays at short distances.
īļ Each tray is provided with small chimney covered with a loose
īļ When the vapours of the oil go up in the fractionating column,
they become cooler and get condensed at different trays.
īļ The fractions having higher boiling points condense at lower trays
whereas the fractions having lower boiling points condense at higher
īļ The gasoline obtained by this fractional distillation is called
straight-run gasoline.
īļ Various fractions obtained at different trays are given in table 5.3.
Table 5.3 Various fractions, compositions and their uses
Name of
the fraction
Range C
Range of
1. Uncondensed
Below 30 C1 - C4 As a fuel under
the name of
2. Petroleum ether 30 - 70 C5 - C7 As a solvent.
3. Gasoline or petrol 40 - 120 C5 - C9 Fuel for IC
4. Naphtha or solvent
120 - 180 C9 - C10 As a solvent
in paints and
in dry
Name of
the fraction
Range C
Range of
5 Kerosene oil 180 - 250 C10 - C16 Fuel for stoves
and jet engines.
6. Diesel oil 250 - 320 C15 - C18 Diesel engine
7. Heavy oil 320 - 400 C17 - C30 Fuel for ships
and for
production of
gasoline by
Table 5.4 Refractionation of Heavy oils
īąHeavy oils on refractionation gives
S.No. Name of the Fraction Uses
1. Lubricating oils As lubricants.
2. Petroleum jelly or
Used in medicines and
3. Grease Used as lubricant.
4. Paraffin wax Used in candles, boot
polishes etc.
5. Pitch at above 400 C Used for making roads,
water proof roofing etc.
īļ The gasoline, obtained from the fractional distillation of
crude petroleum oil, is called straight run petrol.
īļ As the use of gasoline is increased, the amount of straight
run gasoline is not enough to meet the requirement of the
present community.
īļ Hence, we are in need of finding out a method of
synthesizing petrol.
5.10.1 Hydrogenation of coal (or) Manufacture of synthetic
īļ Coal contains about 4.5% hydrogen compared to about 18%
in petroleum. So, coal is a hydrogen deficient compound.
īļ If coal is heated with hydrogen to high temperature under
high pressure, it is converted to gasoline.
The preparation of liquid fuels from solid coal is called
hydrogenation of coal (or) synthetic petrol.
īą An important method, available for the hydrogenation of coal
is Bergius process (or direct method).
Bergius process (or ) (Direct method)
īļ In this process, (fig. 5.3) the finely powdered coal is made into
a paste with heavy oil and a catalyst powder (tin or nickel oleate) is
mixed with it.
īļ The paste is pumped along with hydrogen gas into the
converter, where the paste is heated to 400 – 450 C under a
pressure of 200 - 250 atm.
īļ During this process hydrogen combines with coal to form
saturated higher hydrocarbons, which undergo further
decomposition at higher temperature to yield mixture of lower
īļ The mixture is led to a condenser, where the crude oil is
īļ The crude oil is then fractionated to yield
īƒŧ Gasoline
īƒŧ Middle oil
īƒŧ Heavy oil.
īļ The middle oil is further hydrogenated in vapour phase to
yield more gasoline.
īļ The heavy oil is recycled for making paste with fresh coal
dust. The yield of gasoline is about 60% of the coal used.
Knocking is a kind of explosion due to rapid pressure rise
occurring in an IC engine.
5.11.1 Causes of knocking in S.I (Spark Ignition) Engine
[Petrol engines]
īļ In a petrol engine, a mixture of gasoline vapour and air at
1:17 ratio is used as fuel.
īļ This mixture is compressed and ignited by an electric spark.
īļ The products of oxidation reaction (combustion) increases
the pressure and pushes the piston down the cylinder.
īļ If the combustion proceeds in a regular way, there is no problem
in knocking.
īļ But in some cases, the rate of combustion (oxidation) will not be
uniform due to unwanted chemical constituents of gasoline.
īļ The rate of ignition of the fuel gradually increases and the final
portion of the fuel-air mixture gets ignited instantaneously producing
an explosive sound known as “Knocking”.
īļ Knocking property of the fuel reduces the efficiency of engine. So
a good gasoline should resist knocking.
Chemical structure and knocking
īļ The knocking tendency of fuel hydrocarbons mainly depends on
their chemical structures.
īļ The knocking tendency decreases in the following order.
Straight chain paraffins > Branched chain paraffins >
Cycloparaffins > Olefins > Aromatics.
īą Thus olefins of the same carbon-chain length possess better
anti-knock properties than the corresponding paraffins.
5.11.2 Improvement of antiknock characteristics
īąThe octane number of fuel can be prevented by
īƒ˜ blending petrol of high octane number with petrol of low
octane number, so that the octane number of the latter can be
īƒ˜ the addition of anti-knock agents like Tetra-Ethyl Lead
īƒ˜ now a days aromatic phosphates are used as antiknock
agent because it avoids lead pollution.
īļ Octane number is introduced to express the knocking characteristics
of petrol.
īļ It has been found that n-heptane knocks very badly and hence, its
anti-knock value has been given zero.
īļ On the other hand, iso-octane gives very little knocking and so, its
anti-knock value has been given 100.
Thus, octane number is defined as ‘the percentage of iso-octane
present in a mixture of iso-octane and n-heptane.’
īļ The anti-knock properties of a gasoline can be improved by the
addition of suitable additives.
īļ Tetra Ethyl Lead (TEL) (C2H5)4 Pb is an important additive
added to petrol.
īļ Thus the petrol containing tetra ethyl lead is called leaded
Mechanism of knocking
īļ TEL reduces the knocking tendency of hydrocarbon.
īļ Knocking follows a free radical mechanism, leading to a chain
īļ growth which results in an explosion.
īļ If the chains are terminated before their growth, knocking will
īļ TEL decomposes thermally to form ethyl free radicals which
combine with the growing free radicals of knocking process and thus
the chain growth is stopped.
Disadvantages of using TEL
īļWhen the leaded petrol is used as a fuel, the TEL is converted to lead
oxide and metallic lead.
īļThis lead deposits on the spark plug and on cylinder walls which is
harmful to engine life.
īļ To avoid this, small amount of ethylene dibromide is added along with
īļ This ethylene dibromide reacts with Pb and PbO to give volatile lead
bromide, which goes out along with exhaust gases.
īļBut this creates atmospheric pollution.
īļSo now a days aromatic phosphates are used instead of TEL.
īļ It is a fraction obtained between 250 – 320 C during fractional
distillation of petroleum.
īļ It is a mixture of C15H32 to C18 H38 hydrocarbons. Its calorific
value is about 11000 kcal/kg.
īļ It is used as a very good diesel engine fuel.
Causes of knocking in CI engines (Diesel engines)
īļ In a diesel engine, first air is alone compressed.
īļ This compression raises the temperature of the cylinder to about
500 C.
īļ Then the oil is sprayed into the heated air.
īļ This further raises the temperature as well as pressure.
īļ The expanding gases push the piston and power stroke begins.
īļ The combustion of a fuel in a diesel engine is not instaneous and the
time between injection of the fuel and its ignition is called Ignition lag
or Ignition delay.
īļ This delay is due to the time taken for the vapourisation of oil
droplets and raising the temperature of vapour to its ignition
īļ Long ignition lags lead to accumulation of more vapours in the
cylinder, which undergo explosion during ignition.
īļ This is responsible for diesel knock.
īļ If the ignition lag is short, diesel knock will not occur.
5.14.1 Diesel index
īą The quality of a diesel oil is indicated by diesel index number using
the following formula.
Aniline point and specific gravity is noted from API (American
Petroleum Institute) Scale.
īļ Cetane number is introduced to express the knocking
characteristics of diesel.
īļ Cetane (hexa decane) (C16 H34) has a very short ignition lag and
hence its cetane number is taken as 100.
īļ On the other hand ɑ-methyl naphthalene has a long ignition lag and
hence its cetane number is taken as zero.
Thus, cetane number is defined as "the percentage of hexa decane
present in a mixture of hexa decane and ɑ-methyl naphthalene,
which has the same ignition lag as the fuel under test".
īļThe cetane number decreases in the following order.
Straight chain paraffins > Cycloparaffins > Olefins > Branched
paraffins > Aromatics.
īļThe cetane number of a diesel oil can be increased by adding
additives called dopes.
īƒ˜Important dopes: Ethyl nitrate, Iso-amyl nitrate.
5.15.1 Comparison of gasoline oil and diesel oil
Gasoline Oil Diesel Oil
1. Low boiling fraction of
petroleum contains
C5 - C9 hydrocarbons.
High boiling fraction of
petroleum contains
C15 - C18 hydrocarbons.
2. Fuel for SI engine. Fuel for CI engine.
3. Knocking tendency is
measured in octane rating.
Knocking tendency is
measured in cetane rating.
4. Knocking is due to
premature ignition.
Knocking is due to ignition
Gasoline Oil Diesel Oil
5. Anti-knocking is improved
by the addition of TEL.
Anti-knocking is
by doping with ethyl
6. Its exhaust gases contain
higher amount of
Its exhaust gases
lesser amount of
7. More consumption, lower
thermal efficiency.
Less consumption,
thermal efficiency.
īļ When ethyl alcohol is blended with petrol at concentration of
5-10%, it is called power alcohol.
īļ In other words absolute alcohol (100% ethyl alcohol) is also
called power alcohol.
īļ Ethyl alcohol is used in an internal combustion (IC) engine.
īļ The addition of ethyl alcohol to petrol increases its octane
īļ When ethyl alcohol is blended with diesel it is called E diesel.
īą Manufacture of power alcohol involves the following two
Step I Manufacture of Ethyl alcohol
īļ Ethyl alcohol can be synthesised by fermentation of
carbohydrates (sugar material).
īļ Fermentation of molasses, which is the residue left after the
crystallization of sugar, with yeast generates alcohol.
īļ This fermentation yields only about 20% alcohol.
C6H12O6 ------- > 2 C2H5OH + 2 CO2
Glucose (sugar) Ethyl alcohol
īļ Concentration of alcohol can be increased up to 97.6% by
fractional distillation yields rectified spirit.
īļ The concentration of alcohol cannot be increased by
distillation above 97.6%, because it forms a constant boiling
mixture with water.
īļ The constant boiling mixture has a lower boiling point than
Step II Conversion of ethyl alcohol into power alcohol
īļ But, for the use in IC engines, 100% alcohol (absolute alcohol)
is prepared by removing last traces of water from rectified spirit.
īƒŧ It can Alcohol, containing traces of water, is distilled with
benzene. When benzene passes over with a portion of alcohol
and water, it leaves behind absolute (power) alcohol.
īƒŧ Alcohol is distilled in the presence of dehydrating agent,
which holds the water. Finally absolute alcohol is mixed with
petrol at concentration of 5-10% to get power alcohols.
īļbe done by the following two methods.
īƒ˜ Power alcohol has a lower calorific values (7000
īƒ˜ It has high octane number (90).
īƒ˜ Its anti-knocking properties are good.
īƒ˜ It generates 10% more power than the gasoline of
same quantity.
īƒ˜ Its compression ratio is also higher.
īą It is used, as a very good fuel, in motors.
5.16.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of power alcohol
īƒ˜ It is cheaper than petrol.
īƒ˜ If any moisture is present, power alcohol absorbs it.
īƒ˜ As ethyl alcohol contains oxygen atoms, complete combustion
occurs, so emission of CO, hydrocarbon, particulates are reduced.
īƒ˜ As the calorific value of power alcohol (7000 cal/gm) is lower
than petrol (11,500 cal/gm), specially designed engine is required.
īƒ˜ Output power is reduced upto 35%.
īƒ˜ Due to its high surface tension, atomization of power alcohol is
difficult, so it causes starting trouble.
īƒ˜ It may under go oxidation to give acetic acid, which
corrodes engine part.
īƒ˜ As it contains oxygen atoms, the amount of air required
for combustion is less therefore, the engine and carburetor
need to be modified.
īļ Vegetable oils comprise of 90-95% triglycerides with small
amount of diglycerides, free fatty acids, phospholipids, etc.,
Triglycerides are esters of long chain fatty acids, like stearic acid
and palmitic acid.
īļ The viscosity of vegetable oils are higher and their molecular
weights are in the range of 600 to 900, which are about 3 times
higher than those of the diesel fuels.
Problems in using vegetable oil directly
īƒŧ As the viscosity of vegetable oils are high, atomization is very
poor and hence inefficient mixing of oil with air leads to
incomplete combustion.
īƒŧ Oxidation and thermal polymerization of vegetable oils cause
deposit formation.
īƒŧ Their high viscosity causes misfire and ignition delay.
īƒŧ Their high volatility and consequent high flash point lead to
more deposit formation.
īƒŧ The use of vegetable oils as direct fuel requires modification
of the conventional diesel engine design.
Manufacture :Trans – esterification (or) Alcoholysis
īļ The above problems are overcome by reducing the viscosity of the
vegetable oils by the process known as trans-esterification or
īļ Alcoholysis is nothing but displacement of alcohol from an ester by
another alcohol.
īļ It involves treatment of vegetable oil (sunflower oil, palm oil,
soyabean oil, mustard oil, etc) with excess of methanol in presence of
catalyst to give mono ethyl esters of long chain fatty acid and glycerine.
īļ It is allowed to stand for some time and glycerine is separated.
Alcoholysis reaction is represented as
īļ Methyl esters of fatty acids, thus formed, are called “Bio-diesel”.
īļ Bio-diesel is defined as mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty
acids derived from vegetable oils or fats.
īļ It is a pure fuel before blending with conventional diesel fuel.
īļ Bio-diesel can be blended with petroleum diesel.
5.17.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Bio-diesel
īƒŧ Bio-diesel is bio-degradable.
īƒŧ It is prepared from renewable resources.
īƒŧ The gaseous pollutants are lesser as compared to the
conventional diesel fuel.
īƒŧ Bio-diesel can be produced from different types of vegetable
īƒŧ Best engine performance and less smoke emission are
īƒŧ Bio-diesel gels in cold weather.
īƒŧ As bio-materials are hygroscopic, bio-diesel can
absorb the water from atmosphere.
īƒŧ Bio-diesel decreases the horse power of the engine.
īƒŧ Bio-diesel degrades and soften the rubber and
plastics, that are used in some old cars.
īƒŧ Bio-diesel has about 10% higher nitrogen-oxide
(NOx) emission than conventional petroleum.

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Engineering Chemistry Unit-5 title Fuels

  • 1. BY: Dr. A. RAVIKRISHNAN, M.Sc., M.Phil., M.Ed., Ph.D., MISTE., MILCS., Asst.Prof of Chemistry
  • 2. FUELS 5.1 Introduction īļ A fuel is a combustible substance, containing carbon as the main constituent, which on burning gives large amount of heat. īļ During the process of combustion of a fuel, the atoms of carbon, hydrogen, etc., combine with oxygen with simultaneous liberation of heat. C + O2 ------- > CO2 + 94 k cals. 2H2 + O2 ------- > 2H2O + 68.5 k cals. īļ The main source of fuel is coal and crude petroleum oil. īļ These are stored fuels available in earth’s crust and are generally called fossil fuels, because they were formed from fossilised remains of plants and animals.
  • 3. 5.2 CHARACTERISTICS (or) REQUIRMENTS OF A GOOD FUELS īƒ˜ It should be cheap and readily available. īƒ˜ It should be safe and economical for storage and transport. īƒ˜ It should not undergo spontaneous combustion. īƒ˜ It should have higher calorific value. īƒ˜ It should have moderate ignition temperature. īƒ˜ The combustion should be easily controllable. īƒ˜ It should have low moisture content, because the moisture content reduces the calorific value. īƒ˜ The products of combustion should not be harmful. īƒ˜ It should have low non-combustible matter or ash content.
  • 4. CLASSIFICATION OF FUELS īą Fuels are classified based on occurance and physical state as follows. I. Classification based on occurrence īą Fuels are classified into two types. 1. Primary fuels: It occurs in nature as such. īƒŧeg., coal, petroleum, natural gas. 2. Secondary fuels: It is derived from primary fuels. īƒŧe.g., coke, gasoline, coal gas.
  • 5. II. Classification based on their physical state īą Both primary and secondary fuels may be further sub- classified into three types. īƒŧ Solid fuels, eg., coal, coke. īƒŧ Liquid fuels eg., gasoline, diesel. īƒŧ Gaseous fuels eg., coal gas, natural gas
  • 6. Thus, the classification is summarised as follows.
  • 7. I SOLID FUELS 5.4 Goal īą Coal is an important primary solid fuel, that has been formed as a result of alteration of vegetable matter under some favourable conditions. Coalification (or) Metamorphism The process of conversion (or alteration) of vegetable matter to anthracite (coal) is called coalification or metamorphism of coal. 5.4.1 Classification of Coal īļCoal is classified on the basis of its rank. īļThe rank of coal indicates its degree of maturity. īļVarious types of coal are:
  • 8. The progressive transformation of wood to anthracite results in īƒ˜ decrease in moisture content, īƒ˜ decrease in volatile content, īƒ˜ decrease in hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur contents, īƒ˜ increase in carbon content, īƒ˜ increase in hardness, īƒ˜ increase in calorific value.
  • 9. 5.5 ANALYSIS OF GOAL 5.5.1 Proximate Analysis īą It is the analysis involving the determination of physical constituents like percentage of īƒŧ Moisture content. īƒŧ Volatile matter. īƒŧ Ash content. īƒŧ Fixed carbon in coal.
  • 10. 1. Moisture content īļ About 1 gm of powdered air-dried coal sample is taken in a crusible, and is heated at 100 Âą 105 C in an electric hot-air oven for 1 hour. īļ The loss in weight of the sample is found out and the % of moisture is calculated as 0
  • 11. 2. Volatile matter īļ After the analysis of moisture content the crusible with residual coal sample is covered with a lid, and is heated at 950 Âą 20 C for 7 minutes in a muffle furnace. īļ The loss in weight of the sample is found out and the % of volatile matter is calculated as 0
  • 12. 3. Ash content īļ After the analysis of volatile matter, the crusible with residual coal sample is heated without lid at 700 Âą 50 C for 1/2 an hour in a muffle furnace. īļ The loss in weight of the sample is found out and the % of ash content is calculated as 0
  • 13. 4. Fixed carbon īą It is determined by subtracting the sum total of moisture, volatile and ash contents from 100. % of fixed carbon in coal 1. Moisture content īą High percentage of moisture is undesirable because īƒŧ it reduces the calorific value of coal, īƒŧ moisture in coal consumes more heat in the form of latent heat of evaporation and hence more heat is to be supplied to the coal, īƒŧ it increases the transport cost.
  • 14. 2. Volatile matter īą High percentage of volatile matter is undesirable because īƒŧ it reduces the calorific value of coal, īƒŧ large proportion of fuel on heating will distill over as vapour, which escapes out unburnt, īƒŧ coal with high percentage of volatile matter burns with a long flame with high smoke, īƒŧ the coal containing high percentage of volatile matter do not coke well. 3. Ash content īąHigh percentage of ash content is undesirable because īƒŧ it reduces the calorific value of coal, īƒŧ ash causes hindrance to heat flow as well as produces clinkers, which blocks the air supply through the fuel,
  • 15. īƒŧ it increases the transporting, handling and storage costs, īƒŧ it involves additional cost in ash disposal. 4. Fixed carbon īƒŧ High percentage of fixed carbon is desirable because higher the percentage of fixed carbon in a coal, greater is its calorific value, īƒŧ the percentage of fixed carbon helps in designing the furnace and the shape of the fire-box.
  • 16. 5.5.2 Ultimate Analysis īą It is the analysis involving the determination of chemical constituents like percentage of īƒŧ carbon and hydrogen contents īƒŧ nitrogen content īƒŧ sulphur content īƒŧ ash content īƒŧ oxygen content. 1. Carbon and Hydrogen contents īļA known amount of the coal sample is burnt in a current of O2 in a combustion apparatus. īļ The carbon and hydrogen, present in the coal sample, are converted into CO2 and H2O respectively according to the following equations. C + O2 ------ > CO2 H2 + 1/2O2 ------ > H2O
  • 17. īļ The liberated CO2 and H2O vapours are absorbed respectively in KOH and anhydrous CaCl2 tubes of known weights. īļ The increase in weight of KOH tube is due to the formation of CO2 while increase in weight of CaCl2 tube is due to the formation of H2O. īļ From the weights of CO2 and H2O formed, the % of carbon and hydrogen present in the coal can be calculated as follows. Calculations 2KOH + CO2 ----- > K2CO3 + H2O CaCl2 + 7H2O ------ > CaCl2 . 7H2O Let īƒ˜m = weight of the coal sample taken. īƒ˜x = increase in weight of KOH tube. īƒ˜y = increase in weight of CaCl2 tube.
  • 18. (a) % of carbon
  • 19. (b) % of hydrogen
  • 20. 2. Nitrogen content īļ The determination of nitrogen content is carried out by Kjeldahl’s method. īļ A known amount of powdered coal sample is heated with con. H2SO4 in presence of K2SO4 (catalyst) in a long necked flask (called Kjeldahl’s flask). īļ Nitrogen in the coal is converted into ammonium sulphate and a clear solution is obtained. 2N + 3H2 + H2SO4 ------ > (NH4)2SO4 īļ The clear solution is then heated with excess of NaOH and the liberated ammonia is distilled over and is absorbed in a known volume of standard N/10 HCl. (NH4)2SO4 + 2NaOH ----- > 2NH3 + Na2SO4 + 2H2O NH3 + HCl ------ > NH4Cl
  • 21. īļ The volume of unused N/10 HCl is then determined by titrating it against standard N/10 NaOH. īļ Thus the amount of acid neutralised by liberated ammonia from coal is determined. īļ From this the percentage of nitrogen is calculated as follows. Calculation:
  • 22.
  • 23. 3. Sulphur content īļ A known amount of coal sample is burnt completely in a bomb calorimeter. During this process sulphur is converted into sulphate, which is extracted with water. īļ The extract is then treated with BaCl2 solution so that sulphates are precipitated as BaSO4. īļ The precipitate is filtered, dried and weighed. From the weight of BaSO4 obtained, the sulphur present in the coal is calculated as follows.
  • 24.
  • 25. 4. Ash content īą Determination of ash content is carried out as in proximate analysis 5. Oxygen content īą The percentage of oxygen is calculated as follows. % of oxygen in coal = 100 - % of (C + H + N + S + ash) Significance (or) Importance of Ultimates Analysis 1. Carbon and hydrogen contents īƒŧ Higher the % of carbon and hydrogen, better is the quality of coal and higher is its calorific value. īƒŧ The % of carbon is helpful in the classification of coal. īƒŧ Higher % of carbon in coal reduces the size of combustion chamber required.
  • 26. 2. Nitrogen content īļ Nitrogen does not have any calorific value, and its presence in coal is undesirable. īļ Good quality coal should have very little nitrogen content. 3. Sulphur content īąThough sulphur increases the calorific value, its presence in coal is undesirable because īļ The combustion products of sulphur, i.e., SO2 and SO3 are harmful and have corrosion effects on equipments. īļ The coal containing sulphur is not suitable for the preparation of metallurgical coke as it affects the properties of the metal. 4. Oxygen content īļ Lower the % of oxygen higher is its calorific value. īļ As the oxygen content increases its moisture holding capacity increases, and the calorific value of the fuel is reduced.
  • 27. Table 5.1 Differences between proximate analysis and ultimate analysis S.No. Proximate analysis Ultimate analysis (i) It involves the determinations of physical constituents like moisture, volatile, ash and fixed carbon contents in coal. It involves the determination of chemical constituents like carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulphur and oxygen contents in coal. (ii) It gives the approximate composition of the main constituents of coal. It gives the exact composition of the elementary constituents of coal.
  • 28. 5.6 CARBONISATION īļ When coal is heated strongly in the absence of air (called destructive distillation) it is converted into lustrous, dense, porous and coherent mass known as coke. īļ This process of converting coal into coke is known as Carbonisation. īļ Caking coals and coking coals When coals are heated strongly, the mass becomes soft, plastic and fuses to give a coherent mass. īļ Such type of coals are called Caking Coals. īļ But if the mass so produced is hard, porous and strong then the coals are called Coking Coals. īļ Coking coals possess lower volatile matter and are used for the manufacture of metallurgical coke. īļ Thus all coking coals are caking coals but all caking coals are not coking coals.
  • 29. 5.6.1 Types of carbonisation īą Based on the temperature, used for carbonisation, carbonisation is classified into two types. 1. Low Temperature carbonisation (LTC) īƒ˜In LTC, carbonisation is carried out at 500 – 700 C. 2. High Temperature carbonisation (HTC) īƒ˜ In HTC, carbonisation is carried out at 900 – 1300 C. 0 0
  • 30. S.No. Property LTC HTC 1. Temperature 500 – 700 C 900 – 1200 C 2. Nature of the coke formed soft Hard 3. Yield 75 - 85% 65 - 75% 4. Percentage of volatile matter 5 - 15% 1 - 3% 5. Yield of gaseous Products (m /tonne) 130 - 150 300 - 390 6. Mechanical strength of coke obtained less strong 7. Calorific value of gaseous products Low High 8. Use of the coke obtained Domestic purposes Metallurgical purposes 0 0 3
  • 31. 5.7 Metallurgical Coke īą When bituminous coal is heated strongly in the absence of air, the volatile matter escapes out and the mass becomes hard, strong, porous and coherent which is called Metallurgical Coke. 5.7.1 Requisites (or) characteristics of good metallurgical coke 1. Purity īļ The moisture, ash, sulphur and phosphorus contents in metallurgical coke should be low, because moisture and ash reduce the calorific value. īļ Sulphur and phosphorus may contaminate the metal. 2. Porosity īļ Coke should be highly porous so that oxygen will have intimate contact with carbon and combustion will be complete and uniform.
  • 32. 3. Strength īļ The coke should have very high mechanical strength inorder to withstand high pressure of the overlying material in the furnace. 4. Calorific value īļ The calorific value of coke should be very high. 5. Combustibility īļ The coke should burn easily. 6. Reactivity īļ The reactivity of the coke should be low because low reactive cokes produce high temperature on combustion. 7. Cost īļ It should be cheap and readily available.
  • 33. 5.8 MANUFACTURE OF METALLURGICAL COKE īļ There are so many types of ovens used for the manufacture of metallurgical coke. īļ But the important one is Otto-Hoffman’s by product oven. 5.8.1 Otto-Hoffman’s by-product oven Inorder to īƒŧ increase the thermal efficiency of the carbonisation process and, īƒŧ recover the valuable by products (like coal gas, ammonia, benzol oil, etc.) Otto-Hoffman developed modern by product coke oven. īļ The oven consists of a number of silica chambers. Each chamber is about 10 - 12 m long, 3 - 4 m height and 0.4 - 0.45 m wide. Each chamber is provided with a charging hole at the top. īļ It is also provided with a gas off take valve and iron door at each end for discharging coke (Fig 5.1).
  • 34. īļ Coal is introduced into the silica chamber and the chambers are closed. īļ The chambers are heated to 1200 C by burning the preheated air and the producer gas mixture in the interspaces between the chambers. īļ The air and gas are preheated by sending them through 2nd and 3rd hot regenerators. īļ Hot flue gases produced during combustion are allowed to pass through 1st and 4th regenerators until the temperature has been raised to 1000 C. īļ While 1st and 4th regenerators are being heated by hot flue gases, the 2nd and 3rd regenerators are used for heating the incoming air and gas mixture. 0 0
  • 35.
  • 36. īļ For economical heating, the direction of inlet gases and flue gases are changed frequently. īļ The above system of recycling the flue gases to produce heat energy is known as regenerative system of heat economy. When the process is complete, the coke is removed and quenched with water. īļ Time taken for complete carbonisation is about 12-20 hours. The yield of coke is about 70%. The valuable by products like tar, ammonia, H2S and benzol, etc. can be recovered from coal gas.
  • 37. Recovery of by product 1. Tar īļ The coal gases are first passed through a tower in which liquor ammonia is sprayed. īļ Tar and dust get dissolved and collected in a tank below, which is heated by steam coils to recover back the ammonia sprayed. 2. Ammonia īļ The gases are then passed through another tower in which water is sprayed. īļ Here ammonia gets converted to NH4OH. 3. Naphthalene īļ The gases are again passed through a tower, in which cooled water is sprayed. īļ Here naphthalene gets condensed.
  • 38. 4. Benzene īļ The gases are passed through another tower, where petroleum is sprayed. īļ Here benzene gets condensed to liquid. 5. Hydrogen Sulphide īļ The remaining gases are then passed through a purifier packed with moist Fe2O3. īļ Here H2S is retained. īļ The final gas left out is pure coal gas, which is used as a gaseous fuel. Advantages of Otto Hoffman’s Process īƒ˜ Valuable by products like ammonia, coal gas, naphthalene etc., are recovered. īƒ˜ The carbonisation time is less. īƒ˜ Heating is done externally by producer gas.
  • 39. II LIQUID FUELS 5.9 Petroleum īļ Petroleum or crude oil is naturally occuring liquid fuel. īļ It is a dark brown or black coloured viscous oil found deep in earth’s crust. īļ The oil is usually floating over a brine solution and above the oil, natural gas is present. īļ Crude oil is a mixture of paraffinic, olefinic and aromatic hydrocarbons with small amounts of organic compounds like N, O and S.
  • 40. The average composition of crude oil is as follows Constituents Percentage (%) C 80 - 87 H 11 - 15 S 0.1 - 3.5 N + O 0.1 - 0.5
  • 41. 5.9.1 Classification of petroleum īą Petroleum is classified into three types. 1. Paraffinic-Base type crude oil īļ It contains saturated hydrocarbons from CH4 to C35 H72 with a smaller amount of naphthenes and aromatics. 2. Naphthenic (or) Asphaltic Base type crude oil īļ It contains cycloparaffins or naphthenes with a smaller amount of paraffins and aromatics. 3. Mixed Base type crude oil īļ It contains both paraffinic and asphaltic hydrocarbons.
  • 42. 5.9.2 Refining of Petroleum or Crude Oil īļ The crude oil obtained from the earth is a mixture of oil, water and unwanted impurities. īļ After the removal of water and other impurities, the crude oil is subjected to fractional distillation. īļ During fractional distillation, the crude oil is separated into various fractions. īļ Thus, the process of removing impuritaies and separating the crude oil into various fractions having different boiling points is called Refining of Petroleum. īļ The process of refining involves the following steps.
  • 43. Step 1: Separation of water (Cottrell’s process) īļ The crude oil from oil well is an extremely stable emulsion of oil and salt water. īļ The crude oil is allowed to flow between two highly charged electrodes, where colloidal water droplets combine to form large drops, which is then separated out from the oil. Step 2: Removal of harmful sulphur compounds īļ Sulphur compounds are removed by treating the crude oil with copper oxide. īļ The copper sulphide formed is separated out by filtration.
  • 44. Step 3: Fractional distillation īļ The purified crude oil is then heated to about 400 C in an iron retort, where the oil gets vapourised. īļ The hot vapours are then passed into the bottom of a “fractionating column” (Fig 5.2). īļ The fractionating column is a tall cylindrical tower containing a number of horizontal stainless steel trays at short distances. īļ Each tray is provided with small chimney covered with a loose cap. 0
  • 45.
  • 46. īļ When the vapours of the oil go up in the fractionating column, they become cooler and get condensed at different trays. īļ The fractions having higher boiling points condense at lower trays whereas the fractions having lower boiling points condense at higher trays. īļ The gasoline obtained by this fractional distillation is called straight-run gasoline. īļ Various fractions obtained at different trays are given in table 5.3.
  • 47. Table 5.3 Various fractions, compositions and their uses S. No Name of the fraction Boiling Range C Range of C-Atoms Uses 1. Uncondensed gases Below 30 C1 - C4 As a fuel under the name of LPG. 2. Petroleum ether 30 - 70 C5 - C7 As a solvent. 3. Gasoline or petrol 40 - 120 C5 - C9 Fuel for IC engines. 4. Naphtha or solvent spirit 120 - 180 C9 - C10 As a solvent in paints and in dry cleaning. 0
  • 48. S. No Name of the fraction Boiling Range C Range of C-Atoms Uses 5 Kerosene oil 180 - 250 C10 - C16 Fuel for stoves and jet engines. 6. Diesel oil 250 - 320 C15 - C18 Diesel engine fuel. 7. Heavy oil 320 - 400 C17 - C30 Fuel for ships and for production of gasoline by cracking. 0
  • 49. Table 5.4 Refractionation of Heavy oils īąHeavy oils on refractionation gives S.No. Name of the Fraction Uses 1. Lubricating oils As lubricants. 2. Petroleum jelly or vaseline Used in medicines and cosmetics. 3. Grease Used as lubricant. 4. Paraffin wax Used in candles, boot polishes etc. 5. Pitch at above 400 C Used for making roads, water proof roofing etc.
  • 50. 5.10 SYNTHETIC PETROL īļ The gasoline, obtained from the fractional distillation of crude petroleum oil, is called straight run petrol. īļ As the use of gasoline is increased, the amount of straight run gasoline is not enough to meet the requirement of the present community. īļ Hence, we are in need of finding out a method of synthesizing petrol. 5.10.1 Hydrogenation of coal (or) Manufacture of synthetic petrol īļ Coal contains about 4.5% hydrogen compared to about 18% in petroleum. So, coal is a hydrogen deficient compound. īļ If coal is heated with hydrogen to high temperature under high pressure, it is converted to gasoline.
  • 51. The preparation of liquid fuels from solid coal is called hydrogenation of coal (or) synthetic petrol. īą An important method, available for the hydrogenation of coal is Bergius process (or direct method). Bergius process (or ) (Direct method) īļ In this process, (fig. 5.3) the finely powdered coal is made into a paste with heavy oil and a catalyst powder (tin or nickel oleate) is mixed with it. īļ The paste is pumped along with hydrogen gas into the converter, where the paste is heated to 400 – 450 C under a pressure of 200 - 250 atm.
  • 52. īļ During this process hydrogen combines with coal to form saturated higher hydrocarbons, which undergo further decomposition at higher temperature to yield mixture of lower hydrocarbons. īļ The mixture is led to a condenser, where the crude oil is obtained. īļ The crude oil is then fractionated to yield īƒŧ Gasoline īƒŧ Middle oil īƒŧ Heavy oil.
  • 53.
  • 54. īļ The middle oil is further hydrogenated in vapour phase to yield more gasoline. īļ The heavy oil is recycled for making paste with fresh coal dust. The yield of gasoline is about 60% of the coal used. 5.11 KNOCKING Definition Knocking is a kind of explosion due to rapid pressure rise occurring in an IC engine. 5.11.1 Causes of knocking in S.I (Spark Ignition) Engine [Petrol engines] īļ In a petrol engine, a mixture of gasoline vapour and air at 1:17 ratio is used as fuel. īļ This mixture is compressed and ignited by an electric spark. īļ The products of oxidation reaction (combustion) increases the pressure and pushes the piston down the cylinder.
  • 55. īļ If the combustion proceeds in a regular way, there is no problem in knocking. īļ But in some cases, the rate of combustion (oxidation) will not be uniform due to unwanted chemical constituents of gasoline. īļ The rate of ignition of the fuel gradually increases and the final portion of the fuel-air mixture gets ignited instantaneously producing an explosive sound known as “Knocking”. īļ Knocking property of the fuel reduces the efficiency of engine. So a good gasoline should resist knocking. Chemical structure and knocking īļ The knocking tendency of fuel hydrocarbons mainly depends on their chemical structures. īļ The knocking tendency decreases in the following order.
  • 56. Straight chain paraffins > Branched chain paraffins > Cycloparaffins > Olefins > Aromatics. īą Thus olefins of the same carbon-chain length possess better anti-knock properties than the corresponding paraffins. 5.11.2 Improvement of antiknock characteristics Prevention īąThe octane number of fuel can be prevented by īƒ˜ blending petrol of high octane number with petrol of low octane number, so that the octane number of the latter can be improved, īƒ˜ the addition of anti-knock agents like Tetra-Ethyl Lead (TEL), īƒ˜ now a days aromatic phosphates are used as antiknock agent because it avoids lead pollution.
  • 57. 5.12 OCTANCE NUMBER (or) OCTANCE RATING īļ Octane number is introduced to express the knocking characteristics of petrol. īļ It has been found that n-heptane knocks very badly and hence, its anti-knock value has been given zero. īļ On the other hand, iso-octane gives very little knocking and so, its anti-knock value has been given 100. Definition Thus, octane number is defined as ‘the percentage of iso-octane present in a mixture of iso-octane and n-heptane.’
  • 58.
  • 59. 5.13 LEADED PETROL (ANTI-KNOCK AGENT) īļ The anti-knock properties of a gasoline can be improved by the addition of suitable additives. īļ Tetra Ethyl Lead (TEL) (C2H5)4 Pb is an important additive added to petrol. īļ Thus the petrol containing tetra ethyl lead is called leaded petrol. Mechanism of knocking īļ TEL reduces the knocking tendency of hydrocarbon. īļ Knocking follows a free radical mechanism, leading to a chain īļ growth which results in an explosion. īļ If the chains are terminated before their growth, knocking will cease. īļ TEL decomposes thermally to form ethyl free radicals which combine with the growing free radicals of knocking process and thus the chain growth is stopped.
  • 60. Disadvantages of using TEL īļWhen the leaded petrol is used as a fuel, the TEL is converted to lead oxide and metallic lead. īļThis lead deposits on the spark plug and on cylinder walls which is harmful to engine life. īļ To avoid this, small amount of ethylene dibromide is added along with TEL. īļ This ethylene dibromide reacts with Pb and PbO to give volatile lead bromide, which goes out along with exhaust gases. īļBut this creates atmospheric pollution. īļSo now a days aromatic phosphates are used instead of TEL.
  • 61. 5.14 DIESEL OIL īļ It is a fraction obtained between 250 – 320 C during fractional distillation of petroleum. īļ It is a mixture of C15H32 to C18 H38 hydrocarbons. Its calorific value is about 11000 kcal/kg. īļ It is used as a very good diesel engine fuel. Causes of knocking in CI engines (Diesel engines) īļ In a diesel engine, first air is alone compressed. īļ This compression raises the temperature of the cylinder to about 500 C. īļ Then the oil is sprayed into the heated air. īļ This further raises the temperature as well as pressure. īļ The expanding gases push the piston and power stroke begins. 0 0
  • 62. īļ The combustion of a fuel in a diesel engine is not instaneous and the time between injection of the fuel and its ignition is called Ignition lag or Ignition delay. īļ This delay is due to the time taken for the vapourisation of oil droplets and raising the temperature of vapour to its ignition temperature. īļ Long ignition lags lead to accumulation of more vapours in the cylinder, which undergo explosion during ignition. īļ This is responsible for diesel knock. īļ If the ignition lag is short, diesel knock will not occur. 5.14.1 Diesel index īą The quality of a diesel oil is indicated by diesel index number using the following formula.
  • 63. Aniline point and specific gravity is noted from API (American Petroleum Institute) Scale. 5.15 CERTANE NUMBER (or) CERTANE RATING īļ Cetane number is introduced to express the knocking characteristics of diesel. īļ Cetane (hexa decane) (C16 H34) has a very short ignition lag and hence its cetane number is taken as 100. īļ On the other hand ɑ-methyl naphthalene has a long ignition lag and hence its cetane number is taken as zero.
  • 64. Definition Thus, cetane number is defined as "the percentage of hexa decane present in a mixture of hexa decane and ɑ-methyl naphthalene, which has the same ignition lag as the fuel under test".
  • 65. īļThe cetane number decreases in the following order. Straight chain paraffins > Cycloparaffins > Olefins > Branched paraffins > Aromatics. īļThe cetane number of a diesel oil can be increased by adding additives called dopes. īƒ˜Important dopes: Ethyl nitrate, Iso-amyl nitrate.
  • 66. 5.15.1 Comparison of gasoline oil and diesel oil S. No. Gasoline Oil Diesel Oil 1. Low boiling fraction of petroleum contains C5 - C9 hydrocarbons. High boiling fraction of petroleum contains C15 - C18 hydrocarbons. 2. Fuel for SI engine. Fuel for CI engine. 3. Knocking tendency is measured in octane rating. Knocking tendency is measured in cetane rating. 4. Knocking is due to premature ignition. Knocking is due to ignition lag.
  • 67. S. No. Gasoline Oil Diesel Oil 5. Anti-knocking is improved by the addition of TEL. Anti-knocking is improved by doping with ethyl nitrate. 6. Its exhaust gases contain higher amount of pollutants. Its exhaust gases contain lesser amount of pollutants. 7. More consumption, lower thermal efficiency. Less consumption, higher thermal efficiency.
  • 68. 5.16 POWER ALCOHOL īļ When ethyl alcohol is blended with petrol at concentration of 5-10%, it is called power alcohol. īļ In other words absolute alcohol (100% ethyl alcohol) is also called power alcohol. īļ Ethyl alcohol is used in an internal combustion (IC) engine. īļ The addition of ethyl alcohol to petrol increases its octane number. īļ When ethyl alcohol is blended with diesel it is called E diesel. Manufacture īą Manufacture of power alcohol involves the following two steps
  • 69. Step I Manufacture of Ethyl alcohol īļ Ethyl alcohol can be synthesised by fermentation of carbohydrates (sugar material). īļ Fermentation of molasses, which is the residue left after the crystallization of sugar, with yeast generates alcohol. īļ This fermentation yields only about 20% alcohol. yeast C6H12O6 ------- > 2 C2H5OH + 2 CO2 Glucose (sugar) Ethyl alcohol īļ Concentration of alcohol can be increased up to 97.6% by fractional distillation yields rectified spirit. īļ The concentration of alcohol cannot be increased by distillation above 97.6%, because it forms a constant boiling mixture with water. īļ The constant boiling mixture has a lower boiling point than alcohol.
  • 70. Step II Conversion of ethyl alcohol into power alcohol īļ But, for the use in IC engines, 100% alcohol (absolute alcohol) is prepared by removing last traces of water from rectified spirit. īƒŧ It can Alcohol, containing traces of water, is distilled with benzene. When benzene passes over with a portion of alcohol and water, it leaves behind absolute (power) alcohol. īƒŧ Alcohol is distilled in the presence of dehydrating agent, which holds the water. Finally absolute alcohol is mixed with petrol at concentration of 5-10% to get power alcohols. īļbe done by the following two methods.
  • 71. Properties īƒ˜ Power alcohol has a lower calorific values (7000 īƒ˜ It has high octane number (90). īƒ˜ Its anti-knocking properties are good. īƒ˜ It generates 10% more power than the gasoline of same quantity. īƒ˜ Its compression ratio is also higher. Uses īą It is used, as a very good fuel, in motors.
  • 72. 5.16.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of power alcohol Advantages īƒ˜ It is cheaper than petrol. īƒ˜ If any moisture is present, power alcohol absorbs it. īƒ˜ As ethyl alcohol contains oxygen atoms, complete combustion occurs, so emission of CO, hydrocarbon, particulates are reduced. Disadvantages īƒ˜ As the calorific value of power alcohol (7000 cal/gm) is lower than petrol (11,500 cal/gm), specially designed engine is required. īƒ˜ Output power is reduced upto 35%. īƒ˜ Due to its high surface tension, atomization of power alcohol is difficult, so it causes starting trouble.
  • 73. īƒ˜ It may under go oxidation to give acetic acid, which corrodes engine part. īƒ˜ As it contains oxygen atoms, the amount of air required for combustion is less therefore, the engine and carburetor need to be modified. 5.17 BIO-DIESEL īļ Vegetable oils comprise of 90-95% triglycerides with small amount of diglycerides, free fatty acids, phospholipids, etc., Triglycerides are esters of long chain fatty acids, like stearic acid and palmitic acid. īļ The viscosity of vegetable oils are higher and their molecular weights are in the range of 600 to 900, which are about 3 times higher than those of the diesel fuels.
  • 74. Problems in using vegetable oil directly īƒŧ As the viscosity of vegetable oils are high, atomization is very poor and hence inefficient mixing of oil with air leads to incomplete combustion. īƒŧ Oxidation and thermal polymerization of vegetable oils cause deposit formation. īƒŧ Their high viscosity causes misfire and ignition delay. īƒŧ Their high volatility and consequent high flash point lead to more deposit formation. īƒŧ The use of vegetable oils as direct fuel requires modification of the conventional diesel engine design.
  • 75. Manufacture :Trans – esterification (or) Alcoholysis īļ The above problems are overcome by reducing the viscosity of the vegetable oils by the process known as trans-esterification or alcoholysis. īļ Alcoholysis is nothing but displacement of alcohol from an ester by another alcohol. īļ It involves treatment of vegetable oil (sunflower oil, palm oil, soyabean oil, mustard oil, etc) with excess of methanol in presence of catalyst to give mono ethyl esters of long chain fatty acid and glycerine. īļ It is allowed to stand for some time and glycerine is separated.
  • 76. Alcoholysis reaction is represented as īļ Methyl esters of fatty acids, thus formed, are called “Bio-diesel”. īļ Bio-diesel is defined as mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or fats. īļ It is a pure fuel before blending with conventional diesel fuel. īļ Bio-diesel can be blended with petroleum diesel.
  • 77. 5.17.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Bio-diesel Advantages īƒŧ Bio-diesel is bio-degradable. īƒŧ It is prepared from renewable resources. īƒŧ The gaseous pollutants are lesser as compared to the conventional diesel fuel. īƒŧ Bio-diesel can be produced from different types of vegetable oils. īƒŧ Best engine performance and less smoke emission are achieved.
  • 78. Disadvantages īƒŧ Bio-diesel gels in cold weather. īƒŧ As bio-materials are hygroscopic, bio-diesel can absorb the water from atmosphere. īƒŧ Bio-diesel decreases the horse power of the engine. īƒŧ Bio-diesel degrades and soften the rubber and plastics, that are used in some old cars. īƒŧ Bio-diesel has about 10% higher nitrogen-oxide (NOx) emission than conventional petroleum.