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                             Trainings on climate change and crosscutting areas

               16-24 November 2011, State Administration for Hydrometeorology, Dushanbe

Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan
                                  PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)

                             Trainings on climate change and crosscutting areas

               16-24 November 2011, State Administration for Hydrometeorology, Dushanbe

     1. Background:

 The project on capacity assessment and raising awareness on climate change in Tajikistan is the UNDP
 led task for A1 and A3 components of the PPCR (Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience) Phase 1
 initiative. The primary objectives of the project is to (i) produce an assessment of Tajikistan’s
 institutional, technical and human capacity to mainstream climate change considerations in key policy
 areas, with particular focus on the requirements for taking forward the SPRC; and (ii) conduct an initial
 awareness raising campaign aimed at building capacity on climate change impacts, vulnerability and

 Taking into account the importance of the objectives, UNDP in close cooperation with the PPCR
 Secretariat and State Administration for Hydrometeorology conducted a series of one-day trainings on
 climate change raising awareness in Tajikistan. The crosscutting topics for the trainings were
 encountered during the capacity and awareness assessment exercise, and included journalism, gender,
 poverty alleviation, environmental policy and regional planning.

 The main goal of the trainings was to strengthen the basic capacity and awareness of the target group on
 climate change in general and define the ways of integrating climate change adaptation to the
 crosscutting areas. The modules of the trainings included (i) concept of global warming and climate
 change, (ii) vulnerability to climate change, (iii) climate change impacts, (iv) adaptation to climate
 change impacts, and (v) mainstreaming of climate change in crosscutting areas. Below is the list of
 trainings and dates:

  Date                       Training
  16 November                Climate change and media
  17 November                Climate change and gender
  18 November                Climate change and poverty alleviation
  22 November                Climate change and policy
  24 November                Climate change and regional planning

     2. Trainers:

 The training modules were prepared by the UNDP International experts and adjusted/adapted by the
 local experts to the national circumstances (i.e. live impacts, adaptation practices and examples from the
 Tajikistan case studies and analysis). The trainers were selected out of the leading national experts
 dealing with climate change and crosscutting areas in Tajikistan. In particular, the climate change
 trainers were from the Committee for environmental protection under the GoT, International Fund for
 Saving the Aral Sea (Tajik Branch). In fact, these representatives have a well acknowledged experience
 and capacity to work on climate change in Tajikistan. Mr. Makhmadaliev is the lead author of the First

Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan
                                  PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)
and Second National Communication under the UNFCCC, while Mr. Homidov played a key role in
 preparing the section on climate change impacts and vulnerabilities. He is the author of multiple articles
 dedicated to melting of regional glaciers in the face of global warming. The trainers that led the sessions
 on crosscutting areas (mass media, poverty, gender, policy and regional planning) were the national
 experts from the local media, NGOs, Institute of strategic research, Parliament.

        3. Participants:

 In total, 132 participants attended the trainings. This number included 51 representatives from the
 governmental agencies, while the rest were from the national and international NGOs and media. On the
 other hand, the number of participants, who were from the districts and oblasts (central part and south
 part of the country) comprised 29 people out of the total amount. The general gender ratio in the
 trainings was 63 females/69 males.

        4. Training approach:

 The leading approach of the trainings was that each lection session should be followed by the group
 work, where participants can develop their skills first in defining the district/area/oblast/jamoat they are
 familiar with, then explore climate change impacts and vulnerable sectors and try to provide adaptation
 measures, integrating them into planning. On the same hand, some of the participants were mature
 enough to provide adaptation measures that are urgently required for the nearest future (3-5 year period)
 and long-term future (5 and more years).

        5. Overview of the training findings:

 The impacts that were commonly identified by all participants were climate-induced floods and
 droughts. As the consequences, the trainees tried to interlink these impacts with other socio-economic
 consequences as decrease in food production or food insecurity, and, therefore, increase of market
 prices and migration, life safety and human health (especially from the water-borne diseases), decline in
 economic development (less water – less hydropower production) and flourishing of poverty. The most
 prone areas/districts to climate-induced floods and droughts were Southern (Kulyab region, Nurek),
 Central (Hissar, Vakhdat, Dushanbe) and Northern Tajikistan (Kuhistoni Matcha). As a result, the
 agricultural sector declines heavily. It witnesses desertification of the pasture lands and frequent death
 of the livestock. The commonly identified adaptation measures included the clearance of the drainage
 systems, maintenance of the irrigation network, reforestation, construction of water reservoirs and water
 tanks, use of the drought and water-resistant crops, diversification of the crop production sector, set-up
 of the food storage places, sustainable use of the pastures, integrated approach in water resources
 management, establishment of the Water User Associations (WUAs) in areas that lack them, etc. As the
 measures that support integration of the adaptation to planning and policy, the participants highlighted
 the need to incorporate climate change adaptation to the national development strategies, including the
 Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS-4) with a clear reflection of climate indicators1. At the community
 level, the participants raised a need to include climate change adaptation practices into rural

     Preparation of the matrix on cc indicators and its inclusion to the document/plan

Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan
                                  PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)
development plans or jamoat development plans2. At the same time, awareness raising and education
 policy on climate change as well as the coordination of the activities and collaboration with
 governmental and non-governmental agencies and communities was announced as a priority.

 The participants coming from the districts were particularly mentioning the “abrupt” impacts of climate
 change, especially highlighting cold weather extremes that were observed in early November 20113.
 Even though the State Administration for Hydrometeorology forecasted the extreme weather conditions,
 many people were not ready for them and did not harvest the crops beforehand, leaving them frozen on
 the fields. Therefore, one of the adaptation measures supported by most of participants was the access to
 meteorological forecast information.

 The need for self-implementation of the small scale projects addressing climate change through
 education and awareness raising initiatives (e.g. set-up/ maintenance of the information centres in the
 districts with CC publications, establishment of the press-centres or journalism network with a particular
 focus on climate change4, study tours to the districts that are already in progress with adaptive practices),
 capacity building (trainings or inclusion of the communities/ journalists to the field trips), and streaming
 small funds for currently implemented initiatives on natural disasters prevention or agricultural

      6. Impacts on the participants:

 Overall rating that participants gave for the trainings was “very successful”. 56 fully filled-in evaluation
 forms were received and proved the importance of these trainings. The participants were highly satisfied
 by the approach of the training, distributed materials and handouts. In particular they particularly
 acknowledged the professionalism of the involved trainers and the way they delivered the trainings.
 Among the common recommendations to improve the trainings in the future, were (i) to conduct the
 trainings and develop module handouts in Tajik; (ii) to cover districts and regions in particular; (iii)
 involve mass media in order to broaden the scope of the mass population through them; (iv) one-day
 training is not enough to cover all the related topics on cc crosscutting issues; (v) practical works should
 be assigned to the attendees right after the training to check the acquired knowledge.

    The first attempt to include environmental indicators in the Jamoat Development Plan was done in some districts
 of the Sughd region within the UNDP project on Poverty and Environment Initiative
   Early November 2011 in Tajikistan witnessed the snowfall and abrupt decrease in air temperature (not obvious
 for Tajikistan in this time period) that caused economic damage to most of the dekhan farms.
   The best practice can be transferred from the climate change network with the involvement of NOGs and other

Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan
                                  PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)
Annex 1

                                                                                      Pictures from the trainings

    Pic 1: Presenting the media findings from the            Pic 2: Women taking notes from the training lecture
                     group work

   Pic 3: Identifying the cc impacts in Khuhistoni       Pic 4: Proposing the measures to support the inclusion of cc
                        Matcha                                       adaptation into planning and policy

      Pic 5: Involving the youth in discussions                  Pic 6: The panel of trainers and organizators

Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan
                                  PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)
Annex 2

                                                                                                   A list of participants

                                         List of Participants
                                Workshop on Climate Change and Media
                                        November 16h, 2011
№          Name                               Organization
1          Nazarieva M                        Committee for Emergency Situations
2          Nurova N.S.                        Committee for Emergency Situations
3          Saifiddin Sunnati                  Newspaper “Youth of Tajikistan”
4          Kholikov Farrukh                   NGO “Bakht”
5          Ayozov Mahmud                      Radio “Tojikiston”
6          Sohibnazarova M                    Newspaper “Navruzgoh”
7          Umarova S                          Ministry of Economy and Trade
8          Imomova D                          OO “Women and Land”
9          Rahimova N                         Radio “Voice of Dushanbe”
10         Nazirov N                          “Khovar” news agency
11         Shukurov S                         Tajik Climate Network
12         Pavel D                            Radio “Oriyono”
13         Oymahmadova M                      Radio “Tajikistan”
14         Abdujaborov F                      PPCR Secretariat
15         Shodmonov M                        State Agency for Hydrometeorology
16         Kholov D                           Radio “Tajikistan”
17         Ibrahimova M                       Radio “Voice of Dushanbe”
18         Ashurov O                          Radio “Voice of Dushanbe”
19         Safarzoda Zuhra                    “Jumhuriyat” Newspaper
20         Tojov Amrokhon                     “Akhbor” TV
21         Karim Haidar                       “Akhbor” TV
22         Umarzoda Firuz                     “Asia Plus”
23         Dmitriy Khasanov                   “Narodnaya Gazeta”
24         Salimova Zukhra                    State Agency for Hydrometeorology
25         Mardonova Surayo                   Radio “Voice of Dushanbe”
26         Takhminai Rustam         
27         Safarova Zulfiya                   Radio “Ovozi Tojik”
28         Madjid Salim                       1st Channel
29         Sidikov Mukhammadzod     
30         Yakubov Jamoliddin                 “Navruzgoh” newspaper
31         Aziz Timurov                       Center of Gender Education
32         Rayhon Jonbekova                   UNDP

     Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan
                                       PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)
List of Participants
                                  Workshop on Climate Change and Gender
                                           November 17th, 2011

№      Name / ФИО                             Organization / Организация
1      Kholikov F                             NGO “Bakht” Vose Region
2      Karimzoda B                            “Sadoim Mardum” Newspaper
3      Rahmonova N                            Head of Women in Vahdat Region
4      Oripova Idigul                         Head of women in Chorsu Jamoat
5      Khudoyarova Mavluda                    Member of Tajik Women Federation
6      Navruzova Guliyor                      Member of Tajik Women Federation
7      Navruzova Gulbonu                      Head of women in Tursunzoda Region
8      Oymatova Zebo                          Women head in Vahdat
9      Kayumova Munira                        Member of Women Federation in Karasu
10     Abdulalieva Latofat                    Member of Women Federation in Karasu
11     Ayubova Sulhiya                        Rudaki Region, Lohur Jamoat member
12     Nazarova S. A.                         Trainer
13     Mahmudov Z                             PPCR Secretariat
14     Safarov M                              Head of State Agency for Hydrometeorology
15     Makhmadaliev B                         Trainer on Climate Change
16     Nimatova F                             Deputy of Women Federation
17     Pirova K                               Head of Tilloi Safed Jamoat
18     Khojaeva Gavhar                        Head of TJ “Sayyor”
19     Melikova Aziza                         Volunteer of TJ “Sayyor”
20     Karimova Risolat                       Volunteer of TJ “Sayyor”
21     Jalmatova Khosiyat                     Member of TJ “Sayyor”
22     Shobudinova Rukhshona                  OO “Mir Detey”
23     Lolaeva Zebi                           Member of TJ “Sayyor”
24     Komilzoda Shahnoz                      Freelance journalist
25     Davlatov Davlatbek                     CAMP Kuhiston
26     Turaev                                 Ministry of Labor and Social Protection
27     Umarova Zamira                         OO “Gender and Development”
28     Razzakova Farangis                     OO “Gender and Development”
29     Salimova Zuhra                         State Agency for Hydrometeorology
30     Mansurshoeva Lutfiya                   Committee for Environmental Protection
31     Sobirov Faridun                        State Agency for Hydrometeorology

Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan
                                  PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)
List of Participants
                                   Workshop on Climate Change and Poverty
                                            November 18h, 2011

№     Name / ФИО                          Organization / Организация
1     Muminov Ilhom                       Civil Initiative Support Foundation
2     Vadim Nigmatov                      German Agro-Action
3     Khamidov Firuz                      UNDP
4     Burkhanova M                        Civil Initiative Support Foundation
5     Babadjanov R                        UNDP
6     Mustaeva N                          UNDP
7     Makhmudov Z                         PPCR Secretariat
8     Safarov M                           UN
9     Makhmadaliev B                      Trainer
10    Siddikov Z                          State Agency for Hydrometeorology
11    Islomov K                           Ministry of Melioration
12    Karimov F                           State Agency for Hydrometeorology
13    Shoev S                             State Agency for Hydrometeorology
14    Abdurakhimov K                      UNDP
15    Azimov T                            Ministry of Energy and Industry
16    Khaitov Raimkhon                    OO “Durandesh” Vose Region
17    Sobirov Faridun                     State Agency for Hydrometeorology
18    Salimova Z                          State Agency for Hydrometeorology
19    Rayhon Jonbekova                    UNDP

 Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan
                                   PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)
List of Participants
                        Workshop on Climate Change and Environmental Policies
                                        November 22nd, 2011

      №       Name / ФИО                          Organization / Организация
      1       Anneke Hielkema                     USO Volunteer Oxfam
      2       Abdukhadiri Khurshed                Youth Ecological Centre
      3       Abdurakhimov B                      CoES
      4       Sharipova D                         Committee for Environmental Protection
      5       Yorakov S                           Committee for Environmental Protection
      6       Gadoev D                            Committee for Environmental Protection
      7       Barotov F                           Agency of forestry
      8       Makhmudov Z                         PPCR Secretariat
      9       Radjabov I                          PPCR Secretariat
      10      Dustov S                            State Agency for Hydrometeorology
      11      Makhmadaliev B                      Trainer on Climate Change
      12      Khakdodov M                         Parliament of Tajikistan
      13      Begov A                             Expert on science
      14      Saidov D                            Environment Protection Agency
      15      Murtazaev S                         Committee for Environmental Protection
      16      Sharipov S                          Committee for Environmental Protection
      17      Salimova Z                          State Agency for Hydrometeorology
      18      Djamurova Rukhshona                 Civil Initiative Support Foundation
      19      Nematov Ibodullo                    OO “Bakht” Khatlon region
      20      Abdulkhaeva B                       OO “Bakht”
      21      Saidov Nurmahmad                    Protected areas organization
      22      Shamsov A                           Protected areas organization
      23      Saidova H                           Committee for Environmental Protection
      24      Burkhanova M                        Civil Initiative Support Foundation
      25      Bakieva D                           Little Earth
      26      Rayhon Jonbekova                    UNDP

Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan
                                  PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)
List of Participants
                           Workshop on Climate Change and Regional Planning
                                         November 24th, 2011

             №       Name / ФИО                           Organization / Организация
             1       Saidova Hokima                       Committee for Emergency Situations
             2       Salimova Mahina                      State Agency for Forestry
             3       Yatimov G                            State Agency for Forestry
             4       Jalilov A                            State Agency for Forestry
             5       Nuruva R                             Varzob Region
             6       Umarova S                            Ministry of Economy and Trade
             7       Sobirov Faridun                      State Agency for Hydrometeorology
             8       Safarov B                            Kulyab Region
             9       Djafov D                             Rudaki Agency for Agricultural Management
             10      Abdurahmonov S                       Rudaki Region
             11      Nuraliev O                           NGO “Mizrob”
             12      Boboev A                             OAO “Kombiznes”
             13      Gafurov A                            NGO “Umedi Nek”
             14      Rahimov B                            NGO “Umedi Nek”
             15      Yorakov S                            Environmental Information Centre at the CEP
             16      Sharipova D                          МАЭ КХМЗ
             17      Nailya Mustaeva                      UNDP
             18      Makhmadaliev B                       Trainer on Climate Change
             19      Firdavs Malyanov                     State Agency for Hydrometeorology
             20      Rayhon Jonbekova                     UNDP
             21      Nazarova S                           NGO “Rushd”
             22      Ayubova Sulhiya                      NGO “Rushd” Rudaki
             23      Abdujaborov F                        PPCR Secretariat
             24      Muminova F                           Center for Strategic Research

Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan
                                  PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)

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  • 1. SUMMARY REPORT Trainings on climate change and crosscutting areas 16-24 November 2011, State Administration for Hydrometeorology, Dushanbe Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)
  • 2. SUMMARY REPORT Trainings on climate change and crosscutting areas 16-24 November 2011, State Administration for Hydrometeorology, Dushanbe 1. Background: The project on capacity assessment and raising awareness on climate change in Tajikistan is the UNDP led task for A1 and A3 components of the PPCR (Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience) Phase 1 initiative. The primary objectives of the project is to (i) produce an assessment of Tajikistan’s institutional, technical and human capacity to mainstream climate change considerations in key policy areas, with particular focus on the requirements for taking forward the SPRC; and (ii) conduct an initial awareness raising campaign aimed at building capacity on climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation. Taking into account the importance of the objectives, UNDP in close cooperation with the PPCR Secretariat and State Administration for Hydrometeorology conducted a series of one-day trainings on climate change raising awareness in Tajikistan. The crosscutting topics for the trainings were encountered during the capacity and awareness assessment exercise, and included journalism, gender, poverty alleviation, environmental policy and regional planning. The main goal of the trainings was to strengthen the basic capacity and awareness of the target group on climate change in general and define the ways of integrating climate change adaptation to the crosscutting areas. The modules of the trainings included (i) concept of global warming and climate change, (ii) vulnerability to climate change, (iii) climate change impacts, (iv) adaptation to climate change impacts, and (v) mainstreaming of climate change in crosscutting areas. Below is the list of trainings and dates: Date Training 16 November Climate change and media 17 November Climate change and gender 18 November Climate change and poverty alleviation 22 November Climate change and policy 24 November Climate change and regional planning 2. Trainers: The training modules were prepared by the UNDP International experts and adjusted/adapted by the local experts to the national circumstances (i.e. live impacts, adaptation practices and examples from the Tajikistan case studies and analysis). The trainers were selected out of the leading national experts dealing with climate change and crosscutting areas in Tajikistan. In particular, the climate change trainers were from the Committee for environmental protection under the GoT, International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (Tajik Branch). In fact, these representatives have a well acknowledged experience and capacity to work on climate change in Tajikistan. Mr. Makhmadaliev is the lead author of the First Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)
  • 3. and Second National Communication under the UNFCCC, while Mr. Homidov played a key role in preparing the section on climate change impacts and vulnerabilities. He is the author of multiple articles dedicated to melting of regional glaciers in the face of global warming. The trainers that led the sessions on crosscutting areas (mass media, poverty, gender, policy and regional planning) were the national experts from the local media, NGOs, Institute of strategic research, Parliament. 3. Participants: In total, 132 participants attended the trainings. This number included 51 representatives from the governmental agencies, while the rest were from the national and international NGOs and media. On the other hand, the number of participants, who were from the districts and oblasts (central part and south part of the country) comprised 29 people out of the total amount. The general gender ratio in the trainings was 63 females/69 males. 4. Training approach: The leading approach of the trainings was that each lection session should be followed by the group work, where participants can develop their skills first in defining the district/area/oblast/jamoat they are familiar with, then explore climate change impacts and vulnerable sectors and try to provide adaptation measures, integrating them into planning. On the same hand, some of the participants were mature enough to provide adaptation measures that are urgently required for the nearest future (3-5 year period) and long-term future (5 and more years). 5. Overview of the training findings: The impacts that were commonly identified by all participants were climate-induced floods and droughts. As the consequences, the trainees tried to interlink these impacts with other socio-economic consequences as decrease in food production or food insecurity, and, therefore, increase of market prices and migration, life safety and human health (especially from the water-borne diseases), decline in economic development (less water – less hydropower production) and flourishing of poverty. The most prone areas/districts to climate-induced floods and droughts were Southern (Kulyab region, Nurek), Central (Hissar, Vakhdat, Dushanbe) and Northern Tajikistan (Kuhistoni Matcha). As a result, the agricultural sector declines heavily. It witnesses desertification of the pasture lands and frequent death of the livestock. The commonly identified adaptation measures included the clearance of the drainage systems, maintenance of the irrigation network, reforestation, construction of water reservoirs and water tanks, use of the drought and water-resistant crops, diversification of the crop production sector, set-up of the food storage places, sustainable use of the pastures, integrated approach in water resources management, establishment of the Water User Associations (WUAs) in areas that lack them, etc. As the measures that support integration of the adaptation to planning and policy, the participants highlighted the need to incorporate climate change adaptation to the national development strategies, including the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS-4) with a clear reflection of climate indicators1. At the community level, the participants raised a need to include climate change adaptation practices into rural 1 Preparation of the matrix on cc indicators and its inclusion to the document/plan Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)
  • 4. development plans or jamoat development plans2. At the same time, awareness raising and education policy on climate change as well as the coordination of the activities and collaboration with governmental and non-governmental agencies and communities was announced as a priority. The participants coming from the districts were particularly mentioning the “abrupt” impacts of climate change, especially highlighting cold weather extremes that were observed in early November 20113. Even though the State Administration for Hydrometeorology forecasted the extreme weather conditions, many people were not ready for them and did not harvest the crops beforehand, leaving them frozen on the fields. Therefore, one of the adaptation measures supported by most of participants was the access to meteorological forecast information. The need for self-implementation of the small scale projects addressing climate change through education and awareness raising initiatives (e.g. set-up/ maintenance of the information centres in the districts with CC publications, establishment of the press-centres or journalism network with a particular focus on climate change4, study tours to the districts that are already in progress with adaptive practices), capacity building (trainings or inclusion of the communities/ journalists to the field trips), and streaming small funds for currently implemented initiatives on natural disasters prevention or agricultural development. 6. Impacts on the participants: Overall rating that participants gave for the trainings was “very successful”. 56 fully filled-in evaluation forms were received and proved the importance of these trainings. The participants were highly satisfied by the approach of the training, distributed materials and handouts. In particular they particularly acknowledged the professionalism of the involved trainers and the way they delivered the trainings. Among the common recommendations to improve the trainings in the future, were (i) to conduct the trainings and develop module handouts in Tajik; (ii) to cover districts and regions in particular; (iii) involve mass media in order to broaden the scope of the mass population through them; (iv) one-day training is not enough to cover all the related topics on cc crosscutting issues; (v) practical works should be assigned to the attendees right after the training to check the acquired knowledge. 22 The first attempt to include environmental indicators in the Jamoat Development Plan was done in some districts of the Sughd region within the UNDP project on Poverty and Environment Initiative 3 Early November 2011 in Tajikistan witnessed the snowfall and abrupt decrease in air temperature (not obvious for Tajikistan in this time period) that caused economic damage to most of the dekhan farms. 4 The best practice can be transferred from the climate change network with the involvement of NOGs and other stakeholders. Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)
  • 5. Annex 1 Pictures from the trainings Pic 1: Presenting the media findings from the Pic 2: Women taking notes from the training lecture group work Pic 3: Identifying the cc impacts in Khuhistoni Pic 4: Proposing the measures to support the inclusion of cc Matcha adaptation into planning and policy Pic 5: Involving the youth in discussions Pic 6: The panel of trainers and organizators Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)
  • 6. Annex 2 A list of participants List of Participants Workshop on Climate Change and Media November 16h, 2011 № Name Organization 1 Nazarieva M Committee for Emergency Situations 2 Nurova N.S. Committee for Emergency Situations 3 Saifiddin Sunnati Newspaper “Youth of Tajikistan” 4 Kholikov Farrukh NGO “Bakht” 5 Ayozov Mahmud Radio “Tojikiston” 6 Sohibnazarova M Newspaper “Navruzgoh” 7 Umarova S Ministry of Economy and Trade 8 Imomova D OO “Women and Land” 9 Rahimova N Radio “Voice of Dushanbe” 10 Nazirov N “Khovar” news agency 11 Shukurov S Tajik Climate Network 12 Pavel D Radio “Oriyono” 13 Oymahmadova M Radio “Tajikistan” 14 Abdujaborov F PPCR Secretariat 15 Shodmonov M State Agency for Hydrometeorology 16 Kholov D Radio “Tajikistan” 17 Ibrahimova M Radio “Voice of Dushanbe” 18 Ashurov O Radio “Voice of Dushanbe” 19 Safarzoda Zuhra “Jumhuriyat” Newspaper 20 Tojov Amrokhon “Akhbor” TV 21 Karim Haidar “Akhbor” TV 22 Umarzoda Firuz “Asia Plus” 23 Dmitriy Khasanov “Narodnaya Gazeta” 24 Salimova Zukhra State Agency for Hydrometeorology 25 Mardonova Surayo Radio “Voice of Dushanbe” 26 Takhminai Rustam 27 Safarova Zulfiya Radio “Ovozi Tojik” 28 Madjid Salim 1st Channel 29 Sidikov Mukhammadzod 30 Yakubov Jamoliddin “Navruzgoh” newspaper 31 Aziz Timurov Center of Gender Education 32 Rayhon Jonbekova UNDP Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)
  • 7. List of Participants Workshop on Climate Change and Gender November 17th, 2011 № Name / ФИО Organization / Организация 1 Kholikov F NGO “Bakht” Vose Region 2 Karimzoda B “Sadoim Mardum” Newspaper 3 Rahmonova N Head of Women in Vahdat Region 4 Oripova Idigul Head of women in Chorsu Jamoat 5 Khudoyarova Mavluda Member of Tajik Women Federation 6 Navruzova Guliyor Member of Tajik Women Federation 7 Navruzova Gulbonu Head of women in Tursunzoda Region 8 Oymatova Zebo Women head in Vahdat 9 Kayumova Munira Member of Women Federation in Karasu 10 Abdulalieva Latofat Member of Women Federation in Karasu 11 Ayubova Sulhiya Rudaki Region, Lohur Jamoat member 12 Nazarova S. A. Trainer 13 Mahmudov Z PPCR Secretariat 14 Safarov M Head of State Agency for Hydrometeorology 15 Makhmadaliev B Trainer on Climate Change 16 Nimatova F Deputy of Women Federation 17 Pirova K Head of Tilloi Safed Jamoat 18 Khojaeva Gavhar Head of TJ “Sayyor” 19 Melikova Aziza Volunteer of TJ “Sayyor” 20 Karimova Risolat Volunteer of TJ “Sayyor” 21 Jalmatova Khosiyat Member of TJ “Sayyor” 22 Shobudinova Rukhshona OO “Mir Detey” 23 Lolaeva Zebi Member of TJ “Sayyor” 24 Komilzoda Shahnoz Freelance journalist 25 Davlatov Davlatbek CAMP Kuhiston 26 Turaev Ministry of Labor and Social Protection 27 Umarova Zamira OO “Gender and Development” 28 Razzakova Farangis OO “Gender and Development” 29 Salimova Zuhra State Agency for Hydrometeorology 30 Mansurshoeva Lutfiya Committee for Environmental Protection 31 Sobirov Faridun State Agency for Hydrometeorology Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)
  • 8. List of Participants Workshop on Climate Change and Poverty November 18h, 2011 № Name / ФИО Organization / Организация 1 Muminov Ilhom Civil Initiative Support Foundation 2 Vadim Nigmatov German Agro-Action 3 Khamidov Firuz UNDP 4 Burkhanova M Civil Initiative Support Foundation 5 Babadjanov R UNDP 6 Mustaeva N UNDP 7 Makhmudov Z PPCR Secretariat 8 Safarov M UN 9 Makhmadaliev B Trainer 10 Siddikov Z State Agency for Hydrometeorology 11 Islomov K Ministry of Melioration 12 Karimov F State Agency for Hydrometeorology 13 Shoev S State Agency for Hydrometeorology 14 Abdurakhimov K UNDP 15 Azimov T Ministry of Energy and Industry 16 Khaitov Raimkhon OO “Durandesh” Vose Region 17 Sobirov Faridun State Agency for Hydrometeorology 18 Salimova Z State Agency for Hydrometeorology 19 Rayhon Jonbekova UNDP Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)
  • 9. List of Participants Workshop on Climate Change and Environmental Policies November 22nd, 2011 № Name / ФИО Organization / Организация 1 Anneke Hielkema USO Volunteer Oxfam 2 Abdukhadiri Khurshed Youth Ecological Centre 3 Abdurakhimov B CoES 4 Sharipova D Committee for Environmental Protection 5 Yorakov S Committee for Environmental Protection 6 Gadoev D Committee for Environmental Protection 7 Barotov F Agency of forestry 8 Makhmudov Z PPCR Secretariat 9 Radjabov I PPCR Secretariat 10 Dustov S State Agency for Hydrometeorology 11 Makhmadaliev B Trainer on Climate Change 12 Khakdodov M Parliament of Tajikistan 13 Begov A Expert on science 14 Saidov D Environment Protection Agency 15 Murtazaev S Committee for Environmental Protection 16 Sharipov S Committee for Environmental Protection 17 Salimova Z State Agency for Hydrometeorology 18 Djamurova Rukhshona Civil Initiative Support Foundation 19 Nematov Ibodullo OO “Bakht” Khatlon region 20 Abdulkhaeva B OO “Bakht” 21 Saidov Nurmahmad Protected areas organization 22 Shamsov A Protected areas organization 23 Saidova H Committee for Environmental Protection 24 Burkhanova M Civil Initiative Support Foundation 25 Bakieva D Little Earth 26 Rayhon Jonbekova UNDP Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)
  • 10. List of Participants Workshop on Climate Change and Regional Planning November 24th, 2011 № Name / ФИО Organization / Организация 1 Saidova Hokima Committee for Emergency Situations 2 Salimova Mahina State Agency for Forestry 3 Yatimov G State Agency for Forestry 4 Jalilov A State Agency for Forestry 5 Nuruva R Varzob Region 6 Umarova S Ministry of Economy and Trade 7 Sobirov Faridun State Agency for Hydrometeorology 8 Safarov B Kulyab Region 9 Djafov D Rudaki Agency for Agricultural Management 10 Abdurahmonov S Rudaki Region 11 Nuraliev O NGO “Mizrob” 12 Boboev A OAO “Kombiznes” 13 Gafurov A NGO “Umedi Nek” 14 Rahimov B NGO “Umedi Nek” 15 Yorakov S Environmental Information Centre at the CEP 16 Sharipova D МАЭ КХМЗ 17 Nailya Mustaeva UNDP 18 Makhmadaliev B Trainer on Climate Change 19 Firdavs Malyanov State Agency for Hydrometeorology 20 Rayhon Jonbekova UNDP 21 Nazarova S NGO “Rushd” 22 Ayubova Sulhiya NGO “Rushd” Rudaki 23 Abdujaborov F PPCR Secretariat 24 Muminova F Center for Strategic Research Phase I: Technical assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan PILOT PROGRAMME FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE (PPCR)