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ATTRA                                   Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators
    A Publication of ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service • 1-800-346-9140 •

By Mike Morris and                          This publication describes ways that irrigators can save energy to reduce irrigation costs. It describes
Vicki Lynne                                 recommended irrigation system installations, explains how utilities charge their irrigation customers
NCAT Energy                                 for electricity and describes common causes of wasted energy, as well as common energy-saving hard-
Specialists                                 ware improvements. It also includes a do-it-yourself method to estimate the efficiency of electrically
© 2006 NCAT                                 powered irrigation systems. A listing of references and resources follows the narrative.

Introduction ..................... 1
Installations ...................... 2
Centrifugal Pumps ......... 2
Turbine Pumps ................ 4
Electrical Use and
Charges .............................. 5
Causes of Wasted
Energy ................................ 6
Improvements ................. 7
Estimating Sprinkler
Plant Efficiency ............. 11
References ...................... 13
Further Resources ........ 13

                                                                                                                                           NCAT photo

                                            Introduction                                         would when properly sized, adjusted, and
                                                                                                 maintained. (Black and Rogers, 1993) A
                                            Especially in times of high energy costs,            study in Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska,
                                            efficient irrigation equipment is essential to       and other states found that, on average,
                                            the viability of farms and ranches. Accord-
                                                                                                 about 25 percent of the electrical energy
                                            ing to USDA’s 2003 Farm and Ranch Irriga-
                                                                                                 used for irrigation pumping was wasted
                                            tion Survey, there were 43 million pump-
                                                                                                 due to poor pump and motor efficiency.
                                            irrigated acres in the United States, with
                                            energy costs for these systems averaging             (Loftis and Miles, 2004)
                                            $1.5 billion per year, or $36 per irrigated          Since 1988, NCAT has conducted energy
ATTRA—National Sustainable
Agriculture Information Service
                                            acre. Farms spent an additional $12 per              efficiency audits on more than 400 irriga-
is managed by the National Cen-             acre, on average, to maintain and repair             tion systems. In the vast majority of these
ter for Appropriate Technology
(NCAT) and is funded under a                irrigation equipment. (U.S. Department of            cases, our technicians identified at least
grant from the United States                Agriculture, 2003)                                   one equipment change or repair that would
Department of Agriculture’s
Rural Business-Cooperative Ser-
                                            Most irrigation systems are not as effi -             quickly pay for itself in energy savings
vice. Visit the NCAT Web site
(                         cient as they should be. A Kansas study              alone. Very often, the irrigators who owned
html) for more informa-
tion on our sustainable
                                            found that, on average, irrigation systems           these inefficient systems were unaware of
agriculture projects.                       use about 40 percent more fuel than they             any problems.
This publication        On the other hand, mechanical improve-
                                                   describes ways to       ments do not necessarily result in energy sav-
                                                   save energy and         ings, unless the irrigator makes management
                                                   reduce irrigation       changes that reduce hours of operation. (See
                                                   energy costs. There     Hanson, 2002) This is a key point that
                                                   are basically four      is frequently misunderstood. Mechani-
                                                   ways to do this:        cal improvements like the ones described in
                                                 • Ma ke mechani-          this article generally improve irrigation sys-
                                                    cal improvements,      tem performance, resulting in higher pressure
                                                    so the irrigation      and increased volumes of applied water. These
                                                    system uses less       improvements in turn should make it possible
                                                    energy during each     to meet crop water needs with fewer hours
                                                    hour it runs.          of irrigation. But if the irrigator continues
NCAT photo                                                                 to run the system for the same number of
                                                 • M a k e m an a ge -     hours, energy consumption often stays the
                                  ment changes, so the system runs         same or even increases.
                                  fewer hours.
                                                                           This publication focuses on direct energy
                               • Reduce cost per unit of energy by, for
                                                                           consumption—using electricity and fuel to
                                  example, negotiating a better rate
                                                                           run irrigation pumps and motors. Indirect
                                  with the utility, switching fuels, or
                                                                           energy costs are at least as important for
                                  finding a lower price for diesel fuel.
Related ATTRA
                                                                           many farm operations. Natural gas, elec-
                               • Make your own energy by installing        tricity, fuel oil, and other fossil fuels are all
                                  a wind turbine to generate electric-     used in making commercial fertilizers and
Biodiesel – a Primer              ity or by making your own biodiesel      pesticides. In 2002, commercial fertilizers
                                  fuel, for example.                       (nitrogen, phosphate, and potash) accounted
Drought Resistant Soil
                         This publication focuses on mechanical            for 29 percent of all energy consumed in
Drought Resource         improvements. Of course, good management          U.S. farm production. (Miranowski, 2004)
Guide                                                                      The cost of these inputs has skyrocketed in
                         is also critically important for saving energy.
The Montana Irriga-      The most obvious energy-saving management         recent years. One of the best things farmers
tor’s Pocket Guide       strategy is to eliminate unnecessary watering,    can do to reduce energy consumption and
Soil Moisture            meeting only the water needs of your crops.       energy-related costs is to reduce their use of
Monitoring: Low-Cost     But you might also consider less obvious          commercial fertilizers and pesticides. Many
Tools and Methods        options such as changing to less water-inten-     ATTRA publications are available on this
                         sive crops, timing plantings to take better       topic. See, for example, the ATTRA publica-
Electric Systems for     advantage of natural precipitation, reducing      tions Cover Crops and Green Manures, Alter-
Homes, Farms, and        irrigated acreage, using mulches and cover        native Soil Amendments, Sustainable Soil
Ranches: Resources       cropping to increase soil organic matter and      Management, Pursuing Conservation Tillage
                         build the water-holding capacity of your soils,   Systems for Organic Crop Production, and
Measuring and
Conserving               or taking steps (such as planting wind breaks)    Farm-Scale Composting.
Irrigation Water         to reduce evaporation in your fields.
                         Equipment problems and management prob-           Recommended
                         lems tend to go hand in hand. Equipment           Installations
                         that is badly designed, inefficient, or poorly
                         maintained reduces the irrigator’s degree         Centrifugal Pumping
                         of control over the way water is applied.
                         Problems like patchy water distribution
                                                                           Plant Installation with
                         and inadequate pressure make it impossi-          Electric Motor
                         ble to maintain correct soil moisture levels,     Especially if you have an older system, your
                         leading to crop stress, reduced yields,           pumping plant might look like Poor in Fig-
                         wasted water, runoff, soil erosion, and many      ure 1, on the discharge side. (The term
                         other problems.                                   pumping plant means the pump and motor
Page 2        ATTRA                                                                      Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators
considered together.) It’s a false economy to                         • An eccentric reducer to keep air
save money by installing undersized valves                              from becoming trapped in the
and fittings. You’ll only achieve greater fric-                          reducer fitting.
tion loss and higher pumping costs. The                               • A vacuum gauge to indicate whether
next time you rebuild your pump, replace                                the primer is pulling a vacuum
the fittings so that your pumping plant looks                            or just moving air through the pump.
like Ideal in Figure 1.
                                                                On the Discharge Side of Pump
Figure 1. Ideal and Poor Installations                                             • A valve that is the same
                                                                                     diameter as the mainline.
IDEAL                                                        Discharge pressure

                                                             gauge with ball valve
                                                                                   • A non-slam check valve to pre-
   expansion             Shut-off valve                      Discharge pipe
                                                             larger than pump
                                                             discharge size
                                                                                     vent back spin of the pump
                                                                                     when shutting it off.
                                                                                   • An air relief device when a
                               Flexible joint permits some
                                                                                     buried mainline is used.
                                                                                   • A discharge line water veloc-
                 Check         misalignment and axial
                 valve         movement; resolves most
                               thermal expansion problems
                  Valve too                                                          ity of less than seven fps.
POOR              small
                                                                                     Five fps is best.
                                                                                   • An energy efficient 1,800
                                                                                     rpm motor with a 15 percent
                                             expansion                               safety factor.
 (Adapted from Saving Energy on Montana Farms                                      • A simple shade over the motor.
 and Ranches, Montana Department of
 Environmental Quality.)
                                                              Figure 2. Recommended Pump Installations, Top and Side Views
An ideal installation should also have:
     • A discharge concentric expansion,                       Solid
                                                                                                                                                     Gradually increasing
                                                                                                                                                     tapered section
        instead of an abrupt change in pipe                                                                      Sump volume (in gallons)
                                                                                                                 at least twice maximum gpm
        diameter, to minimize head loss, tur-
        bulence, and air pockets.                                                                 All joints
                                                                                                                     Uniformly distributed flow
     • A discharge valve the same diameter                     Cone increaser
                                                                                                  water tight
                                                               placed at pump
        as the mainline.                                       outlet if required                 gauge                                                  o
                                                                                                                                                     45 maximum

Figure 2 shows what a plant should look like                   Straight run of at least
                                                                                                  Supports as
when pumping from a surface source such as                     10 pipe diameters “D”
                                                               or straightening vanes                                                                                Top View
a river or canal. The pumping plant should                     for testing flow

also have the following features:                                                                 Check
On the Suction Side of Pump                                                                       valve

    • A well-designed and screened sump
        that keeps trash out.                                                  Primer             Straightening vanes or
                                                                                                  straight run as short as                                           Side View
                                                                                                  possible but not less than
    • Suction line joints that are airtight                                    Globe
                                                                                                  6 pipe diameters “D”
                                                                                                                          1/4” per foot
        under a vacuum.                                                        valve
                                                                                                                          minimum upward
                                                                                                                          slope to pump                      Grating, bar racks
                                                                                                                                                             and screens at
                                                                                                                                                             beginning of
    • No high spots where air can collect.                                                                                   Smooth                          maximum width
    • A suction line water velocity of five                                                                                   elbows

        feet per second (fps) or less. Two to
        three fps is best.                                               Anchor                  Pipe supports       “D”
                                                                                                                                  Minimum water
                                                                                                 (as required)
    • A suction entrance at least two pipe-                     Drainage
                                                                         bolts  Eccentric                                  4 “D”          Minimum
                                                                away from       reducer                                    minimum
        bell diameters from sump inlet.                         motor
                                                                                                 Suction bell
                                                                                                                                           Inlet below
    • A suction lift (vertical distance from                                                     As close as
                                                                                                                            “D” minimum
                                                                                                                                           water level
                                                                                                                                                                 “D” = pipe
        water surface to pump impeller) less
        than 15 to 20 feet.                                    (Adapted from Energy Efficient Pumping Standards, Utah Power & Light Company.)                                                                                                                            ATTRA                      Page 3
Figure 3. Deep Well Turbine Pump

                                                                                                     Pump motor

                                                                                          Sounding tube           Discharge pipe

                                                                                                                          Grout seal

                                                                                                                          Casing centered in hole
                                                                                                                          with 3 spacers @ 40’


                                                                               Static water

                                                                  NCAT photo   Drawdown less
                                                                               than 60% of water
                                                                               Pump housing
  About Pressure Gauges
                                                                               Air line
  A good quality oil- or glycerin-filled pressure gauge on the discharge
  side of the pump tells a lot about a system’s condition. If operational
  pressure remains close to the original design pressure, the pump is
  probably in good working order. Pressure changes can indicate clogged
  suction screens, leaks, pump wear, worn nozzles, and other problems.
                                                                                                   Excess pumping rate;
  Use the gauge when filling the mainline to reduce electrical demand                               drawdown more than
                                                                                                   60% of water depth
  and water hammer. Extend the life of the gauge by installing a ball                                                 NOT RECOMMENDED
  valve on the riser. Keep the valve closed except when referring to the
  gauge. With a ball valve in place, the operator can remove the gauge
                                                                               (Adapted from Energy Efficient Pumping Standards, Utah
  during the winter.                                                           Power & Light Company.)

                         Turbine Pump Installation                             Control Panel for Electric Motors
                         Refer to the left half of Figure 3 for proper         The importance of a properly installed
                         installation of a turbine pump in a well.             control panel cannot be overemphasized,
                         Many of these same principles apply to tur-           both for personal safety and to protect your
                         bine pumps in sumps. The properly con-                investment in the pump and motor.
                         structed well should also:
                                                                               Your control panel should:
                              • Be at least six inches in diameter
                                 larger than the outside diameter of                  • Have a shade over it to cool
                                 the well casing when a gravel pack                     thermal breakers.
                                 is required.                                         • Be mounted on secure poles
                              • Have horizontal well screen slots                       or foundation.
                                 that continue below the pumping
                                                                                      • Have any missing knockout plugs
                                 water level. The openings should
                                 hold back at least 85 percent of the                   and other holes in the starting
                                 surrounding material.                                  switch box replaced and screened
                                                                                        or puttied against rodents, insects,
                         The poorly constructed well in the lower                       and dirt.
                         right half of Figure 3 shows a well casing
                         not centered in the well. Vertical slotted                   • Have a small hole (about 3/16-inch
                         pipe perforations are above the minimum                        diameter) in the bottom of the panel
                         water level, creating cascading water.                         to allow moisture to drain.

Page 4       ATTRA                                                                                  Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators
electric consumption or
                                                                    energy rate. This may
                                                                    remind you of the ante in
                                                                    a poker game—a fee to
                                                                    get into the energy con-
                                                                    suming game.

                                                                    2. Electric Consumption
                                                                       or Energy Charge. This
                                                                       cha rge is based on
                                                                       the amount of electric-
                                                                       ity used over time as
                                                                       recorded on a kilowatt-
                                                                       hour meter, with a rate
                                                                       charged for each kWh
                                                       NCAT photo      consumed.

Your control panel should include the             3. Electric Demand Charge. Many utili-
following controls, at a minimum:                    ties charge larger customers an amount
                                                     over and above the electric consump-
    • Circuit breakers for overload                  tion charge. The basic rationale for
      currents                                       these demand charges is that the util-
    • Lightning arrester                             ity incurs costs to maintain enough
    • Surge protector                                capacity to serve the needs of its large
                                                     customers. Electric providers gener-
    • Phase failure relay, to protect the            ally calculate the demand charge in
      motor from phase reversal or failure           one of two ways. Each method gives an
      and from low voltage                           approximation of the customer’s size or
    • A pressure switch to shut off the              power requirements.
      motor if pumping pressure drops to
      undesirable levels.                           a. The demand charge may be based on
                                                       connected load or horsepower, with
                                                       a fi xed rate charged per horsepower
Electrical Use and Power                               during each billing period. This
Bill Charges                                           charge is usually based on “name-
Electricity is measured in watts or kilowatts          plate” horsepower. For example, if
(equal to 1,000 watts). The number of watts            the demand charge is $10 per horse-
is the product of operating voltage times the          power, the demand charge for a 40-
current (or amps) flowing to the load. A                horsepower system would be $400.
kilowatt-hour (kWh) is an amount of energy
equivalent to using one kilowatt (kW) over a        b. The demand charge may be based
one-hour period. To visualize one kilowatt-            on maximum wattage during the
hour, it may be helpful to imagine ten 100-            billing period. In this method, a
watt light bulbs burning for one hour.                 special demand meter measures
                                                       wattage for each 15-minute interval
Although billing procedures vary among                 (or some other interval) during the
electric providers and in different regions of         billing period. The demand charge
the country, irrigation bills typically include        would be based on the 15-minute
three basic charges for electricity.                   interval with highest wattage during
1. The Base Rate or Meter Charge. This is              the billing period.
   either a monthly or seasonal charge.           For example, suppose the demand charge is
   Some utilities roll this charge into the       $10 per kilowatt, and your demand meter                                                                               ATTRA   Page 5
records use of 29 kilowatts for some 15-              2. The wrong pump for the system
                           minute intervals in the billing period, 30
                                                                                 A pump that is oversized, undersized, or just
                           kilowatts for other 15-minute intervals,
                                                                                 not right for your system, will never operate
                           and 31 kilowatts for other intervals. You
                                                                                 efficiently. While it may be possible to trim
                           would be billed $310. A key point is that
                                                                                 the pump impeller, re-nozzle the sprinklers,
                           demand charges are based on the size of
                                                                                 or redesign the layout of the mainline
                           your system—not on how many hours you
                           operate the system. A demand charge is
                           incurred even if you operate your irrigation             Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
                           system for just one 15-minute interval                   and Cavitation
                           during the entire monthly billing period.
                                                                                    Many people are surprised to learn
                           Customers with small motors may not have                 that centrifugal pumps don’t pull water
                           a demand charge.                                         through a suction pipe; they can only
                                                                                    pump water that is delivered to them.
                           Common Causes of                                         When air is removed from the suction
                                                                                    pipe by a primer pump, the weight
                           Wasted Energy                                            of the earth’s atmosphere forces water
                                                                                    to rise into the pipe, delivering water
                           1. Lack of system maintenance                            to the pump.
                           Impellers that are out of adjustment,
                           plugged screens, worn nozzles, engine                    Even in the best of circumstances (includ-
                           drive units that need a tune-up, worn shaft              ing a near-perfect vacuum) the maximum
                                                                                    water column that can be forced by atmo-
                           sleeves, leaking gaskets and drains, and
                                                                                    spheric pressure never exceeds about 33
                           dried-out bearings and pump packing are                  feet in height. As elevation, water tem-
                           only a few of the problems that are avoided              perature, and pipe friction increase, the
                           with regular maintenance.                                height of the water column that can be
                                                                                    forced drops. The maximum column of
                                                                                    water that can be created in a pipe under
                                                                                    a given set of conditions is known as Net
  Every kWh Counts                                                                  Positive Suction Head or NPSH.
  Some irrigators mistakenly assume that since they are charged for                 Insufficient NPSH often occurs at startup.
  demand, they won’t save money by turning off their pumps and reduc-                Since the pump is working against low
  ing hours of operation. It’s true that the demand charge is often a sub-          pressure, it pumps a larger volume than
  stantial percentage (as much as half or more) of a total electric bill. But       in normal operation. This larger volume
  all electric providers bill for every single kWh consumed. You will always
                                                                                    creates friction losses in the suction line,
  save energy and money by reducing your hours of operation.
                                                                                    reducing NPSH. Too little available NPSH
  Talk to a customer service representative at your utility for an explana-         can result in vaporization of water in the
  tion of the rate structure. Know when your meter reading date is each             eye of the impeller, causing cavitation, a
  month, since this can influence management decisions. If your power                noisy condition where vapor bubbles col-
  bill includes a demand charge, remember that this charge will be about            lapse violently in the pump.
  the same whether you operate your system for one day or 31 days dur-
                                                                                    To stop cavitation while occurring,
  ing a billing period.
                                                                                    close the discharge valve. If cavitation
                                                                                    is allowed to continue, the impeller and
                                                                                    pump casing can become pitted and
                                                                                    damaged, reducing pump capacity. To
  Time-of-Use Rate Schedules
                                                                                    eliminate cavitation as well as water ham-
  In some parts of the country, irrigators can sign up for a time-of-use bill-      mer, and to prevent high amperage draw
  ing schedule. Under time-of-use billing, rates are higher at peak times           on demand meters, each time you start
  (when demand is greatest) and lower at “off peak” times. Time-of-use               up the pump open the discharge valve
  billing allows some irrigators to adjust work schedules so they can irri-         slowly to fill the mainline.
  gate when rates are low. Call your utility to find out if time-of-use billing
  is available in your area, and to see whether a time-of-use rate schedule         Caution: Don’t let the pump run more
  may work for you.                                                                 than two minutes with the discharge
                                                                                    valve closed.

Page 6        ATTRA                                                                            Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators
to the water source in order to create
                                                  sufficient NPSH.
                                                  If turbine or submersible pump capacities
                                                  do not fit the well characteristics, you may
                                                  need to replace the bowls with new ones
                                                  suited to the well capacity.

                                                  Hardware Improvements
                                                  Some common energy efficiency improve-
                                                  ments are listed below. No matter what
                                                  kind of system you are operating, you’ll
                                                  probably fi nd at least one cost-effective
                                                  idea below to improve the effi ciency of
                                     NCAT photo
                                                  your irrigation system.
and laterals, a new pump with different

characteristics is most likely necessary.         Electric Motors                                       remium-
                                                      • Rebuild older motors and gain sev-
3. Pump wear from cavitation                                                                            efficiency
                                                        eral percentage points in motor
   or abrasion                                          efficiency. This procedure typi-                motors are

Cavitation damages impellers, reduc-                    cally involves replacing the bear-      two to four percent
ing efficiency. If your pump is cavitating,              ings, rewinding, and “dipping and       more efficient than
determine whether you have sufficient net                baking,” and is done by qualified        standard-efficiency
positive suction head (NPSH). You should                motor repair shops.                     motors.
also have a valve on the discharge side of            • Consider a premium-eff iciency
the pump, allowing you to fi ll the mainline             motor instead of a standard-
slowly and avoid cavitation.                            efficiency motor when installing a
                                                        new system, when replacing over-
If your water source contains a high
                                                        or undersized motors, and when
amount of sediment, re-engineer the intake
                                                        the cost of rewinding exceeds 65
structure to allow sediment to settle out of
                                                        percent of the price of a new motor.
the water before entering the suction line.
                                                        Premium-efficiency motors are two
                                                        to four percent more efficient than
4. Improperly sized or designed                         standard-efficiency motors. Besides
   fittings                                              saving energy, premium-efficiency
Every minute that irrigation water passes               motors usually have higher service
through undersized valves or other fit-                 factors, longer insulation and bear-
tings at a high velocity, profits drain away.            ing life, and less vibration than
Replace undersized fittings with ones of                 standard-efficiency motors.
the correct size.                                         Caution: Some premium-efficiency
                                                          motors draw a higher startup
5. Water source changes                                   current. Make sure your system
                                                          can handle it.
If you’re using a well for irrigation and the
water table has dropped, you may have to              • If you put in a new system, be
reset the pump to a lower level. To com-                aware that an 1,800 rpm motor
pensate for the increased head, you may                 is more efficient than a 3,600
have to add more stages to turbine or sub-              rpm motor. For example, an open
mersible pumps. If you’re using surface                 drip-proof 3,600 rpm, 40-horse-
water and the level has dropped, centrifu-              power motor is 91.7 percent effi-
gal pumps may need to be relocated closer               cient whereas an 1,800 rpm, 40-                                                                              ATTRA        Page 7
horsepower motor is 93 percent              fan. Check with an engine equip-
                      efficient. Since 1,800 rpm motors            ment dealer for more information.
                      make half the revolutions of 3,600        • Think about using the variable
                      rpm motors, maintenance needs are           speed ability of engines to your
                      lower and motor life is longer.             advantage. By varying the rpm of
                   • Consider a variable speed drive              the engine you can vary the flow
                     (also sometimes called a variable            rate, total dynamic head, and brake
                     frequency drive) if you need to pro-         horsepower requirements of the
                     duce a wide range of flows and               pump to save fuel and meet vary-
                     pressures to meet varying system             ing system needs. Consult an engine
                     needs. For example, a pump serv-             equipment or irrigation equipment
                     ing three pivots and equipped with           dealer for advice.
                     a variable speed drive could run at
                     slow speed with one pivot turned         Centrifugal Pumps
                     on, at a higher speed with two piv-        • Rebuilding an older pump to
                     ots turned on, and at full speed with        increase its efficiency can be a
                     all three pivots turned on. Steep ter-       cost-effective alternative to pur-
                     rain and the use of corner “swing            chasing a new pump. Rebuilding
                     arms” on pivots also cause chang-            usually involves replacing shaft
                     ing flow and pressure requirements            sleeves, packing, and wear rings,
                     and sometimes justify the cost of a          and re-machining or replacing
                     variable speed drive. In 2005, the           the impeller.
                     typical cost of variable speed drives
                     was between $90 and $200 per               • For optimum efficiency, the pump
                     horsepower. (Idaho Power, 2005)              must match the requirements of the
                     Whether this investment is cost-             water source, water delivery system,
                     effective for your situation depends         and irrigation equipment. If your
                     on operating hours, pump size, and           pump is under- or oversized and
                     crop value, among other factors.             does not match the system needs,
                                                                  pump replacement is the best
                   • Constant-pressure
                     valves or fl ow-control
                     nozzles may be a lower-
                     cost a lter nat ive to
                     a variable speed drive,
                     a lt hough t hey a re
                     less energy effi cient.
                     Contact your equip-
                     ment suppl ier for
                     more information.

                   • If your radiator-cooled
                     engine uses a cooling
                     fan, five to eight per-
                     cent of the fuel going
                     into the engine is used
                     to run the fan. You can
                     install equipment that
                     uses irrigation water to
                     cool the engine, elimi-
                     nating the need for a                                                    NCAT photo

Page 8   ATTRA                                                         Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators
option. Running an oversized pump                                          inch or psi) or very low pressure
          with a mainline valve half-closed is                                       (10 psi) and installing drop tubes.
          like driving a car with your foot on                                       Reduce your pump size or have the
          the brake and the accelerator at the                                       impellers trimmed to reduce horse-
          same time.                                                                 power. In addition to saving energy
                                                                                     and money, you’ll increase water
Turbine Pumps                                                                        application uniformity because wind
     • Vertical shaft turbine pumps lose                                             drift will be reduced and the water
       efficiency when not regularly                                                 discharge point will be closer to the
       adjusted. Only qualified pump ser-                                             ground. Be aware that a low-pres-
       vice personnel should adjust deep                                             sure pivot could exceed your soil’s
       well turbine pumps.                                                           infi ltration rate, causing runoff.
     • Rebuilding an older turbine pump                                        • Sprinkler options have come a long
       to increase its efficiency is usually a                                    way in the past decade, and this is
       cost-effective alternative to purchas-                                    especially true for pivot and linear
       ing a new pump. Rebuilding usu-                                           move systems. Spinners produce

       ally involves replacing shaft sleeves,                                    large droplets that are more rain-                                ake
       packing bearings, and re-machining                                        like and reduce wind drift. Dual                                  advantage
       or replacing the bowls.                                                   spray heads allow for different spray                             of gravity
                                                                                 options for crop germination or irri-
Mainlines                                                                        gating later in the season. Spray
                                                                                                                                           if you have suffi-
     • Mainlines too small for the volume                                                                                                  cient elevation drop.
                                                                                 plates can also be replaced to allow
       of water pumped through them con-                                         for different spray patterns. Check                       Many irrigators
       tribute to high head requirements                                         out sprinkler packages at your local                      underestimate the
       and lowered system efficiency.                                            irrigation equipment dealer to fi nd                       energy savings and
       Water velocity through a mainline                                         one suitable for your operation.                          pressure available
       should never exceed seven feet
       per second (fps). Velocities below                                      • Eliminate your pump completely or                         to them.
       five fps are best, and are achiev-                                         reduce your horsepower require-
       able through good design. Your                                            ments and pump size by taking
       local irrigation equipment dealer or                                      advantage of gravity, if you have
       Natural Resources Conservation                                            sufficient elevation drop. Many irri-
       Service (NRCS) office can help                                            gators underestimate the energy
       determine whether a system’s main-                                        savings and pressure available
       line is the right size.                                                   to them. An elevation drop of just
                                                                                 2.3 feet is equivalent to one pound
Sprinkler Systems                                                                per square inch of pressure. Your
     • If you have a high-pressure pivot                                         local irrigation equipment dealer
       with impact sprinklers, you can real-                                     or NRCS office may be able to help
       ize significant energy and demand                                          determine whether your system can
       savings by converting to low pres-                                        be converted to a full or partial
       sure (20 to 35 pounds per square                                          gravity system.

Table 1. Recommended Maximum Flow Rate of Different Pipe Sizes
 Pipe Diameter
 (inches)                  2             3            4            5             6            8            10           12            16

 Flow rate
 (gpm)                    50           110           200          310          440           780          1225         1760         3140

 Note: For maximum efficiency, water velocity in the suction line should not exceed 5 fps; 2 to 3 fps is best. Water velocity in the
 mainline should not exceed 7 fps; less than 5 fps is best. Increasing the pipe size, reducing the flow rate, and changing the pipe type
 can save energy by lowering the water velocity.                                                                                                                         ATTRA         Page 9
• You can also convert a pivot or lin-     Sprinkler Nozzle Wear
                                   ear move system to Low Energy
                                                                           To check nozzle wear, remove the nozzle
                                   Precision Application (called LEPA)
                                                                           and clean out the interior. Then get either
                                   by installing hoses or drag socks on
                                                                           a numbered drill index, with bits measured
                                   the drop tubes. The water is applied
                                                                           in thousandths, or a new high-speed drill
                                   directly at the soil surface, virtu-
                                                                           bit of the size printed on the nozzle. If a
                                   ally eliminating wind drift. These
                                                                           drill bit is used, get a new nozzle to com-
                                   systems also eliminate deep wheel
                                                                           pare alongside the worn nozzle. Insert the
                                   tracks because the ground is wet
                                                                           index into the nozzle opening and compare
                                   behind the wheels instead of in front
                                                                           the size to that printed on the nozzle. Or
                                   of them. A Colorado study calcu-
                                                                           insert the shank (smooth end) of the drill
                                   lated average LEPA conversion cost
                                                                           bit into the nozzle opening. The fit should
                                   for pivots at around $15,000, with
                                                                           be snug. If you can wobble the bit sideways
                                   energy savings of up to 40 per-
                                                                           even slightly, the nozzle is worn.
                                          cent and paybacks of only
                                          three to four years. (Jenkins,
  How Leaks Cost You Money                                                 Surface Irrigation
                                          2001) LEPA systems do not
  Many producers aren’t very con-
  cerned about leaks because
                                          work for all crops (for exam-    Many surface irrigators can save water and
  the water “ends up on the field          ple, tall ones like field corn)   energy by replacing open ditches with gated
  anyway.” What they don’t realize is     or situations.                   pipe. Gated pipe allows water to flow out
  that leaks reduce system pressure, • Producers raising orchard           through evenly-spaced “gates” or openings
  causing a poor sprinkler distribu-      and vegetable crops can          along the length of the pipe, giving irriga-
  tion pattern. Reduced pressure also
                                          somet imes dramat ica l ly       tors increased control over the way water
  moves the pump operating point
                                          reduce energy costs by con-      is applied.
  out of the range where the pump is
  most efficient, increasing demand         verting from hand-move
  costs. An NCAT study found that         laterals or other high pres-
                                                                           Figure 4. Gated Pipe
  each worn sprinkler nozzle costs its    sure sprinklers to drip or
  owner up to $4.00 per year in unnec-    micro sprinklers. Micro-irri-
  essary energy costs, depending on       gation systems operate at very
  the degree of wear and the prevail-     low pressure and allow pre-
  ing cost of electricity. Significant
  leaks can also cause motor overload-
                                          cise application of water to a
  ing and shorten motor life.             limited area of soil adjacent
                                          to the plant.

                                                                           If you’re already using gated pipe, you
                                                                           may be able to save additional energy by
                                                                           installing a surge valve. Surge valves auto-
                                                                           matically alternate the water from one set
                                                                           of furrows or border strips to another. This
                                                                           method causes the water stream to advance
                                                                           much faster. Deep percolation at the upper
                                                                           end of the field is reduced and water pen-
                                                                           etration at the lower end is increased,
  NCAT photo
                                                                           resulting in more even water distribution.

Page 10        ATTRA                                                                      Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators
A Simple Method to Esti-                      Step 1. Find total dynamic head
mate the Pumping Plant                        (TDH) in feet.
Efficiency of an Electri-
                                               Reading pressure from gauge               psi × 2.31 (a conversion factor) =              feet
cally Powered Sprinkler
Irrigation System                              Add height* if pump is above water surface                                   +            feet

Pumping plant efficiency, sometimes called      OR
“wire to water” efficiency, is the overall      Subtract height* if pump is below water surface                              –            feet
energy efficiency of the pump and motor
considered together, and is defi ned as the     To get total dynamic head (feet).                                                        TDH
ratio of water horsepower (“power out”) to
electric horsepower (“power in”). Energy       * Height is defined as distance from the water surface to the centerline of the discharge pipe.
is lost by every pump and motor, and effi-
ciencies in the mid-70 percent range are      Step 2. Find flow rate in gallons per
about the best any pumping plant can
achieve. A 70-percent pumping plant effi-      minute.
ciency would mean that 70 percent of the      2a. For hand move, side roll, or
horsepower delivered to the motor is trans-   linear move systems:
mitted to the water leaving the pump.
Pumping plant efficiency should be evalu-
                                               If your system has a flow meter, read the gallons per minute (gpm). If the meter reads in
ated every several years or whenever there     cubic feet per second (cfs), multiply cfs times 448.8 to get gpm.
is cause for concern (such as a noticeable
decrease in performance or an increase                                                                                                  gpm
in demand charges on your power bill).
The do-it-yourself pumping plant evalua-
tion described below reveals whether you      If you don’t have a flow meter you can do
can save energy and money by adjusting,       a bucket test:
rebuilding, or replacing the existing pump    Measure the flow of one sprinkler per lateral
or power unit.                                that is situated on relatively level ground.
To conduct th i s test, you’ l l need         The selected sprinkler should be about one-
the following:                                third down the length of the lateral from the
                                              mainline. Use the hose to direct the flow
    • A good quality pressure gauge           into the five-gallon bucket. Using the stop-
      (preferably oil-fi lled) mounted on      watch, estimate the time in seconds to fi ll
      the discharge side of the pump.         the bucket. For greater accuracy, take more
    • A five-gallon bucket and a length        than one reading per sprinkler and average
      of garden hose that will fit over a      the times. Repeat for the other sprinklers
      sprinkler head OR a working flow         on other laterals.
      meter mounted at least fi ve pipe
      diameters downstream of the pump
      or other bends, valves, or changes       Number of seconds to fill bucket                                          =            seconds
      in pipe. Mark with a permanent
      marker the five-gallon line on the
                                               Average gpm/sprinkler = 300 divided by the number of seconds
      inside of the bucket.
                                                                                      300 ÷                 seconds     =                gpm
    • A stopwatch (or a watch with a
      second hand) and a calculator.
When the system is operating under             Total flow per hand line or wheel line =
nor ma l, st a ble cond it ion s, fol low                      Average gpm per sprinkler × number of sprinklers =                        gpm
these six steps:                                                                                                ATTRA              Page 11
2b. For pivots:
                                                                                                3.6 ×       (revs) ×     (Kh) ÷     (secs) =        Input kW
                                    If you are using a pivot irrigation sys-
                                    tem and don’t have a flow meter, use the                                                         (KW) × 1.34 =         EHP
                                    following method.
                                    First, measure the flow of one sprinkler in                  Step 4. Find water horsepower
                                    each set of nozzle diameters along the pivot                (WHP), using results from steps
                                    using the method described in 2a.
                                                                                                1 and 2.
    Seconds to                  Average gpm     Number sprinklers          Total gpm in
    fill bucket                  per sprinkler      in each set               each set
                                                                                                            (TDH) ×        (gpm) ÷ 3,960 =          WHP
 300 ÷           sec        =          gpm      ×                      =          gpm

 300 ÷           sec        =          gpm      ×                      =           gpm          Step 5. Determine pumping
 300 ÷           sec        =          gpm      ×                      =           gpm
                                                                                                plant efficiency, using results from
                                                    Total Flow         =           gpm
                                                                                                steps 3 and 4.

                                    Next, estimate flow from end gun using                                (WHP) × 100 ÷        (EHP) =          % Efficiency
                                    end gun pressure and nozzle diameter from
                                    table below.
                                                                                                Step 6. Compare your efficiency
                                                                            =             gpm   to expected values in the table
Table 2. Estimated End Gun Flow in GPM                                                          below.
                                   Diameter of end gun nozzle (inches)                          Table 3. Expected Pumping Plant Efficiency
    PSI                 ½               ¾            1           1½                2            Rated Motor                              Expected
    10             23.6                53.2         94.4         212              378           Size (HP)                               Efficiency (%)
    20             33.4                75.3         134          300              534           3 to 5                                          66%

    30             40.9                92.2         164          368              654           7.5 to 10                                       68%

    40                 47.2             106         189          425              755           15 to 30                                        69%
                                                                                                40 to 60                                        72%
    50             52.8                 119         211          485              845
                                                                                                75+                                             75%
                                                                                                Note: These efficiencies are for older pumps in excellent con-
                                    Finally, add the results from Step 1                        dition. New pumps and used pumps under mild conditions or
                                    and Step 2 above to calculate total flow                     improved design will have higher efficiencies.
                                    for pivot.
                                                                            =             gpm   Any system whose pumping plant efficiency
                                                                                                is less than 65 percent has some room for
                                                                                                improvement. A result in the 50 percent
                                    Step 3. Find Input kW and                                   range or lower indicates a significant prob-
                                    electric horsepower (EHP).                                  lem requiring attention. Contact your irriga-
                                    For pivots, turn off the pivot drive and end                tion equipment dealer or your local NRCS
                                    gun booster pump if possible while measur-                  office to discuss your options.
                                    ing energy use. You want to measure just
                                    the electricity that the pump motor is using                Other flow measuring
                                    to pump the water.                                          methods for pivots
                                    Locate the meter constant on the meter:                     The flow from impact sprinklers mounted
                                    marked Kh and followed by a number such                     on the top of the pipe can be measured with
                                    as 57.6 or 43.2. Using a stopwatch, time the                a bucket test, using a longer garden hose
                                    number of seconds it takes for the disk in the              that fits over the nozzle.
                                    meter to make 10 revolutions (or for the little             In the case of pivots equipped with “wobbler”
                                    bar to move across the screen 10 times).                    or “spinner” sprinkler heads, the following
Page 12      ATTRA                                                                                                 Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators
method may work. Cut the end of a finger off an old rub-        management, equipment maintenance, and handy
ber glove, insert a short piece of metal pipe, and attach a    conversions and formulas. Get a free printed copy by
hose clamp. Attach a length of garden hose to the other end    calling 800-346-9140.
of the metal pipe with a hose clamp. Place the glove over
a pivot nozzle of almost any type and the flow rate can be
measured with a bucket test.                                  Other Publications
                                                              Comparing Irrigation Energy Costs. 1999. By Danny
                                                              H. Rogers and Mahbub Alam. MF-2360, Kansas State
References                                                    University Cooperative Extension Service, Manhattan,
Black, Richard D., and Danny H. Rogers. 1993.                 KS. 4 p.
Evaluating Pumping Plant Efficiency Using On-Farm               Explains how to compare the cost of electricity, natural
Fuel Bills. Kansas State University Cooperative Exten-         gas, diesel, and propane as irrigation energy options.
sion Service, Manhattan, Kansas. 4 p.                          Can be downloaded from:
Hanson, Blaine. 2002. PUMP UP: Improving plant
efficiency does not always save energy. California             Electrical Demand Charges: How to Keep Them Low.
Agriculture Vol. 56, No, 4. University of California,         1986. By Hugh J. Hansen and Walt L. Trimmer. PNW
Davis, CA. 6 p.           291. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 2 p.
Idaho Power. 2005. Irrigation Energy Saving Ideas. 12 p.       Lists strategies for keeping the electrical demand            charges on an irrigation system as low as possible. Also
Jenkins, Jack. 2001. Low Energy Precision Applica-             has tips for using a watthour meter to measure power.
tion Irrigation Assistance Program. Report from the            Can be purchased for $0.25 from Washington State
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. 2 p.                     University Extension, P.O. Box 645912, Pullman, WA,                              99164-5912 or by calling 509-335-2857 or
Loftis, J.C., and D.L. Miles. 2004. Irrigation Pumping
Plant Efficiency. Colorado State University Cooperative        Irrigation Energy Saving Ideas. 2000. By Richard
Extension Service, Fort Collins, CO. 4 p.                     F. Beard and Robert W. Hill. Utah State University                   Extension Service, Logan, UT. 5 p.
Miranowski, John. 2004. Energy Consumption in U.S.              Describes factors that affect electric motor performance
Agriculture. In: Proceedings of the conference Agri-            and service life and describes procedures for controlling
culture as a Producer and Consumer of Energy, spon-             internal motor heat.
sored by the Farm Foundation and USDA’s Office of                Can be downloaded from
Energy Policy and New Uses. 43 p.                               fi les/engrpubs/biewm06.pdf
                                                              Maintaining Electric Motors Used for Irrigation. 2000.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural         By Richard F. Beard and Robert W. Hill. Utah State
Statistics Service (NASS). Farm and Ranch Irrigation
                                                              University Extension Service, Logan, UT. 5 p.
Survey (2003), Vol. 3, Special Studies, Part 1, 2002
Census of Agriculture. Washington, DC, November                Describes factors that affect electric motor performance
2004. 216 p.                                                   and service life and describes procedures for controlling
                                                               internal motor heat.
Further Resources                                              Can be downloaded from
                                                               fi les/engrpubs/biewm06.pdf
NCAT Publications
The Montana Irrigator’s Pocket Guide. 2003. By                Web Sites
Mike Morris, Vicki Lynne, Nancy Matheson, and Al              Agricultural Energy Publications
Kurki. National Center for Appropriate Technology,            University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension
Butte, MT. 161 p.                                   
 A take-to-the-field reference to help irrigators save          Dowloadable publications on many farm energy
 energy, water, and money; includes guidelines for water       topics, including irrigation.                                                                                  ATTRA        Page 13
Energy in Agriculture Program                         Wateright
California Energy Commission                          Center for Irrigation Technology at California State      University, Fresno
 Offers publications, links, and other resources on
 irrigation and many other topics.                     A “multi-function, educational resource for irrigation
                                                       water management.” Includes an energy use/cost
Irrigation Engineering Publications                    calculator, guidelines for estimating fuel requirements,
University of Nebraska Institute of Agriculture and    options for reducing energy use and costs, and discus-
Natural Resources                                      sions of various other energy-related topics.
 Dozens of publications on irrigation management
 and hardware.


Page 14     ATTRA                                                               Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators
Notes   ATTRA   Page 15
Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators
                  By Mike Morris and Vicki Lynne
                  NCAT Energy Specialists
                  © 2006 NCAT
                  Paul Driscoll, Editor
                  Amy Smith, Production
                  This publication is available on the Web at:
                  Slot 278
                  Version 071806

Page 16   ATTRA

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Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators

  • 1. ATTRA Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators A Publication of ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service • 1-800-346-9140 • By Mike Morris and This publication describes ways that irrigators can save energy to reduce irrigation costs. It describes Vicki Lynne recommended irrigation system installations, explains how utilities charge their irrigation customers NCAT Energy for electricity and describes common causes of wasted energy, as well as common energy-saving hard- Specialists ware improvements. It also includes a do-it-yourself method to estimate the efficiency of electrically © 2006 NCAT powered irrigation systems. A listing of references and resources follows the narrative. Contents Introduction ..................... 1 Recommended Installations ...................... 2 Centrifugal Pumps ......... 2 Turbine Pumps ................ 4 Electrical Use and Charges .............................. 5 Causes of Wasted Energy ................................ 6 Hardware Improvements ................. 7 Estimating Sprinkler Plant Efficiency ............. 11 References ...................... 13 Further Resources ........ 13 NCAT photo Introduction would when properly sized, adjusted, and maintained. (Black and Rogers, 1993) A Especially in times of high energy costs, study in Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, efficient irrigation equipment is essential to and other states found that, on average, the viability of farms and ranches. Accord- about 25 percent of the electrical energy ing to USDA’s 2003 Farm and Ranch Irriga- used for irrigation pumping was wasted tion Survey, there were 43 million pump- due to poor pump and motor efficiency. irrigated acres in the United States, with energy costs for these systems averaging (Loftis and Miles, 2004) $1.5 billion per year, or $36 per irrigated Since 1988, NCAT has conducted energy ATTRA—National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service acre. Farms spent an additional $12 per efficiency audits on more than 400 irriga- is managed by the National Cen- acre, on average, to maintain and repair tion systems. In the vast majority of these ter for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) and is funded under a irrigation equipment. (U.S. Department of cases, our technicians identified at least grant from the United States Agriculture, 2003) one equipment change or repair that would Department of Agriculture’s Rural Business-Cooperative Ser- Most irrigation systems are not as effi - quickly pay for itself in energy savings vice. Visit the NCAT Web site ( cient as they should be. A Kansas study alone. Very often, the irrigators who owned html) for more informa- tion on our sustainable found that, on average, irrigation systems these inefficient systems were unaware of agriculture projects. use about 40 percent more fuel than they any problems.
  • 2. This publication On the other hand, mechanical improve- describes ways to ments do not necessarily result in energy sav- save energy and ings, unless the irrigator makes management reduce irrigation changes that reduce hours of operation. (See energy costs. There Hanson, 2002) This is a key point that are basically four is frequently misunderstood. Mechani- ways to do this: cal improvements like the ones described in • Ma ke mechani- this article generally improve irrigation sys- cal improvements, tem performance, resulting in higher pressure so the irrigation and increased volumes of applied water. These system uses less improvements in turn should make it possible energy during each to meet crop water needs with fewer hours hour it runs. of irrigation. But if the irrigator continues NCAT photo to run the system for the same number of • M a k e m an a ge - hours, energy consumption often stays the ment changes, so the system runs same or even increases. fewer hours. This publication focuses on direct energy • Reduce cost per unit of energy by, for consumption—using electricity and fuel to example, negotiating a better rate run irrigation pumps and motors. Indirect with the utility, switching fuels, or energy costs are at least as important for finding a lower price for diesel fuel. Related ATTRA many farm operations. Natural gas, elec- • Make your own energy by installing tricity, fuel oil, and other fossil fuels are all Publications a wind turbine to generate electric- used in making commercial fertilizers and Biodiesel – a Primer ity or by making your own biodiesel pesticides. In 2002, commercial fertilizers fuel, for example. (nitrogen, phosphate, and potash) accounted Drought Resistant Soil This publication focuses on mechanical for 29 percent of all energy consumed in Drought Resource improvements. Of course, good management U.S. farm production. (Miranowski, 2004) Guide The cost of these inputs has skyrocketed in is also critically important for saving energy. The Montana Irriga- The most obvious energy-saving management recent years. One of the best things farmers tor’s Pocket Guide strategy is to eliminate unnecessary watering, can do to reduce energy consumption and Soil Moisture meeting only the water needs of your crops. energy-related costs is to reduce their use of Monitoring: Low-Cost But you might also consider less obvious commercial fertilizers and pesticides. Many Tools and Methods options such as changing to less water-inten- ATTRA publications are available on this Wind-powered sive crops, timing plantings to take better topic. See, for example, the ATTRA publica- Electric Systems for advantage of natural precipitation, reducing tions Cover Crops and Green Manures, Alter- Homes, Farms, and irrigated acreage, using mulches and cover native Soil Amendments, Sustainable Soil Ranches: Resources cropping to increase soil organic matter and Management, Pursuing Conservation Tillage build the water-holding capacity of your soils, Systems for Organic Crop Production, and Measuring and Conserving or taking steps (such as planting wind breaks) Farm-Scale Composting. Irrigation Water to reduce evaporation in your fields. Equipment problems and management prob- Recommended lems tend to go hand in hand. Equipment Installations that is badly designed, inefficient, or poorly maintained reduces the irrigator’s degree Centrifugal Pumping of control over the way water is applied. Problems like patchy water distribution Plant Installation with and inadequate pressure make it impossi- Electric Motor ble to maintain correct soil moisture levels, Especially if you have an older system, your leading to crop stress, reduced yields, pumping plant might look like Poor in Fig- wasted water, runoff, soil erosion, and many ure 1, on the discharge side. (The term other problems. pumping plant means the pump and motor Page 2 ATTRA Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators
  • 3. considered together.) It’s a false economy to • An eccentric reducer to keep air save money by installing undersized valves from becoming trapped in the and fittings. You’ll only achieve greater fric- reducer fitting. tion loss and higher pumping costs. The • A vacuum gauge to indicate whether next time you rebuild your pump, replace the primer is pulling a vacuum the fittings so that your pumping plant looks or just moving air through the pump. like Ideal in Figure 1. On the Discharge Side of Pump Figure 1. Ideal and Poor Installations • A valve that is the same diameter as the mainline. IDEAL Discharge pressure Concentric gauge with ball valve • A non-slam check valve to pre- expansion Shut-off valve Discharge pipe larger than pump discharge size vent back spin of the pump when shutting it off. • An air relief device when a Flexible joint permits some Pipe support buried mainline is used. • A discharge line water veloc- Check misalignment and axial valve movement; resolves most thermal expansion problems Valve too ity of less than seven fps. POOR small Five fps is best. • An energy efficient 1,800 rpm motor with a 15 percent Sudden expansion safety factor. (Adapted from Saving Energy on Montana Farms • A simple shade over the motor. and Ranches, Montana Department of Environmental Quality.) Figure 2. Recommended Pump Installations, Top and Side Views An ideal installation should also have: • A discharge concentric expansion, Solid foundation Gradually increasing tapered section instead of an abrupt change in pipe Sump volume (in gallons) at least twice maximum gpm diameter, to minimize head loss, tur- Inlet bulence, and air pockets. All joints Uniformly distributed flow • A discharge valve the same diameter Cone increaser water tight Pressure placed at pump as the mainline. outlet if required gauge o 45 maximum Figure 2 shows what a plant should look like Straight run of at least Supports as required when pumping from a surface source such as 10 pipe diameters “D” or straightening vanes Top View a river or canal. The pumping plant should for testing flow also have the following features: Check valve Shut-off On the Suction Side of Pump valve • A well-designed and screened sump that keeps trash out. Primer Straightening vanes or straight run as short as Side View possible but not less than • Suction line joints that are airtight Globe isolation Vacuum 6 pipe diameters “D” 1/4” per foot under a vacuum. valve gauge minimum upward slope to pump Grating, bar racks and screens at beginning of • No high spots where air can collect. Smooth maximum width section long-radius • A suction line water velocity of five elbows feet per second (fps) or less. Two to three fps is best. Anchor Pipe supports “D” Minimum water level (as required) • A suction entrance at least two pipe- Drainage bolts Eccentric 4 “D” Minimum inlet Inlet away from reducer minimum turbulence bell diameters from sump inlet. motor Suction bell Inlet below • A suction lift (vertical distance from As close as possible “D” minimum minimum water level “D” = pipe diameter water surface to pump impeller) less than 15 to 20 feet. (Adapted from Energy Efficient Pumping Standards, Utah Power & Light Company.) ATTRA Page 3
  • 4. Figure 3. Deep Well Turbine Pump Pump motor RECOMMENDED Sounding tube Discharge pipe access Grout seal Casing centered in hole with 3 spacers @ 40’ intervals Pumping water level Static water level NCAT photo Drawdown less than 60% of water depth Pump housing About Pressure Gauges Air line A good quality oil- or glycerin-filled pressure gauge on the discharge side of the pump tells a lot about a system’s condition. If operational pressure remains close to the original design pressure, the pump is probably in good working order. Pressure changes can indicate clogged suction screens, leaks, pump wear, worn nozzles, and other problems. Excess pumping rate; Use the gauge when filling the mainline to reduce electrical demand drawdown more than 60% of water depth and water hammer. Extend the life of the gauge by installing a ball NOT RECOMMENDED valve on the riser. Keep the valve closed except when referring to the gauge. With a ball valve in place, the operator can remove the gauge (Adapted from Energy Efficient Pumping Standards, Utah during the winter. Power & Light Company.) Turbine Pump Installation Control Panel for Electric Motors Refer to the left half of Figure 3 for proper The importance of a properly installed installation of a turbine pump in a well. control panel cannot be overemphasized, Many of these same principles apply to tur- both for personal safety and to protect your bine pumps in sumps. The properly con- investment in the pump and motor. structed well should also: Your control panel should: • Be at least six inches in diameter larger than the outside diameter of • Have a shade over it to cool the well casing when a gravel pack thermal breakers. is required. • Be mounted on secure poles • Have horizontal well screen slots or foundation. that continue below the pumping • Have any missing knockout plugs water level. The openings should hold back at least 85 percent of the and other holes in the starting surrounding material. switch box replaced and screened or puttied against rodents, insects, The poorly constructed well in the lower and dirt. right half of Figure 3 shows a well casing not centered in the well. Vertical slotted • Have a small hole (about 3/16-inch pipe perforations are above the minimum diameter) in the bottom of the panel water level, creating cascading water. to allow moisture to drain. Page 4 ATTRA Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators
  • 5. electric consumption or energy rate. This may remind you of the ante in a poker game—a fee to get into the energy con- suming game. 2. Electric Consumption or Energy Charge. This cha rge is based on the amount of electric- ity used over time as recorded on a kilowatt- hour meter, with a rate charged for each kWh NCAT photo consumed. Your control panel should include the 3. Electric Demand Charge. Many utili- following controls, at a minimum: ties charge larger customers an amount over and above the electric consump- • Circuit breakers for overload tion charge. The basic rationale for currents these demand charges is that the util- • Lightning arrester ity incurs costs to maintain enough • Surge protector capacity to serve the needs of its large customers. Electric providers gener- • Phase failure relay, to protect the ally calculate the demand charge in motor from phase reversal or failure one of two ways. Each method gives an and from low voltage approximation of the customer’s size or • A pressure switch to shut off the power requirements. motor if pumping pressure drops to undesirable levels. a. The demand charge may be based on connected load or horsepower, with a fi xed rate charged per horsepower Electrical Use and Power during each billing period. This Bill Charges charge is usually based on “name- Electricity is measured in watts or kilowatts plate” horsepower. For example, if (equal to 1,000 watts). The number of watts the demand charge is $10 per horse- is the product of operating voltage times the power, the demand charge for a 40- current (or amps) flowing to the load. A horsepower system would be $400. kilowatt-hour (kWh) is an amount of energy equivalent to using one kilowatt (kW) over a b. The demand charge may be based one-hour period. To visualize one kilowatt- on maximum wattage during the hour, it may be helpful to imagine ten 100- billing period. In this method, a watt light bulbs burning for one hour. special demand meter measures wattage for each 15-minute interval Although billing procedures vary among (or some other interval) during the electric providers and in different regions of billing period. The demand charge the country, irrigation bills typically include would be based on the 15-minute three basic charges for electricity. interval with highest wattage during 1. The Base Rate or Meter Charge. This is the billing period. either a monthly or seasonal charge. For example, suppose the demand charge is Some utilities roll this charge into the $10 per kilowatt, and your demand meter ATTRA Page 5
  • 6. records use of 29 kilowatts for some 15- 2. The wrong pump for the system minute intervals in the billing period, 30 A pump that is oversized, undersized, or just kilowatts for other 15-minute intervals, not right for your system, will never operate and 31 kilowatts for other intervals. You efficiently. While it may be possible to trim would be billed $310. A key point is that the pump impeller, re-nozzle the sprinklers, demand charges are based on the size of or redesign the layout of the mainline your system—not on how many hours you operate the system. A demand charge is incurred even if you operate your irrigation Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) system for just one 15-minute interval and Cavitation during the entire monthly billing period. Many people are surprised to learn Customers with small motors may not have that centrifugal pumps don’t pull water a demand charge. through a suction pipe; they can only pump water that is delivered to them. Common Causes of When air is removed from the suction pipe by a primer pump, the weight Wasted Energy of the earth’s atmosphere forces water to rise into the pipe, delivering water 1. Lack of system maintenance to the pump. Impellers that are out of adjustment, plugged screens, worn nozzles, engine Even in the best of circumstances (includ- drive units that need a tune-up, worn shaft ing a near-perfect vacuum) the maximum water column that can be forced by atmo- sleeves, leaking gaskets and drains, and spheric pressure never exceeds about 33 dried-out bearings and pump packing are feet in height. As elevation, water tem- only a few of the problems that are avoided perature, and pipe friction increase, the with regular maintenance. height of the water column that can be forced drops. The maximum column of water that can be created in a pipe under a given set of conditions is known as Net Every kWh Counts Positive Suction Head or NPSH. Some irrigators mistakenly assume that since they are charged for Insufficient NPSH often occurs at startup. demand, they won’t save money by turning off their pumps and reduc- Since the pump is working against low ing hours of operation. It’s true that the demand charge is often a sub- pressure, it pumps a larger volume than stantial percentage (as much as half or more) of a total electric bill. But in normal operation. This larger volume all electric providers bill for every single kWh consumed. You will always creates friction losses in the suction line, save energy and money by reducing your hours of operation. reducing NPSH. Too little available NPSH Talk to a customer service representative at your utility for an explana- can result in vaporization of water in the tion of the rate structure. Know when your meter reading date is each eye of the impeller, causing cavitation, a month, since this can influence management decisions. If your power noisy condition where vapor bubbles col- bill includes a demand charge, remember that this charge will be about lapse violently in the pump. the same whether you operate your system for one day or 31 days dur- To stop cavitation while occurring, ing a billing period. close the discharge valve. If cavitation is allowed to continue, the impeller and pump casing can become pitted and damaged, reducing pump capacity. To Time-of-Use Rate Schedules eliminate cavitation as well as water ham- In some parts of the country, irrigators can sign up for a time-of-use bill- mer, and to prevent high amperage draw ing schedule. Under time-of-use billing, rates are higher at peak times on demand meters, each time you start (when demand is greatest) and lower at “off peak” times. Time-of-use up the pump open the discharge valve billing allows some irrigators to adjust work schedules so they can irri- slowly to fill the mainline. gate when rates are low. Call your utility to find out if time-of-use billing is available in your area, and to see whether a time-of-use rate schedule Caution: Don’t let the pump run more may work for you. than two minutes with the discharge valve closed. Page 6 ATTRA Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators
  • 7. to the water source in order to create sufficient NPSH. If turbine or submersible pump capacities do not fit the well characteristics, you may need to replace the bowls with new ones suited to the well capacity. Hardware Improvements Some common energy efficiency improve- ments are listed below. No matter what kind of system you are operating, you’ll probably fi nd at least one cost-effective idea below to improve the effi ciency of NCAT photo your irrigation system. and laterals, a new pump with different P characteristics is most likely necessary. Electric Motors remium- • Rebuild older motors and gain sev- 3. Pump wear from cavitation efficiency eral percentage points in motor or abrasion efficiency. This procedure typi- motors are Cavitation damages impellers, reduc- cally involves replacing the bear- two to four percent ing efficiency. If your pump is cavitating, ings, rewinding, and “dipping and more efficient than determine whether you have sufficient net baking,” and is done by qualified standard-efficiency positive suction head (NPSH). You should motor repair shops. motors. also have a valve on the discharge side of • Consider a premium-eff iciency the pump, allowing you to fi ll the mainline motor instead of a standard- slowly and avoid cavitation. efficiency motor when installing a new system, when replacing over- If your water source contains a high or undersized motors, and when amount of sediment, re-engineer the intake the cost of rewinding exceeds 65 structure to allow sediment to settle out of percent of the price of a new motor. the water before entering the suction line. Premium-efficiency motors are two to four percent more efficient than 4. Improperly sized or designed standard-efficiency motors. Besides fittings saving energy, premium-efficiency Every minute that irrigation water passes motors usually have higher service through undersized valves or other fit- factors, longer insulation and bear- tings at a high velocity, profits drain away. ing life, and less vibration than Replace undersized fittings with ones of standard-efficiency motors. the correct size. Caution: Some premium-efficiency motors draw a higher startup 5. Water source changes current. Make sure your system can handle it. If you’re using a well for irrigation and the water table has dropped, you may have to • If you put in a new system, be reset the pump to a lower level. To com- aware that an 1,800 rpm motor pensate for the increased head, you may is more efficient than a 3,600 have to add more stages to turbine or sub- rpm motor. For example, an open mersible pumps. If you’re using surface drip-proof 3,600 rpm, 40-horse- water and the level has dropped, centrifu- power motor is 91.7 percent effi- gal pumps may need to be relocated closer cient whereas an 1,800 rpm, 40- ATTRA Page 7
  • 8. horsepower motor is 93 percent fan. Check with an engine equip- efficient. Since 1,800 rpm motors ment dealer for more information. make half the revolutions of 3,600 • Think about using the variable rpm motors, maintenance needs are speed ability of engines to your lower and motor life is longer. advantage. By varying the rpm of • Consider a variable speed drive the engine you can vary the flow (also sometimes called a variable rate, total dynamic head, and brake frequency drive) if you need to pro- horsepower requirements of the duce a wide range of flows and pump to save fuel and meet vary- pressures to meet varying system ing system needs. Consult an engine needs. For example, a pump serv- equipment or irrigation equipment ing three pivots and equipped with dealer for advice. a variable speed drive could run at slow speed with one pivot turned Centrifugal Pumps on, at a higher speed with two piv- • Rebuilding an older pump to ots turned on, and at full speed with increase its efficiency can be a all three pivots turned on. Steep ter- cost-effective alternative to pur- rain and the use of corner “swing chasing a new pump. Rebuilding arms” on pivots also cause chang- usually involves replacing shaft ing flow and pressure requirements sleeves, packing, and wear rings, and sometimes justify the cost of a and re-machining or replacing variable speed drive. In 2005, the the impeller. typical cost of variable speed drives was between $90 and $200 per • For optimum efficiency, the pump horsepower. (Idaho Power, 2005) must match the requirements of the Whether this investment is cost- water source, water delivery system, effective for your situation depends and irrigation equipment. If your on operating hours, pump size, and pump is under- or oversized and crop value, among other factors. does not match the system needs, pump replacement is the best • Constant-pressure valves or fl ow-control nozzles may be a lower- cost a lter nat ive to a variable speed drive, a lt hough t hey a re less energy effi cient. Contact your equip- ment suppl ier for more information. Engines • If your radiator-cooled engine uses a cooling fan, five to eight per- cent of the fuel going into the engine is used to run the fan. You can install equipment that uses irrigation water to cool the engine, elimi- nating the need for a NCAT photo Page 8 ATTRA Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators
  • 9. option. Running an oversized pump inch or psi) or very low pressure with a mainline valve half-closed is (10 psi) and installing drop tubes. like driving a car with your foot on Reduce your pump size or have the the brake and the accelerator at the impellers trimmed to reduce horse- same time. power. In addition to saving energy and money, you’ll increase water Turbine Pumps application uniformity because wind • Vertical shaft turbine pumps lose drift will be reduced and the water efficiency when not regularly discharge point will be closer to the adjusted. Only qualified pump ser- ground. Be aware that a low-pres- vice personnel should adjust deep sure pivot could exceed your soil’s well turbine pumps. infi ltration rate, causing runoff. • Rebuilding an older turbine pump • Sprinkler options have come a long to increase its efficiency is usually a way in the past decade, and this is cost-effective alternative to purchas- especially true for pivot and linear ing a new pump. Rebuilding usu- move systems. Spinners produce T ally involves replacing shaft sleeves, large droplets that are more rain- ake packing bearings, and re-machining like and reduce wind drift. Dual advantage or replacing the bowls. spray heads allow for different spray of gravity options for crop germination or irri- Mainlines gating later in the season. Spray if you have suffi- • Mainlines too small for the volume cient elevation drop. plates can also be replaced to allow of water pumped through them con- for different spray patterns. Check Many irrigators tribute to high head requirements out sprinkler packages at your local underestimate the and lowered system efficiency. irrigation equipment dealer to fi nd energy savings and Water velocity through a mainline one suitable for your operation. pressure available should never exceed seven feet per second (fps). Velocities below • Eliminate your pump completely or to them. five fps are best, and are achiev- reduce your horsepower require- able through good design. Your ments and pump size by taking local irrigation equipment dealer or advantage of gravity, if you have Natural Resources Conservation sufficient elevation drop. Many irri- Service (NRCS) office can help gators underestimate the energy determine whether a system’s main- savings and pressure available line is the right size. to them. An elevation drop of just 2.3 feet is equivalent to one pound Sprinkler Systems per square inch of pressure. Your • If you have a high-pressure pivot local irrigation equipment dealer with impact sprinklers, you can real- or NRCS office may be able to help ize significant energy and demand determine whether your system can savings by converting to low pres- be converted to a full or partial sure (20 to 35 pounds per square gravity system. Table 1. Recommended Maximum Flow Rate of Different Pipe Sizes Pipe Diameter (inches) 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 Flow rate (gpm) 50 110 200 310 440 780 1225 1760 3140 Note: For maximum efficiency, water velocity in the suction line should not exceed 5 fps; 2 to 3 fps is best. Water velocity in the mainline should not exceed 7 fps; less than 5 fps is best. Increasing the pipe size, reducing the flow rate, and changing the pipe type can save energy by lowering the water velocity. ATTRA Page 9
  • 10. • You can also convert a pivot or lin- Sprinkler Nozzle Wear ear move system to Low Energy To check nozzle wear, remove the nozzle Precision Application (called LEPA) and clean out the interior. Then get either by installing hoses or drag socks on a numbered drill index, with bits measured the drop tubes. The water is applied in thousandths, or a new high-speed drill directly at the soil surface, virtu- bit of the size printed on the nozzle. If a ally eliminating wind drift. These drill bit is used, get a new nozzle to com- systems also eliminate deep wheel pare alongside the worn nozzle. Insert the tracks because the ground is wet index into the nozzle opening and compare behind the wheels instead of in front the size to that printed on the nozzle. Or of them. A Colorado study calcu- insert the shank (smooth end) of the drill lated average LEPA conversion cost bit into the nozzle opening. The fit should for pivots at around $15,000, with be snug. If you can wobble the bit sideways energy savings of up to 40 per- even slightly, the nozzle is worn. cent and paybacks of only three to four years. (Jenkins, How Leaks Cost You Money Surface Irrigation 2001) LEPA systems do not Many producers aren’t very con- cerned about leaks because work for all crops (for exam- Many surface irrigators can save water and the water “ends up on the field ple, tall ones like field corn) energy by replacing open ditches with gated anyway.” What they don’t realize is or situations. pipe. Gated pipe allows water to flow out that leaks reduce system pressure, • Producers raising orchard through evenly-spaced “gates” or openings causing a poor sprinkler distribu- and vegetable crops can along the length of the pipe, giving irriga- tion pattern. Reduced pressure also somet imes dramat ica l ly tors increased control over the way water moves the pump operating point reduce energy costs by con- is applied. out of the range where the pump is most efficient, increasing demand verting from hand-move costs. An NCAT study found that laterals or other high pres- Figure 4. Gated Pipe each worn sprinkler nozzle costs its sure sprinklers to drip or owner up to $4.00 per year in unnec- micro sprinklers. Micro-irri- essary energy costs, depending on gation systems operate at very the degree of wear and the prevail- low pressure and allow pre- ing cost of electricity. Significant leaks can also cause motor overload- cise application of water to a ing and shorten motor life. limited area of soil adjacent to the plant. If you’re already using gated pipe, you may be able to save additional energy by installing a surge valve. Surge valves auto- matically alternate the water from one set of furrows or border strips to another. This method causes the water stream to advance much faster. Deep percolation at the upper end of the field is reduced and water pen- etration at the lower end is increased, NCAT photo resulting in more even water distribution. Page 10 ATTRA Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators
  • 11. A Simple Method to Esti- Step 1. Find total dynamic head mate the Pumping Plant (TDH) in feet. Efficiency of an Electri- Reading pressure from gauge psi × 2.31 (a conversion factor) = feet cally Powered Sprinkler Irrigation System Add height* if pump is above water surface + feet Pumping plant efficiency, sometimes called OR “wire to water” efficiency, is the overall Subtract height* if pump is below water surface – feet energy efficiency of the pump and motor considered together, and is defi ned as the To get total dynamic head (feet). TDH ratio of water horsepower (“power out”) to electric horsepower (“power in”). Energy * Height is defined as distance from the water surface to the centerline of the discharge pipe. is lost by every pump and motor, and effi- ciencies in the mid-70 percent range are Step 2. Find flow rate in gallons per about the best any pumping plant can achieve. A 70-percent pumping plant effi- minute. ciency would mean that 70 percent of the 2a. For hand move, side roll, or horsepower delivered to the motor is trans- linear move systems: mitted to the water leaving the pump. Pumping plant efficiency should be evalu- If your system has a flow meter, read the gallons per minute (gpm). If the meter reads in ated every several years or whenever there cubic feet per second (cfs), multiply cfs times 448.8 to get gpm. is cause for concern (such as a noticeable decrease in performance or an increase gpm in demand charges on your power bill). The do-it-yourself pumping plant evalua- tion described below reveals whether you If you don’t have a flow meter you can do can save energy and money by adjusting, a bucket test: rebuilding, or replacing the existing pump Measure the flow of one sprinkler per lateral or power unit. that is situated on relatively level ground. To conduct th i s test, you’ l l need The selected sprinkler should be about one- the following: third down the length of the lateral from the mainline. Use the hose to direct the flow • A good quality pressure gauge into the five-gallon bucket. Using the stop- (preferably oil-fi lled) mounted on watch, estimate the time in seconds to fi ll the discharge side of the pump. the bucket. For greater accuracy, take more • A five-gallon bucket and a length than one reading per sprinkler and average of garden hose that will fit over a the times. Repeat for the other sprinklers sprinkler head OR a working flow on other laterals. meter mounted at least fi ve pipe diameters downstream of the pump or other bends, valves, or changes Number of seconds to fill bucket = seconds in pipe. Mark with a permanent marker the five-gallon line on the Average gpm/sprinkler = 300 divided by the number of seconds inside of the bucket. 300 ÷ seconds = gpm • A stopwatch (or a watch with a second hand) and a calculator. When the system is operating under Total flow per hand line or wheel line = nor ma l, st a ble cond it ion s, fol low Average gpm per sprinkler × number of sprinklers = gpm these six steps: ATTRA Page 11
  • 12. 2b. For pivots: 3.6 × (revs) × (Kh) ÷ (secs) = Input kW If you are using a pivot irrigation sys- tem and don’t have a flow meter, use the (KW) × 1.34 = EHP following method. First, measure the flow of one sprinkler in Step 4. Find water horsepower each set of nozzle diameters along the pivot (WHP), using results from steps using the method described in 2a. 1 and 2. Seconds to Average gpm Number sprinklers Total gpm in fill bucket per sprinkler in each set each set (TDH) × (gpm) ÷ 3,960 = WHP 300 ÷ sec = gpm × = gpm 300 ÷ sec = gpm × = gpm Step 5. Determine pumping 300 ÷ sec = gpm × = gpm plant efficiency, using results from Total Flow = gpm steps 3 and 4. Next, estimate flow from end gun using (WHP) × 100 ÷ (EHP) = % Efficiency end gun pressure and nozzle diameter from table below. Step 6. Compare your efficiency = gpm to expected values in the table Table 2. Estimated End Gun Flow in GPM below. Diameter of end gun nozzle (inches) Table 3. Expected Pumping Plant Efficiency PSI ½ ¾ 1 1½ 2 Rated Motor Expected 10 23.6 53.2 94.4 212 378 Size (HP) Efficiency (%) 20 33.4 75.3 134 300 534 3 to 5 66% 30 40.9 92.2 164 368 654 7.5 to 10 68% 40 47.2 106 189 425 755 15 to 30 69% 40 to 60 72% 50 52.8 119 211 485 845 75+ 75% Note: These efficiencies are for older pumps in excellent con- Finally, add the results from Step 1 dition. New pumps and used pumps under mild conditions or and Step 2 above to calculate total flow improved design will have higher efficiencies. for pivot. = gpm Any system whose pumping plant efficiency is less than 65 percent has some room for improvement. A result in the 50 percent Step 3. Find Input kW and range or lower indicates a significant prob- electric horsepower (EHP). lem requiring attention. Contact your irriga- For pivots, turn off the pivot drive and end tion equipment dealer or your local NRCS gun booster pump if possible while measur- office to discuss your options. ing energy use. You want to measure just the electricity that the pump motor is using Other flow measuring to pump the water. methods for pivots Locate the meter constant on the meter: The flow from impact sprinklers mounted marked Kh and followed by a number such on the top of the pipe can be measured with as 57.6 or 43.2. Using a stopwatch, time the a bucket test, using a longer garden hose number of seconds it takes for the disk in the that fits over the nozzle. meter to make 10 revolutions (or for the little In the case of pivots equipped with “wobbler” bar to move across the screen 10 times). or “spinner” sprinkler heads, the following Page 12 ATTRA Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators
  • 13. method may work. Cut the end of a finger off an old rub- management, equipment maintenance, and handy ber glove, insert a short piece of metal pipe, and attach a conversions and formulas. Get a free printed copy by hose clamp. Attach a length of garden hose to the other end calling 800-346-9140. of the metal pipe with a hose clamp. Place the glove over a pivot nozzle of almost any type and the flow rate can be measured with a bucket test. Other Publications Comparing Irrigation Energy Costs. 1999. By Danny H. Rogers and Mahbub Alam. MF-2360, Kansas State References University Cooperative Extension Service, Manhattan, Black, Richard D., and Danny H. Rogers. 1993. KS. 4 p. Evaluating Pumping Plant Efficiency Using On-Farm Explains how to compare the cost of electricity, natural Fuel Bills. Kansas State University Cooperative Exten- gas, diesel, and propane as irrigation energy options. sion Service, Manhattan, Kansas. 4 p. Can be downloaded from: Hanson, Blaine. 2002. PUMP UP: Improving plant efficiency does not always save energy. California Electrical Demand Charges: How to Keep Them Low. Agriculture Vol. 56, No, 4. University of California, 1986. By Hugh J. Hansen and Walt L. Trimmer. PNW Davis, CA. 6 p. 291. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 2 p. Idaho Power. 2005. Irrigation Energy Saving Ideas. 12 p. Lists strategies for keeping the electrical demand charges on an irrigation system as low as possible. Also Jenkins, Jack. 2001. Low Energy Precision Applica- has tips for using a watthour meter to measure power. tion Irrigation Assistance Program. Report from the Can be purchased for $0.25 from Washington State National Renewable Energy Laboratory. 2 p. University Extension, P.O. Box 645912, Pullman, WA, 99164-5912 or by calling 509-335-2857 or 800-723-1763. Loftis, J.C., and D.L. Miles. 2004. Irrigation Pumping Plant Efficiency. Colorado State University Cooperative Irrigation Energy Saving Ideas. 2000. By Richard Extension Service, Fort Collins, CO. 4 p. F. Beard and Robert W. Hill. Utah State University Extension Service, Logan, UT. 5 p. Miranowski, John. 2004. Energy Consumption in U.S. Describes factors that affect electric motor performance Agriculture. In: Proceedings of the conference Agri- and service life and describes procedures for controlling culture as a Producer and Consumer of Energy, spon- internal motor heat. sored by the Farm Foundation and USDA’s Office of Can be downloaded from Energy Policy and New Uses. 43 p. fi les/engrpubs/biewm06.pdf Maintaining Electric Motors Used for Irrigation. 2000. U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural By Richard F. Beard and Robert W. Hill. Utah State Statistics Service (NASS). Farm and Ranch Irrigation University Extension Service, Logan, UT. 5 p. Survey (2003), Vol. 3, Special Studies, Part 1, 2002 Census of Agriculture. Washington, DC, November Describes factors that affect electric motor performance 2004. 216 p. and service life and describes procedures for controlling internal motor heat. Further Resources Can be downloaded from fi les/engrpubs/biewm06.pdf NCAT Publications The Montana Irrigator’s Pocket Guide. 2003. By Web Sites Mike Morris, Vicki Lynne, Nancy Matheson, and Al Agricultural Energy Publications Kurki. National Center for Appropriate Technology, University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension Butte, MT. 161 p. A take-to-the-field reference to help irrigators save Dowloadable publications on many farm energy energy, water, and money; includes guidelines for water topics, including irrigation. ATTRA Page 13
  • 14. Energy in Agriculture Program Wateright California Energy Commission Center for Irrigation Technology at California State University, Fresno Offers publications, links, and other resources on irrigation and many other topics. A “multi-function, educational resource for irrigation water management.” Includes an energy use/cost Irrigation Engineering Publications calculator, guidelines for estimating fuel requirements, University of Nebraska Institute of Agriculture and options for reducing energy use and costs, and discus- Natural Resources sions of various other energy-related topics. Dozens of publications on irrigation management and hardware. Notes Page 14 ATTRA Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators
  • 15. Notes ATTRA Page 15
  • 16. Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators By Mike Morris and Vicki Lynne NCAT Energy Specialists © 2006 NCAT Paul Driscoll, Editor Amy Smith, Production This publication is available on the Web at: or IP278 Slot 278 Version 071806 Page 16 ATTRA