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Khulna University of Engineering & Technology
                    Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
                        ME-1203 Basic Mechanical Engineering

Definition of energy:
Energy means thing that is capable of doing something or having potential to make any change.
Energy exists in several forms such as heat, stored energy (chemical, nuclear etc.), kinetic or
mechanical energy, light, potential energy, or other forms.

In thermodynamic view, energy is a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a
physical system to do work. For example when a fuel burns or changes its form, produce heat or
any form of work that can be converted to useful form.
Types of Energy:

1. Kinetic Energy
This is the energy associated with the motion of an object. If an object of mass m moves with
speed v, then its kinetic energy is mv2 /2.
2. Gravitational Potential Energy
This change in the gravitational potential energy is the work done when a mass is raised or
lowered in a gravitational field. If the mass is raised, then some agent must push the mass
"uphill" against the pull of gravity, and the potential energy of the mass has increased. The
energy is called "potential" energy because it can be completely recovered (in principle) by
letting the mass fall downhill again.
3. Electrical Potential Energy
This change in electrical potential energy is the work done when an electrical charge is moved in
the vicinity of other charges. Since like charges repel, it takes work to push two like charges
closer together, and that work, which must be done by some external agent, increases the
electrical potential energy of the system
4. Chemical Energy
This is the energy released during a chemical reaction. The energy often appears as kinetic
energy of the products, which we usually think of as "heat." However, chemical reactions can
also produce electrical potential energy, as in a battery, for example
5. Mass Energy
It is possible to convert mass into energy and vice-versa. If a mass of m kilograms is converted
to energy, the energy released is E= mc, where c is the speed of light.

6. Electromagnetic energy
This energy is carried by electric and magnetic fields. Although these fields usually originate
from charges and their motions, the fields themselves can transmit energy through empty space.
For example, this is the principal way that energy from the sun reaches us. Depending on the
frequency of the wave fields, we think of electromagnetic energy as light, radiant heat, x-rays or
gamma rays, all of which are different manifestations of the same basic phenomenon.

Sources of Energy:

Energy resources are two types:

   •   Conventional or non renewable sources
   •   Non-conventional or renewable sources

According to sources of energy, there are two types of energy: i) Non-renewable or conventional
energy ii) Renewable or non-conventional energy.
Definitions of non renewable/ Conventional energy:

 Non-renewable energy is energy, taken from "finite resources that will eventually dwindle,
becoming too expensive or too environmentally damaging to retrieve. This type of energy cannot
be replaced once it is used or energy that is not being replaced as fast as it is being used. Used to
describe energy sources that exist in a limited amount on Earth. They form from decaying plant
and animal material over hundreds of thousands to millions of years.

Non-renewable energy resources are those, which have been in use since a long time.
Conventional sources of energy include fossil fuels, natural gas, nuclear energy and hydroelectric
energy. Fossil Fuels it includes fuels which are most commonly used such as wood, coal, peat
and petroleum.

Effects of Conventional energy sources:
Conventional energy sources have demonstrated both extremely positive and negative
consequences. These negative effects have fueled the proliferation of alternative energy sources
in recent years

Positive consequences of Conventional energy sources are:
   1. Conventional energy sources are proven technologies which can provide energy
        regardless of the weather conditions unlike solar and wind power which may go for days
        without being able to produce substantial amounts of power. Currently, the financial costs
        are much lower than alternative energy sources.
   2. Conventional energy sources made the Industrial Revolution possible

Negative consequences of Conventional energy sources are:
   1. Being carbon-based, natural gas, oil and coal store carbon as potential energy and release
       it when burned. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states that carbon and
       other greenhouse gas emissions is a major culprit in climate change.
   2. According to the Energy Information Administration, burning coal produces sulfur and
       nitrogen oxide, which can lead to acid rain and mercury, which is harmful to humans
       when ingested. All of these are known to have disastrous environmental and health

Different types of Conventional energy sources:

1) Fossil Fuels

It includes fuels which are most commonly used such as wood, coal and petroleum. These fossil
fuels are non-renewable sources of energy. Therefore we need to conserve them.


   •   It is a major source of energy for man as it is widely used for cooking and heating
   •   It is a primary fuel which can be used directly to produce heat

Disadvantages of wood

   •   A major portion of heat produced by burning wood is lost to the surroundings and only
       8% of the total heat is actually used for cooking food leading to huge wastage of fuel
   •   It produces a lot of smoke due to incomplete combustion leading to pollution and health


       Coal releases large amounts of energy when it is burned because of the density of
       hydrocarbons in the material. Coal is formed by dead plants being put under significant
       pressure and temperature for millions of years. There are four grades of coal: lignite,
       subbituminous, bituminous coal and anthracite. Bituminous coal is the best for releasing
       energy and is the most commonly mined type of coal in the United States.
Disadvantages of coal

   The oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur are released on burning coal and petroleum which
   are acidic oxides. Thus, they lead to acid rain which affects our water and soil resources


   Petroleum is formed from the compression of animal and plant remains over millions of
   years. Petroleum has to be drilled for because it is usually located deep below the earths
   surface and is then refined to produce a number of different products including gasoline,
   heavy fuel oil and diesel fuel.

3) Nuclear Power

Nuclear power plants run by splitting atoms and using the heat that is generated to turn water
into steam. When the steam rises it spins turbines that generate electricity.

Controlled fission of heavier unstable atoms such as U235, Th232 and artificial elements Pu239
liberate large amount of heat energy. This enormous release of energy from a relatively small
mass of nuclear fuels makes this source of energy of great interest. The energy released by the
complete fission, of one kilogram of U235 is equal to the heat energy obtained by
burning 4500 tones of high grade coal. However, there are some difficulties in the
use of nuclear energy namely high capital cost of nuclear power plants, limited
availability of raw materials difficulties associated with disposal of radioactive
wastes and dearth of well trained personnel to handle the nuclear power plants.

4) Crude Oil

On- and off-short sites are drilled for crude oil which is refined for several uses, including jet
fuel, gasoline and diesel fuel. In addition, 1.2 percent of the energy in the United States in 2009
was generated by oil power plants, according to the Energy Information Administration.

Definitions of renewable/ non conventional energy:

The term renewable energy generally refers to energy generated from natural resources
renewable energy sources, such as wind, rain, solar, tides, geothermal, hydropower and various
forms of biomass--which are renewable (naturally replenished) and ecologically safe. These
energy sources are considered renewable sources because their fuel sources are continuously
replenished. These types of energy can be replenished at the same rate as it is used.

Energy generated from resources that are unlimited, rapidly replenished or naturally renewable
such as wind, water, sun, wave and refuse, and not from the combustion of fossil fuels.

Non-conventional/ renewable sources of energy include:
  • Solar power
  • Hydro-electric power (dams in rivers)
  • Wind power
  • Tidal power
  • Ocean wave power
  • Geothermal power (heat from deep under the ground)
  • Ocean thermal power (the difference in heat between shallow and deep water)
  • Biomass (burning of vegetation to stop it producing methane)

Non conventional Energy: Wind

Wind has kinetic energy that can turn turbines and be converted to usable power. However, the
amount of energy that can be derived depends on the speed of the wind. Wind power is one of
the most cost-efficient forms of non-conventional energy. It is clean, renewable and safe, but
finding places in which wind turbines can be installed without interference have created some
Wind power can be made use of where wind at suitable velocity is available. Wind power is
capable of generating small amounts of electrical energy. It is successfully employed for
pumping water from deep wells. Wind power has served many countries as a source of
power in early days and was called as wind mills. The propulsive power of wind
can be used to drive multi-bladed turbine wheel. Wind turbines prove to be costly
if designed to run at all wind speeds. They usually start running at wind speeds
just enough to overcome the system loses and develop full power at the
prevailing speed for the locality.

Non conventional Energy: Solar

Solar power has become more widely used in recent years because it is safe, clean and
renewable. Many local governments provide incentives for the production of solar technology
and its installation in residences.

Solar energy is collected from the sun. Electromagnetic waves released from the sun can be used
      as solar heating for homes and other buildings or as solar electricity to power appliances
      and other electronics. Energy gathered from the sun is stored in batteries because the sun
      does not shine anywhere on Earth constantly all year around. Some countries like India are
      in geographically ideal locations to collect solar energy. India can have from 250 to 300
      sunny days in a given year.

Solar energy can be applied in many ways, including to:

   •   Generate electricity using photovoltaic solar cells.
   •   Generate electricity using concentrating solar power.
   •   Generate electricity by heating trapped air which rotates turbines in a solar updraft tower.
   •   Generate hydrogen using photo electrochemical cells.
   •   Heat water or air for domestic hot water and space heating needs using solar-thermal
   •   Heat buildings, directly, through passive solar building design.
   •   Heat foodstuffs, through solar ovens.
   •   Solar air conditioning

Solar energy is effective only during day time and if power supply is to be made during night
also then some reservoir of energy such as storage battery or heat accumulator should be used. It
is believed that solar power can become economically feasible with the following aims achieved:
   1. Availability of better heat collector.
   2. Availability of improved materials and manufacturing techniques.
   3. Better techniques for storage and cheap distribution of solar power.
Perhaps the great advantage of solar power is that the system is ideally suited to the human
environment being free from pollution and noise. Besides, maintenance is cheap and convenient.
Of all the non-conventional energy sources, solar power is much cheaper for cooking, street
lighting and water heating.

Non conventional Energy: Water

Energy in water (in the form of kinetic energy, temperature differences) can be harnessed and
used. Since water is about 800 times denser than air, even a slow flowing stream of water, or
moderate sea swell, can yield considerable amounts of energy.

There are many forms of water energy

   Hydroelectric energy is a term usually reserved for large-scale hydroelectric dams.
   Hydropower is created by damming rivers and using the currents to spin turbines, thus
   creating energy. Although capital cost of hydroelectric power plants is higher as compared to
   other types of power plants but their operating costs are quite low.
Wave power uses the energy in waves but it is difficult to tap into this particular energy
   source. Wave power machines usually take the form of floating or neutrally buoyant
   structures which move relative to one another or to a fixed point.

   Tidal Power: Ocean waves and tides contain large amount of energy. Such
   tides rise and fall and water can be stored during rise period and it can be
   discharged during fall.
   Advantages: The various advantages of tidal power plants are as follows:

       (i)     The power generated does not depend on rain. Therefore there is certainty of
               power supply as the tidal cycle is very definite.
       (i)     The tidal power plants are free from pollution.
       (ii)    Unhealthy wastes like ash, gases etc. are not produces.
       (iii)   These plants require lesser space.
       (iv)    Such plants have a unique capacity to meet the peak power demand effectively
       when they work in combination with hydro power plants and steam
       power plants.

    Disadvantages: The various disadvantages of tidal power plants are as follows:

       (i)     The capital cost of a tidal power plant is considerably large as
               compared to steam power plant and hydro power plant.
       (ii)    The supply of power is not continuous as it depends upon the timing of
       (iii)   Tidal power plants are located away from load centres. This increases
               power transportation cost.

Non conventional Energy: Geothermal

Geothermal energy is energy obtained by tapping the heat of the earth itself being a cleaner
source of energy. It can be used to produce heat as well as electricity. This type of energy is
produced by radioactive decay from the Earth's core. According to the Geothermal Education
Office, "Steam, heat or hot water from geothermal reservoirs come out of earth's surface and
provides the force that spins the turbine generators and produces electricity. The used geothermal
water is then returned down an injection well into the reservoir to be reheated, to maintain
pressure, and to sustain the reservoir.

There are two main applications of geothermal energy: The first is based on using heat from the
earth to create electricity or to provide direct services, such as hot water heating or warming of
greenhouses. This heat may be derived from geothermal geysers that naturally come all the way
up to the earth's surface, or accessing this heat may require drilling down into the earth's crust to
reach areas that are hot enough to use for energy production. These resources typically are found
from a few hundred meters to about 3,000 meters below the earth's surface. The second
application of geothermal energy is based on using the thermal mass of soil or ground water to
drive a heat pump, which can be used for either heating or cooling applications. These are known
as geothermal ground source heat pump applications.

What types of geothermal are considered renewable & why?

All types of geothermal energy are renewable as long as the rate of heat extraction from the earth
does not exceed the rate at which the thermal reservoir it depends upon is recharged by the
earth's heat. For electricity generation, it may take several hundred years for a geothermal
reservoir to recharge after it has been fully depleted. District heating systems may take 100-200
years to recharge, and for geothermal heat pumps, reservoir recovery may take 30years or so.
One can argue that geothermal energy is not truly renewable, because over time the earth's core
will cool and the radioactive decay of elements that help keep the earth's core warm will
decrease. However, because the earth’s geothermal heat reservoirs are immense in
magnitude compared to humanity's rate of use, geothermal energy is effectively
renewable. Geothermal power plants that tap the earth's heat for energy
production do have finite lives of typically 30-50 years because, eventually, the
plant's equipment wears out. However, by re-injecting the water that comes out
of a geothermal well back into the system, or by using other water sources, such
as reclaimed waste water, the life of geothermal wells can be extended, and
production increased.

Non conventional Energy: Ocean
The ocean can produce two types of energy: thermal energy from the sun's heat, and mechanical
energy from the tides and waves.
Oceans cover more than 70% of Earth's surface, making them the world's largest solar collectors.
The sun's heat warms the surface water a lot more than the deep ocean water, and this
temperature difference creates thermal energy. Just a small portion of the heat trapped in the
ocean could power the world. Ocean thermal energy is used for many applications, including
electricity generation. There are three types of electricity conversion systems: closed-cycle,
open-cycle, and hybrid. Closed-cycle systems use the ocean's warm surface water to vaporize a
working fluid, which has a low-boiling point, such as ammonia. The vapor expands and turns a
turbine. The turbine then activates a generator to produce electricity. Open-cycle systems
actually boil the seawater by operating at low pressures. This produces steam that passes through
a turbine/generator. And hybrid systems combine both closed-cycle and open-cycle systems.

Non conventional Energy: Biomass/Biofuels

Biomass or biofuel is material derived from recently living organisms, recently dead biological
material or certain fossil fuels. This includes plants, animals and their by-products. For example,
manure, garden waste and crop residues are all sources of biomass.

Most commonly, biomass refers to plant matter grown for use as bio fuel, but it also includes
plant or animal matter used for production of fibers, chemicals or heat. Biomass may also
include biodegradable wastes that can be burnt as fuel. It excludes organic material which has
been transformed by geological processes into substances such as coal or petroleum.

Biomass is grown from several plants, including miscanthus, switchgrass, hemp, corn, poplar,
willow, sugarcane and oil palm (palm oil). The particular plant used is usually not very
important to the end products, but it does affect the processing of the raw material. Production of
biomass is a growing industry as interest in sustainable fuel sourness growing.

Although fossil fuels have their origin in ancient biomass, they are not considered biomass by the
gene1 ally accepted definition because they contain carbon that has been "out" of the carbon
cycle for a very long time. Their combustion therefore disturbs the carbon dioxide content in the
Plastics from biomass, like some recently developed to dissolve in seawater, are made the same
way as petroleum-based plastics, are actually cheaper to manufacture and meet or exceed most
performance standards. But they lack the same water resistance or longevity as conventional

Bio-energy: Bio energy is energy contained in "biomass" such as plant matter and animal waste.
These sources can provide energy in the form of electricity, heat, steam, and fuels.

Why bio-energy is considered renewable?
Biomass is a replenishable resource—it can be replaced fairly quickly without
permanently depleting the Earth's natural resources. By comparison, fossil fuels
such as natural gas and coal require millions of years of natural processes to be
produced. Therefore, mining coal and natural gas depletes the Earth's resources
for thousands of generations

Some advantages of this renewable energy are
   • It is renewable
   • Sources are commonly available
   • Sources are locally produced
   • Uses low-cost waste products
   • Proven technology
   • Biogases can be used in high-efficiency combined cycle plants
   • Reducing greenhouse gases
   • DIY biomass energy- it can be easy

Types of biofuel

Liquid biofuel

Liquid biofuel is usually either a bioalcohol such as ethanol fuel or oil such as biodiesel or
straight vegetable oil. Biodiesel can be used in modern diesel vehicles with little or no
modification to the engine. It can be made from waste and virgin vegetable and animal oils and
fats (lipids). Virgin vegetable oils can be used in modified diesel engines. In fact the diesel
engine was originally designed to run on vegetable oil rather than fossil fuel. A major benefit of
biodiesel use is the reduction in net CO2 emissions, since all the carbon emitted was recently
captured during the growing phase of the biomass. The use of biodiesel also reduces emission of
carbon monoxide and other pollutants by 20 to 40%.

In some areas corn, cornstalks, sugarbeets, sugar cane, and switchgrasses are grown specifically
to produce ethanol (also known as grain alcohol) a liquid which can be used in internal
combustion engines and fuel cells. Ethanol is being phased into the current energy infrastructure.
E85 is a fuel composed of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline that is sold to consumers. Biobutanol
is being developed as an alternative to bioethanol.

Another source of biofuel is sweet sorghum. It produces both food and fuel from the same crop.
Some studies have shown that the crop is net energy positive ie. it produces more energy than is
consumed in its production and utilization.

Solid biomass

Solid biomass is most commonly used directly as a combustible fuel, producing 10-20 MJ/kg of
heat. Its forms and sources include wood fuel, the biogenic portion of municipal solid waste, or
the unused portion of field crops. Field crops may or may not be grown intentionally as an
energy crop, and the remaining plant byproduct used as a fuel. Most types of biomass contain
energy. Even cow manure still contains two-thirds of the original energy consumed by the cow.
Energy harvesting via a bioreactor is a cost-effective solution to the waste disposal issues faced
by the dairy farmer, and can produce enough biogas to run a farm.

With current technology, it is not ideally suited for use as a transportation fuel. Most
transportation vehicles require power sources with high power density, such as that provided by
internal combustion engines. These engines generally require clean burning fuels, which are
generally in liquid form, and to a lesser extent, compressed gaseous phase. Liquids are more
portable because they can have a high energy density, and they can be pumped, which makes
handling easier.

Non-transportation applications can usually tolerate the low power-density of external
combustion engines that can run directly on less-expensive solid biomass fuel, for combined heat
and power. One type of biomass is wood, which has been used for millennia. Two billion people
currently cook every day, and heat their homes in the winter by burning biomass, which is a
major contributor to man-made climate change global warming. The black soot that is being
carried from Asia to polar ice caps is causing them to melt faster in the summer. In the 19th
century, wood-fired steam engines were common, contributing significantly to industrial
revolution unhealthy air pollution. Coal is a form of biomass that has been compressed over
millennia to produce a non-renewable, highly-polluting fossil fuel.

Wood and its byproducts can now be converted through processes such as gasification into
biofuels such as woodgas, biogas, methanol or ethanol fuel; although further development may
be required to make these methods affordable and practical. Sugar cane residue, wheat chaff,
corn cobs and other plant matter can be, and are, burned quite successfully. The net carbon
dioxide emissions that are added to the atmosphere by this process are only from the fossil fuel
that was consumed to plant, fertilize, harvest and transport the biomass.

Processes to harvest biomass from short-rotation trees like poplars and willows and perennial
grasses such as switchgrass, phalaris, and miscanthus, require less frequent cultivation and less
nitrogen than do typical annual crops. Pelletizing miscanthus and burning it to generate
electricity is being studied and may be economically viable.


Biogas can easily be produced from current waste streams, such as paper production, sugar
production, sewage, animal waste and so forth. These various waste streams have to be slurried
together and allowed to naturally ferment, producing methane gas. This can be done by
converting current sewage plants into biogas plants. When a biogas plant has extracted all the
methane it can, the remains are sometimes more suitable as fertilizer than the original biomass.

Alternatively biogas can be produced via advanced waste processing systems such as mechanical
biological treatment. These systems recover the recyclable elements of household waste and
process the biodegradable fraction in anaerobic digesters.

Renewable natural gas is a biogas which has been upgraded to a quality similar to natural gas. By
upgrading the quality to that of natural gas, it becomes possible to distribute the gas to the mass
market via the existing gas grid.

Processing and uses

Biomass which is not simply burned as fuel may be processed in other ways such as corn.
Low tech processes include:

    •    composting (to make soil conditioners and fertilizers)

         •       anaerobic digestion (decaying biomass to produce methane gas and sludge as a
   • fermentation and distillation (both produce ethyl alcohol)
More high-tech processes are:
    •    Pyrolysis (heating organic wastes in the absence of air to produce gas and char. Both are

    •    Hydrogasification (produces methane and ethane)
    •  Hydrogenation (converts biomass to oil using carbon monoxide and steam under high
       pressures and temperatures)
     • Destructive distillation (produces methyl alcohol from high cellulose organic wastes
    •    Acid hydrolysis (treatment of wood wastes to produce sugars, which can be distilled)

Sources of biomass energy:
Sources of biomass are many. Here are a few

wood                                   soy beans                       vegetable oil
woodchips                              grains                      algae
paper                                  linseed                         silage
trash,                               animal                           bagasse
corn, maize                             manure,                       whey

sugar cane                           hemp                            rice husks
canola                               sewage                      and many more
sunflower                            food scraps                 wheat straw

We hope that all the conventional sources will become rare, endangered and extinct, as they
produce lots of carbon dioxide that adds to the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere (uranium
leaves different dangerous byproducts).

And we similarly hope that all the non-conventional sources will become conventional, common,
and everyday, as they are all free, green and emit no carbon dioxide (well, biomass does, but it
prevents the production of methane which is a greenhouse gas 21 times more dangerous that
Different types of energy sources have been used and may be used in future in meeting energy
needs of the country are presented below.

Coal Reserves

In Bangladesh, the total in-place reserve of coal in three locations (Jamalgonj 1000 million tons,
Barapukuria 390 million tons, Khalaspir 450 million tons) is about 1,840 million tons.
Extraction 1000 million tons of coal discovered at Jalmalgonj at a depth of 1000 metres was not
found techno-economically feasible. A coal mining project is under implementation to extract
Barapukuria coal (in place reserve of 390 million tons). It is expected to produce 1 million ton of
coal per year from the year 2004 for a period of 64 years. Total extractable coal from
Barapukuria coal mine is 64 million (16.4% of in place reserve).

In place reserves of Barapukuria and Khalaspir coal deposits have been reported as 390 million
tons and 685 million tons respectively. Two more coal deposits have been discovered at
Digliipara and Phulbari; in place deposits have not been assessed (Karim 2003). By adding in
place coal deposit of Jamalgonj (1000 million tons) with the above two deposits, LoLal coal
deposits in three locations (Jalmalgonj, Barapukuria, Khalaspir) may be computed as 2,075
million tons. Karim (2003) further reported that heat equivalent of Barapukuria coal deposit is
30.44 TCP of natural gas. It may be mentioned that in heat equivalent term 1 TCF natural
gas=990 Peta Jule and 1 ton of Barapukuria coal=25.6 Giga Joule. Therefore, in heat equivalent
term 1 TCF natural gas is equivalent to 38.67 million tons coal. The heat equivalent of
Barapukuria in place coal deposit of 390 million tons coal is equivalent to 10 TCF of natural gas
(390/38.6). Heat equivalent of 64 million extractable coal is equal 1.66 TCF of natural gas. It
was a gross error to claim (Karim 2003) thai Barapukuria coal deposit is equivalent to 30.44
TCF natural gas (1,177 million tons of coal). It is rational to consider only extraetable quantity
of coal (64 million tons) for energy planning purpose.

Without mentioning the number of discovered coal deposits the total coal deposits of the country
(including 390 million tons Barapukuria deposit) has been reported as 2,525 million tons, of the
total deposits 490 million tons (19.4%) of coal has been reported as extractable. The heat
equivalent of extractable coal has been reported as 14 TCFF of natural gas (Hossain 2003). On
the basis of 1 TCF natural gas equivalent to 38.67 million tons coal, heat equivalent of 490
million tons coal is 12.67 TCF natural gas. No explanation has been given how the extractable
coal has been estimated as 490 million tons. As it is not be feasible to extract 1000 million cons
coal at Jamalganj, this amount should be deducted from total in place reserves (2,525-1000=
1,525 million tons), then cxtractablc factor of Barapukuria coal (0.164) may be used to compute
the quantity of extractable coal (1.524x0.164=250 million tons)

Peat Reserves

The total peat deposit of the country is 170 million tons. A pilot project was implemented by
Petrobangla for commercial extraction of peat at Madaripur. It has not been possible to extract
peat due to techno-economic reasons (possible negative effects on agriculture land).

Hydropower Potential
The total hydropower potential of the country in three locations (Kaptai, Sangu and
Matamuhuri) is 1500 GWh/year {755 MW) (BPDP 1995) of which about 1000 GWh/year (230
MW) has been harnessed at Kaptai through 5 units of hydropower plants. BPDP has planned to
install two additional hydropower units (2x50 MW=100 ,V1W). Further expansion of
hydropower may not be feasible due to socio-political and environmental reasons. Without any
reference an exaggerated potential of hydropower resources of Bangladesh was reported as
52.000 MW (Sadler and Sahai 2000). This type baseless news creates confusion among the
policy planners and decision makers.

Crude Oil Reserve

One oil field was discovered at Haripur, Sylhet in 1986 with total deposit of 8.2 million barrels.
Production was discontinued in 1994 after extraction of 0.64 million barrels due ro technical

A news item was published in a national daily that a Texas based geological survey company
reported that in Bangladesh there is crude oil reserve of 2 trillion barrels (The Daily Ittefaq. 9
February, 2001). The total oil reserve of the whole world in 1996 was I trillion barrel (Simpson
1998). This type of baseless news creates confusion in people's miles.

Natural Gas Reserves

Total number of natural gas fields discovered up to June 2003 is 22. Total proved and probable
reserves of natural gas in 22 gas fields were reported by Nagorik Committee (Anon 2002c) as
10.82 TCP and 5.8 GCF respectively. Proved reserve is recognized as bankable assets by
international financing institutions. In Bangladesh the practice of using recoverable. reserve
(proved + probable) has been introduced since 1980s. Total recoverable reserves (proven reserve
+ probable reserve) of 22 Gas fields estimated by different studies arc shown in Table 2.1.
Cumulative consumption of natural gas up to April 2002 was 4.6 TCF. Remaining proved and
recoverable reserves of natural gas it) 22 gas fields of May 2002 is shown in Table. 2.1. The
amount of natural gas consumed in 2000 was 0.331 TCF.

Table: Proved and Recoverable Reserve on Natural Gas in 22 Fields

           Particulars              Proved      Recoverable         Remaining     Remaining
                                    Reserve        Reserve           Proved       Recoverable
                                                                     Reserve      Reserve
                                        TCF       TCF                TCF             TCF
 Annon(2002c)                           10.82                        6.22
 Petrobangla (2001)                               15.51                             10.91
 HCU/NPD <2001)                                   20.40                             15.80
 GDRC-1 (Annon 2002a)                             16.64                             12.04
 1 GDRC-2 (Annon 2002a)                           20.15                             15.55

* Remaining Reserves on Mav 2002a
GDRC-Gas Demand & Reserve Committee (Annon 2002a)

Undiscovered Natural Gas Resources
Undiscovered natural gas resources of Bangladesh reported by two recent studies
(USGS/Petrobangla 2001, NPD/HCU 2001) arc shown in Table 2.2.
Table: Undiscovered Gas Resources (In TCF)

                           P95    P90            Mean         P50      P10             P05
 USGS/Petrobangla          9                      32          31             -         66

 HCU/NPD                                 19       42          42             64

Undiscovered gas resources arc hypothetical and speculative numbers used only for exploration
planning. These numbers are not comparable with recoverable reserves of considered for
commercial decisions (Table 2.1) Recoverable reserve of gas in undiscovered areas is to be
ascertained and assessed through exploration activities.
Beyond accepted norm and standard practice some people add different values of total
recoverable reserves of gas shown in tabic 2.1 with different values of undiscovered gas
resources shown in Table 2.2 and generate different values of total gas reserves/ resources (as
shown below).

*15.51 TCF (recov. Reserve) + 32.0 TCF (undiscovered resources) = 47.51 TCF

*15.51 TCF (recov. Reserve) + 66.0 TCF (undiscovered resources) = 81.51 TCF

*20.4 TCF (recov. Reserve) + 42.0 TCF (undiscovered resources) = 62.4 TCF

*20.4 TCF (recov. Reserve) + 64.0 TCF (undiscovered resources) = 84.4 TCF
Then it is argued that Bangladesh has large reserves of natural gas ranging from 47.5 TCF to
84.4 TCF and should consider it for export.

Without considering the increase in gas demand in future years sometimes the computed values
of total gas reserves/resources are divided by the current year's use of gas (0.331 TCF in 2000)
and then it claimed that existing gas reserve/resources would meet the gas requirement of
Bangladesh for many years (example is shown below).

*47.51 TCF for 143 years (47.51 TCF/0.331 TCF)
*81.51 TCF for 246 years (81.51 TCF/0.331 TCF) *62.41
TCF for 188 years (62.41 TCF/0.331 TCF)
*84.41 TCF for 255 years (84.4 TCF/0.331 TCF)

The motive behind this publicity is to create public opinion in favor of gas export. This type of
propaganda has created lot of confusion among the concerned people about the reliability of data
on gas reserves and future use of gas.

Imported Commercial Energy

Every year Bangladesh is to spend a substantial amount of foreign currency to import petroleum
fuels and coal. During last decade (1990-200) the growth rate of consumption of imported
petroleum fuels was1.1% and the amount consumed in 2000 was 3.23 million tons. Average
yearly consumption of imported coal was 0.5 million ions, mostly used in brick kilns.

Indigenous Biomass fuels

Biomass fuels (e.g. wood fuels, agricultural residues, animal dung) available from limited tree
covered lands (reserve forests, un-classed state forests, plantation village woodlots), agricultural
lands and cattle population are the major sources of energy consumed in the country. Over
exploitation of biomass fuels have been contributing in environmental degradation (e.g.
deforestation, soil degradation).

Animal Power

Total cattle population of the country in 1989 was estimated as 20.39 million of which 12.33
million heads provided draught power required for cultivation. During peak agricultural season,
mechanized tillage devices (e.g. tractors, power tillers) consuming petroleum fuels are used to
meet shortage of draught animal power.

Prospect of Nuclear Power

Since 1960s government has been tying to establish a nuclear power plant Lit Rooppur. A number
of feasibility .studies have been carried out to achieve the objective; it was not possible to
achieve any success. In the present geo-political situation it may not be possible for a developing
(Muslim) country like Bangladesh to mobilize necessary funds to establish a nuclear power
Prospect of Solar Power

In Bangladesh during last twenty years (1980-2000) different type of Solar PV System (e.g.
lighting, pumping etc.) installed by different organizations (BAEC: 10 kW, REB: 62.5 kW,
Grameen Shakli: 245 kW, Rahim Afroz: 12 kW, LGED:66.3 kW, BRAC: 24.4 kW) were about
420 kV= 0.42MW. Total installed solar power was only 0.01% of total installed power plants of
Bangladesh (4.000 MW).

India is one of the largest market and manufacturers of Solar PV modules in the world. India has
installed 58 MW. Total installed solar power was only 0.06% of total installed power plants of
India (97.837 MW). Annual production capacity of Solar PV System is 10 MW. India also
exports solar PV modules. Total, installed Solar PV in the world in 2000 wax about 1.200 MW.

Solar electricity is at least 10 limes more costly than electricity form fossil fuels and nuclear
power (The Shell Report 2002). Because of high cost solar power has very limited prospect in
meeting total energy need of Bangladesh.

A news item was published during President Bill Clinton's visit to Bangladesh in March 2000
that the way solar PV technology is progressing, natural gas of Bangladesh may become useless
within next 20-25 years (The Banglar Bani. 22 March. 2000, Islam 2001). Subsequently this
observation was repeated by some political leaders of Bangladesh to argue for the export of gas.
There is no prospect of solar PV substituting natural gas within 40-50 years.

Prospect of Wind Power

Total wind power generation in Bangladesh was reported as 50 kW. Ii was 0.00125% of total
installed power plants of Bangladesh (4000 MW). Because of high cost there is limited prospect
of wind power in meeting total energy need of Bangladesh.

Total installed wind power in India was 1.175 MW and it ranked fifth in wind power generation
ill the world. Total installed wind power plants in the world in 2002 was about 30.000 MW
Germany has installed 12,000 MW which was highest in the world.

Observations on Energy Resources of Bangladesh

It may be observed from the presentation in this section that number of attempts have been made
to distort the energy data of Bangladesh. Some of these attempts are due to ignorance about the
energy data and some are to create public opinion in favor of export o country's limited reserve
of natural gas. Policy planners, decision makers, national energy planners, concerned citizens
will have to be aware about the misinformation and propaganda. Various issues need lo be
considered in deciding appropriate energy strategies for Bangladesh are presented below.

Energy Strategies for Future

*   No prospect o increasing biomass fuels supply. Share of biomass fuels in total energy will
    decline. Supply of biomass fuels will have of be maintained within regenerative limits.

*       Limited prospect of expansion of hydropower.

*   Limited contribution of indigenous coal [@ 1 million tones per year from 2004. Total 64
    million tons (equivalent 1.66 TCF of natural gas) over a period of 64 years. Sudden increase
    of yearly supply of coal will not be possible to meet increased demand.

*   Very limited prospect of power generation by new-renewable energy technologies (e.g. solar
    PV. Wind power).

*   Efficient use of energy will have lo be given due consideration.

*    Consumption of oil will increase. Dependence on imported oil will have to be minimized to
    save foreign exchange. Wherever possible oil will have to substituted by indigenous natural
    gas (e.g. use of CNG in transport).

*   Indigenous natural gas in the only reliable source of energy to meet future energy needs.
Energy Resources and Consumption
The main energy sources of Bangladesh are biomass and natural gas. Biomass energy sources are
traditionally used for domestic cooking and in small rural industries. Biomass fuels are estimated
to account for about 73% of the country's primary energy supply. Bangladesh have proved
natural gas reserves of 301 billion m that would last for 32 years at the current rate of production.
The remainder of energy supply is from oil, mostly imported and limited amount of hydropower.
Bangladesh has an installed electric generating capacity of 4005 MW, of which 94 % is thermal,
mainly natural - gas - fired (BPDB, 2002).

Natural Gas
Natural gas is today recognized as an important indigenous hydrocarbon resource in Bangladesh.
It use as a fuel in Chhatak Cement Factory in 1960 from the Chhatak gas field marked its first
commercial exploitation. Since then over the years the consumption of natural gas has been
increasing and it has contributed to the national development significantly.
Uses of Natural Gas
The uses of Natural gas in Bangladesh can be broadly divided into the following five categories:

1. Power: Gas is now the major fuel for power generation in Bangladesh. There are today nine
major installations where electric power is generated using natural gas as fuel under PDB. Some
independent power producers are also engaged in electric power generation and they have been
operating some gas fueled power plants. Power sector consumes approximately 45% of the total

 2. Fertilizer: Gas is the feedstock and fuel for production of urea fertilizer and
ammonia. CUFL and KAFCO is the major fertilizer factory in Bangladesh. Total
seven grass roots urea complexes now in operation have a combined connected demand of
approximately 35% of the total gas consumed.

3. Industrial: The industry sector during the current decade has been consuming
8 to 12% of the total gas consumption. Major application areas include: steam
generation, captive power and process (heating media and heat source/fuel).

4. Domestic: The domestic consumers use gas a fuel for cooking mainly. In recent
years some affluent customers have been using gas for stand-by generators and
raising hot water.

5. Commercial and Seasonal: The commercial sectors accounts for less than 1.5% of total gas
consumption and this has not shown significant growth during current decade. The seasonal
users mainly the brick field, consume a small quantity of gas during the brick manufacturing
"Around 65% of the biomass energy used in Bangladesh is from wood fuels while the rest is
from agricultural residues (27%) and animal dung (8%). Biomass is mainly utilised for domestic
cooking. Traditional stoves in Bangladesh are inefficient and emit significant amount of smoke,
which is a health hazard. Agricultural residues such as rice husk, wheat husk, bagasse, corncob,
peanut shells, rice and wheat straw, are abundantly available in most part of the country.
However, their utilisation of energy production is limited and inefficient due to their uneven and
troublesome characteristics. Many of these undiserable characteristics can be overcome if the
residues are compacted to from briquettes. Regular size and shape of briquettes make them easy
to transport, store and utilise.
Biomass briquetting technology appears to have been originally developed by local
entrepreneurs without any support from the government or donor agencies. Later, BIT and BRRI
developed this technology further to suit local conditions. Currently, over 900 briquetting
machines, mainly using rice husk, are operating in the country.

Another promising renewable energy technology in Bangladesh is biogas. Biogas obtained by
anaerobic fermentation of cow dung and other organic matters can be used for cooking, lighting
and other purpose. Bangladesh has a potential to produce 2.97 billion m3 of biogas per year
from cattle dug, which is equivalent to 1.52 million tons of kerosene.

Renewable Energy
Bangladesh is endowed with vast renewable energy resources. Harnessing these resources
appears to be a promising solution for improving the quality of life of rural villagers, who are
unlikely to have access to conventional electricity supply in the foreseeable future.

Solar Energy
All substances, solid, liquids and gases at temperatures above absolute zero emit energy in the
from of electromagnetic waves. This energy is called radiation. The radiation which is most
important to us is that emitted from sun, the earth and the atmosphere lying within the ultraviolet,
visible and infrared spectral region.

Bangladesh received an average daily solar radiation of 4 - 6.5 kWh/m . Despite large potential,
utilization of solar energy has been limited to traditional uses such as crop drying in the open
sun. Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are gaining acceptance for providing electricity to house
holds and small business in rural areas. In 1988 Bangladesh Atomic Energy Center (BAEC)
installed several pilot PV systems. The first significant PV- based rural electrification program
was the Narshingdi project installed with financial support from France. Since 1996, penetration
of Solar home systems (SHSs) increased rapidly, mainly due to the efforts of Grameen Sakti,
which sells PV systems on credit to rural households through its extensive network. Several
other NGOs such as CMES and BRAC are also engaged in promoting PV technology. PV
modules are generally imported, while there are a few private companies manufacturing PV
The potential of hydropower is very limited in Bangladesh due to the country's topography. At
present only 230 MW of hydropower is utilised in Karnafuli hydropower station operated by
Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB). BPDB is considering extension of Karnafuli
hydro station to add another 100 MW capacity. Only a few locations in the southeast and
northeast hilly region can be suitable for mini or micro hydro power plants.

Preliminary studies indicate that wind energy will be viable in the coastal Bangladesh, offsore
island, riversides, and some inland open areas. Several years of wind data is
essential for actual assessment of wind energy application, a wind monitoring
system has recently been set up at St. Martin's island. Two systematic wind data
monitoring projects were carried out by BCAS and LGED at seven locations and
by GTZ and REB at four other locations. Grameen Sakti has installed several
small wind turbines (0.3 to 10 kW) on experimental basis.

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  • 1. Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering ME-1203 Basic Mechanical Engineering Definition of energy: Energy means thing that is capable of doing something or having potential to make any change. Energy exists in several forms such as heat, stored energy (chemical, nuclear etc.), kinetic or mechanical energy, light, potential energy, or other forms. In thermodynamic view, energy is a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a physical system to do work. For example when a fuel burns or changes its form, produce heat or any form of work that can be converted to useful form. Types of Energy: 1. Kinetic Energy This is the energy associated with the motion of an object. If an object of mass m moves with speed v, then its kinetic energy is mv2 /2. 2. Gravitational Potential Energy This change in the gravitational potential energy is the work done when a mass is raised or lowered in a gravitational field. If the mass is raised, then some agent must push the mass "uphill" against the pull of gravity, and the potential energy of the mass has increased. The energy is called "potential" energy because it can be completely recovered (in principle) by letting the mass fall downhill again. 3. Electrical Potential Energy This change in electrical potential energy is the work done when an electrical charge is moved in the vicinity of other charges. Since like charges repel, it takes work to push two like charges closer together, and that work, which must be done by some external agent, increases the electrical potential energy of the system 4. Chemical Energy This is the energy released during a chemical reaction. The energy often appears as kinetic energy of the products, which we usually think of as "heat." However, chemical reactions can also produce electrical potential energy, as in a battery, for example 5. Mass Energy It is possible to convert mass into energy and vice-versa. If a mass of m kilograms is converted to energy, the energy released is E= mc, where c is the speed of light. 6. Electromagnetic energy This energy is carried by electric and magnetic fields. Although these fields usually originate from charges and their motions, the fields themselves can transmit energy through empty space. For example, this is the principal way that energy from the sun reaches us. Depending on the frequency of the wave fields, we think of electromagnetic energy as light, radiant heat, x-rays or gamma rays, all of which are different manifestations of the same basic phenomenon. Sources of Energy: Energy resources are two types: • Conventional or non renewable sources • Non-conventional or renewable sources According to sources of energy, there are two types of energy: i) Non-renewable or conventional energy ii) Renewable or non-conventional energy.
  • 2. Definitions of non renewable/ Conventional energy: Non-renewable energy is energy, taken from "finite resources that will eventually dwindle, becoming too expensive or too environmentally damaging to retrieve. This type of energy cannot be replaced once it is used or energy that is not being replaced as fast as it is being used. Used to describe energy sources that exist in a limited amount on Earth. They form from decaying plant and animal material over hundreds of thousands to millions of years. Non-renewable energy resources are those, which have been in use since a long time. Conventional sources of energy include fossil fuels, natural gas, nuclear energy and hydroelectric energy. Fossil Fuels it includes fuels which are most commonly used such as wood, coal, peat and petroleum. Effects of Conventional energy sources: Conventional energy sources have demonstrated both extremely positive and negative consequences. These negative effects have fueled the proliferation of alternative energy sources in recent years Positive consequences of Conventional energy sources are: 1. Conventional energy sources are proven technologies which can provide energy regardless of the weather conditions unlike solar and wind power which may go for days without being able to produce substantial amounts of power. Currently, the financial costs are much lower than alternative energy sources. 2. Conventional energy sources made the Industrial Revolution possible Negative consequences of Conventional energy sources are: 1. Being carbon-based, natural gas, oil and coal store carbon as potential energy and release it when burned. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states that carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions is a major culprit in climate change. 2. According to the Energy Information Administration, burning coal produces sulfur and nitrogen oxide, which can lead to acid rain and mercury, which is harmful to humans when ingested. All of these are known to have disastrous environmental and health consequences. Different types of Conventional energy sources: 1) Fossil Fuels It includes fuels which are most commonly used such as wood, coal and petroleum. These fossil fuels are non-renewable sources of energy. Therefore we need to conserve them. Wood • It is a major source of energy for man as it is widely used for cooking and heating • It is a primary fuel which can be used directly to produce heat Disadvantages of wood • A major portion of heat produced by burning wood is lost to the surroundings and only 8% of the total heat is actually used for cooking food leading to huge wastage of fuel • It produces a lot of smoke due to incomplete combustion leading to pollution and health hazards Coal Coal releases large amounts of energy when it is burned because of the density of hydrocarbons in the material. Coal is formed by dead plants being put under significant pressure and temperature for millions of years. There are four grades of coal: lignite, subbituminous, bituminous coal and anthracite. Bituminous coal is the best for releasing energy and is the most commonly mined type of coal in the United States.
  • 3. Disadvantages of coal The oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur are released on burning coal and petroleum which are acidic oxides. Thus, they lead to acid rain which affects our water and soil resources Petroleum Petroleum is formed from the compression of animal and plant remains over millions of years. Petroleum has to be drilled for because it is usually located deep below the earths surface and is then refined to produce a number of different products including gasoline, heavy fuel oil and diesel fuel. 3) Nuclear Power Nuclear power plants run by splitting atoms and using the heat that is generated to turn water into steam. When the steam rises it spins turbines that generate electricity. Controlled fission of heavier unstable atoms such as U235, Th232 and artificial elements Pu239 liberate large amount of heat energy. This enormous release of energy from a relatively small mass of nuclear fuels makes this source of energy of great interest. The energy released by the complete fission, of one kilogram of U235 is equal to the heat energy obtained by burning 4500 tones of high grade coal. However, there are some difficulties in the use of nuclear energy namely high capital cost of nuclear power plants, limited availability of raw materials difficulties associated with disposal of radioactive wastes and dearth of well trained personnel to handle the nuclear power plants. 4) Crude Oil On- and off-short sites are drilled for crude oil which is refined for several uses, including jet fuel, gasoline and diesel fuel. In addition, 1.2 percent of the energy in the United States in 2009 was generated by oil power plants, according to the Energy Information Administration. Definitions of renewable/ non conventional energy: The term renewable energy generally refers to energy generated from natural resources renewable energy sources, such as wind, rain, solar, tides, geothermal, hydropower and various forms of biomass--which are renewable (naturally replenished) and ecologically safe. These energy sources are considered renewable sources because their fuel sources are continuously replenished. These types of energy can be replenished at the same rate as it is used. Energy generated from resources that are unlimited, rapidly replenished or naturally renewable such as wind, water, sun, wave and refuse, and not from the combustion of fossil fuels. Non-conventional/ renewable sources of energy include: • Solar power • Hydro-electric power (dams in rivers) • Wind power • Tidal power • Ocean wave power • Geothermal power (heat from deep under the ground) • Ocean thermal power (the difference in heat between shallow and deep water) • Biomass (burning of vegetation to stop it producing methane) Non conventional Energy: Wind Wind has kinetic energy that can turn turbines and be converted to usable power. However, the amount of energy that can be derived depends on the speed of the wind. Wind power is one of the most cost-efficient forms of non-conventional energy. It is clean, renewable and safe, but finding places in which wind turbines can be installed without interference have created some problems.
  • 4. Wind power can be made use of where wind at suitable velocity is available. Wind power is capable of generating small amounts of electrical energy. It is successfully employed for pumping water from deep wells. Wind power has served many countries as a source of power in early days and was called as wind mills. The propulsive power of wind can be used to drive multi-bladed turbine wheel. Wind turbines prove to be costly if designed to run at all wind speeds. They usually start running at wind speeds just enough to overcome the system loses and develop full power at the prevailing speed for the locality. Non conventional Energy: Solar Solar power has become more widely used in recent years because it is safe, clean and renewable. Many local governments provide incentives for the production of solar technology and its installation in residences. Solar energy is collected from the sun. Electromagnetic waves released from the sun can be used as solar heating for homes and other buildings or as solar electricity to power appliances and other electronics. Energy gathered from the sun is stored in batteries because the sun does not shine anywhere on Earth constantly all year around. Some countries like India are in geographically ideal locations to collect solar energy. India can have from 250 to 300 sunny days in a given year. Solar energy can be applied in many ways, including to: • Generate electricity using photovoltaic solar cells. • Generate electricity using concentrating solar power. • Generate electricity by heating trapped air which rotates turbines in a solar updraft tower. • Generate hydrogen using photo electrochemical cells. • Heat water or air for domestic hot water and space heating needs using solar-thermal panels. • Heat buildings, directly, through passive solar building design. • Heat foodstuffs, through solar ovens. • Solar air conditioning Solar energy is effective only during day time and if power supply is to be made during night also then some reservoir of energy such as storage battery or heat accumulator should be used. It is believed that solar power can become economically feasible with the following aims achieved: 1. Availability of better heat collector. 2. Availability of improved materials and manufacturing techniques. 3. Better techniques for storage and cheap distribution of solar power. Perhaps the great advantage of solar power is that the system is ideally suited to the human environment being free from pollution and noise. Besides, maintenance is cheap and convenient. Of all the non-conventional energy sources, solar power is much cheaper for cooking, street lighting and water heating. Non conventional Energy: Water Energy in water (in the form of kinetic energy, temperature differences) can be harnessed and used. Since water is about 800 times denser than air, even a slow flowing stream of water, or moderate sea swell, can yield considerable amounts of energy. There are many forms of water energy Hydroelectric energy is a term usually reserved for large-scale hydroelectric dams. Hydropower is created by damming rivers and using the currents to spin turbines, thus creating energy. Although capital cost of hydroelectric power plants is higher as compared to other types of power plants but their operating costs are quite low.
  • 5. Wave power uses the energy in waves but it is difficult to tap into this particular energy source. Wave power machines usually take the form of floating or neutrally buoyant structures which move relative to one another or to a fixed point. Tidal Power: Ocean waves and tides contain large amount of energy. Such tides rise and fall and water can be stored during rise period and it can be discharged during fall. Advantages: The various advantages of tidal power plants are as follows: (i) The power generated does not depend on rain. Therefore there is certainty of power supply as the tidal cycle is very definite. (i) The tidal power plants are free from pollution. (ii) Unhealthy wastes like ash, gases etc. are not produces. (iii) These plants require lesser space. (iv) Such plants have a unique capacity to meet the peak power demand effectively when they work in combination with hydro power plants and steam power plants. Disadvantages: The various disadvantages of tidal power plants are as follows: (i) The capital cost of a tidal power plant is considerably large as compared to steam power plant and hydro power plant. (ii) The supply of power is not continuous as it depends upon the timing of tides. (iii) Tidal power plants are located away from load centres. This increases power transportation cost. Non conventional Energy: Geothermal Geothermal energy is energy obtained by tapping the heat of the earth itself being a cleaner source of energy. It can be used to produce heat as well as electricity. This type of energy is produced by radioactive decay from the Earth's core. According to the Geothermal Education Office, "Steam, heat or hot water from geothermal reservoirs come out of earth's surface and provides the force that spins the turbine generators and produces electricity. The used geothermal water is then returned down an injection well into the reservoir to be reheated, to maintain pressure, and to sustain the reservoir. There are two main applications of geothermal energy: The first is based on using heat from the earth to create electricity or to provide direct services, such as hot water heating or warming of greenhouses. This heat may be derived from geothermal geysers that naturally come all the way up to the earth's surface, or accessing this heat may require drilling down into the earth's crust to reach areas that are hot enough to use for energy production. These resources typically are found from a few hundred meters to about 3,000 meters below the earth's surface. The second application of geothermal energy is based on using the thermal mass of soil or ground water to drive a heat pump, which can be used for either heating or cooling applications. These are known as geothermal ground source heat pump applications. What types of geothermal are considered renewable & why? All types of geothermal energy are renewable as long as the rate of heat extraction from the earth does not exceed the rate at which the thermal reservoir it depends upon is recharged by the earth's heat. For electricity generation, it may take several hundred years for a geothermal reservoir to recharge after it has been fully depleted. District heating systems may take 100-200 years to recharge, and for geothermal heat pumps, reservoir recovery may take 30years or so. One can argue that geothermal energy is not truly renewable, because over time the earth's core will cool and the radioactive decay of elements that help keep the earth's core warm will
  • 6. decrease. However, because the earth’s geothermal heat reservoirs are immense in magnitude compared to humanity's rate of use, geothermal energy is effectively renewable. Geothermal power plants that tap the earth's heat for energy production do have finite lives of typically 30-50 years because, eventually, the plant's equipment wears out. However, by re-injecting the water that comes out of a geothermal well back into the system, or by using other water sources, such as reclaimed waste water, the life of geothermal wells can be extended, and production increased. Non conventional Energy: Ocean The ocean can produce two types of energy: thermal energy from the sun's heat, and mechanical energy from the tides and waves. Oceans cover more than 70% of Earth's surface, making them the world's largest solar collectors. The sun's heat warms the surface water a lot more than the deep ocean water, and this temperature difference creates thermal energy. Just a small portion of the heat trapped in the ocean could power the world. Ocean thermal energy is used for many applications, including electricity generation. There are three types of electricity conversion systems: closed-cycle, open-cycle, and hybrid. Closed-cycle systems use the ocean's warm surface water to vaporize a working fluid, which has a low-boiling point, such as ammonia. The vapor expands and turns a turbine. The turbine then activates a generator to produce electricity. Open-cycle systems actually boil the seawater by operating at low pressures. This produces steam that passes through a turbine/generator. And hybrid systems combine both closed-cycle and open-cycle systems. Non conventional Energy: Biomass/Biofuels Biomass or biofuel is material derived from recently living organisms, recently dead biological material or certain fossil fuels. This includes plants, animals and their by-products. For example, manure, garden waste and crop residues are all sources of biomass. Most commonly, biomass refers to plant matter grown for use as bio fuel, but it also includes plant or animal matter used for production of fibers, chemicals or heat. Biomass may also include biodegradable wastes that can be burnt as fuel. It excludes organic material which has been transformed by geological processes into substances such as coal or petroleum. Biomass is grown from several plants, including miscanthus, switchgrass, hemp, corn, poplar, willow, sugarcane and oil palm (palm oil). The particular plant used is usually not very important to the end products, but it does affect the processing of the raw material. Production of biomass is a growing industry as interest in sustainable fuel sourness growing. Although fossil fuels have their origin in ancient biomass, they are not considered biomass by the gene1 ally accepted definition because they contain carbon that has been "out" of the carbon cycle for a very long time. Their combustion therefore disturbs the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere. Plastics from biomass, like some recently developed to dissolve in seawater, are made the same way as petroleum-based plastics, are actually cheaper to manufacture and meet or exceed most performance standards. But they lack the same water resistance or longevity as conventional plastics. Bio-energy: Bio energy is energy contained in "biomass" such as plant matter and animal waste. These sources can provide energy in the form of electricity, heat, steam, and fuels. Why bio-energy is considered renewable? Biomass is a replenishable resource—it can be replaced fairly quickly without permanently depleting the Earth's natural resources. By comparison, fossil fuels such as natural gas and coal require millions of years of natural processes to be
  • 7. produced. Therefore, mining coal and natural gas depletes the Earth's resources for thousands of generations Some advantages of this renewable energy are • It is renewable • Sources are commonly available • Sources are locally produced • Uses low-cost waste products • Proven technology • Biogases can be used in high-efficiency combined cycle plants • Reducing greenhouse gases • DIY biomass energy- it can be easy Types of biofuel Liquid biofuel Liquid biofuel is usually either a bioalcohol such as ethanol fuel or oil such as biodiesel or straight vegetable oil. Biodiesel can be used in modern diesel vehicles with little or no modification to the engine. It can be made from waste and virgin vegetable and animal oils and fats (lipids). Virgin vegetable oils can be used in modified diesel engines. In fact the diesel engine was originally designed to run on vegetable oil rather than fossil fuel. A major benefit of biodiesel use is the reduction in net CO2 emissions, since all the carbon emitted was recently captured during the growing phase of the biomass. The use of biodiesel also reduces emission of carbon monoxide and other pollutants by 20 to 40%. In some areas corn, cornstalks, sugarbeets, sugar cane, and switchgrasses are grown specifically to produce ethanol (also known as grain alcohol) a liquid which can be used in internal combustion engines and fuel cells. Ethanol is being phased into the current energy infrastructure. E85 is a fuel composed of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline that is sold to consumers. Biobutanol is being developed as an alternative to bioethanol. Another source of biofuel is sweet sorghum. It produces both food and fuel from the same crop. Some studies have shown that the crop is net energy positive ie. it produces more energy than is consumed in its production and utilization. Solid biomass Solid biomass is most commonly used directly as a combustible fuel, producing 10-20 MJ/kg of heat. Its forms and sources include wood fuel, the biogenic portion of municipal solid waste, or the unused portion of field crops. Field crops may or may not be grown intentionally as an energy crop, and the remaining plant byproduct used as a fuel. Most types of biomass contain energy. Even cow manure still contains two-thirds of the original energy consumed by the cow. Energy harvesting via a bioreactor is a cost-effective solution to the waste disposal issues faced by the dairy farmer, and can produce enough biogas to run a farm. With current technology, it is not ideally suited for use as a transportation fuel. Most transportation vehicles require power sources with high power density, such as that provided by internal combustion engines. These engines generally require clean burning fuels, which are generally in liquid form, and to a lesser extent, compressed gaseous phase. Liquids are more portable because they can have a high energy density, and they can be pumped, which makes handling easier. Non-transportation applications can usually tolerate the low power-density of external combustion engines that can run directly on less-expensive solid biomass fuel, for combined heat and power. One type of biomass is wood, which has been used for millennia. Two billion people currently cook every day, and heat their homes in the winter by burning biomass, which is a major contributor to man-made climate change global warming. The black soot that is being carried from Asia to polar ice caps is causing them to melt faster in the summer. In the 19th century, wood-fired steam engines were common, contributing significantly to industrial
  • 8. revolution unhealthy air pollution. Coal is a form of biomass that has been compressed over millennia to produce a non-renewable, highly-polluting fossil fuel. Wood and its byproducts can now be converted through processes such as gasification into biofuels such as woodgas, biogas, methanol or ethanol fuel; although further development may be required to make these methods affordable and practical. Sugar cane residue, wheat chaff, corn cobs and other plant matter can be, and are, burned quite successfully. The net carbon dioxide emissions that are added to the atmosphere by this process are only from the fossil fuel that was consumed to plant, fertilize, harvest and transport the biomass. Processes to harvest biomass from short-rotation trees like poplars and willows and perennial grasses such as switchgrass, phalaris, and miscanthus, require less frequent cultivation and less nitrogen than do typical annual crops. Pelletizing miscanthus and burning it to generate electricity is being studied and may be economically viable. Biogas Biogas can easily be produced from current waste streams, such as paper production, sugar production, sewage, animal waste and so forth. These various waste streams have to be slurried together and allowed to naturally ferment, producing methane gas. This can be done by converting current sewage plants into biogas plants. When a biogas plant has extracted all the methane it can, the remains are sometimes more suitable as fertilizer than the original biomass. Alternatively biogas can be produced via advanced waste processing systems such as mechanical biological treatment. These systems recover the recyclable elements of household waste and process the biodegradable fraction in anaerobic digesters. Renewable natural gas is a biogas which has been upgraded to a quality similar to natural gas. By upgrading the quality to that of natural gas, it becomes possible to distribute the gas to the mass market via the existing gas grid. Processing and uses Biomass which is not simply burned as fuel may be processed in other ways such as corn. Low tech processes include: • composting (to make soil conditioners and fertilizers) • anaerobic digestion (decaying biomass to produce methane gas and sludge as a fertilizer) • fermentation and distillation (both produce ethyl alcohol) More high-tech processes are: • Pyrolysis (heating organic wastes in the absence of air to produce gas and char. Both are combustible.) • Hydrogasification (produces methane and ethane) • Hydrogenation (converts biomass to oil using carbon monoxide and steam under high pressures and temperatures) • Destructive distillation (produces methyl alcohol from high cellulose organic wastes • Acid hydrolysis (treatment of wood wastes to produce sugars, which can be distilled) Sources of biomass energy: Sources of biomass are many. Here are a few wood soy beans vegetable oil woodchips grains algae paper linseed silage
  • 9. trash, animal bagasse waste(slaughtering), corn, maize manure, whey sugar cane hemp rice husks canola sewage and many more sunflower food scraps wheat straw We hope that all the conventional sources will become rare, endangered and extinct, as they produce lots of carbon dioxide that adds to the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere (uranium leaves different dangerous byproducts). And we similarly hope that all the non-conventional sources will become conventional, common, and everyday, as they are all free, green and emit no carbon dioxide (well, biomass does, but it prevents the production of methane which is a greenhouse gas 21 times more dangerous that CO2).
  • 10. ENERGY RESOURCES OF BANGLADESH Different types of energy sources have been used and may be used in future in meeting energy needs of the country are presented below. Coal Reserves In Bangladesh, the total in-place reserve of coal in three locations (Jamalgonj 1000 million tons, Barapukuria 390 million tons, Khalaspir 450 million tons) is about 1,840 million tons. Extraction 1000 million tons of coal discovered at Jalmalgonj at a depth of 1000 metres was not found techno-economically feasible. A coal mining project is under implementation to extract Barapukuria coal (in place reserve of 390 million tons). It is expected to produce 1 million ton of coal per year from the year 2004 for a period of 64 years. Total extractable coal from Barapukuria coal mine is 64 million (16.4% of in place reserve). In place reserves of Barapukuria and Khalaspir coal deposits have been reported as 390 million tons and 685 million tons respectively. Two more coal deposits have been discovered at Digliipara and Phulbari; in place deposits have not been assessed (Karim 2003). By adding in place coal deposit of Jamalgonj (1000 million tons) with the above two deposits, LoLal coal deposits in three locations (Jalmalgonj, Barapukuria, Khalaspir) may be computed as 2,075 million tons. Karim (2003) further reported that heat equivalent of Barapukuria coal deposit is 30.44 TCP of natural gas. It may be mentioned that in heat equivalent term 1 TCF natural gas=990 Peta Jule and 1 ton of Barapukuria coal=25.6 Giga Joule. Therefore, in heat equivalent term 1 TCF natural gas is equivalent to 38.67 million tons coal. The heat equivalent of Barapukuria in place coal deposit of 390 million tons coal is equivalent to 10 TCF of natural gas (390/38.6). Heat equivalent of 64 million extractable coal is equal 1.66 TCF of natural gas. It was a gross error to claim (Karim 2003) thai Barapukuria coal deposit is equivalent to 30.44 TCF natural gas (1,177 million tons of coal). It is rational to consider only extraetable quantity of coal (64 million tons) for energy planning purpose. Without mentioning the number of discovered coal deposits the total coal deposits of the country (including 390 million tons Barapukuria deposit) has been reported as 2,525 million tons, of the total deposits 490 million tons (19.4%) of coal has been reported as extractable. The heat equivalent of extractable coal has been reported as 14 TCFF of natural gas (Hossain 2003). On the basis of 1 TCF natural gas equivalent to 38.67 million tons coal, heat equivalent of 490 million tons coal is 12.67 TCF natural gas. No explanation has been given how the extractable coal has been estimated as 490 million tons. As it is not be feasible to extract 1000 million cons coal at Jamalganj, this amount should be deducted from total in place reserves (2,525-1000= 1,525 million tons), then cxtractablc factor of Barapukuria coal (0.164) may be used to compute the quantity of extractable coal (1.524x0.164=250 million tons) Peat Reserves The total peat deposit of the country is 170 million tons. A pilot project was implemented by Petrobangla for commercial extraction of peat at Madaripur. It has not been possible to extract peat due to techno-economic reasons (possible negative effects on agriculture land). Hydropower Potential
  • 11. The total hydropower potential of the country in three locations (Kaptai, Sangu and Matamuhuri) is 1500 GWh/year {755 MW) (BPDP 1995) of which about 1000 GWh/year (230 MW) has been harnessed at Kaptai through 5 units of hydropower plants. BPDP has planned to install two additional hydropower units (2x50 MW=100 ,V1W). Further expansion of hydropower may not be feasible due to socio-political and environmental reasons. Without any reference an exaggerated potential of hydropower resources of Bangladesh was reported as 52.000 MW (Sadler and Sahai 2000). This type baseless news creates confusion among the policy planners and decision makers. Crude Oil Reserve One oil field was discovered at Haripur, Sylhet in 1986 with total deposit of 8.2 million barrels. Production was discontinued in 1994 after extraction of 0.64 million barrels due ro technical reasons. A news item was published in a national daily that a Texas based geological survey company reported that in Bangladesh there is crude oil reserve of 2 trillion barrels (The Daily Ittefaq. 9 February, 2001). The total oil reserve of the whole world in 1996 was I trillion barrel (Simpson 1998). This type of baseless news creates confusion in people's miles. Natural Gas Reserves Total number of natural gas fields discovered up to June 2003 is 22. Total proved and probable reserves of natural gas in 22 gas fields were reported by Nagorik Committee (Anon 2002c) as 10.82 TCP and 5.8 GCF respectively. Proved reserve is recognized as bankable assets by international financing institutions. In Bangladesh the practice of using recoverable. reserve (proved + probable) has been introduced since 1980s. Total recoverable reserves (proven reserve + probable reserve) of 22 Gas fields estimated by different studies arc shown in Table 2.1. Cumulative consumption of natural gas up to April 2002 was 4.6 TCF. Remaining proved and recoverable reserves of natural gas it) 22 gas fields of May 2002 is shown in Table. 2.1. The amount of natural gas consumed in 2000 was 0.331 TCF. Table: Proved and Recoverable Reserve on Natural Gas in 22 Fields Particulars Proved Recoverable Remaining Remaining Reserve Reserve Proved Recoverable Reserve Reserve TCF TCF TCF TCF Annon(2002c) 10.82 6.22 Petrobangla (2001) 15.51 10.91 HCU/NPD <2001) 20.40 15.80 GDRC-1 (Annon 2002a) 16.64 12.04 1 GDRC-2 (Annon 2002a) 20.15 15.55 * Remaining Reserves on Mav 2002a GDRC-Gas Demand & Reserve Committee (Annon 2002a) Undiscovered Natural Gas Resources Undiscovered natural gas resources of Bangladesh reported by two recent studies (USGS/Petrobangla 2001, NPD/HCU 2001) arc shown in Table 2.2. Table: Undiscovered Gas Resources (In TCF) P95 P90 Mean P50 P10 P05 USGS/Petrobangla 9 32 31 - 66 HCU/NPD 19 42 42 64 Undiscovered gas resources arc hypothetical and speculative numbers used only for exploration planning. These numbers are not comparable with recoverable reserves of considered for
  • 12. commercial decisions (Table 2.1) Recoverable reserve of gas in undiscovered areas is to be ascertained and assessed through exploration activities. Beyond accepted norm and standard practice some people add different values of total recoverable reserves of gas shown in tabic 2.1 with different values of undiscovered gas resources shown in Table 2.2 and generate different values of total gas reserves/ resources (as shown below). *15.51 TCF (recov. Reserve) + 32.0 TCF (undiscovered resources) = 47.51 TCF *15.51 TCF (recov. Reserve) + 66.0 TCF (undiscovered resources) = 81.51 TCF *20.4 TCF (recov. Reserve) + 42.0 TCF (undiscovered resources) = 62.4 TCF *20.4 TCF (recov. Reserve) + 64.0 TCF (undiscovered resources) = 84.4 TCF Then it is argued that Bangladesh has large reserves of natural gas ranging from 47.5 TCF to 84.4 TCF and should consider it for export. Without considering the increase in gas demand in future years sometimes the computed values of total gas reserves/resources are divided by the current year's use of gas (0.331 TCF in 2000) and then it claimed that existing gas reserve/resources would meet the gas requirement of Bangladesh for many years (example is shown below). *47.51 TCF for 143 years (47.51 TCF/0.331 TCF) *81.51 TCF for 246 years (81.51 TCF/0.331 TCF) *62.41 TCF for 188 years (62.41 TCF/0.331 TCF) *84.41 TCF for 255 years (84.4 TCF/0.331 TCF) The motive behind this publicity is to create public opinion in favor of gas export. This type of propaganda has created lot of confusion among the concerned people about the reliability of data on gas reserves and future use of gas. Imported Commercial Energy Every year Bangladesh is to spend a substantial amount of foreign currency to import petroleum fuels and coal. During last decade (1990-200) the growth rate of consumption of imported petroleum fuels was1.1% and the amount consumed in 2000 was 3.23 million tons. Average yearly consumption of imported coal was 0.5 million ions, mostly used in brick kilns. Indigenous Biomass fuels Biomass fuels (e.g. wood fuels, agricultural residues, animal dung) available from limited tree covered lands (reserve forests, un-classed state forests, plantation village woodlots), agricultural lands and cattle population are the major sources of energy consumed in the country. Over exploitation of biomass fuels have been contributing in environmental degradation (e.g. deforestation, soil degradation). Animal Power Total cattle population of the country in 1989 was estimated as 20.39 million of which 12.33 million heads provided draught power required for cultivation. During peak agricultural season, mechanized tillage devices (e.g. tractors, power tillers) consuming petroleum fuels are used to meet shortage of draught animal power. Prospect of Nuclear Power Since 1960s government has been tying to establish a nuclear power plant Lit Rooppur. A number of feasibility .studies have been carried out to achieve the objective; it was not possible to achieve any success. In the present geo-political situation it may not be possible for a developing (Muslim) country like Bangladesh to mobilize necessary funds to establish a nuclear power plant.
  • 13. Prospect of Solar Power In Bangladesh during last twenty years (1980-2000) different type of Solar PV System (e.g. lighting, pumping etc.) installed by different organizations (BAEC: 10 kW, REB: 62.5 kW, Grameen Shakli: 245 kW, Rahim Afroz: 12 kW, LGED:66.3 kW, BRAC: 24.4 kW) were about 420 kV= 0.42MW. Total installed solar power was only 0.01% of total installed power plants of Bangladesh (4.000 MW). India is one of the largest market and manufacturers of Solar PV modules in the world. India has installed 58 MW. Total installed solar power was only 0.06% of total installed power plants of India (97.837 MW). Annual production capacity of Solar PV System is 10 MW. India also exports solar PV modules. Total, installed Solar PV in the world in 2000 wax about 1.200 MW. Solar electricity is at least 10 limes more costly than electricity form fossil fuels and nuclear power (The Shell Report 2002). Because of high cost solar power has very limited prospect in meeting total energy need of Bangladesh. A news item was published during President Bill Clinton's visit to Bangladesh in March 2000 that the way solar PV technology is progressing, natural gas of Bangladesh may become useless within next 20-25 years (The Banglar Bani. 22 March. 2000, Islam 2001). Subsequently this observation was repeated by some political leaders of Bangladesh to argue for the export of gas. There is no prospect of solar PV substituting natural gas within 40-50 years. Prospect of Wind Power Total wind power generation in Bangladesh was reported as 50 kW. Ii was 0.00125% of total installed power plants of Bangladesh (4000 MW). Because of high cost there is limited prospect of wind power in meeting total energy need of Bangladesh. Total installed wind power in India was 1.175 MW and it ranked fifth in wind power generation ill the world. Total installed wind power plants in the world in 2002 was about 30.000 MW Germany has installed 12,000 MW which was highest in the world. Observations on Energy Resources of Bangladesh It may be observed from the presentation in this section that number of attempts have been made to distort the energy data of Bangladesh. Some of these attempts are due to ignorance about the energy data and some are to create public opinion in favor of export o country's limited reserve of natural gas. Policy planners, decision makers, national energy planners, concerned citizens will have to be aware about the misinformation and propaganda. Various issues need lo be considered in deciding appropriate energy strategies for Bangladesh are presented below. Energy Strategies for Future * No prospect o increasing biomass fuels supply. Share of biomass fuels in total energy will decline. Supply of biomass fuels will have of be maintained within regenerative limits. * Limited prospect of expansion of hydropower. * Limited contribution of indigenous coal [@ 1 million tones per year from 2004. Total 64 million tons (equivalent 1.66 TCF of natural gas) over a period of 64 years. Sudden increase of yearly supply of coal will not be possible to meet increased demand. * Very limited prospect of power generation by new-renewable energy technologies (e.g. solar PV. Wind power). * Efficient use of energy will have lo be given due consideration. * Consumption of oil will increase. Dependence on imported oil will have to be minimized to save foreign exchange. Wherever possible oil will have to substituted by indigenous natural gas (e.g. use of CNG in transport). * Indigenous natural gas in the only reliable source of energy to meet future energy needs.
  • 14. ENERGY OVERVIEW OF BANGLADESH Energy Resources and Consumption The main energy sources of Bangladesh are biomass and natural gas. Biomass energy sources are traditionally used for domestic cooking and in small rural industries. Biomass fuels are estimated to account for about 73% of the country's primary energy supply. Bangladesh have proved natural gas reserves of 301 billion m that would last for 32 years at the current rate of production. The remainder of energy supply is from oil, mostly imported and limited amount of hydropower. Bangladesh has an installed electric generating capacity of 4005 MW, of which 94 % is thermal, mainly natural - gas - fired (BPDB, 2002). Natural Gas Natural gas is today recognized as an important indigenous hydrocarbon resource in Bangladesh. It use as a fuel in Chhatak Cement Factory in 1960 from the Chhatak gas field marked its first commercial exploitation. Since then over the years the consumption of natural gas has been increasing and it has contributed to the national development significantly. Uses of Natural Gas The uses of Natural gas in Bangladesh can be broadly divided into the following five categories: 1. Power: Gas is now the major fuel for power generation in Bangladesh. There are today nine major installations where electric power is generated using natural gas as fuel under PDB. Some independent power producers are also engaged in electric power generation and they have been operating some gas fueled power plants. Power sector consumes approximately 45% of the total gas. 2. Fertilizer: Gas is the feedstock and fuel for production of urea fertilizer and ammonia. CUFL and KAFCO is the major fertilizer factory in Bangladesh. Total seven grass roots urea complexes now in operation have a combined connected demand of approximately 35% of the total gas consumed. 3. Industrial: The industry sector during the current decade has been consuming 8 to 12% of the total gas consumption. Major application areas include: steam generation, captive power and process (heating media and heat source/fuel). 4. Domestic: The domestic consumers use gas a fuel for cooking mainly. In recent years some affluent customers have been using gas for stand-by generators and raising hot water. 5. Commercial and Seasonal: The commercial sectors accounts for less than 1.5% of total gas consumption and this has not shown significant growth during current decade. The seasonal users mainly the brick field, consume a small quantity of gas during the brick manufacturing season.
  • 15. Biomass "Around 65% of the biomass energy used in Bangladesh is from wood fuels while the rest is from agricultural residues (27%) and animal dung (8%). Biomass is mainly utilised for domestic cooking. Traditional stoves in Bangladesh are inefficient and emit significant amount of smoke, which is a health hazard. Agricultural residues such as rice husk, wheat husk, bagasse, corncob, peanut shells, rice and wheat straw, are abundantly available in most part of the country. However, their utilisation of energy production is limited and inefficient due to their uneven and troublesome characteristics. Many of these undiserable characteristics can be overcome if the residues are compacted to from briquettes. Regular size and shape of briquettes make them easy to transport, store and utilise. Biomass briquetting technology appears to have been originally developed by local entrepreneurs without any support from the government or donor agencies. Later, BIT and BRRI developed this technology further to suit local conditions. Currently, over 900 briquetting machines, mainly using rice husk, are operating in the country. Another promising renewable energy technology in Bangladesh is biogas. Biogas obtained by anaerobic fermentation of cow dung and other organic matters can be used for cooking, lighting and other purpose. Bangladesh has a potential to produce 2.97 billion m3 of biogas per year from cattle dug, which is equivalent to 1.52 million tons of kerosene. Renewable Energy Bangladesh is endowed with vast renewable energy resources. Harnessing these resources appears to be a promising solution for improving the quality of life of rural villagers, who are unlikely to have access to conventional electricity supply in the foreseeable future. Solar Energy All substances, solid, liquids and gases at temperatures above absolute zero emit energy in the from of electromagnetic waves. This energy is called radiation. The radiation which is most important to us is that emitted from sun, the earth and the atmosphere lying within the ultraviolet, visible and infrared spectral region. Bangladesh received an average daily solar radiation of 4 - 6.5 kWh/m . Despite large potential, utilization of solar energy has been limited to traditional uses such as crop drying in the open sun. Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are gaining acceptance for providing electricity to house holds and small business in rural areas. In 1988 Bangladesh Atomic Energy Center (BAEC) installed several pilot PV systems. The first significant PV- based rural electrification program was the Narshingdi project installed with financial support from France. Since 1996, penetration of Solar home systems (SHSs) increased rapidly, mainly due to the efforts of Grameen Sakti, which sells PV systems on credit to rural households through its extensive network. Several other NGOs such as CMES and BRAC are also engaged in promoting PV technology. PV modules are generally imported, while there are a few private companies manufacturing PV accessories. Hydropower The potential of hydropower is very limited in Bangladesh due to the country's topography. At present only 230 MW of hydropower is utilised in Karnafuli hydropower station operated by Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB). BPDB is considering extension of Karnafuli hydro station to add another 100 MW capacity. Only a few locations in the southeast and northeast hilly region can be suitable for mini or micro hydro power plants. Wind Preliminary studies indicate that wind energy will be viable in the coastal Bangladesh, offsore island, riversides, and some inland open areas. Several years of wind data is essential for actual assessment of wind energy application, a wind monitoring system has recently been set up at St. Martin's island. Two systematic wind data monitoring projects were carried out by BCAS and LGED at seven locations and by GTZ and REB at four other locations. Grameen Sakti has installed several small wind turbines (0.3 to 10 kW) on experimental basis.