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Bowel Elimination
BY: Mulualem
8/20/2023 1
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
• Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to do the
 Identify factors that affect bowel elimination.
 Define what enema is.
 List the indications and purposes of enema.
 Identify and discuss the types of enema.
 Demonstrate administration of enema
8/20/2023 2
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 3
Bowel Elimination
 The elimination of waste from the bowel is an essential body
 Defecation is the process by which the solid waste products
of digestion, known as feces or stool, are eliminated from the
 The major nursing responsibilities associated with bowel
elimination include assessing bowel function, promoting
normal bowel health, and intervening to manage alterations
in bowel function
8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 4
Normal bowel function
8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 5
8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 6
Factors affecting bowel elimination
 Nutrition
 Fluid intake
 Activity and exercise
 Body position
 Pregnancy
 Medication
 Diagnostic procedure
8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 7
Fecal impaction
Fecal incontinence
8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 8
Normal Pattern Identification
• To determine the patient’s current bowel elimination
pattern, obtain the following information from current
medical records, the patient, or the caregiver:
 What is the patient’s usual pattern of bowel elimination?
 What are the usual characteristics of the patient’s stool?
 Which aids, if any, does the patient routinely use for
 When was the patient’s last bowel movement?
 Are there any recent changes in the patient’s normal bowel
8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 9
Physical Assessment
 Visual inspection of the feces and physical assessment
of the abdomen and perirectal area provide objective
data on the patient’s bowel elimination status.
Inspection, auscultation, percussion, palpation, and
measurement of abdominal girth are used
8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 10
8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 11
8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 12
Measures to Promote Bowel Elimination
 Nurses commonly use two interventions:
 inserting suppositories and administering enemas:
 to promote elimination when it does not occur naturally
or when the bowel must be cleansed for other purposes,
such as preparation for surgery and endoscopic or x-ray
8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 13
Inserting a Rectal Suppository
 Medications released from the suppository can have
local or systemic effects.
 Depending on the drug, local effects may include
softening and lubricating dry stool, irritating the wall of
the rectum and anal canal to stimulate smooth muscle
contraction, and liberating carbon dioxide, thus
increasing rectal distention and the urge to defecate.
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
14 8/20/2023
Enema Administration
 Is the introduction of fluid into rectum and sigmoid colon for
cleansing, therapeutic or diagnostic purposes.
 the procedure of introducing liquids into the rectum and colon via the anus.
 To evacuate the bowel prior to surgery or investigation
 To administer medication
 For the treatment of sever constipation
 treatment for encopresis/ impacted stool in the colon and
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BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
• Purpose:
For emptying – soap solution enema
For diagnostic purpose (Barium enema)
For introducing drug/substance (retention enema)
8/20/2023 16
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
Solution used:
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
17 8/20/2023
• Mechanisms of some solutions used in enema
 Tap water: increase peristalsis by causing mechanical
distension of the colon.
 Soap solution: increases peristalsis due to irritating effect of
soap to the luminal mucosa of the colon.
 Epsum salt: The concentrated solution causes flow of ECF
(extra cellular fluid) to the lumen causing mechanical
distension resulting in increased peristalsis.
8/20/2023 18
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
Types of enema
Return flow
8/20/2023 19
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
….Types of enema
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
1. Cleansing enema
 administered to remove feces from the colon.
 Hot – cause injury to the bowel mucous
 Cold – uncomfortable and may trigger a spasm of the
sphincter muscles
 High enema is given to clean as much of the colon as
possible. up to 1000 ml of fluid for adult
 Low enema is administered to clean the rectum and
sigmoid colon only. Approximately 150ml of fluid is used.
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
 To stimulate peristalsis and remove feces or flatus.
 To relieve constipation or fecal impaction
 To prevent involuntary escape of fecal matter during surgical
procedure or a delivery.
 For incontinent patients to keep the colon empty
 To help establish regular bowel function.
 For diagnostic test
 Before certain x-ray exam – barium enema
 To promote visualization of intestinal tract by x-ray Colonoscopy
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
 types of solutions used for cleansing enema are
 Tap water( most time)
 Normal saline solution,
 Soap solution, and
 Hypertonic solutions.
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
 The amount of solution to be administered depends
The Kind of enema
The age of the person and
The person’s ability to retain the solution
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
 The large volume of solution for adult is 500-1000ml and
for infant is 150-250ml.
 The rectal tube is measured in French scale
 Age Size
 Infants 10-12 fr
 School age child 16-18 fr
 Adults 22-30 fr
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
 Enema cans
 Rectal tube
 Enema solution
 IV –stand
 Screen
 Lubricant
 Swab in gallipots
 Bedpan
 Rubber sheet
 Gloves
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
1. Assemble the needed equipment in one place.
Rationale: It is more efficient to assemble equipment in one
2. Prepare solution. Check temperature of solution
by pouring some over your inner wrist
2. Fill enema bag with 750 to 1,000 mL lukewarm
solution (105 to 110F; for child, 500 mL or less,
Rationale: Intestinal mucosa can be damaged if the solution is too warm. Cold solutions are
difficult to retain and can
cause abdominal cramping.
3. Open clamp on tubing and allow solution to flow
through tubing to remove the air (Fig. 3 ). Reclamp
tubing. Rationale: Air in the rectum causes discomfort
4. Provide privacy by closing curtains or room door
5. Identify patient .Position patient on left side
(Sims’ position) with right knee flexed.
6. Cover patient with bath blanket, exposing only the
7. Put on disposable gloves. Place waterproof pad under patient’s buttocks
8. Lubricate 2 to 3 inches of the tip of the rectal tube
with water-soluble lubricant
9. Separate the buttocks to visualize the anus. Observe
for external hemorrhoids. Ask patient to take a slow,
deep breath. Gently insert the tube, directing the tip
toward the umbilicus (7-10 cm in an adult smoothly and slowly, 5-7.5 cm in the child, and 2.5-3.75 cm in an
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
10.Continue holding the tube in the rectum With other hand, open the clamp and allow
solution to slowly enter the patient. Raise container 18 inches above the anus, allowing
solution to flow slowly over 5 to 10 minutes; if patient complains of cramping or pain, have
patient breathe deeply and lower bag until the sensation stops
11. Reclamp tubing when desired amount of solution
has infused.
12.Remove tube gently and have patient squeeze buttocks together firmly for several
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
13. Have patient retain solution as long as possible.
14. Assist patient to bathroom, commode, or bedpan
15. Visually inspect character of the feces and solution
16. Assist patient into comfortable position. Assist with cleansing as needed. Provide
materials for patient to wash hands. Open windows or provide air freshener if needed.
Clean and dispose of equipment as necessary. Remove gloves and wash hands
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
2. Retention Enema
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
 Administration of solution to be retained in rectum for
short or long period
 for local or general effects
 E.g. oil retention enema
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
 Is given slowly by means of a rectal tube
 The amount of fluid is usually 150-200 cc
 Cleansing enema is given after the retention time is
 Temperature of enema fluid is 37.4 c or body
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
 To supply the body with fluid.
 To give medication
 To soften impacted fecal matter.
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
 Similar with the cleansing enema but the enema should
be administered very slowly and always be preceded by
passing a flatus tube
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
 Most medicated retention enema must be preceded by a
cleansing enema. ( ½ hrs before giving retention enema
 Elevate foot of bed to help patient retain enema
 Kinds of solution used to supply body with fluid are
plain H2O,
normal saline,
glucose 5%
Olive oil 100-200 cc to be retained for 6-8 hrs is given
for sever constipation
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
 It is a process of introducing a tube rectally to relieve
abdominal distention caused by accumulation of gas
 The tube stimulates peristalsis and provide
passageway for gases to escape from the intestine.
 To decrease flatulence (severe abdominal distention)
 Before giving the retention enema
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
 Place the patient in a left lateral position
 Lubricate the tube about 15cm
 Separate the buttock & insert 12-15cm
 The end of the tube should reach the tap water solution in the
 The amount of air passed can be seen bubbling through the
 Leave the tube in place for a period of time, no longer than 20min.
 Reinsert the tube every 2-3 hrs if the distention has been
unrelieved or reaccumulates.
4. Rectal Washout (Siphoning Enema) (Colon
irrigation or colonic flush)
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
 Is the process of introducing large amount of fluid into
large bowel for flushing purpose and allow return or
wash out fluid
 Purpose
 To prepare the patient for x-ray exam and
 To prepare the patient for rectum and colon operation
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
 Solution Used
 Normal saline
 Soda-bi-carbonate solution (to remove excess
 Tap water
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
 Insert the tube like the cleansing enema
 Open the clamp and allow to run about 1,000 cc of fluid in
the bowel, then drain off back into the bucket
 Carry on the procedure until the fluid return is clear
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
 The procedure should not take > 2 hrs
 Should be finished 1 hr before exam or x-ray – to give
time for the large intestine to absorb the rest of the
 Allow the fluid to pass slowly
 Amount of solution
 5-6 liters or until the wash out rectum fluid becomes clear
Contraindications of enema
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
 Acute abdominal pain
 some abdominal surgery
 Intestinal intussusceptions
 uncontrolled hypertension
 Rectal or abdominal tumors
 Intestinal perforation
 Pregnancy
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
…Types of enema
• Similar with cleansing enema but the enema should be
administered very slowly.
• Is given slowly by means of rectal tube and the should be
lower than leg
• The tube for retention enema is smaller
• Indicated to relieve constipation by softening fecal
• Solution is usually oil, retained for up to 3hrs and
followed by cleansing enema
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BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
• Carminative Enema
• A small volume enema given to release flatus. Traditionally the
enema consisted of two ounces of glycerin, one ounce of
magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) and three ounces of water.
• The combination of ingredients stimulated peristalsis resulting
in a bowel movement in which feces and flatus are expelled.
• The advantage in times past of using the carminative enema
was that the low volume made it comfortable for the patient to
retain, and it took little time to administer.
8/20/2023 45
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
• When using the traditional carminative enema,
instruct the patient to try to retain the enema for five
to ten minutes before expelling.
• For adult, 60-180ml of fluid is installed.
8/20/2023 46
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
Enema…Types of enema
• Return flow
– Also called rectal washout or colonic irrigation
– Alternating flow of 100 to 200ml of fluid into and out
of the large intestine stimulates peristalsis and the
expulsion of feces.
– The container is then lowered and the solution flow
back through the enema tubing to the container.
– Flatus also return.
8/20/2023 47
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
• Enema for adults are usually given at 40-430c and for
children at 37.70c
• Hot – cause injury to the bowel mucous
• Cold – uncomfortable and may trigger a spasm of
the sphincter muscles
• The amount of solution given depends on:
– Kind of enema
– The age of the person
– The person ability to retain the solution
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BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
• Amount of solution and size of the tube
inserted should be age appropriate
Age Amount of fluid
–18month 50-200ml
–18monz-5 yrs 200-300ml
–5-12 yrs 300-500ml
–> 12 yrs 500-1000ml
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BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
• Amount of solution and size of the tube
inserted should be appropriate…
• Age Size of the tube
–Infant/small child 10-12fr
–Toddler 14-16fr
–School age child 16-18fr
–Adult 22-30fr
8/20/2023 50
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
Enema: Administering a Large Enema
• Equipment
– Enema bag
– Enema tube
– Water-soluble lubricant
– Glove
– Soap solution(1000ml)
– Rubber sheet
– Gauze or soft paper(for perineal care)
– Bed pan
– Forceps(to clamp) and Thermometer
8/20/2023 51
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
Enema: Administering a Large Enema
• Assemble equipment, explain the procedure to the
patient, screen , hand wash and position(left or sim’s
with right leg flexed) the patient including drape.
• Prepare the solution, assure temperature within
range of 99° to 102°F(40-43oc) by using a
thermometer or placing a few drops on your wrist.
• Wash hands and don gloves
8/20/2023 52
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
Enema: Administering a Large Enema
• Assist patient to left side-lying position, with right knee bent.
• In high cleansing enema the client changes from the left lateral to
the dorsal recumbent position and then to the right lateral position
during the administration so that the fluid can follow the large
• Hang bag of enema solution 12 to 18 inches above anus.
• Lubricate 4 to 5 inches of catheter tip.
• Place bedpan, commode, robe and slippers within easy reach.
• Separate buttocks, insert catheter tip into anal opening, slowly
advance catheter approximately 4 inches(7-10cm).
8/20/2023 53
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
Enema: Administering a Large Enema
• Slowly infuse solution via gravity flow; bag
height may be increased but not to exceed 18
inches above anal opening.
8/20/2023 54
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
Enema: Administering a Large Enema
• If client complains of increased pain or
cramping, or if fluid is not being retained, stop
procedure, wait a few minutes, then restart.
• Clamp tubing when fluid finishes infusing;
remove catheter tip.
• Assist client to bedpan, commode, or toilet
• Discard equipment in proper place.
• If equipment is reusable, properly clean and
store it.
8/20/2023 55
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
Enema: Administering a Large Enema
• Remove gloves and wash hands.
• Instruct client to call for assistance when finished
eliminating, or if untoward feeling occurs, such
as lightheadedness or dizziness.
• Assist client with washing if needed
• Documentation
8/20/2023 56
BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
Contraindications / Precautions / Warnings
• Never use an enema if rectal bleeding is present.
• Never give children under ten more than one enema daily, as
this may cause hyponatremia, where blood sodium levels drop
to dangerously low due to increased water intake.
• Patients who are bleeding or experiencing a prolapse from the
rectum should also not be given enemas of any kind.
Likewise, people with unresolved abdominal pain can be at
risk because distension of the colon could be dangerous.
• Enema is also contra indicated in acute gastro intestinal
gastric obstruction
8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 57
 retention enema is contraindicated.
• For severe kidney problem patients
• For cardiac patients
 If you use tape water for enema it should not
greater than 500 ml.
More than 3 tap water enemas is not given
8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 58
Complications / Risks of Enema
• Main dangers are:
• Irritation of the rectal mucosa by too much soap or
an irritating soap.
• Osmosis (fluid drawn into colon from surrounding
tissues) if hypertonic solution is used.
• Water intoxication if hypotonic solution is used.
• Electrolyte imbalances.
8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 59

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  • 1. Bowel Elimination BY: Mulualem 8/20/2023 1 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) Elimination
  • 2. Objectives • Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to do the following:  Identify factors that affect bowel elimination.  Define what enema is.  List the indications and purposes of enema.  Identify and discuss the types of enema.  Demonstrate administration of enema 8/20/2023 2 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
  • 4. Bowel Elimination  The elimination of waste from the bowel is an essential body function.  Defecation is the process by which the solid waste products of digestion, known as feces or stool, are eliminated from the bowel.  The major nursing responsibilities associated with bowel elimination include assessing bowel function, promoting normal bowel health, and intervening to manage alterations in bowel function 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 4
  • 7. Factors affecting bowel elimination  Nutrition  Fluid intake  Activity and exercise  Body position  Pregnancy  Medication  Diagnostic procedure 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 7
  • 8. ALTERED BOWEL FUNCTION Constipation Fecal impaction Diarrhea Fecal incontinence Flatulence Distention 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 8
  • 9. Normal Pattern Identification • To determine the patient’s current bowel elimination pattern, obtain the following information from current medical records, the patient, or the caregiver:  What is the patient’s usual pattern of bowel elimination?  What are the usual characteristics of the patient’s stool?  Which aids, if any, does the patient routinely use for defecation?  When was the patient’s last bowel movement?  Are there any recent changes in the patient’s normal bowel pattern? 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 9
  • 10. Physical Assessment  Visual inspection of the feces and physical assessment of the abdomen and perirectal area provide objective data on the patient’s bowel elimination status. Inspection, auscultation, percussion, palpation, and measurement of abdominal girth are used 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 10
  • 13. Measures to Promote Bowel Elimination  Nurses commonly use two interventions:  inserting suppositories and administering enemas:  to promote elimination when it does not occur naturally or when the bowel must be cleansed for other purposes, such as preparation for surgery and endoscopic or x-ray examinations 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 13
  • 14. Inserting a Rectal Suppository  Medications released from the suppository can have local or systemic effects.  Depending on the drug, local effects may include softening and lubricating dry stool, irritating the wall of the rectum and anal canal to stimulate smooth muscle contraction, and liberating carbon dioxide, thus increasing rectal distention and the urge to defecate. BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 14 8/20/2023
  • 15. Enema Administration Enema:  Is the introduction of fluid into rectum and sigmoid colon for cleansing, therapeutic or diagnostic purposes.  the procedure of introducing liquids into the rectum and colon via the anus. Indication  To evacuate the bowel prior to surgery or investigation  To administer medication  For the treatment of sever constipation  treatment for encopresis/ impacted stool in the colon and rectum 8/20/2023 15 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
  • 16. ………Enema • Purpose: For emptying – soap solution enema For diagnostic purpose (Barium enema) For introducing drug/substance (retention enema) 8/20/2023 16 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
  • 17. Solution used: BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 17 8/20/2023
  • 18. …..Enema • Mechanisms of some solutions used in enema  Tap water: increase peristalsis by causing mechanical distension of the colon.  Soap solution: increases peristalsis due to irritating effect of soap to the luminal mucosa of the colon.  Epsum salt: The concentrated solution causes flow of ECF (extra cellular fluid) to the lumen causing mechanical distension resulting in increased peristalsis. 8/20/2023 18 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
  • 19. Types of enema Cleansing(evacuation) Retention Carminative Return flow 8/20/2023 19 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
  • 20. ….Types of enema BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 20 1. Cleansing enema  administered to remove feces from the colon.  Hot – cause injury to the bowel mucous  Cold – uncomfortable and may trigger a spasm of the sphincter muscles  High enema is given to clean as much of the colon as possible. up to 1000 ml of fluid for adult  Low enema is administered to clean the rectum and sigmoid colon only. Approximately 150ml of fluid is used. 8/20/2023
  • 21. Purpose BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 21  To stimulate peristalsis and remove feces or flatus.  To relieve constipation or fecal impaction  To prevent involuntary escape of fecal matter during surgical procedure or a delivery.  For incontinent patients to keep the colon empty  To help establish regular bowel function.  For diagnostic test  Before certain x-ray exam – barium enema  To promote visualization of intestinal tract by x-ray Colonoscopy 8/20/2023
  • 22. Cont.. BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 22  types of solutions used for cleansing enema are  Tap water( most time)  Normal saline solution,  Soap solution, and  Hypertonic solutions. 8/20/2023
  • 23. Cont.. BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 23  The amount of solution to be administered depends on: The Kind of enema The age of the person and The person’s ability to retain the solution 8/20/2023
  • 24. Cont.. BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 24  The large volume of solution for adult is 500-1000ml and for infant is 150-250ml.  The rectal tube is measured in French scale  Age Size  Infants 10-12 fr  School age child 16-18 fr  Adults 22-30 fr 8/20/2023
  • 25. Equipment BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 25  Enema cans  Rectal tube  Enema solution  IV –stand  Screen  Lubricant  Swab in gallipots  Bedpan  Rubber sheet  Gloves 8/20/2023
  • 27. Procedure 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 27 1. Assemble the needed equipment in one place. Rationale: It is more efficient to assemble equipment in one place. 2. Prepare solution. Check temperature of solution by pouring some over your inner wrist 2. Fill enema bag with 750 to 1,000 mL lukewarm solution (105 to 110F; for child, 500 mL or less, 100F Rationale: Intestinal mucosa can be damaged if the solution is too warm. Cold solutions are difficult to retain and can cause abdominal cramping. 3. Open clamp on tubing and allow solution to flow through tubing to remove the air (Fig. 3 ). Reclamp tubing. Rationale: Air in the rectum causes discomfort
  • 28. …..procedure 4. Provide privacy by closing curtains or room door 5. Identify patient .Position patient on left side (Sims’ position) with right knee flexed. 6. Cover patient with bath blanket, exposing only the buttock 7. Put on disposable gloves. Place waterproof pad under patient’s buttocks 8. Lubricate 2 to 3 inches of the tip of the rectal tube with water-soluble lubricant 9. Separate the buttocks to visualize the anus. Observe for external hemorrhoids. Ask patient to take a slow, deep breath. Gently insert the tube, directing the tip toward the umbilicus (7-10 cm in an adult smoothly and slowly, 5-7.5 cm in the child, and 2.5-3.75 cm in an infant 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 28
  • 29. …..procedure 10.Continue holding the tube in the rectum With other hand, open the clamp and allow solution to slowly enter the patient. Raise container 18 inches above the anus, allowing solution to flow slowly over 5 to 10 minutes; if patient complains of cramping or pain, have patient breathe deeply and lower bag until the sensation stops 11. Reclamp tubing when desired amount of solution has infused. 12.Remove tube gently and have patient squeeze buttocks together firmly for several minutes. 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 29
  • 30. …..procedure 13. Have patient retain solution as long as possible. 14. Assist patient to bathroom, commode, or bedpan 15. Visually inspect character of the feces and solution 16. Assist patient into comfortable position. Assist with cleansing as needed. Provide materials for patient to wash hands. Open windows or provide air freshener if needed. Clean and dispose of equipment as necessary. Remove gloves and wash hands 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 30
  • 31. 2. Retention Enema 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 31  Administration of solution to be retained in rectum for short or long period  for local or general effects  E.g. oil retention enema
  • 32. Cont… 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 32  Is given slowly by means of a rectal tube  The amount of fluid is usually 150-200 cc  Cleansing enema is given after the retention time is over  Temperature of enema fluid is 37.4 c or body
  • 33. Purpose 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 33  To supply the body with fluid.  To give medication  To soften impacted fecal matter.
  • 34. Procedure 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 34  Similar with the cleansing enema but the enema should be administered very slowly and always be preceded by passing a flatus tube
  • 35. Cont.… 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 35  Most medicated retention enema must be preceded by a cleansing enema. ( ½ hrs before giving retention enema  Elevate foot of bed to help patient retain enema  Kinds of solution used to supply body with fluid are plain H2O, normal saline, glucose 5% Olive oil 100-200 cc to be retained for 6-8 hrs is given for sever constipation
  • 36. 3.PASSING A FLATUS TUBE 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 36  It is a process of introducing a tube rectally to relieve abdominal distention caused by accumulation of gas (flatulence).  The tube stimulates peristalsis and provide passageway for gases to escape from the intestine. Purpose  To decrease flatulence (severe abdominal distention)  Before giving the retention enema
  • 37. Procedure 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 37  Place the patient in a left lateral position  Lubricate the tube about 15cm  Separate the buttock & insert 12-15cm  The end of the tube should reach the tap water solution in the bowl.  The amount of air passed can be seen bubbling through the solution.  Leave the tube in place for a period of time, no longer than 20min.  Reinsert the tube every 2-3 hrs if the distention has been unrelieved or reaccumulates.
  • 38. 4. Rectal Washout (Siphoning Enema) (Colon irrigation or colonic flush) 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 38  Is the process of introducing large amount of fluid into large bowel for flushing purpose and allow return or wash out fluid  Purpose  To prepare the patient for x-ray exam and sigmoidoscopy  To prepare the patient for rectum and colon operation
  • 39. 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 39  Solution Used  Normal saline  Soda-bi-carbonate solution (to remove excess mucus)  Tap water
  • 40. Procedure 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 40  Insert the tube like the cleansing enema  Open the clamp and allow to run about 1,000 cc of fluid in the bowel, then drain off back into the bucket  Carry on the procedure until the fluid return is clear
  • 41. Note: 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 41  The procedure should not take > 2 hrs  Should be finished 1 hr before exam or x-ray – to give time for the large intestine to absorb the rest of the fluid  Allow the fluid to pass slowly  Amount of solution  5-6 liters or until the wash out rectum fluid becomes clear
  • 42. Contraindications of enema 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 42  Acute abdominal pain  some abdominal surgery  CHF  Intestinal intussusceptions  uncontrolled hypertension  Rectal or abdominal tumors  Intestinal perforation  Pregnancy
  • 44. …Types of enema • Similar with cleansing enema but the enema should be administered very slowly. • Is given slowly by means of rectal tube and the should be lower than leg • The tube for retention enema is smaller • Indicated to relieve constipation by softening fecal impact. • Solution is usually oil, retained for up to 3hrs and followed by cleansing enema 8/20/2023 44 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
  • 45. • Carminative Enema • A small volume enema given to release flatus. Traditionally the enema consisted of two ounces of glycerin, one ounce of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) and three ounces of water. • The combination of ingredients stimulated peristalsis resulting in a bowel movement in which feces and flatus are expelled. • The advantage in times past of using the carminative enema was that the low volume made it comfortable for the patient to retain, and it took little time to administer. 8/20/2023 45 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
  • 46. • When using the traditional carminative enema, instruct the patient to try to retain the enema for five to ten minutes before expelling. • For adult, 60-180ml of fluid is installed. 8/20/2023 46 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
  • 47. Enema…Types of enema • Return flow – Also called rectal washout or colonic irrigation – Alternating flow of 100 to 200ml of fluid into and out of the large intestine stimulates peristalsis and the expulsion of feces. – The container is then lowered and the solution flow back through the enema tubing to the container. – Flatus also return. 8/20/2023 47 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
  • 48. procedure • Enema for adults are usually given at 40-430c and for children at 37.70c • Hot – cause injury to the bowel mucous • Cold – uncomfortable and may trigger a spasm of the sphincter muscles • The amount of solution given depends on: – Kind of enema – The age of the person – The person ability to retain the solution 8/20/2023 48 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
  • 49. Enema • Amount of solution and size of the tube inserted should be age appropriate Age Amount of fluid –18month 50-200ml –18monz-5 yrs 200-300ml –5-12 yrs 300-500ml –> 12 yrs 500-1000ml 8/20/2023 49 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
  • 50. Enema • Amount of solution and size of the tube inserted should be appropriate… • Age Size of the tube –Infant/small child 10-12fr –Toddler 14-16fr –School age child 16-18fr –Adult 22-30fr 8/20/2023 50 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
  • 51. Enema: Administering a Large Enema • Equipment – Enema bag – Enema tube – Water-soluble lubricant – Glove – Soap solution(1000ml) – Rubber sheet – Gauze or soft paper(for perineal care) – Bed pan – Forceps(to clamp) and Thermometer 8/20/2023 51 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
  • 52. Enema: Administering a Large Enema • Assemble equipment, explain the procedure to the patient, screen , hand wash and position(left or sim’s with right leg flexed) the patient including drape. • Prepare the solution, assure temperature within range of 99° to 102°F(40-43oc) by using a thermometer or placing a few drops on your wrist. • Wash hands and don gloves 8/20/2023 52 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
  • 53. Enema: Administering a Large Enema • Assist patient to left side-lying position, with right knee bent. • In high cleansing enema the client changes from the left lateral to the dorsal recumbent position and then to the right lateral position during the administration so that the fluid can follow the large intestine • Hang bag of enema solution 12 to 18 inches above anus. • Lubricate 4 to 5 inches of catheter tip. • Place bedpan, commode, robe and slippers within easy reach. • Separate buttocks, insert catheter tip into anal opening, slowly advance catheter approximately 4 inches(7-10cm). 8/20/2023 53 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
  • 54. Enema: Administering a Large Enema • Slowly infuse solution via gravity flow; bag height may be increased but not to exceed 18 inches above anal opening. 8/20/2023 54 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
  • 55. Enema: Administering a Large Enema • If client complains of increased pain or cramping, or if fluid is not being retained, stop procedure, wait a few minutes, then restart. • Clamp tubing when fluid finishes infusing; remove catheter tip. • Assist client to bedpan, commode, or toilet • Discard equipment in proper place. • If equipment is reusable, properly clean and store it. 8/20/2023 55 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
  • 56. Enema: Administering a Large Enema • Remove gloves and wash hands. • Instruct client to call for assistance when finished eliminating, or if untoward feeling occurs, such as lightheadedness or dizziness. • Assist client with washing if needed • Documentation 8/20/2023 56 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing)
  • 57. Contraindications / Precautions / Warnings • Never use an enema if rectal bleeding is present. • Never give children under ten more than one enema daily, as this may cause hyponatremia, where blood sodium levels drop to dangerously low due to increased water intake. • Patients who are bleeding or experiencing a prolapse from the rectum should also not be given enemas of any kind. Likewise, people with unresolved abdominal pain can be at risk because distension of the colon could be dangerous. • Enema is also contra indicated in acute gastro intestinal gastric obstruction 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 57
  • 58.  retention enema is contraindicated. • For severe kidney problem patients • For cardiac patients  If you use tape water for enema it should not greater than 500 ml. More than 3 tap water enemas is not given consecutively. 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 58
  • 59. Complications / Risks of Enema • Main dangers are: • Irritation of the rectal mucosa by too much soap or an irritating soap. • Osmosis (fluid drawn into colon from surrounding tissues) if hypertonic solution is used. • Water intoxication if hypotonic solution is used. • Electrolyte imbalances. 8/20/2023 BY:mulualem(BSC,msc adult health nursing) 59

Editor's Notes

  1. Two types of movements—segmentation and peristalsis—occur within the intestine and are responsible for assisting with absorption and transportation of waste products over the full length of the intestines. During segmentation, alternating contraction and relaxation of the intestinal smooth muscle occur. This type of movement slows the passage of intestinal contents to permit more complete digestion and absorption of nutrients. The second type of movement, peristalsis, propels the intestinal contents along the entire length of the small and large intestines. The walls of the intestine refl exively induce peristalsis, but peristalsis is particularly stimulated when partially digested food enters the duodenum from the stomach. This duodenocolic reflex is especially strong when food or fl uids enter the duodenum after several hours of not eating