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Modernizing Disability Policy
    in the 21st Century
                April 8, 2013
              Madison, Wisconsin

              Madeleine Will
The Collaboration to Promote Self-Determination
      National Down Syndrome Society
Disability Policy Continues to Evolve
         A Little Bit of History
    Post-1945, deinstitutionalization movement

    In 1950, a new Social Security Act title
     creating a grant-in-aid program-- financial
     assistance, medical and remedial care for the
     “permanently and totally disabled”

    In 1965, Medicaid authorized as an
     entitlement with joint fed/state involvement
     to provide medical care to low-income people

Disability Policy Continues to Evolve

              A Little Bit of History con’t
   In 1975, EHA-Education of
    All Handicapped Children
    Act asserted that children
    with disabilities would
    benefit from education

   In 1983, HCBS (1915c)
    waiver added to SSA                David Hoppe with son Gregory

    allowing states to provide      David Hoppe and the
                                  IDEA Consensus building
    services in the community
                                      process of 1997
    rather than in institutions

Supported Employment—a
             Wisconsin Legacy
   In 1984-1986, development of Supported Employment
    systems change grants; state experimentation in
    Wisconsin, Washington and other states
   In 1986, Supported Employment (SE) services were
    permitted through HCBS waivers to individuals who
    had been institutionalized before entering waiver
   In 1997, permissible to receive SE without having been
    institutionalized before entering waiver program

A Heavy Lift:
           Rehabilitation Act Definition
            of Supported Employment

   (A) In general the term "supported employment" means
    competitive work in integrated work settings, or
    employment in integrated work settings in which
    individuals are working toward competitive work,
    consistent with the strengths, resources, priorities,
    concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed
    choice of the individuals, for individuals with the most
    significant disabilities —who require intensive services
    and support

Rehabilitation Act Definition
    of Supported Employment con’t
   (i)(I) for whom competitive employment has not
    traditionally occurred; or
   (II) for whom competitive employment has been
    interrupted or intermittent as a result of a significant
    disability; and
   (ii) who, because of the nature and severity of their
    disability, need intensive supported employment
    services for the period, and
   who are individuals with the most significant
    disabilities due to mental illness.

We Have Proved that People Can Work
         When Services Focus on Employment

         But success in employment varies widely across 30 states

                                                  Washington State (88 %)
                                                  Oklahoma (60%)
                                                  Connecticut (54%)
                                                  Louisiana (47%)
                                                  New Hampshire (46%)

2009 – UMASS Boston ICI ID/DD Agency Survey

SERVICE AREA                 CYCLICAL DEPENDENCY                                  SELF-SUFFICIENCY MODEL

                             Segregated:                                          Full Inclusion:
Education                    $25-45K/student/year                                 $12-26K/student/year

                             Average annual costs of                              Ave annual costs of Supported
                             Sheltered Work                                       Employment (SE)/Individual:
                             (SW)/Individual: $19,388                             $6,619
                             SW is less cost-efficient to                         SE is more cost-efficient to
                             taxpayers: 0.83                                      taxpayers: 1.21
                             SW is less cost-efficient to                         SE is more cost-efficient to
                             workers: 0.24                                        workers: 4.20

  Data Sources:
  Education: Weiner, 1985; Carlberg & Kavale, 1980; Baker, Wang & Walberg 1995; Piuma, 1989; Blackorby & Wagner, 2001.
  Employment: Cimera, R. (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010)

Advantages of Supported Employment
        Vs. Sheltered Work
    Much Research is Available
         Pride and self-esteem

         More personal choices

         More community participation

         More personal relationships

         Enhanced skill development

         Greater socialization opportunities

More Advantages
                          of Supported
          Employment Vs. Sheltered Work
    Lower per capita costs
    Average follow along supports three times lower over
     an eight year period (Wisconsin study)
    Individual with disabilities earn more and costs less
    Greater return in wages than in monetary costs
     regardless of their state of residence or number of
     disabling conditions
Data Source: National Council on Disability: Medicaid Managed Care for People with Disabilities (March 2013)
1) R. E. Cimera, “The Cost Trends of Supported Employment Versus Sheltered Employment,” Journal of Vocational
      Rehabilitation 28 (2008): 15–20.
2) R. E. Cimera, An Evaluation of the Long-Term Service Costs and Vocational Outcomes of Supported and Center-Based
      Employees in Wisconsin (August 2010),
3) R. E. Cimera, “The National Cost-Efficiency of Supported Employees with Intellectual Disabilities: The Worker’s
      Perspective,” Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 33 (2010): 123–31.
4) R. E. Dunn, N. J. Wewiorski, and E. S. Rogers, “The Meaning and Importance of Employment to People in Recovery
      from Serious Mental Illness: Results of a Qualitative Study,” Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 32, no. 1: 59–62.

Evolved Thinking: Changed Public Policy

From:                             To:
Assuming that people with I/DD     Discovering that people with
     Need to be taken care of
     Can’t work                       Can be self sufficient
     Need constant supervision        Can work and pay taxes
     Are a burden to families         Don’t need constant
                                       Are valued family members

                    Key Point:
        People need support that match their
The Reality is Poverty: Look at the Numbers
    SUBPOPULATION             2009 Poverty Rate        2010 Poverty Rate
    Children                  20.7%                    22.0%
    African-American          25.8%                    27.4%
    Hispanic                  25.3%                    26.6%
    Disability                25.0%                    27.9%
    Total U.S. Population     14.3%                    15.1%
                                                           U.S. Census Bureau (13 September 2011)

•46.2 million Americans were living in poverty in 2010
•Persons with disabilities experienced the highest rates of poverty of any
subcategory of Americans for the tenth year in a row
•They experienced unacceptably high unemployment rates for decades—70% for
all persons with disability and 90% for those with ID/DD (between 500-600k
individuals are in sheltered workshops or non-work programs earning little or
•SSDI/SSI annual cost will likely approach 1 trillion dollars in 2023 (currently,
only .02 of 1% of beneficiaries leave rolls voluntarily)
Is Lack of Spending the Problem???

Figure 1. Percentage of Estimated Federal and State Expenditures for
  Working-Age People with Disabilities by Major Expenditure Category, Fiscal
  Year 2008[1]

                                                                             Also includes
                                                                             LTSS for PWD
                                                                             via Medicaid &

      Adapted from Livermore, Stapleton and O’Toole (2011, Health Affairs)
New Thinking
Defining a NEW social contract based on:
   Investing in the competency and value of persons
    with disabilities to achieve economic and personal
   Not exchanging benefits for poverty and
   Spending public dollars more wisely to help build
    the capacity of providers to make the transition to
    Employment First and to the self sufficiency
    investment model

Modernizing Disability Policy

The creation of a system built on an Employment First
presumption of COMPETENCY  to work and save


This system will reward, rather than penalize, individuals
who achieve partial self-sufficiency-- but require
continued assistance to offset the tremendous costs
related to their disabilities

The Collaboration to Promote Self-
         Determination (CPSD)

A national coalition that seeks to:
     Modernize federal programs so they maximize
     self-sufficiency and economic security;

     Eliminate barriers to work and savings while
     preserving vital, long-term public supports;

     Building on state and grass roots
•   Executive Committee
    •   Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN)
    •   National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC)
    •   National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS)
    •   National Fragile X Foundation (NFXF)
    •   TASH

•   Steering Committee
    •   American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR)
    •   Association of Persons for Supported Employment (APSE)
    •   Association of University Centers on Disability (AUCD)
    •   Council of Parents Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA)
    •   Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL)
    •   Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA)
    •   National Association of State Directors on Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS)
    •   National Disability Institute* (NDI)
    •   Physician-Parent Caregivers
    •   Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
    •   United Cerebral Palsy (UCP)

•   NDI and NDSS provide financial and moral support. Over 150+ Senior Advisors
    from 44 states

State Employment First Initiatives
States are:

Developing service delivery strategies that lead to the preferred
  outcome of integrated employment at minimum wage

Placing of employment presumption in laws and regulations

Aligning policies and procedures, creating incentives and reimbursing
   at higher level for employment outcomes

Attempting to blend and braid resources

Using person centered planning, and individual budgets directed by
   families and self-advocates to assist people to live and work in the
State Employment First Initiatives con’t
   30+ states have some type of “Employment First” effort

   About 3/4 of efforts are directed by state policy units or are
    legislatively based

   About 1/4 of efforts are grassroots based – i.e., outsiders working
    to influence state policy and practice

   At least 19 states have official Employment First legislation and/or

   Employment First doesn't change the numbers over night but it
    does set clear priorities. Employment First is not just a policy – to
    do it right requires comprehensive systems modernization
Other Signs of Momentum
   The development of post-secondary programs at
    colleges and universities around the country focused on
    academic enrichment, social integration and
    employment outcomes

   Publication of National Council on Disability report
    calling for phase out of subminimum wage and more
    recent report on Medicaid Managed Care emphasizing
    employment for persons with disabilities
Other Signs of Momentum con’t
   Senate HELP Committee Report: Unfinished Business:
    The Making of Employment of People with Disabilities
    a National Priority, calling for a 2015 deadline for
    employing 6 million people with disabilities

   National Governor’s Association Initiative to increase
    employment rates for people with disabilities

   Oregon lawsuit seeking to expand Olmstead decision to
    cover employment settings. And US Department of
    Justice intervention in lawsuit this week
Centers on Medicare and
  Medicaid (CMS) Guidance

CMS addresses implementation of goal to
promote integrated employment option
through waiver program
Major Changes in the Instructions
and Technical Guide
 Acknowledges best and promising practices in
employment support, including self direction and peer
support options for employment support
Clarifies that Ticket to Work Outcome and Milestone
payments are not in conflict with payment for Medicaid
services rendered because both Ticket to Work and
Adds a new core service definition for individual and
small group supported employment
   Includes a new service definition for career planning

Major Changes in the Instructions and
    Technical Guide con’t
   Payments can be made for an outcome, not service
   Emphasizes the critical role of person centered planning
    in achieving employment outcomes
   Modifies both the prevocational services and supported
    employment definitions to clarify that volunteer work
    and other activities that are not paid, integrated
    community employment are appropriately described in
    pre-vocational, not supported employment services

Major Changes in the Instructions
    and Technical Guide con’t
   Explains that pre-vocational services are not an end
    point, but a time limited (although no specific limit is
    given) service for the purpose of helping someone
    obtain competitive employment

•   Incentives for earning and saving (re-structuring asset
    and income limitations)

•   Individual budgets directed by families and self-

•   Agency blending/braiding of funds to support
    individuals in employment and independent living

•   Personalized supports that assist people to live and
    work in typical community settings

• Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act (H.R.

• Transition toward Excellence Achievement & Mobility
  (TEAM) Act
   • TEAM – Employment (H.R. 509)
   • TEAM – Education (H.R. 510)
   • TEAM – Empowerment (H.R. 511)L

• Incentives for earning and saving (re-structuring asset and
  income limitations)
•   Establish a coordinated, comprehensive approach to the
    investment of public resources

•   Expand and improve the opportunities for youth with
    significant disabilities who are transitioning into adulthood

•   Ensure meaningful postsecondary educational opportunities
    and employment in integrated settings at a competitive wage

•   Long-term career development and growth, and inclusion in
    the community setting through independent living and social

•   Requires transition services from age 14 on into IEP

•   Invites State I/DD agency to participate in IEP process
    from age 14 on

•   Embeds best practices in transition process based on 5
    Guideposts to Success

•   Prohibits sheltered workshop placement as an outcome in
    an IEP

•   Funds more transition coordinators
•   Mandates the creation of a transition services unit
    within each State I/DD agency

•   Requires state I/DD agency to develop a young adult’s
    Individual Transition Plan (thus taking the place of the
    IEP) through age 26

•   Allows individuals with I/DD to select a transition
    broker to help navigate service programs

•   Provides grants to states to develop employment at
    livable wages and/or participation in PSE programs
•   Requires partnerships across state agencies (Vocational
    Rehabilitation, Education, I/DD, Workforce Investment
    Board, Medicaid) to receive grant
•   Grant proposal to include:
    • Self-direction through individual budgeting
    • Blending and braiding of public resources
    • Outcomes aimed at full integration (education, employment and
       community living)

*Senate WIA Reauthorization draft included similar systems-change initiative

CPSD Calling for : HELP

   From administrators and staff of state and
    local agencies

   From service providers

   From parents and self-advocates

   From policymakers
    Reflect

    Decide

    Act

    Collaborate

    Mind the language!
What Does the Future Hold For Them?


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Employment first modernizing disability policy in the 21st century (6) (1)

  • 1. EMPLOYMENT FIRST: Modernizing Disability Policy in the 21st Century   April 8, 2013 Madison, Wisconsin Madeleine Will The Collaboration to Promote Self-Determination National Down Syndrome Society   1
  • 2. Disability Policy Continues to Evolve A Little Bit of History  Post-1945, deinstitutionalization movement underway  In 1950, a new Social Security Act title creating a grant-in-aid program-- financial assistance, medical and remedial care for the “permanently and totally disabled”  In 1965, Medicaid authorized as an entitlement with joint fed/state involvement to provide medical care to low-income people 2
  • 3. Disability Policy Continues to Evolve A Little Bit of History con’t  In 1975, EHA-Education of All Handicapped Children Act asserted that children with disabilities would benefit from education  In 1983, HCBS (1915c) waiver added to SSA David Hoppe with son Gregory allowing states to provide David Hoppe and the IDEA Consensus building services in the community process of 1997 rather than in institutions 3
  • 4. Supported Employment—a Wisconsin Legacy  In 1984-1986, development of Supported Employment systems change grants; state experimentation in Wisconsin, Washington and other states  In 1986, Supported Employment (SE) services were permitted through HCBS waivers to individuals who had been institutionalized before entering waiver program  In 1997, permissible to receive SE without having been institutionalized before entering waiver program 4
  • 5. A Heavy Lift: Rehabilitation Act Definition of Supported Employment  (A) In general the term "supported employment" means competitive work in integrated work settings, or employment in integrated work settings in which individuals are working toward competitive work, consistent with the strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice of the individuals, for individuals with the most significant disabilities —who require intensive services and support 5
  • 6. Rehabilitation Act Definition of Supported Employment con’t  (i)(I) for whom competitive employment has not traditionally occurred; or  (II) for whom competitive employment has been interrupted or intermittent as a result of a significant disability; and  (ii) who, because of the nature and severity of their disability, need intensive supported employment services for the period, and  who are individuals with the most significant disabilities due to mental illness. 6
  • 7. We Have Proved that People Can Work When Services Focus on Employment But success in employment varies widely across 30 states Washington State (88 %) Oklahoma (60%) Connecticut (54%) Louisiana (47%) New Hampshire (46%) 2009 – UMASS Boston ICI ID/DD Agency Survey 7
  • 8. SERVICE AREA CYCLICAL DEPENDENCY SELF-SUFFICIENCY MODEL Segregated: Full Inclusion: Education $25-45K/student/year $12-26K/student/year Average annual costs of Ave annual costs of Supported Sheltered Work Employment (SE)/Individual: (SW)/Individual: $19,388 $6,619 SW is less cost-efficient to SE is more cost-efficient to Employment taxpayers: 0.83 taxpayers: 1.21 SW is less cost-efficient to SE is more cost-efficient to workers: 0.24 workers: 4.20 Data Sources: Education: Weiner, 1985; Carlberg & Kavale, 1980; Baker, Wang & Walberg 1995; Piuma, 1989; Blackorby & Wagner, 2001. Employment: Cimera, R. (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010) 8
  • 9. Advantages of Supported Employment Vs. Sheltered Work Much Research is Available  Pride and self-esteem  More personal choices  More community participation  More personal relationships  Enhanced skill development  Greater socialization opportunities 9
  • 10. More Advantages of Supported Employment Vs. Sheltered Work  Lower per capita costs  Average follow along supports three times lower over an eight year period (Wisconsin study)  Individual with disabilities earn more and costs less  Greater return in wages than in monetary costs regardless of their state of residence or number of disabling conditions Data Source: National Council on Disability: Medicaid Managed Care for People with Disabilities (March 2013) 1) R. E. Cimera, “The Cost Trends of Supported Employment Versus Sheltered Employment,” Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 28 (2008): 15–20. 2) R. E. Cimera, An Evaluation of the Long-Term Service Costs and Vocational Outcomes of Supported and Center-Based Employees in Wisconsin (August 2010), 3) R. E. Cimera, “The National Cost-Efficiency of Supported Employees with Intellectual Disabilities: The Worker’s Perspective,” Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 33 (2010): 123–31. 4) R. E. Dunn, N. J. Wewiorski, and E. S. Rogers, “The Meaning and Importance of Employment to People in Recovery from Serious Mental Illness: Results of a Qualitative Study,” Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 32, no. 1: 59–62. 10
  • 11. Evolved Thinking: Changed Public Policy From: To: Assuming that people with I/DD Discovering that people with I/DD  Need to be taken care of  Can’t work  Can be self sufficient  Need constant supervision  Can work and pay taxes  Are a burden to families  Don’t need constant supervision  Are valued family members Key Point: People need support that match their needs.
  • 12. 12 12
  • 13. The Reality is Poverty: Look at the Numbers SUBPOPULATION 2009 Poverty Rate 2010 Poverty Rate Children 20.7% 22.0% African-American 25.8% 27.4% Hispanic 25.3% 26.6% Disability 25.0% 27.9% Total U.S. Population 14.3% 15.1% U.S. Census Bureau (13 September 2011) •46.2 million Americans were living in poverty in 2010 •Persons with disabilities experienced the highest rates of poverty of any subcategory of Americans for the tenth year in a row •They experienced unacceptably high unemployment rates for decades—70% for all persons with disability and 90% for those with ID/DD (between 500-600k individuals are in sheltered workshops or non-work programs earning little or nothing) •SSDI/SSI annual cost will likely approach 1 trillion dollars in 2023 (currently, only .02 of 1% of beneficiaries leave rolls voluntarily)
  • 14. Is Lack of Spending the Problem??? 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. Figure 1. Percentage of Estimated Federal and State Expenditures for Working-Age People with Disabilities by Major Expenditure Category, Fiscal Year 2008[1] $357 Billion in FY2008 Also includes LTSS for PWD via Medicaid & Medicare [1] Adapted from Livermore, Stapleton and O’Toole (2011, Health Affairs) 16
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  • 19. New Thinking Defining a NEW social contract based on:  Investing in the competency and value of persons with disabilities to achieve economic and personal freedom  Not exchanging benefits for poverty and dependence  Spending public dollars more wisely to help build the capacity of providers to make the transition to Employment First and to the self sufficiency investment model 19
  • 20. Modernizing Disability Policy Requires The creation of a system built on an Employment First presumption of COMPETENCY  to work and save AND EQUALLY IMPORTANT This system will reward, rather than penalize, individuals who achieve partial self-sufficiency-- but require continued assistance to offset the tremendous costs related to their disabilities 20
  • 21. The Collaboration to Promote Self- Determination (CPSD) A national coalition that seeks to: Modernize federal programs so they maximize self-sufficiency and economic security; Eliminate barriers to work and savings while preserving vital, long-term public supports; Building on state and grass roots innovation 21
  • 22. Executive Committee • Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN) • National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC) • National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) • National Fragile X Foundation (NFXF) • TASH • Steering Committee • American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) • Association of Persons for Supported Employment (APSE) • Association of University Centers on Disability (AUCD) • Council of Parents Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA) • Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) • Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) • National Association of State Directors on Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) • National Disability Institute* (NDI) • Physician-Parent Caregivers • Service Employees International Union (SEIU) • United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) • NDI and NDSS provide financial and moral support. Over 150+ Senior Advisors from 44 states 22
  • 23. State Employment First Initiatives States are: Developing service delivery strategies that lead to the preferred outcome of integrated employment at minimum wage Placing of employment presumption in laws and regulations Aligning policies and procedures, creating incentives and reimbursing at higher level for employment outcomes Attempting to blend and braid resources Using person centered planning, and individual budgets directed by families and self-advocates to assist people to live and work in the community
  • 24. State Employment First Initiatives con’t  30+ states have some type of “Employment First” effort  About 3/4 of efforts are directed by state policy units or are legislatively based  About 1/4 of efforts are grassroots based – i.e., outsiders working to influence state policy and practice  At least 19 states have official Employment First legislation and/or polices  Employment First doesn't change the numbers over night but it does set clear priorities. Employment First is not just a policy – to do it right requires comprehensive systems modernization  
  • 25. Other Signs of Momentum  The development of post-secondary programs at colleges and universities around the country focused on academic enrichment, social integration and employment outcomes  Publication of National Council on Disability report calling for phase out of subminimum wage and more recent report on Medicaid Managed Care emphasizing employment for persons with disabilities
  • 26. Other Signs of Momentum con’t  Senate HELP Committee Report: Unfinished Business: The Making of Employment of People with Disabilities a National Priority, calling for a 2015 deadline for employing 6 million people with disabilities  National Governor’s Association Initiative to increase employment rates for people with disabilities  Oregon lawsuit seeking to expand Olmstead decision to cover employment settings. And US Department of Justice intervention in lawsuit this week
  • 27. Centers on Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) Guidance CMS addresses implementation of goal to promote integrated employment option through waiver program
  • 28. Major Changes in the Instructions and Technical Guide  Acknowledges best and promising practices in employment support, including self direction and peer support options for employment support Clarifies that Ticket to Work Outcome and Milestone payments are not in conflict with payment for Medicaid services rendered because both Ticket to Work and Adds a new core service definition for individual and small group supported employment  Includes a new service definition for career planning 28
  • 29. Major Changes in the Instructions and Technical Guide con’t  Payments can be made for an outcome, not service delivery  Emphasizes the critical role of person centered planning in achieving employment outcomes  Modifies both the prevocational services and supported employment definitions to clarify that volunteer work and other activities that are not paid, integrated community employment are appropriately described in pre-vocational, not supported employment services 29
  • 30. Major Changes in the Instructions and Technical Guide con’t  Explains that pre-vocational services are not an end point, but a time limited (although no specific limit is given) service for the purpose of helping someone obtain competitive employment 30
  • 31. Incentives for earning and saving (re-structuring asset and income limitations) • Individual budgets directed by families and self- advocates • Agency blending/braiding of funds to support individuals in employment and independent living • Personalized supports that assist people to live and work in typical community settings 31
  • 32. • Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act (H.R. 647/S.313) • Transition toward Excellence Achievement & Mobility (TEAM) Act • TEAM – Employment (H.R. 509) • TEAM – Education (H.R. 510) • TEAM – Empowerment (H.R. 511)L • Incentives for earning and saving (re-structuring asset and income limitations) 32
  • 33. Establish a coordinated, comprehensive approach to the investment of public resources • Expand and improve the opportunities for youth with significant disabilities who are transitioning into adulthood • Ensure meaningful postsecondary educational opportunities and employment in integrated settings at a competitive wage • Long-term career development and growth, and inclusion in the community setting through independent living and social engagement 33
  • 34. Requires transition services from age 14 on into IEP • Invites State I/DD agency to participate in IEP process from age 14 on • Embeds best practices in transition process based on 5 Guideposts to Success • Prohibits sheltered workshop placement as an outcome in an IEP • Funds more transition coordinators 34
  • 35. Mandates the creation of a transition services unit within each State I/DD agency • Requires state I/DD agency to develop a young adult’s Individual Transition Plan (thus taking the place of the IEP) through age 26 • Allows individuals with I/DD to select a transition broker to help navigate service programs 35
  • 36. Provides grants to states to develop employment at livable wages and/or participation in PSE programs • Requires partnerships across state agencies (Vocational Rehabilitation, Education, I/DD, Workforce Investment Board, Medicaid) to receive grant • Grant proposal to include: • Self-direction through individual budgeting • Blending and braiding of public resources • Outcomes aimed at full integration (education, employment and community living) *Senate WIA Reauthorization draft included similar systems-change initiative 36
  • 37. CPSD Calling for : HELP  From administrators and staff of state and local agencies  From service providers  From parents and self-advocates  From policymakers 37
  • 38. HELP  Reflect  Decide  Act  Collaborate Mind the language! 38
  • 39. What Does the Future Hold For Them? 39