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The number                                                 WORKERS PER MEDICARE BENEFICIARY
of workers
                                     Medicare at Risk
per Medicare                                                                 Seniors receive more in Medicare benefits than they pay in
 edicare spending                                                                   4.0
                                                                           Many believe that seniors pay for their own Medicare benefits, but in fact, current workers
                                                                                      2021: $7,989
 s falling
                                                                           finance current enrollee benefits. In addition, most Medicare beneficiaries end up receiving
useholds is rising
 hortfall        PERCENTAGE OF GDP
                                             3.3                        $8,000 than what they paid in to the system.

ore of household income than
         contributions to                                                                   FIGURES ARE FOR BENEFICIARIES                  $357,000                $357,000             Total Benefits
Medicare aren’t set aside the
  ll continue. Absent reform,
                                                                                             WHO RETIRE AT 65 IN 2011 AND                                                               Received

ortfall is the                                                                                EARNED THE AVERAGE WAGE

orbrings ineconomy-crushing new
either own retirement— Projected
en the                                               $300,000
  m their         %
                 5%       Total
                          Federal Deficit        $6,000
hey pay program.
 s in the for current
 spends on
fits. Even                                4.1%                                                                                                                    $238,000               DIFFERENCE
                                                        2010: $170,000   $188,000 $297,000
 eneficiaries. A main cause
   policies in

    Medicare’s growing
ustained, by      %
                 3%                                     $4,136
RICAN HOUSEHOLD                                                $110,000 $128,000
nsolvency is that the ratio
1 percent of
 .               2%                         3.3%
                                                                                                                                                                                        Paid by
 f workers to beneficiariesMedicare
way federal                                 (81%
                                            of total
                                                                                                                                                                   $119,000             Beneficiary
 argeting                    Shortfall                          $60,000  $60,000   $60,000
s falling.       1%                         federal
                                            deficit)        $0
stees 2012                                                                                 Single Male            Single Female            One-Earner              Two-Earner
Budget Office,   0%                                                                                                                         Couple                   Couple
                   2012   2015   2020   2025    2030    2035   2040

                                                                        1965 Source: C. 2001Steuerle and Richard B. Fisher, “HowFoundation, August 2011.
                                               Chart 2 • Medicare at Risk
                                                                                      Reforming Our Senior Entitlement2011
                                                                                                                                       Lifetime Benefits and Contributions Point the Way Toward
                                                                                                                      Programs,” NIHCM 2020                  2030

                                                                                                                                                          Alyene Senger
                                                                                                                                                               Chart 9 • Medicare at Risk
 ource: Medicare Trustees 2012 report.

             March 2013                                                                                                                                 John W. Fleming
                                                                                                                  Chart 3 • Medicare at Risk  
         1985             1990          1995           2000           2005        2010           2015          2020
Medicare                              PERCENTAGE OF GDP
spending is                           14%

growing faster
than the rest of                      12%

the federal
budget                                10%
Entitlement spending is the                                                                            All Other
main cause of long-term                                                                                Non-Interest
runaway federal deficits.                                                                               Spending
Medicare is the fastest-              6%                                                               Social
growing program due to                                                                                 Security
retiring baby boomers and                                                                              Medicaid,
rising health care costs.              %
                                      4%                                                               Obamacare


Source: Congressional Budget Office   0%
(Alternative Fiscal Scenario).          2011 2015   2020   2025   2030   2035   2040    2045     2050

                                                                          Chart 1 • Medicare at Risk
Medicare shortfall                     PERCENTAGE OF GDP

is driving federal

deficit spending                         %
The Medicare shortfall is the
difference between the
money the program brings in             %
                                       5%                            Total Projected
and the money it spends on                                           Federal Deficit
health care benefits. Even                                                                          4.1%
assuming that unrealistic
cost-containment policies in
current law are sustained, by           %
2040, Medicare’s shortfall
will account for 81 percent of
the federal deficit.                    2%                                                              3.3%
Addressing runaway federal                                             Medicare                        (81%
deficits requires targeting                                                                             of total
                                                                       Shortfall                       federal
Medicare.                                                                                              deficit)
Sources: Medicare Trustees 2012
report, Congressional Budget Office,   0%
extended baseline.                       2012   2015   2020   2025     2030        2035       2040

                                                                      Chart 2 • Medicare at Risk
The number                               WORKERS PER MEDICARE BENEFICIARY
of workers
per Medicare                              4.5
beneficiary                                            4.0
is falling
Workers’ contributions to                                                         2.8
Medicare aren’t set aside
for their own retirement—                                                                          2.3
they pay for current
beneficiaries. A main cause
of Medicare’s growing
insolvency is that the ratio
of workers to beneficiaries
is falling.

                                           1965        2001         2011           2020             2030

Source: Medicare Trustees 2012 report.

                                                                      Chart 3 • Medicare at Risk
Longer life expectancy means longer enrollment in Medicare
The average life expectancy in the United States has increased since Medicare was created,
but the program’s eligibility age has remained constant at age 65. As a result, seniors collect
benefits for almost three times as long compared to when the program started.
                                        Average Life Expectancy

                                                                                     15 years             Enrolled in

        5 years

                             Age of Medicare Eligibility (unchanged at 65)                            Note: Some figures
                                                                                                      from 2009
        Source: U.S. Census Bureau.
           re S e u           r a                                                                     through 2020 have
                                                                                                      been extrapolated.
     1965   1970     1975    1980     1985   1990   1995   2000   2005       2010     2015     2020

                                                                             Chart 4 • Medicare at Risk
In projecting Medicare’s cost, more realistic assumptions
show an even worse outlook
The Medicare trustees are            MEDICARE’S TOTAL 75-YEAR                        Total: $36.9 trillion
required to base their               UNFUNDED OBLIGATIONS
                                     $35 TRILLION
projections on current law as
it is written. These
projections rely on                  $30
                                           Total: $26.9 trillion                         $20.5 trillion
unrealistic assumptions,
such as Congress allowing            $25

staggering provider payment                                         Outpatient
cuts that will harm seniors’         $20       $14.7 trillion      and Physician
access to care. The                                                  Services
alternative scenario paints a        $15
more likely picture of the                                                                $9.7 trillion
program’s cost. Either way,          $10       $5.3 trillion         Hospital
the future is bleak.                                                Insurance
                                               $6.8 trillion       Prescription           $6.8 trillion
Sources: Medicare Trustees 2012       $0
report, CMS Office of the Actuary.             Current Law                           Alternative Scenario

                                                                        Chart 5 • Medicare at Risk
The burden of Medicare spending                                                           2021: $7,989
on American households is rising
$8000                                                                     $8,000

Medicare is consuming more of household income than
ever before, a trend that will continue. Absent reform, the
situation will soon require either economy-crushing new
 $6000                                                                    $6,000
taxes or painful benefit cuts in the program.



   1970: $129

         1970    1975      1980       1985      1990      1995   2000   2005       2010       2015     2020

Sources: Medicare Trustees 2012 report, U.S. Census Bureau.

                                                                         Chart 6 • Medicare at Risk
Medicare benefits are paid for by working Americans
Approximately 88 percent of seniors’ Medicare benefits are funded by taxpayers. Medicare
Part A is mandatory coverage funded by the payroll tax. But Medicare Parts B and D, which
cover outpatient services and prescription drugs, respectively, are voluntary and funded
primarily by general revenue.

            41%                                        FUNDING SOURCES OF $549.1 BILLION

                                                          SPENT ON MEDICARE IN 2011
         $223.3 billion
                               $195.6 billion


10%                                             $42.5 billion        3%                    12%
                                                                  $19.2 billion          $68.5 billion
            General             Current          All Other       Drawing Down             Medicare
           Revenues             Workers’                          Medicare HI            Beneficiary
                               Payroll Tax                         Trust Fund            Premiums
Source: Medicare Trustees 2012 report.

                                                                     Chart 7 • Medicare at Risk
Seniors receive more in Medicare benefits than they pay in
Many believe that seniors pay for their own Medicare benefits, but in fact, current workers
finance current enrollee benefits. In addition, most Medicare beneficiaries end up receiving
more than what they paid in to the system.
                FIGURES ARE FOR BENEFICIARIES               $357,000                $357,000             Total Benefits
                 WHO RETIRE AT 65 IN 2011 AND                                                            Received
                  EARNED THE AVERAGE WAGE

                                                                                  $238,000               DIFFERENCE
                                      $188,000             $297,000

              $110,000               $128,000
                                                                                                         Paid by
                                                                                    $119,000             Beneficiary
               $60,000                $60,000                $60,000
               Single Male          Single Female           One-Earner              Two-Earner
                                                             Couple                   Couple

Source: C. Eugene Steuerle and Richard B. Fisher, “How Lifetime Benefits and Contributions Point the Way Toward
Reforming Our Senior Entitlement Programs,” NIHCM Foundation, August 2011.

                                                                                Chart 8 • Medicare at Risk
Obamacare raids                       CUTS IN MEDICARE DUE TO OBAMACARE, 2013–2022
Medicare to pay
for other new                             Hospital services                                       $260 billion
programs                                 Payment rates in
                                                                          $156 billion
                                      Medicare Advantage
Projected Medicare savings             DSH* payments and
from Obamacare don’t                      other Medicare                 $145 billion
improve the program.                           provisions
Instead, they pay for other                   Home health
new programs created                             services                 $66 billion
under the law that aren‘t                   Skilled nursing
even for seniors. By slashing                      services         $39 billion
reimbursement rates                                                                          Obamacare cuts
instead of introducing real               All other services      $33 billion               $716 billion
reform, the health law                                                                          from Medicare
jeopardizes seniors’ access
to providers.                             Hospice services      $17 billion
                                                           $0      $50       $100        $150        $200        $250
Source: Congressional Budget Office   * Disproportionate Share Hospital, meaning payments that go to hospitals that
report.                               serve a large number of low-income patients.

                                                                              Chart 9 • Medicare at Risk
Cutting provider                                                  PHYSICIAN
                                                                PAYMENT RATES
                                                                                                         of Private
payments to                                                                                              Insurance
lower Medicare                                                                                           Rates
costs will hurt                             80%
access                                                                                                   75%

Ratcheting down Medicare
payments to contain the                                   58%                          58%
program’s cost growth will
limit seniors’ access to care.                                                                           50%
Medicaid, the government
health program for the poor,                                                                               Medicare
already sets provider                                                                                      Medicaid*
payment rates far below                                                                                  25%
private insurance, creating
similar barriers to care for

                                                    2012                         2086
Sources: CMS Actuary’s 2012
Illustrative Alternative Scenario.   * Average of all states.

                                                                           Chart 10 • Medicare at Risk
severe access                    HEALTH AGENCIES THAT WOULD OPERATE AT A LOSS
problems                                                                               40%
because of                       40%

Obamacare cuts                   35%

Obamacare makes deep
cuts to provider payments
to offset the cost of new                                     25%
programs that aren’t for
seniors. If these deep cuts
go into effect, many
providers will operate in                  15%
the red, making it very
difficult for seniors to
access their services.

Source: Medicare Trustees 2012    0%
report.                                      2019              2030                      2050

                                                                Chart 11 • Medicare at Risk
reforms can make                       $200
                                                                             2037: $179 BILLION
a big difference
Keeping Medicare “as we
know it” is unsustainable.
A simple reform such as
raising upper-income
beneficiaries’ premiums
and gradually phasing out
taxpayer subsidies for the             $100
wealthiest retirees (about
3 percent) would save                       2014:
hundreds of billions of                  $39 BILLION

Source: Calculations by the Heritage
Foundation’s Center for Data
Analysis based on baseline data in
the current projections and data
provided by the Peter G. Peterson        $0
Foundation.                               2014 2015     2020       2025           2030             2035 2037

                                                                     Chart 12 • Medicare at Risk
Heritage plan                          MEDICARE SPENDING AS PERCENTAGE OF GDP                          6%

would rein in                          6%

spending                                                          Current Law
Heritage’s comprehensive               5%
Medicare reform would
financially preserve                                                                                    4.5%
Medicare for future
generations while also
improving it as an
insurance program for                  4%
America’s seniors.
                                                                                       Heritage Plan

Source: Calculations by the Heritage
Foundation’s Center for Data
Analysis using data from the           3%
Congressional Budget Office’s 2012
Long-Term Budget Outlook.                   2013 2015    2020      2025           2030            2035 2037

                                                                    Chart 13 • Medicare at Risk
The Health Care Intiative is one of 10 Transformational Initiatives making up The Heritage Foundation’s
Leadership for America campaign. For more products and information related to these Initiatives or to learn
more about the Leadership for American campaign, please visit

The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institution—a think tank—whose mission is to formu-
late and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government,
individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.

As conservatives, we believe the values and ideas that motivated our Founding Fathers are worth conserving.
As policy entrepreneurs, we believe the most effective solutions are consistent with those ideas and values.

                                               214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE • Washington, DC 20002-4999
                                               (202) 546-4400 •

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Medicare at Risk: Visualizing the Need for Reform

  • 1. The number WORKERS PER MEDICARE BENEFICIARY of workers 4.6 Medicare at Risk per Medicare Seniors receive more in Medicare benefits than they pay in beneficiary edicare spending 4.0 Many believe that seniors pay for their own Medicare benefits, but in fact, current workers 2021: $7,989 s falling finance current enrollee benefits. In addition, most Medicare beneficiaries end up receiving useholds is rising hortfall PERCENTAGE OF GDP 3.3 $8,000 than what they paid in to the system. more 2.8 ederal % 7% $400,000 ore of household income than Workers’6% contributions to FIGURES ARE FOR BENEFICIARIES $357,000 $357,000 Total Benefits nding VISUALIZING THE NEED FOR REFORM Medicare aren’t set aside the ll continue. Absent reform, WHO RETIRE AT 65 IN 2011 AND Received 2.3 % ortfall is the EARNED THE AVERAGE WAGE orbrings ineconomy-crushing new either own retirement— Projected en the $300,000 m their % 5% Total Federal Deficit $6,000 hey pay program. s in the for current spends on fits. Even 4.1% $238,000 DIFFERENCE % 4% 2010: $170,000 $188,000 $297,000 eneficiaries. A main cause realistic policies in $200,000 fshortfall Medicare’s growing ustained, by % 3% $4,136 RICAN HOUSEHOLD $110,000 $128,000 nsolvency is that the ratio 1 percent of . 2% 3.3% $100,000 Paid by f workers to beneficiariesMedicare way federal (81% of total $119,000 Beneficiary argeting Shortfall $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 s falling. 1% federal deficit) $0 stees 2012 Single Male Single Female One-Earner Two-Earner Budget Office, 0% Couple Couple 2012 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 1965 Source: C. 2001Steuerle and Richard B. Fisher, “HowFoundation, August 2011. Chart 2 • Medicare at Risk Eugene Reforming Our Senior Entitlement2011 Lifetime Benefits and Contributions Point the Way Toward Programs,” NIHCM 2020 2030 Alyene Senger Chart 9 • Medicare at Risk ource: Medicare Trustees 2012 report. March 2013 John W. Fleming Chart 3 • Medicare at Risk 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
  • 2. Medicare PERCENTAGE OF GDP spending is 14% growing faster than the rest of 12% the federal budget 10% Medicare Entitlement spending is the All Other 8% main cause of long-term Non-Interest runaway federal deficits. Spending Medicare is the fastest- 6% Social growing program due to Security retiring baby boomers and Medicaid, rising health care costs. % 4% Obamacare Subsidies 2% Source: Congressional Budget Office 0% (Alternative Fiscal Scenario). 2011 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Chart 1 • Medicare at Risk
  • 3. Medicare shortfall PERCENTAGE OF GDP is driving federal % 7% deficit spending % 6% The Medicare shortfall is the difference between the money the program brings in % 5% Total Projected and the money it spends on Federal Deficit health care benefits. Even 4.1% % 4% assuming that unrealistic cost-containment policies in current law are sustained, by % 3% 2040, Medicare’s shortfall will account for 81 percent of the federal deficit. 2% 3.3% Addressing runaway federal Medicare (81% deficits requires targeting of total 1% Shortfall federal Medicare. deficit) Sources: Medicare Trustees 2012 report, Congressional Budget Office, 0% extended baseline. 2012 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Chart 2 • Medicare at Risk
  • 4. The number WORKERS PER MEDICARE BENEFICIARY of workers per Medicare 4.5 beneficiary 4.0 is falling 3.3 Workers’ contributions to 2.8 Medicare aren’t set aside for their own retirement— 2.3 they pay for current beneficiaries. A main cause of Medicare’s growing insolvency is that the ratio of workers to beneficiaries is falling. 1965 2001 2011 2020 2030 Source: Medicare Trustees 2012 report. Chart 3 • Medicare at Risk
  • 5. Longer life expectancy means longer enrollment in Medicare The average life expectancy in the United States has increased since Medicare was created, but the program’s eligibility age has remained constant at age 65. As a result, seniors collect benefits for almost three times as long compared to when the program started. 79.5 0 80 YEARS OF AGE Average Life Expectancy 5 75 Years 70.2 15 years Enrolled in Medicare 0 70 5 years 65 Age of Medicare Eligibility (unchanged at 65) Note: Some figures from 2009 Source: U.S. Census Bureau. re S e u r a through 2020 have been extrapolated. 60 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Chart 4 • Medicare at Risk
  • 6. In projecting Medicare’s cost, more realistic assumptions show an even worse outlook The Medicare trustees are MEDICARE’S TOTAL 75-YEAR Total: $36.9 trillion required to base their UNFUNDED OBLIGATIONS $35 TRILLION projections on current law as it is written. These projections rely on $30 Total: $26.9 trillion $20.5 trillion unrealistic assumptions, such as Congress allowing $25 staggering provider payment Outpatient cuts that will harm seniors’ $20 $14.7 trillion and Physician access to care. The Services alternative scenario paints a $15 more likely picture of the $9.7 trillion program’s cost. Either way, $10 $5.3 trillion Hospital the future is bleak. Insurance $5 $6.8 trillion Prescription $6.8 trillion Drugs Sources: Medicare Trustees 2012 $0 report, CMS Office of the Actuary. Current Law Alternative Scenario Chart 5 • Medicare at Risk
  • 7. The burden of Medicare spending 2021: $7,989 on American households is rising $8000 $8,000 Medicare is consuming more of household income than care ever before, a trend that will continue. Absent reform, the efore, situation will soon require either economy-crushing new ion $6000 $6,000 taxes or painful benefit cuts in the program. 2010: $4,136 MEDICARE SPENDING PER AMERICAN HOUSEHOLD ARE $4,000 $2,000 1970: $129 $0 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Sources: Medicare Trustees 2012 report, U.S. Census Bureau. Chart 6 • Medicare at Risk
  • 8. Medicare benefits are paid for by working Americans Approximately 88 percent of seniors’ Medicare benefits are funded by taxpayers. Medicare Part A is mandatory coverage funded by the payroll tax. But Medicare Parts B and D, which cover outpatient services and prescription drugs, respectively, are voluntary and funded primarily by general revenue. 40% 41% FUNDING SOURCES OF $549.1 BILLION 36% SPENT ON MEDICARE IN 2011 $223.3 billion 30% $195.6 billion 20% 8% 10% $42.5 billion 3% 12% $19.2 billion $68.5 billion 0% General Current All Other Drawing Down Medicare Revenues Workers’ Medicare HI Beneficiary Payroll Tax Trust Fund Premiums Contributions Source: Medicare Trustees 2012 report. Chart 7 • Medicare at Risk
  • 9. Seniors receive more in Medicare benefits than they pay in Many believe that seniors pay for their own Medicare benefits, but in fact, current workers finance current enrollee benefits. In addition, most Medicare beneficiaries end up receiving more than what they paid in to the system. $400,000 FIGURES ARE FOR BENEFICIARIES $357,000 $357,000 Total Benefits WHO RETIRE AT 65 IN 2011 AND Received EARNED THE AVERAGE WAGE $300,000 $238,000 DIFFERENCE $188,000 $297,000 $200,000 $170,000 $110,000 $128,000 $100,000 Paid by $119,000 Beneficiary $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $0 Single Male Single Female One-Earner Two-Earner Couple Couple Source: C. Eugene Steuerle and Richard B. Fisher, “How Lifetime Benefits and Contributions Point the Way Toward Reforming Our Senior Entitlement Programs,” NIHCM Foundation, August 2011. Chart 8 • Medicare at Risk
  • 10. Obamacare raids CUTS IN MEDICARE DUE TO OBAMACARE, 2013–2022 Medicare to pay for other new Hospital services $260 billion programs Payment rates in $156 billion Medicare Advantage Projected Medicare savings DSH* payments and from Obamacare don’t other Medicare $145 billion improve the program. provisions Instead, they pay for other Home health new programs created services $66 billion under the law that aren‘t Skilled nursing even for seniors. By slashing services $39 billion reimbursement rates Obamacare cuts instead of introducing real All other services $33 billion $716 billion reform, the health law from Medicare jeopardizes seniors’ access to providers. Hospice services $17 billion $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 billion Source: Congressional Budget Office * Disproportionate Share Hospital, meaning payments that go to hospitals that report. serve a large number of low-income patients. Chart 9 • Medicare at Risk
  • 11. Cutting provider PHYSICIAN PAYMENT RATES 100% of Private payments to Insurance Payment lower Medicare Rates costs will hurt 80% access 75% Ratcheting down Medicare payments to contain the 58% 58% program’s cost growth will limit seniors’ access to care. 50% Medicaid, the government health program for the poor, Medicare already sets provider Medicaid* 26% payment rates far below 25% private insurance, creating similar barriers to care for enrollees. 0% 2012 2086 Sources: CMS Actuary’s 2012 Illustrative Alternative Scenario. * Average of all states. Chart 10 • Medicare at Risk
  • 12. Seniors face PERCENTAGE OF HOSPITALS, SKILLED NURSING FACILITIES, AND HOME severe access HEALTH AGENCIES THAT WOULD OPERATE AT A LOSS 45% problems 40% because of 40% Obamacare cuts 35% Obamacare makes deep 30% cuts to provider payments to offset the cost of new 25% 25% programs that aren’t for seniors. If these deep cuts 20% go into effect, many providers will operate in 15% 15% the red, making it very difficult for seniors to 10% access their services. 5% Source: Medicare Trustees 2012 0% report. 2019 2030 2050 Chart 11 • Medicare at Risk
  • 13. Small Medicare PROJECTED MEDICARE SAVINGS DUE TO HERITAGE’S MEANS TESTING reforms can make $200 2037: $179 BILLION a big difference Keeping Medicare “as we know it” is unsustainable. $150 A simple reform such as raising upper-income beneficiaries’ premiums and gradually phasing out taxpayer subsidies for the $100 wealthiest retirees (about 3 percent) would save 2014: hundreds of billions of $39 BILLION dollars. $50 Source: Calculations by the Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis based on baseline data in the current projections and data provided by the Peter G. Peterson $0 Foundation. 2014 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2037 Chart 12 • Medicare at Risk
  • 14. Heritage plan MEDICARE SPENDING AS PERCENTAGE OF GDP 6% would rein in 6% excessive Medicare spending Current Law Heritage’s comprehensive 5% Medicare reform would financially preserve 4.5% 5% Medicare for future generations while also improving it as an insurance program for 4% America’s seniors. Heritage Plan Source: Calculations by the Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis using data from the 3% Congressional Budget Office’s 2012 Long-Term Budget Outlook. 2013 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2037 Chart 13 • Medicare at Risk
  • 15. The Health Care Intiative is one of 10 Transformational Initiatives making up The Heritage Foundation’s Leadership for America campaign. For more products and information related to these Initiatives or to learn more about the Leadership for American campaign, please visit The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institution—a think tank—whose mission is to formu- late and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. As conservatives, we believe the values and ideas that motivated our Founding Fathers are worth conserving. As policy entrepreneurs, we believe the most effective solutions are consistent with those ideas and values. 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE • Washington, DC 20002-4999 (202) 546-4400 •