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Emergency Action Plan
Safety Procedures Manual

      Community Bicycle Center
      P.O. Box 783
      Biddeford, Maine 04005
      207-282-9700 
Table of Contents

Topic                                                    Page

Universal Precautions                                    3

Medical / Sudden Illness or Injury                       3

Fire                                                     3-4

Thunder / Electrical Storms                              4

Power Outage                                             4

Disorderly or Intoxicated Individuals                    4-5

Assault on Individual                                    5

Kidnapped / Missing Child                                5

Building & Site Evacuation                               5-6

Lockdown                                                 6

Bomb Threat                                              6

Suspicious Mail or Package                               7

Intruders at CBC Shop                                    7

Site Evacuation for CBC Shop                             7

Emergency or Crisis: Cycling                             8-9

Universal Precautions
A blood borne pathogen exposure may occur in many different ways; however common
incidents are listed below with steps for controlling exposure:
    1. If your eyes are splattered with blood or body fluids, flush immediately with water for at
       least five minutes. It is best to rinse under clean running water.
    2. If blood or any body fluids get into your mouth, rinse your mouth with 50/50 mix of
       hydrogen peroxide and water, and rinse with plain water.
    3. For incidents involving both eyes and mouth, report to your health care provider or
       medical authority immediately for follow-up treatment and care. Wash the area
       thoroughly with soap and water.
    4. For any bite, scratch or lesion that may have blood or body fluid exposure, do the
            a. Wash the area thoroughly with soap and water, or poor a small amount of
                hydrogen peroxide on the wound. Hydrogen peroxide is known to destroy HIV
                and other viruses within seconds.
            b. Cover the wound with a sterile dressing.

For all the above incidents, follow these four steps:
   1. Ensure spill is removed with the following procedure:
            a. Wipe up spill with absorbent material such as towels or paper towels. If it is
               vomit use absorb compound which is available in maintenance closet.
            b. Apply cleaning solution found with first aid kits and let it sit on affected area for
               no less than 20-minutes.
            c. Wipe up solution and cleanse area with water.
   2. Inform supervisor of incident.
   3. Document incident on an incident report found in the CBC office.

Medical Emergency / Sudden Illness or Injury

If you determine that a patron has a potentially life-threatening condition do the following:

1. Grab the CBC shop or bike ride first aid get before you head to the victim.

2. Size up the area. Make it is safe for to contact the patron needing assistance. If possible,
remove any hazards for victim, yourself and other bystanders.

3. Put on your gloves and access your rescue mask.

4. Conduct an initial assessment. If you notice any life threatening conditions ask a patron or
staff member to call 911.

5. Provide necessary care till EMS arrives.

6. Fill out incident report and notify chain of command.

7. Executive Director will determine appropriateness of re-opening all or parts of the facility.

Fire Alarm / Emergency
If smoke or fire is seen:
    1. Activate fire alarm (not currently in CBC Shop) if not sounding. Once the fire alarm has
       sounded, EMS is automatically notified.
2. Evacuate everyone in facility, including staff; drop and crawl to avoid smoke and close
      doors behind you.
   3. Take attendance tracker cards and permission form notebooks with you.
   4. Call 911 from outside the building to communicate that an evacuation of the building has
      taken place and ask if there are any further steps you should take.
   5. Staff in charge of youth should follow attendance protocol.
   6. Notify the chain of command if not on site.
   7. Document incident on incident report found in the CBC office and report incident to
      supervisor or Executive Director.

If no smoke or fire is seen:
    1. Once the fire alarm (not currently in CBC Shop) has sounded, EMS is automatically
    2. Supervisor on duty will check area of concern and use fire extinguisher if safe to do so.
    3. Evacuate everyone in facility and if safe to do so, search the building for anyone missing.
    4. Take attendance tracker cards and permission form notebooks with you.
    5. Call 911 from outside the building to communicate that an evacuation of the building has
        taken place and ask if there are any further steps you should take.
    6. Notify the chain of command if not on site.
    7. Document incident on incident report found in the CBC office and report incident to
        supervisor or Executive Director.

Thunder / Electrical Storms
Indoors –
   1. Minimize use of landline phones, shut down computers, and unplug power strips.
   2. Encourage members, guests and staff to stay indoors and away from windows and doors.
   3. Wait thirty minutes after the last sound of thunder or site of lightning to resume outdoor
Outdoors –
   1. Immediately seek shelter inside the CBC shop or nearby facilities.
   2. If shelter is not available, use a vehicle (car, van or bus) for shelter.
   3. Avoid open areas or lone tall objects.
   4. Suspend all water activities.
   5. Wait thirty minutes after the last sound of thunder or site of lightning to resume water
       related or outdoor activities.

Power Outage
   1. Emergency lighting will be activated and flashlights are located in the CBC Shop.
   2. Call 911if concerned about a fire or safety hazard.
   3. Evacuate and secure the facility if power has not returned after 30 minutes.
   4. Document incident on incident report found at the front desk and report incident to
      supervisor or Executive Director.

Disorderly or Intoxicated Individual
There are many different situations that may occur which could cause staff and patrons
discomfort because of the improper actions of others. These actions may or may not be illegal,
but if they are inconsistent with values or procedures of the CBC, they should not be tolerated.
In the event a staff person encounters an irate or disruptive person, staff should:
1. Stay calm and approach person.
   2. Remember that their personal safety and that of other staff or patrons is a priority.
   3. Don’t argue or embarrass the person, invite them to an area away from other patrons so you
      can talk with them.
   4. Once in a private location, but with another person explain that how the person is acting does
      not follow the values of our organization and they must leave.
   5. Remember we are responsible for their safety and should ensure they have a safe ride (if
      intoxicated) home whether by another guest or calling them cab.
   6. Contact the police if they become belligerent, combative or are intoxicated and does not
      have a safe ride home.
   7. Document incident on incident report found in the CBC office and report incident to
      supervisor or Executive Director.
   8. Executive Director will contact the individual and determine the appropriateness of the
      individual returning to the facility.

Assault on Individual
   1. Secure area and insure victim safety.
   2. Render first aid if needed.
   3. Contact police and EMS if needed.
   4. Stay with victim until police, EMS and/or family arrive.
   5. Contact current supervisor on duty, if no supervisor on duty contact your direct
   6. Document incident on an Incident Report Form.
   7. Executive Director or Director designated by Executive Director will follow-up with
       victim and Biddeford Police.

Kidnapped / Missing Child
When a child has been kidnapped or removed from a program without authorization, staff should
respond by:
    1. Notify other staff and follow the emergency procedures below:
          a. Securing the facility.
          b. Notify a director in building, if no director is in the building start by contacting
              directors using the chain command list.
          c. Taking attendance for all youth and initiate a search with staff and volunteers in
              the following areas:
                   i. 2 Persons – Search bathrooms
                  ii. 1 Person – Bike Part Art room and Conference Room
                 iii. 2 Persons – Search the areas surrounding the CBC building.
          d. Notify the Police Department and provide the following info: child’s name and
              age, physical and clothing description of the child, including and distinguishing
              marks such as birthmarks, and time and location child was last seen.
          e. Document incident on incident report found in the CBC office and report incident
              to supervisor or Executive Director.
          f. Executive Director will decide when it is appropriate to resume normal

Building & Site Evacuation
   1. Evacuation should be initiated by supervisor on duty or authorities – refer to posted
       diagrams in each room for appropriate exits.

2. Call 911 from outside the building to communicate that an evacuation of the building has
      taken place and ask if there are any further steps you should take.
   3. Notify and assign staff to assist with evacuation of high priority areas/participants. This
      would include the following:
          a. CBC Shop, office and bike storage areas.
          b. CBC Bike Part Art Room and hallway.
          c. Conference Room and bathrooms.
          d. Special attention will be given to programs that include children, special needs
             participants or older adults.
   4. Be calm; avoid panic and a surge at the exits.
   5. Stand by exits to make sure no one re-enters.
   6. Secure doors and assemble at the St. Louis Baseball Field first base dugout..
   7. Follow the instructions and directions of the police.
   8. Document incident on incident report found in the CBC office.

When to activate a Lockdown?
   1. When notified to do so by local police or government.
   2. When an armed person (gun/weapon) is identified in the facility or on the grounds.
   3. The sound of a discharged firearm is heard.
   4. A child has been indentified as missing.
   5. The potential life-threatening environmental condition.

Who activates a Lockdown?
  1. The EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR or their designee may activate a Lockdown when an
      appropriate (see above) emergency is evident
  2. Any immediate life-threatening situation must be reported immediately.
  3. Anyone observing or suspecting a dangerous situation must immediately notify Executive
      Director or their designee
  4. The Executive Director or their designee will immediately notify the police upon
      activation of a Lockdown

During an emergency:
   1. Executive Director or their designee activate lockdown and contact EMS if necessary.
   2. Notify all concerned such as fire, police, health officials, staff, patrons, and parents
   3. Program Instructors account for all children and occupants
   4. Secure the facility to prevent others from entering the building.
   5. Move everyone to the CBC Shop and lock the doors.
   6. Wait for further instructions and/or until Lockdown is cleared by EMS.

Bomb Threat
  1. Note as much detail concerning the call as possible, including gender, accent, age,
     emotion, background noise and details of the threat.
  2. Immediately notify the supervisor on duty.
  3. Contact the police; follow their instructions they are now in charge.
  4. Ensure that all members, participants and staff are safe.
  5. Follow evacuation procedures if instructed to do so by the police.
  6. Document incident on incident report found in the CBC Office.

Suspicious Mail or Package
   1. Do not touch, smell, or taste unknown substances
   2. Cover substance with paper, trash can, clothes or other material
   3. Evacuate and seal off room
   4. Wash hands thoroughly
   5. Mark room as “Dangerous”
   6. Contact Police
   7. Notify Executive Director or their designee.
   8. Make a list of anyone present in the room at the incident to provide to police
   9. Document incident on incident report found at the front desk and report incident to
       supervisor or Executive Director.
   10. Executive Director will decide when it is appropriate to resume normal operations.

Intruders at CBC Shop
   1. Unfamiliar persons on CBC facility may range from someone lost and looking for
      directions to a person with intent to do harm to persons or property. Some judgment
      must be made on the part of staff. Be observant as to the make, model, and license
      number of the car. Persons should be questioned to ascertain who they are and why they
      are here. Do not antagonize the intruder. Be polite, give assistance if possible, refer to
      the person to a director or ask them to leave. Observe that the person leaves site.
   2. If the appearance of the unfamiliar person makes you uncomfortable, approach with
      another staff member. Someone should stay with the children away from the situation.
   3. If the person seems threatening in any way, do not approach or take any chances.
      Remove yourselves and the children from the area, notify the director and observe the
      whereabouts of the person.
   4. Teach the children to come quietly and tell you if they see an unfamiliar person on the
      property. If a child encounters an unfamiliar person, real or imagined, never tell the child
      that “it really wasn’t anything,” “there is no need to be afraid,” or “it was just your
      imagination.” Frightened children need to be allowed to experience their fear, to know
      that it is okay to be afraid, and to talk about their experience.
   5. Notify the director immediately of any intruders.
   6. Complete an incident report any other reports requested.

Site Evacuation for CBC Shop
    1. If it is determined that staff and children will be moved to the alternate site location
       distant from the CBC Shop, assign children to a designated staff member.
    2. Staff should bring the following items to the alternate sites:
            c. Class/staff attendance sheets and volunteer sign-in sheets
            d. Children’s emergency and medical information/supplies
            e. Cell phone, if available
    3. Children will be taken to the alternate site location by walking or the safest means
    4. Once at the alternate location, take attendance again. Staff must remain with the children
       until the children are picked up by parents or emergency contacts.
    5. Director will continue to communicate with parents and coordinate pick-up of children.
    6. Director will complete a written incident report.

Emergency or Crisis: Cycling

Make sure the following items are readily accessible on the bike ride:
        1. Crisis plan, cycling incident reports, and First Aid Documentation form.
        2. Emergency contact information for all participants, volunteers, and staff.
        3. Office, cell and home phone numbers for key people as indicated in this plan.
            1.   Death
            2.   Life-threatening injury
            3.   Serious injury (victim unconscious or not responding)
            4.   Injury (hospital care, but victim conscious and responsible)
            5.   Injury (requires non-hospital treatment)

        1. Police or criminal issue
        2. High profile (attack or violence where media is an issue besides the injury)

Step One:         Insure victim's safety and the safety of the group
Step Two:         Establish facts; contact local authorities
Step Three:       Establish protocol among key CBC staff
Step Four:        Contact victim's family, Executive Director and Board President
Step Five:        Communicate with CBC community (staff & participants/guardians)
Step Six:         Contact media as deemed necessary
Step Seven:       Contact insurance company agent as deemed necessary

Step One:
     Insure victim's safety and insure safety of the group.
     Call 911 for EMS ambulance and base support from CBC office staff. Executive Director
     goes directly to scene if possible, or calls other senior staff to respond.
     Staff on scene determines who from CBC tends to victim, who tends to the group, and who
     tends to the public.
     Staff on-scene directs traffic and waits with victim until ambulance and police arrive.
     Executive Director or staff on-scene reviews medical form for pertinent information.
Step Two:
     Executive Director or senior staff establishes facts; contacts local authorities.
     Work with local authorities and witnesses.
     Executive Director or senior staff on the scene works with authorities to answer any
questions and gathers information from the individuals involved. Have individuals
      complete accident/injury form and witness information.
      Continue updating as the scene unfolds to get a complete picture.

Step Three:
     Establish protocol among key staff.
     Executive Director or senior staff establishes protocol and makes the following decisions:
           1. Who goes to the hospital with the victim in addition to medical staff?
           2. Who initiates steps 4, 5, & 6 and makes the phone calls?
     Although it would be ideal for the Executive Director to handle all of these sensitive areas,
     it should be recognized that this is usually not possible and the Executive Director should
     identify the individual who these tasks could be delegated to.

Step Four: Contact victim's family and advise CBC management staff
     Family: Participant calls if conscious and cognizant with support of CBC staff member. In
     case of serious injury or fatality, it becomes a police or hospital responsibility.
     CBC: Ride Leader notifies Executive Director who prepares a brief for-media statement
     and fact sheet and notifies board President and board members.
     CBC Staff & Volunteers: Personal staff briefing or phone call by Executive Director to
     provide status report and insure correct and timely information reaches staff. Follow-up
     with affected people as the situation develops. Designate a spokesperson if the Executive
     Director cannot fill this role.

Step Five: Communicate with CBC community
     Staff: As many others as possible are briefed by the Executive Director or other
     management staff with whatever information is available, which might be only that "there
     has been an accident, and more information will be available as we know more."
     Participants/Guardians: Set and announce a meeting time the same evening to provide as
     much information as is known. Staff provides as much information as possible by one-on-
     one contact throughout the day. Be prepared to transport any participants not wishing to
     ride the rest of the day. In case of fatality, information about how to contact family should
     be readily available. Longer term methods for passing information and follow-up include
     bulletin boards, post CBC newsletters, and continuing contact by staff. Particular attention
     needs to be paid to the group closely connected to the victim: friends and family on ride
     and witnesses to the incident.

Step Six, - in case of fatality or potentially controversial incident:
          1. Contact police
          2. Contact CBC and the media
          3. Contact CBC board
          4. Contact local press media: Executive Director and Board President prepare a media
              statement and fact sheet for use on request and fields immediate inquiries from
              local media.


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Emergency action plan updated 2011

  • 1. Emergency Action Plan & Safety Procedures Manual Community Bicycle Center P.O. Box 783 Biddeford, Maine 04005 207-282-9700 
  • 2. Table of Contents Topic Page Universal Precautions 3 Medical / Sudden Illness or Injury 3 Fire 3-4 Thunder / Electrical Storms 4 Power Outage 4 Disorderly or Intoxicated Individuals 4-5 Assault on Individual 5 Kidnapped / Missing Child 5 Building & Site Evacuation 5-6 Lockdown 6 Bomb Threat 6 Suspicious Mail or Package 7 Intruders at CBC Shop 7 Site Evacuation for CBC Shop 7 Emergency or Crisis: Cycling 8-9 2
  • 3. Universal Precautions A blood borne pathogen exposure may occur in many different ways; however common incidents are listed below with steps for controlling exposure: 1. If your eyes are splattered with blood or body fluids, flush immediately with water for at least five minutes. It is best to rinse under clean running water. 2. If blood or any body fluids get into your mouth, rinse your mouth with 50/50 mix of hydrogen peroxide and water, and rinse with plain water. 3. For incidents involving both eyes and mouth, report to your health care provider or medical authority immediately for follow-up treatment and care. Wash the area thoroughly with soap and water. 4. For any bite, scratch or lesion that may have blood or body fluid exposure, do the following. a. Wash the area thoroughly with soap and water, or poor a small amount of hydrogen peroxide on the wound. Hydrogen peroxide is known to destroy HIV and other viruses within seconds. b. Cover the wound with a sterile dressing. For all the above incidents, follow these four steps: 1. Ensure spill is removed with the following procedure: a. Wipe up spill with absorbent material such as towels or paper towels. If it is vomit use absorb compound which is available in maintenance closet. b. Apply cleaning solution found with first aid kits and let it sit on affected area for no less than 20-minutes. c. Wipe up solution and cleanse area with water. 2. Inform supervisor of incident. 3. Document incident on an incident report found in the CBC office. Medical Emergency / Sudden Illness or Injury If you determine that a patron has a potentially life-threatening condition do the following: 1. Grab the CBC shop or bike ride first aid get before you head to the victim. 2. Size up the area. Make it is safe for to contact the patron needing assistance. If possible, remove any hazards for victim, yourself and other bystanders. 3. Put on your gloves and access your rescue mask. 4. Conduct an initial assessment. If you notice any life threatening conditions ask a patron or staff member to call 911. 5. Provide necessary care till EMS arrives. 6. Fill out incident report and notify chain of command. 7. Executive Director will determine appropriateness of re-opening all or parts of the facility. Fire Alarm / Emergency If smoke or fire is seen: 1. Activate fire alarm (not currently in CBC Shop) if not sounding. Once the fire alarm has sounded, EMS is automatically notified. 3
  • 4. 2. Evacuate everyone in facility, including staff; drop and crawl to avoid smoke and close doors behind you. 3. Take attendance tracker cards and permission form notebooks with you. 4. Call 911 from outside the building to communicate that an evacuation of the building has taken place and ask if there are any further steps you should take. 5. Staff in charge of youth should follow attendance protocol. 6. Notify the chain of command if not on site. 7. Document incident on incident report found in the CBC office and report incident to supervisor or Executive Director. If no smoke or fire is seen: 1. Once the fire alarm (not currently in CBC Shop) has sounded, EMS is automatically notified. 2. Supervisor on duty will check area of concern and use fire extinguisher if safe to do so. 3. Evacuate everyone in facility and if safe to do so, search the building for anyone missing. 4. Take attendance tracker cards and permission form notebooks with you. 5. Call 911 from outside the building to communicate that an evacuation of the building has taken place and ask if there are any further steps you should take. 6. Notify the chain of command if not on site. 7. Document incident on incident report found in the CBC office and report incident to supervisor or Executive Director. Thunder / Electrical Storms Indoors – 1. Minimize use of landline phones, shut down computers, and unplug power strips. 2. Encourage members, guests and staff to stay indoors and away from windows and doors. 3. Wait thirty minutes after the last sound of thunder or site of lightning to resume outdoor activities. Outdoors – 1. Immediately seek shelter inside the CBC shop or nearby facilities. 2. If shelter is not available, use a vehicle (car, van or bus) for shelter. 3. Avoid open areas or lone tall objects. 4. Suspend all water activities. 5. Wait thirty minutes after the last sound of thunder or site of lightning to resume water related or outdoor activities. Power Outage 1. Emergency lighting will be activated and flashlights are located in the CBC Shop. 2. Call 911if concerned about a fire or safety hazard. 3. Evacuate and secure the facility if power has not returned after 30 minutes. 4. Document incident on incident report found at the front desk and report incident to supervisor or Executive Director. Disorderly or Intoxicated Individual There are many different situations that may occur which could cause staff and patrons discomfort because of the improper actions of others. These actions may or may not be illegal, but if they are inconsistent with values or procedures of the CBC, they should not be tolerated. In the event a staff person encounters an irate or disruptive person, staff should: 4
  • 5. 1. Stay calm and approach person. 2. Remember that their personal safety and that of other staff or patrons is a priority. 3. Don’t argue or embarrass the person, invite them to an area away from other patrons so you can talk with them. 4. Once in a private location, but with another person explain that how the person is acting does not follow the values of our organization and they must leave. 5. Remember we are responsible for their safety and should ensure they have a safe ride (if intoxicated) home whether by another guest or calling them cab. 6. Contact the police if they become belligerent, combative or are intoxicated and does not have a safe ride home. 7. Document incident on incident report found in the CBC office and report incident to supervisor or Executive Director. 8. Executive Director will contact the individual and determine the appropriateness of the individual returning to the facility. Assault on Individual 1. Secure area and insure victim safety. 2. Render first aid if needed. 3. Contact police and EMS if needed. 4. Stay with victim until police, EMS and/or family arrive. 5. Contact current supervisor on duty, if no supervisor on duty contact your direct supervisor. 6. Document incident on an Incident Report Form. 7. Executive Director or Director designated by Executive Director will follow-up with victim and Biddeford Police. Kidnapped / Missing Child When a child has been kidnapped or removed from a program without authorization, staff should respond by: 1. Notify other staff and follow the emergency procedures below: a. Securing the facility. b. Notify a director in building, if no director is in the building start by contacting directors using the chain command list. c. Taking attendance for all youth and initiate a search with staff and volunteers in the following areas: i. 2 Persons – Search bathrooms ii. 1 Person – Bike Part Art room and Conference Room iii. 2 Persons – Search the areas surrounding the CBC building. d. Notify the Police Department and provide the following info: child’s name and age, physical and clothing description of the child, including and distinguishing marks such as birthmarks, and time and location child was last seen. e. Document incident on incident report found in the CBC office and report incident to supervisor or Executive Director. f. Executive Director will decide when it is appropriate to resume normal operations. Building & Site Evacuation 1. Evacuation should be initiated by supervisor on duty or authorities – refer to posted diagrams in each room for appropriate exits. 5
  • 6. 2. Call 911 from outside the building to communicate that an evacuation of the building has taken place and ask if there are any further steps you should take. 3. Notify and assign staff to assist with evacuation of high priority areas/participants. This would include the following: a. CBC Shop, office and bike storage areas. b. CBC Bike Part Art Room and hallway. c. Conference Room and bathrooms. d. Special attention will be given to programs that include children, special needs participants or older adults. 4. Be calm; avoid panic and a surge at the exits. 5. Stand by exits to make sure no one re-enters. 6. Secure doors and assemble at the St. Louis Baseball Field first base dugout.. 7. Follow the instructions and directions of the police. 8. Document incident on incident report found in the CBC office. Lockdown When to activate a Lockdown? 1. When notified to do so by local police or government. 2. When an armed person (gun/weapon) is identified in the facility or on the grounds. 3. The sound of a discharged firearm is heard. 4. A child has been indentified as missing. 5. The potential life-threatening environmental condition. Who activates a Lockdown? 1. The EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR or their designee may activate a Lockdown when an appropriate (see above) emergency is evident 2. Any immediate life-threatening situation must be reported immediately. 3. Anyone observing or suspecting a dangerous situation must immediately notify Executive Director or their designee 4. The Executive Director or their designee will immediately notify the police upon activation of a Lockdown During an emergency: 1. Executive Director or their designee activate lockdown and contact EMS if necessary. 2. Notify all concerned such as fire, police, health officials, staff, patrons, and parents 3. Program Instructors account for all children and occupants 4. Secure the facility to prevent others from entering the building. 5. Move everyone to the CBC Shop and lock the doors. 6. Wait for further instructions and/or until Lockdown is cleared by EMS. Bomb Threat 1. Note as much detail concerning the call as possible, including gender, accent, age, emotion, background noise and details of the threat. 2. Immediately notify the supervisor on duty. 3. Contact the police; follow their instructions they are now in charge. 4. Ensure that all members, participants and staff are safe. 5. Follow evacuation procedures if instructed to do so by the police. 6. Document incident on incident report found in the CBC Office. 6
  • 7. Suspicious Mail or Package 1. Do not touch, smell, or taste unknown substances 2. Cover substance with paper, trash can, clothes or other material 3. Evacuate and seal off room 4. Wash hands thoroughly 5. Mark room as “Dangerous” 6. Contact Police 7. Notify Executive Director or their designee. 8. Make a list of anyone present in the room at the incident to provide to police 9. Document incident on incident report found at the front desk and report incident to supervisor or Executive Director. 10. Executive Director will decide when it is appropriate to resume normal operations. Intruders at CBC Shop 1. Unfamiliar persons on CBC facility may range from someone lost and looking for directions to a person with intent to do harm to persons or property. Some judgment must be made on the part of staff. Be observant as to the make, model, and license number of the car. Persons should be questioned to ascertain who they are and why they are here. Do not antagonize the intruder. Be polite, give assistance if possible, refer to the person to a director or ask them to leave. Observe that the person leaves site. 2. If the appearance of the unfamiliar person makes you uncomfortable, approach with another staff member. Someone should stay with the children away from the situation. 3. If the person seems threatening in any way, do not approach or take any chances. Remove yourselves and the children from the area, notify the director and observe the whereabouts of the person. 4. Teach the children to come quietly and tell you if they see an unfamiliar person on the property. If a child encounters an unfamiliar person, real or imagined, never tell the child that “it really wasn’t anything,” “there is no need to be afraid,” or “it was just your imagination.” Frightened children need to be allowed to experience their fear, to know that it is okay to be afraid, and to talk about their experience. 5. Notify the director immediately of any intruders. 6. Complete an incident report any other reports requested. Site Evacuation for CBC Shop 1. If it is determined that staff and children will be moved to the alternate site location distant from the CBC Shop, assign children to a designated staff member. 2. Staff should bring the following items to the alternate sites: c. Class/staff attendance sheets and volunteer sign-in sheets d. Children’s emergency and medical information/supplies e. Cell phone, if available 3. Children will be taken to the alternate site location by walking or the safest means possible. 4. Once at the alternate location, take attendance again. Staff must remain with the children until the children are picked up by parents or emergency contacts. 5. Director will continue to communicate with parents and coordinate pick-up of children. 6. Director will complete a written incident report. 7
  • 8. Emergency or Crisis: Cycling Make sure the following items are readily accessible on the bike ride: 1. Crisis plan, cycling incident reports, and First Aid Documentation form. 2. Emergency contact information for all participants, volunteers, and staff. 3. Office, cell and home phone numbers for key people as indicated in this plan. Injury 1. Death 2. Life-threatening injury 3. Serious injury (victim unconscious or not responding) 4. Injury (hospital care, but victim conscious and responsible) 5. Injury (requires non-hospital treatment) Non-injury 1. Police or criminal issue 2. High profile (attack or violence where media is an issue besides the injury) Summary Step One: Insure victim's safety and the safety of the group Step Two: Establish facts; contact local authorities Step Three: Establish protocol among key CBC staff Step Four: Contact victim's family, Executive Director and Board President Step Five: Communicate with CBC community (staff & participants/guardians) Step Six: Contact media as deemed necessary Step Seven: Contact insurance company agent as deemed necessary Step One: Insure victim's safety and insure safety of the group. Call 911 for EMS ambulance and base support from CBC office staff. Executive Director goes directly to scene if possible, or calls other senior staff to respond. Staff on scene determines who from CBC tends to victim, who tends to the group, and who tends to the public. Staff on-scene directs traffic and waits with victim until ambulance and police arrive. Executive Director or staff on-scene reviews medical form for pertinent information. Step Two: Executive Director or senior staff establishes facts; contacts local authorities. Work with local authorities and witnesses. Executive Director or senior staff on the scene works with authorities to answer any 8
  • 9. questions and gathers information from the individuals involved. Have individuals complete accident/injury form and witness information. Continue updating as the scene unfolds to get a complete picture. Step Three: Establish protocol among key staff. Executive Director or senior staff establishes protocol and makes the following decisions: 1. Who goes to the hospital with the victim in addition to medical staff? 2. Who initiates steps 4, 5, & 6 and makes the phone calls? Although it would be ideal for the Executive Director to handle all of these sensitive areas, it should be recognized that this is usually not possible and the Executive Director should identify the individual who these tasks could be delegated to. Step Four: Contact victim's family and advise CBC management staff Family: Participant calls if conscious and cognizant with support of CBC staff member. In case of serious injury or fatality, it becomes a police or hospital responsibility. CBC: Ride Leader notifies Executive Director who prepares a brief for-media statement and fact sheet and notifies board President and board members. CBC Staff & Volunteers: Personal staff briefing or phone call by Executive Director to provide status report and insure correct and timely information reaches staff. Follow-up with affected people as the situation develops. Designate a spokesperson if the Executive Director cannot fill this role. Step Five: Communicate with CBC community Staff: As many others as possible are briefed by the Executive Director or other management staff with whatever information is available, which might be only that "there has been an accident, and more information will be available as we know more." Participants/Guardians: Set and announce a meeting time the same evening to provide as much information as is known. Staff provides as much information as possible by one-on- one contact throughout the day. Be prepared to transport any participants not wishing to ride the rest of the day. In case of fatality, information about how to contact family should be readily available. Longer term methods for passing information and follow-up include bulletin boards, post CBC newsletters, and continuing contact by staff. Particular attention needs to be paid to the group closely connected to the victim: friends and family on ride and witnesses to the incident. Step Six, - in case of fatality or potentially controversial incident: 1. Contact police 2. Contact CBC and the media 3. Contact CBC board 4. Contact local press media: Executive Director and Board President prepare a media statement and fact sheet for use on request and fields immediate inquiries from local media. 9