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Table of Contents

About US ...................................................................................................................3
  Mission .................................................................................................................................. 4
  Vision ..................................................................................................................................... 4
  Our Ethos ............................................................................................................................... 4
     Values & Philosophy ........................................................................................................................ 5

  Why We Are Different ........................................................................................................... 6
Our Activities ............................................................................................................7
  Training.................................................................................................................................. 8
  Consultancy ......................................................................................................................... 12
  Recruitment......................................................................................................................... 13
Our Training Approaches......................................................................................... 14
  Courses List .......................................................................................................................... 15
     Interpersonal Skills......................................................................................................................... 15

     Supervisory Level ........................................................................................................................... 16

     Managerial & Leadership Level ..................................................................................................... 16

     Human Resources Management Skills .......................................................................................... 17

     Finance & Accounting .................................................................................................................... 17

     Sales & Marketing ......................................................................................................................... 18

     Technical Skills ............................................................................................................................... 18

  Courses Contents................................................................................................................. 19
     Interpersonal Skills......................................................................................................................... 19

     Supervisory Level ........................................................................................................................... 44

     Managerial & Leadership Level ..................................................................................................... 55

     Human Resources Management Skills .......................................................................................... 71

     Finance & Accounting .................................................................................................................... 83

     Sales & Marketing ....................................................................................................................... 106

     Technical Skills ............................................................................................................................. 135
Training Curriculums ............................................................................................. 146
  Silver Bullet: Sales Persons Curriculum ............................................................................. 146
  Golden Bullet: Sales Managers Curriculum ....................................................................... 148
  Good-2-Great “G2G”: Leadership Curriculum ................................................................... 150
  The “WOW” Level – Customer Service Curriculum ........................................................... 152
Our Clients ............................................................................................................ 154
  What They Say About elements ........................................................................................ 156
Affiliations .......................................................................................................... 159

                                                                                                                        2      Page
About US      About Us

           Never before have the talent, skills, and experience of the
           workforce been as critical to organizational performance and
           sustainable business success as they are today.

           At Elements, we are all about helping organizations establish,
           develop and maintain workforce excellence. We launched in 2005
           serving private, public and non-profit organizations operating in
           the Middle East & North Africa (MENA), our products and services
           are designed to help our clients recruit, assess & develop the best
           candidates for the job.

           In addition to recruitment we help our partners by providing
           thoughtful training and coaching programs designed by well
           selected training & development tools to deliver sustainable
           improvement in skills and performance at all levels from frontline
           customer facing staff to team leaders and managers.

           We have an unwavering commitment to quality, professionalism
           and innovation. These values ensure that every programme is
           delivered to the highest professional standards.

           Regardless of the industry, geography, or job, the one constant in
           business success and organizational excellence is the quality and
           performance of the people who sell for, service, support, manage,
           and lead the organization. Our track record of delivering a strong
           return on investment to our clients, the depth and quality of our
           portfolio offering, and the thought leadership and discipline of our
           people and processes are attributes we strive to demonstrate on
           every client engagement. These are the things that have made us
           a highly reliable service provider and talent management partner
           within the Middle East and North Africa MENA.

           We welcome you to learn more about Elements!
                                                                           3      Page


Our mission is to improve organizational effectiveness and enduring superiority through:

       The recruitment, assessment, and selection of a premier workforce

       The development of critical job skills through Training and coaching

       Differentiating our partners’ capabilities & creating a culture of winning


Elements provides high value training, recruitment & consultancy services to organizations within the private,
public and non-profit sectors. Our purpose is simple: it is to deliver practical, innovative training solutions
and consultancy services designed to add value for our clients by helping develop one of their most
important assets - their people


Our Ethos

A culture exists that encourages and promotes openness, originality and independent thought. Internally we
strive to be an energetic and enthusiastic team that thrives on providing a high quality professional and
flexible service. We endeavor to find innovative ways to meet our clients' requirements and put originality
before traditional thought. We aim to work openly and honestly with all stakeholders to ensure the
organization and team work in a seamless and efficient manner - "together making it happen".               4      Page
Values & Philosophy

  Values                                          Philosophy

Integrity: First and foremost, we are                 To build customer relationships that is
committed to integrity in all that we do,              characterized by results, service, cost
always, everywhere.                                    effectiveness, timeliness, and value.
                                                      We are committed to professionalism
Respect: We respect every individual – our             and excellence, not only in our results
employees, our consultants, and our clients.           but also in our methods.
We value and benefit from the diversity and
                                                      To be known for high value, service,
entrepreneurial spirit of each individual.
                                                       and, above all results by providing the
Professionalism: It is our duty to perform to          best expertise and best services to
the highest standards of professionalism. We           meet the highest standards required
are determined to deliver outstanding quality          by our client.
so that we unite with our clients and have            To develop our clients to become
long lasting relationships.
                                                       winners and leaders in their
Teamwork: It is the essence of our ability to          competitive fields, to be responsive,
succeed as a trusted vendor of training                and resourceful.
solutions to our clients. We continue to learn
from our employees, consultants and strategic
partners – sharing skills, resources, and
experiences to help benefit our clients as well
as ourselves.

Commitment: We are committed to
excellence and self-improvement. We draw
strength from performance evaluations –
striving to excel and improve in all aspect of

Dedication: We are dedicated and have the
willingness to take on big challenges and see
                                                                                          5      Page

them through.
Why We Are Different
                           Why We Are Different
                       Elements builds client relationships by listening to your
                       needs and objectives. We strive to understand your business
                       challenges and training needs up front. With this knowledge
                       we’re better able to explain the development technologies
                       best suited to your situation, presenting alternatives that
                       may save on cost and/or time, and collaborating on a clear
                       set of training objectives to work toward. Whether you’re
                       implementing a custom or readymade solution, you’re
                       always fully informed and in control. And no matter what
                       your business need, we're ready, capable & flexible.

                       We understand the concerns that arise at various stages in
                       any development program and our experienced team is here
                       to put you at ease, The experience that we posses and bring
                       to each project enables us to anticipate the challenges that
                       can affect the production and effectiveness of your unique
                       development program, insight that can help you avoid
                       technical and budgetary issues during implementation. It's
                       one of the reasons we're the learning solutions provider of
                       choice for many multinational organizations within the

                       We are unique since we use the most effective training
                       methodologies and the latest training schools ensuring the
                       effectiveness of the training programmes and matching all
                       learning styles.

                                                                               6      Page
Our Activities
Our Activities

ELEMENTS has the expertise needed to be your success

partner we do Train your candidates professionally and

Consult you to bring the best solutions in the shadow of

the current market challenges. And we also Recruit the

best personnel & talents depending on the job

requirements & needs. And we can use our experience

in the Outsourcing to give you a working hand outside

your payroll that gets things done.

    Providing the Best Training Methodologies

    It has been recognized that each trainee prefers
    different learning styles and techniques learning styles
    group common ways that people learn. Every trainee
    has a mix of learning styles. Some trainees may find that
    they have a dominant style of learning, with far less use
    of the other styles. Others may find that they use
    different styles in different circumstances. There is no
    right mix. Nor are our styles fixed.

    Therefore we proudly provide multiple learning styles
    “multiple intelligences” for learning which is relatively
    the most effective approach. This approach is known as
    the “Modern school of Training” Traditional schooling
    used (and continues to use) mainly linguistic and logical
    training methods. It also uses a limited range of learning
    and teaching techniques. Many schools still rely on
    PowerPoint presentation and book-based teaching.

    A key principle of the training of the human resources
    is how people prefer to gather, organize and think
    about information, as expert in the training field it was
    our duty to master the latest training and development
    tools, our learning tools which assure the effectiveness
    of all conducted training courses and match all learning
    styles are:

•   Focusing on employees’ KPIs & tackling the gaps
•   Practical business related training materials prepared
    by well-known Entrepreneurs & Business Consultants
•   The best qualified trainers well-Known in the MENA
                                                          8      Page
•   Providing opportunities to observe & Practice
•   Using case studies and assignments
•   Providing challenging simulations
•   Using educational activities & games
•   Using teams’ tasks, role plays & after training projects
•   Best “Training Videos” for world-wide well-known
•   Using a comprehensive range of Assessments

    Learning Plans for Individuals (or Groups)

    Tie learning resources directly to personal development

    In order to excel in their jobs, employees tasked with
    taking on new responsibilities need a clear path for
    professional development.      Their managers need a
    quick way to identify competency gaps, and an easy
    method for delivering the right learning to bring
    individuals or groups of related workers up to speed. ,
    our learning plans can help you set up the right mix of
    content to promote professional development and
    improve job performance.

    Learning   solutions   targeting    learning   plans   for
    employees and groups deliver:

•   Support for any variety of custom development plans
•   A wide range of modular courses with up-to-date
•   The right courses to assess and target competency gaps
•   Simple access to all employees, including a dispersed
•   Measurement of progress and completion rates
                                                           9     Page
Organizations with under-utilized learning programs can
start seeing a return on their learning investment -- and
growth in key areas of their business -- by setting up
personal development plans for employees.

High Potential Leadership

Crucial leadership development for the next generation

From handling key business issues, to difficult
organizational challenges, managers and leaders tackle
the toughest decisions on a daily basis. Effective leaders
need a wide range of business & personal skills crucial
to their positions

Proper leadership skills development training in these
areas ensures that managers at all levels know how to
take charge and inspire by example.

The key drivers of performance in most organizations
are the leadership qualities and behaviors that are
demonstrated by all staff on a day to day basis.

Leaders at all levels are operating in an age of
uncertainty; effective leaders bring new direction,
clarity and inspiration. What is critical is to define
leadership for you in the context of your business; we
work with you to define leadership at all levels in your
business. Working with a wide range of stakeholders,
front line teams, their managers and leaders, we take
time to understand your business and what success is
for you. Based on our understanding of your

organization, together with our expertise in how people
learn, we design integrated leadership solutions to build
core skills and behaviors, based on real and relevant
and critical incidents.

Leadership development learning solutions deliver:

•Curriculum     relevant     to   the     problems     facing
contemporary managers and leaders

•Content    that   communicates         strategic   direction,
maximizes       organizational      productivity,         and
demonstrates leadership qualities

•Support for online training, facilitated classroom
events, and one-to-one mentoring opportunities

•The capability to customize content with business or
industry specific examples

•Collaboration opportunities among participants

Our leadership solution provides blended learning
modalities, job aides, and opportunities to experiment
through simulations and role-play. Organizations can
customize training to match their internal business
needs, and benefit from the experience of our
respected learning partners, such as Fifty Lessons video
library, get Abstract Business Book Summaries, and
Harvard Business Publishing.
                                                          11     Page
Elements for Consultancy provides business consultancy to small and medium enterprise (SME)
companies primarily focusing on business development and lead generation. We aim to help you
grow your business through improving the business flow and creating a winning culture within your
Our partners call us when:

       They have something pressing on their minds—whether it is a major strategic or operational
        need or an organizational challenge.
       They are Under pressure to deliver results
       Information is difficult to get and insights are scarce and/or fuzzy
       They need to make decisions that will have major consequences for their people, their
        organizations, and the countries in which they operate.

We work with the world’s leading businesses, governments, and organizations to create and deliver
essential advantage by building capabilities and successfully navigating through critical junctures in
their business. We help clients lead transformational change, create new organizational models,
capture value from their customer and channel strategies, increase the effectiveness of their supply
chains and assets, and integrate security into their strategy to ensure the resilience of their
business. We know that our clients' success depends on differentiating their capabilities—and we
have the experience and depth in these areas to ensure that our clients gain the advantage they
need. The services we provide are:

We are committed to:

   •    Creating competitive advantage through unique solutions
   •    Building capabilities and mobilizing organizations
   •    Driving sustainable impact
   •    Providing unparalleled opportunities for personal growth
                                                                                                  12     Page
Elements optimizes your hiring process with our combination
of innovative technologies, custom hiring workflows, and

world-class pre-employment selection tools ,We strive to make your hiring process a
stress-free one, which we accomplish through our automated recruiting solutions.
These proven solutions weed out inefficiencies, ease or eliminate labor-intensive
tasks, and dramatically improve process standardization.

Additionally, our solutions are designed to cast a wider recruiting net, identify and select the best
talent, and improve speed-to-hire-all while driving significant cost savings, Elements’ automated
recruiting solutions deliver results -- results that are demanded by HR professionals, operations
management and executive leadership. Some results we've helped our clients achieve include:

      Cut hiring costs 50-80% (e.g. cost-per-hire reduced)
      Increased speed-to-hire by more than 50% (e.g. Average Time Per Hire reduced from 6.6 hrs
       to 3.1 hrs)
Our clients engage us on a partnership basis as they understand that the Calibres with outstanding
qualifications are sourced 'proactively' via a dedicated
search and selection process, We conduct fresh research
on every search assignment to ensure that we provide the
greatest number of qualified candidates available,
consistent with our client's needs.
We continue the search process beyond the point of initial
candidate presentations and stop only after our client has
made an offer which the candidate has accepted. This
process provides clients with an optimal pool from which
to choose the final candidates and sufficient back-up
candidates to protect critical competition schedules.

When you deal with Elements for Recruitment and
Outsourcing, you can be assured of the most professional,
aggressive search & selection services available, you will maintain a full quotient of outstanding
talent in your organisation, and can pursue your business goals without months of wading through

unqualified resumes, interviews or even financial and legal procedures.
Our Training Approaches

Our Training Approaches


                               Technical                       Supervisory
                                 Skills                           Level

                          Marketing /                                 Managerial &
                            Sales                                    Leadership Level

                                        Finance &         Human
                                        Accounting       Resources

Courses List
Interpersonal Skills

                       Remove The Fuse
                       “Manage Your Emotions in Workplace”

                        Communication for a better Relations

                        Business World Without Conflict

                        Pillars Of Communication
                       “Listen Carefully For Successful Communications”

                        Goals Come True
                       “Developing Your Emotional Intelligence”

                        Negotiation: Getting To “YES”
                       “Negotiation Skills to win Negotiations easily”

                        The Reactor Factor
                       ”Handling Difficult Work Situations”

                        You Are What You Present
                       “Effective Presentation Skills”

                        The 14-Fourty Time Manager
                       “Manage Your Time”

                        Write N Right
                       “Business Writing For Administrative Professionals”

                        The A,B,Cs of Successful Business Meeting

                        Making Conversations Work
                       “Effective Business Conversation Skills”

                        Creativity: Think or sink
                       “Creativity and Innovation”

                        Use Bait With Business Etiquette
Supervisory Level

        101 Supervisory Management : The First Mile in The Milestone
       “Management Skills for New Supervisors”

        102 Supervisory Management : The Extra-Miles in The Milestone
       “Management Skills for Supervisors”

          Manage People Successfully

        Coaching & Counseling Path Finder
       “Coaching and Counseling for high Job Performance”

        Always Maximizing Through Business Prioritizing
       “Set Priorities and Make Decisions under Pressure”

                                               Managerial & Leadership Level

        101 Managerial Skills : The First Mile in The Milestone
       “Management for new Managers”

        102 Managerial Skills : The Extra-Miles in The Milestone
       “Management for new Managers”

        Lead Like A Pro.
       “How to be an Executive Leader”

          What it takes to LEAD?!!

        Teamwork – Build To Last
       “Manage people effectively”
        A Step Ahead : Strategic Planning
       “Strategic Planning”

        Take No Risk: Making The Right Decision
       “Effective Decision Making”

        Organizational Change Re-inventing
       “Plan & Manage Organizational Change”
                                                                         16    Page
Human Resources Management Skills

     HRM Corner Stone
    “Basics of Human Resources Management”
     Keep-N-House : Fighting Turnover
    “Employee Retention – Strategies to fight Turnover”
     Eagle Eye – Hiring Best Of The Best
    “Recruiting and Selecting Employees”

     Talent Management

     Awakening Z Giant : Train The Trainer

     The Instructional Design List For Trainers Best.
    “How successful trainers use Instructional Design”

                                                                Finance & Accounting
     101 Cost Accounting: The First Mile In The Milestone
    “Cost Accounting Basics”
     102 Cost Accounting: The Extra Miles In The Milestone
    “Advanced Cost Accounting”

     101 Controllers: The First Mile In The Milestone

    102 Controllers: The Extra Miles In The Milestone
    “Advanced Strategies for Controllers”
     The Nuts & Bolts Of Internal Auditing
    “Effective Internal Auditing”

     How To Fix The Fixed Asset Accounting

     Making Financial Analysis Work

     Finance And Accounting for Administrative Professionals
    “Fundamentals of Finance and Accounting”

     Finance And Accounting for Nonfinancial Managers

     Accounting Concrete For Business Elite

     The Essentials of Budgeting
Sales & Marketing

          Marketing X, Y, Z
         “Fundamentals Of Marketing”
         Marketing 2 Sales
         “Aligning Marketing and Sales”

              Measuring and Maximizing Marketing Return Of Investment (ROI)

          Techniques Surprising For New Products Uprising
         “Planning and Developing New Products”
         Decoding Product Management
         “Successful Product Management”

              Market Research, get it right

             Make Pricing List That Makes You The Best
            “Pricing Strategies for gaining a Competitive Advantage”
              Customer Service Excellence
              Effective Channel Management

              4X4 Selling : Selling Techniques For New Salespersons

              Sales Wizard : Professional Selling

              Strategic Sales Negotiations

              Competitive Advantage in Sales

          New Sales Managers Excellence Formula
         “Sales Management for the Newly Appointed Sales Manager”
         Motivating And Coaching That Score
         “Motivating and Coaching Your Sales Team”


              Inventory Management Techniques
              Technical Project Management

          Tech. - Write N Right
         “Effective Technical Writing”
         Applying Six-Sigma Cure For Project Management Secure
         “Achieving Project Management Quality By using Six Sigma Approach”
             TQM For Life
            Total Quality Management

             Six Sigma : Green Belt
            Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training
Interpersonal Skills

                        Remove The Fuse
                        Manage Your Emotions in Work Place
 Interpersonal Skills
 Courses Contents

                        Who Should Attend

                        Sales and customer service professionals, managers and supervisors and any employee
                        who needs help managing emotions or stress in the workplace.

                        Our Mutual Objectives

 Understand the Statistics on Job-Related Stress
 Consider How Perception Has a Direct Impact on Your Emotions, and Understand How to
                        Modify Your Perceptions
 Analyze How Hurt, Loss, Anxiety, Anger, Guilt and Depression Trigger Emotional Arousal and
          Identify the Six Myths about Stress
          Examine the Difference between Stress in Type I and Type II Business Situations
          Make the Connection between Emotions and Workplace Stress
          Practice Hands-on Techniques to Keep from Being "Emotionally Hijacked" at Work
          Describe Key Characteristics of Emotional Health, Including How Feelings Work, How to Pay
             Off Emotional Debt, How to Recognize Where Your Defense Mechanisms Can Distort Your
             Perception, How Defense Mechanisms Work, and How to Create Emotional Peace of Mind
          Create Work Environments Where Emotional Honesty and Emotional Energy Are Accepted
          Use Emotional Feedback and Practical Intuition as a Tool to Be More Perceptive about Your
             Own Feelings and Those of Other Employees
          Combine Both "Head Level" and "Heart Level" Information to Make Better Quality Decisions
          Identify and Practice Assertive Communication Skills to Effectively Express Your Emotions
             and Use Assertive Messages
          Create Rituals to Remind Yourself How to Lower Stress and Better Manage Your Emotions
             by Balancing the Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Aspects of Life
          Create a Personal Action Plan That Includes Support from the Seminar Group after the
             Course Is Over

                        Course Outline

1- Understanding More about Stress
  Identify Common Causes of Stress from Personal Experiences
  Interpret the Psychological and Physiological Effects of Stress
  Categorize Stressors and Common Symptoms, and Distinguish Acute Stress from Episodic
  Discern the Difference between Positive Stress and Negative Stress
  Determine Your Levels of Personal and Work-Related Stress
  Recognize the Ways You May Be Unintentionally Contributing to Your Own Stress Levels
     through Perceptions of Excessive Demands
  Identify Aspects of Your Personal and Professional Lifestyles in Relation to Your

     Management of Emotional Well-Being
 Synthesize       Your Personal Profile by Creating a Graphic Representation of the
       Interconnectedness of the Causes, Effects, and Personal Characteristics of Stress
2-    A Closer Look at Feelings and Emotional Well-Being
    Define Personal Mastery and Its Impact on Your Work Life
    Differentiate between the Two Groups of Emotions to Better Understand How You Are
       Feeling and Why
    Assess What You Are Feeling and Why You Are Feeling That Way
    Differentiate among Feelings in the Past, Present and Future
    Evaluate Your Emotional Debt and Discover Ways to Pay It Off
    Analyze Situations So That Your Emotions Do Not Sabotage the Results You Want
    Identify Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors Associated with Stressful Situations
    Analyze Behavior Patterns Associated with Stressful Events
    Assess the Discrepancies between the Magnitude of a Stressful Event and the Ramifications
       and/or Implications of the Results of the Event, Based on the Management of Your
3-    Communicating or Controlling? Balance or Ballistics
     Use Your Mirror Listening Skills to Understand How Others Are Feeling
     Identify Feelings and the Reasons Why People Feel the Way They Do
     Recognize When to Be Assertive in Interacting with Others
     Construct Assertive Messages Using the XYZ Technique
4-    Rituals—Managing Emotions and Stress
     Identify Rituals That Presently Exist in Your Life
     Classify Rituals According to the Purpose They Serve
     Create Meaningful Workplace Rituals
     Test Workplace Rituals against Real-Life Events
5-    Personal Action Plans—Putting It All Together
     Create a Personal Action Plan to Implement Your Learning Back at Work

                                                                                           20    Page
Communication For A Better Relations
    Who Should Attend

    This Course is designed for people who want to build better work relationships, maximize
    impact, increase productivity and drive results by applying effective communication and
    relationship management

    Our Mutual Objectives

   Learn How to Build Rapport and Achieve Trust
   Define the Fundamental Competencies Needed to Achieve Solid Work Relationships
   Develop Flexibility in Actions, Thoughts, and Feelings to Better Handle Any Situation
   Identify and Accept Personal and Professional Responsibilities in Communicating Effectively
      with Others
   Recognize Short- and Long-Term Implications of Communication as a Cycle of Continuous
      Responses That Create "Relationship Residue"
   Identify and Avoid Communication Mistakes Such as Misinterpreting Others or Ineffective
   Understand and Use Others’ Communication and Thinking Style Preferences to Influence
      and Motivate Them to First-Rate Performance
   Define Productive Relationships in Terms of Achieving Workable Compromise and Strategic
   Identify Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities in Your Workplace Relationships
   Understand Values, Beliefs, Attitudes, and Perceptual Processes and Their Impact on
      Establishing Workplace-Specific Trust and Respect
   Investigate Emotions and How They Translate into Workplace Emotional Intelligence
   Create Ways to Be a More Effective Team Member and Leader by Using Polished and
      Conscious Communication
   Master the Key to Excellent Communication: Observe, Listen, Analyze, Plan, and

    Course Outline

1. Effective Workplace Relationships
  Identify Behaviors That Support or Undermine Effective Workplace Relationships
  Assess Personal Uses of Behaviors That Support or Undermine Effective Relationships with
     Important People and Groups at Work
2. Communication and Perceptions
  Identify and Accept Personal and Professional Responsibilities in Communicating Effectively
     with Others by Becoming a "Conscious Communicator"
  Evaluate a Model of Communication in Order to Be Conscious of the Direct Correlation
     between Effective Communication and Strong Work Relationships
  Identify Behaviors That Erode Trust and How They Can Be Avoided
  Recognize Short- and Long-Term Implications of Communication as a Cycle of Continuous

     Responses That Create "Relationship Residue"
  Use Rapport Building as a Tool to Improve Relationships
3. Investigating Emotions and Emotional Intelligence
  Apply a Broader Definition of Intelligence
  Redefine Yourself and Others Using a Multiple Intelligence Model
  Identify the Relationships Amongst Emotional Intelligence, World View, Perception, and
     Effective Relational-Communication Behaviors
  Analyze and Identify Strategies to Improve Work Relationships by Applying Emotional
4. Building Better Relationships with Ourselves and Others
  Evaluate the Impact of World View, Perception, and Emotional Intelligence on Self-Concept,
     Self-Esteem, and Self-Awareness
  Identify the Impact of Self-Perception on Our Interactions with Others
  Explain and Apply the Concepts of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy in the Workplace
  Identify Your Particular Social/Communication Style—How You Most Often Relate
5. Relationship Building
  Identify Behaviors That Build Trust and How They Can Be Used to Build Effective Workplace
  Recognize and Manage the Use of Assumptions in Explaining and Predicting Others’
     Behaviors and Reactions
  Apply Conscious Communication Skills to Assessing the Situational Trustworthiness of
  Analyze, Assess, and Counteract People and Situations That Elicit or Exhibit Unproductive
6. Expressing Needs within Relationships
  Assess Interpersonal Influence Choices Using the "Need to Control" Continuum
  Analyze When and How to Most Effectively Use Assertive Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors
  Apply Insights Gained through Completing a SWOT Profile to a Personalized Influence
     Development Plan
7. Relational Communication
  Improve Your Communication Style with Others Who Have Different Styles, Therefore
     Building More Meaningful and Productive Relationships
  Assess and Sharpen Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors and Skills
  Apply Direct and Indirect Messages in Order to Flex Communication to Meet Varying Goals
  Utilize Feedback and Questioning Skills to Better Understand Others and Their Relationship
8. Relational Listening
  Identify Listening Barriers and Their Impact on Development of Effective Workplace
  Ask Good Questions and Use Paraphrasing to Improve Listening Skills and Relationships
  Apply Active and Reflective Listening Skills in Specific Types of Workplace Listening
  Apply Best Practices for Giving or Seeking Feedback
9. Addressing Relational Change and Conflict
  Assess and Adapt to Changes in Work Relationships and the Work Environment
  Identify Conflict Management Strategies to Fit Specific Relationships and Situations
  Synthesize Skills Addressed in the Program and Systematically Apply Them in Creating a

     Comprehensive Plan for Assessing and Resolving Relational Conflicts
Business World Without Conflict
     Who Should Attend

     Business professionals who want to expand their conflict management skills, understand
     their own emotions and behaviors when addressing conflict and find productive ways to
     manage conflict

     Our Mutual Objectives

    Clarify and Expand Your Thinking About Conflict
    Identify Underlying Causes of, and New Ways to Respond to and Manage, Conflict
    Respond to Conflict Rather Than React to It
    Map a Conflict and Read the Map to Gain Insight into It in Order to Create Ways to Manage
    Draw on the Experiences of Others to Validate or to Expand Your Own Approach to Conflict
    Comfortably Practice Various Techniques, Strategies, Approaches and Models, Adding
       Flexibility to Your Own Behavior
    Apply the Ideas, Techniques and Approaches from the Seminar to Situations Beyond the
    Implement Flexible Strategies to Improve Your Communication and to Respond to Conflict

     Course Outline

1.      Developing Conflict Awareness
    Explain What You Need from This Seminar as Well as What You Are Willing to Contribute to
        the Group
    Illustrate, with Examples, How Conflict Can Be Positive and, When Left Unmanaged, Can be
    Explain the Difference Between Disagreement and Conflict
    Orally Describe a Conflict as It Goes Through the Five Stages
    Explain the Role of "Feelings" in Moving Disagreement into a Conflict
    Describe Barriers to Managing and Resolving Conflict
2.      Responding to Conflict
    Demonstrate a Belief That Each Person Is Responsible and in Charge of Their Own Feelings
        and Behaviors
    Explain How Emotional Intelligence Relies on People Tuning in to Their Own Feelings and
        the Feelings of Others
    Apply the P-U-R-R Model to Demonstrate Understanding and Application
    Summarize Content and Feelings from Conversations
    Apply the Validating Process
    Distinguish Between Listening for Thoughts and Listening Feelings in a Conversation
    Explain That Meaning Often Comes from the Context of the Relationship Rather Than the
        Intrinsic Definition of the Words We Use
3.      Different Ways to Manage Conflict Productively
     Explain the "Gender Trend" in Conflict

    Detail the Four Steps of the "Zip the Lip" Technique
 Discuss How Conflict in Relationships in Contrast with Conflict About Content Should Be
    Explain Why the "Why" Should Be Avoided in Managing a Conflict
    Analyze a Case to Synthesize the Information Presented and to Evaluate Alternate Ways to
       Handle the Problem Presented
    Evaluate Possible Solutions, Create a Solution and Role-Play Its Application
4.     Conflict Strategies
    Identify Your Preferred Strategy (ies) for Responding to Conflict
    Demonstrate an Understanding of All Five Conflict Strategies By Identifying Each Style in
    Analyze Given Examples and Recommend Appropriate Strategies to Minimize or Manage
       the Conflict
    Exclude Inappropriate Strategies, Demonstrating an Understanding of When to Use Each
       Strategy for Maximum Results
    Implement Each of the Five Conflict Strategies in Role-Play Situations
5.     Moving Beyond Conflict
    Differentiate Among Passive, Assertive and Aggressive Behavior
    Name and Exemplify the Six Assertiveness Skills Presented in the Video, When I Say "No," I
       Feel Guilty
    Use "I-Messages" to Assertively Express Yourself
    Demonstrate How to Turn Potential Disagreements Into Discussions By Applying the "Model
       to Disagree"
    Say "No" Assertively
    Detoxify Emotional Statements and Devise Alternative Ways to Express the Message Behind
       the Emotional Statement
6.     The Role of Trust in Minimizing Conflict
    Describe the Four "Cs" as the Cornerstones of Building Trust
    Explain How Trust Is Lost and Regained, and How Transparency Validates Trust
    Identify Interests Behind Positions
    Apply the Suggestions of the Positive Confrontation Tips
7.     Mapping the Conflict
    Map a Conflict Through the Five Steps By Applying the Model and the Worksheets to a
       Selected Conflict
    Explore a Given Conflict from Various "Viewing Points"
    Separate Interests from Positions in a Specific Conflict
    Select an Appropriate Conflict Strategy Depending on a Goal
    Demonstrate the Implementation of the Chosen Conflict Strategy in a Role Play
8.     Dealing with Difficult Behavior
    Explain the Difference Between Difficult People and Difficult Behavior
    Demonstrate an Understanding of Effectively Handling Passive Behavior
    Demonstrate the Two-Step Process of Handling Passive or Aggressive Behavior
    Analyze Intra Divisional Conflict and Create a Viable Alternative to Handle That Conflict
    Demonstrate Mastery of the Conflict Strategy Chosen
                                                                                           24     Page
Pillars Of Communication
    Listen Carefully For Successful Communications

    Who Should Attend

    This course is designed for every manager who wants to ensure that he or she is applying
    listening skills to communicate effectively

    Our Mutual Objectives

   Motivate Other People to Give You the Information You Need
   Ensure That You’ve Understood Another Person’s Message Correctly
   Increase Positive Information Flow to Enhance Productivity and Performance
   Strengthen Staff Trust and Morale

    Course Outlines

1. Opening Introductions, Introduction to Listening
  Gain an Understanding of the Importance of Listening
  Explore Some of the Popular Conceptions and Misconceptions about Listening
  Complete a Listening Self-Assessment

2. Verbal Communication System, a System for Listening,
  Understand How Listening Relates to Verbalizing Information, Feedback, and Feelings
  See How the Verbal Communication Categories Can Be Used to Improve the Effectiveness of
     Interpersonal Communication
  Develop a Strategy for Monitoring the Progress of a Discussion and Learn How to Revise
     Your Communication Strategy as the Discussion or Situation Changes
  Review the Four Typical Response Patterns

3. Hear the Message—Acknowledge Emotion and Encourage
  Learn How to Use the Acknowledge Emotion Category to Separate the Content of the
     Message from the Feelings It Contains
  Learn How to Use the Encourage Category and Praise to Build Openness and Rapport

4. Interpret the Message—Acknowledge Ideas
  Learn to Recognize That Barriers Can Affect the Interpretation of a Message
  Discover the Importance of Nonverbal Communication Signals and How They Affect the
     Communication Process
  See How to Listen More Effectively by Recognizing Nonverbal Signals
  Learn How to Use the Acknowledge Ideas Category to Verify Information, Promote a Feeling
     of Understanding, and Clarify Meaning

5. Evaluate the Message

  Learn to Use the Question Category
  Distinguish between Open-ended and Closed-ended Questions and Know When to Use Each
6. Respond to the Message
  Learn How to Use the Inform Category to Give Out Information Such as Facts, Thoughts, and
  Develop and Understanding of How to Use the Direct Category, Including Commanding,
     Delegating, and Communicating Orders
  See the Right Way to Use Criticism to Bring about Positive Effects

7. The Matrix
  Develop a Strategy for Monitoring the Progress of a Discussion
  Know How to Revise the Communication Strategy as the Discussion or Situation Changes

                                                                                          26   Page
Goals Come True
    Developing Your Emotional Intelligence

    Who Should Attend

     All business professionals who want to maximize performance by developing their
     interpersonal skills and increase self-understanding and emotion-management through
     emotional intelligence training.

    Our Mutual Objectives

   Recognize the Central Nature of Emotional Intelligence in Achieving Professional Success
   Manage Trigger Events That Cause an "Emotional Hijacking"
   Respond Effectively to Workplace Social Cues
   Build and Maintain Productive, Working Relationships with Others

    Course Outlines

1. Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
  Recognize Emotions in Yourself and Others
  Identify the Need for Emotional Intelligence as Well as IQ in Achieving Productive Work
     Relationships and Professional Success
  Recognize the Key Concepts of Emotional Intelligence

2. Self-Awareness
  Assess Your Emotional Intelligence
  Relate Individual Emotional Intelligence Scores to the Four Core EQ Personal and Social Skill
  Practice Applying the Core EQ Competency of Self-Awareness
  Apply Self-Awareness Strategies to Investigate the Impact of Both Positive and Negative

3. Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
  Recognize Emotions in Yourself and Others
  Identify the Need for Emotional Intelligence as Well as IQ in Achieving Productive Work
     Relationships and Professional Success
  Recognize the Key Concepts of Emotional Intelligence

4. Self-Awareness
  Assess Your Emotional Intelligence
  Relate Individual Emotional Intelligence Scores to the Four Core EQ Personal and Social Skill
  Practice Applying the Core EQ Competency of Self-Awareness
  Apply Self-Awareness Strategies to Investigate the Impact of Both Positive and Negative

5. Self-Management
  Recognize the Sequence of Brain-Based Activity That Results in the Human "Impulse to
    Action" Response
  Assess How the Second EQ Core Competency of Self-Management Allows You to Better
    Manage Trigger Events and Avoid Emotional Hijackings
  Apply Strategies to Reframe Negative Self-Talk Patterns into Positive Patterns

6. Social Awareness
  Discuss the Obvious and Non-Obvious Messages Others Present
  Evaluate How the Information We Receive from Others Interacts with Our Own Emotions
     and Thoughts to Determine Our Actions

7. Relationship Management
  Assess the Roles of Self-Awareness, Self-Management, and Social Awareness in Creating and
     Maintaining Productive Relationships
  Identify What Is Required of You to Manage Relationships While Meeting Your Needs and
     the Needs of Others
  Evaluate the Place of Emotions in Conflict and How to Use Core EQ Skills to Break the
     Conflict Code

8. Train Your EQ Brain
  Teach Others to Recognize the Behaviors of EQ’s Four Core Competencies
  Apply Proven Strategies for Training Your EQ Brain Using Repetition, Practice, Imagery, Self-
     Talk, and Mentoring
  Recognize the Sequence of Brain-Based Activity That Results in the Human "Impulse to
     Action" Response
  Assess How the Second EQ Core Competency of Self-Management Allows You to Better
     Manage Trigger Events and Avoid Emotional Hijackings
  Apply Strategies to Reframe Negative Self-Talk Patterns into Positive Patterns

9. Social Awareness
  Discuss the Obvious and Non-Obvious Messages Others Present
  Evaluate How the Information We Receive from Others Interacts with Our Own Emotions
     and Thoughts to Determine Our Actions
10. Relationship Management

 Assess the Roles of Self-Awareness, Self-Management, and Social Awareness in Creating and
     Maintaining Productive Relationships
  Identify What Is Required of You to Manage Relationships While Meeting Your Needs and
     the Needs of Others
  Evaluate the Place of Emotions in Conflict and How to Use Core EQ Skills to Break the
     Conflict Code
11. Train Your EQ Brain

 Teach Others to Recognize the Behaviors of EQ’s Four Core Competencies
 Apply Proven Strategies for Training Your EQ Brain Using Repetition, Practice, Imagery, Self-
    Talk, and Mentoring
                                                                                            28     Page
Negotiation : Getting To “YES”
 Negotiation Skills to win Negotiations easily

    Who Should Attend

     Executives, managers, salespeople and top-level dealmakers who seek the negotiating
     skills necessary to meet their responsibilities for negotiating the best possible terms of an
     agreement for their company.

    Our Mutual Objectives

   Identify Situations That Are Actually Negotiations
   Decide When to Engage in a Negotiation and When to Ignore the Negotiation Option
   Plan the Content of Any Negotiation
   Recognize the Stages of Negotiation and Determine Appropriate Behavior to Utilize in Each
   Make a Business Decision Before Determining the Negotiation Strategy
   Develop an Appropriate Strategy to Use During a Negotiation
   Identify the Communication Styles of Others
   Adjust Your Own Communication Styles to Achieve Desired Results
   Exhibit Knowledge of the Principles of Persuasion Through Applying Them to a Negotiation
   Plan a Negotiation Strategy for Traditional Face-to-Face Negotiations as Well as Those
      Negotiations Supplemented by the Use of Other Media
   Demonstrate an Understanding of Team Negotiation By Planning and Carrying Out an
      Effective Team Negotiation Case
   Display the Use of Ten Popular Ploys and Tactics Commonly Found during
   Negotiation and Explain How to Counter Them
   Understand the Role Culture Plays in Negotiation

    Course Outlines

1. Introduction to the Negotiation Process
  Determine When You Are in a Negotiable Situation
  Discriminate between the Two Types of Negotiations
  Explain the Business Importance of Taking a Win-Win Approach to Negotiation
  Identify the Primary Factors Required to Establish an Agreement
  Describe What Influences the Negotiation Process

2. Planning the Content of Your Negotiation
  Explain the Importance of Planning
  Determine Alternatives to a Settlement before Negotiating
  Use the Negotiation Planning Guide
  Identify Ranges of Acceptability
  Negotiate Internally Before Launching Your Prepared Negotiation

  Apply Planning Skills in a Case Study
3. Negotiation Stages
  Chart the Course of a Negotiation through Its Five Stages from Both the Content
  Point of View and the Process Point of View
  Determine Appropriate Behavior to Use in Each Stage
  Design a Questioning Strategy to Assist You to Move among the Five Stages
  Identify the Causes of Resistance You May Face During the Negotiation Process and Design
     Ways of Handling It

4. Communication Styles
  Explain the Four Styles of Communication
  Determine Your Style of Communication
  Identify the Communication Styles of Others
  Adjust Your Style to Get Results You Want
  Recall Communication Guidelines for Effective Negotiators

5. Persuasion
  Apply the Structured Persuasion Model to Improve Your Ability to Convince
  Others of Your Point of View
  Combine Appropriate Logic and Emotion to Develop Support for Negotiable Positions
  Modify Your Approach to Persuasion Depending on the Other Side’s Communication Style

6. Planning a Strategy for Negotiation
  Plan a Strategy to Apply during a Negotiation
  Consider Various Dynamics That Impact the Negotiation Process
  Structure Effective Concessions
  Know How to Break Deadlocks
  Identify and Use Your Leverage When Negotiating
  Adjust Your Strategy According to the Medium in Which the Negotiation Is Taking Place

7. Negotiating with a Team
  Identify Opportunities for Using Teams to Negotiate
  Explain How to Organize, Control, and Effectively Manage a Team
  Plan with a Team
  Use a Negotiating Team to Achieve Business Goals
  Participate on a Team

8. Negotiation Ploys and Tactics: Measures and Countermeasures
  Explain Ten Key Negotiating Tactics
  Provide a Countermeasure for Each Tactic
  Understand How to Identify the Tactic When It Is Used By Others Bringing It All Together
  Incorporate the Negotiation Checklist from This Module to Work-Related Situations
  Apply the Theories of Negotiation to Your Personal Action Plan Using Work-Related
                                                                                           30 Page
The Reactor Factor
   Dealing With Difficult Situations in Workplace

   Who Should Attend

   Business professionals across all functional areas who are interested in building thinking
   skills and getting tools to respond effectively when faced with difficult people, situations
   and workplace conflicts.

   Our Mutual Objectives

 Identify the Dynamics of Individual Behaviors That May Evoke an Emotionally-Charged
 Recognize the Personal Choices and Approaches One Takes to Deal with Stressful Behavioral
 Apply Effective Conflict Management and Communication Skills to Stressful Behavioral
 Practice Skill Building at all Employee Levels in the Workplace That Deals with Difficult or
    Challenging Behaviors

   Course Outlines

1- Workplace Conflict Basics
  Identify Advantages and Disadvantages of Personal Differences in the Workplace
  Define Conflict Management
  Describe the Iceberg of conflict and its Personal Impact

2- Constructive Feedback Skills
  Differentiate the Terms "constructive Feedback" and "Criticism"
  Identify the Roles of Verbal and Non-Verbal Behaviors in Feedback
  State at Least Three Guidelines for Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback
  Apply the Six-Step Model for Giving Constructive Feedback

3- Role of Emotions and Self-Management in Stressful Behavioral Situations
  Define Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Its Role in Interpersonal Relations
  Assess Personal EI

4- Situational Responses in Problematic Individual and Group Settings
  Explain and Apply the Four-Step C-A-L-M Model for Standing Strong
  State at Least Two Techniques for Handling Five Potentially Stressful One-on-One Behaviors
     in the Workplace
  Demonstrate How to Defuse Emotions and Address Difficult People in a Meeting Situation

5- Action Plan
  Develop an Action Plan for Two Specific On-the-Job Situations
  List Three Personal Behavioral Changes to Help Manage Conflict Regularly At Work
                                                                                           31     Page
You Are What You Present
    Effective Presentation Skills

    Who Should Attend

    This course is recommended for everyone who needs to develop their presentation skills,
    speak in front of groups or sell ideas to others and has little or no presentation experience.

    Learning Objectives

   Tailor Your Presentation to Your Audience
   Use Relaxation Techniques to Overcome Nervousness
   Learn How to Project Your Voice and Use Pauses to Dramatize Your Point
   Expertly Handle Difficult Questions and Situations

   Course Outline
 1- Balancing Verbal and Nonverbal Messages
 Explain the Need to Balance Style and Substance
 Identify the Importance of Nonverbal (Visual and Vocal) Messages
 Receive Feedback on the Nonverbal Messages You Send
 Practice Nonverbal Impact Skills to Reduce Nervousness and to Engage the Attention of
    Your Listeners
 Demonstrate How to Make Your Content Clearer and More Memorable by Incorporating
    Anecdotes, Analogies, Examples, and Quotes in Your Presentation
 Demonstrate How to Use Audience Participation Techniques

 2- Developing and Organizing Presentation Content
 Set Presentation Parameters
 Create an Audience Profile
 Tap into What You Already Know
 Identify What You Need to Find Out
 Structure Your Information
 Demonstrate How to Condense the Speech Outline into Notes You Can Speak From

3- Preparing to Give the Presentation
 Explain the Benefits of Rehearsing, Adhering to Time Frame, and Speaking from Notes
 Demonstrate How to Reduce Stress and Speaker’s Anxiety

4- Using Visual Aids and Support Materials
Describe the Purpose of Visual Aids and Support Materials
Distinguish among Visual Aids, Speaker’s Notes, and Audience Handouts
Identify Tips for Effective Composition of Visual Content
Describe the Criteria for Selection among the Many Types of Visual Aid Media
Demonstrate Guidelines for Interacting with Visual Aids and Managing Handouts

5- Handling Questions from the Audience

 Explain the Importance of the Question and Answer Session
 Demonstrate How to Respond Professionally to Questions from the Audience
6- Managing the Presentation Environment
Describe the Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Room Setups
Be Able to Anticipate, Avoid, and Handle Equipment Problems
Identify What Logistical Arrangements to Check
Demonstrate How to Use Lecterns and Microphones Effectively

 7- Exercises/Worksheets
 Self-Introduction Worksheet
 Prepared Presentation #1
 Setting Presentation Parameters Worksheet
 Audience Profile Worksheet
 Prepared Presentation #2

The 14-Fourty Time Manager
    Manage Your Time

    Who Should Attend

    Business professionals who want greater control of their time, management style and life
    by using effective time management techniques Includes tips on coping with voice mail
    and e-mail

    Our Mutual Objectives

   Recognize Key Components of Effective Goal Setting through Time Management
   Discover Your Time Management Strengths and Self-Management Opportunities
   Manage Multiple Priorities Based on Validity and Urgency
   Redirect Your Efforts to the Most Important and Valid Tasks
   Identify Ways to Deal with Distractions and Eliminate Interruptions
   Set Group Goals and Priorities
   Discover Quick and Easy Ways to Handle Non-Valid Tasks
   Learn Strategies to Improve Your Concentration and Increase Your Efficiency
   Implement Tools and Techniques for Effective Multi-tasking and Scheduling Abilities

    Course Contents

 1- Time Management Is Self-Management
 Define Time
 Understand and Reconcile the Shifting Priorities in Your Workday
 Identify Typical Time-Wasters in Your Workday
 Categorize the Time-Wasters as Self or Other Imposed
 Identify the Value (Cost) of Your Time
 Recognize Effective Time Management as Self-Management
 Learn the Six Key Steps to Value and Control Your Time
 Identify Your Current Time Management Strengths and Self-Management Opportunities

 2- Planning Your Way to Success
 Understand the Goal-Setting Process
 Recognize the Key Components of Effective Goal Setting
 Create Clearly Defined Goals Based on Your Role
 Develop Skills to Set SMART Goals
 Write Your Own SMART Goal(s)

 3- Managing Multiple Priorities—Focus on the Important and Valid
 Set Priorities Using Importance and Validity as Guideposts
 Use Urgency to Tie-Break between Competing Priorities
 Create Five Windows of Time
 Open a New Window of Opportunity

 Redirect Your Efforts to the Most Important and Valid Tasks Based on Your Role and
   Discover Five Ways to Handle Non-Valid Tasks
   Prioritize Your Day by Answering Nine Key Questions
   Effectively Delegate Appropriate Tasks
   Implement Four Techniques to Improve Your Scheduling Abilities
   Commit to Follow-up Strategies to Ensure Your Success

 4- Concentration—Your Key to Productive Efficiency
 Develop an Understanding of the Terms "Productive" and "Efficient" and Learn to
    Distinguish between the Two Concepts
 Uncover the Myth of Multitasking
 Understand the Importance of Concentration and Focus
 Identify Your Concentration Quotient
 Learn Ways to Improve Your Concentration
 Identify Fifteen Ways to Deal with Distractions
 Utilize Twenty Tips to Eliminate/Minimize Interruptions
 Focus Your Efforts and Skills to Increase Your Effectiveness

5- Taming the Typical Time-Wasters
Get Organized and Stay Organized
Learn the IOK Method for Handling Paperwork
Incorporate Some of the Twenty-Four Timely Tips for Putting Paperwork in Its Place
Use the Top Twenty Suggestions for Eliminating E-mail Overload
Diagnose and Treat Your Procrastinating Ways Using Seven Timely Tips

6- Managing Meaningful Meetings
Identify Reasons Why Some Meetings Are Ineffective
Match Your Meeting Method to Your Message
Develop Ways to Ensure Your Meetings Have Meaning
Incorporate Thirteen Timely Tips to Make Your Meetings Meaningful
Plan and Lead More Productive and Effective Meetings
Learn Effective Meeting Attendee Behaviors
Improve Your Meeting Attendee Skills
Deal with Difficult Attendees

 7- Establish Boundaries to Create Balance
 Prioritize and Choose Your Activities to Provide Balance
 Use the Ten Timely Tips for Establishing Boundaries
 Understand the Importance of Honoring Your Own Time
 Say Yes to Yourself by Saying No to Others

8- Crafting Your Time Mastery Plan
 Identify Three Key Learning from the Course
 Write Two SMART Goals for Your Time Mastery Plan
 Transfer Your Key Learning into Action
Write n Right
    Business Writing for Administrative Professionals

    Who Should Attend

    Administrative assistants, administrative support personnel, office managers and executive
    secretaries/assistants interested in improving their business writing skills.

    Our Mutual Objectives

 Master the principles of good grammar and punctuation
 Organize and write memos, minutes and procedures
 Confidently write and ghostwrite for your boss(es), using appropriate style and tone
 Learn how to write effective e-mail
 Understand the entire writing process
 Write effective letters for all occasions
 Save time through proven tricks of the trade
 Gain recognition as your boss’s backup and representative—become the “office writing

    Course Outlines
    Formulas for Editing, Proofreading, and Rewriting

 Understand Basics of Grammar
 Eliminate Unnecessary Language
 Edit and Proofread Effectively

1- Letters That Get Results
 Organize Letters Effectively
 Convey a Warm, Personal Tone

2- Winning on Paper—Strategies for Success
Vary Your Sentence Length and Structure
Subordinate Secondary Ideas
Highlight Key Ideas
Design Your Page Effectively
Gain Recognition through Your Writing

 3- Memos and Minutes
 Organize Logically
 Select a Winning Tone
 State Opinions or Pinpoint Problems
 Write Effective Procedures

 Summarize Effectively
4- Tricks of the Trade
Write for Your Boss
Write Disciplinary Communications
Become "the Office Writing Expert"
Apply Time Management Techniques to Writing
Create a Style Manual for Your Office

The A,B,Cs Of Successful Business Meeting
    Who Should Attend

    Executive secretaries, senior secretaries, administrative assistants, administrative
    secretaries, administrative coordinators, executive assistants, meeting coordinators and
    any individual with an office support function or responsibility for planning meetings

    Our Mutual Objectives

   Know How Objectives and Budget Drive Meeting Planning Decisions
   Know with Whom to Communicate When Doing Meeting Planning Tasks
   Match Room Setup with Meeting Objectives
   Select the Appropriate Hotel Facilities and Audiovisual Equipment
   Understand Food and Beverage Options
   Effectively Negotiate Hotel Contracts
   Know Which Services Hotels Provide

    Course Outlines

 1- Introduction to Meeting Planning
 Recognize That Many Planners Share the Same Challenges and Concerns
 Define the Skill Set Required to Become a Meeting Planner
 Deal Proactively with Your Boss about Meeting Issues
 Recognize the Terminology and Acronyms of the Industry

2- Objectives, Budgets, and the Meeting Specification Sheet
 Evaluate Whether a Meeting Should or Should Not Occur
 Develop a Meeting Specification Sheet
 Identify the Major Revenue and Expense Areas of Meetings

 3- Site Selection
 Identify the Components of a Proper Site Selection, Including Effective Industry Resource
 Refine Your Site Selection Needs

 4- Room Setup and Design
 Identify the Various Types of Room Setups, and Match Them to Specific Meeting Formats
 Determine How Much Space per Person Is Required in Each Room Setup

 5- Negotiations and Hotel Contracts
 Identify What Is and Isn’t Negotiable in a Hotel Contract
 Identify How Hotels Make Money, and Assess the Value Your Business Represents
 Understand Critical Hotel Contract Clauses and How You Should Modify Them
 Recognize the Power of "No" in a Hotel Contract Negotiation
 Practice Your Negotiating Skills by Learning the Needs of the Hotel
                                                                                          38   Page
6- Audiovisual Technology
 Identify Various Types of Fundamental AV Equipment
 Discuss Four Rules Critical for Successful AV Presentation
 Understand AV Money-Saving Tips

 7- Food and Beverage
 Recognize How Food and Beverage Activities Complement the Program and Make an
   Appropriate Selection
 Define Key Money-Saving Tips in Food and Beverage

 8- Communicating with Vendors
 Identify the Key Players within a Hotel and within the Hospitality Industry

 9- Registration
 Recognize Why Registration Is Needed, and How It Can Make or Break the Entire Event
 Understand Key Elements of a Successful Registration

 10- Computers in Meeting Planning
 Navigate the Internet Sites and Portals That Are Designed for the Meetings Industry
 Understand Critical Terminology Referring to Bandwidth
 Redefine the Capabilities of the Basic Work Software You Already Have (Word Processing,
   Spreadsheets, Databases) in Assisting You to Accomplish Meeting Planning Tasks

                                                                                        39  Page
Making Conversations Work
    Effective Business Conversation Skills

    Who Should Attend

    Managers, supervisors, team leaders and business professionals at all levels who wish to
    have more effective business conversations.

    Our Mutual Objectives

 Create Messages That Are Organized and Coherent
 Design Messages That Get to the Point by Mastering Conversational Discipline
 Steer and Control the Direction of Conversations to Manage and Effectively Use Time and
   Perform Workplace Conversations (Teaching/Training, Setting Direction, Coaching,
      Reviewing Performance, Etc.) to Become More Productive
   Listen for Information and Create Conversational Bridges to Better Engage Others in the
      Creative Problem-Solving Discussions and Meetings
   Create Complete Messages That Cover Critical Information in Order to Influence and Build
   Establish Rapport to Build Stronger Workplace Relationships and Open Communication

    Course Outlines

 1- Focused Conversation Skills
 Creating a focused and results-oriented conversation goal
 Achieving clarity by organizing your ideas and remaining focused
 Redirecting conversations that have gone off-track, exiting those that are dragging
 What to include in your business conversations from the listeners’ perspective
 How to create complete messages that cover all critical information
 Calibrating language to avoid becoming too specific or too abstract
 Integrating confidence and competence into your conversational behavior

 2- Engaging Others in Conversation
 Building rapport and establishing open communication
 Listening strategies to gain information and create conversational bridges
 Asking and responding to questions as a way to promote effective business conversations
 Communication insights to help you flex your personal style to others’ preferences
 The appropriate role of humor
 Choosing the right verbal and nonverbal language to create consistent, coherent and
    targeted messages
 Implications of gender and culture on the dynamics of conversations
 How to avoid creating or showing defensiveness in business conversations
                                                                                         40    Page
3- Workplace Conversations
 How to successfully approach various types of business conversations
 Tools and strategies to plan and demonstrate a specific conversation type

4- Conversational Style Preferences and Flexing Strategies
 Assessing conversational style preferences, strengths and weaknesses and flexibility
 Learning to use humor (carefully) in business conversations
 Mastering verbal and nonverbal language skills

 5- Action Plan
 How to Implement new business conversation skills
 Setting Your Plan to Implement New Business Conversation Skills
 Define an Ongoing Business Conversation Skill Development Plan

Creativity: Think or Sink
    Creativity & Innovation

    Who Should Attend

    Managers, team leaders, directors, project managers, supervisors and staff in all
    industries—and anyone who has influence over the creation, adoption and
    implementation of new products, services and processes

    Our Mutual Objectives

 Practice creative thinking methods to generate ideas and solutions
 Turn existing problems into opportunities for growth
 Discover new techniques for securing enthusiasm for new initiatives
 Encourage out-of-the-box thinking
 Apply creative thinking techniques to foster innovation and improve systems, products and
 Enhance morale, group performance and collaboration

    Course Outlines

 1- The Messy Nature of Innovation
 Identify Practices That Help Promote Creativity and Innovation
 Describe the Trade-Offs Between Focusing on Results vs. Focusing on Good Process
 Explain the Connection Between Courage, Confidence and Creativity

2- Nurturing New Ideas and Solutions
 Use Various Brainstorming Tools for Generating Ideas
 Describe the Conditions That Make for Effective Brainstorming
 Identify Which Idea Generation Tool Works Best for Different Situations

 3- Recommended Practices Review
 Identify the Practices and Guidelines That Create an Innovative Work Environment
 Give the Creative Process the Patience Necessary to Get to Bold Ideas
 Identify the Moment When to Move the Process from Diverging to Converging

 4- Real-World Practice
 Manage a Problem-Solving Process from Beginning to End
 Recognize the Iterative Nature of the Design Process
 Implement Problem-Solving/Idea-Generation Meetings
                                                                                        42    Page
Use Bait with Business Etiquette
    Who Should Attend
    This course is designed for anyone who is looking to advance professionally in their field

     Our Mutual Objectives
   Build relationships, create a professional appearance.
   Develop positive relationships with coworkers.
   Practice cubicle and office etiquette.
   Use the appropriate behavior and etiquette when using the Internet.
   use Etiquette in daily communications.
   Use Etiquette In meetings.
   Handle ethical dilemmas and personal issues.
   Become a good conversationalist.
   Be courteous when communicating.
   Examine the appropriate etiquette for business meals and functions.
   Be a courteous traveler at home or abroad.

   Course Outlines
 1- Office protocol
 Office etiquette
 Cubicle and office etiquette
 Office relationships

 2- Professional conduct
 Appropriate use of the Internet
 Ethical dilemmas
 Personal issues in the workplace
 Monitor the progress

3- Communicating in the workplace
 Introductions
 Conversations
 Etiquette in meetings

 4- Etiquette in communication
 Telephone courtesy
 E-mail etiquette
 Writing guidelines

 5- Business functions
 Attending business functions
 Business dining

 6- Traveling for business
 The courteous traveler

 International travel
Supervisory Level

101 Supervisory Management: The first Mile in The Milestone
Management Skills for New Supervisors
Supervisory Level

                    Who Should Attend

New supervisors with less than five years of supervisory experience and process and
production supervisors who want the benefit of basic management skills training

                    Our Mutual Objectives

        Understand How to Succeed in a Rapidly Changing Environment
        Learn How to Plan, Organize, Communicate and Monitor
        Apply the Most Appropriate Supervisory Style to Individuals and Situations
        Understand Your Legal Responsibilities
        Solve Problems Effectively by Using Active Listening Skills to Ask the Right Questions
        Learn How to Give Constructive Criticism
        Understand How to Apply Various Motivation Techniques
        Maximize Productivity by Leveraging a Diverse Workforce
        Learn Techniques to Help You Cope with Difficult Employees
        Use Delegation for Effective Employee Development, Time Management and Motivation
        Learn a Five-Step Coaching Model and Create an Action Plan

                    Course Outlines

 1- Embracing Your New Role and Expectations
 What your boss, employees, peers and senior management expect from you in your
    supervisory role
 Four basic management functions: planning, organizing, communicating, monitoring

2- Managing a Diverse Workforce
 Diversity issues and how they affect you, your work unit and your company

 3- Filling Your Communication Skills Toolbox
 Advantages and disadvantages of one-way and two-way communication and when to use
 Capitalize on the benefits of e-mail

 4- Communication, Building and Boosting Team Performance
 Demonstrate paraphrasing to check for content understanding
 Experience the impact of nonverbal communication
 Send harmonious messages
 How to ask questions that get the answers you really need

5- Coaching for High Quality Performance
 How to give and receive criticism constructively
 How to minimize defensiveness in yourself and others

 Demonstrate a five-step coaching discussion model
6- Creating a Motivating Environment
 Establish the essentials of a motivating environment
 Demonstrate rules for reinforcing productive behavior

7- Taking Delegation, Performance and Team Development to the Next Level of Excellence
 Use delegation as a motivational tool
 Develop a strategy for solving a current employee motivational problem

8- Managing Performance Appraisals
Understand your company’s appraisal system
Record-keeping and compliance issues
Write a performance appraisal document
Conduct an effective performance appraisal meeting

 9- Managing Time Effectively
 Key principles of effective time management
 Share time management best practices
 Five stages of managing meetings

10- Planning for Continuing Growth
 Select and prioritize your own next steps
 Develop an action plan for continuing professional development

                                                                                   45    Page
102 Supervisory Management : The Extra-Miles in The Milestone
Management Skills for Supervisors

    Who Should Attend

Managers and supervisors with three to five years of experience, process and production
supervisors and graduates of Management Skills for New Managers, Management Skills for
New Supervisors and Making the Transition from Staff Member to Supervisor.

    Our Mutual Objectives

 Master practical, proven techniques for dealing with uncomfortable, challenging situations
 Become skilled at trying to avoid potentially litigious situations
 Write a difficult-to-create performance evaluation
 Enhance your team-coaching skills
 Overcome communication barriers to productivity
 Understand how to supervise while coping with survivor shock

    Course Outlines

1- Coaching Uncooperative Employees
Define "Diversity" and How It Relates to Coaching Difficulties
List Specific Behaviors You Expect from Your Employees
Reaffirm the Importance of Coaching Today
Explain the Value of Eleven Critical Coaching Skills
Use the Contribution Connection to Plan a Coaching Approach for Your Own Most
   Challenging Employee

 2- Resolving Conflict to Increase Cohesiveness
 Discuss Constructive and Destructive Conflict and How to Capture Conflict’s Benefits
 Describe Four Resolution Positions and Your Own Style Preferences
 List Techniques for Using Conflict to Increase Cohesion
 Demonstrate the Contribution Connection Approach to Resolving Conflict
 Explain Four Stages of Mediation
 Mediate Disputes between Others

3- Delegating to Reluctant Staffers
Discuss the Difference between Delegating to an Individual and to a Team
List Ways to Make Delegation "Attractive" in Tough Times
Explain Six Authority Levels and Explain the Importance of Delegating Them Specifically
Develop an Authority Level Matrix for Two Staffers
 Demonstrate the Contribution Connection as a Delegation Monitoring Tool and Delegation

   Meeting Guide
4- Motivating "Survivors"
Discuss Key Issues for "Survivors"
Face the Feelings behind Complaints, Accusations
List Strategies for Helping People Through
Use the Contribution Connection to Plan Alliances to Overcome Organizational and
   Interpersonal Obstacles to Performance

5- Managing Performance: The Written Part
Adapt the Contribution Connection Framework to Draft Hard-to-Write Documents
Use Grammar and the "Power of Three" to Confront Tough Writing Tasks
Write and Edit Corrective Action Memos That Encourage Behavior Change
Write Helpful, Legally-Sound Performance Appraisal Documents
Develop and Use a Customized Editing Checklist

                                                                                47  Page
Manage People Successfully
    Who Should Attend

Managers and individuals with management responsibilities whose success depends on
managing people successfully through clear communication, a cooperative attitude and
commitment to shared goals

    Our Mutual Objectives

 Appreciate How the Role of Manager Has Changed in Modern Times
 Understand the Role of Values in Managing People
 Adjust Management and Personal Style to the Needs of Different Situations
 Adopt the Approach Needed to Motivate Different People in Different Situations
 Use Effective Feedback to Deal with Difficult People
 Delegate Tasks in Ways That Develop Your People
 More Effectively Resolve Conflict
 Understand How Your Organization’s and Workgroup’s Culture Shapes the Behavior of the
    People with Whom You Work
 Practice the Principles of Emotional Intelligence to Achieve Greater Effectiveness
 Appreciate How Good Ethics Is Good Business

    Course Outlines

1- The Experience of Being a Manager
 How to get people to want to do what they’re supposed to do
 Specific challenges you face when motivating others

2- Values
 Values and their impact on work life
 How values can have productive and nonproductive results
 Identify value conflicts in yourself and in others

 3- Personal Styles
 Determine your own personal style profile
 Gain insight into the strengths and limitations of your profile
 Use behavioral clues to determine others’ personal styles
 How to work more effectively with other personal profiles

4- Motivation
 Employee motivation factors and their impact on behaviors and work settings
 How to tailor your motivational efforts to individual employees and different situations

5- Listening, Body Language, Giving Feedback and Dealing with Difficult People
 Use active listening to gain information and understand employees’ perspectives
 Effectively apply positive and corrective feedback

 Use appropriate values alignment when dealing with difficult employees
6- Conflict
 The dimensions of conflict resolution
 Identify your own preferred conflict-resolution styles for better conflict management
 Use different conflict resolution styles in different situations

 7- Delegation
 Different delegation styles: how and when to use them
 Determine the appropriate delegation style for employees and situations

 8- Understanding Organizational Culture and Subculture
 The impact of organizational culture and subculture and “cultural blinders”
 Explore the assumptions that impact your team’s thinking and actions
 Identify and build on the strengths of your team’s culture

 9- Emotional Intelligence
 The components of emotional intelligence
 Gain an honest and accurate assessment of yourself
 Develop an improvement strategy

10- Ethical Leadership
 Identify your group’s values
 Your vision for ethical leadership

11- Action Planning
 Develop a specific plan for applying what you’ve learned back on the job
 Identify people who can support your action plans

Coaching & counseling Path Finder
Coaching and Counseling for high Job Performance

    Who Should Attend

Managers, supervisors, project or team leaders, human resources professionals and
counselors responsible for performance management

    Our Mutual Objectives

   Identify the Components of Performance Enhancement
   Define the Four Coaching Approaches or Styles
   Identify the Paradigm Needed by an Effective Coach
   Apply Development-based Coaching Techniques
   Learn to Create a Coaching Partnership between Supervisor and Employee
   Learn the Organizational, Group and Developmental Environments Faced by Coaches
   Learn One’s Interpersonal Style and Use It Effectively in Coaching Situations
   Develop and Apply the Fundamental Skills of Coaching through Case Study, Role Play, and
   Close the Gaps between Current and Desired Performance
   Apply Counseling Skills to Coaching Situations
   Understand and Apply the Critical Steps of Coaching
   Utilize, throughout the Program, the Coach’s Tools That Apply to Real Work-Coaching
   Create an Action Plan Using the Coach’s Planning Guide

    Course Outlines

 1- Coaching Styles
 Distinguish between Current and Required Managerial Attributes
 Identify the Components for Performance Enhancement
 Define the Four Coaching Styles (Approaches)
 Define Your Preferred Coaching Style
 Understand the Dynamics of the Coaching Issues Circle

 2- Coaching Model
 Identify the Coaching Model for Development-based Coaching by Applying the:
    —Coach’s Paradigm
    —Coaching Framework
 Apply Development-based Coaching Techniques
 Create a Coaching "Partnership" between Supervisor and Employee
                                                                                        50    Page
3- Coaching Context
 Understand and Effectively Utilize the Four Critical Environments for Coaching to Be
          — Organization’s Cultural Environment
          — Group’s Learning Environment
          — Employee Development Environment
          — Interpersonal Communication Environment
 Assess One’s Coaching Communication Environment through the Personal Style Indicator
 Expand Interpersonal Communications into Coaching Patterns That Impact the Employee
    Response to the Coaching
 Apply the Results of the PSI to Actual Work Situations

4- Coaching Skills
 Develop a Better Understanding of the Four Fundamental Coaching Skills Of:
         —Giving Feedback
 Fully Use and Apply These Skills So That, as a Coach, You Will:
         —Observe and Not Judge
         —Listen to the Words and the Real Message
         —Ask Questions That Elicit Information and Maintain a Dialogue
         —Provide Feedback That Structures Future Behaviors

5- Coaching Performance Improvement
 Understand and Distinguish between the Different Coaching Situations:
 Understand That, to the Employee, Coaching Is a Form of Intervention
 Motivate the Employee Toward the Desired Performance Levels
 Effectively Use an Appraisal Form to Provide Feedback on Future Performance Behaviors

 6- Developmental Counseling
 Define the Counseling Process
 Identify the Six Skills for Effective Counseling
 Specify the Guidelines When Counseling
 Use Precise Communication Skills to Foster the Counseling Process
 Conduct a Counseling Session in a Coaching Situation

 7- Coaching Process
 Link the Learning on Coaching in This Program into Three Practical Steps, and Apply These
 Provide Effective Feedback and Coaching for Typical Work Situations
 Use Conflict Skills in Difficult Coaching Applications

 Incorporate the Planning Guides to Address Real Work Situations
8- Coaching Application
 Connect the Learning from the Coach’s Tools into One, Real-World Application
 Use a One-Page Coach’s Planning Guide for Every Coaching Situation
 Use Feedback from the Role Play on the Real-World Coaching Situation to Make
   Adjustments When Coaching on the Job

 9- Action Plan
 Develop Your Personal Action Plan to Be a More Effective Coach
 Understand the Impact That You As a Coach Can Have on Job Performance
 Avoid Some of the Common Coaching Mistakes

                                                                           52    Page
Always Maximizing Through Business Prioritizing
Set Priorities and Make Decisions under Pressure

    Who Should Attend

Anyone who needs time management training to deal with multiple projects and/or faces
expanding workloads, tight time lines and increased uncertainty

    Our Mutual Objectives

   Analyze the Sources and Impact of Workplace Chaos
   Apply Tools Designed to Help Determine Priorities
   Examine New Time Management Strategies and Techniques
   Apply Tools to Help Make Good Decisions Under Pressure
   Select Tools and Techniques to Apply Back on the Job

    Course Outlines

 1- A Look at Workplace Chaos
 Identify the Sources of Workplace Chaos
 Estimate the Impact of Chaos on Individuals, Teams, and Organizations
 Begin to Develop an Action Plan to Help You Attain Your Top Business Goals By Using Tools
    to Manage Workplace Chaos

2- Determining Priorities—The Starting Point
Identify Why Determining Priorities Is Critical
Compare a Proactive vs. Reactive Work Approach
Analyze How You Spend Your Time
Negotiate to Help Manage Your Time and Requests

 3- Maintaining Focus on Priorities
 Compare Older and Newer Time Management Strategies
 Review a Selective Daily Action Plan
 Describe Three Cures for Illusions About Competing Priorities
 Apply Tools That:
         – Educate Requesters on "Blind Risks" in Their Requests
         – Help Requesters Arrive at Your Door Better Prepared
           – Match Assigned Deadlines with Actual Estimates
           – Track Interruptions

 4- Assertive Communication
 Define Assertive Communication Required to Manage Workplace Challenge and Pressure
 Employ Assertive Responses No Matter How Manipulated or Provoked You Feel
 Decline a Request Successfully, Whether from Your Manager, Your Peers or Your Customers

 Identify Helpful Language
5- Decision Making Under Pressure
Determine the Risks of Making Decisions Under Pressure
Identify Good Decision Making Considerations
Practice a Fast Focus Analysis Make Your Decision. Weigh It Against Your "Quick Pick"
Examine the Decision Guide Format Through a Demonstration Case
Complete the Decision Guide Using Your Own Case

Managerial & Leadership Level

101 Managerial Skills: The First Mile in The Milestone
Managerial & Leadership Level
Management for new Managers

    Who Should Attend

Managers with one to three years of experience who are seeking additional management

    Our Mutual Objectives

   Clearly Articulate Your Role and Responsibilities as Manager
   Effectively Manage the Performance of Your Direct Reports
   Capitalize on Your Employees’ Natural Motivators for Success
   Determine the Best Ways to Communicate throughout Your Organization
   Learn and Apply the Principles of Situational Leadership
   Identify the Benefits and Procedures of Effective Delegation
   Uncover Your Strengths as a Coach

    Course Outlines

 1- Manager Self-Assessment
 Identify what you do well in your new role and what you can do even better
 Determine the skills you have that still need improvement

 2- Defining Your Role
 Your responsibilities and the expectations of your boss, peers and former colleagues
 Create an environment to achieve results with and through your team

 3- Performance Management
 Differentiate between your responsibilities and those of your direct reports
 Learn what to keep in a personnel file

 4- Effective Communication
 Determine the best communication strategies with your manager and your team
 Plan and conduct effective meetings

 5- Motivational Strategies
 Causes of dissatisfaction in your group
 Uncover your employees’ motivators and capitalize on them

 6- Situational Leadership —the Art of Influencing Others
 How to develop people, value differences and encourage honest communication
 Develop your leadership style to gain commitment from your employees

 Match your leadership style to your employees' developmental needs
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Elements e profile

  • 1. Page 0
  • 2. Table of Contents About US ...................................................................................................................3 Mission .................................................................................................................................. 4 Vision ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Our Ethos ............................................................................................................................... 4 Values & Philosophy ........................................................................................................................ 5 Why We Are Different ........................................................................................................... 6 Our Activities ............................................................................................................7 Training.................................................................................................................................. 8 Consultancy ......................................................................................................................... 12 Recruitment......................................................................................................................... 13 Our Training Approaches......................................................................................... 14 Courses List .......................................................................................................................... 15 Interpersonal Skills......................................................................................................................... 15 Supervisory Level ........................................................................................................................... 16 Managerial & Leadership Level ..................................................................................................... 16 Human Resources Management Skills .......................................................................................... 17 Finance & Accounting .................................................................................................................... 17 Sales & Marketing ......................................................................................................................... 18 Technical Skills ............................................................................................................................... 18 Courses Contents................................................................................................................. 19 Interpersonal Skills......................................................................................................................... 19 Supervisory Level ........................................................................................................................... 44 Managerial & Leadership Level ..................................................................................................... 55 Human Resources Management Skills .......................................................................................... 71 Finance & Accounting .................................................................................................................... 83 Sales & Marketing ....................................................................................................................... 106 1 Technical Skills ............................................................................................................................. 135 Page
  • 3. Training Curriculums ............................................................................................. 146 Silver Bullet: Sales Persons Curriculum ............................................................................. 146 Golden Bullet: Sales Managers Curriculum ....................................................................... 148 Good-2-Great “G2G”: Leadership Curriculum ................................................................... 150 The “WOW” Level – Customer Service Curriculum ........................................................... 152 Our Clients ............................................................................................................ 154 What They Say About elements ........................................................................................ 156 Affiliations .......................................................................................................... 159 2 Page
  • 4. About US About Us Never before have the talent, skills, and experience of the workforce been as critical to organizational performance and sustainable business success as they are today. At Elements, we are all about helping organizations establish, develop and maintain workforce excellence. We launched in 2005 serving private, public and non-profit organizations operating in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA), our products and services are designed to help our clients recruit, assess & develop the best candidates for the job. In addition to recruitment we help our partners by providing thoughtful training and coaching programs designed by well selected training & development tools to deliver sustainable improvement in skills and performance at all levels from frontline customer facing staff to team leaders and managers. We have an unwavering commitment to quality, professionalism and innovation. These values ensure that every programme is delivered to the highest professional standards. Regardless of the industry, geography, or job, the one constant in business success and organizational excellence is the quality and performance of the people who sell for, service, support, manage, and lead the organization. Our track record of delivering a strong return on investment to our clients, the depth and quality of our portfolio offering, and the thought leadership and discipline of our people and processes are attributes we strive to demonstrate on every client engagement. These are the things that have made us a highly reliable service provider and talent management partner within the Middle East and North Africa MENA. We welcome you to learn more about Elements! 3 Page
  • 5. Mission Mission Our mission is to improve organizational effectiveness and enduring superiority through:  The recruitment, assessment, and selection of a premier workforce  The development of critical job skills through Training and coaching  Differentiating our partners’ capabilities & creating a culture of winning Vision Vision Elements provides high value training, recruitment & consultancy services to organizations within the private, public and non-profit sectors. Our purpose is simple: it is to deliver practical, innovative training solutions and consultancy services designed to add value for our clients by helping develop one of their most important assets - their people Ethos Our Ethos A culture exists that encourages and promotes openness, originality and independent thought. Internally we strive to be an energetic and enthusiastic team that thrives on providing a high quality professional and flexible service. We endeavor to find innovative ways to meet our clients' requirements and put originality before traditional thought. We aim to work openly and honestly with all stakeholders to ensure the organization and team work in a seamless and efficient manner - "together making it happen". 4 Page
  • 6. Values & Philosophy Values Philosophy Integrity: First and foremost, we are  To build customer relationships that is committed to integrity in all that we do, characterized by results, service, cost always, everywhere. effectiveness, timeliness, and value.  We are committed to professionalism Respect: We respect every individual – our and excellence, not only in our results employees, our consultants, and our clients. but also in our methods. We value and benefit from the diversity and  To be known for high value, service, entrepreneurial spirit of each individual. and, above all results by providing the Professionalism: It is our duty to perform to best expertise and best services to the highest standards of professionalism. We meet the highest standards required are determined to deliver outstanding quality by our client. so that we unite with our clients and have  To develop our clients to become long lasting relationships. winners and leaders in their Teamwork: It is the essence of our ability to competitive fields, to be responsive, succeed as a trusted vendor of training and resourceful. solutions to our clients. We continue to learn from our employees, consultants and strategic partners – sharing skills, resources, and experiences to help benefit our clients as well as ourselves. Commitment: We are committed to excellence and self-improvement. We draw strength from performance evaluations – striving to excel and improve in all aspect of business. Dedication: We are dedicated and have the willingness to take on big challenges and see 5 Page them through.
  • 7. Why We Are Different Why We Are Different Elements builds client relationships by listening to your needs and objectives. We strive to understand your business challenges and training needs up front. With this knowledge we’re better able to explain the development technologies best suited to your situation, presenting alternatives that may save on cost and/or time, and collaborating on a clear set of training objectives to work toward. Whether you’re implementing a custom or readymade solution, you’re always fully informed and in control. And no matter what your business need, we're ready, capable & flexible. We understand the concerns that arise at various stages in any development program and our experienced team is here to put you at ease, The experience that we posses and bring to each project enables us to anticipate the challenges that can affect the production and effectiveness of your unique development program, insight that can help you avoid technical and budgetary issues during implementation. It's one of the reasons we're the learning solutions provider of choice for many multinational organizations within the MENA We are unique since we use the most effective training methodologies and the latest training schools ensuring the effectiveness of the training programmes and matching all learning styles. 6 Page
  • 8. Our Activities Our Activities ELEMENTS has the expertise needed to be your success partner we do Train your candidates professionally and Consult you to bring the best solutions in the shadow of the current market challenges. And we also Recruit the best personnel & talents depending on the job requirements & needs. And we can use our experience in the Outsourcing to give you a working hand outside your payroll that gets things done. 7 Page
  • 9. Training Providing the Best Training Methodologies It has been recognized that each trainee prefers different learning styles and techniques learning styles group common ways that people learn. Every trainee has a mix of learning styles. Some trainees may find that they have a dominant style of learning, with far less use of the other styles. Others may find that they use different styles in different circumstances. There is no right mix. Nor are our styles fixed. Therefore we proudly provide multiple learning styles “multiple intelligences” for learning which is relatively the most effective approach. This approach is known as the “Modern school of Training” Traditional schooling used (and continues to use) mainly linguistic and logical training methods. It also uses a limited range of learning and teaching techniques. Many schools still rely on PowerPoint presentation and book-based teaching. A key principle of the training of the human resources is how people prefer to gather, organize and think about information, as expert in the training field it was our duty to master the latest training and development tools, our learning tools which assure the effectiveness of all conducted training courses and match all learning styles are: • Focusing on employees’ KPIs & tackling the gaps • Practical business related training materials prepared by well-known Entrepreneurs & Business Consultants • The best qualified trainers well-Known in the MENA 8 Page
  • 10. Providing opportunities to observe & Practice • Using case studies and assignments • Providing challenging simulations • Using educational activities & games • Using teams’ tasks, role plays & after training projects • Best “Training Videos” for world-wide well-known trainers • Using a comprehensive range of Assessments Learning Plans for Individuals (or Groups) Tie learning resources directly to personal development plans In order to excel in their jobs, employees tasked with taking on new responsibilities need a clear path for professional development. Their managers need a quick way to identify competency gaps, and an easy method for delivering the right learning to bring individuals or groups of related workers up to speed. , our learning plans can help you set up the right mix of content to promote professional development and improve job performance. Learning solutions targeting learning plans for employees and groups deliver: • Support for any variety of custom development plans • A wide range of modular courses with up-to-date content • The right courses to assess and target competency gaps • Simple access to all employees, including a dispersed workforce • Measurement of progress and completion rates 9 Page
  • 11. Organizations with under-utilized learning programs can start seeing a return on their learning investment -- and growth in key areas of their business -- by setting up personal development plans for employees. High Potential Leadership Crucial leadership development for the next generation From handling key business issues, to difficult organizational challenges, managers and leaders tackle the toughest decisions on a daily basis. Effective leaders need a wide range of business & personal skills crucial to their positions Proper leadership skills development training in these areas ensures that managers at all levels know how to take charge and inspire by example. The key drivers of performance in most organizations are the leadership qualities and behaviors that are demonstrated by all staff on a day to day basis. Leaders at all levels are operating in an age of uncertainty; effective leaders bring new direction, clarity and inspiration. What is critical is to define leadership for you in the context of your business; we work with you to define leadership at all levels in your business. Working with a wide range of stakeholders, front line teams, their managers and leaders, we take time to understand your business and what success is for you. Based on our understanding of your 10 organization, together with our expertise in how people Page
  • 12. learn, we design integrated leadership solutions to build core skills and behaviors, based on real and relevant and critical incidents. Leadership development learning solutions deliver: •Curriculum relevant to the problems facing contemporary managers and leaders •Content that communicates strategic direction, maximizes organizational productivity, and demonstrates leadership qualities •Support for online training, facilitated classroom events, and one-to-one mentoring opportunities •The capability to customize content with business or industry specific examples •Collaboration opportunities among participants Our leadership solution provides blended learning modalities, job aides, and opportunities to experiment through simulations and role-play. Organizations can customize training to match their internal business needs, and benefit from the experience of our respected learning partners, such as Fifty Lessons video library, get Abstract Business Book Summaries, and Harvard Business Publishing. 11 Page
  • 13. Consultancy Elements for Consultancy provides business consultancy to small and medium enterprise (SME) companies primarily focusing on business development and lead generation. We aim to help you grow your business through improving the business flow and creating a winning culture within your foundation Our partners call us when:  They have something pressing on their minds—whether it is a major strategic or operational need or an organizational challenge.  They are Under pressure to deliver results  Information is difficult to get and insights are scarce and/or fuzzy  They need to make decisions that will have major consequences for their people, their organizations, and the countries in which they operate. We work with the world’s leading businesses, governments, and organizations to create and deliver essential advantage by building capabilities and successfully navigating through critical junctures in their business. We help clients lead transformational change, create new organizational models, capture value from their customer and channel strategies, increase the effectiveness of their supply chains and assets, and integrate security into their strategy to ensure the resilience of their business. We know that our clients' success depends on differentiating their capabilities—and we have the experience and depth in these areas to ensure that our clients gain the advantage they need. The services we provide are: We are committed to: • Creating competitive advantage through unique solutions • Building capabilities and mobilizing organizations • Driving sustainable impact • Providing unparalleled opportunities for personal growth 12 Page
  • 14. Recruitment Recruitment Elements optimizes your hiring process with our combination of innovative technologies, custom hiring workflows, and world-class pre-employment selection tools ,We strive to make your hiring process a stress-free one, which we accomplish through our automated recruiting solutions. These proven solutions weed out inefficiencies, ease or eliminate labor-intensive tasks, and dramatically improve process standardization. Additionally, our solutions are designed to cast a wider recruiting net, identify and select the best talent, and improve speed-to-hire-all while driving significant cost savings, Elements’ automated recruiting solutions deliver results -- results that are demanded by HR professionals, operations management and executive leadership. Some results we've helped our clients achieve include:  Cut hiring costs 50-80% (e.g. cost-per-hire reduced)  Increased speed-to-hire by more than 50% (e.g. Average Time Per Hire reduced from 6.6 hrs to 3.1 hrs) Our clients engage us on a partnership basis as they understand that the Calibres with outstanding qualifications are sourced 'proactively' via a dedicated search and selection process, We conduct fresh research on every search assignment to ensure that we provide the greatest number of qualified candidates available, consistent with our client's needs. We continue the search process beyond the point of initial candidate presentations and stop only after our client has made an offer which the candidate has accepted. This process provides clients with an optimal pool from which to choose the final candidates and sufficient back-up candidates to protect critical competition schedules. When you deal with Elements for Recruitment and Outsourcing, you can be assured of the most professional, aggressive search & selection services available, you will maintain a full quotient of outstanding talent in your organisation, and can pursue your business goals without months of wading through 13 unqualified resumes, interviews or even financial and legal procedures. Page
  • 15. Our Training Approaches Our Training Approaches Interpersonal Skills Technical Supervisory Skills Level Marketing / Managerial & Sales Leadership Level Finance & Human Accounting Resources 14 Page
  • 16. Courses List Interpersonal Skills  Remove The Fuse “Manage Your Emotions in Workplace”  Communication for a better Relations  Business World Without Conflict  Pillars Of Communication “Listen Carefully For Successful Communications”  Goals Come True “Developing Your Emotional Intelligence”  Negotiation: Getting To “YES” “Negotiation Skills to win Negotiations easily”  The Reactor Factor ”Handling Difficult Work Situations”  You Are What You Present “Effective Presentation Skills”  The 14-Fourty Time Manager “Manage Your Time”  Write N Right “Business Writing For Administrative Professionals”  The A,B,Cs of Successful Business Meeting  Making Conversations Work “Effective Business Conversation Skills”  Creativity: Think or sink “Creativity and Innovation”  Use Bait With Business Etiquette 15 Page
  • 17. Supervisory Level  101 Supervisory Management : The First Mile in The Milestone “Management Skills for New Supervisors”  102 Supervisory Management : The Extra-Miles in The Milestone “Management Skills for Supervisors”  Manage People Successfully  Coaching & Counseling Path Finder “Coaching and Counseling for high Job Performance”  Always Maximizing Through Business Prioritizing “Set Priorities and Make Decisions under Pressure” Managerial & Leadership Level  101 Managerial Skills : The First Mile in The Milestone “Management for new Managers”  102 Managerial Skills : The Extra-Miles in The Milestone “Management for new Managers”  Lead Like A Pro. “How to be an Executive Leader”  What it takes to LEAD?!!  Teamwork – Build To Last “Manage people effectively”  A Step Ahead : Strategic Planning “Strategic Planning”  Take No Risk: Making The Right Decision “Effective Decision Making”  Organizational Change Re-inventing “Plan & Manage Organizational Change” 16 Page
  • 18. Human Resources Management Skills  HRM Corner Stone “Basics of Human Resources Management”  Keep-N-House : Fighting Turnover “Employee Retention – Strategies to fight Turnover”  Eagle Eye – Hiring Best Of The Best “Recruiting and Selecting Employees”  Talent Management  Awakening Z Giant : Train The Trainer  The Instructional Design List For Trainers Best. “How successful trainers use Instructional Design” Finance & Accounting  101 Cost Accounting: The First Mile In The Milestone “Cost Accounting Basics”  102 Cost Accounting: The Extra Miles In The Milestone “Advanced Cost Accounting”  101 Controllers: The First Mile In The Milestone  102 Controllers: The Extra Miles In The Milestone “Advanced Strategies for Controllers”  The Nuts & Bolts Of Internal Auditing “Effective Internal Auditing”  How To Fix The Fixed Asset Accounting  Making Financial Analysis Work  Finance And Accounting for Administrative Professionals “Fundamentals of Finance and Accounting”  Finance And Accounting for Nonfinancial Managers  Accounting Concrete For Business Elite  The Essentials of Budgeting 17 Page
  • 19. Sales & Marketing  Marketing X, Y, Z “Fundamentals Of Marketing”  Marketing 2 Sales “Aligning Marketing and Sales”  Measuring and Maximizing Marketing Return Of Investment (ROI)  Techniques Surprising For New Products Uprising “Planning and Developing New Products”  Decoding Product Management “Successful Product Management”  Market Research, get it right  Make Pricing List That Makes You The Best “Pricing Strategies for gaining a Competitive Advantage”  Customer Service Excellence  Effective Channel Management  4X4 Selling : Selling Techniques For New Salespersons  Sales Wizard : Professional Selling  Strategic Sales Negotiations  Competitive Advantage in Sales  New Sales Managers Excellence Formula “Sales Management for the Newly Appointed Sales Manager”  Motivating And Coaching That Score “Motivating and Coaching Your Sales Team” Tec  Inventory Management Techniques  Technical Project Management  Tech. - Write N Right “Effective Technical Writing”  Applying Six-Sigma Cure For Project Management Secure “Achieving Project Management Quality By using Six Sigma Approach”  TQM For Life Total Quality Management 18  Six Sigma : Green Belt Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training Page
  • 20. Interpersonal Skills Remove The Fuse Manage Your Emotions in Work Place Interpersonal Skills Courses Contents Who Should Attend Sales and customer service professionals, managers and supervisors and any employee who needs help managing emotions or stress in the workplace. Our Mutual Objectives  Understand the Statistics on Job-Related Stress  Consider How Perception Has a Direct Impact on Your Emotions, and Understand How to Modify Your Perceptions  Analyze How Hurt, Loss, Anxiety, Anger, Guilt and Depression Trigger Emotional Arousal and Reactions  Identify the Six Myths about Stress  Examine the Difference between Stress in Type I and Type II Business Situations  Make the Connection between Emotions and Workplace Stress  Practice Hands-on Techniques to Keep from Being "Emotionally Hijacked" at Work  Describe Key Characteristics of Emotional Health, Including How Feelings Work, How to Pay Off Emotional Debt, How to Recognize Where Your Defense Mechanisms Can Distort Your Perception, How Defense Mechanisms Work, and How to Create Emotional Peace of Mind  Create Work Environments Where Emotional Honesty and Emotional Energy Are Accepted  Use Emotional Feedback and Practical Intuition as a Tool to Be More Perceptive about Your Own Feelings and Those of Other Employees  Combine Both "Head Level" and "Heart Level" Information to Make Better Quality Decisions  Identify and Practice Assertive Communication Skills to Effectively Express Your Emotions and Use Assertive Messages  Create Rituals to Remind Yourself How to Lower Stress and Better Manage Your Emotions by Balancing the Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Aspects of Life  Create a Personal Action Plan That Includes Support from the Seminar Group after the Course Is Over Course Outline 1- Understanding More about Stress  Identify Common Causes of Stress from Personal Experiences  Interpret the Psychological and Physiological Effects of Stress  Categorize Stressors and Common Symptoms, and Distinguish Acute Stress from Episodic Stress  Discern the Difference between Positive Stress and Negative Stress  Determine Your Levels of Personal and Work-Related Stress  Recognize the Ways You May Be Unintentionally Contributing to Your Own Stress Levels through Perceptions of Excessive Demands  Identify Aspects of Your Personal and Professional Lifestyles in Relation to Your 19 Management of Emotional Well-Being Page
  • 21.  Synthesize Your Personal Profile by Creating a Graphic Representation of the Interconnectedness of the Causes, Effects, and Personal Characteristics of Stress 2- A Closer Look at Feelings and Emotional Well-Being  Define Personal Mastery and Its Impact on Your Work Life  Differentiate between the Two Groups of Emotions to Better Understand How You Are Feeling and Why  Assess What You Are Feeling and Why You Are Feeling That Way  Differentiate among Feelings in the Past, Present and Future  Evaluate Your Emotional Debt and Discover Ways to Pay It Off  Analyze Situations So That Your Emotions Do Not Sabotage the Results You Want  Identify Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors Associated with Stressful Situations  Analyze Behavior Patterns Associated with Stressful Events  Assess the Discrepancies between the Magnitude of a Stressful Event and the Ramifications and/or Implications of the Results of the Event, Based on the Management of Your Emotions 3- Communicating or Controlling? Balance or Ballistics  Use Your Mirror Listening Skills to Understand How Others Are Feeling  Identify Feelings and the Reasons Why People Feel the Way They Do  Recognize When to Be Assertive in Interacting with Others  Construct Assertive Messages Using the XYZ Technique 4- Rituals—Managing Emotions and Stress  Identify Rituals That Presently Exist in Your Life  Classify Rituals According to the Purpose They Serve  Create Meaningful Workplace Rituals  Test Workplace Rituals against Real-Life Events 5- Personal Action Plans—Putting It All Together  Create a Personal Action Plan to Implement Your Learning Back at Work 20 Page
  • 22. Communication For A Better Relations Who Should Attend This Course is designed for people who want to build better work relationships, maximize impact, increase productivity and drive results by applying effective communication and relationship management Our Mutual Objectives  Learn How to Build Rapport and Achieve Trust  Define the Fundamental Competencies Needed to Achieve Solid Work Relationships  Develop Flexibility in Actions, Thoughts, and Feelings to Better Handle Any Situation  Identify and Accept Personal and Professional Responsibilities in Communicating Effectively with Others  Recognize Short- and Long-Term Implications of Communication as a Cycle of Continuous Responses That Create "Relationship Residue"  Identify and Avoid Communication Mistakes Such as Misinterpreting Others or Ineffective Listening  Understand and Use Others’ Communication and Thinking Style Preferences to Influence and Motivate Them to First-Rate Performance  Define Productive Relationships in Terms of Achieving Workable Compromise and Strategic Interdependence  Identify Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities in Your Workplace Relationships  Understand Values, Beliefs, Attitudes, and Perceptual Processes and Their Impact on Establishing Workplace-Specific Trust and Respect  Investigate Emotions and How They Translate into Workplace Emotional Intelligence  Create Ways to Be a More Effective Team Member and Leader by Using Polished and Conscious Communication  Master the Key to Excellent Communication: Observe, Listen, Analyze, Plan, and Communicate Course Outline 1. Effective Workplace Relationships  Identify Behaviors That Support or Undermine Effective Workplace Relationships  Assess Personal Uses of Behaviors That Support or Undermine Effective Relationships with Important People and Groups at Work 2. Communication and Perceptions  Identify and Accept Personal and Professional Responsibilities in Communicating Effectively with Others by Becoming a "Conscious Communicator"  Evaluate a Model of Communication in Order to Be Conscious of the Direct Correlation between Effective Communication and Strong Work Relationships  Identify Behaviors That Erode Trust and How They Can Be Avoided  Recognize Short- and Long-Term Implications of Communication as a Cycle of Continuous 21 Responses That Create "Relationship Residue"  Use Rapport Building as a Tool to Improve Relationships Page
  • 23. 3. Investigating Emotions and Emotional Intelligence  Apply a Broader Definition of Intelligence  Redefine Yourself and Others Using a Multiple Intelligence Model  Identify the Relationships Amongst Emotional Intelligence, World View, Perception, and Effective Relational-Communication Behaviors  Analyze and Identify Strategies to Improve Work Relationships by Applying Emotional Intelligence 4. Building Better Relationships with Ourselves and Others  Evaluate the Impact of World View, Perception, and Emotional Intelligence on Self-Concept, Self-Esteem, and Self-Awareness  Identify the Impact of Self-Perception on Our Interactions with Others  Explain and Apply the Concepts of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy in the Workplace  Identify Your Particular Social/Communication Style—How You Most Often Relate 5. Relationship Building  Identify Behaviors That Build Trust and How They Can Be Used to Build Effective Workplace Relationships  Recognize and Manage the Use of Assumptions in Explaining and Predicting Others’ Behaviors and Reactions  Apply Conscious Communication Skills to Assessing the Situational Trustworthiness of Others  Analyze, Assess, and Counteract People and Situations That Elicit or Exhibit Unproductive Attitudes 6. Expressing Needs within Relationships  Assess Interpersonal Influence Choices Using the "Need to Control" Continuum  Analyze When and How to Most Effectively Use Assertive Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors  Apply Insights Gained through Completing a SWOT Profile to a Personalized Influence Development Plan 7. Relational Communication  Improve Your Communication Style with Others Who Have Different Styles, Therefore Building More Meaningful and Productive Relationships  Assess and Sharpen Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors and Skills  Apply Direct and Indirect Messages in Order to Flex Communication to Meet Varying Goals  Utilize Feedback and Questioning Skills to Better Understand Others and Their Relationship Needs 8. Relational Listening  Identify Listening Barriers and Their Impact on Development of Effective Workplace Relationships  Ask Good Questions and Use Paraphrasing to Improve Listening Skills and Relationships  Apply Active and Reflective Listening Skills in Specific Types of Workplace Listening Situations  Apply Best Practices for Giving or Seeking Feedback 9. Addressing Relational Change and Conflict  Assess and Adapt to Changes in Work Relationships and the Work Environment  Identify Conflict Management Strategies to Fit Specific Relationships and Situations  Synthesize Skills Addressed in the Program and Systematically Apply Them in Creating a 22 Comprehensive Plan for Assessing and Resolving Relational Conflicts Page
  • 24. Business World Without Conflict Who Should Attend Business professionals who want to expand their conflict management skills, understand their own emotions and behaviors when addressing conflict and find productive ways to manage conflict Our Mutual Objectives  Clarify and Expand Your Thinking About Conflict  Identify Underlying Causes of, and New Ways to Respond to and Manage, Conflict  Respond to Conflict Rather Than React to It  Map a Conflict and Read the Map to Gain Insight into It in Order to Create Ways to Manage It  Draw on the Experiences of Others to Validate or to Expand Your Own Approach to Conflict  Comfortably Practice Various Techniques, Strategies, Approaches and Models, Adding Flexibility to Your Own Behavior  Apply the Ideas, Techniques and Approaches from the Seminar to Situations Beyond the Classroom  Implement Flexible Strategies to Improve Your Communication and to Respond to Conflict Course Outline 1. Developing Conflict Awareness  Explain What You Need from This Seminar as Well as What You Are Willing to Contribute to the Group  Illustrate, with Examples, How Conflict Can Be Positive and, When Left Unmanaged, Can be Negative  Explain the Difference Between Disagreement and Conflict  Orally Describe a Conflict as It Goes Through the Five Stages  Explain the Role of "Feelings" in Moving Disagreement into a Conflict  Describe Barriers to Managing and Resolving Conflict 2. Responding to Conflict  Demonstrate a Belief That Each Person Is Responsible and in Charge of Their Own Feelings and Behaviors  Explain How Emotional Intelligence Relies on People Tuning in to Their Own Feelings and the Feelings of Others  Apply the P-U-R-R Model to Demonstrate Understanding and Application  Summarize Content and Feelings from Conversations  Apply the Validating Process  Distinguish Between Listening for Thoughts and Listening Feelings in a Conversation  Explain That Meaning Often Comes from the Context of the Relationship Rather Than the Intrinsic Definition of the Words We Use 3. Different Ways to Manage Conflict Productively Explain the "Gender Trend" in Conflict 23   Detail the Four Steps of the "Zip the Lip" Technique Page
  • 25.  Discuss How Conflict in Relationships in Contrast with Conflict About Content Should Be Handled  Explain Why the "Why" Should Be Avoided in Managing a Conflict  Analyze a Case to Synthesize the Information Presented and to Evaluate Alternate Ways to Handle the Problem Presented  Evaluate Possible Solutions, Create a Solution and Role-Play Its Application 4. Conflict Strategies  Identify Your Preferred Strategy (ies) for Responding to Conflict  Demonstrate an Understanding of All Five Conflict Strategies By Identifying Each Style in Action  Analyze Given Examples and Recommend Appropriate Strategies to Minimize or Manage the Conflict  Exclude Inappropriate Strategies, Demonstrating an Understanding of When to Use Each Strategy for Maximum Results  Implement Each of the Five Conflict Strategies in Role-Play Situations 5. Moving Beyond Conflict  Differentiate Among Passive, Assertive and Aggressive Behavior  Name and Exemplify the Six Assertiveness Skills Presented in the Video, When I Say "No," I Feel Guilty  Use "I-Messages" to Assertively Express Yourself  Demonstrate How to Turn Potential Disagreements Into Discussions By Applying the "Model to Disagree"  Say "No" Assertively  Detoxify Emotional Statements and Devise Alternative Ways to Express the Message Behind the Emotional Statement 6. The Role of Trust in Minimizing Conflict  Describe the Four "Cs" as the Cornerstones of Building Trust  Explain How Trust Is Lost and Regained, and How Transparency Validates Trust  Identify Interests Behind Positions  Apply the Suggestions of the Positive Confrontation Tips 7. Mapping the Conflict  Map a Conflict Through the Five Steps By Applying the Model and the Worksheets to a Selected Conflict  Explore a Given Conflict from Various "Viewing Points"  Separate Interests from Positions in a Specific Conflict  Select an Appropriate Conflict Strategy Depending on a Goal  Demonstrate the Implementation of the Chosen Conflict Strategy in a Role Play 8. Dealing with Difficult Behavior  Explain the Difference Between Difficult People and Difficult Behavior  Demonstrate an Understanding of Effectively Handling Passive Behavior  Demonstrate the Two-Step Process of Handling Passive or Aggressive Behavior  Analyze Intra Divisional Conflict and Create a Viable Alternative to Handle That Conflict  Demonstrate Mastery of the Conflict Strategy Chosen 24 Page
  • 26. Pillars Of Communication Listen Carefully For Successful Communications Who Should Attend This course is designed for every manager who wants to ensure that he or she is applying listening skills to communicate effectively Our Mutual Objectives  Motivate Other People to Give You the Information You Need  Ensure That You’ve Understood Another Person’s Message Correctly  Increase Positive Information Flow to Enhance Productivity and Performance  Strengthen Staff Trust and Morale Course Outlines 1. Opening Introductions, Introduction to Listening  Gain an Understanding of the Importance of Listening  Explore Some of the Popular Conceptions and Misconceptions about Listening  Complete a Listening Self-Assessment 2. Verbal Communication System, a System for Listening,  Understand How Listening Relates to Verbalizing Information, Feedback, and Feelings  See How the Verbal Communication Categories Can Be Used to Improve the Effectiveness of Interpersonal Communication  Develop a Strategy for Monitoring the Progress of a Discussion and Learn How to Revise Your Communication Strategy as the Discussion or Situation Changes  Review the Four Typical Response Patterns 3. Hear the Message—Acknowledge Emotion and Encourage  Learn How to Use the Acknowledge Emotion Category to Separate the Content of the Message from the Feelings It Contains  Learn How to Use the Encourage Category and Praise to Build Openness and Rapport 4. Interpret the Message—Acknowledge Ideas  Learn to Recognize That Barriers Can Affect the Interpretation of a Message  Discover the Importance of Nonverbal Communication Signals and How They Affect the Communication Process  See How to Listen More Effectively by Recognizing Nonverbal Signals  Learn How to Use the Acknowledge Ideas Category to Verify Information, Promote a Feeling of Understanding, and Clarify Meaning 5. Evaluate the Message 25  Learn to Use the Question Category  Distinguish between Open-ended and Closed-ended Questions and Know When to Use Each Page
  • 27. 6. Respond to the Message  Learn How to Use the Inform Category to Give Out Information Such as Facts, Thoughts, and Opinions  Develop and Understanding of How to Use the Direct Category, Including Commanding, Delegating, and Communicating Orders  See the Right Way to Use Criticism to Bring about Positive Effects 7. The Matrix  Develop a Strategy for Monitoring the Progress of a Discussion  Know How to Revise the Communication Strategy as the Discussion or Situation Changes 26 Page
  • 28. Goals Come True Developing Your Emotional Intelligence Who Should Attend All business professionals who want to maximize performance by developing their interpersonal skills and increase self-understanding and emotion-management through emotional intelligence training. Our Mutual Objectives  Recognize the Central Nature of Emotional Intelligence in Achieving Professional Success  Manage Trigger Events That Cause an "Emotional Hijacking"  Respond Effectively to Workplace Social Cues  Build and Maintain Productive, Working Relationships with Others Course Outlines 1. Introduction to Emotional Intelligence  Recognize Emotions in Yourself and Others  Identify the Need for Emotional Intelligence as Well as IQ in Achieving Productive Work Relationships and Professional Success  Recognize the Key Concepts of Emotional Intelligence 2. Self-Awareness  Assess Your Emotional Intelligence  Relate Individual Emotional Intelligence Scores to the Four Core EQ Personal and Social Skill Competencies  Practice Applying the Core EQ Competency of Self-Awareness  Apply Self-Awareness Strategies to Investigate the Impact of Both Positive and Negative Emotions 3. Introduction to Emotional Intelligence  Recognize Emotions in Yourself and Others  Identify the Need for Emotional Intelligence as Well as IQ in Achieving Productive Work Relationships and Professional Success  Recognize the Key Concepts of Emotional Intelligence 4. Self-Awareness  Assess Your Emotional Intelligence  Relate Individual Emotional Intelligence Scores to the Four Core EQ Personal and Social Skill Competencies  Practice Applying the Core EQ Competency of Self-Awareness  Apply Self-Awareness Strategies to Investigate the Impact of Both Positive and Negative 27 Emotions Page
  • 29. 5. Self-Management  Recognize the Sequence of Brain-Based Activity That Results in the Human "Impulse to Action" Response  Assess How the Second EQ Core Competency of Self-Management Allows You to Better Manage Trigger Events and Avoid Emotional Hijackings  Apply Strategies to Reframe Negative Self-Talk Patterns into Positive Patterns 6. Social Awareness  Discuss the Obvious and Non-Obvious Messages Others Present  Evaluate How the Information We Receive from Others Interacts with Our Own Emotions and Thoughts to Determine Our Actions 7. Relationship Management  Assess the Roles of Self-Awareness, Self-Management, and Social Awareness in Creating and Maintaining Productive Relationships  Identify What Is Required of You to Manage Relationships While Meeting Your Needs and the Needs of Others  Evaluate the Place of Emotions in Conflict and How to Use Core EQ Skills to Break the Conflict Code 8. Train Your EQ Brain  Teach Others to Recognize the Behaviors of EQ’s Four Core Competencies  Apply Proven Strategies for Training Your EQ Brain Using Repetition, Practice, Imagery, Self- Talk, and Mentoring  Recognize the Sequence of Brain-Based Activity That Results in the Human "Impulse to Action" Response  Assess How the Second EQ Core Competency of Self-Management Allows You to Better Manage Trigger Events and Avoid Emotional Hijackings  Apply Strategies to Reframe Negative Self-Talk Patterns into Positive Patterns 9. Social Awareness  Discuss the Obvious and Non-Obvious Messages Others Present  Evaluate How the Information We Receive from Others Interacts with Our Own Emotions and Thoughts to Determine Our Actions 10. Relationship Management  Assess the Roles of Self-Awareness, Self-Management, and Social Awareness in Creating and Maintaining Productive Relationships  Identify What Is Required of You to Manage Relationships While Meeting Your Needs and the Needs of Others  Evaluate the Place of Emotions in Conflict and How to Use Core EQ Skills to Break the Conflict Code 11. Train Your EQ Brain  Teach Others to Recognize the Behaviors of EQ’s Four Core Competencies  Apply Proven Strategies for Training Your EQ Brain Using Repetition, Practice, Imagery, Self- Talk, and Mentoring 28 Page
  • 30. Negotiation : Getting To “YES” Negotiation Skills to win Negotiations easily Who Should Attend Executives, managers, salespeople and top-level dealmakers who seek the negotiating skills necessary to meet their responsibilities for negotiating the best possible terms of an agreement for their company. Our Mutual Objectives  Identify Situations That Are Actually Negotiations  Decide When to Engage in a Negotiation and When to Ignore the Negotiation Option  Plan the Content of Any Negotiation  Recognize the Stages of Negotiation and Determine Appropriate Behavior to Utilize in Each Stage  Make a Business Decision Before Determining the Negotiation Strategy  Develop an Appropriate Strategy to Use During a Negotiation  Identify the Communication Styles of Others  Adjust Your Own Communication Styles to Achieve Desired Results  Exhibit Knowledge of the Principles of Persuasion Through Applying Them to a Negotiation Situation  Plan a Negotiation Strategy for Traditional Face-to-Face Negotiations as Well as Those Negotiations Supplemented by the Use of Other Media  Demonstrate an Understanding of Team Negotiation By Planning and Carrying Out an Effective Team Negotiation Case  Display the Use of Ten Popular Ploys and Tactics Commonly Found during  Negotiation and Explain How to Counter Them  Understand the Role Culture Plays in Negotiation Course Outlines 1. Introduction to the Negotiation Process  Determine When You Are in a Negotiable Situation  Discriminate between the Two Types of Negotiations  Explain the Business Importance of Taking a Win-Win Approach to Negotiation  Identify the Primary Factors Required to Establish an Agreement  Describe What Influences the Negotiation Process 2. Planning the Content of Your Negotiation  Explain the Importance of Planning  Determine Alternatives to a Settlement before Negotiating  Use the Negotiation Planning Guide  Identify Ranges of Acceptability  Negotiate Internally Before Launching Your Prepared Negotiation 29  Apply Planning Skills in a Case Study Page
  • 31. 3. Negotiation Stages  Chart the Course of a Negotiation through Its Five Stages from Both the Content  Point of View and the Process Point of View  Determine Appropriate Behavior to Use in Each Stage  Design a Questioning Strategy to Assist You to Move among the Five Stages  Identify the Causes of Resistance You May Face During the Negotiation Process and Design Ways of Handling It 4. Communication Styles  Explain the Four Styles of Communication  Determine Your Style of Communication  Identify the Communication Styles of Others  Adjust Your Style to Get Results You Want  Recall Communication Guidelines for Effective Negotiators 5. Persuasion  Apply the Structured Persuasion Model to Improve Your Ability to Convince  Others of Your Point of View  Combine Appropriate Logic and Emotion to Develop Support for Negotiable Positions  Modify Your Approach to Persuasion Depending on the Other Side’s Communication Style 6. Planning a Strategy for Negotiation  Plan a Strategy to Apply during a Negotiation  Consider Various Dynamics That Impact the Negotiation Process  Structure Effective Concessions  Know How to Break Deadlocks  Identify and Use Your Leverage When Negotiating  Adjust Your Strategy According to the Medium in Which the Negotiation Is Taking Place 7. Negotiating with a Team  Identify Opportunities for Using Teams to Negotiate  Explain How to Organize, Control, and Effectively Manage a Team  Plan with a Team  Use a Negotiating Team to Achieve Business Goals  Participate on a Team 8. Negotiation Ploys and Tactics: Measures and Countermeasures  Explain Ten Key Negotiating Tactics  Provide a Countermeasure for Each Tactic  Understand How to Identify the Tactic When It Is Used By Others Bringing It All Together  Incorporate the Negotiation Checklist from This Module to Work-Related Situations  Apply the Theories of Negotiation to Your Personal Action Plan Using Work-Related Situations 30 Page
  • 32. The Reactor Factor Dealing With Difficult Situations in Workplace Who Should Attend Business professionals across all functional areas who are interested in building thinking skills and getting tools to respond effectively when faced with difficult people, situations and workplace conflicts. Our Mutual Objectives  Identify the Dynamics of Individual Behaviors That May Evoke an Emotionally-Charged Reaction  Recognize the Personal Choices and Approaches One Takes to Deal with Stressful Behavioral Situations  Apply Effective Conflict Management and Communication Skills to Stressful Behavioral Situations  Practice Skill Building at all Employee Levels in the Workplace That Deals with Difficult or Challenging Behaviors Course Outlines 1- Workplace Conflict Basics  Identify Advantages and Disadvantages of Personal Differences in the Workplace  Define Conflict Management  Describe the Iceberg of conflict and its Personal Impact 2- Constructive Feedback Skills  Differentiate the Terms "constructive Feedback" and "Criticism"  Identify the Roles of Verbal and Non-Verbal Behaviors in Feedback  State at Least Three Guidelines for Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback  Apply the Six-Step Model for Giving Constructive Feedback 3- Role of Emotions and Self-Management in Stressful Behavioral Situations  Define Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Its Role in Interpersonal Relations  Assess Personal EI 4- Situational Responses in Problematic Individual and Group Settings  Explain and Apply the Four-Step C-A-L-M Model for Standing Strong  State at Least Two Techniques for Handling Five Potentially Stressful One-on-One Behaviors in the Workplace  Demonstrate How to Defuse Emotions and Address Difficult People in a Meeting Situation 5- Action Plan  Develop an Action Plan for Two Specific On-the-Job Situations  List Three Personal Behavioral Changes to Help Manage Conflict Regularly At Work 31 Page
  • 33. You Are What You Present Effective Presentation Skills Who Should Attend This course is recommended for everyone who needs to develop their presentation skills, speak in front of groups or sell ideas to others and has little or no presentation experience. Learning Objectives  Tailor Your Presentation to Your Audience  Use Relaxation Techniques to Overcome Nervousness  Learn How to Project Your Voice and Use Pauses to Dramatize Your Point  Expertly Handle Difficult Questions and Situations Course Outline 1- Balancing Verbal and Nonverbal Messages  Explain the Need to Balance Style and Substance  Identify the Importance of Nonverbal (Visual and Vocal) Messages  Receive Feedback on the Nonverbal Messages You Send  Practice Nonverbal Impact Skills to Reduce Nervousness and to Engage the Attention of Your Listeners  Demonstrate How to Make Your Content Clearer and More Memorable by Incorporating Anecdotes, Analogies, Examples, and Quotes in Your Presentation  Demonstrate How to Use Audience Participation Techniques 2- Developing and Organizing Presentation Content  Set Presentation Parameters  Create an Audience Profile  Tap into What You Already Know  Identify What You Need to Find Out  Structure Your Information  Demonstrate How to Condense the Speech Outline into Notes You Can Speak From 3- Preparing to Give the Presentation  Explain the Benefits of Rehearsing, Adhering to Time Frame, and Speaking from Notes  Demonstrate How to Reduce Stress and Speaker’s Anxiety 4- Using Visual Aids and Support Materials Describe the Purpose of Visual Aids and Support Materials Distinguish among Visual Aids, Speaker’s Notes, and Audience Handouts Identify Tips for Effective Composition of Visual Content Describe the Criteria for Selection among the Many Types of Visual Aid Media Demonstrate Guidelines for Interacting with Visual Aids and Managing Handouts 5- Handling Questions from the Audience 32  Explain the Importance of the Question and Answer Session  Demonstrate How to Respond Professionally to Questions from the Audience Page
  • 34. 6- Managing the Presentation Environment Describe the Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Room Setups Be Able to Anticipate, Avoid, and Handle Equipment Problems Identify What Logistical Arrangements to Check Demonstrate How to Use Lecterns and Microphones Effectively 7- Exercises/Worksheets  Self-Introduction Worksheet  Prepared Presentation #1  Setting Presentation Parameters Worksheet  Audience Profile Worksheet  Prepared Presentation #2 33 Page
  • 35. The 14-Fourty Time Manager Manage Your Time Who Should Attend Business professionals who want greater control of their time, management style and life by using effective time management techniques Includes tips on coping with voice mail and e-mail Our Mutual Objectives  Recognize Key Components of Effective Goal Setting through Time Management  Discover Your Time Management Strengths and Self-Management Opportunities  Manage Multiple Priorities Based on Validity and Urgency  Redirect Your Efforts to the Most Important and Valid Tasks  Identify Ways to Deal with Distractions and Eliminate Interruptions  Set Group Goals and Priorities  Discover Quick and Easy Ways to Handle Non-Valid Tasks  Learn Strategies to Improve Your Concentration and Increase Your Efficiency  Implement Tools and Techniques for Effective Multi-tasking and Scheduling Abilities Course Contents 1- Time Management Is Self-Management  Define Time  Understand and Reconcile the Shifting Priorities in Your Workday  Identify Typical Time-Wasters in Your Workday  Categorize the Time-Wasters as Self or Other Imposed  Identify the Value (Cost) of Your Time  Recognize Effective Time Management as Self-Management  Learn the Six Key Steps to Value and Control Your Time  Identify Your Current Time Management Strengths and Self-Management Opportunities 2- Planning Your Way to Success  Understand the Goal-Setting Process  Recognize the Key Components of Effective Goal Setting  Create Clearly Defined Goals Based on Your Role  Develop Skills to Set SMART Goals  Write Your Own SMART Goal(s) 3- Managing Multiple Priorities—Focus on the Important and Valid  Set Priorities Using Importance and Validity as Guideposts  Use Urgency to Tie-Break between Competing Priorities  Create Five Windows of Time  Open a New Window of Opportunity 34  Redirect Your Efforts to the Most Important and Valid Tasks Based on Your Role and Responsibilities Page
  • 36. Discover Five Ways to Handle Non-Valid Tasks  Prioritize Your Day by Answering Nine Key Questions  Effectively Delegate Appropriate Tasks  Implement Four Techniques to Improve Your Scheduling Abilities  Commit to Follow-up Strategies to Ensure Your Success 4- Concentration—Your Key to Productive Efficiency  Develop an Understanding of the Terms "Productive" and "Efficient" and Learn to Distinguish between the Two Concepts  Uncover the Myth of Multitasking  Understand the Importance of Concentration and Focus  Identify Your Concentration Quotient  Learn Ways to Improve Your Concentration  Identify Fifteen Ways to Deal with Distractions  Utilize Twenty Tips to Eliminate/Minimize Interruptions  Focus Your Efforts and Skills to Increase Your Effectiveness 5- Taming the Typical Time-Wasters Get Organized and Stay Organized Learn the IOK Method for Handling Paperwork Incorporate Some of the Twenty-Four Timely Tips for Putting Paperwork in Its Place Use the Top Twenty Suggestions for Eliminating E-mail Overload Diagnose and Treat Your Procrastinating Ways Using Seven Timely Tips 6- Managing Meaningful Meetings Identify Reasons Why Some Meetings Are Ineffective Match Your Meeting Method to Your Message Develop Ways to Ensure Your Meetings Have Meaning Incorporate Thirteen Timely Tips to Make Your Meetings Meaningful Plan and Lead More Productive and Effective Meetings Learn Effective Meeting Attendee Behaviors Improve Your Meeting Attendee Skills Deal with Difficult Attendees 7- Establish Boundaries to Create Balance  Prioritize and Choose Your Activities to Provide Balance  Use the Ten Timely Tips for Establishing Boundaries  Understand the Importance of Honoring Your Own Time  Say Yes to Yourself by Saying No to Others 8- Crafting Your Time Mastery Plan  Identify Three Key Learning from the Course  Write Two SMART Goals for Your Time Mastery Plan  Transfer Your Key Learning into Action 35 Page
  • 37. Write n Right Business Writing for Administrative Professionals Who Should Attend Administrative assistants, administrative support personnel, office managers and executive secretaries/assistants interested in improving their business writing skills. Our Mutual Objectives  Master the principles of good grammar and punctuation  Organize and write memos, minutes and procedures  Confidently write and ghostwrite for your boss(es), using appropriate style and tone  Learn how to write effective e-mail  Understand the entire writing process  Write effective letters for all occasions  Save time through proven tricks of the trade  Gain recognition as your boss’s backup and representative—become the “office writing expert" Course Outlines Formulas for Editing, Proofreading, and Rewriting  Understand Basics of Grammar  Eliminate Unnecessary Language  Edit and Proofread Effectively 1- Letters That Get Results  Organize Letters Effectively  Convey a Warm, Personal Tone 2- Winning on Paper—Strategies for Success Vary Your Sentence Length and Structure Subordinate Secondary Ideas Highlight Key Ideas Design Your Page Effectively Gain Recognition through Your Writing 3- Memos and Minutes  Organize Logically  Select a Winning Tone  State Opinions or Pinpoint Problems  Write Effective Procedures 36  Summarize Effectively Page
  • 38. 4- Tricks of the Trade Write for Your Boss Write Disciplinary Communications Become "the Office Writing Expert" Apply Time Management Techniques to Writing Create a Style Manual for Your Office 37 Page
  • 39. The A,B,Cs Of Successful Business Meeting Who Should Attend Executive secretaries, senior secretaries, administrative assistants, administrative secretaries, administrative coordinators, executive assistants, meeting coordinators and any individual with an office support function or responsibility for planning meetings Our Mutual Objectives  Know How Objectives and Budget Drive Meeting Planning Decisions  Know with Whom to Communicate When Doing Meeting Planning Tasks  Match Room Setup with Meeting Objectives  Select the Appropriate Hotel Facilities and Audiovisual Equipment  Understand Food and Beverage Options  Effectively Negotiate Hotel Contracts  Know Which Services Hotels Provide Course Outlines 1- Introduction to Meeting Planning  Recognize That Many Planners Share the Same Challenges and Concerns  Define the Skill Set Required to Become a Meeting Planner  Deal Proactively with Your Boss about Meeting Issues  Recognize the Terminology and Acronyms of the Industry 2- Objectives, Budgets, and the Meeting Specification Sheet  Evaluate Whether a Meeting Should or Should Not Occur  Develop a Meeting Specification Sheet  Identify the Major Revenue and Expense Areas of Meetings 3- Site Selection  Identify the Components of a Proper Site Selection, Including Effective Industry Resource Utilization  Refine Your Site Selection Needs 4- Room Setup and Design  Identify the Various Types of Room Setups, and Match Them to Specific Meeting Formats  Determine How Much Space per Person Is Required in Each Room Setup 5- Negotiations and Hotel Contracts  Identify What Is and Isn’t Negotiable in a Hotel Contract  Identify How Hotels Make Money, and Assess the Value Your Business Represents  Understand Critical Hotel Contract Clauses and How You Should Modify Them  Recognize the Power of "No" in a Hotel Contract Negotiation  Practice Your Negotiating Skills by Learning the Needs of the Hotel 38 Page
  • 40. 6- Audiovisual Technology  Identify Various Types of Fundamental AV Equipment  Discuss Four Rules Critical for Successful AV Presentation  Understand AV Money-Saving Tips 7- Food and Beverage  Recognize How Food and Beverage Activities Complement the Program and Make an Appropriate Selection  Define Key Money-Saving Tips in Food and Beverage 8- Communicating with Vendors  Identify the Key Players within a Hotel and within the Hospitality Industry 9- Registration  Recognize Why Registration Is Needed, and How It Can Make or Break the Entire Event  Understand Key Elements of a Successful Registration 10- Computers in Meeting Planning  Navigate the Internet Sites and Portals That Are Designed for the Meetings Industry  Understand Critical Terminology Referring to Bandwidth  Redefine the Capabilities of the Basic Work Software You Already Have (Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Databases) in Assisting You to Accomplish Meeting Planning Tasks 39 Page
  • 41. Making Conversations Work Effective Business Conversation Skills Who Should Attend Managers, supervisors, team leaders and business professionals at all levels who wish to have more effective business conversations. Our Mutual Objectives  Create Messages That Are Organized and Coherent  Design Messages That Get to the Point by Mastering Conversational Discipline  Steer and Control the Direction of Conversations to Manage and Effectively Use Time and Resources  Perform Workplace Conversations (Teaching/Training, Setting Direction, Coaching, Reviewing Performance, Etc.) to Become More Productive  Listen for Information and Create Conversational Bridges to Better Engage Others in the Creative Problem-Solving Discussions and Meetings  Create Complete Messages That Cover Critical Information in Order to Influence and Build Trust  Establish Rapport to Build Stronger Workplace Relationships and Open Communication Course Outlines 1- Focused Conversation Skills  Creating a focused and results-oriented conversation goal  Achieving clarity by organizing your ideas and remaining focused  Redirecting conversations that have gone off-track, exiting those that are dragging  What to include in your business conversations from the listeners’ perspective  How to create complete messages that cover all critical information  Calibrating language to avoid becoming too specific or too abstract  Integrating confidence and competence into your conversational behavior 2- Engaging Others in Conversation  Building rapport and establishing open communication  Listening strategies to gain information and create conversational bridges  Asking and responding to questions as a way to promote effective business conversations  Communication insights to help you flex your personal style to others’ preferences  The appropriate role of humor  Choosing the right verbal and nonverbal language to create consistent, coherent and targeted messages  Implications of gender and culture on the dynamics of conversations  How to avoid creating or showing defensiveness in business conversations 40 Page
  • 42. 3- Workplace Conversations  How to successfully approach various types of business conversations  Tools and strategies to plan and demonstrate a specific conversation type 4- Conversational Style Preferences and Flexing Strategies  Assessing conversational style preferences, strengths and weaknesses and flexibility  Learning to use humor (carefully) in business conversations  Mastering verbal and nonverbal language skills 5- Action Plan  How to Implement new business conversation skills  Setting Your Plan to Implement New Business Conversation Skills  Define an Ongoing Business Conversation Skill Development Plan 41 Page
  • 43. Creativity: Think or Sink Creativity & Innovation Who Should Attend Managers, team leaders, directors, project managers, supervisors and staff in all industries—and anyone who has influence over the creation, adoption and implementation of new products, services and processes Our Mutual Objectives  Practice creative thinking methods to generate ideas and solutions  Turn existing problems into opportunities for growth  Discover new techniques for securing enthusiasm for new initiatives  Encourage out-of-the-box thinking  Apply creative thinking techniques to foster innovation and improve systems, products and processes  Enhance morale, group performance and collaboration Course Outlines 1- The Messy Nature of Innovation  Identify Practices That Help Promote Creativity and Innovation  Describe the Trade-Offs Between Focusing on Results vs. Focusing on Good Process  Explain the Connection Between Courage, Confidence and Creativity 2- Nurturing New Ideas and Solutions  Use Various Brainstorming Tools for Generating Ideas  Describe the Conditions That Make for Effective Brainstorming  Identify Which Idea Generation Tool Works Best for Different Situations 3- Recommended Practices Review  Identify the Practices and Guidelines That Create an Innovative Work Environment  Give the Creative Process the Patience Necessary to Get to Bold Ideas  Identify the Moment When to Move the Process from Diverging to Converging 4- Real-World Practice  Manage a Problem-Solving Process from Beginning to End  Recognize the Iterative Nature of the Design Process  Implement Problem-Solving/Idea-Generation Meetings 42 Page
  • 44. Use Bait with Business Etiquette Who Should Attend This course is designed for anyone who is looking to advance professionally in their field Our Mutual Objectives  Build relationships, create a professional appearance.  Develop positive relationships with coworkers.  Practice cubicle and office etiquette.  Use the appropriate behavior and etiquette when using the Internet.  use Etiquette in daily communications.  Use Etiquette In meetings.  Handle ethical dilemmas and personal issues.  Become a good conversationalist.  Be courteous when communicating.  Examine the appropriate etiquette for business meals and functions.  Be a courteous traveler at home or abroad. Course Outlines 1- Office protocol  Office etiquette  Cubicle and office etiquette  Office relationships 2- Professional conduct  Appropriate use of the Internet  Ethical dilemmas  Personal issues in the workplace  Monitor the progress 3- Communicating in the workplace  Introductions  Conversations  Etiquette in meetings 4- Etiquette in communication  Telephone courtesy  E-mail etiquette  Writing guidelines 5- Business functions  Attending business functions  Business dining 6- Traveling for business  The courteous traveler 43  International travel Page
  • 45. Supervisory Level 101 Supervisory Management: The first Mile in The Milestone Management Skills for New Supervisors Supervisory Level Who Should Attend New supervisors with less than five years of supervisory experience and process and production supervisors who want the benefit of basic management skills training Our Mutual Objectives  Understand How to Succeed in a Rapidly Changing Environment  Learn How to Plan, Organize, Communicate and Monitor  Apply the Most Appropriate Supervisory Style to Individuals and Situations  Understand Your Legal Responsibilities  Solve Problems Effectively by Using Active Listening Skills to Ask the Right Questions  Learn How to Give Constructive Criticism  Understand How to Apply Various Motivation Techniques  Maximize Productivity by Leveraging a Diverse Workforce  Learn Techniques to Help You Cope with Difficult Employees  Use Delegation for Effective Employee Development, Time Management and Motivation  Learn a Five-Step Coaching Model and Create an Action Plan Course Outlines 1- Embracing Your New Role and Expectations  What your boss, employees, peers and senior management expect from you in your supervisory role  Four basic management functions: planning, organizing, communicating, monitoring 2- Managing a Diverse Workforce  Diversity issues and how they affect you, your work unit and your company 3- Filling Your Communication Skills Toolbox  Advantages and disadvantages of one-way and two-way communication and when to use each  Capitalize on the benefits of e-mail 4- Communication, Building and Boosting Team Performance  Demonstrate paraphrasing to check for content understanding  Experience the impact of nonverbal communication  Send harmonious messages  How to ask questions that get the answers you really need 5- Coaching for High Quality Performance  How to give and receive criticism constructively  How to minimize defensiveness in yourself and others 44  Demonstrate a five-step coaching discussion model Page
  • 46. 6- Creating a Motivating Environment  Establish the essentials of a motivating environment  Demonstrate rules for reinforcing productive behavior 7- Taking Delegation, Performance and Team Development to the Next Level of Excellence  Use delegation as a motivational tool  Develop a strategy for solving a current employee motivational problem 8- Managing Performance Appraisals Understand your company’s appraisal system Record-keeping and compliance issues Write a performance appraisal document Conduct an effective performance appraisal meeting 9- Managing Time Effectively  Key principles of effective time management  Share time management best practices  Five stages of managing meetings 10- Planning for Continuing Growth  Select and prioritize your own next steps  Develop an action plan for continuing professional development 45 Page
  • 47. 102 Supervisory Management : The Extra-Miles in The Milestone Management Skills for Supervisors Who Should Attend Managers and supervisors with three to five years of experience, process and production supervisors and graduates of Management Skills for New Managers, Management Skills for New Supervisors and Making the Transition from Staff Member to Supervisor. Our Mutual Objectives  Master practical, proven techniques for dealing with uncomfortable, challenging situations  Become skilled at trying to avoid potentially litigious situations  Write a difficult-to-create performance evaluation  Enhance your team-coaching skills  Overcome communication barriers to productivity  Understand how to supervise while coping with survivor shock Course Outlines 1- Coaching Uncooperative Employees Define "Diversity" and How It Relates to Coaching Difficulties List Specific Behaviors You Expect from Your Employees Reaffirm the Importance of Coaching Today Explain the Value of Eleven Critical Coaching Skills Use the Contribution Connection to Plan a Coaching Approach for Your Own Most Challenging Employee 2- Resolving Conflict to Increase Cohesiveness  Discuss Constructive and Destructive Conflict and How to Capture Conflict’s Benefits  Describe Four Resolution Positions and Your Own Style Preferences  List Techniques for Using Conflict to Increase Cohesion  Demonstrate the Contribution Connection Approach to Resolving Conflict  Explain Four Stages of Mediation  Mediate Disputes between Others 3- Delegating to Reluctant Staffers Discuss the Difference between Delegating to an Individual and to a Team List Ways to Make Delegation "Attractive" in Tough Times Explain Six Authority Levels and Explain the Importance of Delegating Them Specifically Develop an Authority Level Matrix for Two Staffers Demonstrate the Contribution Connection as a Delegation Monitoring Tool and Delegation 46  Meeting Guide Page
  • 48. 4- Motivating "Survivors" Discuss Key Issues for "Survivors" Face the Feelings behind Complaints, Accusations List Strategies for Helping People Through Use the Contribution Connection to Plan Alliances to Overcome Organizational and Interpersonal Obstacles to Performance 5- Managing Performance: The Written Part Adapt the Contribution Connection Framework to Draft Hard-to-Write Documents Use Grammar and the "Power of Three" to Confront Tough Writing Tasks Write and Edit Corrective Action Memos That Encourage Behavior Change Write Helpful, Legally-Sound Performance Appraisal Documents Develop and Use a Customized Editing Checklist 47 Page
  • 49. Manage People Successfully Who Should Attend Managers and individuals with management responsibilities whose success depends on managing people successfully through clear communication, a cooperative attitude and commitment to shared goals Our Mutual Objectives  Appreciate How the Role of Manager Has Changed in Modern Times  Understand the Role of Values in Managing People  Adjust Management and Personal Style to the Needs of Different Situations  Adopt the Approach Needed to Motivate Different People in Different Situations  Use Effective Feedback to Deal with Difficult People  Delegate Tasks in Ways That Develop Your People  More Effectively Resolve Conflict  Understand How Your Organization’s and Workgroup’s Culture Shapes the Behavior of the People with Whom You Work  Practice the Principles of Emotional Intelligence to Achieve Greater Effectiveness  Appreciate How Good Ethics Is Good Business Course Outlines 1- The Experience of Being a Manager  How to get people to want to do what they’re supposed to do  Specific challenges you face when motivating others 2- Values  Values and their impact on work life  How values can have productive and nonproductive results  Identify value conflicts in yourself and in others 3- Personal Styles  Determine your own personal style profile  Gain insight into the strengths and limitations of your profile  Use behavioral clues to determine others’ personal styles  How to work more effectively with other personal profiles 4- Motivation  Employee motivation factors and their impact on behaviors and work settings  How to tailor your motivational efforts to individual employees and different situations 5- Listening, Body Language, Giving Feedback and Dealing with Difficult People  Use active listening to gain information and understand employees’ perspectives  Effectively apply positive and corrective feedback 48  Use appropriate values alignment when dealing with difficult employees Page
  • 50. 6- Conflict  The dimensions of conflict resolution  Identify your own preferred conflict-resolution styles for better conflict management  Use different conflict resolution styles in different situations 7- Delegation  Different delegation styles: how and when to use them  Determine the appropriate delegation style for employees and situations 8- Understanding Organizational Culture and Subculture  The impact of organizational culture and subculture and “cultural blinders”  Explore the assumptions that impact your team’s thinking and actions  Identify and build on the strengths of your team’s culture 9- Emotional Intelligence  The components of emotional intelligence  Gain an honest and accurate assessment of yourself  Develop an improvement strategy 10- Ethical Leadership  Identify your group’s values  Your vision for ethical leadership 11- Action Planning  Develop a specific plan for applying what you’ve learned back on the job  Identify people who can support your action plans 49 Page
  • 51. Coaching & counseling Path Finder Coaching and Counseling for high Job Performance Who Should Attend Managers, supervisors, project or team leaders, human resources professionals and counselors responsible for performance management Our Mutual Objectives  Identify the Components of Performance Enhancement  Define the Four Coaching Approaches or Styles  Identify the Paradigm Needed by an Effective Coach  Apply Development-based Coaching Techniques  Learn to Create a Coaching Partnership between Supervisor and Employee  Learn the Organizational, Group and Developmental Environments Faced by Coaches  Learn One’s Interpersonal Style and Use It Effectively in Coaching Situations  Develop and Apply the Fundamental Skills of Coaching through Case Study, Role Play, and Discussion  Close the Gaps between Current and Desired Performance  Apply Counseling Skills to Coaching Situations  Understand and Apply the Critical Steps of Coaching  Utilize, throughout the Program, the Coach’s Tools That Apply to Real Work-Coaching Situations  Create an Action Plan Using the Coach’s Planning Guide Course Outlines 1- Coaching Styles  Distinguish between Current and Required Managerial Attributes  Identify the Components for Performance Enhancement  Define the Four Coaching Styles (Approaches)  Define Your Preferred Coaching Style  Understand the Dynamics of the Coaching Issues Circle 2- Coaching Model  Identify the Coaching Model for Development-based Coaching by Applying the: —Coach’s Paradigm —Coaching Framework  Apply Development-based Coaching Techniques  Create a Coaching "Partnership" between Supervisor and Employee 50 Page
  • 52. 3- Coaching Context  Understand and Effectively Utilize the Four Critical Environments for Coaching to Be Effective: — Organization’s Cultural Environment — Group’s Learning Environment — Employee Development Environment — Interpersonal Communication Environment  Assess One’s Coaching Communication Environment through the Personal Style Indicator (PSI)  Expand Interpersonal Communications into Coaching Patterns That Impact the Employee Response to the Coaching  Apply the Results of the PSI to Actual Work Situations 4- Coaching Skills  Develop a Better Understanding of the Four Fundamental Coaching Skills Of: —Observation —Questioning —Listening —Giving Feedback  Fully Use and Apply These Skills So That, as a Coach, You Will: —Observe and Not Judge —Listen to the Words and the Real Message —Ask Questions That Elicit Information and Maintain a Dialogue —Provide Feedback That Structures Future Behaviors 5- Coaching Performance Improvement  Understand and Distinguish between the Different Coaching Situations: —Career —Performance —Development  Understand That, to the Employee, Coaching Is a Form of Intervention  Motivate the Employee Toward the Desired Performance Levels  Effectively Use an Appraisal Form to Provide Feedback on Future Performance Behaviors 6- Developmental Counseling  Define the Counseling Process  Identify the Six Skills for Effective Counseling  Specify the Guidelines When Counseling  Use Precise Communication Skills to Foster the Counseling Process  Conduct a Counseling Session in a Coaching Situation 7- Coaching Process  Link the Learning on Coaching in This Program into Three Practical Steps, and Apply These Steps  Provide Effective Feedback and Coaching for Typical Work Situations  Use Conflict Skills in Difficult Coaching Applications 51  Incorporate the Planning Guides to Address Real Work Situations Page
  • 53. 8- Coaching Application  Connect the Learning from the Coach’s Tools into One, Real-World Application  Use a One-Page Coach’s Planning Guide for Every Coaching Situation  Use Feedback from the Role Play on the Real-World Coaching Situation to Make Adjustments When Coaching on the Job 9- Action Plan  Develop Your Personal Action Plan to Be a More Effective Coach  Understand the Impact That You As a Coach Can Have on Job Performance  Avoid Some of the Common Coaching Mistakes 52 Page
  • 54. Always Maximizing Through Business Prioritizing Set Priorities and Make Decisions under Pressure Who Should Attend Anyone who needs time management training to deal with multiple projects and/or faces expanding workloads, tight time lines and increased uncertainty Our Mutual Objectives  Analyze the Sources and Impact of Workplace Chaos  Apply Tools Designed to Help Determine Priorities  Examine New Time Management Strategies and Techniques  Apply Tools to Help Make Good Decisions Under Pressure  Select Tools and Techniques to Apply Back on the Job Course Outlines 1- A Look at Workplace Chaos  Identify the Sources of Workplace Chaos  Estimate the Impact of Chaos on Individuals, Teams, and Organizations  Begin to Develop an Action Plan to Help You Attain Your Top Business Goals By Using Tools to Manage Workplace Chaos 2- Determining Priorities—The Starting Point Identify Why Determining Priorities Is Critical Compare a Proactive vs. Reactive Work Approach Analyze How You Spend Your Time Negotiate to Help Manage Your Time and Requests 3- Maintaining Focus on Priorities  Compare Older and Newer Time Management Strategies  Review a Selective Daily Action Plan  Describe Three Cures for Illusions About Competing Priorities  Apply Tools That: – Educate Requesters on "Blind Risks" in Their Requests – Help Requesters Arrive at Your Door Better Prepared – Match Assigned Deadlines with Actual Estimates – Track Interruptions 4- Assertive Communication  Define Assertive Communication Required to Manage Workplace Challenge and Pressure  Employ Assertive Responses No Matter How Manipulated or Provoked You Feel  Decline a Request Successfully, Whether from Your Manager, Your Peers or Your Customers 53  Identify Helpful Language Page
  • 55. 5- Decision Making Under Pressure Determine the Risks of Making Decisions Under Pressure Identify Good Decision Making Considerations Practice a Fast Focus Analysis Make Your Decision. Weigh It Against Your "Quick Pick" Examine the Decision Guide Format Through a Demonstration Case Complete the Decision Guide Using Your Own Case 54 Page
  • 56. Managerial & Leadership Level 101 Managerial Skills: The First Mile in The Milestone Managerial & Leadership Level Management for new Managers Who Should Attend Managers with one to three years of experience who are seeking additional management training Our Mutual Objectives  Clearly Articulate Your Role and Responsibilities as Manager  Effectively Manage the Performance of Your Direct Reports  Capitalize on Your Employees’ Natural Motivators for Success  Determine the Best Ways to Communicate throughout Your Organization  Learn and Apply the Principles of Situational Leadership  Identify the Benefits and Procedures of Effective Delegation  Uncover Your Strengths as a Coach Course Outlines 1- Manager Self-Assessment  Identify what you do well in your new role and what you can do even better  Determine the skills you have that still need improvement 2- Defining Your Role  Your responsibilities and the expectations of your boss, peers and former colleagues  Create an environment to achieve results with and through your team 3- Performance Management  Differentiate between your responsibilities and those of your direct reports  Learn what to keep in a personnel file 4- Effective Communication  Determine the best communication strategies with your manager and your team  Plan and conduct effective meetings 5- Motivational Strategies  Causes of dissatisfaction in your group  Uncover your employees’ motivators and capitalize on them 6- Situational Leadership —the Art of Influencing Others  How to develop people, value differences and encourage honest communication  Develop your leadership style to gain commitment from your employees 55  Match your leadership style to your employees' developmental needs Page