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                    THE MAGAZINE OF THE
                    EUROPEAN INNOVATION

          Ethical issues of emerging
               ICT applications
Mapping the moral
future of ICTs
                                                            look at today’s newspapers will probably reveal there has been some
CONTENTS                                                    headline to do with the use and misuse of information and communica-
                                                            tion technology. Data may have been lost by a government, an official
Introduction…………………….4                                      may have used a police database to spy on a potential girlfriend, a com-
                                                pany may have sold data of underage users, or a file sharing provider may have
VTT……………………..……….6                              been sued by an intellectual property holder. These are all ethical issues that are
                                                caused by or at least related to ICT. As ICTs spread further into the fabric of per-
                                                sonal and social lives, as new technologies and applications get distributed in more
TUD……………………………….8                               and more activities, we can expect this type of ethical concern to increase. It is easy
                                                to guess that new types of data collected for many different purposes will create
KIT….………………….………10                              bigger concerns with regards to privacy and data protection. IP issues will contin-
                                                ue to gain relevance in societies that are increasingly information driven.
FUNDP………………...………12                               While ethical issues of ICT will remain with us for the foreseeable future, our cur-
                                                rent ways of addressing these are problematic. In most cases we wait until a sig-
Recommendations…………15                           nificant problem arises. Following public outcry, and political and media attempts to
                                                pin the blame, western societies start to consider how another instance of the same
                                                problem might be avoided. This is a standard way that societies deal with problems.
Dissemination………..………17                         However, rather than wait until the problem is there and the solution has to be fit-
                                                ted to the existing technologies and social structures, would it not be better to think
The Future for ETICA.…….…19                     about them early and prevent problems?
                                                  The ETICA project started with the assumption that such an approach was both
EEMA…………………………...20                             desirable and possible. It set out to identify emerging technologies that can be
                                                expected to be socially relevant in the next 10 to 15 years. These technologies
                                                were then investigated and it was asked whether one can make reasonable and
The Advisory Board ………...21                     transparent predictions about the ethical issues they may raise when they come
                                                into wide-spread use. On this basis, ETICA evaluated the different technologies
TRN……………………………..21                              and their likely consequences from the perspectives of law, gender, institutional
                                                ethics and technology assessment.
EUREX………………………….22                                A final question picked up by ETICA concerns current and possible governance
                                                arrangements. The idea behind this is that simple knowledge about the future is not
ANA……………………………..22                              sufficient to ensure that appropriate actions are taken. Even if we could exactly pre-
                                                dict which ethical issues a novel technology will raise, it is by no means clear what
Contacts………………………. 23                           should be done about it. The project therefore looked at current governance
                                                arrangements that are used to identify and address ethical issues. It critically ques-
                                                tioned the assumptions behind those arrangements with a view to coming to rec-
                                                ommendations that will allow taking account of ethics early.
 Editor: Ranjeet Johal
                                                  This magazine recounts the main activities of the ETICA project. It explains the
 Production Editor: Nat Green
                                                logic of the different activities and work packages and how they fit together to
 Published by The European Innovation
                                                answer our questions. It details methodologies, approaches and their justification.
 Exchange, Jubilee Lodge, Ridlington, Rutland
                                                It also lists the main recommendations of the project and explains how they can
 © European Innovation Exchange 2011
                                                contribute to the overall project. The magazine is aimed at all those individuals and
 ISSN 2041-9910
                                                organisations that have an interest in the ethics of ICT. It will hopefully contribute to
 The opinions and views expressed in this       a better understanding of the issues involved and thereby lead to a more thought-
 publication are not necessarily those of the
                                                ful and reflexive use of such technologies. In the end, ethical sensitivity contributes
                                                to better products, more satisfied customers as well as a better society in which cit-
                                                izens’ needs are taken seriously. I
                                                                                                                               ETICA I 3

technology ethics
                                                                                                                                                             world. This definition meant that the activities of identify-       The contributions of the ETICA project to current dis-

                                                                                                                                                             ing technologies did not have to spend much effort on            courses around emerging ICTs need to be understood

                                                                                                                                              is aware of
                                                                                                                                                             looking at particular aspects of present types, unless           and interpreted in this context. The consortium is aware
                                                                                                                                                             these indicated that there were larger changes behind            of the fact that it may be wrong in any of the predictions

                                                                                                                                             the fact that
                                                                                                                                                             them and driving them, which had the potential to fulfill        it makes. The technologies it describes may not become
                                                                                                                                                             our definition.                                                  socially relevant, the ethical issues may not materialise

                                                                                                                                                it may be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              or take different forms, governance recommendations

                                                                                                                                                 wrong in
                                                                                                                                                             Uncertainty                                                      may not lead to the desired results and it may well be
                                                                                                                                                             A final important point needs to be discussed, before the        that the most important technologies and ethical issues

                                                                                                                                               any of the
                                                                                                                                                             individual activities undertaken in the project are              have been overlooked.
                                                                                                                                                             described in more detail in the following sections. This is

                                                                                                                                                             the question which aims and claims are associated with           Foresight

                                                                                                                                                  it makes
                                                                                                                                                             the project. To put it differently: if the future remains fun-   This is a normal state of affairs for a foresight project

The ETICA project is a bold attempt to visualise possible futures for emerging ICT
                                                                                                                                                             damentally unknown and all the prediction a research             such as ETICA. The claims to truth that the project rais-
                                                                                                                                                             project such as ETICA can make are fundamentally                 es are not strong or comparable with those arising from
to help decision-makers operate in an ethical framework when developing them                                                                                 uncertain, then what is the point of the exercise? Would
                                                                                                                                                             we not be better off investing the resources used here
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              traditional scientific research. Instead, the point of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              project is to give input into societal, research-oriented
                                                                                                                                                             into the development of technology, rather than in spec-         and policy discourses about how technologies can affect
                                                                                                                                                             ulation about what this development might bring about?           our future. The inputs to such discourses provided by
                                                                                                                                                               The answer is that such research, despite its uncertain-       ETICA claim to be well-grounded and reasonable to dis-
                                                                                                                                                             ty and lack of ‘scientific’ exactness fulfills an important      cuss. On this basis European societies can decide
                                                                                                                                                                                     function in democratic societies.        where they want to go, how they want to live together
THE ETICA project faced numerous challenges in                frame. It chose to concentrate on technologies that are                                                                                                         and how to regulate the use of technologies.
achieving its aims of identifying emerging ICTs, find-        likely to emerge in the next 10 to 15 years. The reason
ing out which ethical issues these were likely to             for this choice is that it corresponds with
raise, evaluating these issues and developing rec-            the technology development life
ommendations concerning suitable governance                   cycle. Technologies
arrangements to address these. In order to allow the          that are widely
consortium to address them, the project was divided           available
into three main stages: identification, evaluation,           and
and governance.
  During the identification stage, the project had to make
a number of conceptual choices in order to be able to
progress towards its aims. An initial one of these was
what was meant by the term ‘emerging ICT’. One prob-
lem of this definition was the concept of emergence.
Typically used in systems theory and related fields,
emergence normally denotes the property of an entity to
arise from complex interactions of parts of the system.                                                                                                                                                                         In order to have such a socially useful discourse, the
Emergence is therefore something that is difficult, if not    affect                                                                                                                                                          findings and recommendations of the project need to be
impossible, to predict. In attempting to predict emerging     human lives                                                                                                                                                     well-grounded. This magazine will explain in the coming
ICTs, the ETICA project therefore faced the problem of        on a greater scale in this                                                                                                                                      sections how the consortium undertook its work and
trying to achieve the impossible.                             time frame are those technologies that                                                                                                                          what the results were. In addition to these important
  This is a problem that all research related to the future   are currently in early stages of research and                                                                                                                   methodological foundations of the project, it is also
faces. The future is not known and attempting to predict      development. By looking at current research activities,                                                                                                         important to communicate to the right stakeholders and
it is fraught with difficulties. However, one can at the      one can therefore gain a reasonable understanding of                                                                                                            engage with them with regards to their needs and
same time observe that prediction of the future is a rela-    likely technical futures.                                                                                                                                       requirements. This magazine will therefore outline the
tively standard activity and modern societies in many            This definition indicates a second major conceptual                                                                                                          different dissemination activities of the project and how
respects depend on such predictions. States have to           issue faced by the project, namely the definition of ‘infor-                                   Policy makers, industry and the population as a whole            researchers, industry and policy makers were involved in
work on predictions of future population numbers and tax      mation and communication technology’. What do we                                               needs to grapple with issues related to future technolo-         the project. This magazine is part of these dissemination

                                                                                                                             What do we
revenues. Companies predict future turn-over and mar-         count as technology and which types of technology                                              gies. As the editorial of this magazine pointed out, there       efforts and should be seen as the description of the
kets. Individually we plan our lives in the face of uncer-    should be investigated? Neither the term itself nor its cur-                                   are increasing numbers of ethical issues related to ICT          grounding of ETICA’s contribution. The consortium wel-

                                                                                                                             count as
tainty. The ETICA project is located in this ambiguous        rent usage provides much help in arriving at a suitable                                        that make it into the everyday headlines. Further spread         comes any feedback it receives on the basis of this mag-
area of knowledge and lack of knowledge.                      definition.                                                                                    of such technologies will lead to further issues. Societies      azine and hopes that its contribution will make a differ-

                                                                 It quickly became clear, however, that ETICA, in order                                      need to think about how current problems should be               ence in Europe and beyond. I
                                                                                                                             and which
                                                              to be able to identify relevant ethical issues, would have                                     addressed and how future issues can be taken into
One important observation related to future-oriented          to look at the big picture. Bits, bytes, devices and items                                     account before they become significant. This requires a          The research leading to these results has

                                                                                                                             types of
work is that the certainty of predictions decreases with      rarely have the power to affect human lives in a way that                                      shared understanding of what the future may hold. This           received funding from the European
the temporal horizon of the prediction. We can safely         is ethically relevant. Ethical relevance comes from sub-                                       shared understanding may turn out to be misleading and           Community’s Seventh Framework Programme
assume that tomorrow most things will be very similar to      stantial changes to human capabilities, freedoms, choic-                                       the resulting actions may not be able to comprehensive-          (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement

                                                                                                                             should be
the way they are today. At the same time we have no cer-      es, etc. The ETICA consortium therefore decided to use                                         ly address all issues. Such limited knowledge is never-          n° 230318.
tainty about how things will be in 1000 years. In order to    a definition of technology as high-level socio-technical                                       theless still preferable over a passive position that simply

be able to make useful predictions that are not entirely      systems that incorporate a view of humans and have the                                         waits until events happen and then tries to deal with the
trivial, ETICA therefore had to choose a suitable time        potential to change the way humans interact with the                                           consequences.                                          
4 I ETICA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ETICA I 5
VTT – identifying
the next big thing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Technology is not neutral – it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          can either help or hinder us

Part of the Finnish innovation system controlled by the Ministry of
Employment and the Economy, VTT produces research, development,
testing and information services for both the public and private sector

THE central question that ETICA had to answer in                The description of each technology consists of:
order to successfully complete, the identification              I Technology Name
stage, was how to come to an understanding of the               I History and Definitions (from discourse analysis and other sources)
future that is relevant to policy makers. This question         I Defining Features (‘essence’ of technology, how it changes our interaction
can be further divided into two separate sub-ques-                with the world)

tions: how can we know about emerging technolo-                 I Application Areas/Examples
gies; and how we can identify the ethical issues that           I Relation to other Technologies                                                                  We are aware that these technologies may overlap with          smaller and smaller and it is presumable that in the future

these technologies will raise?                                  I Critical Issues (ethical, social, legal and related issues)                                   each other and the level of these technologies may vary          so called invisible computers are reality. Of course if and
  Due to the multiplicity of emerging technologies and                                                                                                          in many ways. For example, one issue is if most of these         when our technologically augmented environment comes

                                                                                                                                                  will make
                                                                I References
their uncertain nature, the ETICA consortium had to                                                                                                             technologies could be subordinated to Ambient Intelli-           little bit more invisible and more complex there will be

decide on an approach that was academically sound and          gies were defined: technologies, application examples,                                           gence, or if Bioelectronics and Neuroelectronics are pret-       issues of user control and comprehension of this kind of
simultaneously feasible within the resource constraints of     and artefacts. This distinction, along with the possibility of                                   ty much under the same developmental and application             new intelligent environment.

                                                                                                                                                  smaller and
the project. The principle of the identification of emerging   defining relationships between different entities allowed                                        area. Our decision for this selection of emerging ICTs is
technologies and ethical issues agreed is that it will be a    more flexibility in the identification process. The aim of the                                   based on studied discourses by governments and                   Augmentation
distillation of published views on these issues. ETICA
relies on a range of available sources to identify which
                                                               data analysis was to identify the most important emerging
                                                               ICTs on the basis of relevant sources and to provide a                             smaller       research institutions. Therefore we also use several other
                                                                                                                                                                methods to ensure that the list of technologies will be rea-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Many technologies also envisage human augmentation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 in one way or another. Augmented reality applications are
technologies are likely to emerge, and which ethical           description of the way in which these technologies are                                           sonable. These consist of a set of focus groups with tech-       already available for various platforms, but how and with
issues these are likely to raise.                              expected to make a difference.                                                                   nology users, a survey of technology development project         what speed development will take further steps is still
  Having settled on the principles of the bottom-up              While such an abstract description is required to come                                         leaders, and a technology assessment made by experts.            hard to predict. Intelligence (including e.g. context-aware-
approach, the next question was what to look for in the        to an understanding of emerging technologies, it may be                                                                                                           ness, pervasiveness and adaptivity) is one of the main
data. The central question here was how we could make          too brief to provide useful pointers to ethics, which is                                         Vision                                                           characteristics that underline developmental work of
sense of the broad field of emerging and future ICTs while     always contextualised. It was therefore decided to enable                                        The main characteristics of future emerging information          future emerging ICTs. Through intelligence there are lots
keeping in mind the resource constraints of the project.       richer descriptions of technologies or ‘vignettes’ that                                          and communication technologies that came up from tech-           of possibilities to support different kind of technologies,
For the purpose of high level policy advice the most           would allow ethical analysis of the emerging ICTs.                                               nology descriptions may also vary in their format while          applications and services, but there will be also many
important item needed is a general understanding of              Naturally we also looked at relationships between differ-                                      some technologies (e.g. Ambient Intelligence) have a             already identified threats and obstacles in utilising these
which technologies are emerging. The focus of analysis         ent technologies in order to understand more profoundly                                          clear vision of how it will change the way humans interact       applications.
therefore needs to be at a relatively high and generalis-      the semantics and nature of those technologies. After                                            with the world but on the other hand other technologies             Generally there is also strong emphasis at the moment
able level. Individual artefacts or applications are only of   thorough clustering and categorisation of our data we                                            (e.g. Quantum Computing) visions are not so much on an           towards virtualisation of services and communication.

                                                                                                                                       It was
interest in so far as they can improve the understanding       have selected the following titles to present the most pre-                                      application level, but more on higher technology level.          How for example civil society will accept service virtuali-
of general and high level technologies.                        sumable future emerging ICTs:                                                                    However it is already at this point possible to highlight        sation and digitalisation is under discussion. Tradeoffs

                                                                                                                                 decided to
                                                                                                                                                                some of those main characteristics that bring out the            between clear benefits and harsh disadvantages, espe-

Core characteristics                                           I Affective computing                                                                            essence and developmental targets of these technolo-             cially for some special groups, have to be made and jus-
As it is impossible to envisage all possible applications of   I Ambient intelligence                                                                           gies.                                                            tified. All in all new services and applications that are

                                                                                                                                 what could
such a high level overview of technologies, it was decid-      I Artificial intelligence                                                                          It seems that there is an ongoing strong trend towards         enabled by future emerging ICTs will require more com-
ed to identify what could be called the ‘core characteris-     I Bioelectronics                                                                                 convergence and transdisciplinarity in ICT development.          puting power with less energy consumption. One of the

                                                                                                                                  be called
tics’ of the technologies in question. Identifying the         I Cloud computing                                                                                ICT is already distributed throughout our everyday lives         possible solutions to this dilemma will be provided by the

                                                                                                                                   the ‘core
essence or characteristics of the technology, the data         I Future internet                                                                                and it seems that this kind of trend is going to be even         development of quantum computing. How prevalent the
analysis needs to give an answer to the question about in      I Human/machine symbiosis                                                                        stronger in the future. Malleability, one of the characteris-    quantum computing paradigm will be after the next ten to

what way the technology changes the manner that                I Neuroelectronics                                                                               tics of future ICT, will make it possible to think of all con-   20 years is of course still an open question. I
humans interact with the world.                                I Quantum computing                                                                              ceivable ways to utilise ICT in different application areas

  In order to address the problems of what counts as a         I Robotics                                                                                       and possibly even applications we can’t even think of yet.       Contact:
‘high level’ technology, three different types of technolo-    I Virtual/Augmented Reality                                                                      Development of nanotechnology will make hardware
6 I ETICA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ETICA I 7
Visualising the
                                                                                                                                                          The old

ethical boundaries
                                                                                                                                                        still apply

Delft University of Technology is using cutting-edge programs to visualise how
the key concepts studied by ETICA interact

THE research team from Delft University of Tech-
nology (TU Delft) has been responsible for identify-
ing ethical issues arising from information and com-
munication technologies in the coming 10 to 15
  To this end ‘Ethics of emerging technologies’ was                                                                                                                   front as relevant in most of the Ethical Analyses. This        of the other emerging technologies as they enable cer-
defined as ‘aiming at the identification and articulation of                                                                                                          does not necessarily imply that the ethical implications of    tain capabilities needed to realise it, this position is war-
ethical issues of technologies that do not exist yet, but                                                                                                             the issue are similar for all of these technologies.           ranted.
are likely to emerge.’ In practice this amounted to                                                                                                                      Take Autonomy, for instance. Two different accounts of        Generally it is safe to say that technologies at the bot-
describing what scholars in computer and information                                                                                                                  autonomy can be found in two analyses. In the discus-          tom of the hierarchy have fewer practical applications
ethics say about the identified emerging ICTs from a plu-                                                                                                             sion of Neuroelectronics a possible infringement of            than the ones positioned higher up. As a result ethical
ralist as well as a descriptive stance that allows a num-                                                                                                             autonomy is mentioned as systems take over certain             issues stemming from these technologies tend to be dis-
ber of different voices to be heard.                                                                                                                                  human functions. In the discussion of Artificial Intelli-      cussed in terms of technologies positioned higher up in
  The analysis started off by creating a topical mapping                                                                                                              gence autonomy is discussed as a requirement for a             the hierarchy. Issues that occur in lower positioned,
of the discourse using specialised software called the                                                                                                                machine to become a genuine moral agent. These are             enabling technologies may thus have a huge impact as
VOSviewer. An overview of academic literature contain-                                                                                                                different, although related, notions of autonomy.              they affect all technologies that are enabled by them.
ing 1038 references, abstracts and keywords from lead-                                                                                                                   Besides overlapping issues the research also brought          To assess to what extent the findings of the ethical
ing ethical sources was constructed as input for the bib-                                                                                                             forward ethical issues that were unique to a technology.       analyses correspond with views and practices of outside
liometrical analysis. Although VOSviewer still is in an                                                                                                               Especially more specific traits of technologies are bound      stakeholders, the findings of the literature study are com-
experimental phase, for the majority of technologies                                                                                                                  to give rise to more specific issues. The issue of ‘Robots     pared with the outcomes of two empirical studies. First
analysed in the ETICA project it distilled an adequate                                                                                                                going out of control’ for instance is only addressed in the    the opinions of lay people were examined via focus
overview of ethical values and concepts.                                                                                                                              Ethical Analysis of Robotics.                                  groups, second a survey was sent out to FP7 ICT-proj-
  Building on the results of the bibliometrical analysis a      and Human-Machine Symbioses in particular are dis-           Above and right: two of                     Furthermore research showed that to a large extent the      ects to examine the opinion of technology researchers.
traditional ethical analysis (EA) was done for each of the      cussed in depth in both ethical and subject related aca-     the visual maps created                  old moral categories and concepts (say pre-internet) still
eleven emerging technologies discerned in the ETICA             demic articles.                                                        by VOSviewer                   apply to new technologies and are predominantly used.          Analyses
project. Each Analysis was delimitated by basing it on            A remarkable finding of the research was that the                                                   It should be noted however that in order to be made rel-       The issues that were brought forward in both empirical
the defining features of the technology identified previ-       amount of speculation underlying ethical issues men-                                                  evant and applicable to new technologies some of the           studies to a very large extent conform to the issues as
ously and independently in the Technology Descriptions.         tioned in the analysis ranged widely. On one end of the                                               categories and concepts need to be reconstructed and           discussed in the Ethical Analyses of the emerging ICTs.
Next, relevant references were drawn from the overview          spectrum there are issues that seem purely hypothetical.                                              new conceptions of old concepts need to be articulated.        On the other hand many issues that were found in the
of ethical academic literature constructed in phase 1. In       The technology implicated in some issues on Robotics                                                  Steps toward this re-conceptualisation were found in           Ethical Analyses were not mentioned at all either in the
case the references drawn from the overview of academ-          and Affective Computing for instance at the moment are                                                multiple sources that were analysed.                           focus groups or the survey. It may be concluded that
ic literature proved rather small for a specific technology,    beyond the immediate reach of R&D and practical imple-                                                                                                               (academic) ethicists succeed in addressing the concerns
further literature was consulted from other relevant aca-       mentation.                                                                                                                                                           that felt among the public, but that the public itself is
demic sources.                                                    On the other end of the spectrum a great deal of issues                                             The type of relationships that was found to occur most         either (still) not aware of all (potential) issues or does not

                                                                were discussed in the ethical analysis that already can                                               often between the different technologies is an ‘enabling’      agree on the assessment done by the ethicists.
Literature                                                      be found relatively frequently in daily life and in public                                            relation. Artificial Intelligence for instance can be viewed     In case these issues indeed are relevant to the public it

As was expected, not all of the analysed emerging tech-         debates. For instance, many of the issues identified in                                               as an enabler for Robotics as AI is a necessary require-       subsequently may lead to the conclusion that ethicists do

nologies were equally well represented in literature. On        the analysis of the Future Internet are exacerbated                                                   ment in the construction of more advanced robots. By           not manage to create awareness amongst the public of
the one hand for some technologies, most notably                instances of issues encountered on the internet as we                                                 discovering which technologies are enabling which tech-        some of the ethical concerns and issues that indeed are

                                                                                                                             mentioned in
Quantum Computing and Bioelectronics, almost no rele-           know it today.                                                                                        nologies a sort of hierarchy can be established. At the        relevant to them. To ascertain which conclusion is war-
vant articles in the extant literature were found. As a           As was anticipated in the Technology Descriptions,                                                  bottom of this hierarchy more basic or ‘fundamental’           ranted it is recommend further research should be

                                                                                                                             the analysis
result for those technologies almost no articulation of         many of the technologies discussed are found to be                                                    technologies are found such as Quantum Computing               undertaken into the relationship between academic ethi-

ethical issues was discovered, both in the ethical and          closely related to each other. This can partly count as an                                            and Neuroelectronics that enable technologies such as          cal discourse and the concerns and issues felt in by the
other literature. On the other hand research showed that        explanation for the overlap found in issues stemming                                                  Artificial Intelligence and Human-Machine Symbiosis. At        public I

certain technologies received significantly more attention      from different technologies. Especially the more generic                                              the top end Ambient Intelligence can be placed. Given
in literature than average: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics   issues such as ‘privacy’ and ‘autonomy’ came to the fore-                                             that Ambient Intelligence seems to encompass almost all
8 I ETICA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ETICA I 9
Karlsruhe puts
personal values
                                                                                                                                                       high likelihood of becoming an ethical issue as far as          of women and men in all aspects of ICT production and
                                                                                                                                                       they concern or might concern human dignity, namely:            implementation.
                                                                                                                                                       Ambient Intelligence, Human-machine symbiosis, neuro-             The group also contributed definitions of gender-relat-
                                                                                                                                                       electronics, and robotics. Other technologies such as           ed concepts to ETICA’s theoretical apparatus called
                                                                                                                                                       Affective Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Bioelectronics    Glossary and participated in ETICA’s events and dissem-
                                                                                                                                                       and Virtual/Augmented Reality can be seen, according            ination activities.

into the mix
                                                                                                                                                       to the analysis, as having a high degree of likelihood.
                                                                                                                                                       Since the ethical analyses carried out in WP2 was based         Legal evaluation
                                                                                                                                                       on an overview on Computer and Information Ethics it            The purpose of the evaluation was to explore the legal
                                                                                                                                                       could also be demonstrated that current academic                implications which might be relevant to the ethical
                                                                                                                                                       research – unlike the Ethics of European Institutions - is      aspects of emerging technologies. The evaluation was
                                                                                                                                                       very much human-centred. There is little to no research         performed by researchers of the Eötvös Károly Policy
                                                                                                                               Lack of trust: who is   on animals or environmental issues. Here, we would like         Institute, Budapest (EKINT): Iván Székely, Beatrix Vissy
                                                                                                                               holding your data?      to encourage our colleagues to take some inspiration            and Máté D. Szabó.
                                                                                                                                                       from the Ethics of the European Institutions and to over-         The starting points of the analysis were the fundamen-
                                                                                                                                                       come the bias towards humans.                                   tal values as well as principles distilled from the values
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       forming the cornerstones of Western constitutional
                                                                                                                                                                           Gender Studies                              democracies, such as human dignity, equality and the
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology’s ITAS focused on the envi-                                                                                                              Work on gender issues in ETICA was          rule of law. For the purposes of the evaluation of the

ronmental, economic, social, political and institutional issues
                                                                                                                                                                          performed by a team from the Women’s         selected emerging technologies, both an empirical and a
                                                                                                                                                                          Studies Center of the University of Lodz     speculative approach were employed.
                                                                                                                                                                          in Poland: Prof. Elzbieta H. Oleksy            In the course of the empirical study – using the method
                                                                                                                                                                          (WSC’s director, later replaced by dr.       of analysis of documents and databases – legal databas-
                                                                                                                                                                          Edyta Just), and the Department of           es were used covering the whole corpus of EU law. As a
ETICA’s work on ‘Evaluation’ combined work from                might still have a long way to go before it finds routine                                                 Transatlantic and Media Studies of the        main finding, it can be established that the legal implica-
partners with specialised expertise to examine the             use. Too much hype can distract from a promising core                                                     same university: ( Dr. W. Oleksy- the         tions of emerging technologies are not reflected in the
key technologies identified at previous stages of the          of a technology as could be said to be the case for artifi-                                               coordinator of ETICA at Lodz University,      EU legal documents and attracted only a minimal legisla-
project from the perspectives of technology assess-            cial intelligence which has experienced two “winters” due                                                 and K. Zapedowska, M.A).                      tive attention in the competent bodies of the EU.
ment, ethical panels, gender and legal studies. The            to its failure to meet exaggerated expectations.                                                            The team’s task in ETICA (WP3,                The speculative findings have been divided into two
goal was to produce a ranking of emerging technolo-              Technology assessment makes most sense when we                                                          Deliverable 3.2.4) was to assess ethical      groups: the first group contains findings from the aspects
gies according to the severity of the issues they              are considering practical applications or approach the                                                    aspects of selected ICTs from the per-        of those applying and using emerging technologies,
raise. The separate assessments were discussed at              technology from the viewpoint of societal problems, for                                                  spective of whether and to what extent         while the other presents the findings from the aspects of
an expert workshop and combined into a single                  which applications of technology might provide a possi-                                                  gender issues are represented in the lit-      lawmakers. Among the recommendations formulated, it
report with the help of an assessment grid produced            ble solution. In such cases, non-technical solutions to the                                              erature on the selected ICTs. A critical       was emphasised that new basic principles and criteria
at the beginning of the project. Simply stated, each           problem should be considered as an alternative to those                                                  review of available literature (over 100       should be worked out in detail for the use of emerging
partner had the task of judging the importance of the          involving technology.                                                                                    publications) was performed (method-           technologies with special regard to individual choice,
key technologies for future activities in their field of         Coming back to the key technologies, it seems advis-                                                  ologically based in Critical Discourse          consent and transparency, and that legal science should
expertise.                                                     able to treat some together, e.g. all related to close                                                  Analysis and evaluative instruments             work out adequate regulatory strategies for different sce-
  Michael Rader of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,      human-machine interaction or those in some way involv-                                                  worked out for WP 3) to arrive at recom-        narios regarding such technologies.
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems                ing attempts to equip machines with human-like intelli-                                                 mendations that would be of relevance to          The evaluation took into consideration the fact that in
Analysis led the work package and, with Alex Antener,          gence. If the realisation of a technology is far on the hori-                                           various stakeholders involved in ICT            the so-called new European democracies the moral
contributed an analysis from the viewpoint of technology       zon, it is not really a candidate for ethical debate, but                                               design, production and distribution as well     value order of society is less stable than in traditional
assessment.                                                    could be the subject of a more technology oriented tech-                                                as to the general public.                       democracies, therefore in these countries the legal guar-
                                                               nology assessment which attempts to identify trajecto-                                                    The main findings of the group are the        antees of moral postulates are even more important than
Technology Assessment                                          ries for its realisation, possible applications and time                                               following:                                       in other countries of the EU, when introducing emerging
For each of the 11 key technologies identified by ETICA,       horizons.                                                                                              I Some ICTs have received little                 technologies.
a small case study drawing on technology assessment                                                                                                                   (Neuroelectronics, Quantum Computing)              All components of the evaluation exercise confirmed
studies and related work, served to illustrate the likeli-     Ethics of European Institutions                                                                        or minimal attention (Human-Machine              the importance of the eleven key technologies which had
hood and urgency of expected controversies concerning          The ethical evaluation was carried out by Rafael Capurro                                               Symbiosis, Robotics) in the literature gen-      been identified at earlier stages of ETICA. The current
ethical aspects and social impacts linked with these tech-     and Michael Nagenborg (SHB). In a first step the “Ethics                                               der wise so the ethical impact of their appli-   exception, quantum computing, will probably not achieve
nologies. An important consideration is the time frame for     of European Institutions” were reconstructed in order to                                              cations in the future is hard to estimate;        maturity during ETICA’s time horizon of approximately
their expected diffusion and practical applications. All 11    estimate the likelihood of ethical issues. One of the main                                            I Such ICTs as Affective Computing,               ten years. There are also doubts about the true impor-
technologies raised sufficient concerns to justify ethical     indicators was a potential conflict with the values and                                               Ambient Intelligence, Augmented Reality,          tance of “cloud computing”, which is the subject of much
analysis or consideration of potential societal impact at      principles of the EU Charter, the Opinions of the                                                     Artificial Intelligence, Bioelectronics, Cloud    attention in the media and by policy makers. The concept
the stage of evaluating research proposals. In the case        European Group on Ethics in Science and New                                                           Computing have been found to have the             repackages many ideas, such as shifting software from
of quantum computing and cloud computing, the outlines         Technologies (EGE) as well as of other National (Bio-                                                 potential of positively affecting gender          the desktop into a central “cloud”, that have been in exis-
of practical applications are as yet indistinct and thus it    )Ethics Committees (NEC) and other official EU docu-                                                  power relations and thus improve gender           tence for some several years already. The question is
seems advisable to monitor technological developments          ments. The core values of European institutions high-                                                 equality in the labour market across EU           whether it will break through as a pervasive approach to
closely before deciding on the topics of ethical or social     lighted in this analysis included human dignity, freedom,                                             countries and worldwide;                          computing or remain restricted to certain applications or
analyses.                                                      freedom of research, privacy, and justice. We also took                                               I More research on the relationship               types of user. This is obviously an issue for further
  The aim of technology assessment is to disentangle           into consideration the principle of proportionality, the                                              between gender and ICT design, applica-           research. I
fact from fiction, in particular to separate hype from like-   precautionary principle and the principle of transparen-                                              tion and representation is needed so as to
ly reality. Enthusiasm for a technology, for whatever rea-     cy as key principles. According to this framework we                                                  enhance a better understanding of ethical
son, might suggest that its impact is imminent, while it       concluded that the following technologies have a very                                                 issues resulting from unequal participation
10 I ETICA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ETICA I 11
Measuring the
impact of
emerging ICT
FUNDP’s role in the ETICA project was to reflect upon current ethical
governance approaches and to advise on an ethical governance strategy

FUNDP seeks to address the issue of ethical issue             technology assessment risks ‘framing’ issues in a nar-        Experts
                                                                                                                            tend to
determination and resolution in ethical governance            row way. Reducing contexts to factors presupposed in
approaches and ICT development. The way this is               a framing leads to inadequate norm-construction. The
approached is to rethink the relation of norms and            problem is how to include the perspectives of the pro-
                                                                                                                            reduce all
                                                                                                                            problems to
contexts in current approaches.                               posed addressees of a norm as it is their context that
  ‘Norms’ deal with what we ought to do, in distinction       will be affected by ICT research and development.

                                                                                                                            problems of
with what we can do. In current approaches to ethical           Seeing things from another’s point of view is a central
governance, norms are treated as separable from con-          part of governance insofar as accountability in a demo-                       Figure 1: Relationships      For instance, a technologist may have perfect faith in   R&D. Through a dialogue approach in which the public
texts. This results from presupposing that a norm is
successfully articulated when it is issued with good
                                                              cratic context relies upon the notions that:
                                                                1. no particular point of view is ruled out in principle;   justification   between WP4 and other
                                                                                                                                            Work Packages
                                                                                                                                                                      the inherent goodness of scientific progress. Such a
                                                                                                                                                                      faith can fail to pick out what might be genuinely felt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  have a say, framed in terms of ethics by experts, fram-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ings are opened both on the public and expert side. The
intentions or that good things flow as if by logic from its     2. the possibility of maximising convergence by some                                                  concerns among the public about a possible effect of a      matter of discussion is also kept to the ethical.
articulation.                                                      fair means exists.                                                                                 development in, say, computing. Affective computing           Public participation needn’t be thought of as a resolu-
  Given a norm is prescriptive, the context in which it is      However, through years of careful training, research                                                  might represent an exciting breakthrough from the per-      tion tool. In using the notion of context as part of the
articulated is of central importance. Arguments about         and experience certain modes of governance have                                                         spective of a technology expert, and one too good to be     problem at hand, this recognises a distinction between
issues are not sufficient for ethics. Action is required,     taken on the status of reflexes.                                                                        restrained. A member of the public might fear the pos-      determining an ethical issue and determining the
and action doesn’t necessarily result from even the                                                                                                                   sibilities for surveillance or integrity. The problem is    apprehension of the problem. Determining that appre-
best arguments.                                               Expertise                                                                                               between sensors and sensibilities.                          hension is where the distinction between significance
  Norms embody values, interests. The problem is that         Between the 1980s and 2000s (between the Single                                                            The stakes for the split communities of expert and lay   and meaning takes hold, and where the difference in
ethical issues are broadly determined by experts in           European Act and the Lisbon Summit), various commit-                                                    public are often different. Experts in technology enjoy     technical understanding and self-understandings take
established approaches. The ways in which issues are          tees were set up to maintain supranational accountabil-                                                 scientific progress in itself, and see the exciting bene-   hold.
determined and norms established are those that come          ity across Europe. Committees of experts are thought                                                    fits that can be offered by its pursuit. For the public,      A change in mindset is required. This is simple in that
most naturally to experts from given fields. The way          to have special insight into any given topic at hand. In                                                ways of life and interpersonal relations are what’s key.    all it takes is a realisation, but difficult as that realisation
experts see problems are constrained by their fram-           ethics concerning emerging ICT development, these                                                       These can easily be threatened in a context of unfet-       is a subtle one. The ethical perspective required is a
ings. Expertise is often quite remote from day-to-day         experts might be technologists, sociologists, philoso-                                                  tered scientific and technological advance. An expert       reflexive one, one wherein views are constructed in
experience, however. The issues detected (or not) by          phers, political scientists or anyone else with an expert-                                              simply telling the public that they have good arguments     terms of the view-holder – the necessity of constructing
experts can fail to map onto those felt by people in gen-     ise. What they have in common is a role in tempering                                                    for the development does nothing to allay fears.            norms in terms of the context of application. This
eral. Experts tend to conflate standards of justification     the process of research in order to factor in concerns                                                     What this might suggest is that the current reflexes     requires getting out of the intellectual reflex of utilising
with those of application of norms.                           that the public at large might have about the trajectory
                                                                                                                                            The stakes                regarding governance are based on uncertain ground.         argumentative reason – stopping the resort to ‘the force

                                                                                                                                            for the split
  FUNDP, in Work Package 4, examines the very                 in general of technology, or the specific implications of                                               Naturally, the whole edifice cannot be ripped down.         of the better argument’ as the only means of address-
nature of norms. This approach is adopted in order to         a particular piece of technology in development.                                                        Revisions of the elements of the reflex are possible.       ing integration of different views. Narration, interpreta-

get to the very root of the problem of ethical reflection.      ETICA has found via its research that, contrary to the                                                After all, the elements of governance have emerged via      tion and reconstruction are also key elements of human
In getting to the root of that problem, ethical issue         aim of putting civil society views centre-stage, these                                                  20+ years of experiment and research. The status quo        reason and understanding.
determination is made possible. The alternative to a          approaches in fact result in an inadequate account of
                                                                                                                                            of expert                 represents a contingent arrangement of the various            The place of narration can be seen as illustrated by

                                                                                                                                            and lay
normative approach would be a descriptive approach.           public concern. Rather, the use of experts very often                                                   elements. So it can be seen that a rearrangement is         the following problem: when contradictory arguments
‘Norm’ in such an approach would merely be a statisti-        has the effect of posing technological development in                                                   both possible and in the spirit of the broader conception   are aired, it is required that the parties involved will sub-

cal entity – rather than referring to what people ought to    terms relevant to narrow, sectoral interests. Experts                                                   of governance.                                              mit themselves to nothing but the force of the better
do it would refer to what people actually do. This is         also tend to reduce all problems to problems of justifi-                                                                                                            argument. But the acceptance of arguments will itself
insufficient for ethics as ethics deals with ‘oughts’.        cation, rarely thinking about application of solutions.
                                                                                                                                            are often                 Using Expertise – Ethics as a Creative Component            be conditional on values. Thus, narration doesn’t fit

  Self-reflection must be sought in approaching ethical       Good arguments, however, don’t automatically encour-                                                    Through attention paid to the construction of context,      within argumentation, but rather argumentation decen-
governance. Even using sophisticated tools such as            age action.                                                                                             people can come to an informed view of an aspect of         tres narrative authenticity.
12 I ETICA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ETICA I 13
Outcome: telling
                                                                                                                                             truth to power?
 Instead, the reflexive view needs to ask, for example,
why a belief is held? What it means for the believer?
What incentive would be required to alter that belief?
This is rather than the status quo wherein one would
seek abstract arguments for a counter point that might
be logically valid, but fail to develop a meaning for the
believer. This would amount to a domination of logic
over self-understanding. Each is a legitimate aspect of
human reason, but the domination is not justified. For
ethics to be effective it must be overcome.

Incorporating ethics into ICT research and develop-
ment requires that industry, researchers, civil society

                                                                                                                                             The main aim of the ETICA project was to give guidance to policy makers on
organisations realise explicitly that ethical sensitivity is
in the interest of ICT users and providers; that they dis-

                                                                                                                                             how ethical concerns need to be intertwined with technological progress
tinguish between law and ethics and see that following
legal requirements is not always sufficient to address
ethical issues; that they engage in discussion of what
constitutes ethical issues and are open to incorporation
of gender, environmental and other issues.
  These realisations will facilitate ethical reflexivity in

ICT projects and practice as they allow stakeholders to                                                                                      ONE of ETICA’s research outcomes is to give rec-
realise that ethical issues are context-dependent and          what issues are ‘relevant’). Given the horizontal, egali-                     ommendations particularly to policy makers on

need specific attention of individuals with local knowl-       tarian makeup of such a forum and the diverse mem-                            how to look at and deal with ethical issues of
edge and understanding and to simultaneously consid-           bership, this is a means of incorporating more than just                      emerging technologies with the view that these will

                                                                                                                           will facilitate
er the identification of ethical issues and their resolu-      argumentative reason (i.e. narrative, interpretive and                        be thought through and incorporated early on as a

tions. This is a creative force as it allows stakeholders      reconstructive reason) in policy deliberation. This                           technology emerges.
to be open about the description of the project and its        means there is a means to include value as well as                              Through its various work packages and dissemination

                                                                                                                           reflexivity in
ethical issues and to encourage broader stakeholder            norm in policy deliberation, overcoming one of the                            activities which attracted input and feedback from vari-
engagement in the identification and resolution of ethi-       major obstacles to ethical norm construction in context                       ous quarters of society, recommendations have begun

                                                                                                                           ICT projects
cal questions.                                                 and thereby making a central contribution to ethical                          to emerge as research and analysis has progressed.
  From a policy-making perspective, this approach              governance in ICT development.                                                This section gives a synthesis of these recommenda-
needs to be facilitated by an emphasis not just upon             Through these changes in mindset, incentivised by                           tions. To provide a scientifically based approach the
outcomes, but on incentivising the ethics procedure.           policy:                                                                       recommendations have mainly emerged from the differ-
This can be done by providing a regulatory framework           I The gap between expert and lay-people is closed.                            ent stages of the work undertaken by each work pack-
which will support Ethical Impact Assessment for ICTs.         I The construction of norms in context is permitted.                          age (WP) beginning with:
  Emphasis currently is on ethical issue determination         I Allowing the question of which norms upon which                             I WP1 which identified emerging technologies
as an end in itself. But this is centred upon ideas of            ethical issues ought to be determined to be opened.                        I WP2 which identified and analysed ethical issues of
compliance, consent or authorisation. This must be re-         I Dialogue is predicated on a basis broader than argu-                           these emerging technologies
oriented in order to incentivise the entire process of            mentation.                                                                 I WP3 which evaluated and ranked the ethical issues
ethics from determination of issues) to resolution.            I Content shapes the approach rather than form                                   from different perspectives according to their severi-
  There needs also to be the use of policy instruments            annexing content.                                                             ty and likelihood
concurrent with a project’s development over time, not           Through this, ethics in emerging ICT development is                         I WP4 which continues to look at governance struc-
simply at the start, again to combat the notion that           made a real possibility. I                                                       tures of ethical issues.
ethics is a compliance measure to ‘get through’. The                                                                                           As each of the above WPs fed into each other’s WPs
policy instruments used ought to include negative               Professor Philippe Goujon is a professor of philoso-                         to produce an overall picture of the research findings
incentives (i.e. sanctions) for lack of compliance and          phy embedded within FUNDP’s Computer Science                                 and eventual recommendations, the recommendations
absence of the will to comply.                                  department, who has a particular interest in the rela-                       come from different components of the ETICA project.
  In order to facilitate learning in a meaningful way, and      tionships between science, technology, and society.                          The different components add value to the type of rec-
one that allows the expansion of reason beyond the              His background is in epistemology and ethical reflec-                        ommendations that will be outlined because they
merely argumentative, we recommend that policy mak-             tion on emerging technologies such as Genetically                            ensure that different facets of ethics of emerging tech-    Recommendations for policy makers
ers create an ‘observatory’ for ethics that would serve         Modified Organisms, as well as ethical governance of                         nologies are dealt with.                                    Policy makers have an important role to create the reg-
as a resource open to all, thereby extending the                technologies, which makes him ideally placed to lead                           By exploring technologies, ethical issues and current     ulatory framework and the infrastructure to allow ethics
resources of ethics and ethical governance practices            the Governance work package of the ETICA project.                            ways to address these, the ETICA project has devel-         to be considered in ICT. ETICA recommends the follow-
beyond the realm of established expertise. In a similar                                                                                      oped the following recommendations. These recom-            ing three main areas of policy activity:
vein, in order to facilitate the ongoing exchange of            Dr. Catherine Flick has a background in computer sci-                        mendations are relevant to policy makers involved in          Provide regulatory framework which will support
ideas and best practices, and in a mode not unlike that         ence and computer ethics, with a recently conferred                          science and technology policy, industry and civil socie-    Ethical Impact Assessment for ICTs
of the NEC forum, we recommend that policy makers               PhD on informed consent in ICTs. She joins Prof.                             ty with the aim to facilitate the integration of ethical    I To raise awareness of the importance of ethics in
institute a ‘stakeholder forum’.                                Goujon to work on ethical governance in emerging                             reflexivity into technical research and development.           new ICTs
  This forum would facilitate interchange between exist-        ICTs.                                                                        This will allow addressing ethical issues efficiently.      I To encourage ethical reflexivity within ICT research
ing bodies in a manner that would be institutionalised.                                                                                        The recommendations are aimed at two different sets          and development
In this, it would facilitate the ongoing discussion of rel-    Contact:                                                      of stakeholder: policy makers and users or developers       I To provide appropriate tools and methods to identify
evant issues (indeed, would contribute to discovering                                                                                        of new ICTs.                                                   and address ethical issues
14 I ETICA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ETICA I 15
Ethical issues of emerging ICT applications
Ethical issues of emerging ICT applications
Ethical issues of emerging ICT applications
Ethical issues of emerging ICT applications
Ethical issues of emerging ICT applications

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Ethical issues of emerging ICT applications

  • 1. EIEx THE MAGAZINE OF THE EUROPEAN INNOVATION EXCHANGE ISSUE 6 ETICA Ethical issues of emerging ICT applications
  • 2. Mapping the moral future of ICTs A look at today’s newspapers will probably reveal there has been some CONTENTS headline to do with the use and misuse of information and communica- tion technology. Data may have been lost by a government, an official Introduction…………………….4 may have used a police database to spy on a potential girlfriend, a com- pany may have sold data of underage users, or a file sharing provider may have VTT……………………..……….6 been sued by an intellectual property holder. These are all ethical issues that are caused by or at least related to ICT. As ICTs spread further into the fabric of per- sonal and social lives, as new technologies and applications get distributed in more TUD……………………………….8 and more activities, we can expect this type of ethical concern to increase. It is easy to guess that new types of data collected for many different purposes will create KIT….………………….………10 bigger concerns with regards to privacy and data protection. IP issues will contin- ue to gain relevance in societies that are increasingly information driven. FUNDP………………...………12 While ethical issues of ICT will remain with us for the foreseeable future, our cur- rent ways of addressing these are problematic. In most cases we wait until a sig- Recommendations…………15 nificant problem arises. Following public outcry, and political and media attempts to pin the blame, western societies start to consider how another instance of the same problem might be avoided. This is a standard way that societies deal with problems. Dissemination………..………17 However, rather than wait until the problem is there and the solution has to be fit- ted to the existing technologies and social structures, would it not be better to think The Future for ETICA.…….…19 about them early and prevent problems? The ETICA project started with the assumption that such an approach was both EEMA…………………………...20 desirable and possible. It set out to identify emerging technologies that can be expected to be socially relevant in the next 10 to 15 years. These technologies were then investigated and it was asked whether one can make reasonable and The Advisory Board ………...21 transparent predictions about the ethical issues they may raise when they come into wide-spread use. On this basis, ETICA evaluated the different technologies TRN……………………………..21 and their likely consequences from the perspectives of law, gender, institutional ethics and technology assessment. EUREX………………………….22 A final question picked up by ETICA concerns current and possible governance arrangements. The idea behind this is that simple knowledge about the future is not ANA……………………………..22 sufficient to ensure that appropriate actions are taken. Even if we could exactly pre- dict which ethical issues a novel technology will raise, it is by no means clear what Contacts………………………. 23 should be done about it. The project therefore looked at current governance arrangements that are used to identify and address ethical issues. It critically ques- tioned the assumptions behind those arrangements with a view to coming to rec- ommendations that will allow taking account of ethics early. Editor: Ranjeet Johal This magazine recounts the main activities of the ETICA project. It explains the Production Editor: Nat Green logic of the different activities and work packages and how they fit together to Published by The European Innovation answer our questions. It details methodologies, approaches and their justification. Exchange, Jubilee Lodge, Ridlington, Rutland It also lists the main recommendations of the project and explains how they can © European Innovation Exchange 2011 contribute to the overall project. The magazine is aimed at all those individuals and ISSN 2041-9910 organisations that have an interest in the ethics of ICT. It will hopefully contribute to The opinions and views expressed in this a better understanding of the issues involved and thereby lead to a more thought- publication are not necessarily those of the publisher ful and reflexive use of such technologies. In the end, ethical sensitivity contributes to better products, more satisfied customers as well as a better society in which cit- izens’ needs are taken seriously. I ETICA I 3
  • 3. Future-proofing The technology ethics world. This definition meant that the activities of identify- The contributions of the ETICA project to current dis- consortium ing technologies did not have to spend much effort on courses around emerging ICTs need to be understood is aware of looking at particular aspects of present types, unless and interpreted in this context. The consortium is aware these indicated that there were larger changes behind of the fact that it may be wrong in any of the predictions the fact that them and driving them, which had the potential to fulfill it makes. The technologies it describes may not become our definition. socially relevant, the ethical issues may not materialise it may be or take different forms, governance recommendations wrong in Uncertainty may not lead to the desired results and it may well be A final important point needs to be discussed, before the that the most important technologies and ethical issues any of the individual activities undertaken in the project are have been overlooked. described in more detail in the following sections. This is predictions the question which aims and claims are associated with Foresight it makes the project. To put it differently: if the future remains fun- This is a normal state of affairs for a foresight project The ETICA project is a bold attempt to visualise possible futures for emerging ICT damentally unknown and all the prediction a research such as ETICA. The claims to truth that the project rais- project such as ETICA can make are fundamentally es are not strong or comparable with those arising from to help decision-makers operate in an ethical framework when developing them uncertain, then what is the point of the exercise? Would we not be better off investing the resources used here traditional scientific research. Instead, the point of the project is to give input into societal, research-oriented into the development of technology, rather than in spec- and policy discourses about how technologies can affect ulation about what this development might bring about? our future. The inputs to such discourses provided by The answer is that such research, despite its uncertain- ETICA claim to be well-grounded and reasonable to dis- ty and lack of ‘scientific’ exactness fulfills an important cuss. On this basis European societies can decide function in democratic societies. where they want to go, how they want to live together THE ETICA project faced numerous challenges in frame. It chose to concentrate on technologies that are and how to regulate the use of technologies. achieving its aims of identifying emerging ICTs, find- likely to emerge in the next 10 to 15 years. The reason ing out which ethical issues these were likely to for this choice is that it corresponds with raise, evaluating these issues and developing rec- the technology development life ommendations concerning suitable governance cycle. Technologies arrangements to address these. In order to allow the that are widely consortium to address them, the project was divided available into three main stages: identification, evaluation, and and governance. During the identification stage, the project had to make a number of conceptual choices in order to be able to progress towards its aims. An initial one of these was what was meant by the term ‘emerging ICT’. One prob- lem of this definition was the concept of emergence. Typically used in systems theory and related fields, emergence normally denotes the property of an entity to arise from complex interactions of parts of the system. In order to have such a socially useful discourse, the Emergence is therefore something that is difficult, if not affect findings and recommendations of the project need to be impossible, to predict. In attempting to predict emerging human lives well-grounded. This magazine will explain in the coming ICTs, the ETICA project therefore faced the problem of on a greater scale in this sections how the consortium undertook its work and trying to achieve the impossible. time frame are those technologies that what the results were. In addition to these important This is a problem that all research related to the future are currently in early stages of research and methodological foundations of the project, it is also faces. The future is not known and attempting to predict development. By looking at current research activities, important to communicate to the right stakeholders and it is fraught with difficulties. However, one can at the one can therefore gain a reasonable understanding of engage with them with regards to their needs and same time observe that prediction of the future is a rela- likely technical futures. requirements. This magazine will therefore outline the tively standard activity and modern societies in many This definition indicates a second major conceptual different dissemination activities of the project and how respects depend on such predictions. States have to issue faced by the project, namely the definition of ‘infor- Policy makers, industry and the population as a whole researchers, industry and policy makers were involved in work on predictions of future population numbers and tax mation and communication technology’. What do we needs to grapple with issues related to future technolo- the project. This magazine is part of these dissemination What do we revenues. Companies predict future turn-over and mar- count as technology and which types of technology gies. As the editorial of this magazine pointed out, there efforts and should be seen as the description of the kets. Individually we plan our lives in the face of uncer- should be investigated? Neither the term itself nor its cur- are increasing numbers of ethical issues related to ICT grounding of ETICA’s contribution. The consortium wel- count as tainty. The ETICA project is located in this ambiguous rent usage provides much help in arriving at a suitable that make it into the everyday headlines. Further spread comes any feedback it receives on the basis of this mag- area of knowledge and lack of knowledge. definition. of such technologies will lead to further issues. Societies azine and hopes that its contribution will make a differ- technology It quickly became clear, however, that ETICA, in order need to think about how current problems should be ence in Europe and beyond. I Predictions and which to be able to identify relevant ethical issues, would have addressed and how future issues can be taken into One important observation related to future-oriented to look at the big picture. Bits, bytes, devices and items account before they become significant. This requires a The research leading to these results has types of work is that the certainty of predictions decreases with rarely have the power to affect human lives in a way that shared understanding of what the future may hold. This received funding from the European the temporal horizon of the prediction. We can safely is ethically relevant. Ethical relevance comes from sub- shared understanding may turn out to be misleading and Community’s Seventh Framework Programme technology assume that tomorrow most things will be very similar to stantial changes to human capabilities, freedoms, choic- the resulting actions may not be able to comprehensive- (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement should be the way they are today. At the same time we have no cer- es, etc. The ETICA consortium therefore decided to use ly address all issues. Such limited knowledge is never- n° 230318. tainty about how things will be in 1000 years. In order to a definition of technology as high-level socio-technical theless still preferable over a passive position that simply investigated? be able to make useful predictions that are not entirely systems that incorporate a view of humans and have the waits until events happen and then tries to deal with the trivial, ETICA therefore had to choose a suitable time potential to change the way humans interact with the consequences. 4 I ETICA ETICA I 5
  • 4. VTT – identifying the next big thing Technology is not neutral – it can either help or hinder us Part of the Finnish innovation system controlled by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, VTT produces research, development, testing and information services for both the public and private sector THE central question that ETICA had to answer in The description of each technology consists of: order to successfully complete, the identification I Technology Name stage, was how to come to an understanding of the I History and Definitions (from discourse analysis and other sources) future that is relevant to policy makers. This question I Defining Features (‘essence’ of technology, how it changes our interaction can be further divided into two separate sub-ques- with the world) Nano tions: how can we know about emerging technolo- I Application Areas/Examples gies; and how we can identify the ethical issues that I Relation to other Technologies We are aware that these technologies may overlap with smaller and smaller and it is presumable that in the future technology these technologies will raise? I Critical Issues (ethical, social, legal and related issues) each other and the level of these technologies may vary so called invisible computers are reality. Of course if and Due to the multiplicity of emerging technologies and in many ways. For example, one issue is if most of these when our technologically augmented environment comes will make I References their uncertain nature, the ETICA consortium had to technologies could be subordinated to Ambient Intelli- little bit more invisible and more complex there will be hardware decide on an approach that was academically sound and gies were defined: technologies, application examples, gence, or if Bioelectronics and Neuroelectronics are pret- issues of user control and comprehension of this kind of simultaneously feasible within the resource constraints of and artefacts. This distinction, along with the possibility of ty much under the same developmental and application new intelligent environment. smaller and the project. The principle of the identification of emerging defining relationships between different entities allowed area. Our decision for this selection of emerging ICTs is technologies and ethical issues agreed is that it will be a more flexibility in the identification process. The aim of the based on studied discourses by governments and Augmentation distillation of published views on these issues. ETICA relies on a range of available sources to identify which data analysis was to identify the most important emerging ICTs on the basis of relevant sources and to provide a smaller research institutions. Therefore we also use several other methods to ensure that the list of technologies will be rea- Many technologies also envisage human augmentation in one way or another. Augmented reality applications are technologies are likely to emerge, and which ethical description of the way in which these technologies are sonable. These consist of a set of focus groups with tech- already available for various platforms, but how and with issues these are likely to raise. expected to make a difference. nology users, a survey of technology development project what speed development will take further steps is still Having settled on the principles of the bottom-up While such an abstract description is required to come leaders, and a technology assessment made by experts. hard to predict. Intelligence (including e.g. context-aware- approach, the next question was what to look for in the to an understanding of emerging technologies, it may be ness, pervasiveness and adaptivity) is one of the main data. The central question here was how we could make too brief to provide useful pointers to ethics, which is Vision characteristics that underline developmental work of sense of the broad field of emerging and future ICTs while always contextualised. It was therefore decided to enable The main characteristics of future emerging information future emerging ICTs. Through intelligence there are lots keeping in mind the resource constraints of the project. richer descriptions of technologies or ‘vignettes’ that and communication technologies that came up from tech- of possibilities to support different kind of technologies, For the purpose of high level policy advice the most would allow ethical analysis of the emerging ICTs. nology descriptions may also vary in their format while applications and services, but there will be also many important item needed is a general understanding of Naturally we also looked at relationships between differ- some technologies (e.g. Ambient Intelligence) have a already identified threats and obstacles in utilising these which technologies are emerging. The focus of analysis ent technologies in order to understand more profoundly clear vision of how it will change the way humans interact applications. therefore needs to be at a relatively high and generalis- the semantics and nature of those technologies. After with the world but on the other hand other technologies Generally there is also strong emphasis at the moment able level. Individual artefacts or applications are only of thorough clustering and categorisation of our data we (e.g. Quantum Computing) visions are not so much on an towards virtualisation of services and communication. It was interest in so far as they can improve the understanding have selected the following titles to present the most pre- application level, but more on higher technology level. How for example civil society will accept service virtuali- of general and high level technologies. sumable future emerging ICTs: However it is already at this point possible to highlight sation and digitalisation is under discussion. Tradeoffs decided to some of those main characteristics that bring out the between clear benefits and harsh disadvantages, espe- identify Core characteristics I Affective computing essence and developmental targets of these technolo- cially for some special groups, have to be made and jus- As it is impossible to envisage all possible applications of I Ambient intelligence gies. tified. All in all new services and applications that are what could such a high level overview of technologies, it was decid- I Artificial intelligence It seems that there is an ongoing strong trend towards enabled by future emerging ICTs will require more com- ed to identify what could be called the ‘core characteris- I Bioelectronics convergence and transdisciplinarity in ICT development. puting power with less energy consumption. One of the be called tics’ of the technologies in question. Identifying the I Cloud computing ICT is already distributed throughout our everyday lives possible solutions to this dilemma will be provided by the the ‘core essence or characteristics of the technology, the data I Future internet and it seems that this kind of trend is going to be even development of quantum computing. How prevalent the analysis needs to give an answer to the question about in I Human/machine symbiosis stronger in the future. Malleability, one of the characteris- quantum computing paradigm will be after the next ten to characteris- what way the technology changes the manner that I Neuroelectronics tics of future ICT, will make it possible to think of all con- 20 years is of course still an open question. I humans interact with the world. I Quantum computing ceivable ways to utilise ICT in different application areas tics’ In order to address the problems of what counts as a I Robotics and possibly even applications we can’t even think of yet. Contact: ‘high level’ technology, three different types of technolo- I Virtual/Augmented Reality Development of nanotechnology will make hardware 6 I ETICA ETICA I 7
  • 5. Visualising the The old ethical boundaries moral categories and concepts still apply Delft University of Technology is using cutting-edge programs to visualise how the key concepts studied by ETICA interact THE research team from Delft University of Tech- nology (TU Delft) has been responsible for identify- ing ethical issues arising from information and com- munication technologies in the coming 10 to 15 years. To this end ‘Ethics of emerging technologies’ was front as relevant in most of the Ethical Analyses. This of the other emerging technologies as they enable cer- defined as ‘aiming at the identification and articulation of does not necessarily imply that the ethical implications of tain capabilities needed to realise it, this position is war- ethical issues of technologies that do not exist yet, but the issue are similar for all of these technologies. ranted. are likely to emerge.’ In practice this amounted to Take Autonomy, for instance. Two different accounts of Generally it is safe to say that technologies at the bot- describing what scholars in computer and information autonomy can be found in two analyses. In the discus- tom of the hierarchy have fewer practical applications ethics say about the identified emerging ICTs from a plu- sion of Neuroelectronics a possible infringement of than the ones positioned higher up. As a result ethical ralist as well as a descriptive stance that allows a num- autonomy is mentioned as systems take over certain issues stemming from these technologies tend to be dis- ber of different voices to be heard. human functions. In the discussion of Artificial Intelli- cussed in terms of technologies positioned higher up in The analysis started off by creating a topical mapping gence autonomy is discussed as a requirement for a the hierarchy. Issues that occur in lower positioned, of the discourse using specialised software called the machine to become a genuine moral agent. These are enabling technologies may thus have a huge impact as VOSviewer. An overview of academic literature contain- different, although related, notions of autonomy. they affect all technologies that are enabled by them. ing 1038 references, abstracts and keywords from lead- Besides overlapping issues the research also brought To assess to what extent the findings of the ethical ing ethical sources was constructed as input for the bib- forward ethical issues that were unique to a technology. analyses correspond with views and practices of outside liometrical analysis. Although VOSviewer still is in an Especially more specific traits of technologies are bound stakeholders, the findings of the literature study are com- experimental phase, for the majority of technologies to give rise to more specific issues. The issue of ‘Robots pared with the outcomes of two empirical studies. First analysed in the ETICA project it distilled an adequate going out of control’ for instance is only addressed in the the opinions of lay people were examined via focus overview of ethical values and concepts. Ethical Analysis of Robotics. groups, second a survey was sent out to FP7 ICT-proj- Building on the results of the bibliometrical analysis a and Human-Machine Symbioses in particular are dis- Above and right: two of Furthermore research showed that to a large extent the ects to examine the opinion of technology researchers. traditional ethical analysis (EA) was done for each of the cussed in depth in both ethical and subject related aca- the visual maps created old moral categories and concepts (say pre-internet) still eleven emerging technologies discerned in the ETICA demic articles. by VOSviewer apply to new technologies and are predominantly used. Analyses project. Each Analysis was delimitated by basing it on A remarkable finding of the research was that the It should be noted however that in order to be made rel- The issues that were brought forward in both empirical the defining features of the technology identified previ- amount of speculation underlying ethical issues men- evant and applicable to new technologies some of the studies to a very large extent conform to the issues as ously and independently in the Technology Descriptions. tioned in the analysis ranged widely. On one end of the categories and concepts need to be reconstructed and discussed in the Ethical Analyses of the emerging ICTs. Next, relevant references were drawn from the overview spectrum there are issues that seem purely hypothetical. new conceptions of old concepts need to be articulated. On the other hand many issues that were found in the of ethical academic literature constructed in phase 1. In The technology implicated in some issues on Robotics Steps toward this re-conceptualisation were found in Ethical Analyses were not mentioned at all either in the case the references drawn from the overview of academ- and Affective Computing for instance at the moment are multiple sources that were analysed. focus groups or the survey. It may be concluded that ic literature proved rather small for a specific technology, beyond the immediate reach of R&D and practical imple- (academic) ethicists succeed in addressing the concerns Enabling Speculation further literature was consulted from other relevant aca- mentation. that felt among the public, but that the public itself is demic sources. On the other end of the spectrum a great deal of issues The type of relationships that was found to occur most either (still) not aware of all (potential) issues or does not underlying were discussed in the ethical analysis that already can often between the different technologies is an ‘enabling’ agree on the assessment done by the ethicists. Literature be found relatively frequently in daily life and in public relation. Artificial Intelligence for instance can be viewed In case these issues indeed are relevant to the public it ethical As was expected, not all of the analysed emerging tech- debates. For instance, many of the issues identified in as an enabler for Robotics as AI is a necessary require- subsequently may lead to the conclusion that ethicists do issues nologies were equally well represented in literature. On the analysis of the Future Internet are exacerbated ment in the construction of more advanced robots. By not manage to create awareness amongst the public of the one hand for some technologies, most notably instances of issues encountered on the internet as we discovering which technologies are enabling which tech- some of the ethical concerns and issues that indeed are mentioned in Quantum Computing and Bioelectronics, almost no rele- know it today. nologies a sort of hierarchy can be established. At the relevant to them. To ascertain which conclusion is war- vant articles in the extant literature were found. As a As was anticipated in the Technology Descriptions, bottom of this hierarchy more basic or ‘fundamental’ ranted it is recommend further research should be the analysis result for those technologies almost no articulation of many of the technologies discussed are found to be technologies are found such as Quantum Computing undertaken into the relationship between academic ethi- ranged ethical issues was discovered, both in the ethical and closely related to each other. This can partly count as an and Neuroelectronics that enable technologies such as cal discourse and the concerns and issues felt in by the other literature. On the other hand research showed that explanation for the overlap found in issues stemming Artificial Intelligence and Human-Machine Symbiosis. At public I widely certain technologies received significantly more attention from different technologies. Especially the more generic the top end Ambient Intelligence can be placed. Given in literature than average: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics issues such as ‘privacy’ and ‘autonomy’ came to the fore- that Ambient Intelligence seems to encompass almost all 8 I ETICA ETICA I 9
  • 6. Karlsruhe puts personal values high likelihood of becoming an ethical issue as far as of women and men in all aspects of ICT production and they concern or might concern human dignity, namely: implementation. Ambient Intelligence, Human-machine symbiosis, neuro- The group also contributed definitions of gender-relat- electronics, and robotics. Other technologies such as ed concepts to ETICA’s theoretical apparatus called Affective Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Bioelectronics Glossary and participated in ETICA’s events and dissem- and Virtual/Augmented Reality can be seen, according ination activities. into the mix to the analysis, as having a high degree of likelihood. Since the ethical analyses carried out in WP2 was based Legal evaluation on an overview on Computer and Information Ethics it The purpose of the evaluation was to explore the legal could also be demonstrated that current academic implications which might be relevant to the ethical research – unlike the Ethics of European Institutions - is aspects of emerging technologies. The evaluation was very much human-centred. There is little to no research performed by researchers of the Eötvös Károly Policy Lack of trust: who is on animals or environmental issues. Here, we would like Institute, Budapest (EKINT): Iván Székely, Beatrix Vissy holding your data? to encourage our colleagues to take some inspiration and Máté D. Szabó. from the Ethics of the European Institutions and to over- The starting points of the analysis were the fundamen- come the bias towards humans. tal values as well as principles distilled from the values forming the cornerstones of Western constitutional Gender Studies democracies, such as human dignity, equality and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology’s ITAS focused on the envi- Work on gender issues in ETICA was rule of law. For the purposes of the evaluation of the ronmental, economic, social, political and institutional issues performed by a team from the Women’s selected emerging technologies, both an empirical and a Studies Center of the University of Lodz speculative approach were employed. in Poland: Prof. Elzbieta H. Oleksy In the course of the empirical study – using the method (WSC’s director, later replaced by dr. of analysis of documents and databases – legal databas- Edyta Just), and the Department of es were used covering the whole corpus of EU law. As a ETICA’s work on ‘Evaluation’ combined work from might still have a long way to go before it finds routine Transatlantic and Media Studies of the main finding, it can be established that the legal implica- partners with specialised expertise to examine the use. Too much hype can distract from a promising core same university: ( Dr. W. Oleksy- the tions of emerging technologies are not reflected in the key technologies identified at previous stages of the of a technology as could be said to be the case for artifi- coordinator of ETICA at Lodz University, EU legal documents and attracted only a minimal legisla- project from the perspectives of technology assess- cial intelligence which has experienced two “winters” due and K. Zapedowska, M.A). tive attention in the competent bodies of the EU. ment, ethical panels, gender and legal studies. The to its failure to meet exaggerated expectations. The team’s task in ETICA (WP3, The speculative findings have been divided into two goal was to produce a ranking of emerging technolo- Technology assessment makes most sense when we Deliverable 3.2.4) was to assess ethical groups: the first group contains findings from the aspects gies according to the severity of the issues they are considering practical applications or approach the aspects of selected ICTs from the per- of those applying and using emerging technologies, raise. The separate assessments were discussed at technology from the viewpoint of societal problems, for spective of whether and to what extent while the other presents the findings from the aspects of an expert workshop and combined into a single which applications of technology might provide a possi- gender issues are represented in the lit- lawmakers. Among the recommendations formulated, it report with the help of an assessment grid produced ble solution. In such cases, non-technical solutions to the erature on the selected ICTs. A critical was emphasised that new basic principles and criteria at the beginning of the project. Simply stated, each problem should be considered as an alternative to those review of available literature (over 100 should be worked out in detail for the use of emerging partner had the task of judging the importance of the involving technology. publications) was performed (method- technologies with special regard to individual choice, key technologies for future activities in their field of Coming back to the key technologies, it seems advis- ologically based in Critical Discourse consent and transparency, and that legal science should expertise. able to treat some together, e.g. all related to close Analysis and evaluative instruments work out adequate regulatory strategies for different sce- Michael Rader of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, human-machine interaction or those in some way involv- worked out for WP 3) to arrive at recom- narios regarding such technologies. Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems ing attempts to equip machines with human-like intelli- mendations that would be of relevance to The evaluation took into consideration the fact that in Analysis led the work package and, with Alex Antener, gence. If the realisation of a technology is far on the hori- various stakeholders involved in ICT the so-called new European democracies the moral contributed an analysis from the viewpoint of technology zon, it is not really a candidate for ethical debate, but design, production and distribution as well value order of society is less stable than in traditional assessment. could be the subject of a more technology oriented tech- as to the general public. democracies, therefore in these countries the legal guar- nology assessment which attempts to identify trajecto- The main findings of the group are the antees of moral postulates are even more important than Technology Assessment ries for its realisation, possible applications and time following: in other countries of the EU, when introducing emerging For each of the 11 key technologies identified by ETICA, horizons. I Some ICTs have received little technologies. a small case study drawing on technology assessment (Neuroelectronics, Quantum Computing) All components of the evaluation exercise confirmed studies and related work, served to illustrate the likeli- Ethics of European Institutions or minimal attention (Human-Machine the importance of the eleven key technologies which had hood and urgency of expected controversies concerning The ethical evaluation was carried out by Rafael Capurro Symbiosis, Robotics) in the literature gen- been identified at earlier stages of ETICA. The current ethical aspects and social impacts linked with these tech- and Michael Nagenborg (SHB). In a first step the “Ethics der wise so the ethical impact of their appli- exception, quantum computing, will probably not achieve nologies. An important consideration is the time frame for of European Institutions” were reconstructed in order to cations in the future is hard to estimate; maturity during ETICA’s time horizon of approximately their expected diffusion and practical applications. All 11 estimate the likelihood of ethical issues. One of the main I Such ICTs as Affective Computing, ten years. There are also doubts about the true impor- technologies raised sufficient concerns to justify ethical indicators was a potential conflict with the values and Ambient Intelligence, Augmented Reality, tance of “cloud computing”, which is the subject of much analysis or consideration of potential societal impact at principles of the EU Charter, the Opinions of the Artificial Intelligence, Bioelectronics, Cloud attention in the media and by policy makers. The concept the stage of evaluating research proposals. In the case European Group on Ethics in Science and New Computing have been found to have the repackages many ideas, such as shifting software from of quantum computing and cloud computing, the outlines Technologies (EGE) as well as of other National (Bio- potential of positively affecting gender the desktop into a central “cloud”, that have been in exis- of practical applications are as yet indistinct and thus it )Ethics Committees (NEC) and other official EU docu- power relations and thus improve gender tence for some several years already. The question is seems advisable to monitor technological developments ments. The core values of European institutions high- equality in the labour market across EU whether it will break through as a pervasive approach to closely before deciding on the topics of ethical or social lighted in this analysis included human dignity, freedom, countries and worldwide; computing or remain restricted to certain applications or analyses. freedom of research, privacy, and justice. We also took I More research on the relationship types of user. This is obviously an issue for further The aim of technology assessment is to disentangle into consideration the principle of proportionality, the between gender and ICT design, applica- research. I fact from fiction, in particular to separate hype from like- precautionary principle and the principle of transparen- tion and representation is needed so as to ly reality. Enthusiasm for a technology, for whatever rea- cy as key principles. According to this framework we enhance a better understanding of ethical Contact: son, might suggest that its impact is imminent, while it concluded that the following technologies have a very issues resulting from unequal participation 10 I ETICA ETICA I 11
  • 7. Measuring the impact of emerging ICT FUNDP’s role in the ETICA project was to reflect upon current ethical governance approaches and to advise on an ethical governance strategy FUNDP seeks to address the issue of ethical issue technology assessment risks ‘framing’ issues in a nar- Experts tend to determination and resolution in ethical governance row way. Reducing contexts to factors presupposed in approaches and ICT development. The way this is a framing leads to inadequate norm-construction. The approached is to rethink the relation of norms and problem is how to include the perspectives of the pro- reduce all problems to contexts in current approaches. posed addressees of a norm as it is their context that ‘Norms’ deal with what we ought to do, in distinction will be affected by ICT research and development. problems of with what we can do. In current approaches to ethical Seeing things from another’s point of view is a central governance, norms are treated as separable from con- part of governance insofar as accountability in a demo- Figure 1: Relationships For instance, a technologist may have perfect faith in R&D. Through a dialogue approach in which the public texts. This results from presupposing that a norm is successfully articulated when it is issued with good cratic context relies upon the notions that: 1. no particular point of view is ruled out in principle; justification between WP4 and other Work Packages the inherent goodness of scientific progress. Such a faith can fail to pick out what might be genuinely felt have a say, framed in terms of ethics by experts, fram- ings are opened both on the public and expert side. The intentions or that good things flow as if by logic from its 2. the possibility of maximising convergence by some concerns among the public about a possible effect of a matter of discussion is also kept to the ethical. articulation. fair means exists. development in, say, computing. Affective computing Public participation needn’t be thought of as a resolu- Given a norm is prescriptive, the context in which it is However, through years of careful training, research might represent an exciting breakthrough from the per- tion tool. In using the notion of context as part of the articulated is of central importance. Arguments about and experience certain modes of governance have spective of a technology expert, and one too good to be problem at hand, this recognises a distinction between issues are not sufficient for ethics. Action is required, taken on the status of reflexes. restrained. A member of the public might fear the pos- determining an ethical issue and determining the and action doesn’t necessarily result from even the sibilities for surveillance or integrity. The problem is apprehension of the problem. Determining that appre- best arguments. Expertise between sensors and sensibilities. hension is where the distinction between significance Norms embody values, interests. The problem is that Between the 1980s and 2000s (between the Single The stakes for the split communities of expert and lay and meaning takes hold, and where the difference in ethical issues are broadly determined by experts in European Act and the Lisbon Summit), various commit- public are often different. Experts in technology enjoy technical understanding and self-understandings take established approaches. The ways in which issues are tees were set up to maintain supranational accountabil- scientific progress in itself, and see the exciting bene- hold. determined and norms established are those that come ity across Europe. Committees of experts are thought fits that can be offered by its pursuit. For the public, A change in mindset is required. This is simple in that most naturally to experts from given fields. The way to have special insight into any given topic at hand. In ways of life and interpersonal relations are what’s key. all it takes is a realisation, but difficult as that realisation experts see problems are constrained by their fram- ethics concerning emerging ICT development, these These can easily be threatened in a context of unfet- is a subtle one. The ethical perspective required is a ings. Expertise is often quite remote from day-to-day experts might be technologists, sociologists, philoso- tered scientific and technological advance. An expert reflexive one, one wherein views are constructed in experience, however. The issues detected (or not) by phers, political scientists or anyone else with an expert- simply telling the public that they have good arguments terms of the view-holder – the necessity of constructing experts can fail to map onto those felt by people in gen- ise. What they have in common is a role in tempering for the development does nothing to allay fears. norms in terms of the context of application. This eral. Experts tend to conflate standards of justification the process of research in order to factor in concerns What this might suggest is that the current reflexes requires getting out of the intellectual reflex of utilising with those of application of norms. that the public at large might have about the trajectory The stakes regarding governance are based on uncertain ground. argumentative reason – stopping the resort to ‘the force for the split FUNDP, in Work Package 4, examines the very in general of technology, or the specific implications of Naturally, the whole edifice cannot be ripped down. of the better argument’ as the only means of address- nature of norms. This approach is adopted in order to a particular piece of technology in development. Revisions of the elements of the reflex are possible. ing integration of different views. Narration, interpreta- communities get to the very root of the problem of ethical reflection. ETICA has found via its research that, contrary to the After all, the elements of governance have emerged via tion and reconstruction are also key elements of human In getting to the root of that problem, ethical issue aim of putting civil society views centre-stage, these 20+ years of experiment and research. The status quo reason and understanding. determination is made possible. The alternative to a approaches in fact result in an inadequate account of of expert represents a contingent arrangement of the various The place of narration can be seen as illustrated by and lay normative approach would be a descriptive approach. public concern. Rather, the use of experts very often elements. So it can be seen that a rearrangement is the following problem: when contradictory arguments ‘Norm’ in such an approach would merely be a statisti- has the effect of posing technological development in both possible and in the spirit of the broader conception are aired, it is required that the parties involved will sub- public cal entity – rather than referring to what people ought to terms relevant to narrow, sectoral interests. Experts of governance. mit themselves to nothing but the force of the better do it would refer to what people actually do. This is also tend to reduce all problems to problems of justifi- argument. But the acceptance of arguments will itself insufficient for ethics as ethics deals with ‘oughts’. cation, rarely thinking about application of solutions. are often Using Expertise – Ethics as a Creative Component be conditional on values. Thus, narration doesn’t fit different Self-reflection must be sought in approaching ethical Good arguments, however, don’t automatically encour- Through attention paid to the construction of context, within argumentation, but rather argumentation decen- governance. Even using sophisticated tools such as age action. people can come to an informed view of an aspect of tres narrative authenticity. 12 I ETICA ETICA I 13
  • 8. Outcome: telling truth to power? Instead, the reflexive view needs to ask, for example, why a belief is held? What it means for the believer? What incentive would be required to alter that belief? This is rather than the status quo wherein one would seek abstract arguments for a counter point that might be logically valid, but fail to develop a meaning for the believer. This would amount to a domination of logic over self-understanding. Each is a legitimate aspect of human reason, but the domination is not justified. For ethics to be effective it must be overcome. Recommendations Incorporating ethics into ICT research and develop- ment requires that industry, researchers, civil society The main aim of the ETICA project was to give guidance to policy makers on organisations realise explicitly that ethical sensitivity is in the interest of ICT users and providers; that they dis- how ethical concerns need to be intertwined with technological progress tinguish between law and ethics and see that following legal requirements is not always sufficient to address ethical issues; that they engage in discussion of what constitutes ethical issues and are open to incorporation of gender, environmental and other issues. These realisations will facilitate ethical reflexivity in These ICT projects and practice as they allow stakeholders to ONE of ETICA’s research outcomes is to give rec- realise that ethical issues are context-dependent and what issues are ‘relevant’). Given the horizontal, egali- ommendations particularly to policy makers on realisations need specific attention of individuals with local knowl- tarian makeup of such a forum and the diverse mem- how to look at and deal with ethical issues of edge and understanding and to simultaneously consid- bership, this is a means of incorporating more than just emerging technologies with the view that these will will facilitate er the identification of ethical issues and their resolu- argumentative reason (i.e. narrative, interpretive and be thought through and incorporated early on as a ethical tions. This is a creative force as it allows stakeholders reconstructive reason) in policy deliberation. This technology emerges. to be open about the description of the project and its means there is a means to include value as well as Through its various work packages and dissemination reflexivity in ethical issues and to encourage broader stakeholder norm in policy deliberation, overcoming one of the activities which attracted input and feedback from vari- engagement in the identification and resolution of ethi- major obstacles to ethical norm construction in context ous quarters of society, recommendations have begun ICT projects cal questions. and thereby making a central contribution to ethical to emerge as research and analysis has progressed. From a policy-making perspective, this approach governance in ICT development. This section gives a synthesis of these recommenda- needs to be facilitated by an emphasis not just upon Through these changes in mindset, incentivised by tions. To provide a scientifically based approach the outcomes, but on incentivising the ethics procedure. policy: recommendations have mainly emerged from the differ- This can be done by providing a regulatory framework I The gap between expert and lay-people is closed. ent stages of the work undertaken by each work pack- which will support Ethical Impact Assessment for ICTs. I The construction of norms in context is permitted. age (WP) beginning with: Emphasis currently is on ethical issue determination I Allowing the question of which norms upon which I WP1 which identified emerging technologies as an end in itself. But this is centred upon ideas of ethical issues ought to be determined to be opened. I WP2 which identified and analysed ethical issues of compliance, consent or authorisation. This must be re- I Dialogue is predicated on a basis broader than argu- these emerging technologies oriented in order to incentivise the entire process of mentation. I WP3 which evaluated and ranked the ethical issues ethics from determination of issues) to resolution. I Content shapes the approach rather than form from different perspectives according to their severi- There needs also to be the use of policy instruments annexing content. ty and likelihood concurrent with a project’s development over time, not Through this, ethics in emerging ICT development is I WP4 which continues to look at governance struc- simply at the start, again to combat the notion that made a real possibility. I tures of ethical issues. ethics is a compliance measure to ‘get through’. The As each of the above WPs fed into each other’s WPs policy instruments used ought to include negative Professor Philippe Goujon is a professor of philoso- to produce an overall picture of the research findings incentives (i.e. sanctions) for lack of compliance and phy embedded within FUNDP’s Computer Science and eventual recommendations, the recommendations absence of the will to comply. department, who has a particular interest in the rela- come from different components of the ETICA project. In order to facilitate learning in a meaningful way, and tionships between science, technology, and society. The different components add value to the type of rec- one that allows the expansion of reason beyond the His background is in epistemology and ethical reflec- ommendations that will be outlined because they merely argumentative, we recommend that policy mak- tion on emerging technologies such as Genetically ensure that different facets of ethics of emerging tech- Recommendations for policy makers ers create an ‘observatory’ for ethics that would serve Modified Organisms, as well as ethical governance of nologies are dealt with. Policy makers have an important role to create the reg- as a resource open to all, thereby extending the technologies, which makes him ideally placed to lead By exploring technologies, ethical issues and current ulatory framework and the infrastructure to allow ethics resources of ethics and ethical governance practices the Governance work package of the ETICA project. ways to address these, the ETICA project has devel- to be considered in ICT. ETICA recommends the follow- beyond the realm of established expertise. In a similar oped the following recommendations. These recom- ing three main areas of policy activity: vein, in order to facilitate the ongoing exchange of Dr. Catherine Flick has a background in computer sci- mendations are relevant to policy makers involved in Provide regulatory framework which will support ideas and best practices, and in a mode not unlike that ence and computer ethics, with a recently conferred science and technology policy, industry and civil socie- Ethical Impact Assessment for ICTs of the NEC forum, we recommend that policy makers PhD on informed consent in ICTs. She joins Prof. ty with the aim to facilitate the integration of ethical I To raise awareness of the importance of ethics in institute a ‘stakeholder forum’. Goujon to work on ethical governance in emerging reflexivity into technical research and development. new ICTs This forum would facilitate interchange between exist- ICTs. This will allow addressing ethical issues efficiently. I To encourage ethical reflexivity within ICT research ing bodies in a manner that would be institutionalised. The recommendations are aimed at two different sets and development In this, it would facilitate the ongoing discussion of rel- Contact: of stakeholder: policy makers and users or developers I To provide appropriate tools and methods to identify evant issues (indeed, would contribute to discovering of new ICTs. and address ethical issues 14 I ETICA ETICA I 15