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Spanish Language In The Us
The Spanish language and Hispanic culture has influenced many elements that constitute the United States. Through a PowerPoint presentation, Teea
Dorsey and I plan to reflect on the implications of the Spanish language and presence of Hispanics in the US. I believe that a PowerPoint presentation
is the best way to present the knowledge we have gained throughout the semester because it allows our audience to have a visual reference while we
speak in more depth about our project. We will discuss the importance of the Spanish language in the US by exploring subjects of identity, Hispanic
influences in Texas, the bilingual advantage, and other Hispanic influences in addition to the future impact of Spanish in the US. We will demonstrate
our intercultural
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Long-Term Consequences Of Spanish Colonization
An event that opens and gives way to the beginning of the history of our American continent is the exploration and colonization of Spain centuries ago.
There were many generals and idealistic Spaniards who explored the American regions taking with themselves many of our wealthiest resources. The
Exploration and colonization of the Spaniards did not only open the door but also and accounted for the early stages of the North American continent.
The Spanish began getting involved with the different cultures that had already been living there. This would result in the suffering of the continent.
The Spanish began to enslave and colonize the Native Americans and controlled many of the cultural development that populated the continent. As a
result, more content...
An example of this is the diseases to which the Spaniards exposed Native Americans during the period of exploration, we have typhus and
tuberculosis, diseases for which at that time the Native Americans had no antibody too, so Native Americans were susceptible to infection, and thus
they died in large numbers. These diseases still exist nowadays and are affecting a very small percent of the American population. Another is the fact
that, many of the tribes that existed back then do not exist now because the Spaniards destroyed them. As I highlighted a few of the negative
consequences, I should also mention some of the positive ones as well. Before the arrival of the Spanish, the Indians did not know the use of gold and
how rare it really was. The Native American natives did not have any better weapons than arrows, bows, and weapons developed rustically. When the
Spanish took over America, they brought their weapons with them. Although Spaniards introduced diseases, some of the missionaries brought medicine
with them as a more positive influence. Also, the Spanish were among the first to distinctively map areas of North and South America and founded
communities that became cities, some of which have lasted into modern times. Three of the four oldest cities in the United States were founded by the
Spanish–Florida, New Mexico, Santa Fe, St. Augustine, and San Antonio,
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Compare And Contrast The Spanish American War
American people wanted Spaniards to clear out of American hemispheres. Spain would not leave Cuba so the Americans wanted war with them.
Spanish, American, and Cuban diplomats began to meet quietly to solve their differences. The Maine was a U.S. battleship that sailed to Cuba to
pick up Americans incase there was any trouble. The ship suddenly exploded and 260 sailors were killed. American experts said that the ship hit a
mine, while the Spaniards said that it happened from the inside. Many years later it was proved that the Spaniards were right. No one knew what
happened so the newspapers headlined is as a Spanish attack. The American people and the Congress wanted war. While Theodore Roosevelt wanted
war, the president, William McKinley
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Spanish In Classroom
Throughout my high school and middle school years, I have had the opportunity to study the language of Spanish in a classroom setting. I walked into
my first class assuming that it would be quite easy to learn a new language, however my presumptions were quickly erased. During my first encounter
with the language, I felt overwhelmed by the process and frustrated with my slow progression. I found it extremely difficult to articulate my words and
formulate sentences in Spanish. Whether it was simply trying to pronounce common household items or conversing with my middle school teacher
SeГ±ora Arbuckle, I was utterly confused. Yet, it was through my struggles in this class that I began to realize the difficulty in understanding and more content...
I no longer pressured myself to learn the language, instead I just let it happen. I soon was able to express my thoughts and feelings while speaking in the
Spanish language. A class that had once been so frustrating was now a true enjoyment and a strength of mine. I now have the ability to communicate
with Spanish speaking natives and no longer worry about a language barrier. I am able to hold a conversation and it allows myself to feel
comfortable towards the person I am speaking too. As a result of my improved speech and comprehension of the language as a whole, I was able to
shift my focus to the Spanish culture. My junior year in high school marks a clear turning point in my experience within Spanish class. It was during
this year that I was able to deepen my understanding and appreciation for the culture and people as a whole. My frustration had blinded me from the
artistry that is found within the Spanish culture. I became overwhelmed by the beauty within Spanish poetry, artwork, and architecture that I had
failed to witness prior. I became intrigued by the works of Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali as well as the architectural wonders within the city of
Barcelona. The Spanish language has truly become apart of my life and it allows me to connect with native
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Spanish Teaching
### Names #### Throughout all my years of school, I had always wanted to become a teacher when I grew up. It was not until my friend, Michelle
Martino, began telling me about the wonderful program she is in at Southern Connecticut State University for Spanish Secondary Teaching; it was
in that moment that I realized that teaching Spanish was where my true passion was. Because of this epiphany, I decided to tackle another
independent performance project focusing on teaching Spanish. My original concept was to only do so at NBIS until I was approached by the
primary grade teacher, Ms. Prota. I truly found my niche. At NBIS, I worked with Ms. Ducharme, who I had for my Spanish I teacher. I spent many
hours observing her teaching style as well as her classroom's attributes. Both aspects helped me better understand what teachers need in order to be
successful. One thing I did in order to head start my own classroom was purchasing latinoamericanos flags and several posters. I discussed with Ms.
Ducharme different theories of how a Spanish class could be taught. My thought, now, is to teach in the target language while connecting it to students'
native language. In addition to observing, I made copies, preparing for upcoming lessons, and even was able to teach a class when Ms. Ducharme had
a substitute for a period. During that time, I proctored a commonly asked question, "ВїCГіmo es tu amigo?" for students to respond in their journals. I
also reviewed the five forms of
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Spanish And The Spanish Language Essay
Spanish is one of the most popular spoken languages around the world. In the U.S Spanish is the second most spoken language other than English
and it's the most popular foreign language learned in US secondary schools (Zentella, 182). From past experience a lot of jobs require knowing a
second language and most often the two languages preferred are Spanish and English. One of the reasons this may be is because of the abundant
Spanish speakers in the U.S and it's most likely why Spanish is most commonly studied in schools. The Spanish language first came about in the fifth
century on the Iberian Peninsula, which is in the Southwest region of Europe. In 19 B.C. the Iberian Peninsula became known as Hispania after the
Romans took over. From that a language called Vulgar Latin originated. In Hispania two main dialects also arose, Castilian and Andalusian. In the
U.S, specifically the Northeast and Southwest other dialects of Spanish are also common(F&R chapter 10 and 11). The Spanish language has existed
in the U.S for centuries. The first occurrence of Spanish was in Florida in 1513 and it is said to brough by Juan Ponce de Leon, a Spanish
conquistador (Silver–Corvalan, 207). The Southwest became a part of the Spanish colonies in the sixteenth century, first in New Mexico in 1598, and
in Texas in 1659 (Silver–Corvalan, 207). When discussing the Southwest part of the U.S we're referring to the following five states, New Mexico,
Texas, California, Arizona, and Colorado. In
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Why Spanish Is Important
Not many languages possess subtle nuances, beautiful pronunciation, and rhythmic speech patterns. Spanish possesses all three. Throughout my entire
life, I have always wanted to speak and understand Spanish. Passing phrases and conversations would captivate my mind and give me a brief insight
into the culture behind the language. So, pressing forth to help achieve this goal I enrolled in Spanish in college. Spanish is important to me and has
changed my outlook on life because of the benefits it offers, the doorway it has opened for intercultural connections, and the general act of learning the
Possessing adequate knowledge of Spanish is not only important for job applications or business procedures. Studying a foreign language broadens
one's horizons in many other ways and offers a plethora of benefits. For example, "research indicates that knowing and using two languages reduces
your chances of developing dementia, including Alzheimer's disease" ("Top Ten"). This is because being bilingual facilitates a healthier brain and
creates stronger pathways for memory retention and increased concentration. Moreover, this increase in cognitive function may be due to elevated
levels of "blood and oxygen [flowing] to the brain" (Perry) more content...
It is these bonds that foster a higher level of knowledge in the Spanish. Also, there are no secrets to learning Spanish. The most effective way is to
engage in "hours and hours of awkward and strenuous conversation with people better than you in that language" (Manson). Thus, the act of
conversation is double–edged and facilitates positive social connections while increasing the speaker's confidence and general knowledge in the
language and is another reason I love the
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The Country of Spain Essays
The fascinating and beautiful country of Spain is one of the largest countries in Europe. The history that Spain has had has left great stories to tell and
remarkable landmarks to visit. Spain is located in the south west corner of Europe, with its neighboring countries, Portugal and France. It has a
population of forty million plus people, but almost one–third of the nation's population is foreigners that reside in its territory. One of the most
important facts about Spain is that its economy is one of the largest in the world. Spain is currently in a recession, with low employment rates and
poverty. Sports and games are a very important and popular pastime of Spain. The Spaniards have traditional and regional games, more content...
Cycling has been an important sport in Spain since the 1940s. The Tour of Spain is one of the most important cycling events in the world, along with
the Tour of France and the Tour of Italy. Several Spanish cycling athletes have won the world famous cycling event, the Tour of France.
The regional pastime of the running of the bulls in Pamplona is an exciting tradition that involves a group of bulls that are lets loose in the streets of
Pamplona. The main purpose of the run is to transport the bulls from the corrals into the bullrings, where they will be killed. This run takes place for
seven days in San Fermin, Pamplona in Spain. It started in the 14th century. Today the running of the bulls attracts many tourists from around the
world that like to participate. Many participate by joining the bulls, and running along side of them. This is very dangerous, many are injured and
some are even killed. Others participate by dressing the part and cheering. Runners wear the traditional outfit of a white shirt and pants. Some have a
red scarf or handkerchief, some wear red belts. Runners also have with them a newspaper to draw attention away from the bulls just in case.
The food and eating habits of Spain are unlike any other country in the world. Spain has the longest working week in Europe, which calls for very long
working days. The Spaniards call for eating well throughout the day. The eating hours in Spain are loosely defined and restaurants
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How To Write A Spanish Essay
Planning to write a Spanish essay because you think is easier? Spanish and English are two of the most spoken languages in the world, which have
differences and similarities in writing. Despite that both languages use the same alphabet, Spanish has more difficult writing mechanics such as
punctuation rule, noun's gender and quantity, and verb conjugation that make writing an essay more laborious. First, Spanish has a complicated
punctuation rule because it uses diacritic acute (Вґ) which can change meaning of words if you don't use it, for example, the words "vino" (wine in
English) and "vinГі" (past tense of the verb "come" in 3rd. person). In fact, if you don't use diacritic acute correctly, you show your bad education in
writing. Another Spanish's punctuation rule is the use of double exclamation and question marks in the beginning and the end of sentences, for
example, "ВїQuГ© paso?,ВЎHola!" In contrast, English doesnВґt use diacritic acute in writing and uses one exclamation and question mark in the
sentence's ending, for instance, "What happened?, Hi!" more content...
For example, for a female noun the article is "la", but for a male noun is "el"; if noun is male and plural, the article is "los". Respect to adjectives,
if noun is female, adjetive ends in "a" and for male nouns, the adjetive ends in "o"; if it is a plural noun, we add "s" to adjectives: "perro hermoso,
perra hermosa, perros hermosos." On the other hand, English uses a generic article: "the", without regarding noun's gender and quantity, for instance,
"the boy", "the people", "the woman". In case of adjectives, English uses one kind of adjective without regarding noun's gender or plural. To be
specific and using the same Spanish example: beautiful dog (male), beautiful dog (female), beautiful
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Spanish Midterm Essay example
Spanish II Midterm Exam
Score: ______ / ______
Andrea Schumann
Name: ____________________________
Student Number: ___________________
Directions: Type your answers in the submission box in the course. Use complete sentence (when applicable), correct grammar, and correct spelling. All
answers should be written in Spanish.
1 Srta.
class has written some classroom rules. Complete the sentences with the appropriate word or words.
Para un examen nadie puede llegar tarde. estudiar En un examen los estudiantes deben ____________ todas las preguntas para sacar una buena nota.
2 Arturo's father is asking him about his plans for tonight. Write more content...
Your answer should be 1–2 paragraphs.
Hoy, voy hablar de mi familia y como nosotros celebramos nuestra navidad. Primero tienen que saber de mi familia es muy grande! No solo es mis
padres y mis tres hermanos, tambien son las familias de mi papa y la familia de mi mama. Somos un total de 41 personas! Y siempre nos reunimos
para navidad y la п¬Ѓesta del aГ±o nuevo.
Nosotros rentabamos una cabiГ±a grande en las montaГ±as de Tennesee y nos divertiamos alli. Todos los primos fuemos a patinar, esquia, y visitar las
tiendas en la cuidad. Era muy linda la experencia estar con toda la familia. Y por eso navidad es mi favorito tiempo de aГ±o, porque me recurdo de los
buenos tiempos que pase con mi familia.
10 While flipping through a magazine, Susi sees an article listing tips for driving safely. Write the numbers of 2 suggestions from the list that should
NOT appear in the article.
Los principales consejos para manejar
1. Para completamente en la seГ±al de parada.
2. Maneja despacio si estГЎs cerca de una escuela y hay niГ±os en el patio.
3. Si llueve, ve mГЎs rГЎpido.
4. En la carretera, es importante manejar mГЎs rГЎpido que los demГЎs.
5. Mira a la izquierda y la derecha al entrar en un cruce de calles.
6. Ten mucha prisa al pasar por un semГЎforo amarillo.
7. Si estГЎs aburrido en el coche, habla por telГ©fono.
8. Para completamente y espera si pasan
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Puerto Rican Culture
The term Hispanic refers to people who are capable of speaking and comprehending the Spanish language, and whose ancestry identifies with the
Hispanic culture. The three main Hispanic groups in the United States are Cubans, Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans. Puerto Ricans are people who identify
themselves as Hispanics of Puerto Rican origin, meaning they were either born in Puerto Rico, or have family ancestry that traces back to Puerto Rico.
According to Lopez & Patten (2015), in 2013, Puerto Ricans were the second–largest Hispanic origin population living in the United States, accounting
for 9.5%. This population continues to grow. In fact, between 1980 and 2013, the Puerto Rican population in the United States had increased by 56%
(Lopez & Patten, 2015). Puerto Rican culture is unique, and quite complex. To gain knowledge and a better understanding of the Puerto Rican culture, I
attended the Puerto Rican Festival held in Milwaukee, and conducted an interview with Melinda Nieves, a Puerto Rican woman living in Appleton.
Through these experiences, I found that Puerto Rican culture is centered around language, family, and religion, as well as music and delicious food.
Language in the Puerto Rican Culture One of the first things I noticed while attending the Puerto Rican Festival was the language differences (2017).
Most people spoke Spanish, and Spanish seemed to be their preferred language over English. At the festival, it was difficult to communicate. People
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Spanish Flu Research Paper
The Spanish flu was the deadliest pandemic in history. In "Spanish Flu," it affected an estimated five–hundred million people worldwide. "Flu Facts",
"The Flu Strikes Far and Wide", and "The Flu Takes Heavy Toll on Society" are the three most important topics of the Spanish flu.
First, "Flu Facts" are the most important topic in "Spanish Flu," because people need to understand how important the flu is. "Influenza, or flu, is a virus
that attacks the respiratory system, and is very contagious" ("Spanish Flu"). A infected person can transmit the virus by air and can be inhaled by
peers. The virus can be easily transmitted by a person who touches something with the virus on it. "Flu outbreaks happen every year and vary in
severity, depending in part on what type of virus is spreading" ("Spanish Flu") more content...
"Victims died within hours or days of developing symptoms, their skin turning blue and their lungs filling with fluid that caused them to suffocate"
("Spanish Flu"). The flu was not isolated in one place, but it acquired its name, because Spain was mostly affected by it. The United States soldiers
that died on the battlefield, were mostly killed by the flu.
Finally, "The Flu Takes Heavy Toll on Society" is the third important topic in "Spanish Flu", because humans should know how the flu took a heavy
human toll on people. "Funeral parlors were overwhelmed and bodies piled up. Many people had to dig graves for their own family members"
("Spanish Flu"), which means people had to did their own graves for their families, because the parlors did not have enough time to get the
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Spain Research Paper
Spanish culture
Spain is a very geographic diverse country, ranging from deserts, beaches, and mountains. Spain is deeply rooted in tradition due to the many outside
influences throughout time. Spain is the third largest country in Europe. Spain became part of NATO, and then joined the European Union in 1986.
After this the economy of Spain increased significantly, placing Spain firmly on the Western economy map and gained major trading partners. The
country is a highly developed and stable democracy.
Spanish Family Values
. The family is the basis of the social structure and includes both the nuclear and the extended family, which sometimes provides both a social and a
financial support network.
. Today, it is less common more content...
Masculinity Vs Feminity –– Machismo is the word for male dominance, and the culture of old men who created it has changed dramatically. Spain is a
very equalitarian society, the birth rate is the one of the lowest in Europe, and women are present at university and work.
High Context vs. Low Context ––Take a look how members of high and low contextual cultures see themselves and their opposites:
|High Context Communication |Low Context Communication |
|polite |open |
|respectful |true |
|integrates by similarities/harmony |integrates by authenticity |
|not direct |direct |
|High Context claims Low Context |Low Context claims High Context |
|impolite |hiding information |
|"cannot read between the lines" |not
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Spanish Speaking Countries Essay
American sports and Spanish–speaking countries sports are very distinct to the countries cultures. In Spanish–speaking countries, many people play,
watch, and are passionate for the sport fГєtbol (soccer). Sports influence people's lives today in many ways, some being the culture of the sport,
watching the games on tv, or meeting your role model sports player. Soccer in America is looked at way differently than fГ
єtbol (soccer) in
Spanish–speaking countries. Soccer here in America is looked at as a fun family night with food, drinks, and merchandise. While in Spanish–speaking
countries they see fГєtbol (soccer) as a way of life. They eat,sleep, and breathe the sport. They are very passionate in watching and playing it. In
America the approximate amount of people that watch soccer is 14,156,000. In Spanish–speaking countries that number goes way up. There about 15.9
million people that watch soccer on average. The number one ranked sport in the U.S is American Football. Soccer is ranked number three. In
Spanish–speaking countries the number more content...
The drug rule is that you cannot take steroids or use any drugs if you play football. You get tested every so often to make sure people don't break
this rule. If you do your punishment ranges from suspensions to paying money. The game American Football is played the same in both places.
You have 4 downs until the ball goes to the other team, you get 6 points for a touchdown and can either go for 2 or kick a field goal. Lastly,
drafting is the same. In America if you play college football and want to get drafted you go to the NFL draft and wait to hear your name. If you do not
hear your name, then you did not make it. In Spanish–speaking countries it goes the same way except there is less competition in the sport for
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Spanish American War Research Paper
The war that some called the pleasant war or the spanish–american war. The war started when the u.s. declared war on Spain. After the ship Maine sank
in Havana harbor. That is where it had all started. The date was February 15,1898. Long story short there was a treaty signed called the treaty of
paris. The reason they signed the treaty was because the spanish lost or was on their way of losing and they thought they better sign it before america
takes over. So they sign it. But here is an essay about what all started it. In 1842 Spain sail across the atlantic ocean they were the first spanish nation.
The nation want to civilize the amerindian. There exploration was at it greatest was from Virginia on the east coast to terra del more
wanted to buy Cuba. During the ten year war they were buying many pieces of land from Cuba for sugar cane land. The U.S. invested 50 million
dollars into Cuba which the land was worth twice a much for fresh beet sugar.The U.S. went through a time when General Valeriano weyler were
Going to emplaced a new a police called recantation. recentration which is when in Cuba food was scarce. They started sending Cubans to
concentration camps. The U.s. They were Going to intercede in the middle of it. The government donated 50 million dollars to strengthen the
Military but a little later the U.S.S. Maine blew up. On April 21 President Mckinley put up a blockade and a few days later Cuba declared war on the
u.s. The war was declared on april 25,1898. The United States added the The Teller Amendment which was an amendment to a joint resolution of the
United States Congress, enacted on April 20, 1898, in reply to President William McKinley's War Message. It placed a condition on the United States
military's presence in Cuba.
The war started in the Philippines where it was at manila bay on may 1. The spanish fleet on the rear was defeated. They did not have enough
manpower to defeat manila. Until 15,000 U.S. troops arrived in the end of July. The ship Charleston stop in Guam and surrendered. The Governor
did not realize he was at war. There was a peace treaty signed on may 12 Between the ship and manila. but the next day Manila got attacked by
commodore Dewey ,
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Ten Reasons Why You Should Learn Spanish Essay
10 reasons why you should learn Spanish
Anyone who studies Spanish will tell you it is an interesting foreign language. Not only because of the sound of it, pronunciations and the articulation
but also because it is new to them. Spanish people do not study Spanish if they already know it. However, Spanish like other foreign languages has
advantages and effects that are desirable and essential to a learner that one dare not ignore. Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the entire
world. It has millions of native speakers and more in different continents.
First, learning Spanish opens the learner to new knowledge. A newlanguage leaves us knowledgeable. Knowledge is admirable as it opens us up to
new opportunities and more content...
This may include, air hostess, piloting, translation, language teaching and so forth. Not everyone fits in in the job they are in. however, with Spanish,
one may learn it and be so good that they advance to being high level teachers in the language. This is important. Everyone not only wants but needs to
have more than one job to rely on.
The fourth advantage of learning Spanish is that, it gives space for expansion and promotions for people at work. Most jobs require that one has at
least more than one main language. It gives one opportunities to work in other countries. Being posted to a country like Spain to work would be a
wonderful idea for anyone. It would bring about more profits because of language proficiency in Spanish. This is a language that if not so many
people at work know it well, then one should grab the opportunity and learn it for the purpose of advancing at work.
When learning Spanish, it is interesting to think of it as the new English. Learning languages increases intellect. Spanish has many similarities with
English in terms of the vocabulary. These open up ones ideas and thinking to diversify a learner intellectually. It is a fact that learning a language like
Spanish leaves one sharper than anyone who just speaks, reads and writes English. Most children are advised to learn as many languages as they can.
Why is this? Foreign languages like Spanish broaden the mind and this is another reason why learning it is
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Spanish Empire Research Paper
I am doing research and a lot of study on the Spanish empire. The Spanish empire is a very important empire. The age of modern colonialism began
about 1500, following the European discoveries of a sea route around Africa's southern coast (1488) and of America (1492). With these events sea
power shifted from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic and to the emerging nation–states of Portugal, Spain, the Dutch Republic, France, and England. By
discovery, conquest, and settlement, these nations expanded and colonized throughout the world, spreading European institutions and culture. The
Oriental land and sea routes terminated at ports in the Crimea, until 1461 at Trebizond (now Trabzon, Turkey), Constantinople Asiatic Tripoli Antioch,
Beirut and Alexandria, where Italian galleys exchanged European for Eastern products.
There are many types of features in the Spanish empire for instance the flag:
The Spanish empire is a big empire and many Latin's live there. The Spanish Empire originated during the Age of Discovery after the voyages of
Christopher Columbus. The Spanish Empire had a lot of land taken over. They had a lot of land that had many people that were Spanish. People from
Spain migrated to here and live here with the emperor. the Spanish empire was founded in 1492 and was dissolved in 1975.
The Spanish empire had less land or area then the roman empire. The roman empire has a lot of land covered with people and romans that lived there
and followed the emperor. Many
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Spanish And English Language Development
Angela Cisneros Linguistics 1 Professor Schuh 14 March 2015 Term Paper (Introduction) I grew up in a Hispanic household and was taught
Spanish at a very young age. I spoke only Spanish until I began kindergarten. My school only permitted English, thus I was placed in an English
Language Development course that helped me learn English. My parents spoke English and Spanish, so I was able to practice my English with them
as well. I was in the E.L.D course from first to fourth grade. Slowly but surely I was able to communicate effectively, I still struggle with the English
grammar. Due to the drastic change from Spanish to English, my ability to speak Spanish began to deteriorate and slowly began to turn into Spanglish.
The only more content...
For example, "school" becomes eschool or "shape" becomes esshape. Whereas, English native speakers who learn Spanish at a later age struggle
with understanding that some letters are not pronounced in particular words. For example, hombre which means man, is pronounced as "ohmbre",
and the letter J actually sounds like the H in the spanish alphabet for instance, san juan. I feel though that the English language is a much more
difficult language compared to Spanish because it has so many rules that one needs to follow. For instance, Spanish just has those 5 vowels if you
learn them and learn how to pronounce them you are set. (Comparison of Grammar) I will be comparing the gender agreement in Spanish and
English. In Spanish all nouns are either feminine or masculine (La y El ) and the adjectives have to agree with the noun that is being described. So if
the noun is masculine, the adjective must be masculine and if the same noun is as well plural, the adjective will be masculine and plural. For instance,
"El libro"–masculine and plural, whereas "Los libros" is all parts masculine and plural as well. Looking at the English language one can see that it
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Why Is Spanish Important
Why Spanish Is Important When it comes to learning a new language, like spanish, it is very useful for many reasons. Not only does it add a second
language to your arsenal, but it comes in handy to know how to be bilingual when meeting people of different descent and cultures. Other reasons
include traveling to other countries and understanding and communicate with those who don't understand English or don't speak it fluently. Spanish is
used in many other countries including Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, El
Salvador,Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Player, Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay, and Venezuela. It also comes in many
different dialect, which
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Spanish Language In The Us

  • 1. Spanish Language In The Us The Spanish language and Hispanic culture has influenced many elements that constitute the United States. Through a PowerPoint presentation, Teea Dorsey and I plan to reflect on the implications of the Spanish language and presence of Hispanics in the US. I believe that a PowerPoint presentation is the best way to present the knowledge we have gained throughout the semester because it allows our audience to have a visual reference while we speak in more depth about our project. We will discuss the importance of the Spanish language in the US by exploring subjects of identity, Hispanic influences in Texas, the bilingual advantage, and other Hispanic influences in addition to the future impact of Spanish in the US. We will demonstrate our intercultural Get more content on
  • 2. Long-Term Consequences Of Spanish Colonization An event that opens and gives way to the beginning of the history of our American continent is the exploration and colonization of Spain centuries ago. There were many generals and idealistic Spaniards who explored the American regions taking with themselves many of our wealthiest resources. The Exploration and colonization of the Spaniards did not only open the door but also and accounted for the early stages of the North American continent. The Spanish began getting involved with the different cultures that had already been living there. This would result in the suffering of the continent. The Spanish began to enslave and colonize the Native Americans and controlled many of the cultural development that populated the continent. As a result, more content... An example of this is the diseases to which the Spaniards exposed Native Americans during the period of exploration, we have typhus and tuberculosis, diseases for which at that time the Native Americans had no antibody too, so Native Americans were susceptible to infection, and thus they died in large numbers. These diseases still exist nowadays and are affecting a very small percent of the American population. Another is the fact that, many of the tribes that existed back then do not exist now because the Spaniards destroyed them. As I highlighted a few of the negative consequences, I should also mention some of the positive ones as well. Before the arrival of the Spanish, the Indians did not know the use of gold and how rare it really was. The Native American natives did not have any better weapons than arrows, bows, and weapons developed rustically. When the Spanish took over America, they brought their weapons with them. Although Spaniards introduced diseases, some of the missionaries brought medicine with them as a more positive influence. Also, the Spanish were among the first to distinctively map areas of North and South America and founded communities that became cities, some of which have lasted into modern times. Three of the four oldest cities in the United States were founded by the Spanish–Florida, New Mexico, Santa Fe, St. Augustine, and San Antonio, Get more content on
  • 3. Compare And Contrast The Spanish American War American people wanted Spaniards to clear out of American hemispheres. Spain would not leave Cuba so the Americans wanted war with them. Spanish, American, and Cuban diplomats began to meet quietly to solve their differences. The Maine was a U.S. battleship that sailed to Cuba to pick up Americans incase there was any trouble. The ship suddenly exploded and 260 sailors were killed. American experts said that the ship hit a mine, while the Spaniards said that it happened from the inside. Many years later it was proved that the Spaniards were right. No one knew what happened so the newspapers headlined is as a Spanish attack. The American people and the Congress wanted war. While Theodore Roosevelt wanted war, the president, William McKinley Get more content on
  • 4. Spanish In Classroom Throughout my high school and middle school years, I have had the opportunity to study the language of Spanish in a classroom setting. I walked into my first class assuming that it would be quite easy to learn a new language, however my presumptions were quickly erased. During my first encounter with the language, I felt overwhelmed by the process and frustrated with my slow progression. I found it extremely difficult to articulate my words and formulate sentences in Spanish. Whether it was simply trying to pronounce common household items or conversing with my middle school teacher SeГ±ora Arbuckle, I was utterly confused. Yet, it was through my struggles in this class that I began to realize the difficulty in understanding and more content... I no longer pressured myself to learn the language, instead I just let it happen. I soon was able to express my thoughts and feelings while speaking in the Spanish language. A class that had once been so frustrating was now a true enjoyment and a strength of mine. I now have the ability to communicate with Spanish speaking natives and no longer worry about a language barrier. I am able to hold a conversation and it allows myself to feel comfortable towards the person I am speaking too. As a result of my improved speech and comprehension of the language as a whole, I was able to shift my focus to the Spanish culture. My junior year in high school marks a clear turning point in my experience within Spanish class. It was during this year that I was able to deepen my understanding and appreciation for the culture and people as a whole. My frustration had blinded me from the artistry that is found within the Spanish culture. I became overwhelmed by the beauty within Spanish poetry, artwork, and architecture that I had failed to witness prior. I became intrigued by the works of Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali as well as the architectural wonders within the city of Barcelona. The Spanish language has truly become apart of my life and it allows me to connect with native Get more content on
  • 5. Spanish Teaching ### Names #### Throughout all my years of school, I had always wanted to become a teacher when I grew up. It was not until my friend, Michelle Martino, began telling me about the wonderful program she is in at Southern Connecticut State University for Spanish Secondary Teaching; it was in that moment that I realized that teaching Spanish was where my true passion was. Because of this epiphany, I decided to tackle another independent performance project focusing on teaching Spanish. My original concept was to only do so at NBIS until I was approached by the primary grade teacher, Ms. Prota. I truly found my niche. At NBIS, I worked with Ms. Ducharme, who I had for my Spanish I teacher. I spent many hours observing her teaching style as well as her classroom's attributes. Both aspects helped me better understand what teachers need in order to be successful. One thing I did in order to head start my own classroom was purchasing latinoamericanos flags and several posters. I discussed with Ms. Ducharme different theories of how a Spanish class could be taught. My thought, now, is to teach in the target language while connecting it to students' native language. In addition to observing, I made copies, preparing for upcoming lessons, and even was able to teach a class when Ms. Ducharme had a substitute for a period. During that time, I proctored a commonly asked question, "ВїCГіmo es tu amigo?" for students to respond in their journals. I also reviewed the five forms of Get more content on
  • 6. Spanish And The Spanish Language Essay Spanish is one of the most popular spoken languages around the world. In the U.S Spanish is the second most spoken language other than English and it's the most popular foreign language learned in US secondary schools (Zentella, 182). From past experience a lot of jobs require knowing a second language and most often the two languages preferred are Spanish and English. One of the reasons this may be is because of the abundant Spanish speakers in the U.S and it's most likely why Spanish is most commonly studied in schools. The Spanish language first came about in the fifth century on the Iberian Peninsula, which is in the Southwest region of Europe. In 19 B.C. the Iberian Peninsula became known as Hispania after the Romans took over. From that a language called Vulgar Latin originated. In Hispania two main dialects also arose, Castilian and Andalusian. In the U.S, specifically the Northeast and Southwest other dialects of Spanish are also common(F&R chapter 10 and 11). The Spanish language has existed in the U.S for centuries. The first occurrence of Spanish was in Florida in 1513 and it is said to brough by Juan Ponce de Leon, a Spanish conquistador (Silver–Corvalan, 207). The Southwest became a part of the Spanish colonies in the sixteenth century, first in New Mexico in 1598, and in Texas in 1659 (Silver–Corvalan, 207). When discussing the Southwest part of the U.S we're referring to the following five states, New Mexico, Texas, California, Arizona, and Colorado. In Get more content on
  • 7. Why Spanish Is Important Not many languages possess subtle nuances, beautiful pronunciation, and rhythmic speech patterns. Spanish possesses all three. Throughout my entire life, I have always wanted to speak and understand Spanish. Passing phrases and conversations would captivate my mind and give me a brief insight into the culture behind the language. So, pressing forth to help achieve this goal I enrolled in Spanish in college. Spanish is important to me and has changed my outlook on life because of the benefits it offers, the doorway it has opened for intercultural connections, and the general act of learning the language. Possessing adequate knowledge of Spanish is not only important for job applications or business procedures. Studying a foreign language broadens one's horizons in many other ways and offers a plethora of benefits. For example, "research indicates that knowing and using two languages reduces your chances of developing dementia, including Alzheimer's disease" ("Top Ten"). This is because being bilingual facilitates a healthier brain and creates stronger pathways for memory retention and increased concentration. Moreover, this increase in cognitive function may be due to elevated levels of "blood and oxygen [flowing] to the brain" (Perry) more content... It is these bonds that foster a higher level of knowledge in the Spanish. Also, there are no secrets to learning Spanish. The most effective way is to engage in "hours and hours of awkward and strenuous conversation with people better than you in that language" (Manson). Thus, the act of conversation is double–edged and facilitates positive social connections while increasing the speaker's confidence and general knowledge in the language and is another reason I love the Get more content on
  • 8. The Country of Spain Essays Spain The fascinating and beautiful country of Spain is one of the largest countries in Europe. The history that Spain has had has left great stories to tell and remarkable landmarks to visit. Spain is located in the south west corner of Europe, with its neighboring countries, Portugal and France. It has a population of forty million plus people, but almost one–third of the nation's population is foreigners that reside in its territory. One of the most important facts about Spain is that its economy is one of the largest in the world. Spain is currently in a recession, with low employment rates and poverty. Sports and games are a very important and popular pastime of Spain. The Spaniards have traditional and regional games, more content... Cycling has been an important sport in Spain since the 1940s. The Tour of Spain is one of the most important cycling events in the world, along with the Tour of France and the Tour of Italy. Several Spanish cycling athletes have won the world famous cycling event, the Tour of France. The regional pastime of the running of the bulls in Pamplona is an exciting tradition that involves a group of bulls that are lets loose in the streets of Pamplona. The main purpose of the run is to transport the bulls from the corrals into the bullrings, where they will be killed. This run takes place for seven days in San Fermin, Pamplona in Spain. It started in the 14th century. Today the running of the bulls attracts many tourists from around the world that like to participate. Many participate by joining the bulls, and running along side of them. This is very dangerous, many are injured and some are even killed. Others participate by dressing the part and cheering. Runners wear the traditional outfit of a white shirt and pants. Some have a red scarf or handkerchief, some wear red belts. Runners also have with them a newspaper to draw attention away from the bulls just in case. The food and eating habits of Spain are unlike any other country in the world. Spain has the longest working week in Europe, which calls for very long working days. The Spaniards call for eating well throughout the day. The eating hours in Spain are loosely defined and restaurants Get more content on
  • 9. How To Write A Spanish Essay Planning to write a Spanish essay because you think is easier? Spanish and English are two of the most spoken languages in the world, which have differences and similarities in writing. Despite that both languages use the same alphabet, Spanish has more difficult writing mechanics such as punctuation rule, noun's gender and quantity, and verb conjugation that make writing an essay more laborious. First, Spanish has a complicated punctuation rule because it uses diacritic acute (Вґ) which can change meaning of words if you don't use it, for example, the words "vino" (wine in English) and "vinГі" (past tense of the verb "come" in 3rd. person). In fact, if you don't use diacritic acute correctly, you show your bad education in writing. Another Spanish's punctuation rule is the use of double exclamation and question marks in the beginning and the end of sentences, for example, "ВїQuГ© paso?,ВЎHola!" In contrast, English doesnВґt use diacritic acute in writing and uses one exclamation and question mark in the sentence's ending, for instance, "What happened?, Hi!" more content... For example, for a female noun the article is "la", but for a male noun is "el"; if noun is male and plural, the article is "los". Respect to adjectives, if noun is female, adjetive ends in "a" and for male nouns, the adjetive ends in "o"; if it is a plural noun, we add "s" to adjectives: "perro hermoso, perra hermosa, perros hermosos." On the other hand, English uses a generic article: "the", without regarding noun's gender and quantity, for instance, "the boy", "the people", "the woman". In case of adjectives, English uses one kind of adjective without regarding noun's gender or plural. To be specific and using the same Spanish example: beautiful dog (male), beautiful dog (female), beautiful Get more content on
  • 10. Spanish Midterm Essay example Spanish II Midterm Exam Score: ______ / ______ Andrea Schumann Name: ____________________________ JM1213517 Student Number: ___________________ Directions: Type your answers in the submission box in the course. Use complete sentence (when applicable), correct grammar, and correct spelling. All answers should be written in Spanish. 1 Srta. Nuncio's class has written some classroom rules. Complete the sentences with the appropriate word or words. Modelo Para un examen nadie puede llegar tarde. estudiar En un examen los estudiantes deben ____________ todas las preguntas para sacar una buena nota. 2 Arturo's father is asking him about his plans for tonight. Write more content... Your answer should be 1–2 paragraphs. Hoy, voy hablar de mi familia y como nosotros celebramos nuestra navidad. Primero tienen que saber de mi familia es muy grande! No solo es mis padres y mis tres hermanos, tambien son las familias de mi papa y la familia de mi mama. Somos un total de 41 personas! Y siempre nos reunimos para navidad y la п¬Ѓesta del aГ±o nuevo. Nosotros rentabamos una cabiГ±a grande en las montaГ±as de Tennesee y nos divertiamos alli. Todos los primos fuemos a patinar, esquia, y visitar las tiendas en la cuidad. Era muy linda la experencia estar con toda la familia. Y por eso navidad es mi favorito tiempo de aГ±o, porque me recurdo de los buenos tiempos que pase con mi familia.
  • 11. 10 While flipping through a magazine, Susi sees an article listing tips for driving safely. Write the numbers of 2 suggestions from the list that should NOT appear in the article. Los principales consejos para manejar 1. Para completamente en la seГ±al de parada. 2. Maneja despacio si estГЎs cerca de una escuela y hay niГ±os en el patio. 3. Si llueve, ve mГЎs rГЎpido. 4. En la carretera, es importante manejar mГЎs rГЎpido que los demГЎs. 5. Mira a la izquierda y la derecha al entrar en un cruce de calles. 6. Ten mucha prisa al pasar por un semГЎforo amarillo. 7. Si estГЎs aburrido en el coche, habla por telГ©fono. 8. Para completamente y espera si pasan Get more content on
  • 12. Puerto Rican Culture The term Hispanic refers to people who are capable of speaking and comprehending the Spanish language, and whose ancestry identifies with the Hispanic culture. The three main Hispanic groups in the United States are Cubans, Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans. Puerto Ricans are people who identify themselves as Hispanics of Puerto Rican origin, meaning they were either born in Puerto Rico, or have family ancestry that traces back to Puerto Rico. According to Lopez & Patten (2015), in 2013, Puerto Ricans were the second–largest Hispanic origin population living in the United States, accounting for 9.5%. This population continues to grow. In fact, between 1980 and 2013, the Puerto Rican population in the United States had increased by 56% (Lopez & Patten, 2015). Puerto Rican culture is unique, and quite complex. To gain knowledge and a better understanding of the Puerto Rican culture, I attended the Puerto Rican Festival held in Milwaukee, and conducted an interview with Melinda Nieves, a Puerto Rican woman living in Appleton. Through these experiences, I found that Puerto Rican culture is centered around language, family, and religion, as well as music and delicious food. Language in the Puerto Rican Culture One of the first things I noticed while attending the Puerto Rican Festival was the language differences (2017). Most people spoke Spanish, and Spanish seemed to be their preferred language over English. At the festival, it was difficult to communicate. People carried Get more content on
  • 13. Spanish Flu Research Paper The Spanish flu was the deadliest pandemic in history. In "Spanish Flu," it affected an estimated five–hundred million people worldwide. "Flu Facts", "The Flu Strikes Far and Wide", and "The Flu Takes Heavy Toll on Society" are the three most important topics of the Spanish flu. First, "Flu Facts" are the most important topic in "Spanish Flu," because people need to understand how important the flu is. "Influenza, or flu, is a virus that attacks the respiratory system, and is very contagious" ("Spanish Flu"). A infected person can transmit the virus by air and can be inhaled by peers. The virus can be easily transmitted by a person who touches something with the virus on it. "Flu outbreaks happen every year and vary in severity, depending in part on what type of virus is spreading" ("Spanish Flu") more content... "Victims died within hours or days of developing symptoms, their skin turning blue and their lungs filling with fluid that caused them to suffocate" ("Spanish Flu"). The flu was not isolated in one place, but it acquired its name, because Spain was mostly affected by it. The United States soldiers that died on the battlefield, were mostly killed by the flu. Finally, "The Flu Takes Heavy Toll on Society" is the third important topic in "Spanish Flu", because humans should know how the flu took a heavy human toll on people. "Funeral parlors were overwhelmed and bodies piled up. Many people had to dig graves for their own family members" ("Spanish Flu"), which means people had to did their own graves for their families, because the parlors did not have enough time to get the Get more content on
  • 14. Spain Research Paper Spanish culture Spain is a very geographic diverse country, ranging from deserts, beaches, and mountains. Spain is deeply rooted in tradition due to the many outside influences throughout time. Spain is the third largest country in Europe. Spain became part of NATO, and then joined the European Union in 1986. After this the economy of Spain increased significantly, placing Spain firmly on the Western economy map and gained major trading partners. The country is a highly developed and stable democracy. Spanish Family Values . The family is the basis of the social structure and includes both the nuclear and the extended family, which sometimes provides both a social and a financial support network. . Today, it is less common more content... Masculinity Vs Feminity –– Machismo is the word for male dominance, and the culture of old men who created it has changed dramatically. Spain is a very equalitarian society, the birth rate is the one of the lowest in Europe, and women are present at university and work. High Context vs. Low Context ––Take a look how members of high and low contextual cultures see themselves and their opposites: |High Context Communication |Low Context Communication | |polite |open | |respectful |true | |integrates by similarities/harmony |integrates by authenticity | |not direct |direct | |High Context claims Low Context |Low Context claims High Context | |impolite |hiding information | |"cannot read between the lines" |not Get more content on
  • 15. Spanish Speaking Countries Essay American sports and Spanish–speaking countries sports are very distinct to the countries cultures. In Spanish–speaking countries, many people play, watch, and are passionate for the sport fГєtbol (soccer). Sports influence people's lives today in many ways, some being the culture of the sport, watching the games on tv, or meeting your role model sports player. Soccer in America is looked at way differently than fГ єtbol (soccer) in Spanish–speaking countries. Soccer here in America is looked at as a fun family night with food, drinks, and merchandise. While in Spanish–speaking countries they see fГєtbol (soccer) as a way of life. They eat,sleep, and breathe the sport. They are very passionate in watching and playing it. In America the approximate amount of people that watch soccer is 14,156,000. In Spanish–speaking countries that number goes way up. There about 15.9 million people that watch soccer on average. The number one ranked sport in the U.S is American Football. Soccer is ranked number three. In Spanish–speaking countries the number more content... The drug rule is that you cannot take steroids or use any drugs if you play football. You get tested every so often to make sure people don't break this rule. If you do your punishment ranges from suspensions to paying money. The game American Football is played the same in both places. You have 4 downs until the ball goes to the other team, you get 6 points for a touchdown and can either go for 2 or kick a field goal. Lastly, drafting is the same. In America if you play college football and want to get drafted you go to the NFL draft and wait to hear your name. If you do not hear your name, then you did not make it. In Spanish–speaking countries it goes the same way except there is less competition in the sport for Get more content on
  • 16. Spanish American War Research Paper The war that some called the pleasant war or the spanish–american war. The war started when the u.s. declared war on Spain. After the ship Maine sank in Havana harbor. That is where it had all started. The date was February 15,1898. Long story short there was a treaty signed called the treaty of paris. The reason they signed the treaty was because the spanish lost or was on their way of losing and they thought they better sign it before america takes over. So they sign it. But here is an essay about what all started it. In 1842 Spain sail across the atlantic ocean they were the first spanish nation. The nation want to civilize the amerindian. There exploration was at it greatest was from Virginia on the east coast to terra del more content... wanted to buy Cuba. During the ten year war they were buying many pieces of land from Cuba for sugar cane land. The U.S. invested 50 million dollars into Cuba which the land was worth twice a much for fresh beet sugar.The U.S. went through a time when General Valeriano weyler were Going to emplaced a new a police called recantation. recentration which is when in Cuba food was scarce. They started sending Cubans to concentration camps. The U.s. They were Going to intercede in the middle of it. The government donated 50 million dollars to strengthen the Military but a little later the U.S.S. Maine blew up. On April 21 President Mckinley put up a blockade and a few days later Cuba declared war on the u.s. The war was declared on april 25,1898. The United States added the The Teller Amendment which was an amendment to a joint resolution of the United States Congress, enacted on April 20, 1898, in reply to President William McKinley's War Message. It placed a condition on the United States military's presence in Cuba. The war started in the Philippines where it was at manila bay on may 1. The spanish fleet on the rear was defeated. They did not have enough manpower to defeat manila. Until 15,000 U.S. troops arrived in the end of July. The ship Charleston stop in Guam and surrendered. The Governor did not realize he was at war. There was a peace treaty signed on may 12 Between the ship and manila. but the next day Manila got attacked by commodore Dewey , Get more content on
  • 17. Ten Reasons Why You Should Learn Spanish Essay 10 reasons why you should learn Spanish Anyone who studies Spanish will tell you it is an interesting foreign language. Not only because of the sound of it, pronunciations and the articulation but also because it is new to them. Spanish people do not study Spanish if they already know it. However, Spanish like other foreign languages has advantages and effects that are desirable and essential to a learner that one dare not ignore. Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the entire world. It has millions of native speakers and more in different continents. First, learning Spanish opens the learner to new knowledge. A newlanguage leaves us knowledgeable. Knowledge is admirable as it opens us up to new opportunities and more content... This may include, air hostess, piloting, translation, language teaching and so forth. Not everyone fits in in the job they are in. however, with Spanish, one may learn it and be so good that they advance to being high level teachers in the language. This is important. Everyone not only wants but needs to have more than one job to rely on. The fourth advantage of learning Spanish is that, it gives space for expansion and promotions for people at work. Most jobs require that one has at least more than one main language. It gives one opportunities to work in other countries. Being posted to a country like Spain to work would be a wonderful idea for anyone. It would bring about more profits because of language proficiency in Spanish. This is a language that if not so many people at work know it well, then one should grab the opportunity and learn it for the purpose of advancing at work. When learning Spanish, it is interesting to think of it as the new English. Learning languages increases intellect. Spanish has many similarities with English in terms of the vocabulary. These open up ones ideas and thinking to diversify a learner intellectually. It is a fact that learning a language like Spanish leaves one sharper than anyone who just speaks, reads and writes English. Most children are advised to learn as many languages as they can. Why is this? Foreign languages like Spanish broaden the mind and this is another reason why learning it is Get more content on
  • 18. Spanish Empire Research Paper I am doing research and a lot of study on the Spanish empire. The Spanish empire is a very important empire. The age of modern colonialism began about 1500, following the European discoveries of a sea route around Africa's southern coast (1488) and of America (1492). With these events sea power shifted from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic and to the emerging nation–states of Portugal, Spain, the Dutch Republic, France, and England. By discovery, conquest, and settlement, these nations expanded and colonized throughout the world, spreading European institutions and culture. The Oriental land and sea routes terminated at ports in the Crimea, until 1461 at Trebizond (now Trabzon, Turkey), Constantinople Asiatic Tripoli Antioch, Beirut and Alexandria, where Italian galleys exchanged European for Eastern products. There are many types of features in the Spanish empire for instance the flag: The Spanish empire is a big empire and many Latin's live there. The Spanish Empire originated during the Age of Discovery after the voyages of Christopher Columbus. The Spanish Empire had a lot of land taken over. They had a lot of land that had many people that were Spanish. People from Spain migrated to here and live here with the emperor. the Spanish empire was founded in 1492 and was dissolved in 1975. The Spanish empire had less land or area then the roman empire. The roman empire has a lot of land covered with people and romans that lived there and followed the emperor. Many Get more content on
  • 19. Spanish And English Language Development Angela Cisneros Linguistics 1 Professor Schuh 14 March 2015 Term Paper (Introduction) I grew up in a Hispanic household and was taught Spanish at a very young age. I spoke only Spanish until I began kindergarten. My school only permitted English, thus I was placed in an English Language Development course that helped me learn English. My parents spoke English and Spanish, so I was able to practice my English with them as well. I was in the E.L.D course from first to fourth grade. Slowly but surely I was able to communicate effectively, I still struggle with the English grammar. Due to the drastic change from Spanish to English, my ability to speak Spanish began to deteriorate and slowly began to turn into Spanglish. The only more content... For example, "school" becomes eschool or "shape" becomes esshape. Whereas, English native speakers who learn Spanish at a later age struggle with understanding that some letters are not pronounced in particular words. For example, hombre which means man, is pronounced as "ohmbre", and the letter J actually sounds like the H in the spanish alphabet for instance, san juan. I feel though that the English language is a much more difficult language compared to Spanish because it has so many rules that one needs to follow. For instance, Spanish just has those 5 vowels if you learn them and learn how to pronounce them you are set. (Comparison of Grammar) I will be comparing the gender agreement in Spanish and English. In Spanish all nouns are either feminine or masculine (La y El ) and the adjectives have to agree with the noun that is being described. So if the noun is masculine, the adjective must be masculine and if the same noun is as well plural, the adjective will be masculine and plural. For instance, "El libro"–masculine and plural, whereas "Los libros" is all parts masculine and plural as well. Looking at the English language one can see that it Get more content on
  • 20. Why Is Spanish Important Why Spanish Is Important When it comes to learning a new language, like spanish, it is very useful for many reasons. Not only does it add a second language to your arsenal, but it comes in handy to know how to be bilingual when meeting people of different descent and cultures. Other reasons include traveling to other countries and understanding and communicate with those who don't understand English or don't speak it fluently. Spanish is used in many other countries including Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, El Salvador,Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Player, Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay, and Venezuela. It also comes in many different dialect, which Get more content on