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Questions for
Trivia Parsuit Game
Comenius Why Maths?
1. Which of the six partner schools of the project "Why Maths?" has more students?
Answer: The Portuguese School
2. In which year was the Spanish school founded?
Answer: In 1975.
3. In the last 100 years the population has grown in the six countries. Which countries have
had the biggest growth?
Answer: Italy, Spain and Poland.
4. Which of the 6 countries have the smallest area?
Answer: Belgium
5. Which two countries have the lowest population density?
Answer: Spain and Ireland
6. How do you say "yes" in Polish?
Answer: Tak
7. Who is the current best Portuguese football player?
Answer: Cristiano Ronaldo.
8. What are the colours of the Portuguese flag?
Answer: Green and Red.
9. What is the height of the castle tower in Beja, built in 1310?
Answer: About 40 meters.
10. What is the capital of Poland?
Answer: Warsaw
1. How many students are in IES Álvarez Cubero?
Answer: 780
2. How many languages can you hear in Belgium?
Answer: two (3?)
3. Who is the Spanish president?
Answer: Mariano Rajoy
4. Which is the most rainy Comenius country?
Answer: Ireland
5. How do you say thanks in Italian?
Answer: Grazie
6. Which of six Comenius cities has the biggest number of unemployed?
7. What is the capital of Ireland?
Answer: Dublin
8. Which was the profession of Álvarez Cubero, the man who gives the name to the school?
Answer: He was a sculptor.
9. What are the colours of the Spanish flag?
Answer: red and yellow.
10. If you go to Priego, you can taste ……..which is the best in the world
Answer: Olive Oil.
1. Which project city is the biggest?
Answer: Genova
2. What does the Italian word “Arrivederci” mean?
Answer: See you later
3. Which project city is the birthplace of Christopher Columbus. Which?
Answer: Genova
4. Why was Niccolò Paganini who was born in Genova in 1782, famous?
Answer: He was a violinist (musician)
5. Which project city is located the farthest from the sea?
Answer: Golub-Dobrzyń
6. He was born in Belgium but he was a Spanish king: who was he?
Answer: Charles 5th
7. Can you quickly repeat this Italian sentence five times: “Sotto la panca la capra campa,
sopra la panca la capra crepa” without making any mistakes?
8. Which project school is the oldest?
Answer: Liceo Colombo, founded in 1808.
9. Which project country has won Soccer World Cup the most times?
Answer: Italy (1934, 1938, 1982, 2006)
10. It’s a green sauce typically used in Genova to dress pasta. What is its name?
Answer: Pesto
1. Which project country is the biggest?
Answer: Spain
2. Which project country is the most densely populated?
Answer: Belgium
3. What mathematical form does the Atomium have?
Answer: Cube
4. What does the Atomium represent?
Answer: Iron crystal
5. This city has a famous candy, nice medieval facades and a castle. It’s an University city
and a good football team. Every summer there is a ten day street festival. Which city is
Answer: Ghent
6. What’s the symbol of our city Sint-Niklaas? This symbol is related with a big festival the
first weekend of September.
Answer Balloon
7. Which are the official languages in Belgium?
Answer: Dutch, French and German
8. We have 32 classes in a week, about 15 different subjects, a school day begins at 8h30,
we don’t have lessons in the weekends. Which country has this school system?
Answer: Belgium
9. Which are the neighbouring countries of Belgium?
Answer France, the Netherlands, Germany and Luxembourg
10. Sint-Niklaas is famous in Belgium because of our...
a) City Hall b) Market place c) Train station d) City garden
Answer: b) Market Place
1. What is the name of the patron of the Polish school in Golub-Dobrzyń?
Answer: Anna Vasa
2. How do you say “ thank you“ in Polish?
Answer: Dziękuję
3. There are 457 students in Polish school, about 58% of them are girls. How many boys
attend the school?
Answer: 192 boys
4. How do you say “hello” in Polish?
Answer: Cześć
5. What is the name of Polish astronomer who proved that the Earth goes round the Sun and
was born in Toruń?
Answer: Copernicus
6. Name three languages that are taught in Polish school?
Answer: English, German and Russian
7. The school grounds include the area of 183,475 m2
, and the school building has the area
of one-fifth of the whole ground. Calculate the area of the school in square meters.
Answer: It’s about 36,695 m2
8. Name the capital city of Portugal.
Answer: Lisboa
9. What is the name of the longest river in Poland?
Answer: Vistula
10. Name three cities in Poland in which European football championship was held in 2012.
Answer: Warsaw, Gdańsk, Wrocław
1. Name five languages that are taught in Eureka?
Answer: Irish, Spanish, French, German, Chinese
2. The Irish language was brought to Ireland by which people?
Answer: Celts
3. Which is the smallest project “city”?
Answer: Kells
4. Which project country has the smallest population?
Answer: Ireland
5. Which project town was established in the year 804?
Answer: Kells
6. How many years do Irish students stay in secondary school?
Answer: 5 or 6
7. In the 2011 census, what was the largest minority in Ireland?
Answer: Polish
1. Which artist painted this pattern?
Answer: Escher (Two fish, nº58)1942 Watercolor, ink.
2. How is cubism related to Maths?
Answer: Cubism is related to Maths because of the usage of geometric shapes, angles, and
lines in the making of the art.
3. The Style of Abstract Art in this painting is_________
PABLO PICASSO (1881-1973)
'Factory, Horta de Ebbo', 1909 (oil on canvas)
Answer: Cubism.
4. In the book The Da Vinci Code, (Dan Brown, 2003) , what sequence of numbers are used to
unlock a safe?
Answer: Fibonacci numbers.
5. Dance and math are related through ______ and in ________.
Dance movement can be all sorts of combinations of ______ and _____ and our bodies
move through space in arcs and circles. So there are plenty of ways that we can physically
experience (or watch) ________. One person dancing can use their body to create ______,
or they can move across a floor in a particular _______ (line or circle, for example).
Complete the paragraph with the words: space, pattern, circles, geometry, shape, time,
Answer: Dance and math are related through time and in space.
Dance movement can be all sorts of combinations of circles and lines and our bodies move
through space in arcs and circles. So there are plenty of ways that we can physically
experience (or watch) geometry. One person dancing can use their body to create shape,
or they can move across a floor in a particular pattern (line or circle, for example).
6. The Maths skills in measurement, geometry, proportion and basic calculations are used in
Theatres in many different areas. Can you specify three examples?
Answer: Costume, Set, and Props could not be created without Maths skills.
7. What kind of symmetry can you identify in the figure?
Answer: Rotational Symmetry.
8. In Steinfurt, Germany, we can find this sculptures:
What is the name of this solids?
Answer: Platonic Solids.
9. Who wrote in his notebooks: "There is no certainty in sciences where one of the
mathematical sciences cannot be applied ... “.
Answer: Leonardo Da Vinci.
10. The strip represented in the sculpture has the mathematical property of being non-
This strip is called_________
Answer: Möbius strip or Möbius band
1. What is the name of the artist who used the Golden number in his pictures?
Answer: Leonardo Da Vinci.
2. What is the Greek letter that represents the Golden ratio?
Answer: Fi ()
3. The Cordoba Proportion is….
Answer: 1.306...
4. Who was the first person to study the Golden ratio?
Answer: Euclides
5. Mona Lisa is painted using which proportion?
Answer: Golden ratio
6. What is the coloured surface in this fractal triangle (Sierpinski triangle)?
Answer: +
7. How many columns are there in the Mosque of Cordoba?
Answer: 850
8. Who discovered the Cordoba Proportion?
Answer: Rafael de la Hoz.
9. What can you find in the Alhambra tiles?
Answer: The seventeen groups of isometries
10. Which three elements of Geometry can you find in the Alhambra?
Answer: Frieze, tile and rosette
1. Who discovered the " Golden Proportion"?
Answer: Pythagoras
2. Which geometrical figure shows the golden proportion?
Answer: Regular pentagon
3. Who was the famous Italian painter, engineer and scientist who lived in the Renaissance
and illustrated the "De Divina Proportione" written by Pacioli?
Answer: Leonardo da Vinci
4. Which element divides the painting into two parts according to the golden ratio?
Answer: The dove
5. Who was the painter of this painting?
Answer: Botticelli
6. Which is the name of this famous ancient Greek statue now preserved at the Louvre
Museum in Paris which used the golden ratio?
Answer: Venus de Milo
7. The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci was recreated by a modern artist, who?
Answer: Salvador Dalì
8. In which ancient temple near Agrigento (Sicily) was the golden proportion used?
Answer: The Concorde Temple
9. Who wrote 'De Divina Proportione'?
Answer: Luca Pacioli
10. Which artist used the golden ration in this painting
Answer: Georges Seurat
1. What is the number pi?
Answer: 3.14159265
2. Name a Flemish painter.
Answer: Van Eyck, Brueghel, PP Rubens, ...
3. Can you tell us which style this is ? a) Art Deco b) Art Nouveau
Answer: a) art Deco
4. Which number is the golden section, often used in paintings?
a) 1.61803398874989
b) 1.61804654689359
c) 3.14159263589793
Answer: a)
5. How many triangles do you see?
Answer: 27
6. How do they call this painting?
a. Da Vinci b. The golden section c. Vitruvian man
Answer: c
7. Which technique is often used by flemish painters?
Answer: perspective
8. What is the full name of the author of “La divina commedia”?
Answer (Dante Alighieri)
9. What mathematical form is used in Mondriaan’s paintings?
Answer (rectangles)
10. What’s the following figure called?
Answer: fractal, Sierpinski carpet
1. An ornamental motif of the late Gothic tracery seeing in the picture
Answer: Fish bladder
2. Which regular polygons will tessellate on their own without any spaces or overlaps?
Answer: Equilateral triangles, squares and regular hexagons are the only regular polygons
that will tessellate.
3. What is the name of the geometric decoration in gothic window in Malbork below?
Answer: Quatrefoil
4. Name the Archimedean tessellation seeing in the picture?
Answer: Tiling
5. What is the name of tessellation made from more than one type of regular polygon so that
the same polygons surround each vertex?
Answer: The Archimedean tessellation.
6. What kind of symmetry can you identify in the polish paper folk cut-out?
Answer: Reflection symmetry (mirror symmetry , line symmetry ) and rotational symmetry
7. What is the basic pattern in Gothic architecture?
Answer: It’s a pointed arch.
8. What is the Reuleaux triangle based on?
Answer: It’s based on an equilateral triangle.
9. Who popularized the use of mathematical tessellations in art with his fantastical repeating
designs and optical illusions?
Answer: Dutch graphic artist M.C. Escher
10. What kind of symmetry can you identify in the rose windows?
Answer: Reflection symmetry (mirror symmetry , line symmetry ) and rotational symmetry
1. Which famous scientist/mathematician/astronomer said “The Universe is written in the
language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric
figures” before he had some problems with the Pope?
Answer: Galileo
2. Squares do it, equilateral triangles do it, even hexagons do it. But pentagons can’t do it?
What is it?
Answer: Tiling the plane.
3. When was the book of kells written?
Answer: 800AD
4. What mathematical tools were used by monks in this image?
Answer: Compass
5. How many years ago was Newgrange built?
Answer: 5000
6. From above, what shape is Newgrange?
Answer: Circle
1. What is the closest planet to the Sun?
Answer: Mercury
2. What is the hottest planet in our solar system?
Answer: Venus
3. Is the Sun a star or a planet?
Answer: A star
4. Who was the first person to walk on the moon?
Answer: Neil Armstrong
5. What is the name of NASA’s most famous space telescope?
Answer: Hubble Space Telescope
6. What is the name of the force holding us to the Earth?
Answer: Gravity
7. Which country uses up the most electricity: USA or China?
Answer: China
8. Which continent has the largest population?
Answer: Asia.
9. In which country is it cheapest to hire a car: USA, Australia or Spain?
Answer: Spain.
10. What measurement do they use on the road signs in New Zealand: miles or kilometres?
Answer: Kilometres.
11. Which grain is the most eaten food in the world - accounting for about a fifth of the total
calories consumed by humans?
Answer: Rice.
1. What is the escape velocity of the Earth?
Answer: 11,2 km/s
2. Your weight is 75 kg, what is your weight in Mars if the gravity is 0,376?
Answer: 28,2 kg
3. The velocity of light is 300000 km/s, if light takes 8 minutes to travel from the Sun to the
Earth, What is the distance between the Sun and the Earth?
Answer: 144000000
4. How wide is this river?
5. Is Pluto a planet?
Answer: No
6. Tell us three famous mathematicians and astronomers.
Answer: Copernicus, Hubble, Copernicus, Galileo…..
7. Calculate the density of population in Priego if the area is 286,3 km2
and the population is
Answer: 81,9 people/km2
8. Which planet has the strongest gravitational force?
Answer: Neptune
9. What is the gravity of the Earth?
10. Here you have two population pyramids from Spain
Can you explain what is happening?
Answer: The population is getting older, ….
1. What is the relationship between the Nautilus and a galaxy?
Answer: Both of them use the golden ratio in their spirals
2. Which great physicist used Hyperbolic Geometry to describe the Universe?
Answer: Albert Einstein
3. Which mathematical law is used in geographical scales?
Answer: Proportion
4. Which map is more detailed? 1:10000 or 1:1000000?
Answer: 1:10000
5. When do we use projection in Geography?
Answer: When we draw geographical maps
6. What was the “meter” when it was introduced?
Answer: Originally, it was defined as 1/10 000 000 of the terrestrial meridian between the
North pole and the Equator.
7. According to Kepler’s laws, is Earth’s velocity higher when it’s winter in Europe or summer
in Europe?
Answer: The Earth's orbital velocity is maximum at perihelion when it is Winter in Europe
and minimum at aphelion when it is Summer in Europe.
8. Which is the shape of the orbit of the Earth around the Sun?
Answer: An Ellipse
9. Is gravity stronger on Jupiter or on Mars?
Answer: On Jupiter
10. What is the name of the map on which statistical data are represented with different
symbols and colors depending on the values of the observed phenomenon, related to the
area that the map shows?
Answer: Cartogram
1. What’s the earth’s radius?
Answer: 6,371 km or 3.959 miles
2. How many metres is a light-year?
Answer: 9 500 000 000 000 000m
3. What is a parsec? a. an angle b. a distance c. meteorite
Answer: b - It's a distance
4. The period of day (day-night), ebb and flow and seasons are similar to a maths function,
Answer: (sinus, cosinus)
5. Which of the following years are leap years? a. 1900 b. 2000 c. 2014 d. 1536
Answer: b and d
6. What did Neil Armstrong say when he set foot on the moon?
Answer: That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind
7. If you are born at 22/04/1997, what’s your zodiac
Answer: Taurus
8. Which country organised the first successful landing on Mars?
Answer: Russia
9. Planet Earth is made up of what percentage of water?
Answer: 71%
10. If it is 1 o’clock pm in Greenwich, what’s the time in New York City?
Answer: 8 o’clock am
1. Calculate the density of population in Poland if the area is 312 679 km² and the total
population is 38 538 447.
Answer: 123.25 people/km2.
2. Calculate the fall of the River Vistula.
Data: the height of the Vistula’s spring – 1106 m above the sea level
the height of its mouth 0 m above the sea level
the length of the river 1047 km
Answer: F = 1106 m – 0 m : 1047= 1,05 ‰
3. Calculate the height of the Sun on 22nd
June in Kells. The altitude of Kells is 52°44’.
Answer: h = 90° - 52°44’ + 23°27’ = 60°43’
4. Which town has the shorter day on 22nd
December? Golub-Dobrzyń or Genoa?
Answer: Golub-Dobrzyń. ( the further from the Equator in December the shorter day)
5. Calculate the real distances between Golub-Dobrzyń and Priego de Cordoba using the map
which scale is 1:12 000 000. The distance on the map is 21 cm.
Answer: 21 x 120 = 2520 km.
6. Calculate the real area of Genoa using the map whose scale is 1:500000 and the area of
the city on the map is 9,72 cm2
Answer: 1cm – 5km, 1 cm2
– 25km2
, 25 km2
x 9,72 = 243km2
7. In which city does the Sun rise earlier on 21 March, in Genoa or in Priego de Cordoba?
Answer: in Genoa. It is further to the East.
8. In Golub-Dobrzyń, (19 E ) local time is 6 a.m. Calculate the time in Beja (8W).
Answer: 19 + 8 = 27, 27·4 min = 108min, 108min:60 = 1hr48min
6 a.m. – 1hr 48min = 4:12 a.m.
9. Calculate the density of roads per 1 km2
in Belgium. Data: the area of Belgium is 30528km2
and the length of roads is 145850 km.
Answer: 145850 : 30528 = 4.77/1km2.
10. In which city has a longer day on 22 June, in Sint-Niklaas on in Beja?
Answer: in Sint-Niklaas. This city is closer to the North Pole on 22 June and has the longer
1. What scale measures Earthquakes?
Answer: Richter
2. How many times great is an earthquake of magnitude 5 compared to an earthquake of
magnitude 4?
3. 0 degrees longitude and 0 degrees latitude is closest to which continent?
Answer: Africa
4. How many times bigger is the tallest mountain in Spain compared to Ireland?
Answer: Three
5. Which of the project countries eats the most potatoes?
Answer: Poland
6. Maths uses greek letters. Which geographical feature is called after the Greek letter
shaped like a triangle?
Answer: A low, watery land formed at the mouth of a river. A delta is often shaped like a
triangle (hence its name, delta, a Greek letter that is shaped like a triangle).
1. Who was considered the father of Trigonometry?
Answer: The Greek astronomer Hipparchus who lived between 190-120BC.
2. What is the name of the polygon with 10 sides and 10 angles?
Answer: Decagon.
3. How many numbers between 25 and 90 are multiples of 11 but are not multiples of 2?
Answer: 3 numbers: 33, 55 and 77.
4. What is the centroid / barycentre of a triangle?
Answer: It is the “center of gravity”, the intersection point of medians of the triangle.
5. There are 3 people with 3 hats. The hats are put into a box. What is the probability that
each person will get his or her hat?
Answer: ⅙.
6. I discovered a very useful fact about the sides of right angle triangles. This theorem bears
my name. Who am I?
Answer: Pythagoras.
7. Some consider me the first of the modern school of mathematics. I am famous for the
statement: “I think therefore I am”. Who am I?
Answer: Descartes
8. I invented the first calculating machine in 1645. My gambling led me to study probability. I
am French. Who am I?
Answer: Blaise Pascal
9. What is the formula for the volume of a sphere?
Answer: (4/3 times pi times the radius of the sphere^3)
10. Euclid collected theorems and proofs about polygons and angles -- creating Euclidean
geometry -- in a book called The _________.
Answer: Elements.
1. Can you tell me Pythagoras´ theorem?
2. Name an important female Egyptian mathematician whose life was made into a film?
Answer: Hipatia
3. What number is “i”?
Answer: (the imaginary quantity equal to the square root of minus one)
4. What is Ruffini´s rule?
Answer: It´s a rule to divide polynomials by binomials x-a.
5. What is the name of a 6-sided polygon?
Answer: Hexagon
6. Who used, for the first time, the letter “e” for the base of the natural logarithm?
Answer: Euler
7. What kind of number is pi?
Answer: Irrational
8. What civilization brought zero to Europe?
Answer: Arabic
9. Do you know the rumour why there is no Nobel prize in Maths?
Answer: Nobel´s wife went away with a mathematician.
10. Can you say the first 7 numbers in the Fibonacci sequence?
Answer: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,...
1. Which is the mathematical symbol for the number ?
Answer: φ
2. Which Italian mathematician introduced the Arabic figures in Europe?
Answer: Fibonacci
3. Which is the formula to calculate the volume of a sphere?
4. Which Italian mathematician introduced the symbol ∀?
Answer: Giuseppe Peano
5. Which is the meaning of the symbol ∈?
Answer: belongs to
6. In which form of argument can you seek to demonstrate that a statement is true by
showing that a false result follows from its denial?
Answer: reductio ab absurdum, demonstration by absurd, proof by contradiction
7. Which polygon has 5 diagonals?
Answer: Penthagon
8. From which ancient civilization did we inherit the use of sexagesimal degrees and hours by
60 minutes?
Answer: Babylonian
9. 9. Can you say how Latins represented the number 10?
Answer: X
10. Which number is LXIV?
Answer: 64
1. Who invented the logarithm tables?
a. Henry Briggs b. La Place c. John Napier
Answer: John Napier
2. Who is known as the ‘’father of maths’’?
a. Euclid b.Pythagoras c. Aristotle
Answer: Euclid
3. Give the formula of Pythagoras.
Answer: a² = b² + c²
4. What is the general form for an equation in a straight line?
Answer: y = ax + b
5. What is the holy number and the number of the devil?
Answer: holy: 3 and devil: 2
6. 1+1=10 how do you call this Mathematical system?
Answer: binary system
7. Give the basic formula of goniometry ?
Answer: sin² α + cos² α = 1
8. Who developed the cylindrical projection method (in 1569) that made a huge
improvement to cartography and ship transport?
Answer: Mercator
9. Do you know this formula or ? What does it calculate?
Answer: Angle of a regular n-polygon
10. In Δ ABC, if the angles are α, β and γ then tan α + tan β + tan γ = …. ?
Answer: tan α · tan β · tan γ)
1. What is the formula to find the area of a trapezium?
2. How many faces, vertices and edges does a hexagonal pyramid have?
Answer: 7 faces, 7 vertices, 12 edges
3. Diophantus of Alexandria is often called the father of …
Answer: Algebra
4. Why were fractions used by the ancient Egyptians different to ours?
Answer: Because most of them used 1 in the numerator
5. When and where was the sign = introduced?
Answer: During the Renaissance in England
6. Who popularized the use of the Greek letter pi as a symbol for the constant of the
circumference-to-diameter ratio of a circle?
Answer: Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler
7. If the number 360 is written as a product of its prime factors in the form a3
c, what is the
numerical value of a + b + c ?
Answer: a + b + c = 2 + 3 + 5 = 10
8. What is the sum of natural numbers from 1 to 100?
Answer: 5050
9. What is the exterior angle of a regular decagon?
Answer: 144°
10. What is the sum of the elements in the 10th row of Pascal's triangle?
Answer: The sum of the n-th row is 2 raised to the power of n. The sum is 1024.
1. Simpsons rule helps us to find what?
Answer: Area of an irregular shape.
2. Which mathematician found a quick way to add the numbers from 1 to 100?
Answer: Gauss
3. What is Fermat's last theorem?
Answer: an
+ bn
= cn
4. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was a mathematician but also wrote a book about a girl called
Alice - what name was he better known as?
Answer: Lewis Carroll
5. Which mathematician was famous for shouting Eureka?
Answer: Archemides
6. How do you find pi?
Answer: Circumference of a circle divided by diameter
7. How do you find the mean of a group of numbers?
Answer: Sum of the numbers divided by number of numbers
1. A train leaves from London to Birmingham with speed 70km/h and another one leaves from
Birmingham to London with speed 100km/h. Which one will be closer to London when they
meet? (Ignore the length of the trains, consider them as moving points.)
Answer: None. They will be at the same distance to London when they meet.
2. If half the price of a book is 10 euros, how much is the book?
Answer: 20€
3. There are two newspapers in a university, X and Y: 80% of students read newspaper X and
60% Y. Knowing that every student reads, at least, one of the newspapers, what percentage
of students read newspaper Y but do not read X?
Answer: 20%
4. How many times do we write the number 9, when we write all the integers from 1 to 100?
Answer: 20
5. What is the next term of the sequence: 6.13, 27, 55, ____
Answer: 111
6. Two parents and two sons went to a bar and ordered three lemonades. Each one drank a
whole bottle, i.e., none of them stopped drinking his soda. How was it possible?
Answer: 3 people: grandchild, father and grandfather.
7. You have a basket containing ten apples. You have ten friends, who each desire an apple.
You give each of your friends one apple.
Now all your friends have one apple each, yet there is an apple remaining in the basket.
Answer: Each friend has an apple, and one of them has it in a basket.
8. If I read 5 pages a day of a book, I will finish reading the book 16 days before than if I read 3
pages per day. How many pages in the book?
Answer: 120
9. If I throw two dice, what is the probability of throwing the same number on each di?
Answer: 1/6
10. Open any book at random, there will be two page numbers. What is the probability that the
sum of the numbers is odd?
Answer: 1
1. What is the next term in the sequence: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13,....
Answer: 17
2. What is heavier a pound of iron or 453,59g?
Answer: It´s the same.
3. You drive a bus from Spain to France. The distance is 1000 km and your speed is 60 km/h.
What is the name of the driver?
Answer: You.
4. I have ten bags with coins, in one of them I have fake coins but the rest of the bags have only
real coins. One true coin weighs 20 g and one false coin weighs 19 g. How can you find out
which bag is the false one in only one weigh?
Answer: You catch one of the one bag, two of the two bag, three of the three bag,...if the
weight is less in one gram, the false bag is the first, if two grams it´s the second,...etc.
5. You have three skirts, four t-shirts and two pair of shoes in your closet. How many different
ways can you dress?
Answer: 24.
6. How many different five-digit numbers can you write with 1,2,3,4. You can repeat the digit?
Answer: 1024
7. How many animals do I have in my farm, if all of them are dogs, except two of them; all of
them are cats except two of them; all of them are horses, except two of them?
Answer: 3: one dog, one cat and one horse.
8. One bear walks 10 km to the south, 10 to the east, 10 to the north and it´s again in the
beginning. What is the color of the bear?
Answer: It´s white, because it´s a polar bear.
9. Find out the relation: 6 + 4 = 210, 9 + 2 = 711, 8 + 5 = 313, 5 + 2 = 37,…….7 + 6=
Answer: 113
1. A man is looking at a portrait and says: “Brothers and sisters I have none but this man's
father is my father's son.” Who is the man in the portrait?
Answer: His son.
2. Which is heavier one kg of feathers or one kg of iron?
Answer: they have the same weight
3. What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor has it, the rich needs it, and if
you eat it, you'll die?
Answer: Nothing
4. Which creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in
the evening?
Answer: Man
5. What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
Answer: A stamp
6. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
Answer: A towel
7. Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?
Answer: “Incorrectly”
8. A man is standing in front of a completely red hotel with a wooden candle in his hand. He
shouts, "I'm bankrupt!" Why?
Answer: He is playing Monopoly.
9. He has married many women, but has never been married. Who is he?
Answer: A priest
10. A girl who was just learning to drive went down a one-way street in the wrong direction, but
didn't break the law. How come?
Answer: She is walking
1. You have three bags, each containing two marbles. Bag A contains two white marbles, Bag B
contains two black marbles, and Bag C contains one white marble and one black marble. You
pick a random bag and take out one marble. It is a white marble.
What is the probability that the remaining marble from the same bag is also white?
2. How many steps are required to break an m x n bar of chocolate into 1 x 1 pieces? You can
break an existing piece of chocolate horizontally or vertically. You cannot break two or more
pieces at once (so no cutting through stacks).
Answer: m·n - 1
3. You are at an unmarked intersection ... one way is the City of Lies and another way is the City
of Truth. Citizens of the City of Lies always lie. Citizens of the City of Truth always tell the
truth. A citizen of one of those cities (you don't know which) is at the intersection. What
question could you ask to them to find the way to the City of Truth?
Answer: You ask "In which of those two directions do you live?" A Citizen of the City of Lies
will point to the City of Truth A Citizen of the City of Truth will point to the City of Truth
4. A man is caught on the King's property. He is brought before the King to be punished. The
King says, "You must give me a statement. If it is true, you will killed by lions. If it is false, you
will be killed by trampling of wild buffalo." But in the end, the King has to let the man go.
What was the man's statement?
Answer: "I will be killed by trampling of wild buffalo." If you think about it carefully: the King
can't say it is true, because if so the man should be killed by the lions. But if he is killed by the
lions, then his statement would be false, and so should have been trampled by buffalo. So the
King can't tell if it is a lie or truth, so decides to just let him go.
5. A boy and a girl are talking. "I am a boy" - said the child with black hair. "I am a girl" - said the
child with white hair. At least one of them lied. Who is the boy and who is the girl?
Answer: They both lied. The child with the black hair is the girl, and the child with the white
hair is the boy. (If only one lied they would both be boys or both be girls)
6. Two fathers took their sons fishing. Each man and son caught one fish, but when they
returned to camp there were only 3 fish. How could this be? (None of the fish were eaten,
lost, or thrown back.)
Answer: There were only three people. The son, his father, and his grandfather.
7. This is a famous puzzle based on the show "Let's make a deal". The host, Monty Hall, offers
you a choice of three doors. Behind one is a sports car, but behind the other two are goats.
After you have chosen one door, he reveals one of the other two doors behind which is a goat
(he wouldn't reveal a car). Now he gives you the chance to switch to the other unrevealed
door or stay at your initial choice. You will then get what is behind that door. You cannot hear
the goats from behind the doors, or in any way know which door has the prize. Should you
stay, or switch, or doesn't it matter?
Answer: Your first choice has a 1/3 chance of having the car, and that does not change.
8. The other two doors HAD a combined chance of 2/3, but now a Goat has been revealed
behind one, all the 2/3 chance is with the other door. You better switch! (Unless you really
want a goat). In a certain country ½ of 5 = 3. If the same proportion holds, what is the value of
1/3 of 10 ?
Answer: 4
9. A hobo picks up cigarette butts from the ground and can make a cigarette with 4 butts. If he
finds 16 cigarette butts. If he finds 16 cigarette butts, how many cigarettes can he make?
Answer: He makes 4 cigarettes with the 16 butts. Then he smokes them and has 4 more butts
to make another cigarette.
10. Paul's height is six feet, he's an assistant at a butcher's shop, and wears size 9 shoes. What
does he weigh?
Answer: Meat
1. A boy has as many sisters as brothers and his sister has half as many sisters than brothers.
How many boys and girls are in the family?
Answer: 4 boys, 3 girls
2. In the middle of a round pool lies a beautiful water lily. The water lily doubles in size every
day. After exactly 20 days, the lily will cover the complete pool. After how many days will the
water lily cover half of the pool?
Answer: After 19 days, the water lily will cover half of the pool.
3. It is dark in my bedroom and I want to get two socks of the same color from my drawer,
which contains 24 white and 24 blue socks. How many socks do I have to take from the
drawer to get at least two socks of the same color?
Answer: 3
4. A certain street contains 100 buildings. They are numbered from 1 to 100. How many times
does the digit 9 occur in these numbers?
Answer: 21
5. A frog has fallen into a pit that is 30m deep. Each day the frog climbs 3m, but falls 2m at
night. How many days does it take for him to escape?
Answer: 28 days
6. A fisherman was asked the length of the fish he had caught. He said "It is 30 cms plus half its
length“. How long was the fish?
Answer: 60 cms
7. What is the missing number in the pie below?
Answer: The missing number is 6
8. What is two days after the day after the day before yesterday?
Answer: Tomorrow.
9. If two painters can complete two rooms in two hours, how many painters would it take to do
18 rooms in 6 hours?
Answer: 6 Painters
10. If two men stand back to back, walk in opposite directions for 4 metres, turn to the left and
walk another 3 metres, what is the distance between them when they stop?
Answer: 10 metres
1. Two cars, 360 kilometers apart begin driving toward each other on a long straight highway.
One car travels 80 kilometers per hour and the other 100 kilometers per hour. At the same
time a canary, starting on one car, flies back and fourth between the two cars as they
approach each other. If the canary flies 120 kilometers per hour and spends no time to turn
around at each car, how far has it flown when the cars collide?
Answer: 240km
2. Let’s call a three-digit number “special” if its tens digit is the average of its other two digits.
How many “special” numbers are there?
Answer: 45
3. A cookie jar contains three kinds of cookies: oatmeal, chocolate chip, and peanut butter. If
five cookies are chosen at random, no matter which cookies are chosen, at least two will be
oatmeal, and at least three will be of the same kind. How many chocolate chip cookies are in
the cookie jar?
Answer: 1 or 2 or 3
4. Andrew selects two different numbers, a and b, from the set {1, 2, 3, …, 26}. The product ab is
equal to the sum of the other 24 numbers in the set. What is the sum a + b?
Answer: 36 ( 15 + 21 )
5. A well is 100m deep. A snail falls to the bottom of the well early one morning. If it crawls up
3m each day and slips back 2m each night, how many days does it take it to get to the top?
Answer: 98 days
6. Which is larger, the mean or the median of the following numbers: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11?
Answer: Mean
7. What is x, if x>0?
8. What is the next letter in the sequence? T, T, F, F, S, S, ?
Answer: E
1. Who was the mathematician and astronomer who wrote "The planet orbits around the sun
describes an ellipse in which the sun is at one focus."
Answer: Johannes Kepler
2. According to the 2nd law of Newton, what is the meaning of the variables F, m and a in the
equation F = m·a
Answer: F – force, m – mass and a – acceleration
3. How many m3
there in thousand liters of water?
Answer: 1 m3
4. The 5th article proposed by Einstein in 1905 "The inertia of a body depend on its energy" is
represented by an equation. What is this equation?
Answer: E = mc2
5. What is the equation that translates the 1st Ohm's law?
Answer: V=I×R or R=V/I or I=V/R (V - electric potential difference , I - Intensity of electric
current, R-electrical resistance)
6. What the conical present in the construction of the car headlights?
Answer: The Parable.
7. The Earth's circumference is approximately 40000000 m. How do you write this number in
Scientific notation?
Answer: 4·107
8. The derivative of position is ______________
Answer: Velocity
9. The derivative of velocity is ______________
Answer: Acceleration
10. In Physics we use vectors to represent______
Answer: Forces
1. Can you tell us examples of the Fibonacci numbers in Nature?
Answer: branching in trees, arrangement of leaves on a stem, the fruitlets of a pineapple,
the flowering of artichoke, reproduction of population of idealized honeybees.
2. The formula for the body mass index is Can you find out the IBM for a
person 60 kg and 1.70 m?
Answer: 20.76
3. Convert 59 F into Celsius?
Answer: 15 C
4. 4.What is the formula for pressure?
Answer: P=F/S
5. The density of the oil is 920 kg/m3
, if we have 3l of oil, what is the mass?
Answer: 2,76 kg
6. What mathematical operation do you use to calculate ph?
Answer: Logarithm
7. Mendel laws. If you have two individual “Aa” and “Aa”, what is the probability to have one
baby “aa”?
8. The increase of population is usually….
Answer: exponential.
9. If I travel to one town and my speed is 90 km/h and I drive for 6 hours, how many kilometers
do I travel?
Answer: 540 km
10. Calculate the intensity of electric current of 10 coulombs during 4 s.
Answer: 2,5 amperes
1. Which mathematical operator is used on the Richter scale?
Answer: logarithm
2. Which scale is used measuring the sound intensity in dB (Decibel)?
Answer: the logarithmic scale
3. How wide is a 30° angle in the International Measure System?
Answer: π/6 radians
4. How is slope defined?
5. What do have in common a pine cone, a pineapple, a sunflower, and the Nautilus?
Answer: All of them have the golden ratio
6. Which mathematical concept do we use in Physics when we define the instantaneous
Answer: limit
7. If my motion follows this law s(t) = vt + s0, then how is my speed?
Answer: constant
8. Which mathematical model uses the Hooke’s law F = -kx?
Answer: linear
9. If the change in length measurements of an object due to thermal expansion is related to
temperature change by the law ΔL = λ L0 ΔT, which is the mathematical model that this
object follows when it expands?
Answer: linear
10. If my clock is delayed by one minute every hour and I adjust its time right now, what time will
it mark tomorrow at the same time?
Answer: it will be 24 minutes late
1. What’s the oxidation number of the element S in H2SO4?
Answer: +VI
2. What is the atmospheric pressure?
Answer: 1013 hPa
3. What is the name of this molecule?
Answer: ethane
4. How do you call the growth of bacteria?
Answer: Exponential growth
5. Give the law of Hook:
Answer: F = k·x
6. The movement of the planets around the sun are described by three laws. Which laws
proved this?
Answer: Laws of Keppler
7. A vector is defined by 4 elements, which ones?
Answer: a direction, a sense, a suspension line, a target
8. What’s the atomic mass unit?
Answer: 1.66 ·10-27
9. What’s the chance that the second generation of children have blue eyes if the parents are
homozygous blue and brown?
Answer: 25 %
10. What is the gravitational constant?
Answer: 6.67·10-11
1. Tom requires 20 hours to complete a certain job and Jim will require 30 hours to do the same
job. How long will it take Tom and Jim working together to do the job?
Answer: 12 hours
2. A
seconds. What was its acceleration?
Answer: 3
3. A container of volume 0.05m3
is full of ice. When the ice melts into water, how many kg of
water should be added to fill it up? (density of ice = 900kg/m3
; density of water = 1000kg/m3
Answer: 5kg
4. A rubber ball has a radius of 2.5 cm. The density of rubber is 1.2 g/cm3
. What is the mass of
the ball?
Answer: The mass of the ball is about 44 grams.
5. What volume of water is needed to dissolve 16.0 g of NaCl to make a 10% NaCl solution?
Answer: Volume of water = 144 mL
6. You push a grocery car with a force of 30 N and it accelerates at 2 m/s2
. What is its mass?
Answer: 15 kg
7. Milk fat is present in milk. Whole milk usually contains about 5.0% milk fat by volume. If you
drink a glass of milk with a volume of 250 mL, what volume of milk fat have you consumed?
Answer: 12 mL
8. How many grams of salt do you need to make 500 grams of a solution with a concentration
of 5% salt?
Answer: 25 grams
9. A 6-gram marble put in a graduated cylinder raises the water from 30 mL to 32 mL. What is
the marble’s density.
Answer: 3 g/cm3
10. A
60N force
Answer: 3
1. If a dc voltage of 10 mV is connected across a 1k ohm resistor, what current flows through it?
Answer: 10 micro Amps
2. What is the total resistance of two 100W resistors connected in parallel?
Answer: 50W
3. At what temperature are the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales equal?
Answer: - 40 degrees
4. When a current of 0.5 A flows in a light bulb that is connected to a 230 V supply, what is the
electrical power used?
Answer: 115 watts
5. If you are increasing in latitude in the Northern Hemisphere, are you travelling north, south,
east or west?
Answer: North
6. True or false: a pendulum has its greatest acceleration at the midpoint of its swing.
Answer: False
7. How long does it take a car initially at rest to move 18m assuming an acceleration of 1 ?
Answer: 6s
8. A high speed train starts from rest and accelerates uniformly to a final velocity of 30ms-1
after travelling1.8km. What was its acceleration?
Answer: .25 m/s-2
9. You see a flash of lightning and hear the thunder 12 seconds later. To the nearest km, how
far away was the lightning strike? Was it: (a) 3km, (b) 4km, or (c) 6km?
Answer: 4km

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Educational Game Trivia Persuit questions

  • 1. Questions for Trivia Parsuit Game Comenius Why Maths?
  • 2. III... SSSCCCHHHOOOOOOLLL,,, CCCOOOUUUNNNTTTRRRIIIEEESSS AAANNNDDD LLLAAANNNGGGUUUAAAGGGEEESSS Portugal 1. Which of the six partner schools of the project "Why Maths?" has more students? Answer: The Portuguese School 2. In which year was the Spanish school founded? Answer: In 1975. 3. In the last 100 years the population has grown in the six countries. Which countries have had the biggest growth? Answer: Italy, Spain and Poland. 4. Which of the 6 countries have the smallest area? Answer: Belgium 5. Which two countries have the lowest population density? Answer: Spain and Ireland 6. How do you say "yes" in Polish? Answer: Tak 7. Who is the current best Portuguese football player? Answer: Cristiano Ronaldo. 8. What are the colours of the Portuguese flag? Answer: Green and Red. 9. What is the height of the castle tower in Beja, built in 1310? Answer: About 40 meters. 10. What is the capital of Poland? Answer: Warsaw Spain 1. How many students are in IES Álvarez Cubero? Answer: 780 2. How many languages can you hear in Belgium? Answer: two (3?) 3. Who is the Spanish president? Answer: Mariano Rajoy 4. Which is the most rainy Comenius country? Answer: Ireland 5. How do you say thanks in Italian? Answer: Grazie 6. Which of six Comenius cities has the biggest number of unemployed? Answer: 7. What is the capital of Ireland? Answer: Dublin 8. Which was the profession of Álvarez Cubero, the man who gives the name to the school? Answer: He was a sculptor.
  • 3. 9. What are the colours of the Spanish flag? Answer: red and yellow. 10. If you go to Priego, you can taste ……..which is the best in the world Answer: Olive Oil. Italy 1. Which project city is the biggest? Answer: Genova 2. What does the Italian word “Arrivederci” mean? Answer: See you later 3. Which project city is the birthplace of Christopher Columbus. Which? Answer: Genova 4. Why was Niccolò Paganini who was born in Genova in 1782, famous? Answer: He was a violinist (musician) 5. Which project city is located the farthest from the sea? Answer: Golub-Dobrzyń 6. He was born in Belgium but he was a Spanish king: who was he? Answer: Charles 5th 7. Can you quickly repeat this Italian sentence five times: “Sotto la panca la capra campa, sopra la panca la capra crepa” without making any mistakes? 8. Which project school is the oldest? Answer: Liceo Colombo, founded in 1808. 9. Which project country has won Soccer World Cup the most times? Answer: Italy (1934, 1938, 1982, 2006) 10. It’s a green sauce typically used in Genova to dress pasta. What is its name? Answer: Pesto Belgium 1. Which project country is the biggest? Answer: Spain 2. Which project country is the most densely populated? Answer: Belgium 3. What mathematical form does the Atomium have? Answer: Cube 4. What does the Atomium represent? Answer: Iron crystal 5. This city has a famous candy, nice medieval facades and a castle. It’s an University city and a good football team. Every summer there is a ten day street festival. Which city is this? Answer: Ghent 6. What’s the symbol of our city Sint-Niklaas? This symbol is related with a big festival the first weekend of September. Answer Balloon 7. Which are the official languages in Belgium? Answer: Dutch, French and German 8. We have 32 classes in a week, about 15 different subjects, a school day begins at 8h30, we don’t have lessons in the weekends. Which country has this school system? Answer: Belgium 9. Which are the neighbouring countries of Belgium? Answer France, the Netherlands, Germany and Luxembourg
  • 4. 10. Sint-Niklaas is famous in Belgium because of our... a) City Hall b) Market place c) Train station d) City garden Answer: b) Market Place Poland 1. What is the name of the patron of the Polish school in Golub-Dobrzyń? Answer: Anna Vasa 2. How do you say “ thank you“ in Polish? Answer: Dziękuję 3. There are 457 students in Polish school, about 58% of them are girls. How many boys attend the school? Answer: 192 boys 4. How do you say “hello” in Polish? Answer: Cześć 5. What is the name of Polish astronomer who proved that the Earth goes round the Sun and was born in Toruń? Answer: Copernicus 6. Name three languages that are taught in Polish school? Answer: English, German and Russian 7. The school grounds include the area of 183,475 m2 , and the school building has the area of one-fifth of the whole ground. Calculate the area of the school in square meters. Answer: It’s about 36,695 m2 8. Name the capital city of Portugal. Answer: Lisboa 9. What is the name of the longest river in Poland? Answer: Vistula 10. Name three cities in Poland in which European football championship was held in 2012. Answer: Warsaw, Gdańsk, Wrocław Ireland 1. Name five languages that are taught in Eureka? Answer: Irish, Spanish, French, German, Chinese 2. The Irish language was brought to Ireland by which people? Answer: Celts 3. Which is the smallest project “city”? Answer: Kells 4. Which project country has the smallest population? Answer: Ireland 5. Which project town was established in the year 804? Answer: Kells 6. How many years do Irish students stay in secondary school? Answer: 5 or 6 7. In the 2011 census, what was the largest minority in Ireland? Answer: Polish
  • 5. IIIIII... AAARRRTTT AAANNNDDD MMMAAATTTHHHSSS Portugal 1. Which artist painted this pattern? Answer: Escher (Two fish, nº58)1942 Watercolor, ink. 2. How is cubism related to Maths? Answer: Cubism is related to Maths because of the usage of geometric shapes, angles, and lines in the making of the art. 3. The Style of Abstract Art in this painting is_________ PABLO PICASSO (1881-1973) 'Factory, Horta de Ebbo', 1909 (oil on canvas) Answer: Cubism. 4. In the book The Da Vinci Code, (Dan Brown, 2003) , what sequence of numbers are used to unlock a safe? Answer: Fibonacci numbers. 5. Dance and math are related through ______ and in ________. Dance movement can be all sorts of combinations of ______ and _____ and our bodies move through space in arcs and circles. So there are plenty of ways that we can physically experience (or watch) ________. One person dancing can use their body to create ______, or they can move across a floor in a particular _______ (line or circle, for example). Complete the paragraph with the words: space, pattern, circles, geometry, shape, time, lines. Answer: Dance and math are related through time and in space. Dance movement can be all sorts of combinations of circles and lines and our bodies move through space in arcs and circles. So there are plenty of ways that we can physically experience (or watch) geometry. One person dancing can use their body to create shape, or they can move across a floor in a particular pattern (line or circle, for example). 6. The Maths skills in measurement, geometry, proportion and basic calculations are used in Theatres in many different areas. Can you specify three examples? Answer: Costume, Set, and Props could not be created without Maths skills.
  • 6. 7. What kind of symmetry can you identify in the figure? Answer: Rotational Symmetry. 8. In Steinfurt, Germany, we can find this sculptures: What is the name of this solids? Answer: Platonic Solids. 9. Who wrote in his notebooks: "There is no certainty in sciences where one of the mathematical sciences cannot be applied ... “. Answer: Leonardo Da Vinci. 10. The strip represented in the sculpture has the mathematical property of being non- orientable. This strip is called_________ Answer: Möbius strip or Möbius band Spain 1. What is the name of the artist who used the Golden number in his pictures? Answer: Leonardo Da Vinci. 2. What is the Greek letter that represents the Golden ratio? Answer: Fi () 3. The Cordoba Proportion is…. Answer: 1.306... 4. Who was the first person to study the Golden ratio?
  • 7. Answer: Euclides 5. Mona Lisa is painted using which proportion? Answer: Golden ratio 6. What is the coloured surface in this fractal triangle (Sierpinski triangle)? Answer: + 7. How many columns are there in the Mosque of Cordoba? Answer: 850 8. Who discovered the Cordoba Proportion? Answer: Rafael de la Hoz. 9. What can you find in the Alhambra tiles? Answer: The seventeen groups of isometries 10. Which three elements of Geometry can you find in the Alhambra? Answer: Frieze, tile and rosette
  • 8. Italy 1. Who discovered the " Golden Proportion"? Answer: Pythagoras 2. Which geometrical figure shows the golden proportion? Answer: Regular pentagon 3. Who was the famous Italian painter, engineer and scientist who lived in the Renaissance and illustrated the "De Divina Proportione" written by Pacioli? Answer: Leonardo da Vinci 4. Which element divides the painting into two parts according to the golden ratio? Answer: The dove 5. Who was the painter of this painting? Answer: Botticelli 6. Which is the name of this famous ancient Greek statue now preserved at the Louvre Museum in Paris which used the golden ratio? Answer: Venus de Milo 7. The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci was recreated by a modern artist, who? Answer: Salvador Dalì
  • 9. 8. In which ancient temple near Agrigento (Sicily) was the golden proportion used? Answer: The Concorde Temple 9. Who wrote 'De Divina Proportione'? Answer: Luca Pacioli 10. Which artist used the golden ration in this painting Answer: Georges Seurat
  • 10. Belgium 1. What is the number pi? Answer: 3.14159265 2. Name a Flemish painter. Answer: Van Eyck, Brueghel, PP Rubens, ... 3. Can you tell us which style this is ? a) Art Deco b) Art Nouveau Answer: a) art Deco 4. Which number is the golden section, often used in paintings? a) 1.61803398874989 b) 1.61804654689359 c) 3.14159263589793 Answer: a) 5. How many triangles do you see? Answer: 27 6. How do they call this painting? a. Da Vinci b. The golden section c. Vitruvian man Answer: c 7. Which technique is often used by flemish painters? Answer: perspective
  • 11. 8. What is the full name of the author of “La divina commedia”? Answer (Dante Alighieri) 9. What mathematical form is used in Mondriaan’s paintings? Answer (rectangles) 10. What’s the following figure called? Answer: fractal, Sierpinski carpet Poland 1. An ornamental motif of the late Gothic tracery seeing in the picture Answer: Fish bladder 2. Which regular polygons will tessellate on their own without any spaces or overlaps? Answer: Equilateral triangles, squares and regular hexagons are the only regular polygons that will tessellate. 3. What is the name of the geometric decoration in gothic window in Malbork below? Answer: Quatrefoil
  • 12. 4. Name the Archimedean tessellation seeing in the picture? Answer: Tiling 5. What is the name of tessellation made from more than one type of regular polygon so that the same polygons surround each vertex? Answer: The Archimedean tessellation. 6. What kind of symmetry can you identify in the polish paper folk cut-out? Answer: Reflection symmetry (mirror symmetry , line symmetry ) and rotational symmetry 7. What is the basic pattern in Gothic architecture? Answer: It’s a pointed arch. 8. What is the Reuleaux triangle based on? Answer: It’s based on an equilateral triangle. 9. Who popularized the use of mathematical tessellations in art with his fantastical repeating designs and optical illusions? Answer: Dutch graphic artist M.C. Escher
  • 13. 10. What kind of symmetry can you identify in the rose windows? Answer: Reflection symmetry (mirror symmetry , line symmetry ) and rotational symmetry Ireland 1. Which famous scientist/mathematician/astronomer said “The Universe is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures” before he had some problems with the Pope? Answer: Galileo 2. Squares do it, equilateral triangles do it, even hexagons do it. But pentagons can’t do it? What is it? Answer: Tiling the plane. 3. When was the book of kells written? Answer: 800AD 4. What mathematical tools were used by monks in this image? Answer: Compass 5. How many years ago was Newgrange built? Answer: 5000 6. From above, what shape is Newgrange? Answer: Circle
  • 14. IIIIIIIII... GGGEEEOOOGGGRRRAAAPPPHHHYYY AAANNNDDD AAASSSTTTRRROOONNNOOOMMMYYY Portugal 1. What is the closest planet to the Sun? Answer: Mercury 2. What is the hottest planet in our solar system? Answer: Venus 3. Is the Sun a star or a planet? Answer: A star 4. Who was the first person to walk on the moon? Answer: Neil Armstrong 5. What is the name of NASA’s most famous space telescope? Answer: Hubble Space Telescope 6. What is the name of the force holding us to the Earth? Answer: Gravity 7. Which country uses up the most electricity: USA or China? Answer: China 8. Which continent has the largest population? Answer: Asia. 9. In which country is it cheapest to hire a car: USA, Australia or Spain? Answer: Spain. 10. What measurement do they use on the road signs in New Zealand: miles or kilometres? Answer: Kilometres. 11. Which grain is the most eaten food in the world - accounting for about a fifth of the total calories consumed by humans? Answer: Rice. Spain 1. What is the escape velocity of the Earth? Answer: 11,2 km/s 2. Your weight is 75 kg, what is your weight in Mars if the gravity is 0,376? Answer: 28,2 kg 3. The velocity of light is 300000 km/s, if light takes 8 minutes to travel from the Sun to the Earth, What is the distance between the Sun and the Earth? Answer: 144000000 4. How wide is this river? Answer:121,5m 5. Is Pluto a planet? Answer: No 6. Tell us three famous mathematicians and astronomers. Answer: Copernicus, Hubble, Copernicus, Galileo….. 7. Calculate the density of population in Priego if the area is 286,3 km2 and the population is 23456.
  • 15. Answer: 81,9 people/km2 8. Which planet has the strongest gravitational force? Answer: Neptune 9. What is the gravity of the Earth? Answer:9,8 10. Here you have two population pyramids from Spain Can you explain what is happening? Answer: The population is getting older, …. Italy 1. What is the relationship between the Nautilus and a galaxy? Answer: Both of them use the golden ratio in their spirals 2. Which great physicist used Hyperbolic Geometry to describe the Universe? Answer: Albert Einstein 3. Which mathematical law is used in geographical scales? Answer: Proportion 4. Which map is more detailed? 1:10000 or 1:1000000? Answer: 1:10000 5. When do we use projection in Geography? Answer: When we draw geographical maps 6. What was the “meter” when it was introduced? Answer: Originally, it was defined as 1/10 000 000 of the terrestrial meridian between the North pole and the Equator. 7. According to Kepler’s laws, is Earth’s velocity higher when it’s winter in Europe or summer in Europe? Answer: The Earth's orbital velocity is maximum at perihelion when it is Winter in Europe and minimum at aphelion when it is Summer in Europe. 8. Which is the shape of the orbit of the Earth around the Sun? Answer: An Ellipse 9. Is gravity stronger on Jupiter or on Mars? Answer: On Jupiter 10. What is the name of the map on which statistical data are represented with different symbols and colors depending on the values of the observed phenomenon, related to the area that the map shows? Answer: Cartogram Belgium 1. What’s the earth’s radius? Answer: 6,371 km or 3.959 miles 2. How many metres is a light-year? Answer: 9 500 000 000 000 000m 3. What is a parsec? a. an angle b. a distance c. meteorite Answer: b - It's a distance 4. The period of day (day-night), ebb and flow and seasons are similar to a maths function,
  • 16. which? Answer: (sinus, cosinus) 5. Which of the following years are leap years? a. 1900 b. 2000 c. 2014 d. 1536 Answer: b and d 6. What did Neil Armstrong say when he set foot on the moon? Answer: That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind 7. If you are born at 22/04/1997, what’s your zodiac Answer: Taurus 8. Which country organised the first successful landing on Mars? Answer: Russia 9. Planet Earth is made up of what percentage of water? Answer: 71% 10. If it is 1 o’clock pm in Greenwich, what’s the time in New York City? Answer: 8 o’clock am Poland 1. Calculate the density of population in Poland if the area is 312 679 km² and the total population is 38 538 447. Answer: 123.25 people/km2. 2. Calculate the fall of the River Vistula. Data: the height of the Vistula’s spring – 1106 m above the sea level the height of its mouth 0 m above the sea level the length of the river 1047 km Answer: F = 1106 m – 0 m : 1047= 1,05 ‰ 3. Calculate the height of the Sun on 22nd June in Kells. The altitude of Kells is 52°44’. Answer: h = 90° - 52°44’ + 23°27’ = 60°43’ 4. Which town has the shorter day on 22nd December? Golub-Dobrzyń or Genoa? Answer: Golub-Dobrzyń. ( the further from the Equator in December the shorter day) 5. Calculate the real distances between Golub-Dobrzyń and Priego de Cordoba using the map which scale is 1:12 000 000. The distance on the map is 21 cm. Answer: 21 x 120 = 2520 km. 6. Calculate the real area of Genoa using the map whose scale is 1:500000 and the area of the city on the map is 9,72 cm2 . Answer: 1cm – 5km, 1 cm2 – 25km2 , 25 km2 x 9,72 = 243km2 7. In which city does the Sun rise earlier on 21 March, in Genoa or in Priego de Cordoba? Answer: in Genoa. It is further to the East. 8. In Golub-Dobrzyń, (19 E ) local time is 6 a.m. Calculate the time in Beja (8W). Answer: 19 + 8 = 27, 27·4 min = 108min, 108min:60 = 1hr48min 6 a.m. – 1hr 48min = 4:12 a.m. 9. Calculate the density of roads per 1 km2 in Belgium. Data: the area of Belgium is 30528km2 and the length of roads is 145850 km. Answer: 145850 : 30528 = 4.77/1km2. 10. In which city has a longer day on 22 June, in Sint-Niklaas on in Beja? Answer: in Sint-Niklaas. This city is closer to the North Pole on 22 June and has the longer day. Ireland 1. What scale measures Earthquakes? Answer: Richter 2. How many times great is an earthquake of magnitude 5 compared to an earthquake of
  • 17. magnitude 4? Answer: 3. 0 degrees longitude and 0 degrees latitude is closest to which continent? Answer: Africa 4. How many times bigger is the tallest mountain in Spain compared to Ireland? Answer: Three 5. Which of the project countries eats the most potatoes? Answer: Poland 6. Maths uses greek letters. Which geographical feature is called after the Greek letter shaped like a triangle? Answer: A low, watery land formed at the mouth of a river. A delta is often shaped like a triangle (hence its name, delta, a Greek letter that is shaped like a triangle). IIIVVV... GGGEEENNNEEERRRAAALLL MMMAAATTTHHHSSS KKKNNNOOOWWWLLLEEEDDDGGGEEE,,, FFFOOORRRMMMUUULLLAAASSS AAANNNDDD HHHIIISSSTTTOOORRRYYY Portugal 1. Who was considered the father of Trigonometry? Answer: The Greek astronomer Hipparchus who lived between 190-120BC. 2. What is the name of the polygon with 10 sides and 10 angles? Answer: Decagon. 3. How many numbers between 25 and 90 are multiples of 11 but are not multiples of 2? Answer: 3 numbers: 33, 55 and 77. 4. What is the centroid / barycentre of a triangle? Answer: It is the “center of gravity”, the intersection point of medians of the triangle. 5. There are 3 people with 3 hats. The hats are put into a box. What is the probability that each person will get his or her hat? Answer: ⅙. 6. I discovered a very useful fact about the sides of right angle triangles. This theorem bears my name. Who am I? Answer: Pythagoras. 7. Some consider me the first of the modern school of mathematics. I am famous for the statement: “I think therefore I am”. Who am I? Answer: Descartes 8. I invented the first calculating machine in 1645. My gambling led me to study probability. I am French. Who am I? Answer: Blaise Pascal 9. What is the formula for the volume of a sphere? Answer: (4/3 times pi times the radius of the sphere^3) 10. Euclid collected theorems and proofs about polygons and angles -- creating Euclidean geometry -- in a book called The _________. Answer: Elements. Spain 1. Can you tell me Pythagoras´ theorem? Answer: 2. Name an important female Egyptian mathematician whose life was made into a film? Answer: Hipatia
  • 18. 3. What number is “i”? Answer: (the imaginary quantity equal to the square root of minus one) 4. What is Ruffini´s rule? Answer: It´s a rule to divide polynomials by binomials x-a. 5. What is the name of a 6-sided polygon? Answer: Hexagon 6. Who used, for the first time, the letter “e” for the base of the natural logarithm? Answer: Euler 7. What kind of number is pi? Answer: Irrational 8. What civilization brought zero to Europe? Answer: Arabic 9. Do you know the rumour why there is no Nobel prize in Maths? Answer: Nobel´s wife went away with a mathematician. 10. Can you say the first 7 numbers in the Fibonacci sequence? Answer: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,... Italy 1. Which is the mathematical symbol for the number ? Answer: φ 2. Which Italian mathematician introduced the Arabic figures in Europe? Answer: Fibonacci 3. Which is the formula to calculate the volume of a sphere? Answer: 4. Which Italian mathematician introduced the symbol ∀? Answer: Giuseppe Peano 5. Which is the meaning of the symbol ∈? Answer: belongs to 6. In which form of argument can you seek to demonstrate that a statement is true by showing that a false result follows from its denial? Answer: reductio ab absurdum, demonstration by absurd, proof by contradiction 7. Which polygon has 5 diagonals? Answer: Penthagon 8. From which ancient civilization did we inherit the use of sexagesimal degrees and hours by 60 minutes? Answer: Babylonian 9. 9. Can you say how Latins represented the number 10? Answer: X 10. Which number is LXIV? Answer: 64
  • 19. Belgium 1. Who invented the logarithm tables? a. Henry Briggs b. La Place c. John Napier Answer: John Napier 2. Who is known as the ‘’father of maths’’? a. Euclid b.Pythagoras c. Aristotle Answer: Euclid 3. Give the formula of Pythagoras. Answer: a² = b² + c² 4. What is the general form for an equation in a straight line? Answer: y = ax + b 5. What is the holy number and the number of the devil? Answer: holy: 3 and devil: 2 6. 1+1=10 how do you call this Mathematical system? Answer: binary system 7. Give the basic formula of goniometry ? Answer: sin² α + cos² α = 1 8. Who developed the cylindrical projection method (in 1569) that made a huge improvement to cartography and ship transport? Answer: Mercator 9. Do you know this formula or ? What does it calculate? Answer: Angle of a regular n-polygon 10. In Δ ABC, if the angles are α, β and γ then tan α + tan β + tan γ = …. ? Answer: tan α · tan β · tan γ) Poland 1. What is the formula to find the area of a trapezium? Answer: 2. How many faces, vertices and edges does a hexagonal pyramid have? Answer: 7 faces, 7 vertices, 12 edges 3. Diophantus of Alexandria is often called the father of … Answer: Algebra 4. Why were fractions used by the ancient Egyptians different to ours? Answer: Because most of them used 1 in the numerator 5. When and where was the sign = introduced? Answer: During the Renaissance in England 6. Who popularized the use of the Greek letter pi as a symbol for the constant of the circumference-to-diameter ratio of a circle? Answer: Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler 7. If the number 360 is written as a product of its prime factors in the form a3 b2 c, what is the numerical value of a + b + c ? Answer: a + b + c = 2 + 3 + 5 = 10 8. What is the sum of natural numbers from 1 to 100? Answer: 5050 9. What is the exterior angle of a regular decagon? Answer: 144° 10. What is the sum of the elements in the 10th row of Pascal's triangle? Answer: The sum of the n-th row is 2 raised to the power of n. The sum is 1024.
  • 20. Ireland 1. Simpsons rule helps us to find what? Answer: Area of an irregular shape. 2. Which mathematician found a quick way to add the numbers from 1 to 100? Answer: Gauss 3. What is Fermat's last theorem? Answer: an + bn = cn 4. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was a mathematician but also wrote a book about a girl called Alice - what name was he better known as? Answer: Lewis Carroll 5. Which mathematician was famous for shouting Eureka? Answer: Archemides 6. How do you find pi? Answer: Circumference of a circle divided by diameter 7. How do you find the mean of a group of numbers? Answer: Sum of the numbers divided by number of numbers VVV... MMMAAATTTHHHSSS AAANNNDDD LLLOOOGGGIIICCC Portugal 1. A train leaves from London to Birmingham with speed 70km/h and another one leaves from Birmingham to London with speed 100km/h. Which one will be closer to London when they meet? (Ignore the length of the trains, consider them as moving points.) Answer: None. They will be at the same distance to London when they meet. 2. If half the price of a book is 10 euros, how much is the book? Answer: 20€ 3. There are two newspapers in a university, X and Y: 80% of students read newspaper X and 60% Y. Knowing that every student reads, at least, one of the newspapers, what percentage of students read newspaper Y but do not read X? Answer: 20% 4. How many times do we write the number 9, when we write all the integers from 1 to 100? Answer: 20 5. What is the next term of the sequence: 6.13, 27, 55, ____ Answer: 111 6. Two parents and two sons went to a bar and ordered three lemonades. Each one drank a whole bottle, i.e., none of them stopped drinking his soda. How was it possible? Answer: 3 people: grandchild, father and grandfather. 7. You have a basket containing ten apples. You have ten friends, who each desire an apple. You give each of your friends one apple. Now all your friends have one apple each, yet there is an apple remaining in the basket. How? Answer: Each friend has an apple, and one of them has it in a basket. 8. If I read 5 pages a day of a book, I will finish reading the book 16 days before than if I read 3 pages per day. How many pages in the book? Answer: 120 9. If I throw two dice, what is the probability of throwing the same number on each di? Answer: 1/6 10. Open any book at random, there will be two page numbers. What is the probability that the sum of the numbers is odd? Answer: 1
  • 21. Spain 1. What is the next term in the sequence: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13,.... Answer: 17 2. What is heavier a pound of iron or 453,59g? Answer: It´s the same. 3. You drive a bus from Spain to France. The distance is 1000 km and your speed is 60 km/h. What is the name of the driver? Answer: You. 4. I have ten bags with coins, in one of them I have fake coins but the rest of the bags have only real coins. One true coin weighs 20 g and one false coin weighs 19 g. How can you find out which bag is the false one in only one weigh? Answer: You catch one of the one bag, two of the two bag, three of the three bag,...if the weight is less in one gram, the false bag is the first, if two grams it´s the second,...etc. 5. You have three skirts, four t-shirts and two pair of shoes in your closet. How many different ways can you dress? Answer: 24. 6. How many different five-digit numbers can you write with 1,2,3,4. You can repeat the digit? Answer: 1024 7. How many animals do I have in my farm, if all of them are dogs, except two of them; all of them are cats except two of them; all of them are horses, except two of them? Answer: 3: one dog, one cat and one horse. 8. One bear walks 10 km to the south, 10 to the east, 10 to the north and it´s again in the beginning. What is the color of the bear? Answer: It´s white, because it´s a polar bear. 9. Find out the relation: 6 + 4 = 210, 9 + 2 = 711, 8 + 5 = 313, 5 + 2 = 37,…….7 + 6= Answer: 113 10. Answer: Italy 1. A man is looking at a portrait and says: “Brothers and sisters I have none but this man's father is my father's son.” Who is the man in the portrait? Answer: His son. 2. Which is heavier one kg of feathers or one kg of iron? Answer: they have the same weight 3. What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor has it, the rich needs it, and if you eat it, you'll die? Answer: Nothing 4. Which creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening? Answer: Man 5. What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? Answer: A stamp 6. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries? Answer: A towel
  • 22. 7. Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly? Answer: “Incorrectly” 8. A man is standing in front of a completely red hotel with a wooden candle in his hand. He shouts, "I'm bankrupt!" Why? Answer: He is playing Monopoly. 9. He has married many women, but has never been married. Who is he? Answer: A priest 10. A girl who was just learning to drive went down a one-way street in the wrong direction, but didn't break the law. How come? Answer: She is walking Belgium 1. You have three bags, each containing two marbles. Bag A contains two white marbles, Bag B contains two black marbles, and Bag C contains one white marble and one black marble. You pick a random bag and take out one marble. It is a white marble. What is the probability that the remaining marble from the same bag is also white? Answer: 2. How many steps are required to break an m x n bar of chocolate into 1 x 1 pieces? You can break an existing piece of chocolate horizontally or vertically. You cannot break two or more pieces at once (so no cutting through stacks). Answer: m·n - 1 3. You are at an unmarked intersection ... one way is the City of Lies and another way is the City of Truth. Citizens of the City of Lies always lie. Citizens of the City of Truth always tell the truth. A citizen of one of those cities (you don't know which) is at the intersection. What question could you ask to them to find the way to the City of Truth? Answer: You ask "In which of those two directions do you live?" A Citizen of the City of Lies will point to the City of Truth A Citizen of the City of Truth will point to the City of Truth 4. A man is caught on the King's property. He is brought before the King to be punished. The King says, "You must give me a statement. If it is true, you will killed by lions. If it is false, you will be killed by trampling of wild buffalo." But in the end, the King has to let the man go. What was the man's statement? Answer: "I will be killed by trampling of wild buffalo." If you think about it carefully: the King can't say it is true, because if so the man should be killed by the lions. But if he is killed by the lions, then his statement would be false, and so should have been trampled by buffalo. So the King can't tell if it is a lie or truth, so decides to just let him go. 5. A boy and a girl are talking. "I am a boy" - said the child with black hair. "I am a girl" - said the child with white hair. At least one of them lied. Who is the boy and who is the girl? Answer: They both lied. The child with the black hair is the girl, and the child with the white hair is the boy. (If only one lied they would both be boys or both be girls) 6. Two fathers took their sons fishing. Each man and son caught one fish, but when they returned to camp there were only 3 fish. How could this be? (None of the fish were eaten, lost, or thrown back.) Answer: There were only three people. The son, his father, and his grandfather. 7. This is a famous puzzle based on the show "Let's make a deal". The host, Monty Hall, offers you a choice of three doors. Behind one is a sports car, but behind the other two are goats. After you have chosen one door, he reveals one of the other two doors behind which is a goat (he wouldn't reveal a car). Now he gives you the chance to switch to the other unrevealed door or stay at your initial choice. You will then get what is behind that door. You cannot hear the goats from behind the doors, or in any way know which door has the prize. Should you stay, or switch, or doesn't it matter? Answer: Your first choice has a 1/3 chance of having the car, and that does not change.
  • 23. 8. The other two doors HAD a combined chance of 2/3, but now a Goat has been revealed behind one, all the 2/3 chance is with the other door. You better switch! (Unless you really want a goat). In a certain country ½ of 5 = 3. If the same proportion holds, what is the value of 1/3 of 10 ? Answer: 4 9. A hobo picks up cigarette butts from the ground and can make a cigarette with 4 butts. If he finds 16 cigarette butts. If he finds 16 cigarette butts, how many cigarettes can he make? Answer: He makes 4 cigarettes with the 16 butts. Then he smokes them and has 4 more butts to make another cigarette. 10. Paul's height is six feet, he's an assistant at a butcher's shop, and wears size 9 shoes. What does he weigh? Answer: Meat Poland 1. A boy has as many sisters as brothers and his sister has half as many sisters than brothers. How many boys and girls are in the family? Answer: 4 boys, 3 girls 2. In the middle of a round pool lies a beautiful water lily. The water lily doubles in size every day. After exactly 20 days, the lily will cover the complete pool. After how many days will the water lily cover half of the pool? Answer: After 19 days, the water lily will cover half of the pool. 3. It is dark in my bedroom and I want to get two socks of the same color from my drawer, which contains 24 white and 24 blue socks. How many socks do I have to take from the drawer to get at least two socks of the same color? Answer: 3 4. A certain street contains 100 buildings. They are numbered from 1 to 100. How many times does the digit 9 occur in these numbers? Answer: 21 5. A frog has fallen into a pit that is 30m deep. Each day the frog climbs 3m, but falls 2m at night. How many days does it take for him to escape? Answer: 28 days 6. A fisherman was asked the length of the fish he had caught. He said "It is 30 cms plus half its length“. How long was the fish? Answer: 60 cms 7. What is the missing number in the pie below? Answer: The missing number is 6 8. What is two days after the day after the day before yesterday? Answer: Tomorrow. 9. If two painters can complete two rooms in two hours, how many painters would it take to do 18 rooms in 6 hours? Answer: 6 Painters 10. If two men stand back to back, walk in opposite directions for 4 metres, turn to the left and walk another 3 metres, what is the distance between them when they stop? Answer: 10 metres
  • 24. Ireland 1. Two cars, 360 kilometers apart begin driving toward each other on a long straight highway. One car travels 80 kilometers per hour and the other 100 kilometers per hour. At the same time a canary, starting on one car, flies back and fourth between the two cars as they approach each other. If the canary flies 120 kilometers per hour and spends no time to turn around at each car, how far has it flown when the cars collide? Answer: 240km 2. Let’s call a three-digit number “special” if its tens digit is the average of its other two digits. How many “special” numbers are there? Answer: 45 3. A cookie jar contains three kinds of cookies: oatmeal, chocolate chip, and peanut butter. If five cookies are chosen at random, no matter which cookies are chosen, at least two will be oatmeal, and at least three will be of the same kind. How many chocolate chip cookies are in the cookie jar? Answer: 1 or 2 or 3 4. Andrew selects two different numbers, a and b, from the set {1, 2, 3, …, 26}. The product ab is equal to the sum of the other 24 numbers in the set. What is the sum a + b? Answer: 36 ( 15 + 21 ) 5. A well is 100m deep. A snail falls to the bottom of the well early one morning. If it crawls up 3m each day and slips back 2m each night, how many days does it take it to get to the top? Answer: 98 days 6. Which is larger, the mean or the median of the following numbers: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11? Answer: Mean 7. What is x, if x>0? 8. What is the next letter in the sequence? T, T, F, F, S, S, ? Answer: E VVVIII MMMAAATTTHHHSSS AAANNNDDD SSSCCCIIIEEENNNCCCEEESSS Portugal 1. Who was the mathematician and astronomer who wrote "The planet orbits around the sun describes an ellipse in which the sun is at one focus." Answer: Johannes Kepler 2. According to the 2nd law of Newton, what is the meaning of the variables F, m and a in the equation F = m·a Answer: F – force, m – mass and a – acceleration 3. How many m3 there in thousand liters of water? Answer: 1 m3 4. The 5th article proposed by Einstein in 1905 "The inertia of a body depend on its energy" is represented by an equation. What is this equation? Answer: E = mc2 5. What is the equation that translates the 1st Ohm's law? Answer: V=I×R or R=V/I or I=V/R (V - electric potential difference , I - Intensity of electric current, R-electrical resistance) 6. What the conical present in the construction of the car headlights? Answer: The Parable. 7. The Earth's circumference is approximately 40000000 m. How do you write this number in Scientific notation? Answer: 4·107 m 8. The derivative of position is ______________ Answer: Velocity
  • 25. 9. The derivative of velocity is ______________ Answer: Acceleration 10. In Physics we use vectors to represent______ Answer: Forces Spain 1. Can you tell us examples of the Fibonacci numbers in Nature? Answer: branching in trees, arrangement of leaves on a stem, the fruitlets of a pineapple, the flowering of artichoke, reproduction of population of idealized honeybees. 2. The formula for the body mass index is Can you find out the IBM for a person 60 kg and 1.70 m? Answer: 20.76 3. Convert 59 F into Celsius? Answer: 15 C 4. 4.What is the formula for pressure? Answer: P=F/S 5. The density of the oil is 920 kg/m3 , if we have 3l of oil, what is the mass? Answer: 2,76 kg 6. What mathematical operation do you use to calculate ph? Answer: Logarithm 7. Mendel laws. If you have two individual “Aa” and “Aa”, what is the probability to have one baby “aa”? Answer: 8. The increase of population is usually…. Answer: exponential. 9. If I travel to one town and my speed is 90 km/h and I drive for 6 hours, how many kilometers do I travel? Answer: 540 km 10. Calculate the intensity of electric current of 10 coulombs during 4 s. Answer: 2,5 amperes Italy 1. Which mathematical operator is used on the Richter scale? Answer: logarithm 2. Which scale is used measuring the sound intensity in dB (Decibel)? Answer: the logarithmic scale 3. How wide is a 30° angle in the International Measure System? Answer: π/6 radians 4. How is slope defined? Answer: 5. What do have in common a pine cone, a pineapple, a sunflower, and the Nautilus? Answer: All of them have the golden ratio 6. Which mathematical concept do we use in Physics when we define the instantaneous velocity? Answer: limit 7. If my motion follows this law s(t) = vt + s0, then how is my speed? Answer: constant 8. Which mathematical model uses the Hooke’s law F = -kx? Answer: linear 9. If the change in length measurements of an object due to thermal expansion is related to
  • 26. temperature change by the law ΔL = λ L0 ΔT, which is the mathematical model that this object follows when it expands? Answer: linear 10. If my clock is delayed by one minute every hour and I adjust its time right now, what time will it mark tomorrow at the same time? Answer: it will be 24 minutes late Belgium 1. What’s the oxidation number of the element S in H2SO4? Answer: +VI 2. What is the atmospheric pressure? Answer: 1013 hPa 3. What is the name of this molecule? Answer: ethane 4. How do you call the growth of bacteria? Answer: Exponential growth 5. Give the law of Hook: Answer: F = k·x 6. The movement of the planets around the sun are described by three laws. Which laws proved this? Answer: Laws of Keppler 7. A vector is defined by 4 elements, which ones? Answer: a direction, a sense, a suspension line, a target 8. What’s the atomic mass unit? Answer: 1.66 ·10-27 kg 9. What’s the chance that the second generation of children have blue eyes if the parents are homozygous blue and brown? Answer: 25 % 10. What is the gravitational constant? Answer: 6.67·10-11 Poland 1. Tom requires 20 hours to complete a certain job and Jim will require 30 hours to do the same job. How long will it take Tom and Jim working together to do the job? Answer: 12 hours 2. A
seconds. What was its acceleration? Answer: 3 3. A container of volume 0.05m3 is full of ice. When the ice melts into water, how many kg of water should be added to fill it up? (density of ice = 900kg/m3 ; density of water = 1000kg/m3 ) Answer: 5kg 4. A rubber ball has a radius of 2.5 cm. The density of rubber is 1.2 g/cm3 . What is the mass of the ball? Answer: The mass of the ball is about 44 grams. 5. What volume of water is needed to dissolve 16.0 g of NaCl to make a 10% NaCl solution? Answer: Volume of water = 144 mL 6. You push a grocery car with a force of 30 N and it accelerates at 2 m/s2 . What is its mass? Answer: 15 kg
  • 27. 7. Milk fat is present in milk. Whole milk usually contains about 5.0% milk fat by volume. If you drink a glass of milk with a volume of 250 mL, what volume of milk fat have you consumed? Answer: 12 mL 8. How many grams of salt do you need to make 500 grams of a solution with a concentration of 5% salt? Answer: 25 grams 9. A 6-gram marble put in a graduated cylinder raises the water from 30 mL to 32 mL. What is the marble’s density. Answer: 3 g/cm3 10. A
60N force
ground. What
wagon? Answer: 3 Ireland 1. If a dc voltage of 10 mV is connected across a 1k ohm resistor, what current flows through it? Answer: 10 micro Amps 2. What is the total resistance of two 100W resistors connected in parallel? Answer: 50W 3. At what temperature are the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales equal? Answer: - 40 degrees 4. When a current of 0.5 A flows in a light bulb that is connected to a 230 V supply, what is the electrical power used? Answer: 115 watts 5. If you are increasing in latitude in the Northern Hemisphere, are you travelling north, south, east or west? Answer: North 6. True or false: a pendulum has its greatest acceleration at the midpoint of its swing. Answer: False 7. How long does it take a car initially at rest to move 18m assuming an acceleration of 1 ? Answer: 6s 8. A high speed train starts from rest and accelerates uniformly to a final velocity of 30ms-1 after travelling1.8km. What was its acceleration? Answer: .25 m/s-2 9. You see a flash of lightning and hear the thunder 12 seconds later. To the nearest km, how far away was the lightning strike? Was it: (a) 3km, (b) 4km, or (c) 6km? Answer: 4km