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UNIT: Healthy Living
Integrated Curriculum Mapping and Planning
Project Output: Unit Planning
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliations
Theme Outline
Learning overview
Suggested learning
Setting and scene
Additional practice
Weekly Guides
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
STREAM Week project
Table of contents
• This assessment serves as a unit plan for KG1 students, featuring a
theme outline, three weekly guides, and a STREAM project. It's
essential for teachers to use the Teacher's Guide alongside Student
Learning Outcomes, considering each student's unique needs,
interests, and abilities when developing lesson plans.
• Furthermore, teachers must exercise careful consideration of the
unique needs, interests, and capabilities of each student in their
classroom when crafting lesson plans. By doing so, they can create a
more inclusive and responsive learning environment that better
supports the diverse group of young learners in their care.
Learning Overview
Welcome to the Unit: "Healthy Living"
Significance of Healthy Living in Early Childhood
• Developing lifelong habits
• Promoting well-being
Benefits of Studying Healthy Living for ECE Students
• Physical fitness
• Emotional well-being
• Social interactions
Rationale Explanation
Importance of Teaching Healthy
- Essential Life Skills: Nutrition, hygiene,
physical activity - foundational life skills.
- Lifelong Habits: Early exposure instills
habits contributing to a healthier
Target Audience: ECE Students
- Strong Foundation: Critical for physical,
mental, and social growth.
- Lifelong Influence: Positively shapes
lifelong choices and behaviors.
Benefits of Studying Healthy Living
- Physical Well-being: Promotes fitness
and overall well-being.
- Emotional Development: Emphasizes
mental health and self-care.
- Social Skills Enhancement: Fosters
social interaction and teamwork.
1.What is Healthy Living?
1. Exploring the basic concept of living a healthy life and what it entails.
2.Why is it Important to Eat Healthy Foods?
1. Understanding the significance of making nutritious food choices.
3.How Can We Keep Our Bodies Clean and Hygienic?
1. Learning about personal hygiene practices like handwashing and brushing
4.Why Should We Stay Active and Play Outside?
1. Exploring the benefits of physical activity and outdoor play for health.
5.How Does Healthy Eating Make Us Feel?
1. Discussing the connection between a balanced diet and our physical and
emotional well-being.
6.How Can We Share Healthy Living Habits with Our Friends and Family?
1. Encouraging children to share what they've learned about healthy living
with others and promote wellness in their community.
Essential Questions
"Healthy Living" theme is to evaluate students' understanding and application of
healthy living concepts within the context of their daily lives. It serves as a means to
gauge their grasp of essential life skills related to nutrition, hygiene, physical activity,
and emotional well-being, which are foundational for a healthy and fulfilling life.
Assessments will help identify areas where students may need additional support and
reinforcement of these crucial skills. Additionally, assessing their ability to share and
promote healthy living habits with friends and family encourages them to become
advocates for wellness in their community. This rationale aligns with the goal of
equipping kindergarten students with knowledge and skills that contribute to a
healthier and more balanced life as they grow and develop.
Assessment Rationale
Assessment Rationale
Assessment Component Description
Observation & Checklist
The teacher will monitor and record observations regarding students' daily health and
nutrition logs, exercise journals, and participation in class discussions about healthy
living. The checklist will include criteria such as demonstrated understanding of nutrition,
documented evidence of physical activity, and active participation in discussions related
to healthy living.
Quiz "Worksheet"
This will evaluate students' understanding of healthy living concepts. The quiz may
include matching exercises to pair nutritional elements with their benefits, multiple-
choice questions regarding nutrition facts, and true/false statements to discern health
myths from facts.
Student Presentation
Students will have the opportunity to create and present a personal healthy living plan or
a project on a health-related topic. This presentation will assess the student's research
skills, comprehension of healthy living principles, and the ability to effectively
communicate their findings and plans.
Theme Outline
Theme Aspect Description
Ethically Grounded Assessments
These assessments respect the moral principles and values of
society and ensure that evaluations are fair and just.
Developmentally Appropriate
These are tailored to the age and developmental stage of the
students, ensuring that tasks and expectations align with their
cognitive, emotional, and physical abilities.
Culturally Appropriate Assessments
The evaluations acknowledge and respect the diverse cultural
backgrounds of students, ensuring inclusivity and relevance.
Theme Relevance
The assessments are specifically designed to measure the
understanding and application of the theme's concepts.
Learning and Skills Development
Physical Health
Promotion of healthy
lifestyle choices aligned
with the theme,
emphasizing physical
well-being and fitness.
English Maths
Development of critical
reading and creative
writing skills with an
emphasis on thematic
content analysis and
Application of
mathematical concepts
to solve theme-related
problems, enhancing
analytical and reasoning
Exploration of scientific
principles related to
the theme, fostering
inquiry and
experimental skills.
Week 1 introduces children to
Healthy Living, emphasizing the
importance of health for their well-
being. Fun activities include a
"Healthy Food Hunt“, What we Eat
at Home and a "Clean Hands
Challenge" to teach personal
Week 1
Healthy Living
Week 2
Education Week 3 encourages physical
activity by introducing various
exercises, outdoor games, and
relaxation techniques. Children
participate in a "Fitness
Challenge" and calming "Yoga for
Kids" sessions.
Week 3
Week 4
Suggested Learning Pathway
Week 2 focuses on nutrition,
teaching children about food
groups and the benefits of a
balanced diet. They engage in
interactive activities like a
"Food Group Sorting Game" and
creating healthy snacks.
In the final week, children
explore mental and emotional
well-being, the importance of
sleep, and making healthy
choices. They play "Healthy
Choices Bingo" and create
posters to promote healthy
Other Resources
Key Vocabulary
Subject Key Vocabulary
Vocabulary, Grammar,
Narrative, Genre
Science Experiment, Environment
Math Equation, Fraction, Geometry
Visual Elements, Composition,
Design and Tech Prototype, Innovation, Materials
PHE Fitness, Nutrition, Wellness
Empathy, Cooperation,
• Enrich our learning experience by inviting guest
speakers and planning special visits.
• Guest speakers will include experts in various fields
relevant to our subjects, enhancing our understanding
through their insights and experiences.
• We will organize field trips to the local farm, where
students will have the opportunity to apply classroom
learning in a real-world context
Visit and visitors
Setting the Scene - Parental Engagement
Week 1: Parents are invited to participate in
a "Healthy Meal Challenge" where they
cook a nutritious meal with their child and
share their experience.
Week 2: Family nature walks are
encouraged to explore local parks and
identify different plants and animals,
promoting outdoor learning.
Week 3: Parents and students collaborate
on a creative project related to our current
theme, fostering creativity and bonding.
Week 4: The "Healthy Living Pledge" is
introduced, encouraging families to set
health goals together and track their
progress, promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Dramatic PL
ay Area
Engaging in dramatic play
involves children taking on
roles different from their own,
reenacting real-life or
observed situations. Vygotsky's
cultural-historical theory
highlights the importance of
play in early childhood
development, aiding cognitive,
social, and emotional growth.
Role-playing, as described by
Karpov (2003), involves
creating and participating in
imaginary scenarios with
specific characters and rules.
Roles represent the characters
children embody, while rules
govern permitted behaviors
within the play scenario.
Week 1 Activity
Day 1 Introduction to Fruits and Vegetables
Activity: "Colorful Creations"
Children explore a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, creating vibrant skewers or
collages under guidance. Emphasizing the importance of diverse colors fosters familiarity
with healthy options.
Day 2 Building a Balanced Plate
Activity: "My Healthy Plate"
Using visual aids, children grasp the concept of food groups in a balanced diet. Crafting
paper plate collages with images or drawings reinforces understanding.
Day 3 Fun with Whole Grains
Activity: "Grains Galore"
Children explore whole grains like brown rice and quinoa, engaging in simple tasks to
create a collaborative dish, instilling the importance of whole grains for energy.
Day 4 Dairy Delights
Activity: "Moo-licious Smoothies"
Introducing dairy's calcium benefits, children blend yogurt, milk, and fruits to craft
nutritious smoothies. Encouraging teamwork, this activity highlights the value of dairy in
their diet.
Day 5 Fun with Proteins
Activity: "Protein Power Bites"
Children discover protein-rich foods, creating bites with ingredients like peanut butter. This
hands-on activity underscores the importance of proteins for growth and development.
Dramatic PL
ay Area
Week 2: Fitness and Fun
Week 3:Different
Day WEEK 2: Activity WEEK 3: Activity
1 Dance Party Community Helpers
Children enjoy a lively dance session with upbeat music. Instructors lead simple
routines, enhancing coordination and cardiovascular health.
Introduction to community helpers like
firefighters and nurses.
2 Obstacle Course Career Dress-Up Parade
An exciting course with cones, hoops, and tunnels is set up. Children navigate through
it, improving agility and motor skills. Teamwork and friendly competition add
excitement to exercise.
Children dress up as dream professions.
3 Yoga for Little Yogi Creative Chef Workshop
Introduction to basic yoga tailored for young children. Instructors guide gentle
stretches and poses, promoting flexibility and relaxation. Emphasis on mindfulness and
the connection between movement and well-being.
Introduction to chefs and cooking.
Dressing in chef attire. C
4 Nature Scavenger Hunt Animal Explorers Day
Children embark on a nature-themed scavenger hunt outdoors. Encouraging
exploration and observation, the activity promotes physical activity in a natural setting,
emphasizing the importance of outdoor play.
Exploration of animal-related professions
(veterinarians, zookeepers).
5 Sports Spectacular Inventor's Workshop
Introduction to various sports like mini-golf and bean bag toss. Children rotate through
different stations, trying out diverse sports. This promotes exposure to various
activities, fostering a lifelong love for sports.
Introduction to inventors and STEM activities.
Encourages creativity, problem-solving, and
interest in innovation.
Field trips enhance children's comprehending of the world they
live in and help them connect their learning to various aspects of
their experiences. Schofield (2017) defines field trips as
opportunities for children to explore new environments, gain
unique experiences, and acquire important life lessons outside of
the traditional classroom setting.
Field trips play a crucial role in the education of early childhood
students as they offer a real-life experience that is directly related
to their learning material, fostering effective learning. In addition,
it broadens students' understanding beyond the prescribed
syllabus, enhances their ability to observe, and offers a platform
for students to interact, communicate, and engage with others
(Kellington, 2011).
Field Trip Planning - Organization
The upcoming farm field trip offers students a comprehensive
agricultural learning experience.
They will engage in guided farm tours, participate in hands-on
farming activities, and attend workshops focusing on sustainable
farming practices and environmental awareness.
Students will have the chance to immerse themselves in the farm's
daily routines, including farm chores and food preparation, gaining
valuable insights into the agricultural process.
Through discussions and reflection, they will develop a deeper
understanding of the vital role farms play in our communities and the
importance of responsible farming practices.
Field Trip Planning – Learning Activities
Reflection Questions
1. What did you like best about the farm?
2.What new thing did you see at the farm?
3.How do you think the plants and animals at the farm help us?
4.Can you draw some of the foods you saw growing or living on
the farm?
5.Draw or describe something you learned about taking care of
6.Did you learn any new ways to take care of plants or animals?
Weekly Guides - Overview
Garden Explorers Week
This week's theme, "Garden Explorers," focuses on outdoor learning in our
school garden. Students will engage in sensory exploration, learn about plant life,
and observe small wildlife, enhancing their understanding of nature and
developing observational skills.
•Engage in sensory exploration with plants and natural materials.
•Learn about plant growth and natural environments.
•Develop observational and inquiry skills.
Resources Needed:
•Physical: Child-safe gardening tools, magnifying glasses, art supplies.
•Digital: Educational apps or videos about plants and wildlife.
•Preparation: Educators to set up a safe garden area; students to wear suitable
outdoor attire.
Creating a Supportive Learning
Aspect Details
Outdoor Environment
Enhances physical health, sensory experiences, and exploration. Crucial for
developing motor skills, understanding the natural world, and fostering
environmental appreciation.
Nature exploration kits, safe gardening tools, craft materials. Essential safety gear
includes hats, sunscreen, and age-appropriate protective equipment.
Creating the Space
Organize outdoor areas for diverse activities. Ensure safety and accessibility. Advise
on weather-appropriate clothing and provide shaded areas for comfort.
English (Language and Literacy)
Resources and Strategies
Utilize storybooks, phonics games, storytelling prompts, and language-rich play
scenarios to stimulate imagination and verbal skills.
Integrating Literacy
Label classroom and garden items. Establish daily storytime routines, and use
songs and rhymes to enhance vocabulary and language rhythm.
Language-Rich Environment
Foster expression, questioning, and participation in conversations. Ensure regular
interaction with adults and peers in both guided and free-play settings for language
Integrated Lesson - Week 1
Science- Plant Life Cycle
Subject Activity
Science - Plant Life
Explore different stages
of plant growth through
gardening. Plant seeds
and observe them
Respect for nature and
understanding of plant
life in our ecosystem.
Discuss plants
significant in various
cultures represented in
the class.
Math - Counting and
Use measuring tools to
track plant growth.
Count leaves, flowers,
and identify shapes in
Tailor activities to suit
counting and
measuring skills.
Include examples and
materials reflecting
student body diversity.
Art - Nature Collage
Create collages with
natural materials
collected from the
Teach sustainable
collection of materials
without harming the
Encourage students to
create art reflecting
their cultural
backgrounds with
natural elements.
Integrated Learning- Week 2
Subject Details
Literacy - Storytelling with
Activity Create and narrate stories inspired by objects found in nature.
Developmentally Appropriate Focus on simple narrative structures suitable for the age group.
Cultural Appropriateness Include storytelling traditions from different cultures.
Physical Education - Outdoor
Obstacle Course
Activity Set up an obstacle course in the playground incorporating natural elements.
Ethical Grounding Emphasize teamwork and fair play.
Developmentally Appropriate Ensure the course is safe and matches the physical abilities of the students.
Social Studies - Community and
Activity Discuss how different communities use and respect the environment.
Culturally Appropriate
Highlight environmental practices from various cultures represented in the
Ethically Grounded Foster a sense of responsibility towards community and environment.
Integrated Learning- Week 3
Week 3: Integrated
Lessons Activity
al Grounding
Science - Weather and
Observe and document
weather patterns and
discuss their impact on
the environment.
Use simple observation
tools and provide
explanations suitable
Discuss seasonal
changes and traditions
in various cultures.
Music - Sounds of
Explore and create
music with natural
sounds and rhythms.
Incorporate musical
elements from diverse
cultures and promote
appreciation for nature's
sounds and cultural
Health and Wellness -
Mindfulness in Nature
Engage in outdoor
mindfulness activities,
focusing on the senses
and natural
Tailor activities to match
the emotional and
cognitive abilities of the
Emphasize self-care
and respect for mental
and emotional health.
Informal Formative Assessments
Description: Unstructured methods to monitor understanding and
engagement in topics related to healthy living.
•Observational notes during activities like snack time or physical education to gauge
understanding of healthy choices.
•Interactive discussions about favorite foods, activities, and daily routines that promote health.
•Drawing or storytelling exercises where students illustrate concepts like nutrition or exercise.
Ethical Grounding: Ensure assessments are supportive and encourage
positive self-image.
Cultural Appropriateness: Respect and acknowledge diverse food
habits and lifestyles in class discussions.
Developmental Appropriateness: Tailor activities to be simple and
engaging for young learners.
Formal Formative Assessments
Description: Structured
assessments to evaluate
learning progress in
healthy living concepts.
Simple quizzes with
pictures about healthy
and unhealthy foods.
Group activities where
children categorize
activities as healthy or
Short presentations by
students on their favorite
healthy habit.
Ethical Grounding:
Create an inclusive and
Incorporate a variety of
cultural perspectives on
health and wellness.
Appropriateness: Use
visual aids and simple
language suitable for
young children.
Create a “My Healthy Living
Book” where each student
compiles information and
drawings about healthy foods,
physical activities, and good
hygiene practices learned during
the unit.
Week 1
The teacher will ask the
students to idintify the taller
building and the shortest
Week 3
The teacher will ask kindergarten
students engaged in learning through
hands-on activities that combined
storytelling with nature, and physical
education through an outdoor obstacle
Week 2
The teacher will create a
portfolio that collects the
student's sample work during
the three weeks:
• Worksheet
• Students craft
• Teacher checklist
End of the
three weeks
STREAM Week Project - “Growing Healthy
This capstone project for STREAM Week, titled “Growing
Healthy Habits," invites Kindergarten students to apply their
knowledge from previous weeks to a multidisciplinary showcase.
Children will create an interactive exhibit that includes elements
of Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, and Math, all
centered around the theme of healthy living. Each student will
contribute to a collaborative display that features parts of a
healthy ecosystem, demonstrates the importance of nutrition and
exercise, and includes storytelling and art pieces that represent
their understanding of a healthy lifestyle.
Relation to Previous Weeks of Teaching and
The project brings together
basic ideas we've learned in
earlier lessons, like how plants
grow and die, how to eat well,
and healthy activities that are
good for you.
It adds to the official and
informal tests that have been
used to see how much students
understand in these areas.
By using parts from different
fields, "Our Healthy World"
shows how STREAM classes
are linked and helps students
understand how a balanced
approach to health includes
many learning areas and life
The project unfolds through a series of inquiry-based steps that engage
students in critical thinking and problem-solving:
Ask: Students will start by asking questions about what it means to live
healthily. They will explore topics such as, "What foods are good for our
bodies?" and "How does playing outside help us?"
Imagine: Next, they will use their imagination to think of ways to represent
healthy living through STREAM subjects. They might envision a garden they
will plant or a game that encourages physical activity.
Plan: With guidance, students will sketch their ideas and decide on materials
they need. They will outline what steps they must take to turn their ideas into
reality, such as gathering recycled materials for art or seeds for planting.
Overview of the Process
Create: The creation
phase will be a hands-
on experience where
students bring their
plans to life. They may
plant seeds in cups to
observe plant growth,
build models
representing parts of a
healthy ecosystem, or
draw and paint scenes
depicting healthy
Improve: After
reflecting on their
creations, students will
have the opportunity to
make improvements.
They can add details to
their art, adjust their
plant care routines, or
tweak the rules of a
game to make it more
Throughout this
process, students will
document their
progress, which will not
only showcase their
final projects but also
illustrate their learning
journey during
This project-oriented
approach reinforces
the concepts learned in
previous weeks and
provides a tangible
outcome for students
to demonstrate their
understanding of
healthy living.
Details of the project
The STREAM project provides learners with the
opportunity to acquire and enhance essential skills.
STREAM is a comprehensive educational curriculum that
focuses on the fields of science, technology,
engineering, and math.
Teachers aim to incorporate elements of STEM into their
lessons and projects, rather than teaching each subject
in isolation. Teachers strive to incorporate various
aspects of STREAM into their lessons and projects, rather
than teaching each subject in isolation (DeJarnette,
"Growing Healthy Habits" is a STREAM week project
designed for Kindergarten students, integrating
Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, and
Math to delve into the world of healthy living. This
hands-on project is a culmination of prior learning,
drawing from the previous weeks' focus on the plant
life cycle, nutrition, exercise, and environmental
sustainability, to reinforce the importance of
maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Throughout the project, students will engage in a
discovery process that begins with inquiry. They'll ask
questions about the needs of plants and the essentials of
human health, sparking their curiosity. Imagining their
solutions, they might envision planting a garden or
creating a daily routine that includes a variety of healthy
activities. As they move into planning, they will map out
their ideas with the support of educators, determining the
steps necessary to bring their visions to life.
Planning Reflection
Curriculum planning is crucial in crafting integrated units for early
years education, providing a structured approach that connects
various subjects into a cohesive learning experience (Kerr et al.,
2020). It ensures lessons are developmentally suitable, culturally
inclusive, and engaging for young learners. By interlinking
disciplines such as science, math, and literacy around central
themes like healthy living, children can see the relevance of their
lessons to real-world contexts. Effective planning involves setting
clear goals, selecting fitting materials, and implementing
instructional strategies that facilitate both learning and
assessment. Ultimately, well-planned curricula lay the
groundwork for nurturing curiosity and a love for learning in young
Integrated curriculum planning and mapping are fundamental in
creating educational experiences that are both meaningful and
effective. This approach allows educators to seamlessly blend
different subjects, ensuring that each lesson enriches the other,
providing students with a holistic understanding. By
interconnecting various disciplines, children learn to apply their
knowledge in diverse contexts, preparing them for real-life
Conclusion and Q&A
In summary, curriculum integration promotes enhanced learning
and retention through the facilitation of students' ability to
establish connections between various academic disciplines. It
fosters problem-solving and critical thinking abilities, both of which
are crucial for the development and navigation of an ever more
intricate global landscape by young learners.
Should there be any inquiries or remarks, I would be delighted to
attend to them at this time. Your valuable insights and inquiries
have the potential to contribute to a more refined and effective
curriculum planning and implementation strategy.
DeJarnette, N. K. (2018, September 6). Implementing STEAM in the Early Childhood Classroom.
Retrievedfrom European Journal of STEM Education:
Kerr, K. G., Edwards, K. E., Tweedy, J. F., Lichterman, H., & Knerr, A. R. (2020). The curricular approach
to studentaffairs: A revolutionaryshift for learning beyondthe classroom.Routledge.
Vygotsky, L.S. (1978) Mindin Society: The development of higher psychologicalprocesses. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press

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  • 1. UNIT: Healthy Living Integrated Curriculum Mapping and Planning Project Output: Unit Planning Student’s Name Course Institution Affiliations Due
  • 2. Introduction Theme Outline Learning overview Suggested learning pathway Setting and scene Additional practice guidance Weekly Guides Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 STREAM Week project Reference Table of contents
  • 3. INTRODUCTION • This assessment serves as a unit plan for KG1 students, featuring a theme outline, three weekly guides, and a STREAM project. It's essential for teachers to use the Teacher's Guide alongside Student Learning Outcomes, considering each student's unique needs, interests, and abilities when developing lesson plans. • Furthermore, teachers must exercise careful consideration of the unique needs, interests, and capabilities of each student in their classroom when crafting lesson plans. By doing so, they can create a more inclusive and responsive learning environment that better supports the diverse group of young learners in their care.
  • 4. Learning Overview Welcome to the Unit: "Healthy Living" Significance of Healthy Living in Early Childhood Education • Developing lifelong habits • Promoting well-being Benefits of Studying Healthy Living for ECE Students • Physical fitness • Emotional well-being • Social interactions
  • 5. Rationale Rationale Explanation Importance of Teaching Healthy Living - Essential Life Skills: Nutrition, hygiene, physical activity - foundational life skills. - Lifelong Habits: Early exposure instills habits contributing to a healthier adulthood. Target Audience: ECE Students - Strong Foundation: Critical for physical, mental, and social growth. - Lifelong Influence: Positively shapes lifelong choices and behaviors. Benefits of Studying Healthy Living - Physical Well-being: Promotes fitness and overall well-being. - Emotional Development: Emphasizes mental health and self-care. - Social Skills Enhancement: Fosters social interaction and teamwork.
  • 6. 1.What is Healthy Living? 1. Exploring the basic concept of living a healthy life and what it entails. 2.Why is it Important to Eat Healthy Foods? 1. Understanding the significance of making nutritious food choices. 3.How Can We Keep Our Bodies Clean and Hygienic? 1. Learning about personal hygiene practices like handwashing and brushing teeth. 4.Why Should We Stay Active and Play Outside? 1. Exploring the benefits of physical activity and outdoor play for health. 5.How Does Healthy Eating Make Us Feel? 1. Discussing the connection between a balanced diet and our physical and emotional well-being. 6.How Can We Share Healthy Living Habits with Our Friends and Family? 1. Encouraging children to share what they've learned about healthy living with others and promote wellness in their community. Essential Questions
  • 7. "Healthy Living" theme is to evaluate students' understanding and application of healthy living concepts within the context of their daily lives. It serves as a means to gauge their grasp of essential life skills related to nutrition, hygiene, physical activity, and emotional well-being, which are foundational for a healthy and fulfilling life. Assessments will help identify areas where students may need additional support and reinforcement of these crucial skills. Additionally, assessing their ability to share and promote healthy living habits with friends and family encourages them to become advocates for wellness in their community. This rationale aligns with the goal of equipping kindergarten students with knowledge and skills that contribute to a healthier and more balanced life as they grow and develop. Assessment Rationale
  • 8. Assessment Rationale Assessment Component Description Observation & Checklist The teacher will monitor and record observations regarding students' daily health and nutrition logs, exercise journals, and participation in class discussions about healthy living. The checklist will include criteria such as demonstrated understanding of nutrition, documented evidence of physical activity, and active participation in discussions related to healthy living. Quiz "Worksheet" This will evaluate students' understanding of healthy living concepts. The quiz may include matching exercises to pair nutritional elements with their benefits, multiple- choice questions regarding nutrition facts, and true/false statements to discern health myths from facts. Student Presentation Students will have the opportunity to create and present a personal healthy living plan or a project on a health-related topic. This presentation will assess the student's research skills, comprehension of healthy living principles, and the ability to effectively communicate their findings and plans.
  • 9. Theme Outline Theme Aspect Description Ethically Grounded Assessments These assessments respect the moral principles and values of society and ensure that evaluations are fair and just. Developmentally Appropriate Assessments These are tailored to the age and developmental stage of the students, ensuring that tasks and expectations align with their cognitive, emotional, and physical abilities. Culturally Appropriate Assessments The evaluations acknowledge and respect the diverse cultural backgrounds of students, ensuring inclusivity and relevance. Theme Relevance The assessments are specifically designed to measure the understanding and application of the theme's concepts.
  • 10. Learning and Skills Development Physical Health Education Promotion of healthy lifestyle choices aligned with the theme, emphasizing physical well-being and fitness. English Maths Development of critical reading and creative writing skills with an emphasis on thematic content analysis and synthesis. Application of mathematical concepts to solve theme-related problems, enhancing analytical and reasoning abilities. Science Exploration of scientific principles related to the theme, fostering inquiry and experimental skills.
  • 11. Week 1 introduces children to Healthy Living, emphasizing the importance of health for their well- being. Fun activities include a "Healthy Food Hunt“, What we Eat at Home and a "Clean Hands Challenge" to teach personal hygiene. Week 1 Healthy Living Week 2 Nutrition Education Week 3 encourages physical activity by introducing various exercises, outdoor games, and relaxation techniques. Children participate in a "Fitness Challenge" and calming "Yoga for Kids" sessions. Week 3 Physical Activity Week 4 Healthy Lifestyle Suggested Learning Pathway Week 2 focuses on nutrition, teaching children about food groups and the benefits of a balanced diet. They engage in interactive activities like a "Food Group Sorting Game" and creating healthy snacks. In the final week, children explore mental and emotional well-being, the importance of sleep, and making healthy choices. They play "Healthy Choices Bingo" and create posters to promote healthy habits.
  • 15. Key Vocabulary Subject Key Vocabulary English Vocabulary, Grammar, Narrative, Genre Science Experiment, Environment Math Equation, Fraction, Geometry Arts Visual Elements, Composition, Medium Design and Tech Prototype, Innovation, Materials PHE Fitness, Nutrition, Wellness PESD Empathy, Cooperation, Resilience
  • 16. • Enrich our learning experience by inviting guest speakers and planning special visits. • Guest speakers will include experts in various fields relevant to our subjects, enhancing our understanding through their insights and experiences. • We will organize field trips to the local farm, where students will have the opportunity to apply classroom learning in a real-world context Visit and visitors
  • 17. Setting the Scene - Parental Engagement Week 1: Parents are invited to participate in a "Healthy Meal Challenge" where they cook a nutritious meal with their child and share their experience. Week 2: Family nature walks are encouraged to explore local parks and identify different plants and animals, promoting outdoor learning. Week 3: Parents and students collaborate on a creative project related to our current theme, fostering creativity and bonding. Week 4: The "Healthy Living Pledge" is introduced, encouraging families to set health goals together and track their progress, promoting a healthy lifestyle.
  • 18. Dramatic PL ay Area Engaging in dramatic play involves children taking on roles different from their own, reenacting real-life or observed situations. Vygotsky's cultural-historical theory highlights the importance of play in early childhood development, aiding cognitive, social, and emotional growth. Role-playing, as described by Karpov (2003), involves creating and participating in imaginary scenarios with specific characters and rules. Roles represent the characters children embody, while rules govern permitted behaviors within the play scenario. Week1:HealthyMeal Preparation Week 1 Activity Day 1 Introduction to Fruits and Vegetables Activity: "Colorful Creations" Children explore a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, creating vibrant skewers or collages under guidance. Emphasizing the importance of diverse colors fosters familiarity with healthy options. Day 2 Building a Balanced Plate Activity: "My Healthy Plate" Using visual aids, children grasp the concept of food groups in a balanced diet. Crafting paper plate collages with images or drawings reinforces understanding. Day 3 Fun with Whole Grains Activity: "Grains Galore" Children explore whole grains like brown rice and quinoa, engaging in simple tasks to create a collaborative dish, instilling the importance of whole grains for energy. Day 4 Dairy Delights Activity: "Moo-licious Smoothies" Introducing dairy's calcium benefits, children blend yogurt, milk, and fruits to craft nutritious smoothies. Encouraging teamwork, this activity highlights the value of dairy in their diet. Day 5 Fun with Proteins Activity: "Protein Power Bites" Children discover protein-rich foods, creating bites with ingredients like peanut butter. This hands-on activity underscores the importance of proteins for growth and development.
  • 19. Dramatic PL ay Area Week 2: Fitness and Fun Week 3:Different professions Day WEEK 2: Activity WEEK 3: Activity 1 Dance Party Community Helpers Children enjoy a lively dance session with upbeat music. Instructors lead simple routines, enhancing coordination and cardiovascular health. Introduction to community helpers like firefighters and nurses. 2 Obstacle Course Career Dress-Up Parade An exciting course with cones, hoops, and tunnels is set up. Children navigate through it, improving agility and motor skills. Teamwork and friendly competition add excitement to exercise. Children dress up as dream professions. 3 Yoga for Little Yogi Creative Chef Workshop Introduction to basic yoga tailored for young children. Instructors guide gentle stretches and poses, promoting flexibility and relaxation. Emphasis on mindfulness and the connection between movement and well-being. Introduction to chefs and cooking. Dressing in chef attire. C 4 Nature Scavenger Hunt Animal Explorers Day Children embark on a nature-themed scavenger hunt outdoors. Encouraging exploration and observation, the activity promotes physical activity in a natural setting, emphasizing the importance of outdoor play. Exploration of animal-related professions (veterinarians, zookeepers). 5 Sports Spectacular Inventor's Workshop Introduction to various sports like mini-golf and bean bag toss. Children rotate through different stations, trying out diverse sports. This promotes exposure to various activities, fostering a lifelong love for sports. Introduction to inventors and STEM activities. Encourages creativity, problem-solving, and interest in innovation.
  • 20. Field trips enhance children's comprehending of the world they live in and help them connect their learning to various aspects of their experiences. Schofield (2017) defines field trips as opportunities for children to explore new environments, gain unique experiences, and acquire important life lessons outside of the traditional classroom setting. Field trips play a crucial role in the education of early childhood students as they offer a real-life experience that is directly related to their learning material, fostering effective learning. In addition, it broadens students' understanding beyond the prescribed syllabus, enhances their ability to observe, and offers a platform for students to interact, communicate, and engage with others (Kellington, 2011). Field Trip Planning - Organization Processes
  • 21. The upcoming farm field trip offers students a comprehensive agricultural learning experience. They will engage in guided farm tours, participate in hands-on farming activities, and attend workshops focusing on sustainable farming practices and environmental awareness. Students will have the chance to immerse themselves in the farm's daily routines, including farm chores and food preparation, gaining valuable insights into the agricultural process. Through discussions and reflection, they will develop a deeper understanding of the vital role farms play in our communities and the importance of responsible farming practices. Field Trip Planning – Learning Activities
  • 22. Reflection Questions 1. What did you like best about the farm? 2.What new thing did you see at the farm? 3.How do you think the plants and animals at the farm help us? 4.Can you draw some of the foods you saw growing or living on the farm? 5.Draw or describe something you learned about taking care of nature. 6.Did you learn any new ways to take care of plants or animals?
  • 24. Weekly Guides - Overview Garden Explorers Week This week's theme, "Garden Explorers," focuses on outdoor learning in our school garden. Students will engage in sensory exploration, learn about plant life, and observe small wildlife, enhancing their understanding of nature and developing observational skills. Objectives: •Engage in sensory exploration with plants and natural materials. •Learn about plant growth and natural environments. •Develop observational and inquiry skills. Resources Needed: •Physical: Child-safe gardening tools, magnifying glasses, art supplies. •Digital: Educational apps or videos about plants and wildlife. •Preparation: Educators to set up a safe garden area; students to wear suitable outdoor attire.
  • 25. Creating a Supportive Learning Environment Aspect Details Outdoor Environment Importance Enhances physical health, sensory experiences, and exploration. Crucial for developing motor skills, understanding the natural world, and fostering environmental appreciation. Resources Nature exploration kits, safe gardening tools, craft materials. Essential safety gear includes hats, sunscreen, and age-appropriate protective equipment. Creating the Space Organize outdoor areas for diverse activities. Ensure safety and accessibility. Advise on weather-appropriate clothing and provide shaded areas for comfort. English (Language and Literacy) Resources and Strategies Utilize storybooks, phonics games, storytelling prompts, and language-rich play scenarios to stimulate imagination and verbal skills. Integrating Literacy Label classroom and garden items. Establish daily storytime routines, and use songs and rhymes to enhance vocabulary and language rhythm. Language-Rich Environment Foster expression, questioning, and participation in conversations. Ensure regular interaction with adults and peers in both guided and free-play settings for language development.
  • 26. Integrated Lesson - Week 1 Science- Plant Life Cycle Subject Activity Ethical Grounding/Developm ental Appropriateness Cultural Appropriateness Science - Plant Life Cycle Explore different stages of plant growth through gardening. Plant seeds and observe them weekly. Respect for nature and understanding of plant life in our ecosystem. Discuss plants significant in various cultures represented in the class. Math - Counting and Measuring Use measuring tools to track plant growth. Count leaves, flowers, and identify shapes in nature. Tailor activities to suit age-appropriate counting and measuring skills. Include examples and materials reflecting student body diversity. Art - Nature Collage Create collages with natural materials collected from the environment. Teach sustainable collection of materials without harming the environment. Encourage students to create art reflecting their cultural backgrounds with natural elements.
  • 27. Integrated Learning- Week 2 Subject Details Literacy - Storytelling with Nature Activity Create and narrate stories inspired by objects found in nature. Developmentally Appropriate Focus on simple narrative structures suitable for the age group. Cultural Appropriateness Include storytelling traditions from different cultures. Physical Education - Outdoor Obstacle Course Activity Set up an obstacle course in the playground incorporating natural elements. Ethical Grounding Emphasize teamwork and fair play. Developmentally Appropriate Ensure the course is safe and matches the physical abilities of the students. Social Studies - Community and Environment Activity Discuss how different communities use and respect the environment. Culturally Appropriate Highlight environmental practices from various cultures represented in the class. Ethically Grounded Foster a sense of responsibility towards community and environment.
  • 28. Integrated Learning- Week 3 Week 3: Integrated Lessons Activity Developmentally Appropriate Cultural Appropriateness/Ethic al Grounding Science - Weather and Seasons Observe and document weather patterns and discuss their impact on the environment. Use simple observation tools and provide explanations suitable kindergartens. Discuss seasonal changes and traditions in various cultures. Music - Sounds of Nature Explore and create music with natural sounds and rhythms. - Incorporate musical elements from diverse cultures and promote appreciation for nature's sounds and cultural expressions. Health and Wellness - Mindfulness in Nature Engage in outdoor mindfulness activities, focusing on the senses and natural surroundings. Tailor activities to match the emotional and cognitive abilities of the students. Emphasize self-care and respect for mental and emotional health.
  • 29. Informal Formative Assessments Description: Unstructured methods to monitor understanding and engagement in topics related to healthy living. Examples: •Observational notes during activities like snack time or physical education to gauge understanding of healthy choices. •Interactive discussions about favorite foods, activities, and daily routines that promote health. •Drawing or storytelling exercises where students illustrate concepts like nutrition or exercise. Ethical Grounding: Ensure assessments are supportive and encourage positive self-image. Cultural Appropriateness: Respect and acknowledge diverse food habits and lifestyles in class discussions. Developmental Appropriateness: Tailor activities to be simple and engaging for young learners.
  • 30. Formal Formative Assessments Description: Structured assessments to evaluate learning progress in healthy living concepts. Examples: Simple quizzes with pictures about healthy and unhealthy foods. Group activities where children categorize activities as healthy or unhealthy. Short presentations by students on their favorite healthy habit. Ethical Grounding: Create an inclusive and non-judgmental assessment environment. Cultural Appropriateness: Incorporate a variety of cultural perspectives on health and wellness. Developmental Appropriateness: Use visual aids and simple language suitable for young children.
  • 31. SummativeAssessment Create a “My Healthy Living Book” where each student compiles information and drawings about healthy foods, physical activities, and good hygiene practices learned during the unit. Week 1 The teacher will ask the students to idintify the taller building and the shortest Week 3 The teacher will ask kindergarten students engaged in learning through hands-on activities that combined storytelling with nature, and physical education through an outdoor obstacle course. Week 2 The teacher will create a portfolio that collects the student's sample work during the three weeks: • Worksheet • Students craft • Teacher checklist End of the three weeks
  • 32. STREAM Week Project - “Growing Healthy Habits" This capstone project for STREAM Week, titled “Growing Healthy Habits," invites Kindergarten students to apply their knowledge from previous weeks to a multidisciplinary showcase. Children will create an interactive exhibit that includes elements of Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, and Math, all centered around the theme of healthy living. Each student will contribute to a collaborative display that features parts of a healthy ecosystem, demonstrates the importance of nutrition and exercise, and includes storytelling and art pieces that represent their understanding of a healthy lifestyle.
  • 33. Cont’ Relation to Previous Weeks of Teaching and Learning: The project brings together basic ideas we've learned in earlier lessons, like how plants grow and die, how to eat well, and healthy activities that are good for you. It adds to the official and informal tests that have been used to see how much students understand in these areas. By using parts from different fields, "Our Healthy World" shows how STREAM classes are linked and helps students understand how a balanced approach to health includes many learning areas and life aspects.
  • 34. The project unfolds through a series of inquiry-based steps that engage students in critical thinking and problem-solving: Ask: Students will start by asking questions about what it means to live healthily. They will explore topics such as, "What foods are good for our bodies?" and "How does playing outside help us?" Imagine: Next, they will use their imagination to think of ways to represent healthy living through STREAM subjects. They might envision a garden they will plant or a game that encourages physical activity. Plan: With guidance, students will sketch their ideas and decide on materials they need. They will outline what steps they must take to turn their ideas into reality, such as gathering recycled materials for art or seeds for planting. Overview of the Process
  • 35. Cont’ Create: The creation phase will be a hands- on experience where students bring their plans to life. They may plant seeds in cups to observe plant growth, build models representing parts of a healthy ecosystem, or draw and paint scenes depicting healthy habits. Improve: After reflecting on their creations, students will have the opportunity to make improvements. They can add details to their art, adjust their plant care routines, or tweak the rules of a game to make it more fun. Throughout this process, students will document their progress, which will not only showcase their final projects but also illustrate their learning journey during STREAM Week. This project-oriented approach reinforces the concepts learned in previous weeks and provides a tangible outcome for students to demonstrate their understanding of healthy living.
  • 36. Details of the project The STREAM project provides learners with the opportunity to acquire and enhance essential skills. STREAM is a comprehensive educational curriculum that focuses on the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. Teachers aim to incorporate elements of STEM into their lessons and projects, rather than teaching each subject in isolation. Teachers strive to incorporate various aspects of STREAM into their lessons and projects, rather than teaching each subject in isolation (DeJarnette, 2018)
  • 37. Cont’ "Growing Healthy Habits" is a STREAM week project designed for Kindergarten students, integrating Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, and Math to delve into the world of healthy living. This hands-on project is a culmination of prior learning, drawing from the previous weeks' focus on the plant life cycle, nutrition, exercise, and environmental sustainability, to reinforce the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • 38. Cont’ Throughout the project, students will engage in a discovery process that begins with inquiry. They'll ask questions about the needs of plants and the essentials of human health, sparking their curiosity. Imagining their solutions, they might envision planting a garden or creating a daily routine that includes a variety of healthy activities. As they move into planning, they will map out their ideas with the support of educators, determining the steps necessary to bring their visions to life.
  • 39. Curriculum Planning Reflection Curriculum planning is crucial in crafting integrated units for early years education, providing a structured approach that connects various subjects into a cohesive learning experience (Kerr et al., 2020). It ensures lessons are developmentally suitable, culturally inclusive, and engaging for young learners. By interlinking disciplines such as science, math, and literacy around central themes like healthy living, children can see the relevance of their lessons to real-world contexts. Effective planning involves setting clear goals, selecting fitting materials, and implementing instructional strategies that facilitate both learning and assessment. Ultimately, well-planned curricula lay the groundwork for nurturing curiosity and a love for learning in young students.
  • 40. Integrated curriculum planning and mapping are fundamental in creating educational experiences that are both meaningful and effective. This approach allows educators to seamlessly blend different subjects, ensuring that each lesson enriches the other, providing students with a holistic understanding. By interconnecting various disciplines, children learn to apply their knowledge in diverse contexts, preparing them for real-life situations. Conclusion and Q&A
  • 41. In summary, curriculum integration promotes enhanced learning and retention through the facilitation of students' ability to establish connections between various academic disciplines. It fosters problem-solving and critical thinking abilities, both of which are crucial for the development and navigation of an ever more intricate global landscape by young learners. Should there be any inquiries or remarks, I would be delighted to attend to them at this time. Your valuable insights and inquiries have the potential to contribute to a more refined and effective curriculum planning and implementation strategy. Cont’
  • 42. References DeJarnette, N. K. (2018, September 6). Implementing STEAM in the Early Childhood Classroom. Retrievedfrom European Journal of STEM Education: Kerr, K. G., Edwards, K. E., Tweedy, J. F., Lichterman, H., & Knerr, A. R. (2020). The curricular approach to studentaffairs: A revolutionaryshift for learning beyondthe classroom.Routledge. Vygotsky, L.S. (1978) Mindin Society: The development of higher psychologicalprocesses. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press