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“Let’s make our world more green and clean” 
Ecological perfumes 
and natural cosmetics 
Comenius project 2012-2014 
Product by the coordinator 
Home made perfumes and cosmetics! 
Put your signature on your perfume and creams turning them 
into unique! 
The 'handmade' perfumes and cosmetics can convince you that 
do not require special fluids and plants to place a perfume but 
only the good mood ...and is a process more economical and 
One more reason is that essential oils are natural products 
derived from flowers but aromatic oils are synthetic and often 
"hide» dangerous substance. 
Also to make cosmetics need natural, pure ingredients found 
in nature, in our garden, in our kitchen and some of those used 
as food (honey, fruits, milk, oil, e.t.c.) 
As you can see, is it so easy to have your own perfume, our own 
hand made and much better of quality cosmetics! 
The work of this result belongs to all partners 
So, let's learn the way... 
Gathered by the coordinator Ann Magkiosi 
Trikala –Greece 
Comenius project 2012-2014
Nursery Rizario School - Trikala -Greece 
Recipe for perfume 
1 cup deionizer water 
6 tablespoons of pure alcohol 
1 teaspoon glycerin ( in pharmacies ) 
25 drops of essential oil of your choice or more , but a total of 25 
drops for this quantity 
How to make a perfume with simple steps. 
Nice recipe since we everything is simple. Mix the water first with 
alcohol and glycerin thoroughly to make sure that all of this has 
become a mixture. 
Then add the mixture with essential oils and mix equally well. 
The whole process should be done in glass containers will find 
some texts consider as well in clay but preferred glass that has 
washed very well and would have wiped with alcohol. 
Maturation flavor . 
Let's see how it is maturing . 
You shuffle your mixture and it is time to put it in a bottle . Some
things to watch out for . 
1 ) chose in a very dark color bottle and if you have not wrapped 
with foil 
2 ) keep it in a cool dark spot preferably a remote drawer of things 
pooping warm . Never in the refrigerator during maturation 
3 ) if you have a small piece of silver would be good to put this 
into the bottle during curing materials will help to tie and become 
one. Is the supposed secret perfumes higher quality . 
4 ) any other material other than silver can harm your scent . 
Put the mixture in our dark bottle and hide it in a cool place should 
to decide if we want Soft , Medium , Loud and depending on the 
decision to leave it to mature at this time and mix it according to 
the maturation period . 
For mixtures with strong fragrance (essential oils of good quality) 
Gentle stirring 12 hours the bottle cap closed every two hours. 
Average 24 hours stirring the bottle cap closed every four hours 
Powerful 48 hours stirring the bottle cap closed every eight hours 
For mixtures with soft scent (flowers and spices in a pestle) 
Gentle stirring for 3 days in the bottle cap closed every 12 hours. 
Average 8 days stirring the bottle cap closed every 12 hours 
Powerful 15 days stirring the bottle cap closed every 24 hours 
When you spend the 12 or 24 or 48 hours or such days will get 
from bottle maturation and put in what we will use . 
To imagine that there must again say that everything is very well 
washed Passing from one bottle to another will filter napkin of 
If you do well with the double coffee filter you can take and 
charcoal in the filter in this way your perfume has greater 
durability. And be ready.
The perfume of love 
You will need: 
1 glass of ionized water 
1 tsp glycerin 
6 tablespoons white alcohol or vodka 
1 stick cinnamon 
2-3 cloves 
1 pinch vanilla 
A little vanilla whipped in the mortar 
1 teaspoon anise seeds 
The leaves of one rose 
Leaves 5-6 jasmines 
20 drops vanilla essential oil 
How to: 
Mix well water , vodka and glycerin . Lay a piece of gauze in a 
bowl . 
Pour in all the leaves , cover the mixture with a lid and leave it in 
for a week . 
Pull the dressing and pour the water into the bottle. Stored in a 
dark place for one month .
Cosmetics using roses 
The rose is loved for its beauty by all peoples, while the ancient Greeks and 
Romans were deified, giving it the form of the goddess of love and beauty, 
Besides, the legend says that the first rose was born from the tears of the 
goddess for the loss of her beloved Adonis. 
Beyond the obvious beauty, but the fragrant flower that hides valuable 
components, particularly beneficial for the skin. 
The essential oil of rose 
To attar is one of the most complex oils, containing as active ingredients 
about 500! 
Considered the finest materials for the reconstruction of the skin. 
Significantly helps aged skin, skin wrinkles, redness or even eczema 
(Primarily in children), and: 
● It is rich in linoleum and lanoline acid, which gives it significant 
regenerative, moisturizing and emollient properties, while forming a 
protective film on the skin. 
● It helps to rebuild the cells, improving skin texture. 
● O Rose hips are one of the richest sources of vitamin C, thus showing 
significant repairing activity to fine lines and skin color disorders. At the 
same time helps in even distribution of melanin, adding brightness and 
radiance to the skin. 
Other therapeutic uses 
Balancing acts in psychological well-being and helps overcome the anxieties 
and sadness. Removes negative thoughts, irritation and aggression. The rose
oil is widely used for medical purposes is hemostatic, antibacterial, anti-anxiety, 
relaxing, antidepressant, tonic, healing, calming the liver and 
regulates appetite 
Do not forget that even works as an aphrodisiac, helping significantly in 
situations of impotence and frigidity due to psychological causes. 
Side Effects 
The rose essential oil has no side effects. But you must use it diluted in a 
vegetable oil base or cream and not directly on the skin. 
Make your rosewater 
You will need: 
● 2 cups with freshly picked rose petals 
● 4 cups of distilled water 
● 1 cup of pure alcohol 
How to fix this : 
Put in a large jar of rose petals , water and alcohol . Close well and leave in 
the sun for a week, stirring every so often materials. You can replace 1-2 
times with fresh rose petals, if you want more intense flavor. 
After one week drain with a coffee filter and store the rose water in the 
refrigerator. Use it as a lotion whenever you feel your skin dry or irritated. 
You will need: 
● 2 large handfuls of freshly picked rose petals 
● 50 ml almond or olive oil 
● 5 g . beeswax 
● 15 drops rose essential oil 
● 1 teaspoon wheat germ 
How to make: 
Put the petals in a glass bottle with a wide neck , seal the bottle and place it 
on a point to see the sun . After three weeks, drain the oil. 
Add the beeswax in the oil and melt it in a bain - marie . Once cool, add the 
essential oil of rose and wheat germ. Keep the cream in a sterilized jar and 
let it “sit”. 
You will need: 
● 10 ml vodka
● 4 drops of rose essential oil 
● 4 drops of geranium essential oil 
● 25 ml hamamelida (witch hazel) 
● 250 ml rose water 
How to make 
Pour the vodka into a large glass bottle , add the essential oils and mix well . 
Add the witch hazel and rose water and mix again. The lotion is ready! 
Shake before each use. 
A simple but effective method for washing signs of fatigue from your eye 
area . Cut rose petals from your garden and pour over them slowly a few 
drops of rose water to soak up enough but not dissolved. Place a handful of 
rose petals in each eye and relax for 15-20 minutes 
You will need: 
● 25 g . Dried rose petals 
● 350 ml rose water 
● 50 ml apple cider vinegar 
● 2 drops rose essential oil 
How to make: 
Take the rose petals, the apple cider vinegar, rose water and essential oil in a 
bottle. Store in a cool, dark place for 3 weeks. Drain into a sterile bottle. You 
can use the lotion on a cotton ball after cleansing or whenever you feel your 
skin tired. 
You will need: 
● 3/4 cup of rose water 
● 1/4 cup of distilled water 
● 3 drops rose essential oil 
● 3 drops of essential oil palmarosa 
● 1/2 teaspoon glycerin ( vegetable glycerin can be found in pharmacies ) 
How to make : 
Pour all ingredients in a dark bottle , shake well and leave in a cool , dark
place for 3-4 days . Shake before each use. Put a few drops on a cotton pad 
and swipe the face and neck after cleansing. 
Here are some more “alchemies” in which components recovered from 
the rose. 
Put dried rose petals in a glass container that retains the aroma. Get cloves 
and peppermint, scrub and put the powder with rose petals in a bag. The 
fragrance that exudes will offer wellness and good sleep. 
Spray body wellness 
Materials : 
• nebulizer capacity 100 ml - 200 ml 
• 70 % Alcohol 
• Glycerin 
• 1 fresh lily flower 
• 1 teaspoon dried orange flowers 
• 1 teaspoon of dried wild rose blossoms 
• 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile 
• 1 teaspoon dried sage 1 teaspoon dry mint 
• Aloe 
• Distilled water 
• Essential oils : 5 drops of orange , pomegranate , tangerine and bitter 
orange , sage , and 10 drops of peppermint and mint In Japanese ( cools 
more ! ) 
In a pot of jam put all the flowers and herbs and pour the alcohol until well 
covered herbs. Let it stand for 10 days in a cool place. 
After the filter and half of the tincture pour into the atomizer us adding one 
tablespoon of aloe juice, a teaspoon of glycerin, and essential oils. 
Fill the space in nebulizer with distilled water. The mixture is ready. You 
need to shake well before each use. 
Facial Cleanser with Rose 
• 1 liter of water 
• 1 cup of rose petals 
• 2 cups fresh milk
Boil the water and then turn off the heat. The water is still warm, place 
inside a glass bowl with milk and rose petals. Allow to cool the mixture. 
Then pour in a blender and hit congeal slightly. 
Using a funnel, fill glass bottles and place the mixture in the refrigerator. 
Use for facial cleansing. Keep for one week. 
For dehydrated hands from the cold: 
• 4 tablespoons olive oil or avocado oil 
• 5 tablespoons almond 
• 5 drops of essential oil of rose 
Mix the ingredients knocking in a shaker. Apply to hands and let sit for 10 
Oil for stimulating 
What you need: 
• 2 drops essential oil of frankincense 
• 2 drops of essential oil of rosewood 2 drops essential oil of rose 
• 2 drops of essential oil of lavender 
• 15 ml base oil 
How to fix this : First Build the base oil by mixing 2 ml evening primrose oil 
, 2 ml Calendula , 1 ml 10 ml wheat germ oil and almond oil . Then simply 
add the remaining oil. 
How to use: Apply the oil on a clean face, excluding the eye area. No need 
to rinse. 
Every once: You can use it as often as you like, preferably before bedtime. 
What helps: 
face skin purified, becomes wonderful texture and flavor, while revitalized. 
The oil from rose tones the skin, while rosewood, frankincense and lavender 
help to regenerate cells and simultaneously give a wonderful perfume. 
Homemade masks using herbs! 
1. Banana mask for oil skin 
· 1 banana, preferably ripe 
(you can keep ripe bananas in the freezer. Let it thaw 
before using) 
· 2 tbsp honey 
· An orange or a lemon 
Mash up the banana, then mix in the honey. 
Add a few drops of juice from an orange or a lemon. 
Apply to face for 15 minutes before rinsing with a cool washcloth 
or a steaming warm washcloth. Follow with your regular 
2. Homemade Olive Oil Night Cream Ingredients 
You will need: 
· 1/2 cup olive oil 
· 1/4 cup vinegar 
· 1/4 cup water 
· 3 tbsp white wax 
First, we need to melt the oils together. The easy way is to setup a 
double boiler. Fill a small saucepan quarter full of water. 
Turn the heat to medium and set a small bowl on top of your 
pan. Pour in olive oil and add in white wax. As the white wax 
melts, stir 
Add Vinegar to the Cream 
Remove the bowl with the mixture from the heat and leave it to 
cool down to room temperature. Then stir in vinegar and water.
Vinegar is helpful for removing oil from the skin and it restores the 
skin's natural pH balance. 
Store the Homemade Night Cream 
You can pour in your cream mixture into a small cream container. 
You can store it in the refrigerator for 3-4 weeks. the mixture. It 
usually takes a little while for the wax to melt, so please be patient 
3. Mask with egg and yogurt 
Model Shalom Harlow calls this homemade face mask (only 2 
ingredients required!) "moisturizing and soothing." 
Prep Time: 2 minutes 
Total Time: 2 minutes 
· 2 egg whites, separated from the yolk and placed in a bowl 
· 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt (I like Greek yogurt) 
Separate the egg whites from a couple eggs and place them in a 
bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of yogurt (do not use flavored yogurt!). 
Mix them up and apply to face. Leave on face for a few minutes 
then rinse face in warm water, followed by a warm washcloth. 
4. Oatmeal and Yogurt Face Mask 
This face mask is suitable for all skin types and is super simple to 
prepare. It will cleanse and rejuvenate your skin. 
Prep Time: 3 minutes 
Total Time: 3 minutes 
· 1 tbsp oatmeal, finely ground
· 1 tbsp. live, organic yogurt (skip the flavored stuff) 
· A few drops of honey 
Add the yogurt to the oatmeal in a small bowl and mix together. 
Warm a few drop of honey. To do this, warm a spoon under hot 
water for a minute, then add a few drops of honey to the spoon. 
Stir the honey into the yogurt and oatmeal mixture. 
Apply the mask to the face. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse 
off with several splashes of warm water. Follow with a warm 
Apply moisturizer. 
5. Homemade Face Mask for Ashy Skin 
Sugar is a preferred exfoliate to salt because it tends not to tear at 
the skin. When dead skin collects on the surface of skin, it's 
important to slough it away. This helps clear up clogged pores. 
When skin isn't exfoliated, it can appear ashy. 
· 2 tbsp sugar 
· 3 tbsp warm water 
Stir sugar into warm water so that it melts. 
Make sure granules are dissolved, otherwise they could tear your 
Apply to the face. 
Gently massage around the skin. 
Rinse with warm water OR I like to take a warm washcloth that's 
steamed in the microwave. Make sure the washcloth is not too hot. 
6.Coffee & Cocoa Facial Mask for All Skin Types
Coffee and cocoa masks have long been a favorite of beauty 
aficionados. As a combination, they decrease puffiness in the face 
and the eye area, brighten skin and wake up a dull-ish complexion 
(hello caffeine!). 
For this mask the ingredients are so readily available in the 
average person's kitchen and you can use so many substitutions 
based on what's currently in your cabinets or fridge. While coffee 
and cocoa powder are the staples of this popular mask, you can 
tailor it for your skin type by adding yogurt or cream and honey if 
you have dry skin or lemon juice if you have oily skin. If you 
have super dehydrated skin, oils work as a substitute for dairy. 
· 4 Tbsp. finely ground espresso or coffee beans (I use my own 
grinder, but already ground coffee and even instant coffee 
work, too) 
· 4 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder (your basic Hersheys is 
perfect here) 
· 8 Tbsp. dairy product. Choose whole milk, heavy cream, 
yogurt (must be unflavored!), almond milk or coconut milk. 
Use less dairy if you like a thicker paste. Substitutions are 
allowed: Try an egg instead of dairy if you are an egg mask 
lover, or substitute oils, such as olive oil, extra virgin coconut 
oil or almond oil if you have dehydrated skin. If using oils, 
halve the amount or it will be too runny. 
· 2 Tbsp. honey (if you have dry skin) or lemon juice (if you 
have oily skin 
If you have whole beans, finely grind beans in a grinder. 
Remember, beans should be finely ground so they don't scratch 
your face. If you just made coffee, you can use the freshly brewed 
coffee grounds, although they won't contain as much caffeine. 
Mix coffee and cocoa powder in a bowl. 
Add the dairy product and stir until a smooth paste forms. You can 
use less dairy if you like a thicker paste.
Stir in the honey. (I like to warm up the honey in a warm water 
bath or in the microwave so it mixes better Apply the paste to your 
clean face and neck.Let the mask dry. 
Wet a washcloth and press it to your face to loosen the mask, then 
rinse with warm water. If you have sensitive skin, you should 
avoid rubbing your face because the coffee grounds could 
potentially scratch your skin. It's really up to you, you'll get a feel 
for what your skin can take and how finely ground the coffee is. 
You can store the leftover paste in the refrigerator for several days. 
7. Yogurt mask 
This simple (only two ingredients!) cooling mask is great for 
soothing a sunburnt face. It's great for all skin types. 
Prep Time: 2 hours 
Total Time: 2 hours 
· 1 tbsp. natural yogurt, room temperature (not low fat or non-fat, 
I like the Greek yogurt “ Total” found in many grocery 
stores these days and pictured here) 
· 1 tsp. runny honey (microwave for a few minutes to soften 
hardened honey) 
Combine mixture, then apply to face. 
Let sit for 15 minutes. 
Wash face with steaming washcloth. 
For dry skin, use an extra tsp. of honey. 
Oily skin? Add a few drops of fresh lime juice. 
8. Rejuvenating Pumpkin Mask for All Skin Types 
Prep Time: 10 minutes
· 1/2 cup fresh pumpkin pulp 
· 2 eggs 
· 2 teaspoon almond milk (for dry or combo skin) 
· 1 teaspoon honey (for dry skin) 
· 2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar or cranberry juice (if you have 
oily skin) 
Purée the fresh pumpkin pulp into a thick paste. Add the egg (this 
acts as a binder). If your skin is dry, stir in a splash of omega-rich 
almond milk and the honey. For oilier complexions, instead stir in 
apple cider vinegar or cranberry juice. Mix well. Apply the mask, 
leaving it on for 15-20 minutes, depending on your skin sensitivity. 
Rinse with cool water and moisturize as usual. 
9. Homemade Clay Mask for All Skin Types 
Masks (homemade or otherwise) should stay on for 10-15 minutes. 
Follow with a cleansing and a thin layer of moisturizer. 
· 1½ tsp green clay (French is preferred) 
· ½ tsp kaolin clay 
· 1½ tbsp aloe vera gel 
· 1 tbsp rosewater 
· 2 drops rose essential oil 
Mix green and kaolin clays together. 
Add in the aloe vera gel, rosewater and oils. 
Refrigerate mixture for up to four weeks. 
10. Strawberry Acne Mask
Strawberries are a natural source of salicylic acid which is found in 
most over-the-counter acne medicines, according to Janice Cox, 
the author of "Natural Beauty at Home 
." This is Cox's recipe. The yogurt is great for soothing skin. 
· 1/4 cup strawberries (fresh, not frozen please) 
· 1/4 cup sour cream or non-flavored yogurt 
Mash together the strawberries and yogurt or sour cream. Spread 
on face and wash after 10-15 minutes. 
11. Olive mask for oil skins 
You can get all of these ingredients in any natural food store or 
online. You can get the apricot kernel oil and the palmarosa 
essential oil online. 
· 1 tbsp. green clay (you can get this in any health store) 
· 1 tsp apricot kernel oil 
· 3 drops of palmarosa essential oil 
Mix the palmarosa and apricot oils together. Add a few drops of 
warm water. Mix together and add more water if need be to get a 
good, spreadable paste. 
Apply mask. Let dry for 10 minutes. Rinse off with a warm 
12. Homemade Juice Mask for Oily Skin
Strawberry and lemon juice contains natural astringents. Note: 
Recipe works for two people, so invite a friend, or cut recipe in 
half for just you. 
· 1 tsp lemon juice 
· 2 egg whites 
· 3 tsp honey 
· 1 cup strawberries 
· Optional: 4 drops of your favorite essential oils 
Mash or blend the above ingredients. 
Smooth over face. 
Let it stay for 10 minutes. 
Homemade masks for youthful eyes 
Make yourself easy but effective eye masks with natural materials 
and had shiny, 
rested and youthful eyes. 
Mask with avocado 
1 Tbsp mashed avocado 
1/4 tsp yogurt 
Mix the ingredients in a bowl. Stretch the mask around your eyes 
and let it act for 20 . 
Rinse with water. 
Mask with cucumber 
2 tablespoons mashed cucumber
1 Tbsp milk powder 
Mix the ingredients in a bowl. Put your mask in the refrigerator for 
30. Stretch the mask around your eyes. 
Left for 10 kg rinse with water. 
Mask with banana 
1 Tbsp mashed banana 
1/4 tsp rose water 
Mix the ingredients in a bowl. Stretch the mask around your eyes 
and let it act for 20 . 
Rinse with water. 
Homemade body scrub with pineapple! 
Easy, efficient and very summery this homemade body scrub 
with pineapple will remove naturally dead cells from your skin and 
leave it soft, hydrated, 
smooth and shiny ! 
1/2 cup . pineapple 
1/2 cup . ground oats ( powder) 
1-2 tbsp olive oil 
MASH pineapple . Add the remaining ingredients and toss well. 
Stretch the scrub on wet skin and makes it soft , circular massage 
for 2-3. Finally rinse with water. 
Scrub Anti-cellulite with coffee and lemon! 
Scrub Anti-cellulite with coffee and lemon ! Combat cellulite and 
feel your skin toned
and revitalized by making this easy homemade scrub with coffee 
and lemon ! 
2 tablespoons sugar 
1 Tbsp ground coffee 
1 Tbsp lemon juice 
pinch of salt 
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and scrub is ready for use! Stretch 
your skin and your 
Make gentle massage in circular motions. Finally rinse with water. 
Repeated 1-2 times a week. 
Tip: If your skin is dry you can add to the mix a little olive oil. 
Stick Lips - Lip Balm & Lip Gloss 
There are many recipes for the care of the lips , but here we will 
develop the easiest one of them suitable to keep busy and the kids . 
Balm Lip Gloss Butter: 
Melt at low temperature 2 tablespoons butter plant origin (not 
soft), without boiling, because it changes the molecular structure. 
Add 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon of powder for jelly, cherry 
or strawberry, having colour, with a few drops of water ( 1/4 
teaspoon ) to dissolve . Mix well and transfer to a sterile jar of tiny 
old Lip Balm or another. Because the product is fresh and contains 
water, it will be kept in the refrigerator and not too many days. 
Balm Lip Gloss with Vaseline: 
Buy pure vaseline from the pharmacy, suitable for use on the lips 
and gently heat in a stainless steel vessel, easily workable. You can 
use the microwave on low beam and gradually or just a bain - 
Marie. Add jelly powder or powder for fruit juice , as above , until 
we meet the colour and aroma . Optionally we can add a teaspoon 
of honey . It is ready for use when cool. 
Stick Lip Wax: 
With gentle manner, as described above , in a bain - marie , Lyon
pure beeswax and mixed with sweet almond oil or coconut oil or 
jojoba oil or cocoa butter . The ratio is 2 tablespoons of beeswax , 
2 tablespoons oil. Optionally you can add a teaspoon of honey or a 
few drops of vitamin E (it comes in capsules) . For intense color 
you can scrape some of your lipstick , to melt into the mixture . For 
most hard stick slightly increases the amount of wax. You can even 
add a few drops of essential oil of your choice or powdered herbs, 
such as rose petals or else you'll find in stores with herbs . In the 
absence of water can be maintained for many months . 
Very Easy Natural Make Up Remover for Eyes 
Mix well 2 tablespoons of castor oil , 
2 tablespoons olive oil 
and 4 tablespoons calendula extract in oil ( instructions below) . 
Slamming into a sealed container and is ready to be used for 
removing makeup from the eye area . For storage, very practically 
sterile bottles from old drugs with dark glass, which will protect 
the oils from light , and easily and transportation. It can be stored 
for many months , but it is good , how to make small quantities, for 
it is always fresh. 
It is extremely effective and can not resist nor waterproof mascara . 
The calendula with its anti-inflammatory properties of functions 
sedatives, while castor oil (no, not from the beaver ) has inter alia 
emollient properties . For olive oil does not need to talk , because 
talking alone . Apart from the removal of residues of makeup from 
the eyes , and is extremely attentive to the delicate eye area . 
Carefully applied with cotton and of course, take care when 
applying , do not enter into his eyes , as with all products . 
Calendula extract oil : Wash the calendula flowers and let them 
dry thoroughly overnight into an absorbent towel . In a stainless 
steel mix a few tablespoons of hot olive oil with a few calendula 
flowers , so the flowers are completely covered . Allow to " pull" 
covered , for approximately 1 hour , keeping all this time the hot 
oil (careful not to boil ) and then subtract calendula flowers , 
straining the mixture through a cheese cloth .
Hair masks 
Baking Soda for Oily Hair and Residues of Shampoo 
Mix half a cup of baking soda with 3 cups very hot water and trite 
solution to hair and scalp . It will remove all residues of shampoo, 
gel , hairspray , etc. Rinse and hair will be shiny and free of debris. 
Is there a way that significantly reduces oiliness , so it should be 
used in moderation , if you have dry hair 
Beer for Hair volume 
The yeast and hops contained in beer , inflate the hair and give 
volume . The acidity of the beer also helps cleanse hair of residue 
left by shampoo and various hair products and give incredible 
After shampooing , rinse your hair with beer . The richer the beer 
yeast, the better, which means that the stout is most effective. A 
few drops of jojoba oil into the beer , do wonders with the weak , 
dry hair . 
Rinse hair slightly so as to remove the odor without completely 
removed beer. This helps to maintain the characteristics of more 
fillers . 
One way to not smell like beer hair is to rinse with diluted 
chamomile tea instead of water . 
Cider vinegar rinse Hair 
The apple cider vinegar to the last rinse hair balances the natural 
Ph, eliminates bacteria and softens the hair , giving them incredible 
Half a cup of apple cider vinegar to 5 cups water , preferably 
distilled , is enough.
Adding to the mix distillate of lavender or thyme is good for oily 
hair , while for dry hair , a few drops of essential oils give the 
perfect result 
Mask for Dry Hair with Avocado 
The avocado has been used widely in industry hair products , 
thanks to its moisturizing and caring properties. 
It has been found that the oil containing avocado has greater 
penetration of almond oil and olive oil. 
The wool absorbs easily , but be oiled . Avocado is rich in vitamin 
E and is therefore considered that enhances hair growth . 
Here is the recipe 
Melt in a multi wrist avocado , along with half a teaspoon of olive 
oil , until a homogeneous paste. Spread avocado paste to damp hair 
and wrap food film . Allow the paste for some time (half to 1 hour 
is enough ) so as to penetrate the hair. Then wash the hair with a 
mild shampoo . The hair will stay soft and shiny for a long time. 
The 8 best homemade masks - face creams 
All these masks have tested and they have excellent results for 
the face! 
Mask cream 
1 tablespoon cream 
1 tablespoon honey 
1g Baking Soda 
Method of construction: 
Mix Baking Soda with the cream until it has the texture of shaving 
foam used by men. Then we can add honey and mix them even a 
little. Finally, 
an application to the face and neck for twenty minutes. 
This mask is quick to manufacture and also has quickly found
because it contains medium chain fatty acids in free form, sugars, 
vitamins (especially vitamin E), minerals and trace elements. It 
makes the skin of your face very soft. 
Best homemade mask for 30 years 
2 tablespoons coconut oil 
1 egg yolk 
1 tablespoon honey 
1 tablespoon yogurt 
1 tablespoon sugar 
Mix all ingredients and beat in blender 
The spread in the skin for 25 minutes 
Best homemade mask for 40 years 
2 tablespoons sweet pea 
1 tablespoon evening primrose oil 
1 tablespoon yogurt 
1 tablespoon grape seed extract 
1/2 cup carrot juice 
Mix all ingredients in a blender 
Apply on face for 30 minutes 
Rinse with cool water 
At the age of 40, starting the first problem missed collagen. Grape 
seed extract helps in building more collagen, to wit the tightening 
of facial skin. That is, the mask acts as anti-aging cream. 
Best homemade mask for younger looking skin 
1 tablespoon yeast 
1/2 cup yogurt 
1 tablespoon honey 
Add the yeast into the yogurt, mix well and refrigerate for an entire 
Add the honey and mix 
Apply the mask for 30 minutes then rinse with cool water 
Young skin is active because it is full of vitamins. This mask 
contains all the necessary vitamins (especially B vitamins) for a 
younger looking skin. 
Best homemade facial mask to get smooth facial skin 
1/2 banana 
1/2 avocado (overripe) 
1 tablespoon of cucumber (chopped) 
1 tablespoon yogurt 
1 tablespoon olive oil 
We make a mix with all ingredients and beat in blender 
Apply to the skin of the face for 30 minutes 
Rinse with cool water 
Best homemade mask for protection from sunlight 
2 tablespoons sesame oil 
2 tablespoons Aloe Vera 
1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil 
12 drops cinnamon oil 
12 drops lavender
Mix all ingredients in a mixer. 
Apply the mask on for as long as you can and then rinse. 
Note that this mask offers partial sun protection but does not 
replace sunscreen. 
Best homemade mask for rejuvenation 
1/4 apple 
Half peach 
1/2 tomato 
1/4 cup milk 
1 tablespoon almond 
Peel all fruits and mash 
Add milk and oil and put them in the fire and stir until they reach 
the consistency of cream 
Let cool 
Apply to the skin of the face for 30 minutes 
This mask is a must for renewal and rejuvenation of skin cells and 
Best homemade moisturizing mask 
1 tablespoon homemade Vaseline 
1 tablespoon cream (thick) 
1 teaspoon cream cheese 
1 teaspoon honey 
1 teaspoon of oats 
Mix all ingredients in a blender 
Apply the mask for 10 minutes
Rinse with lukewarm water 
To make homemade vaseline mix 1/4 cup almond oil with 1 
tablespoon grated beeswax and put it in the microwave for 2 
minutes. Then let it cool. 
This mask is suitable for moisturizing, offers very good results and 
is suitable for all ages and all skin types face. Proposed specifically 
for those who have dry skin. 
Ann Magkiosi - Principal of 
Nursery Rizario School –Trikala –Greece 
Granly skole, Horten, Norway 
Natural cosmetics 
Some of our youngest students have experimented with making ecological 
perfumes during play, using petals from various flowers in water. 
Our 7th grade students took the natural cosmetics to a different level and 
made various skin and hair care products from natural ingredients. They sold 
these products to family and other visitors at our school’s winter market in 
December 2013. The students decided that the surplus from this sale was to 
be given to the children’s department in our nearest hospital, to buy toys for 
the children there. 
We would like to share with you two of our recipes for hair wax and lip 
Hair wax 
Preparation time: approximately 30 min. 
Amount: 100 ml. 
Equipment needed: 
- a cooking pot made from stainless steel 
- something to stir with 
- a scale (to weigh the ingredients) 
- 62 grams lanolin 
- 13 grams beeswax 
- 25 grams palm oil (fixed, not liquid) 
- 20-30 drops of essential oil 
1. Melt lanolin, beeswax and palm oil on low heat. 
2. Remove the pot from the stove when the ingredients are almost melted. 
3. Stir the wax until it starts hardening. 
4. Mix in the essential/scented oil. 
5. Pour the wax into a suitable container. 
6. Wait until it cools off and close the lid. 
To rinse the wax out of your hair, simply use shampoo and warm water.
Expiration: 1 year after production date when kept in a closed container in 
room temperature. 
Lip balm 
Equipment needed: 
- glass beaker 
- measuring cylinder and a scale (to measure and weigh the 
- cooking plate 
- spatula 
- small box with a lid 
- 5 grams coconut fat 
- 2,5 grams beeswax 
- 10 grams canola oil 
- vanilla essence 
1. Weigh and measure the right amount of each ingredient into the beaker. 
2. Melt everything carefully on low heat. 
3. Remove the beaker from the heat and let it cool off while you constantly 
stir with the spatula. 
4. Carefully mix in a few drops of vanilla essence. 
5. Poor the lukewarm mixture into a small box while it is still liquid. 
6. Cool off and close the lid.
The use of plants for cosmetics (Latvia) 
Moth repellent bags 
2 tablespoons dried god tree leaf 
2 tablespoons dried flowers 
2 tablespoons dried and crushed rosemary leaf 
1 tablespoons dried and crushed bay leaf 
2 crushed cinnamon sticks 
1 tablespoons crushed cloves 
1 tablespoons salt 
Store in an airtight container for two weeks. Every day shaked. 
This mixture is packed into bags to put cabinets and drawers.
Horsetail shampoo 
7 tablespoons cutted horsetail leaf 
7 tablespoons cutted dried soap root 
2 liter water 
Horsetail and soap root put in the dish, add 
water and mix well. Boil. Replace the lid and 
cook for another 15 minutes. Left to rest for 
one hour. Strain and pour into bottles. 
Lavender Eau de toilette 
2 cups of lavender flower 
1 liter hot of distilled water 
2 tablespoons vodka 
Lavender flowers placed in the pot, pour boiling water and mix 
well. Leave to infuse for 48 hours, stirring occasionally. The 
liquid is filtered through a nylon mesh, bagasse flowers to get 
as far as possible the most fragrant liquid. Mixed with alcohol, 
pour it into bottles, stopper.
Dandelion oil 
6 chopped new dandelion leaf 
6 tablespoons castor oil 
The ingredients are placed in a glass or enamel pan and 
simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and cover and 
allow to infuse for four or five hours. This recipe used the 
dandelion essential oil to bleach freckles and other skin spots. 
Calendula tincture 
100 grams of calendula flowers 
600 ml vodka 
Calendula flowers put in bowl and pour on top of the vodka. 
Leave in a warm, dark place for 14 days, shaking once a day. 
Strain and pour into a dark glass bottle kept in a cool, dark 
How we can make our own perfume! 
First Method 
• Gather some flowers with your favorite scents, such as lavender, 
rosemary, etc. 
• Grind them in a mortar, without leaves, and place about 11 drops 
of tap water. 
• Fill the rest of the bottle with alcohol, such as vodka 
• Pass the mixture a strainer and put it in a spray bottle. Close the 
bottle and shake well. Leave it for a week, shaking every two days. 
2nd Method 
• Cut some fragrant flowers from your garden. The only 
importance is the fragrance of the flower, not the appearance, eg 
• Fill a pot with essential oils but odorless. Make sure you use the 
jar lid is tight. 
• Clean the flowers from the stems and quickly place them into the 
jar. Close the lid as fast as you can. 
• Open the container after a few weeks and place in a perfume 
bottle. And your perfumes are ready… 
1. Collect your rose petals and place them in a wide-mouthed, 
alternating a layer of rose petals and a layer of salt... 
Add last alcohol and close. 
Let marinate for a few days and stirring from time to time 
The days your mixture will turn into a pleasant scent of rose that will 
embalm your home. 
2 – Make your self your rose water with two essential qualities are 
astringent and tonic.. 
To do this, infuse 5-6 handfuls of rose petals in a quart of boiling 
water for a few minutes.. 
Filter and get your rose water and keep the cool 
Use this preparation for your eyes in the morning. 
Put solution on cotton and put cotton on your eyes during 10 minutes. 
Presentation by PETRA KOČAR 
Glavarjeva ulica 18 a 
1000 Ljubljana 
Photos by Kindergarten‘s Jelka preschool teachers. 
In our kindergarten, we grow herbs and aromatic plants.
We like to use them to prepare different 
health food, drinks and also for cosmetics. 
Herb syrups:
Herb teas: 
Herb syrup and salts form 2014 
We have collected old ordinary soaps and we put 
them into small peace. 
We add it glycerine warm it together and mix it. 
We add our herbs and put them into models. 
We let it dry for tree weeks and look how beautiful 
soaps we have created. 
We gave it to our mothers form Mothers day.
Presentation by PETRA KOČAR 
Glavarjeva ulica 18 a 
1000 Ljubljana 
Photos by Kindergarten‘s Jelka preschool teachers.
perfumes and 
Kindergarten school 
Przedszkole Samorzadowe 
w ZPO w Woli Filipowskiej 
Orange, lemon, grapefruit, cinnamon, alcohol
Bowl or small jar, gauze, board, plate, knife and bottle 
1. Peel the skin of citrus (can be only one fruit) and cut into small cubes. 
2. Put gauze on the bowl. 
3. On so prepared bowl put the chopped cubes, and pour 
them with alcohol (enough to cover skin) and add a little 
bit of cinnamon. 
4. Cover it not to let the air float inside. 
5. Leave the liquid for 4 days. 
6. After this time, pull out the contents of gauze and 
7. Filter through a coffee filter. 
8. Pour to small perfume bottle and close it tightly. 
Use on your body. 
1st way: 
roses, glass of olive oil, 3 teaspoons of pure alcohol (can be unflavoured vodka 80%), 1/2 
cup of distilled water, 2 glass jars with covers, flacon perfume, gauze or paper coffee 
filters, eyedropper, kitchen weight 
1. Take a few sprigs of rose flowers and dry them by hanging heads down in a dry, well-ventilated 
place (but not directly expose to the sun). 
2. Separate the petals from the stem when they are dry. 
3. Weigh. 
4. You need a minimum of 7 grams of flakes. 
5. Add olive oil, the flakes to a clean glass jar. 
6. Spin the jar and shake well. 
7. Post a jar in good sunny spot at least 2 weeks. 
8. After this time, drain (squeeze) flavored olive oil using dense gases or filter to a bowl. 
9. Pour alcohol to the second jar. 
10. Add to it a few drops of rose oil. If the smell is not very intense, add another a few drops. 
Remember to add one drop each time stirring and checking the effect. 
11. Then tightly screw the cap and let stand for 2 days. 
12. Add distilled water after 48 hours, gently mix and filter through a filter paper. 
13. Pour mixture into a bottle for perfume. 
Use on your body. 
2nd way: 
roses, distilled water, teapot tea, large glass bowl (about 1 liter capacity), lid or plate to 
cover, thick gauze or paper filter, bottle of dark glass to store 
1. Collect at least 2 cups of rose petals and place in a large glass bowl. 
2. Fill the teapot 3 cups of water and slowly bring it almost to boiling (so that the bottom of 
the vessel has already started to appear in bubbles). 
3. Pour boiling water on petals.
4. Cover with the bowl lid or a plate and wait until it reaches room temperature. 
5. Check and see if the aroma is strong enough. If it is too strong, add water. If too weak, pour 
the contents of the bowl into the pot, gradually heat (but not boil), and add more petals. 
6. When the essence of the rose has reached room temperature, drain flakes using a filter or 
dense gases and pour into a dark glass bottle and store in a dark, cool place. 
Use on your body. 
* Do it yourself perfume absolutely not suitable odorless flowers from the florist. Only 
the heavily scented garden roses will be good. 
* Be sure to use fresh harvest, the most aromatic, does not fully open buds. Check that 
there are no bugs. 
* Perfume, you can do it with other strongly aromatic flowers and herbs from the 
garden, such as lavender, lilac, or carnation. 
If you have too many leftovers from used soaps, this is a great way to turn the many 
pieces into new soaps. This method of re-using soap is called hand-milling. 
1. Prepare your used soap bars. Grate or chop them into small pieces. 
2. Prepare the mold(s) with a non-stick vegetable spray. 
In a double boiler, heat the liquid 
you chose (milk, water, tea, etc.) 
to 170ºF-180ºF (76ºC-82ºC). The 
water must be warm, not boiling. 
3. Add the grated soap while stirring slowly and constantly. 
4. Reduce the heat so that the liquid/grated soap come to a simmer. 
5. Stir slowly (but not constantly), until the grated soap turns into liquid.
6. Add additives if you want. This is not required but might be something you'd like to do to 
improve the final soap. Additives would include such items as exfoliating items (for example, 
oat flakes, lavender flowers, etc.), essential oils, food coloring and so forth. If adding, stir 
them in well. 
7. Immediately pour the mixture into the mold(s) and cover it up in plastic wrap. 
8. After 24 hours, remove the plastic wrap and set molds in a draft-free, dry place for three to 
four weeks. 
9. It's ready when it has dried out enough 
to feel like new soap. 
Let’s make our 
more green and 

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Ecological perfumes

  • 1. “Let’s make our world more green and clean” Ecological perfumes and natural cosmetics Comenius project 2012-2014 Product by the coordinator school
  • 2. Home made perfumes and cosmetics! Put your signature on your perfume and creams turning them into unique! The 'handmade' perfumes and cosmetics can convince you that do not require special fluids and plants to place a perfume but only the good mood ...and is a process more economical and natural! One more reason is that essential oils are natural products derived from flowers but aromatic oils are synthetic and often "hide» dangerous substance. Also to make cosmetics need natural, pure ingredients found in nature, in our garden, in our kitchen and some of those used as food (honey, fruits, milk, oil, e.t.c.) As you can see, is it so easy to have your own perfume, our own hand made and much better of quality cosmetics! The work of this result belongs to all partners So, let's learn the way... Gathered by the coordinator Ann Magkiosi Trikala –Greece Comenius project 2012-2014
  • 3. Nursery Rizario School - Trikala -Greece Recipe for perfume 1 cup deionizer water 6 tablespoons of pure alcohol 1 teaspoon glycerin ( in pharmacies ) 25 drops of essential oil of your choice or more , but a total of 25 drops for this quantity How to make a perfume with simple steps. Nice recipe since we everything is simple. Mix the water first with alcohol and glycerin thoroughly to make sure that all of this has become a mixture. Then add the mixture with essential oils and mix equally well. The whole process should be done in glass containers will find some texts consider as well in clay but preferred glass that has washed very well and would have wiped with alcohol. Maturation flavor . Let's see how it is maturing . You shuffle your mixture and it is time to put it in a bottle . Some
  • 4. things to watch out for . 1 ) chose in a very dark color bottle and if you have not wrapped with foil 2 ) keep it in a cool dark spot preferably a remote drawer of things pooping warm . Never in the refrigerator during maturation 3 ) if you have a small piece of silver would be good to put this into the bottle during curing materials will help to tie and become one. Is the supposed secret perfumes higher quality . 4 ) any other material other than silver can harm your scent . Put the mixture in our dark bottle and hide it in a cool place should to decide if we want Soft , Medium , Loud and depending on the decision to leave it to mature at this time and mix it according to the maturation period . For mixtures with strong fragrance (essential oils of good quality) Gentle stirring 12 hours the bottle cap closed every two hours. Average 24 hours stirring the bottle cap closed every four hours Powerful 48 hours stirring the bottle cap closed every eight hours For mixtures with soft scent (flowers and spices in a pestle) Gentle stirring for 3 days in the bottle cap closed every 12 hours. Average 8 days stirring the bottle cap closed every 12 hours Powerful 15 days stirring the bottle cap closed every 24 hours When you spend the 12 or 24 or 48 hours or such days will get from bottle maturation and put in what we will use . To imagine that there must again say that everything is very well washed Passing from one bottle to another will filter napkin of coffee. If you do well with the double coffee filter you can take and charcoal in the filter in this way your perfume has greater durability. And be ready.
  • 5. The perfume of love You will need: 1 glass of ionized water 1 tsp glycerin 6 tablespoons white alcohol or vodka 1 stick cinnamon 2-3 cloves 1 pinch vanilla A little vanilla whipped in the mortar 1 teaspoon anise seeds The leaves of one rose Leaves 5-6 jasmines 20 drops vanilla essential oil How to: Mix well water , vodka and glycerin . Lay a piece of gauze in a bowl . Pour in all the leaves , cover the mixture with a lid and leave it in for a week . Pull the dressing and pour the water into the bottle. Stored in a dark place for one month .
  • 6. Cosmetics using roses The rose is loved for its beauty by all peoples, while the ancient Greeks and Romans were deified, giving it the form of the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. Besides, the legend says that the first rose was born from the tears of the goddess for the loss of her beloved Adonis. Beyond the obvious beauty, but the fragrant flower that hides valuable components, particularly beneficial for the skin. The essential oil of rose To attar is one of the most complex oils, containing as active ingredients about 500! Considered the finest materials for the reconstruction of the skin. Significantly helps aged skin, skin wrinkles, redness or even eczema (Primarily in children), and: ● It is rich in linoleum and lanoline acid, which gives it significant regenerative, moisturizing and emollient properties, while forming a protective film on the skin. ● It helps to rebuild the cells, improving skin texture. ● O Rose hips are one of the richest sources of vitamin C, thus showing significant repairing activity to fine lines and skin color disorders. At the same time helps in even distribution of melanin, adding brightness and radiance to the skin. Other therapeutic uses Balancing acts in psychological well-being and helps overcome the anxieties and sadness. Removes negative thoughts, irritation and aggression. The rose
  • 7. oil is widely used for medical purposes is hemostatic, antibacterial, anti-anxiety, relaxing, antidepressant, tonic, healing, calming the liver and regulates appetite Do not forget that even works as an aphrodisiac, helping significantly in situations of impotence and frigidity due to psychological causes. Side Effects The rose essential oil has no side effects. But you must use it diluted in a vegetable oil base or cream and not directly on the skin. Make your rosewater You will need: ● 2 cups with freshly picked rose petals ● 4 cups of distilled water ● 1 cup of pure alcohol How to fix this : Put in a large jar of rose petals , water and alcohol . Close well and leave in the sun for a week, stirring every so often materials. You can replace 1-2 times with fresh rose petals, if you want more intense flavor. After one week drain with a coffee filter and store the rose water in the refrigerator. Use it as a lotion whenever you feel your skin dry or irritated. MOISTURIZING CREAM FOR DEHYDRATED SKIN You will need: ● 2 large handfuls of freshly picked rose petals ● 50 ml almond or olive oil ● 5 g . beeswax ● 15 drops rose essential oil ● 1 teaspoon wheat germ How to make: Put the petals in a glass bottle with a wide neck , seal the bottle and place it on a point to see the sun . After three weeks, drain the oil. Add the beeswax in the oil and melt it in a bain - marie . Once cool, add the essential oil of rose and wheat germ. Keep the cream in a sterilized jar and let it “sit”. TONIC LOTION FOR DRY, MATURE SKIN You will need: ● 10 ml vodka
  • 8. ● 4 drops of rose essential oil ● 4 drops of geranium essential oil ● 25 ml hamamelida (witch hazel) ● 250 ml rose water How to make Pour the vodka into a large glass bottle , add the essential oils and mix well . Add the witch hazel and rose water and mix again. The lotion is ready! Shake before each use. MASK REBIRTH FOR THE EYES A simple but effective method for washing signs of fatigue from your eye area . Cut rose petals from your garden and pour over them slowly a few drops of rose water to soak up enough but not dissolved. Place a handful of rose petals in each eye and relax for 15-20 minutes LOTION FOR ALL TYPES OF SKIN You will need: ● 25 g . Dried rose petals ● 350 ml rose water ● 50 ml apple cider vinegar ● 2 drops rose essential oil How to make: Take the rose petals, the apple cider vinegar, rose water and essential oil in a bottle. Store in a cool, dark place for 3 weeks. Drain into a sterile bottle. You can use the lotion on a cotton ball after cleansing or whenever you feel your skin tired. TONIC LOTION FOR SENSITIVE SKINS WITH WRINKLES You will need: ● 3/4 cup of rose water ● 1/4 cup of distilled water ● 3 drops rose essential oil ● 3 drops of essential oil palmarosa ● 1/2 teaspoon glycerin ( vegetable glycerin can be found in pharmacies ) How to make : Pour all ingredients in a dark bottle , shake well and leave in a cool , dark
  • 9. place for 3-4 days . Shake before each use. Put a few drops on a cotton pad and swipe the face and neck after cleansing. Here are some more “alchemies” in which components recovered from the rose. Put dried rose petals in a glass container that retains the aroma. Get cloves and peppermint, scrub and put the powder with rose petals in a bag. The fragrance that exudes will offer wellness and good sleep. Spray body wellness Materials : • nebulizer capacity 100 ml - 200 ml • 70 % Alcohol • Glycerin • 1 fresh lily flower • 1 teaspoon dried orange flowers • 1 teaspoon of dried wild rose blossoms • 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile • 1 teaspoon dried sage 1 teaspoon dry mint • Aloe • Distilled water • Essential oils : 5 drops of orange , pomegranate , tangerine and bitter orange , sage , and 10 drops of peppermint and mint In Japanese ( cools more ! ) Recipe: In a pot of jam put all the flowers and herbs and pour the alcohol until well covered herbs. Let it stand for 10 days in a cool place. After the filter and half of the tincture pour into the atomizer us adding one tablespoon of aloe juice, a teaspoon of glycerin, and essential oils. Fill the space in nebulizer with distilled water. The mixture is ready. You need to shake well before each use. Facial Cleanser with Rose Materials • 1 liter of water • 1 cup of rose petals • 2 cups fresh milk
  • 10. Boil the water and then turn off the heat. The water is still warm, place inside a glass bowl with milk and rose petals. Allow to cool the mixture. Then pour in a blender and hit congeal slightly. Using a funnel, fill glass bottles and place the mixture in the refrigerator. Use for facial cleansing. Keep for one week. For dehydrated hands from the cold: materials • 4 tablespoons olive oil or avocado oil • 5 tablespoons almond • 5 drops of essential oil of rose Mix the ingredients knocking in a shaker. Apply to hands and let sit for 10 minutes. Oil for stimulating What you need: • 2 drops essential oil of frankincense • 2 drops of essential oil of rosewood 2 drops essential oil of rose • 2 drops of essential oil of lavender • 15 ml base oil How to fix this : First Build the base oil by mixing 2 ml evening primrose oil , 2 ml Calendula , 1 ml 10 ml wheat germ oil and almond oil . Then simply add the remaining oil. How to use: Apply the oil on a clean face, excluding the eye area. No need to rinse. Every once: You can use it as often as you like, preferably before bedtime. What helps: face skin purified, becomes wonderful texture and flavor, while revitalized. The oil from rose tones the skin, while rosewood, frankincense and lavender help to regenerate cells and simultaneously give a wonderful perfume. -------------------------------------------
  • 11. Homemade masks using herbs! 1. Banana mask for oil skin Ingredients: · 1 banana, preferably ripe (you can keep ripe bananas in the freezer. Let it thaw before using) · 2 tbsp honey · An orange or a lemon Preparation: Mash up the banana, then mix in the honey. Add a few drops of juice from an orange or a lemon. Apply to face for 15 minutes before rinsing with a cool washcloth or a steaming warm washcloth. Follow with your regular moisturizer. 2. Homemade Olive Oil Night Cream Ingredients You will need: · 1/2 cup olive oil · 1/4 cup vinegar · 1/4 cup water · 3 tbsp white wax First, we need to melt the oils together. The easy way is to setup a double boiler. Fill a small saucepan quarter full of water. Turn the heat to medium and set a small bowl on top of your pan. Pour in olive oil and add in white wax. As the white wax melts, stir Add Vinegar to the Cream Remove the bowl with the mixture from the heat and leave it to cool down to room temperature. Then stir in vinegar and water.
  • 12. Vinegar is helpful for removing oil from the skin and it restores the skin's natural pH balance. Store the Homemade Night Cream You can pour in your cream mixture into a small cream container. You can store it in the refrigerator for 3-4 weeks. the mixture. It usually takes a little while for the wax to melt, so please be patient 3. Mask with egg and yogurt Model Shalom Harlow calls this homemade face mask (only 2 ingredients required!) "moisturizing and soothing." Prep Time: 2 minutes Total Time: 2 minutes Ingredients: · 2 egg whites, separated from the yolk and placed in a bowl · 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt (I like Greek yogurt) Preparation: Separate the egg whites from a couple eggs and place them in a bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of yogurt (do not use flavored yogurt!). Mix them up and apply to face. Leave on face for a few minutes then rinse face in warm water, followed by a warm washcloth. 4. Oatmeal and Yogurt Face Mask This face mask is suitable for all skin types and is super simple to prepare. It will cleanse and rejuvenate your skin. Prep Time: 3 minutes Total Time: 3 minutes Ingredients: · 1 tbsp oatmeal, finely ground
  • 13. · 1 tbsp. live, organic yogurt (skip the flavored stuff) · A few drops of honey Preparation: Add the yogurt to the oatmeal in a small bowl and mix together. Warm a few drop of honey. To do this, warm a spoon under hot water for a minute, then add a few drops of honey to the spoon. Stir the honey into the yogurt and oatmeal mixture. Apply the mask to the face. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse off with several splashes of warm water. Follow with a warm washcloth. Apply moisturizer. 5. Homemade Face Mask for Ashy Skin Sugar is a preferred exfoliate to salt because it tends not to tear at the skin. When dead skin collects on the surface of skin, it's important to slough it away. This helps clear up clogged pores. When skin isn't exfoliated, it can appear ashy. Ingredients: · 2 tbsp sugar · 3 tbsp warm water Preparation: Stir sugar into warm water so that it melts. Make sure granules are dissolved, otherwise they could tear your skin. Apply to the face. Gently massage around the skin. Rinse with warm water OR I like to take a warm washcloth that's steamed in the microwave. Make sure the washcloth is not too hot. 6.Coffee & Cocoa Facial Mask for All Skin Types
  • 14. Coffee and cocoa masks have long been a favorite of beauty aficionados. As a combination, they decrease puffiness in the face and the eye area, brighten skin and wake up a dull-ish complexion (hello caffeine!). For this mask the ingredients are so readily available in the average person's kitchen and you can use so many substitutions based on what's currently in your cabinets or fridge. While coffee and cocoa powder are the staples of this popular mask, you can tailor it for your skin type by adding yogurt or cream and honey if you have dry skin or lemon juice if you have oily skin. If you have super dehydrated skin, oils work as a substitute for dairy. Ingredients: · 4 Tbsp. finely ground espresso or coffee beans (I use my own grinder, but already ground coffee and even instant coffee work, too) · 4 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder (your basic Hersheys is perfect here) · 8 Tbsp. dairy product. Choose whole milk, heavy cream, yogurt (must be unflavored!), almond milk or coconut milk. Use less dairy if you like a thicker paste. Substitutions are allowed: Try an egg instead of dairy if you are an egg mask lover, or substitute oils, such as olive oil, extra virgin coconut oil or almond oil if you have dehydrated skin. If using oils, halve the amount or it will be too runny. · 2 Tbsp. honey (if you have dry skin) or lemon juice (if you have oily skin Preparation: If you have whole beans, finely grind beans in a grinder. Remember, beans should be finely ground so they don't scratch your face. If you just made coffee, you can use the freshly brewed coffee grounds, although they won't contain as much caffeine. Mix coffee and cocoa powder in a bowl. Add the dairy product and stir until a smooth paste forms. You can use less dairy if you like a thicker paste.
  • 15. Stir in the honey. (I like to warm up the honey in a warm water bath or in the microwave so it mixes better Apply the paste to your clean face and neck.Let the mask dry. Wet a washcloth and press it to your face to loosen the mask, then rinse with warm water. If you have sensitive skin, you should avoid rubbing your face because the coffee grounds could potentially scratch your skin. It's really up to you, you'll get a feel for what your skin can take and how finely ground the coffee is. You can store the leftover paste in the refrigerator for several days. 7. Yogurt mask This simple (only two ingredients!) cooling mask is great for soothing a sunburnt face. It's great for all skin types. Prep Time: 2 hours Total Time: 2 hours Ingredients: · 1 tbsp. natural yogurt, room temperature (not low fat or non-fat, I like the Greek yogurt “ Total” found in many grocery stores these days and pictured here) · 1 tsp. runny honey (microwave for a few minutes to soften hardened honey) Preparation: Combine mixture, then apply to face. Let sit for 15 minutes. Wash face with steaming washcloth. For dry skin, use an extra tsp. of honey. Oily skin? Add a few drops of fresh lime juice. 8. Rejuvenating Pumpkin Mask for All Skin Types Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • 16. Ingredients: · 1/2 cup fresh pumpkin pulp · 2 eggs · 2 teaspoon almond milk (for dry or combo skin) · 1 teaspoon honey (for dry skin) · 2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar or cranberry juice (if you have oily skin) Preparation: Purée the fresh pumpkin pulp into a thick paste. Add the egg (this acts as a binder). If your skin is dry, stir in a splash of omega-rich almond milk and the honey. For oilier complexions, instead stir in apple cider vinegar or cranberry juice. Mix well. Apply the mask, leaving it on for 15-20 minutes, depending on your skin sensitivity. Rinse with cool water and moisturize as usual. 9. Homemade Clay Mask for All Skin Types Masks (homemade or otherwise) should stay on for 10-15 minutes. Follow with a cleansing and a thin layer of moisturizer. Ingredients: · 1½ tsp green clay (French is preferred) · ½ tsp kaolin clay · 1½ tbsp aloe vera gel · 1 tbsp rosewater · 2 drops rose essential oil Preparation: Mix green and kaolin clays together. Add in the aloe vera gel, rosewater and oils. Refrigerate mixture for up to four weeks. 10. Strawberry Acne Mask
  • 17. Strawberries are a natural source of salicylic acid which is found in most over-the-counter acne medicines, according to Janice Cox, the author of "Natural Beauty at Home ." This is Cox's recipe. The yogurt is great for soothing skin. Ingredients: · 1/4 cup strawberries (fresh, not frozen please) · 1/4 cup sour cream or non-flavored yogurt · Preparation: Mash together the strawberries and yogurt or sour cream. Spread on face and wash after 10-15 minutes. 11. Olive mask for oil skins You can get all of these ingredients in any natural food store or online. You can get the apricot kernel oil and the palmarosa essential oil online. Ingredients: · 1 tbsp. green clay (you can get this in any health store) · 1 tsp apricot kernel oil · 3 drops of palmarosa essential oil Preparation: Mix the palmarosa and apricot oils together. Add a few drops of warm water. Mix together and add more water if need be to get a good, spreadable paste. Apply mask. Let dry for 10 minutes. Rinse off with a warm washcloth. 12. Homemade Juice Mask for Oily Skin
  • 18. Strawberry and lemon juice contains natural astringents. Note: Recipe works for two people, so invite a friend, or cut recipe in half for just you. Ingredients: · 1 tsp lemon juice · 2 egg whites · 3 tsp honey · 1 cup strawberries · Optional: 4 drops of your favorite essential oils Preparation: Mash or blend the above ingredients. Smooth over face. Let it stay for 10 minutes. Rinse. Homemade masks for youthful eyes Make yourself easy but effective eye masks with natural materials and had shiny, rested and youthful eyes. Mask with avocado materials 1 Tbsp mashed avocado 1/4 tsp yogurt Mix the ingredients in a bowl. Stretch the mask around your eyes and let it act for 20 . Rinse with water. Mask with cucumber materials 2 tablespoons mashed cucumber
  • 19. 1 Tbsp milk powder Mix the ingredients in a bowl. Put your mask in the refrigerator for 30. Stretch the mask around your eyes. Left for 10 kg rinse with water. Mask with banana materials 1 Tbsp mashed banana 1/4 tsp rose water Mix the ingredients in a bowl. Stretch the mask around your eyes and let it act for 20 . Rinse with water. Homemade body scrub with pineapple! Easy, efficient and very summery this homemade body scrub with pineapple will remove naturally dead cells from your skin and leave it soft, hydrated, smooth and shiny ! materials 1/2 cup . pineapple 1/2 cup . ground oats ( powder) 1-2 tbsp olive oil MASH pineapple . Add the remaining ingredients and toss well. Stretch the scrub on wet skin and makes it soft , circular massage for 2-3. Finally rinse with water. Scrub Anti-cellulite with coffee and lemon! Scrub Anti-cellulite with coffee and lemon ! Combat cellulite and feel your skin toned
  • 20. and revitalized by making this easy homemade scrub with coffee and lemon ! materials 2 tablespoons sugar 1 Tbsp ground coffee 1 Tbsp lemon juice pinch of salt Mix all ingredients in a bowl and scrub is ready for use! Stretch your skin and your Make gentle massage in circular motions. Finally rinse with water. Repeated 1-2 times a week. Tip: If your skin is dry you can add to the mix a little olive oil. Stick Lips - Lip Balm & Lip Gloss There are many recipes for the care of the lips , but here we will develop the easiest one of them suitable to keep busy and the kids . Balm Lip Gloss Butter: Melt at low temperature 2 tablespoons butter plant origin (not soft), without boiling, because it changes the molecular structure. Add 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon of powder for jelly, cherry or strawberry, having colour, with a few drops of water ( 1/4 teaspoon ) to dissolve . Mix well and transfer to a sterile jar of tiny old Lip Balm or another. Because the product is fresh and contains water, it will be kept in the refrigerator and not too many days. Balm Lip Gloss with Vaseline: Buy pure vaseline from the pharmacy, suitable for use on the lips and gently heat in a stainless steel vessel, easily workable. You can use the microwave on low beam and gradually or just a bain - Marie. Add jelly powder or powder for fruit juice , as above , until we meet the colour and aroma . Optionally we can add a teaspoon of honey . It is ready for use when cool. Stick Lip Wax: With gentle manner, as described above , in a bain - marie , Lyon
  • 21. pure beeswax and mixed with sweet almond oil or coconut oil or jojoba oil or cocoa butter . The ratio is 2 tablespoons of beeswax , 2 tablespoons oil. Optionally you can add a teaspoon of honey or a few drops of vitamin E (it comes in capsules) . For intense color you can scrape some of your lipstick , to melt into the mixture . For most hard stick slightly increases the amount of wax. You can even add a few drops of essential oil of your choice or powdered herbs, such as rose petals or else you'll find in stores with herbs . In the absence of water can be maintained for many months . Very Easy Natural Make Up Remover for Eyes Mix well 2 tablespoons of castor oil , 2 tablespoons olive oil and 4 tablespoons calendula extract in oil ( instructions below) . Slamming into a sealed container and is ready to be used for removing makeup from the eye area . For storage, very practically sterile bottles from old drugs with dark glass, which will protect the oils from light , and easily and transportation. It can be stored for many months , but it is good , how to make small quantities, for it is always fresh. It is extremely effective and can not resist nor waterproof mascara . The calendula with its anti-inflammatory properties of functions sedatives, while castor oil (no, not from the beaver ) has inter alia emollient properties . For olive oil does not need to talk , because talking alone . Apart from the removal of residues of makeup from the eyes , and is extremely attentive to the delicate eye area . Carefully applied with cotton and of course, take care when applying , do not enter into his eyes , as with all products . Calendula extract oil : Wash the calendula flowers and let them dry thoroughly overnight into an absorbent towel . In a stainless steel mix a few tablespoons of hot olive oil with a few calendula flowers , so the flowers are completely covered . Allow to " pull" covered , for approximately 1 hour , keeping all this time the hot oil (careful not to boil ) and then subtract calendula flowers , straining the mixture through a cheese cloth .
  • 22. Hair masks Baking Soda for Oily Hair and Residues of Shampoo Mix half a cup of baking soda with 3 cups very hot water and trite solution to hair and scalp . It will remove all residues of shampoo, gel , hairspray , etc. Rinse and hair will be shiny and free of debris. Is there a way that significantly reduces oiliness , so it should be used in moderation , if you have dry hair Beer for Hair volume The yeast and hops contained in beer , inflate the hair and give volume . The acidity of the beer also helps cleanse hair of residue left by shampoo and various hair products and give incredible shine. After shampooing , rinse your hair with beer . The richer the beer yeast, the better, which means that the stout is most effective. A few drops of jojoba oil into the beer , do wonders with the weak , dry hair . Rinse hair slightly so as to remove the odor without completely removed beer. This helps to maintain the characteristics of more fillers . One way to not smell like beer hair is to rinse with diluted chamomile tea instead of water . Cider vinegar rinse Hair The apple cider vinegar to the last rinse hair balances the natural Ph, eliminates bacteria and softens the hair , giving them incredible shine. Half a cup of apple cider vinegar to 5 cups water , preferably distilled , is enough.
  • 23. Adding to the mix distillate of lavender or thyme is good for oily hair , while for dry hair , a few drops of essential oils give the perfect result Mask for Dry Hair with Avocado The avocado has been used widely in industry hair products , thanks to its moisturizing and caring properties. It has been found that the oil containing avocado has greater penetration of almond oil and olive oil. The wool absorbs easily , but be oiled . Avocado is rich in vitamin E and is therefore considered that enhances hair growth . Here is the recipe Melt in a multi wrist avocado , along with half a teaspoon of olive oil , until a homogeneous paste. Spread avocado paste to damp hair and wrap food film . Allow the paste for some time (half to 1 hour is enough ) so as to penetrate the hair. Then wash the hair with a mild shampoo . The hair will stay soft and shiny for a long time. The 8 best homemade masks - face creams All these masks have tested and they have excellent results for the face! Mask cream ingredients: 1 tablespoon cream 1 tablespoon honey 1g Baking Soda Method of construction: Mix Baking Soda with the cream until it has the texture of shaving foam used by men. Then we can add honey and mix them even a little. Finally, an application to the face and neck for twenty minutes. This mask is quick to manufacture and also has quickly found
  • 24. because it contains medium chain fatty acids in free form, sugars, vitamins (especially vitamin E), minerals and trace elements. It makes the skin of your face very soft. Best homemade mask for 30 years ingredients: 2 tablespoons coconut oil 1 egg yolk 1 tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon yogurt 1 tablespoon sugar method: Mix all ingredients and beat in blender The spread in the skin for 25 minutes rinse Best homemade mask for 40 years ingredients: 2 tablespoons sweet pea 1 tablespoon evening primrose oil 1 tablespoon yogurt 1 tablespoon grape seed extract 1/2 cup carrot juice method: Mix all ingredients in a blender Apply on face for 30 minutes Rinse with cool water At the age of 40, starting the first problem missed collagen. Grape seed extract helps in building more collagen, to wit the tightening of facial skin. That is, the mask acts as anti-aging cream. Best homemade mask for younger looking skin ingredients:
  • 25. 1 tablespoon yeast 1/2 cup yogurt 1 tablespoon honey method: Add the yeast into the yogurt, mix well and refrigerate for an entire night Add the honey and mix Apply the mask for 30 minutes then rinse with cool water Young skin is active because it is full of vitamins. This mask contains all the necessary vitamins (especially B vitamins) for a younger looking skin. Best homemade facial mask to get smooth facial skin ingredients: 1/2 banana 1/2 avocado (overripe) 1 tablespoon of cucumber (chopped) 1 tablespoon yogurt 1 tablespoon olive oil method: We make a mix with all ingredients and beat in blender Apply to the skin of the face for 30 minutes Rinse with cool water Best homemade mask for protection from sunlight Ingredients: 2 tablespoons sesame oil 2 tablespoons Aloe Vera 1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil 12 drops cinnamon oil 12 drops lavender
  • 26. Method: Mix all ingredients in a mixer. Apply the mask on for as long as you can and then rinse. Note that this mask offers partial sun protection but does not replace sunscreen. Best homemade mask for rejuvenation Ingredients: 1/4 apple Half peach 1/2 tomato 1/4 cup milk 1 tablespoon almond Method: Peel all fruits and mash Add milk and oil and put them in the fire and stir until they reach the consistency of cream Let cool Apply to the skin of the face for 30 minutes This mask is a must for renewal and rejuvenation of skin cells and facial Best homemade moisturizing mask Ingredients: 1 tablespoon homemade Vaseline 1 tablespoon cream (thick) 1 teaspoon cream cheese 1 teaspoon honey 1 teaspoon of oats Method: Mix all ingredients in a blender Apply the mask for 10 minutes
  • 27. Rinse with lukewarm water To make homemade vaseline mix 1/4 cup almond oil with 1 tablespoon grated beeswax and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes. Then let it cool. This mask is suitable for moisturizing, offers very good results and is suitable for all ages and all skin types face. Proposed specifically for those who have dry skin. Ann Magkiosi - Principal of Nursery Rizario School –Trikala –Greece --------------------------
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  • 32. Granly skole, Horten, Norway Natural cosmetics Some of our youngest students have experimented with making ecological perfumes during play, using petals from various flowers in water. Our 7th grade students took the natural cosmetics to a different level and made various skin and hair care products from natural ingredients. They sold these products to family and other visitors at our school’s winter market in December 2013. The students decided that the surplus from this sale was to be given to the children’s department in our nearest hospital, to buy toys for the children there. We would like to share with you two of our recipes for hair wax and lip balm. Hair wax Preparation time: approximately 30 min. Amount: 100 ml. Equipment needed: - a cooking pot made from stainless steel - something to stir with - a scale (to weigh the ingredients) Ingredients: - 62 grams lanolin - 13 grams beeswax - 25 grams palm oil (fixed, not liquid) - 20-30 drops of essential oil Procedure: 1. Melt lanolin, beeswax and palm oil on low heat. 2. Remove the pot from the stove when the ingredients are almost melted. 3. Stir the wax until it starts hardening. 4. Mix in the essential/scented oil. 5. Pour the wax into a suitable container. 6. Wait until it cools off and close the lid. To rinse the wax out of your hair, simply use shampoo and warm water.
  • 33. Expiration: 1 year after production date when kept in a closed container in room temperature. Lip balm Equipment needed: - glass beaker - measuring cylinder and a scale (to measure and weigh the ingredients) - cooking plate - spatula - small box with a lid Ingredients: - 5 grams coconut fat - 2,5 grams beeswax - 10 grams canola oil - vanilla essence Procedure: 1. Weigh and measure the right amount of each ingredient into the beaker. 2. Melt everything carefully on low heat. 3. Remove the beaker from the heat and let it cool off while you constantly stir with the spatula. 4. Carefully mix in a few drops of vanilla essence. 5. Poor the lukewarm mixture into a small box while it is still liquid. 6. Cool off and close the lid.
  • 34. The use of plants for cosmetics (Latvia) Moth repellent bags Need: 2 tablespoons dried god tree leaf 2 tablespoons dried flowers 2 tablespoons dried and crushed rosemary leaf 1 tablespoons dried and crushed bay leaf 2 crushed cinnamon sticks 1 tablespoons crushed cloves 1 tablespoons salt Store in an airtight container for two weeks. Every day shaked. This mixture is packed into bags to put cabinets and drawers.
  • 35. Horsetail shampoo Need: 7 tablespoons cutted horsetail leaf 7 tablespoons cutted dried soap root 2 liter water Horsetail and soap root put in the dish, add water and mix well. Boil. Replace the lid and cook for another 15 minutes. Left to rest for one hour. Strain and pour into bottles. Lavender Eau de toilette Need: 2 cups of lavender flower 1 liter hot of distilled water 2 tablespoons vodka Lavender flowers placed in the pot, pour boiling water and mix well. Leave to infuse for 48 hours, stirring occasionally. The liquid is filtered through a nylon mesh, bagasse flowers to get as far as possible the most fragrant liquid. Mixed with alcohol, pour it into bottles, stopper.
  • 36. Dandelion oil Need: 6 chopped new dandelion leaf 6 tablespoons castor oil The ingredients are placed in a glass or enamel pan and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and cover and allow to infuse for four or five hours. This recipe used the dandelion essential oil to bleach freckles and other skin spots. Calendula tincture Need: 100 grams of calendula flowers 600 ml vodka Calendula flowers put in bowl and pour on top of the vodka. Leave in a warm, dark place for 14 days, shaking once a day. Strain and pour into a dark glass bottle kept in a cool, dark place.
  • 37. How we can make our own perfume! First Method • Gather some flowers with your favorite scents, such as lavender, rosemary, etc. • Grind them in a mortar, without leaves, and place about 11 drops of tap water. • Fill the rest of the bottle with alcohol, such as vodka • Pass the mixture a strainer and put it in a spray bottle. Close the bottle and shake well. Leave it for a week, shaking every two days. 2nd Method • Cut some fragrant flowers from your garden. The only importance is the fragrance of the flower, not the appearance, eg jasmine. • Fill a pot with essential oils but odorless. Make sure you use the jar lid is tight. • Clean the flowers from the stems and quickly place them into the jar. Close the lid as fast as you can. • Open the container after a few weeks and place in a perfume bottle. And your perfumes are ready… ECOLOGICAL PERFUME (France)
  • 38. 1. Collect your rose petals and place them in a wide-mouthed, alternating a layer of rose petals and a layer of salt... Add last alcohol and close. Let marinate for a few days and stirring from time to time The days your mixture will turn into a pleasant scent of rose that will embalm your home. 2 – Make your self your rose water with two essential qualities are astringent and tonic.. To do this, infuse 5-6 handfuls of rose petals in a quart of boiling water for a few minutes.. Filter and get your rose water and keep the cool Use this preparation for your eyes in the morning. Put solution on cotton and put cotton on your eyes during 10 minutes. ----------------------------
  • 39. ““LLEETT’’SS MMAAKKEE OOUURR WWOORRLLDD MMOORREE GGRREEEENN AANNDD CCLLEEAANN”” ECOLOGICAL PPEERRFFUUMMEESS AANNDD CCOOSSMMEETTIICCSS Presentation by PETRA KOČAR 2013-2014 KKIINNDDEERRGGAARRTTEENN JJEELLKKAA Glavarjeva ulica 18 a 1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA Photos by Kindergarten‘s Jelka preschool teachers. In our kindergarten, we grow herbs and aromatic plants.
  • 40. We like to use them to prepare different health food, drinks and also for cosmetics. Herb syrups:
  • 41. Herb teas: AROMATIC HERB SALTS
  • 42. Herb syrup and salts form 2014 HERB SOAP We have collected old ordinary soaps and we put them into small peace. We add it glycerine warm it together and mix it. We add our herbs and put them into models. We let it dry for tree weeks and look how beautiful soaps we have created. We gave it to our mothers form Mothers day.
  • 44. Ecological perfumes and cosmeticks Kindergarten school IST. COMP. “E.PATTI” Trecastagni-ITALY
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  • 52. Needed: Bowl or small jar, gauze, board, plate, knife and bottle Procedure: 1. Peel the skin of citrus (can be only one fruit) and cut into small cubes. 2. Put gauze on the bowl. 3. On so prepared bowl put the chopped cubes, and pour them with alcohol (enough to cover skin) and add a little bit of cinnamon. 4. Cover it not to let the air float inside. 5. Leave the liquid for 4 days. 6. After this time, pull out the contents of gauze and squeeze. 7. Filter through a coffee filter. 8. Pour to small perfume bottle and close it tightly. Use on your body. PPEERRFFUUMMEESS FFRROOMM RROOSSEE PPEETTAALLSS 1st way: Ingredients:
  • 53. roses, glass of olive oil, 3 teaspoons of pure alcohol (can be unflavoured vodka 80%), 1/2 cup of distilled water, 2 glass jars with covers, flacon perfume, gauze or paper coffee filters, eyedropper, kitchen weight Procedure: 1. Take a few sprigs of rose flowers and dry them by hanging heads down in a dry, well-ventilated place (but not directly expose to the sun). 2. Separate the petals from the stem when they are dry. 3. Weigh. 4. You need a minimum of 7 grams of flakes. 5. Add olive oil, the flakes to a clean glass jar. 6. Spin the jar and shake well. 7. Post a jar in good sunny spot at least 2 weeks. 8. After this time, drain (squeeze) flavored olive oil using dense gases or filter to a bowl. 9. Pour alcohol to the second jar. 10. Add to it a few drops of rose oil. If the smell is not very intense, add another a few drops. Remember to add one drop each time stirring and checking the effect. 11. Then tightly screw the cap and let stand for 2 days. 12. Add distilled water after 48 hours, gently mix and filter through a filter paper. 13. Pour mixture into a bottle for perfume. Use on your body. 2nd way: Ingredients: roses, distilled water, teapot tea, large glass bowl (about 1 liter capacity), lid or plate to cover, thick gauze or paper filter, bottle of dark glass to store Procedure: 1. Collect at least 2 cups of rose petals and place in a large glass bowl. 2. Fill the teapot 3 cups of water and slowly bring it almost to boiling (so that the bottom of the vessel has already started to appear in bubbles). 3. Pour boiling water on petals.
  • 54. 4. Cover with the bowl lid or a plate and wait until it reaches room temperature. 5. Check and see if the aroma is strong enough. If it is too strong, add water. If too weak, pour the contents of the bowl into the pot, gradually heat (but not boil), and add more petals. 6. When the essence of the rose has reached room temperature, drain flakes using a filter or dense gases and pour into a dark glass bottle and store in a dark, cool place. Use on your body. * Do it yourself perfume absolutely not suitable odorless flowers from the florist. Only the heavily scented garden roses will be good. * Be sure to use fresh harvest, the most aromatic, does not fully open buds. Check that there are no bugs. * Perfume, you can do it with other strongly aromatic flowers and herbs from the garden, such as lavender, lilac, or carnation. SSOOAAPPSS If you have too many leftovers from used soaps, this is a great way to turn the many pieces into new soaps. This method of re-using soap is called hand-milling. 1. Prepare your used soap bars. Grate or chop them into small pieces. 2. Prepare the mold(s) with a non-stick vegetable spray. In a double boiler, heat the liquid you chose (milk, water, tea, etc.) to 170ºF-180ºF (76ºC-82ºC). The water must be warm, not boiling. 3. Add the grated soap while stirring slowly and constantly. 4. Reduce the heat so that the liquid/grated soap come to a simmer. 5. Stir slowly (but not constantly), until the grated soap turns into liquid.
  • 55. 6. Add additives if you want. This is not required but might be something you'd like to do to improve the final soap. Additives would include such items as exfoliating items (for example, oat flakes, lavender flowers, etc.), essential oils, food coloring and so forth. If adding, stir them in well. 7. Immediately pour the mixture into the mold(s) and cover it up in plastic wrap. 8. After 24 hours, remove the plastic wrap and set molds in a draft-free, dry place for three to four weeks. 9. It's ready when it has dried out enough to feel like new soap. Let’s make our worLd more green and cLean!