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ECO550 Week 10 Scenario Script: Long-term Investment
Slide #
Slide 1
Scene 1
An older cottage style family run business (Katrina’s Candies)
Slide 2
Scene 2
Ken, Gigi, Renee, Maria and Herb meet in the conference room.
Ken reminds the team that the meeting is to hear results of
Herb’s research
Ken: Good afternoon everyone.
Gigi: Good afternoon Ken!
Renee: Hello everyone.
Maria: Hi Ken.
Herb: Good afternoon everyone.
Ken: Today we are meeting so Herb can present his
recommendation regarding the Board’s directive to expand the
global presence of Katrina’s Candies. Herb’s recommendation
culminates nine weeks of exhausting work by each of you. I
know each of you worked hard on this special project because at
the same time you were also maintaining your daily
responsibilities. I want to give a special thanks to each of you!
Gigi: Thanks!
Renee: Thank you, Ken!
Herb: It was our pleasure!
Maria: Thanks, Ken!
Ken: You are all very welcome! Now as you know, Herb has
been working with us part-time for the past nine weeks because
he’s finishing his last four MBA courses at Strayer University’s
Global Campus. During the nine-weeks, each of you supported
Herb on this special project! Each of you also communicated in
one way or another how very satisfied and happy you are to
have Herb here. So, before Herb share’s his findings, let’s give
him a hand!
(Add clapping from Ken)
The floor is now yours, Herb!
Slide 3
Scene 3
Everyone is still in the conference room and Herb is beginning
his presentation.
Show projector screen showing “Determine the feasibility of
expanding Katrina’s Candies global markets.”
Show projector screen showing “Planning Period information.”
Show projector screen showing “Demand Function #1.”
Herb: Thank you, Ken, for the flattering introduction. I also
want to thank the team for supporting me on this special
project, Gigi, Renee, and Maria; I would not have made any
progress on the project without your assistance.
Gigi: It was our pleasure working with you, Herb!
Herb: Let’s begin and start with how we have arrived at this
point. I was first assigned the task of preparing an analysis of
the Board’s proposal to expand the global component of
Katrina’s Candies.
Herb: First, My team and I met to create a plan of action.
During this meeting we discussed and formulated a plan of
action and assigned tasks. We also scheduled times for me to
meet with each team member to implement specific tasks like
creating a model as well as reviewing and discussing data.
Herb: One of our first tasks was toformulate a useful model of
demand for Katrina’s Candies Sugar-free chocolates and use the
model to derive elasticity coefficients. Renee and I worked on
this task. We started with a standard model of demand. The
independent variables for this function were as follows:
The per unit price of Katrina’s Sugar Free Chocolate;
The price of a substitute good which was caffeinated coffee;
The price of a complementary good;
Income; and
The number of buyers.
Of course, the quantity of Katrina’s Candies Sugar Free
Chocolate candy was the dependent variable. Keep in mind that
the estimated version of this model did not produce expected
results. According to t-tests, caffeinated coffee was not a
substitute for chocolate. Our results also revealed the presence
of multi-collinearity between water and income. Because of
both these issues, Renee and I decided to drop coffee and water
from the model along with the number of buyers. In the revised
version of the model we included a dummy variable to capture
the affect of sales in international markets.
Slide 4
Scene 4
Everyone is still in the conference room and Herb is continuing
his presentation.
Show projector screen showing “Demand Function Revised.”
Show projector screen showing “Contribution Margin Concept.”
Herb: Here’s the estimated demand function and Katrina’s
demand curve.
The revised demand model performed better, coefficients were
significant--including the coefficient on the dummy variable
representing Katrina’s Candies global operations. The
coefficient was positive which means the sale of the sugar free
chocolates in international markets has contributed to Katrina’s
Candies revenue.
Herb: Next, Renee and I reviewed cost concepts to identify the
concept most relevant to the Board’s proposed action to expand
your global market. After evaluating both the average total cost
approach and the contribution margin approach, we decided the
contribution margin concept provides the information most
relevant for our purposes. Keep in mind that the Contribution
Margin is the most relevant cost measure because it gives
information about the impact expansion decisions have on
fixed costs. We then used the coefficients from the demand
curve model to derive the price elasticity of demand for your
sugar free chocolates. We can also use the contribution margin
model to determine how much we need to produce to break-even
in new markets.
Slide 5
Scene 5
Everyone is still in the conference room and Herb is continuing
his presentation.
Show projector screen showing “Katrina’s Candies – Business
Herb: We then had to come up with a business profile for
Katrina’s Candies and here is what we recorded:
We learned that Katrina’s Candies is an oligopoly.
We saw that the three largest firms in Katrina’s Candies market
have a combined forty percent share of the chocolate candy
We noted the mutual interdependence that characterizes
oligopolistic markets means the three largest firms will react to
its expansion decision.
We noticed that the reactions of Katrina’s competitors will not
include price changes because oligopolistsavoid price
Slide 6
Scene 6
Everyone is still in the conference room and Herb is continuing
his presentation.
Show projector screen showing “Option 1 for Katrina’s
Herb: As we were reflecting on the meaning of the
information we gathered, Ken’s interest in merging Katrina’s
Candies with the largest Mexican manufacturer, La Chocolata,
gave the team another possible way to expand.
Herb: One of Katrina’s Candies options is to expand its Global
Presence through a merger with LaChocolata. A merger would
be categorized as a horizontal merger since both firms
manufacture a final good. We would, however, need approval
from the U.S. federal government and Katrina’s Candies
Stockholders’ approval. According to the internal analysis
conducted in relation to the Board’s proposed action, the merger
would also enhance Katrina’s Candies revenue. Also the
income coefficient generated for its demand function indicates
the Sugar Free Chocolate should sell well in the lower income
markets. One of the risks with using this option would be a loss
of Katrina’s Candies identity as a small family owned business.
That is something to keep in mind as well.
Slide 7
Scene 7
Everyone is still in the conference room and Herb is continuing
his presentation.
Show projector screen showing “Option 2 for Katrina’s
Herb: Another option for Katrina’s Candies is to expand
through Capital Investment. Using this option Katrina’s Candies
wouldadd an annex devoted solely to manufacturer and export
of its Sugar-Free Chocolate. Stockholder and government
approval would not be required. Keep in mind that there are
also U.S. and European Union initiatives that encourage and
support the export of goods and services. These initiatives also
provide support services that reduce fixed costs related to an
export expansion. The risk associated with the investment
option is the possibility of over-expansion and the uncertainty
associated with world-wide business cycles.
Herb: I covered a lot of material during this presentation and
would like for you to go over some review materials I have put
together. I believe these review materials will really solidify
everything I have discussed today.
Slide 8
Scene 8
Interaction Slide
Will Review Key Concepts Discussed
Create a interactive interface that contains links to the
following resources (Items will be played from within Scenario
via embedding)
· Cost Analysis
· How to take charge and plan for the future of your business.
Slide 9
Scene 9
Check Your Understanding #1
Multiple Choice
A firm produces and sells a product with price, P = $16,
average variable cost, AVC = $12 and total fixed cost, TFC =
$60,000. What is the level of output at which the firm will
a. 7,500
Answers for CYU
a. Incorrect. Try again; did you set the equation properly?
b. Incorrect. Try again; did you set the equation properly?
c. Correct. Yes, given the contribution margin this level of
output will yield a break-even for the firm.
d. Incorrect. Try again; did you set the equation properly?
Slide 10
Scene 10
Check Your Understanding #2
Herb-1: When Herb informed the team Katrina’s Candies could
implement the Board’s directive by engaging “capital
investment,” what Herb meant is Katrina’s Candies should
contact their firm’s investment banker to acquire financial
assets. Do you agree or disagree?
Herb-2-Agree: This is an incorrect response. Keep in mind that
while Katrina’s Candies financial asset portfolio would change
if it issued new stock. Herb meant Katrina’s Candies should
allocate money to the task of acquiring more capital--a new
physical building and new equipment and materials.
Herb-3-Disagree: You are correct! Herb was not referring to
financial assets. Instead, Herb meant Katrina’s Candies would
need to allocate more money to the task of acquiring more
capital--a new physical building and new equipment and
materials. If Ken and the Board choose capital investment as
the firm’s strategy, then the question of financing would arise.
Slide 11
Scene 11
Summary slide
Takes place in the conference room and recaps the lesson’s
main points.
Herb: This concludes my presentation. Does anyone have
any questions?
Ken: Thank you, Herb. That was a very comprehensive report
and I’m glad you incorporated some review activities. These
will really help out the Board with things they may not fully
grasp. This presentation was quite informative and will really
assist me when I meet with the Board. Before I tell you my
thoughts, does anyone have a question or comment?
Gigi: I think I can speak for the team when I say Herb’s report
was outstanding. When we worked with him individually, we
could not see fully where we were headed. Today’s
presentation really brought all of our individual efforts into
Maria: I concur! Great job, Herb!
Renee: Ditto, Herb! Fantastic job!
Gigi: Herb, based on your research and report, which option do
you recommend Katrina’s Candies should implement?
Herb: Thanks for your question, Gigi. When I started my
report, my full intent was to recommend a specific action;
however, by the time I arrived at the recommendations section
of the report I had changed my mind. I believe that since this is
a family business the final decision should be made by Ken.
Ken: Herb, I appreciate your sensitivity to this situation. The
Board’s directive has really challenged me! Today your
presentation re-invigorated me and provided me with final
information I need to respond to the Board. Unfortunately, I
cannot share my decision with the team before presenting it to
the Board. However, I will ask for special permission for the
team to attend the Board meeting so you can receive my
response at the same time I provide it to the Board.
Herb: That sounds great, Ken!
Ken: There is one more thing I would like to discuss before I
meet with the Board. Herb, you have done a fabulous job while
working for us here at Katrina’s Candies. I would like to speak
on behalf of everyone here and offer you a full time position
when you graduate from your MBA program. What do you say?
Herb: My answer is yes without any hesitation! I would love to
continue to be a part of Katrina’s Candies team and am
delighted you have offered me a position!
Ken: That is great, Herb! When you are close to graduating
contact me and we will gladly have you back with open arms.
Gigi: Congratulations, Herb! You deserve it!
Maria: Good work, Herb!
Renee: Can’t wait to continue working together with you once
you complete your graduate studies!
Herb: Thank you all for this opportunity and I will see you all
in a couple of months after graduation. Take care everyone and
don’t forget to complete your weekly threaded discussions
based on the key concepts we covered this week.!
Running head: Saving Lives of Cancer Patients
Electronic Filing System 20
Unit 2 Individual Project
Pamela Murk
Organizational Leadership (MPM332 -1601B -01)
CTU Online Courses
Robert Richardson
February 29, 2016
Table of Contents
My Proposal
Value of Importance to the Organization
Organizational Structure
Functional Organization Structure similar to deviations
Models for evaluating innovations
organization chart
Define Roles
Keirsey Temperament
Assessment Report for Pamela Murk
Personality type
Results relating to self
Comparison between Personality Types
The SWOT Chart
Impact Analysis
Identify Stakeholders
Positive Impact on stakeholders
Negative Impact on Stakeholders
Stakeholder management Plan
Power/Interest Grid
Power/Influence Grid
Influence/Impact Grid
Salience model
Based on Power
Based on Urgency
Based on Legitimacy
Stakeholders management and Communication Plan
Stakeholders desired and current level of engagement
Identify interrelationships and potential overlap between
Engage Stakeholders-5 strategies
Develop plan
Reach desired Level of Stakeholders
Communications Plan
Types of Communication
Group to receive communication
Authorization Plan of Stakeholders
Negotiation Strategy and Plan
Project Outline
1.Brief description of your project and why it is of value to the
organization. Cancer Hospital with electronic filing system
2.Material can be taken from the approved proposal that was
submitted to the instructor, and this will serve as the draft for
the proposal that you will be submitting to a potential publisher
in the next IP assignment.
3.Be sure this project is approved by the instructor.
Organizational Structure
1.Select an organizational structure described in the PMBOK
that most closely resembles the organization selected for this
Functional Organization Structure
2.Describe how it is similar to one of the structures along with
3. Pams Organizational Chart
Personality Type Assessment Results
Custom Keirsey Temperament Report for: Pamela Murk
3. Analyze the results of this assessment as it relates to you.
1and2. Your Keirsey Temperament Sorter Results indicates that
your personality type is that of the Guardians (SJ's) are the
cornerstone of society, for they are the temperament given to
serving and preserving our most important social institutions.
Guardians have natural talent in managing goods and services--
from supervision to maintenance and supply -- and they use all
their skills to keep things running smoothly in their families,
communities, schools, churches, hospitals, and businesses.
Guardians can have a lot of fun with their friends, but they are
quite serious about their duties and responsibilities. Guardians
take pride in being dependable and trustworthy; if there's a job
to be done, they can be counted on to put their shoulder to the
wheel. Guardians also believe in law and order, and sometimes
worry that respect for authority, even a fundamental sense of
right and wrong, are being lost. Perhaps this is why Guardians
honor customs and traditions so strongly -- they are familiar
patterns that help bring stability to our modern, fast-paced
Practical and down-to-earth, Guardians believe in following the
rules and cooperating with others. They are not very
comfortable winging it or blazing new trails; working steadily
within the system is the Guardian way, for in the long run
loyalty, discipline, and teamwork gets the job done right.
Guardians are meticulous about schedules and have a sharp eye
for proper procedures. They are cautious about change, even
though they know that change can be healthy for an institution.
Better to go slowly, they say, and look before you leap.
Guardians make up as much as 40 to 45 percent of the
population, and a good thing, because they usually end up doing
all the indispensable but thankless jobs everyone else takes for
Establishing and following a familiar daily routine is critical to
your well-being. In your ideal job, you and your coworkers
would all share information so that everyone could remain "on
the same page” as projects move forward. Because you
genuinely care about the people you work with, your colleagues
and your customers appreciate your unassuming kindness.
There are four kinds of Guardians: Guardian-Supervisors
(ESTJ), Guardian-Inspectors (ISTJ), Guardian-Providers
(ESFJ), and Guardian-Protectors (ISFJ). The first step to take is
to read your free Keirsey report (this is clickable below). We
offer several different reports, and the first one is on us. Let's
get started by taking a look at your first report. If you like what
you read and want to go deeper on the specific kind of Guardian
you are, you can do so by purchasing one of the other reports
we offer below. Thank you for taking the Keirsey Temperament
Personal Leadership Strengths & Opportunities for Development
List all of the attributes that are part of your personality type on
the left-hand side of a table such as the one shown below, and
then list across the top some of the top skills and attributes you
should possess as an effective project manager. You will place
an "x" in each of the cells that you believe your attribute would
contribute to that characteristic or skill. These are your
strengths that you would expand upon in a discussion format
below the table. Your opportunities for development are the
empty cells where you should develop your action plan to
develop these areas.
An example of a table you might develop is as follows:
Assignment Deliverables
Update your Key Assignment document title page with a new
Update previously completed sections based on the instructor's
Complete the New Content below, and copy it under the section
in the Key Assignment document called: "Personal Leadership
Strengths & Opportunities for Development."
New Content
Personal Leadership Strengths & Opportunities for Development
Create a table or use another method to determine your
strengths and opportunities for development to be an effective
project manager.
Discuss your strengths below the table or method that you use
to assess and why these are such important strengths to being a
competent project manager.
Develop an action plan that includes development activities to
address the opportunities for development.
Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.
Name the document LASTNAME_Firstname_MPM332_IP2.doc.
Impact Analysis on Organization Implementing Change
Identify your stakeholders. Consider and explain how your
project might be perceived by your stakeholders as impacting
them positively or negatively. Additionally, consider and
explain how your stakeholders might positively or negatively
influence the outcome of your project.
Now you need to further your stakeholder analysis in a manner
that will support developing a strategy for managing your
stakeholders’ engagement. To help you develop your strategy,
you have at your disposal four tools described in the PMBOK®
Guide Chapter 13, Section,
After you have completed your stakeholder analysis using these
four PMBOK® Guide tools, you use the information you have
discovered and documented to develop your stakeholder
management strategy as described in the PMBOK® Guide
Chapter 13, Section 13.2, “Plan Stakeholder Management."
Assignment Deliverables
1.Update the Key Assignment document title page with a new
2.Update the previously completed sections based on the
instructor's feedback.
3.Complete New Content below, and copy it under the sections
in Key Assignment document called "Impact Analysis on
Organization Implementing Change."
4.Complete your Stakeholder Register and Stakeholder Analysis
New Content
a.Stakeholder register
b.Stakeholder Analysis as follows:
i.Group your stakeholders based on their level of authority
(power) and their level of concern (interest) regarding the
outcome of your project in a Power/Interest Grid.
ii.Group your stakeholders based on their level of authority
(power) and active involvement (influence) regarding your
project in a Power/Influence Grid.
iii.Group your stakeholders based on their active involvement
(influence) and their ability to effect changes to the project's
planning or execution (impact) in an Influence/Impact Grid.
iv.Use the Salience model to describe the classes of
stakeholders based on their power (ability to impose their will),
urgency (need for immediate attention), and legitimacy (how
appropriate their involvement is)
5.Utilize the results of your stakeholder analysis to construct
your Stakeholders Engagement Assessment Matrix as described
in PMBOK Chapter 13: Section 2 and at the link titled
"Stakeholder Analysis Matrix" below in the Phase Resources.
You will use the information you gain from your stakeholder
analysis and assessment during your Phase 4 IP assignment to
develop your Stakeholder Management Plan that identifies your
strategies for effectively engaging your stakeholders.
6.Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.
Name the document LASTNAME_Firstname_MPM332_IP3.doc.
Stakeholder Management Plan
The two primary areas that you will thoroughly develop for this
assignment are a motivation strategy/campaign and a
communications plan based on your stakeholder analysis and
stakeholder management strategy you accomplished in Phase 3.
A table for identifying what stakeholder receives a particular
type of communication might appear as a communication matrix
as explained below.
Assignment Deliverables:
1.Update your Key Assignment document title page with a new
2.Update previously completed sections based on the
instructor's feedback.
3.Complete New Content below, and copy it under the sections
in Key Assignment document called Stakeholder Management
Plan and "Communications Plan."
New Content
◾Stakeholder Management Plan i.Identify desired and current
engagement levels of key stakeholders.
ii.Identify interrelationships and potential overlap between
iii.Identify at least 5 strategies you can use to engage your
iv.Develop a Stakeholder Management Plan that utilizes your
identified strategies to achieve your desired level of
stakeholders' engagement.
v.Describe how the information you have included in your
Stakeholder Management Plan will help you manage to achieve
your desired level of stakeholders' engagement.
◾Communications Management Plan i.Identify which types of
communication (such as regularly scheduled meetings, shared
media such as SharePoint, email, social media, hardcopy
reports, etc.) you will use to communicate project status. Be
specific on timeframes, the types of information that will be
shared, and the level of detail that will be shared with these
ii.Next, discuss which stakeholder groups will receive the
specific types of communication you have identified. This can
be done via a matrix or table by listing stakeholders in the left
column, the types of communications along the top, and an "x"
in the cells where a specific stakeholder group should receive a
particular type communication.
iii.Layout an authorization plan and who will need to sign-off
on specific communications or movement to the next phase in a
iv.Include samples of some of the reports or canned
communications that would be sent.
4.Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.
5.Name the document
Communications Plan
In the previous weeks, you selected an organization to develop
your Key Assignment around. In week 1, you assessed the
organizational structure and took a personality assessment. In
week 2, you analyzed your own strengths and weaknesses as an
effective project leader and developed an action plan for the
weaknesses. In week 3, you performed an impact analysis of
implementing your project and developed strategies for
involving the stakeholders in its implementation. In week 4, you
created the motivation campaign and a detailed communication
and approval plan.
Even with the best motivational campaigns and well-laid
communications plan, there may still be conflict that arises.
However, you have one more tool and technique available to
help you resolve this conflict because conflict can be a good
thing too. This tool is negotiating. In the final week, you are
revising the Key Assignment draft document based on feedback
from your instructor and peer. Under the last section, not yet
filled in, you will be developing a very detailed Negotiation
Strategy and Plan for unforeseen conflicts that were not
resolved during the initial Stakeholder Analysis.
The overall project deliverables are as follows:
1.Update previously completed sections based on the
instructor's feedback.
2.Complete New Content below and copy it under the section in
Key Assignment Document called "Negotiation Strategy and
Plan." ◦New Content ◾Negotiation Strategy & Plan ◾Identify at
least 5 potential situations or risk areas where negotiation may
be required such as conflict resolution.
◾Identify some of the negotiation techniques and strategies that
could prove to be useful for each of these risk areas. Explain
◾Identify the steps including preparation for and closure at the
end of the negotiation process.
◾Identify who will have the final decision-making authority in
the negotiation session.
◾Describe the negotiation process flow (you may use a
narrative description or a diagram with explanation).
3.Complete your Abstract (i.e., Section ii)
4.Update the Key Assignment title page with a new date.
5.Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.
6.Name the document
7.Submit the final Key Assignment document for grading.
Negotiation Strategy and Plan
What types of cancer are you interested in learning more about?
(0001). Retrieved February 28, 2016, from

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  • 1. ECO550 Week 10 Scenario Script: Long-term Investment Analysis Slide # Topic Narration Slide 1 Scene 1 An older cottage style family run business (Katrina’s Candies) Slide 2 Scene 2 Ken, Gigi, Renee, Maria and Herb meet in the conference room. Ken reminds the team that the meeting is to hear results of Herb’s research Ken: Good afternoon everyone. Gigi: Good afternoon Ken! Renee: Hello everyone. Maria: Hi Ken. Herb: Good afternoon everyone. Ken: Today we are meeting so Herb can present his recommendation regarding the Board’s directive to expand the global presence of Katrina’s Candies. Herb’s recommendation culminates nine weeks of exhausting work by each of you. I know each of you worked hard on this special project because at the same time you were also maintaining your daily responsibilities. I want to give a special thanks to each of you!
  • 2. Gigi: Thanks! Renee: Thank you, Ken! Herb: It was our pleasure! Maria: Thanks, Ken! Ken: You are all very welcome! Now as you know, Herb has been working with us part-time for the past nine weeks because he’s finishing his last four MBA courses at Strayer University’s Global Campus. During the nine-weeks, each of you supported Herb on this special project! Each of you also communicated in one way or another how very satisfied and happy you are to have Herb here. So, before Herb share’s his findings, let’s give him a hand! (Add clapping from Ken) The floor is now yours, Herb! Slide 3 Scene 3 Everyone is still in the conference room and Herb is beginning his presentation. Show projector screen showing “Determine the feasibility of expanding Katrina’s Candies global markets.” Show projector screen showing “Planning Period information.” Show projector screen showing “Demand Function #1.”
  • 3. Herb: Thank you, Ken, for the flattering introduction. I also want to thank the team for supporting me on this special project, Gigi, Renee, and Maria; I would not have made any progress on the project without your assistance. Gigi: It was our pleasure working with you, Herb! Herb: Let’s begin and start with how we have arrived at this point. I was first assigned the task of preparing an analysis of the Board’s proposal to expand the global component of Katrina’s Candies. Herb: First, My team and I met to create a plan of action. During this meeting we discussed and formulated a plan of action and assigned tasks. We also scheduled times for me to meet with each team member to implement specific tasks like creating a model as well as reviewing and discussing data. Herb: One of our first tasks was toformulate a useful model of demand for Katrina’s Candies Sugar-free chocolates and use the model to derive elasticity coefficients. Renee and I worked on this task. We started with a standard model of demand. The independent variables for this function were as follows: The per unit price of Katrina’s Sugar Free Chocolate; The price of a substitute good which was caffeinated coffee;
  • 4. The price of a complementary good; Income; and The number of buyers. Of course, the quantity of Katrina’s Candies Sugar Free Chocolate candy was the dependent variable. Keep in mind that the estimated version of this model did not produce expected results. According to t-tests, caffeinated coffee was not a substitute for chocolate. Our results also revealed the presence of multi-collinearity between water and income. Because of both these issues, Renee and I decided to drop coffee and water from the model along with the number of buyers. In the revised version of the model we included a dummy variable to capture the affect of sales in international markets. Slide 4 Scene 4 Everyone is still in the conference room and Herb is continuing his presentation. Show projector screen showing “Demand Function Revised.” Show projector screen showing “Contribution Margin Concept.” Herb: Here’s the estimated demand function and Katrina’s demand curve. The revised demand model performed better, coefficients were significant--including the coefficient on the dummy variable representing Katrina’s Candies global operations. The coefficient was positive which means the sale of the sugar free chocolates in international markets has contributed to Katrina’s Candies revenue. Herb: Next, Renee and I reviewed cost concepts to identify the
  • 5. concept most relevant to the Board’s proposed action to expand your global market. After evaluating both the average total cost approach and the contribution margin approach, we decided the contribution margin concept provides the information most relevant for our purposes. Keep in mind that the Contribution Margin is the most relevant cost measure because it gives information about the impact expansion decisions have on fixed costs. We then used the coefficients from the demand curve model to derive the price elasticity of demand for your sugar free chocolates. We can also use the contribution margin model to determine how much we need to produce to break-even in new markets. Slide 5 Scene 5 Everyone is still in the conference room and Herb is continuing his presentation. Show projector screen showing “Katrina’s Candies – Business Profile.” Herb: We then had to come up with a business profile for Katrina’s Candies and here is what we recorded: We learned that Katrina’s Candies is an oligopoly. We saw that the three largest firms in Katrina’s Candies market have a combined forty percent share of the chocolate candy market. We noted the mutual interdependence that characterizes oligopolistic markets means the three largest firms will react to its expansion decision. We noticed that the reactions of Katrina’s competitors will not include price changes because oligopolistsavoid price competition. Slide 6
  • 6. Scene 6 Everyone is still in the conference room and Herb is continuing his presentation. Show projector screen showing “Option 1 for Katrina’s Candies.” Herb: As we were reflecting on the meaning of the information we gathered, Ken’s interest in merging Katrina’s Candies with the largest Mexican manufacturer, La Chocolata, gave the team another possible way to expand. Herb: One of Katrina’s Candies options is to expand its Global Presence through a merger with LaChocolata. A merger would be categorized as a horizontal merger since both firms manufacture a final good. We would, however, need approval from the U.S. federal government and Katrina’s Candies Stockholders’ approval. According to the internal analysis conducted in relation to the Board’s proposed action, the merger would also enhance Katrina’s Candies revenue. Also the income coefficient generated for its demand function indicates the Sugar Free Chocolate should sell well in the lower income markets. One of the risks with using this option would be a loss of Katrina’s Candies identity as a small family owned business. That is something to keep in mind as well. Slide 7 Scene 7 Everyone is still in the conference room and Herb is continuing his presentation. Show projector screen showing “Option 2 for Katrina’s Candies.” Herb: Another option for Katrina’s Candies is to expand through Capital Investment. Using this option Katrina’s Candies wouldadd an annex devoted solely to manufacturer and export
  • 7. of its Sugar-Free Chocolate. Stockholder and government approval would not be required. Keep in mind that there are also U.S. and European Union initiatives that encourage and support the export of goods and services. These initiatives also provide support services that reduce fixed costs related to an export expansion. The risk associated with the investment option is the possibility of over-expansion and the uncertainty associated with world-wide business cycles. Herb: I covered a lot of material during this presentation and would like for you to go over some review materials I have put together. I believe these review materials will really solidify everything I have discussed today. Slide 8 Scene 8 Interaction Slide Will Review Key Concepts Discussed Create a interactive interface that contains links to the following resources (Items will be played from within Scenario via embedding) · Cost Analysis · · How to take charge and plan for the future of your business. · Slide 9 Scene 9 Check Your Understanding #1 Multiple Choice A firm produces and sells a product with price, P = $16, average variable cost, AVC = $12 and total fixed cost, TFC = $60,000. What is the level of output at which the firm will break-even. a. 7,500
  • 8. b.10,000 c.15,000 b.17,500 Answers for CYU a. Incorrect. Try again; did you set the equation properly? b. Incorrect. Try again; did you set the equation properly? c. Correct. Yes, given the contribution margin this level of output will yield a break-even for the firm. d. Incorrect. Try again; did you set the equation properly? Slide 10 Scene 10 Check Your Understanding #2 Herb-1: When Herb informed the team Katrina’s Candies could implement the Board’s directive by engaging “capital investment,” what Herb meant is Katrina’s Candies should contact their firm’s investment banker to acquire financial assets. Do you agree or disagree? Herb-2-Agree: This is an incorrect response. Keep in mind that while Katrina’s Candies financial asset portfolio would change if it issued new stock. Herb meant Katrina’s Candies should allocate money to the task of acquiring more capital--a new physical building and new equipment and materials. Herb-3-Disagree: You are correct! Herb was not referring to financial assets. Instead, Herb meant Katrina’s Candies would need to allocate more money to the task of acquiring more capital--a new physical building and new equipment and materials. If Ken and the Board choose capital investment as
  • 9. the firm’s strategy, then the question of financing would arise. Slide 11 Scene 11 Summary slide Takes place in the conference room and recaps the lesson’s main points. Herb: This concludes my presentation. Does anyone have any questions? Ken: Thank you, Herb. That was a very comprehensive report and I’m glad you incorporated some review activities. These will really help out the Board with things they may not fully grasp. This presentation was quite informative and will really assist me when I meet with the Board. Before I tell you my thoughts, does anyone have a question or comment? Gigi: I think I can speak for the team when I say Herb’s report was outstanding. When we worked with him individually, we could not see fully where we were headed. Today’s presentation really brought all of our individual efforts into focus. Maria: I concur! Great job, Herb! Renee: Ditto, Herb! Fantastic job! Gigi: Herb, based on your research and report, which option do you recommend Katrina’s Candies should implement? Herb: Thanks for your question, Gigi. When I started my report, my full intent was to recommend a specific action; however, by the time I arrived at the recommendations section of the report I had changed my mind. I believe that since this is a family business the final decision should be made by Ken. Ken: Herb, I appreciate your sensitivity to this situation. The
  • 10. Board’s directive has really challenged me! Today your presentation re-invigorated me and provided me with final information I need to respond to the Board. Unfortunately, I cannot share my decision with the team before presenting it to the Board. However, I will ask for special permission for the team to attend the Board meeting so you can receive my response at the same time I provide it to the Board. Herb: That sounds great, Ken! Ken: There is one more thing I would like to discuss before I meet with the Board. Herb, you have done a fabulous job while working for us here at Katrina’s Candies. I would like to speak on behalf of everyone here and offer you a full time position when you graduate from your MBA program. What do you say? Herb: My answer is yes without any hesitation! I would love to continue to be a part of Katrina’s Candies team and am delighted you have offered me a position! Ken: That is great, Herb! When you are close to graduating contact me and we will gladly have you back with open arms. Gigi: Congratulations, Herb! You deserve it! Maria: Good work, Herb! Renee: Can’t wait to continue working together with you once you complete your graduate studies! Herb: Thank you all for this opportunity and I will see you all in a couple of months after graduation. Take care everyone and don’t forget to complete your weekly threaded discussions based on the key concepts we covered this week.!
  • 11. Running head: Saving Lives of Cancer Patients Electronic Filing System 20 Unit 2 Individual Project Pamela Murk Organizational Leadership (MPM332 -1601B -01) CTU Online Courses Robert Richardson February 29, 2016 Table of Contents Introduction My Proposal Value of Importance to the Organization Organizational Structure PMBOK Functional Organization Structure similar to deviations Models for evaluating innovations organization chart Define Roles Keirsey Temperament Assessment Report for Pamela Murk Personality type Results relating to self Comparison between Personality Types Guardians Idealists Artisans Rationals The SWOT Chart
  • 12. Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Impact Analysis Identify Stakeholders Positive Impact on stakeholders Negative Impact on Stakeholders Stakeholder management Plan Power/Interest Grid Power/Influence Grid Influence/Impact Grid Salience model Based on Power Based on Urgency Based on Legitimacy Stakeholders management and Communication Plan Stakeholders desired and current level of engagement Identify interrelationships and potential overlap between stakeholders Engage Stakeholders-5 strategies Develop plan Reach desired Level of Stakeholders Communications Plan Types of Communication Group to receive communication Authorization Plan of Stakeholders Negotiation Strategy and Plan Conclusion References 1. Project Outline
  • 13. 1.Brief description of your project and why it is of value to the organization. Cancer Hospital with electronic filing system 2.Material can be taken from the approved proposal that was submitted to the instructor, and this will serve as the draft for the proposal that you will be submitting to a potential publisher in the next IP assignment. 3.Be sure this project is approved by the instructor. Organizational Structure 1.Select an organizational structure described in the PMBOK that most closely resembles the organization selected for this project. Functional Organization Structure 2.Describe how it is similar to one of the structures along with deviations. 3. Pams Organizational Chart Personality Type Assessment Results Custom Keirsey Temperament Report for: Pamela Murk 3. Analyze the results of this assessment as it relates to you. 1and2. Your Keirsey Temperament Sorter Results indicates that your personality type is that of the Guardians (SJ's) are the cornerstone of society, for they are the temperament given to serving and preserving our most important social institutions. Guardians have natural talent in managing goods and services-- from supervision to maintenance and supply -- and they use all their skills to keep things running smoothly in their families, communities, schools, churches, hospitals, and businesses.
  • 14. Guardians can have a lot of fun with their friends, but they are quite serious about their duties and responsibilities. Guardians take pride in being dependable and trustworthy; if there's a job to be done, they can be counted on to put their shoulder to the wheel. Guardians also believe in law and order, and sometimes worry that respect for authority, even a fundamental sense of right and wrong, are being lost. Perhaps this is why Guardians honor customs and traditions so strongly -- they are familiar patterns that help bring stability to our modern, fast-paced world. Practical and down-to-earth, Guardians believe in following the rules and cooperating with others. They are not very comfortable winging it or blazing new trails; working steadily within the system is the Guardian way, for in the long run loyalty, discipline, and teamwork gets the job done right. Guardians are meticulous about schedules and have a sharp eye for proper procedures. They are cautious about change, even though they know that change can be healthy for an institution. Better to go slowly, they say, and look before you leap. Guardians make up as much as 40 to 45 percent of the population, and a good thing, because they usually end up doing all the indispensable but thankless jobs everyone else takes for granted. Establishing and following a familiar daily routine is critical to your well-being. In your ideal job, you and your coworkers would all share information so that everyone could remain "on the same page” as projects move forward. Because you genuinely care about the people you work with, your colleagues and your customers appreciate your unassuming kindness. There are four kinds of Guardians: Guardian-Supervisors (ESTJ), Guardian-Inspectors (ISTJ), Guardian-Providers (ESFJ), and Guardian-Protectors (ISFJ). The first step to take is
  • 15. to read your free Keirsey report (this is clickable below). We offer several different reports, and the first one is on us. Let's get started by taking a look at your first report. If you like what you read and want to go deeper on the specific kind of Guardian you are, you can do so by purchasing one of the other reports we offer below. Thank you for taking the Keirsey Temperament Sorter! 3. Personal Leadership Strengths & Opportunities for Development List all of the attributes that are part of your personality type on the left-hand side of a table such as the one shown below, and then list across the top some of the top skills and attributes you should possess as an effective project manager. You will place an "x" in each of the cells that you believe your attribute would contribute to that characteristic or skill. These are your strengths that you would expand upon in a discussion format below the table. Your opportunities for development are the empty cells where you should develop your action plan to develop these areas. An example of a table you might develop is as follows: Vision/ChangeCommunicationDisciplineExecuting Plansystematicxxlogicallyxxthoroughxxxrealistxx Assignment Deliverables Update your Key Assignment document title page with a new date. Update previously completed sections based on the instructor's feedback. Complete the New Content below, and copy it under the section in the Key Assignment document called: "Personal Leadership Strengths & Opportunities for Development." New Content
  • 16. Personal Leadership Strengths & Opportunities for Development Create a table or use another method to determine your strengths and opportunities for development to be an effective project manager. Discuss your strengths below the table or method that you use to assess and why these are such important strengths to being a competent project manager. Develop an action plan that includes development activities to address the opportunities for development. Be sure to update your table of contents before submission. Name the document LASTNAME_Firstname_MPM332_IP2.doc. Impact Analysis on Organization Implementing Change Identify your stakeholders. Consider and explain how your project might be perceived by your stakeholders as impacting them positively or negatively. Additionally, consider and explain how your stakeholders might positively or negatively influence the outcome of your project. Now you need to further your stakeholder analysis in a manner that will support developing a strategy for managing your stakeholders’ engagement. To help you develop your strategy, you have at your disposal four tools described in the PMBOK® Guide Chapter 13, Section, After you have completed your stakeholder analysis using these four PMBOK® Guide tools, you use the information you have discovered and documented to develop your stakeholder management strategy as described in the PMBOK® Guide
  • 17. Chapter 13, Section 13.2, “Plan Stakeholder Management." Assignment Deliverables 1.Update the Key Assignment document title page with a new date. 2.Update the previously completed sections based on the instructor's feedback. 3.Complete New Content below, and copy it under the sections in Key Assignment document called "Impact Analysis on Organization Implementing Change." 4.Complete your Stakeholder Register and Stakeholder Analysis New Content a.Stakeholder register b.Stakeholder Analysis as follows: i.Group your stakeholders based on their level of authority (power) and their level of concern (interest) regarding the outcome of your project in a Power/Interest Grid. ii.Group your stakeholders based on their level of authority (power) and active involvement (influence) regarding your project in a Power/Influence Grid. iii.Group your stakeholders based on their active involvement (influence) and their ability to effect changes to the project's planning or execution (impact) in an Influence/Impact Grid. iv.Use the Salience model to describe the classes of stakeholders based on their power (ability to impose their will), urgency (need for immediate attention), and legitimacy (how appropriate their involvement is) 5.Utilize the results of your stakeholder analysis to construct your Stakeholders Engagement Assessment Matrix as described in PMBOK Chapter 13: Section 2 and at the link titled "Stakeholder Analysis Matrix" below in the Phase Resources. You will use the information you gain from your stakeholder analysis and assessment during your Phase 4 IP assignment to develop your Stakeholder Management Plan that identifies your strategies for effectively engaging your stakeholders.
  • 18. 6.Be sure to update your table of contents before submission. Name the document LASTNAME_Firstname_MPM332_IP3.doc. Stakeholder Management Plan The two primary areas that you will thoroughly develop for this assignment are a motivation strategy/campaign and a communications plan based on your stakeholder analysis and stakeholder management strategy you accomplished in Phase 3. A table for identifying what stakeholder receives a particular type of communication might appear as a communication matrix as explained below. Assignment Deliverables: 1.Update your Key Assignment document title page with a new date. 2.Update previously completed sections based on the instructor's feedback. 3.Complete New Content below, and copy it under the sections in Key Assignment document called Stakeholder Management Plan and "Communications Plan." New Content ◾Stakeholder Management Plan i.Identify desired and current engagement levels of key stakeholders. ii.Identify interrelationships and potential overlap between stakeholders. iii.Identify at least 5 strategies you can use to engage your stakeholders. iv.Develop a Stakeholder Management Plan that utilizes your identified strategies to achieve your desired level of stakeholders' engagement. v.Describe how the information you have included in your Stakeholder Management Plan will help you manage to achieve your desired level of stakeholders' engagement.
  • 19. ◾Communications Management Plan i.Identify which types of communication (such as regularly scheduled meetings, shared media such as SharePoint, email, social media, hardcopy reports, etc.) you will use to communicate project status. Be specific on timeframes, the types of information that will be shared, and the level of detail that will be shared with these tools. ii.Next, discuss which stakeholder groups will receive the specific types of communication you have identified. This can be done via a matrix or table by listing stakeholders in the left column, the types of communications along the top, and an "x" in the cells where a specific stakeholder group should receive a particular type communication. iii.Layout an authorization plan and who will need to sign-off on specific communications or movement to the next phase in a project. iv.Include samples of some of the reports or canned communications that would be sent. 4.Be sure to update your table of contents before submission. 5.Name the document LASTNAME_Firstname_MPM332_IP4.doc. Communications Plan In the previous weeks, you selected an organization to develop your Key Assignment around. In week 1, you assessed the organizational structure and took a personality assessment. In week 2, you analyzed your own strengths and weaknesses as an effective project leader and developed an action plan for the weaknesses. In week 3, you performed an impact analysis of implementing your project and developed strategies for involving the stakeholders in its implementation. In week 4, you created the motivation campaign and a detailed communication and approval plan. Even with the best motivational campaigns and well-laid
  • 20. communications plan, there may still be conflict that arises. However, you have one more tool and technique available to help you resolve this conflict because conflict can be a good thing too. This tool is negotiating. In the final week, you are revising the Key Assignment draft document based on feedback from your instructor and peer. Under the last section, not yet filled in, you will be developing a very detailed Negotiation Strategy and Plan for unforeseen conflicts that were not resolved during the initial Stakeholder Analysis. Deliverables The overall project deliverables are as follows: 1.Update previously completed sections based on the instructor's feedback. 2.Complete New Content below and copy it under the section in Key Assignment Document called "Negotiation Strategy and Plan." ◦New Content ◾Negotiation Strategy & Plan ◾Identify at least 5 potential situations or risk areas where negotiation may be required such as conflict resolution. ◾Identify some of the negotiation techniques and strategies that could prove to be useful for each of these risk areas. Explain why. ◾Identify the steps including preparation for and closure at the end of the negotiation process. ◾Identify who will have the final decision-making authority in the negotiation session. ◾Describe the negotiation process flow (you may use a narrative description or a diagram with explanation). 3.Complete your Abstract (i.e., Section ii) 4.Update the Key Assignment title page with a new date. 5.Be sure to update your table of contents before submission. 6.Name the document
  • 21. LASTNAME_Firstname_MPM332_IP5.doc. 7.Submit the final Key Assignment document for grading. Negotiation Strategy and Plan References: What types of cancer are you interested in learning more about? (0001). Retrieved February 28, 2016, from