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Ash ECE 353 Entire Course NEW
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ECE 353 Entire Course NEW
ECE 353 Week 1 Discussions 1 Theories And Theoretical
Frameworks (Piagetian Theory/Nativist Approaches)
ECE 353 Week 1 Discussions 2 Genetic And Biological
Factors NEW
ECE 353 Week 2 Assignment How The Brain Learns NEW
ECE 353 Week 2 Discussions 1 Brain Development NEW
ECE 353 Week 3 Assignment Role Of Families And The
Community NEW
ECE 353 Week 3 Discussions 1 Cognitive And Conceptual
Development NEW
ECE 353 Week 3 Discussions 2 Theory Of Mind NEW
ECE 353 Week 4 Discussions 1 Problem Solving And
Reasoning NEW
ECE 353 Week 4 Discussions 2 Relationships Between
Cognitive, Language, And Motor Development NEW
ECE 353 Week 5 Discussions 1 Cognitive Development
And Learning NEW
ECE 353 Week 5 Discussions 2 Intellectual Development
ECE 353 Week 5 Final Project Professional Development
Experience (2 PPT) NEW
ASH ECE 353 Week 1 Discussions 1 Theories And
Theoretical Frameworks (Piagetian Theory/Nativist
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ECE 353 Week 1 Discussions 1 Theories And Theoretical
Frameworks (Piagetian Theory/Nativist Approaches)
Theories and Theoretical Frameworks. As an early
childhood professional, it is expected you will
understand and apply foundational knowledge and
theories in the field. Foundational knowledge and
theoretical understanding provides a framework for you
to utilize when you are working with infants, toddlers,
and school-aged children. Additionally, your
understanding of the foundational knowledge and
theories will inform and shape your professional
practices. For this discussion you will start by
completing the Theoretical Frameworks Venn Diagram
using your assigned grouping below. If you are unsure of
how to complete a Venn diagram, the video How to Make
a Venn Diagramprovides a helpful lesson. When
completing your Venn Diagram, make sure to include
the foundations of each theory, how the theory connects
to the four main themes shared in Chapter 1 of the
course text (nature/nurture, continuous/discontinuous,
domain specific vs. domain general, performance and
competence), and the limitations of the theory. Before
starting your discussion, it will help to review the Week
One Instructor Guidance for additional information,
resources, and support for excelling in this discussion.
First Letter of Last Name Theories to Compare and
Last Name Begins with A-F Piagetian Theory/ Social
Constructivist Theory
Last Name Begins with G-L Nativist Approaches/
Information Processing Approaches
Last Name Begins with M-S Piagetian Theory/Nativist
Last Name Begins with T-Z Social/Constructivist
Theory/ Information Processing Approaches
After completing the Venn diagram, compose a response
addressing the items listed below. Include your
reflection and the Venn diagram with your initial post.
Click the paperclip icon below the message area in your
post to attach your Venn diagram.
1. a) Explain how the theoretical frameworks shared in
your Venn diagram support cognitive development.
Make sure to include at least one example to support
your reasoning.
2. b) Discuss which of the theoretical perspectives
resonates with you the most, the least, and provide a
rationale as to why.
3. c) Provide at least one example of how knowledge of
these theoretical perspectives may influence your
ability to provide quality experiences that support
cognitive development beginning with infants and
4. d) If you are currently working with children, explain
how these theories/approaches influence your work. If
you are not currently working with children, explain
how you see these theories/approaches impacting your
future work with young children.
ASH ECE 353 Week 1 Discussions 2 Genetic And
Biological Factors
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ECE 353 Week 1 Discussions 2 Genetic And Biological
Genetic and Biological Factors. Genetic, biological, and
environmental factors are known to a have significant
impact on the development of all children, including
children with attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD), autism, dyslexia, and other
neurodevelopmental disorders. For children with
specific disorders, there are multiple genetic, biological,
and environmental factors that work together to create
a spectrum of neurobiological symptoms. For many of
these disorders there is not a single cause but rather a
number of potential contributing factors that can
exacerbate and elucidate symptoms. In the field of child
development, you will work with a variety of children,
including those who have developmental disorders. It is
important to understand the various factors that
contribute to their diagnosis. Before responding to this
discussion, review the Week One Instructor Guidance
page for additional information, resources, and support.
Choose one of the following disorders: ADHD, autism,
dyslexia, Asperger’s, or Down syndrome. Next,
familiarize yourself with your chosen disorder by
locating and reading at least one scholarly article about
the disorder. If you need help locating an article, you can
find some to use in the recommend resources of the
Week Two Overview.
After completing research about your chosen disorder,
address the following:
1. a) Explain how genetic, biological, and environmental
factors influence the disorder (e.g., etiology) using one
scholarly resource and the textbook to support your
2. b) Define the disorder including the typical behaviors
and/or cognitive symptoms you might observe in a
classroom or other professional setting (e.g.,
inattention, hyperactivity, poor eye contact).
3. c) Discuss one strategy that you would implement
when working with a child with a neurodevelopmental
disorder? Why did you choose this specific strategy?
ASH ECE 353 Week 2 Assignment How The Brain Learns
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ECE 353 Week 2 Assignment How The Brain Learns
How the Brain Learns. In Chapters 3 and 4 of your
primary text, Farrar and Montgomery discuss executive
functioning and memory development (2015), you
learned about factors that influence brain development.
For this assignment, you will build upon that knowledge
by further investigating how the brain learns.
Remember that working memory, attention, and
executive functions are interconnected and are crucial
to the learning process. This includes the ability for a
child to pay attention, demonstrate inhibitory control,
and goal-directed behavior. Children may possess
varying degrees of each of these functions, but they
work together to create cognitive control and flexibility.
For this assignment, you will assume the role of a
professional development coordinator for your state’s
early childhood programs and develop a flyer titled
“How the Brain Learns” that informs families about the
role of working memory, attention, and executive
function in learning and development. You may develop
your flyer using Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher.
Before completing this assignment, review the Week
Two Instructor Guidance for additional information,
resources, and support. Additionally, review the Grading
Rubric for this assignment to understand how you will
be evaluated and contact your instructor using the “Ask
Your Instructor” discussion before the due date with
ASH ECE 353 Week 2 Discussions 1 Brain Development
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ECE 353 Week 2 Discussions 1 Brain Development
Brain Development. During early childhood, our brains
are continuously modified by environmental influences.
It is now widely accepted that a child’s environment and
early life experiences affect the development, health,
and structure of their brain. Perhaps the most intriguing
aspect of the brain is its ability to change structurally
and functionally in response to external stimuli, which is
known as neuroplasticity. Watch the video
Neuroplasticity to learn more about this concept (Sentis,
2012). Additionally, it is now believed that positive and
stimulating environments promote healthy brain
development. However, many children are exposed to
environments that have negative consequences on brain
development. Child abuse (physical, sexual, mental),
poverty, trauma, and neglect constitute environmental
influences that present the maturing child's brain with
experiences that will crucially and potentially adversely
affect the child's future development and functioning.
There are two parts to this discussion. Before
responding to this discussion, review the Week Two
Instructor Guidance for additional information and
Part I: Using information from the textbook to support
your response, address the following:
1. a) Discuss the impact of environment on brain
development. Support this point with at least one
scholarly source in addition to the course text.
2. b) Explain the concept of neuroplasticity as it relates
to positive and negative life experiences. Please provide
a specific example to support your thinking.
Part II: Read one article from the list below and use it to
support your response to the following:
1. a) Based on the article you chose, discuss how
poverty and/or a specific type of trauma impacts brain
development and behavior. Make sure to also state the
article you read.
2. b) Explain how you will use this “trauma informed”
perspective in understanding and working with
3. c) Discuss what you would do differently as a
professional now that you have this knowledge and if
your view of “trauma” has changed?
4. d) Describe what approach you might take when you
need to talk to a family about a situation where the
child’s academic performance and/or behavior is being
impacted by trauma. What specifically would you want
to discuss with the family?
 Article 1: The Toll of ACEs: Adverse Childhood
Experiences and Their Effect on Lifelong Health (
Suginaka&Boose, 2014)
 Article 2: Complex Trauma in Children and
Adolescents (Cook, et al., 2007)
 Article 3: Neuropsychological Assessment in Clinical
Evaluation of Children and Adolescents with Complex
Trauma (Gabowitz, Zucker, & Cook, 2008)
 Article 4: Traumatized Children: How Childhood
Trauma Influences Brain Development (Perry, 2000)
ASH ECE 353 Week 3 Assignment Role Of Families And
The Community
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ECE 353 Week 3 Assignment Role Of Families And The
Role of Families and the Community [CLOs: 4]. Due by
Day 7. One responsibility of professionals when working
with children is offering support for families by sharing
information with them about developmentally
appropriate strategies for their children and the
availability of resources in their community. Recall that
during Week Two you developed a flyer that taught the
families that you work with about the role of working
memory, attention, and executive function in learning
and development. Now, imagine the principal of a local
school district saw your flyer and has invited you to
submit a proposal for an upcoming district-wide
professional development conference. Your proposal
will need to analyze the role that families and
communities play in promoting optimal cognitive
development for a specific age group of children. Before
starting your assignment, review the Week Three
Instructor Guidance for additional information,
resources, and support. Additionally, review the Grading
Rubric for this assignment to understand how you will
be evaluated and contact your instructor using the “Ask
Your Instructor” discussion before the due date with
To begin, choose which age group your proposal will
focus on:
• Option 1: Infants and Toddlers (Ages 0-2)
• Option 2: Preschoolers (Ages 3-5)
• Option 3: School-Aged (Ages 6-8)
ASH ECE 353 Week 3 Discussions 1 Cognitive And
Conceptual Development NEW
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ECE 353 Week 3 Discussions 1 Cognitive And Conceptual
Development NEW
Cognitive and Conceptual Development. “Concepts are
fundamental to human cognition because of their use in
many forms of thinking, such as problem-solving,
categorization, and inductive inferences” (Farrar &
Montgomery, 2015, p. 186). To apply your
understanding of cognitive and conceptual
development, it is important to first understand the
three different theories of concept development that are
commonly used. Chapters 5 in your primary text discuss
the following theories: the classical view of conceptual
development (the ideas that all concepts are defined by
a set of necessary and sufficient features), prototype or
probabilistic view (concepts are compared to a
prototype based on family resemblance or similarity),
and the theory-based concept view (explanatory
principles, such as an object’s origins, are a component
of conceptual representation) (Farrar & Montgomery,
2015). In this discussion, you will apply your
understanding of these three theories by examining the
relationship between cognitive and conceptual
development. Before responding in this discussion,
review the Week Three Instructor Guidance page for
additional information, resources, and support.
Case Study: Please refer to the case study in the
Introduction section of Chapter 5 of your textbook for
this week’s discussion. Address the following points as
they relate to the case study:
1. a) Explain which theories of conceptual development
are present in the case study. Provide an example to
support your thinking.
2. b) Examine the relationships between cognitive and
conceptual development that are present in the case
3. c) Discuss which theory of cognitive development
would support Ms. Serrano’s experience with her
students. Support your response with evidence from the
4. d) Consider your current or future work setting.
Provide two strategies you can use to support
conceptual development in the children with whom you
currently work or will work with. Support your
response with at least one scholarly source.
ASH ECE 353 Week 3 Discussions 2 Theory Of Mind
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ECE 353 Week 3 Discussions 2 Theory Of Mind
Theory of Mind. Theory of Mind is a theory of
psychological and developmental roots that is defined
by the ability of a child to attribute mental states such as
beliefs, feelings, knowledge, thoughts, intents to oneself
and others and to understand that others have beliefs
and feelings that are different than one’s own. The
diagram below represents the five foundational
components of theory of mind that emerge between ages
2 and 5 that were shared in Chapter 6 of our course
text,Cognitive development of children: Research and
application . Understanding this developmental
sequence is critical in being able to support children as
they grow and develop cognitively.
Before responding to this discussion, review the Week
Three Instructor Guidance page for additional
information, resources, and support.
For this discussion, choose one of the scenarios below to
create an example for:
• Option 1: Provide an example of one conceptual
perspective-taking challenge a child faces when
interacting with teachers and peers upon entry into
preschool or kindergarten.
• Option 2: Provide an example of how 3- and 4-year-old
children’s gullibility places them at risk.
• Option 3: Provide an example of either a drawback or
benefit of trying to accelerate preschoolers’
understanding of deception.
• Option 4: Provide an example of how you can apply
Theory of Mind to understanding symptoms associated
with either autism or Asperger’s disorders.
ASH ECE 353 Week 4 Discussions 1 Problem Solving And
Reasoning NEW
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ECE 353 Week 4 Discussions 1 Problem Solving And
Reasoning NEW
Problem Solving and Reasoning. There are many ways in
which cultural differences impact cognitive
development. One of the areas in which we see the
impact relating to cultural differences is with the
development of reasoning and problem solving skills as
is discussed in Chapter 8 of our textbook. “Because our
habits of mind are influenced by our cultural and
historical circumstances, the decision- making
strategies that we seek to promote in students reflect
our own culture” (Brenner & Parks, 2001). We must be
aware of this and ensure that we are taking the cultural
backgrounds of the children we work with into
consideration as we help them to develop the ability to
reason and solve problems. In this discussion, you will
examine the social and cultural impacts on cognitive
development by taking a deeper look at the
development of reasoning and problem solving skills.
Before responding to this discussion, review the Week
Four Instructor Guidance for additional information,
resources, and support.
1. a) Explain how cognitive characteristics help children
learn how to reason, when these abilities to reason
develop, and the role social skills play in the ability to
reason. Use examples to support your thinking.
2. b) Discuss the cognitive characteristics that help
children learn how to develop problem solving skills
including the role culture plays in the way a child
reasons or solves problems.
3. c) Describe how the development of reasoning and
problem solving skills relates to Vygotsky’s social
constructivist approach and the Zone of Proximal
Development (ZPD). Use one additional scholarly source
and examples to support your thinking.
4. d) Examine the cultural considerations that need to be
taken into account when planning strategies to develop
reasoning and problem solving skills. Provide a specific
example for both reasoning and problem solving that
supports your examination.
ASH ECE 353 Week 4 Discussions 2 Relationships
Between Cognitive, Language, And Motor Development
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ECE 353 Week 4 Discussions 2 Relationships Between
Cognitive, Language, And Motor Development NEW
Relationships Between Cognitive, Language, and Motor
Development. Cognitive, language, and motor skills are
often thought to be closely interrelated developmental
areas, because as children develop in these domains,
they appear to demonstrate correlated developmental
pathways. For this discussion you will need to choose
one age group from the chart below and review all three
videos for the age group you choose. After watching
Pollack’s (n.d.) videos, address the points listed below.
Before responding to this discussion, review the Week
Four Instructor Guidance for additional information,
resources, and support.
Developmental Age Videos to Watch
Two Year Olds Age 2 Cognitive Development Milestones
Age 2 Language Milestones
Age 2 Motor Development Milestones
Four Year Olds Age 4 Cognitive Development Milestones
Age 4 Language Milestones
Age 4 Motor Development Milestones
Six and Seven Year Olds Age 6 & Age 7 Cognitive
Development Milestones
Age 6 & Age 7 Language Development Milestones
Age 6 & Age 7 Motor Development Milestones
• a) Explain the cognitive, linguistic, and motor
milestones for this particular age group.
• b) Discuss the connection and/or relationship
between cognitive, language, and motor skills and the
areas of the brain associated with language and motor
functioning. Support your discussion with at least one
additional scholarly source.
• c) Give an example of how you might see this
relationship inside and/or outside of the classroom.
Make sure your example addresses the connection
between each domain.
• d) Discuss how you can apply a strategy in the
classroom or in a professional setting that incorporates
and utilizes these three developmental skills.
ASH ECE 353 Week 5 Discussions 1 Cognitive
Development And Learning NEW
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ECE 353 Week 5 Discussions 1 Cognitive Development
And Learning NEW
Cognitive Development and Learning. Formal schooling
plays a large role helping children to develop
cognitively. Along with their home and social
environments, experiences in school continue to foster
children’s development of cognitive skills and
strategies. In school, children learn new ideas, concepts,
skills and are provided with the opportunity to engage
in activities where they can explore and experiment. For
this discussion, you will begin by reviewing one of the
videos below. Before responding to this discussion,
review the Week Five Instructor Guidance for additional
information, resources, and support.
Brief Description of Video Link to Video
A Pre-K teacher shares a story with her students (n.d.).
Interactive Read Aloud
A Kindergarten teacher helps their students to learn
about the letter S(Pasley& Shields, 2011). Letter of the
Week: "S" Is for Scarecrow
A Kindergarten teacher teaches their students
about counting (Weimberg& Ryan, 2013). Beyond
Fingers: Place Value & the Numbers 11-19
A third grade teacher teachers their students
about number patterns (2012). Discover Number
Patterns With Skip Counting
• a) Discuss three different strategies the teacher used
during the lesson to enhance cognition. Some ideas
include memory, social/emotional needs, cognitive
skills necessary for different academic areas, or the
characteristics of effective classrooms.
• b) Examine how the three strategies influence
cognitive development.
• c) Explain how the teacher could continue to reinforce
the cognitive abilities of their students after the lesson.
Intellectual Development. Educators in the United States
public school classroom often work with children of
varying levels of ability. Children in your classroom may
have Individualized Education Plans (IEP) that require
specific accommodations and modifications. As part of
the process of an IEP, a school psychologist evaluates the
child’s intellectual functioning using a variety of
intellectual and achievement tests. Once the IEP meeting
takes place, various providers (including possibly
speech therapy and occupational therapy) will also be
present at the meeting. For the purpose of this
discussion, we focus specifically on the role of a school
psychologist and intelligence testing using a case study
from your textbook. In addition to using the case study
as support for your initial reply, read and include
support from the articleIntelligence: Foundations and
Issues in Assessment(Gottfredson&Saklofske, 2009).
Before responding in this discussion, review the Week
Five Instructor Guidance page for additional
information, resources, and support.
Case Study: Please refer to the case study in the
Introduction section of Chapter 10 of your textbook to
review the case study for this week’s discussion. After
reading the case study and article, reflect on the
following in your initial reply:
1. a) Discuss the importance of intelligence testing and
one of the controversies discussed in the article and/or
the course textbook.
2. b) Explain whether or not it would have been
appropriate for Dr. Williams to provide some hints to
help the child during testing. Why or why not?
3. c) Discuss whether or not you believe an intelligence
test would provide enough information to make a
decision about Michael’s educational placement. Why or
why not? If not, what other information should Dr.
Williams gather?
4. d) Considering that Michael is a very young child,
explain how her age could factor into the decision in
favor of or against placement into a special education
5. e) Describe other factors (e.g., environmental,
genetic, biological, etc.) that may be contributing to
Michael’s performance and IQ score during testing
(without mentioning any diagnoses).
ASH ECE 353 Week 5 Discussions 2 Intellectual
Development NEW
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ECE 353 Week 5 Discussions 2 Intellectual Development
intellectual development. educators in the united states
public school classroom often work with children of
varying levels of ability. children in your classroom may
have individualized education plans (iep) that require
specific accommodations and modifications. as part of
the process of an iep, a school psychologist evaluates the
child’s intellectual functioning using a variety of
intellectual and achievement tests. once the iep meeting
takes place, various providers (including possibly
speech therapy and occupational therapy) will also be
present at the meeting. for the purpose of this
discussion, we focus specifically on the role of a school
psychologist and intelligence testing using a case study
from your textbook. in addition to using the case study
as support for your initial reply, read and include
support from the articleintelligence: foundations and
issues in assessment(gottfredson&saklofske, 2009).
before responding in this discussion, review the week
five instructor guidance page for additional information,
resources, and support.
case study: please refer to the case study in the
introduction section of chapter 10 of your textbook to
review the case study for this week’s discussion. after
reading the case study and article, reflect on the
following in your initial reply:
1. a) discuss the importance of intelligence testing and
one of the controversies discussed in the article and/or
the course textbook.
2. b) explain whether or not it would have been
appropriate for dr. williams to provide some hints to
help the child during testing. why or why not?
3. c) discuss whether or not you believe an intelligence
test would provide enough information to make a
decision about michael’s educational placement. why or
why not? if not, what other information should dr.
williams gather?
4. d) considering that michael is a very young child,
explain how her age could factor into the decision in
favor of or against placement into a special education
5. e) describe other factors (e.g., environmental, genetic,
biological, etc.) that may be contributing to michael’s
performance and iq score during testing (without
mentioning any diagnoses).
ASH ECE 353 Week 5 Final Project Professional
Development Experience (2 PPT) NEW
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ECE 353 Week 5 Final Project Professional Development
Experience (2 PPT) NEW
Professional Development Experience. Being an
effective early childhood professional requires more
than a passion for teaching or ability to work well with
children. In the first five years of life, the most critical
skills are formed by creating synaptic connections that
are key to cognitive, social, physical, and emotional
development. Because of their developmental stage, the
environment you provide as an early educator will set
the foundation for each child’s K- 12 learning experience
and beyond. However, as an early childhood
professional, you will not work in isolation. Other
professionals contribute to service provided to this
population, including speech and language pathologists,
occupational therapists, school psychologists, and
educational advocates. Therefore, it is essential that as
an early childhood professional you are able to
communicate effectively with other professionals.
Scenario: The principal from a local school district was
impressed with the proposal you wrote for him about
the role families and communities play in promoting
optimal cognitive development. Based on your proposal,
they have offered you a spot as a key presenter at a
district-wide professional development workshop for
teachers, where you will share your knowledge
regarding cognitive development. All of these ideas will
come together as you design your Professional
Development Experience project. Before starting your
Final Project, you are encouraged to view the Week Five
Instructor Guidance for additional information,
resources, and support, including a deeper look at the
professionals you will work with in the field.
Additionally, review the Grading Rubric for this
assignment to understand how you will be evaluated
and contact your instructor using the “Ask Your
Instructor” tab before the due date with questions.
In order to develop this comprehensive workshop for
the targeted professional development population, the
principal has given you specific talking points that must
be addressed. You will use these talking points to guide
your creation of a presentation using PowerPoint or
Google Slides. In the slide notes section, please make
sure to support the information you have shared on
each slide. Finally, make sure to include a title and
reference slide for your presentation.

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ECE 353 Entire Course NEW

  • 1. Ash ECE 353 Entire Course NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 353-entire-course-recent For more classes visit ECE 353 Entire Course NEW ECE 353 Week 1 Discussions 1 Theories And Theoretical Frameworks (Piagetian Theory/Nativist Approaches) NEW ECE 353 Week 1 Discussions 2 Genetic And Biological Factors NEW ECE 353 Week 2 Assignment How The Brain Learns NEW ECE 353 Week 2 Discussions 1 Brain Development NEW
  • 2. ECE 353 Week 3 Assignment Role Of Families And The Community NEW ECE 353 Week 3 Discussions 1 Cognitive And Conceptual Development NEW ECE 353 Week 3 Discussions 2 Theory Of Mind NEW ECE 353 Week 4 Discussions 1 Problem Solving And Reasoning NEW ECE 353 Week 4 Discussions 2 Relationships Between Cognitive, Language, And Motor Development NEW ECE 353 Week 5 Discussions 1 Cognitive Development And Learning NEW ECE 353 Week 5 Discussions 2 Intellectual Development NEW ECE 353 Week 5 Final Project Professional Development Experience (2 PPT) NEW
  • 3. ASH ECE 353 Week 1 Discussions 1 Theories And Theoretical Frameworks (Piagetian Theory/Nativist Approaches) Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 353-week-1-discussions-1-theories-and- theoretical-frameworks-piagetian-theory-or- nativist-approaches-recent For more classes visit ECE 353 Week 1 Discussions 1 Theories And Theoretical Frameworks (Piagetian Theory/Nativist Approaches) Theories and Theoretical Frameworks. As an early childhood professional, it is expected you will understand and apply foundational knowledge and theories in the field. Foundational knowledge and theoretical understanding provides a framework for you to utilize when you are working with infants, toddlers, and school-aged children. Additionally, your understanding of the foundational knowledge and theories will inform and shape your professional
  • 4. practices. For this discussion you will start by completing the Theoretical Frameworks Venn Diagram using your assigned grouping below. If you are unsure of how to complete a Venn diagram, the video How to Make a Venn Diagramprovides a helpful lesson. When completing your Venn Diagram, make sure to include the foundations of each theory, how the theory connects to the four main themes shared in Chapter 1 of the course text (nature/nurture, continuous/discontinuous, domain specific vs. domain general, performance and competence), and the limitations of the theory. Before starting your discussion, it will help to review the Week One Instructor Guidance for additional information, resources, and support for excelling in this discussion. First Letter of Last Name Theories to Compare and Contrast Last Name Begins with A-F Piagetian Theory/ Social Constructivist Theory Last Name Begins with G-L Nativist Approaches/ Information Processing Approaches Last Name Begins with M-S Piagetian Theory/Nativist Approaches Last Name Begins with T-Z Social/Constructivist Theory/ Information Processing Approaches After completing the Venn diagram, compose a response addressing the items listed below. Include your reflection and the Venn diagram with your initial post. Click the paperclip icon below the message area in your
  • 5. post to attach your Venn diagram. 1. a) Explain how the theoretical frameworks shared in your Venn diagram support cognitive development. Make sure to include at least one example to support your reasoning. 2. b) Discuss which of the theoretical perspectives resonates with you the most, the least, and provide a rationale as to why. 3. c) Provide at least one example of how knowledge of these theoretical perspectives may influence your ability to provide quality experiences that support cognitive development beginning with infants and toddlers. 4. d) If you are currently working with children, explain how these theories/approaches influence your work. If you are not currently working with children, explain how you see these theories/approaches impacting your future work with young children.
  • 6. ASH ECE 353 Week 1 Discussions 2 Genetic And Biological Factors Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 353-week-1-discussions-2-genetic-and-biological- factors-recent For more classes visit ECE 353 Week 1 Discussions 2 Genetic And Biological Factors Genetic and Biological Factors. Genetic, biological, and environmental factors are known to a have significant impact on the development of all children, including children with attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, dyslexia, and other neurodevelopmental disorders. For children with specific disorders, there are multiple genetic, biological, and environmental factors that work together to create a spectrum of neurobiological symptoms. For many of
  • 7. these disorders there is not a single cause but rather a number of potential contributing factors that can exacerbate and elucidate symptoms. In the field of child development, you will work with a variety of children, including those who have developmental disorders. It is important to understand the various factors that contribute to their diagnosis. Before responding to this discussion, review the Week One Instructor Guidance page for additional information, resources, and support. Choose one of the following disorders: ADHD, autism, dyslexia, Asperger’s, or Down syndrome. Next, familiarize yourself with your chosen disorder by locating and reading at least one scholarly article about the disorder. If you need help locating an article, you can find some to use in the recommend resources of the Week Two Overview. After completing research about your chosen disorder, address the following: 1. a) Explain how genetic, biological, and environmental factors influence the disorder (e.g., etiology) using one scholarly resource and the textbook to support your ideas. 2. b) Define the disorder including the typical behaviors and/or cognitive symptoms you might observe in a classroom or other professional setting (e.g., inattention, hyperactivity, poor eye contact). 3. c) Discuss one strategy that you would implement when working with a child with a neurodevelopmental disorder? Why did you choose this specific strategy?
  • 8. ASH ECE 353 Week 2 Assignment How The Brain Learns Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 353-week-2-assignment-how-the-brain-learns- recent For more classes visit ECE 353 Week 2 Assignment How The Brain Learns How the Brain Learns. In Chapters 3 and 4 of your primary text, Farrar and Montgomery discuss executive functioning and memory development (2015), you learned about factors that influence brain development. For this assignment, you will build upon that knowledge by further investigating how the brain learns. Remember that working memory, attention, and executive functions are interconnected and are crucial to the learning process. This includes the ability for a
  • 9. child to pay attention, demonstrate inhibitory control, and goal-directed behavior. Children may possess varying degrees of each of these functions, but they work together to create cognitive control and flexibility. For this assignment, you will assume the role of a professional development coordinator for your state’s early childhood programs and develop a flyer titled “How the Brain Learns” that informs families about the role of working memory, attention, and executive function in learning and development. You may develop your flyer using Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher. Before completing this assignment, review the Week Two Instructor Guidance for additional information, resources, and support. Additionally, review the Grading Rubric for this assignment to understand how you will be evaluated and contact your instructor using the “Ask Your Instructor” discussion before the due date with questions.
  • 10. ASH ECE 353 Week 2 Discussions 1 Brain Development Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 353-week-2-discussions-1-brain-development- recent For more classes visit ECE 353 Week 2 Discussions 1 Brain Development Brain Development. During early childhood, our brains are continuously modified by environmental influences. It is now widely accepted that a child’s environment and early life experiences affect the development, health, and structure of their brain. Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the brain is its ability to change structurally and functionally in response to external stimuli, which is known as neuroplasticity. Watch the video Neuroplasticity to learn more about this concept (Sentis, 2012). Additionally, it is now believed that positive and stimulating environments promote healthy brain
  • 11. development. However, many children are exposed to environments that have negative consequences on brain development. Child abuse (physical, sexual, mental), poverty, trauma, and neglect constitute environmental influences that present the maturing child's brain with experiences that will crucially and potentially adversely affect the child's future development and functioning. There are two parts to this discussion. Before responding to this discussion, review the Week Two Instructor Guidance for additional information and resources. Part I: Using information from the textbook to support your response, address the following: 1. a) Discuss the impact of environment on brain development. Support this point with at least one scholarly source in addition to the course text. 2. b) Explain the concept of neuroplasticity as it relates to positive and negative life experiences. Please provide a specific example to support your thinking. Part II: Read one article from the list below and use it to support your response to the following: 1. a) Based on the article you chose, discuss how poverty and/or a specific type of trauma impacts brain development and behavior. Make sure to also state the article you read. 2. b) Explain how you will use this “trauma informed” perspective in understanding and working with children.
  • 12. 3. c) Discuss what you would do differently as a professional now that you have this knowledge and if your view of “trauma” has changed? 4. d) Describe what approach you might take when you need to talk to a family about a situation where the child’s academic performance and/or behavior is being impacted by trauma. What specifically would you want to discuss with the family?  Article 1: The Toll of ACEs: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Effect on Lifelong Health ( Suginaka&Boose, 2014)  Article 2: Complex Trauma in Children and Adolescents (Cook, et al., 2007)  Article 3: Neuropsychological Assessment in Clinical Evaluation of Children and Adolescents with Complex Trauma (Gabowitz, Zucker, & Cook, 2008)  Article 4: Traumatized Children: How Childhood Trauma Influences Brain Development (Perry, 2000)
  • 13. ASH ECE 353 Week 3 Assignment Role Of Families And The Community Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 353-week-3-assignment-role-of-families-and-the- community-recent For more classes visit ECE 353 Week 3 Assignment Role Of Families And The Community Role of Families and the Community [CLOs: 4]. Due by Day 7. One responsibility of professionals when working with children is offering support for families by sharing information with them about developmentally appropriate strategies for their children and the availability of resources in their community. Recall that during Week Two you developed a flyer that taught the families that you work with about the role of working memory, attention, and executive function in learning
  • 14. and development. Now, imagine the principal of a local school district saw your flyer and has invited you to submit a proposal for an upcoming district-wide professional development conference. Your proposal will need to analyze the role that families and communities play in promoting optimal cognitive development for a specific age group of children. Before starting your assignment, review the Week Three Instructor Guidance for additional information, resources, and support. Additionally, review the Grading Rubric for this assignment to understand how you will be evaluated and contact your instructor using the “Ask Your Instructor” discussion before the due date with questions. To begin, choose which age group your proposal will focus on: • Option 1: Infants and Toddlers (Ages 0-2) • Option 2: Preschoolers (Ages 3-5) • Option 3: School-Aged (Ages 6-8)
  • 15. ASH ECE 353 Week 3 Discussions 1 Cognitive And Conceptual Development NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 353-week-3-discussions-1-cognitive-and- conceptual-development-recent For more classes visit ECE 353 Week 3 Discussions 1 Cognitive And Conceptual Development NEW Cognitive and Conceptual Development. “Concepts are fundamental to human cognition because of their use in many forms of thinking, such as problem-solving, categorization, and inductive inferences” (Farrar & Montgomery, 2015, p. 186). To apply your understanding of cognitive and conceptual development, it is important to first understand the three different theories of concept development that are commonly used. Chapters 5 in your primary text discuss the following theories: the classical view of conceptual
  • 16. development (the ideas that all concepts are defined by a set of necessary and sufficient features), prototype or probabilistic view (concepts are compared to a prototype based on family resemblance or similarity), and the theory-based concept view (explanatory principles, such as an object’s origins, are a component of conceptual representation) (Farrar & Montgomery, 2015). In this discussion, you will apply your understanding of these three theories by examining the relationship between cognitive and conceptual development. Before responding in this discussion, review the Week Three Instructor Guidance page for additional information, resources, and support. Case Study: Please refer to the case study in the Introduction section of Chapter 5 of your textbook for this week’s discussion. Address the following points as they relate to the case study: 1. a) Explain which theories of conceptual development are present in the case study. Provide an example to support your thinking. 2. b) Examine the relationships between cognitive and conceptual development that are present in the case study. 3. c) Discuss which theory of cognitive development would support Ms. Serrano’s experience with her students. Support your response with evidence from the text. 4. d) Consider your current or future work setting. Provide two strategies you can use to support conceptual development in the children with whom you
  • 17. currently work or will work with. Support your response with at least one scholarly source.
  • 18. ASH ECE 353 Week 3 Discussions 2 Theory Of Mind Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 353-week-3-discussions-2-theory-of-mind-recent For more classes visit ECE 353 Week 3 Discussions 2 Theory Of Mind Theory of Mind. Theory of Mind is a theory of psychological and developmental roots that is defined by the ability of a child to attribute mental states such as beliefs, feelings, knowledge, thoughts, intents to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs and feelings that are different than one’s own. The diagram below represents the five foundational components of theory of mind that emerge between ages 2 and 5 that were shared in Chapter 6 of our course text,Cognitive development of children: Research and application . Understanding this developmental
  • 19. sequence is critical in being able to support children as they grow and develop cognitively. Before responding to this discussion, review the Week Three Instructor Guidance page for additional information, resources, and support. For this discussion, choose one of the scenarios below to create an example for: • Option 1: Provide an example of one conceptual perspective-taking challenge a child faces when interacting with teachers and peers upon entry into preschool or kindergarten. • Option 2: Provide an example of how 3- and 4-year-old children’s gullibility places them at risk. • Option 3: Provide an example of either a drawback or benefit of trying to accelerate preschoolers’ understanding of deception. • Option 4: Provide an example of how you can apply Theory of Mind to understanding symptoms associated with either autism or Asperger’s disorders.
  • 20. ASH ECE 353 Week 4 Discussions 1 Problem Solving And Reasoning NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 353-week-4-discussions-1-problem-solving-and- reasoning-recent For more classes visit ECE 353 Week 4 Discussions 1 Problem Solving And Reasoning NEW Problem Solving and Reasoning. There are many ways in which cultural differences impact cognitive development. One of the areas in which we see the impact relating to cultural differences is with the development of reasoning and problem solving skills as is discussed in Chapter 8 of our textbook. “Because our habits of mind are influenced by our cultural and historical circumstances, the decision- making strategies that we seek to promote in students reflect our own culture” (Brenner & Parks, 2001). We must be aware of this and ensure that we are taking the cultural
  • 21. backgrounds of the children we work with into consideration as we help them to develop the ability to reason and solve problems. In this discussion, you will examine the social and cultural impacts on cognitive development by taking a deeper look at the development of reasoning and problem solving skills. Before responding to this discussion, review the Week Four Instructor Guidance for additional information, resources, and support. 1. a) Explain how cognitive characteristics help children learn how to reason, when these abilities to reason develop, and the role social skills play in the ability to reason. Use examples to support your thinking. 2. b) Discuss the cognitive characteristics that help children learn how to develop problem solving skills including the role culture plays in the way a child reasons or solves problems. 3. c) Describe how the development of reasoning and problem solving skills relates to Vygotsky’s social constructivist approach and the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). Use one additional scholarly source and examples to support your thinking. 4. d) Examine the cultural considerations that need to be taken into account when planning strategies to develop reasoning and problem solving skills. Provide a specific example for both reasoning and problem solving that supports your examination.
  • 22. ASH ECE 353 Week 4 Discussions 2 Relationships Between Cognitive, Language, And Motor Development NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 353-week-4-discussions-2-relationships-between- cognitive-language-and-motor-development-recent For more classes visit ECE 353 Week 4 Discussions 2 Relationships Between Cognitive, Language, And Motor Development NEW Relationships Between Cognitive, Language, and Motor Development. Cognitive, language, and motor skills are often thought to be closely interrelated developmental areas, because as children develop in these domains, they appear to demonstrate correlated developmental pathways. For this discussion you will need to choose one age group from the chart below and review all three videos for the age group you choose. After watching Pollack’s (n.d.) videos, address the points listed below. Before responding to this discussion, review the Week
  • 23. Four Instructor Guidance for additional information, resources, and support. Developmental Age Videos to Watch Two Year Olds Age 2 Cognitive Development Milestones Age 2 Language Milestones Age 2 Motor Development Milestones Four Year Olds Age 4 Cognitive Development Milestones Age 4 Language Milestones Age 4 Motor Development Milestones Six and Seven Year Olds Age 6 & Age 7 Cognitive Development Milestones Age 6 & Age 7 Language Development Milestones Age 6 & Age 7 Motor Development Milestones • a) Explain the cognitive, linguistic, and motor milestones for this particular age group. • b) Discuss the connection and/or relationship between cognitive, language, and motor skills and the areas of the brain associated with language and motor functioning. Support your discussion with at least one additional scholarly source. • c) Give an example of how you might see this relationship inside and/or outside of the classroom. Make sure your example addresses the connection between each domain. • d) Discuss how you can apply a strategy in the classroom or in a professional setting that incorporates and utilizes these three developmental skills.
  • 24. ASH ECE 353 Week 5 Discussions 1 Cognitive Development And Learning NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 353-week-5-discussions-1-cognitive-development- and-learning-recent For more classes visit ECE 353 Week 5 Discussions 1 Cognitive Development And Learning NEW Cognitive Development and Learning. Formal schooling plays a large role helping children to develop cognitively. Along with their home and social environments, experiences in school continue to foster children’s development of cognitive skills and strategies. In school, children learn new ideas, concepts, skills and are provided with the opportunity to engage in activities where they can explore and experiment. For this discussion, you will begin by reviewing one of the videos below. Before responding to this discussion,
  • 25. review the Week Five Instructor Guidance for additional information, resources, and support. Brief Description of Video Link to Video A Pre-K teacher shares a story with her students (n.d.). Interactive Read Aloud A Kindergarten teacher helps their students to learn about the letter S(Pasley& Shields, 2011). Letter of the Week: "S" Is for Scarecrow A Kindergarten teacher teaches their students about counting (Weimberg& Ryan, 2013). Beyond Fingers: Place Value & the Numbers 11-19 A third grade teacher teachers their students about number patterns (2012). Discover Number Patterns With Skip Counting • a) Discuss three different strategies the teacher used during the lesson to enhance cognition. Some ideas include memory, social/emotional needs, cognitive skills necessary for different academic areas, or the characteristics of effective classrooms. • b) Examine how the three strategies influence cognitive development. • c) Explain how the teacher could continue to reinforce the cognitive abilities of their students after the lesson. Intellectual Development. Educators in the United States public school classroom often work with children of varying levels of ability. Children in your classroom may have Individualized Education Plans (IEP) that require specific accommodations and modifications. As part of
  • 26. the process of an IEP, a school psychologist evaluates the child’s intellectual functioning using a variety of intellectual and achievement tests. Once the IEP meeting takes place, various providers (including possibly speech therapy and occupational therapy) will also be present at the meeting. For the purpose of this discussion, we focus specifically on the role of a school psychologist and intelligence testing using a case study from your textbook. In addition to using the case study as support for your initial reply, read and include support from the articleIntelligence: Foundations and Issues in Assessment(Gottfredson&Saklofske, 2009). Before responding in this discussion, review the Week Five Instructor Guidance page for additional information, resources, and support. Case Study: Please refer to the case study in the Introduction section of Chapter 10 of your textbook to review the case study for this week’s discussion. After reading the case study and article, reflect on the following in your initial reply: 1. a) Discuss the importance of intelligence testing and one of the controversies discussed in the article and/or the course textbook. 2. b) Explain whether or not it would have been appropriate for Dr. Williams to provide some hints to help the child during testing. Why or why not? 3. c) Discuss whether or not you believe an intelligence test would provide enough information to make a decision about Michael’s educational placement. Why or
  • 27. why not? If not, what other information should Dr. Williams gather? 4. d) Considering that Michael is a very young child, explain how her age could factor into the decision in favor of or against placement into a special education program. 5. e) Describe other factors (e.g., environmental, genetic, biological, etc.) that may be contributing to Michael’s performance and IQ score during testing (without mentioning any diagnoses).
  • 28. ASH ECE 353 Week 5 Discussions 2 Intellectual Development NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 353-week-5-discussions-2-intellectual- development-recent For more classes visit ECE 353 Week 5 Discussions 2 Intellectual Development NEW intellectual development. educators in the united states public school classroom often work with children of varying levels of ability. children in your classroom may have individualized education plans (iep) that require specific accommodations and modifications. as part of the process of an iep, a school psychologist evaluates the child’s intellectual functioning using a variety of intellectual and achievement tests. once the iep meeting takes place, various providers (including possibly speech therapy and occupational therapy) will also be present at the meeting. for the purpose of this
  • 29. discussion, we focus specifically on the role of a school psychologist and intelligence testing using a case study from your textbook. in addition to using the case study as support for your initial reply, read and include support from the articleintelligence: foundations and issues in assessment(gottfredson&saklofske, 2009). before responding in this discussion, review the week five instructor guidance page for additional information, resources, and support. case study: please refer to the case study in the introduction section of chapter 10 of your textbook to review the case study for this week’s discussion. after reading the case study and article, reflect on the following in your initial reply: 1. a) discuss the importance of intelligence testing and one of the controversies discussed in the article and/or the course textbook. 2. b) explain whether or not it would have been appropriate for dr. williams to provide some hints to help the child during testing. why or why not? 3. c) discuss whether or not you believe an intelligence test would provide enough information to make a decision about michael’s educational placement. why or why not? if not, what other information should dr. williams gather? 4. d) considering that michael is a very young child, explain how her age could factor into the decision in favor of or against placement into a special education program.
  • 30. 5. e) describe other factors (e.g., environmental, genetic, biological, etc.) that may be contributing to michael’s performance and iq score during testing (without mentioning any diagnoses).
  • 31. ASH ECE 353 Week 5 Final Project Professional Development Experience (2 PPT) NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at 353-week-5-final-project-professional- development-experience-2-ppt-recent For more classes visit ECE 353 Week 5 Final Project Professional Development Experience (2 PPT) NEW Professional Development Experience. Being an effective early childhood professional requires more than a passion for teaching or ability to work well with children. In the first five years of life, the most critical skills are formed by creating synaptic connections that are key to cognitive, social, physical, and emotional development. Because of their developmental stage, the environment you provide as an early educator will set the foundation for each child’s K- 12 learning experience and beyond. However, as an early childhood professional, you will not work in isolation. Other
  • 32. professionals contribute to service provided to this population, including speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, school psychologists, and educational advocates. Therefore, it is essential that as an early childhood professional you are able to communicate effectively with other professionals. Scenario: The principal from a local school district was impressed with the proposal you wrote for him about the role families and communities play in promoting optimal cognitive development. Based on your proposal, they have offered you a spot as a key presenter at a district-wide professional development workshop for teachers, where you will share your knowledge regarding cognitive development. All of these ideas will come together as you design your Professional Development Experience project. Before starting your Final Project, you are encouraged to view the Week Five Instructor Guidance for additional information, resources, and support, including a deeper look at the professionals you will work with in the field. Additionally, review the Grading Rubric for this assignment to understand how you will be evaluated and contact your instructor using the “Ask Your Instructor” tab before the due date with questions. In order to develop this comprehensive workshop for the targeted professional development population, the principal has given you specific talking points that must be addressed. You will use these talking points to guide your creation of a presentation using PowerPoint or Google Slides. In the slide notes section, please make
  • 33. sure to support the information you have shared on each slide. Finally, make sure to include a title and reference slide for your presentation.