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Hello, in this presentation we would like to show you how
important it is for us to Easter.
Easter is a movable feast. His date is (depending on the
year) at the earliest on March 22 and April 25. The date of
Easter was established on the first Sunday after the first full
moon of spring, which would correspond to the date of 14
Nisan of the Hebrew calendar, which marked the beginning
of the Jewish holiday of Passover.
From the date of Easter depends on the dates of moveable
feasts most Christian and Catholic, including:
Ash Wednesday - exactly 46 days before Easter, Lent
begins, which ends at the start of the Mass of the Lord's
Supper on Holy Thursday,
Easter Triduum - the culminating public holidays including
Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter
Ascension of the Lord,
Pentecost - Whit otherwise,
Corpus Christi - otherwise the Solemnity of the Body and
Blood of Christ.
(Wielki Post)Great fast- time of the penance,
preparing for the experience most important for Christians, of
Easter holidays. He is covering the liturgical period from the
Ash Wednesday up to the Holy Thursday. Traditionally the
determined Lent is as forty-day.
In the first centuries the Lent included only a Good Friday and
the Holy Saturday. In the 3rd century they were already fasting
the entire week, whereas at the beginning of the 4th century,
in memory of the forty-day fast of the Jesus on the desert and
of forty years of wandering of Jews after the defection from
Egypt, was lengthened to forty days. Sundays, as holidays, were
never to him included
The Lent started from
sprinkling heads with ash, of
handing out poor of remains of
Mardi Gras feasts and putting
away to wardrobes ball toilets.
During the fast bread
was spread with plum
jam or he was being
dipped in oil.
Herring were being given without the cream, the coffee was
also without the cream and without the sugar, by it from
roast żołędz. Piła oneself limewood tea, instead of desserts
not very sweet called cookies were being served "eternal",
because it is possible is eating was a food in half a year after
Women for six weeks decorated of ebony and onyx
themselves with black agate or knick-knacks in silver.
Into the time of the fast it wasn't fitting to play lively polkas
and mazureks. If either wistful dumkas and nocturnes.
It happened, that into the time of the fast for children toys
kept, leaving only the ones most destroyed, and instead of
the fairy tale for them the lives of the saints were being
Fast - voluntary stopping oneself from eating generally speaking,
or from eating certain kinds of foods (e.g. meats), for the stated
time. They are fasting above all for religious reasons:
* Dense post - is applicable in the entire Roman Catholic Church
into the Ash Wednesday and into the Good Friday. He consists in
abstaining from the meat (except for fish) and for limiting meals.
He/she is applying to everyone of full legal age for beginning 60
the year of age
* Interesant from meat foods - being in force in Poland, consists
in refraining himself from eating meat foods (except for fish)
every Friday of liturgical year except for celebrations i.e.
liturgical days of the high rank (e.g. on first Friday after the
Easter this restraint isn't in force), for everyone in the century
above 14 of year of age to the end of one's days
* Eucharistical fast - refraining oneself from eating foods per
hour before accepting the Holy Communion. He/she is applying to
all sick persons setting about to the Holy Communion, with the
exception and their carers and priests which are celebrating or
concelebrate Mass once again on the given day. The Eucharistical
fast is ordered what the following provisions of the Canon Law
are talking about.
Holy Easter Triduum
The greatest mysteries of human redemption every year the
Church celebrates the Holy Thursday evening Mass of the Lord's
Supper. Mass, which is celebrated in the evening hours of Holy
Thursday, the Church begins the Paschal Tridum. Mentioned during
the Mass: the establishment of the Eucharist and the
priesthood. During the singing of the hymn "Glory to" beat all the
bells fall silent after the end of the hymn to the hymn "Gloria in
excelsis" of the Easter Vigil. After the prayer after Communion is
a procession through the church, which is transferred to the
Blessed Sacrament to the altar of darkness. By midnight vigil takes
Good Friday-the day in which "Christ was sacrificed as our Passover,"
the Church, considering the Passion of her Lord and Spouse, recalls
his birth on the side of Christ on the cross, stretched and intercedes
for the salvation of the whole world.According to ancient tradition,
the church on that day does not consist of the Eucharistic Sacrifice,
the faithful dealt only Holy Communion during the liturgy of the
Passion, Good Friday is a day of penance mandatory throughout the
Church, and to this day should be abstinence from meat and
fasting. It faithfully in order to maintain religious worship Liturgy of
the Passion (Liturgy of the Word, Veneration of the Cross, Holy
Communion) derived from the ancient tradition of the Church.
And assisting the priest go to the altar in silence, the slope of the
altar fall on his face. The faithful at the time when the priest face,
then fall to their knees and pray in silence. Then read or sung a
description of the Passion.
At the end of it, you can call the faithful to for a short time gave the
meditation. Then he celebrated a universal prayer. The unveiling of
the cross, the call should be sung. After each knelt should be
complete silence. At that time, the priest, standing and holding a
cross erected sung'' Here is the call tree of the cross on which hung
the salvation of the people of the world'''' equivalent'' Come, let us
adore him. This is followed by communion. Later services are the
three parts of bitter regrets and Stations of the Cross. Up to 24 hours
standby is
Good Friday
United on Saturday and until noon is the blessing of food and vigils at the
tomb of the Lord. The Easter Vigil is in the following order: the liturgy of
the Easter light and the Message (the first part of the Vigil), the second
part of the Vigil or Liturgy of the Word) Baptismal Liturgy (the third
part). Prepared a bonfire to bless the new fire. The candle is spent, the
procession in which people enter the church, should be conducted paschal
candle light. The second part of the Vigil are reading from the
Scriptures. They describe the main events of salvation history.
Vigil rites renewed contain seven readings from the Old Testament, taken
from the Law and the Prophets, that typically have been adopted in
the ancient traditions of the East and the West, and the two readings of
the New Testament, namely the Apostle and the Gospel. In this way the
Church, "beginning with Moses and all the prophets," says the paschal
mystery of Christ.After the readings from the Old Testament hymn sing
"Gloria in excelsis," Bells Are Ringing, and so goes to readings from the
New Testament. Finally, the words of the Gospel announces the
resurrection of the Lord, which is the summit of all liturgy of the word.
Following the Gospel is short homily. Third Christmas Eve is part of the
baptismal liturgy. now in a sacramental way to celebrate the Passover of
Christ and our own. done blessing of baptismal water. Liturgy of the
Eucharist. Eucharistic Communion, as the moment of full participation in
the exercise of his mystery.
Easter-Day [Mass Resurrection] done a very solemn procession three times
around the church and also a very solemn Mass the priest blesses the end
św.Na people saying 'Go in the peace of Christ Alleluia, Alleluia.
From this day begins Easter lasts 50 days
Holy Saturday
Easter eggs
When approaching Easter, in many Polish homes come with colorful
Easter eggs. Long and rich is their tradition. A native of Persia custom
decorating chicken eggs, goose and duck, Poland adopted as early as the
tenth century, because of this period the oldest preserved egg. Colorful
Easter eggs traditionally performed melted wax technique. Covered with
different patterns egg put into solutions of various herbs and spices to
get the right color.
Today the term "colored Easter eggs" also includes other techniques -
from scraping with a sharp knife colorful patterns on the surface, the
wyklejanki of paper or colored yarn, until the hand-painted, small
masterpieces. Colored Easter eggs are an integral part of "święconki",
which goes on Holy Saturday the Church, the Easter table decoration and
beautiful, joyful symbol of new life. In the tradition of folk colored
Easter eggs occupied a prominent place, and depending on the region it
is made different technique. Kraszanki boiled in water with oak bark
(black), peel onions (brown), mallow flowers (purple), beet juice (pink)
or vinca leaves (green). Nalepianki - it rushes or straw-wrapped eggs,
eggs - are made of wax technique mentioned. Colorful Easter Eggs in
Christmas brings neighbors, you can buy them from the water in the
Great spanking Monday, throwing in some regions of the war on
kraszanki. But everywhere, in Poland, artistically done, colorful Easter
eggs are a symbol of Easter joy.
Easter eggs made of wax
Easter eggs lined with
Easter eggs lined
with wool
painted easter eggs
"Święconka" is basket with some food in. We bring it to church
in Holy Saturday. Priest blesses it then. We eat all that food in
Holy Sunday, in ceremonial breakfast. When food is shared,
people wish others all good things. Each of food have own
symbolic meaning:
BREAD - in each culture bread is main food, necessary to life. It
gives prosperity and happiness.
EGG - it is symbol of new life. It also shows that people can
reborn (like Jesus).
SALT - "mineral of life". In the old days, people bealive that salt
can frighten all evil.
MEAT - it gives health and abundance. It's obvious people don't
always have meat all the time and then it was wealth.
CHEESE - symbol of concluded friendship between people and
forces of nature (animals). It's because cheese is made from
HORSERADISH - symbol of strenght.
CAKE - housewives can show their cooking skills ;)
Święconka should have these all 7 things. It is called "Seven
Blessed Things". Of course we decorate basket. Usually people
use white lace and twigs of "bukszpan"
Easter breakfast
Easter Sunday (also called mastic Monday) - the second day of
Easter holidays, which is in Poland a day off from work.
In the Polish tradition of topping the jokes water for other
people, even strangers. Pouring water refers to the ancient
pagan practices, connecting to the symbolic nature waking up to
life, and every year the earth's energies to bear. To this day, the
habit of sprinkling holy water on the field on Monday morning by
the hosts is seen in the villages of the southern Polish.
Easter Monday tradition in the villages was (and still is today in
some parts of southern Polish) doing tricks neighbors. Converts
gate placed on the roofs of agricultural implements, buried in
the water bucket.
Wet Monday
Wet Monday
Meus - bonfires organized
by the young people on
Tuesday after the cast Monday.
Kindle fire, roast sausage and
we play with friends. It is a
time of play, rest and meeting
new people.
A lot of people do not care
about this holiday because
they do not have time for this.
Christmas in our school
(egg sharing in the classroom)
On the occasion of World Easter students from
our school classes prepare eggs and easter eggs.
Director of the school is organizing an appeal on
which the application wishes to all students and
teachers. Then each class travels to his room
where the students together with their teachers
made a wish and share the egg. Some people eat
eggs with mayonnaise is located. It is a delicious
traditional delicacy and symbol of Christmas.
This day is a very fun and interesting to our
Polish Easter at home you can’t imagine without a
Easter cake.
2 cups of flour, 1 cube of butter,1
1/4 cups granule sugar, 4 eggs, 10
decagrams raisins,10 decagrams
mixed candied fruit,5 tablespoons of
sugar,4 tablespoons of
milk,3decagrams yeast,2
tablespoons of lemon juice,2
tablespoons of nuts or chopped
almonds, zest of 1 orange and
lemon,1/2 teaspoon of salt
Preparation :
1 Sift the flour into a bowl, make exploration of
the center. Wipe off the yeast, add a teaspoon of
sugar and warm milk and stir. Cover and set aside
in a warm place for 10 minutes.
2 Mortar translate to the rest of the sugar, eggs,
citrus zest, and salt and knead the dough and
leave to rise until doubled in volume increase.
After the dough has risen, knead again, adding a
spoonful of fat cakes and raisins.
3 Grease the mold with fireplace butter, sprinkle
with bread crumbs, put into the dough, let stand
for an hour in a warm place.
4 This dough put in the oven and
bake for 10 minutes at 200 degrees
Celsius, and then reduce the
temperature to 175 degrees Celsius
and bake for another 35 minutes,
after cooling removed form cake
Easter set aside to cool completely.
5 Mix powdered sugar with lemon
juice, 3 tablespoons of water and
cover the cake with icing formed,
then sprinkle with chopped
pistachios and diced candied fruit.
Allow to solidify.
Easter mazurka
180 g flour, 50 g of powdered sugar,50 g
butter (or vegetable may be normal),pinch
of salt, egg
top of mazurkas: 2 cups granulated sugar,
the whole lemon juice, a few tablespoons of
jam (eg currant),candied fruit for garnish
Preparation :
Step 1
Mix flour, sugar and butter. First, I am slicing knife so that the
pieces of butter are the smallest.
Then hands gently toss.
Step 2
I'm doing well, I dig the egg, add salt and knead.
Step 3
During kneading gently sprinkled flour, but not too much.
Would not knead the dough too much glued to hand, but a little
sticky to be.
Step 4
Wrap in foil and allowed stand for about 30 minutes in the
refrigerator, or you can for 15 minutes in the freezer.
Step 5
Take out the dough from the refrigerator, sprinkled countertop
with flour and rolled into a large rectangle. I cut the two smaller
rectangles - the edges to make them equal to the rectangles. I
came rectangles 20 x 15 cm.
You can do one more, but seriously, there are two smaller is
The debris cut the flowers or plain roller forms.
Step 7
The surfaces of dough with a fork pierces. Put into preheated
oven to 200 F and bake about 15 - 17 minutes.
Step 8
I take out of the oven to cool, because then they get stiffer and
there is no danger that he will break.
Add powdered sugar into compartment and add the lemon juice
(pay attention to every mazurka - I did two smaller, but you one
more - I use a glass of sugar and the juice of half a lemon). Mix
the frosting.
Step 9
Mazurkas smear jam, not really so little.
Icing toppings carefully so that not too much grease but rather to
shed frosting on a layer of jam.
If you choose a dark jam as I probably will not see places colored
streaks, but the decorations all "suppress" :)
Step 10
I wet frosting decorations. arrange flowers with candied fruit or
nuts, you can also make patterns.
All subtitles (ready pen) does congealed until the frosting).
Mazurka allowed to stand in the refrigerator or on the table just
to icing froze, it takes him a little time (about half an hour).
Thank you
very much 
We hope you
liked our

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MS Wine Day 2024 Arapitsas Advancements in Wine Metabolomics Research


  • 2. Hello, in this presentation we would like to show you how important it is for us to Easter. Easter is a movable feast. His date is (depending on the year) at the earliest on March 22 and April 25. The date of Easter was established on the first Sunday after the first full moon of spring, which would correspond to the date of 14 Nisan of the Hebrew calendar, which marked the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. From the date of Easter depends on the dates of moveable feasts most Christian and Catholic, including: Ash Wednesday - exactly 46 days before Easter, Lent begins, which ends at the start of the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday, Easter Triduum - the culminating public holidays including Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday, Ascension of the Lord, Pentecost - Whit otherwise, Corpus Christi - otherwise the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ.
  • 3. (Wielki Post)Great fast- time of the penance, preparing for the experience most important for Christians, of Easter holidays. He is covering the liturgical period from the Ash Wednesday up to the Holy Thursday. Traditionally the determined Lent is as forty-day. In the first centuries the Lent included only a Good Friday and the Holy Saturday. In the 3rd century they were already fasting the entire week, whereas at the beginning of the 4th century, in memory of the forty-day fast of the Jesus on the desert and of forty years of wandering of Jews after the defection from Egypt, was lengthened to forty days. Sundays, as holidays, were never to him included
  • 4. The Lent started from sprinkling heads with ash, of handing out poor of remains of Mardi Gras feasts and putting away to wardrobes ball toilets. During the fast bread was spread with plum jam or he was being dipped in oil.
  • 5. Herring were being given without the cream, the coffee was also without the cream and without the sugar, by it from roast żołędz. Piła oneself limewood tea, instead of desserts not very sweet called cookies were being served "eternal", because it is possible is eating was a food in half a year after baking. Women for six weeks decorated of ebony and onyx themselves with black agate or knick-knacks in silver. Into the time of the fast it wasn't fitting to play lively polkas and mazureks. If either wistful dumkas and nocturnes. It happened, that into the time of the fast for children toys kept, leaving only the ones most destroyed, and instead of the fairy tale for them the lives of the saints were being read
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  • 7. NOW Fast - voluntary stopping oneself from eating generally speaking, or from eating certain kinds of foods (e.g. meats), for the stated time. They are fasting above all for religious reasons: * Dense post - is applicable in the entire Roman Catholic Church into the Ash Wednesday and into the Good Friday. He consists in abstaining from the meat (except for fish) and for limiting meals. He/she is applying to everyone of full legal age for beginning 60 the year of age * Interesant from meat foods - being in force in Poland, consists in refraining himself from eating meat foods (except for fish) every Friday of liturgical year except for celebrations i.e. liturgical days of the high rank (e.g. on first Friday after the Easter this restraint isn't in force), for everyone in the century above 14 of year of age to the end of one's days * Eucharistical fast - refraining oneself from eating foods per hour before accepting the Holy Communion. He/she is applying to all sick persons setting about to the Holy Communion, with the exception and their carers and priests which are celebrating or concelebrate Mass once again on the given day. The Eucharistical fast is ordered what the following provisions of the Canon Law are talking about.
  • 8. Holy Easter Triduum The greatest mysteries of human redemption every year the Church celebrates the Holy Thursday evening Mass of the Lord's Supper. Mass, which is celebrated in the evening hours of Holy Thursday, the Church begins the Paschal Tridum. Mentioned during the Mass: the establishment of the Eucharist and the priesthood. During the singing of the hymn "Glory to" beat all the bells fall silent after the end of the hymn to the hymn "Gloria in excelsis" of the Easter Vigil. After the prayer after Communion is a procession through the church, which is transferred to the Blessed Sacrament to the altar of darkness. By midnight vigil takes place
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  • 10. Good Friday-the day in which "Christ was sacrificed as our Passover," the Church, considering the Passion of her Lord and Spouse, recalls his birth on the side of Christ on the cross, stretched and intercedes for the salvation of the whole world.According to ancient tradition, the church on that day does not consist of the Eucharistic Sacrifice, the faithful dealt only Holy Communion during the liturgy of the Passion, Good Friday is a day of penance mandatory throughout the Church, and to this day should be abstinence from meat and fasting. It faithfully in order to maintain religious worship Liturgy of the Passion (Liturgy of the Word, Veneration of the Cross, Holy Communion) derived from the ancient tradition of the Church. And assisting the priest go to the altar in silence, the slope of the altar fall on his face. The faithful at the time when the priest face, then fall to their knees and pray in silence. Then read or sung a description of the Passion. At the end of it, you can call the faithful to for a short time gave the meditation. Then he celebrated a universal prayer. The unveiling of the cross, the call should be sung. After each knelt should be complete silence. At that time, the priest, standing and holding a cross erected sung'' Here is the call tree of the cross on which hung the salvation of the people of the world'''' equivalent'' Come, let us adore him. This is followed by communion. Later services are the three parts of bitter regrets and Stations of the Cross. Up to 24 hours standby is
  • 12. United on Saturday and until noon is the blessing of food and vigils at the tomb of the Lord. The Easter Vigil is in the following order: the liturgy of the Easter light and the Message (the first part of the Vigil), the second part of the Vigil or Liturgy of the Word) Baptismal Liturgy (the third part). Prepared a bonfire to bless the new fire. The candle is spent, the procession in which people enter the church, should be conducted paschal candle light. The second part of the Vigil are reading from the Scriptures. They describe the main events of salvation history. Vigil rites renewed contain seven readings from the Old Testament, taken from the Law and the Prophets, that typically have been adopted in the ancient traditions of the East and the West, and the two readings of the New Testament, namely the Apostle and the Gospel. In this way the Church, "beginning with Moses and all the prophets," says the paschal mystery of Christ.After the readings from the Old Testament hymn sing "Gloria in excelsis," Bells Are Ringing, and so goes to readings from the New Testament. Finally, the words of the Gospel announces the resurrection of the Lord, which is the summit of all liturgy of the word. Following the Gospel is short homily. Third Christmas Eve is part of the baptismal liturgy. now in a sacramental way to celebrate the Passover of Christ and our own. done blessing of baptismal water. Liturgy of the Eucharist. Eucharistic Communion, as the moment of full participation in the exercise of his mystery. Easter-Day [Mass Resurrection] done a very solemn procession three times around the church and also a very solemn Mass the priest blesses the end św.Na people saying 'Go in the peace of Christ Alleluia, Alleluia. From this day begins Easter lasts 50 days
  • 14. Easter eggs When approaching Easter, in many Polish homes come with colorful Easter eggs. Long and rich is their tradition. A native of Persia custom decorating chicken eggs, goose and duck, Poland adopted as early as the tenth century, because of this period the oldest preserved egg. Colorful Easter eggs traditionally performed melted wax technique. Covered with different patterns egg put into solutions of various herbs and spices to get the right color. Today the term "colored Easter eggs" also includes other techniques - from scraping with a sharp knife colorful patterns on the surface, the wyklejanki of paper or colored yarn, until the hand-painted, small masterpieces. Colored Easter eggs are an integral part of "święconki", which goes on Holy Saturday the Church, the Easter table decoration and beautiful, joyful symbol of new life. In the tradition of folk colored Easter eggs occupied a prominent place, and depending on the region it is made different technique. Kraszanki boiled in water with oak bark (black), peel onions (brown), mallow flowers (purple), beet juice (pink) or vinca leaves (green). Nalepianki - it rushes or straw-wrapped eggs, eggs - are made of wax technique mentioned. Colorful Easter Eggs in Christmas brings neighbors, you can buy them from the water in the Great spanking Monday, throwing in some regions of the war on kraszanki. But everywhere, in Poland, artistically done, colorful Easter eggs are a symbol of Easter joy.
  • 16. Easter eggs lined with paper Easter eggs lined with wool
  • 18. "Święconka" is basket with some food in. We bring it to church in Holy Saturday. Priest blesses it then. We eat all that food in Holy Sunday, in ceremonial breakfast. When food is shared, people wish others all good things. Each of food have own symbolic meaning: BREAD - in each culture bread is main food, necessary to life. It gives prosperity and happiness. EGG - it is symbol of new life. It also shows that people can reborn (like Jesus). SALT - "mineral of life". In the old days, people bealive that salt can frighten all evil. MEAT - it gives health and abundance. It's obvious people don't always have meat all the time and then it was wealth. CHEESE - symbol of concluded friendship between people and forces of nature (animals). It's because cheese is made from animals. HORSERADISH - symbol of strenght. CAKE - housewives can show their cooking skills ;) Święconka should have these all 7 things. It is called "Seven Blessed Things". Of course we decorate basket. Usually people use white lace and twigs of "bukszpan"
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  • 22. Easter Sunday (also called mastic Monday) - the second day of Easter holidays, which is in Poland a day off from work. In the Polish tradition of topping the jokes water for other people, even strangers. Pouring water refers to the ancient pagan practices, connecting to the symbolic nature waking up to life, and every year the earth's energies to bear. To this day, the habit of sprinkling holy water on the field on Monday morning by the hosts is seen in the villages of the southern Polish. Easter Monday tradition in the villages was (and still is today in some parts of southern Polish) doing tricks neighbors. Converts gate placed on the roofs of agricultural implements, buried in the water bucket. Wet Monday
  • 25. Meus - bonfires organized by the young people on Tuesday after the cast Monday. Kindle fire, roast sausage and we play with friends. It is a time of play, rest and meeting new people. A lot of people do not care about this holiday because they do not have time for this.
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  • 27. Christmas in our school (egg sharing in the classroom) On the occasion of World Easter students from our school classes prepare eggs and easter eggs. Director of the school is organizing an appeal on which the application wishes to all students and teachers. Then each class travels to his room where the students together with their teachers made a wish and share the egg. Some people eat eggs with mayonnaise is located. It is a delicious traditional delicacy and symbol of Christmas. This day is a very fun and interesting to our school.
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  • 29. Polish Easter at home you can’t imagine without a Easter cake. Ingredients: 2 cups of flour, 1 cube of butter,1 1/4 cups granule sugar, 4 eggs, 10 decagrams raisins,10 decagrams mixed candied fruit,5 tablespoons of sugar,4 tablespoons of milk,3decagrams yeast,2 tablespoons of lemon juice,2 tablespoons of nuts or chopped almonds, zest of 1 orange and lemon,1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 30. Preparation : 1 Sift the flour into a bowl, make exploration of the center. Wipe off the yeast, add a teaspoon of sugar and warm milk and stir. Cover and set aside in a warm place for 10 minutes. 2 Mortar translate to the rest of the sugar, eggs, citrus zest, and salt and knead the dough and leave to rise until doubled in volume increase. After the dough has risen, knead again, adding a spoonful of fat cakes and raisins. 3 Grease the mold with fireplace butter, sprinkle with bread crumbs, put into the dough, let stand for an hour in a warm place.
  • 31. 4 This dough put in the oven and bake for 10 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius, and then reduce the temperature to 175 degrees Celsius and bake for another 35 minutes, after cooling removed form cake Easter set aside to cool completely. 5 Mix powdered sugar with lemon juice, 3 tablespoons of water and cover the cake with icing formed, then sprinkle with chopped pistachios and diced candied fruit. Allow to solidify.
  • 32. Easter mazurka ingredients 180 g flour, 50 g of powdered sugar,50 g butter (or vegetable may be normal),pinch of salt, egg top of mazurkas: 2 cups granulated sugar, the whole lemon juice, a few tablespoons of jam (eg currant),candied fruit for garnish
  • 33. Preparation : Step 1 Mix flour, sugar and butter. First, I am slicing knife so that the pieces of butter are the smallest. Then hands gently toss. Step 2 I'm doing well, I dig the egg, add salt and knead. Step 3 During kneading gently sprinkled flour, but not too much. Would not knead the dough too much glued to hand, but a little sticky to be. Step 4 Wrap in foil and allowed stand for about 30 minutes in the refrigerator, or you can for 15 minutes in the freezer. Step 5 Take out the dough from the refrigerator, sprinkled countertop with flour and rolled into a large rectangle. I cut the two smaller rectangles - the edges to make them equal to the rectangles. I came rectangles 20 x 15 cm. You can do one more, but seriously, there are two smaller is better. The debris cut the flowers or plain roller forms.
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  • 35. Step 7 The surfaces of dough with a fork pierces. Put into preheated oven to 200 F and bake about 15 - 17 minutes. Step 8 I take out of the oven to cool, because then they get stiffer and there is no danger that he will break. Add powdered sugar into compartment and add the lemon juice (pay attention to every mazurka - I did two smaller, but you one more - I use a glass of sugar and the juice of half a lemon). Mix the frosting. Step 9 Mazurkas smear jam, not really so little. Icing toppings carefully so that not too much grease but rather to shed frosting on a layer of jam. If you choose a dark jam as I probably will not see places colored streaks, but the decorations all "suppress" :) Step 10 I wet frosting decorations. arrange flowers with candied fruit or nuts, you can also make patterns. All subtitles (ready pen) does congealed until the frosting). Mazurka allowed to stand in the refrigerator or on the table just to icing froze, it takes him a little time (about half an hour).
  • 36. Thank you very much  We hope you liked our presentation.