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Vol. 46 August 3, 2021 Number 29
Barry Kennedy
Courtesy will open doors that hatefulness will close for sure. That simple
little statement is one with which most people can easily agree. Unfortunately,
many of those same people would vehemently disagree with what one might call
courtesy. I dare say that most would define courtesy with the word polite. Of
course, being polite is involved in practicing courtesy, but is that all courtesy is?
What does it mean to be polite? One would have to say that courtesy and
politeness involve consideration of the other person’s feelings and needs. Now we
are getting to the heart of courtesy. True courtesy does not overlook the needs of
an individual just to please him. Jesus was without a doubt the most courteous man
to walk the earth, but do we forget the times he called men “vipers,” “hypocrites,”
“blind leaders of the blind,” and not to mention, turning over the money changers’
tables and running them out of the temple with a whip? Was He practicing
courtesy then? Absolutely He was! Those before mentioned had simply rejected
the standard to the point that they needed extreme discipline. Christians must be
very concerned about their everyday conduct, knowing that someone is watching,
and they may be longing to find the truth. “For none of us liveth to himself, and no
man dieth to himself.” (Romans 14:7) “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts:
and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of
the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” (1 Peter 3:15).
The hope that is in a child of God is a beautiful blessing that cannot be
hidden from the world. As children of God, we must understand that we have been
given a great gift (Romans 6:23). This gift is not reserved for just us (John 3:16).
God wants all of mankind to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4). Too many times Christians
find themselves feeling the need to point out the sins that we see in others, which is
not wrong (see Mark 6:18), but how we do so could have eternal consequences.
Paul told the young preacher Timothy to “Preach the word; be instant in season,
out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine” (2
Timothy 4:2). The exhortation and longsuffering must involve a level of courtesy.
Paul, in his letter to the Ephesian congregation wrote, “That we henceforth be
no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of
doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to
deceive; But speaking the truth in love (Emph Mine BK), may grow up into him
in all things, which is the head, even Christ:” (Ephesians 4:14-15).
May God truly help each of us to give courtesy a try as we provoke one
another unto love and good works (Hebrews 10:24).
Mike Childers ............. 397-6453
Dennis Hallmark......... 255-5557
Mark Hitt .................... 322-0917
Bobby Lindley ............ 260-9193
Wade Bryan ................ 419-5552
William Harris ............ 416-8149
Ricky Lindsey............. 255-8136
Jeff Mansel.................. 871-0357
Jimmy Spearman ........ 840-8957
Michael Wilson........... 891-0891
Barry Kennedy....(931)787-7108
Alex Blackwelder (731)879-9196
Renee Childers
Office.......................... 842-6116
Fax .............................. 842-7091
Worship........................9:00 a.m.
Bible class..................10:15 a.m.
Worship......................11:15 a.m.
Singing or Devotional
Last Sunday of the Month
Wednesday Classes......7:00 p.m.
1606 East Main Street
P. O. Box 1761
Tupelo, Mississippi 38802
“Thou shalt observe to do all that they inform thee”
(Deut. 17:10)
Church family: you are
your brother’s keeper
October 14, 2019 by Jack Wilkie
Pull out your church directory from a few years ago
and chances are good you’ll find a few faces who
just don’t come around on Sunday anymore.
Whether it’s young people who lost their faith after
high school, families who got busy with activities,
those who spiraled into sin, or whoever else it may
be, unfortunately it’s inevitable that members will
fall away from the church from time to time.
Some people leave loudly, causing great division in
the church or refusing to repent of an uncovered sin.
Most, however, simply drift. They miss a Sunday
here or there, then a few more. Next thing you
know, no one’s seen them in months. They might
answer a phone call and say they’ll “try to be there
this Sunday,” but the departure has begun. The
cares of the world have choked out their faith and
God and His church just don’t register on their
priority list anymore.
The parables of Luke 15 (lost sheep, lost coin,
prodigal son) show us the great value God places on
the lost and the straying. It should hurt us when
people abandon our Lord. To use the New
Testament metaphor of the church as a body, a man
or a woman who deserts the church should feel like
an amputation to the rest of us. That pain must get
the attention of all of us and affect our actions.
While we can attempt the calls and visits, I
believe the Bible calls us to be more proactive
than reactive. In other words, efforts to strengthen
the faith of the weak should be happening long
before they show they are weak – perhaps even
before they are weak. But who’s going to do it?
God expects all of us to be involved in
strengthening each other. Unlike Cain brushing off
God’s question of where Able was, we are our
brothers’ keepers.
In Hebrews 3:12 the writer commands each
Christian to take care that they don’t fall away. The
next verse, however, changes the perspective. The
inward focus turns outward. “Encourage one
another day after day… so that none of you will be
hardened by the deceitfulness of sin” (emp. added).
The two principles to take away: first, it’s each
one’s responsibility to encourage their fellow
Christians to stay faithful. Second, this is to happen
regularly. It doesn’t say “step in when you see
someone drifting.” It says “day by day” for a
reason. We need constant encouraging to keep
believing in Jesus and keep obeying Him.
The writer revisits this idea in 10:23-27. In 10:26-
27 we’re told if we practice willful sin, we have a
terrifying expectation of judgment. 10:23-25 tell us
what to do about it: hold fast our confession,
consider how to stir up our fellow Christians to love
and good works, not forsake the assembling, and
encourage one another. Again, with the threat of
falling away as the backdrop, Christians are
commanded to find ways to help their fellow
Christians stay on the straight and narrow.
A necessary disclaimer: we have to understand that
we can’t ensure salvation for everybody just by
being more involved and encouraging them. In 1
and 2 Timothy Paul references Hymenaeus,
Alexander, and Philetus, former co-laborers who
turned from the truth. And, of course, Judas Iscariot
spent 3 years with Jesus yet still betrayed Him when
the time came. When Jesus Christ Himself (along
with the apostle Paul) did not force someone to stay
faithful, we have to accept the fact that we can’t
guarantee the faithfulness of everyone in our church
family, either.
On the other hand, we shouldn’t let that fact keep us
from making every effort. Galatians 6:1-2
commands the spiritual to restore those who are
caught in sin and to help bear their burdens. James
5:19-20 reminds us the importance of turning back
those who stray to save their souls and cover their
sins. Over and over the church is encouraged to
proactively keep each other from sin and unbelief
and reactively try to restore those who fall.
How do we do this? The only way is through close
relationships. We can’t “encourage one another day
after day” if we’re only interacting for a few
minutes before and after Sunday worship. We have
to be close enough to speak difficult truths into each
other’s lives, and that kind of rapport takes time to
It isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. Souls are at stake.
Make the commitment today: I will draw near to my
church family. I will do what it takes to stir them up
to love and good works. I will carry them when they
stumble. I will be my brothers’ keeper.
Daily Bible Reading
August 4............................................ Jeremiah 11-15
August 5............................................ Jeremiah 16-20
August 6............................................ Jeremiah 21-25
August 7............................................ Jeremiah 26-29
August 8............................................ Jeremiah 30-31
August 9............................................ Jeremiah 32-33
August 10.......................................... Jeremiah 34-36
Birthdays &
Birthdays: Jeff Mansel (Aug. 4), John Ezra
Lindley (Aug. 6), Norma Deaton (Aug. 10).
Anniversaries: Danny & Barbara Wright
(Aug. 8), Mike & Renee Childers (Aug. 10).
Our Sick
Alex Blackwelder will undergo more tests this
week. Susan Reed will undergo tests at UAB Oct.
30. Jackson Voyles underwent oral surgery
Tuesday. David & Katie Bates and Jenna Davis
are home with the coronavirus. Missy Nichols’
mother, Clara McClure, continues hospice. Stella
Pittman, Star Ray’s mother & Barbara Wright’s
sister, continues at Landmark in Booneville.
Carrie Hitt’s grandmother, Wilma Chase, is
recovering from heart surgery in OK. Randy
Pearce, Chad Willis, Kristie Webb & Rhonda
Pennington’s cousin, continues in the Oxford
hospital. J.J. Reed is home with a torn ligament in
his back. Shauna McMickin has completed her
chemo at St. Jude. Karen Bryan’s cousin, April
Pounders, was diagnosed with breast cancer, and
her daughter, Olivia Pounders, has juvenile
On-Going Illnesses
Mary Lou Walden, Steve Kelly, Bettye Davis,
Frankie Estes, Shirley Lyons, Caroline Willis,
Sean Koehn, Carol Hood, Bill Goff, Donny
Dulaney, Adam McCurley, James Goddard,
Mitch Maclean, Mary Starz, Sheba Tuggers, Steve
Higginbotham, Lance Canerdy
Nursing Homes
Nancy Haywood, Randy Attaway, Veona Harris,
Shirley McCarthy, Bob McClure, Brenda Dawson
Our sympathy is extended to Ethan Benefield in
the loss of his grandfather, Albert Hall, on July 29
in West Virginia from Covid.
Also, we extend condolences to Christina
Lindley in the loss of her great aunt, Margaret Goff,
on July 27 in Mantachie.
Brain Freeze
Everyone is invited to the
multipurpose room after Bible
class this Wednesday, Aug. 4 to
enjoy ice cream and fellowship.
All the Youth
All the youth are
invited to a “Back to
School Bash” on Sunday,
Aug. 15. More details
coming soon. Please make
plans to attend!
Thank You Note
Thanks for all the prayers, phone calls and kind
words after my mother’s death. It is such a blessing
to be a part of such a loving church family.
Ricky & Kim Johnson
Response & Baptism
Britton Smith responded Sunday to the Lord’s
invitation confessing things amiss in his life and
asking for prayers of forgiveness.
Also, during the week of Maywood Christian
Camp, Emily Rushing was baptized into Christ.
She is the daughter of Derik & Staci Rushing. We
are proud of these two young people for their desire
to live pleasing to God.
Men to Serve Sunday, Aug. 8, 2021 a.m.
Announcements................................Michael Wilson
Bible Reading........................................Aaron Willis
Opening Prayer .................................Shawn Mounce
Lord’s Supper
Nic Nichols
Lead Singing......................................Donny McKay
Closing Prayer.............................Hunter Underwood
Ushers ...............................Greg Lyle & Lee DuBois
Please meet in the library by 8:45 a.m.
Sunday 11:15 a.m. service
Opening Prayer ...........................Bobby Joe Lindley
Closing Prayer................................... Stuart Childers
Lead Singing......................................... Wade Bryan
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Opening Prayer ..................................Hugh Scribner
Lead Singing........................................ Greg Hughes
The elders kindly request that men leading in public
worship wear the best dress clothes they have.
Contact the Wade Bryan (419-5552) if unable to serve.
Attendance & Contribution
Mid-Week, 7-28-21 .................................................... 141
Sunday 1st
Worship, 8-1-21 ...................................... 171*
Sunday Bible Class..................................................... 165
Sunday 2nd
Worship.................................................... 141
Contribution (budget $7,900) .............................. $10,277
*This does not include the livestreamed views.
Pantry item........................................... Peanut butter
Our Gospel Meeting scheduled
Aug. 29th
-Sept. 1st
with Neal
Pollard has been postponed.

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East main informer, 8 3-21

  • 1. 4 Vol. 46 August 3, 2021 Number 29 COURTESY Barry Kennedy Courtesy will open doors that hatefulness will close for sure. That simple little statement is one with which most people can easily agree. Unfortunately, many of those same people would vehemently disagree with what one might call courtesy. I dare say that most would define courtesy with the word polite. Of course, being polite is involved in practicing courtesy, but is that all courtesy is? What does it mean to be polite? One would have to say that courtesy and politeness involve consideration of the other person’s feelings and needs. Now we are getting to the heart of courtesy. True courtesy does not overlook the needs of an individual just to please him. Jesus was without a doubt the most courteous man to walk the earth, but do we forget the times he called men “vipers,” “hypocrites,” “blind leaders of the blind,” and not to mention, turning over the money changers’ tables and running them out of the temple with a whip? Was He practicing courtesy then? Absolutely He was! Those before mentioned had simply rejected the standard to the point that they needed extreme discipline. Christians must be very concerned about their everyday conduct, knowing that someone is watching, and they may be longing to find the truth. “For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.” (Romans 14:7) “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” (1 Peter 3:15). The hope that is in a child of God is a beautiful blessing that cannot be hidden from the world. As children of God, we must understand that we have been given a great gift (Romans 6:23). This gift is not reserved for just us (John 3:16). God wants all of mankind to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4). Too many times Christians find themselves feeling the need to point out the sins that we see in others, which is not wrong (see Mark 6:18), but how we do so could have eternal consequences. Paul told the young preacher Timothy to “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine” (2 Timothy 4:2). The exhortation and longsuffering must involve a level of courtesy. Paul, in his letter to the Ephesian congregation wrote, “That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love (Emph Mine BK), may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:” (Ephesians 4:14-15). May God truly help each of us to give courtesy a try as we provoke one another unto love and good works (Hebrews 10:24). ELDERS Mike Childers ............. 397-6453 Dennis Hallmark......... 255-5557 Mark Hitt .................... 322-0917 Bobby Lindley ............ 260-9193 DEACONS Wade Bryan ................ 419-5552 William Harris ............ 416-8149 Ricky Lindsey............. 255-8136 Jeff Mansel.................. 871-0357 Jimmy Spearman ........ 840-8957 Michael Wilson........... 891-0891 MINISTERS Barry Kennedy....(931)787-7108 Alex Blackwelder (731)879-9196 SECRETARY Renee Childers Office.......................... 842-6116 Fax .............................. 842-7091 E-MAIL WEB PAGE SUNDAY SERVICES Worship........................9:00 a.m. Bible class..................10:15 a.m. Worship......................11:15 a.m. Singing or Devotional Last Sunday of the Month MID-WEEK SERVICES Wednesday Classes......7:00 p.m. 1606 East Main Street P. O. Box 1761 Tupelo, Mississippi 38802 “Thou shalt observe to do all that they inform thee” (Deut. 17:10)
  • 2. Church family: you are your brother’s keeper October 14, 2019 by Jack Wilkie Pull out your church directory from a few years ago and chances are good you’ll find a few faces who just don’t come around on Sunday anymore. Whether it’s young people who lost their faith after high school, families who got busy with activities, those who spiraled into sin, or whoever else it may be, unfortunately it’s inevitable that members will fall away from the church from time to time. Some people leave loudly, causing great division in the church or refusing to repent of an uncovered sin. Most, however, simply drift. They miss a Sunday here or there, then a few more. Next thing you know, no one’s seen them in months. They might answer a phone call and say they’ll “try to be there this Sunday,” but the departure has begun. The cares of the world have choked out their faith and God and His church just don’t register on their priority list anymore. The parables of Luke 15 (lost sheep, lost coin, prodigal son) show us the great value God places on the lost and the straying. It should hurt us when people abandon our Lord. To use the New Testament metaphor of the church as a body, a man or a woman who deserts the church should feel like an amputation to the rest of us. That pain must get the attention of all of us and affect our actions. While we can attempt the calls and visits, I believe the Bible calls us to be more proactive than reactive. In other words, efforts to strengthen the faith of the weak should be happening long before they show they are weak – perhaps even before they are weak. But who’s going to do it? God expects all of us to be involved in strengthening each other. Unlike Cain brushing off God’s question of where Able was, we are our brothers’ keepers. In Hebrews 3:12 the writer commands each Christian to take care that they don’t fall away. The next verse, however, changes the perspective. The inward focus turns outward. “Encourage one another day after day… so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin” (emp. added). The two principles to take away: first, it’s each one’s responsibility to encourage their fellow Christians to stay faithful. Second, this is to happen regularly. It doesn’t say “step in when you see someone drifting.” It says “day by day” for a reason. We need constant encouraging to keep believing in Jesus and keep obeying Him. The writer revisits this idea in 10:23-27. In 10:26- 27 we’re told if we practice willful sin, we have a terrifying expectation of judgment. 10:23-25 tell us what to do about it: hold fast our confession, consider how to stir up our fellow Christians to love and good works, not forsake the assembling, and encourage one another. Again, with the threat of falling away as the backdrop, Christians are commanded to find ways to help their fellow Christians stay on the straight and narrow. A necessary disclaimer: we have to understand that we can’t ensure salvation for everybody just by being more involved and encouraging them. In 1 and 2 Timothy Paul references Hymenaeus, Alexander, and Philetus, former co-laborers who turned from the truth. And, of course, Judas Iscariot spent 3 years with Jesus yet still betrayed Him when the time came. When Jesus Christ Himself (along with the apostle Paul) did not force someone to stay faithful, we have to accept the fact that we can’t guarantee the faithfulness of everyone in our church family, either. On the other hand, we shouldn’t let that fact keep us from making every effort. Galatians 6:1-2 commands the spiritual to restore those who are caught in sin and to help bear their burdens. James 5:19-20 reminds us the importance of turning back those who stray to save their souls and cover their sins. Over and over the church is encouraged to proactively keep each other from sin and unbelief and reactively try to restore those who fall. How do we do this? The only way is through close relationships. We can’t “encourage one another day after day” if we’re only interacting for a few minutes before and after Sunday worship. We have to be close enough to speak difficult truths into each other’s lives, and that kind of rapport takes time to build. It isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. Souls are at stake. Make the commitment today: I will draw near to my church family. I will do what it takes to stir them up to love and good works. I will carry them when they stumble. I will be my brothers’ keeper.
  • 3. Daily Bible Reading August 4............................................ Jeremiah 11-15 August 5............................................ Jeremiah 16-20 August 6............................................ Jeremiah 21-25 August 7............................................ Jeremiah 26-29 August 8............................................ Jeremiah 30-31 August 9............................................ Jeremiah 32-33 August 10.......................................... Jeremiah 34-36 Birthdays & Anniversaries Birthdays: Jeff Mansel (Aug. 4), John Ezra Lindley (Aug. 6), Norma Deaton (Aug. 10). Anniversaries: Danny & Barbara Wright (Aug. 8), Mike & Renee Childers (Aug. 10). Our Sick Alex Blackwelder will undergo more tests this week. Susan Reed will undergo tests at UAB Oct. 30. Jackson Voyles underwent oral surgery Tuesday. David & Katie Bates and Jenna Davis are home with the coronavirus. Missy Nichols’ mother, Clara McClure, continues hospice. Stella Pittman, Star Ray’s mother & Barbara Wright’s sister, continues at Landmark in Booneville. Carrie Hitt’s grandmother, Wilma Chase, is recovering from heart surgery in OK. Randy Pearce, Chad Willis, Kristie Webb & Rhonda Pennington’s cousin, continues in the Oxford hospital. J.J. Reed is home with a torn ligament in his back. Shauna McMickin has completed her chemo at St. Jude. Karen Bryan’s cousin, April Pounders, was diagnosed with breast cancer, and her daughter, Olivia Pounders, has juvenile dementia. On-Going Illnesses Mary Lou Walden, Steve Kelly, Bettye Davis, Frankie Estes, Shirley Lyons, Caroline Willis, Sean Koehn, Carol Hood, Bill Goff, Donny Dulaney, Adam McCurley, James Goddard, Mitch Maclean, Mary Starz, Sheba Tuggers, Steve Higginbotham, Lance Canerdy Nursing Homes Nancy Haywood, Randy Attaway, Veona Harris, Shirley McCarthy, Bob McClure, Brenda Dawson Sympathy Our sympathy is extended to Ethan Benefield in the loss of his grandfather, Albert Hall, on July 29 in West Virginia from Covid. Also, we extend condolences to Christina Lindley in the loss of her great aunt, Margaret Goff, on July 27 in Mantachie. EMYG News Brain Freeze Everyone is invited to the multipurpose room after Bible class this Wednesday, Aug. 4 to enjoy ice cream and fellowship. All the Youth All the youth are invited to a “Back to School Bash” on Sunday, Aug. 15. More details coming soon. Please make plans to attend! Thank You Note Thanks for all the prayers, phone calls and kind words after my mother’s death. It is such a blessing to be a part of such a loving church family. Ricky & Kim Johnson Response & Baptism Britton Smith responded Sunday to the Lord’s invitation confessing things amiss in his life and asking for prayers of forgiveness. Also, during the week of Maywood Christian Camp, Emily Rushing was baptized into Christ. She is the daughter of Derik & Staci Rushing. We are proud of these two young people for their desire to live pleasing to God.
  • 4. Men to Serve Sunday, Aug. 8, 2021 a.m. Announcements................................Michael Wilson Bible Reading........................................Aaron Willis Opening Prayer .................................Shawn Mounce Lord’s Supper Nic Nichols Lead Singing......................................Donny McKay Closing Prayer.............................Hunter Underwood Ushers ...............................Greg Lyle & Lee DuBois Please meet in the library by 8:45 a.m. Sunday 11:15 a.m. service Opening Prayer ...........................Bobby Joe Lindley Closing Prayer................................... Stuart Childers Lead Singing......................................... Wade Bryan Wednesday, August 11, 2021 Opening Prayer ..................................Hugh Scribner Lead Singing........................................ Greg Hughes The elders kindly request that men leading in public worship wear the best dress clothes they have. Contact the Wade Bryan (419-5552) if unable to serve. Attendance & Contribution Mid-Week, 7-28-21 .................................................... 141 Sunday 1st Worship, 8-1-21 ...................................... 171* Sunday Bible Class..................................................... 165 Sunday 2nd Worship.................................................... 141 Contribution (budget $7,900) .............................. $10,277 *This does not include the livestreamed views. Pantry item........................................... Peanut butter Our Gospel Meeting scheduled Aug. 29th -Sept. 1st with Neal Pollard has been postponed.