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Vol. 45 May 12, 2020 Number 19
Neil Richey
During the Revolutionary War, one of America's founding fathers
said, "these are strange and troublesome times." The time in which you
and I are living are indeed troubling. Troubling because we are at war.
War time is the time which can "try men's souls." Charles Dickens is
famous for the words, "it was the best of times, and it was the worst of
times." Though I would not say these are the "worst of times," I would
agree that today America is certainly being challenged. How can we, as
the church, build up America?
We can build up America through prayer. Charlie Britnell said,
"Prayer is the greatest contribution which Christians can make to our
national security. Prayer moves the hand that rules the universe. The
Christian's influence offers more national protection than all the military
might, missiles, and nuclear arsenals of history's most powerful nation."
Paul the apostle reminds us of the value of prayer for our nation and
leaders when he says, "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications,
prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For
kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and
peaceable life in all godliness and honesty" (1 Tm. 2:1-2).
We can build up America through personal evangelism. Until we
truly believe that the world is lost and appreciate the fact that we are the
vessels that God must use to reach the lost, the world will stay lost.
Charles Box said, "Indifference is the area of personal evangelism that is
probably the chief weakness of Christianity as it faces times like these."
Consider these words: "And when I think that God His Son not sparing,
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in; That on the cross, my burden
gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sins." Jesus said, "Go
ye...and teach all nations..." Brethren, "Go ye" means "Go ME."
--article continued page 2--
Mike Childers..............397-6453
Dennis Hallmark .........255-5557
Mark Hitt.....................322-0917
Bobby Lindley.............260-9193
Wade Bryan.................419-5552
William Harris.............416-8149
Ricky Lindsey .............255-8136
Jeff Mansel..................871-0357
Jimmy Spearman.........840-8957
Michael Wilson ...........891-0891
Barry Kennedy ... (931)787-7108
Alex Blackwelder (731)879-9196
Renee Childers
Worship....................... 9:00 a.m.
Bible Classes............. 10:15 a.m.
Worship..................... 11:15 a.m.
Singing or Devotional
Last Sunday of the Month
Wednesday Classes .....7:00 p.m.
1606 East Main Street
P. O. Box 1761
Tupelo, Mississippi 38802
“Thou shalt observe to do all that they inform thee”
(Deut. 17:10)
--article continued from page 1—
We can build up America through
Christian's. One Christian can make a
difference. We must keep in mind that
"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a
reproach to any people" (Prov. 14:34). Johnny
Ramsey once said, "Let me tell you a secret, all
the politicians in America put together, all the
soldiers in uniform around the world, and all
the bombs and missiles and bayonets and
soldiers, don't compare with the power of one
devoted Christian, and the blessing they can
give to the kingdom of God and the world at
Though these may be "strange and
troublesome times," we can help America
overcome if we will recognize the power of
prayer, reach people through evangelism, and
realize that we, as individual Christian's can
make a difference. “Let us rise up and build.
So, they strengthened their hands for this good
work” (Nehemiah 2:18).
Placing Membership
We are happy to
announce that Don &
Wanda McKay and John &
Hollie Bowlin (daughters—
Mary Robbins & Rosie)
made known their desire Sunday to be recognized
as members of the East Main congregation and
work under the oversight of our elders Mike
Childers, Dennis Hallmark, Mark Hitt and Bobby
Joe Lindley. We will try to have their addresses
and phone numbers soon. Please welcome them to
our East Main family.
Wedding Shower for Alex
& Cassie
A Wedding Shower for
Alex Blackwelder &
Cassie Cummings is
scheduled for May 23
from 3:00-5:00 p.m. It is a
“drive by” shower at the
church building. They are registered at Target and
Bed, Bath & Beyond.
High School Graduates
We are still planning to honor
our 2020 High School Graduates!
We just have not determined
exactly how we will do it or the
date yet. We hope to have
definite plans soon. Our high
school graduates this year are Hannah Bland, Jacob
Bradley, Jacie Dickinson, Sam Hood, Brooke Roby,
and Kylee Steward.
Thank You Note
During this time of uncertainty, I am glad that
Pinevale has a supporter like you. Thank you for
making sure that I have a shelter in the time of
storm. Brent (13)
Pine Vale Children’s Home
Ladies’ Fellowship
The ladies’ monthly fellowship will NOT meet
this Thursday. All the ladies are encouraged to
continue working in their Digging Deep books and
watching the podcasts.
Personal Evangelism
The Personal Evangelism Workshop with Rob
Whitacre scheduled for May 29 & 30, has been
postponed for now. We hope to reschedule it
possibly in August.
John Duke stationed in Gulfport, MS
Caleb Williams stationed in Iraq
Rob Cross & family stationed in South Korea
Daily Bible Reading
May 13.....................................................Nehemiah 13
May 14..........................................................Esther 1-2
May 15..........................................................Esther 3-4
May 16..........................................................Esther 5-7
May 17........................................................Esther 8-10
May 18...............................................................Job 1-3
May 19...............................................................Job 4-7
Birthdays &
Birthdays: Paul Blansett (May 13), Dolline
Gibson (May 13), Scotty Bishop (May 14),
Aaryn Vines (May 15), Sarai Lindley (May 18),
Mike Childers (May 19), Lauren Lindley (May 19),
Ricky Lindsey (May 19), Anna Mae Huggins (May
19). Anniversaries: Jalon & Katherine Mansel (May
16), Roger & Lynn Sanderson (May 17), Melvin &
Debbie Duke (May 18), James & Sandra Simmons
(May 19), Eddie & Jeannie Simmons (May 19).
Our Sick
Continue to remember those in nursing homes
and assisted living facilities, as they are not allowed
visitors at this time.
On-Going Illnesses
Mary Lou Walden, Pete Barber, Steve Kelly,
Frankie Estes, Jennie Cox, Donny Dulaney, Adam
McCurley, Mary Jordan, James Goddard, Bill Goff,
Leroy Brown, Jadon Parish, Jerry Smith, Mitch
Maclean, Mary Starz, Sheba Tuggers, Homer
Smith, Jill Rice, Ann Letteri, Shirley Roberts,
Merlene Johnson
Nursing Homes
Evelyn Willis, Nancy Haywood, Randy Attaway,
Shirley McCarthy, Mary Southern, Veona Harris
Home Devotional
In what chapter of the Bible do you find?
Model prayer............................................ Matthew 6
Death of Jesus ....................................... Matthew 27
Lord’s Supper .................................1 Corinthians 11
Faith ....................................................... Hebrews 11
Good marriage ............................................ 1 Peter 3
Name the days of creation:
Day one—Light
Day two—Clouds and sky
Day three—Flowers, grass and trees
Day four—Sun, moon and stars
Day five—Fish and birds
Day six—Animals and man
Day seven—God rested
Name the writers of the New Testament:
Put the following Bible characters in
chronological order?
Memory Verse:
Why do I need Jesus?
Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and
come short of the glory of God.”
Can you tell a Bible story from the
following picture?
Outreach Item for May:
Bathroom cleaner
Men to Serve Sunday, April 5, 2020 a.m.
Announcements..............................Dennis Hallmark
Bible Reading..............................Hunter Underwood
Opening Prayer ..............................Roger Sanderson
Lord’s Supper
Dale Dulaney & Kent Nichols
Serve Congregation, East Side:
Greg Hughes, Joe Minor, Andy Baldwyn
Serve Congregation, West Side:
Lee DuBois, Ben DuBois, Jackson Voyles
Lead Singing......................................Hugh Scribner
Closing Prayer................................. Jason Dickinson
Ushers .................. David Ramseyer & Eric Barnette
Please meet in the library by 8:45 a.m.
Sunday Afternoon
Opening Prayer ...................................Mike Childers
Closing Prayer................................... William Harris
Lead Singing....................................James Simmons
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Prayer.................................................... Chet Wilson
Lead Singing........................................ Greg Hughes
Contact Wade Bryan (419-5552) if unable to serve.
The elders kindly request that men leading in public
worship wear the best dress clothes they have.
Greeters ..................... Bobby Joe & Brenda Lindley
...................................Ricky & Lisa Lindsey
Prepare Lord’s Supper—April...........................Greg
& Tracy Lyle
Nursery (1st
worship)...................Tammy & Sarah Minor
worship)......Stephanie Baldwyn & Maggie Minor
Pantry................................................................ Tuna
Attendance & Contribution
Mid-Week, 3-25-20.............................................N/A
Sunday 1st
Worship, 3-29-20 ..............................N/A
Sunday Bible Class .............................................N/A
Sunday 2nd
Contribution (budget $7,900)..........................$6,755
Mark Your Calendars!!!
Vacation Bible School – June 14th-17th
Maywood Christian Camp – July 12th-18th
Outward Camp – July 31st-August 1st
Gospel Meeting – September 13th-16th
Fall Family Retreat – November 13th-14th
We will be livestreaming services
again this Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
We continue in unprecedented times! Please continue to pray for our elders as they
diligently look for ways to spiritually feed the East Main family while we are unable to
assemble as a congregation due to this virus. Please continue to view East Main’s
Facebook page to see recorded worship services and Bible class lessons, as well as daily
devotional thoughts (“Monday Meditations,” “TNT,” “Thoughtful Thursdays,” “Elders’
Encouragements”) for adults and youth. Also, you can view our Sunday worship services
on YouTube.
East Main Church of Christ
Here is what the Facebook page looks like. If you are not able to access this page,
please call the church office and someone will assist you in gaining access.
Please continue to pray for each other and the world over!
“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.” (Rev. 22:21).

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East main informer, 5 12-20

  • 1. 4 Vol. 45 May 12, 2020 Number 19 BUILDING UP AMERICA Neil Richey During the Revolutionary War, one of America's founding fathers said, "these are strange and troublesome times." The time in which you and I are living are indeed troubling. Troubling because we are at war. War time is the time which can "try men's souls." Charles Dickens is famous for the words, "it was the best of times, and it was the worst of times." Though I would not say these are the "worst of times," I would agree that today America is certainly being challenged. How can we, as the church, build up America? We can build up America through prayer. Charlie Britnell said, "Prayer is the greatest contribution which Christians can make to our national security. Prayer moves the hand that rules the universe. The Christian's influence offers more national protection than all the military might, missiles, and nuclear arsenals of history's most powerful nation." Paul the apostle reminds us of the value of prayer for our nation and leaders when he says, "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty" (1 Tm. 2:1-2). We can build up America through personal evangelism. Until we truly believe that the world is lost and appreciate the fact that we are the vessels that God must use to reach the lost, the world will stay lost. Charles Box said, "Indifference is the area of personal evangelism that is probably the chief weakness of Christianity as it faces times like these." Consider these words: "And when I think that God His Son not sparing, Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in; That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sins." Jesus said, "Go ye...and teach all nations..." Brethren, "Go ye" means "Go ME." --article continued page 2-- ELDERS Mike Childers..............397-6453 Dennis Hallmark .........255-5557 Mark Hitt.....................322-0917 Bobby Lindley.............260-9193 DEACONS Wade Bryan.................419-5552 William Harris.............416-8149 Ricky Lindsey .............255-8136 Jeff Mansel..................871-0357 Jimmy Spearman.........840-8957 Michael Wilson ...........891-0891 MINISTERS Barry Kennedy ... (931)787-7108 Alex Blackwelder (731)879-9196 SECRETARY Renee Childers Office...........................842-6116 Fax...............................842-7091 E-MAIL WEB PAGE SUNDAY SERVICES Worship....................... 9:00 a.m. Bible Classes............. 10:15 a.m. Worship..................... 11:15 a.m. Singing or Devotional Last Sunday of the Month MID-WEEK SERVICES Wednesday Classes .....7:00 p.m. EAST MAIN CHURCH OF CHRIST 1606 East Main Street P. O. Box 1761 Tupelo, Mississippi 38802 “Thou shalt observe to do all that they inform thee” (Deut. 17:10)
  • 2. --article continued from page 1— We can build up America through Christian's. One Christian can make a difference. We must keep in mind that "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people" (Prov. 14:34). Johnny Ramsey once said, "Let me tell you a secret, all the politicians in America put together, all the soldiers in uniform around the world, and all the bombs and missiles and bayonets and soldiers, don't compare with the power of one devoted Christian, and the blessing they can give to the kingdom of God and the world at large." Though these may be "strange and troublesome times," we can help America overcome if we will recognize the power of prayer, reach people through evangelism, and realize that we, as individual Christian's can make a difference. “Let us rise up and build. So, they strengthened their hands for this good work” (Nehemiah 2:18). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Placing Membership We are happy to announce that Don & Wanda McKay and John & Hollie Bowlin (daughters— Mary Robbins & Rosie) made known their desire Sunday to be recognized as members of the East Main congregation and work under the oversight of our elders Mike Childers, Dennis Hallmark, Mark Hitt and Bobby Joe Lindley. We will try to have their addresses and phone numbers soon. Please welcome them to our East Main family. Wedding Shower for Alex & Cassie A Wedding Shower for Alex Blackwelder & Cassie Cummings is scheduled for May 23 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. It is a “drive by” shower at the church building. They are registered at Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond. High School Graduates We are still planning to honor our 2020 High School Graduates! We just have not determined exactly how we will do it or the date yet. We hope to have definite plans soon. Our high school graduates this year are Hannah Bland, Jacob Bradley, Jacie Dickinson, Sam Hood, Brooke Roby, and Kylee Steward. Thank You Note During this time of uncertainty, I am glad that Pinevale has a supporter like you. Thank you for making sure that I have a shelter in the time of storm. Brent (13) Pine Vale Children’s Home Ladies’ Fellowship The ladies’ monthly fellowship will NOT meet this Thursday. All the ladies are encouraged to continue working in their Digging Deep books and watching the podcasts. Personal Evangelism Workshop The Personal Evangelism Workshop with Rob Whitacre scheduled for May 29 & 30, has been postponed for now. We hope to reschedule it possibly in August. John Duke stationed in Gulfport, MS Caleb Williams stationed in Iraq Rob Cross & family stationed in South Korea
  • 3. Daily Bible Reading May 13.....................................................Nehemiah 13 May 14..........................................................Esther 1-2 May 15..........................................................Esther 3-4 May 16..........................................................Esther 5-7 May 17........................................................Esther 8-10 May 18...............................................................Job 1-3 May 19...............................................................Job 4-7 Birthdays & Anniversaries Birthdays: Paul Blansett (May 13), Dolline Gibson (May 13), Scotty Bishop (May 14), Aaryn Vines (May 15), Sarai Lindley (May 18), Mike Childers (May 19), Lauren Lindley (May 19), Ricky Lindsey (May 19), Anna Mae Huggins (May 19). Anniversaries: Jalon & Katherine Mansel (May 16), Roger & Lynn Sanderson (May 17), Melvin & Debbie Duke (May 18), James & Sandra Simmons (May 19), Eddie & Jeannie Simmons (May 19). Our Sick Continue to remember those in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, as they are not allowed visitors at this time. On-Going Illnesses Mary Lou Walden, Pete Barber, Steve Kelly, Frankie Estes, Jennie Cox, Donny Dulaney, Adam McCurley, Mary Jordan, James Goddard, Bill Goff, Leroy Brown, Jadon Parish, Jerry Smith, Mitch Maclean, Mary Starz, Sheba Tuggers, Homer Smith, Jill Rice, Ann Letteri, Shirley Roberts, Merlene Johnson Nursing Homes Evelyn Willis, Nancy Haywood, Randy Attaway, Shirley McCarthy, Mary Southern, Veona Harris Home Devotional In what chapter of the Bible do you find? Model prayer............................................ Matthew 6 Death of Jesus ....................................... Matthew 27 Lord’s Supper .................................1 Corinthians 11 Faith ....................................................... Hebrews 11 Good marriage ............................................ 1 Peter 3 Name the days of creation: Day one—Light Day two—Clouds and sky Day three—Flowers, grass and trees Day four—Sun, moon and stars Day five—Fish and birds Day six—Animals and man Day seven—God rested Name the writers of the New Testament: Matthew Mark Luke John Paul James Peter Jude Put the following Bible characters in chronological order? Abraham Joseph Adam Isaac Noah Memory Verse: Why do I need Jesus? Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Can you tell a Bible story from the following picture? Outreach Item for May: Bathroom cleaner
  • 4. Men to Serve Sunday, April 5, 2020 a.m. Announcements..............................Dennis Hallmark Bible Reading..............................Hunter Underwood Opening Prayer ..............................Roger Sanderson Lord’s Supper Dale Dulaney & Kent Nichols Serve Congregation, East Side: Greg Hughes, Joe Minor, Andy Baldwyn Serve Congregation, West Side: Lee DuBois, Ben DuBois, Jackson Voyles Lead Singing......................................Hugh Scribner Closing Prayer................................. Jason Dickinson Ushers .................. David Ramseyer & Eric Barnette Please meet in the library by 8:45 a.m. Sunday Afternoon Opening Prayer ...................................Mike Childers Closing Prayer................................... William Harris Lead Singing....................................James Simmons Wednesday, April 8, 2020 Prayer.................................................... Chet Wilson Lead Singing........................................ Greg Hughes Contact Wade Bryan (419-5552) if unable to serve. The elders kindly request that men leading in public worship wear the best dress clothes they have. Greeters ..................... Bobby Joe & Brenda Lindley ...................................Ricky & Lisa Lindsey Prepare Lord’s Supper—April...........................Greg & Tracy Lyle Nursery (1st worship)...................Tammy & Sarah Minor (2nd worship)......Stephanie Baldwyn & Maggie Minor Pantry................................................................ Tuna Attendance & Contribution Mid-Week, 3-25-20.............................................N/A Sunday 1st Worship, 3-29-20 ..............................N/A Sunday Bible Class .............................................N/A Sunday 2nd Worship............................................N/A Contribution (budget $7,900)..........................$6,755 Mark Your Calendars!!! Vacation Bible School – June 14th-17th Maywood Christian Camp – July 12th-18th Outward Camp – July 31st-August 1st Gospel Meeting – September 13th-16th Fall Family Retreat – November 13th-14th We will be livestreaming services again this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. We continue in unprecedented times! Please continue to pray for our elders as they diligently look for ways to spiritually feed the East Main family while we are unable to assemble as a congregation due to this virus. Please continue to view East Main’s Facebook page to see recorded worship services and Bible class lessons, as well as daily devotional thoughts (“Monday Meditations,” “TNT,” “Thoughtful Thursdays,” “Elders’ Encouragements”) for adults and youth. Also, you can view our Sunday worship services on YouTube. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ East Main Church of Christ Here is what the Facebook page looks like. If you are not able to access this page, please call the church office and someone will assist you in gaining access. Please continue to pray for each other and the world over! “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.” (Rev. 22:21).