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The Emotional Activation System

          presented by

        David Tian, Ph.D.
   What's the Big Problem?
       −   She doesn't feel about you the way
           you feel about her
   Answer: The Emotional Activation System
   Why & How the Emotional Activation
    System Works
       −   The Neuroscience of mirror
   Result: Make Her Feel How You Feel
   I was once like you...
   Robert Greene's Art of Seduction and the
    character of the Rake
        −   “When he desires a woman, brief
            though that moment may be, he will
            go to the ends of the earth for her.”
        −   His greatest weakness is his
            overwhelming love of women.
            Paradoxically, that is also his
            greatest strength.
     −   “When he pursues a woman, he really is aglow
         with desire; the 'victim' senses this and is
         inflamed, even despite herself.”

     −   “The Ardent Rake teaches us a simple lesson:
         intense desire has a distracting power on a
         woman, just as the Siren's physical presence
         does on a man.”

     −   Advanced Rake: “The key is to show no
         hesitation, to abandon all restraint, to let
         yourself go, to show that you cannot control
         yourself and are fundamentally weak... This is
         the perfect cover for a seducer.”
   Examples of great seducers employing the
    Emotional Activation System
       −   Don Juan. Valmont in Dangerous
           Liaisons. Prince Niou in The Tale of
           Genji. Jia Baoyu in Dream of the Red
           Chamber. Lord Byron. The Duke de
           Richelieu. Pablo Picasso. Elvis. Bill
           Clinton. Robbie Williams. Russell
           Brand (“The best natural I've ever
           seen”--Neil Strauss).
   Field testing the Method of the Rake
   Discovery of Why & How the Emotional
    Activation System Works
   Mirror Neurons
        −   Daniel Goleman's Emotional
            Inte"igence and Social Inte"igence
   Field testing it with clients
            HOW IT WORKS
   The Emotional Activation System builds on:
       −   Emotional intelligence (knowing what you're honestly
           feeling and being able to articulate it, and then being able
           to infer what others are feeling)
       −   Knowing what the Ideal Man ought to feel
       −   Being HONEST with yourself about your imperfect
           feelings or any shortcomings
       −   Being content with who you are

      Great for turning her into your new

      Great for getting sexual very fast
      Great for developing assertiveness

   Discovery of the Power of the Rake
   Real Rakes in History
   Quick overview of how and why the
    Emotional Activation System works
   What the Emotional Activation System can
   Attraction is intuitive and driven by feelings
        −   Attraction is not governed by rationality or logic
        −   Myth of verbal “game” (UCLA study)
   Over 90% of attraction comes from rapid, unconscious
    cognitions, e.g., split-second judgments
   We only have conscious access to less than 10% of our
    mental processes

   Malcolm Gladwell's Blink
       −   Tennis coach Vic Braden can predict double faults to
           within 95% accuracy but doesn't know why
       −   Andre Agassi saying he uses his wrist to roll the racket
           over the ball on a forehand
       −   Ted Williams saying he looks the ball onto the bat
   Academic research shows we really don't know why we make
    most of our judgments
       WHAT CAN WE DO?

       Micro-managing sub-communications is
        nearly impossible, especially in the short-
       What drives the sub-communications?
            −   Mental and emotional states
     Micro expressions (Ekman & Friesen)

           −   Whatever emotion we are experiencing, it is
               automatically expressed by the muscles in the
               face and body

     Emotional feedback loop

           −   Inside out (Control your emotions)

                     Emotional Activation (much more

           −   Outside in (Control your physical body)

                     Body language, tonality, words, etc.
   Daniel Goleman's Social Inte"igence

         −    Amygdala (most primitive part of brain)
              unconsciously extracts emotional meaning from
              nonverbal images

                    Nervous mannerisms and twitches, the
                     resigned slouch of defeat, the sensuality of
                     a sexy smile, etc.

                    Bypasses brain's verbal processing areas

                    Primes reciprocal feelings
     The amygdala instantly reacts to such a photo; the
      stronger the emotion displayed, the more intense
      the amygdala's reaction

           −   “When people looked at such photos while
               undergoing an fMRI, their own brains looked
               like they were the frightened ones.”

     “Mirror neurons ensure that the moment someone
      sees an emotion expressed on your face, they will at
      once sense that same feeling within themselves.”

     By generating the desired state in yourself, you
      induce the desired state in others

     Bi%est Problem of the Lovelorn: He feels the wrong
      mix of emotions and thus transfers the wrong
      emotions to her

     Solution: The Emotional Activation System

     The Good News: Micromanaging your sub-
      communications is impossible, but you CAN
      manage your emotional states and transfer them to
      others using the Emotional Activation System

   Sub-communications
   Thin-slicing
   Micro expressions
   Mirror neurons
   Emotional contagion
   Applying the science
      Required Components

           −   1. Vocabulary of emotion terms

           −   2. Identify and Distinguish your emotions

           −   3. Express your emotions

           −   4. Correct inappropriate emotions by:

                     a) Questioning interpretations

                     b) Reframing interpretations

                     c) Conditioning the unconscious mind

           −   5. Amplify the feeling of your emotions
   Emotion = Feeling tone + Interpretation

         −   e.g., Emotion of fear on seeing a snake requires
             the judgment that the snake is dangerous and has
             potential to harm

   Control your emotions through manipulating your

         −   The importance of “frame” (the lens by which you
             see and interpret events)

                    e.g., Screening frame. “She wants me”
                     frame. “I'm the prize” frame.

     Ekman on at least seven universal human
      emotions: fear, sadness, anger, joy, surprise,
      contempt, and disgust.
     Confronting your emotions requires
      HONESTY (a great aphrodisiac)
     Practice asking yourself WHY you feel the
          −   Look for the interpretations leading
              to the feelings

     Increase your vocabulary of emotions
      terms, esp., non-native English speakers.
          −   Affection. Anger. Angst. Annoyance. Anxiety. Apathy.
              Arousal. Awe. Boredom. Contempt. Contentment.
              Curiosity. Depression. Desire. Despair. Disappointment.
              Disgust. Dread. Ecstasy. Embarrassment. Envy. Euphoria.
              Excitement. Fear. Fearlessness. Frustration. Gratitude.
              Grief. Guilt. Happiness. Hatred. Hope. Horror. Hostility.
              Hurt. Hysteria. Indifference. Interest. Jealousy. Joy.
              Loathing. Loneliness. Love. Lust. Misery. Panic. Passion.
              Pity. Pleasure. Pride. Rage. Regret. Remorse. Sadness.
              Satisfaction. Shame. Shock. Shyness. Sorrow. Suffering.
              Terror. Wonder. Worry.

   Increasing the terms and categories you use for expressing
    emotions => increases your knowledge of and facility over

   Always ask yourself WHY you have that feeling to unearth
    the unconscious interpretations leading to it

         −    Once you understand your judgments and
              interpretations, then you can change your
              emotional responses
     Avoidance

           −   Mainly unconscious

     Denial

           −   Especially prevalent among those from
               traditional, conservative moral or religious

     Wallowing

     Instead, learn the Emotional Activation System to take
      charge of your emotions

   Be completely honest with yourself
   What emotion(s) are you really feeling?
   What beliefs, judgments, or interpretations
    led to the feeling?
   What are the judgments? Are they valid?

           −    Emotion = Insecurity

           −    Interpretation = I'm too skinny for her to be attracted to me

           −    Questioning the judgment = Is it possible for her to be attracted to
                a skinny guy?

                        If “Yes,” then believe your research findings

                        If “No,” then is the problem fixable?

                             −    If “Yes,” then start fixing it

                             −    If “No,” then proceed to next step
   If you can't change the situation, then you must reframe it

                    Emotion = Insecurity

                    Judgment = I'm too short for her to be
                     attracted to me

                    Questioning the judgment = Is it possible
                     for her to be attracted to guys shorter than

                        −   “Yes, but the research findings show
                            that it is improbable.”

                        −   Then Reframe
    The shorter the man, the stronger he must
     be on other variables in order to hold a
     taller woman
    I will have to compensate by being stronger
     in other areas
    Women are much more attracted to
     personality than to physical appearance
     Help feeling catch up to rational thought

     Cut out sensory stimuli reinforcing the false belief (pop
      media, negative people, etc.)

     Fill up your senses with stimuli reinforcing the desired

           −    E.g., Insecurity over height

                      Cut out pop media, negative people, etc.

                      Replace with correct movies, books,
                       posters, internet images & video, people

   Emotion's two components
   Naming emotions
   Identifying and express emotions
   Questioning the interpretations
   Reframing the interpretations
   Conditioning the unconscious mind

   Progress toward the Ideal over time
   The Paradoxical Secret Power: Keep
    improving yourself, but be content with
    yourself and your progress
   Need knowledge of how you SHOULD be
    feeling to calibrate how you are
    CURRENTLY feeling

   Based on Evolutionary Science & Psychology

         −   Summarized in David Buss, The Evolution of

                   Wealth, Status, Ambition &
                    Industriousness, Physical Prowess (size,
                    strength, and health), and Intelligence (as
                    reliable predictor of economic prowess)

                   Women unconsciously choose men with
                    these traits

   But most of all: GOOD FEELINGS
   Attraction, Love, Desire, Arousal, Affection are all

         −    99% of people do not know how to control their

   Be the Man who gives her Good Feelings

         −    Undercut the Bigger Better Deal (who competes
              on conventional factors of wealth, status, and

         −    Shortcut to Good Feelings through the
              Emotional Activation System
   The Ideal Man gives her good feelings naturally because of
    his character

   Five Traits

   Confidence

         −    Shows her you can get the job done

                     Dependability and Stability

                     You can handle bad situations in life

                     You can provide for her and her family

                     She infers competence and experience
   Easygoing
       −   They are not uptight or anxious

       −   They don’t take themselves too seriously.
           They readily laugh at themselves and are the
           first to chuckle at their own foibles.

       −   While they are able to discern when and how
           to be serious about grave topics and to
           appreciate the consequences of their actions
           and decisions, they still see the humor in
           everyday situations, especially when these
           situations involve themselves.
   Assertiveness

         −   They are not push-overs

         −   They speak up for themselves and those under
             their leadership. In social settings, they are
             friendly and cordial but also dominant and

         −   They do not hide behind a false modesty. Rather,
             they believe that others, including their seniors,
             want to hear their ideas.

         −   They do not tolerate disrespect from others.

         −   They are persistent in pursuit of their goals.

         −   They freely approach women they want to meet.

   Leadership

         −   They are not passive followers.

         −   They have trained themselves to weigh the
             relevant factors, make snap decisions, and deal
             with the consequences.

         −    While they may have formal recognition through
             rank, status, or position, they do not rely on
             external recognition to inspire and lead others.

         −   They take into account the opinions and desires
             of others, but ultimately, they draw their own
             conclusions and waste no time in doing so.

   Sexual

         −   They are not immature schoolboys.

         −   They are not judgmental or closed-minded.

         −   These men have no sexual hang-ups and are
             comfortable with their views on sex and sexuality.

         −   They are secure in their own self-image and with
             their bodies.

         −    They are at ease in talking with women about
             sexual subjects.

   Adventurous

        −   They are not boring or predictable.

        −   They are not afraid of danger.

        −   They welcome calculated risk.

        −   They are unpredictable and have a love of
            spontaneous fun.

        −   They live life to the hilt and push experiences to
            the edge.

        −   Their lives are full of PASSION.

   Continually improve
   But the secret is: Be content with the
    progress you're making in life
   If you aren't, then set goals, make plans,
    and take action to become your Ideal Self

   Progress and contentment
   The Ideal Man
   Good feelings as the ultimate value
   The character of the Ideal Man
        −   Easygoing. Assertive. Leadership.
            Sexual. Adventurous.

   Identifying current emotions
   Calibrate with what Ideal Man would feel
    (if necessary)
   Intensify good feelings while maintaining
    proximity and looking into her eyes

   Feel intensely. A common characteristic of
    charismatic individuals is that they feel
    emotions strongly. Encourage and develop
    those tendencies within yourself. Be
   You will draw others to you in an almost
    effortless way because you will be
    transferring your good feelings to them.
   Practice amplifying your feelings
   Recall a time when you felt that emotion,
    or the next time you feel that emotion,
        −   Identify how it feels in your body
            and the physical manifestations of it
        −   Trace backwards to the mental and
            physical steps that led to it
   The next time you feel that feeling
    intensely, anchor it to some sensory
    perception, e.g., touch, sound, smell, etc.
     Recreate the experience to recreate the
     Use visualizations
     Use anchors like music, smells, etc.
     Practice inducing desirable emotions on a
      daily basis, especially happiness!
     Once you get used to creating the feeling,
      you won't need to recreate the experience
   Discomfort

   Fear

   Hurt

   Anger

   Frustration

   Disappointment

   Inadequacy

   Loneliness
   Love

   Arousal

   Curiosity

   Passion

   Excitement

   Confidence

   Energetic

   Happiness, cheerfulness, joyfulness

     You use the Emotional Activation System
      when you:
     truly feel the emotion you want her to feel,
     you look deeply and unblinkingly into her
     while you amplify the feeling.

      Step 1: Excitement. Fun. Silly. Positive
       nervousness. A little bit sexual.
      Step 2: Appreciation. Wonder. A bit more
      Step 3: Savoring the sexual tension.
       Aroused. Trying to hold yourself back
       (struggling to restrain yourself).
      Your whole relationship is a combination of
       all three.

   Can't skip any of the steps.
   If you skip step 1, you're the creepy guy
   If you skip step 2, you're the player who can
    never get a girlfriend
   If you skip step 3, you're the platonic friend

    If you think you're in step 2, and she
     accuses you of something like, “Why are
     you so serious all the time?” Then, go back
     to step 1.
    If you think you're in step 3, and she
     accuses you of being a creep, then go back
     to step 1... fast.

     Beginners Level: Name the improper
      emotion (it's best to be honest) but
      calibrate against the Ideal Self
     Intermediate Level: Moderate levels of
      emotion in each stage, mainly vibing with
     Advanced Level: Bigger range of emotional
      variety and depth. She tests more but you
      see these as fun and cute.

   The 3 steps of the relationship
   The 3 stages to mastery of the Emotional
    Activation System
   Use it or lose it
        −   Practice all the time, every day
   Feel intensely
   Live life to the fullest

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Eas (1)

  • 1. The Emotional Activation System presented by David Tian, Ph.D.
  • 2. OVERVIEW  What's the Big Problem? − She doesn't feel about you the way you feel about her  Answer: The Emotional Activation System  Why & How the Emotional Activation System Works − The Neuroscience of mirror neurons  Result: Make Her Feel How You Feel
  • 3. BACKGROUND  I was once like you...  Robert Greene's Art of Seduction and the character of the Rake − “When he desires a woman, brief though that moment may be, he will go to the ends of the earth for her.” − His greatest weakness is his overwhelming love of women. Paradoxically, that is also his greatest strength.
  • 4. THE POWER OF THE RAKE − “When he pursues a woman, he really is aglow with desire; the 'victim' senses this and is inflamed, even despite herself.” − “The Ardent Rake teaches us a simple lesson: intense desire has a distracting power on a woman, just as the Siren's physical presence does on a man.” − Advanced Rake: “The key is to show no hesitation, to abandon all restraint, to let yourself go, to show that you cannot control yourself and are fundamentally weak... This is the perfect cover for a seducer.”
  • 5. REAL RAKES IN HISTORY  Examples of great seducers employing the Emotional Activation System − Don Juan. Valmont in Dangerous Liaisons. Prince Niou in The Tale of Genji. Jia Baoyu in Dream of the Red Chamber. Lord Byron. The Duke de Richelieu. Pablo Picasso. Elvis. Bill Clinton. Robbie Williams. Russell Brand (“The best natural I've ever seen”--Neil Strauss).
  • 6. DISCOVERING THE SECRET  Field testing the Method of the Rake  Discovery of Why & How the Emotional Activation System Works  Mirror Neurons − Daniel Goleman's Emotional Inte"igence and Social Inte"igence  Field testing it with clients
  • 7. DOWN & DIRTY ON HOW IT WORKS  The Emotional Activation System builds on: − Emotional intelligence (knowing what you're honestly feeling and being able to articulate it, and then being able to infer what others are feeling) − Knowing what the Ideal Man ought to feel − Being HONEST with yourself about your imperfect feelings or any shortcomings − Being content with who you are
  • 8. WHAT ELSE CAN THE EMOTIONAL ACTIVATION SYSTEM DO?  Great for turning her into your new girlfriend  Great for getting sexual very fast  Great for developing assertiveness
  • 9. RECAP I  Discovery of the Power of the Rake  Real Rakes in History  Quick overview of how and why the Emotional Activation System works  What the Emotional Activation System can do
  • 10. THE SCIENCE OF SUB-COMMUNICATIONS  Attraction is intuitive and driven by feelings − Attraction is not governed by rationality or logic − Myth of verbal “game” (UCLA study)  Over 90% of attraction comes from rapid, unconscious cognitions, e.g., split-second judgments  We only have conscious access to less than 10% of our mental processes
  • 11. BLINK AND THIN-SLICING  Malcolm Gladwell's Blink − Tennis coach Vic Braden can predict double faults to within 95% accuracy but doesn't know why − Andre Agassi saying he uses his wrist to roll the racket over the ball on a forehand − Ted Williams saying he looks the ball onto the bat  Academic research shows we really don't know why we make most of our judgments
  • 12. IF NO CONSCIOUS CONTROL, THEN WHAT CAN WE DO?  Micro-managing sub-communications is nearly impossible, especially in the short- term  What drives the sub-communications? − Mental and emotional states
  • 13. THE SCIENCE OF MICRO EXPRESSIONS  Micro expressions (Ekman & Friesen) − Whatever emotion we are experiencing, it is automatically expressed by the muscles in the face and body  Emotional feedback loop − Inside out (Control your emotions)  Emotional Activation (much more effective) − Outside in (Control your physical body)  Body language, tonality, words, etc.
  • 14. THE SCIENCE OF MIRROR NEURONS  Daniel Goleman's Social Inte"igence − Amygdala (most primitive part of brain) unconsciously extracts emotional meaning from nonverbal images  Nervous mannerisms and twitches, the resigned slouch of defeat, the sensuality of a sexy smile, etc.  Bypasses brain's verbal processing areas  Primes reciprocal feelings
  • 16. SCIENCE OF EMOTIONAL CONTAGION  The amygdala instantly reacts to such a photo; the stronger the emotion displayed, the more intense the amygdala's reaction − “When people looked at such photos while undergoing an fMRI, their own brains looked like they were the frightened ones.”  “Mirror neurons ensure that the moment someone sees an emotion expressed on your face, they will at once sense that same feeling within themselves.”
  • 17. APPLYING THE SCIENCE  By generating the desired state in yourself, you induce the desired state in others  Bi%est Problem of the Lovelorn: He feels the wrong mix of emotions and thus transfers the wrong emotions to her  Solution: The Emotional Activation System  The Good News: Micromanaging your sub- communications is impossible, but you CAN manage your emotional states and transfer them to others using the Emotional Activation System
  • 18. RECAP II  Sub-communications  Thin-slicing  Micro expressions  Mirror neurons  Emotional contagion  Applying the science
  • 19. LEARNING THE EMOTIONAL ACTIVATION SYSTEM  Required Components − 1. Vocabulary of emotion terms − 2. Identify and Distinguish your emotions − 3. Express your emotions − 4. Correct inappropriate emotions by:  a) Questioning interpretations  b) Reframing interpretations  c) Conditioning the unconscious mind − 5. Amplify the feeling of your emotions
  • 20. 1. WHAT ARE EMOTIONS?  Emotion = Feeling tone + Interpretation − e.g., Emotion of fear on seeing a snake requires the judgment that the snake is dangerous and has potential to harm  Control your emotions through manipulating your interpretations − The importance of “frame” (the lens by which you see and interpret events)  e.g., Screening frame. “She wants me” frame. “I'm the prize” frame.
  • 21. 2. IDENTIFY AND DISTINGUISH YOUR EMOTIONS  Ekman on at least seven universal human emotions: fear, sadness, anger, joy, surprise, contempt, and disgust.  Confronting your emotions requires HONESTY (a great aphrodisiac)  Practice asking yourself WHY you feel the emotion − Look for the interpretations leading to the feelings
  • 22. NAME YOUR EMOTIONS  Increase your vocabulary of emotions terms, esp., non-native English speakers. − Affection. Anger. Angst. Annoyance. Anxiety. Apathy. Arousal. Awe. Boredom. Contempt. Contentment. Curiosity. Depression. Desire. Despair. Disappointment. Disgust. Dread. Ecstasy. Embarrassment. Envy. Euphoria. Excitement. Fear. Fearlessness. Frustration. Gratitude. Grief. Guilt. Happiness. Hatred. Hope. Horror. Hostility. Hurt. Hysteria. Indifference. Interest. Jealousy. Joy. Loathing. Loneliness. Love. Lust. Misery. Panic. Passion. Pity. Pleasure. Pride. Rage. Regret. Remorse. Sadness. Satisfaction. Shame. Shock. Shyness. Sorrow. Suffering. Terror. Wonder. Worry.
  • 23. EMOTIONS AND THOUGHTS  Increasing the terms and categories you use for expressing emotions => increases your knowledge of and facility over them  Always ask yourself WHY you have that feeling to unearth the unconscious interpretations leading to it − Once you understand your judgments and interpretations, then you can change your emotional responses
  • 24. HOW DO MOST PEOPLE HANDLE EMOTIONS?  Avoidance − Mainly unconscious  Denial − Especially prevalent among those from traditional, conservative moral or religious backgrounds  Wallowing  Instead, learn the Emotional Activation System to take charge of your emotions
  • 25. 3. IDENTIFY AND EXPRESS  Be completely honest with yourself  What emotion(s) are you really feeling?  What beliefs, judgments, or interpretations led to the feeling?
  • 26. 4A. QUESTION YOUR INTERPRETATIONS  What are the judgments? Are they valid? − Emotion = Insecurity − Interpretation = I'm too skinny for her to be attracted to me − Questioning the judgment = Is it possible for her to be attracted to a skinny guy?  If “Yes,” then believe your research findings  If “No,” then is the problem fixable? − If “Yes,” then start fixing it − If “No,” then proceed to next step
  • 27. 4B. REFRAME YOUR INTERPRETATIONS  If you can't change the situation, then you must reframe it  Emotion = Insecurity  Judgment = I'm too short for her to be attracted to me  Questioning the judgment = Is it possible for her to be attracted to guys shorter than her? − “Yes, but the research findings show that it is improbable.” − Then Reframe
  • 28. REFRAMING INTERPRETATIONS II  The shorter the man, the stronger he must be on other variables in order to hold a taller woman  I will have to compensate by being stronger in other areas  Women are much more attracted to personality than to physical appearance (questioning)
  • 29. 4C. CONDITIONING THE UNCONSCIOUS MIND  Help feeling catch up to rational thought  Cut out sensory stimuli reinforcing the false belief (pop media, negative people, etc.)  Fill up your senses with stimuli reinforcing the desired belief − E.g., Insecurity over height  Cut out pop media, negative people, etc.  Replace with correct movies, books, posters, internet images & video, people
  • 30. RECAP III  Emotion's two components  Naming emotions  Identifying and express emotions  Questioning the interpretations  Reframing the interpretations  Conditioning the unconscious mind
  • 31. PROGRESS & CONTENTMENT  Progress toward the Ideal over time  The Paradoxical Secret Power: Keep improving yourself, but be content with yourself and your progress  Need knowledge of how you SHOULD be feeling to calibrate how you are CURRENTLY feeling
  • 32. THE IDEAL MAN  Based on Evolutionary Science & Psychology − Summarized in David Buss, The Evolution of Desire  Wealth, Status, Ambition & Industriousness, Physical Prowess (size, strength, and health), and Intelligence (as reliable predictor of economic prowess)  Women unconsciously choose men with these traits  But most of all: GOOD FEELINGS
  • 33. ULTIMATE VALUE: GOOD FEELINGS  Attraction, Love, Desire, Arousal, Affection are all FEELINGS − 99% of people do not know how to control their feelings  Be the Man who gives her Good Feelings − Undercut the Bigger Better Deal (who competes on conventional factors of wealth, status, and looks) − Shortcut to Good Feelings through the Emotional Activation System
  • 34. CHARACTER OF THE IDEAL MAN  The Ideal Man gives her good feelings naturally because of his character  Five Traits  Confidence − Shows her you can get the job done  Dependability and Stability  You can handle bad situations in life  You can provide for her and her family  She infers competence and experience
  • 35. I. EASYGOING CONFIDENCE  Easygoing − They are not uptight or anxious − They don’t take themselves too seriously. They readily laugh at themselves and are the first to chuckle at their own foibles. − While they are able to discern when and how to be serious about grave topics and to appreciate the consequences of their actions and decisions, they still see the humor in everyday situations, especially when these situations involve themselves.
  • 36. II. ASSERTIVE CONFIDENCE  Assertiveness − They are not push-overs − They speak up for themselves and those under their leadership. In social settings, they are friendly and cordial but also dominant and commanding. − They do not hide behind a false modesty. Rather, they believe that others, including their seniors, want to hear their ideas. − They do not tolerate disrespect from others. − They are persistent in pursuit of their goals. − They freely approach women they want to meet.
  • 37. III. LEADERSHIP  Leadership − They are not passive followers. − They have trained themselves to weigh the relevant factors, make snap decisions, and deal with the consequences. − While they may have formal recognition through rank, status, or position, they do not rely on external recognition to inspire and lead others. − They take into account the opinions and desires of others, but ultimately, they draw their own conclusions and waste no time in doing so.
  • 38. IV. SEXUAL  Sexual − They are not immature schoolboys. − They are not judgmental or closed-minded. − These men have no sexual hang-ups and are comfortable with their views on sex and sexuality. − They are secure in their own self-image and with their bodies. − They are at ease in talking with women about sexual subjects.
  • 39. V. ADVENTUROUS  Adventurous − They are not boring or predictable. − They are not afraid of danger. − They welcome calculated risk. − They are unpredictable and have a love of spontaneous fun. − They live life to the hilt and push experiences to the edge. − Their lives are full of PASSION.
  • 40. FROM CURRENT TO IDEAL  Continually improve  But the secret is: Be content with the progress you're making in life  If you aren't, then set goals, make plans, and take action to become your Ideal Self
  • 41. RECAP IV  Progress and contentment  The Ideal Man  Good feelings as the ultimate value  The character of the Ideal Man − Easygoing. Assertive. Leadership. Sexual. Adventurous.
  • 42. HOW TO MAKE HER FEEL HOW YOU FEEL  Identifying current emotions  Calibrate with what Ideal Man would feel (if necessary)  Intensify good feelings while maintaining proximity and looking into her eyes
  • 43. 5. FEEL INTENSELY  Feel intensely. A common characteristic of charismatic individuals is that they feel emotions strongly. Encourage and develop those tendencies within yourself. Be passionate.  You will draw others to you in an almost effortless way because you will be transferring your good feelings to them.  Practice amplifying your feelings
  • 44. HOW TO AMPLIFY FEELINGS  Recall a time when you felt that emotion, or the next time you feel that emotion, − Identify how it feels in your body and the physical manifestations of it − Trace backwards to the mental and physical steps that led to it  The next time you feel that feeling intensely, anchor it to some sensory perception, e.g., touch, sound, smell, etc.
  • 45. PRACTICE AMPLIFYING THE EMOTION  Recreate the experience to recreate the feeling  Use visualizations  Use anchors like music, smells, etc.  Practice inducing desirable emotions on a daily basis, especially happiness!  Once you get used to creating the feeling, you won't need to recreate the experience
  • 46. LEARN TO IDENTIFY AND MANAGE THESE EMOTIONS  Discomfort  Fear  Hurt  Anger  Frustration  Disappointment  Inadequacy  Loneliness
  • 47. LEARN TO AMPLIFY THESE POSITIVE EMOTIONS  Love  Arousal  Curiosity  Passion  Excitement  Confidence  Energetic  Happiness, cheerfulness, joyfulness
  • 48. THE FINISHED PRODUCT  You use the Emotional Activation System when you:  truly feel the emotion you want her to feel,  you look deeply and unblinkingly into her eyes  while you amplify the feeling.
  • 49. 3 STEPS TO MAKING HER DEEPLY ATTRACTED TO YOU  Step 1: Excitement. Fun. Silly. Positive nervousness. A little bit sexual.  Step 2: Appreciation. Wonder. A bit more sexual.  Step 3: Savoring the sexual tension. Aroused. Trying to hold yourself back (struggling to restrain yourself).  Your whole relationship is a combination of all three.
  • 50. TROUBLESHOOTING  Can't skip any of the steps.  If you skip step 1, you're the creepy guy  If you skip step 2, you're the player who can never get a girlfriend  If you skip step 3, you're the platonic friend
  • 51. TROUBLESHOOTING II  If you think you're in step 2, and she accuses you of something like, “Why are you so serious all the time?” Then, go back to step 1.  If you think you're in step 3, and she accuses you of being a creep, then go back to step 1... fast.
  • 52. 3 STAGES TO MASTERY  Beginners Level: Name the improper emotion (it's best to be honest) but calibrate against the Ideal Self  Intermediate Level: Moderate levels of emotion in each stage, mainly vibing with her.  Advanced Level: Bigger range of emotional variety and depth. She tests more but you see these as fun and cute.
  • 53. CONCLUSION  The 3 steps of the relationship  The 3 stages to mastery of the Emotional Activation System  Use it or lose it − Practice all the time, every day  Feel intensely  Live life to the fullest

Editor's Notes

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