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Earnings Management Paper
The single most important item on a company‟s financial statement is their earnings.

Sometimes referred to as a company‟s net income or “bottom line”, earnings are the one

indicator as to how a company performed throughout the period and added value to its overall

well-being. Earnings are revenue minus with all the expenses the companies occur during the

current period. Earnings are also described as the gain archive by the company for the current

period. Outsiders especially investors and analysts look to company‟s earnings to determine the

attractiveness of a particular stock of a company.

       Companies with poor earnings prediction will typically have lower share prices compare

to those with better prediction. The price of the stock are positively correlated with demand of

the stock. More demand will lead to higher stock price and the higher stock price of the

company, the better the company are. The combination of both, earnings and management give

means of profit manipulation that can only been done by people who have power to control and

managing the company.

       Given the importance of a company‟s earnings, it is not surprising that the manner in

which a company‟s management is always very interested in how their earnings are reported.

Company executives are in a position to make decisions with how accounting choices are made

and how earnings are managed. Earnings management is not a new issue. It‟s been using by the

corporation since the old time before the technology such as computer even created yet. There

was many type of how earnings are manage or in other word, being manipulate in order to get

the right earnings at the right times (Chapman, 2009).

       Managing a company‟s earnings is not an illegal activity and can be used as one of the

company‟s strategy to archive better future but there is a lot of pressure on company executives
to manage earnings in order to reach their full potential. In the case of earnings management, it‟s

been used as a strategy by the management of a company to intentionally manipulate the

company's earnings so that the figures match with what they want. For example, in order to gain

trust from the bank to obtain a loan, the management manipulate the company‟s earning to look

good even if the company are not. However, if it is for the purpose of tax, the earnings are

manage to look bad in order to reduce the amount of tax expenses that need to be paid for the

current year. Simply put, the practice of earnings management is carried out for the purpose of

income smoothing (Chapman, 2009). Therefore, rather than having years of exceptionally good

or bad earnings, companies will try to keep the figures relatively stable by adding and removing

cash from reserve accounts. It is one of the techniques of earnings management.

       On the other side, earnings management is not favorable by all of the financial reporting

users except the management since they are the people who orchestrate it. For sure, being

cheated regarding the information that should be obtain are not the favorable things that by all

people. In other words, earnings management is also misleading all the users regarding the

company‟s earnings. Regarding the complexity of the preparation of accounting report, the

practices of earnings management are continuously being reviewed and implemented. It‟s also

difficult to determine whether the company is manipulating its earnings or not (Chapman, 2009).

This is because of highly confidential information of how a company compiles its financial

reports. Individuals that are typically aware of the methods used in earnings management are

only the individual who adopted the method, which is usually the chief executive officer or CEO

and chief financial officer or CFO.
As stated by the investor Warren Buffett, "Managers that always promise to "make the

numbers" will at some point is tempted to make up the numbers” (Chapman, 2009). The function

of auditor are supposedly to detecting such misused in order to protects shareholders interest but

based on several previous case of big corporate scandals, its show that how careless the auditor

even though some of well establish auditor to detect that misused or purposely not detected that

issues. Some examples of earnings management and also the practitioner whose misused this

technique that lead them to failure that been stated by Agrawal and Chadha (2005) are included

offensively recording revenues as done by Xerox, Bristol-Myers, recording uncollectible sales as

was done by Merck, not to mention the practice of hiding expenses as was done by WorldCom

and using special purpose vehicles to overly inflate income that Enron participated in.

       There are many phrases or words can be describing earnings activities and no standard

that universally accepted for the definition of these terms. Some of those terms are income

smoothing, accounting hocus – pocus, financial statement management, the numbers game,

aggressive accounting, reengineering of income statement, juggling the books, creative

accounting, financial statement manipulation, accounting magic, borrowing income from the

future, banking income for the future, financial shenanigans, window dressing. Some the

earnings management is legal which is can be accepted worldwide due to the low level of

manipulation and some are illegal due to high level of manipulation and intention to trick the

stakeholders (Agrawal, Chadha, 2005). This form of earnings management is also called cooking

the books and is illegal.

       The applications of earnings management are kept in using by all around the worlds even

though several corporate scandals which misused of earnings management arise. Agrawal and
Chadha (2005), mention that, reason for using earnings management are due to market

incentives, contracting incentives and regulatory incentives.

       Market incentives are regarding to meet with analysts‟ expectations which are important

in order to keep the company name at the established position. The reason is to smooth earnings

time‟s series even when it‟s affected by periodic figure such as seasonal sales. It‟s not like the

company not good when it is not in seasonal period, but then, the sales will definitely boost when

it‟s come to seasonal. If the seasonal period is not even at the right time, therefore, management

of earnings is needed in order to smooth the earnings for the company.

       Contracting incentive are include as managing earnings of which in order to avoid

violating loan agreement that are written in terms of accounting numbers. In order to gain faith

from the lender and to archive the optimal credit term, management of earnings is needed. Not

all the time the company account might look as good as it‟s expected and if it is not, doesn‟t

simply mean that the company is in the bad position. Other than that, it‟s also managing earnings

to maximize earnings based management compensation (Vadiei Nowghabi & Anbarani, 2012)..

       Regulatory incentiveshave been in practice in order to avoid industry regulations such as

to reduce the risk of political exposure and also to take advantage of certain governmental

benefits such as subsidy.Earnings management is not specifically stated for certain types or

techniques only. There are several types of earnings management and techniques that can be

used by a company through their operations. One of the very popular techniques of earnings

management is called “Cookie Jar”. This technique is function such as save some revenue in a

good year as a backup for losses that might incurred in the bad years. It‟s all depending on the

situation and stability of the company during the years. If the performance of the company is
better, therefore the expenses can be recognizes during the year but somehow, if it is not a good

year, the expenses can be recognizes next period to ensure the performance of company is goods.

        Other popular techniques is also been called big bath. This technique or strategy is to

make bad income statement look even worst. This technique is a technique that used by blame

the previous manager that already sign out as to ensure the company performance for next year

are booms. This type of technique is used by the new manager which is appointed before the end

of the period. The new manager put blame to the previous manager by incurred as many

expenses as they can write off to ensure that next year, company can even perform better than

this year.

        Capitalization practice is also other type of earnings management. This type of earnings

management is used to manipulating intangible assets such as research and development. Cost to

capitalize research and development are very subjective and only based on judgment. A company

might have possibility to allocate more expenses to the research and development project to

reduce current operating expenses. Therefore the expenses might only amortize through the life

of the assets and it‟s usually only a small portion.

        There are also other types of earnings management that can be applied by all the manager

of the company to ensure the safeguard of the company‟s income. Some earnings management

are used in merger and acquisition, some are used in recognition of revenue, materiality concept

that been misapplied, reserve that been charge one time and also other earnings management

types(Vadiei Nowghabi & Anbarani, 2012)..
Some earnings management is done for the benefit of all stakeholder and some are done

for their personal benefit. The bad side of earnings management can also been called as fraud as

the intention is not to manipulate figure for the whole benefit but for their own benefit. The

controllers of earnings management are depending on the management party of the company and

how they predict and forecast the future of the company to ensure the optimal return is able to

archive. Management especially manager have a better knowledge regarding to the company

future compare to others. That‟s the reason of why, earnings management are still allowed even

though this benefits are always been misused as the way of cheated stakeholders and most of all,

for personal benefit (Vadiei Nowghabi & Anbarani, 2012).

       There were several scandals that involve manipulation or earnings management that

involve several cases that affected not only that country but also all around the world. The most

influence scandals in the history of corporation are the collapsing of Enron in2001. Enron have a

very big influence to the corporate world that also evolves the way of how the corporate

governance are maintained and implement. The ethical issues of auditor are also in question were

still; even Enron was audited by one of the biggest audit firm which called Arthur Anderson.

One of the most important argument that been brought up are the issues of why earnings

management are still allowed even if it‟s been misused by several parties. Even thought, before

the scandals exposes, Enron maintain their goodwill by winning several awards regarding their

good corporate governance.

       Enron Corporation was born in the middle of a recession in 1985, when Kenneth Lay,

CEO of Houston Gas Company, engineered a merger with Internorth Inc. The new company,

which reported a first year loss of $14 million, consisted of $12.1 billion in assets, 15,000
employees, the nation‟s second-largest pipeline network, and a towering mountain of debt. Enron

was a typical natural gas firm with all the traditional trappings of a highly leveraged, “old

economy” firm competing in the regulated energy economy. Teetering on the verge of

bankruptcy in its early years, Enron had to fight off a hostile takeover attempt. It also incurred

embarrassing losses on oil futures, which its traders in New York covered up in their reports to

the Houston headquarters. Its old economy strategy did not excite the stock market. This would

change dramatically, however, during the 1990s, when Jeffrey Skilling replaced Richard Kinder

as the CEO (Kadlec, 2001).

       With the appointment of Skilling as CEO, Enron‟s culture would begin a radical

transformation. By 2000 it had become “the star of the New Economy,” emerging as a paragon

of the intellectual capital company with an enviable array of intangible resources, including

political connections, a sophisticated organizational structure, a highly skilled workforce of

sophisticated financial instrument traders, a state-of-the-art information system and expert

accounting knowledge. In 1999, Enron was named by Fortune as “America‟s Most Innovative

Company,” with business people and academics referring to Skilling – “The #1 CEO in the

USA” – proselytized at technology and leadership conferences across the United States about

how Enron was not only embracing innovative theories of business but also making a lot of

money doing so (Morley, 2009).

       How fraud occurs within organizations can be understood by examining the elements that

comprise such actions. At an individual level, SAS No. 99 (Consideration of Fraud in a Financial

Statement Audit) issued by the Auditing Standards Board indicates that the occupational fraud

triangle comprises three conditions that are generally present when a fraud occurs. These
conditions include an incentive or pressure that provides a reason to commit fraud (personal

financial problems or unrealistic performance goals), an opportunity for fraud to be perpetrated

(weaknesses in the internal controls), and an attitude that enables the individual to rationalize the

fraud (AICPA, 2002). While the fraud triangle focuses on individual-level constructs of fraud,

such as localized instances of cash or other asset appropriation by employees, the Enron example

highlights fraud at the organizational level as well as systemic organization-wide fraud and

corruption (Kadlec, 2001).

       Management controls refer to the tools that seek to elicit behavior that achieves the

strategic objectives of an organization, such as budgets, performance measures, standard

operating procedures and performance-based remuneration and incentives. While Enron‟s

demise has been portrayed as resulting from a few unscrupulous rogues or „bad apples” (the

phrase used by President Bush) acting in the absence of formal management controls, Enron

featured all of the trappings of proper management control, including a formal code of ethics, an

elaborate performance review and bonus regime, a Risk Assessment and Control group (RAC), a

Big-5 auditor, and conventional powers of boards and related committees. This control

infrastructure was widely lauded right up until the demise of the company (Morley, 2009).The

three core pillars of Enron‟s management control system were the risk assessment and control

group, Enron‟s performance review system and its code of ethics.

       Risk Assessment and Control Group: An integral part of Enron‟s management control

system was the Risk Assessment and Control group or RAC. RAC was responsible for approving

all trading deals and managing Enron‟s overall risk. Every deal put together by a business unit

had to be described in a Deal Approval Sheet, which was independently assessed by RAC
analysts. Deals required various levels of approval from numerous departments, including

approval from the most senior levels, even from the board of directors (Morley, 2009).

       Enron‟s Performance Review System: Another vital link in Enron‟s management controls

was the Peer Review Committee or PRC system. The intention of the PRC system was to align

employee action with the company‟s strategic objectives, retaining and rewarding superior

performers on a fair and consistent basis. Under the PRC system, every six months each

employee received a formal performance review, based on formal feedback categories including

revenue generation, and was assigned a final mark from one to five. Feedback came from various

sources including the employee‟s boss, as well as from five co-workers, superiors or

subordinates that the employee selected. The bottom 15 percent, no matter how good they were,

received a “5” which automatically meant redeployment to “Siberia,” a special area where they

had two weeks to try to find another job at Enron. If they did not – and most did not – it was “out

the door.” (Morley, 2009)

       Code of Ethics: Enron‟s code served as a behavioral control intended to prohibit a range

of unethical behaviors. The code stressed the following four key principles: communication,

respect, integrity and excellence, and included phrases such as “we treat others as we would like

to be treated ourselves”, “we do not tolerate abusive or disrespectful treatment” and “we work

with customers and prospects openly, honestly and sincerely”(Kadlec, 2001).

       What Enron clearly demonstrates is that once employees align themselves with a

particular corporate culture – and invest heavy commitment in organizational routines and the

wisdom of leaders – they are liable to lose their original sense of identity, and tolerate and

rationalize ethical lapses that they would have previously deplored. Once a new and possibly
corrosive value system emerges, employees are rendered vulnerable to manipulation by

organizational leaders to whom they have entrusted many of their vital interests. The Enron

demise, then, points to numerous risks associated with degenerate cultures: the risk that a culture

motivating and rewarding creative entrepreneurial deal making may provide strong incentives to

take additional risks, thereby pushing legal and ethical boundaries; resistance to bad news creates

an important pressure point of culture; and internal competition for bonuses and promotion can

lead to private information and gambles to bolster short-term performance. At Enron, these risks

ultimately subverted the company‟s elaborate web of controls (Kadlec, 2001).

       Enron offers a number of important insights for managers. Firstly, it underlines the vital

role of top management leadership in fostering organizational culture. Secondly, within

organizations, the impact of culture and leadership on even most the sophisticated management

control system must not be overlooked or minimized. It is often too easy to consider cultural and

management control systems separately, with cultural being a soft issue and management

controls a hard one.

       Lastly, the Enron scandal stresses the importance for management to not abandoning

professional integrity. Perhaps, the most important lesson for managers to take away is to use

personal cultural capital to find a working environment that matches one‟s personal values and

principles. Enron should serve as a wake-up call for managers in all organizations.Other than

Enron, WorldCom are also one of the big corporate scandals that lead to their collapsing that

lead to more study and argument on the use of earnings management as one of company strategy

or manipulation.
WorldCom, the number two long-distance telephone provider, announced $3.8 billion in

improperly booked expenses for 2001 and 2002. And in August 2002, the company disclosed an

additional $3.3 billion in accounting errors. As a result, the company will be forced to restate

earnings for 2000 as well (Simons, 2002).

The fraud perpetrated at WorldCom did not take place at the lower levels of the organization.

When invoices were paid, they were properly coded to an operating expense account. The

Arthur Andersen staff auditor tracing an invoice through the accounts payable system would not

find this fraud. Instead, huge amounts were reclassified by upper management as capital

expenditures. For example, $500 million in undocumented computer expenses were logged as a

capital expenditure. In addition, line costs were not expensed as required by Generally Accepted

Accounting Principles (GAAP).

       Audit authorities say that WorldCom‟s fraud was so basic it should have been obvious to

the firm‟s external auditors, Arthur Andersen. Expenses disguised as capital expenditures are

one of the first things an auditor would examine. Evidence was produced in the court case

against the public accounting firm that Andersen did not verify WorldCom‟s treatment of line

costs. Rather, it relied on management‟s representations. The U.S. District Court held that

Andersen would have uncovered the fraud if it had conducted the required review before issuing

its audit opinion. The Court held that the Andersen audit opinions included in WorldCom‟s

year-end financial statements materially misrepresented the company‟s financial condition

(Simons, 2002).

       It would take three internal auditors to uncover the fraud. The team of internal auditors

soon stumbled onto the issue of capital expenditures. They discovered that $2 billion that the
company said in public disclosures had been spent on capital expenditures during the first three

quarters of 2001 had never been authorized for capital spending. Concerned that CFO Sullivan

might try to cover up the fraud, Ms. Cooper and Mr. Smith met with Mr. Bobbitt, the head of

WorldCom‟s audit committee. The audit committee then took steps to remove both Sullivan and

Myers. Mr. Sullivan was fired and Mr. Myers resigned. And the next evening, WorldCom

announced that it had inflated profits by $3.8 billion over the previous five quarters. WorldCom

has since filed for bankruptcy. With $107 billion in assets, WorldCom‟s bankruptcy is the

largest in U.S. history, larger than even that of Enron Corporation (Simons, 2002).

       The nonprofit industry is not immune to earnings management or nor does it have any

shortage in pressure to perform. Nonprofit colleges and universities have increasingly changed to

using performance-based compensation that encourages enrollment and admissions offices to

entice enrollees in an effort to increase enrollment numbers. Marty Mickey, V.P. for Financial

Services at National-Louis University has noted that he has seen a marked increase in the amount

of incentives offered to the enrollment representatives of nonprofit universitiesin order to remain

competitive which in turn results in them acting more like the enrollment offices of for-profit

universities. Lori Sundberg, the Controller and Associate Vice President of Budget and Planning

for Lake Forest College notes that earnings management in non-profit, higher education can

happen but is rare. She states that the field of higher education prides itself on transparency and

noted how she will collaborate with colleagues at other colleges about the results of their audits

and how other schools handle similar issues. Ms. Sundberg‟s comments were echoed by Doris

Dumas, Associated Controller and Director of Payroll at Lake Forest College. Doris stated that

when faced with a reporting issue, she will often turn to her counterpart at another school for

Earnings management are only become useful when the management able to fixed it

afterward or only done it if the result are more certain as one way of to ensure the operation and

earnings are smooth. This is because only the management has the best knowledge regarding

company operation. To let them manipulate the earnings are good in other view because the

reaction of the investor regarding the value of the company are very sensitive. Corporate

scandals around the world leads to better review and application of how to derive business more

properly and transparently. The biggest case that gives impact on the world‟s corporate culture

such as Enron leads to change in several standards accepted around the world.

Agrawal, A., & Chadha, S. (2005). Corporate governance and accounting scandals. Journal of

       Law and Economics, XLVIII, 371-406. Retrieved from

AICPA. (2002, December). Summary of sasno. 99. Retrieved from

       tectionResponse/Pages/Summary of SAS No.aspx

Caro, M.E, Santora, J. C., & Sarros, J. C. (2007, Autumn). Succession in nonprofit organizations;

       an insider/outsider perspective. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 72(4), 26+

       Retreived from

Chapman, C. (2009). The effects of real earnings management on the firm: Its competitors and

       subsequent reporting periods. (Doctoral dissertation, Northwestern University)Retrieved


Kadlec, D. (2001). Power failure. Time Magazine, Retrieved from,9171,1101011210-


Morley, M. (2009). The enron fraud: Why didn't anyone see it?. Retrieved from

Simons, D. (2002, July 08). Worldcom's convincing lies.Forbes, Retrieved from
Vadiei Nowghabi, M. & Anbarani, S. (2012, June). Survey some of the factors influencing

       ethical judgments of the earning management. International Journal of Accounting and

       Financial Reporting, 2(1), 203+, Retrieved from


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Earnings management paper

  • 2. The single most important item on a company‟s financial statement is their earnings. Sometimes referred to as a company‟s net income or “bottom line”, earnings are the one indicator as to how a company performed throughout the period and added value to its overall well-being. Earnings are revenue minus with all the expenses the companies occur during the current period. Earnings are also described as the gain archive by the company for the current period. Outsiders especially investors and analysts look to company‟s earnings to determine the attractiveness of a particular stock of a company. Companies with poor earnings prediction will typically have lower share prices compare to those with better prediction. The price of the stock are positively correlated with demand of the stock. More demand will lead to higher stock price and the higher stock price of the company, the better the company are. The combination of both, earnings and management give means of profit manipulation that can only been done by people who have power to control and managing the company. Given the importance of a company‟s earnings, it is not surprising that the manner in which a company‟s management is always very interested in how their earnings are reported. Company executives are in a position to make decisions with how accounting choices are made and how earnings are managed. Earnings management is not a new issue. It‟s been using by the corporation since the old time before the technology such as computer even created yet. There was many type of how earnings are manage or in other word, being manipulate in order to get the right earnings at the right times (Chapman, 2009). Managing a company‟s earnings is not an illegal activity and can be used as one of the company‟s strategy to archive better future but there is a lot of pressure on company executives
  • 3. to manage earnings in order to reach their full potential. In the case of earnings management, it‟s been used as a strategy by the management of a company to intentionally manipulate the company's earnings so that the figures match with what they want. For example, in order to gain trust from the bank to obtain a loan, the management manipulate the company‟s earning to look good even if the company are not. However, if it is for the purpose of tax, the earnings are manage to look bad in order to reduce the amount of tax expenses that need to be paid for the current year. Simply put, the practice of earnings management is carried out for the purpose of income smoothing (Chapman, 2009). Therefore, rather than having years of exceptionally good or bad earnings, companies will try to keep the figures relatively stable by adding and removing cash from reserve accounts. It is one of the techniques of earnings management. On the other side, earnings management is not favorable by all of the financial reporting users except the management since they are the people who orchestrate it. For sure, being cheated regarding the information that should be obtain are not the favorable things that by all people. In other words, earnings management is also misleading all the users regarding the company‟s earnings. Regarding the complexity of the preparation of accounting report, the practices of earnings management are continuously being reviewed and implemented. It‟s also difficult to determine whether the company is manipulating its earnings or not (Chapman, 2009). This is because of highly confidential information of how a company compiles its financial reports. Individuals that are typically aware of the methods used in earnings management are only the individual who adopted the method, which is usually the chief executive officer or CEO and chief financial officer or CFO.
  • 4. As stated by the investor Warren Buffett, "Managers that always promise to "make the numbers" will at some point is tempted to make up the numbers” (Chapman, 2009). The function of auditor are supposedly to detecting such misused in order to protects shareholders interest but based on several previous case of big corporate scandals, its show that how careless the auditor even though some of well establish auditor to detect that misused or purposely not detected that issues. Some examples of earnings management and also the practitioner whose misused this technique that lead them to failure that been stated by Agrawal and Chadha (2005) are included offensively recording revenues as done by Xerox, Bristol-Myers, recording uncollectible sales as was done by Merck, not to mention the practice of hiding expenses as was done by WorldCom and using special purpose vehicles to overly inflate income that Enron participated in. There are many phrases or words can be describing earnings activities and no standard that universally accepted for the definition of these terms. Some of those terms are income smoothing, accounting hocus – pocus, financial statement management, the numbers game, aggressive accounting, reengineering of income statement, juggling the books, creative accounting, financial statement manipulation, accounting magic, borrowing income from the future, banking income for the future, financial shenanigans, window dressing. Some the earnings management is legal which is can be accepted worldwide due to the low level of manipulation and some are illegal due to high level of manipulation and intention to trick the stakeholders (Agrawal, Chadha, 2005). This form of earnings management is also called cooking the books and is illegal. The applications of earnings management are kept in using by all around the worlds even though several corporate scandals which misused of earnings management arise. Agrawal and
  • 5. Chadha (2005), mention that, reason for using earnings management are due to market incentives, contracting incentives and regulatory incentives. Market incentives are regarding to meet with analysts‟ expectations which are important in order to keep the company name at the established position. The reason is to smooth earnings time‟s series even when it‟s affected by periodic figure such as seasonal sales. It‟s not like the company not good when it is not in seasonal period, but then, the sales will definitely boost when it‟s come to seasonal. If the seasonal period is not even at the right time, therefore, management of earnings is needed in order to smooth the earnings for the company. Contracting incentive are include as managing earnings of which in order to avoid violating loan agreement that are written in terms of accounting numbers. In order to gain faith from the lender and to archive the optimal credit term, management of earnings is needed. Not all the time the company account might look as good as it‟s expected and if it is not, doesn‟t simply mean that the company is in the bad position. Other than that, it‟s also managing earnings to maximize earnings based management compensation (Vadiei Nowghabi & Anbarani, 2012).. Regulatory incentiveshave been in practice in order to avoid industry regulations such as to reduce the risk of political exposure and also to take advantage of certain governmental benefits such as subsidy.Earnings management is not specifically stated for certain types or techniques only. There are several types of earnings management and techniques that can be used by a company through their operations. One of the very popular techniques of earnings management is called “Cookie Jar”. This technique is function such as save some revenue in a good year as a backup for losses that might incurred in the bad years. It‟s all depending on the situation and stability of the company during the years. If the performance of the company is
  • 6. better, therefore the expenses can be recognizes during the year but somehow, if it is not a good year, the expenses can be recognizes next period to ensure the performance of company is goods. Other popular techniques is also been called big bath. This technique or strategy is to make bad income statement look even worst. This technique is a technique that used by blame the previous manager that already sign out as to ensure the company performance for next year are booms. This type of technique is used by the new manager which is appointed before the end of the period. The new manager put blame to the previous manager by incurred as many expenses as they can write off to ensure that next year, company can even perform better than this year. Capitalization practice is also other type of earnings management. This type of earnings management is used to manipulating intangible assets such as research and development. Cost to capitalize research and development are very subjective and only based on judgment. A company might have possibility to allocate more expenses to the research and development project to reduce current operating expenses. Therefore the expenses might only amortize through the life of the assets and it‟s usually only a small portion. There are also other types of earnings management that can be applied by all the manager of the company to ensure the safeguard of the company‟s income. Some earnings management are used in merger and acquisition, some are used in recognition of revenue, materiality concept that been misapplied, reserve that been charge one time and also other earnings management types(Vadiei Nowghabi & Anbarani, 2012)..
  • 7. Some earnings management is done for the benefit of all stakeholder and some are done for their personal benefit. The bad side of earnings management can also been called as fraud as the intention is not to manipulate figure for the whole benefit but for their own benefit. The controllers of earnings management are depending on the management party of the company and how they predict and forecast the future of the company to ensure the optimal return is able to archive. Management especially manager have a better knowledge regarding to the company future compare to others. That‟s the reason of why, earnings management are still allowed even though this benefits are always been misused as the way of cheated stakeholders and most of all, for personal benefit (Vadiei Nowghabi & Anbarani, 2012). There were several scandals that involve manipulation or earnings management that involve several cases that affected not only that country but also all around the world. The most influence scandals in the history of corporation are the collapsing of Enron in2001. Enron have a very big influence to the corporate world that also evolves the way of how the corporate governance are maintained and implement. The ethical issues of auditor are also in question were still; even Enron was audited by one of the biggest audit firm which called Arthur Anderson. One of the most important argument that been brought up are the issues of why earnings management are still allowed even if it‟s been misused by several parties. Even thought, before the scandals exposes, Enron maintain their goodwill by winning several awards regarding their good corporate governance. Enron Corporation was born in the middle of a recession in 1985, when Kenneth Lay, CEO of Houston Gas Company, engineered a merger with Internorth Inc. The new company, which reported a first year loss of $14 million, consisted of $12.1 billion in assets, 15,000
  • 8. employees, the nation‟s second-largest pipeline network, and a towering mountain of debt. Enron was a typical natural gas firm with all the traditional trappings of a highly leveraged, “old economy” firm competing in the regulated energy economy. Teetering on the verge of bankruptcy in its early years, Enron had to fight off a hostile takeover attempt. It also incurred embarrassing losses on oil futures, which its traders in New York covered up in their reports to the Houston headquarters. Its old economy strategy did not excite the stock market. This would change dramatically, however, during the 1990s, when Jeffrey Skilling replaced Richard Kinder as the CEO (Kadlec, 2001). With the appointment of Skilling as CEO, Enron‟s culture would begin a radical transformation. By 2000 it had become “the star of the New Economy,” emerging as a paragon of the intellectual capital company with an enviable array of intangible resources, including political connections, a sophisticated organizational structure, a highly skilled workforce of sophisticated financial instrument traders, a state-of-the-art information system and expert accounting knowledge. In 1999, Enron was named by Fortune as “America‟s Most Innovative Company,” with business people and academics referring to Skilling – “The #1 CEO in the USA” – proselytized at technology and leadership conferences across the United States about how Enron was not only embracing innovative theories of business but also making a lot of money doing so (Morley, 2009). How fraud occurs within organizations can be understood by examining the elements that comprise such actions. At an individual level, SAS No. 99 (Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit) issued by the Auditing Standards Board indicates that the occupational fraud triangle comprises three conditions that are generally present when a fraud occurs. These
  • 9. conditions include an incentive or pressure that provides a reason to commit fraud (personal financial problems or unrealistic performance goals), an opportunity for fraud to be perpetrated (weaknesses in the internal controls), and an attitude that enables the individual to rationalize the fraud (AICPA, 2002). While the fraud triangle focuses on individual-level constructs of fraud, such as localized instances of cash or other asset appropriation by employees, the Enron example highlights fraud at the organizational level as well as systemic organization-wide fraud and corruption (Kadlec, 2001). Management controls refer to the tools that seek to elicit behavior that achieves the strategic objectives of an organization, such as budgets, performance measures, standard operating procedures and performance-based remuneration and incentives. While Enron‟s demise has been portrayed as resulting from a few unscrupulous rogues or „bad apples” (the phrase used by President Bush) acting in the absence of formal management controls, Enron featured all of the trappings of proper management control, including a formal code of ethics, an elaborate performance review and bonus regime, a Risk Assessment and Control group (RAC), a Big-5 auditor, and conventional powers of boards and related committees. This control infrastructure was widely lauded right up until the demise of the company (Morley, 2009).The three core pillars of Enron‟s management control system were the risk assessment and control group, Enron‟s performance review system and its code of ethics. Risk Assessment and Control Group: An integral part of Enron‟s management control system was the Risk Assessment and Control group or RAC. RAC was responsible for approving all trading deals and managing Enron‟s overall risk. Every deal put together by a business unit had to be described in a Deal Approval Sheet, which was independently assessed by RAC
  • 10. analysts. Deals required various levels of approval from numerous departments, including approval from the most senior levels, even from the board of directors (Morley, 2009). Enron‟s Performance Review System: Another vital link in Enron‟s management controls was the Peer Review Committee or PRC system. The intention of the PRC system was to align employee action with the company‟s strategic objectives, retaining and rewarding superior performers on a fair and consistent basis. Under the PRC system, every six months each employee received a formal performance review, based on formal feedback categories including revenue generation, and was assigned a final mark from one to five. Feedback came from various sources including the employee‟s boss, as well as from five co-workers, superiors or subordinates that the employee selected. The bottom 15 percent, no matter how good they were, received a “5” which automatically meant redeployment to “Siberia,” a special area where they had two weeks to try to find another job at Enron. If they did not – and most did not – it was “out the door.” (Morley, 2009) Code of Ethics: Enron‟s code served as a behavioral control intended to prohibit a range of unethical behaviors. The code stressed the following four key principles: communication, respect, integrity and excellence, and included phrases such as “we treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves”, “we do not tolerate abusive or disrespectful treatment” and “we work with customers and prospects openly, honestly and sincerely”(Kadlec, 2001). What Enron clearly demonstrates is that once employees align themselves with a particular corporate culture – and invest heavy commitment in organizational routines and the wisdom of leaders – they are liable to lose their original sense of identity, and tolerate and rationalize ethical lapses that they would have previously deplored. Once a new and possibly
  • 11. corrosive value system emerges, employees are rendered vulnerable to manipulation by organizational leaders to whom they have entrusted many of their vital interests. The Enron demise, then, points to numerous risks associated with degenerate cultures: the risk that a culture motivating and rewarding creative entrepreneurial deal making may provide strong incentives to take additional risks, thereby pushing legal and ethical boundaries; resistance to bad news creates an important pressure point of culture; and internal competition for bonuses and promotion can lead to private information and gambles to bolster short-term performance. At Enron, these risks ultimately subverted the company‟s elaborate web of controls (Kadlec, 2001). Enron offers a number of important insights for managers. Firstly, it underlines the vital role of top management leadership in fostering organizational culture. Secondly, within organizations, the impact of culture and leadership on even most the sophisticated management control system must not be overlooked or minimized. It is often too easy to consider cultural and management control systems separately, with cultural being a soft issue and management controls a hard one. Lastly, the Enron scandal stresses the importance for management to not abandoning professional integrity. Perhaps, the most important lesson for managers to take away is to use personal cultural capital to find a working environment that matches one‟s personal values and principles. Enron should serve as a wake-up call for managers in all organizations.Other than Enron, WorldCom are also one of the big corporate scandals that lead to their collapsing that lead to more study and argument on the use of earnings management as one of company strategy or manipulation.
  • 12. WorldCom, the number two long-distance telephone provider, announced $3.8 billion in improperly booked expenses for 2001 and 2002. And in August 2002, the company disclosed an additional $3.3 billion in accounting errors. As a result, the company will be forced to restate earnings for 2000 as well (Simons, 2002). The fraud perpetrated at WorldCom did not take place at the lower levels of the organization. When invoices were paid, they were properly coded to an operating expense account. The Arthur Andersen staff auditor tracing an invoice through the accounts payable system would not find this fraud. Instead, huge amounts were reclassified by upper management as capital expenditures. For example, $500 million in undocumented computer expenses were logged as a capital expenditure. In addition, line costs were not expensed as required by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Audit authorities say that WorldCom‟s fraud was so basic it should have been obvious to the firm‟s external auditors, Arthur Andersen. Expenses disguised as capital expenditures are one of the first things an auditor would examine. Evidence was produced in the court case against the public accounting firm that Andersen did not verify WorldCom‟s treatment of line costs. Rather, it relied on management‟s representations. The U.S. District Court held that Andersen would have uncovered the fraud if it had conducted the required review before issuing its audit opinion. The Court held that the Andersen audit opinions included in WorldCom‟s year-end financial statements materially misrepresented the company‟s financial condition (Simons, 2002). It would take three internal auditors to uncover the fraud. The team of internal auditors soon stumbled onto the issue of capital expenditures. They discovered that $2 billion that the
  • 13. company said in public disclosures had been spent on capital expenditures during the first three quarters of 2001 had never been authorized for capital spending. Concerned that CFO Sullivan might try to cover up the fraud, Ms. Cooper and Mr. Smith met with Mr. Bobbitt, the head of WorldCom‟s audit committee. The audit committee then took steps to remove both Sullivan and Myers. Mr. Sullivan was fired and Mr. Myers resigned. And the next evening, WorldCom announced that it had inflated profits by $3.8 billion over the previous five quarters. WorldCom has since filed for bankruptcy. With $107 billion in assets, WorldCom‟s bankruptcy is the largest in U.S. history, larger than even that of Enron Corporation (Simons, 2002). The nonprofit industry is not immune to earnings management or nor does it have any shortage in pressure to perform. Nonprofit colleges and universities have increasingly changed to using performance-based compensation that encourages enrollment and admissions offices to entice enrollees in an effort to increase enrollment numbers. Marty Mickey, V.P. for Financial Services at National-Louis University has noted that he has seen a marked increase in the amount of incentives offered to the enrollment representatives of nonprofit universitiesin order to remain competitive which in turn results in them acting more like the enrollment offices of for-profit universities. Lori Sundberg, the Controller and Associate Vice President of Budget and Planning for Lake Forest College notes that earnings management in non-profit, higher education can happen but is rare. She states that the field of higher education prides itself on transparency and noted how she will collaborate with colleagues at other colleges about the results of their audits and how other schools handle similar issues. Ms. Sundberg‟s comments were echoed by Doris Dumas, Associated Controller and Director of Payroll at Lake Forest College. Doris stated that when faced with a reporting issue, she will often turn to her counterpart at another school for guidance.
  • 14. Earnings management are only become useful when the management able to fixed it afterward or only done it if the result are more certain as one way of to ensure the operation and earnings are smooth. This is because only the management has the best knowledge regarding company operation. To let them manipulate the earnings are good in other view because the reaction of the investor regarding the value of the company are very sensitive. Corporate scandals around the world leads to better review and application of how to derive business more properly and transparently. The biggest case that gives impact on the world‟s corporate culture such as Enron leads to change in several standards accepted around the world.
  • 15. References Agrawal, A., & Chadha, S. (2005). Corporate governance and accounting scandals. Journal of Law and Economics, XLVIII, 371-406. Retrieved from AICPA. (2002, December). Summary of sasno. 99. Retrieved from tectionResponse/Pages/Summary of SAS No.aspx Caro, M.E, Santora, J. C., & Sarros, J. C. (2007, Autumn). Succession in nonprofit organizations; an insider/outsider perspective. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 72(4), 26+ Retreived from Chapman, C. (2009). The effects of real earnings management on the firm: Its competitors and subsequent reporting periods. (Doctoral dissertation, Northwestern University)Retrieved from Kadlec, D. (2001). Power failure. Time Magazine, Retrieved from,9171,1101011210- 186639,00.html#ixzz0updclQaT Morley, M. (2009). The enron fraud: Why didn't anyone see it?. Retrieved from Simons, D. (2002, July 08). Worldcom's convincing lies.Forbes, Retrieved from
  • 16. Vadiei Nowghabi, M. & Anbarani, S. (2012, June). Survey some of the factors influencing ethical judgments of the earning management. International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting, 2(1), 203+, Retrieved from =r&p+GPS&sw=w