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Ques.1 Discuss the history of e-marketing. What are the benefits of e-marketing?
Ans. History of e-marketing
Electronic Markets was established in 1991, long before the Internet became known
outside the academic world and before the rise of modern electronic commerce and
electronic business. Electronic Markets brought together researchers from various
disciplines including IS and business but also economics, design, information
science, psychology, and sociology from the very beginning. In doing so, it
contributed to the emergence of a new area of research.
It is our strong belief that only an interdisciplinary perspective can cover the whole
range of possible impacts of electronic markets on economic systems and thus on
societies. Therefore, the main contribution of Electronic Markets to the respective
fields is not only to address innovative and upcoming topics at an early stage but to
broaden the perspective on e-commerce and e-business as well
Benefits of e-marketing
1. Convenience And Quick Service- The incredible convenience of marketing
online is one of the biggest advantages of internet marketing. The internet has
extremely easy accessibility with consumers using the internet and reaching markets
anywhere in the world. Because of this, purchasing goods from across borders now
reduces the cost of transportation.For importers, this is a huge advantage as it
means they can order online right from the comforts of their home. In addition, you
can easily track sales items online as they make their way into delivery. You can
download digital products from the internet with just a click of a mouse. Internet
marketing is great for business as it gives consumers a better and more comfortable
shopping experience.
2. Low Cost For Operations- One of the main advantages of online marketing for
businesses is its low operating cost. You can advertise cheaper with internet
marketing than with traditional methods of advertisement such as ads in
newspapers, on television and on the radio. In online marketing, you can easily get a
free listing in a wide range of business directories.In addition, the internet allows you
to contact your customers more in comparison to how you would contact them
traditionally. Online communication is more affordable than traditional
communication methods such as sending mail and printing brochures. For example,
you can send the same information in an email rather than a mail-out, saving you on
printing, paper, and postage.
3. Measure and Track Results- An aspect of internet marketing that is rarely
available with traditional marketing is the ability to measure and track results. With
online marketing, your business can utilize varying tools for tracking results of your
advertising campaigns. Using these tools, not only can you measure and track but
also illustrate the progress of your marketing campaign in detailed graphics.
Measuring and tracking results gives your business a better idea of how your
marketing campaign is faring. It gives you an idea of how you can better grow your
traffic, leads, sales, and conversions. Without the ability to measure and track your
results, you cannot alter or modify your marketing campaign so that it can better
deliver the results you desire.
4. Demographic Targeting- Marketing your products and services online gives you
the ability to target audience based on demography. This allows you to concentrate
your efforts on the audience that you truly want to offer your products or services.
With demographic targeting, you can better target your marketing efforts on specific
demographic regions. Demographic targeting gives you the ability to target specific
customers you think are likely to purchase your product or hire your services. Every
time someone visits your website and fills in a form, it gives you an idea of who your
customers really are and lets you discover important details about them such as age
and interests, which better shapes your services to match their needs.
5. Global Marketing- The ability to market your products and services globally is
one of the biggest advantages of global marketing for business. Within several
months of aggressive SEO, you can secure millions of viewers and reach huge
audiences from across the world. With internet marketing, you can easily reach
beyond your geography to offer your products or services to customers worldwide.
Wherever your target audiences are, you can easily reach them 24/7 and from any
country all over the world. If your audience consists of more than your local market,
utilizing global marketing offers you a great advantage.
6. Ability To Multitask- One of the core benefits of online marketing is its ability to
handling millions of customers at the same time. As long as a website’s
infrastructure is efficient, numerous transactions can easily take place
simultaneously. However, even with a large number of transactions taking place,
your website is capable of providing satisfactory service to every customer who
makes a purchase online, without the risk of diminished satisfaction. This high
adaptability of internet marketing is an important benefit that businesses can take
advantage of to provide their consumers the best shopping experience.
7. 24/7 Marketing- Internet marketing reduces cost and runs around the clock. That
means that your marketing campaigns run for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Compared to traditional marketing, internet marketing does not constrain you with
opening hours. At the same time, you would not be worrying about overtime pay for
your staff. In addition to this, there is no regional or international time difference for
you to worry about that will affect the reach ability or availability of your offers or
online campaigns. Whenever someone opens their computer and connects to the
internet, there is a higher chance of them seeing your marketing campaign.
Furthermore, customers can look for your product at their most convenient time.
Ques.2 What is e-storefront? Explain its importance in an e-business.
Ans. An electronic storefront is an e-commerce solution for merchants who want to host a
website that advertises their products or services and for which consumer
transactions are generated online. Various software applications are available to
merchants, which range from electronic shopping carts to secure payment gateways.
Merchants that lack e-commerce technical skills find that storefront vendors are
especially helpful when starting out or maintaining their online stores. Another name
for an electronic storefront is an online storefront. Product display, online ordering
software, inventory management applications, billing and online payment system,
and payment processing software may all be included in an electronic storefront.
Web analytics and secure socket layer (SSL) security are crucial aspects as well. A
shopping cart interface is a key feature in most online storefronts; this interface
operates in conjunction with customer check-out software. Some electronic
storefronts include analytic interfaces for the purpose of growing online businesses
as well as predictive analytics to anticipate future shopping trends.If a merchant
needs it, websites can be custom designed, and technical support may be provided.
Importance of E-storefront
It is available through the search engines
Physical shopping stores thrive due to efforts of branding and the relationships that
the owners of the stores create with stakeholders in their industry. An ecommerce
website thrives then receiving large amounts of traffic from search engines.
Billions of people use search engines every day to find products that they want to
buy. With a physical store, it is very difficult to reach such a large market. However,
an online store can easily accomplish this. By having an online store, a business
can reach many more customers than it would with physical stores.
Reduce the cost of maintaining and managing inventory
In a physical store, there are numerous costs that are involved for the purpose of
managing the inventory. It costs time and money to manage inventory. Physical
means of managing inventory are tedious and costly. However, it is easier and
cheaper to manage inventory in an ecommerce website.
An online store provides its owner with facilities and features that can be used to
automate certain responsibilities. An example of such a responsibility is inventory
management. There is a web-based system through which you can automate the
inventory in your website. Once you automate it, the system will manage inventory
for you. This allows you the time to do other things and also reduces the operating
costs of your online store.
It is computerized, hence extremely competent
An ecommerce website can keep selling goods and services throughout without
getting worn out or getting slow. This is because the whole system is computerised
. It is effective and always accurate. As such, when a customer orders a certain
product, they will get it delivered to them.
The ecommerce store is able to manage its own inventory. Moreover, the cost of
starting one of these stores on the Intern t is quite low when compared to the cost
of building a physical store. You need minimal licenses or permits to get your online
store up and running. Moreover, you do not have to rent a space for your store.
Ques.3. Explain why situational analysis is important while formulating an e-
marketing plan.
Ans. A situational analysis defines the internal and external factors of a company or
organization and clearly identifies the capabilities, customers, potential customers
and the business environment and the impact they may have on that organization or
It can also help in identifying strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats to the
organization or business. This analysis can be eye-opening to what’s really going on
within a business and can help in determining the next steps a business needs to
take within the marketplace.
Elements Worth Considering
 Product Situation- What is my current product? You may want to
break this definition up into parts such as the core product and any
secondary or supporting services or products that also make up what
you sell. It is important to observe this in terms of its different parts in
order to be able to relate this back to core client needs. Feel free to also
discuss here which of your client’s needs your product is meeting.
 Competitive situation - Analyze your main competitors – who are they
what are they up to – how do they compare – feature/ benefit analysis.
 Distribution Situation- Review your distribution Situation – how are
you getting your product to market? Do you need to go through
distributors or other intermediaries?
 Environmental factors - What external and internal environmental
factors are there that need to be taken into account. This can include
economic or sociological factors that impact on your performance.
 Opportunity and issue analysis - Which requires conduction a SWOT
analysis (Strengths,Weaknesses,Opportunity and Threats). Things to
write down her are what current opportunities that are available in the
market, the main threats that business is facing and may face in the
future, the strengths that the business can rely on and any weaknesses
that may affect the business performance.
Ques.1 Explain the advertising media commonly used by business to implement
their e- marketing plans.
Ans. 1. Website - Consider your website your online marketing home. You own
this home and have complete control over your guests website visiting
experience. You want readers to enjoy their visit and feel good about your
business when they leave. A positive user experience adheres to
the following guidelines:
Professional, clean, easy to navigate – Make it easy for your viewers to access
and move around your website.
Contains calls-to-actions – Give your reader’s direction about what to look at next,
other information that may interest them and options to download, purchase or
receive more information.
Works on all browsers AND phones – If your website only functions in Internet
Explorer you’ve neglected all of your potential customers trying to access your
site using Firefox. With evolving technology, be willing to accommodate the
experience of all users who want to access your website.
Incorporates keywords – This will make your information show up easier in
search engines. Use appropriate keywords to better your chances of your blog
or website showing up during a viewer’s search for information.
Has a reliable tracking system – This will help your business understand how
well your website is performing. Without a tracking system, how does your
business know if they need to make changes to their website? Try Google
Analytics or Hubspot to meet all of your tracking goals.
2. Blog - Adding a blog to your website allows you to expand your sphere of
influence. If your website only has 5 pages optimized for 5 key phrases you
only have 5 opportunities to generate traffic (and remember traffic =
relationships). If you have 100 pages optimized for 100 key phrases you have
100 opportunities to generate traffic. From a sales perspective you’re much
more likely to close the deal with a list of 100 prospects than a list of
5. So blogging gives you the opportunity to gain a larger audience.
Include your blog as part of your website. Blogging is like vitamins for your website,
you want all those good nutrients boosting your main sales website not a
separate blog site.
Don’t be afraid to publicize what your blog has to offer. Tell people about your
content by sending out emails or sharing links on social media sites.
Share timely, relevant information with your blog visitors. This give them a
reason to visit your blog often.
Make your blog articles easy to share. Place Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
buttons on the blog pages to encourage readers to link their friends and
followers to your site.
3. Email Marketing- Email marketing acts like an alarm clock, reminding
people to wake up and pay attention to your business. Consider
promoting offerings and events via email marketing as well driving invitees to
your website to sign up. The style of your emails should be consistent with
your branding. You can build rapport by being consistent and timely with your
delivery, to show your audience how dependable your company truly is.
Email marketing doesn’t have to be just to your list. Consider piggybacking on
the list of another company or organization (WITH PERMISSION) by placing
advertisements or adding value to their email newsletter through content. This
can open doors by associating you with another company the audience
already trusts generating an unobtrusive soft referral.
4. Offerings- Downloading an offering often marks the beginning of a
relationship with a website visitor. Offerings should be original and
downloadable or generated online. A quality offering provides answer to the
questions your audience needs most.
5. Social Media-According to the Pew Internet Research Network, 74% of online
adults use some form of social media. Your business needs to be where your
clients and prospects are engaging most. You don’t need to do them all, pick
one or two social media platforms that make sense for your business and excel!
6. Advertisements- Advertising is a great component to talk to new and
existing customers in their web environment of choice. Two types of
advertisements commonly found on search engines are search ads and
display ads. Search ads are placed next to or above relevant search engine
results. Display ads are placed on the search engine’s sidebars or at the
bottom of the page. This type of ad can also be seen as a pop-up or pop-
under advertisement as well.
Ques.2 What are the word of mouth marketing techniques?
Ans. Word of mouth marketing continues to be the most effective practice for
marketers. 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family
more than any other form of marketing. Word-of-mouth marketing tactics
recruit happy customers for help promoting your business’s brand. It’s
successful because if you create an excellent experience for one customer,
there’s a good chance they’ll share their positive story with friends and family.
Techniques of Word-of-mouth marketing
1. Know yourself
The first thing you need to do before using word-of-mouth marketing tactics is
to know your brand and product or service thoroughly. Some questions to ask:
 What is your brand all about?
 What are your values?
 What does your product or service do?
 How can it help people?
Having in-depth knowledge about your brand and its mission statement can
help you present your products and services in a way that your audience
2. Research your competition
Being aware of your competitors is a necessary step to stay ahead of them. You
need to understand your industry and the questions or issues plaguing it. It’s
important that you determine what your competition has to offer in terms of answers
and solutions to those issues.
 What can you do to be better than them?
 How are they different from you and how can you benefit from this?
 Are there any weaknesses you can capitalize on?
3. Define your audience
One of the most important steps to launching successful word-of-mouth marketing
tactics is to thoroughly understand your audience. Getting to know your target group
will help you determine what they like and don’t like. Then you can build your
marketing strategy and services around those preferences.
4. Embrace exclusivity
People want what they can’t have and that’s exactly what drives this strategy.
Offering exclusive access to your product or service can be an effective method for
implementing word of mouth marketing tactics. These recommendations are good
word-of-mouth marketing tactics for promoting your product or service. Being
exclusive will create a demand for your product or service just from curiosity.
5. Build an engaged social community
72% of marketers use social media to develop loyal fans. A tight-knit community on
social media is a necessity for successful word of mouth marketing tactics.
This is where knowing your audience plays an important role. You need to
understand your target audience to determine where and how they like to
communicate online.
6. Identify and engage with influencers
Marketers consider influencer engagement effective for generating leads. 76%
believe it’s effective for building loyalty. Advertising your brand through influencers is
one of the best word-of-mouth marketing tactics. This technique works because
you’re reaching out to your audience through people who already have an influence
on their purchase decisions.
Influencers could be anyone from bloggers and social media stars to industry leads
and existing customers. You don’t necessarily have to stick to your own community
when choosing influencers. Look for names that have a huge social media following
and engagement rate.
It’s best to pick influencers who are relevant, popular, engaged, and authentic for
good word-of-mouth marketing tactics.
Ques.3 Define patent & trade secrets in Digital Property. Differentiate
between patents and trade secrets.
Ans. Patent in Digital marketing
A grant by law to an inventor of a device of the right to exclude other persons from
making, using, or selling the device. The patent holder has the right to license to
another person or company the right to make use, or sell the device. A patent is
available only for devices that embody a new idea or principle and that involve a
discovery. Patent protection varies from country to country, and may not be available
in some jurisdictions. A country that is a member of the WIPO Protection of Industrial
Property may recognize patents held in other jurisdictions. It's granted by the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) and has a term of 14 to 20 years. Owning a
patent gives you the right to stop someone else from making, using or selling your
invention without your permission. Only an inventor may apply for a patent on his or
her idea. If two or more people participate in the creation of an invention, the law
requires that all participants apply for a patent as joint inventors. A person applying
for a patent on an idea he or she did not directly invent is subject to criminal
penalties and invalidation of the patent, if one was issued. A person making only a
financial contribution to an invention can't be named as a joint inventor.
There are actually several different type of patents, but the two following patents are
the type entrepreneurs use most often:
A design patent provides protection on the appearance or ornamental design of your
invention. It is generally cheaper, simpler to file and more easily accepted by the
PTO than other types of patents. However, its overall protection isn't as effective as
a utility patent because the invention's design can be changed many times, thus
helping others who want to use your design avoid patent infringement. Its term is 14
To receive a design patent, your invention must pass these tests:
 It must have a new, original and ornamental design.
 The novel features of your design must not be obvious.
A utility patent protects the function or method of your invention. This patent is more
complicated than a design patent because it requires you to explain how your
invention is used. A utility patent is usually more expensive to obtain, requires more
input from an attorney, and is more difficult to have issued by the PTO. Its protection
is greater than that of a design patent, however, because patenting a method or
function provides stronger, broader coverage. A person trying to make a product
similar to your patented one must avoid all the claims of your patent. The utility
patent's term is 20 years. Most inventions can be filed as a design patent, utility
patent or both.
To receive a utility patent, your invention must pass four tests:
1. Statutory-class test. Your invention can reasonably be classified as a process,
machine, manufacture, composition or a "new use" of any one or more of
these classifications.
2. Utility test. Your invention is considered useful.
3. Novelty test. Your invention has a feature that sets it apart from previous
inventions and is unknown to the public.
4. "Unobviousness" tests. Your invention's novelty must not be obvious to
someone who has ordinary skill in the area of your invention. For example, if
your invention is a hairbrush, the uniqueness of its design must not be
obvious to someone who uses a hairbrush every day.
If you're trying to determine if your idea has already been patented, you can have a
search performed on all existing patents. This patent search will tell you whether
other patents have already been issued that may disclose or suggest your invention.
You can perform a patent search on your own, use the Internet or hire a patent
Trade Secrets in Digital marketing
A trade secret is virtually anything that is secret, and that imparts value to its holder
as a consequence of that very secrecy. Technical and scientific information, such
as formulae, manufacturing methods and specifications, designs, computer code and
the like receive protection as trade secrets. Commercial and financial information
may also qualify as a trade secret. Customer lists, customer buying preferences and
requirements, the identity of customer decision-makers, pricing information,
marketing and business plans, internal cost structure, supplier arrangements, and
other similar non-public information can be protected.
The formula of ingredients for a particular product. The source code of software that
reveals the algorithms and uniqueness of the software application. Any secret
manufacturing process or procedure that gives you some type of advantage (lower
cost, more attractive product, greater efficiency, marketing competitiveness).
As is the case with computer crime, protecting your trade secrets and other
proprietary information is largely a matter of common sense. The first thing to do is
identify your trade secrets. These include any information you use to operate your
business that you consider valuable enough--and secret enough--to give you an
edge over your competition. Trade secrets can be product designs, customer lists,
sales forecasts and many other types of data.
Once you've conducted an audit of your trade secrets, you need to set up policies to
protect them. These can consist of the following:
 Make sure everyone who sees your secret information is aware that it is
secret. Notify partners, customers, suppliers and employees exposed to
proprietary secrets that the material is confidential. Get them to agree not to
use it against you or to disclose it to anyone without your written permission.
Get this in writing; and have them sign these nondisclosure agreements.
Stamp documents "Confidential."
 Enforce physical security. Put up "No Trespassing" signs, erect fences, lock
entrances and exits, and hire security guards. Lock your secrets up.
 Use employee and visitor identification badges to control access to your
business. Establish rules requiring people to sign sensitive documents in and
 Set up passwords. Use them to access computers, copiers, fax machines and
other machines that could be used to copy or transmit secrets.
 When employees leave, take measures to ensure that secrets don't leave with
them. Collect sensitive materials from the offices of terminated employees
before allowing them to return to their desks. And before they go, remind them
of the nondisclosure documents they signed.
Advantages of Trade secret
 Trade secret protection has the advantage of not being limited in time (20
years). It may therefore continue indefinitely as long as the secret is not
revealed to the public.
 Trade secrets involve no registration costs.
 Trade secrets have immediate effect.
 Trade secret protection does not require compliance with formalities such
as disclosure of the information to a Government authority.
Disadvantages of Trade Secret
 Trade secret protection of an invention in fact does not provide the
exclusive right to exclude third parties from making commercial use of it.
Only patents and utility models can provide this type of protection.
 Once the secret is made public, anyone may have access to it and use it at
 A trade secret is more difficult to enforce than a patent. The level of
protection granted to trade secrets varies significantly from country to
country, but is generally considered weak, particularly when compared with
the protection granted by a patent.
 A trade secret may be patented by someone else who developed the
relevant information by legitimate means.
Difference betweenPatentand TradeSecrets
Patents and trade secrets have a lot in common: they both refer to new, innovative
ideas and designs which sometimes (but don’t always) turn into commercial
successes. The biggest difference between the two is that patent information enters
the public domain while trade secret information does not, but there’s more to it than
just that.
1. Trade secrets are more informal, while patents are easier to enforce.
 Because trade secrets are not based on disclosure, there’s no formal
paperwork or registration to maintain one. There are also no costs involved,
which is much different than filing for a patent.
 Patent registration takes significant time and money to process, and this is
often one of the largest obstacles to overcome for inventors.
 But the informality of trade secrets makes them more difficult to legally
enforce. A misappropriation of trade secrets claim must prove that a trade
secret was acquired improperly, which often makes for vague and complex
legal cases. And if a trade secret is acquired lawfully, then the acquiring
party can then use that information for their own purposes.
 On the other hand, patent protection is more enforceable because there is
more documentation to back up the dates and specifics of an invention and
its patent protection.
2. Trade secrets and patents are protected by different laws and
 Patents are offered at the federal level, by the USPTO, while trade secrets
are protected under state laws, usually by the Uniform Trade Secrets Act
(USTA), except in a handful of states. In Arizona, for example, the USTA
has been adopted and is part of the state’s statutes in Title 44, Chapter 4.
 Only Massachusetts, North Carolina and New York have yet to adopt the
USTA, though they have their own statutes regarding trade secrets and
3. Patents have a limited length of protection, while trade secrets have
no time restrictions.
 For the most common types of patents, inventors receive 20 years of
protection from the time that the patent is filed. After this period, anyone,
including competing businesses and inventors, can legally produce,
distribute or sell the product.
 With trade secrets, there is no fixed length of protection, and as long as the
trade secret meets its requirements, it can be protected for an infinite
amount of time. Coca-Cola, for example, has held its trade secret for
decades and has successfully kept the public from knowing its confidential
4. Patents can be expensive to file, while trade secrets are essentially
 Filing for a patent is considered an investment in a product’s future, and the
cost of filing is one of the main considerations many investors weigh before
pursuing legal protection. The process typically involves hiring legal help to
complete an effective patent application, and if amendments are required,
the cost of filing can fluctuate even more.
 Trade secrets, however, require no paperwork and therefore, no filing or
registration fees. This gives secrets a financial edge, but again, only for
those products or processes that depend on confidentiality. If your business
requires a patent, then the financial investment outweighs the risk of
another party patenting an invention before you do.
5. Trade secrets are immediately effective; full patent protection can
take years.
 As soon as a trade secret is acknowledged and the owner of the secret
takes the steps needed to ensure it’s a trade secret, it is immediately
protected under the respective state laws on trade secrets.
 According to the USPTO, the average patent application takes more than
two years to be processed. Starting on the filing date, the inventor
automatically receives “patent pending” status for the invention, which
offers some protection to the inventor.
 But full patent protection comes only after the patent has been approved,
and in the two years that it may take to get approval, competing businesses
or parties may come up with similar or improved products that can affect
your invention’s future.
Deciding Which is Right for You
 As you can see, patents and trade secrets offer varying levels of protection
for intellectual property, and deciding what’s right for you and your product
is based on your operation and goals.
 In many situations, the best type of protection is a combination of trade
secrets and patents – in the case of Coca-Cola, for example, they may
keep their ingredient formulas a trade secret, but may patent a certain
product in order to keep competing products off the market.

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E marketing

  • 1. ASSIGNMENT SET-1 Ques.1 Discuss the history of e-marketing. What are the benefits of e-marketing? Ans. History of e-marketing Electronic Markets was established in 1991, long before the Internet became known outside the academic world and before the rise of modern electronic commerce and electronic business. Electronic Markets brought together researchers from various disciplines including IS and business but also economics, design, information science, psychology, and sociology from the very beginning. In doing so, it contributed to the emergence of a new area of research. It is our strong belief that only an interdisciplinary perspective can cover the whole range of possible impacts of electronic markets on economic systems and thus on societies. Therefore, the main contribution of Electronic Markets to the respective fields is not only to address innovative and upcoming topics at an early stage but to broaden the perspective on e-commerce and e-business as well Benefits of e-marketing 1. Convenience And Quick Service- The incredible convenience of marketing online is one of the biggest advantages of internet marketing. The internet has extremely easy accessibility with consumers using the internet and reaching markets anywhere in the world. Because of this, purchasing goods from across borders now reduces the cost of transportation.For importers, this is a huge advantage as it means they can order online right from the comforts of their home. In addition, you can easily track sales items online as they make their way into delivery. You can download digital products from the internet with just a click of a mouse. Internet marketing is great for business as it gives consumers a better and more comfortable shopping experience. 2. Low Cost For Operations- One of the main advantages of online marketing for businesses is its low operating cost. You can advertise cheaper with internet marketing than with traditional methods of advertisement such as ads in newspapers, on television and on the radio. In online marketing, you can easily get a free listing in a wide range of business directories.In addition, the internet allows you to contact your customers more in comparison to how you would contact them traditionally. Online communication is more affordable than traditional communication methods such as sending mail and printing brochures. For example, you can send the same information in an email rather than a mail-out, saving you on printing, paper, and postage. 3. Measure and Track Results- An aspect of internet marketing that is rarely available with traditional marketing is the ability to measure and track results. With online marketing, your business can utilize varying tools for tracking results of your advertising campaigns. Using these tools, not only can you measure and track but also illustrate the progress of your marketing campaign in detailed graphics. Measuring and tracking results gives your business a better idea of how your marketing campaign is faring. It gives you an idea of how you can better grow your traffic, leads, sales, and conversions. Without the ability to measure and track your results, you cannot alter or modify your marketing campaign so that it can better deliver the results you desire.
  • 2. 4. Demographic Targeting- Marketing your products and services online gives you the ability to target audience based on demography. This allows you to concentrate your efforts on the audience that you truly want to offer your products or services. With demographic targeting, you can better target your marketing efforts on specific demographic regions. Demographic targeting gives you the ability to target specific customers you think are likely to purchase your product or hire your services. Every time someone visits your website and fills in a form, it gives you an idea of who your customers really are and lets you discover important details about them such as age and interests, which better shapes your services to match their needs. 5. Global Marketing- The ability to market your products and services globally is one of the biggest advantages of global marketing for business. Within several months of aggressive SEO, you can secure millions of viewers and reach huge audiences from across the world. With internet marketing, you can easily reach beyond your geography to offer your products or services to customers worldwide. Wherever your target audiences are, you can easily reach them 24/7 and from any country all over the world. If your audience consists of more than your local market, utilizing global marketing offers you a great advantage. 6. Ability To Multitask- One of the core benefits of online marketing is its ability to handling millions of customers at the same time. As long as a website’s infrastructure is efficient, numerous transactions can easily take place simultaneously. However, even with a large number of transactions taking place, your website is capable of providing satisfactory service to every customer who makes a purchase online, without the risk of diminished satisfaction. This high adaptability of internet marketing is an important benefit that businesses can take advantage of to provide their consumers the best shopping experience. 7. 24/7 Marketing- Internet marketing reduces cost and runs around the clock. That means that your marketing campaigns run for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Compared to traditional marketing, internet marketing does not constrain you with opening hours. At the same time, you would not be worrying about overtime pay for your staff. In addition to this, there is no regional or international time difference for you to worry about that will affect the reach ability or availability of your offers or online campaigns. Whenever someone opens their computer and connects to the internet, there is a higher chance of them seeing your marketing campaign. Furthermore, customers can look for your product at their most convenient time. Ques.2 What is e-storefront? Explain its importance in an e-business. Ans. An electronic storefront is an e-commerce solution for merchants who want to host a website that advertises their products or services and for which consumer transactions are generated online. Various software applications are available to merchants, which range from electronic shopping carts to secure payment gateways. Merchants that lack e-commerce technical skills find that storefront vendors are especially helpful when starting out or maintaining their online stores. Another name for an electronic storefront is an online storefront. Product display, online ordering software, inventory management applications, billing and online payment system, and payment processing software may all be included in an electronic storefront. Web analytics and secure socket layer (SSL) security are crucial aspects as well. A shopping cart interface is a key feature in most online storefronts; this interface operates in conjunction with customer check-out software. Some electronic storefronts include analytic interfaces for the purpose of growing online businesses
  • 3. as well as predictive analytics to anticipate future shopping trends.If a merchant needs it, websites can be custom designed, and technical support may be provided. Importance of E-storefront It is available through the search engines Physical shopping stores thrive due to efforts of branding and the relationships that the owners of the stores create with stakeholders in their industry. An ecommerce website thrives then receiving large amounts of traffic from search engines. Billions of people use search engines every day to find products that they want to buy. With a physical store, it is very difficult to reach such a large market. However, an online store can easily accomplish this. By having an online store, a business can reach many more customers than it would with physical stores. Reduce the cost of maintaining and managing inventory In a physical store, there are numerous costs that are involved for the purpose of managing the inventory. It costs time and money to manage inventory. Physical means of managing inventory are tedious and costly. However, it is easier and cheaper to manage inventory in an ecommerce website. An online store provides its owner with facilities and features that can be used to automate certain responsibilities. An example of such a responsibility is inventory management. There is a web-based system through which you can automate the inventory in your website. Once you automate it, the system will manage inventory for you. This allows you the time to do other things and also reduces the operating costs of your online store. It is computerized, hence extremely competent An ecommerce website can keep selling goods and services throughout without getting worn out or getting slow. This is because the whole system is computerised . It is effective and always accurate. As such, when a customer orders a certain product, they will get it delivered to them. The ecommerce store is able to manage its own inventory. Moreover, the cost of starting one of these stores on the Intern t is quite low when compared to the cost of building a physical store. You need minimal licenses or permits to get your online store up and running. Moreover, you do not have to rent a space for your store. Ques.3. Explain why situational analysis is important while formulating an e- marketing plan. Ans. A situational analysis defines the internal and external factors of a company or organization and clearly identifies the capabilities, customers, potential customers and the business environment and the impact they may have on that organization or business. It can also help in identifying strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats to the organization or business. This analysis can be eye-opening to what’s really going on
  • 4. within a business and can help in determining the next steps a business needs to take within the marketplace. Elements Worth Considering  Product Situation- What is my current product? You may want to break this definition up into parts such as the core product and any secondary or supporting services or products that also make up what you sell. It is important to observe this in terms of its different parts in order to be able to relate this back to core client needs. Feel free to also discuss here which of your client’s needs your product is meeting.  Competitive situation - Analyze your main competitors – who are they what are they up to – how do they compare – feature/ benefit analysis.  Distribution Situation- Review your distribution Situation – how are you getting your product to market? Do you need to go through distributors or other intermediaries?  Environmental factors - What external and internal environmental factors are there that need to be taken into account. This can include economic or sociological factors that impact on your performance.  Opportunity and issue analysis - Which requires conduction a SWOT analysis (Strengths,Weaknesses,Opportunity and Threats). Things to write down her are what current opportunities that are available in the market, the main threats that business is facing and may face in the future, the strengths that the business can rely on and any weaknesses that may affect the business performance. ASSIGNMENT SET-2 Ques.1 Explain the advertising media commonly used by business to implement their e- marketing plans. Ans. 1. Website - Consider your website your online marketing home. You own this home and have complete control over your guests website visiting experience. You want readers to enjoy their visit and feel good about your business when they leave. A positive user experience adheres to the following guidelines: Professional, clean, easy to navigate – Make it easy for your viewers to access and move around your website. Contains calls-to-actions – Give your reader’s direction about what to look at next, other information that may interest them and options to download, purchase or receive more information. Works on all browsers AND phones – If your website only functions in Internet Explorer you’ve neglected all of your potential customers trying to access your site using Firefox. With evolving technology, be willing to accommodate the experience of all users who want to access your website.
  • 5. Incorporates keywords – This will make your information show up easier in search engines. Use appropriate keywords to better your chances of your blog or website showing up during a viewer’s search for information. Has a reliable tracking system – This will help your business understand how well your website is performing. Without a tracking system, how does your business know if they need to make changes to their website? Try Google Analytics or Hubspot to meet all of your tracking goals. 2. Blog - Adding a blog to your website allows you to expand your sphere of influence. If your website only has 5 pages optimized for 5 key phrases you only have 5 opportunities to generate traffic (and remember traffic = relationships). If you have 100 pages optimized for 100 key phrases you have 100 opportunities to generate traffic. From a sales perspective you’re much more likely to close the deal with a list of 100 prospects than a list of 5. So blogging gives you the opportunity to gain a larger audience. Include your blog as part of your website. Blogging is like vitamins for your website, you want all those good nutrients boosting your main sales website not a separate blog site. Don’t be afraid to publicize what your blog has to offer. Tell people about your content by sending out emails or sharing links on social media sites. Share timely, relevant information with your blog visitors. This give them a reason to visit your blog often. Make your blog articles easy to share. Place Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. buttons on the blog pages to encourage readers to link their friends and followers to your site. 3. Email Marketing- Email marketing acts like an alarm clock, reminding people to wake up and pay attention to your business. Consider promoting offerings and events via email marketing as well driving invitees to your website to sign up. The style of your emails should be consistent with your branding. You can build rapport by being consistent and timely with your delivery, to show your audience how dependable your company truly is. Email marketing doesn’t have to be just to your list. Consider piggybacking on the list of another company or organization (WITH PERMISSION) by placing advertisements or adding value to their email newsletter through content. This can open doors by associating you with another company the audience already trusts generating an unobtrusive soft referral. 4. Offerings- Downloading an offering often marks the beginning of a relationship with a website visitor. Offerings should be original and downloadable or generated online. A quality offering provides answer to the questions your audience needs most.
  • 6. 5. Social Media-According to the Pew Internet Research Network, 74% of online adults use some form of social media. Your business needs to be where your clients and prospects are engaging most. You don’t need to do them all, pick one or two social media platforms that make sense for your business and excel! 6. Advertisements- Advertising is a great component to talk to new and existing customers in their web environment of choice. Two types of advertisements commonly found on search engines are search ads and display ads. Search ads are placed next to or above relevant search engine results. Display ads are placed on the search engine’s sidebars or at the bottom of the page. This type of ad can also be seen as a pop-up or pop- under advertisement as well. Ques.2 What are the word of mouth marketing techniques? Ans. Word of mouth marketing continues to be the most effective practice for marketers. 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family more than any other form of marketing. Word-of-mouth marketing tactics recruit happy customers for help promoting your business’s brand. It’s successful because if you create an excellent experience for one customer, there’s a good chance they’ll share their positive story with friends and family. Techniques of Word-of-mouth marketing 1. Know yourself The first thing you need to do before using word-of-mouth marketing tactics is to know your brand and product or service thoroughly. Some questions to ask:  What is your brand all about?  What are your values?  What does your product or service do?  How can it help people? Having in-depth knowledge about your brand and its mission statement can help you present your products and services in a way that your audience appreciates. 2. Research your competition Being aware of your competitors is a necessary step to stay ahead of them. You need to understand your industry and the questions or issues plaguing it. It’s important that you determine what your competition has to offer in terms of answers and solutions to those issues.  What can you do to be better than them?  How are they different from you and how can you benefit from this?  Are there any weaknesses you can capitalize on? 3. Define your audience One of the most important steps to launching successful word-of-mouth marketing tactics is to thoroughly understand your audience. Getting to know your target group will help you determine what they like and don’t like. Then you can build your marketing strategy and services around those preferences.
  • 7. 4. Embrace exclusivity People want what they can’t have and that’s exactly what drives this strategy. Offering exclusive access to your product or service can be an effective method for implementing word of mouth marketing tactics. These recommendations are good word-of-mouth marketing tactics for promoting your product or service. Being exclusive will create a demand for your product or service just from curiosity. 5. Build an engaged social community 72% of marketers use social media to develop loyal fans. A tight-knit community on social media is a necessity for successful word of mouth marketing tactics. This is where knowing your audience plays an important role. You need to understand your target audience to determine where and how they like to communicate online. 6. Identify and engage with influencers Marketers consider influencer engagement effective for generating leads. 76% believe it’s effective for building loyalty. Advertising your brand through influencers is one of the best word-of-mouth marketing tactics. This technique works because you’re reaching out to your audience through people who already have an influence on their purchase decisions. Influencers could be anyone from bloggers and social media stars to industry leads and existing customers. You don’t necessarily have to stick to your own community when choosing influencers. Look for names that have a huge social media following and engagement rate. It’s best to pick influencers who are relevant, popular, engaged, and authentic for good word-of-mouth marketing tactics. Ques.3 Define patent & trade secrets in Digital Property. Differentiate between patents and trade secrets. Ans. Patent in Digital marketing A grant by law to an inventor of a device of the right to exclude other persons from making, using, or selling the device. The patent holder has the right to license to another person or company the right to make use, or sell the device. A patent is available only for devices that embody a new idea or principle and that involve a discovery. Patent protection varies from country to country, and may not be available in some jurisdictions. A country that is a member of the WIPO Protection of Industrial Property may recognize patents held in other jurisdictions. It's granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) and has a term of 14 to 20 years. Owning a patent gives you the right to stop someone else from making, using or selling your invention without your permission. Only an inventor may apply for a patent on his or her idea. If two or more people participate in the creation of an invention, the law requires that all participants apply for a patent as joint inventors. A person applying for a patent on an idea he or she did not directly invent is subject to criminal penalties and invalidation of the patent, if one was issued. A person making only a financial contribution to an invention can't be named as a joint inventor. There are actually several different type of patents, but the two following patents are the type entrepreneurs use most often: A design patent provides protection on the appearance or ornamental design of your invention. It is generally cheaper, simpler to file and more easily accepted by the PTO than other types of patents. However, its overall protection isn't as effective as
  • 8. a utility patent because the invention's design can be changed many times, thus helping others who want to use your design avoid patent infringement. Its term is 14 years. To receive a design patent, your invention must pass these tests:  It must have a new, original and ornamental design.  The novel features of your design must not be obvious. A utility patent protects the function or method of your invention. This patent is more complicated than a design patent because it requires you to explain how your invention is used. A utility patent is usually more expensive to obtain, requires more input from an attorney, and is more difficult to have issued by the PTO. Its protection is greater than that of a design patent, however, because patenting a method or function provides stronger, broader coverage. A person trying to make a product similar to your patented one must avoid all the claims of your patent. The utility patent's term is 20 years. Most inventions can be filed as a design patent, utility patent or both. To receive a utility patent, your invention must pass four tests: 1. Statutory-class test. Your invention can reasonably be classified as a process, machine, manufacture, composition or a "new use" of any one or more of these classifications. 2. Utility test. Your invention is considered useful. 3. Novelty test. Your invention has a feature that sets it apart from previous inventions and is unknown to the public. 4. "Unobviousness" tests. Your invention's novelty must not be obvious to someone who has ordinary skill in the area of your invention. For example, if your invention is a hairbrush, the uniqueness of its design must not be obvious to someone who uses a hairbrush every day. If you're trying to determine if your idea has already been patented, you can have a search performed on all existing patents. This patent search will tell you whether other patents have already been issued that may disclose or suggest your invention. You can perform a patent search on your own, use the Internet or hire a patent researcher. Trade Secrets in Digital marketing A trade secret is virtually anything that is secret, and that imparts value to its holder as a consequence of that very secrecy. Technical and scientific information, such as formulae, manufacturing methods and specifications, designs, computer code and the like receive protection as trade secrets. Commercial and financial information may also qualify as a trade secret. Customer lists, customer buying preferences and requirements, the identity of customer decision-makers, pricing information, marketing and business plans, internal cost structure, supplier arrangements, and other similar non-public information can be protected. The formula of ingredients for a particular product. The source code of software that reveals the algorithms and uniqueness of the software application. Any secret manufacturing process or procedure that gives you some type of advantage (lower cost, more attractive product, greater efficiency, marketing competitiveness). As is the case with computer crime, protecting your trade secrets and other proprietary information is largely a matter of common sense. The first thing to do is
  • 9. identify your trade secrets. These include any information you use to operate your business that you consider valuable enough--and secret enough--to give you an edge over your competition. Trade secrets can be product designs, customer lists, sales forecasts and many other types of data. Once you've conducted an audit of your trade secrets, you need to set up policies to protect them. These can consist of the following:  Make sure everyone who sees your secret information is aware that it is secret. Notify partners, customers, suppliers and employees exposed to proprietary secrets that the material is confidential. Get them to agree not to use it against you or to disclose it to anyone without your written permission. Get this in writing; and have them sign these nondisclosure agreements. Stamp documents "Confidential."  Enforce physical security. Put up "No Trespassing" signs, erect fences, lock entrances and exits, and hire security guards. Lock your secrets up.  Use employee and visitor identification badges to control access to your business. Establish rules requiring people to sign sensitive documents in and out.  Set up passwords. Use them to access computers, copiers, fax machines and other machines that could be used to copy or transmit secrets.  When employees leave, take measures to ensure that secrets don't leave with them. Collect sensitive materials from the offices of terminated employees before allowing them to return to their desks. And before they go, remind them of the nondisclosure documents they signed. Advantages of Trade secret  Trade secret protection has the advantage of not being limited in time (20 years). It may therefore continue indefinitely as long as the secret is not revealed to the public.  Trade secrets involve no registration costs.  Trade secrets have immediate effect.  Trade secret protection does not require compliance with formalities such as disclosure of the information to a Government authority. Disadvantages of Trade Secret  Trade secret protection of an invention in fact does not provide the exclusive right to exclude third parties from making commercial use of it. Only patents and utility models can provide this type of protection.  Once the secret is made public, anyone may have access to it and use it at will.  A trade secret is more difficult to enforce than a patent. The level of protection granted to trade secrets varies significantly from country to country, but is generally considered weak, particularly when compared with the protection granted by a patent.  A trade secret may be patented by someone else who developed the relevant information by legitimate means. Difference betweenPatentand TradeSecrets Patents and trade secrets have a lot in common: they both refer to new, innovative ideas and designs which sometimes (but don’t always) turn into commercial
  • 10. successes. The biggest difference between the two is that patent information enters the public domain while trade secret information does not, but there’s more to it than just that. 1. Trade secrets are more informal, while patents are easier to enforce.  Because trade secrets are not based on disclosure, there’s no formal paperwork or registration to maintain one. There are also no costs involved, which is much different than filing for a patent.  Patent registration takes significant time and money to process, and this is often one of the largest obstacles to overcome for inventors.  But the informality of trade secrets makes them more difficult to legally enforce. A misappropriation of trade secrets claim must prove that a trade secret was acquired improperly, which often makes for vague and complex legal cases. And if a trade secret is acquired lawfully, then the acquiring party can then use that information for their own purposes.  On the other hand, patent protection is more enforceable because there is more documentation to back up the dates and specifics of an invention and its patent protection. 2. Trade secrets and patents are protected by different laws and statutes.  Patents are offered at the federal level, by the USPTO, while trade secrets are protected under state laws, usually by the Uniform Trade Secrets Act (USTA), except in a handful of states. In Arizona, for example, the USTA has been adopted and is part of the state’s statutes in Title 44, Chapter 4.  Only Massachusetts, North Carolina and New York have yet to adopt the USTA, though they have their own statutes regarding trade secrets and misappropriation. 3. Patents have a limited length of protection, while trade secrets have no time restrictions.  For the most common types of patents, inventors receive 20 years of protection from the time that the patent is filed. After this period, anyone, including competing businesses and inventors, can legally produce, distribute or sell the product.  With trade secrets, there is no fixed length of protection, and as long as the trade secret meets its requirements, it can be protected for an infinite amount of time. Coca-Cola, for example, has held its trade secret for decades and has successfully kept the public from knowing its confidential information. 4. Patents can be expensive to file, while trade secrets are essentially free.  Filing for a patent is considered an investment in a product’s future, and the cost of filing is one of the main considerations many investors weigh before pursuing legal protection. The process typically involves hiring legal help to complete an effective patent application, and if amendments are required, the cost of filing can fluctuate even more.  Trade secrets, however, require no paperwork and therefore, no filing or registration fees. This gives secrets a financial edge, but again, only for those products or processes that depend on confidentiality. If your business requires a patent, then the financial investment outweighs the risk of another party patenting an invention before you do.
  • 11. 5. Trade secrets are immediately effective; full patent protection can take years.  As soon as a trade secret is acknowledged and the owner of the secret takes the steps needed to ensure it’s a trade secret, it is immediately protected under the respective state laws on trade secrets.  According to the USPTO, the average patent application takes more than two years to be processed. Starting on the filing date, the inventor automatically receives “patent pending” status for the invention, which offers some protection to the inventor.  But full patent protection comes only after the patent has been approved, and in the two years that it may take to get approval, competing businesses or parties may come up with similar or improved products that can affect your invention’s future. Deciding Which is Right for You  As you can see, patents and trade secrets offer varying levels of protection for intellectual property, and deciding what’s right for you and your product is based on your operation and goals.  In many situations, the best type of protection is a combination of trade secrets and patents – in the case of Coca-Cola, for example, they may keep their ingredient formulas a trade secret, but may patent a certain product in order to keep competing products off the market.