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Dystopias: Definition and Characteristics
Utopia: A place, state, or condition that is ideally perfect in
respect of politics,
laws, customs, and conditions.
Dystopia: A futuristic, imagined universe in which oppressive
societal control and
the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through
corporate, bureaucratic,
technological, moral, or totalitarian control. Dystopias, through
an exaggerated
worst-case scenario, make a criticism about a current trend,
societal norm, or
political system.
Characteristics of a Dystopian Society
• Propaganda is used to control the citizens of society.
• Information, independent thought, and freedom are restricted.
• A figurehead or concept is worshipped by the citizens of the
• Citizens are perceived to be under constant surveillance.
• Citizens have a fear of the outside world.
• Citizens live in a dehumanized state.
• The natural world is banished and distrusted.
• Citizens conform to uniform expectations. Individuality and
dissent are bad.
• The society is an illusion of a perfect utopian world.
Types of Dystopian Controls
Most dystopian works present a world in which oppressive
societal control and the
illusion of a perfect society are maintained through one or more
of the following
types of controls:
• Corporate control: One or more large corporations control
society through
products, advertising, and/or the media. Examples include
Minority Report
and Running Man.
• Bureaucratic control: Society is controlled by a mindless
bureaucracy through
a tangle of red tape, relentless regulations, and incompetent
officials. Examples in film include Brazil.
• Technological control: Society is controlled by technology—
computers, robots, and/or scientific means. Examples include
The Matrix,
The Terminator, and I, Robot.
• Philosophical/religious control: Society is controlled by
philosophical or
religious ideology often enforced through a dictatorship or
The Dystopian Protagonist
• often feels trapped and is struggling to escape.
• questions the existing social and political systems.
• believes or feels that something is terribly wrong with the
society in which he
or she lives.
• helps the audience recognizes the negative aspects of the
dystopian world
through his or her perspective.
Characteristics of a Dystopian SocietyTypes of Dystopian
ControlsThe Dystopian Protagonist
Elizabeth Lobaina
Panther ID: 6023341
Bachelor’s in Accounting
A Self-Assessment of Raw Materials
The purpose of performing a self-assessment of raw materials is
to determine and discover impartial traits, both positive and
negative, that build a person’s character, personality, talent,
skills, and abilities. This self-discovery helps a person to better
understand themselves, know what areas they need improvement
or help, and also plan to align themselves with the best
resources that enhance their ability to realize their full potential
in life. It also plays an important role in the choice of career
and career development. This paper is a self-assessment of raw
materials on myself for the purpose of realizing its benefits.
Raw Materials
This section will discuss the six categories of raw materials
assessed which include strengths, potential strengths, faults or
bad habits, interests, personality, and core values.
For my strengths, I took an online aptitude test through a link
provided for this assignment. From the assessment my top five
strengths in chronological order are faith (94%), self-motivation
((94%), communication (88%), integrity (88%), and strategic
thinking (88%). Subconsciously, my faith did not come across
as strength, although I agree with the results of the assessment.
Despite failing to compromise what I believe in for the sake of
other beliefs or rules, I allow people to interact with my
perspectives. I concur with the self-motivation scores because I
let my passion drive my motivation for the things that I do. In
doing so, I value performance as a reward rather than the
monetary value as compensation for my work.
Communication is also an important skill that I have to believe
enhances relationships between people no matter the
environmental setting they are in (work, school, or event). I
take time for conversations, seek knowledge about people,
places, organizations, I read books, and also help people to
create engaging presentations to enhance their communication. I
also like advancing my knowledge in public speaking for the
sake of improving my communication skills.
I agree with the results of the tests, however, I expected that my
top three strengths would include leadership because of the
ability to effectively interact with people, communicate, and
offer help when needed. Since I am inclined towards the
corporate world kind of career, leadership is one of the skills
that I need to improve on, similarly to integrity. The ability to
think strategically is a skill that is developed with experience
and consistent practice. I believe that my employment
environment will help me enhance this skill with time through
chances for participating in planning seminars and other related
training courses. Additionally, reading books, doing
presentations, and solving problems will help in improving
strategic thinking scores.
Potential Strengths
For this assessment, I considered the outcome of the online
aptitude tests showing my strengths below the first five as my
potential strengths. They included resourcefulness (81%),
curiosity (81%), teamwork (81%), leadership (75%), and
innovation (75%). The scores were not as exemplary as I
expected especially for leadership, although I think these
strengths complement the first five strengths identified by the
I agree that I am resourceful basing on my desire to help people
out, listen to them, and also communicate effectively.
Teamwork and communication also complement each other as
seen in the traits revealed by the results of the online test. being
innovative also complements the ability to think critically and
the desire to find solutions to a problem. Leadership qualities
are overall and tend to be portrayed in both strengths and
potential strengths revealed by the test. Other useful traits the
test discovered about myself include balance, focus, vision,
problem-solving, ambition, optimism, purpose, risk-taking,
salesmanship, and adaptability. All of these trait’s scores were
above 60 percent, most of which aligned with my personal
opinion of my trait.
Faults and Habits
On the same test for strengths and potential strengths, I figured
out the possible habits and faults that I have. I did this by
looking at some of the explanations for my strengths. For
example, I discovered that I am alone ranger despite being fast
to help out others. I discovered that I prefer working under
minimum supervision and hence I let my supervisor know right
away about my preference. This habit may be a fault that
creates a barrier to success or learning from others. Another
fault is not working under pressure by preferring to be perfect
in what I do rather than rushing through it and compromise
The habit of helping others and trying to pull up a team of
slackers may be taking a toll on my integrity. I also take up a
lot of responsibilities that may be overwhelming to accomplish,
hence, affecting my integrity scores. Integrity is an important
trait especially in the corporate careers that I am inclined
The test also identified my greatest weakness as being less
determined, as determination only scored 50% of the strengths
scores. To explain this low determination, the test identified the
causes of the weakness as follows:
· Failing to sufficiently seek new goals and improvements
· Lack of independence in exploiting my strengths
· Poor analysis of feedback from people
· Inconsistencies in staying on track
· Aligning with people who may not fit in my working style
Interests and Desires
The strengths and weaknesses aptitude test also
constituted some traits that double up as some of my interests,
desires, and passion while others came from a second test that I
took from From my strengths, I gathered that I
have an interest in helping others which have become an
underlying factor in many of my traits. The tests
revealed that I have an interest in music, scoring 4.43/5.0 on the
test. This is explained by my love for poems, songs, and jingles
as well as the rhythm in language. My memory keeps a record
of events and things that are associated with music and I have
always used music to memorize lessons. I also enjoy singing
and humming along to the music.
One desire that was clear from the test is the desire to spend
time alone, away from people so that I can think soberly about
things. Before discussing any information with someone, I
prefer to have time to think about it prior to a discussion. this
desire is also evident in my work and projects because I like to
complete everything from start to finish on my own without
help from others. This desire scored 3.57/5.0 points on the test
conducted on
Another interest that I have, and also identified by the test is
being social. Although I like to spend some time alone, I also
enjoy the company of other people through developing ideas
and learning from them. My social skills may be a result of my
good communication skills and interest in helping other people.
It scored 3.43/5.0 on the test.
I cannot really say that music is my hobby despite it scoring
highly on my list of interests and intelligence. Music is a tool
that I use to make learning easier and to boost my memory
because of the association it has with the things that I can easily
remember. However, these interests and desires tend to incline
me to a more corporate kind of career which involves
completing projects, doing presentations, working with teams,
problem-solving and critical thinking. I also like reading books
and listening to people’s stories which I think is developing into
a big part of my interests. In summary, my interests and desires
include socializing, helping people, reading books and learning
new things, working with projects and teams, and solving
The third test that I took was one from This
test scored my social ability from my signature strengths.
Describing the right personality for a person is always
challenging because of the different combination of characters
that people have. Overall, I believe that my personality is the
social personality type as supported by these tests and my own
personal awareness. According to the test,
humanity is a trait that I exhibit because of the ability to be
aware of other people’s feelings, the ability to fit in any social
setting, and the ability to know what makes people tick. The test
also shows that I have a transcending sense of humor and
spirituality and that I am socially intelligent, coupled with zest
and creativity or wisdom.
Further, the test revealed that I am forgiving and fair which I
think are important when dealing with different kinds of people
and for the sake of enhancing relationships. Most of the traits
that were shown on the test complemented each other. For
example, humility, kindness, and gratitude go hand in hand. I
believe people associate more with these kinds of characters,
especial in social settings. Being a social person, the test
revealed many of the traits that build up such a personality.
Other characteristics include teamwork, perseverance, hope,
honesty, love, learning, and bravery.
The test also showed other traits that were my weaker strengths
as a social person. They are perspective, the appreciation for
beauty and excellence, leadership, self-regulation, and
prudence. Scoring low in perspective means that I barely
understand other people’s arguments or points of view which
seems to contradict with many of the characters in the in the
raw materials traits that I took. For example, the test for strengths and weaknesses showed that I
take time to plan and learn about other people’s experiences and
also appreciate those who take time to learn about my family
and community. This interaction is meant to keep me open
minded about other people’s perspectives as equally as they
respect my own perspectives, beliefs, and values. I believe that
I need to work on my leadership traits and self-regulation as
they have appeared repeatedly as my weaknesses on the three
Core Values
From the three tests that I took, I can identify some of the core
values that I hold as important to me. The first one that has
appeared in all the three tests is spirituality. Faith scored highly
on the as well as spirituality on the test. I also believe that my connection to the
values that I believe in constitute who I am in various settings.
Hence, I let people know what I believe in and whether or not
they agree with them, they should respect them so as to create a
mutual ground for socializing. I also value other people and
often go out of my way to help, interact and learn more about
them just as they would about me. The tests have shown how
well I can create room for people and the best way that I can
interact with them in my social life.
I value communication as part of my social skills and
interaction with other people. Communication makes socializing
easy and also helps people to learn about one another. While I
like socializing, I also value some time alone which I use to
think and make decisions especially before discussions. Thus,
sounds like I am both introverted and extroverted. The test also identified that I have balance as a
strength, therefore, I believe that I have a balanced social life as
well as a balanced personal life or space.
I also value learning new things through reading and engaging
in trainings. Through reading, I get to learn new skills and also
be open minded. I believe these are the qualities the add and
improve my socializing personality. These values that the tests
revealed are what I expected them to be. I have realized that my
spirituality occupies a large portion of the things I believe in
and value. Because of feeling the need to protect my beliefs, I
developed better communication skills and became more social
so that I do not appear to be different from many people and
their beliefs. It has also taught me to be accommodative of other
people as they also respect my values and beliefs. From the first
test, it is evident that my family and community are dear to me
and I show respect to people who learn about them. This means
that most of my values come from the environment that I grew
up in and the people who surround me as family have a great
impact in my current choice of values and beliefs.
Summary and Synthesis
This section of the raw material assessment on self will
compare the findings of the tests that were conducted and
analyze them to come up with a comprehensive report on what
traits and characteristics that best suit me and my career.
From the three tests that I took, it is clear that I am a social
person. My personality too concurs with these findings as well
as my personal understanding of my characters. My spirituality
came out as a strong trait throughout the three tests and also
proved to be greatly influencing my values and beliefs. I work
well with people through communication, team participation and
my ability to help other people. The tests also showed self-
motivation as a strong trait that I have through my ambitions to
pick challenging goals and completing tasks without much
supervision or help.
I however find it intriguing that lack of determination was listed
as one of my weaknesses from one of the tests. At the same
time, my leadership skills have scored lowly in the three tests
that I took, contrary to what I believed about myself. This is
also similar to the rather average scores for integrity, although
this may be explained by my habit of taking too much
responsibility than I can handle at a time, therefore failing to
keep some of the commitments that I make. I also seek time
away from the social life to be alone think about things before
engaging in discussions or decisions. Reading books also adds
more knowledge and gives me the ability to think from different
perspectives. As a social person, I expected to score higher on
the perspective scores which was mentioned as one of my
weaknesses in my personality scores. I believe that during
social interaction, a person is able to share the different
perspectives they have on people’s opinions as well as their
own opinions.
Notably, I my memory associates with music. I like the rhythm
of language, songs and poems, and also enjoy humming or
singing along to music. I use sounds to make learning new
things easier and memorable.
Hopefully, the synthesis of this assessment will enable me find
out the best way to improve the weaknesses I poses and also
enhance the strengths I have. By determining these
characteristics, I am able to know how best I can sell my
strengths to a possible employer and how to align everything in
order to fit in an enviable career in the corporate world. I hope
to achieve a new perspective with this synthesis that will enable
me to reach my goals in life.
I fully identify with my social personality, and I also count it as
a strength. However, there are several barriers that hinder me
from fully exploiting my potential as a social person. Since I
believe in being a leader as much as I believe in working with
people and teams, it is important that I find ways to improve my
leadership skills. Leadership and integrity closely interact
because a leader with integrity gains more trust from their
followers (Engelbrecht et al., 2017). There needs to be an
improvement on integrity to enable me to achieve my leadership
goals. Some of the notable factors that could be possibly
affecting my integrity is my association with teams that have
slackers, committing to more than I can deliver, and preference
to finish my assignments without seeking help, hence getting
overwhelmed in the process.
It is obvious that I like participating in teams and helping
people, but from the test I have realized that some of these
gestures are not really working on my favor in terms of
improving my personal performance. If my team scores lowly,
so do I, hence affecting my overall score of integrity. This also
affects my level of determination as it was pointed out as a
weakness in my part from one of the assessment tests. As a
resolution, I think it is best to find better ways of helping
people and also allowing myself to learn from other leaders,
supervisors, or management. One of the solutions suggested by
the test is to start out my own project and use it
to help others because it identifies with my strengths of
initiating, leading, and managing projects. By doing so, there
would be enough room for me to exercise my Overall, qualities
like strategic thinking, good communication skills, team
playing, and resourcefulness increase my chances of perming
well in the careers that I am inclined to.
My spirituality tops the list of my strengths, although I may
have not thought of it as being one. From the assessment, I have
discovered that I am clear and protective of my spirituality,
which also forms many of the values that I believe in. I let
people know what I believe in even if they do not agree with the
believes and values that I hold, and also would respect those
people who respect my own beliefs, my family, and my
community. I also do not compromise these beliefs even if they
go against some of the values of the organization that I work or
associate with. On the downside, my personality score indicated
that I scored lowly on perspective as it was indicated as one of
my weaknesses. I now understand how this makes a difference
in my social life and how it affects my relationship w ith other
people. Diversity is a common thing in many organizations and
social circles today and blending in could be a challenge if
people fail to understand the importance of accepting other
people’s opinions and perspectives just as they would with the
other person (Roberson, 2019). While making what I believe in
clear is important, it may not be the best thing to bombard a
person with during the first encounter because it may limit
future interactions with the person and ultimately affecting
other great qualities that I have. The possible solution to this
problem may be to sell other strengths that I have instead during
the first interactions and then using my diversity as an
opportunity to learn and offer different perspectives of issues.
In the same way, I should be able to respect other people’s
beliefs and perspectives even if they differ with mine and find a
way to make our diversities work towards achieving the goals of
an organization.
I believe that I have a good balance between my social life and
personal space because I take time to reflect on thoughts before
discussing them as well as taking time to read books or attend
trainings for self-nourishment. My purpose of reading and
constantly training is to improve my ability to think
strategically. Strategic thinking is an important skill in project
management as it helps people to plan, integrate, and carefully
utilize resources they have to achieve the goals they set. In
strategic thinking, a person should have the ability to weigh
different perspectives and opinions to find out which one works
better (Dhir et al., 2018). According to the assessment tests for
my raw materials, letting people assist me in projects through
their opinions an accommodating other people’s opinions are
weaknesses that may hinder my performance in the field. For
improvements, I need to be allowed other people to work with
me as well as take into considerations their opinions and help.
Other good qualities that work for my advantage include my
sense of humor, kindness, gratitude, humility, honesty, bravery,
love, and courage. These traits complement the positive traits
that I already have and my social personality. They are good
traits that can prepare someone for the future roles that require
working with larger groups of people. There is a lot of
interaction for business reasons that happen in the corporate
industry such as meeting clients, holding seminars and training,
doing presentations, and discussing business all in the effort to
make sales and also growth. I believe these traits are learned
with time, exposure, and constant practice. For example, a good
salesman is also associated with good communications skills. In
my assessment, my communications skills scored higher than
the salesmanship because of little experience in the sales field.
However, with continued interactions with clients, and help
from the team, supervisors, or management that I work with, I
should be able to polish my salesmanship skills and.
A raw assessment test is vital to self-discovery and self-
branding. These tests have helped me to understand my
strengths and weaknesses and how to work around them in order
to achieve my maximum potential in life. The synthesis of this
assessment has enabled me to identify ways to change things
that I do wrong and have make them work to my advantage. By
understanding my personality, I have been able to know what
hinders my success and performance by thinking that they were
traits that work better for me. I have also been able to see the
connection between different strengths and weaknesses and how
the weaknesses may contribute to the downfall of my strengths.
The self-assessment has helped me to see the other perspective
of things that has enabled me to plan for my growth in career,
interactions, and aiming for a better achievement of the goals I
have set in different areas of life.
Dhir, S., Dhir, S., & Samanta, P. (2018). Defining and
developing a scale to measure strategic thinking. Foresight.
Engelbrecht, A. S., Heine, G., & Mahembe, B. (2017). Integrity,
ethical leadership, trust and work engagement. Leadership &
Organization Development Journal
Roberson, Q. M. (2019). Diversity in the workplace: A review,
synthesis, and future research agenda. Annual Review of
Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 69-
Top 5 Strengths
Series 1 Faith Self Motivation Communication
Integrity Strategic Thinking 0.94 0.94 0.88 0.88 0.88
Resourcefulness Curiosity Teamwork Innovation
Leadership Balance Focus Visionary
Problem Solving Optimism Ambition Purpose
Risk Taking Salesmanship Adaptability 81 81 81
81 75 75 75 69 69 69 69 63 63 63 63
Elizabeth Lobaina
Panther ID: 6023341
Bachelor’s in Accounting
A Self-Assessment of Raw Materials
The purpose of performing a self-assessment of raw materials is
to determine and discover impartial traits, both positive and
negative, that build a person’s character, personality, talent,
skills, and abilities. This self-discovery helps a person to better
understand themselves, know what areas they need improvement
or help, and also plan to align themselves with the best
resources that enhance their ability to realize their full potential
in life. It also plays an important role in the choice of career
and career development. This paper is a self-assessment of raw
materials on myself for the purpose of realizing its benefits.
Raw Materials
This section will discuss the six categories of raw materials
assessed which include strengths, potential strengths, faults or
bad habits, interests, personality, and core values.
For my strengths, I took an online aptitude test through a link
provided for this assignment. From the assessment my top five
strengths in chronological order are faith (94%), self-motivation
((94%), communication (88%), integrity (88%), and strategic
thinking (88%). Subconsciously, my faith did not come across
as strength, although I agree with the results of the assessment.
Despite failing to compromise what I believe in for the sake of
other beliefs or rules, I allow people to interact with my
perspectives. I concur with the self-motivation scores because I
let my passion drive my motivation for the things that I do. In
doing so, I value performance as a reward rather than the
monetary value as compensation for my work.
Communication is also an important skill that I have to believe
enhances relationships between people no matter the
environmental setting they are in (work, school, or event). I
take time for conversations, seek knowledge about people,
places, organizations, I read books, and also help people to
create engaging presentations to enhance their communication. I
also like advancing my knowledge in public speaking for the
sake of improving my communication skills.
I agree with the results of the tests, however, I expected that my
top three strengths would include leadership because of the
ability to effectively interact with people, communicate, and
offer help when needed. Since I am inclined towards the
corporate world kind of career, leadership is one of the skills
that I need to improve on, similarly to integrity. The ability to
think strategically is a skill that is developed with experience
and consistent practice. I believe that my employment
environment will help me enhance this skill with time through
chances for participating in planning seminars and other related
training courses. Additionally, reading books, doing
presentations, and solving problems will help in improving
strategic thinking scores.
Potential Strengths
For this assessment, I considered the outcome of the online
aptitude tests showing my strengths below the first five as my
potential strengths. They included resourcefulness (81%),
curiosity (81%), teamwork (81%), leadership (75%), and
innovation (75%). The scores were not as exemplary as I
expected especially for leadership, although I think these
strengths complement the first five strengths identified by the
I agree that I am resourceful basing on my desire to help people
out, listen to them, and also communicate effectively.
Teamwork and communication also complement each other as
seen in the traits revealed by the results of the online test. being
innovative also complements the ability to think critically and
the desire to find solutions to a problem. Leadership qualities
are overall and tend to be portrayed in both strengths and
potential strengths revealed by the test. Other useful traits the
test discovered about myself include balance, focus, vision,
problem-solving, ambition, optimism, purpose, risk-taking,
salesmanship, and adaptability. All of these trait’s scores were
above 60 percent, most of which aligned with my personal
opinion of my trait.
Faults and Habits
On the same test for strengths and potential strengths, I figured
out the possible habits and faults that I have. I did this by
looking at some of the explanations for my strengths. For
example, I discovered that I am alone ranger despite being fast
to help out others. I discovered that I prefer working under
minimum supervision and hence I let my supervisor know right
away about my preference. This habit may be a fault that
creates a barrier to success or learning from others. Another
fault is not working under pressure by preferring to be perfect
in what I do rather than rushing through it and compromise
The habit of helping others and trying to pull up a team of
slackers may be taking a toll on my integrity. I also take up a
lot of responsibilities that may be overwhelming to accomplish,
hence, affecting my integrity scores. Integrity is an important
trait especially in the corporate careers that I am inclined
The test also identified my greatest weakness as being less
determined, as determination only scored 50% of the strengths
scores. To explain this low determination, the test identified the
causes of the weakness as follows:
· Failing to sufficiently seek new goals and improvements
· Lack of independence in exploiting my strengths
· Poor analysis of feedback from people
· Inconsistencies in staying on track
· Aligning with people who may not fit in my working style
Interests and Desires
The strengths and weaknesses aptitude test also
constituted some traits that double up as some of my interests,
desires, and passion while others came from a second test that I
took from From my strengths, I gathered that I
have an interest in helping others which have become an
underlying factor in many of my traits. The tests
revealed that I have an interest in music, scoring 4.43/5.0 on the
test. This is explained by my love for poems, songs, and jingles
as well as the rhythm in language. My memory keeps a record
of events and things that are associated with music and I have
always used music to memorize lessons. I also enjoy singing
and humming along to the music.
One desire that was clear from the test is the desire to spend
time alone, away from people so that I can think soberly about
things. Before discussing any information with someone, I
prefer to have time to think about it prior to a discussion. this
desire is also evident in my work and projects because I like to
complete everything from start to finish on my own without
help from others. This desire scored 3.57/5.0 points on the test
conducted on
Another interest that I have, and also identified by the test is
being social. Although I like to spend some time alone, I also
enjoy the company of other people through developing ideas
and learning from them. My social skills may be a result of my
good communication skills and interest in helping other people.
It scored 3.43/5.0 on the test.
I cannot really say that music is my hobby despite it scoring
highly on my list of interests and intelligence. Music is a tool
that I use to make learning easier and to boost my memory
because of the association it has with the things that I can easily
remember. However, these interests and desires tend to incline
me to a more corporate kind of career which involves
completing projects, doing presentations, working with teams,
problem-solving and critical thinking. I also like reading books
and listening to people’s stories which I think is developing into
a big part of my interests. In summary, my interests and desires
include socializing, helping people, reading books and learning
new things, working with projects and teams, and solving
The third test that I took was one from This
test scored my social ability from my signature strengths.
Describing the right personality for a person is always
challenging because of the different combination of characters
that people have. Overall, I believe that my personality is the
social personality type as supported by these tests and my own
personal awareness. According to the test,
humanity is a trait that I exhibit because of the ability to be
aware of other people’s feelings, the ability to fit in any social
setting, and the ability to know what makes people tick. The test
also shows that I have a transcending sense of humor and
spirituality and that I am socially intelligent, coupled with zest
and creativity or wisdom.
Further, the test revealed that I am forgiving and fair which I
think are important when dealing with different kinds of people
and for the sake of enhancing relationships. Most of the traits
that were shown on the test complemented each other. For
example, humility, kindness, and gratitude go hand in hand. I
believe people associate more with these kinds of characters,
especial in social settings. Being a social person, the test
revealed many of the traits that build up such a personality.
Other characteristics include teamwork, perseverance, hope,
honesty, love, learning, and bravery.
The test also showed other traits that were my weaker strengths
as a social person. They are perspective, the appreciation for
beauty and excellence, leadership, self-regulation, and
prudence. Scoring low in perspective means that I barely
understand other people’s arguments or points of view which
seems to contradict with many of the characters in the in the
raw materials traits that I took. For example, the test for strengths and weaknesses showed that I
take time to plan and learn about other people’s experiences and
also appreciate those who take time to learn about my family
and community. This interaction is meant to keep me open
minded about other people’s perspectives as equally as they
respect my own perspectives, beliefs, and values. I believe that
I need to work on my leadership traits and self-regulation as
they have appeared repeatedly as my weaknesses on the three
Core Values
From the three tests that I took, I can identify some of the core
values that I hold as important to me. The first one that has
appeared in all the three tests is spirituality. Faith scored highly
on the as well as spirituality on the test. I also believe that my connection to the
values that I believe in constitute who I am in various settings.
Hence, I let people know what I believe in and whether or not
they agree with them, they should respect them so as to create a
mutual ground for socializing. I also value other people and
often go out of my way to help, interact and learn more about
them just as they would about me. The tests have shown how
well I can create room for people and the best way that I can
interact with them in my social life.
I value communication as part of my social skills and
interaction with other people. Communication makes socializing
easy and also helps people to learn about one another. While I
like socializing, I also value some time alone which I use to
think and make decisions especially before discussions. Thus,
sounds like I am both introverted and extroverted. The test also identified that I have balance as a
strength, therefore, I believe that I have a balanced social life as
well as a balanced personal life or space.
I also value learning new things through reading and engaging
in trainings. Through reading, I get to learn new skills and also
be open minded. I believe these are the qualities the add and
improve my socializing personality. These values that the tests
revealed are what I expected them to be. I have real ized that my
spirituality occupies a large portion of the things I believe in
and value. Because of feeling the need to protect my beliefs, I
developed better communication skills and became more social
so that I do not appear to be different from many people and
their beliefs. It has also taught me to be accommodative of other
people as they also respect my values and beliefs. From the first
test, it is evident that my family and community are dear to me
and I show respect to people who learn about them. This means
that most of my values come from the environment that I grew
up in and the people who surround me as family have a great
impact in my current choice of values and beliefs.
Summary and Synthesis
This section of the raw material assessment on self will
compare the findings of the tests that were conducted and
analyze them to come up with a comprehensive report on what
traits and characteristics that best suit me and my career.
From the three tests that I took, it is clear that I am a soci al
person. My personality too concurs with these findings as well
as my personal understanding of my characters. My spirituality
came out as a strong trait throughout the three tests and also
proved to be greatly influencing my values and beliefs. I work
well with people through communication, team participation and
my ability to help other people. The tests also showed self-
motivation as a strong trait that I have through my ambitions to
pick challenging goals and completing tasks without much
supervision or help.
I however find it intriguing that lack of determination was listed
as one of my weaknesses from one of the tests. At the same
time, my leadership skills have scored lowly in the three tests
that I took, contrary to what I believed about myself. This is
also similar to the rather average scores for integrity, although
this may be explained by my habit of taking too much
responsibility than I can handle at a time, therefore failing to
keep some of the commitments that I make. I also seek time
away from the social life to be alone think about things before
engaging in discussions or decisions. Reading books also adds
more knowledge and gives me the ability to think from different
perspectives. As a social person, I expected to score higher on
the perspective scores which was mentioned as one of my
weaknesses in my personality scores. I believe that during
social interaction, a person is able to share the different
perspectives they have on people’s opinions as well as their
own opinions.
Notably, I my memory associates with music. I like the rhythm
of language, songs and poems, and also enjoy humming or
singing along to music. I use sounds to make learning new
things easier and memorable.
Hopefully, the synthesis of this assessment will enable me find
out the best way to improve the weaknesses I poses and also
enhance the strengths I have. By determining these
characteristics, I am able to know how best I can sell my
strengths to a possible employer and how to align everything in
order to fit in an enviable career in the corporate world. I hope
to achieve a new perspective with this synthesis that will enable
me to reach my goals in life.
I fully identify with my social personality, and I also count it as
a strength. However, there are several barriers that hinder me
from fully exploiting my potential as a social person. Since I
believe in being a leader as much as I believe in working with
people and teams, it is important that I find ways to improve my
leadership skills. Leadership and integrity closely interact
because a leader with integrity gains more trust from their
followers (Engelbrecht et al., 2017). There needs to be an
improvement on integrity to enable me to achieve my leadership
goals. Some of the notable factors that could be possi bly
affecting my integrity is my association with teams that have
slackers, committing to more than I can deliver, and preference
to finish my assignments without seeking help, hence getting
overwhelmed in the process.
It is obvious that I like participating in teams and helping
people, but from the test I have realized that some of these
gestures are not really working on my favor in terms of
improving my personal performance. If my team scores lowly,
so do I, hence affecting my overall score of integrity. This also
affects my level of determination as it was pointed out as a
weakness in my part from one of the assessment tests. As a
resolution, I think it is best to find better ways of helping
people and also allowing myself to learn from other leaders,
supervisors, or management. One of the solutions suggested by
the test is to start out my own project and use it
to help others because it identifies with my strengths of
initiating, leading, and managing projects. By doing so, there
would be enough room for me to exercise my Overall, qualities
like strategic thinking, good communication skills, team
playing, and resourcefulness increase my chances of perming
well in the careers that I am inclined to.
My spirituality tops the list of my strengths, although I may
have not thought of it as being one. From the assessment, I have
discovered that I am clear and protective of my spirituality,
which also forms many of the values that I believe in. I let
people know what I believe in even if they do not agree with the
believes and values that I hold, and also would respect those
people who respect my own beliefs, my family, and my
community. I also do not compromise these beliefs even if they
go against some of the values of the organization that I work or
associate with. On the downside, my personality score indicated
that I scored lowly on perspective as it was indicated as one of
my weaknesses. I now understand how this makes a difference
in my social life and how it affects my relationship with other
people. Diversity is a common thing in many organizations and
social circles today and blending in could be a challenge if
people fail to understand the importance of accepting other
people’s opinions and perspectives just as they would with the
other person (Roberson, 2019). While making what I believe in
clear is important, it may not be the best thing to bombard a
person with during the first encounter because it may limit
future interactions with the person and ultimately affecting
other great qualities that I have. The possible solution to this
problem may be to sell other strengths that I have instead during
the first interactions and then using my diversity as an
opportunity to learn and offer different perspectives of issues.
In the same way, I should be able to respect other people’s
beliefs and perspectives even if they differ with mine and find a
way to make our diversities work towards achieving the goals of
an organization.
I believe that I have a good balance between my social life and
personal space because I take time to reflect on thoughts before
discussing them as well as taking time to read books or attend
trainings for self-nourishment. My purpose of reading and
constantly training is to improve my ability to think
strategically. Strategic thinking is an important skill in project
management as it helps people to plan, integrate, and carefully
utilize resources they have to achieve the goals they set. In
strategic thinking, a person should have the ability to weigh
different perspectives and opinions to find out which one works
better (Dhir et al., 2018). According to the assessment tests for
my raw materials, letting people assist me in projects through
their opinions an accommodating other people’s opinions are
weaknesses that may hinder my performance in the field. For
improvements, I need to be allowed other people to work with
me as well as take into considerations their opinions and help.
Other good qualities that work for my advantage include my
sense of humor, kindness, gratitude, humility, honesty, bravery,
love, and courage. These traits complement the positive traits
that I already have and my social personality. They are good
traits that can prepare someone for the future roles that require
working with larger groups of people. There is a lot of
interaction for business reasons that happen in the corporate
industry such as meeting clients, holding seminars and training,
doing presentations, and discussing business all in the effort to
make sales and also growth. I believe these traits are learned
with time, exposure, and constant practice. For example, a good
salesman is also associated with good communications skills. In
my assessment, my communications skills scored higher than
the salesmanship because of little experience in the sales field.
However, with continued interactions with clients, and help
from the team, supervisors, or management that I work with, I
should be able to polish my salesmanship skills and.
A raw assessment test is vital to self-discovery and self-
branding. These tests have helped me to understand my
strengths and weaknesses and how to work around them in order
to achieve my maximum potential in life. The synthesis of this
assessment has enabled me to identify ways to change things
that I do wrong and have make them work to my advantage. By
understanding my personality, I have been able to know what
hinders my success and performance by thinking that they were
traits that work better for me. I have also been able to see the
connection between different strengths and weaknesses and how
the weaknesses may contribute to the downfall of my strengths.
The self-assessment has helped me to see the other perspective
of things that has enabled me to plan for my growth in career,
interactions, and aiming for a better achievement of the goals I
have set in different areas of life.
Dhir, S., Dhir, S., & Samanta, P. (2018). Defining and
developing a scale to measure strategic thinking. Foresight.
Engelbrecht, A. S., Heine, G., & Mahembe, B. (2017). Integrity,
ethical leadership, trust and work engagement. Leadership &
Organization Development Journal
Roberson, Q. M. (2019). Diversity in the workplace: A review,
synthesis, and future research agenda. Annual Review of
Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 69-
Top 5 Strengths
Series 1 Faith Self Motivation Communication
Integrity Strategic Thinking 0.94 0.94 0.88 0.88 0.88
Resourcefulness Curiosity Teamwork Innovation
Leadership Balance Focus Visionary
Problem Solving Optimism Ambition Purpose
Risk Taking Salesmanship Adaptability 81 81 81
81 75 75 75 69 69 69 69 63 63 63 63
Elizabeth Lobaina
Panther ID: 6023341
Bachelor’s in Accounting
A Self-Assessment of Raw Materials
The purpose of performing a self-assessment of raw materials is
to determine and discover impartial traits, both positive and
negative, that build a person’s character, personality, talent,
skills, and abilities. This self-discovery helps a person to better
understand themselves, know what areas they need improvement
or help, and also plan to align themselves with the best
resources that enhance their ability to realize their full potential
in life. It also plays an important role in the choice of career
and career development. This paper is a self-assessment of raw
materials on myself for the purpose of realizing its benefits.
Raw Materials
This section will discuss the six categories of raw materials
assessed which include strengths, potential strengths, faults or
bad habits, interests, personality, and core values.
For my strengths, I took an online aptitude test through a link
provided for this assignment. From the assessment my top five
strengths in chronological order are faith (94%), self-motivation
((94%), communication (88%), integrity (88%), and strategic
thinking (88%). Subconsciously, my faith did not come across
as strength, although I agree with the results of the assessment.
Despite failing to compromise what I believe in for the sake of
other beliefs or rules, I allow people to interact with my
perspectives. I concur with the self-motivation scores because I
let my passion drive my motivation for the things that I do. In
doing so, I value performance as a reward rather than the
monetary value as compensation for my work.
Communication is also an important skill that I have to believe
enhances relationships between people no matter the
environmental setting they are in (work, school, or event). I
take time for conversations, seek knowledge about people,
places, organizations, I read books, and also help people to
create engaging presentations to enhance their communication. I
also like advancing my knowledge in public speaking for the
sake of improving my communication skills.
I agree with the results of the tests, however, I expected that my
top three strengths would include leadership because of the
ability to effectively interact with people, communicate, and
offer help when needed. Since I am inclined towards the
corporate world kind of career, leadership is one of the skills
that I need to improve on, similarly to integrity. The ability to
think strategically is a skill that is developed with experience
and consistent practice. I believe that my employment
environment will help me enhance this skill with time through
chances for participating in planning seminars and other related
training courses. Additionally, reading books, doing
presentations, and solving problems will help in improving
strategic thinking scores.
Potential Strengths
For this assessment, I considered the outcome of the online
aptitude tests showing my strengths below the first five as my
potential strengths. They included resourcefulness (81%),
curiosity (81%), teamwork (81%), leadership (75%), and
innovation (75%). The scores were not as exemplary as I
expected especially for leadership, although I think these
strengths complement the first five strengths identified by the
I agree that I am resourceful basing on my desire to help people
out, listen to them, and also communicate effectively.
Teamwork and communication also complement each other as
seen in the traits revealed by the results of the online test. being
innovative also complements the ability to think criticall y and
the desire to find solutions to a problem. Leadership qualities
are overall and tend to be portrayed in both strengths and
potential strengths revealed by the test. Other useful traits the
test discovered about myself include balance, focus, vision,
problem-solving, ambition, optimism, purpose, risk-taking,
salesmanship, and adaptability. All of these trait’s scores were
above 60 percent, most of which aligned with my personal
opinion of my trait.
Faults and Habits
On the same test for strengths and potential strengths, I figured
out the possible habits and faults that I have. I did this by
looking at some of the explanations for my strengths. For
example, I discovered that I am alone ranger despite being fast
to help out others. I discovered that I prefer working under
minimum supervision and hence I let my supervisor know right
away about my preference. This habit may be a fault that
creates a barrier to success or learning from others. Another
fault is not working under pressure by preferring to be perfect
in what I do rather than rushing through it and compromise
The habit of helping others and trying to pull up a team of
slackers may be taking a toll on my integrity. I also take up a
lot of responsibilities that may be overwhelming to accomplish,
hence, affecting my integrity scores. Integrity is an important
trait especially in the corporate careers that I am inclined
The test also identified my greatest weakness as being less
determined, as determination only scored 50% of the strengths
scores. To explain this low determination, the test identified the
causes of the weakness as follows:
· Failing to sufficiently seek new goals and improvements
· Lack of independence in exploiting my strengths
· Poor analysis of feedback from people
· Inconsistencies in staying on track
· Aligning with people who may not fit in my working style
Interests and Desires
The strengths and weaknesses aptitude test also
constituted some traits that double up as some of my interests,
desires, and passion while others came from a second test that I
took from From my strengths, I gathered that I
have an interest in helping others which have become an
underlying factor in many of my traits. The tests
revealed that I have an interest in music, scoring 4.43/5.0 on the
test. This is explained by my love for poems, songs, and jingles
as well as the rhythm in language. My memory keeps a record
of events and things that are associated with music and I have
always used music to memorize lessons. I also enjoy singing
and humming along to the music.
One desire that was clear from the test is the desire to spend
time alone, away from people so that I can think soberly about
things. Before discussing any information with someone, I
prefer to have time to think about it prior to a discussion. this
desire is also evident in my work and projects because I like to
complete everything from start to finish on my own without
help from others. This desire scored 3.57/5.0 points on the test
conducted on
Another interest that I have, and also identified by the test is
being social. Although I like to spend some time alone, I also
enjoy the company of other people through developing ideas
and learning from them. My social skills may be a result of my
good communication skills and interest in helping other people.
It scored 3.43/5.0 on the test.
I cannot really say that music is my hobby despite it scoring
highly on my list of interests and intelligence. Music is a tool
that I use to make learning easier and to boost my memory
because of the association it has with the things that I can easily
remember. However, these interests and desires tend to incline
me to a more corporate kind of career which involves
completing projects, doing presentations, working with teams,
problem-solving and critical thinking. I also like reading books
and listening to people’s stories which I think is developing into
a big part of my interests. In summary, my interests and desires
include socializing, helping people, reading books and learning
new things, working with projects and teams, and solving
The third test that I took was one from This
test scored my social ability from my signature strengths.
Describing the right personality for a person is always
challenging because of the different combination of characters
that people have. Overall, I believe that my personality is the
social personality type as supported by these tests and my own
personal awareness. According to the test,
humanity is a trait that I exhibit because of the ability to be
aware of other people’s feelings, the ability to fit in any social
setting, and the ability to know what makes people tick. The test
also shows that I have a transcending sense of humor and
spirituality and that I am socially intelligent, coupled with zest
and creativity or wisdom.
Further, the test revealed that I am forgiving and fair which I
think are important when dealing with different kinds of people
and for the sake of enhancing relationships. Most of the traits
that were shown on the test complemented each other. For
example, humility, kindness, and gratitude go hand in hand. I
believe people associate more with these kinds of characters,
especial in social settings. Being a social person, the test
revealed many of the traits that build up such a personality.
Other characteristics include teamwork, perseverance, hope,
honesty, love, learning, and bravery.
The test also showed other traits that were my weaker strengths
as a social person. They are perspective, the appreciation for
beauty and excellence, leadership, self-regulation, and
prudence. Scoring low in perspective means that I barely
understand other people’s arguments or points of view which
seems to contradict with many of the characters in the in the
raw materials traits that I took. For example, the test for strengths and weaknesses showed that I
take time to plan and learn about other people’s experiences and
also appreciate those who take time to learn about my family
and community. This interaction is meant to keep me open
minded about other people’s perspectives as equally as they
respect my own perspectives, beliefs, and values. I believe that
I need to work on my leadership traits and self-regulation as
they have appeared repeatedly as my weaknesses on the three
Core Values
From the three tests that I took, I can identify some of the core
values that I hold as important to me. The first one that has
appeared in all the three tests is spirituality. Faith scored highly
on the as well as spirituality on the test. I also believe that my connection to the
values that I believe in constitute who I am in various settings.
Hence, I let people know what I believe in and whether or not
they agree with them, they should respect them so as to create a
mutual ground for socializing. I also value other people and
often go out of my way to help, interact and learn more about
them just as they would about me. The tests have shown how
well I can create room for people and the best way that I can
interact with them in my social life.
I value communication as part of my social skills and
interaction with other people. Communication makes socializing
easy and also helps people to learn about one another. While I
like socializing, I also value some time alone which I use to
think and make decisions especially before discussions. Thus,
sounds like I am both introverted and extroverted. The test also identified that I have balance as a
strength, therefore, I believe that I have a balanced social life as
well as a balanced personal life or space.
I also value learning new things through reading and engaging
in trainings. Through reading, I get to learn new skills and also
be open minded. I believe these are the qualities the add and
improve my socializing personality. These values that the tests
revealed are what I expected them to be. I have realized that my
spirituality occupies a large portion of the things I believe in
and value. Because of feeling the need to protect my beliefs, I
developed better communication skills and became more social
so that I do not appear to be different from many people and
their beliefs. It has also taught me to be accommodative of other
people as they also respect my values and beliefs. From the first
test, it is evident that my family and community are dear to me
and I show respect to people who learn about them. This means
that most of my values come from the environment that I grew
up in and the people who surround me as family have a great
impact in my current choice of values and beliefs.
Summary and Synthesis
This section of the raw material assessment on self will
compare the findings of the tests that were conducted and
analyze them to come up with a comprehensive report on what
traits and characteristics that best suit me and my career.
From the three tests that I took, it is clear that I am a social
person. My personality too concurs with these findings as well
as my personal understanding of my characters. My spirituality
came out as a strong trait throughout the three tests and also
proved to be greatly influencing my values and beliefs. I work
well with people through communication, team participation and
my ability to help other people. The tests also showed self-
motivation as a strong trait that I have through my ambitions to
pick challenging goals and completing tasks without much
supervision or help.
I however find it intriguing that lack of determination was listed
as one of my weaknesses from one of the tests. At the same
time, my leadership skills have scored lowly in the three tests
that I took, contrary to what I believed about myself. This is
also similar to the rather average scores for integrity, although
this may be explained by my habit of taking too much
responsibility than I can handle at a time, therefore failing to
keep some of the commitments that I make. I also seek time
away from the social life to be alone think about things before
engaging in discussions or decisions. Reading books also adds
more knowledge and gives me the ability to think from different
perspectives. As a social person, I expected to score higher on
the perspective scores which was mentioned as one of my
weaknesses in my personality scores. I believe that during
social interaction, a person is able to share the different
perspectives they have on people’s opinions as well as their
own opinions.
Notably, I my memory associates with music. I like the rhythm
of language, songs and poems, and also enjoy humming or
singing along to music. I use sounds to make learning new
things easier and memorable.
Hopefully, the synthesis of this assessment will enable me fi nd
out the best way to improve the weaknesses I poses and also
enhance the strengths I have. By determining these
characteristics, I am able to know how best I can sell my
strengths to a possible employer and how to align everything in
order to fit in an enviable career in the corporate world. I hope
to achieve a new perspective with this synthesis that will enable
me to reach my goals in life.
I fully identify with my social personality, and I also count it as
a strength. However, there are several barriers that hinder me
from fully exploiting my potential as a social person. Since I
believe in being a leader as much as I believe in working with
people and teams, it is important that I find ways to improve my
leadership skills. Leadership and integrity closely interact
because a leader with integrity gains more trust from their
followers (Engelbrecht et al., 2017). There needs to be an
improvement on integrity to enable me to achieve my leadership
goals. Some of the notable factors that could be possibly
affecting my integrity is my association with teams that have
slackers, committing to more than I can deliver, and preference
to finish my assignments without seeking help, hence getting
overwhelmed in the process.
It is obvious that I like participating in teams and helping
people, but from the test I have realized that some of these
gestures are not really working on my favor in terms of
improving my personal performance. If my team scores lowly,
so do I, hence affecting my overall score of integrity. This also
affects my level of determination as it was pointed out as a
weakness in my part from one of the assessment tests. As a
resolution, I think it is best to find better ways of helping
people and also allowing myself to learn from other leaders,
supervisors, or management. One of the solutions suggested by
the test is to start out my own project and use it
to help others because it identifies with my strengths of
initiating, leading, and managing projects. By doing so, there
would be enough room for me to exercise my Overall, qualities
like strategic thinking, good communication skills, team
playing, and resourcefulness increase my chances of perming
well in the careers that I am inclined to.
My spirituality tops the list of my strengths, although I may
have not thought of it as being one. From the assessment, I have
discovered that I am clear and protective of my spirituality,
which also forms many of the values that I believe in. I let
people know what I believe in even if they do not agree with the
believes and values that I hold, and also would respect those
people who respect my own beliefs, my family, and my
community. I also do not compromise these beliefs even if they
go against some of the values of the organization that I work or
associate with. On the downside, my personality score indicated
that I scored lowly on perspective as it was indicated as one of
my weaknesses. I now understand how this makes a difference
in my social life and how it affects my relationship with other
people. Diversity is a common thing in many organizations and
social circles today and blending in could be a challenge if
people fail to understand the importance of accepting other
people’s opinions and perspectives just as they would with the
other person (Roberson, 2019). While making what I believe in
clear is important, it may not be the best thing to bombard a
person with during the first encounter because it may limit
future interactions with the person and ultimately affecting
other great qualities that I have. The possible solution to this
problem may be to sell other strengths that I have instead during
the first interactions and then using my diversity as an
opportunity to learn and offer different perspectives of issues.
In the same way, I should be able to respect other people’s
beliefs and perspectives even if they differ with mine and find a
way to make our diversities work towards achieving the goals of
an organization.
I believe that I have a good balance between my social life and
personal space because I take time to reflect on thoughts before
discussing them as well as taking time to read books or attend
trainings for self-nourishment. My purpose of reading and
constantly training is to improve my ability to think
strategically. Strategic thinking is an important skill in project
management as it helps people to plan, integrate, and carefully
utilize resources they have to achieve the goals they set. In
strategic thinking, a person should have the ability to weigh
different perspectives and opinions to find out which one works
better (Dhir et al., 2018). According to the assessment tests for
my raw materials, letting people assist me in projects through
their opinions an accommodating other people’s opinions are
weaknesses that may hinder my performance in the field. For
improvements, I need to be allowed other people to work with
me as well as take into considerations their opinions and help.
Other good qualities that work for my advantage include my
sense of humor, kindness, gratitude, humility, honesty, bravery,
love, and courage. These traits complement the positive traits
that I already have and my social personality. They are good
traits that can prepare someone for the future roles that require
working with larger groups of people. There is a lot of
interaction for business reasons that happen in the corporate
industry such as meeting clients, holding seminars and training,
doing presentations, and discussing business all in the effort to
make sales and also growth. I believe these traits are learned
with time, exposure, and constant practice. For example, a good
salesman is also associated with good communications skills. In
my assessment, my communications skills scored higher than
the salesmanship because of little experience in the sales field.
However, with continued interactions with clients, and help
from the team, supervisors, or management that I work with, I
should be able to polish my salesmanship skills and.
A raw assessment test is vital to self-discovery and self-
branding. These tests have helped me to understand my
strengths and weaknesses and how to work around them in order
to achieve my maximum potential in life. The synthesis of this
assessment has enabled me to identify ways to change things
that I do wrong and have make them work to my advantage. By
understanding my personality, I have been able to know what
hinders my success and performance by thinking that they were
traits that work better for me. I have also been able to see the
connection between different strengths and weaknesses and how
the weaknesses may contribute to the downfall of my strengths.
The self-assessment has helped me to see the other perspective
of things that has enabled me to plan for my growth in career,
interactions, and aiming for a better achievement of the goals I
have set in different areas of life.
Dhir, S., Dhir, S., & Samanta, P. (2018). Defining and
developing a scale to measure strategic thinking. Foresight.
Engelbrecht, A. S., Heine, G., & Mahembe, B. (2017). Integrity,
ethical leadership, trust and work engagement. Leadership &
Organization Development Journal
Roberson, Q. M. (2019). Diversity in the workplace: A review,
synthesis, and future research agenda. Annual Review of
Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 69-
Top 5 Strengths
Series 1 Faith Self Motivation Communication
Integrity Strategic Thinking 0.94 0.94 0.88 0.88 0.88
Resourcefulness Curiosity Teamwork Innovation
Leadership Balance Focus Visionary
Problem Solving Optimism Ambition Purpose
Risk Taking Salesmanship Adaptability 81 81 81
81 75 75 75 69 69 69 69 63 63 63 63
Personal Marketing Strategy
Part of the Final Marketing Yourself Plan – Due at the End of
the Term
When marketing a product, brand, or organization, marketers
must always consider the need to
continuously improve their product offerings in order to elevate,
or even just maintain, their position in the
marketplace. Such a continuous improvement process starts with
understanding where you currently are in
the marketplace (i.e., how your product is perceived in
comparison to other products) and what is desired
by your target audiences. At that point you have the challenge
to choose which goals to set and how you’ll
try to reach them.
If you’ve completed the assignments thus far, you’ve already
evaluated Product You with your Raw Materials
Assessment. You also have assessed your target audiences with
the Product/Audience Match Strategy. Now
it’s time to set strategic goals and contemplate the actions to
reach those goals.
Setting goals is a difficult process, mainly because there are so
many options available to you. Your personal
and professional branding options are not limited to a mere for k
in the road with two choices (à la Robert
Frost’s “The Road Not Taken”). It’s more like hundreds (or
even thousands) of choices if you really open your
thinking about what your future could hold. Thus, this
assignment will require some degree of self-reflection
to determine where you would like to move your personal brand
and/or professional brand over the next
one to five years.
Self-Reflection, Objectives, and Strategies
The best way to start this goal-setting process is to consider the
values you assessed in your Raw Materials
Inventory. If your aspirations for your personal brand and
professional brand are developed with your
values in mind, you’ll be more likely to feel motivated to work
to achieve them, and you’ll be more likely to
be satisfied when those goals are reached.
The next step is to consider how you would like to be perceived
by others as you develop your brand. What
would you like people to think about you a year from now? Two
years from now? Five or ten years from
now? What type of brand would you like to develop? As you
consider these questions, keep in mind the
idea that you want to change not only the “perception” of your
brand, but also the underlying “reality” of
that brand. For example, if you want to be perceived as being an
expert in mobile marketing, then develop
your knowledge and skills pertaining to mobile marketing and
then market that expertise. Always
remember that the best way to be perceived as an expert in a
particular area is to truly become an expert in
that area.
Once you start to have general ideas or goals of what you want
for your brand, set specific objectives with
those ideas in mind. Remember to use the SMART method (as
explained in one of the assigned videos for
this module) to set useful objectives.
Finally, list some strategies, tactics, or actions that will help
you reach your objectives. The more descriptive
you are when listing the strategies (as well as the objectives),
the more likely you’ll be to complete them.
Specific Assignment Elements
After you have completed the above steps, create a document as
1. Cover Page: Name, Panther ID, Major, Minor, Certificate(s),
Assignment Title
2. Introduction: Discuss the purpose for having a personal
marketing strategy.
3. General Branding Goals: Discuss your brand aspirations for
one, two, five and/or ten years from
now. Describe how you will want people to perceive you.
4. Specific Branding Objectives: Using the SMART goals
method, write at least 5 clear and achievable
objectives that align with your general branding goals.
5. Strategies/Tactics: To reach your objectives, you’ll need
specific strategies or tasks that clearly lead
to those objectives. Discuss the strategies or tactics that wil l
help you reach the objectives that you
listed in Part 4. Have at least two strategies/tactics for each
6. Synthesis/Summary: Summarize your personal market
strategy and provide a synthesis of how the
pieces fit together.
Assignment Formatting
Submit as a PDF file upload. Document should use Times New
Roman 12-point font, single-spaced (with
spacing between sections and/or paragraphs) with margins not
exceeding 1-inch. Length of assignment is
approximately 2-4 pages and should also include page
Assignments should be completed and submitted before due
date/times. Late penalty is 10% deduction per
day (or partial day) late. No plagiarism, copying or cheating.
Product/Audience Match Strategy
Part of Final Marketing Yourself Plan - Due at End of Term
As explained in the PDF reading “Matching the Product with the
Audience When Marketing Yourself,” it’s
critical to understand your product (i.e., your skills, attributes,
personality, core values, etc.) and to
determine and understand your target audiences (i.e., potential
employers, colleagues, customers, career
gatekeepers, etc.).
For this assignment, you’ll work to outline your potential target
audiences, determine what those audiences
desire, and then decide how you’ll match your product with
your target audiences. Using either a paragraph,
outline, or table format, do the following:
1. List Current Audiences. List various audiences (at least 8) to
whom you currently market yourself
on a daily, weekly, or other periodic basis. These might include
potential employers, current
employers, friends, family, teachers, various societal segments,
social groups, customers,
colleagues, employees, store personnel, vendors/suppliers,
social media audiences, etc. Don’t
forget that these audiences might be face-to-face, online, over
the phone, etc. For each audience,
be extremely specific as to who this audience is. Don’t just say
“store employees” when you can say
“the early morning employees at the Starbucks that I go to every
weekday.” Don’t just say “my co-
workers” when you can say “my co-workers Cristina, Derek,
and Victoria who work in the cubicles
next to mine.”
2. Importance of Current Audiences. For each of the 8+ current
audiences, provide some insights
as to why each particular audience might be important to you in
your marketing yourself efforts.
How can impressing each audience help you?
3. What Current Audiences Want From You. Finally, for each of
the 8+ current audiences you listed,
write down at least three characteristics (features, attributes,
skills, traits, values, etc.) that they
would desire in a person such as you. Although there may be
some similar traits or characteristics
across the audiences you listed, each audience likely will desire
some unique characteristics as well.
4. List Prospective Audiences. Your next step is to add at least
three new “prospective” target
audiences to whom you would like to market yourself in the
near or distant future. Again, they can
be potential employers in a particular industry, friends, social
groups, customers, fans, readers, etc.
While it’s good to be specific as to the industry, type of people,
etc., you don’t have to be as specific
as you were in Step 1 because you may not know the details of
these audiences yet.
5. Importance of Prospective Audiences. As you did in Step 2
with your “current” audiences, for each
of the 3+ “prospective” audiences, provide some insights as to
why each particular audience might
be important to you in your future marketing yourself efforts.
How can impressing each audience
help you?
6. What Prospective Audiences Want From You. For each of the
3+ “prospective” target audiences,
write down at least three characteristics (features, attributes,
skills, traits, values, etc.) that they
would desire in a person such as you. Because you may not
really know these audiences very well,
you may end up estimating this section more than the other
ones. Nevertheless, consider what
characteristics would be important to each audience.
7. Product/Audience Match. Now consider how well you’re
matching your Product You with the
desired attributes of the (at least 8) current audiences and the
(at least 3) prospective audiences
that you listed. Discuss the matches as well as the discrepancies
(the instances in which you don’t
8. Changing Product You. Discuss what you can do to have a
better match between your various
target audiences and the product (set of attributes, traits, etc.)
that you’re offering. How can you
change your Product You as well as your Personal/Professional
Brand to better market yourself to
these various audiences? This section consists of a set of self-
improvement recommendations.
Assignment Sections
1. Cover Page: Name, Panther ID, Major, Minor, Certificate(s),
Assignment Title
2. Introduction: Discuss the purpose for a Product/Audience
3. Product/Audience Match Analysis: This is where you’ll put
the analysis from the eight steps
4. Synthesis and Summary: Discuss what you learned from this
exercise. What did you learn about
target marketing? What did you learn about your own
audiences? What did you learn about
yourself? Synthesize your learning from the various parts of the
assignment and create a summary
that you can review in the future.
Assignment Formatting
Submit as a PDF file upload. Document should use Times New
Roman 12-point font with margins not
exceeding 1-inch. Length of assignment is approximately 2-4
Assignments should be completed and submitted before due
date/times. Late penalty is 10% deduction per
day (or partial day) late. No plagiarism, copying or cheating.
Your Top 5 Strengths Are:
Faith (94%):
* Make efforts to discover your true passion and tie it to your
work, no matter what you do.
* Align, but don't compromise, your values to that of your
* You respect others for learning about your family and
community - give them the opportunity.
* You give more value to greater levels of service than more
money - let others know this.
* People may not share your beliefs, but you feel they need to
understand & respect - let them.
Self Motivation (94%):
* You don't need your hand-held; help others understand you
need space to make meaningful decisions.
* Seek to take on a role where persistence is essential to
* Continually take on roles that demand an aura of certainty and
* You have a strong self-concept that you are an agent of action
- nurture it.
* You are most effective when you feel you are in control of
your world - be aware and help others understand this.
* You need clear feedback to develop your instincts - review
your failures and successes for lessons learned.
Communication (88%):
* Schedule some real time to develop communication strengths
and skills - take a training class / read books!
* Try to attend events where prospects or customers are to be
* Seek to capture and learn company folklore and stories - be
the company culture point of contact.
* Plan and take time to hear about the life and experiences of
* Plan to participate, organize, and encourage company social
* Volunteer to help others make more engaging presentations.
* Take advanced public speaking training; the novice classes
will upset you.
Integrity (88%):
* You identify with your ability to keep your commitments -
stick to your programs!
* Stay off teams that have slackers on board as they will sap
your energy.
* Do not be forced to rush and sacrifice quality - you value
quality first. Help others understand.
* You are a self-starter and require little supervision - be sure
your supervisors know this.
* You excel in positions that require unimpeachable ethics -
seek them out.
* Continue to ask yourself what new responsibilities you want
to assume.
* Protect yourself from taking on too much - build up self-
discipline and the ability to say 'no'!
* Be careful about moving to management - you may prefer to
do it yourself and be overwhelmed.
Strategic Thinking (88%):
* Be on the leading edge of your organization, groups, and
strategic plans.
* Be involved in organizational planning and risk management
* Always give yourself plenty of time to think through a
* Read books, take a training course, or attend a seminar in
strategic planning and futurism.
* Seek chances to share your ideas in writing and presentations.
* Seek solutions that worked in other places, learn from them,
and try to apply them to your life and work.
Your Remaining Results Are:
Resourcefulness (81%):
Curiosity (81%):
Teamwork (81%):
Innovation (81%):
Leadership (75%):
Balance (75%):
Focus (75%):
Visionary (69%):
Problem Solving (69%):
Optimism (69%):
Ambition (69%):
Purpose (63%):
Risk Taking (63%):
Salesmanship (63%):
Adaptability (63%):
Your Bottom 1 Weakness Is:
Determination (50%):
* Constantly be on the lookout for new goals and improvements.
* You're good at initiating and organizing a project, start your
own and help others.
* Get feedback from people as others' expectations will energize
* Actively participate in helping a bogged down team into
* When down, think of new improvements to do tomorrow - stay
on track.
* Be careful of those who really want to project and analyze -
they are a non-fit for your work style!
Your top three intelligences: trengths.htm
Score (5.0 is highest)
Musical: You like the rhythm and sound of language. You like
poems, songs, and jingles. You enjoy humming or singing along
with music. You probably remember things well when they are
associated with music or rhythm. Try to incorporate sounds into
your lessons, such as using a familiar tune, song, or rap beat to
teach spelling rules, or to remember words in a series for a test.
Here are some other ways to use your musical intelligence:
· Create a poem with an emphasis on certain sounds for
· Clap out or walk out the sounds of syllables.
· Read together (choral reading) to work on fluency and
· Read a story with great emotion — sad, then happy, then
angry. Talk about what changes — is it only tone?
· Work with words that sound like what they mean
(onomatopoeia). For example: sizzle, cuckoo, smash.
· Read lyrics to music.
· Use music as background while reviewing and for helping to
remember new material.
· Use rhymes to remember spelling rules, i.e., "I before E
except after C."
Self: You have a very good sense of self. You like to spend time
by yourself and think things over. You will often take in
information from another person, mull it over by yourself, and
come back to that person later to discuss it. You like working
on projects on your own. You often prefer to learn by trial and
error. Effective techniques to enhance your learning include
keeping a journal and giving yourself time to reflect on new
ideas and information. More ideas:
· Go on "guided imagery" tours.
· Set aside time to reflect on new ideas and information.
· Encourage journal writing.
· Work on the computer.
· Practice breathing for relaxation.
· Use brainstorming methods before reading.
· Listen to and read "how to" tapes and books.
· Read cookbooks.
Social: You like to develop ideas and learn from other people.
You like to talk. You have good social skills. Effective
techniques of enhancing your learning using your social
intelligence include taking part in group discussions or
discussing a topic one-to-one with another person. Find ways to
build reading and writing exercises into your group activities,
such as:
· Reading a dialogue or a play with other people
· Doing team learning/investigating projects
· Setting up interview questions and interviewing your family,
and writing down the interview
· Writing notes to another instead of talking.
The scores for your other five intelligences:
Jst because these five are not in your top three doesn’t mean
you’re not strong in them. If your average score for any
intelligence is above three, you’re probably using that
intelligence quite often to help you learn. Take a look at
the Practice section to see how to engage all your intelligences. – Survey
Social Intelligence
Being aware of the motives/feelings of others and oneself;
knowing what to do to fit into different social situations;
knowing what makes other people tick.
Love of Learning
Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence
Good Examples of Final Marketing Plan
Besides having great content within your Final Marketing Plan,
its organization should be logical and
highly attractive. While you should refer to the full instructions,
some students requested an example of
a template and/or good example. Remember to use single
spacing with 12-point Times New Roman
font for the text portions of the document. The general structure
of the Final Marketing Plan is as
• Introduction (also identify the duration of your plan)
• Summary & Synthesis from Raw Materials Assessment
• Market segments from your Product-Audience Match Strategy
• Your Brand Objectives or Goals from your Personal Marketing
Strategy assignment
• Strategies and tactics to reach objectives from Personal
Marketing Strategy
o 1-page figure or chart or image that depicts how strategies and
objectives are
• Marketing Plan Timeline (1-page figure or chart or image of
• Appendices
o Appendix A: Entire Product-Audience Match Strategy
o Appendix B: Entire Personal Marketing Strategy assignment
Basically, an appendix is an extra section at the end of the
publication (after references), allowing you to
include detailed information that would be distracting within
the main body of the paper. If there is
more than one appendix (which you will have), label them
"Appendix A," "Appendix B," etc. (without
quotes) in the order that each item appears in the paper. In-text
references to these appendices can be
used within a sentence (ie “As seen in Appendix B, …”) or as a
parenthetical citation as you feel
How strategies and objectives are connected
Good Example
While this is colorful, a hand-written image is
not okay. Plus, it’s confusing. This is part of your
brand, put your best foot forward!
How strategies and objectives are connected
Good Example
Marketing Plan Timeline
Okay Example
While this is a timeline and it does fulfill the assignment
requirements, it is a bit basic. Be creative.
This example combines the objectives/goals with the timeline,
which is Okay- if it was large enough to
read. Have pity on your professor’s eyes- they only have two of
them. Remember to use at least 12-
point font.
Just say no to handwritten timelines. Don’t give your professor
a crooked neck by making them try to read a sideways picture.
When adding the timeline you may need to change the
of that particular page to landscape. Learn “How to Include
Both Landscape and Portrait Pages in the Same Word
Marketing Plan Timeline Good Example
Marketing Plan Timeline Okay Example
If you are not savvy with charts and
images in word, you may want to google
“timeline creator” to find a free online tool
to help you make your timeline. Make sure
it’s easy to read; always consider your
audience. If your plan is for 10 years, that
is how many years your timeline should
Good Example, but…
Sometimes spellcheck doesn’t work on charts/graphs/images
so always proofread (or have someone else proofread) your
Simplified Marketing Yourself Plan for Personal/Professional
“Brand image exists in the minds of the audience
members. It's the marketer’s job to shape that image
Typical marketing plans require marketers to assess their own
sets of resources, evaluate the
marketplace, determine their target market(s), and then create a
set of reasonable objectives
(goals) with an accompanying set of appropriate strategies and
tactics to reach those objectives.
For this assignment, you will create a simplified marketing plan
for your own personal and/or
professional brand, i.e., “Brand You.” This could in itself be a
daunting task, but fortunately,
most of this has already been completed by you for you in
previous class assignments.
Simplified Personal/Professional Marketing Plan Elements
1. Plan introduction and duration. This is a brief introduction to
the purpose of the plan,
including the duration of its scope (1 year, 2 years, 3 years,
etc.). The duration must be for
at least one year.
2. Summary/synthesis of your personal raw materials. (This was
accomplished as part of
your Raw Materials Assessment.) Summarize and synthesize
your personal raw materials in a
manner that allows a reader to understand the opportunities and
challenges that may face
you as you construct and develop “Brand You.”
3. Market segment(s) that are to be targeted. (This was
accomplished if you completed the
Product/Audience Match assigned earlier in the semester.) This
section should include any
relevant portions from your Product/Audience Match Strategy
assignment that would apply
to this marketing plan:
a) The potential target markets for your personal/professional
brand (from “Part 1:
List Current Audiences” and “Part 4: List Prospective
b) Why these audiences are being targeted (from “Part 2:
Importance of
Current Audiences” and “Part 5: Importance of Prospective
c) What the people in those segments desire in a person,
employee, boss, etc.; that is,
the attributes of the ideal candidate to be courted by that market
(from “Part 3: What Current Audiences Want from You” and
“Part 6: What
Prospective Audiences Want from You”).
Note: Even though you will only mention in this document the
target segments that are
applicable to this marketing plan, you must still include the
complete Product/Audience
Match Strategy assignment as an Appendix to this assignment.
4. Objectives/Goals for your brand. (Much of this was
accomplished if you completed the
Personal Marketing Strategy assigned earlier in the semester.)
List at least five clearly identified
goals that have a measurable component and a time (deadline)
component. Delineate how
each goal will be measured to ensure, eventually, that it has (or
has not) been accomplished.
You can have multiple-level objectives and combine this section
with multiple-level strategies
from the next section if desired. The key is that all objectives
must lead you to your overall goal
of winning the hearts of your target audience(s).
NOTE: Even though you will only mention in this document any
objectives/strategies that you
feel are relevant to this marketing plan, you must still include
the complete Personal Marketing
Strategy assignment as an Appendix to this assignment.
5. Strategies and tactics designed to reach the objectives. (Much
of this was accomplished if
you completed the Personal Marketing Strategy assigned earlier
in the semester.) Your
strategies should have direct-line connections to the objectives
they are designed to reach. As
mentioned above (in Part 4), you can combine this section with
the Objectives or leave it as a
separate section. In either case, you must include a one-page
figure/chart/image that depicts
how the strategies and objectives are connected.
6. Marketing Plan Timeline. Create a timeline for your plan
where you detail the start and end
dates for each strategy and tactic. You must include a one-page
figure/chart/image of the
timeline. You can be as creative as you like to create the
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
PART I: The Hearth and The Salamander
IT was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things
blackened and changed. With the brass
nozzle in his fists, with this great python spitting its venomous
kerosene upon the world, the blood
pounded in his head, and his hands were the hands of some
amazing conductor playing all the
symphonies of blazing and burning to bring down the tatters and
charcoal ruins of history. With his
symbolic helmet numbered 451 on his stolid head, and his eyes
all orange flame with the thought of
what came next, he flicked the igniter and the house jumped up
in a gorging fire that burned the
evening sky red and yellow and black. He strode in a swarm of
fireflies. He wanted above all, like
the old joke, to shove a marshmallow on a stick in the furnace,
while the flapping pigeon-winged
books died on the porch and lawn of the house. While the books
went up in sparkling whirls and
blew away on a wind turned dark with burning.
Montag grinned the fierce grin of all men singed and driven
back by flame.
He knew that when he returned to the firehouse, he might wink
at himself, a minstrel man, burnt-
corked, in the mirror. Later, going to sleep, he would feel the
fiery smile still gripped by his face
muscles, in the dark. It never went away, that. smile, it never
ever went away, as long as he
He hung up his black-beetle-coloured helmet and shined it, he
hung his flameproof jacket neatly; he
showered luxuriously, and then, whistling, hands in pockets,
walked across the upper floor of the
fire station and fell down the hole. At the last moment, when
disaster seemed positive, he pulled his
hands from his pockets and broke his fall by grasping the
golden pole. He slid to a squeaking halt,
the heels one inch from the concrete floor downstairs.
He walked out of the fire station and along the midnight street
toward the subway where the silent,
air-propelled train slid soundlessly down its lubricated flue in
the earth and let him out with a great
puff of warm air an to the cream-tiled escalator rising to the
Whistling, he let the escalator waft him into the still night air.
He walked toward the comer,
thinking little at all about nothing in particular. Before he
reached the corner, however, he slowed
as if a wind had sprung up from nowhere, as if someone had
called his name.
The last few nights he had had the most uncertain feelings about
the sidewalk just around the
corner here, moving in the starlight toward his house. He had
felt that a moment before his making
the turn, someone had been there. The air seemed charged with
a special calm as if someone had
waited there, quietly, and only a moment before he came,
simply turned to a shadow and let him
through. Perhaps his nose detected a faint perfume, perhaps the
skin on the backs of his hands, on
his face, felt the temperature rise at this one spot where a
person's standing might raise the
immediate atmosphere ten degrees for an instant. There was no
understanding it. Each time he
made the turn, he saw only the white, unused, buckling
sidewalk, with perhaps, on one night,
something vanishing swiftly across a lawn before he could focus
his eyes or speak.
But now, tonight, he slowed almost to a stop. His inner mind,
reaching out to turn the corner for
him, had heard the faintest whisper. Breathing? Or was the
atmosphere compressed merely by
someone standing very quietly there, waiting?
He turned the corner.
The autumn leaves blew over the moonlit pavement in such a
way as to make the girl who was
moving there seem fixed to a sliding walk, letting the motion of
the wind and the leaves carry her
forward. Her head was half bent to watch her shoes stir the
circling leaves. Her face was slender
and milk-white, and in it was a kind of gentle hunger that
touched over everything with tireless
curiosity. It was a look, almost, of pale surprise; the dark eyes
were so fixed to the world that no
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
move escaped them. Her dress was white and it whispered. He
almost thought he heard the motion
of her hands as she walked, and the infinitely small sound now,
the white stir of her face turning
when she discovered she was a moment away from a man who
stood in the middle of the pavement
The trees overhead made a great sound of letting down their dry
rain. The girl stopped and looked
as if she might pull back in surprise, but instead stood regarding
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Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
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Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
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Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
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Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
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Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
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Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
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Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s
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Dystopias Definition and Characteristics Utopia A place, s

  • 1. Dystopias: Definition and Characteristics Utopia: A place, state, or condition that is ideally perfect in respect of politics, laws, customs, and conditions. Dystopia: A futuristic, imagined universe in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian control. Dystopias, through an exaggerated worst-case scenario, make a criticism about a current trend, societal norm, or political system. Characteristics of a Dystopian Society • Propaganda is used to control the citizens of society. • Information, independent thought, and freedom are restricted. • A figurehead or concept is worshipped by the citizens of the society. • Citizens are perceived to be under constant surveillance. • Citizens have a fear of the outside world. • Citizens live in a dehumanized state. • The natural world is banished and distrusted. • Citizens conform to uniform expectations. Individuality and dissent are bad. • The society is an illusion of a perfect utopian world. Types of Dystopian Controls Most dystopian works present a world in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through one or more
  • 2. of the following types of controls: • Corporate control: One or more large corporations control society through products, advertising, and/or the media. Examples include Minority Report and Running Man. • Bureaucratic control: Society is controlled by a mindless bureaucracy through a tangle of red tape, relentless regulations, and incompetent government officials. Examples in film include Brazil. • Technological control: Society is controlled by technology— through computers, robots, and/or scientific means. Examples include The Matrix, The Terminator, and I, Robot. • Philosophical/religious control: Society is controlled by philosophical or religious ideology often enforced through a dictatorship or theocratic government. The Dystopian Protagonist • often feels trapped and is struggling to escape. • questions the existing social and political systems. • believes or feels that something is terribly wrong with the society in which he or she lives. • helps the audience recognizes the negative aspects of the dystopian world
  • 3. through his or her perspective. Characteristics of a Dystopian SocietyTypes of Dystopian ControlsThe Dystopian Protagonist 8 Elizabeth Lobaina Panther ID: 6023341 Bachelor’s in Accounting A Self-Assessment of Raw Materials
  • 4. Introduction The purpose of performing a self-assessment of raw materials is to determine and discover impartial traits, both positive and negative, that build a person’s character, personality, talent, skills, and abilities. This self-discovery helps a person to better understand themselves, know what areas they need improvement or help, and also plan to align themselves with the best resources that enhance their ability to realize their full potential in life. It also plays an important role in the choice of career and career development. This paper is a self-assessment of raw materials on myself for the purpose of realizing its benefits. Raw Materials This section will discuss the six categories of raw materials assessed which include strengths, potential strengths, faults or bad habits, interests, personality, and core values. Strengths For my strengths, I took an online aptitude test through a link provided for this assignment. From the assessment my top five strengths in chronological order are faith (94%), self-motivation ((94%), communication (88%), integrity (88%), and strategic thinking (88%). Subconsciously, my faith did not come across as strength, although I agree with the results of the assessment. Despite failing to compromise what I believe in for the sake of other beliefs or rules, I allow people to interact with my perspectives. I concur with the self-motivation scores because I let my passion drive my motivation for the things that I do. In doing so, I value performance as a reward rather than the monetary value as compensation for my work. Communication is also an important skill that I have to believe enhances relationships between people no matter the
  • 5. environmental setting they are in (work, school, or event). I take time for conversations, seek knowledge about people, places, organizations, I read books, and also help people to create engaging presentations to enhance their communication. I also like advancing my knowledge in public speaking for the sake of improving my communication skills. I agree with the results of the tests, however, I expected that my top three strengths would include leadership because of the ability to effectively interact with people, communicate, and offer help when needed. Since I am inclined towards the corporate world kind of career, leadership is one of the skills that I need to improve on, similarly to integrity. The ability to think strategically is a skill that is developed with experience and consistent practice. I believe that my employment environment will help me enhance this skill with time through chances for participating in planning seminars and other related training courses. Additionally, reading books, doing presentations, and solving problems will help in improving strategic thinking scores. Potential Strengths For this assessment, I considered the outcome of the online aptitude tests showing my strengths below the first five as my potential strengths. They included resourcefulness (81%), curiosity (81%), teamwork (81%), leadership (75%), and innovation (75%). The scores were not as exemplary as I expected especially for leadership, although I think these strengths complement the first five strengths identified by the test. I agree that I am resourceful basing on my desire to help people out, listen to them, and also communicate effectively. Teamwork and communication also complement each other as seen in the traits revealed by the results of the online test. being innovative also complements the ability to think critically and the desire to find solutions to a problem. Leadership qualities are overall and tend to be portrayed in both strengths and potential strengths revealed by the test. Other useful traits the
  • 6. test discovered about myself include balance, focus, vision, problem-solving, ambition, optimism, purpose, risk-taking, salesmanship, and adaptability. All of these trait’s scores were above 60 percent, most of which aligned with my personal opinion of my trait. Faults and Habits On the same test for strengths and potential strengths, I figured out the possible habits and faults that I have. I did this by looking at some of the explanations for my strengths. For example, I discovered that I am alone ranger despite being fast to help out others. I discovered that I prefer working under minimum supervision and hence I let my supervisor know right away about my preference. This habit may be a fault that creates a barrier to success or learning from others. Another fault is not working under pressure by preferring to be perfect in what I do rather than rushing through it and compromise quality. The habit of helping others and trying to pull up a team of slackers may be taking a toll on my integrity. I also take up a lot of responsibilities that may be overwhelming to accomplish, hence, affecting my integrity scores. Integrity is an important trait especially in the corporate careers that I am inclined towards. The test also identified my greatest weakness as being less determined, as determination only scored 50% of the strengths scores. To explain this low determination, the test identified the causes of the weakness as follows: · Failing to sufficiently seek new goals and improvements · Lack of independence in exploiting my strengths · Poor analysis of feedback from people · Inconsistencies in staying on track · Aligning with people who may not fit in my working style
  • 7. Interests and Desires The strengths and weaknesses aptitude test also constituted some traits that double up as some of my interests, desires, and passion while others came from a second test that I took from From my strengths, I gathered that I have an interest in helping others which have become an underlying factor in many of my traits. The tests revealed that I have an interest in music, scoring 4.43/5.0 on the test. This is explained by my love for poems, songs, and jingles as well as the rhythm in language. My memory keeps a record of events and things that are associated with music and I have always used music to memorize lessons. I also enjoy singing and humming along to the music. One desire that was clear from the test is the desire to spend time alone, away from people so that I can think soberly about things. Before discussing any information with someone, I prefer to have time to think about it prior to a discussion. this desire is also evident in my work and projects because I like to complete everything from start to finish on my own without help from others. This desire scored 3.57/5.0 points on the test conducted on Another interest that I have, and also identified by the test is being social. Although I like to spend some time alone, I also enjoy the company of other people through developing ideas and learning from them. My social skills may be a result of my good communication skills and interest in helping other people. It scored 3.43/5.0 on the test. I cannot really say that music is my hobby despite it scoring highly on my list of interests and intelligence. Music is a tool that I use to make learning easier and to boost my memory because of the association it has with the things that I can easily remember. However, these interests and desires tend to incline me to a more corporate kind of career which involves completing projects, doing presentations, working with teams, problem-solving and critical thinking. I also like reading books
  • 8. and listening to people’s stories which I think is developing into a big part of my interests. In summary, my interests and desires include socializing, helping people, reading books and learning new things, working with projects and teams, and solving problems. Personality The third test that I took was one from This test scored my social ability from my signature strengths. Describing the right personality for a person is always challenging because of the different combination of characters that people have. Overall, I believe that my personality is the social personality type as supported by these tests and my own personal awareness. According to the test, humanity is a trait that I exhibit because of the ability to be aware of other people’s feelings, the ability to fit in any social setting, and the ability to know what makes people tick. The test also shows that I have a transcending sense of humor and spirituality and that I am socially intelligent, coupled with zest and creativity or wisdom. Further, the test revealed that I am forgiving and fair which I think are important when dealing with different kinds of people and for the sake of enhancing relationships. Most of the traits that were shown on the test complemented each other. For example, humility, kindness, and gratitude go hand in hand. I believe people associate more with these kinds of characters, especial in social settings. Being a social person, the test revealed many of the traits that build up such a personality. Other characteristics include teamwork, perseverance, hope, honesty, love, learning, and bravery. The test also showed other traits that were my weaker strengths as a social person. They are perspective, the appreciation for beauty and excellence, leadership, self-regulation, and prudence. Scoring low in perspective means that I barely understand other people’s arguments or points of view which
  • 9. seems to contradict with many of the characters in the in the raw materials traits that I took. For example, the test for strengths and weaknesses showed that I take time to plan and learn about other people’s experiences and also appreciate those who take time to learn about my family and community. This interaction is meant to keep me open minded about other people’s perspectives as equally as they respect my own perspectives, beliefs, and values. I believe that I need to work on my leadership traits and self-regulation as they have appeared repeatedly as my weaknesses on the three tests. Core Values From the three tests that I took, I can identify some of the core values that I hold as important to me. The first one that has appeared in all the three tests is spirituality. Faith scored highly on the as well as spirituality on the test. I also believe that my connection to the values that I believe in constitute who I am in various settings. Hence, I let people know what I believe in and whether or not they agree with them, they should respect them so as to create a mutual ground for socializing. I also value other people and often go out of my way to help, interact and learn more about them just as they would about me. The tests have shown how well I can create room for people and the best way that I can interact with them in my social life. I value communication as part of my social skills and interaction with other people. Communication makes socializing easy and also helps people to learn about one another. While I like socializing, I also value some time alone which I use to think and make decisions especially before discussions. Thus, sounds like I am both introverted and extroverted. The test also identified that I have balance as a strength, therefore, I believe that I have a balanced social life as well as a balanced personal life or space. I also value learning new things through reading and engaging
  • 10. in trainings. Through reading, I get to learn new skills and also be open minded. I believe these are the qualities the add and improve my socializing personality. These values that the tests revealed are what I expected them to be. I have realized that my spirituality occupies a large portion of the things I believe in and value. Because of feeling the need to protect my beliefs, I developed better communication skills and became more social so that I do not appear to be different from many people and their beliefs. It has also taught me to be accommodative of other people as they also respect my values and beliefs. From the first test, it is evident that my family and community are dear to me and I show respect to people who learn about them. This means that most of my values come from the environment that I grew up in and the people who surround me as family have a great impact in my current choice of values and beliefs. Summary and Synthesis This section of the raw material assessment on self will compare the findings of the tests that were conducted and analyze them to come up with a comprehensive report on what traits and characteristics that best suit me and my career. Summary From the three tests that I took, it is clear that I am a social person. My personality too concurs with these findings as well as my personal understanding of my characters. My spirituality came out as a strong trait throughout the three tests and also proved to be greatly influencing my values and beliefs. I work well with people through communication, team participation and my ability to help other people. The tests also showed self- motivation as a strong trait that I have through my ambitions to pick challenging goals and completing tasks without much supervision or help. I however find it intriguing that lack of determination was listed as one of my weaknesses from one of the tests. At the same
  • 11. time, my leadership skills have scored lowly in the three tests that I took, contrary to what I believed about myself. This is also similar to the rather average scores for integrity, although this may be explained by my habit of taking too much responsibility than I can handle at a time, therefore failing to keep some of the commitments that I make. I also seek time away from the social life to be alone think about things before engaging in discussions or decisions. Reading books also adds more knowledge and gives me the ability to think from different perspectives. As a social person, I expected to score higher on the perspective scores which was mentioned as one of my weaknesses in my personality scores. I believe that during social interaction, a person is able to share the different perspectives they have on people’s opinions as well as their own opinions. Notably, I my memory associates with music. I like the rhythm of language, songs and poems, and also enjoy humming or singing along to music. I use sounds to make learning new things easier and memorable. Synthesis Hopefully, the synthesis of this assessment will enable me find out the best way to improve the weaknesses I poses and also enhance the strengths I have. By determining these characteristics, I am able to know how best I can sell my strengths to a possible employer and how to align everything in order to fit in an enviable career in the corporate world. I hope to achieve a new perspective with this synthesis that will enable me to reach my goals in life. I fully identify with my social personality, and I also count it as a strength. However, there are several barriers that hinder me from fully exploiting my potential as a social person. Since I believe in being a leader as much as I believe in working with people and teams, it is important that I find ways to improve my leadership skills. Leadership and integrity closely interact because a leader with integrity gains more trust from their
  • 12. followers (Engelbrecht et al., 2017). There needs to be an improvement on integrity to enable me to achieve my leadership goals. Some of the notable factors that could be possibly affecting my integrity is my association with teams that have slackers, committing to more than I can deliver, and preference to finish my assignments without seeking help, hence getting overwhelmed in the process. It is obvious that I like participating in teams and helping people, but from the test I have realized that some of these gestures are not really working on my favor in terms of improving my personal performance. If my team scores lowly, so do I, hence affecting my overall score of integrity. This also affects my level of determination as it was pointed out as a weakness in my part from one of the assessment tests. As a resolution, I think it is best to find better ways of helping people and also allowing myself to learn from other leaders, supervisors, or management. One of the solutions suggested by the test is to start out my own project and use it to help others because it identifies with my strengths of initiating, leading, and managing projects. By doing so, there would be enough room for me to exercise my Overall, qualities like strategic thinking, good communication skills, team playing, and resourcefulness increase my chances of perming well in the careers that I am inclined to. My spirituality tops the list of my strengths, although I may have not thought of it as being one. From the assessment, I have discovered that I am clear and protective of my spirituality, which also forms many of the values that I believe in. I let people know what I believe in even if they do not agree with the believes and values that I hold, and also would respect those people who respect my own beliefs, my family, and my community. I also do not compromise these beliefs even if they go against some of the values of the organization that I work or associate with. On the downside, my personality score indicated that I scored lowly on perspective as it was indicated as one of my weaknesses. I now understand how this makes a difference
  • 13. in my social life and how it affects my relationship w ith other people. Diversity is a common thing in many organizations and social circles today and blending in could be a challenge if people fail to understand the importance of accepting other people’s opinions and perspectives just as they would with the other person (Roberson, 2019). While making what I believe in clear is important, it may not be the best thing to bombard a person with during the first encounter because it may limit future interactions with the person and ultimately affecting other great qualities that I have. The possible solution to this problem may be to sell other strengths that I have instead during the first interactions and then using my diversity as an opportunity to learn and offer different perspectives of issues. In the same way, I should be able to respect other people’s beliefs and perspectives even if they differ with mine and find a way to make our diversities work towards achieving the goals of an organization. I believe that I have a good balance between my social life and personal space because I take time to reflect on thoughts before discussing them as well as taking time to read books or attend trainings for self-nourishment. My purpose of reading and constantly training is to improve my ability to think strategically. Strategic thinking is an important skill in project management as it helps people to plan, integrate, and carefully utilize resources they have to achieve the goals they set. In strategic thinking, a person should have the ability to weigh different perspectives and opinions to find out which one works better (Dhir et al., 2018). According to the assessment tests for my raw materials, letting people assist me in projects through their opinions an accommodating other people’s opinions are weaknesses that may hinder my performance in the field. For improvements, I need to be allowed other people to work with me as well as take into considerations their opinions and help. Other good qualities that work for my advantage include my sense of humor, kindness, gratitude, humility, honesty, bravery, love, and courage. These traits complement the positive traits
  • 14. that I already have and my social personality. They are good traits that can prepare someone for the future roles that require working with larger groups of people. There is a lot of interaction for business reasons that happen in the corporate industry such as meeting clients, holding seminars and training, doing presentations, and discussing business all in the effort to make sales and also growth. I believe these traits are learned with time, exposure, and constant practice. For example, a good salesman is also associated with good communications skills. In my assessment, my communications skills scored higher than the salesmanship because of little experience in the sales field. However, with continued interactions with clients, and help from the team, supervisors, or management that I work with, I should be able to polish my salesmanship skills and. Conclusion A raw assessment test is vital to self-discovery and self- branding. These tests have helped me to understand my strengths and weaknesses and how to work around them in order to achieve my maximum potential in life. The synthesis of this assessment has enabled me to identify ways to change things that I do wrong and have make them work to my advantage. By understanding my personality, I have been able to know what hinders my success and performance by thinking that they were traits that work better for me. I have also been able to see the connection between different strengths and weaknesses and how the weaknesses may contribute to the downfall of my strengths. The self-assessment has helped me to see the other perspective of things that has enabled me to plan for my growth in career, interactions, and aiming for a better achievement of the goals I have set in different areas of life.
  • 15. References Dhir, S., Dhir, S., & Samanta, P. (2018). Defining and developing a scale to measure strategic thinking. Foresight. Engelbrecht, A. S., Heine, G., & Mahembe, B. (2017). Integrity, ethical leadership, trust and work engagement. Leadership & Organization Development Journal Roberson, Q. M. (2019). Diversity in the workplace: A review, synthesis, and future research agenda. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 69- 88. Top 5 Strengths Series 1 Faith Self Motivation Communication Integrity Strategic Thinking 0.94 0.94 0.88 0.88 0.88
  • 16. Resourcefulness Curiosity Teamwork Innovation Leadership Balance Focus Visionary Problem Solving Optimism Ambition Purpose Risk Taking Salesmanship Adaptability 81 81 81 81 75 75 75 69 69 69 69 63 63 63 63 8 Elizabeth Lobaina Panther ID: 6023341 Bachelor’s in Accounting A Self-Assessment of Raw Materials
  • 17. Introduction The purpose of performing a self-assessment of raw materials is to determine and discover impartial traits, both positive and negative, that build a person’s character, personality, talent, skills, and abilities. This self-discovery helps a person to better understand themselves, know what areas they need improvement or help, and also plan to align themselves with the best resources that enhance their ability to realize their full potential in life. It also plays an important role in the choice of career and career development. This paper is a self-assessment of raw materials on myself for the purpose of realizing its benefits. Raw Materials This section will discuss the six categories of raw materials assessed which include strengths, potential strengths, faults or bad habits, interests, personality, and core values. Strengths For my strengths, I took an online aptitude test through a link provided for this assignment. From the assessment my top five strengths in chronological order are faith (94%), self-motivation ((94%), communication (88%), integrity (88%), and strategic thinking (88%). Subconsciously, my faith did not come across as strength, although I agree with the results of the assessment. Despite failing to compromise what I believe in for the sake of other beliefs or rules, I allow people to interact with my perspectives. I concur with the self-motivation scores because I let my passion drive my motivation for the things that I do. In doing so, I value performance as a reward rather than the monetary value as compensation for my work.
  • 18. Communication is also an important skill that I have to believe enhances relationships between people no matter the environmental setting they are in (work, school, or event). I take time for conversations, seek knowledge about people, places, organizations, I read books, and also help people to create engaging presentations to enhance their communication. I also like advancing my knowledge in public speaking for the sake of improving my communication skills. I agree with the results of the tests, however, I expected that my top three strengths would include leadership because of the ability to effectively interact with people, communicate, and offer help when needed. Since I am inclined towards the corporate world kind of career, leadership is one of the skills that I need to improve on, similarly to integrity. The ability to think strategically is a skill that is developed with experience and consistent practice. I believe that my employment environment will help me enhance this skill with time through chances for participating in planning seminars and other related training courses. Additionally, reading books, doing presentations, and solving problems will help in improving strategic thinking scores. Potential Strengths For this assessment, I considered the outcome of the online aptitude tests showing my strengths below the first five as my potential strengths. They included resourcefulness (81%), curiosity (81%), teamwork (81%), leadership (75%), and innovation (75%). The scores were not as exemplary as I expected especially for leadership, although I think these strengths complement the first five strengths identified by the test. I agree that I am resourceful basing on my desire to help people out, listen to them, and also communicate effectively. Teamwork and communication also complement each other as seen in the traits revealed by the results of the online test. being innovative also complements the ability to think critically and the desire to find solutions to a problem. Leadership qualities
  • 19. are overall and tend to be portrayed in both strengths and potential strengths revealed by the test. Other useful traits the test discovered about myself include balance, focus, vision, problem-solving, ambition, optimism, purpose, risk-taking, salesmanship, and adaptability. All of these trait’s scores were above 60 percent, most of which aligned with my personal opinion of my trait. Faults and Habits On the same test for strengths and potential strengths, I figured out the possible habits and faults that I have. I did this by looking at some of the explanations for my strengths. For example, I discovered that I am alone ranger despite being fast to help out others. I discovered that I prefer working under minimum supervision and hence I let my supervisor know right away about my preference. This habit may be a fault that creates a barrier to success or learning from others. Another fault is not working under pressure by preferring to be perfect in what I do rather than rushing through it and compromise quality. The habit of helping others and trying to pull up a team of slackers may be taking a toll on my integrity. I also take up a lot of responsibilities that may be overwhelming to accomplish, hence, affecting my integrity scores. Integrity is an important trait especially in the corporate careers that I am inclined towards. The test also identified my greatest weakness as being less determined, as determination only scored 50% of the strengths scores. To explain this low determination, the test identified the causes of the weakness as follows: · Failing to sufficiently seek new goals and improvements · Lack of independence in exploiting my strengths · Poor analysis of feedback from people
  • 20. · Inconsistencies in staying on track · Aligning with people who may not fit in my working style Interests and Desires The strengths and weaknesses aptitude test also constituted some traits that double up as some of my interests, desires, and passion while others came from a second test that I took from From my strengths, I gathered that I have an interest in helping others which have become an underlying factor in many of my traits. The tests revealed that I have an interest in music, scoring 4.43/5.0 on the test. This is explained by my love for poems, songs, and jingles as well as the rhythm in language. My memory keeps a record of events and things that are associated with music and I have always used music to memorize lessons. I also enjoy singing and humming along to the music. One desire that was clear from the test is the desire to spend time alone, away from people so that I can think soberly about things. Before discussing any information with someone, I prefer to have time to think about it prior to a discussion. this desire is also evident in my work and projects because I like to complete everything from start to finish on my own without help from others. This desire scored 3.57/5.0 points on the test conducted on Another interest that I have, and also identified by the test is being social. Although I like to spend some time alone, I also enjoy the company of other people through developing ideas and learning from them. My social skills may be a result of my good communication skills and interest in helping other people. It scored 3.43/5.0 on the test. I cannot really say that music is my hobby despite it scoring highly on my list of interests and intelligence. Music is a tool that I use to make learning easier and to boost my memory because of the association it has with the things that I can easily remember. However, these interests and desires tend to incline me to a more corporate kind of career which involves
  • 21. completing projects, doing presentations, working with teams, problem-solving and critical thinking. I also like reading books and listening to people’s stories which I think is developing into a big part of my interests. In summary, my interests and desires include socializing, helping people, reading books and learning new things, working with projects and teams, and solving problems. Personality The third test that I took was one from This test scored my social ability from my signature strengths. Describing the right personality for a person is always challenging because of the different combination of characters that people have. Overall, I believe that my personality is the social personality type as supported by these tests and my own personal awareness. According to the test, humanity is a trait that I exhibit because of the ability to be aware of other people’s feelings, the ability to fit in any social setting, and the ability to know what makes people tick. The test also shows that I have a transcending sense of humor and spirituality and that I am socially intelligent, coupled with zest and creativity or wisdom. Further, the test revealed that I am forgiving and fair which I think are important when dealing with different kinds of people and for the sake of enhancing relationships. Most of the traits that were shown on the test complemented each other. For example, humility, kindness, and gratitude go hand in hand. I believe people associate more with these kinds of characters, especial in social settings. Being a social person, the test revealed many of the traits that build up such a personality. Other characteristics include teamwork, perseverance, hope, honesty, love, learning, and bravery. The test also showed other traits that were my weaker strengths as a social person. They are perspective, the appreciation for beauty and excellence, leadership, self-regulation, and
  • 22. prudence. Scoring low in perspective means that I barely understand other people’s arguments or points of view which seems to contradict with many of the characters in the in the raw materials traits that I took. For example, the test for strengths and weaknesses showed that I take time to plan and learn about other people’s experiences and also appreciate those who take time to learn about my family and community. This interaction is meant to keep me open minded about other people’s perspectives as equally as they respect my own perspectives, beliefs, and values. I believe that I need to work on my leadership traits and self-regulation as they have appeared repeatedly as my weaknesses on the three tests. Core Values From the three tests that I took, I can identify some of the core values that I hold as important to me. The first one that has appeared in all the three tests is spirituality. Faith scored highly on the as well as spirituality on the test. I also believe that my connection to the values that I believe in constitute who I am in various settings. Hence, I let people know what I believe in and whether or not they agree with them, they should respect them so as to create a mutual ground for socializing. I also value other people and often go out of my way to help, interact and learn more about them just as they would about me. The tests have shown how well I can create room for people and the best way that I can interact with them in my social life. I value communication as part of my social skills and interaction with other people. Communication makes socializing easy and also helps people to learn about one another. While I like socializing, I also value some time alone which I use to think and make decisions especially before discussions. Thus, sounds like I am both introverted and extroverted. The test also identified that I have balance as a strength, therefore, I believe that I have a balanced social life as
  • 23. well as a balanced personal life or space. I also value learning new things through reading and engaging in trainings. Through reading, I get to learn new skills and also be open minded. I believe these are the qualities the add and improve my socializing personality. These values that the tests revealed are what I expected them to be. I have real ized that my spirituality occupies a large portion of the things I believe in and value. Because of feeling the need to protect my beliefs, I developed better communication skills and became more social so that I do not appear to be different from many people and their beliefs. It has also taught me to be accommodative of other people as they also respect my values and beliefs. From the first test, it is evident that my family and community are dear to me and I show respect to people who learn about them. This means that most of my values come from the environment that I grew up in and the people who surround me as family have a great impact in my current choice of values and beliefs. Summary and Synthesis This section of the raw material assessment on self will compare the findings of the tests that were conducted and analyze them to come up with a comprehensive report on what traits and characteristics that best suit me and my career. Summary From the three tests that I took, it is clear that I am a soci al person. My personality too concurs with these findings as well as my personal understanding of my characters. My spirituality came out as a strong trait throughout the three tests and also proved to be greatly influencing my values and beliefs. I work well with people through communication, team participation and my ability to help other people. The tests also showed self- motivation as a strong trait that I have through my ambitions to pick challenging goals and completing tasks without much supervision or help.
  • 24. I however find it intriguing that lack of determination was listed as one of my weaknesses from one of the tests. At the same time, my leadership skills have scored lowly in the three tests that I took, contrary to what I believed about myself. This is also similar to the rather average scores for integrity, although this may be explained by my habit of taking too much responsibility than I can handle at a time, therefore failing to keep some of the commitments that I make. I also seek time away from the social life to be alone think about things before engaging in discussions or decisions. Reading books also adds more knowledge and gives me the ability to think from different perspectives. As a social person, I expected to score higher on the perspective scores which was mentioned as one of my weaknesses in my personality scores. I believe that during social interaction, a person is able to share the different perspectives they have on people’s opinions as well as their own opinions. Notably, I my memory associates with music. I like the rhythm of language, songs and poems, and also enjoy humming or singing along to music. I use sounds to make learning new things easier and memorable. Synthesis Hopefully, the synthesis of this assessment will enable me find out the best way to improve the weaknesses I poses and also enhance the strengths I have. By determining these characteristics, I am able to know how best I can sell my strengths to a possible employer and how to align everything in order to fit in an enviable career in the corporate world. I hope to achieve a new perspective with this synthesis that will enable me to reach my goals in life. I fully identify with my social personality, and I also count it as a strength. However, there are several barriers that hinder me from fully exploiting my potential as a social person. Since I believe in being a leader as much as I believe in working with people and teams, it is important that I find ways to improve my
  • 25. leadership skills. Leadership and integrity closely interact because a leader with integrity gains more trust from their followers (Engelbrecht et al., 2017). There needs to be an improvement on integrity to enable me to achieve my leadership goals. Some of the notable factors that could be possi bly affecting my integrity is my association with teams that have slackers, committing to more than I can deliver, and preference to finish my assignments without seeking help, hence getting overwhelmed in the process. It is obvious that I like participating in teams and helping people, but from the test I have realized that some of these gestures are not really working on my favor in terms of improving my personal performance. If my team scores lowly, so do I, hence affecting my overall score of integrity. This also affects my level of determination as it was pointed out as a weakness in my part from one of the assessment tests. As a resolution, I think it is best to find better ways of helping people and also allowing myself to learn from other leaders, supervisors, or management. One of the solutions suggested by the test is to start out my own project and use it to help others because it identifies with my strengths of initiating, leading, and managing projects. By doing so, there would be enough room for me to exercise my Overall, qualities like strategic thinking, good communication skills, team playing, and resourcefulness increase my chances of perming well in the careers that I am inclined to. My spirituality tops the list of my strengths, although I may have not thought of it as being one. From the assessment, I have discovered that I am clear and protective of my spirituality, which also forms many of the values that I believe in. I let people know what I believe in even if they do not agree with the believes and values that I hold, and also would respect those people who respect my own beliefs, my family, and my community. I also do not compromise these beliefs even if they go against some of the values of the organization that I work or associate with. On the downside, my personality score indicated
  • 26. that I scored lowly on perspective as it was indicated as one of my weaknesses. I now understand how this makes a difference in my social life and how it affects my relationship with other people. Diversity is a common thing in many organizations and social circles today and blending in could be a challenge if people fail to understand the importance of accepting other people’s opinions and perspectives just as they would with the other person (Roberson, 2019). While making what I believe in clear is important, it may not be the best thing to bombard a person with during the first encounter because it may limit future interactions with the person and ultimately affecting other great qualities that I have. The possible solution to this problem may be to sell other strengths that I have instead during the first interactions and then using my diversity as an opportunity to learn and offer different perspectives of issues. In the same way, I should be able to respect other people’s beliefs and perspectives even if they differ with mine and find a way to make our diversities work towards achieving the goals of an organization. I believe that I have a good balance between my social life and personal space because I take time to reflect on thoughts before discussing them as well as taking time to read books or attend trainings for self-nourishment. My purpose of reading and constantly training is to improve my ability to think strategically. Strategic thinking is an important skill in project management as it helps people to plan, integrate, and carefully utilize resources they have to achieve the goals they set. In strategic thinking, a person should have the ability to weigh different perspectives and opinions to find out which one works better (Dhir et al., 2018). According to the assessment tests for my raw materials, letting people assist me in projects through their opinions an accommodating other people’s opinions are weaknesses that may hinder my performance in the field. For improvements, I need to be allowed other people to work with me as well as take into considerations their opinions and help. Other good qualities that work for my advantage include my
  • 27. sense of humor, kindness, gratitude, humility, honesty, bravery, love, and courage. These traits complement the positive traits that I already have and my social personality. They are good traits that can prepare someone for the future roles that require working with larger groups of people. There is a lot of interaction for business reasons that happen in the corporate industry such as meeting clients, holding seminars and training, doing presentations, and discussing business all in the effort to make sales and also growth. I believe these traits are learned with time, exposure, and constant practice. For example, a good salesman is also associated with good communications skills. In my assessment, my communications skills scored higher than the salesmanship because of little experience in the sales field. However, with continued interactions with clients, and help from the team, supervisors, or management that I work with, I should be able to polish my salesmanship skills and. Conclusion A raw assessment test is vital to self-discovery and self- branding. These tests have helped me to understand my strengths and weaknesses and how to work around them in order to achieve my maximum potential in life. The synthesis of this assessment has enabled me to identify ways to change things that I do wrong and have make them work to my advantage. By understanding my personality, I have been able to know what hinders my success and performance by thinking that they were traits that work better for me. I have also been able to see the connection between different strengths and weaknesses and how the weaknesses may contribute to the downfall of my strengths. The self-assessment has helped me to see the other perspective of things that has enabled me to plan for my growth in career, interactions, and aiming for a better achievement of the goals I have set in different areas of life.
  • 28. References Dhir, S., Dhir, S., & Samanta, P. (2018). Defining and developing a scale to measure strategic thinking. Foresight. Engelbrecht, A. S., Heine, G., & Mahembe, B. (2017). Integrity, ethical leadership, trust and work engagement. Leadership & Organization Development Journal Roberson, Q. M. (2019). Diversity in the workplace: A review, synthesis, and future research agenda. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 69- 88. Top 5 Strengths Series 1 Faith Self Motivation Communication Integrity Strategic Thinking 0.94 0.94 0.88 0.88 0.88
  • 29. Resourcefulness Curiosity Teamwork Innovation Leadership Balance Focus Visionary Problem Solving Optimism Ambition Purpose Risk Taking Salesmanship Adaptability 81 81 81 81 75 75 75 69 69 69 69 63 63 63 63 8 Elizabeth Lobaina Panther ID: 6023341 Bachelor’s in Accounting A Self-Assessment of Raw Materials
  • 30. Introduction The purpose of performing a self-assessment of raw materials is to determine and discover impartial traits, both positive and negative, that build a person’s character, personality, talent, skills, and abilities. This self-discovery helps a person to better understand themselves, know what areas they need improvement or help, and also plan to align themselves with the best resources that enhance their ability to realize their full potential in life. It also plays an important role in the choice of career and career development. This paper is a self-assessment of raw materials on myself for the purpose of realizing its benefits. Raw Materials This section will discuss the six categories of raw materials assessed which include strengths, potential strengths, faults or bad habits, interests, personality, and core values. Strengths For my strengths, I took an online aptitude test through a link provided for this assignment. From the assessment my top five strengths in chronological order are faith (94%), self-motivation ((94%), communication (88%), integrity (88%), and strategic thinking (88%). Subconsciously, my faith did not come across as strength, although I agree with the results of the assessment. Despite failing to compromise what I believe in for the sake of other beliefs or rules, I allow people to interact with my perspectives. I concur with the self-motivation scores because I let my passion drive my motivation for the things that I do. In
  • 31. doing so, I value performance as a reward rather than the monetary value as compensation for my work. Communication is also an important skill that I have to believe enhances relationships between people no matter the environmental setting they are in (work, school, or event). I take time for conversations, seek knowledge about people, places, organizations, I read books, and also help people to create engaging presentations to enhance their communication. I also like advancing my knowledge in public speaking for the sake of improving my communication skills. I agree with the results of the tests, however, I expected that my top three strengths would include leadership because of the ability to effectively interact with people, communicate, and offer help when needed. Since I am inclined towards the corporate world kind of career, leadership is one of the skills that I need to improve on, similarly to integrity. The ability to think strategically is a skill that is developed with experience and consistent practice. I believe that my employment environment will help me enhance this skill with time through chances for participating in planning seminars and other related training courses. Additionally, reading books, doing presentations, and solving problems will help in improving strategic thinking scores. Potential Strengths For this assessment, I considered the outcome of the online aptitude tests showing my strengths below the first five as my potential strengths. They included resourcefulness (81%), curiosity (81%), teamwork (81%), leadership (75%), and innovation (75%). The scores were not as exemplary as I expected especially for leadership, although I think these strengths complement the first five strengths identified by the test. I agree that I am resourceful basing on my desire to help people out, listen to them, and also communicate effectively. Teamwork and communication also complement each other as seen in the traits revealed by the results of the online test. being
  • 32. innovative also complements the ability to think criticall y and the desire to find solutions to a problem. Leadership qualities are overall and tend to be portrayed in both strengths and potential strengths revealed by the test. Other useful traits the test discovered about myself include balance, focus, vision, problem-solving, ambition, optimism, purpose, risk-taking, salesmanship, and adaptability. All of these trait’s scores were above 60 percent, most of which aligned with my personal opinion of my trait. Faults and Habits On the same test for strengths and potential strengths, I figured out the possible habits and faults that I have. I did this by looking at some of the explanations for my strengths. For example, I discovered that I am alone ranger despite being fast to help out others. I discovered that I prefer working under minimum supervision and hence I let my supervisor know right away about my preference. This habit may be a fault that creates a barrier to success or learning from others. Another fault is not working under pressure by preferring to be perfect in what I do rather than rushing through it and compromise quality. The habit of helping others and trying to pull up a team of slackers may be taking a toll on my integrity. I also take up a lot of responsibilities that may be overwhelming to accomplish, hence, affecting my integrity scores. Integrity is an important trait especially in the corporate careers that I am inclined towards. The test also identified my greatest weakness as being less determined, as determination only scored 50% of the strengths scores. To explain this low determination, the test identified the causes of the weakness as follows: · Failing to sufficiently seek new goals and improvements
  • 33. · Lack of independence in exploiting my strengths · Poor analysis of feedback from people · Inconsistencies in staying on track · Aligning with people who may not fit in my working style Interests and Desires The strengths and weaknesses aptitude test also constituted some traits that double up as some of my interests, desires, and passion while others came from a second test that I took from From my strengths, I gathered that I have an interest in helping others which have become an underlying factor in many of my traits. The tests revealed that I have an interest in music, scoring 4.43/5.0 on the test. This is explained by my love for poems, songs, and jingles as well as the rhythm in language. My memory keeps a record of events and things that are associated with music and I have always used music to memorize lessons. I also enjoy singing and humming along to the music. One desire that was clear from the test is the desire to spend time alone, away from people so that I can think soberly about things. Before discussing any information with someone, I prefer to have time to think about it prior to a discussion. this desire is also evident in my work and projects because I like to complete everything from start to finish on my own without help from others. This desire scored 3.57/5.0 points on the test conducted on Another interest that I have, and also identified by the test is being social. Although I like to spend some time alone, I also enjoy the company of other people through developing ideas and learning from them. My social skills may be a result of my good communication skills and interest in helping other people. It scored 3.43/5.0 on the test. I cannot really say that music is my hobby despite it scoring highly on my list of interests and intelligence. Music is a tool that I use to make learning easier and to boost my memory because of the association it has with the things that I can easily
  • 34. remember. However, these interests and desires tend to incline me to a more corporate kind of career which involves completing projects, doing presentations, working with teams, problem-solving and critical thinking. I also like reading books and listening to people’s stories which I think is developing into a big part of my interests. In summary, my interests and desires include socializing, helping people, reading books and learning new things, working with projects and teams, and solving problems. Personality The third test that I took was one from This test scored my social ability from my signature strengths. Describing the right personality for a person is always challenging because of the different combination of characters that people have. Overall, I believe that my personality is the social personality type as supported by these tests and my own personal awareness. According to the test, humanity is a trait that I exhibit because of the ability to be aware of other people’s feelings, the ability to fit in any social setting, and the ability to know what makes people tick. The test also shows that I have a transcending sense of humor and spirituality and that I am socially intelligent, coupled with zest and creativity or wisdom. Further, the test revealed that I am forgiving and fair which I think are important when dealing with different kinds of people and for the sake of enhancing relationships. Most of the traits that were shown on the test complemented each other. For example, humility, kindness, and gratitude go hand in hand. I believe people associate more with these kinds of characters, especial in social settings. Being a social person, the test revealed many of the traits that build up such a personality. Other characteristics include teamwork, perseverance, hope, honesty, love, learning, and bravery. The test also showed other traits that were my weaker strengths
  • 35. as a social person. They are perspective, the appreciation for beauty and excellence, leadership, self-regulation, and prudence. Scoring low in perspective means that I barely understand other people’s arguments or points of view which seems to contradict with many of the characters in the in the raw materials traits that I took. For example, the test for strengths and weaknesses showed that I take time to plan and learn about other people’s experiences and also appreciate those who take time to learn about my family and community. This interaction is meant to keep me open minded about other people’s perspectives as equally as they respect my own perspectives, beliefs, and values. I believe that I need to work on my leadership traits and self-regulation as they have appeared repeatedly as my weaknesses on the three tests. Core Values From the three tests that I took, I can identify some of the core values that I hold as important to me. The first one that has appeared in all the three tests is spirituality. Faith scored highly on the as well as spirituality on the test. I also believe that my connection to the values that I believe in constitute who I am in various settings. Hence, I let people know what I believe in and whether or not they agree with them, they should respect them so as to create a mutual ground for socializing. I also value other people and often go out of my way to help, interact and learn more about them just as they would about me. The tests have shown how well I can create room for people and the best way that I can interact with them in my social life. I value communication as part of my social skills and interaction with other people. Communication makes socializing easy and also helps people to learn about one another. While I like socializing, I also value some time alone which I use to think and make decisions especially before discussions. Thus, sounds like I am both introverted and extroverted. The
  • 36. test also identified that I have balance as a strength, therefore, I believe that I have a balanced social life as well as a balanced personal life or space. I also value learning new things through reading and engaging in trainings. Through reading, I get to learn new skills and also be open minded. I believe these are the qualities the add and improve my socializing personality. These values that the tests revealed are what I expected them to be. I have realized that my spirituality occupies a large portion of the things I believe in and value. Because of feeling the need to protect my beliefs, I developed better communication skills and became more social so that I do not appear to be different from many people and their beliefs. It has also taught me to be accommodative of other people as they also respect my values and beliefs. From the first test, it is evident that my family and community are dear to me and I show respect to people who learn about them. This means that most of my values come from the environment that I grew up in and the people who surround me as family have a great impact in my current choice of values and beliefs. Summary and Synthesis This section of the raw material assessment on self will compare the findings of the tests that were conducted and analyze them to come up with a comprehensive report on what traits and characteristics that best suit me and my career. Summary From the three tests that I took, it is clear that I am a social person. My personality too concurs with these findings as well as my personal understanding of my characters. My spirituality came out as a strong trait throughout the three tests and also proved to be greatly influencing my values and beliefs. I work well with people through communication, team participation and my ability to help other people. The tests also showed self- motivation as a strong trait that I have through my ambitions to
  • 37. pick challenging goals and completing tasks without much supervision or help. I however find it intriguing that lack of determination was listed as one of my weaknesses from one of the tests. At the same time, my leadership skills have scored lowly in the three tests that I took, contrary to what I believed about myself. This is also similar to the rather average scores for integrity, although this may be explained by my habit of taking too much responsibility than I can handle at a time, therefore failing to keep some of the commitments that I make. I also seek time away from the social life to be alone think about things before engaging in discussions or decisions. Reading books also adds more knowledge and gives me the ability to think from different perspectives. As a social person, I expected to score higher on the perspective scores which was mentioned as one of my weaknesses in my personality scores. I believe that during social interaction, a person is able to share the different perspectives they have on people’s opinions as well as their own opinions. Notably, I my memory associates with music. I like the rhythm of language, songs and poems, and also enjoy humming or singing along to music. I use sounds to make learning new things easier and memorable. Synthesis Hopefully, the synthesis of this assessment will enable me fi nd out the best way to improve the weaknesses I poses and also enhance the strengths I have. By determining these characteristics, I am able to know how best I can sell my strengths to a possible employer and how to align everything in order to fit in an enviable career in the corporate world. I hope to achieve a new perspective with this synthesis that will enable me to reach my goals in life. I fully identify with my social personality, and I also count it as a strength. However, there are several barriers that hinder me from fully exploiting my potential as a social person. Since I
  • 38. believe in being a leader as much as I believe in working with people and teams, it is important that I find ways to improve my leadership skills. Leadership and integrity closely interact because a leader with integrity gains more trust from their followers (Engelbrecht et al., 2017). There needs to be an improvement on integrity to enable me to achieve my leadership goals. Some of the notable factors that could be possibly affecting my integrity is my association with teams that have slackers, committing to more than I can deliver, and preference to finish my assignments without seeking help, hence getting overwhelmed in the process. It is obvious that I like participating in teams and helping people, but from the test I have realized that some of these gestures are not really working on my favor in terms of improving my personal performance. If my team scores lowly, so do I, hence affecting my overall score of integrity. This also affects my level of determination as it was pointed out as a weakness in my part from one of the assessment tests. As a resolution, I think it is best to find better ways of helping people and also allowing myself to learn from other leaders, supervisors, or management. One of the solutions suggested by the test is to start out my own project and use it to help others because it identifies with my strengths of initiating, leading, and managing projects. By doing so, there would be enough room for me to exercise my Overall, qualities like strategic thinking, good communication skills, team playing, and resourcefulness increase my chances of perming well in the careers that I am inclined to. My spirituality tops the list of my strengths, although I may have not thought of it as being one. From the assessment, I have discovered that I am clear and protective of my spirituality, which also forms many of the values that I believe in. I let people know what I believe in even if they do not agree with the believes and values that I hold, and also would respect those people who respect my own beliefs, my family, and my community. I also do not compromise these beliefs even if they
  • 39. go against some of the values of the organization that I work or associate with. On the downside, my personality score indicated that I scored lowly on perspective as it was indicated as one of my weaknesses. I now understand how this makes a difference in my social life and how it affects my relationship with other people. Diversity is a common thing in many organizations and social circles today and blending in could be a challenge if people fail to understand the importance of accepting other people’s opinions and perspectives just as they would with the other person (Roberson, 2019). While making what I believe in clear is important, it may not be the best thing to bombard a person with during the first encounter because it may limit future interactions with the person and ultimately affecting other great qualities that I have. The possible solution to this problem may be to sell other strengths that I have instead during the first interactions and then using my diversity as an opportunity to learn and offer different perspectives of issues. In the same way, I should be able to respect other people’s beliefs and perspectives even if they differ with mine and find a way to make our diversities work towards achieving the goals of an organization. I believe that I have a good balance between my social life and personal space because I take time to reflect on thoughts before discussing them as well as taking time to read books or attend trainings for self-nourishment. My purpose of reading and constantly training is to improve my ability to think strategically. Strategic thinking is an important skill in project management as it helps people to plan, integrate, and carefully utilize resources they have to achieve the goals they set. In strategic thinking, a person should have the ability to weigh different perspectives and opinions to find out which one works better (Dhir et al., 2018). According to the assessment tests for my raw materials, letting people assist me in projects through their opinions an accommodating other people’s opinions are weaknesses that may hinder my performance in the field. For improvements, I need to be allowed other people to work with
  • 40. me as well as take into considerations their opinions and help. Other good qualities that work for my advantage include my sense of humor, kindness, gratitude, humility, honesty, bravery, love, and courage. These traits complement the positive traits that I already have and my social personality. They are good traits that can prepare someone for the future roles that require working with larger groups of people. There is a lot of interaction for business reasons that happen in the corporate industry such as meeting clients, holding seminars and training, doing presentations, and discussing business all in the effort to make sales and also growth. I believe these traits are learned with time, exposure, and constant practice. For example, a good salesman is also associated with good communications skills. In my assessment, my communications skills scored higher than the salesmanship because of little experience in the sales field. However, with continued interactions with clients, and help from the team, supervisors, or management that I work with, I should be able to polish my salesmanship skills and. Conclusion A raw assessment test is vital to self-discovery and self- branding. These tests have helped me to understand my strengths and weaknesses and how to work around them in order to achieve my maximum potential in life. The synthesis of this assessment has enabled me to identify ways to change things that I do wrong and have make them work to my advantage. By understanding my personality, I have been able to know what hinders my success and performance by thinking that they were traits that work better for me. I have also been able to see the connection between different strengths and weaknesses and how the weaknesses may contribute to the downfall of my strengths. The self-assessment has helped me to see the other perspective of things that has enabled me to plan for my growth in career, interactions, and aiming for a better achievement of the goals I have set in different areas of life.
  • 41. References Dhir, S., Dhir, S., & Samanta, P. (2018). Defining and developing a scale to measure strategic thinking. Foresight. Engelbrecht, A. S., Heine, G., & Mahembe, B. (2017). Integrity, ethical leadership, trust and work engagement. Leadership & Organization Development Journal Roberson, Q. M. (2019). Diversity in the workplace: A review, synthesis, and future research agenda. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 69- 88. Top 5 Strengths Series 1 Faith Self Motivation Communication Integrity Strategic Thinking 0.94 0.94 0.88 0.88 0.88
  • 42. Resourcefulness Curiosity Teamwork Innovation Leadership Balance Focus Visionary Problem Solving Optimism Ambition Purpose Risk Taking Salesmanship Adaptability 81 81 81 81 75 75 75 69 69 69 69 63 63 63 63 1 Personal Marketing Strategy Part of the Final Marketing Yourself Plan – Due at the End of the Term When marketing a product, brand, or organization, marketers must always consider the need to continuously improve their product offerings in order to elevate, or even just maintain, their position in the marketplace. Such a continuous improvement process starts with understanding where you currently are in the marketplace (i.e., how your product is perceived in comparison to other products) and what is desired by your target audiences. At that point you have the challenge to choose which goals to set and how you’ll try to reach them.
  • 43. If you’ve completed the assignments thus far, you’ve already evaluated Product You with your Raw Materials Assessment. You also have assessed your target audiences with the Product/Audience Match Strategy. Now it’s time to set strategic goals and contemplate the actions to reach those goals. Setting goals is a difficult process, mainly because there are so many options available to you. Your personal and professional branding options are not limited to a mere for k in the road with two choices (à la Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken”). It’s more like hundreds (or even thousands) of choices if you really open your thinking about what your future could hold. Thus, this assignment will require some degree of self-reflection to determine where you would like to move your personal brand and/or professional brand over the next one to five years. Self-Reflection, Objectives, and Strategies The best way to start this goal-setting process is to consider the values you assessed in your Raw Materials Inventory. If your aspirations for your personal brand and professional brand are developed with your values in mind, you’ll be more likely to feel motivated to work to achieve them, and you’ll be more likely to be satisfied when those goals are reached. The next step is to consider how you would like to be perceived by others as you develop your brand. What
  • 44. would you like people to think about you a year from now? Two years from now? Five or ten years from now? What type of brand would you like to develop? As you consider these questions, keep in mind the idea that you want to change not only the “perception” of your brand, but also the underlying “reality” of that brand. For example, if you want to be perceived as being an expert in mobile marketing, then develop your knowledge and skills pertaining to mobile marketing and then market that expertise. Always remember that the best way to be perceived as an expert in a particular area is to truly become an expert in that area. Once you start to have general ideas or goals of what you want for your brand, set specific objectives with those ideas in mind. Remember to use the SMART method (as explained in one of the assigned videos for this module) to set useful objectives. Finally, list some strategies, tactics, or actions that will help you reach your objectives. The more descriptive you are when listing the strategies (as well as the objectives), the more likely you’ll be to complete them. 2 Specific Assignment Elements After you have completed the above steps, create a document as follows:
  • 45. 1. Cover Page: Name, Panther ID, Major, Minor, Certificate(s), Assignment Title 2. Introduction: Discuss the purpose for having a personal marketing strategy. 3. General Branding Goals: Discuss your brand aspirations for one, two, five and/or ten years from now. Describe how you will want people to perceive you. 4. Specific Branding Objectives: Using the SMART goals method, write at least 5 clear and achievable objectives that align with your general branding goals. 5. Strategies/Tactics: To reach your objectives, you’ll need specific strategies or tasks that clearly lead to those objectives. Discuss the strategies or tactics that wil l help you reach the objectives that you listed in Part 4. Have at least two strategies/tactics for each objective. 6. Synthesis/Summary: Summarize your personal market strategy and provide a synthesis of how the pieces fit together. Assignment Formatting Submit as a PDF file upload. Document should use Times New Roman 12-point font, single-spaced (with
  • 46. spacing between sections and/or paragraphs) with margins not exceeding 1-inch. Length of assignment is approximately 2-4 pages and should also include page numbering. Assignments should be completed and submitted before due date/times. Late penalty is 10% deduction per day (or partial day) late. No plagiarism, copying or cheating. Product/Audience Match Strategy Part of Final Marketing Yourself Plan - Due at End of Term As explained in the PDF reading “Matching the Product with the Audience When Marketing Yourself,” it’s critical to understand your product (i.e., your skills, attributes, personality, core values, etc.) and to determine and understand your target audiences (i.e., potential employers, colleagues, customers, career gatekeepers, etc.). For this assignment, you’ll work to outline your potential target audiences, determine what those audiences desire, and then decide how you’ll match your product with your target audiences. Using either a paragraph, outline, or table format, do the following: 1. List Current Audiences. List various audiences (at least 8) to whom you currently market yourself
  • 47. on a daily, weekly, or other periodic basis. These might include potential employers, current employers, friends, family, teachers, various societal segments, social groups, customers, colleagues, employees, store personnel, vendors/suppliers, social media audiences, etc. Don’t forget that these audiences might be face-to-face, online, over the phone, etc. For each audience, be extremely specific as to who this audience is. Don’t just say “store employees” when you can say “the early morning employees at the Starbucks that I go to every weekday.” Don’t just say “my co- workers” when you can say “my co-workers Cristina, Derek, and Victoria who work in the cubicles next to mine.” 2. Importance of Current Audiences. For each of the 8+ current audiences, provide some insights as to why each particular audience might be important to you in your marketing yourself efforts. How can impressing each audience help you? 3. What Current Audiences Want From You. Finally, for each of the 8+ current audiences you listed, write down at least three characteristics (features, attributes, skills, traits, values, etc.) that they would desire in a person such as you. Although there may be some similar traits or characteristics across the audiences you listed, each audience likely will desire some unique characteristics as well. 4. List Prospective Audiences. Your next step is to add at least
  • 48. three new “prospective” target audiences to whom you would like to market yourself in the near or distant future. Again, they can be potential employers in a particular industry, friends, social groups, customers, fans, readers, etc. While it’s good to be specific as to the industry, type of people, etc., you don’t have to be as specific as you were in Step 1 because you may not know the details of these audiences yet. 5. Importance of Prospective Audiences. As you did in Step 2 with your “current” audiences, for each of the 3+ “prospective” audiences, provide some insights as to why each particular audience might be important to you in your future marketing yourself efforts. How can impressing each audience help you? 6. What Prospective Audiences Want From You. For each of the 3+ “prospective” target audiences, write down at least three characteristics (features, attributes, skills, traits, values, etc.) that they would desire in a person such as you. Because you may not really know these audiences very well, you may end up estimating this section more than the other ones. Nevertheless, consider what characteristics would be important to each audience.
  • 49. 7. Product/Audience Match. Now consider how well you’re matching your Product You with the desired attributes of the (at least 8) current audiences and the (at least 3) prospective audiences that you listed. Discuss the matches as well as the discrepancies (the instances in which you don’t match). 8. Changing Product You. Discuss what you can do to have a better match between your various target audiences and the product (set of attributes, traits, etc.) that you’re offering. How can you change your Product You as well as your Personal/Professional Brand to better market yourself to these various audiences? This section consists of a set of self- improvement recommendations. Assignment Sections 1. Cover Page: Name, Panther ID, Major, Minor, Certificate(s), Assignment Title 2. Introduction: Discuss the purpose for a Product/Audience Match. 3. Product/Audience Match Analysis: This is where you’ll put the analysis from the eight steps above.
  • 50. 4. Synthesis and Summary: Discuss what you learned from this exercise. What did you learn about target marketing? What did you learn about your own audiences? What did you learn about yourself? Synthesize your learning from the various parts of the assignment and create a summary that you can review in the future. Assignment Formatting Submit as a PDF file upload. Document should use Times New Roman 12-point font with margins not exceeding 1-inch. Length of assignment is approximately 2-4 pages. Assignments should be completed and submitted before due date/times. Late penalty is 10% deduction per day (or partial day) late. No plagiarism, copying or cheating. Your Top 5 Strengths Are: aptitude-test/free-aptitude-test-find-your-strengths-weaknesses- online-version/ Faith (94%): * Make efforts to discover your true passion and tie it to your work, no matter what you do. * Align, but don't compromise, your values to that of your organization.
  • 51. * You respect others for learning about your family and community - give them the opportunity. * You give more value to greater levels of service than more money - let others know this. * People may not share your beliefs, but you feel they need to understand & respect - let them. Self Motivation (94%): * You don't need your hand-held; help others understand you need space to make meaningful decisions. * Seek to take on a role where persistence is essential to success. * Continually take on roles that demand an aura of certainty and stability. * You have a strong self-concept that you are an agent of action - nurture it. * You are most effective when you feel you are in control of your world - be aware and help others understand this. * You need clear feedback to develop your instincts - review your failures and successes for lessons learned. Communication (88%): * Schedule some real time to develop communication strengths and skills - take a training class / read books! * Try to attend events where prospects or customers are to be entertained. * Seek to capture and learn company folklore and stories - be the company culture point of contact. * Plan and take time to hear about the life and experiences of others. * Plan to participate, organize, and encourage company social events. * Volunteer to help others make more engaging presentations. * Take advanced public speaking training; the novice classes will upset you. Integrity (88%): * You identify with your ability to keep your commitments - stick to your programs!
  • 52. * Stay off teams that have slackers on board as they will sap your energy. * Do not be forced to rush and sacrifice quality - you value quality first. Help others understand. * You are a self-starter and require little supervision - be sure your supervisors know this. * You excel in positions that require unimpeachable ethics - seek them out. * Continue to ask yourself what new responsibilities you want to assume. * Protect yourself from taking on too much - build up self- discipline and the ability to say 'no'! * Be careful about moving to management - you may prefer to do it yourself and be overwhelmed. Strategic Thinking (88%): * Be on the leading edge of your organization, groups, and strategic plans. * Be involved in organizational planning and risk management efforts. * Always give yourself plenty of time to think through a situation. * Read books, take a training course, or attend a seminar in strategic planning and futurism. * Seek chances to share your ideas in writing and presentations. * Seek solutions that worked in other places, learn from them, and try to apply them to your life and work. Your Remaining Results Are: Resourcefulness (81%): Curiosity (81%): Teamwork (81%): Innovation (81%): Leadership (75%): Balance (75%): Focus (75%): Visionary (69%): Problem Solving (69%):
  • 53. Optimism (69%): Ambition (69%): Purpose (63%): Risk Taking (63%): Salesmanship (63%): Adaptability (63%): Your Bottom 1 Weakness Is: Determination (50%): * Constantly be on the lookout for new goals and improvements. * You're good at initiating and organizing a project, start your own and help others. * Get feedback from people as others' expectations will energize you. * Actively participate in helping a bogged down team into action. * When down, think of new improvements to do tomorrow - stay on track. * Be careful of those who really want to project and analyze - they are a non-fit for your work style! Your top three intelligences: trengths.htm l Intelligence Score (5.0 is highest) Description 4.43 Musical: You like the rhythm and sound of language. You like poems, songs, and jingles. You enjoy humming or singing along with music. You probably remember things well when they are associated with music or rhythm. Try to incorporate sounds into
  • 54. your lessons, such as using a familiar tune, song, or rap beat to teach spelling rules, or to remember words in a series for a test. Here are some other ways to use your musical intelligence: · Create a poem with an emphasis on certain sounds for pronunciation. · Clap out or walk out the sounds of syllables. · Read together (choral reading) to work on fluency and intonation. · Read a story with great emotion — sad, then happy, then angry. Talk about what changes — is it only tone? · Work with words that sound like what they mean (onomatopoeia). For example: sizzle, cuckoo, smash. · Read lyrics to music. · Use music as background while reviewing and for helping to remember new material. · Use rhymes to remember spelling rules, i.e., "I before E except after C." 3.57 Self: You have a very good sense of self. You like to spend time by yourself and think things over. You will often take in information from another person, mull it over by yourself, and come back to that person later to discuss it. You like working on projects on your own. You often prefer to learn by trial and error. Effective techniques to enhance your learning include keeping a journal and giving yourself time to reflect on new ideas and information. More ideas: · Go on "guided imagery" tours. · Set aside time to reflect on new ideas and information. · Encourage journal writing. · Work on the computer. · Practice breathing for relaxation. · Use brainstorming methods before reading. · Listen to and read "how to" tapes and books. · Read cookbooks.
  • 55. 3.43 Social: You like to develop ideas and learn from other people. You like to talk. You have good social skills. Effective techniques of enhancing your learning using your social intelligence include taking part in group discussions or discussing a topic one-to-one with another person. Find ways to build reading and writing exercises into your group activities, such as: · Reading a dialogue or a play with other people · Doing team learning/investigating projects · Setting up interview questions and interviewing your family, and writing down the interview · Writing notes to another instead of talking. The scores for your other five intelligences: 2.71 2.57 2.29 2 1.14 Jst because these five are not in your top three doesn’t mean you’re not strong in them. If your average score for any intelligence is above three, you’re probably using that intelligence quite often to help you learn. Take a look at the Practice section to see how to engage all your intelligences. – Survey YOUR SIGNATURE STRENGTHS1 Social Intelligence HUMANITY Being aware of the motives/feelings of others and oneself; knowing what to do to fit into different social situations; knowing what makes other people tick. 2
  • 56. Humor TRANSCENDENCE 3 Spirituality TRANSCENDENCE 4 Zest COURAGE 5 Creativity WISDOM SHOW ALL YOUR STRENGTHS YOUR MIDDLE STRENGTHS 6 Forgiveness TEMPERANCE 7 Curiosity WISDOM 8 Fairness JUSTICE 9 Perseverance COURAGE 10 Judgment
  • 58. COURAGE YOUR LESSER STRENGTHS 20 Perspective WISDOM 21 Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence TRANSCENDENCE 22 Self-Regulation TEMPERANCE 23 Prudence TEMPERANCE 24 Leadership JUSTICE Good Examples of Final Marketing Plan Besides having great content within your Final Marketing Plan, its organization should be logical and highly attractive. While you should refer to the full instructions, some students requested an example of
  • 59. a template and/or good example. Remember to use single spacing with 12-point Times New Roman font for the text portions of the document. The general structure of the Final Marketing Plan is as follows. • Introduction (also identify the duration of your plan) • Summary & Synthesis from Raw Materials Assessment assignment • Market segments from your Product-Audience Match Strategy assignment • Your Brand Objectives or Goals from your Personal Marketing Strategy assignment • Strategies and tactics to reach objectives from Personal Marketing Strategy o 1-page figure or chart or image that depicts how strategies and objectives are connected • Marketing Plan Timeline (1-page figure or chart or image of timeline)
  • 60. • Appendices o Appendix A: Entire Product-Audience Match Strategy assignment o Appendix B: Entire Personal Marketing Strategy assignment Basically, an appendix is an extra section at the end of the publication (after references), allowing you to include detailed information that would be distracting within the main body of the paper. If there is more than one appendix (which you will have), label them "Appendix A," "Appendix B," etc. (without quotes) in the order that each item appears in the paper. In-text references to these appendices can be used within a sentence (ie “As seen in Appendix B, …”) or as a parenthetical citation as you feel appropriate. How strategies and objectives are connected Good Example
  • 61. While this is colorful, a hand-written image is not okay. Plus, it’s confusing. This is part of your brand, put your best foot forward! How strategies and objectives are connected Good Example Marketing Plan Timeline Okay Example While this is a timeline and it does fulfill the assignment requirements, it is a bit basic. Be creative.
  • 62. This example combines the objectives/goals with the timeline, which is Okay- if it was large enough to read. Have pity on your professor’s eyes- they only have two of them. Remember to use at least 12- point font. Just say no to handwritten timelines. Don’t give your professor have a crooked neck by making them try to read a sideways picture. When adding the timeline you may need to change the orientation of that particular page to landscape. Learn “How to Include Both Landscape and Portrait Pages in the Same Word Document.” include-both-landscape-and-portrait-pages-in-the-same-word- document/ include-both-landscape-and-portrait-pages-in-the-same-word- document/
  • 63. include-both-landscape-and-portrait-pages-in-the-same-word- document/ Marketing Plan Timeline Good Example Marketing Plan Timeline Okay Example If you are not savvy with charts and images in word, you may want to google “timeline creator” to find a free online tool to help you make your timeline. Make sure it’s easy to read; always consider your audience. If your plan is for 10 years, that is how many years your timeline should include. Good Example, but… Sometimes spellcheck doesn’t work on charts/graphs/images
  • 64. so always proofread (or have someone else proofread) your work. Simplified Marketing Yourself Plan for Personal/Professional Branding “Brand image exists in the minds of the audience members. It's the marketer’s job to shape that image accordingly.” Typical marketing plans require marketers to assess their own sets of resources, evaluate the marketplace, determine their target market(s), and then create a set of reasonable objectives (goals) with an accompanying set of appropriate strategies and tactics to reach those objectives. For this assignment, you will create a simplified marketing plan for your own personal and/or professional brand, i.e., “Brand You.” This could in itself be a daunting task, but fortunately, most of this has already been completed by you for you in previous class assignments.
  • 65. Simplified Personal/Professional Marketing Plan Elements 1. Plan introduction and duration. This is a brief introduction to the purpose of the plan, including the duration of its scope (1 year, 2 years, 3 years, etc.). The duration must be for at least one year. 2. Summary/synthesis of your personal raw materials. (This was accomplished as part of your Raw Materials Assessment.) Summarize and synthesize your personal raw materials in a manner that allows a reader to understand the opportunities and challenges that may face you as you construct and develop “Brand You.” 3. Market segment(s) that are to be targeted. (This was accomplished if you completed the Product/Audience Match assigned earlier in the semester.) This section should include any relevant portions from your Product/Audience Match Strategy assignment that would apply to this marketing plan: a) The potential target markets for your personal/professional brand (from “Part 1: List Current Audiences” and “Part 4: List Prospective Audiences”). b) Why these audiences are being targeted (from “Part 2: Importance of
  • 66. Current Audiences” and “Part 5: Importance of Prospective Audiences”). c) What the people in those segments desire in a person, employee, boss, etc.; that is, the attributes of the ideal candidate to be courted by that market segment (from “Part 3: What Current Audiences Want from You” and “Part 6: What Prospective Audiences Want from You”). Note: Even though you will only mention in this document the target segments that are applicable to this marketing plan, you must still include the complete Product/Audience Match Strategy assignment as an Appendix to this assignment. 4. Objectives/Goals for your brand. (Much of this was accomplished if you completed the Personal Marketing Strategy assigned earlier in the semester.) List at least five clearly identified goals that have a measurable component and a time (deadline) component. Delineate how each goal will be measured to ensure, eventually, that it has (or has not) been accomplished. You can have multiple-level objectives and combine this section with multiple-level strategies from the next section if desired. The key is that all objectives must lead you to your overall goal of winning the hearts of your target audience(s).
  • 67. NOTE: Even though you will only mention in this document any objectives/strategies that you feel are relevant to this marketing plan, you must still include the complete Personal Marketing Strategy assignment as an Appendix to this assignment. 5. Strategies and tactics designed to reach the objectives. (Much of this was accomplished if you completed the Personal Marketing Strategy assigned earlier in the semester.) Your strategies should have direct-line connections to the objectives they are designed to reach. As mentioned above (in Part 4), you can combine this section with the Objectives or leave it as a separate section. In either case, you must include a one-page figure/chart/image that depicts how the strategies and objectives are connected. 6. Marketing Plan Timeline. Create a timeline for your plan where you detail the start and end dates for each strategy and tactic. You must include a one-page figure/chart/image of the timeline. You can be as creative as you like to create the timeline. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
  • 68. 1 PART I: The Hearth and The Salamander IT WAS A PLEASURE TO BURN IT was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed. With the brass nozzle in his fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood pounded in his head, and his hands were the hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies of blazing and burning to bring down the tatters and charcoal ruins of history. With his symbolic helmet numbered 451 on his stolid head, and his eyes all orange flame with the thought of what came next, he flicked the igniter and the house jumped up in a gorging fire that burned the evening sky red and yellow and black. He strode in a swarm of fireflies. He wanted above all, like the old joke, to shove a marshmallow on a stick in the furnace, while the flapping pigeon-winged books died on the porch and lawn of the house. While the books went up in sparkling whirls and blew away on a wind turned dark with burning. Montag grinned the fierce grin of all men singed and driven back by flame. He knew that when he returned to the firehouse, he might wink at himself, a minstrel man, burnt- corked, in the mirror. Later, going to sleep, he would feel the fiery smile still gripped by his face muscles, in the dark. It never went away, that. smile, it never ever went away, as long as he remembered. He hung up his black-beetle-coloured helmet and shined it, he hung his flameproof jacket neatly; he
  • 69. showered luxuriously, and then, whistling, hands in pockets, walked across the upper floor of the fire station and fell down the hole. At the last moment, when disaster seemed positive, he pulled his hands from his pockets and broke his fall by grasping the golden pole. He slid to a squeaking halt, the heels one inch from the concrete floor downstairs. He walked out of the fire station and along the midnight street toward the subway where the silent, air-propelled train slid soundlessly down its lubricated flue in the earth and let him out with a great puff of warm air an to the cream-tiled escalator rising to the suburb. Whistling, he let the escalator waft him into the still night air. He walked toward the comer, thinking little at all about nothing in particular. Before he reached the corner, however, he slowed as if a wind had sprung up from nowhere, as if someone had called his name. The last few nights he had had the most uncertain feelings about the sidewalk just around the corner here, moving in the starlight toward his house. He had felt that a moment before his making the turn, someone had been there. The air seemed charged with a special calm as if someone had waited there, quietly, and only a moment before he came, simply turned to a shadow and let him through. Perhaps his nose detected a faint perfume, perhaps the skin on the backs of his hands, on his face, felt the temperature rise at this one spot where a person's standing might raise the immediate atmosphere ten degrees for an instant. There was no understanding it. Each time he made the turn, he saw only the white, unused, buckling sidewalk, with perhaps, on one night, something vanishing swiftly across a lawn before he could focus
  • 70. his eyes or speak. But now, tonight, he slowed almost to a stop. His inner mind, reaching out to turn the corner for him, had heard the faintest whisper. Breathing? Or was the atmosphere compressed merely by someone standing very quietly there, waiting? He turned the corner. The autumn leaves blew over the moonlit pavement in such a way as to make the girl who was moving there seem fixed to a sliding walk, letting the motion of the wind and the leaves carry her forward. Her head was half bent to watch her shoes stir the circling leaves. Her face was slender and milk-white, and in it was a kind of gentle hunger that touched over everything with tireless curiosity. It was a look, almost, of pale surprise; the dark eyes were so fixed to the world that no Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury 2 move escaped them. Her dress was white and it whispered. He almost thought he heard the motion of her hands as she walked, and the infinitely small sound now, the white stir of her face turning when she discovered she was a moment away from a man who stood in the middle of the pavement waiting. The trees overhead made a great sound of letting down their dry rain. The girl stopped and looked as if she might pull back in surprise, but instead stood regarding