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/////////Installaton of drupal8 //////// in PHP.INI /////////
A) change the value of this parameter
error_reporting= E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT
Before starting drupal install xampp with php7 version
B) open php.ini file, ctrl+f and find: opcache, and paste below code.
Add this parameter
engine = On
Restart the apache and mysql from xampp control panel..... | | Call at 91-9032803895
Drupal 8 Installation:
1)downlaod drupal8 from this link(
and unzip and place into your htdocs/druapal8 folder.
2) create database with name of drupal8
3) open browser and run this url : http://localhost/drupal8
4) select language as english
5) select installation profile : standard
6) see Requirements review : if any thing not enable then do it.
Note: PHP OPcode : not enable(how to enable it see below steps)
open php.ini file, ctrl+f and find : opcache, and paste below code. | | Call at 91-9032803895 | | Call at 91-9032803895
Most usefull module in drupal 8:
Admin Toolbar
Field Group
Module filter
Features -> allows you to transfer and use your website’s configurations and components
to other websites without any major issues
BigPipe -> module first renders the cached components of the page and then loads up the
dynamic components. website faster
ShareThis -> social media module
MailSystem -> Drupal 8 Newsletter Modules
Image Effects - responsive image
Config Installer (Advanced) - The config installer module allows you to install a new site
using existing configuration.
Devel (Intermediate) - Devel has been around a long time and is still a great module for
developer debugging
Panels / CTools / Page Manager (Intermediate) - Panels has been around for quite a while
and has now been completely rebuilt for Drupal 8.
Paragraphs / Entity Reference Revisions (Intermediate) - The paragraphs module is a
Mediacurrent favorite for a couple of reasons.
Redirect (Beginner) - Almost every new site needs to incorporate 301 redirects for old page
Search API (Intermediate) - The Search API suite of modules is a fantastic way to configure
9032803895 | | Call at 91-9032803895
Explore Drupal8 :
1) Node (Content): Page and article
node is the piece of content on your web site. The content type of the node will define
what fields are included with it. Depending on the type of node, different fields will be
there, and this is called a content type. For example, a basic Page content type has
attached fields such as title and body fields.
2) Entity types
An entity type is a useful abstraction to group together fields. Entity types are used to store
and display data, which can be nodes (content), comments, taxonomy terms, user profiles,
or something custom developed.
3) Comment
Comments are another type of content you can have on your site (if you have enabled the
core Comment module)
4) Taxonomy: Drupal has a system for classifying content known as taxonomy. This is
provided by the core Taxonomy module. You can define your own vocabularies (groups of
taxonomy terms) and add terms to each vocabulary.
5) User and user role
A user is a type of entity which represents a real-world website user. By default, a user has
a set of properties including their username, password, role, and e-mail address. | | Call at 91-9032803895
6) Module
A module is pre written code that extends Drupal functionality.
types of module:
a) Core modules are those Drupal installation. These can be turned on or off without
downloading additional components. Examples include Blog, Book, Poll, or Taxonomy.
b) Contributed modules are downloaded from the Modules download section of, and installed within your Drupal installation. Examples include Panels, Views or
c) Custom modules are modules you write yourself. This requires a thorough
understanding of Drupal, PHP programming, and Drupal's API.
7) Regions & Blocks
Pages on your Drupal site are laid out in Regions. These can include the header, footer,
sidebars, and main content regions. Your theme may define additional regions.
Blocks are discrete chunks of information that are displayed in the regions of your site's
pages. Blocks can take the form of static chunks of HTML or text, menus (which are for site
navigation), the output from modules. | | Call at 91-9032803895
8) Menus:
There are four standard menus in Drupal 7:
-The Main menu is built by site administrators and displayed automatically in the page
header of many themes (and if not, you can enable their blocks to display them).
-Management is the administration menu, and is presented in the Admin toolbar.
-Navigation is a catch-all menu that usually contains links supplied by modules on your
-User menu contains links to the User account and the logout link.
You can also create your own custom menus, and display them by enabling their
blocks.reordering menu items by setting their "weight"
9) Theme
The Theme layer is separate from the data layer, the functionality extension layer (module)
and Core. Theme controls the appearance (look and feel) of your site.
10) Views
Although not all sites have Views, most sites include the Views module because of the
excellent tools it provides. Views allows people to choose a list of nodes or other entities
and present them as pages, blocks, RSS feeds, or other formats. The main use case for
views is to create dynamically updating lists of content (for example, a listing of latest
news), based on properties of that content (in the case of the news listing, that the
content type is "News" and sorted by publication date, lastest news, top5 news). | | Call at 91-9032803895
11) Database
Drupal stores information in a database. Within this database, each type of information
has its own database table. For example, the basic information about the nodes of your
site are stored in the Node table, and each field stores its data in a separate table .
12) Path:
When you visit a URL within your Drupal site, the part of the URL after your base site
address is known as the path.
When you visit a path in your Drupal site, Drupal figures out what information should be
sent to your browser by checking its list of menu items and routes. Generally, Drupal allows
each module to define paths that the module will be responsible for.
13) Permissions:
Permissions can be set to control what users have access to view and/or edit particular
areas of a site. These permissions pertain to registered users (ie: administrators, content
editors, site members) and non-registered users. Permissions can be set to be very specific | | Call at 91-9032803895
14) Users, permissions, and roles
Every visitor to your site, whether they have an account and log in or visit the site
anonymously, is considered a user to Drupal. Every user also has a numeric user ID special
to the type of user.
Types of Users
Master Administrator
This user has the ID one (1). User of ID one (1) is the primary admin user account created
during Drupal installation. This user is very special because it has permission to do
absolutely everything on the site.
Logged In
These users are assigned a user ID when they register for the website. A user name and
email address is associated with any user that isn't anonymous (therefore must be logged
Anonymous users who visit the website but do not login all share a user ID of zero (0). | | Call at 91-9032803895
15) Content types:
A single web site could contain many types of content, such as informational pages, news
items, polls, blog posts, real estate listings, etc. In Drupal, each item of content is called a
node, and each node belongs to a single content type,
The Article content type (formerly, "story") is enabled in Drupal in the default installation
profile. Articles are generally used for information that is updated more frequently.
Basic page
The Basic page content type is enabled in Drupal in the default installation profile.
Blog Entry
The Blog (short for weblog) content type was removed in Drupal 8. It is an online journal or
Your own custom content type
You can create your own custom content types by going to Menu > Structure > Content
types > Add content type (admin/structure/types/add). You might do this as a way to
organize your content.
Understanding Drupal paths
In Drupal terms, a path is the unique end portion part of the URL for a specific function or
piece of content. For instance, for a page whose full URL is, the path is node/7. If your site is using clean URLs, the full
URL in this example would be; the path would still be node/7.
Also URL aliases can completely replace what visitors see as the URL, so the paths
discussed here are sometimes called internal paths. | | Call at 91-9032803895
Drupal is a powerful and flexible content management system for building virtually any
kind of website. What are you looking for Drupal to do for you? The following are some
areas that Drupal champions:
Custom Functionality: Are you frustrated with web site builders or limitations of
Wordpress? Drupal may be the answer. Drupal is highly customizable and even allows the
integration of web applications and mashups using third party APIs.
Flexible Implementation: Drupal allows your website to evolve in any direction. For
example, you may start with a blog but then want the option of adding other features like
a wiki, electronic commerce, forums, multiple content types, etc.
Complex Components: Complex forms, workflows, multilingual sites, and multi-sites can be
set up easily with Drupal. There are also over 16,000 Drupal modules available to provide
excellent functionality for your website, from commerce to directories and image galleries.
Configurable Website: Drupal can easily be configured to interact with other sites or
technologies. If you want, you can even configure it to interact with another Drupal site!
Customize-able Content Types: With Drupal, you have ability to create your own content
types. For example, you can create a custom format for directory listings or add a custom
field to a page(CCK module prebuild in drupal7 etc). This is one of the most used features
of Drupal.
List, Sort, & Search Information:
You can quickly organize and display lists of information.
On the other hand, for certain limited uses, Drupal may not be the best choice. If your only
requirement is to: | | Call at 91-9032803895
Write a personal blog: You may want to consider using a more specialized blogging
platform like WordPress or a hosted blogging solution like Blogger. Although Drupal can
serve as a blogging platform out-of-the-box, blog-specific software may have a less
technical administration interface and allow for simpler customization and posting.
Create a wiki: You should probably consider using dedicated wiki software like MediaWiki
or a hosted wiki solution. You can configure Drupal so that anyone can edit content (and
even enable advanced wiki features with the help of several contributed modules like
wikitools and Diff), but it may be simpler for you to use a more specialized solution.
Host discussion forums: You should consider a system such as SimpleMachines, phpBB, or
Vanilla. These all have a mature set of Forum features and many plug-ins. If you need a
custom forum, however, Drupal's forum module with forum enhancement modules like
Advanced Forum may be worth considering.
Is open source software secure? security and permissions
The short answer is that open source software is as secure or more secure (in general)
than proprietary software (where visibility of the source code is tightly guarded and heavily
restricted). A good summary of the relevant issues can be found in this article from IBM:
The security implications of open source software. The increased security of using open
source was cited as one reason the White House switched to Drupal. | | Call at 91-9032803895
How Drupal addresses common security vulnerabilities
Drupal's API and default configuration are designed to be secure when used in their
default modes. Issues like injection, cross-site scripting, session management, cross-site
request forgeries, and others, all have standard solutions in the Drupal API. For a more
detailed review of the topic please read the Drupal Security Report.
Why does Drupal have more (or fewer) security advisories than another project?
Unlike many proprietary projects owned by companies with commercial reputations and
certifications at stake, community-driven open source projects like Drupal have no
incentive to hide security vulnerabilities—or even possible vulnerabilities. The best interest
of the community is far more important than any commercial implications of being
transparent with potential security issues.
Backup & Migrate
The Backup & Migrate module facilitates emergency recovery and site migration. You can
configure it for automatic backups saved to the filesystem - with more frequent backups
during development.
Drush (Drupal Shell) is a command line utility written in PHP. To use Drush you need to
have shell (SSH) terminal access to your server and be able to install and configure the
Drush utility code.
Drush also integrates with the Backup & Migrate module | | Call at 91-9032803895
Hardcoding defined:
Hardcoding is the practice of making code tailored to handle very specific cases. Here are
some examples of hardcoding as applies to Drupal:
->Inserting an SQL query into a .tpl file
-> Writing a script that queries the database to make some changes to nodes
-> Using a regular expression on the output of a theming function to change one HTML
class into another
The above examples might work some or even all of the time. However, like hacking core,
efficacy alone is not sufficient to make them compatible with the "Drupal Way". Even
when hardcoding works - and it often doesn't work as expected - it comes at the cost of
that code's ability to handle a more general set of situations.
Why you should avoid hardcoding
Nobody would hardcode their Drupal site if it seemed like a bad idea to them. However,
there are a large number of posted fixes on Drupal
Working with content types and fields:
In Drupal, a Content Type is a pre-defined collection of data types (Fields) which relate to
one another by an informational context. In this sense, "context" means "parts that should
be considered as a correlated whole
Field. A category of data that can be added to an element, for example: Title, Body,
Comment body, Tags, Image.
Field type. The data type of a field, for example, text, integer, image.
Field instance. A field added to an element. | | Call at 91-9032803895
Recovering from disasters : Backup and recovery:::
Make drupal webste speedy fast:Monitoring performance
1) Turn on core page caching + Turn on core block caching + Enable built in CSS and JS
aggregation + Views caching Enable Views caching + Enable Views Content Cache
2) Enable Fast 404 + Enable Boost module in drupal
3) Disable bad core modules
Uninstall the Statistics module
4) simply disable the PHP Filter module:
The PHP Filter module allows you to use a PHP text format. This means that you can store
PHP in the database and run it on page load. This is both a security problem and a
performance problem and should never be done. All code should be in modules, not in the
5) Disable Update Manager
The Update Manager polls to check for modules that are out of date and ready
for an update to be applied. While it is essential that you know which modules need
updating, it does add load to the server to check. | | Call at 91-9032803895
6) Reducing the number of modules
Limit the number of modules in use
7) Disable and uninstall unused modules
8) You can find these modules using Clean Missing Modules or Missing Module and then
disable them.
9) You can find these modules using Clean Missing Modules or Missing Module and then
disable them.
10) Advanced caching
Install Entity Cache
Content, users, taxonomy terms are all Entities in Drupal 7. Most entities have fields and
when each entity is loaded, queries are performed to load the fields to. The end result is a
lot of queries!
11) Install Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation
While built in core CSS and Javascript aggregation does a decent enough job at reducing
the number of requests that the browser needs to do by aggregating it into one file, the
Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation module does this in a much more intelligent way. | | Call at 91-9032803895
12) Limit the number of times cron is run
Drupal 7 has a feature that allows cron to be run automatically without having to set it up
on the server. The downside is that it is run when a real user hits a page. By default, it will
run every 3 hours. This means that the first user to hit a page after that 3 hours will trigger
cron, making the page very slow for them.
13) Latest Version
It is very important that you are always running the latest version of Drupal as updates
generally contain bug fixes and performance improvements. You always want to keep the
core, contribs module, and themes updated.
14) Content Delivery Network
Implementing a Content Delivery Network (CDN) with Drupal is a fast and easy way to
instantly see decreased load times for your website. By doing this, you will ensure you are
serving your assets (product images, javascript, CSS) from multiple locations around the
globe so they are delivered faster to your visitors and reducing latency.
15) Lazy Load Images
Lazy loading images can an easy to dramatically increase your page load times by ensuring
the image will only load when it is visible to the browser window. The most popular Drupal
module for this is currently the "Image Lazyloader" with a little over 18,000 downloads. | | Call at 91-9032803895
why need disable cache
If you are working with theme/module development , every changes in twig file or css , we
have to clear cache. It is time consuming.
Drupal 8 Theming - Part 02 - Disable Cache, Enable Twig Debug
Note: you can do only on Development version of your website (Do not do on your live
version of your website)
1) Give the write permission to default folder- right click properties-uncheck readonly.
site/default/setting.php -> this file is readonly so right click and properties, uncheck
readonly-> apply ->ok
=>open setting.php : go in bottom line number 785, uncomment below:
if (file_exists($app_root . '/' . $site_path . '/settings.local.php')) {
include $app_root . '/' . $site_path . '/settings.local.php';
So that local setting override the default setting | | Call at 91-9032803895
2) copy example.settings.local which is there in site-folder and paste into default folder and
rename it with 'settings.local.php'
open : settings.local.php -> remove comment for this parameter
$config['system.performance']['css']['preprocess'] =
FALSE;$config['system.performance']['js']['preprocess'] = FALSE;
$settings['cache']['bins']['render'] = 'cache.backend.null';
$settings['cache']['bins']['page'] = 'cache.backend.null';
3) site/ -> add this line
http.response.debug_cacheability_headers: true
bebug: true
auto_reload: true
cache: false
4) go to admin->clear cache -> you will find some error.. here is solutions
5) localhost/drupal8_ibm/core/rebuild.php
6) go to admin->clear cache again last time | | Call at 91-9032803895
7) Make your this can be done only in Development version so once you want to make
website live .again you have to roll back this
-> open setting.php (comment that 3 line code)
-> delete settings.local.php
-> keep the right permission for setting.php and default folder.
8) some time ,default css will come coming in page, remove it
open .info file and write at bottom
- core/themes/stable/css/system/components/ajax-progress.module.css
system/base: false
Drupal will now locate your settings.local.php file, if it is exist when setting.php is loaded.
since local setting file will loaded last, any variable set there will be override setting in
default file. | | Call at 91-9032803895
7) Make your this can be done only in Development version so once you want to make
website live .again you have to roll back this
-> open setting.php (comment that 3 line code)
-> delete settings.local.php
-> keep the right permission for setting.php and default folder.
8) some time ,default css will come coming in page, remove it
open .info file and write at bottom
- core/themes/stable/css/system/components/ajax-progress.module.css
system/base: false
Drupal will now locate your settings.local.php file, if it is exist when setting.php is loaded.
since local setting file will loaded last, any variable set there will be override setting in
default file. | | Call at 91-9032803895
drupal 7 and drupal8 difference
Drupal 8 outputs semantic HTML5 markup by default, compared to XHTML in DRUPAL 7.
Besides jQuery v2.x Drupal 8 now includes more front-end libraries such
as Modernizr, Underscore.jsand Backbone.js.
Drupal 8's core RDFa module outputs markup.
Drupal 8 introduces Twig, which replaces PHPTemplate as the default theme engine. This
means the theme_* functions and PHP-based *.tpl.php files have been replaced
by *.html.twig templates ().
Drupal 8 enables by default features that improve performance such as CSS and JavaScript
Drupal 8 ships with new UI elements that you use in your own admin screens, including
modal dialogs and drop buttons.
Drupal 8 ships with responsive features such as responsive themes, toolbar, images, and
Drupal 8 is now replaced by attaching JS/CSS assets in the #attached property of a render
array using libraries.
Drupal 8 drops support for IE 6, 7 and 8, enabling the use of jQuery 2.0 and other code
that assumes modern HTML5/CSS3 browser support.
Drupal 8 does not support browsers that do not support SVG(including IE8 and Android
Browser 2.3)
Drupal 8 contains fewer IDs than Drupal 7's CSS.
Drupal 8's CSS (file) structure is based on SMACSS & BEM. | | Call at 91-9032803895
New Features of Drupal 8
Views :
Views is a contributed module in previous Drupal versions. File structure has changed in
Drupal 8, now views is a core module in Drupal 8.
Inline Editor :
The inline editor helps to edit the content of a page without going to the edit page. If you
want to change some content in the body, then click edit and you can edit the content.
Object Oriented Programming :
Drupal 8 comes with Object Oriented Programming concepts for the most part of the
system. Symfony framework used in Drupal 8. It has MVC architecture. This makes the
code easy to maintain, scale, and reuse.
Mobile friendly:
Drupal 8 is mobile friendly. The default themes ( Bartik, Seven, and Stark) uses responsive
design. The purpose of responsive design is to change the layout based on the size and
capabilities of the device. The new administration experience provides lightweight
features. | | Call at 91-9032803895
CKEditor :
CkEditor is one of the core modules in Drupal 8. CKEditor is a visual html editor used for
editing web pages. CKEditor is designed to bring common word processor features directly
to the web pages thus simplifying their content creation.
Picture :
Picture Module is one of the new modules that have HTML5. It automatically resizes the
image for different screens.
Improved Multilingual functionality is another feature of Drupal 8. With Drupal 8 you can:
Multi-Translate anything in the sys2tem with built-in user interfaces.
Build web pages with Views language filtering and block visibility.
Get software translation updates automatically from the Drupal community.
REST stands for Representational State Transfer. Rest is a web service. REST is used to
interact with other applications.
These interactions are mainly for creating, reading, updating and deleting resources.
New Field types :
Email Field : Email Field automatically validates the e-mail address and generates a
'mailto:' link when displayed.
Telephone : Generates a 'tel:' link when displayed. Useful for telephony apps like Skype and
other phone systems for making calls. | | Call at 91-9032803895
How to do SEO friendly Url in drupal8:
1) pathautho, token, and Ctool module download and install.
2) admin -> configuration -> url alias -> pattern tab
3) admin -> content-> Action Dropdown (Update url alias) -> Apply to selected Item.
implementing drop down menu in drupal 8
1) and search "superfish in drupal 8.0"
2) url to download superfish : download and install
3) create folder with this name in give path: Paste the files which you download just now
4) Admin - > structure -> menu -> main menu -> Click on "links"
5) Go to block page - > you can see Superfish 1 (Superfish) in disable block , you can select
header region for this "Superfish 1 (Superfish)“
Drupal8 best theme:
1) Drupal8 Zymphonies Theme
2) awesome zymphonies theme
News zymphonies :
3) Business Responsive Theme | | Call at 91-9032803895
Thanks for listening this topics

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Drupal8 corporate training in Hyderabad

  • 1. | | Call at 91-9032803895 Trainer Profile and Experience
  • 2. RUCHIWEBSOLUTIONS.COM | Call at 91- 9032803895
  • 3. | | Call at 91-9032803895 /////////Installaton of drupal8 //////// in PHP.INI ///////// A) change the value of this parameter short_open_tag=On max_execution_time=300 max_input_time=300 error_reporting= E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT upload_max_filesize=50M post_max_size=80M Before starting drupal install xampp with php7 version B) open php.ini file, ctrl+f and find: opcache, and paste below code. Add this parameter opcache.memory_consumption=128 opcache.interned_strings_buffer=8 opcache.max_accelerated_files=4000 opcache.revalidate_freq=60 opcache.fast_shutdown=1 opcache.enable_cli=1 [php] engine = On zend_extension=php_opcache.dll Restart the apache and mysql from xampp control panel.....
  • 4. | | Call at 91-9032803895 Drupal 8 Installation: 1)downlaod drupal8 from this link( and unzip and place into your htdocs/druapal8 folder. 2) create database with name of drupal8 3) open browser and run this url : http://localhost/drupal8 4) select language as english 5) select installation profile : standard 6) see Requirements review : if any thing not enable then do it. Note: PHP OPcode : not enable(how to enable it see below steps) Note: NO NEED TO DO THIS. YOU HAVE DONE THIS ALREADY. open php.ini file, ctrl+f and find : opcache, and paste below code.
  • 6. | | Call at 91-9032803895 Most usefull module in drupal 8: Admin Toolbar Field Group Linkit Module filter PathAuto Features -> allows you to transfer and use your website’s configurations and components to other websites without any major issues BigPipe -> module first renders the cached components of the page and then loads up the dynamic components. website faster ShareThis -> social media module MailSystem -> Drupal 8 Newsletter Modules Image Effects - responsive image Config Installer (Advanced) - The config installer module allows you to install a new site using existing configuration. Devel (Intermediate) - Devel has been around a long time and is still a great module for developer debugging Panels / CTools / Page Manager (Intermediate) - Panels has been around for quite a while and has now been completely rebuilt for Drupal 8. Paragraphs / Entity Reference Revisions (Intermediate) - The paragraphs module is a Mediacurrent favorite for a couple of reasons. Redirect (Beginner) - Almost every new site needs to incorporate 301 redirects for old page URLs. Search API (Intermediate) - The Search API suite of modules is a fantastic way to configure
  • 7. RUCHIWEBSOLUTIONS.COM | Call at 91- 9032803895
  • 8. | | Call at 91-9032803895 Explore Drupal8 : 1) Node (Content): Page and article node is the piece of content on your web site. The content type of the node will define what fields are included with it. Depending on the type of node, different fields will be there, and this is called a content type. For example, a basic Page content type has attached fields such as title and body fields. 2) Entity types An entity type is a useful abstraction to group together fields. Entity types are used to store and display data, which can be nodes (content), comments, taxonomy terms, user profiles, or something custom developed. 3) Comment Comments are another type of content you can have on your site (if you have enabled the core Comment module) 4) Taxonomy: Drupal has a system for classifying content known as taxonomy. This is provided by the core Taxonomy module. You can define your own vocabularies (groups of taxonomy terms) and add terms to each vocabulary. 5) User and user role A user is a type of entity which represents a real-world website user. By default, a user has a set of properties including their username, password, role, and e-mail address.
  • 9. | | Call at 91-9032803895 6) Module A module is pre written code that extends Drupal functionality. types of module: a) Core modules are those Drupal installation. These can be turned on or off without downloading additional components. Examples include Blog, Book, Poll, or Taxonomy. b) Contributed modules are downloaded from the Modules download section of, and installed within your Drupal installation. Examples include Panels, Views or Metatag. c) Custom modules are modules you write yourself. This requires a thorough understanding of Drupal, PHP programming, and Drupal's API. 7) Regions & Blocks Pages on your Drupal site are laid out in Regions. These can include the header, footer, sidebars, and main content regions. Your theme may define additional regions. Blocks are discrete chunks of information that are displayed in the regions of your site's pages. Blocks can take the form of static chunks of HTML or text, menus (which are for site navigation), the output from modules.
  • 10. | | Call at 91-9032803895 8) Menus: There are four standard menus in Drupal 7: -The Main menu is built by site administrators and displayed automatically in the page header of many themes (and if not, you can enable their blocks to display them). -Management is the administration menu, and is presented in the Admin toolbar. -Navigation is a catch-all menu that usually contains links supplied by modules on your site. -User menu contains links to the User account and the logout link. You can also create your own custom menus, and display them by enabling their blocks.reordering menu items by setting their "weight" 9) Theme The Theme layer is separate from the data layer, the functionality extension layer (module) and Core. Theme controls the appearance (look and feel) of your site. 10) Views Although not all sites have Views, most sites include the Views module because of the excellent tools it provides. Views allows people to choose a list of nodes or other entities and present them as pages, blocks, RSS feeds, or other formats. The main use case for views is to create dynamically updating lists of content (for example, a listing of latest news), based on properties of that content (in the case of the news listing, that the content type is "News" and sorted by publication date, lastest news, top5 news).
  • 11. | | Call at 91-9032803895 11) Database Drupal stores information in a database. Within this database, each type of information has its own database table. For example, the basic information about the nodes of your site are stored in the Node table, and each field stores its data in a separate table . 12) Path: When you visit a URL within your Drupal site, the part of the URL after your base site address is known as the path. When you visit a path in your Drupal site, Drupal figures out what information should be sent to your browser by checking its list of menu items and routes. Generally, Drupal allows each module to define paths that the module will be responsible for. 13) Permissions: Permissions can be set to control what users have access to view and/or edit particular areas of a site. These permissions pertain to registered users (ie: administrators, content editors, site members) and non-registered users. Permissions can be set to be very specific
  • 12. | | Call at 91-9032803895 14) Users, permissions, and roles Every visitor to your site, whether they have an account and log in or visit the site anonymously, is considered a user to Drupal. Every user also has a numeric user ID special to the type of user. Types of Users Master Administrator This user has the ID one (1). User of ID one (1) is the primary admin user account created during Drupal installation. This user is very special because it has permission to do absolutely everything on the site. Logged In These users are assigned a user ID when they register for the website. A user name and email address is associated with any user that isn't anonymous (therefore must be logged in). Anonymous Anonymous users who visit the website but do not login all share a user ID of zero (0).
  • 13. | | Call at 91-9032803895 15) Content types: A single web site could contain many types of content, such as informational pages, news items, polls, blog posts, real estate listings, etc. In Drupal, each item of content is called a node, and each node belongs to a single content type, Article The Article content type (formerly, "story") is enabled in Drupal in the default installation profile. Articles are generally used for information that is updated more frequently. Basic page The Basic page content type is enabled in Drupal in the default installation profile. Blog Entry The Blog (short for weblog) content type was removed in Drupal 8. It is an online journal or diary. Your own custom content type You can create your own custom content types by going to Menu > Structure > Content types > Add content type (admin/structure/types/add). You might do this as a way to organize your content. Understanding Drupal paths In Drupal terms, a path is the unique end portion part of the URL for a specific function or piece of content. For instance, for a page whose full URL is, the path is node/7. If your site is using clean URLs, the full URL in this example would be; the path would still be node/7. Also URL aliases can completely replace what visitors see as the URL, so the paths discussed here are sometimes called internal paths.
  • 14. | | Call at 91-9032803895 Drupal is a powerful and flexible content management system for building virtually any kind of website. What are you looking for Drupal to do for you? The following are some areas that Drupal champions: Custom Functionality: Are you frustrated with web site builders or limitations of Wordpress? Drupal may be the answer. Drupal is highly customizable and even allows the integration of web applications and mashups using third party APIs. Flexible Implementation: Drupal allows your website to evolve in any direction. For example, you may start with a blog but then want the option of adding other features like a wiki, electronic commerce, forums, multiple content types, etc. Complex Components: Complex forms, workflows, multilingual sites, and multi-sites can be set up easily with Drupal. There are also over 16,000 Drupal modules available to provide excellent functionality for your website, from commerce to directories and image galleries. Configurable Website: Drupal can easily be configured to interact with other sites or technologies. If you want, you can even configure it to interact with another Drupal site! Customize-able Content Types: With Drupal, you have ability to create your own content types. For example, you can create a custom format for directory listings or add a custom field to a page(CCK module prebuild in drupal7 etc). This is one of the most used features of Drupal. List, Sort, & Search Information: You can quickly organize and display lists of information. On the other hand, for certain limited uses, Drupal may not be the best choice. If your only requirement is to:
  • 15. | | Call at 91-9032803895 Write a personal blog: You may want to consider using a more specialized blogging platform like WordPress or a hosted blogging solution like Blogger. Although Drupal can serve as a blogging platform out-of-the-box, blog-specific software may have a less technical administration interface and allow for simpler customization and posting. Create a wiki: You should probably consider using dedicated wiki software like MediaWiki or a hosted wiki solution. You can configure Drupal so that anyone can edit content (and even enable advanced wiki features with the help of several contributed modules like wikitools and Diff), but it may be simpler for you to use a more specialized solution. Host discussion forums: You should consider a system such as SimpleMachines, phpBB, or Vanilla. These all have a mature set of Forum features and many plug-ins. If you need a custom forum, however, Drupal's forum module with forum enhancement modules like Advanced Forum may be worth considering. Is open source software secure? security and permissions The short answer is that open source software is as secure or more secure (in general) than proprietary software (where visibility of the source code is tightly guarded and heavily restricted). A good summary of the relevant issues can be found in this article from IBM: The security implications of open source software. The increased security of using open source was cited as one reason the White House switched to Drupal.
  • 16. | | Call at 91-9032803895 How Drupal addresses common security vulnerabilities Drupal's API and default configuration are designed to be secure when used in their default modes. Issues like injection, cross-site scripting, session management, cross-site request forgeries, and others, all have standard solutions in the Drupal API. For a more detailed review of the topic please read the Drupal Security Report. Why does Drupal have more (or fewer) security advisories than another project? Unlike many proprietary projects owned by companies with commercial reputations and certifications at stake, community-driven open source projects like Drupal have no incentive to hide security vulnerabilities—or even possible vulnerabilities. The best interest of the community is far more important than any commercial implications of being transparent with potential security issues. Backup & Migrate The Backup & Migrate module facilitates emergency recovery and site migration. You can configure it for automatic backups saved to the filesystem - with more frequent backups during development. Drush Drush (Drupal Shell) is a command line utility written in PHP. To use Drush you need to have shell (SSH) terminal access to your server and be able to install and configure the Drush utility code. Drush also integrates with the Backup & Migrate module
  • 17. | | Call at 91-9032803895 Hardcoding defined: Hardcoding is the practice of making code tailored to handle very specific cases. Here are some examples of hardcoding as applies to Drupal: ->Inserting an SQL query into a .tpl file -> Writing a script that queries the database to make some changes to nodes -> Using a regular expression on the output of a theming function to change one HTML class into another The above examples might work some or even all of the time. However, like hacking core, efficacy alone is not sufficient to make them compatible with the "Drupal Way". Even when hardcoding works - and it often doesn't work as expected - it comes at the cost of that code's ability to handle a more general set of situations. Why you should avoid hardcoding Nobody would hardcode their Drupal site if it seemed like a bad idea to them. However, there are a large number of posted fixes on Drupal Working with content types and fields: In Drupal, a Content Type is a pre-defined collection of data types (Fields) which relate to one another by an informational context. In this sense, "context" means "parts that should be considered as a correlated whole Field. A category of data that can be added to an element, for example: Title, Body, Comment body, Tags, Image. Field type. The data type of a field, for example, text, integer, image. Field instance. A field added to an element.
  • 18. | | Call at 91-9032803895 Recovering from disasters : Backup and recovery::: Make drupal webste speedy fast:Monitoring performance 1) Turn on core page caching + Turn on core block caching + Enable built in CSS and JS aggregation + Views caching Enable Views caching + Enable Views Content Cache 2) Enable Fast 404 + Enable Boost module in drupal 3) Disable bad core modules Uninstall the Statistics module 4) simply disable the PHP Filter module: The PHP Filter module allows you to use a PHP text format. This means that you can store PHP in the database and run it on page load. This is both a security problem and a performance problem and should never be done. All code should be in modules, not in the database. 5) Disable Update Manager The Update Manager polls to check for modules that are out of date and ready for an update to be applied. While it is essential that you know which modules need updating, it does add load to the server to check.
  • 19. | | Call at 91-9032803895 6) Reducing the number of modules Limit the number of modules in use 7) Disable and uninstall unused modules 8) You can find these modules using Clean Missing Modules or Missing Module and then disable them. 9) You can find these modules using Clean Missing Modules or Missing Module and then disable them. 10) Advanced caching Install Entity Cache Content, users, taxonomy terms are all Entities in Drupal 7. Most entities have fields and when each entity is loaded, queries are performed to load the fields to. The end result is a lot of queries! 11) Install Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation While built in core CSS and Javascript aggregation does a decent enough job at reducing the number of requests that the browser needs to do by aggregating it into one file, the Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation module does this in a much more intelligent way.
  • 20. | | Call at 91-9032803895 12) Limit the number of times cron is run Drupal 7 has a feature that allows cron to be run automatically without having to set it up on the server. The downside is that it is run when a real user hits a page. By default, it will run every 3 hours. This means that the first user to hit a page after that 3 hours will trigger cron, making the page very slow for them. 13) Latest Version It is very important that you are always running the latest version of Drupal as updates generally contain bug fixes and performance improvements. You always want to keep the core, contribs module, and themes updated. 14) Content Delivery Network Implementing a Content Delivery Network (CDN) with Drupal is a fast and easy way to instantly see decreased load times for your website. By doing this, you will ensure you are serving your assets (product images, javascript, CSS) from multiple locations around the globe so they are delivered faster to your visitors and reducing latency. 15) Lazy Load Images Lazy loading images can an easy to dramatically increase your page load times by ensuring the image will only load when it is visible to the browser window. The most popular Drupal module for this is currently the "Image Lazyloader" with a little over 18,000 downloads.
  • 21. | | Call at 91-9032803895 WHEN EVER YOU WORK IN DRUPAL 8 SPECIALLY IN THE THEME DEVELOPMENT SPECIALLY IN THE MODULE DEVELOPMENT IF ANY SINGLE CHAGNES IN DRUPAL SYSTEM, WE HAVE TO CLEAR CATCHE.. BIG HEADACHE…. HERE IS SOLUTIONS……. why need disable cache --------------------- If you are working with theme/module development , every changes in twig file or css , we have to clear cache. It is time consuming. Drupal 8 Theming - Part 02 - Disable Cache, Enable Twig Debug Note: you can do only on Development version of your website (Do not do on your live version of your website) 1) Give the write permission to default folder- right click properties-uncheck readonly. site/default/setting.php -> this file is readonly so right click and properties, uncheck readonly-> apply ->ok =>open setting.php : go in bottom line number 785, uncomment below: if (file_exists($app_root . '/' . $site_path . '/settings.local.php')) { include $app_root . '/' . $site_path . '/settings.local.php'; } So that local setting override the default setting
  • 22. | | Call at 91-9032803895 2) copy example.settings.local which is there in site-folder and paste into default folder and rename it with 'settings.local.php' open : settings.local.php -> remove comment for this parameter $config['system.performance']['css']['preprocess'] = FALSE;$config['system.performance']['js']['preprocess'] = FALSE; $settings['cache']['bins']['render'] = 'cache.backend.null'; $settings['cache']['bins']['page'] = 'cache.backend.null'; 3) site/ -> add this line parameters: http.response.debug_cacheability_headers: true twig.config: bebug: true auto_reload: true cache: false 4) go to admin->clear cache -> you will find some error.. here is solutions 5) localhost/drupal8_ibm/core/rebuild.php 6) go to admin->clear cache again last time
  • 23. | | Call at 91-9032803895 7) Make your this can be done only in Development version so once you want to make website live .again you have to roll back this -> open setting.php (comment that 3 line code) -> delete settings.local.php -> keep the right permission for setting.php and default folder. 8) some time ,default css will come coming in page, remove it open .info file and write at bottom stylesheets-remove: - core/themes/stable/css/system/components/ajax-progress.module.css libraries-override: system/base: false Drupal will now locate your settings.local.php file, if it is exist when setting.php is loaded. since local setting file will loaded last, any variable set there will be override setting in default file.
  • 24. | | Call at 91-9032803895 7) Make your this can be done only in Development version so once you want to make website live .again you have to roll back this -> open setting.php (comment that 3 line code) -> delete settings.local.php -> keep the right permission for setting.php and default folder. 8) some time ,default css will come coming in page, remove it open .info file and write at bottom stylesheets-remove: - core/themes/stable/css/system/components/ajax-progress.module.css libraries-override: system/base: false Drupal will now locate your settings.local.php file, if it is exist when setting.php is loaded. since local setting file will loaded last, any variable set there will be override setting in default file.
  • 25. | | Call at 91-9032803895 drupal 7 and drupal8 difference Drupal 8 outputs semantic HTML5 markup by default, compared to XHTML in DRUPAL 7. Besides jQuery v2.x Drupal 8 now includes more front-end libraries such as Modernizr, Underscore.jsand Backbone.js. Drupal 8's core RDFa module outputs markup. Drupal 8 introduces Twig, which replaces PHPTemplate as the default theme engine. This means the theme_* functions and PHP-based *.tpl.php files have been replaced by *.html.twig templates (). Drupal 8 enables by default features that improve performance such as CSS and JavaScript aggregation. Drupal 8 ships with new UI elements that you use in your own admin screens, including modal dialogs and drop buttons. Drupal 8 ships with responsive features such as responsive themes, toolbar, images, and tables. Drupal 8 is now replaced by attaching JS/CSS assets in the #attached property of a render array using libraries. Drupal 8 drops support for IE 6, 7 and 8, enabling the use of jQuery 2.0 and other code that assumes modern HTML5/CSS3 browser support. Drupal 8 does not support browsers that do not support SVG(including IE8 and Android Browser 2.3) Drupal 8 contains fewer IDs than Drupal 7's CSS. Drupal 8's CSS (file) structure is based on SMACSS & BEM.
  • 26. | | Call at 91-9032803895 New Features of Drupal 8 Views : Views is a contributed module in previous Drupal versions. File structure has changed in Drupal 8, now views is a core module in Drupal 8. Inline Editor : The inline editor helps to edit the content of a page without going to the edit page. If you want to change some content in the body, then click edit and you can edit the content. Object Oriented Programming : Drupal 8 comes with Object Oriented Programming concepts for the most part of the system. Symfony framework used in Drupal 8. It has MVC architecture. This makes the code easy to maintain, scale, and reuse. Mobile friendly: Drupal 8 is mobile friendly. The default themes ( Bartik, Seven, and Stark) uses responsive design. The purpose of responsive design is to change the layout based on the size and capabilities of the device. The new administration experience provides lightweight features.
  • 27. | | Call at 91-9032803895 CKEditor : CkEditor is one of the core modules in Drupal 8. CKEditor is a visual html editor used for editing web pages. CKEditor is designed to bring common word processor features directly to the web pages thus simplifying their content creation. Picture : Picture Module is one of the new modules that have HTML5. It automatically resizes the image for different screens. Multilingual: Improved Multilingual functionality is another feature of Drupal 8. With Drupal 8 you can: Multi-Translate anything in the sys2tem with built-in user interfaces. Build web pages with Views language filtering and block visibility. Get software translation updates automatically from the Drupal community. REST : REST stands for Representational State Transfer. Rest is a web service. REST is used to interact with other applications. These interactions are mainly for creating, reading, updating and deleting resources. New Field types : Email Field : Email Field automatically validates the e-mail address and generates a 'mailto:' link when displayed. Telephone : Generates a 'tel:' link when displayed. Useful for telephony apps like Skype and other phone systems for making calls.
  • 28. | | Call at 91-9032803895 How to do SEO friendly Url in drupal8: 1) pathautho, token, and Ctool module download and install. 2) admin -> configuration -> url alias -> pattern tab 3) admin -> content-> Action Dropdown (Update url alias) -> Apply to selected Item. implementing drop down menu in drupal 8 --------------------------------------------------------- 1) and search "superfish in drupal 8.0" 2) url to download superfish : download and install 3) create folder with this name in give path: Paste the files which you download just now sites/all/libraries/superfish 4) Admin - > structure -> menu -> main menu -> Click on "links" 5) Go to block page - > you can see Superfish 1 (Superfish) in disable block , you can select header region for this "Superfish 1 (Superfish)“ Drupal8 best theme: 1) Drupal8 Zymphonies Theme 2) awesome zymphonies theme News zymphonies : 3) Business Responsive Theme
  • 29. | | Call at 91-9032803895 Thanks for listening this topics

Editor's Notes

  1. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  2. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  3. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  4. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  5. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
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  7. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  8. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  9. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  10. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  11. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  12. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  13. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  14. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  15. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  16. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  17. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  18. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  19. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  20. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  21. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  22. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  23. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  24. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  25. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  26. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  27. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  28. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview
  29. Welcome to Drupal 8 Overview