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Dreams and Their Interpretation Essay
"Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious."
― Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams
"My dream was grey and foggy. It started off at the beach with my 2 year old son and boyfriend.
The beach was in a glass box. My son then had an identical twin and they were getting washed away
by the water. I yelled for my boyfriend to help me but he refused to help. I finally was able to save
my son and the twin from the waves. I Then take my son and walk out of the glass box. I no longer
have my son and there is a black spiral staircase. I was walking down it with blackness around me.
Then a little doll in a white nightgown was below me on the steps. I felt so afraid that I jumped over
the railing and into The darkness."
If it ... Show more content on ...
So where does this leave you? At one time or another you will be wondering, "what did that dream
mean?". If there are so many different answers to the same question, how will you ever figure out
which one is right? Don't be under the impression that you will find a right answer. Thinkers dating
back to Aristotle have grappled with the issue in one way or another. Experimentation has been
preformed, both psychological and biological, yet no one can definitively state what purpose dreams
serve, or what they mean. Since there is no one answer to the question of dream interpretation, the
best you can hope for is to learn about several of the existing approaches and determine what you
will choose to believe.
All of the approaches to understanding dreams reflect the movement of societal thought. The initial
beliefs involved gods, temples, and faith. At the times when the cultural beliefs on dreams were
established the explanations for most worldly events involved these elements. As time passed
society, particularly Western society, became more individual oriented. With this came the
psychological approaches to dreams. These approaches reflect the general tenets of the psychology
of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. They look for answers to the workings of the
human psyche by delving into the subconscious, which was presumed to be shaped by either
childhood experiences, repressed desires, or a collective unconscious. Finally, the
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Freud's Interpretation Of Dreams Research Paper
Sigmund Freud was undoubtedly one of the most influential people in the development of thought
during the 20th century. His theory that our minds guard memories and emotions in our
subconscious transformed the way humans studied the human mind.
Freud said that throughout history there were three great humiliations. The discovery of Galileo that
we are not the center of the Universe. The discovery of Darwin, that we are not the crown of
creation. And his own discovery, that we do not control our own mind. One of Freud's most
important discoveries is that emotions buried in the subconscious surface rise to the conscious
surface during dreams and that remembering fragments of dreams can help to uncover buried
emotions and memories.
Throughout his well–known work, The Interpretation of Dreams, Freud uses his own dreams as
examples to demonstrate his theory on the psychology of dreams. Freud distinguishes between the ...
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It consists in that a single representation represents, by itself, several associative chains, in the
intersection of which it is. In the dreams is where the condensation is evidenced more constitutes
one of the essential mechanisms of the "work of the dream": the content or manifest account is much
less compared to latent content; In fact, it is a kind of abbreviated translation. The mechanism of
condensation also appears in the technique of joke, of "lapsus linguae", of forgetting words.
Displacement, on the other hand, is a dream–making mechanism by which the fundamental meaning
of sleep can appear in the manifest content of an accessory or secondary element and, on the other
hand, the most important element of manifest content presented as an element Secondary to
authentic meaning. This mechanism moves the meaning from the central part of the dream to its
accessory places, hiding the dreamer from the dream
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Frankenstein Interpretation Of Dreams Essay
Although written several decades before Sigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams, dreams are
an important window into the mind of the protagonist in Mary Shelley's gothic novel, Frankenstein.
Victor Frankenstein's dreams about his love, Elizabeth Lavenza, dying in his arms and his creation
strangling him, prove that Victor cannot escape his problems even when he sleeps. Victor's
nightmares expose what is occurring inside him. He physically attempts to avoid his problems by
running away, but the problems are too significant. Victor Frankenstein's dreams foreshadow his
future and show his inability to claim responsibility for his controversial experiments. Away at
university, his bizarre experimentation and excessive studying influence his
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Analysis Of Joyce Carol Oates'sWhere Are You Going, Where...
As teenage girls progress through life, the need to be perfect rides on their back, causing dreams and
the fulfillment of wishes to be yearned for. The ultimate need to be beautiful creates life long effects
within the minds of woman, later generating the demand of many unrealistic aspirations. While
many believe that dreaming is a figment of the imagination, it can be described as a longing desire
of hopeful achievements, expectations and future goals. For example, in Sigmund Freud's book "The
Interpretation of Dreams" he states, " dreams are nothing other than the fulfillment of wishes"(Freud
118). Throughout "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" by Joyce Carol Oates, the
author uses setting, characterization, and plot to portray Connie's mentality of being stuck in a
Within the short story, one may see that the setting and Connie's surroundings play an important role
in characterizing moments of total equilibrium and satisfaction. As she is enclosed upon many
environmental changes, Connie's depictions are decided upon where she is located and what
different obstacles she is confronted with. According to the author, while she was at the drive in
movie "She drew her shoulders up and sucked in her breath with the pure pleasure of being alive"
(Oates 2). During the time she is away from life at home, Connie receives a sense of true freedom
she has never felt before, a feeling in which someone in only a calming daze would encounter. She
is confronted with many
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Dream Interpretation Research Paper
My Dream Interpretation Paper
My dream was more of a nightmare that occurred when I was very young. I remember laying in my
mother's bed while she was sleeping, and as I was laying there, I heard heavy footsteps approaching
her bedroom door. I don't know why, but I just couldn't look away from the dim hallway where the
footsteps were coming down. As the footsteps got closer and closer, I began to shift under my mom
as if she was some sort of wall that blocked me from the uninvited stranger that was about to enter
my mom's room. At that moment everything slowed down, and then suddenly one brown boot
appeared, and following was the other, and after that, I don't remember anything else.
Since my dream was so vivid, it would fall under the "Activation–Synthesis"
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The Importance Of The American Dream
What exactly is the American Dream? The dream is the idea of achieving success and happiness
through hard work and determination. It is about being impressive and having a job, house, family,
and a successful life. According the Dream, the only way to live a successful and well–lived life is
by living up to the standards. Although Langston Hughes argues that life would be meaningless
without dreams, the American Dream sets very high expectations for society and these expectations
can consume all of their time and focus. Aimee Picchi Moneywatch believes that the American
Dream is a myth and there is little chance of someone actually achieving the Dream's version of
success. The so called "American Dream" is an unrealistic goal that many people try to attain but
end up failing to do so because they have wrong vision of what the dream really is and how to go
about achieving it.
The American Dream is an unrealistic standard that many Americans feel obligated to achieve and if
they don't, society looks down upon them. The Dream is unrealistic because people are constantly
getting new jobs and do not have a steady job that comes with a steady pay. Also, marriages do not
always work out and their families are often separated. Often in life, people do not have enough
money to pay for things even if they do have a steady job, and people do not always get the house
that is expected for one to have according to the Dream. Therefore in today's society, many people
are not living up to
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Sigmund Freud's Interpretation Of Dreams
Sigmund Freud is considered the father of the dream theory. His book, The Interpretation of Dreams
(1900), was very influential in the twentieth century and continues to captivate people today. Over
many years of psychoanalysis, Freud found a correlation between socially unacceptable desires and
the content of dreams (Freud, 1900). This lead him to the conclusion that dreams are the
manifestation of wishes that are suppressed by the person because they are not socially acceptable
(Freud, 1900). He separated content into two categories, manifest and latent (Freud, 1900). Manifest
content of a dream is the actual literal subject–matter presented in the dream while latent content in
the underlying symbols a dream is trying to present to the dreamer ... Show more content on ...
When a person is awake, they are more aware of the world around them and are able to transmit
clear information reflecting the changes in the environment. While some information about the
surroundings is consciously adjusted for, there is a lot of information the brain does not focus on
because it would be bombarded by unnecessary stimuli. For example, we do not feel our clothes on
our body actively throughout the day. The brain is able to override the information coming into the
system and dull the receptors. Likewise, on a daily bases we pass people and interact with random
strangers that after the second interaction we have with them we forge about, however the brain
continues to process and code this information. It is theorized that as a result of all this incoming
information, the brain uses the visual system to sort through the stimuli, which we perceive as
dreams.The information sorting allows the brain to "clean out" unnecessary information and store
the useful ideas into the long– term memory, known as the housekeeping theory (Perry, 1999). This
explains why events of the day prior end up in a
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Dream Interpretation Informative Speech Essay
Name: Holly McCallen
SPCH 2010–103
Informative Speech
TITLE: Dream Interpretation
Type of Informative Speech:
Speech Design: Categorical
I. Introduction A. Attention Material: "Dreams feel weird while we are in them. It's only when we
wake up that we realize something was actually strange (Inception, the movie)." Have you ever been
curious about what your dreams actually mean? B. Credibility material: There have been many
times in my life where I have either woke up in the middle of the night from a horrible nightmare or
woke up in the morning trying to recall my dreams. I have spent a lot of time researching what my
dreams mean. C. Statement of Relevance: Dreams are something we all experience ... Show more
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Main Point #2: Facts about Dreams 1. Your body goes through 4 stages of sleep. REM (rapid eye
movement) is the 4th stage and when you do most of your dreaming. "While you are dreaming, your
body undergoes noticeable changes. Your adrenaline rises, your blood pressure increases, and you
heart beats faster. Given this hyperactivity, it should be no surprise how someone with a weak heart
can die in their sleep (" It usually takes 30–90 minutes to reach REM, a person
goes in and out of REM 4–7 times a night. During REM your eyes rapidly move back and forth
under the eyelids. Our bodies are completely immobile and muscles are relaxed. You may shift
around in your sleep but when in REM you are completely still. 2. states that
Researchers have found why dreaming is so important and if you do not enter the dream phase it
causes irritability and anxiety. They performed a study, where they would wake up a person right
before they entered the REM stage, and then let the person fall back asleep, and then wake them up
again and do this several times during the night. They repeated this over several nights. They then
observed the subjects doing everyday activities and found they were disoriented, crabby, and quick
tempered. Dreaming is necessary and helps to recharge the mind and visualize the body. 3.
According to the site, while someone is dreaming
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Christian Dream Interpretation Of A Christian
Christian Dream Interpretation
The spiritual interpretation of dreams is lost to many modern–day Christians. However, this
forgotten language is available for those who seek God, especially in prayer. Those who seek will
find and answers sought in prayer may be revealed through dreams where the quiet voice of God is
able to reach one in a most intimate way. Dreams are one of the ways that Crist reveals himself to us
and touches our hearts on a very personal level.
Historically speaking, dreams have been the most prominent form of communication between the
creator and his people. Because of this, Satan has worked hard to convince people to ignore God's
message in the form of dreams and visions. Unfortunately, today very few Christians are
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Willy Loman's Interpretation Of The American Dream
American Dream: Willy's obsession to soon be recognized and financially successful. Willy's
interpretation of the American dream was wrong because in order to be successful you have to
sacrifice and work hard for what you want. Hope: All throughout the play, Willy puts his hope into
his sons (mainly Biff) because he wants them to "make it big" and be well liked. He desperately
wanted them to be ambitious. The importance of the opening scene is that it introduces the audience
to the major characters. The setting in the play mainly takes place in the Loman's house, in New
York City. There are other scene that take place outside the house such as Howard's office, Charley's
office, Frank's Chop house.Willy strongly believes that Biff will settle
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Sigmund Freud 's Theory Of Psychology
In the textbook it describes how Freud believed your conscious thoughts were only the tip of the
iceberg when studying the brain. Freud believed there were three levels of awareness. The first level
is, conscious level these are thoughts we are aware of in the moment (Cervone & Pervin, 2013). The
second level is the preconscious level, which are contents we could easily become aware of
(Cervone & Pervin, 2013). The third level is the unconscious level. This level is mental contents of
the mind that we are unaware and cannot become aware of. These thoughts can only be accessed
under special circumstances (Cervone & Pervin, 2013). According to Freud, the reason we were not
able to access unconscious thoughts is because they are anxiety ... Show more content on ...
This led Freud to write The Interpretation of Dreams.
When studying dreams, Freud found that dreams are very strange. I have found this also in my
lifetime. I have always been fascinated by dreams. As a kid I would wake up wanting to replay my
dream on a display screen. In the mornings, I would be so excited to explain what happened in my
dreams the night before to my family members. I wanted so badly for them to understand how crazy
they were, but most of the time they were too bizarre for them to understand so they gave up
listening. Unlike most of my friends and family my dreams were so vivid that I could almost always
remember them. In high school, I began to think that because my dreams were so vivid, they had to
mean something. I began trying to interpret my dreams. If there were a symbol that stuck out in my
dream all night, like a snake, I would try to look up the meaning. Or if there were a certain act I was
performing in my dream, like swimming in the ocean, I would look it up. At first, I was looking up
the meanings on dream interpretation websites. Then, I ended up getting a book. Now I know that
thanks to Freud, I am able to interpret my own dreams. I remember specifically, my senior year of
high school after my mom passed away, she would be in my dreams. They were vivid memories of
her and I, the dreams always felt so real. In the beginning after her passing, I would have dreams
consecutively with her in it. As months passed
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Dream Interpretation Essay
Scholars are not sure where or when the origins of dream interpretation began or how long dream
analysis has been carried out. It is probably a good bet that the interpretation and analysis of
people's dreams has been part of society in one form or another as long as we have been having
dreams. Early man must have found dreams to be both frightening and fascinating and must have
been confused by this bizarre manner of consciousness. It is clear that many ancient civilizations
placed great significance on the events occurring in dreams as well as the possible meaning of these
dream–state events. These interpretations were used to help shed light on the events that occurred in
their waking lives. This paper briefly reviews the history of dream interpretation, from early
civilizations to psychological theories to modern biologically–oriented theories. Information about
early dream interpretation comes from several different sources:
The people of Mesopotamian (now Iraq) left behind some of the earliest pictographic writings
dating back to approximately 3100 B.C. (Oppenheim, 1956). By 2700 B.C. they also used a
cuneiform writing type consisting of marks on clay tablets and cylinders. It is in these writings that
the earliest recorded notions of dream interpretations occur. The king Gudea, who ruled around 2220
B.C., had several dreams preserved that tell the story of a puzzling dream he had and his quest using
a goddess's help to understand its meaning. This is one
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Dream Interpretation For Shoes
Shoe Dream Meanings "I cried because I had no shoes till I met a man who had no feet" ~ Saadi
Have you ever had dreams about shoes? Shoes are important to protect our feet from stepping on
anything that could harm them; therefore, shoes are symbolic for protection. Most likely, protecting
your body or an Earthly possession. If you're curious about the dream meaning of feet, please read
Dream Interpretation for Feet. Here are seven other dream meanings for shoes are: 1. Not feeling
grounded as your feet are covered. 2. If shoes are worn out, you could feel worn out or there is a
worn out situation in your life. 3. Shoes that feel heavy may signify something heavy in your life
that you're dragging around. 4. New shoes may symbolize an opportunity ... Show more content on ...
If a man was wearing high heels in a dream, most likely he would feel uncomfortable while trying
not to fall. However, the dream meaning would show a deeper for a man who had been suppressing
his desire of dressing up as a woman. A woman who is has a shoe addiction may feel thrill of
wearing a new pair of shoes. Or another meaning is she needs to wear a pair of heels she already
owns. The following dream is a personal dream from my book Learn the Secret Language of
Dreams from the precognitive dreams' chapter. This dream from 1992 illustrates how my past work
situation, feelings, and other symbols can affect a shoe dream meaning: I had just finished watching
the first part of a movie and was very excited to watch the second half. A couple of the salesmen and
the service manager were there. One of the salesmen told me not to bother watching the second half
– that it was not worth it. I was upset and angry because I really wanted to watch it. I looked over to
where the service manager was sitting, then the bottom of service manager's shoe really stood out, I
noticed there was a hole and another little hole was
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Dream Interpretation For Feet
Dream Interpretation for Feet When I think about feet what comes to my mind is be where you're
feet are. Feet are necessary in order for humans to be able to stand, walk, run, or do any type of
physical activity. Think about what are feet are able to withstand every day; they sure are powerful.
If you look up the dream meaning you could find some of the following interpretations: 1. Being
grounded, stable, and independence. 2. Time to move forward. 3. Stuck in an area of your life. 4.
Bare feet means you will experience impoverishment. 5. Feet being washed is doing service work.
6. Despair when it's your own feet (giggle). 7. Injured feet is symbolic for being sinful (LOL). Out
of all those dream meanings the first three interpretation make
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Sigmund Freud's The Interpretations Of Dreams
There are a lot of theories as to why we dream and what dreams mean, if there is a meaning to it at
all. From the beginning of time, there have been records and cultural beliefs influenced by dreams.
Some may see dreams as connection to another world, while others use dreams to understand our
deeper inner selves or conscious. One of the first people to look at dreams from a scientific
perspective was Sigmund Freud in the late 19th century. He believed that dreams had
psychoanalytic importance, and wrote a book titled The Interpretations of Dreams in 1900 (Lavie
66). The way researchers studied and collected data on dreams was tricky. Before sleep laboratories,
there was just the patient's recollection of the dream, which was problematic because ... Show more
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Lavie discusses that people are more likely to remember their dreams when they wake up during
REM versus any other sleep stages, or a more shallow sleep cycle versus deep sleep. The memory is
also affected by when the person goes to sleep or awaken in the morning, along with the motivation
to remember the dream (Lavie 80). One example of forgetting reoccurring dreams deal with post –
traumatic dreams. These dreams are usually frightening and are set in the area where the individuals'
traumatic event occurred. Lavie suggests examples of traumatic event such as war settings,
Holocaust survivors, or rape or sexual assault (Lavie 81). Rosalind Cartwright, a dream researcher,
did another study that battled the idea of forgetting dreams or issues. She believed that dreams are
used to process negative emotions to wake up feeling better, or maintaining a good mood. She used
patients who were going through a divorce or depressing situations and observing if dreams could
be a nocturnal therapy (Rock 102). Her studies, and the studies she influenced, found that most
emotions found in dreams are negative, and that positive life events during wakefulness were a lot
less frequent (Rock 103). To check this, Cartwright woke her patients mid–dream and the patients
perceived their emotions as negative. Cartwright concludes that the first REM period may be
negative, but each successive REM period improves emotion until full day wakefulness (Rock 105).
Depressed individuals however struggle to improve their mood or come to a solution may be due to
their rumination behaviors. Since they do this during the day, they may continue this during REM
and maintain the negative emotions (Rock 106). I think this is enlightening because this allows the
idea that dreams may be used to consolidate or offer solutions to
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The Dream Of The Rood Interpretation
A both–sides–win demonstration of retooled and revitalized tradition: when you wish for a Position
Paper to push the two–page limit, your dreams come true. Who would guess that this form, intended
for essays written and read at a breakneck clip, would prove so amenable, so elastic, and so
gloriously conducive to the fast–paced pondering of an essay twice its size when called upon to
exegize the dreamscapes of Antony and Cleopatra and "The Dream of the Rood"? In asking a simple
Freudian question of each text––what are the wish–fulfillments disguised in your dream
depictions?––the Position Paper has magically become a space for expansive syntax, mirthful
speculations, and insolent digressions. In its simultaneous protraction and compression, ... Show
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Cleopatra's dream has received minimal critical attention in the canon of Shakespearean scholarship
and is completely overlooked even among the appreciations I like best (Harold Bloom's and Camille
Paglia's), a curious fate for a passage that forces us to reprocess not only the Egyptian queen but her
rambling, indigestible play as well. Difficulty isn't the problem; these critics' foci are comparatively
subtler and practically impervious to unspecialized contemplation. How to explain, then, the
agonizing struggle, especially at this crucial moment in the play, evinced by many of the best and
most illustrious actresses of stage and screen who have braved the role? Perhaps the critic who
expects––nay, hopes––that our most gifted actors will also necessarily be good or even merely
adequate readers is dreaming. But to misunderstand Cleopatra's dream is to misunderstand
Cleopatra; no serious, earnest interpreter of the part can botch this passage. (An impromptu
recitation by Helen Mirren uploaded to Youtube proves the point: she purrs the lines warmly,
flirtatiously, stuck as she is in the kittenish register that has, by now, become the default
interpretation among Cleopatra's most flagrant misreaders. Mirren refuses to modulate; she doesn't
understand that Cleopatra must mature in the span of these twenty lines or else the play capsizes.) A
perfunctory analysis
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Dreams And Desire : Synthesizing, The Interpretation Of...
Dreams and Desire: Synthesizing "The Interpretation of Dreams" and "The Birthmark" Which
comes first, the dream or the desire? Does a dream inspire a desire, or does a hidden desire leak
from the subconscious and surface during a dream? Sigmund Freud's, The Interpretation of Dreams,
theorizes that dreams can unveil deep desires that would not otherwise be realized. Nathaniel
Hawthorne's short story, The Birthmark, illustrates the claims made by Freud in The Interpretation
of Dreams. The Birthmark supports Freud's idea of uncensored dreaming, the theory of anxiety
dreams, and the idea that dreams are related to nature or destiny. First, Freud claims that our dreams
are an uncensored outlet for repressed wishes or desires. He states, "In these dreams we find the
highly unusual condition realized of a dream–thought formed by a repressed wish entirely eluding
censorship and passing into the dream without modification" (760). During the day while fully
conscious the mind does not allow certain undesirable thoughts to be entertained but the sleep state
allows for a genuine expression of a person's deepest wishes despite being inappropriate. The
narrator of The Birthmark echoes this sentiment. After Aylmer remembers his dream about removing
Georgiana's mark, the narrator explains, "The mind is in a sad note, when Sleep, the all–involving,
cannot confine her spectres within the dim region of her sway, but suffers them to break forth,
affrighting this actual life with secrets
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The Interpretation of Aboriginal Dreams
Typically to understand a foreign culture's ontology, ethnographers and anthropologist examine
aspects of the selected group's life such as researching into their methods of communication,
religious values, if any, and their orientation within the world. An alternative and more modern way
of learning ontological views of a culture is by taking a more interdisciplinary approach and looking
towards analyzing not just how they view aspects of the world but why. There is a cross between
fields of psychology and philosophy when anthropologists begin to analyze aboriginal conceptions
of "Dreamings" as a way to shed light onto their epistemology. Many studies have been done to
signify the importance of these Dreamings in the cultural shaping of their world. However, because
emphasis is focused on the distinction and differences between Aboriginal and Non indigenous
models of dreams, these two ideologies are often binary. After learning about the concept of
Dreaming in philosophical, psychological, and ethnographic terms through the course of 10 weeks I
want to propose that Aboriginal Dreamings are not so distance from the basis of non–indigenous
formation models of dreams.
There is a large emphasis of the distinctions between Aboriginal Australians concept of the "Dream
Time" or "Dreamings" and the (Western) formulation of Dreams. This connection has caused
interest because of the similarities between names. Patrick Wolfe accredits the term Dreamings to
come from
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Interpretations Of The American Dream
Interpretations of American Dream There exist kinds of interpretations and instructions along the
very term 'American Dream' ranging from its definition, the different concepts of people about it and
its ultimate aim to the doubts upon its realization. Alfonzo Reyas, a Mexican humanist, says that
"America is a utopia... it is the figure of human hope" (qtd. In Parrington Jr. Preface). James
Truslow Adams, who was firstly coined the phrase in his 1931 book The Epic of America, however,
defined it as a "dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone,
with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement...A dream of social order in which
each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately
capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of
birth or position." (34). whatsoever it may be, there derived a constant factor that could be read in
the interpretation of almost all experts about the American Dream: the constant hunt for material
riches. At the beginning of the concept of the American Dream, it focused mainly on attaining a true
spirit in the God and achieving a sublime gratification of human's mind. It depended on uprising the
human values through humanity, love and peace, therefore getting to the whole people in the
oneness under the God. However, this pure godliness of the American Dream was gradually
transformed to the materialistic
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Dream Interpretation For Beginners Summary
A person opens their eyes and realizes that they are are on a gigantic chocolate chip cookie boat,
flowing down a warm, white, milky river. When the person looks all around from the milky river,
the person sees mountains that are made of ice cream and are topped with whipped cream and
cherries on top. They are in paradise. They awake to a loud sound, and as the milky river and ice
cream mountains fade away, they realize it was all just a dream. Dreams are a series of thoughts,
images and sensations that occur in a person's mind when they are sleep. Peoples' views on
dreaming today are similar yet different in a way, from what people believed back then. Sigmund
Freud's beliefs and theories were believed by many people, including one of his theories called day
residue. There are several facts and information on the scientific background behind dreaming, such
as the sleeping and dreaming structure, rapid eye movement sleep, and non–rapid eye movement
sleep. There is also a lot of information on the content of dreams and the interpretations of them.
What ... Show more content on ...
One statement she says is that, "it is while we are sleeping that were consolidating and moving to
more permanent storage the events experienced and things learned during the day or preceding day"
(Brandon 44). In other words, she is saying that what we dream could strongly be related to what we
have learned or done the day of or the day before. For example, if a student is reading a certain
novel and learning about events from it, that student might have a dream regarding what he or she is
reading or learning about. On a different subject, dreams can play out the final scene of our
problems during the day while we sleep. They can do this by processing all of the emotions that a
person faces throughout their daily
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Sigmund Freud 's The Interpretation Of Dreams Essay
Austrian neurologist and now considered the 'father of psychoanalysis', Sigmund Freud, is perhaps
known for his theories involving the human brain. During the late 1800s, his therapeutic techniques
dealing with psychopathology made him quite influential within and throughout the sphere of
psychology and his work has had a tremendous impact on modern culture and common opinion.
Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams, first published in 1899, takes into account dream
interpretation and theories involving the human brain, why humans dream and what they could
mean. By conducting 'free associations' and interpreting numerous case histories of patients' and
their dreams, he established such theories such as dreams as wish–fulfillments and regression. In his
dream interpretation, Freud treated dreams as a distorted path to the unconscious and believed that
the contents of a dream were the fulfillment of a wish and its motive as a wish (Freud 143). In other
words, Freud believed that the dreamer's unconscious mind was reflected by the material within a
dream and the role of these dreams was to satisfy the basic unconscious fantasies of a human. This
assertion implies that wishes those were unable to be fulfilled in the waking life disguise themselves
as symbols and imagery and manifest in the conscious mind, administered by the pleasure principle.
In Freud's point of view, wishes are repressed desires, mainly sexual, and childhood memories that
are fulfilled via dreams, based on the
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The Interpretation Of Dreams By Sigmund Freud
Some dream big, some dream small, and sadly some dream not at all The Interpretation of Dreams
was published by Sigmund Freud in the year 1900 as a thought provoking compilation of ideas
surrounding the cognitive processes of dreaming. Although this book has been translated and edited
since its original publishing date, it reads as if to hold true to Freudian fashion; addressing levels of
consciousness and their effects on how specific dreams are formed. Freud makes a clear and
reverent effort to acknowledge other's theories to explain the unexplainable. His focus throughout
the text is to hypothesize on how regression, resistance, and censorship all play a delicate role in the
remembrance and interpretation of ones dreams. It is Freud's skillful application of resistance and
censorship that grants further contemplation of why dreams are so soon to fade and be forgotten
upon awakening. It is also this application that guides the reader into how these two processes may
require one to use free association to interpret such dreams. Resistance and censorship are explained
by Freud as a cognitive process that happens due to the separation of the waking and sleeping
mental states. He presents the idea that while one sleeps, the cognitive censorship used throughout
waking hours is significantly reduced, making dreams possible. However, immediately present upon
awakening is mental resistance, resulting in the "forgetting" or "fragmenting" of dreams. These
symptoms are
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Sigmund Freud Interpretation Of Dreams Essay
Although there were various methods of interpreting dreams in biblical times, one way that was
used to interpret the impact of dreams on reality is through a message being delivered (often by a
spirit/god), also known as religious symbolism. The reason it is known as religious symbolism is
because the theory is most commonly used in religious circumstance, although there are many
records from ancient times stating that dreams foresee future events through a message being given
to a person in the person's dream outside of religious purposes (Alles). These records include the
Chester Beatty Papyrus from Egypt, the Atharvaveda from India, a Babylonian dream guide, and
other ancient references. The messages delivered have different meanings but ... Show more content
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While many people in ancient times used that method to find a purpose in their dreams, Sigmund
Freud shared his theory on the same topic. Freud's theory about the effect of dreams was made well
known in the late 1800s. His main belief on the topic was that dreams are very important for mental
health, especially involving thoughts related to sexual desire. Freud wrote several books relating to
his personal theory, but most popular (and controversial) was The Interpretation of Dreams,
published in 1899. Additionally, Freud influenced many other psychologists including C.G. Jung
who later shared his own theory on dream interpretation. Freud's thoughts were that people's
unconscious wishes (especially sexual) are fulfilled by the occurrence of dreams and even
nightmares were a sign of wish fulfillment. Although Freud also considered that this would not be
the case in every dream: "If I now declare that wish–fulfillment is the meaning of every dream, so
that there cannot beany dreams other than wish–dreams, I know beforehand that I shall meet with
the most emphatic contradiction" (Freud 44). Many of Sigmund Freud's thoughts on dream analysis
later influenced C.G. Jung's theory as claimed by Jung in Memories, Dreams,
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Interpreting Dreams Essay
Most of us have experienced a dream, be it a nightmare or a pleasant walk in a forest. It was
frequently believed that dreams encompass a coded message that might be expressing our hidden
wishes, things that happened in the past or even predict the future. In the past, there have been many
attempts to unravel the secret hidden behind the dreams and so far the world came up with three
main theories of interpreting the dreams (Freudian, Jungian and Cognitive)(Wade, Travis 1998). In
this essay I will attempt to analyze my dream by using each of the theories mentioned above, then
compare the outcomes as well as their possible connections to my life and in the end determine,
which one of these theories is the most accurate and thus as a laic ... Show more content on ...
However, Sigmund Freud used as well the technique of the free association in order to determine the
real meaning of the dream, because sometimes it was not possible to do so by applying the dream
work functions (condensation, composite, displacement, representation) only (Freud 1900).
To be more specific about the process of analyzing any dream, Freud thought that only those objects
and symbols are of significant importance that we forget as soon as few days pass by and our
unconscious "censor" has enough time to erase them from our memory (Freud 1900). When I have
compared the two versions of my dream (the one that I put down immediately after waking up and
the other one that was written after four days) I found out that the following things and objects were
People that were in the boat with me
Deer around the arbor
Six bullets (that I have shot the pig with)
The fact, that these objects were omitted signified a fact that they are (from Freudian point of view)
of significant importance. People that were in the boat with me were the ones I like and ask for an
advice or help. The fact that they were in the boat with me could mean that I need them or perhaps
that I will need them sometimes in the future. However, we can explain it also in another way.
Perhaps they are just slowing my boat down and therefore I cannot go towards
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Theories of Dream Content in The Interpretation of Dreams...
I have chosen an original psychology classic based on Sigmund Freud. The title of my review is
"The Interpretation of Dreams". This book was written to find out why do we actually dream and
what does it mean in our psychological lives. In Freud's view, dream is viewed as wish fulfilment. It
is known as the satisfaction of a desire through an involuntary process. Therefore it can occur in
dreams or daydreams in the symptoms or neurosis or hallucination of psychosis. It requires
interpretation to recognize this satisfaction.
I chose this book to explore whether our dreams do mean anything, and whether it does symbolise
and influence our past and future. The points that I will be talking about The Interpretation of
Dreams in my review is the ... Show more content on ...
Freud stated that if he declares the meaning of all dreams as a wish of fulfilment then he might have
to meet with contradictions. Some dreams can be expressed in words differently, hence such dreams
are known as distortion in dreams. Looking at the logical side of it, the dream should be perceived
from the manifest content of the dream. As stated by Freud, that children's dream are easy to
understand but some are unquestionable. In early childhood, dream distortion makes its appearance.
It also has been recorded that children from age five to eight years have showed characteristics of
later dreams. However, dreams that are of a so– called infantile character will be discovered if you
limit yourselves to the age beginning with conscious psychic activity. Some dreams of these
phenomena will be found in the later period of childhood occasionally. Dreams that proximately
resemble the typically infantile ones even occur under certain conditions among adults. Based on the
information gained from these children's dreams with ease, it is hope to prove conclusion of
universal application. To understand these dreams there is no need for technical methods and
analysis. There is no need to question the child who is giving information of his dream but the story
taken from the life of the child should be added. It will eventually be explained to us the previous
day. Based on the experiences of the day, the dream is a sleep– reaction of
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Sigmund Freud Interpretation Of Dreams Research Paper
Every individual dreams; however, some people are affected more than others. Dreams are
sequences of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during
certain stages of sleep. Most occurring during rapid–eye movement or REM–when brain activity is
high and resembles being awake. Many believe that dreams are a connection to an individual's
subconscious. Sigmund Freud, a scientist in the early 1900s performed extensive studies on dreams,
including their interpretation, why they occur, and what they indicate. In addition, people have done
studies to see the connection between dreams and certain sleep disorders. Sleep is a state of physical
inactivity and mental rest where conscious awareness, thought, and voluntary ... Show more content
on ...
Total sleep deprivation longer than forty hours proves impossible; however, due to brief periods of
micro sleep, it is possible to function properly longer ("Sleep"). Micro sleep represents the body's
obvious need for sleep. Even though it only lasts for a couple of seconds, it can have some
restorative function to the body, but individuals cannot survive on this; they need a full night's rest
("Sleep"). Losing more than one night's sleep produces a noticeable increase in irritability, lethargy,
disinterest, and even paranoia. An individual's psychomotor performance and concentration are also
affected and eventually immunological functions suffer. Newborns sleep as many as seventeen hours
a day, whereas five–year–olds average about twelve hours a night ("Sleep and Sleep Disorders").
For some reason, many people experience the best and most satisfying sleep of their lives during the
middle teen years ("Sleep and Sleep
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Philosophy of Reality and Dreams by Chuang-tzu and Ibn...
Ibn al–Arabi and Chuang–tzu were and continue to be very influential to the study of both religion
and philosophy. Their separate notions of dream and reality have survived through the centuries and
we continue to attempt to explain and analyze them today. In this paper I will first examine Ibn al–
Arabi's concept of dream and reality and then move on to study Chuang–tzu's thoughts on the
subject. After reviewing both of these constructs I will compare and contrast some of the similarities
and differences between the two. Through this analysis I will show that although they were written
hundreds of years and thousands of miles apart, their conclusions on dream and reality are strikingly
similar. The Philosophers Ibn al–Arabi was ... Show more content on ...
Also famous for his mystic philosophy is the great Chuang–tzu. Although not much is known about
the Chinese Taoist writer, it is believed he was born around 369 B.C.E. on the border of Shandong
and Henan provinces, and lived as a hermit until his death c.286 B.C.E. Scholars ascribe to Chuang–
tzu at least some of the writing in the Taoist book which shares his name (the Chuang–tzu). In this
book, Chuang–tzu uses wit, satire, analysis, and essays to explore many questions of philosophy,
including the essence of reality and perception. Today, Chuang–tzu is considered to be one of the
founders of Taoist philosophical thought, and his book is recognized as one of the holy scriptures of
Taoism. The Chuang–tzu has captivated Chinese readers and encouraged philosophical discussion of
its teachings for over two thousand years. Ibn `Arabi on Dream and Reality In his work Bezels of
Wisdom, Ibn al–Arabi implies that all of that which we perceive as reality is, in fact a dream. Even
in our dreams we are dreaming. Although most of us are unaware that we are dreaming, all that we
see, feel, and hear is an illusion, a symbolic manifestation of the true Reality. According to Ibn al–
Arabi, "All men are asleep; only when they die, do they wake up." In the above statement Ibn al–
Arabi does not mean that we must die in order to understand true Reality. He is referring to the
process humans must undergo in order to interpret perceived reality to
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Sigmund Freud's Interpretation Of Dreams
While most people do not give a second thought to the reasons why human sleep or about what their
dreams mean, a great deal of psychologist dedicate their lives to studying sleep and dreams. In this
paper, I will discuss the reasons for sleeping, the stages of sleep, and theirs abut dream and their
interpretation. I will also provide an analysis of my own sleep pattern and dream through the data I
have collected in my dream log.
First, let's review some reasons why people need sleep. People need sleep for multiple reasons. The
general reason is that sleep helps our physical and mental help. It does this by resorting our body
tissues, encouraging body growth, and increasing our immune system. It also helps to keep our mind
sharp, enhance our moods, and helping learning and memory (Pastorino & Doyle–Portillo, 2013, p.
4–1a). There are five stages or sleep, the four stages of Non–rem sleep and the single stage of Rem
Sleep. Stage I of ... Show more content on ...
One of the most well–known theories is Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams. Freud thought
that we convey our fears during our dream, as well as our aggressive and sexual desires, through
symbols that personify our unconscious desires. Another theory is the threat simulation theory
(TST). This theory suggests that dreaming is a biological defense mechanism and hat through our
dream we can experience possibly threating situation so that we can practice our actions during
these situations. However not all a have survival themes. The activation–synthesis theory is a theory
that proposes that dreaming is merely a consequences of the extremely active brain during REM
sleep. During REM sleep, random neural impulses are created. According to this theory, the brain
tries to establish meaning out of these impulses by blending them into familiar stories or images
based on our memories, and that they have no underlying meaning (Pastorino & Doyle–Portillo,
2013, p.
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Analysis Of The Poem ' Dream Deferred '
Pursuing Dreams
The overall meaning of this poem is about the consequences of not pursuing your dreams. For some
this can be a horrible thing while for others, it can be a blessing in disguise. The poem begins with a
simple question, "What happens to a dream deferred" (line 1)? What occurs when an individual goes
in another direction from a goal or ambition they had once desired? Does it cause a weight to be
lifted? Does it cause fear and anxiety? This poem focusing on the consequences or benefits that are
the result of a dream that goes unachieved. The speaker lays out the possible different outcomes that
would occur when someone gives up on their dreams. The first of the possible scenarios is listed as
"Does it dry up / like a raisin in the sun" (lines 3–4)? The dream begins as a youthful, ambitious goal
for life. This goal slowly begins to fade as the person ages. Whether this is due to shifts in priorities
or unforeseen circumstances, things have changed over time. A dream that once seemed to be very
achievable is now nothing more than a small memory in the back of ones mind. The metaphor that is
used here is a grape drying up to become a raisin, just like their dreams can shrink down into a
fraction of what they once were. The next scenario is a how a deferred dream can affect you a little
more harshly. The speaker asks, "Or fester like a sore– / And then run" (lines 4–5)? The sore that is
mentioned can be thought of as more of a wound. It is not so much the result
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The Interpretation Of Dreams By Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud is thought to be the founder of psychoanalysis and he embarked on conducting a
study to analyse and interpret dreams as a means of determining their relation to the human psyche.
Starting off his career as a neurologist he was already very familiar with the brain and it's inner
workings. However his study was specifically conducted to explore the more celestial attributes of
the mind and apply scientific theory and neurological practice. Freud said that, "The interpretation
of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind." He meant that
because dreams are such an unconscious activity they give an almost direct insight into the workings
of the unconscious mind. In "The Interpretation of Dreams" he was the first person to look at the
mind and to develop a theory about its basis and creation. By identifying which parts of the mind are
unconscious and conscious he was able to fix scientific labels on celestial areas of the brain. In
effect, Freud is responsible for giving the study of the mind it's serious and scientific attributes.
Something that had only previously associated with the physical study of the brain. In order to prove
his theory he analyzed his dreams, his childhood memories, screen memories, slips of the tongue,
and episodes of forgetfulness. His theory was that by analyzing dreams and memories they will aid
in trying to understand how events from the past, including childhood, continue to actively influence
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Analytical Essay: The Different Interpretations Of Dreams
I decided to research interpretations of dreams because of a nightmare my friend recently told me
about. Tamara told me about a creepy dream that involved demons. Tamara had a dream that a black
figure in a black cape was sitting on her stomach while she was sleeping. The black figure told her
that it was going to throw her into the raging fire in front of her bed. When Tamara woke up
hysterically crying, her stomach felt extremely hot. After she told me about her dream, I looked up
what her dream could possibly mean about her life. There was a plethora of general information on
the web about dream interpretations, so I decided to simplify this topic for my research paper. This
is how I came up with the idea to research the different interpretations of dreams based on ... Show
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Most of the search results that I came across contained interpretations , but not all not all of them
provided a background on how different cutltures view dreams. Cherry, a psychology expert,
covered the different cultural perspectives on dreams before she indentified the nine most common
dreams. I also had a very hard time completing this research process without writing an actual
research paper. I am accustomed to creating an outline before I write any type paper for English. In
high school, I was only asked to cite my sources using the infamous For this research
process, I had to compose two different documents that I had never created before. I had to create an
annotated bibliography, and an abstract. The abstract took the longest amount of time to complete. I
struggled to provide a brief background on my chosen topic without including the same details that
were allocated for this reflection paper. Fortunately, I was able to find a fantastic template with an
example of an abstract to guide me in the right
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Language And Interpretation In A Midsummer Night's Dream
A Midsummer's Night Dream is a story of requited and unrequited love between two couples,
conventions existing within society, supernatural enchantment and features a play within a play. The
extract from Act III, Scene 1 is of pivotal importance. It is the first oie themes, symbolismccurrence
of two character types converging; namely the Queen of Fairies – Titania – and Bottom, a weaver
and performer. The use of distinct language techniques, diction, and contextual relationships
expands on themes and symbolism introduced in earlier scenes, and which are prevalent throughout
the play. Analysis of language, structure and characterisation within the extract assists in making
decisions about performance possibilities, and aids in challenging audience ... Show more content
on ...
Bottom's ignorance of having his head transformed into an ass's by Puck balances mischief against
Oberon's malicious intent. In the lines leading up to the extract, there is ample opportunity for the
audience to laugh at the antics on stage, but for the purpose of the extract, negative aspects of love
are present, and there is little comedic value. Atmosphere and tone is important when considering
performance possibilities, and can be enhanced by setting or scenery, light, sound effects and music.
If considering a live performance, the type of venue should also be considered, and whether the text
should be performed in the open air, a traditional theatre or a playhouse styled venue. The delivery
of the lines, whether in verse or prose should aid the audience's understanding of the language, and
if there is the potential for the meaning to be unclear, expressive acting and actions may counter any
confusion. In the extract, Bottom is given four fairies to attend to him. Their names are
'Peasseblossom, Cobweb, Mote and Mustardseed!' (Line 144). The audience may be unaware these
fairies have been named after plants of herbal remedy, and although Shakespeare provides
clarification of this point, the performer's delivery of the lines, through the spoken words or through
acting, should allow the audience to make that connection. Shakespeare often includes stage
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Are Dream Dictionaries Reliable In Their Interpretation?
Are Dream Dictionaries Reliable in Their Interpretation?
Last Saturday, I was browsing the metaphysical section of Barnes and Nobles in Wilmington, NC,
when I noticed a teenager girl holding a huge dream dictionary. I overheard the young teenager say
to her mother, "Look at this huge dictionary, I wonder if it really helps?" I couldn't resist going over
and putting in my two cents.
I introduced myself as a Dream Interpreter and asked for permission to talk about the subject, which
they gave. I told them that a dream dictionary was a good basic reference, but dream interpretation
was a lot more complicated. The mother responded, "I'll bet." I used the example of dog that it could
mean loyalty and unconditional love; although, it could have
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Interpretation Of Dreams Personal Statement
A career in mental health has always sparked an interest in me as I saw a growing need for
psychological care. I have relatives who are trained psychologists and they have given me an
invaluable look into the mental health profession. Since studying a psychology course which was
provided by the local college it has given me the insight into how university lectures would work as
well as allowing me to cope with semi–independent learning. The course only furthered my interest
into psychology as I learned about many different topics included such as social psychology,
psychopathology as well as delving into sleep and memory.
Having looked into psychology and the profession I found an interest in reading academic books
such as The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud. The book definitely grabbed my attention
into psychology and how it is affects us in normal day–to–day life. I enjoyed reading the book
written by a well renowned psychoanalyst, this gave me a true insight into what he thought and his
interpretation of the meaning of dreams. I have also been in ... Show more content on ...
The chance to partake in the award has given me the drive and dedication that I know I can transfer
into a university degree. I have also participated in other extracurricular activates such as Young
Enterprise, where a business was set up and products were made to be sold on, I have learned how
to compromise with other in my group and learned also how to interact with people to a better level.
During my years in secondary I have also been playing the Cello for around 6–7 years now and I
know I would very much enjoy carrying on this instrument into later life, maybe joining an
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Dream Interpretation Paper
Dream Interpretation The last dream I can remember having was a dream I had right at the
beginning of the school year. It was during a time where I was still adjusting to the excitement of
senior year and my new schedule. The dream started out on a cloudy day. I had my work uniform on
from my summer job, except I was not at my place of work, I was at a horserace track. However, I
did not feel anything out of the ordinary, I continued acting as if I were at work. I wandered around
for a bit until I ran into two of friends from work, Jamia and Gabe. I did notice something strange
about them. they seemed off to me. When I approached them they were sitting on a bench and they
did not seem to come to life until I got there. I can only describe ... Show more content on ...
When I had this dream, I was having a hard transition of going back to school and leaving my
friends. The reason it is so hard to leave my summer job is that my friends and I always promise to
stay in contact but we never do. The transition was also hard because it would be my senior year of
high school. My dream revealed my worries to me about the uncertainty and lack of clarity I had
regarding senior year. My dream revealed to to me that despite this being a new responsibility and
having to work on my own without the help of my friends, that I should remain positive about it. I
believe the dream was also a warning that I could not continue to ignore my feelings toward my new
situation and that it was time to face what was bothering me. It was telling me that I should not
worry too much over my overbearing schedule and overbearing work load. I did notice that I was
losing a part of myself, that part that I admired in the friends that appeared in my dream. My dream
was telling me to keep moving forward as the positive person I was in the
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Discuss Theories Of The Science Interpretation And Purpose...
Over the centuries people have attempted to discover the meaning of dreams. Early civilizations
thought they were real physical worlds that you could enter from a dream state. During these times
dreams were felt to be a way to connect with a higher power, in fact some were convinced dreams
were a way to prophecies events. However it wasn't until the late nineteenth century that Sigmund
Freud and Carl Jung introduced what are still the most widely known theories of dreams. In current
studies the use of technology has advanced our understanding of the dream state: brain activity,
neuroscience, effective medications and lucid dreaming. This paper will examine different theories
of the science, interpretation and purpose of our dreams. Science has shown us that when we sleep
there are five sleep stages. These stages move from light sleep to deep sleep and finally ending in
REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. REM sleep periods occur approximately every sixty to ninety
minuets through out the night. This is where the dreams are the most vivid and most often
remembered. The REM sleep stage is characterized by rapid eye movement, increase heart rate and
breathing, and elevated blood pressure. In an eight hour night there may be four to six dream
periods, which is surprising since you often cannot remember even one ... Show more content on ...
Recent research has proven this to be false and that the brain is actually highly active during sleep.
In fact the brain during REM sleep can be more active than when we are awake. J. Allan Hobson
and Robert McClarley came up with the activation–synthesis model. They theorized that, "...circuits
in the brain become activated during REM sleep, areas of the limbic system including the amygdala
and hippocampus (the parts of the brain involved in emotions, sensations and memories) also
becomes active" (Mastin). This is one theory of how and why dreams
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Dream Interpretation Guides Us in Understanding the...
I. Intro Paragraph: "Dream interpretation is a process of assigning meaning to dreams." In ancient
Egypt and Greece, dreaming was considered a supernatural communication or a means of divine
intervention whose messages that could be reveled by people with certain powers. Sigmund Freud
came up with two techniques to get information on his patients "unconscious minds." One of Freud's
techniques that he came up with was interpreting dreams.
Dream interpretations have formed a large part of Freud's method of understanding mental life; he
also believed that subdued materials often surfaced in dreams in a symbolic form. Dreams can be
confusing, frightening, or wonderful, which reveals our innermost secrets.
Thesis Statement: Dreams can reflect human emotions, and other experiences, like our deepest
desires, hopes, fears, and fantasies. If we interpret our dreams, it may help us understand ourselves
better and help us solve our problems.
II. History of Dreams: Dream interpretations were first documented on clay tablets that dated back
to 3000 to 4000 B.C. People in primal societies were unable to distinguish between the dream world
and reality. The people in these societies didn't see the dream world as an extension of reality;
instead they saw it as powerful world. "This path of dream interpretation also leads back to the
ancient Egyptians with the first written record of dream interpretation around 1350 B.C." Egyptians
believed that dreams are warnings, advice and
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Freuds Interpretation of Dreams
Many will argue that Freud's ideas have exerted a profound influence on twentieth –century thought
and culture, though his work has come under scrutiny, it has shape the fundamentals of society view
on civilization and discontents, dreams, psychoanalysis and the unconscious. For this paper, I will
be discussing Freud's fundamentals of dreams, what dreams represents, how dreams are constructed
and its significance while paying close attention to the following areas of dreams, manifest and
latent content, condensation and displacement, and censorship and repression.
First, let examined the definition of dream according to Sigmund Freud "dream is the disguised
fulfilment of a repressed wish. Dreams are constructed like a neurotic symptom: ... Show more
content on ...
Hence, manifest and latent content are connected because the dreamer have to first remember the
dream before he or she can break down and make sense of it.
Third, Sigmund Freud thought dreams had motives and there meaning is other than it appears on the
surface. Dreams are disguised by condensation and displacement. Condensation is a thought
expressed in the optative has been replaced by a representation in the present tense" (Freud, 151). In
simpler terms, dream condensation is complex meaning compressed into a simpler one. While
"dream displacement is concealing the meaning of a dream and to make the connections between the
dream content and the dream thoughts unrecognisable" (Freud, 155). When we rationalise this, it is
merely stating that dream content is derived from the dream thoughts and when an individual
awakes the content of the dream may not be clear due to condensation and displacement. Often with
dream displacement, for the dream content to be clear there has to be a linkage to something that
corresponds to it. Freud also stated that, "we assume as a matter of course that the most distinct
element in the manifest content of dream is the most important one; but in fact owing to
displacement that has occurred it is often an indistinct element which turns out to be the most direct
derivative of the essential dream thoughts" (Freud, 155). This shows that it is not the content of the
dream, which is remembered, that is most significant but the
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Dream Interpretation Research Paper
Dream interpretation is an old tradition that dates back at least as far as Biblical times. Perhaps the
most famous instance of dream interpretation is where the Pharaoh tells David his dreams about
seven skinny sheep eating seven fat sheep and seven skinny ears of corn eating seven fat ears of
corn. David interpreted this to mean seven years of bumper crops followed by seven years of poor
crops. With proper planning, this allowed the Pharaoh to protect his people from potential famine
during the coming lean years.
Dreams can be a means to tap into subconscious thought processes and tell us what we know that we
don't even consciously realize that we know. But we are also more psychically sensitive when we
sleep. So our dreams can contain extra sensory information that is unavailable to most people when
they are awake. Most premonitions of the future actually occur in dream form, not in waking
The vast majority of the time, dreams ... Show more content on ...
If you read your written notes out loud, you may find that the dreams are like pictures of common
expressions. This may be something you do not notice in the images or if you read the words
silently to yourself. It may only become apparent when you speak it out loud and hear the
homonyms and common phrases, such as the expression of "something bugging me" to express
something bothering you or being "stabbed in the back" to express a feeling of betrayal and so forth.
Especially at first, or when you are going through a particularly stressful time when the stakes are
high for you, it can help to run your dreams past someone else, preferably someone knowledgeable
about dream interpretation. They can help you sort out the most likely meaning. Sometimes, dream
meanings can be counterintuitive or people can read in either what they would like to hear or
perhaps what they most fear instead of what is really there. An objective listener can help you avoid
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Dreams And Their Interpretation Essay

  • 1. Dreams and Their Interpretation Essay "Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious." ― Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams "My dream was grey and foggy. It started off at the beach with my 2 year old son and boyfriend. The beach was in a glass box. My son then had an identical twin and they were getting washed away by the water. I yelled for my boyfriend to help me but he refused to help. I finally was able to save my son and the twin from the waves. I Then take my son and walk out of the glass box. I no longer have my son and there is a black spiral staircase. I was walking down it with blackness around me. Then a little doll in a white nightgown was below me on the steps. I felt so afraid that I jumped over the railing and into The darkness." If it ... Show more content on ... So where does this leave you? At one time or another you will be wondering, "what did that dream mean?". If there are so many different answers to the same question, how will you ever figure out which one is right? Don't be under the impression that you will find a right answer. Thinkers dating back to Aristotle have grappled with the issue in one way or another. Experimentation has been preformed, both psychological and biological, yet no one can definitively state what purpose dreams serve, or what they mean. Since there is no one answer to the question of dream interpretation, the best you can hope for is to learn about several of the existing approaches and determine what you will choose to believe. All of the approaches to understanding dreams reflect the movement of societal thought. The initial beliefs involved gods, temples, and faith. At the times when the cultural beliefs on dreams were established the explanations for most worldly events involved these elements. As time passed society, particularly Western society, became more individual oriented. With this came the psychological approaches to dreams. These approaches reflect the general tenets of the psychology of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. They look for answers to the workings of the human psyche by delving into the subconscious, which was presumed to be shaped by either childhood experiences, repressed desires, or a collective unconscious. Finally, the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Freud's Interpretation Of Dreams Research Paper Sigmund Freud was undoubtedly one of the most influential people in the development of thought during the 20th century. His theory that our minds guard memories and emotions in our subconscious transformed the way humans studied the human mind. Freud said that throughout history there were three great humiliations. The discovery of Galileo that we are not the center of the Universe. The discovery of Darwin, that we are not the crown of creation. And his own discovery, that we do not control our own mind. One of Freud's most important discoveries is that emotions buried in the subconscious surface rise to the conscious surface during dreams and that remembering fragments of dreams can help to uncover buried emotions and memories. Throughout his well–known work, The Interpretation of Dreams, Freud uses his own dreams as examples to demonstrate his theory on the psychology of dreams. Freud distinguishes between the ... Show more content on ... It consists in that a single representation represents, by itself, several associative chains, in the intersection of which it is. In the dreams is where the condensation is evidenced more constitutes one of the essential mechanisms of the "work of the dream": the content or manifest account is much less compared to latent content; In fact, it is a kind of abbreviated translation. The mechanism of condensation also appears in the technique of joke, of "lapsus linguae", of forgetting words. Displacement, on the other hand, is a dream–making mechanism by which the fundamental meaning of sleep can appear in the manifest content of an accessory or secondary element and, on the other hand, the most important element of manifest content presented as an element Secondary to authentic meaning. This mechanism moves the meaning from the central part of the dream to its accessory places, hiding the dreamer from the dream ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Frankenstein Interpretation Of Dreams Essay Although written several decades before Sigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams, dreams are an important window into the mind of the protagonist in Mary Shelley's gothic novel, Frankenstein. Victor Frankenstein's dreams about his love, Elizabeth Lavenza, dying in his arms and his creation strangling him, prove that Victor cannot escape his problems even when he sleeps. Victor's nightmares expose what is occurring inside him. He physically attempts to avoid his problems by running away, but the problems are too significant. Victor Frankenstein's dreams foreshadow his future and show his inability to claim responsibility for his controversial experiments. Away at university, his bizarre experimentation and excessive studying influence his ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Analysis Of Joyce Carol Oates'sWhere Are You Going, Where... As teenage girls progress through life, the need to be perfect rides on their back, causing dreams and the fulfillment of wishes to be yearned for. The ultimate need to be beautiful creates life long effects within the minds of woman, later generating the demand of many unrealistic aspirations. While many believe that dreaming is a figment of the imagination, it can be described as a longing desire of hopeful achievements, expectations and future goals. For example, in Sigmund Freud's book "The Interpretation of Dreams" he states, " dreams are nothing other than the fulfillment of wishes"(Freud 118). Throughout "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" by Joyce Carol Oates, the author uses setting, characterization, and plot to portray Connie's mentality of being stuck in a dream. Within the short story, one may see that the setting and Connie's surroundings play an important role in characterizing moments of total equilibrium and satisfaction. As she is enclosed upon many environmental changes, Connie's depictions are decided upon where she is located and what different obstacles she is confronted with. According to the author, while she was at the drive in movie "She drew her shoulders up and sucked in her breath with the pure pleasure of being alive" (Oates 2). During the time she is away from life at home, Connie receives a sense of true freedom she has never felt before, a feeling in which someone in only a calming daze would encounter. She is confronted with many ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Dream Interpretation Research Paper My Dream Interpretation Paper My dream was more of a nightmare that occurred when I was very young. I remember laying in my mother's bed while she was sleeping, and as I was laying there, I heard heavy footsteps approaching her bedroom door. I don't know why, but I just couldn't look away from the dim hallway where the footsteps were coming down. As the footsteps got closer and closer, I began to shift under my mom as if she was some sort of wall that blocked me from the uninvited stranger that was about to enter my mom's room. At that moment everything slowed down, and then suddenly one brown boot appeared, and following was the other, and after that, I don't remember anything else. Since my dream was so vivid, it would fall under the "Activation–Synthesis" ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Importance Of The American Dream What exactly is the American Dream? The dream is the idea of achieving success and happiness through hard work and determination. It is about being impressive and having a job, house, family, and a successful life. According the Dream, the only way to live a successful and well–lived life is by living up to the standards. Although Langston Hughes argues that life would be meaningless without dreams, the American Dream sets very high expectations for society and these expectations can consume all of their time and focus. Aimee Picchi Moneywatch believes that the American Dream is a myth and there is little chance of someone actually achieving the Dream's version of success. The so called "American Dream" is an unrealistic goal that many people try to attain but end up failing to do so because they have wrong vision of what the dream really is and how to go about achieving it. The American Dream is an unrealistic standard that many Americans feel obligated to achieve and if they don't, society looks down upon them. The Dream is unrealistic because people are constantly getting new jobs and do not have a steady job that comes with a steady pay. Also, marriages do not always work out and their families are often separated. Often in life, people do not have enough money to pay for things even if they do have a steady job, and people do not always get the house that is expected for one to have according to the Dream. Therefore in today's society, many people are not living up to ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Sigmund Freud's Interpretation Of Dreams Sigmund Freud is considered the father of the dream theory. His book, The Interpretation of Dreams (1900), was very influential in the twentieth century and continues to captivate people today. Over many years of psychoanalysis, Freud found a correlation between socially unacceptable desires and the content of dreams (Freud, 1900). This lead him to the conclusion that dreams are the manifestation of wishes that are suppressed by the person because they are not socially acceptable (Freud, 1900). He separated content into two categories, manifest and latent (Freud, 1900). Manifest content of a dream is the actual literal subject–matter presented in the dream while latent content in the underlying symbols a dream is trying to present to the dreamer ... Show more content on ... When a person is awake, they are more aware of the world around them and are able to transmit clear information reflecting the changes in the environment. While some information about the surroundings is consciously adjusted for, there is a lot of information the brain does not focus on because it would be bombarded by unnecessary stimuli. For example, we do not feel our clothes on our body actively throughout the day. The brain is able to override the information coming into the system and dull the receptors. Likewise, on a daily bases we pass people and interact with random strangers that after the second interaction we have with them we forge about, however the brain continues to process and code this information. It is theorized that as a result of all this incoming information, the brain uses the visual system to sort through the stimuli, which we perceive as dreams.The information sorting allows the brain to "clean out" unnecessary information and store the useful ideas into the long– term memory, known as the housekeeping theory (Perry, 1999). This explains why events of the day prior end up in a ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Dream Interpretation Informative Speech Essay Name: Holly McCallen SPCH 2010–103 Informative Speech Date: TITLE: Dream Interpretation Type of Informative Speech: Speech Design: Categorical I. Introduction A. Attention Material: "Dreams feel weird while we are in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange (Inception, the movie)." Have you ever been curious about what your dreams actually mean? B. Credibility material: There have been many times in my life where I have either woke up in the middle of the night from a horrible nightmare or woke up in the morning trying to recall my dreams. I have spent a lot of time researching what my dreams mean. C. Statement of Relevance: Dreams are something we all experience ... Show more content on ... Main Point #2: Facts about Dreams 1. Your body goes through 4 stages of sleep. REM (rapid eye movement) is the 4th stage and when you do most of your dreaming. "While you are dreaming, your body undergoes noticeable changes. Your adrenaline rises, your blood pressure increases, and you heart beats faster. Given this hyperactivity, it should be no surprise how someone with a weak heart can die in their sleep (" It usually takes 30–90 minutes to reach REM, a person goes in and out of REM 4–7 times a night. During REM your eyes rapidly move back and forth under the eyelids. Our bodies are completely immobile and muscles are relaxed. You may shift around in your sleep but when in REM you are completely still. 2. states that Researchers have found why dreaming is so important and if you do not enter the dream phase it causes irritability and anxiety. They performed a study, where they would wake up a person right before they entered the REM stage, and then let the person fall back asleep, and then wake them up again and do this several times during the night. They repeated this over several nights. They then observed the subjects doing everyday activities and found they were disoriented, crabby, and quick tempered. Dreaming is necessary and helps to recharge the mind and visualize the body. 3. According to the site, while someone is dreaming ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Christian Dream Interpretation Of A Christian Christian Dream Interpretation The spiritual interpretation of dreams is lost to many modern–day Christians. However, this forgotten language is available for those who seek God, especially in prayer. Those who seek will find and answers sought in prayer may be revealed through dreams where the quiet voice of God is able to reach one in a most intimate way. Dreams are one of the ways that Crist reveals himself to us and touches our hearts on a very personal level. Historically speaking, dreams have been the most prominent form of communication between the creator and his people. Because of this, Satan has worked hard to convince people to ignore God's message in the form of dreams and visions. Unfortunately, today very few Christians are ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Willy Loman's Interpretation Of The American Dream American Dream: Willy's obsession to soon be recognized and financially successful. Willy's interpretation of the American dream was wrong because in order to be successful you have to sacrifice and work hard for what you want. Hope: All throughout the play, Willy puts his hope into his sons (mainly Biff) because he wants them to "make it big" and be well liked. He desperately wanted them to be ambitious. The importance of the opening scene is that it introduces the audience to the major characters. The setting in the play mainly takes place in the Loman's house, in New York City. There are other scene that take place outside the house such as Howard's office, Charley's office, Frank's Chop house.Willy strongly believes that Biff will settle ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Sigmund Freud 's Theory Of Psychology In the textbook it describes how Freud believed your conscious thoughts were only the tip of the iceberg when studying the brain. Freud believed there were three levels of awareness. The first level is, conscious level these are thoughts we are aware of in the moment (Cervone & Pervin, 2013). The second level is the preconscious level, which are contents we could easily become aware of (Cervone & Pervin, 2013). The third level is the unconscious level. This level is mental contents of the mind that we are unaware and cannot become aware of. These thoughts can only be accessed under special circumstances (Cervone & Pervin, 2013). According to Freud, the reason we were not able to access unconscious thoughts is because they are anxiety ... Show more content on ... This led Freud to write The Interpretation of Dreams. When studying dreams, Freud found that dreams are very strange. I have found this also in my lifetime. I have always been fascinated by dreams. As a kid I would wake up wanting to replay my dream on a display screen. In the mornings, I would be so excited to explain what happened in my dreams the night before to my family members. I wanted so badly for them to understand how crazy they were, but most of the time they were too bizarre for them to understand so they gave up listening. Unlike most of my friends and family my dreams were so vivid that I could almost always remember them. In high school, I began to think that because my dreams were so vivid, they had to mean something. I began trying to interpret my dreams. If there were a symbol that stuck out in my dream all night, like a snake, I would try to look up the meaning. Or if there were a certain act I was performing in my dream, like swimming in the ocean, I would look it up. At first, I was looking up the meanings on dream interpretation websites. Then, I ended up getting a book. Now I know that thanks to Freud, I am able to interpret my own dreams. I remember specifically, my senior year of high school after my mom passed away, she would be in my dreams. They were vivid memories of her and I, the dreams always felt so real. In the beginning after her passing, I would have dreams consecutively with her in it. As months passed ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Dream Interpretation Essay Scholars are not sure where or when the origins of dream interpretation began or how long dream analysis has been carried out. It is probably a good bet that the interpretation and analysis of people's dreams has been part of society in one form or another as long as we have been having dreams. Early man must have found dreams to be both frightening and fascinating and must have been confused by this bizarre manner of consciousness. It is clear that many ancient civilizations placed great significance on the events occurring in dreams as well as the possible meaning of these dream–state events. These interpretations were used to help shed light on the events that occurred in their waking lives. This paper briefly reviews the history of dream interpretation, from early civilizations to psychological theories to modern biologically–oriented theories. Information about early dream interpretation comes from several different sources: Mesopotamia The people of Mesopotamian (now Iraq) left behind some of the earliest pictographic writings dating back to approximately 3100 B.C. (Oppenheim, 1956). By 2700 B.C. they also used a cuneiform writing type consisting of marks on clay tablets and cylinders. It is in these writings that the earliest recorded notions of dream interpretations occur. The king Gudea, who ruled around 2220 B.C., had several dreams preserved that tell the story of a puzzling dream he had and his quest using a goddess's help to understand its meaning. This is one ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Dream Interpretation For Shoes Shoe Dream Meanings "I cried because I had no shoes till I met a man who had no feet" ~ Saadi Have you ever had dreams about shoes? Shoes are important to protect our feet from stepping on anything that could harm them; therefore, shoes are symbolic for protection. Most likely, protecting your body or an Earthly possession. If you're curious about the dream meaning of feet, please read Dream Interpretation for Feet. Here are seven other dream meanings for shoes are: 1. Not feeling grounded as your feet are covered. 2. If shoes are worn out, you could feel worn out or there is a worn out situation in your life. 3. Shoes that feel heavy may signify something heavy in your life that you're dragging around. 4. New shoes may symbolize an opportunity ... Show more content on ... If a man was wearing high heels in a dream, most likely he would feel uncomfortable while trying not to fall. However, the dream meaning would show a deeper for a man who had been suppressing his desire of dressing up as a woman. A woman who is has a shoe addiction may feel thrill of wearing a new pair of shoes. Or another meaning is she needs to wear a pair of heels she already owns. The following dream is a personal dream from my book Learn the Secret Language of Dreams from the precognitive dreams' chapter. This dream from 1992 illustrates how my past work situation, feelings, and other symbols can affect a shoe dream meaning: I had just finished watching the first part of a movie and was very excited to watch the second half. A couple of the salesmen and the service manager were there. One of the salesmen told me not to bother watching the second half – that it was not worth it. I was upset and angry because I really wanted to watch it. I looked over to where the service manager was sitting, then the bottom of service manager's shoe really stood out, I noticed there was a hole and another little hole was ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Dream Interpretation For Feet Dream Interpretation for Feet When I think about feet what comes to my mind is be where you're feet are. Feet are necessary in order for humans to be able to stand, walk, run, or do any type of physical activity. Think about what are feet are able to withstand every day; they sure are powerful. If you look up the dream meaning you could find some of the following interpretations: 1. Being grounded, stable, and independence. 2. Time to move forward. 3. Stuck in an area of your life. 4. Bare feet means you will experience impoverishment. 5. Feet being washed is doing service work. 6. Despair when it's your own feet (giggle). 7. Injured feet is symbolic for being sinful (LOL). Out of all those dream meanings the first three interpretation make ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Sigmund Freud's The Interpretations Of Dreams There are a lot of theories as to why we dream and what dreams mean, if there is a meaning to it at all. From the beginning of time, there have been records and cultural beliefs influenced by dreams. Some may see dreams as connection to another world, while others use dreams to understand our deeper inner selves or conscious. One of the first people to look at dreams from a scientific perspective was Sigmund Freud in the late 19th century. He believed that dreams had psychoanalytic importance, and wrote a book titled The Interpretations of Dreams in 1900 (Lavie 66). The way researchers studied and collected data on dreams was tricky. Before sleep laboratories, there was just the patient's recollection of the dream, which was problematic because ... Show more content on ... Lavie discusses that people are more likely to remember their dreams when they wake up during REM versus any other sleep stages, or a more shallow sleep cycle versus deep sleep. The memory is also affected by when the person goes to sleep or awaken in the morning, along with the motivation to remember the dream (Lavie 80). One example of forgetting reoccurring dreams deal with post – traumatic dreams. These dreams are usually frightening and are set in the area where the individuals' traumatic event occurred. Lavie suggests examples of traumatic event such as war settings, Holocaust survivors, or rape or sexual assault (Lavie 81). Rosalind Cartwright, a dream researcher, did another study that battled the idea of forgetting dreams or issues. She believed that dreams are used to process negative emotions to wake up feeling better, or maintaining a good mood. She used patients who were going through a divorce or depressing situations and observing if dreams could be a nocturnal therapy (Rock 102). Her studies, and the studies she influenced, found that most emotions found in dreams are negative, and that positive life events during wakefulness were a lot less frequent (Rock 103). To check this, Cartwright woke her patients mid–dream and the patients perceived their emotions as negative. Cartwright concludes that the first REM period may be negative, but each successive REM period improves emotion until full day wakefulness (Rock 105). Depressed individuals however struggle to improve their mood or come to a solution may be due to their rumination behaviors. Since they do this during the day, they may continue this during REM and maintain the negative emotions (Rock 106). I think this is enlightening because this allows the idea that dreams may be used to consolidate or offer solutions to ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Dream Of The Rood Interpretation A both–sides–win demonstration of retooled and revitalized tradition: when you wish for a Position Paper to push the two–page limit, your dreams come true. Who would guess that this form, intended for essays written and read at a breakneck clip, would prove so amenable, so elastic, and so gloriously conducive to the fast–paced pondering of an essay twice its size when called upon to exegize the dreamscapes of Antony and Cleopatra and "The Dream of the Rood"? In asking a simple Freudian question of each text––what are the wish–fulfillments disguised in your dream depictions?––the Position Paper has magically become a space for expansive syntax, mirthful speculations, and insolent digressions. In its simultaneous protraction and compression, ... Show more content on ... Cleopatra's dream has received minimal critical attention in the canon of Shakespearean scholarship and is completely overlooked even among the appreciations I like best (Harold Bloom's and Camille Paglia's), a curious fate for a passage that forces us to reprocess not only the Egyptian queen but her rambling, indigestible play as well. Difficulty isn't the problem; these critics' foci are comparatively subtler and practically impervious to unspecialized contemplation. How to explain, then, the agonizing struggle, especially at this crucial moment in the play, evinced by many of the best and most illustrious actresses of stage and screen who have braved the role? Perhaps the critic who expects––nay, hopes––that our most gifted actors will also necessarily be good or even merely adequate readers is dreaming. But to misunderstand Cleopatra's dream is to misunderstand Cleopatra; no serious, earnest interpreter of the part can botch this passage. (An impromptu recitation by Helen Mirren uploaded to Youtube proves the point: she purrs the lines warmly, flirtatiously, stuck as she is in the kittenish register that has, by now, become the default interpretation among Cleopatra's most flagrant misreaders. Mirren refuses to modulate; she doesn't understand that Cleopatra must mature in the span of these twenty lines or else the play capsizes.) A perfunctory analysis ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Dreams And Desire : Synthesizing, The Interpretation Of... Dreams and Desire: Synthesizing "The Interpretation of Dreams" and "The Birthmark" Which comes first, the dream or the desire? Does a dream inspire a desire, or does a hidden desire leak from the subconscious and surface during a dream? Sigmund Freud's, The Interpretation of Dreams, theorizes that dreams can unveil deep desires that would not otherwise be realized. Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story, The Birthmark, illustrates the claims made by Freud in The Interpretation of Dreams. The Birthmark supports Freud's idea of uncensored dreaming, the theory of anxiety dreams, and the idea that dreams are related to nature or destiny. First, Freud claims that our dreams are an uncensored outlet for repressed wishes or desires. He states, "In these dreams we find the highly unusual condition realized of a dream–thought formed by a repressed wish entirely eluding censorship and passing into the dream without modification" (760). During the day while fully conscious the mind does not allow certain undesirable thoughts to be entertained but the sleep state allows for a genuine expression of a person's deepest wishes despite being inappropriate. The narrator of The Birthmark echoes this sentiment. After Aylmer remembers his dream about removing Georgiana's mark, the narrator explains, "The mind is in a sad note, when Sleep, the all–involving, cannot confine her spectres within the dim region of her sway, but suffers them to break forth, affrighting this actual life with secrets ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Interpretation of Aboriginal Dreams Introduction: Typically to understand a foreign culture's ontology, ethnographers and anthropologist examine aspects of the selected group's life such as researching into their methods of communication, religious values, if any, and their orientation within the world. An alternative and more modern way of learning ontological views of a culture is by taking a more interdisciplinary approach and looking towards analyzing not just how they view aspects of the world but why. There is a cross between fields of psychology and philosophy when anthropologists begin to analyze aboriginal conceptions of "Dreamings" as a way to shed light onto their epistemology. Many studies have been done to signify the importance of these Dreamings in the cultural shaping of their world. However, because emphasis is focused on the distinction and differences between Aboriginal and Non indigenous models of dreams, these two ideologies are often binary. After learning about the concept of Dreaming in philosophical, psychological, and ethnographic terms through the course of 10 weeks I want to propose that Aboriginal Dreamings are not so distance from the basis of non–indigenous formation models of dreams. There is a large emphasis of the distinctions between Aboriginal Australians concept of the "Dream Time" or "Dreamings" and the (Western) formulation of Dreams. This connection has caused interest because of the similarities between names. Patrick Wolfe accredits the term Dreamings to come from ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Interpretations Of The American Dream Interpretations of American Dream There exist kinds of interpretations and instructions along the very term 'American Dream' ranging from its definition, the different concepts of people about it and its ultimate aim to the doubts upon its realization. Alfonzo Reyas, a Mexican humanist, says that "America is a utopia... it is the figure of human hope" (qtd. In Parrington Jr. Preface). James Truslow Adams, who was firstly coined the phrase in his 1931 book The Epic of America, however, defined it as a "dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement...A dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position." (34). whatsoever it may be, there derived a constant factor that could be read in the interpretation of almost all experts about the American Dream: the constant hunt for material riches. At the beginning of the concept of the American Dream, it focused mainly on attaining a true spirit in the God and achieving a sublime gratification of human's mind. It depended on uprising the human values through humanity, love and peace, therefore getting to the whole people in the oneness under the God. However, this pure godliness of the American Dream was gradually transformed to the materialistic ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Dream Interpretation For Beginners Summary A person opens their eyes and realizes that they are are on a gigantic chocolate chip cookie boat, flowing down a warm, white, milky river. When the person looks all around from the milky river, the person sees mountains that are made of ice cream and are topped with whipped cream and cherries on top. They are in paradise. They awake to a loud sound, and as the milky river and ice cream mountains fade away, they realize it was all just a dream. Dreams are a series of thoughts, images and sensations that occur in a person's mind when they are sleep. Peoples' views on dreaming today are similar yet different in a way, from what people believed back then. Sigmund Freud's beliefs and theories were believed by many people, including one of his theories called day residue. There are several facts and information on the scientific background behind dreaming, such as the sleeping and dreaming structure, rapid eye movement sleep, and non–rapid eye movement sleep. There is also a lot of information on the content of dreams and the interpretations of them. What ... Show more content on ... One statement she says is that, "it is while we are sleeping that were consolidating and moving to more permanent storage the events experienced and things learned during the day or preceding day" (Brandon 44). In other words, she is saying that what we dream could strongly be related to what we have learned or done the day of or the day before. For example, if a student is reading a certain novel and learning about events from it, that student might have a dream regarding what he or she is reading or learning about. On a different subject, dreams can play out the final scene of our problems during the day while we sleep. They can do this by processing all of the emotions that a person faces throughout their daily ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Sigmund Freud 's The Interpretation Of Dreams Essay Austrian neurologist and now considered the 'father of psychoanalysis', Sigmund Freud, is perhaps known for his theories involving the human brain. During the late 1800s, his therapeutic techniques dealing with psychopathology made him quite influential within and throughout the sphere of psychology and his work has had a tremendous impact on modern culture and common opinion. Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams, first published in 1899, takes into account dream interpretation and theories involving the human brain, why humans dream and what they could mean. By conducting 'free associations' and interpreting numerous case histories of patients' and their dreams, he established such theories such as dreams as wish–fulfillments and regression. In his dream interpretation, Freud treated dreams as a distorted path to the unconscious and believed that the contents of a dream were the fulfillment of a wish and its motive as a wish (Freud 143). In other words, Freud believed that the dreamer's unconscious mind was reflected by the material within a dream and the role of these dreams was to satisfy the basic unconscious fantasies of a human. This assertion implies that wishes those were unable to be fulfilled in the waking life disguise themselves as symbols and imagery and manifest in the conscious mind, administered by the pleasure principle. In Freud's point of view, wishes are repressed desires, mainly sexual, and childhood memories that are fulfilled via dreams, based on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Interpretation Of Dreams By Sigmund Freud Some dream big, some dream small, and sadly some dream not at all The Interpretation of Dreams was published by Sigmund Freud in the year 1900 as a thought provoking compilation of ideas surrounding the cognitive processes of dreaming. Although this book has been translated and edited since its original publishing date, it reads as if to hold true to Freudian fashion; addressing levels of consciousness and their effects on how specific dreams are formed. Freud makes a clear and reverent effort to acknowledge other's theories to explain the unexplainable. His focus throughout the text is to hypothesize on how regression, resistance, and censorship all play a delicate role in the remembrance and interpretation of ones dreams. It is Freud's skillful application of resistance and censorship that grants further contemplation of why dreams are so soon to fade and be forgotten upon awakening. It is also this application that guides the reader into how these two processes may require one to use free association to interpret such dreams. Resistance and censorship are explained by Freud as a cognitive process that happens due to the separation of the waking and sleeping mental states. He presents the idea that while one sleeps, the cognitive censorship used throughout waking hours is significantly reduced, making dreams possible. However, immediately present upon awakening is mental resistance, resulting in the "forgetting" or "fragmenting" of dreams. These symptoms are ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Sigmund Freud Interpretation Of Dreams Essay Although there were various methods of interpreting dreams in biblical times, one way that was used to interpret the impact of dreams on reality is through a message being delivered (often by a spirit/god), also known as religious symbolism. The reason it is known as religious symbolism is because the theory is most commonly used in religious circumstance, although there are many records from ancient times stating that dreams foresee future events through a message being given to a person in the person's dream outside of religious purposes (Alles). These records include the Chester Beatty Papyrus from Egypt, the Atharvaveda from India, a Babylonian dream guide, and other ancient references. The messages delivered have different meanings but ... Show more content on ... While many people in ancient times used that method to find a purpose in their dreams, Sigmund Freud shared his theory on the same topic. Freud's theory about the effect of dreams was made well known in the late 1800s. His main belief on the topic was that dreams are very important for mental health, especially involving thoughts related to sexual desire. Freud wrote several books relating to his personal theory, but most popular (and controversial) was The Interpretation of Dreams, published in 1899. Additionally, Freud influenced many other psychologists including C.G. Jung who later shared his own theory on dream interpretation. Freud's thoughts were that people's unconscious wishes (especially sexual) are fulfilled by the occurrence of dreams and even nightmares were a sign of wish fulfillment. Although Freud also considered that this would not be the case in every dream: "If I now declare that wish–fulfillment is the meaning of every dream, so that there cannot beany dreams other than wish–dreams, I know beforehand that I shall meet with the most emphatic contradiction" (Freud 44). Many of Sigmund Freud's thoughts on dream analysis later influenced C.G. Jung's theory as claimed by Jung in Memories, Dreams, ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Interpreting Dreams Essay Most of us have experienced a dream, be it a nightmare or a pleasant walk in a forest. It was frequently believed that dreams encompass a coded message that might be expressing our hidden wishes, things that happened in the past or even predict the future. In the past, there have been many attempts to unravel the secret hidden behind the dreams and so far the world came up with three main theories of interpreting the dreams (Freudian, Jungian and Cognitive)(Wade, Travis 1998). In this essay I will attempt to analyze my dream by using each of the theories mentioned above, then compare the outcomes as well as their possible connections to my life and in the end determine, which one of these theories is the most accurate and thus as a laic ... Show more content on ... However, Sigmund Freud used as well the technique of the free association in order to determine the real meaning of the dream, because sometimes it was not possible to do so by applying the dream work functions (condensation, composite, displacement, representation) only (Freud 1900). To be more specific about the process of analyzing any dream, Freud thought that only those objects and symbols are of significant importance that we forget as soon as few days pass by and our unconscious "censor" has enough time to erase them from our memory (Freud 1900). When I have compared the two versions of my dream (the one that I put down immediately after waking up and the other one that was written after four days) I found out that the following things and objects were omitted: People that were in the boat with me Deer around the arbor Six bullets (that I have shot the pig with) The fact, that these objects were omitted signified a fact that they are (from Freudian point of view) of significant importance. People that were in the boat with me were the ones I like and ask for an advice or help. The fact that they were in the boat with me could mean that I need them or perhaps that I will need them sometimes in the future. However, we can explain it also in another way. Perhaps they are just slowing my boat down and therefore I cannot go towards ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Theories of Dream Content in The Interpretation of Dreams... I have chosen an original psychology classic based on Sigmund Freud. The title of my review is "The Interpretation of Dreams". This book was written to find out why do we actually dream and what does it mean in our psychological lives. In Freud's view, dream is viewed as wish fulfilment. It is known as the satisfaction of a desire through an involuntary process. Therefore it can occur in dreams or daydreams in the symptoms or neurosis or hallucination of psychosis. It requires interpretation to recognize this satisfaction. I chose this book to explore whether our dreams do mean anything, and whether it does symbolise and influence our past and future. The points that I will be talking about The Interpretation of Dreams in my review is the ... Show more content on ... Freud stated that if he declares the meaning of all dreams as a wish of fulfilment then he might have to meet with contradictions. Some dreams can be expressed in words differently, hence such dreams are known as distortion in dreams. Looking at the logical side of it, the dream should be perceived from the manifest content of the dream. As stated by Freud, that children's dream are easy to understand but some are unquestionable. In early childhood, dream distortion makes its appearance. It also has been recorded that children from age five to eight years have showed characteristics of later dreams. However, dreams that are of a so– called infantile character will be discovered if you limit yourselves to the age beginning with conscious psychic activity. Some dreams of these phenomena will be found in the later period of childhood occasionally. Dreams that proximately resemble the typically infantile ones even occur under certain conditions among adults. Based on the information gained from these children's dreams with ease, it is hope to prove conclusion of universal application. To understand these dreams there is no need for technical methods and analysis. There is no need to question the child who is giving information of his dream but the story taken from the life of the child should be added. It will eventually be explained to us the previous day. Based on the experiences of the day, the dream is a sleep– reaction of ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Sigmund Freud Interpretation Of Dreams Research Paper Every individual dreams; however, some people are affected more than others. Dreams are sequences of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. Most occurring during rapid–eye movement or REM–when brain activity is high and resembles being awake. Many believe that dreams are a connection to an individual's subconscious. Sigmund Freud, a scientist in the early 1900s performed extensive studies on dreams, including their interpretation, why they occur, and what they indicate. In addition, people have done studies to see the connection between dreams and certain sleep disorders. Sleep is a state of physical inactivity and mental rest where conscious awareness, thought, and voluntary ... Show more content on ... Total sleep deprivation longer than forty hours proves impossible; however, due to brief periods of micro sleep, it is possible to function properly longer ("Sleep"). Micro sleep represents the body's obvious need for sleep. Even though it only lasts for a couple of seconds, it can have some restorative function to the body, but individuals cannot survive on this; they need a full night's rest ("Sleep"). Losing more than one night's sleep produces a noticeable increase in irritability, lethargy, disinterest, and even paranoia. An individual's psychomotor performance and concentration are also affected and eventually immunological functions suffer. Newborns sleep as many as seventeen hours a day, whereas five–year–olds average about twelve hours a night ("Sleep and Sleep Disorders"). For some reason, many people experience the best and most satisfying sleep of their lives during the middle teen years ("Sleep and Sleep ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Philosophy of Reality and Dreams by Chuang-tzu and Ibn... Ibn al–Arabi and Chuang–tzu were and continue to be very influential to the study of both religion and philosophy. Their separate notions of dream and reality have survived through the centuries and we continue to attempt to explain and analyze them today. In this paper I will first examine Ibn al– Arabi's concept of dream and reality and then move on to study Chuang–tzu's thoughts on the subject. After reviewing both of these constructs I will compare and contrast some of the similarities and differences between the two. Through this analysis I will show that although they were written hundreds of years and thousands of miles apart, their conclusions on dream and reality are strikingly similar. The Philosophers Ibn al–Arabi was ... Show more content on ... Also famous for his mystic philosophy is the great Chuang–tzu. Although not much is known about the Chinese Taoist writer, it is believed he was born around 369 B.C.E. on the border of Shandong and Henan provinces, and lived as a hermit until his death c.286 B.C.E. Scholars ascribe to Chuang– tzu at least some of the writing in the Taoist book which shares his name (the Chuang–tzu). In this book, Chuang–tzu uses wit, satire, analysis, and essays to explore many questions of philosophy, including the essence of reality and perception. Today, Chuang–tzu is considered to be one of the founders of Taoist philosophical thought, and his book is recognized as one of the holy scriptures of Taoism. The Chuang–tzu has captivated Chinese readers and encouraged philosophical discussion of its teachings for over two thousand years. Ibn `Arabi on Dream and Reality In his work Bezels of Wisdom, Ibn al–Arabi implies that all of that which we perceive as reality is, in fact a dream. Even in our dreams we are dreaming. Although most of us are unaware that we are dreaming, all that we see, feel, and hear is an illusion, a symbolic manifestation of the true Reality. According to Ibn al– Arabi, "All men are asleep; only when they die, do they wake up." In the above statement Ibn al– Arabi does not mean that we must die in order to understand true Reality. He is referring to the process humans must undergo in order to interpret perceived reality to ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Sigmund Freud's Interpretation Of Dreams While most people do not give a second thought to the reasons why human sleep or about what their dreams mean, a great deal of psychologist dedicate their lives to studying sleep and dreams. In this paper, I will discuss the reasons for sleeping, the stages of sleep, and theirs abut dream and their interpretation. I will also provide an analysis of my own sleep pattern and dream through the data I have collected in my dream log. First, let's review some reasons why people need sleep. People need sleep for multiple reasons. The general reason is that sleep helps our physical and mental help. It does this by resorting our body tissues, encouraging body growth, and increasing our immune system. It also helps to keep our mind sharp, enhance our moods, and helping learning and memory (Pastorino & Doyle–Portillo, 2013, p. 4–1a). There are five stages or sleep, the four stages of Non–rem sleep and the single stage of Rem Sleep. Stage I of ... Show more content on ... One of the most well–known theories is Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams. Freud thought that we convey our fears during our dream, as well as our aggressive and sexual desires, through symbols that personify our unconscious desires. Another theory is the threat simulation theory (TST). This theory suggests that dreaming is a biological defense mechanism and hat through our dream we can experience possibly threating situation so that we can practice our actions during these situations. However not all a have survival themes. The activation–synthesis theory is a theory that proposes that dreaming is merely a consequences of the extremely active brain during REM sleep. During REM sleep, random neural impulses are created. According to this theory, the brain tries to establish meaning out of these impulses by blending them into familiar stories or images based on our memories, and that they have no underlying meaning (Pastorino & Doyle–Portillo, 2013, p. ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Analysis Of The Poem ' Dream Deferred ' Pursuing Dreams The overall meaning of this poem is about the consequences of not pursuing your dreams. For some this can be a horrible thing while for others, it can be a blessing in disguise. The poem begins with a simple question, "What happens to a dream deferred" (line 1)? What occurs when an individual goes in another direction from a goal or ambition they had once desired? Does it cause a weight to be lifted? Does it cause fear and anxiety? This poem focusing on the consequences or benefits that are the result of a dream that goes unachieved. The speaker lays out the possible different outcomes that would occur when someone gives up on their dreams. The first of the possible scenarios is listed as "Does it dry up / like a raisin in the sun" (lines 3–4)? The dream begins as a youthful, ambitious goal for life. This goal slowly begins to fade as the person ages. Whether this is due to shifts in priorities or unforeseen circumstances, things have changed over time. A dream that once seemed to be very achievable is now nothing more than a small memory in the back of ones mind. The metaphor that is used here is a grape drying up to become a raisin, just like their dreams can shrink down into a fraction of what they once were. The next scenario is a how a deferred dream can affect you a little more harshly. The speaker asks, "Or fester like a sore– / And then run" (lines 4–5)? The sore that is mentioned can be thought of as more of a wound. It is not so much the result ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Interpretation Of Dreams By Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud is thought to be the founder of psychoanalysis and he embarked on conducting a study to analyse and interpret dreams as a means of determining their relation to the human psyche. Starting off his career as a neurologist he was already very familiar with the brain and it's inner workings. However his study was specifically conducted to explore the more celestial attributes of the mind and apply scientific theory and neurological practice. Freud said that, "The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind." He meant that because dreams are such an unconscious activity they give an almost direct insight into the workings of the unconscious mind. In "The Interpretation of Dreams" he was the first person to look at the mind and to develop a theory about its basis and creation. By identifying which parts of the mind are unconscious and conscious he was able to fix scientific labels on celestial areas of the brain. In effect, Freud is responsible for giving the study of the mind it's serious and scientific attributes. Something that had only previously associated with the physical study of the brain. In order to prove his theory he analyzed his dreams, his childhood memories, screen memories, slips of the tongue, and episodes of forgetfulness. His theory was that by analyzing dreams and memories they will aid in trying to understand how events from the past, including childhood, continue to actively influence ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Analytical Essay: The Different Interpretations Of Dreams I decided to research interpretations of dreams because of a nightmare my friend recently told me about. Tamara told me about a creepy dream that involved demons. Tamara had a dream that a black figure in a black cape was sitting on her stomach while she was sleeping. The black figure told her that it was going to throw her into the raging fire in front of her bed. When Tamara woke up hysterically crying, her stomach felt extremely hot. After she told me about her dream, I looked up what her dream could possibly mean about her life. There was a plethora of general information on the web about dream interpretations, so I decided to simplify this topic for my research paper. This is how I came up with the idea to research the different interpretations of dreams based on ... Show more content on ... Most of the search results that I came across contained interpretations , but not all not all of them provided a background on how different cutltures view dreams. Cherry, a psychology expert, covered the different cultural perspectives on dreams before she indentified the nine most common dreams. I also had a very hard time completing this research process without writing an actual research paper. I am accustomed to creating an outline before I write any type paper for English. In high school, I was only asked to cite my sources using the infamous For this research process, I had to compose two different documents that I had never created before. I had to create an annotated bibliography, and an abstract. The abstract took the longest amount of time to complete. I struggled to provide a brief background on my chosen topic without including the same details that were allocated for this reflection paper. Fortunately, I was able to find a fantastic template with an example of an abstract to guide me in the right ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Language And Interpretation In A Midsummer Night's Dream A Midsummer's Night Dream is a story of requited and unrequited love between two couples, conventions existing within society, supernatural enchantment and features a play within a play. The extract from Act III, Scene 1 is of pivotal importance. It is the first oie themes, symbolismccurrence of two character types converging; namely the Queen of Fairies – Titania – and Bottom, a weaver and performer. The use of distinct language techniques, diction, and contextual relationships expands on themes and symbolism introduced in earlier scenes, and which are prevalent throughout the play. Analysis of language, structure and characterisation within the extract assists in making decisions about performance possibilities, and aids in challenging audience ... Show more content on ... Bottom's ignorance of having his head transformed into an ass's by Puck balances mischief against Oberon's malicious intent. In the lines leading up to the extract, there is ample opportunity for the audience to laugh at the antics on stage, but for the purpose of the extract, negative aspects of love are present, and there is little comedic value. Atmosphere and tone is important when considering performance possibilities, and can be enhanced by setting or scenery, light, sound effects and music. If considering a live performance, the type of venue should also be considered, and whether the text should be performed in the open air, a traditional theatre or a playhouse styled venue. The delivery of the lines, whether in verse or prose should aid the audience's understanding of the language, and if there is the potential for the meaning to be unclear, expressive acting and actions may counter any confusion. In the extract, Bottom is given four fairies to attend to him. Their names are 'Peasseblossom, Cobweb, Mote and Mustardseed!' (Line 144). The audience may be unaware these fairies have been named after plants of herbal remedy, and although Shakespeare provides clarification of this point, the performer's delivery of the lines, through the spoken words or through acting, should allow the audience to make that connection. Shakespeare often includes stage ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Are Dream Dictionaries Reliable In Their Interpretation? Are Dream Dictionaries Reliable in Their Interpretation? Last Saturday, I was browsing the metaphysical section of Barnes and Nobles in Wilmington, NC, when I noticed a teenager girl holding a huge dream dictionary. I overheard the young teenager say to her mother, "Look at this huge dictionary, I wonder if it really helps?" I couldn't resist going over and putting in my two cents. I introduced myself as a Dream Interpreter and asked for permission to talk about the subject, which they gave. I told them that a dream dictionary was a good basic reference, but dream interpretation was a lot more complicated. The mother responded, "I'll bet." I used the example of dog that it could mean loyalty and unconditional love; although, it could have ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Interpretation Of Dreams Personal Statement A career in mental health has always sparked an interest in me as I saw a growing need for psychological care. I have relatives who are trained psychologists and they have given me an invaluable look into the mental health profession. Since studying a psychology course which was provided by the local college it has given me the insight into how university lectures would work as well as allowing me to cope with semi–independent learning. The course only furthered my interest into psychology as I learned about many different topics included such as social psychology, psychopathology as well as delving into sleep and memory. Having looked into psychology and the profession I found an interest in reading academic books such as The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud. The book definitely grabbed my attention into psychology and how it is affects us in normal day–to–day life. I enjoyed reading the book written by a well renowned psychoanalyst, this gave me a true insight into what he thought and his interpretation of the meaning of dreams. I have also been in ... Show more content on ... The chance to partake in the award has given me the drive and dedication that I know I can transfer into a university degree. I have also participated in other extracurricular activates such as Young Enterprise, where a business was set up and products were made to be sold on, I have learned how to compromise with other in my group and learned also how to interact with people to a better level. During my years in secondary I have also been playing the Cello for around 6–7 years now and I know I would very much enjoy carrying on this instrument into later life, maybe joining an ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Dream Interpretation Paper Dream Interpretation The last dream I can remember having was a dream I had right at the beginning of the school year. It was during a time where I was still adjusting to the excitement of senior year and my new schedule. The dream started out on a cloudy day. I had my work uniform on from my summer job, except I was not at my place of work, I was at a horserace track. However, I did not feel anything out of the ordinary, I continued acting as if I were at work. I wandered around for a bit until I ran into two of friends from work, Jamia and Gabe. I did notice something strange about them. they seemed off to me. When I approached them they were sitting on a bench and they did not seem to come to life until I got there. I can only describe ... Show more content on ... When I had this dream, I was having a hard transition of going back to school and leaving my friends. The reason it is so hard to leave my summer job is that my friends and I always promise to stay in contact but we never do. The transition was also hard because it would be my senior year of high school. My dream revealed my worries to me about the uncertainty and lack of clarity I had regarding senior year. My dream revealed to to me that despite this being a new responsibility and having to work on my own without the help of my friends, that I should remain positive about it. I believe the dream was also a warning that I could not continue to ignore my feelings toward my new situation and that it was time to face what was bothering me. It was telling me that I should not worry too much over my overbearing schedule and overbearing work load. I did notice that I was losing a part of myself, that part that I admired in the friends that appeared in my dream. My dream was telling me to keep moving forward as the positive person I was in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Discuss Theories Of The Science Interpretation And Purpose... Over the centuries people have attempted to discover the meaning of dreams. Early civilizations thought they were real physical worlds that you could enter from a dream state. During these times dreams were felt to be a way to connect with a higher power, in fact some were convinced dreams were a way to prophecies events. However it wasn't until the late nineteenth century that Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung introduced what are still the most widely known theories of dreams. In current studies the use of technology has advanced our understanding of the dream state: brain activity, neuroscience, effective medications and lucid dreaming. This paper will examine different theories of the science, interpretation and purpose of our dreams. Science has shown us that when we sleep there are five sleep stages. These stages move from light sleep to deep sleep and finally ending in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. REM sleep periods occur approximately every sixty to ninety minuets through out the night. This is where the dreams are the most vivid and most often remembered. The REM sleep stage is characterized by rapid eye movement, increase heart rate and breathing, and elevated blood pressure. In an eight hour night there may be four to six dream periods, which is surprising since you often cannot remember even one ... Show more content on ... Recent research has proven this to be false and that the brain is actually highly active during sleep. In fact the brain during REM sleep can be more active than when we are awake. J. Allan Hobson and Robert McClarley came up with the activation–synthesis model. They theorized that, "...circuits in the brain become activated during REM sleep, areas of the limbic system including the amygdala and hippocampus (the parts of the brain involved in emotions, sensations and memories) also becomes active" (Mastin). This is one theory of how and why dreams ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Dream Interpretation Guides Us in Understanding the... I. Intro Paragraph: "Dream interpretation is a process of assigning meaning to dreams." In ancient Egypt and Greece, dreaming was considered a supernatural communication or a means of divine intervention whose messages that could be reveled by people with certain powers. Sigmund Freud came up with two techniques to get information on his patients "unconscious minds." One of Freud's techniques that he came up with was interpreting dreams. Dream interpretations have formed a large part of Freud's method of understanding mental life; he also believed that subdued materials often surfaced in dreams in a symbolic form. Dreams can be confusing, frightening, or wonderful, which reveals our innermost secrets. Thesis Statement: Dreams can reflect human emotions, and other experiences, like our deepest desires, hopes, fears, and fantasies. If we interpret our dreams, it may help us understand ourselves better and help us solve our problems. II. History of Dreams: Dream interpretations were first documented on clay tablets that dated back to 3000 to 4000 B.C. People in primal societies were unable to distinguish between the dream world and reality. The people in these societies didn't see the dream world as an extension of reality; instead they saw it as powerful world. "This path of dream interpretation also leads back to the ancient Egyptians with the first written record of dream interpretation around 1350 B.C." Egyptians believed that dreams are warnings, advice and ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Freuds Interpretation of Dreams Many will argue that Freud's ideas have exerted a profound influence on twentieth –century thought and culture, though his work has come under scrutiny, it has shape the fundamentals of society view on civilization and discontents, dreams, psychoanalysis and the unconscious. For this paper, I will be discussing Freud's fundamentals of dreams, what dreams represents, how dreams are constructed and its significance while paying close attention to the following areas of dreams, manifest and latent content, condensation and displacement, and censorship and repression. First, let examined the definition of dream according to Sigmund Freud "dream is the disguised fulfilment of a repressed wish. Dreams are constructed like a neurotic symptom: ... Show more content on ... Hence, manifest and latent content are connected because the dreamer have to first remember the dream before he or she can break down and make sense of it. Third, Sigmund Freud thought dreams had motives and there meaning is other than it appears on the surface. Dreams are disguised by condensation and displacement. Condensation is a thought expressed in the optative has been replaced by a representation in the present tense" (Freud, 151). In simpler terms, dream condensation is complex meaning compressed into a simpler one. While "dream displacement is concealing the meaning of a dream and to make the connections between the dream content and the dream thoughts unrecognisable" (Freud, 155). When we rationalise this, it is merely stating that dream content is derived from the dream thoughts and when an individual awakes the content of the dream may not be clear due to condensation and displacement. Often with dream displacement, for the dream content to be clear there has to be a linkage to something that corresponds to it. Freud also stated that, "we assume as a matter of course that the most distinct element in the manifest content of dream is the most important one; but in fact owing to displacement that has occurred it is often an indistinct element which turns out to be the most direct derivative of the essential dream thoughts" (Freud, 155). This shows that it is not the content of the dream, which is remembered, that is most significant but the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Dream Interpretation Research Paper Dream interpretation is an old tradition that dates back at least as far as Biblical times. Perhaps the most famous instance of dream interpretation is where the Pharaoh tells David his dreams about seven skinny sheep eating seven fat sheep and seven skinny ears of corn eating seven fat ears of corn. David interpreted this to mean seven years of bumper crops followed by seven years of poor crops. With proper planning, this allowed the Pharaoh to protect his people from potential famine during the coming lean years. Dreams can be a means to tap into subconscious thought processes and tell us what we know that we don't even consciously realize that we know. But we are also more psychically sensitive when we sleep. So our dreams can contain extra sensory information that is unavailable to most people when they are awake. Most premonitions of the future actually occur in dream form, not in waking visions. The vast majority of the time, dreams ... Show more content on ... If you read your written notes out loud, you may find that the dreams are like pictures of common expressions. This may be something you do not notice in the images or if you read the words silently to yourself. It may only become apparent when you speak it out loud and hear the homonyms and common phrases, such as the expression of "something bugging me" to express something bothering you or being "stabbed in the back" to express a feeling of betrayal and so forth. Especially at first, or when you are going through a particularly stressful time when the stakes are high for you, it can help to run your dreams past someone else, preferably someone knowledgeable about dream interpretation. They can help you sort out the most likely meaning. Sometimes, dream meanings can be counterintuitive or people can read in either what they would like to hear or perhaps what they most fear instead of what is really there. An objective listener can help you avoid such ... Get more on ...