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Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

Drapuadi – The Ultimate Submission

                    By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

Few days back I happened to visit a ―Draupadi-amma‖ temple at Varthur
village, Bangalore which ignited my quest for understanding the character
called Draupadi, the wife of Pandavas, who played a pivotal role in
Mahabharatha. Infact, her whole life was just a unified story of the all Indian
women irrespective of the era they belong to. Women in India are having a
special status in our society: From Undesirables to Goddesses.

I am sure if you also go through her character description, you will like the
following verses

Why toss me around?

Why not leave me on the ground?

Why make me a ragged doll?

Question not the ways of God,

Have faith & be happy with your lot;

For happiness lies in what you have got,

And not in what you feel you have lost.

                                               By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

Blind Cry – Ashok Sawhny

Come see the world through my eyes,

And you will realize,

How dark it turns out to be,

If you happen to be like me.

Time would have no relevance,

Days & Nights no consequence,

Liberty in Captivity,

Something of a travesty.

Let me paint the picture for you,

Sketch it and flesh it out for you,

I know not the color green, blue or red

Black the color I am constantly fed.

An Unwanted Child

As the story goes, her father Draupad , king of Panchal , had three sons
Satyajit and Vikra, and Shikhande. But inspite of having three sons , king
Draupad was defeated and captured by the students of Dronacharya .
Burning in the fire of revenge, king Draupad performed tapsas(rigorous
ritual) followed by a Yajna to seek blessings from the God in the form a son
who could bring back his glory.

drupada    stu    divarmatra  tapya   manah    parabhavath   |
bhim arjuna bala mdrishhthva chechchhanh pandavasa mshrayam.h

                                             By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

|| Drupada suffered anguish from his defeat day and night and also wished
to seek protection of Bhima and Arjuna after realizing seeing their strength.

putram cha dronah antaramichchhanh vipravarau                              yayau      |
yajopayajavanIy atharbudena gavam nripah ||

Wishing to have a son who would be capable of killing Drona, he went to
Brahmins named Yagnopayaja .

God blessed Draupad and two children were born out of the yajna fire. The
first to emerge out of the holy pyre was a son, called Dhrishtadyumna, and
the second one , a daughter called Draupadi. Since Draupad, her father
had performed the yajna with intent of getting blessed with a Son who
could defeat his enemy Drona, Draupadi was an unwanted child born to
him. But as she was born from the fire of vengefulness, he knew that she
would be a tool in his hand to burn the strength of Drona.

Owing to her virtuous nature, Droupadi is considered one amongst the five
Panchkanayas of hindu mythology. As an Oriya verse goes:

Pancha bhuta khiti op tejo maruta byomo

Pancha sati nirjyasa gyani bodho gomyo

Ahalya Draypadi Kunti Tara Mandodari totha Pancha kanya...

Five elements, earth, water, fire, wind, ether

Are in essence the five satis. This wise know

Ahalya, Draupadi, Kunti, Tara and Mandodari Five virgins ….

                                                 By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

    Draupad and Dronaachaarya were together in Gurukul. They were great friends. But
after Gurukul was over Draupad, being a prince became the king and lived a lavish life
and Drona , being a teacher , lived an austere life. But things went wrong on Drona‘s
end, he thought of seeking help from his old friend Draupad. But Draupad dejected
Drona saying ― If you ask for a cow as a Brahman, I can give you as many cows as you
ask, but not as a friend. Drone felt insulted and went away.

Later Drone started teaching Pandav and Kaurav. When Pandav and Kaurav had
finished their education, and the time came to pay Guru Dakshinaa, Drone asked both
of them, Kaurav and Paandav to bring king Drupad tied with a horse. Kaurav went there
but came back defeated by Drupad; but Paandav brought him to Drone tied with a
horse. Drone said - "I still consider you my friend. Now you and your kingdom are mine.
When you had the whole kingdom, you did not give me even one cow, but now first I will
divide your kingdom and then I will take only one cow from your part of kingdom." He
took one cow from Drupad's share of kingdom and gave back his kingdom and freed

Names of Draupadi

Being the daughter of Draupad, She was given a name ‗Draupadi‘.She was
known by several other names as well. As the princess of the kingdom of
Panchal she was known as ‗Panchali‘. As the granddaughter of Prushata
she was known as ‗Parsati‘ . Draupadi was born of fire of yajna and
therefore, often referred as ‗Yagnaseni‘. She is also called ‗Krishnaa‟ for
her dark complexion. Also known as 'Sairindhri' as she was the maid-
servant of the queen of Virata; 'Panchami' having five husbands and
'Nitayauvani' the ever-young.She was also known as ‗Yojanagandha‘
because she was gifted with blue-lotus fragrance wafting for a full krosha(2
miles) . Being consort of Yudhishtra,she is also called- Yushisthira Shri and
Mahabharti for being wife of descendents of Bharat.

                                                    By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

Selection of Husband

Draupdi was extraordinarily beautiful. Vyasa categorically states that the
creator had so fashioned her that her loveliness surpassed that of all
women (reminiscent of Valmiki about Ahalya) and enchanted everyone.

The kings in the svayamvra hall were described as so tormented by the
arrows of desire (Kandarpabanabhinipiditangah) that even friends hated
each other. When the brothers looked upon her in the potter‘s hut, they all
lost their hearts to her.

She is the only kanya whose appearance is described in detail and it is,
therefore, worth noting:

Eye-ravishing Panchali,


Dark-skinned Panchali,

Lotus-eyed lady,

Wavy-haired Panchali

Hair like dark blue clouds,

Shining coppery carved nails,

Soft eye-lashes,

Swelling breasts and

Shapely thighs…

Blue lotus

Fragrance for a full krosha

Flowed from her body… (I.169.44-46)
While living incognito in Ekavrata as brahmins, the Pandavas heard
about the news about Draupadi Swayamwara. . It was not an occasion to

                                             By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

be missed. On the day of Swayamwara, the Pandava left home early and
joined the throng towards the palace. A vast ground has been cleared and
built up with galleries to accommodate the visitors and young men
contending for the princess‘s hand.

The day started with elaborate ceremonies performed by royal priests. At
the appointed hour, Draupadi entered the arena and looked around,
sending the entire young hearts racing. She was escorted by
Dhrishtadruman, her brother, the prince of the house. He announced that
those who would be eligible to be garlanded by the princess must string a
bow kept on a pedestal and shoot five arrows at a revolving target above
by looking its reflection on a pan of oil below.

Draupadi watched the process of elimination with relief. She saw the
princes, in imposing battle dress, coming forward haughtily and retreating
hastily, galloping away on their horses. Comments, jokes and laughter filled
the air.

The Kauravas were also present in the court with their ace ‗Karna‘. She
watched with apprehensions as karna approached the bow & lifted it as if it
were a toy. He stood it on its end and stretched out the bowstring. But at
that very moment when he took aim to shoot the mark, Draupadi was heard
to remark ―I will not accept him ….He is a soota-putra (son of a
charioteer)‖At this, Karna dropped the bow and returned to his seat with a
wry smile.

Duryodhana frowned and said, ―She had no right to talk . If you hit the
mark, she must accept you. That is the condition. Otherwise, you may
seize her and fly off. Go back and take the bow.‖

―No,‖ said Karna, ―I don‘t want her‖.

In that assembly, unobserved was a person who was to play a vital role in
the Mahabharata latter. It was Krishna, the king of Dwaraka. He whispered
to his brother, Balrama, at his side, ―These Brahmins are none other than
the pandavas, who were supposed to have perished in a fire. This was all
predestined, we will see a great deal of them yet ..‖

                                             By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

Now there was a stir as Arjuna got up from the Brahmin group. But king
Draupad ruled that he had mentioned no caste in his announcement.
Arujuna not only strung the bow, but hit the target again & again, five times.
Draupadi approached him with the garland and slipped it over his neck and
they became betrothed.

Draupadi‘s Swayamwara was a turning point in the course of time. The
humiliation which Karna had faced, made him to pass a slanderous
comment on Draupadi later on during the Draupadi‘s disrobement in
Dhritarastarya Court.
   Duryodhana and his brothers knew that the Pandavas had the right to the throne . So
Pandavas were sent to Varanavata as a part of an evil plan of Duryodhana. He arranged a
palace for the Pandavas at Varanavata made of inflammable material. The plan was to burn the
mansion while the Pandavas were asleep in it. Pandavas learned about this murder attempt
with the help of Vidura and tactfully escaped from the palace .News reached Hastinapura that
the pandavas had been burnt to death by accident in a fire. Old King Dhritatashtra suffered
great sorrow. The Kauravas were very happy, but they pretended they were in great grief.

The Pandavas and their mother decided to travel in disguise until they got back to Hastinapura.

Plunged to Polyandry

The Pandavas and Draupadi returned home from the swayamwara hall.
The princess, who had not seen the midday sun, had to walk miles in the
sweltering heat to reach her new home. Arjuna announced to his mother
that he had brought home a prize that he so skillfully won. When kunti
heard this , as usual, she asked them to share whatever they have brought
among themselves. While in exile, Kunti, mother of the Pandavas often
advised her sons that they share everything they have (or obtain through
Bhiksha i.e. alms) equally amongst themselves.

 Keeping their mother‘s word, they divided Draupadi among themselves as
if she were an object. It is true that Arujana was able to receive Draupadi‘s
hand by competing a difficult and skillful task, but she was not a prize that
he won because it was Draupadi‘s Swayamwara; she had the right to
choose her husband and Arjuna proved himself worthy. She could have
married Karna who could have also performed the same task, but she

                                                         By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

denied him permissions to participate. In certain ways, therefore, Arjuna
degraded Draupadi by claiming her as a prize.

After few days, Narada went to the house of the five Pandava brothers who
had a common wife called Draupadi, and told them the story of a nymph
called Tilotamma. ―Two demon brothers, Sunda and Upasunda, fell in love
with her and wanted to marry her. She said she would marry the stronger of
the two. So the two brothers fought to prove their strength. Since both
were equally matched, they killed each other. Wonder which of you five is
the strongest?‖ Hearing this, five Pandava brothers quickly put down rules
that would govern the sharing of a wife; she would be with one brother
exclusively for a year and return to him after spending four years with the
other four brothers.

Polyandry – A hidden culture and polygamy - A norm

 Little wonder that Draupadi is one of the most popular and controversial
heroines of Hindu mythology over polyandry. But she was not the only
woman with many husbands. Prior to her, Jatila was married to seven
Saptarishis while Hiranyaksha's sister Pracheti was married to ten brothers.
Even her mother-in-law, Kunti, knew many men: four gods (Surya, Yama,
Vayu and Indra) besides her husband, Pandu.

Most of the time, the epic Mahabhratha is known for polyandry of Draupadi
but it never talks about polygamy because the pandava brothers had other
wives. Yudhishtira married Devika, the daughter of Govasana of the Saivya
tribe, and begat upon her a son called Yaudheya.

Bhima married Valandhara, the daughter of the king of Kashi, and begat
upon her a son named Sarvaga.

 Nakula married Karenumati, the princess of Chedi, and begat upon her a
son named Niramitra.

Sahadeva obtained Vijaya, the daughter of Dyutimat, the king of Madra,
and begat upon her a son named Suhotra. All these wives lived with their
sons in the house of their fathers.

                                             By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

 After the Kauravas attempted to kill the Pandavas by setting alight their
palace (made of lac) on fire, the Pandavas hid in the forest, disguised as
the sons of a Brahmin widow. During this time, Bhima killed many
Rakshasas such as Baka and Hidimba. Hidimba‘s sister, impressed by his
strength, chose him as husband and they had a son called Ghatotkacha.

 Though Draupadi‘s favourite, Arjuna had the most number of wives
amongst all brothers. The story goes that Arjuna once entered Draupadi‘s
chamber while she was with Yudhishtira. To atone for this trespassing, he
went on a ‗pilgrimage‘. During this time he married many women.

 In the classical Sanskrit retelling, Arjuna married the Naga Ulupi, the
princess Chitrangada of Manipur and finally Krishna‘s sister Subhadra
during this pilgrimage. But in Tamil retellings of the Mahabharata, he
married seven women. One of them was a warrior woman called Ali who
refused to marry him but Arjuna was so besotted that he sought Krishna‘s
help. Krishna turned him into a snake and he slipped into Ali‘s bed at night
and frightened her to become his wife. Some say he forced her to be his
wife as he managed to spend the night in bed with her in the form of a

Draupadi‘s unparalleled beauty and intelligence became the cause of her
misery. She was charmed by Arjuna, the winner of the archery contest, set
for her hand but she was bundled off by her father as the bride of all the
five pandavas on the advice of sage Vyasa . Her cruel fate divided her
among five husbands and cut up her personality.

Draupadi spent a year with each of her husbands in turns. She was born
out of the sacrificial fire (yajna) and called Yagnaseni, true to this
appellation she was burnt with men‘s ill-treatment.
   Upon hearing the news that his daughter Draupadi had been plunged into polyandry, the
saddened & furious king Draupad summoned the pandavas. While pandavas reached the
court, Sage Vyasa also reached the court of Draupad.

Vaysa told Draupad that Draupadi was Nalayini in her earlier birth. Nalayini was devoted wife of
Rishi Maudgalya. This rishi was afflicted with leprosy and his face was disfigured and
ugly.Once,Nalayini was serving him food and eating too. Because of leprosy,one of Rishi's

                                                         By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

finger fell into the food Nalayini was eating. Nalayini did not flinch and calmly continued eating
the rice without displaying any revulsion. So much was her devotion to her husband. Pleased by
this, the rishi asked his wife for a boon. She then asked the rishi to make love to her in five
different forms and the rishi should turn himself into a handsome man (instead of having the
ugly leprosy afflicted face).The rishi acceded to her request but she was not satisfied with his
love. So, the rishi finally cursed her that in her next life, she'll have five husbands to quench her
thirst of conjugal love.


During the celebrations associated with the Sankranthi festival, Krishna
was partaking the freshly harvested sugarcane offered to him by Gopis in
accordance with the customs of the festival. To squeeze the juice out of the
sugarcanes, Krishna had to cut them. While doing so, he inadvertently cut
his little finger. Seeing blood on his finger, Satyabhama - Krishna's wife -
with her characteristic pride, ordered the Gopis to go inside the house to
fetch some cloth to bandage the finger. Draupadi who was also there,
however, out of her love and concern for Krishna, immediately tore off a
piece of cloth from the end of her new saree and bandaged the Lord's
finger. For Lord Krishna this signified Raksha bandhan and he immediately
took Draupadi as his sister. Krishna repaid her that piece of her saree when
Dushasana unwrapped layers and layers of her sari in the court.

She exhorts that he is bound fourfold to protect her

For four reasons, Krishna, you

are bound to protect me ever:

I‟m related, I‟m renowned,

I‟m your sakhi and

all revere you. (III.10.125, 127)

Indraprastha and Duryodhana's insult

After transforming the Khandavaprastha which was nothing more than a
desert into a city of splendor ‗Indraprastha‘ and to commemorate their
successful rehabilation, Yudhistira performed a grand Rajasuya sacrifice.
Thousands were invited to be present in indraprastha, Krishna,

                                                            By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

Duryodhana and uncle Sakuni being the most distinguished guests. The
pride of buildings was the Palace of Illusions and this was where Draupadi
took Duryodhana and his entourage.. The courtyard was divided in two
parts. The surface of one part appeared to ripple like the surface of a lake.
The surface of the other part appeared solid as granite flooring and when
Duryodhana stepped on the apparently solid part of the courtyard, there
was a splash and Duryodhana found himself waist deep in water, drenched
from head to foot. Duryodhana felt extremely insulted that Draupadi and
her maids saw his embarrassing predicament. Draupadi's statement of
"andhey ka putra andha" meaning "blind man's (referring to Dhritrashtra)
son is blind" further enraged Duryodhana.This was the last straw, he swore
revenge on her and such a revenge that Pandavas would fall at his feet
begging for mercy.

Ultimate Submission

 After enjoying few days in the illusions of happiness in Indraprastha,
Pandavas fell in the Kaurava‘s dice game trap. And when Yudhistira had
nothing left to stake, he tried his bad luck with Draupadi and lost her too.
Duryodhana summoned her in the court.

The attendant hurried on to Draupadi‘s chambers and conveyed the
message apologetically .In a short while he returned. ―She has asked me to
bring back an answer to this question „Whom did Yudhistira lose first, me or
himself? Whose lord were you at the time you lost me?‗ ―He addressed the
question to Yudhistira , who looked at the floor, unable to face anyone.

At that moment Duryodhana ordered ―Let her first come , and then put the
question to her late lord herself, and the assembly shall hear the words that
pass between them. ― The messenger went to draupadi and again came
back without her. Duryodhana asked him to go out a third time. When this
attendant hesitated, he turned to his brother Dusshasana and said
―Perphaps this fellow is a cow , afraid of this ruffian, Bhimsena, but he
doesn‘t know that he can do nothing now , being our slave … Go and bring
her without a moment‘s delay. ―

                                              By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

When Dusshasena appeared , Draupadi said again, ―I must have an
answer to my question. Did Yudhistira lose me before or after he lost

― What is that to you?‖ asked Dusshasena.

She replied, ―If he had lost himself first, he could have no right to stake me‖

―Stop your argument. Will you follow me to the assembly or not?‖ As he
approached her, she shrank back saying, ―I am in the woman‘s month … I
am clad in a single wrap … go away …‖ She tried to escape him by
attempting to run into the women‘s chamber. Dusshasena sprang on her,
seized her by her hair         and dragged her along to the assembly.

With her tresses and sari in disarray through Dusshasena‘s rude handling,
Draupadi looked piteous as she stood in the center of that vast assembly
facing the elders and guests. Seeing the distress of the Pandavas and
draupadi, Vikarna, one of the younger sons of Dhritrashtra , said ―This
unfortunate person has asked a question which has been not answered.
Bhishma, Drona, Dhritarashtra and even Vidhura turn away and remain
silent. She is the common wife of the other four also, and the king
Yudhistra had first lost himself and then staked her. Reflection on these
things, I declare that Draupadi has not been won at all ―

At this point, Karna stood up and motioned everyone to remain silent
‖ This Vikarna is an immature youth, not fit to address an august assembly
of elders. Yudhistira gambled and staked with his eyes wide open. Don‘t
consider him an innocent simpleton; he knew when he was doing. He know
when he staked Draupadi , he was offering his wife. Whatever has been
won has been won justly. Here take off the princely robes on those
brothers. Moreover, what woman in any would take five husbands? What
does one call the like of her? I will unhesitatingly call her a whore. To bring
her here, whatever her state, is no sin or act that should cause surprise.
You, Yudhisitira and the rest, take off your princely robes and come aside.‖

 At this order, the Pandavas took off their clothes and stood in their
loincloths. Duryodhana ordered, ―Disrobe her too …‖

                                                  By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

Dusshasena seized Draupadi‘s saree and began to pull it off. In shear
desperation she remembered her Krishna and called out his name as an
absolute last resort for any kind of help. Krishna never came, and her grip
on the saree was loosening fast. She carried on calling from the depth of
her heart, still holding onto her saree with everything ounce of strength she
could muster, yet still her Krishna never came.

 Draupadi was almost about to pass out as she could no longer hold on
before she finally gave up all her efforts and resigned herself to having her
dignity completely stripped with the whole city watching on. At that moment,
Krishna appeared and turned her saree into a never ending robe, so no
matter how many times her perpetrators pulled away at her saree, the
dress kept unfolding further and further with no end in sight. Finally the
Dusshasena gave up with exhaustion as he was unable to pull the saree of
her, no matter how many times he tried.

 A few days after the incident had passed; Draupadi met Krishna and with
fury scolded him for not helping her earlier when she first cried out for help.
Krishna replied by telling her that when she first called out for the divine,
she also kept her hands firmly on her saree. Her ego was not ready to fully
submit to the divine and her faith was not strong enough to trust Krishna to
come and save her. It was only when she lost all sense of hope, that her
ego had finally loosened its grip on her saree that her heart allowed space
for the divine to enter and work its charm. Only then could Krishna make
his appearance and fulfill her every need and desire.

Having failed in his efforts to disrobe Draupadi, Duryodhana had patted his
thighs and ordered Draupadi to sit on his lap, since she was supposed to
obey his orders as she was now a slave to him. On hearing this, Draupadi
cursed Duryodhana of a death with a broken thigh. After cheerharan,
Draupadi vowed that her hair should remain disheveled until Bhima should
tie it up with hands dripping with the blood of Duhsasana. Draupadi‘s
unbound hair represents her fury.

                                               By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

[4] Hair is a powerful metaphor in Hindu mythology. A lot has been said about hair.
Krishna has curly hair. Balarama has straight silky hair. Shiva has thick matted hair. The
Goddesses – Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga – have loose unbound hair. Hair has long
been used in India to convey a message.

Unbound unruly hair represents wild nature. Well oiled and combed hair represents
culture. That is why the wild Kali‘s hair is unbound while the domestic Gauri‘s hair is well
bound and in her temples devotees make offerings of gajra, a string of flowers to tie up
the hair. In the Ramayana, the last jewel of Sita is the hairpin that she gives Hanuman
to convey to Ram that her honor, and his reputation, stands in a precarious position.
Shiva‘s dreadlocks represent the potent power of his mind that enables him to catch
and bind the unruly and wild river-goddess Ganga.

Karna’s Tribute to Draupadi

Shocked by the disrobement of Draupadi And counselling by Vidur ,
Dhritharashtra scoffed at Duryodhana and asked Draupadi for any three
boons. But Draupadi sought that her husbands should at once be freed
from slavery and as the second boon she asked for their weapons. When
Dhritharashtra asked her to ask for more, she replied that her husbands
were strong and capable to win all the rest that they had lost by

When Draupadi succeeded in winning back freedom for her enslaved
husbands, Karna paid her a remarkable tribute, saying that none of the
world‘s renowned beautiful women has accomplished such a feat. Like a
boat she has rescued her husbands who were drowning in a sea of


Being born from yajna; Draupadi was devoid of motherly affection in her
childhood. And If Draupadi had hoped to find her missing mother in her
mother-in-law, she was tragically deceived, as Kunti thrust her into a
polyandrous marriage that exposed her to salacious gossip reaching to
tragic climax in Karna declaring her a whore who‘s being clothed or naked
is immaterial. As if that were not enough, Kunti urged her to take special
care of her fifth husband Sahadeva, as a mother! No other woman has had
to face this peculiar predicament of dealing with five husband as spouse,

                                                       By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

then as elder or younger brother-in-law (to be treated like a father or as a
son respectively) in an endless cycle.

Another folk retelling tells us how Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas never
shared her kitchen secrets with her daughter-in-law, Draupadi. Through
food Kunti ensured her sons still came to her and were not totally smitten
by their beautiful wife. But Draupadi was determined to wean her way into
her husbands‘ hearts through their stomachs. She kept observing and
smelling what Kunti served each of her husbands and figured out the recipe
and ended up preparing the dishes, adding her own innovation, until the
Pandavas craved more for Draupadi‘s food than Kunti‘s.

Draupadi‘s Motherlessness seemed to be carried forward into her lack of
maternal feelings. When Draupadi causes the blood of Bhimasena to sow
itself in the earth; her five sons ( Upa- Pandava‘s) Prathivindya, Srutasoma,
Sruthakeerthi, Sataaneekaa,Sruthasena , all Raksasas , according to
Terukkutu folklore of the Draupadi cult, immediately sprung up from the
ground. So Draupadi never enjoyed the pain of motherhood. Also her five
sons were not even nurtured by her. She sent them to Panchala and
followed her husbands into exile to share the wounds of injustice and insult
inflicted upon them. On the other hand all other wives of Pandavas kept
their sons along with them: Hidmimba‘s Ghatotkacha, Subhadra‘s
Abhimanyu, Ulupi‘s Iravan and Chitrangada‘s Babhruvahana.

Bhakti and Shakti

Draupadi was a personification of both Bhakti( where she submitted herself
to Lord Krishna) and Shakti ( where she dared and never let the fire of
vengeance die). Lord Krishna considered her as His sakhi as well as sister
and always helped her whenever she sought it.

During their exile when Pandavas were in Kamyaka Forest, Duryodhana
sent the short-tempered but highly knowledgeable sage Durvasha and his
thousand disciples to visit Yudhishtra. His intentions were to get Pandavas
cursed by the sage Durvasha. Yudhishtira invited the sage and his
disciples to dine. But everybody including Draupadi & kunti had taken their
meals and the Akshaya Patra was empty. Sage Durvasha went to take a

                                              By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

bath in the Ganges. Draupadi got worried and she prayed to Lord Krishna
to save her and her husbands from the wrath of Durvasha when he would
find out that the Pandavas had nothing to offer him & his disciples. Lord
Krishna reached the hut of Draupadi and ate the single grain of rice left in
the Akshaya Patra. There at the river bank, sage Durvasha and his
disciples felt as if they had a sumptuous meal with many delicacies.
Durvasha rishi blessed the Pandavas.

Draupadi is an exemplification of bhakti, and she experienced God‘s divine
presence constantly in her life. When she questioned Krishna about
everything that had happened to her, he reassured her: “Soon wilt thou, O
Krishna, behold the ladies of Bharata's race weep as thou dost. Even they,
O timid one, will weep like thee, their kinsmen and friends being slain. They
with whom, O lady, thou art angry, have their kinsmen and warriors already
slain. With Bhima and Arjuna and the twins, at Yudhishthira's command,
and agreeably to fate, and what hath been ordained by the Ordainer, I will
accomplish all this. Their hour having arrived, the sons of Dhritarashtra, if
they do not listen to my words, will surely lie down on the earth turned as
morsels of dogs and jackals. The mountains of Himavat might shift their
site, the Earth herself might spilt into a hundred fragments, the firmament
itself with its myriads of stars might fall down, still my words can never be
futile. Stop thy tears, I swear to thee, O Krishna, soon wilt thou see thy
husbands, with their enemies slain, and with prosperity crowning them."

The Shakti of Draupadi lies in the fire of vengeance. After all the futile
attempts to make peace with Kauravas, Lord Krishna decided to visit
Hastinapur. Sitting with his brothers, Krishna and Draupadi , Yudhishtira
asked ―Is it worth all this conflict .―He said ―We should avoid a war at all
costs, especially when we are certain of victory. They are our kinsmen,
after all. Oh, Krishna, what shall I do? Advise me, guide me please―.
Krishna replied, ―For your sake I will visit the Kauravas at their court. If I
can obtain peace without compromising your interest, I will do so.‖

―Krishna, don‘t threaten them‖, said Bhima.‖Duryhodhana is hostile and
arrogant , but he should not be roughly addressed. Please be mild with
him. All of us, O Krishna, would rather suffer in obscurity than see the kuru

                                              By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

dynasty destroyed.‖ Arjuna & Nakula also advocated mildness in approach
and way to the peace.

Sahadeva alone among the brothers wanted an ultimatum to be given by
the envoy.‖Even if the kaurava‘s want peace, provoke them to a war. How
can I , remembering the plight of Panchali the other day at the assembly,
feel satisfied with anything less than the death of Duryodhana? Even if all
my brothers are disposed to practice vesture and morality, I will go up
alone and kill Duryodhana. It is my life‘s greatest aim‖.
Draupadi came forward to express her views. The backsliding of four
brothers made her indignant.‖O Krishna, the scriptures declare that it is a
sin to kill a harmless person and the same scriptures declare that not to kill
one who deserves it, is a sin. Has there been any woman on earth like me?
Born out of fire, Daughter of the great Draupad, Sister of Dhrishtradyuman,
Daughter-in-law of Pandu, Wife of five heroes of the world, and by them
mother of five sons. Still I was dragged by my hair and insulted by
depraved men under the very nose of these heroes, and they sat silently
watching my distress. I don‘t know what would have happened if you,
Krishna, had not responded to my call for help. And now even Bhima
speaks of morality. There is no one to help me …. Even if my husbands
abandon me, my sons are worth of talking up arms to avenge our wrongs
…‖ She was choked with tears and so was everybody. All the four
Pandavas were sitting with their heads down in shame.

Krishna assured her and went to Hastinapur as a messenger.

Plight of a women: Abduction and Molestation

Simhika appears in the malayalam text (attakatha) for the Kathakali play
"Kirmiravadham" by Kottayam Tampuran (17th century). In this work, the
author introduces two new characters outside of Vyasa's text: A rakshasa
named Saardduula and his wife Simhika. Simhika also happened to be the
sister of Kirmira. Saardduula was killed by Arjuna. To take revenge,
Simhika decided to abduct Draupadi and present her to brother Kirmira. To
achieve this goal, Simhika took the form of Lalita (a beautiful woman) and
approached Draupadi. Draupadi suspected foul play and refused to go.

                                              By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

Simhika resumed her original form and forcefully took away Draupadi.
Hearing Draupadi's cries, Sahadeva came and cut off the nose and breasts
of Simhika.

Another episode of her abduction was by Jayadratha, the son of
Vriddhakshatra, the husband of Duryodhana‘s sister Dussala, while he was
passing through Kamyaka forest on the way to Salwa Desa. There he saw
Draupadi alone as Pandavas had gone out for hunting. Jayadratha then
started beseeching her to go away with him and desert her husbands who
had fallen upon bad times. Draupadi pointed out that it was wrong to desert
one‘s spouses when they were in difficulty and then gave him a rather long
and deliberately delaying speech on exactly the sort of bad time her
husbands would give him on their return.Jayadratha then said ―thou canst
not frighten us (he was with several other Kings when he saw and
abducted Draupadi) now with these threats. We, too, O Krishna, belong by
birth to the seventeen high clans, and are endowed with the six royal
qualities.‖ and was sure that he could beat the Pandavas in battle.
Draupadi said ―Even Indra himself cannot abduct her for whose protection
Krishna and Arjuna would together follow, riding in the same chariot.‖ And
she spoke of the way in which Jishnu (Arjuna) would rout Jayadratha and
his armies. She also said, ―The warring princes of the Andhaka and the
Vrishni races, with Janardana at their head, and the mighty bowmen of the
Kaikeya tribe, will all follow in my wake with great ardour‖. Failing with
words Jayadratha tried violence and she called for Dhaumya‘s help.
Though she pushed him to the ground, he overpowered her and forced her
onto his chariot. Meanwhile the Pandavas had finished their hunt and
Yudhisthira observed that all the animals were disturbed in one direction
and was suddenly overcome by premonitions. So he and his brother
climbed their chariots pulled by horses of Saindhava breed and gave chase
in the direction of the disturbance. And on learning of their wife's abduction
by Jayadratha they rushed towards that host with great fury( like hawks
swooping down on their prey. And possessed of the prowess of Indra, they
had been filled with fury at the insult offered to Draupadi. But at sight of
Jayadratha and of their beloved wife seated on his car, their fury knew no
bounds).Then follows the exciting description of a battle in which the five

                                              By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

pandavas routed the Sauviras, Ikshwakus, Sivis, and Saindhavas and their
armies. Jayadratha in fear ran away, leaving Draupadi behind in all this
confusion. Dharmraja urged Bhima to spare Jayadratha‘s life for the sake
of Dussala and Gandhari, much to the indignation of Draupadi. And that
highly intelligent lady said to her two husbands, Bhima and Arjuna with
indignation mixed with modesty, 'If you care to do what is agreeable to me,
you must slay the chief of the Saindhava clan! That foe who forcibly carries
away a wife, and he that wrests a kingdom, should never be forgiven on the
battle-field, even though he should supplicate for mercy!'.Thus
admonished, it was decided to make him humiliated. Then the two valiant
warriors went in search of the Saindhava chief. Bhima and Arjuna caught
up with Jayadratha and Arjuna asked him how an unmanly fellow like
himself had the guts to take a woman away by force. Thereafter there was
more running away than actual fighting and Bhima caught Jayadratha and
wanted to kill him. Arjuna reminded him of Dharmaraj(Yudhisthira)‘s words,
so they brought Jayadratha to their hermitage.After bringing the chained
Jayadratha back to the hermitage where he was to declare to be slave of
Pandavas and was hence, shaved on his head at five places and then

While the Pandavas were leading their normal life in their own disguised
form . One day Kichaka, the brother of Sudeshana, and the commander
of king Virata‘s forces, happened to see Draupadi. He was filled with lust by
looking at her. He asked her to marry him, but Draupadi refused him saying
that she was already married to ‗Gandharvas‘, so as not to reveal their true
identity as they were in exile. She warned Kichaka that her husbands were
very strong and he would not be able to escape death at their hands. Later
he forced his sister, queen Sudeshna to help him win Draupadi. Sudeshna
ordered Draupadi to fetch wine from Kichak's house. Draupadi tried to
dissuade the queen from sending her to kichaka's house but failed. When
Draupadi went to get wine, Kichaka tried to molest her. Draupadi escaped
and ran into the court of Virata. Kichaka kicked her in front of all the
courtiers including Yudhisthira who was also present in the court at that
time. The king being weak in front of Kichaka did not take any action.
Draupadi asked about the duties of a king and dharma. Draupadi then

                                              By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

cursed Kichaka in the court that her husbands ‗Gandharvas‘ would surely
kill him. However, Kichaka only doubted their whereabouts and asked
those present in the court that where were they then. Yudhisthra then in
disguise of being the king's adviser replied that they Gandharvas would not
come as they wanted her to forgive Kichaka for the time being. With this
the king asked Kichaka to leave for the honour of the court and praised
Yudhistira's reply as he himself could not think of anything. Later on, Bhima
killed Kichaka.
    Twelve years of exile for Yudhishthira, his brothers and their wife Draupadi were
coming to an end and the thirteenth year of incognito existence, as demanded by the
terms for the losing side in the game of dice, was about to begin. After some
consideration and consultation with their preceptor Dhaumya, the Paandavas and
Draupadi all decided to seek employment, in one form or the other, in the same
kingdom. The fish-shaped realm of Matsya was chosen, whose king was the old Virata.
The brothers hid their weapons in a forest in the outskirts of Matsya and approached
Virata, all at different times, seeking his benevolence. Yudhishthira became Kanka,
a brahmin skilled at dice and counselor to the king. Bheemasena became a chef named
Vallabha; Nakula took the name of Arishtanemi, the keeper of horses; Sahadeva
assumed the identity of Granthika, keeper of cows, while Draupadi became Malini,
a sairandhri, or maid. The most curious guise, however, was assumed by Arjuna. The
third Paandava used a curse he had once obtained to his advantage. The curse, given
to him by the celestial nymph Urvashi, was that he would become devoid of masculinity
and would become a woman in a man's body. However, the god king Indra, father of
Arjuna, had begged Urvashi to relent and her heart had softened. She had altered her
curse to last only for one year and any one at that. Thus, Arjuna became Brihannala, a
eunuch who was appointed to teach music and dance to the king's daughter Uttaraa.

Obedient Wife

In the end of the Pandavas' twelve years of banishment and the beginning
of the thirteenth year during which they had to live in concealment.
Duryodhana issued the order that only roasted grains—and no fresh grains
which could be sown—should be given to beggars, tramps and other
nomads, because they might turn out to be the Pandavas trying to survive.
His soldiers and spies could not confirm whether the Pandavas were dead
or alive. Therefore Duryodhana decided to carry out the kariyam ceremony,
a funeral ritual observed by non-Brahmin communities, usually on the

                                                   By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

sixteenth day after a person's death. Once this rite had been carried out, it
would prevent the Pandavas, now officially declared 'dead', to return to
regular society. Krishna came to know of this plan. He visited the Pandavas
and instructed Draupadi that she should disguise herself as a Kuratti, a
lady of the Kurava tribe (basket-makers and fortune-tellers). She should
take Sahadeva on her hip disguised as a child and go to Hastinapura
where she should tell fortune to the Kaurava women. Draupadi protested:
How can she enter Duryodana's Palace without doing up her hair and
breaking her vows. But finally agreed when krishna reminded her about her
duties toward her husband and also assured her that vow can be
suspended when she is in disguise.

When she arrived at the Kaurava court she met the Kaurava women,
among them Gandhari, the mother of the Kauravas and wife of the blind
Dhritarashtra, and Peruntiruval, Duryodhana's wife. The women requested
the Kuratti to tell fortune. She invited her 'family deity' and entered into a
trance to do so. During the séance the Kuratti provided details of
Peruntiruval's past and recounted the prior events that had led to the
Pandavas banishment to the forest, including Draupadi's disrobing and her
violent vow—facts with which the Kuratti-in-disguise, as the principal victim,
was intimately familiar with. She predicted that all the Kaurava women
would be robbed of the auspicious signs of their marriage, because their
husbands would die in the impending war. The Kuratti's forecast of doom
outraged the Kaurava women who refused to pay up the fresh grains
demanded by her. Peruntiruval complained to her husband Duryodhana,
who decided to question the Kuratti himself. Hearing her grim predictions,
Duryodhana grew suspicious that she might be Draupadi and put her in jail.
Krishna heared Draupadi's prayers and ordered Arjuna to go to
Hastinapura in the disguise of a Kuravan, a male member of the Kurava
tribe, to demand her release. The Kuravan arrived proclaiming his love for
his independent wife, boasting of his own prowess and provoking
Duryodhana to fight. Duryodhana lost the fight and was forced to release
the Kuratti and paid up the grains. When Draupadi and Arjuna return to the
forest the grains turned out to be roasted. But Krishna promised them that
he would make the roasted seeds grow as if they were fresh seeds.

                                              By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

Secret Desire

Once Draupadi, plucked a Jambul fruit without realizing that it was a
special fruit that a Rishi had sworn to break his fast of twelve years, with.
―You have contaminated the fruit,‖ said Krishna, ―If the sage finds out, he
will curse you and your husbands. But if you open up your heart and
confess to a secret that you have hidden from your husbands, the power of
the truth will cause the fruit to join the branch once again.‖

 With great trepidation, Draupadi looked into the eyes of her husbands and
said, ―I love five of you. But I love a sixth too. I love Karna. I regret not
marrying him on account of his caste.‖

 The revelation came as a shock to the Pandavas. They were not sure
whether to be angry with Draupadi or ashamed of themselves. They
realized they had failed her individually and collectively. Having revealed
the truth of her heart, Draupadi had been cleansed. She was now able to
reattach the fruit to the tree.

Bait for Karna

After failing in peace negotiations with Duryodhana, Krishna approached
Karna, who was acknowledged as Duryodhana's finest warrior. Krishna
revealed to Karna that he was the eldest son of Kunti, and therefore,
technically, the eldest Pandava, and asked him to change sides. Krishna
assured him that Yudhisthira would give the crown of Indraprastha to him.

But Karna refused Krishna offer to change the course of war.

Krishna as a last try threw Draupadi as the ultimate tempatation in Karna's
way. These efforts of Krishna were followed by Kunti urging Karna to enjoy
Yushisthira Shri(Another name of Draupadi).

Filled with Compassion

The Fiery heroine Draupadi was not without kindness and affection. She
was insulted, taunted and driven to the forest by the son of Dhritarashtra
and Gandhari. When, Dusshasena pulled her saree, Dhritarastra and
Gandhari had not helped her. But still after the war of Mahabharata,

                                              By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

Draupadi looked after Gandhari with respect and affection. She treated her
the same way as she treated Kunti.

Another Episode of her compassion was when Jayadrath , king of Sindh,
abducted her when they were in exile.After capturing Jayadrath, upon
Yudhistra‘s request of considering him husband of Dusshala, Panchali
supported of leaving him alive .

Similarly when Aswathama (Son of Drona who killed the sons of Draupadi
called upa-pandavas       ) came to Pandavas, she moved forward and
touched his feet and paid him his due respect, inspite of her great grief at
the loss of her children. Bhima was unable to bear such sorrow and
because of this, he was in great emotions which drove him to the point of
exhibiting his physical prowess to the world. In fact he was looking at this
quality of forebearance of Draupadi as a laughing matter. He thought that
the suffering of having lost all her children had driven her to insanity. But
without thinking much, Bhima uprooted the Shiromani(Divine Diamond) off
the forehead of Ashwasthama.

―Thus Speaks Draupadi to Aswasthama‖ by Indira Kumari

(The following is Draupadi‘s expression of her feelings when Aswathama,
the assassinator of her five sons was captured and brought by Arjuna to
her presence. She in a tear-filled yet smooth, soft and gentle voice thus
speaks to Aswathama)
Don‟t you know, O you Learned Man! Is it not your

Father Drona who taught archery to all our

people? Are you not Drona in the form of a Son?

How with a heart bereft of pity you did put to death my innocent children?

A Brahmin by birth, you are and with intelligence and kindness

You are the greatest and the foremost of the great intrepid heroes.

Is it good on the part of a revered one like you

                                                     By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

To commit such a heinous deed as you have done? Sir!

Did my children rise in rage against you? O Gentle Man!

Or did they confront you on the battlefield with weapons?

Not a bit of harm to you they ever did, Alas!

If so, how you, by unyielding strength did deign

To be heartless to assassinate my sons so guileless

And untutored in fighting while still in the soft bosom

Of sleep were they lying in all innocence at night.

Unsuspecting of fate awaiting them in future. Alas!

Ah! Overwhelmed with sorrow infinite I made

Arjuna to fight with you and bring you here indeed.

But, how the knowledge, O Man! Of this most tragic fact

Stabs the mother‟s heart of your own dear mother, I know not!

Then turning to Arjuna, Krishna and others, she says thus forgiving Aswathama with a
mother‟s heart!

She (Drona‟s wife) so unwillingly still lives after her husband‟s demise

Ah! how her heart like mine tilled with deep sorrow feels depressed! Alas!

Great Sin it‟ll be indeed, if he be rid of his life

So, I beseech you, kind Sirs, to pity this Brahmin and leave him with life.

                                                          By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

   Ashwatthama attacked the Pandava camp in the middle of the night, but by error ended up
murdering the five sons of Pandavas by Draupadi instead of his plan to kill Pandavas as
promised to Duruyodana by him earlier.

Always, throughout the Hindu mythology, whatever seems senseless to us mere mortals, seem
to have a different objective. And the root of this death is traced to the time of Raj a
Harischandra of Kosala.

The sage Viswamitra decided to test if king Harischandra really deserved his reputation as a
most truthful king. He managed to trick the king into giving up his Kingdom and everything in it,
including his clothes and ornaments and forced the king to leave, along with his Queen and son.
the sage actually beat the queen to push them out of the kingdom. The five guardian deities of
the kingdom were enraged by this and condemned the Sage. The sage became enraged and
cursed them to be born as mortals. Once they begged Viswamitra's pardon, the sage revised
his curse, saying that though they would be re-born as mortals, they would get their moksha
before forming any attachments that would reduce their status and sanctity as guardian deities.

And hence, the guardians were born as the sons of Draupadi, Their soul‘s attained relief from
Sage Viswamitra's curse, while their murderer Aswathama - not content with having killed the
five Upa-Pandavas

Remorseful Ending

After the war Pandavas travelled across the whole country and finally
started their ascent on the great Himalayas. On their way, Draupadi and
other Pandava brothers die midway except for Yudhisthira.

Draupadi was first to fall into hell. When Bhima asked Yudhisthira, "This
princess never did any sinful act. Then why is she fallen on Earth?"
Yudhisthir replied, "Though we were all equal unto her, she had great
partiality for Dhananjay(Arjun). She obtains the fruit of that conduct today."
Draupadi fell on the ground below and was dying a painful death when
Bhima came to her side, consoled her and remained by her side till her
death. During these last moments, it is said, Draupadi realized the futility of
her undying love for Arjuna and felt the selfless and unconditional love and
support that Bhima had provided her at each moment in her life and
repented the fact that she could never reciprocate the love of Bhima in
equal terms. Her last words were, ―In the next birth, be mine alone, Bhima,
so that I may rest alittle, my head in your lap."

                                                          By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

Now the below poem ―Kurukshetra‖ Amreeta Syam which conveys the
angst of Panchali, born unasked for, bereft of father, brothers, sons and her
beloved sakha Krishna , makes complete sense to us:

“Draupadi has five husbands—butshe has none—

She had five sons—and was never a mother…

The Pandavas have given


No joy, no sense of victory

No honour as wife

No respect as mother —

Only the status of a Queen…

But they have all gone

And I‟m left with a lifeless jewel

And an empty crown…

my baffled motherhood

Wrings its hands and strives to weep.”

Dropadi was a Devi in human incarnation with all the Divine qualities

The only human weakness I could find in her was her outspokenness. She
called Karna ―Sootputra‘‖ and insulted Duryodhna by calling him ―blind son
of blind father‖. And earned their animosity.

   1.   A. Hiltebeitel Cult of Draupadi, University of Chicago Press, 1988, vol. I .
   2.    The Mahabharata, R.K.Narayan.
   3.   Paintings of Raja Ravi Verma.
   4.   Devdutt Pattanaik Blog :
   5.   Dolls of India :
   6.   ―As times goes by‖ & ― The sands of time‖ Ashok Sawhny.

                                                          By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

7. Draupadi-Amma Temple , Varthur Village Bangalore

                                                 By Aditya Dogra
Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission

About the Author

After completing Bachelor of engineering in Information Technology from
NIT-Durgapur, Aditya Dogra started his career at Cisco Systems as a
software developer. Being an ardent Hindoo and curious to learn about his
religion, he pursues his hobbies of reading spiritual books and temple
photography. He has travelled in various temples all over India. He is
reachable @
W :

F :

                                              By Aditya Dogra

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  • 1. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission Drapuadi – The Ultimate Submission By Aditya Dogra
  • 2. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission Few days back I happened to visit a ―Draupadi-amma‖ temple at Varthur village, Bangalore which ignited my quest for understanding the character called Draupadi, the wife of Pandavas, who played a pivotal role in Mahabharatha. Infact, her whole life was just a unified story of the all Indian women irrespective of the era they belong to. Women in India are having a special status in our society: From Undesirables to Goddesses. I am sure if you also go through her character description, you will like the following verses Why toss me around? Why not leave me on the ground? Why make me a ragged doll? Question not the ways of God, Have faith & be happy with your lot; For happiness lies in what you have got, And not in what you feel you have lost. By Aditya Dogra
  • 3. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission Blind Cry – Ashok Sawhny Come see the world through my eyes, And you will realize, How dark it turns out to be, If you happen to be like me. Time would have no relevance, Days & Nights no consequence, Liberty in Captivity, Something of a travesty. Let me paint the picture for you, Sketch it and flesh it out for you, I know not the color green, blue or red Black the color I am constantly fed. An Unwanted Child As the story goes, her father Draupad , king of Panchal , had three sons Satyajit and Vikra, and Shikhande. But inspite of having three sons , king [1] Draupad was defeated and captured by the students of Dronacharya . Burning in the fire of revenge, king Draupad performed tapsas(rigorous ritual) followed by a Yajna to seek blessings from the God in the form a son who could bring back his glory. drupada stu divarmatra tapya manah parabhavath | bhim arjuna bala mdrishhthva chechchhanh pandavasa mshrayam.h By Aditya Dogra
  • 4. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission || Drupada suffered anguish from his defeat day and night and also wished to seek protection of Bhima and Arjuna after realizing seeing their strength. putram cha dronah antaramichchhanh vipravarau yayau | yajopayajavanIy atharbudena gavam nripah || Wishing to have a son who would be capable of killing Drona, he went to Brahmins named Yagnopayaja . God blessed Draupad and two children were born out of the yajna fire. The first to emerge out of the holy pyre was a son, called Dhrishtadyumna, and the second one , a daughter called Draupadi. Since Draupad, her father had performed the yajna with intent of getting blessed with a Son who could defeat his enemy Drona, Draupadi was an unwanted child born to him. But as she was born from the fire of vengefulness, he knew that she would be a tool in his hand to burn the strength of Drona. Owing to her virtuous nature, Droupadi is considered one amongst the five Panchkanayas of hindu mythology. As an Oriya verse goes: Pancha bhuta khiti op tejo maruta byomo Pancha sati nirjyasa gyani bodho gomyo Ahalya Draypadi Kunti Tara Mandodari totha Pancha kanya... Five elements, earth, water, fire, wind, ether Are in essence the five satis. This wise know Ahalya, Draupadi, Kunti, Tara and Mandodari Five virgins …. By Aditya Dogra
  • 5. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission [1] Draupad and Dronaachaarya were together in Gurukul. They were great friends. But after Gurukul was over Draupad, being a prince became the king and lived a lavish life and Drona , being a teacher , lived an austere life. But things went wrong on Drona‘s end, he thought of seeking help from his old friend Draupad. But Draupad dejected Drona saying ― If you ask for a cow as a Brahman, I can give you as many cows as you ask, but not as a friend. Drone felt insulted and went away. Later Drone started teaching Pandav and Kaurav. When Pandav and Kaurav had finished their education, and the time came to pay Guru Dakshinaa, Drone asked both of them, Kaurav and Paandav to bring king Drupad tied with a horse. Kaurav went there but came back defeated by Drupad; but Paandav brought him to Drone tied with a horse. Drone said - "I still consider you my friend. Now you and your kingdom are mine. When you had the whole kingdom, you did not give me even one cow, but now first I will divide your kingdom and then I will take only one cow from your part of kingdom." He took one cow from Drupad's share of kingdom and gave back his kingdom and freed him. Names of Draupadi Being the daughter of Draupad, She was given a name ‗Draupadi‘.She was known by several other names as well. As the princess of the kingdom of Panchal she was known as ‗Panchali‘. As the granddaughter of Prushata she was known as ‗Parsati‘ . Draupadi was born of fire of yajna and therefore, often referred as ‗Yagnaseni‘. She is also called ‗Krishnaa‟ for her dark complexion. Also known as 'Sairindhri' as she was the maid- servant of the queen of Virata; 'Panchami' having five husbands and 'Nitayauvani' the ever-young.She was also known as ‗Yojanagandha‘ because she was gifted with blue-lotus fragrance wafting for a full krosha(2 miles) . Being consort of Yudhishtra,she is also called- Yushisthira Shri and Mahabharti for being wife of descendents of Bharat. By Aditya Dogra
  • 6. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission Selection of Husband Draupdi was extraordinarily beautiful. Vyasa categorically states that the creator had so fashioned her that her loveliness surpassed that of all women (reminiscent of Valmiki about Ahalya) and enchanted everyone. The kings in the svayamvra hall were described as so tormented by the arrows of desire (Kandarpabanabhinipiditangah) that even friends hated each other. When the brothers looked upon her in the potter‘s hut, they all lost their hearts to her. She is the only kanya whose appearance is described in detail and it is, therefore, worth noting: Eye-ravishing Panchali, Black-and-smiling-eyed… Dark-skinned Panchali, Lotus-eyed lady, Wavy-haired Panchali Hair like dark blue clouds, Shining coppery carved nails, Soft eye-lashes, Swelling breasts and Shapely thighs… Blue lotus Fragrance for a full krosha Flowed from her body… (I.169.44-46) [2] While living incognito in Ekavrata as brahmins, the Pandavas heard about the news about Draupadi Swayamwara. . It was not an occasion to By Aditya Dogra
  • 7. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission be missed. On the day of Swayamwara, the Pandava left home early and joined the throng towards the palace. A vast ground has been cleared and built up with galleries to accommodate the visitors and young men contending for the princess‘s hand. The day started with elaborate ceremonies performed by royal priests. At the appointed hour, Draupadi entered the arena and looked around, sending the entire young hearts racing. She was escorted by Dhrishtadruman, her brother, the prince of the house. He announced that those who would be eligible to be garlanded by the princess must string a bow kept on a pedestal and shoot five arrows at a revolving target above by looking its reflection on a pan of oil below. Draupadi watched the process of elimination with relief. She saw the princes, in imposing battle dress, coming forward haughtily and retreating hastily, galloping away on their horses. Comments, jokes and laughter filled the air. The Kauravas were also present in the court with their ace ‗Karna‘. She watched with apprehensions as karna approached the bow & lifted it as if it were a toy. He stood it on its end and stretched out the bowstring. But at that very moment when he took aim to shoot the mark, Draupadi was heard to remark ―I will not accept him ….He is a soota-putra (son of a charioteer)‖At this, Karna dropped the bow and returned to his seat with a wry smile. Duryodhana frowned and said, ―She had no right to talk . If you hit the mark, she must accept you. That is the condition. Otherwise, you may seize her and fly off. Go back and take the bow.‖ ―No,‖ said Karna, ―I don‘t want her‖. In that assembly, unobserved was a person who was to play a vital role in the Mahabharata latter. It was Krishna, the king of Dwaraka. He whispered to his brother, Balrama, at his side, ―These Brahmins are none other than the pandavas, who were supposed to have perished in a fire. This was all predestined, we will see a great deal of them yet ..‖ By Aditya Dogra
  • 8. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission Now there was a stir as Arjuna got up from the Brahmin group. But king Draupad ruled that he had mentioned no caste in his announcement. Arujuna not only strung the bow, but hit the target again & again, five times. Draupadi approached him with the garland and slipped it over his neck and they became betrothed. Draupadi‘s Swayamwara was a turning point in the course of time. The humiliation which Karna had faced, made him to pass a slanderous comment on Draupadi later on during the Draupadi‘s disrobement in Dhritarastarya Court. [2] Duryodhana and his brothers knew that the Pandavas had the right to the throne . So Pandavas were sent to Varanavata as a part of an evil plan of Duryodhana. He arranged a palace for the Pandavas at Varanavata made of inflammable material. The plan was to burn the mansion while the Pandavas were asleep in it. Pandavas learned about this murder attempt with the help of Vidura and tactfully escaped from the palace .News reached Hastinapura that the pandavas had been burnt to death by accident in a fire. Old King Dhritatashtra suffered great sorrow. The Kauravas were very happy, but they pretended they were in great grief. The Pandavas and their mother decided to travel in disguise until they got back to Hastinapura. Plunged to Polyandry The Pandavas and Draupadi returned home from the swayamwara hall. The princess, who had not seen the midday sun, had to walk miles in the sweltering heat to reach her new home. Arjuna announced to his mother that he had brought home a prize that he so skillfully won. When kunti heard this , as usual, she asked them to share whatever they have brought among themselves. While in exile, Kunti, mother of the Pandavas often advised her sons that they share everything they have (or obtain through Bhiksha i.e. alms) equally amongst themselves. Keeping their mother‘s word, they divided Draupadi among themselves as if she were an object. It is true that Arujana was able to receive Draupadi‘s hand by competing a difficult and skillful task, but she was not a prize that he won because it was Draupadi‘s Swayamwara; she had the right to choose her husband and Arjuna proved himself worthy. She could have married Karna who could have also performed the same task, but she By Aditya Dogra
  • 9. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission denied him permissions to participate. In certain ways, therefore, Arjuna degraded Draupadi by claiming her as a prize. After few days, Narada went to the house of the five Pandava brothers who had a common wife called Draupadi, and told them the story of a nymph called Tilotamma. ―Two demon brothers, Sunda and Upasunda, fell in love with her and wanted to marry her. She said she would marry the stronger of the two. So the two brothers fought to prove their strength. Since both were equally matched, they killed each other. Wonder which of you five is the strongest?‖ Hearing this, five Pandava brothers quickly put down rules that would govern the sharing of a wife; she would be with one brother exclusively for a year and return to him after spending four years with the other four brothers. Polyandry – A hidden culture and polygamy - A norm Little wonder that Draupadi is one of the most popular and controversial heroines of Hindu mythology over polyandry. But she was not the only woman with many husbands. Prior to her, Jatila was married to seven Saptarishis while Hiranyaksha's sister Pracheti was married to ten brothers. Even her mother-in-law, Kunti, knew many men: four gods (Surya, Yama, Vayu and Indra) besides her husband, Pandu. Most of the time, the epic Mahabhratha is known for polyandry of Draupadi but it never talks about polygamy because the pandava brothers had other wives. Yudhishtira married Devika, the daughter of Govasana of the Saivya tribe, and begat upon her a son called Yaudheya. Bhima married Valandhara, the daughter of the king of Kashi, and begat upon her a son named Sarvaga. Nakula married Karenumati, the princess of Chedi, and begat upon her a son named Niramitra. Sahadeva obtained Vijaya, the daughter of Dyutimat, the king of Madra, and begat upon her a son named Suhotra. All these wives lived with their sons in the house of their fathers. By Aditya Dogra
  • 10. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission After the Kauravas attempted to kill the Pandavas by setting alight their palace (made of lac) on fire, the Pandavas hid in the forest, disguised as the sons of a Brahmin widow. During this time, Bhima killed many Rakshasas such as Baka and Hidimba. Hidimba‘s sister, impressed by his strength, chose him as husband and they had a son called Ghatotkacha. Though Draupadi‘s favourite, Arjuna had the most number of wives amongst all brothers. The story goes that Arjuna once entered Draupadi‘s chamber while she was with Yudhishtira. To atone for this trespassing, he went on a ‗pilgrimage‘. During this time he married many women. In the classical Sanskrit retelling, Arjuna married the Naga Ulupi, the princess Chitrangada of Manipur and finally Krishna‘s sister Subhadra during this pilgrimage. But in Tamil retellings of the Mahabharata, he married seven women. One of them was a warrior woman called Ali who refused to marry him but Arjuna was so besotted that he sought Krishna‘s help. Krishna turned him into a snake and he slipped into Ali‘s bed at night and frightened her to become his wife. Some say he forced her to be his wife as he managed to spend the night in bed with her in the form of a snake. Draupadi‘s unparalleled beauty and intelligence became the cause of her misery. She was charmed by Arjuna, the winner of the archery contest, set for her hand but she was bundled off by her father as the bride of all the [3] five pandavas on the advice of sage Vyasa . Her cruel fate divided her among five husbands and cut up her personality. Draupadi spent a year with each of her husbands in turns. She was born out of the sacrificial fire (yajna) and called Yagnaseni, true to this appellation she was burnt with men‘s ill-treatment. [3] Upon hearing the news that his daughter Draupadi had been plunged into polyandry, the saddened & furious king Draupad summoned the pandavas. While pandavas reached the court, Sage Vyasa also reached the court of Draupad. Vaysa told Draupad that Draupadi was Nalayini in her earlier birth. Nalayini was devoted wife of Rishi Maudgalya. This rishi was afflicted with leprosy and his face was disfigured and ugly.Once,Nalayini was serving him food and eating too. Because of leprosy,one of Rishi's By Aditya Dogra
  • 11. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission finger fell into the food Nalayini was eating. Nalayini did not flinch and calmly continued eating the rice without displaying any revulsion. So much was her devotion to her husband. Pleased by this, the rishi asked his wife for a boon. She then asked the rishi to make love to her in five different forms and the rishi should turn himself into a handsome man (instead of having the ugly leprosy afflicted face).The rishi acceded to her request but she was not satisfied with his love. So, the rishi finally cursed her that in her next life, she'll have five husbands to quench her thirst of conjugal love. Devotion During the celebrations associated with the Sankranthi festival, Krishna was partaking the freshly harvested sugarcane offered to him by Gopis in accordance with the customs of the festival. To squeeze the juice out of the sugarcanes, Krishna had to cut them. While doing so, he inadvertently cut his little finger. Seeing blood on his finger, Satyabhama - Krishna's wife - with her characteristic pride, ordered the Gopis to go inside the house to fetch some cloth to bandage the finger. Draupadi who was also there, however, out of her love and concern for Krishna, immediately tore off a piece of cloth from the end of her new saree and bandaged the Lord's finger. For Lord Krishna this signified Raksha bandhan and he immediately took Draupadi as his sister. Krishna repaid her that piece of her saree when Dushasana unwrapped layers and layers of her sari in the court. She exhorts that he is bound fourfold to protect her For four reasons, Krishna, you are bound to protect me ever: I‟m related, I‟m renowned, I‟m your sakhi and all revere you. (III.10.125, 127) Indraprastha and Duryodhana's insult After transforming the Khandavaprastha which was nothing more than a desert into a city of splendor ‗Indraprastha‘ and to commemorate their successful rehabilation, Yudhistira performed a grand Rajasuya sacrifice. Thousands were invited to be present in indraprastha, Krishna, By Aditya Dogra
  • 12. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission Duryodhana and uncle Sakuni being the most distinguished guests. The pride of buildings was the Palace of Illusions and this was where Draupadi took Duryodhana and his entourage.. The courtyard was divided in two parts. The surface of one part appeared to ripple like the surface of a lake. The surface of the other part appeared solid as granite flooring and when Duryodhana stepped on the apparently solid part of the courtyard, there was a splash and Duryodhana found himself waist deep in water, drenched from head to foot. Duryodhana felt extremely insulted that Draupadi and her maids saw his embarrassing predicament. Draupadi's statement of "andhey ka putra andha" meaning "blind man's (referring to Dhritrashtra) son is blind" further enraged Duryodhana.This was the last straw, he swore revenge on her and such a revenge that Pandavas would fall at his feet begging for mercy. Ultimate Submission After enjoying few days in the illusions of happiness in Indraprastha, Pandavas fell in the Kaurava‘s dice game trap. And when Yudhistira had nothing left to stake, he tried his bad luck with Draupadi and lost her too. Duryodhana summoned her in the court. The attendant hurried on to Draupadi‘s chambers and conveyed the message apologetically .In a short while he returned. ―She has asked me to bring back an answer to this question „Whom did Yudhistira lose first, me or himself? Whose lord were you at the time you lost me?‗ ―He addressed the question to Yudhistira , who looked at the floor, unable to face anyone. At that moment Duryodhana ordered ―Let her first come , and then put the question to her late lord herself, and the assembly shall hear the words that pass between them. ― The messenger went to draupadi and again came back without her. Duryodhana asked him to go out a third time. When this attendant hesitated, he turned to his brother Dusshasana and said ―Perphaps this fellow is a cow , afraid of this ruffian, Bhimsena, but he doesn‘t know that he can do nothing now , being our slave … Go and bring her without a moment‘s delay. ― By Aditya Dogra
  • 13. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission When Dusshasena appeared , Draupadi said again, ―I must have an answer to my question. Did Yudhistira lose me before or after he lost himself?‖ ― What is that to you?‖ asked Dusshasena. She replied, ―If he had lost himself first, he could have no right to stake me‖ ―Stop your argument. Will you follow me to the assembly or not?‖ As he approached her, she shrank back saying, ―I am in the woman‘s month … I am clad in a single wrap … go away …‖ She tried to escape him by attempting to run into the women‘s chamber. Dusshasena sprang on her, [4] seized her by her hair and dragged her along to the assembly. With her tresses and sari in disarray through Dusshasena‘s rude handling, Draupadi looked piteous as she stood in the center of that vast assembly facing the elders and guests. Seeing the distress of the Pandavas and draupadi, Vikarna, one of the younger sons of Dhritrashtra , said ―This unfortunate person has asked a question which has been not answered. Bhishma, Drona, Dhritarashtra and even Vidhura turn away and remain silent. She is the common wife of the other four also, and the king Yudhistra had first lost himself and then staked her. Reflection on these things, I declare that Draupadi has not been won at all ― At this point, Karna stood up and motioned everyone to remain silent ‖ This Vikarna is an immature youth, not fit to address an august assembly of elders. Yudhistira gambled and staked with his eyes wide open. Don‘t consider him an innocent simpleton; he knew when he was doing. He know when he staked Draupadi , he was offering his wife. Whatever has been won has been won justly. Here take off the princely robes on those brothers. Moreover, what woman in any would take five husbands? What does one call the like of her? I will unhesitatingly call her a whore. To bring her here, whatever her state, is no sin or act that should cause surprise. You, Yudhisitira and the rest, take off your princely robes and come aside.‖ At this order, the Pandavas took off their clothes and stood in their loincloths. Duryodhana ordered, ―Disrobe her too …‖ By Aditya Dogra
  • 14. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission Dusshasena seized Draupadi‘s saree and began to pull it off. In shear desperation she remembered her Krishna and called out his name as an absolute last resort for any kind of help. Krishna never came, and her grip on the saree was loosening fast. She carried on calling from the depth of her heart, still holding onto her saree with everything ounce of strength she could muster, yet still her Krishna never came. Draupadi was almost about to pass out as she could no longer hold on before she finally gave up all her efforts and resigned herself to having her dignity completely stripped with the whole city watching on. At that moment, Krishna appeared and turned her saree into a never ending robe, so no matter how many times her perpetrators pulled away at her saree, the dress kept unfolding further and further with no end in sight. Finally the Dusshasena gave up with exhaustion as he was unable to pull the saree of her, no matter how many times he tried. A few days after the incident had passed; Draupadi met Krishna and with fury scolded him for not helping her earlier when she first cried out for help. Krishna replied by telling her that when she first called out for the divine, she also kept her hands firmly on her saree. Her ego was not ready to fully submit to the divine and her faith was not strong enough to trust Krishna to come and save her. It was only when she lost all sense of hope, that her ego had finally loosened its grip on her saree that her heart allowed space for the divine to enter and work its charm. Only then could Krishna make his appearance and fulfill her every need and desire. Having failed in his efforts to disrobe Draupadi, Duryodhana had patted his thighs and ordered Draupadi to sit on his lap, since she was supposed to obey his orders as she was now a slave to him. On hearing this, Draupadi cursed Duryodhana of a death with a broken thigh. After cheerharan, Draupadi vowed that her hair should remain disheveled until Bhima should tie it up with hands dripping with the blood of Duhsasana. Draupadi‘s unbound hair represents her fury. By Aditya Dogra
  • 15. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission [4] Hair is a powerful metaphor in Hindu mythology. A lot has been said about hair. Krishna has curly hair. Balarama has straight silky hair. Shiva has thick matted hair. The Goddesses – Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga – have loose unbound hair. Hair has long been used in India to convey a message. Unbound unruly hair represents wild nature. Well oiled and combed hair represents culture. That is why the wild Kali‘s hair is unbound while the domestic Gauri‘s hair is well bound and in her temples devotees make offerings of gajra, a string of flowers to tie up the hair. In the Ramayana, the last jewel of Sita is the hairpin that she gives Hanuman to convey to Ram that her honor, and his reputation, stands in a precarious position. Shiva‘s dreadlocks represent the potent power of his mind that enables him to catch and bind the unruly and wild river-goddess Ganga. Karna’s Tribute to Draupadi Shocked by the disrobement of Draupadi And counselling by Vidur , Dhritharashtra scoffed at Duryodhana and asked Draupadi for any three boons. But Draupadi sought that her husbands should at once be freed from slavery and as the second boon she asked for their weapons. When Dhritharashtra asked her to ask for more, she replied that her husbands were strong and capable to win all the rest that they had lost by themselves. When Draupadi succeeded in winning back freedom for her enslaved husbands, Karna paid her a remarkable tribute, saying that none of the world‘s renowned beautiful women has accomplished such a feat. Like a boat she has rescued her husbands who were drowning in a sea of sorrows Motherlessness Being born from yajna; Draupadi was devoid of motherly affection in her childhood. And If Draupadi had hoped to find her missing mother in her mother-in-law, she was tragically deceived, as Kunti thrust her into a polyandrous marriage that exposed her to salacious gossip reaching to tragic climax in Karna declaring her a whore who‘s being clothed or naked is immaterial. As if that were not enough, Kunti urged her to take special care of her fifth husband Sahadeva, as a mother! No other woman has had to face this peculiar predicament of dealing with five husband as spouse, By Aditya Dogra
  • 16. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission then as elder or younger brother-in-law (to be treated like a father or as a son respectively) in an endless cycle. Another folk retelling tells us how Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas never shared her kitchen secrets with her daughter-in-law, Draupadi. Through food Kunti ensured her sons still came to her and were not totally smitten by their beautiful wife. But Draupadi was determined to wean her way into her husbands‘ hearts through their stomachs. She kept observing and smelling what Kunti served each of her husbands and figured out the recipe and ended up preparing the dishes, adding her own innovation, until the Pandavas craved more for Draupadi‘s food than Kunti‘s. Draupadi‘s Motherlessness seemed to be carried forward into her lack of maternal feelings. When Draupadi causes the blood of Bhimasena to sow itself in the earth; her five sons ( Upa- Pandava‘s) Prathivindya, Srutasoma, Sruthakeerthi, Sataaneekaa,Sruthasena , all Raksasas , according to Terukkutu folklore of the Draupadi cult, immediately sprung up from the ground. So Draupadi never enjoyed the pain of motherhood. Also her five sons were not even nurtured by her. She sent them to Panchala and followed her husbands into exile to share the wounds of injustice and insult inflicted upon them. On the other hand all other wives of Pandavas kept their sons along with them: Hidmimba‘s Ghatotkacha, Subhadra‘s Abhimanyu, Ulupi‘s Iravan and Chitrangada‘s Babhruvahana. Bhakti and Shakti Draupadi was a personification of both Bhakti( where she submitted herself to Lord Krishna) and Shakti ( where she dared and never let the fire of vengeance die). Lord Krishna considered her as His sakhi as well as sister and always helped her whenever she sought it. During their exile when Pandavas were in Kamyaka Forest, Duryodhana sent the short-tempered but highly knowledgeable sage Durvasha and his thousand disciples to visit Yudhishtra. His intentions were to get Pandavas cursed by the sage Durvasha. Yudhishtira invited the sage and his disciples to dine. But everybody including Draupadi & kunti had taken their meals and the Akshaya Patra was empty. Sage Durvasha went to take a By Aditya Dogra
  • 17. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission bath in the Ganges. Draupadi got worried and she prayed to Lord Krishna to save her and her husbands from the wrath of Durvasha when he would find out that the Pandavas had nothing to offer him & his disciples. Lord Krishna reached the hut of Draupadi and ate the single grain of rice left in the Akshaya Patra. There at the river bank, sage Durvasha and his disciples felt as if they had a sumptuous meal with many delicacies. Durvasha rishi blessed the Pandavas. Draupadi is an exemplification of bhakti, and she experienced God‘s divine presence constantly in her life. When she questioned Krishna about everything that had happened to her, he reassured her: “Soon wilt thou, O Krishna, behold the ladies of Bharata's race weep as thou dost. Even they, O timid one, will weep like thee, their kinsmen and friends being slain. They with whom, O lady, thou art angry, have their kinsmen and warriors already slain. With Bhima and Arjuna and the twins, at Yudhishthira's command, and agreeably to fate, and what hath been ordained by the Ordainer, I will accomplish all this. Their hour having arrived, the sons of Dhritarashtra, if they do not listen to my words, will surely lie down on the earth turned as morsels of dogs and jackals. The mountains of Himavat might shift their site, the Earth herself might spilt into a hundred fragments, the firmament itself with its myriads of stars might fall down, still my words can never be futile. Stop thy tears, I swear to thee, O Krishna, soon wilt thou see thy husbands, with their enemies slain, and with prosperity crowning them." The Shakti of Draupadi lies in the fire of vengeance. After all the futile attempts to make peace with Kauravas, Lord Krishna decided to visit Hastinapur. Sitting with his brothers, Krishna and Draupadi , Yudhishtira asked ―Is it worth all this conflict .―He said ―We should avoid a war at all costs, especially when we are certain of victory. They are our kinsmen, after all. Oh, Krishna, what shall I do? Advise me, guide me please―. Krishna replied, ―For your sake I will visit the Kauravas at their court. If I can obtain peace without compromising your interest, I will do so.‖ ―Krishna, don‘t threaten them‖, said Bhima.‖Duryhodhana is hostile and arrogant , but he should not be roughly addressed. Please be mild with him. All of us, O Krishna, would rather suffer in obscurity than see the kuru By Aditya Dogra
  • 18. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission dynasty destroyed.‖ Arjuna & Nakula also advocated mildness in approach and way to the peace. Sahadeva alone among the brothers wanted an ultimatum to be given by the envoy.‖Even if the kaurava‘s want peace, provoke them to a war. How can I , remembering the plight of Panchali the other day at the assembly, feel satisfied with anything less than the death of Duryodhana? Even if all my brothers are disposed to practice vesture and morality, I will go up alone and kill Duryodhana. It is my life‘s greatest aim‖. Draupadi came forward to express her views. The backsliding of four brothers made her indignant.‖O Krishna, the scriptures declare that it is a sin to kill a harmless person and the same scriptures declare that not to kill one who deserves it, is a sin. Has there been any woman on earth like me? Born out of fire, Daughter of the great Draupad, Sister of Dhrishtradyuman, Daughter-in-law of Pandu, Wife of five heroes of the world, and by them mother of five sons. Still I was dragged by my hair and insulted by depraved men under the very nose of these heroes, and they sat silently watching my distress. I don‘t know what would have happened if you, Krishna, had not responded to my call for help. And now even Bhima speaks of morality. There is no one to help me …. Even if my husbands abandon me, my sons are worth of talking up arms to avenge our wrongs …‖ She was choked with tears and so was everybody. All the four Pandavas were sitting with their heads down in shame. Krishna assured her and went to Hastinapur as a messenger. Plight of a women: Abduction and Molestation Simhika appears in the malayalam text (attakatha) for the Kathakali play "Kirmiravadham" by Kottayam Tampuran (17th century). In this work, the author introduces two new characters outside of Vyasa's text: A rakshasa named Saardduula and his wife Simhika. Simhika also happened to be the sister of Kirmira. Saardduula was killed by Arjuna. To take revenge, Simhika decided to abduct Draupadi and present her to brother Kirmira. To achieve this goal, Simhika took the form of Lalita (a beautiful woman) and approached Draupadi. Draupadi suspected foul play and refused to go. By Aditya Dogra
  • 19. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission Simhika resumed her original form and forcefully took away Draupadi. Hearing Draupadi's cries, Sahadeva came and cut off the nose and breasts of Simhika. Another episode of her abduction was by Jayadratha, the son of Vriddhakshatra, the husband of Duryodhana‘s sister Dussala, while he was passing through Kamyaka forest on the way to Salwa Desa. There he saw Draupadi alone as Pandavas had gone out for hunting. Jayadratha then started beseeching her to go away with him and desert her husbands who had fallen upon bad times. Draupadi pointed out that it was wrong to desert one‘s spouses when they were in difficulty and then gave him a rather long and deliberately delaying speech on exactly the sort of bad time her husbands would give him on their return.Jayadratha then said ―thou canst not frighten us (he was with several other Kings when he saw and abducted Draupadi) now with these threats. We, too, O Krishna, belong by birth to the seventeen high clans, and are endowed with the six royal qualities.‖ and was sure that he could beat the Pandavas in battle. Draupadi said ―Even Indra himself cannot abduct her for whose protection Krishna and Arjuna would together follow, riding in the same chariot.‖ And she spoke of the way in which Jishnu (Arjuna) would rout Jayadratha and his armies. She also said, ―The warring princes of the Andhaka and the Vrishni races, with Janardana at their head, and the mighty bowmen of the Kaikeya tribe, will all follow in my wake with great ardour‖. Failing with words Jayadratha tried violence and she called for Dhaumya‘s help. Though she pushed him to the ground, he overpowered her and forced her onto his chariot. Meanwhile the Pandavas had finished their hunt and Yudhisthira observed that all the animals were disturbed in one direction and was suddenly overcome by premonitions. So he and his brother climbed their chariots pulled by horses of Saindhava breed and gave chase in the direction of the disturbance. And on learning of their wife's abduction by Jayadratha they rushed towards that host with great fury( like hawks swooping down on their prey. And possessed of the prowess of Indra, they had been filled with fury at the insult offered to Draupadi. But at sight of Jayadratha and of their beloved wife seated on his car, their fury knew no bounds).Then follows the exciting description of a battle in which the five By Aditya Dogra
  • 20. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission pandavas routed the Sauviras, Ikshwakus, Sivis, and Saindhavas and their armies. Jayadratha in fear ran away, leaving Draupadi behind in all this confusion. Dharmraja urged Bhima to spare Jayadratha‘s life for the sake of Dussala and Gandhari, much to the indignation of Draupadi. And that highly intelligent lady said to her two husbands, Bhima and Arjuna with indignation mixed with modesty, 'If you care to do what is agreeable to me, you must slay the chief of the Saindhava clan! That foe who forcibly carries away a wife, and he that wrests a kingdom, should never be forgiven on the battle-field, even though he should supplicate for mercy!'.Thus admonished, it was decided to make him humiliated. Then the two valiant warriors went in search of the Saindhava chief. Bhima and Arjuna caught up with Jayadratha and Arjuna asked him how an unmanly fellow like himself had the guts to take a woman away by force. Thereafter there was more running away than actual fighting and Bhima caught Jayadratha and wanted to kill him. Arjuna reminded him of Dharmaraj(Yudhisthira)‘s words, so they brought Jayadratha to their hermitage.After bringing the chained Jayadratha back to the hermitage where he was to declare to be slave of Pandavas and was hence, shaved on his head at five places and then freed. While the Pandavas were leading their normal life in their own disguised [5] form . One day Kichaka, the brother of Sudeshana, and the commander of king Virata‘s forces, happened to see Draupadi. He was filled with lust by looking at her. He asked her to marry him, but Draupadi refused him saying that she was already married to ‗Gandharvas‘, so as not to reveal their true identity as they were in exile. She warned Kichaka that her husbands were very strong and he would not be able to escape death at their hands. Later he forced his sister, queen Sudeshna to help him win Draupadi. Sudeshna ordered Draupadi to fetch wine from Kichak's house. Draupadi tried to dissuade the queen from sending her to kichaka's house but failed. When Draupadi went to get wine, Kichaka tried to molest her. Draupadi escaped and ran into the court of Virata. Kichaka kicked her in front of all the courtiers including Yudhisthira who was also present in the court at that time. The king being weak in front of Kichaka did not take any action. Draupadi asked about the duties of a king and dharma. Draupadi then By Aditya Dogra
  • 21. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission cursed Kichaka in the court that her husbands ‗Gandharvas‘ would surely kill him. However, Kichaka only doubted their whereabouts and asked those present in the court that where were they then. Yudhisthra then in disguise of being the king's adviser replied that they Gandharvas would not come as they wanted her to forgive Kichaka for the time being. With this the king asked Kichaka to leave for the honour of the court and praised Yudhistira's reply as he himself could not think of anything. Later on, Bhima killed Kichaka. [5] Twelve years of exile for Yudhishthira, his brothers and their wife Draupadi were coming to an end and the thirteenth year of incognito existence, as demanded by the terms for the losing side in the game of dice, was about to begin. After some consideration and consultation with their preceptor Dhaumya, the Paandavas and Draupadi all decided to seek employment, in one form or the other, in the same kingdom. The fish-shaped realm of Matsya was chosen, whose king was the old Virata. The brothers hid their weapons in a forest in the outskirts of Matsya and approached Virata, all at different times, seeking his benevolence. Yudhishthira became Kanka, a brahmin skilled at dice and counselor to the king. Bheemasena became a chef named Vallabha; Nakula took the name of Arishtanemi, the keeper of horses; Sahadeva assumed the identity of Granthika, keeper of cows, while Draupadi became Malini, a sairandhri, or maid. The most curious guise, however, was assumed by Arjuna. The third Paandava used a curse he had once obtained to his advantage. The curse, given to him by the celestial nymph Urvashi, was that he would become devoid of masculinity and would become a woman in a man's body. However, the god king Indra, father of Arjuna, had begged Urvashi to relent and her heart had softened. She had altered her curse to last only for one year and any one at that. Thus, Arjuna became Brihannala, a eunuch who was appointed to teach music and dance to the king's daughter Uttaraa. Obedient Wife In the end of the Pandavas' twelve years of banishment and the beginning of the thirteenth year during which they had to live in concealment. Duryodhana issued the order that only roasted grains—and no fresh grains which could be sown—should be given to beggars, tramps and other nomads, because they might turn out to be the Pandavas trying to survive. His soldiers and spies could not confirm whether the Pandavas were dead or alive. Therefore Duryodhana decided to carry out the kariyam ceremony, a funeral ritual observed by non-Brahmin communities, usually on the By Aditya Dogra
  • 22. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission sixteenth day after a person's death. Once this rite had been carried out, it would prevent the Pandavas, now officially declared 'dead', to return to regular society. Krishna came to know of this plan. He visited the Pandavas and instructed Draupadi that she should disguise herself as a Kuratti, a lady of the Kurava tribe (basket-makers and fortune-tellers). She should take Sahadeva on her hip disguised as a child and go to Hastinapura where she should tell fortune to the Kaurava women. Draupadi protested: How can she enter Duryodana's Palace without doing up her hair and breaking her vows. But finally agreed when krishna reminded her about her duties toward her husband and also assured her that vow can be suspended when she is in disguise. When she arrived at the Kaurava court she met the Kaurava women, among them Gandhari, the mother of the Kauravas and wife of the blind Dhritarashtra, and Peruntiruval, Duryodhana's wife. The women requested the Kuratti to tell fortune. She invited her 'family deity' and entered into a trance to do so. During the séance the Kuratti provided details of Peruntiruval's past and recounted the prior events that had led to the Pandavas banishment to the forest, including Draupadi's disrobing and her violent vow—facts with which the Kuratti-in-disguise, as the principal victim, was intimately familiar with. She predicted that all the Kaurava women would be robbed of the auspicious signs of their marriage, because their husbands would die in the impending war. The Kuratti's forecast of doom outraged the Kaurava women who refused to pay up the fresh grains demanded by her. Peruntiruval complained to her husband Duryodhana, who decided to question the Kuratti himself. Hearing her grim predictions, Duryodhana grew suspicious that she might be Draupadi and put her in jail. Krishna heared Draupadi's prayers and ordered Arjuna to go to Hastinapura in the disguise of a Kuravan, a male member of the Kurava tribe, to demand her release. The Kuravan arrived proclaiming his love for his independent wife, boasting of his own prowess and provoking Duryodhana to fight. Duryodhana lost the fight and was forced to release the Kuratti and paid up the grains. When Draupadi and Arjuna return to the forest the grains turned out to be roasted. But Krishna promised them that he would make the roasted seeds grow as if they were fresh seeds. By Aditya Dogra
  • 23. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission Secret Desire Once Draupadi, plucked a Jambul fruit without realizing that it was a special fruit that a Rishi had sworn to break his fast of twelve years, with. ―You have contaminated the fruit,‖ said Krishna, ―If the sage finds out, he will curse you and your husbands. But if you open up your heart and confess to a secret that you have hidden from your husbands, the power of the truth will cause the fruit to join the branch once again.‖ With great trepidation, Draupadi looked into the eyes of her husbands and said, ―I love five of you. But I love a sixth too. I love Karna. I regret not marrying him on account of his caste.‖ The revelation came as a shock to the Pandavas. They were not sure whether to be angry with Draupadi or ashamed of themselves. They realized they had failed her individually and collectively. Having revealed the truth of her heart, Draupadi had been cleansed. She was now able to reattach the fruit to the tree. Bait for Karna After failing in peace negotiations with Duryodhana, Krishna approached Karna, who was acknowledged as Duryodhana's finest warrior. Krishna revealed to Karna that he was the eldest son of Kunti, and therefore, technically, the eldest Pandava, and asked him to change sides. Krishna assured him that Yudhisthira would give the crown of Indraprastha to him. But Karna refused Krishna offer to change the course of war. Krishna as a last try threw Draupadi as the ultimate tempatation in Karna's way. These efforts of Krishna were followed by Kunti urging Karna to enjoy Yushisthira Shri(Another name of Draupadi). Filled with Compassion The Fiery heroine Draupadi was not without kindness and affection. She was insulted, taunted and driven to the forest by the son of Dhritarashtra and Gandhari. When, Dusshasena pulled her saree, Dhritarastra and Gandhari had not helped her. But still after the war of Mahabharata, By Aditya Dogra
  • 24. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission Draupadi looked after Gandhari with respect and affection. She treated her the same way as she treated Kunti. Another Episode of her compassion was when Jayadrath , king of Sindh, abducted her when they were in exile.After capturing Jayadrath, upon Yudhistra‘s request of considering him husband of Dusshala, Panchali supported of leaving him alive . Similarly when Aswathama (Son of Drona who killed the sons of Draupadi [6] called upa-pandavas ) came to Pandavas, she moved forward and touched his feet and paid him his due respect, inspite of her great grief at the loss of her children. Bhima was unable to bear such sorrow and because of this, he was in great emotions which drove him to the point of exhibiting his physical prowess to the world. In fact he was looking at this quality of forebearance of Draupadi as a laughing matter. He thought that the suffering of having lost all her children had driven her to insanity. But without thinking much, Bhima uprooted the Shiromani(Divine Diamond) off the forehead of Ashwasthama. ―Thus Speaks Draupadi to Aswasthama‖ by Indira Kumari (The following is Draupadi‘s expression of her feelings when Aswathama, the assassinator of her five sons was captured and brought by Arjuna to her presence. She in a tear-filled yet smooth, soft and gentle voice thus speaks to Aswathama) Don‟t you know, O you Learned Man! Is it not your Father Drona who taught archery to all our people? Are you not Drona in the form of a Son? How with a heart bereft of pity you did put to death my innocent children? A Brahmin by birth, you are and with intelligence and kindness You are the greatest and the foremost of the great intrepid heroes. Is it good on the part of a revered one like you By Aditya Dogra
  • 25. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission To commit such a heinous deed as you have done? Sir! Did my children rise in rage against you? O Gentle Man! Or did they confront you on the battlefield with weapons? Not a bit of harm to you they ever did, Alas! If so, how you, by unyielding strength did deign To be heartless to assassinate my sons so guileless And untutored in fighting while still in the soft bosom Of sleep were they lying in all innocence at night. Unsuspecting of fate awaiting them in future. Alas! Ah! Overwhelmed with sorrow infinite I made Arjuna to fight with you and bring you here indeed. But, how the knowledge, O Man! Of this most tragic fact Stabs the mother‟s heart of your own dear mother, I know not! Then turning to Arjuna, Krishna and others, she says thus forgiving Aswathama with a mother‟s heart! She (Drona‟s wife) so unwillingly still lives after her husband‟s demise Ah! how her heart like mine tilled with deep sorrow feels depressed! Alas! Great Sin it‟ll be indeed, if he be rid of his life So, I beseech you, kind Sirs, to pity this Brahmin and leave him with life. By Aditya Dogra
  • 26. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission [6] Ashwatthama attacked the Pandava camp in the middle of the night, but by error ended up murdering the five sons of Pandavas by Draupadi instead of his plan to kill Pandavas as promised to Duruyodana by him earlier. Always, throughout the Hindu mythology, whatever seems senseless to us mere mortals, seem to have a different objective. And the root of this death is traced to the time of Raj a Harischandra of Kosala. The sage Viswamitra decided to test if king Harischandra really deserved his reputation as a most truthful king. He managed to trick the king into giving up his Kingdom and everything in it, including his clothes and ornaments and forced the king to leave, along with his Queen and son. the sage actually beat the queen to push them out of the kingdom. The five guardian deities of the kingdom were enraged by this and condemned the Sage. The sage became enraged and cursed them to be born as mortals. Once they begged Viswamitra's pardon, the sage revised his curse, saying that though they would be re-born as mortals, they would get their moksha before forming any attachments that would reduce their status and sanctity as guardian deities. And hence, the guardians were born as the sons of Draupadi, Their soul‘s attained relief from Sage Viswamitra's curse, while their murderer Aswathama - not content with having killed the five Upa-Pandavas Remorseful Ending After the war Pandavas travelled across the whole country and finally started their ascent on the great Himalayas. On their way, Draupadi and other Pandava brothers die midway except for Yudhisthira. Draupadi was first to fall into hell. When Bhima asked Yudhisthira, "This princess never did any sinful act. Then why is she fallen on Earth?" Yudhisthir replied, "Though we were all equal unto her, she had great partiality for Dhananjay(Arjun). She obtains the fruit of that conduct today." Draupadi fell on the ground below and was dying a painful death when Bhima came to her side, consoled her and remained by her side till her death. During these last moments, it is said, Draupadi realized the futility of her undying love for Arjuna and felt the selfless and unconditional love and support that Bhima had provided her at each moment in her life and repented the fact that she could never reciprocate the love of Bhima in equal terms. Her last words were, ―In the next birth, be mine alone, Bhima, so that I may rest alittle, my head in your lap." By Aditya Dogra
  • 27. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission Now the below poem ―Kurukshetra‖ Amreeta Syam which conveys the angst of Panchali, born unasked for, bereft of father, brothers, sons and her beloved sakha Krishna , makes complete sense to us: “Draupadi has five husbands—butshe has none— She had five sons—and was never a mother… The Pandavas have given Draupadi… No joy, no sense of victory No honour as wife No respect as mother — Only the status of a Queen… But they have all gone And I‟m left with a lifeless jewel And an empty crown… my baffled motherhood Wrings its hands and strives to weep.” Dropadi was a Devi in human incarnation with all the Divine qualities The only human weakness I could find in her was her outspokenness. She called Karna ―Sootputra‘‖ and insulted Duryodhna by calling him ―blind son of blind father‖. And earned their animosity. References: 1. A. Hiltebeitel Cult of Draupadi, University of Chicago Press, 1988, vol. I . 2. The Mahabharata, R.K.Narayan. 3. Paintings of Raja Ravi Verma. 4. Devdutt Pattanaik Blog : 5. Dolls of India : 6. ―As times goes by‖ & ― The sands of time‖ Ashok Sawhny. By Aditya Dogra
  • 28. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission 7. Draupadi-Amma Temple , Varthur Village Bangalore By Aditya Dogra
  • 29. Draupadi – The Ultimate Submission About the Author After completing Bachelor of engineering in Information Technology from NIT-Durgapur, Aditya Dogra started his career at Cisco Systems as a software developer. Being an ardent Hindoo and curious to learn about his religion, he pursues his hobbies of reading spiritual books and temple photography. He has travelled in various temples all over India. He is reachable @ W : F : By Aditya Dogra