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Painting and quiz                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      A unique fusion of
competition ...II                                                                                                                                HYDERABAD | TUESDAY 25 SEPTEMBER 2012                                  song and dance ...IV

                                                                                                         Living in the shadow
                                                                                                         Public-private ventures vital to help people with disability
                                                                                                         VENU KODIMELA                                                                                                                                 me to reach out to the poor,”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       says Dr Swain, while speak-

                                                                                                                hey lead an awful life                                                                                                                 ing about his father‘s influ-
                                                                                                                and prefer to live in                                                                                                                  ence on his life.
                                                                                                                shadow. They rarely                                                                                                                       Dr Swain believes that
                                                                                                         cross our lives, as they are                                                                                                                  public-private partnership
                                                                                                         afraid that their very pres-                                                                                                                  alone could bring huge bene-
                                                                                                         ence would cause discomfi-                                                                                                                    fits to the poor, as it is a gi-
   GHMC Commissioner M T Krishna Babu inspecting COP-11 works                                            ture for ‘normal’ people. If                                                                                                                  gantic effort to reach out to
                                                                                                         they happen to be poor, then                                                                                                                  the PWD, organise them,

  Commissioner inspects                                                                                  their lives are doomed for
                                                                                                         eternity. The indignities they
                                                                                                         suffer are many, since they
                                                                                                         are considered bad omen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       screen them, take care of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       their travel, accommodation,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       hospitalisation and follow-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ups. The trust works closely

  COP-11 works                                                                                           Sometimes they are named
                                                                                                         after snakes.Girls suffering
                                                                                                         from a rare skin disorder of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       with leading doctors, corpo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       rates and governmental agen-

             T Krishna Babu,        ers on footpaths here. Com-        Engineer to impose huge           genetic origin are called                                                                                                                        A 100-bed world class
             Commissioner,          missioner gave ultimatum           penalty to the Vodafone au-       Nagamani or Nagamma. A                                                                                                                        medical centre is coming up
             Greater Hyder-         to contractors to finish the       thorities so that others          case in point is 44-year-old                                                                                                                  in the city with the aim of
  abad Municipal Commis-            footpath work that has al-         should not take such steps        Paila Nagamani. With a                                                                                                                        treating 60 percent of pa-
  sioner along with other           ready been sanctioned long         and to curb illegal road cut-     huge tumour dangling from                                                                                                                     tients free of cost or at sub-
  officials inspected the           back. Krishna Babu also            tings.                            her left eye she has been suf-                                                                                                                sidised rates and others at
  progress of ongoing works         warned that on failure of             He also gave instruction       fering in silence for years.                                                                                                                  affordable rates.
  of COP-11 at the footpaths        finishing work within three        to finish ongoing works re-       She and her sister from Eluru                                                                                                                    This year about 40 cases
  stretch from Sarojinidevi         months contractors will be         lated to COP-11 at Road           town live on the dole handed                                                                                                                  from West Godavari district
  Eye hospital, Mehdipatnam         blacklisted.    Instructions       No 36, Kavuri Hills Junc-         by their relatives and friends.                                                                                                               were operated upon at
  to Masabtank road today.          were given to dispose waste        tion and road widening               People with deformities         Dr Bharatendu Swain attending a patient                                                                    Apollo Hospital in the first
  He inspected footpath,            materials that will be there       works at Ayyappa society,         and disabilities struggle to                                                                                                                  week of March. Screening
  greenery and road widening        after footpath works.              Central medians near              pursue education, get jobs,        due to defects in his nasal        People with deformities and disabilities                                camps were conducted at
  works and gave directions            Next sight that attracted       Shilparamam and the               and move freely without            cavity.                                                                                                    Vikarabad, Chilukur, Ma-
  to concerned officers to fin-     disappointment of the              works pertaining to paint-        drawing undue attention to            Gunda Ramayamma, a              struggle to pursue education, get jobs,                                 habubnagar, Medak, Sid-
  ish them on time.                 Commissioner was lots of           ing to Mini Charminar at          their impairment. It is esti-      50-year-old woman from             and move freely without drawing undue                                   dipet and Hyderabad. So far,
     Lots of boards, tree           gaps within plantation at          Hi-tech City in three days.       mated that 10 percent of           Lingapalem village with a          attention to their impairment. It is esti-                              584 patients have benefitted
  branches and two vehicles         footpath dividers Banjara             He also directed the Ad-       population is disabled in one      cleft lip, attended a health                                                                               by attending the free plastic
  parked at the footpaths that      Hill Road No 1, 2 and 3.           ditional      commissioner        form or another.                   camp organised at Eluru            mated that 10 percent of population is                                  surgery camps.
  affect to free flow of pedes-     The Commissioner ob-               (Parks) to take up the green-        In another case, a youth        town in February this year.        disabled in one form or another.                                           A month after surgery,
  trians irked Commissioner.        served illegal road cutting        ery works on either side of       from Markondapadu village          She told a surgeon, who con-                                                                               Nagamani, who had been
  Despite his earlier instruc-      by Vodafone authorities            the roads, i.e., main stretch     nurtured a dream to join the       ducted the screening camp,                                                                                 suffering from plexiform neu-
  tions, concerned officials        near Jalagam Vengal Rao            from       Aramghar        to     police force as a constable.       that she too deserves good         with gaping holes in their          as per the 2001 census esti-        rofibroma was on the look-
  did not sort out the issue of     Park and he directed the           Shamshabad.                       Bhaira Raju, 24 years,             life. In rural areas, a majority   mouth. Such children need           mates. The present public           out for a job, while Raju
  people parking two wheel-         concerned Superintendent                                             sculpted his body, but failed      of children born with cleft lip    extra care, as even a slight fall   health care infrastructure          cleared obstacles for the con-
                                                                                                         to clear physical tests during     and cleft palate are left to       might hurt them grievously.         fails to meet the needs of the      stable’s post.
                                                                                                         the 5 km marathon. During          their fate. The parents strug-     The parents keep postponing         disabled even though 70% of            “Disgusting look on the

   Incentives for                                                                                        selections, Raju collapsed         gle to raise the children born     the surgery, as they can’t af-
                                                                                                                                                                               ford travel and hospitalisa-
                                                                                                                                                                               tion expenses even if the
                                                                                                                                                                               treatment is free.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   them could be restored to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   near normalcy with appropri-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ate medical interventions and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   aids. Dr Bharatendu Swain,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       faces of strangers made me
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       cringe. The lump on the fore-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       head spread to the left eye
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and made my life miserable,”

   anti-larval drive                                                                                                                                                              As per the National Sam-
                                                                                                                                                                               ple Survey conducted in
                                                                                                                                                                               2002, there are 2.08 crore
                                                                                                                                                                               persons with disability. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   senior reconstructive sur-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   geon, Apollo Hospital, de-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   cided to establish one of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   finest centers of excellence in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       recalled Nagamani, after the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Durga Naresh, a 22-year-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       old barber from Chintalpudi,

             T Krishna Babu,           He directed the medical         val operations and he has                                                                               survey shows that 75 percent        Hyderabad so as to bring a          is today a free man. A small
             Commissioner,          officers for effective imple-      proposed incentives for the                                                                             of PWD live in rural areas;         change in the lives of dis-         lump on his forehead began
             GHMC, Syed Ali         mentation of OSRT system           30 days programme.                                                                                      49 percent of them are liter-       abled, “who would never             to swell and grow bigger with
  Murtuza Rizvi, Collector,         with proper time schedule             Nearly 70 to 80 hot spots                                                                            ate and only 34 percent are         have dared to dream a nor-          age. He tried all kinds of
  Hyderabad along with med-         and lifting of garbage from        have been identified in some                                                                            employed.                           mal life.”                          tricks to cover his head with
  ical officers held a meeting      time to time and coordinat-        of the slums for anti larval                                                                               However, the national               He wants to carry forward        his hair. After the operation,
  with regard to communica-         ing with the staff so that the     operations. The commis-                                                                                 Centre for Promotion of Em-         the legacy of his father late       he isn’t afraid of customers
  ble diseases for their control    work will be up to the ex-         sioner has directed the chief                                                                           ployment for Disabled Peo-          Narasingh Swain by institut-        and their comments at his fa-
  and prevention at Panwar          pectations. Some of the doc-       entomologist to take up the                                                                             ple (CPEDP) put the total           ing a trust in his name in          ther’s saloon.
  Hall on Monday. The com-          tors have briefed the              works on priority basis at                                                                              number at 7.5 crore, of             2001. Under aegis of the               The lives of 40-odd per-
  missioner directed all the        Commissioner that the              the identified hot spots.                                                                               which 7.5 percent is em-            trust, Aakar Asha was               sons have changed for the
  medical officers to be vigil      workers are not taking up             L Vandan Kumar, Addi-                                                                                ployed in public sector un-         started in 2004 with the aim        better, one way or the other.
  while performing their du-        anti larval operations in          tional        Commissioner                                                                              dertakings and .005 percent         of helping the disabled to          It must be remembered that
  ties and to identify the hot      most areas and proposed to         (H&S), Sri Rathna Joseph,                                                                               employed in private sector.         lead a normal life through          others, numbering millions,
  spots and special focus must      give some good incentives.         Chief Entomologist, all the                                                                                The World Bank report            state-of-the art reconstructive     also deserve a helping hand
  be taken care for these hot          Commissioner (H&S)              medical officers of 18 circles                                                                          puts the figure at 50-80 mil-       surgery, rehabilitation and         to end their misery. The pol-
  spots for prevention and          and Chief Entomologist to          and other senior officials of                                                                           lion, of which 49 per cent are      cutting-edge research.              icy makers and eminent doc-
  control of the communica-         involve Slum Level Federa-         the Health Wing partici-                                                                                physically disabled. There             “My father’s commitment          tors in the field should join
  ble diseases.                     tion workers in the anti-lar-      pated in the meeting.                                                                                   are about 4.5 lakh physically       to work, simplicity and com-        hands to make the world a
                                                                                                         A soothing touch by a doctor does wonders                             disabled people in the State        passion for people inspired         better place for the disabled.

New age libraries widen horizons Commuting woes
T P VENU                                                                                                                                    ample area and good furni-
                                                                                                                                            ture, with a special area just
                                                                                                                                                                               without queues
                                                                                                                                                                               SATISHRAJ MEDAPATLA

        ven as the debate on                                                                                                                for children.
        whether FDI in retail                                                                                                                  Radhika Naidu, a house-

        would wipe out the                                                                                                                  wife, says, “My children               n olden days victorious
mom and pop stores rages, a                                                                                                                 speak to their cousins living          armies used to hoist flags
silent revolution of sorts is                                                                                                               abroad who suggest titles and          on forts to claim authority
taking place in the library                                                                                                                 we get them in no time at the      over the kingdom. Similarly,
space. The gold old one-room                                                                                                                library. Another positive is       during rush hours at main
neighbourhood libraries are                                                                                                                 that these days there are very     bus stands one can witness
making way to swanky, air-                                                                                                                  good books with lovely pic-        people reserving seats by
conditioned ones, which are                                                                                                                 tures. I hated History as we       throwing kerchiefs or handy
coming up in various parts of                                                                                                               had to mug up dates and            items on the seats of the
the city.                                                                                                                                   facts, but now there are lovely    buses.
   In spite of concerns that                                                                                                                books with great illustrations        While a person can book
reading habits have taken a                                                                                                                 and kids love them.”               tickets online well in advance,
hit and that the advent of e-                                                                                                                                                  but for spot travellers includ-
books have eaten into the                                                                                                                   Beyond books                       ing seniors and those with
market space for physical                                                                                                                      One may call it a market-       children and luggage, there is
books; the general perception                                                                                                               ing gimmick or whatever,but        a stiff competition with the        It is time to stop the unofficial system of
is that libraries per se can be                                                                                                             the trend today is to pack ac-     agile in catching the running
good business and all you                                                                                                                   tivities, games, quiz pro-         buses and throwing some             booking seats in buses by placing
need to do is to adapt to                                                                                                                   grammes and book reading           handy item on the seats to re-      handkerchiefs and entering the buses
newer ways of reaching out to                                                                                                               sessions at these libraries --     serve seats for long journeys.
readers and provide the right                                                                                                               something unheard-of in the           In rush hours, it is a com-      before the bus arrives at bus stand.
type of ambience. This is                                                                                                                   past.                              mon sight of crowd scuffling
where some new age libraries        A member in one of the libraries in the city                                                               Books N More in West            to get a hold on footboard of       push their way out of the           allow any persons to get into
seem to have clicked.                                                                                                                       Marredpally and Treasure           the bus to squeeze in through       crowd of other seat seekers         buses before it comes into the
   Just Books, a brainchild of      another feature that sets them     Kharkhana, Secunderabad           other localities as well.          House in Banjara Hills have        the door, which allows only         and the smart ones who              bus bay and completely disal-
R Sundar Rajan, former Ora-         apart. For instance, they use      says, “With 6 lakh books             One common feature in all       been organising many activi-       one at a time; and those with       booked seats by placing             low the unofficial mode of
cle consultant, is among the        RFID to track books. If a          under the banner,the mem-         the new age libraries is that      ties like handwriting work-        children and luggage putting        handy items through win-            placing items and reserving
pioneers in new age libraries.      member wants a particular          bers are assured of getting       the membership plans are de-       shops,     scrabble,      basic    up extra energy to gain entry.      dows.                               seats, it can provide relief to
It has 69 libraries in India. In    book which is then not avail-      what they want.”                  signed to suit every pocket        photography and painting           Even if one wins the battle at         After getting down, the          thousands of bus travellers in-
just one year, it has set up four   able in the library, he can just      Filiko Books is another li-    and taste. People can take         classes.                           footboard, the moment of            spot travellers gear up to gain     cluding aged, women, and
libraries in Hyderabad and          type out the name of the book      brary in Sainikpuri. Started      from one book to even ten              Mahima Jain, a painter         glory is lost within seconds        entry into another bus. The         children every day. The sys-
the fifth one is coming up in       and author. Through online         by K Murali Krishna, it caters    books at a time; there is a        and mother of two, says, “I        when they find youngsters al-       ordeal continues till they too      tem will also bring relief to
Miyapur.                            records it is easy to know         mainly to nearby areas. With      package for everyone. An-          first took my child to Treas-      ready seated on more than           become smart or wait for            the increasing number of sen-
   What makes these libraries       which of the other branches        neatly stacked racks, air-con-    other stark difference is the      ure House to make use of the       half of the seats available in      RTC booking counter facility        ior citizens where only two
tick is the vast collection of      or library in other parts of the   ditioned area and ample           ambience of these libraries,       books, but these activities too    bus and reserving the rest for      that is available for spot trav-    seats are reserved for them in
neat books stacked in largely       country has it. Then, the          space, the library has enrolled   where, unlike in the case of       helped. They bring out the in-     their kith and strangers. To        ellers, but only at scheduled       a bus. It will also allow trav-
walls-free rooms with a lovely      manager makes a request and        450 members in a span of one      yesteryear libraries, one can      trinsic abilities of children      get off the bus, the dismayed       hours in a day.                     ellers to avail seats on first
ambience.                           gets it. Manisha Mohan, the        year. The management is           afford to sit for as long as one   and also help the kids shed        seat losers along with their           If RTC could induct a sim-       come first basis instead of
   The use of technology is         franchisee of Just Books,          looking to open new ones in       likes. Most of them have           their inhibitions, if any.”        luggage, once again have to         ple queue system and not            using strength and agility.

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Dr swain article

  • 1. Painting and quiz A unique fusion of competition ...II HYDERABAD | TUESDAY 25 SEPTEMBER 2012 song and dance ...IV Living in the shadow Public-private ventures vital to help people with disability VENU KODIMELA me to reach out to the poor,” says Dr Swain, while speak- T hey lead an awful life ing about his father‘s influ- and prefer to live in ence on his life. shadow. They rarely Dr Swain believes that cross our lives, as they are public-private partnership afraid that their very pres- alone could bring huge bene- ence would cause discomfi- fits to the poor, as it is a gi- GHMC Commissioner M T Krishna Babu inspecting COP-11 works ture for ‘normal’ people. If gantic effort to reach out to they happen to be poor, then the PWD, organise them, Commissioner inspects their lives are doomed for eternity. The indignities they suffer are many, since they are considered bad omen. screen them, take care of their travel, accommodation, hospitalisation and follow- ups. The trust works closely COP-11 works Sometimes they are named after snakes.Girls suffering from a rare skin disorder of with leading doctors, corpo- rates and governmental agen- cies. M T Krishna Babu, ers on footpaths here. Com- Engineer to impose huge genetic origin are called A 100-bed world class Commissioner, missioner gave ultimatum penalty to the Vodafone au- Nagamani or Nagamma. A medical centre is coming up Greater Hyder- to contractors to finish the thorities so that others case in point is 44-year-old in the city with the aim of abad Municipal Commis- footpath work that has al- should not take such steps Paila Nagamani. With a treating 60 percent of pa- sioner along with other ready been sanctioned long and to curb illegal road cut- huge tumour dangling from tients free of cost or at sub- officials inspected the back. Krishna Babu also tings. her left eye she has been suf- sidised rates and others at progress of ongoing works warned that on failure of He also gave instruction fering in silence for years. affordable rates. of COP-11 at the footpaths finishing work within three to finish ongoing works re- She and her sister from Eluru This year about 40 cases stretch from Sarojinidevi months contractors will be lated to COP-11 at Road town live on the dole handed from West Godavari district Eye hospital, Mehdipatnam blacklisted. Instructions No 36, Kavuri Hills Junc- by their relatives and friends. were operated upon at to Masabtank road today. were given to dispose waste tion and road widening People with deformities Dr Bharatendu Swain attending a patient Apollo Hospital in the first He inspected footpath, materials that will be there works at Ayyappa society, and disabilities struggle to week of March. Screening greenery and road widening after footpath works. Central medians near pursue education, get jobs, due to defects in his nasal People with deformities and disabilities camps were conducted at works and gave directions Next sight that attracted Shilparamam and the and move freely without cavity. Vikarabad, Chilukur, Ma- to concerned officers to fin- disappointment of the works pertaining to paint- drawing undue attention to Gunda Ramayamma, a struggle to pursue education, get jobs, habubnagar, Medak, Sid- ish them on time. Commissioner was lots of ing to Mini Charminar at their impairment. It is esti- 50-year-old woman from and move freely without drawing undue dipet and Hyderabad. So far, Lots of boards, tree gaps within plantation at Hi-tech City in three days. mated that 10 percent of Lingapalem village with a attention to their impairment. It is esti- 584 patients have benefitted branches and two vehicles footpath dividers Banjara He also directed the Ad- population is disabled in one cleft lip, attended a health by attending the free plastic parked at the footpaths that Hill Road No 1, 2 and 3. ditional commissioner form or another. camp organised at Eluru mated that 10 percent of population is surgery camps. affect to free flow of pedes- The Commissioner ob- (Parks) to take up the green- In another case, a youth town in February this year. disabled in one form or another. A month after surgery, trians irked Commissioner. served illegal road cutting ery works on either side of from Markondapadu village She told a surgeon, who con- Nagamani, who had been Despite his earlier instruc- by Vodafone authorities the roads, i.e., main stretch nurtured a dream to join the ducted the screening camp, suffering from plexiform neu- tions, concerned officials near Jalagam Vengal Rao from Aramghar to police force as a constable. that she too deserves good with gaping holes in their as per the 2001 census esti- rofibroma was on the look- did not sort out the issue of Park and he directed the Shamshabad. Bhaira Raju, 24 years, life. In rural areas, a majority mouth. Such children need mates. The present public out for a job, while Raju people parking two wheel- concerned Superintendent sculpted his body, but failed of children born with cleft lip extra care, as even a slight fall health care infrastructure cleared obstacles for the con- to clear physical tests during and cleft palate are left to might hurt them grievously. fails to meet the needs of the stable’s post. the 5 km marathon. During their fate. The parents strug- The parents keep postponing disabled even though 70% of “Disgusting look on the Incentives for selections, Raju collapsed gle to raise the children born the surgery, as they can’t af- ford travel and hospitalisa- tion expenses even if the treatment is free. them could be restored to near normalcy with appropri- ate medical interventions and aids. Dr Bharatendu Swain, faces of strangers made me cringe. The lump on the fore- head spread to the left eye and made my life miserable,” anti-larval drive As per the National Sam- ple Survey conducted in 2002, there are 2.08 crore persons with disability. The senior reconstructive sur- geon, Apollo Hospital, de- cided to establish one of the finest centers of excellence in recalled Nagamani, after the operation. Durga Naresh, a 22-year- old barber from Chintalpudi, M T Krishna Babu, He directed the medical val operations and he has survey shows that 75 percent Hyderabad so as to bring a is today a free man. A small Commissioner, officers for effective imple- proposed incentives for the of PWD live in rural areas; change in the lives of dis- lump on his forehead began GHMC, Syed Ali mentation of OSRT system 30 days programme. 49 percent of them are liter- abled, “who would never to swell and grow bigger with Murtuza Rizvi, Collector, with proper time schedule Nearly 70 to 80 hot spots ate and only 34 percent are have dared to dream a nor- age. He tried all kinds of Hyderabad along with med- and lifting of garbage from have been identified in some employed. mal life.” tricks to cover his head with ical officers held a meeting time to time and coordinat- of the slums for anti larval However, the national He wants to carry forward his hair. After the operation, with regard to communica- ing with the staff so that the operations. The commis- Centre for Promotion of Em- the legacy of his father late he isn’t afraid of customers ble diseases for their control work will be up to the ex- sioner has directed the chief ployment for Disabled Peo- Narasingh Swain by institut- and their comments at his fa- and prevention at Panwar pectations. Some of the doc- entomologist to take up the ple (CPEDP) put the total ing a trust in his name in ther’s saloon. Hall on Monday. The com- tors have briefed the works on priority basis at number at 7.5 crore, of 2001. Under aegis of the The lives of 40-odd per- missioner directed all the Commissioner that the the identified hot spots. which 7.5 percent is em- trust, Aakar Asha was sons have changed for the medical officers to be vigil workers are not taking up L Vandan Kumar, Addi- ployed in public sector un- started in 2004 with the aim better, one way or the other. while performing their du- anti larval operations in tional Commissioner dertakings and .005 percent of helping the disabled to It must be remembered that ties and to identify the hot most areas and proposed to (H&S), Sri Rathna Joseph, employed in private sector. lead a normal life through others, numbering millions, spots and special focus must give some good incentives. Chief Entomologist, all the The World Bank report state-of-the art reconstructive also deserve a helping hand be taken care for these hot Commissioner (H&S) medical officers of 18 circles puts the figure at 50-80 mil- surgery, rehabilitation and to end their misery. The pol- spots for prevention and and Chief Entomologist to and other senior officials of lion, of which 49 per cent are cutting-edge research. icy makers and eminent doc- control of the communica- involve Slum Level Federa- the Health Wing partici- physically disabled. There “My father’s commitment tors in the field should join ble diseases. tion workers in the anti-lar- pated in the meeting. are about 4.5 lakh physically to work, simplicity and com- hands to make the world a A soothing touch by a doctor does wonders disabled people in the State passion for people inspired better place for the disabled. New age libraries widen horizons Commuting woes T P VENU ample area and good furni- ture, with a special area just without queues SATISHRAJ MEDAPATLA E ven as the debate on for children. whether FDI in retail Radhika Naidu, a house- I would wipe out the wife, says, “My children n olden days victorious mom and pop stores rages, a speak to their cousins living armies used to hoist flags silent revolution of sorts is abroad who suggest titles and on forts to claim authority taking place in the library we get them in no time at the over the kingdom. Similarly, space. The gold old one-room library. Another positive is during rush hours at main neighbourhood libraries are that these days there are very bus stands one can witness making way to swanky, air- good books with lovely pic- people reserving seats by conditioned ones, which are tures. I hated History as we throwing kerchiefs or handy coming up in various parts of had to mug up dates and items on the seats of the the city. facts, but now there are lovely buses. In spite of concerns that books with great illustrations While a person can book reading habits have taken a and kids love them.” tickets online well in advance, hit and that the advent of e- but for spot travellers includ- books have eaten into the Beyond books ing seniors and those with market space for physical One may call it a market- children and luggage, there is books; the general perception ing gimmick or whatever,but a stiff competition with the It is time to stop the unofficial system of is that libraries per se can be the trend today is to pack ac- agile in catching the running good business and all you tivities, games, quiz pro- buses and throwing some booking seats in buses by placing need to do is to adapt to grammes and book reading handy item on the seats to re- handkerchiefs and entering the buses newer ways of reaching out to sessions at these libraries -- serve seats for long journeys. readers and provide the right something unheard-of in the In rush hours, it is a com- before the bus arrives at bus stand. type of ambience. This is past. mon sight of crowd scuffling where some new age libraries A member in one of the libraries in the city Books N More in West to get a hold on footboard of push their way out of the allow any persons to get into seem to have clicked. Marredpally and Treasure the bus to squeeze in through crowd of other seat seekers buses before it comes into the Just Books, a brainchild of another feature that sets them Kharkhana, Secunderabad other localities as well. House in Banjara Hills have the door, which allows only and the smart ones who bus bay and completely disal- R Sundar Rajan, former Ora- apart. For instance, they use says, “With 6 lakh books One common feature in all been organising many activi- one at a time; and those with booked seats by placing low the unofficial mode of cle consultant, is among the RFID to track books. If a under the banner,the mem- the new age libraries is that ties like handwriting work- children and luggage putting handy items through win- placing items and reserving pioneers in new age libraries. member wants a particular bers are assured of getting the membership plans are de- shops, scrabble, basic up extra energy to gain entry. dows. seats, it can provide relief to It has 69 libraries in India. In book which is then not avail- what they want.” signed to suit every pocket photography and painting Even if one wins the battle at After getting down, the thousands of bus travellers in- just one year, it has set up four able in the library, he can just Filiko Books is another li- and taste. People can take classes. footboard, the moment of spot travellers gear up to gain cluding aged, women, and libraries in Hyderabad and type out the name of the book brary in Sainikpuri. Started from one book to even ten Mahima Jain, a painter glory is lost within seconds entry into another bus. The children every day. The sys- the fifth one is coming up in and author. Through online by K Murali Krishna, it caters books at a time; there is a and mother of two, says, “I when they find youngsters al- ordeal continues till they too tem will also bring relief to Miyapur. records it is easy to know mainly to nearby areas. With package for everyone. An- first took my child to Treas- ready seated on more than become smart or wait for the increasing number of sen- What makes these libraries which of the other branches neatly stacked racks, air-con- other stark difference is the ure House to make use of the half of the seats available in RTC booking counter facility ior citizens where only two tick is the vast collection of or library in other parts of the ditioned area and ample ambience of these libraries, books, but these activities too bus and reserving the rest for that is available for spot trav- seats are reserved for them in neat books stacked in largely country has it. Then, the space, the library has enrolled where, unlike in the case of helped. They bring out the in- their kith and strangers. To ellers, but only at scheduled a bus. It will also allow trav- walls-free rooms with a lovely manager makes a request and 450 members in a span of one yesteryear libraries, one can trinsic abilities of children get off the bus, the dismayed hours in a day. ellers to avail seats on first ambience. gets it. Manisha Mohan, the year. The management is afford to sit for as long as one and also help the kids shed seat losers along with their If RTC could induct a sim- come first basis instead of The use of technology is franchisee of Just Books, looking to open new ones in likes. Most of them have their inhibitions, if any.” luggage, once again have to ple queue system and not using strength and agility.