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If We Build it, Will They Come?
             Findings from TAUT
     (Tablet Adoption and Usage Tracking)

                          October 6, 2010

           Dr. Phil Hendrix, immr/GigaOm Pro
iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010

                                                        Dr. Phil Hendrix
                    Paradigm Sample
                     v Innovative global sample company

                     v Specializing in mobile, hard-to-
                       reach audiences

                     v Offer MobilePulseTM (real-time data
                       collection capability)

                     v Sima Vasa, CEO/Steve Dodge, VP
iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010

                                                        Dr. Phil Hendrix
v What Drives Adoption of New Mobile Devices?

v immr’s TAUTTM Research Program
  (Tablet Adoption and Usage Tracking)

v Selected Findings – TAUT Research Oct. 2010

v Implications for OEMs, Operators, Developers

v Forthcoming TAUT Research – Q4

 iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010

                                                         Dr. Phil Hendrix
iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010

                                                        Dr. Phil Hendrix
iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010

                                                        Dr. Phil Hendrix
iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010

                                                        Dr. Phil Hendrix
iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010

                                                        Dr. Phil Hendrix
TAUT Research Program
v Monthly Survey – Online (15 minutes)
v Stratified Random Sample of Mobile Users (n=400)
v Smart Phone and Feature Phone Users
                           TAUT Measures
  Ø Device Profile         Ø Device Usage              Ø User Profile

  Ø Awareness              Ø Exposure                  Ø Benefit Appeal
  Ø Expected Uses          Ø Purchase Intent           Ø Time Frame
  Ø Feature Preference     Ø Brand Preference          Ø Price Elasticity

   iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010

                                                           Dr. Phil Hendrix
n Most Consumers Unfamiliar with Tablets
                                          Awareness of Tablets
           Never heard of Tablets              6%

 Heard of, but know little about                                 36%                                     75%
                Somewhat familiar                               33%

                        Very familiar                    19%

             Actually own a tablet             5%

                                          0%        5%   10%   15%    20%   25%    30%     35%        40%

  Q: How familiar are you with Tablets?                                                  immr TAUT Survey | Oct. 2010

       iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010

                                                                                  Dr. Phil Hendrix
n Over Half Interested in Purchasing a Tablet
                                Interest in Purchasing a Tablet
    Purchase Tablet for yourself                               26%                                    22%                 }       48%

      Purchase Tablet for spouse                        18%                       14%                }           32%

                                                                                                                  Very Interested
         Purchase Tablet for child                10%             10%                      20%                    Somewhat Interested

                                            0%             10%              20%             30%             40%         50%            60%

 Q: Overall, how interested are you in purchasing a Tablet for yourself? For your Spouse? For your child(ren)?      immr TAUT Survey | Oct. 2010

      iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010

                                                                                                            Dr. Phil Hendrix
n Tablet Benefits Have Wide Appeal
                                     Appeal of Tablet Benefits
          Durability - scratch-resistant screen                                     55                                 24

     Screen size >> viewing websites, books                                    44                                31

                   Instant-On - no "booting up"                                46                                27

    Battery life - 6-10 hrs continuous usage                                   45                             26

       Fits into backpack, briefcase or purse                                41                             28

            Can be held without getting tired                             35                          29

                  Can be placed in tight spaces                         32                          30

                              One-hand operation                     25                     26                          Very Appealing

                  Access to Apps in App Stores                       25                   21                            Somewhat

                                                           0       10        20      30        40      50        60       70      80       90

 Q: Compared to mobile phones and laptop PCs, Tablets offer a number of potential benefits. Rate the appeal to you    immr TAUT Survey |
    personally of each benefit using a 1-5 scale ("Not Very Appealing" to "Very Appealing")                           Oct. 2010

      iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010

                                                                                                         Dr. Phil Hendrix
n Top Anticipated Uses of Tablets
 Percentage Rating Activity as “1 of top 5” Tablet Uses
                                 Access social networking sites                                          70%
                                 E-mail (check, read and send)                                      63%
       Look up information (movie times, weather, etc.)                                          56%
                                        Search on Search Engine                                 52%
                                   Look up directions or a map                                48%
                         Visit other websites on the Internet                                47%
                                                 Read news stories                           46%
                                                       Read e-books                        42%
        Check bank, credit card, other financial account                                   42%
                                                           Play games                     38%
                                                           Play music                 29%

 Note: Slide updated 10/7/2010                                             0%      10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
 Q: Think about the places, times and situations in which you might use a Tablet. From the list below,          immr TAUT Survey |
    select and rank order the top 5 activities for which you would be most likely to use the Tablet.            Oct. 2010

      iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010

                                                                                                          Dr. Phil Hendrix
n Price Thresholds for Tablets
  Prices Consumers Expect, Willing to Pay for Tablets
                                                    $100       $200      $300       $400       $500      $600       $700      $800     $900
  So Inexpensive Would                                  $131
  Question Quality

  Such a Good Value Would                                      $200
  Definitely Buy

  Starting to Get Expensive,                                                 $344
  but Would Still Consider

  So Expensive Would Not
  Even Consider
                                                    $100       $200      $300       $400      $500       $600      $700       $800     $900
 Q: At what price would you consider a Tablet ... a) to be so inexpensive that you would question its quality and
                                                                                                                           immr TAUT Survey
    believability? b) to be such a good value that you would definitely buy it? c) start getting expensive, but would
                                                                                                                            Oct. 2010
    still be worth considering? d) so expensive that you would NOT even consider buying it?.

      iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010

                                                                                                              Dr. Phil Hendrix
n Preferred Brands for Tablets
                                         Rate Brands for Tablets
              Apple                                                      69                                                13
                Dell                                  43                                              28
          Microsoft                                 39                                           30
                 HP                                37                                            34
               Sony                           29                                            41
           Samsung                     20                                     40
                 LG                    20                                      43
                HTC                    19                       19
     RIM Blackberry                  16                                34
               Acer                  16                      20
            Toshiba                 15                             32
          Motorola                  14                              35
               ASUS                12                 18
             Lenovo               11                 18
              Nokia              8                    27                                                               Close to Ideal
      Sony Ericcson             6                     30

                            0           10           20           30           40           50             60         70        80          90

 Q: Suppose you were shopping for a Tablet. Of the brands listed below, identify your ideal brand(s) for a Tablet -    immr TAUT Survey |
    the one(s) you most prefer; other brands that are close to your ideal, but not quite as preferred.                 Oct. 2010

      iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010

                                                                                                                Dr. Phil Hendrix
Other Findings
v Consumers’ Preferences for Tablet Form Factors,
  Features and Connectivity (3G vs. Wi-Fi)
v Propensity to Purchase with/without MNO Contract
v Operating System (OS) Preferences
v Where Consumers Are Apt to Buy
v Time Frame for Purchasing
v Market Opportunities Û Features x Price x Brand
 iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010

                                                         Dr. Phil Hendrix
n Features Examined in TAUT Choice Modeling
    Feature                                                                  Feature Levels
   1 Keyboard                               On-screen keyboard   Physical keyboard
   2 Screen Size                                    5"                  7"                    10"
   3 Screen Type                                Capacitive           Resistive
   4 Screen Resolution                          800 x 480           1024 x 768          1280 x 720
   5 CPU (speed)                                 600MHz                1Ghz              1.66Ghz
   6 RAM (MB)                                     256MB               512MB                1GB
   7 Storage Type                             Hard Disk Drive          Flash
   8 Storage Size                                  2GB                 4GB                16GB                    32GB
   9 MicroSD Slot - Capacity                      None                 4GB                16GB                    32GB
  10 USB Slots                                    None                 One
  10 Connectivity                                  Wi-fi            3G + Wi-fi
  11 Webcam (megapixel)                           None                1.3Mp
  12 Camera (for photos)                          None                3.2Mp              5.0Mp                   8.0Mp
  13 GPS                                       Not included          Included                 Yes
  14 Adobe Flash Support                       Not included          Included
  15 Battery Life (hrs. - video playback)         4 hrs.              6 hrs.              8 hrs.                 10 hrs.
  16 Can be used as a Phone                    Not available       Phone ready
                                                                                               © immr TAUT Survey | Oct. 2010
  17 USB Slots                                    None                 One

   iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010

                                                                                                Dr. Phil Hendrix
n Illustrative Tablet Offers Examined
                                                                      Tablet Study - Illustrative Choice Set – M of M
                                                              Features                                            Model
           Tablet Study - Illustrative Choice Set - 1 of M 1Connectivity                                          Wi-fi
  Features                                            Model  2Brand/Operatingn System                          HP/ webOS
 1Connectivity                                      3G + Wi-fi
                                                             3Keyboard                                          Physical
 2Brand/Operatingn System                      Samsung/Android (speed)
                                                             4CPU                                                 1Ghz
 3Keyboard                                      Virtual On-screen (MB)
                                                             5RAM                                                512MB
 4CPU (speed)                                        1.66Ghz 6Storage Type                                        HDD
 5RAM                                                  1GB 7Storage Size                                           4GB
 6Storage Type                                        Flash 8MicroSD Slot - Capacity                               4GB
 7Storage Size                                         4GB 9Screen Size                                            10"
 8MicroSD Slot - Capacity                              2GB 10Screen Type                                       Capacitive
 9Screen Size                                           7" 11Screen Resolution                                 1024 x 768
10Screen Type                                       Capacitive
                                                           12Webcam                                               None
11Screen Resolution                                 1280 x 13Camera (for photos)
                                                           720                                      Likelihood ofNone
12Webcam                                                Yes14GPS                                                   Yes
                                                                                                   1Definitely Would Not          ¡
13Camera (for photos)                                 None 15Adobe Flash Support                   2Highly Unlikely No            ¡
14GPS                                                   No 16Battery Life                                         6 hrs.
                                                                                                   3Probably Would Not            ¡
15Adobe Flash Support                                   No 17Can Be Used as a Phone                450/50           No            ¡
16Battery Life                                        6 hrs.
                                                           18USB Slots                             5Probably Would One            ¡
17Can Be Used as a Phone                                No 19Price (without contract)              6Highly Likely $475            ¡
18USB Slots                                            One 20Price (with contract)                                $150
                                                                                                   7Definitly Would               ¡
19Price (without contract)                             $475
20Price (with contract)                                $150                                           © immr TAUT Survey | Oct. 2010

       iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010

                                                                                                Dr. Phil Hendrix
Thank You!

                     For More Information

     Dr. Phil Hendrix
     Twitter: phil_hendrix
     Slideshare: pehendrix
     +1 (770) 612-1488

iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010

                                                        Dr. Phil Hendrix
About immr
Sweet Spot      New-to-Market (NTM)            Œ    We help companies understand and capitalize on the crucial, vexing question –
                Products, Services and              “how can we identify, anticipate, and predict what customers will value and buy?”
                Business Models                     even when they have yet to experience it.

Focus           ICT (Information,              •    We work primarily with companies leveraging new technologies and business
                Communications, and                 models and can (usually) translate products described in arcane, technical terms
                Technology); Healthcare             and jargon into realistic concepts.
                and Insurance

Markets         Consumer and B2B               Ž    We conduct research in consumer as well as B2B markets.

Experience      Our Clients                    •    We work with both market leaders and emerging companies, typically on an on-
                                                    going basis. This allows us to understand their business and contribute more fully.
                Issues We Address              •    While our focus is on innovation and marketing, we often address closely related
                                                    issues (e.g., segmentation, positioning/branding, customer retention, etc.)
                Project Scope                  ‘    Our projects vary in scope from small, exploratory research to large, multiple-phase
                                                    projects that combine qualitative, quantitative, and market trials.

Methodologies Qualitative                      ’    Although qualitative research is by nature subjective, clients find our approach,
                                                    style, and results highly effective. While we do traditional focus grous (typcially
                                                    mini-groups), in most of our projects we conduct highly revealing, in-depth,
                                                    individual (IDI) interviews.
                Quantitative                   “    We employ a combination of rigorous quantitative research tools developed for and
                                                    uniquely well-suited to new-to-market and new-to-customer products, services, and
                                                    business models
Delivery        Collaborative,                 ”    We work closely with clients to (i) leverage their capabilities, (ii) adapt as new
                client-focused                      learning, issues, and imperatives emerge; and (iii) help them succeed.

Value-add       Perspectives, Insights,        •    As researchers with a “consultant’s perspective,” we believe that understanding and
                and Recommendations                 anticipating prospective buyers’ behavior are key to successful innovation. In
                                                    addition to the research findings, we add significant value by contributing insights,
                                                    ideas, and recommendations and facilitating dialogue with client teams.

5                                         Permission granted to cite, copy and distribute with attribution
Dr. Phil Hendrix – Bio
                            Dr. Phil Hendrix is the founder and director of immr, a research and consulting firm focused on “very
                            new” product and market opportunities, and an analyst with GigaOm Pro. He specializes in helping
                            organizations identify, verify, and capitalize on opportunities for products that are new-to-customers
                            and very often new-to-market. Dr. Hendrix has developed perspectives and research-based tools to
                            uncover customers’ unmet needs, reveal hurdles slowing adoption, trigger interest and accelerate
                            purchase, and determine features and pricing to maximize market penetration. He has extensive
                            experience adapting and applying research approaches, both qualitative and quantitative, to amplify
    Dr. Phil Hendrix        weak market signals and help clients innovate successfully.
    Director, immr          Phil has led significant engagements with numerous startups (such as and multiple            business units of Fortune 100 clients in telecommunications (AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, Sony Ericsson,
    +1 (770) 612-1488       and others), financial services (American Express), transportation (UPS), insurance (Allstate, United   Healthcare), healthcare (Meridian Health, US Oncology), and others. He has worked closely with
                            senior management and client project teams on issues ranging from “traditional marketing”
                            (segmentation, positioning, branding) to innovation, user experience, and customer retention. Over the
                            course of his career, Phil has helped clients conceive and successfully launch dozens of new
                            products, businesses, and brands. He has extensive experience in B2C and B2B (SMB) markets. He
                            is also a frequent speaker at industry and academic conferences.

                            Phil brings a unique combination of academic rigor, strategic perspective, and hands-on experience to
                            his work. Before founding immr, Phil was a partner with DiamondCluster (strategy and technology
                            consultancy), founder and head of IMS (Integrated Measurement Systems), and a principal with
                            Mercer Management Consulting. He has held faculty and research positions at Emory University and
                            the University of Michigan, where he taught courses in research design and analysis, buyer behavior,
                            and marketing strategy, and the Survey Research Center at U. of Michigan. After receiving his PhD
                            in marketing from the University of Michigan, Dr. Hendrix completed post-doctoral studies in applied
                            statistics and mathematical psychology.

                            Overview and excerpts from Phil’s recent publications are available at Slideshare
                            (www.slideshare/pehendrix), with additional information available at and GigaOm Pro.

7                                         Permission granted to cite, copy and distribute with attribution
                                  Selected Clients with Whom We’ve Worked

                                       Products, Services and Issues Examined

              General                 Network/Operators                           Devices/OEMs                 Services/Apps
    §   Market Segmentation       § Bundling                              § Smart phones                  § Innovation and new
    §   Market sizing             § Plans and pricing                     § MIDs (Mobile Internet           product development
    §   Competitive Positioning   § Wi-fi/Hot spots                         Devices)                      § Mobile Apps (wide range)
    §   Branding                  § Customer Service/                     § Channel strategy              § MVoIP (Mobile VoIP)
    §   Product configuration       Self-Service                          § Promotional strategy          § Location-based Services
                                  § Customer Retention                                                    § Unified Messaging
                                  § Web Interface                                                         § Speech Recognition

8                                      Permission granted to cite, copy and distribute with attribution
Recent Publications
      Excerpts available at                                   Copies available at

9                                      Permission granted to cite, copy and distribute with attribution
Participation in Recent and Upcoming Conferences
                          Workshop – Monetization                                                          Apps vs. Web: The Fight For
                          Models for Location,                                                             The Futurea
                          Augmented Reality and                                                            Sept. 30, 2010 – San Francisco
                          Context Servicesa
                          April 28, 2010 – San Francisco

                          Dealing With The Data                                                            If we build it, will they
                          Tsunami: The Big Data Panela                                                     come? Consumer Demand
                          June 23–24, 2010 – San Francisco                                                 and Preferences for Tablets in
                                                                                                           the iPad Erac
                                                                                                           Oct. 5, 2010 – San Francisco

                          The Futures of Location-based                                                    WCA Presents: What’s Hot
                          Servicesa                                                                        about LBS?a
                          The Future of Geo-loco                                                             Oct. 8, 2010 – San Francisco
                          July 21, 2010 – San Francisco

                          Build Sustainable LBS                                                            Local at the Bleeding Edge +
                          Business Models for 2011 and                                                     Making Money with Location-
                          Beyonda                                                                          Based Servicesa,b
                          Sept. 14 – 15, 2010 – San Jose                                                   Nov. 3, 2010 – New York

                          Trends and Numbers - Where                                                       Wireless Technology Forum –
                          is It All Goingb                                                                 Visions for 2011b
                          Sept. 29-30, 2010 – New York                                                     Nov. 18, 2010 - Atlanta

     a                                                   b                                                         c
         Moderated session/panel                           Participating on Panel                                      Presenting

10                                      Permission granted to cite, copy and distribute with attribution

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Tablets Market - Research presented at CTIA iPad and Tablets Conf. - Dr. Phil Hendrix immr 20101006

  • 1. If We Build it, Will They Come? TM Findings from TAUT (Tablet Adoption and Usage Tracking) October 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix, immr/GigaOm Pro iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix
  • 2. Acknowledgements Paradigm Sample v Innovative global sample company v Specializing in mobile, hard-to- reach audiences v Offer MobilePulseTM (real-time data collection capability) v Sima Vasa, CEO/Steve Dodge, VP iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix
  • 3. Agenda v What Drives Adoption of New Mobile Devices? v immr’s TAUTTM Research Program (Tablet Adoption and Usage Tracking) v Selected Findings – TAUT Research Oct. 2010 v Implications for OEMs, Operators, Developers v Forthcoming TAUT Research – Q4 iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix
  • 4. iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix
  • 5. iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix
  • 6. iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix
  • 7. iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix
  • 8. TAUT Research Program v Monthly Survey – Online (15 minutes) v Stratified Random Sample of Mobile Users (n=400) v Smart Phone and Feature Phone Users TAUT Measures Ø Device Profile Ø Device Usage Ø User Profile Tablets Ø Awareness Ø Exposure Ø Benefit Appeal Ø Expected Uses Ø Purchase Intent Ø Time Frame Ø Feature Preference Ø Brand Preference Ø Price Elasticity iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix
  • 9. n Most Consumers Unfamiliar with Tablets Awareness of Tablets Never heard of Tablets 6% Heard of, but know little about 36% 75% Somewhat familiar 33% Very familiar 19% Actually own a tablet 5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Q: How familiar are you with Tablets? immr TAUT Survey | Oct. 2010 iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix
  • 10. n Over Half Interested in Purchasing a Tablet Interest in Purchasing a Tablet Purchase Tablet for yourself 26% 22% } 48% Purchase Tablet for spouse 18% 14% } 32% } Very Interested Purchase Tablet for child 10% 10% 20% Somewhat Interested 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Q: Overall, how interested are you in purchasing a Tablet for yourself? For your Spouse? For your child(ren)? immr TAUT Survey | Oct. 2010 iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix
  • 11. n Tablet Benefits Have Wide Appeal Appeal of Tablet Benefits Durability - scratch-resistant screen 55 24 Screen size >> viewing websites, books 44 31 Instant-On - no "booting up" 46 27 Battery life - 6-10 hrs continuous usage 45 26 Fits into backpack, briefcase or purse 41 28 Can be held without getting tired 35 29 Can be placed in tight spaces 32 30 One-hand operation 25 26 Very Appealing Access to Apps in App Stores 25 21 Somewhat 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Q: Compared to mobile phones and laptop PCs, Tablets offer a number of potential benefits. Rate the appeal to you immr TAUT Survey | personally of each benefit using a 1-5 scale ("Not Very Appealing" to "Very Appealing") Oct. 2010 iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix
  • 12. n Top Anticipated Uses of Tablets Percentage Rating Activity as “1 of top 5” Tablet Uses Access social networking sites 70% E-mail (check, read and send) 63% Look up information (movie times, weather, etc.) 56% Search on Search Engine 52% Look up directions or a map 48% Visit other websites on the Internet 47% Read news stories 46% Read e-books 42% Check bank, credit card, other financial account 42% Play games 38% Play music 29% Note: Slide updated 10/7/2010 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q: Think about the places, times and situations in which you might use a Tablet. From the list below, immr TAUT Survey | select and rank order the top 5 activities for which you would be most likely to use the Tablet. Oct. 2010 iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix
  • 13. n Price Thresholds for Tablets Prices Consumers Expect, Willing to Pay for Tablets $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 So Inexpensive Would $131 Question Quality p Such a Good Value Would $200 Definitely Buy p Starting to Get Expensive, $344 but Would Still Consider p So Expensive Would Not $498 Even Consider p $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 Q: At what price would you consider a Tablet ... a) to be so inexpensive that you would question its quality and immr TAUT Survey believability? b) to be such a good value that you would definitely buy it? c) start getting expensive, but would Oct. 2010 still be worth considering? d) so expensive that you would NOT even consider buying it?. iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix
  • 14. n Preferred Brands for Tablets Rate Brands for Tablets Apple 69 13 Dell 43 28 Microsoft 39 30 HP 37 34 Sony 29 41 Samsung 20 40 LG 20 43 HTC 19 19 RIM Blackberry 16 34 Acer 16 20 Toshiba 15 32 Motorola 14 35 ASUS 12 18 Ideal Lenovo 11 18 Nokia 8 27 Close to Ideal Sony Ericcson 6 30 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Q: Suppose you were shopping for a Tablet. Of the brands listed below, identify your ideal brand(s) for a Tablet - immr TAUT Survey | the one(s) you most prefer; other brands that are close to your ideal, but not quite as preferred. Oct. 2010 iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix
  • 15. Other Findings v Consumers’ Preferences for Tablet Form Factors, Features and Connectivity (3G vs. Wi-Fi) v Propensity to Purchase with/without MNO Contract v Operating System (OS) Preferences v Where Consumers Are Apt to Buy v Time Frame for Purchasing v Market Opportunities Û Features x Price x Brand iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix
  • 16. n Features Examined in TAUT Choice Modeling Feature Feature Levels 1 Keyboard On-screen keyboard Physical keyboard 2 Screen Size 5" 7" 10" 3 Screen Type Capacitive Resistive 4 Screen Resolution 800 x 480 1024 x 768 1280 x 720 5 CPU (speed) 600MHz 1Ghz 1.66Ghz 6 RAM (MB) 256MB 512MB 1GB 7 Storage Type Hard Disk Drive Flash 8 Storage Size 2GB 4GB 16GB 32GB 9 MicroSD Slot - Capacity None 4GB 16GB 32GB 10 USB Slots None One 10 Connectivity Wi-fi 3G + Wi-fi 11 Webcam (megapixel) None 1.3Mp 12 Camera (for photos) None 3.2Mp 5.0Mp 8.0Mp 13 GPS Not included Included Yes 14 Adobe Flash Support Not included Included 15 Battery Life (hrs. - video playback) 4 hrs. 6 hrs. 8 hrs. 10 hrs. 16 Can be used as a Phone Not available Phone ready © immr TAUT Survey | Oct. 2010 17 USB Slots None One iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix
  • 17. n Illustrative Tablet Offers Examined Tablet Study - Illustrative Choice Set – M of M Features Model Tablet Study - Illustrative Choice Set - 1 of M 1Connectivity Wi-fi Features Model 2Brand/Operatingn System HP/ webOS 1Connectivity 3G + Wi-fi 3Keyboard Physical 2Brand/Operatingn System Samsung/Android (speed) 4CPU 1Ghz 3Keyboard Virtual On-screen (MB) 5RAM 512MB 4CPU (speed) 1.66Ghz 6Storage Type HDD 5RAM 1GB 7Storage Size 4GB 6Storage Type Flash 8MicroSD Slot - Capacity 4GB 7Storage Size 4GB 9Screen Size 10" 8MicroSD Slot - Capacity 2GB 10Screen Type Capacitive 9Screen Size 7" 11Screen Resolution 1024 x 768 10Screen Type Capacitive 12Webcam None 11Screen Resolution 1280 x 13Camera (for photos) 720 Likelihood ofNone Purchasing: 12Webcam Yes14GPS Yes 1Definitely Would Not ¡ 13Camera (for photos) None 15Adobe Flash Support 2Highly Unlikely No ¡ 14GPS No 16Battery Life 6 hrs. 3Probably Would Not ¡ 15Adobe Flash Support No 17Can Be Used as a Phone 450/50 No ¡ 16Battery Life 6 hrs. 18USB Slots 5Probably Would One ¡ 17Can Be Used as a Phone No 19Price (without contract) 6Highly Likely $475 ¡ 18USB Slots One 20Price (with contract) $150 7Definitly Would ¡ 19Price (without contract) $475 20Price (with contract) $150 © immr TAUT Survey | Oct. 2010 iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix
  • 18. Thank You! For More Information Dr. Phil Hendrix Twitter: phil_hendrix Slideshare: pehendrix +1 (770) 612-1488 iPad and Tablets Conference – If We Build it, Will They Come? – Oct. 6, 2010 Dr. Phil Hendrix
  • 19. About immr Sweet Spot New-to-Market (NTM) Œ We help companies understand and capitalize on the crucial, vexing question – Products, Services and “how can we identify, anticipate, and predict what customers will value and buy?” Business Models even when they have yet to experience it. Focus ICT (Information, • We work primarily with companies leveraging new technologies and business Communications, and models and can (usually) translate products described in arcane, technical terms Technology); Healthcare and jargon into realistic concepts. and Insurance Markets Consumer and B2B Ž We conduct research in consumer as well as B2B markets. Experience Our Clients • We work with both market leaders and emerging companies, typically on an on- going basis. This allows us to understand their business and contribute more fully. Issues We Address • While our focus is on innovation and marketing, we often address closely related issues (e.g., segmentation, positioning/branding, customer retention, etc.) Project Scope ‘ Our projects vary in scope from small, exploratory research to large, multiple-phase projects that combine qualitative, quantitative, and market trials. Methodologies Qualitative ’ Although qualitative research is by nature subjective, clients find our approach, style, and results highly effective. While we do traditional focus grous (typcially mini-groups), in most of our projects we conduct highly revealing, in-depth, individual (IDI) interviews. Quantitative “ We employ a combination of rigorous quantitative research tools developed for and uniquely well-suited to new-to-market and new-to-customer products, services, and business models Delivery Collaborative, ” We work closely with clients to (i) leverage their capabilities, (ii) adapt as new client-focused learning, issues, and imperatives emerge; and (iii) help them succeed. Value-add Perspectives, Insights, • As researchers with a “consultant’s perspective,” we believe that understanding and and Recommendations anticipating prospective buyers’ behavior are key to successful innovation. In addition to the research findings, we add significant value by contributing insights, ideas, and recommendations and facilitating dialogue with client teams. 5 Permission granted to cite, copy and distribute with attribution
  • 20. Dr. Phil Hendrix – Bio Dr. Phil Hendrix is the founder and director of immr, a research and consulting firm focused on “very new” product and market opportunities, and an analyst with GigaOm Pro. He specializes in helping organizations identify, verify, and capitalize on opportunities for products that are new-to-customers and very often new-to-market. Dr. Hendrix has developed perspectives and research-based tools to uncover customers’ unmet needs, reveal hurdles slowing adoption, trigger interest and accelerate purchase, and determine features and pricing to maximize market penetration. He has extensive experience adapting and applying research approaches, both qualitative and quantitative, to amplify Dr. Phil Hendrix weak market signals and help clients innovate successfully. Director, immr Phil has led significant engagements with numerous startups (such as and multiple business units of Fortune 100 clients in telecommunications (AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, Sony Ericsson, +1 (770) 612-1488 and others), financial services (American Express), transportation (UPS), insurance (Allstate, United Healthcare), healthcare (Meridian Health, US Oncology), and others. He has worked closely with senior management and client project teams on issues ranging from “traditional marketing” (segmentation, positioning, branding) to innovation, user experience, and customer retention. Over the course of his career, Phil has helped clients conceive and successfully launch dozens of new products, businesses, and brands. He has extensive experience in B2C and B2B (SMB) markets. He is also a frequent speaker at industry and academic conferences. Phil brings a unique combination of academic rigor, strategic perspective, and hands-on experience to his work. Before founding immr, Phil was a partner with DiamondCluster (strategy and technology consultancy), founder and head of IMS (Integrated Measurement Systems), and a principal with Mercer Management Consulting. He has held faculty and research positions at Emory University and the University of Michigan, where he taught courses in research design and analysis, buyer behavior, and marketing strategy, and the Survey Research Center at U. of Michigan. After receiving his PhD in marketing from the University of Michigan, Dr. Hendrix completed post-doctoral studies in applied statistics and mathematical psychology. Overview and excerpts from Phil’s recent publications are available at Slideshare (www.slideshare/pehendrix), with additional information available at and GigaOm Pro. 7 Permission granted to cite, copy and distribute with attribution
  • 21. Experience Selected Clients with Whom We’ve Worked Products, Services and Issues Examined General Network/Operators Devices/OEMs Services/Apps § Market Segmentation § Bundling § Smart phones § Innovation and new § Market sizing § Plans and pricing § MIDs (Mobile Internet product development § Competitive Positioning § Wi-fi/Hot spots Devices) § Mobile Apps (wide range) § Branding § Customer Service/ § Channel strategy § MVoIP (Mobile VoIP) § Product configuration Self-Service § Promotional strategy § Location-based Services § Customer Retention § Unified Messaging § Web Interface § Speech Recognition (functionality/usability) 8 Permission granted to cite, copy and distribute with attribution
  • 22. Recent Publications Excerpts available at Copies available at 9 Permission granted to cite, copy and distribute with attribution
  • 23. Participation in Recent and Upcoming Conferences Workshop – Monetization Apps vs. Web: The Fight For Models for Location, The Futurea Augmented Reality and Sept. 30, 2010 – San Francisco Context Servicesa April 28, 2010 – San Francisco Dealing With The Data If we build it, will they Tsunami: The Big Data Panela come? Consumer Demand June 23–24, 2010 – San Francisco and Preferences for Tablets in the iPad Erac Oct. 5, 2010 – San Francisco The Futures of Location-based WCA Presents: What’s Hot Servicesa about LBS?a The Future of Geo-loco Oct. 8, 2010 – San Francisco Investmenta July 21, 2010 – San Francisco Build Sustainable LBS Local at the Bleeding Edge + Business Models for 2011 and Making Money with Location- Beyonda Based Servicesa,b Sept. 14 – 15, 2010 – San Jose Nov. 3, 2010 – New York Trends and Numbers - Where Wireless Technology Forum – is It All Goingb Visions for 2011b Sept. 29-30, 2010 – New York Nov. 18, 2010 - Atlanta a b c Moderated session/panel Participating on Panel Presenting 10 Permission granted to cite, copy and distribute with attribution