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How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer?
                               Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N

     Important information for you to make Your Life Healthier &
                 Happier& Become a Peak Performer
From Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N,
Hi, this is Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N here. I am very happy to bring you this latest
version of my information packet. Inside this packet, you will find;
1 Personal letter from Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N.
2 Definition of Health according to Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N.
3 A sample case sheet.
4 One Sheet of Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N.
The personal letter will give you information regarding the various contents in this packet.

Definition of Health according to Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N is a summary
verbatim of my three hour health talk which has been well received by 1000’s of people
globally. This view on health will give you an insight which will help you to lead a healthier
and happier life, & grow on to become a Peak Performer.
The sample case sheet sample is the same used by me in my private practice which is a
culmination of more than six years of personal study and research and contains tested
information from various other experts and consultants like me, contains input from the
various therapeutic fields of Homeopathy, Hypnotherapy, Conventional medicine or
Allopathic medicine, Counselling, Psychotherapy, Exercise Therapy, etc. It has got the exact
questions which you need to ask yourself & have answers to, before you go to meet the
Doctor. When you answer all the information in the case sheet & take the resulting
information to your health care professional, it will be really helpful for you to get the best
treatment possible.
Why am I including my sample case sheet in this packet?
Well, when I see patients in my clinic, I find that many of them forget to give me details which
are very important for doing the correct treatment. When inadequate information or wrong
information is given, it changes the diagnosis, & the treatment may get affected by it. Though
I spend a lot of time in explaining this information to my patients and start the treatment only
after all information is obtained, many Doctors can miss it altogether. So, if you want to get
the best treatment, then the next time you go to meet a Doctor, fill the sheet and take
the result information. What’s more? You can also use the sheet to answer for yourself
and assess your health status periodically.
There is also information attached about me and my services in this packet. It will help you
by providing more information you may need and can also pass through to others.

You will find information about my services and newsletters which I welcome you to
subscribe to and also spread the information along to other people.

Once you are done with this packet, you will find a special message from me towards the
end of this packet. Do go through it, for more important information.
Be Healthier and Happier. Become Empowered and Enriched.
Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N.

 Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and
                 Enriching Human Resources
How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer?
                               Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N

                          About Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N
                           I am Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N, a polymath. I am a
                           Blogger, CICCO, Counsellor, Educator, Eccentric Guy, Exercise
                           Therapist, Homeopath, Hypnotherapist, Health and Wellness
                           Consultant, Infopreneur, Management and Organization
                           Consultant, Marketer, Peak Performance Coach, Polymath, Reiki
                           Healer, Skills Trainer, Technical Writer, Student. I am also
                           immensely proud of being India's 1st Holistic Concierge Medicine
                           Doctor and one of the youngest polymaths globally.

                            I have undergone extensive training in the fields of Counselling,
                            Fitness, Homoeopathy, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Kinesiology,
                            Leadership, Management, Medicine, Nutrition, Peak
                            Performance, Personal Branding, Personal Development,
                            Psychology, Psychotherapy, Sports Sciences, Training &
                            Development, Transactional Analysis, etc.

My principle values and personality traits include excellence, assertiveness, empathy, co -
ordination, initiating & leading change, directing effective resource handling, courage,
competence, enthusiasm, wisdom, etc. Having helped hundreds of people in improving their
life as a health-care consultant and peak performance coach, I live with ’Excellence’ as my
'value for life'. My dream is to facilitate one million people for achieving peak
performance state and living a healthier and happier life in the next five years.

S (success) can be achieved by E = MC 2
Where, E (Excellence) can be achieved by M (Motivation) and C (Competitiveness) and
C (Comprehensiveness).

My personal blog is you can subscribe to my
personal newsletter for regular updates and information to help you become healthier and
happier, empowered and enriched from my personal blog.

Ms Padmaja S N - Chief Training Consultant, Victory Insights
Excellence is never an accident. It is a continuous journey. Dr Maharaja has the perfect trait
of both knowledge sharing and knowledge seeking without reservations, when free flow
happens, Wisdom is a by-product. I am sure He possesses every quality a Health and
wellness Coach should possess. I wish him All the Best.

Major V V Narayanan - General Secretary, Hypnotique Circle, Chennai
Dr Maharaja had excellent knowledge in his subject and a firm grasp over his topic. He had
ventured to provide novel definitions over unexplored dimensions of health. He has a knack
of taking the audience with him thanks to his engaging style of delivery. Excellent session full
of practical application.

Mr Ravi Padmanabhan - Wealth Coach
Dr Maharaja was the speaker in one of the programs I attended today in Hypnotique circle.
He gave a powerful presentation on concept of Health & Well Being
He was able to convey this message in a very powerful way to a diverse group of audience. I
thoroughly enjoyed his presentation.

Mr K. Elangovan - Managing Director, Institute for Language Skills
He is knowledgeable and helped me to move from normal to becoming a Peak Performer.

 Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and
                 Enriching Human Resources
How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer?
                                 Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N

                                       Definition of Health
                           According to Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N
In this page the following questions are answered;
     - What is Dr Maharaja’s definition of health?
     - What is the approach of this definition of health?
     -   What are the benefits of Holistic Approach to the patient?
Definition of Health has undergone a lot of changes over the period of human life. Many have tried
to give a tangible definition of health, which is otherwise considered to be an abstract phenomenon.
When health of an individual is measured using various parameters, health can be restored &
sickness alleviated appropriately.
Before we get on to my definition of health, let us have a look on few other popular definitions &
explanations of health as proposed by many others along with the development of the fields related to
1 Health is a condition of freedom from non-curable diseases.
2 Health is a condition of freedom from disease.
3 Health is a condition of physical well being.
4 Health is a condition of psychological well being.
5 Health is a condition of physical, mental & social well-being & not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity.
Now, let us discuss my (Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N) definition of health.
Health is a condition of well-being & more than absence of disease in the following planes of
health, which are;
1 Physical fitness.                    2 Mental preparedness.
3 Emotional appropriateness.           4 Social connectedness.
5 Environmental stability.             6 Economic abundance.
7 Career growth.                       8 Nutritional Enrichment.
Physical fitness. Physical fitness can be explained as a state where the individual has little or no
pain and is able to do their personal work without discomfort. The state where the individual is
not prevented from engaging in an activity due to physical disability.
Mental preparedness. Mental preparedness can be explained as a mental state where the
individual has an acceptable thought pattern system which consists of beliefs which are
constructive, exhibit characters of equality, & are devoid of selfishness. The individual should
have a thought pattern of possibility thinking which should have beliefs which are clear, rational &
realistically optimistic.
Emotional appropriateness. Emotional appropriateness is a state concerned with the individual
wherein the individual has appropriate value system, ability to feel & express emotions
appropriately, adequately & rationally in a healthy manner.
Social connectedness. Social connectedness can be explained as the amount of connected
feeling & affiliation of the individual in a healthy manner with himself/herself, the individual’s
family, & with the society at large. In this state of well-being, the individual will be in a state of ease
in both giving & receiving appropriately. It is also the comfortable blending with the concerned social
Environmental stability. Environmental stability can be explained as the role played by the
environment in developing the individual’s health & potential, as explained by the nature-nurture
concept of developmental psychology. The environment of the individual should be in such a way that
it should first stabilize the life of the individual & then promotes the growth & development of the
individual in all ways. The environment includes geographic, political, socio-economic, society, etc.

Economic abundance. Economic abundance for a healthy individual will be the state whic h every
individual should achieve & maintain that they have enough wealth to meet their needs, & also
are able to contribute in generating wealth for the welfare of the society. It can also be explained
in a way that no individual should be restricted from achieving appropriate goals or from satisfying

 Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and
                 Enriching Human Resources
How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer?
                                 Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N

appropriate needs due to shortage of wealth. Wealth will include economics of all materialistic things,
principally being money, and secondary being other material resources.
Career growth. Career growth is a situation in relation to occupation of a healthy individual where
they are able to express themselves in a self-actualizing mode. Career health is determined by
the amount of job satisfaction; the prospective growth opportunities in the job which will enable the
individual to meet self needs of various forms like money, relationship, social status, significance,
security, etc; & an avenue to express by working on their passion.
Nutritional enrichment. Nutritional enrichment is a healthy state where the individual is able to
have appropriate balanced nutrition to take care of their nutritionally health needs. Nutrition
which improves health in all planes of health instead of a diet which focuses only on physical health.
Nutrition which is neither below nor exceeding the needed levels, but maintained in a balanced level,
enriching the individual for higher level of wellness.
The sum of all parts or planes of health discussed above is the overall functional definition of
health according to me. When all the parts of health are functionally in a healthy manner, spiritually
also, the person can be said as to be in a healthy state. Focusing on the above mention eight
functional aspects of health will help the individual to get to a higher state of health or wellness and
promotes the individual to a state of self-actualization.
To discuss in further detail, health needs to be seen in a higher degree as wellness. The state or
level of health can be discussed in three levels (especially in reference to Maslow’s Hierarchy of
Level of Disease. In this state, the individual is suffering from illness. An individual may or may
not be able to take care of his needs in this level. Focus will be laid on to take care of primary needs
of the individual like treatment, food, water, shelter, etc. Need for affiliation may also be seen in this
level. Predominantly, the individual may not be able to serve the society in this state.
Level of being healthy with absence of disease. In this state, the individual is relatively free from
illness. An individual in this state usually is able to take care of his/her needs. The individual may
also be able to contribute to a certain degree to the society.
Level of wellness. This is a level where the individual is healthy in all the 8 planes as suggested
by me and is healthier much beyond just physical, mental & social well-being. Individuals in this level
are usually good contributors to the society and are also able to meet the need of self-actualization.
To achieve this level of wellness, emphasis should be laid on health-care which focuses on treatment
of illnesses along with major emphasis on preventive care like in the concierge medicine model.

The Approach through this definition of health is to lay emphasis on holistic approach towards the
health of the patient or client. By this approach, treatment & help is provided with the focus on the
individual as a whole & not on the illness alone.

The following are the benefits for the patient or the individual undergoing treatment using Holistic
approach to health & disease;
1 The person is the main focus in the treatment & not the illness. The patient is treated as an
individual having an illness. This approach helps in handling the treatment according to the patient &
is known as client-centric treatment.
2 This approach helps to also focus on the cause of the illness, which can also be treated thus
helping prevent relapses.
3 Being a holistic approach, the emphasis is also on prevention along with treatment.
Prevention is always better in all ways, including being a cost-effective approach as compared to
treatment after occurrence of illness.
4 Instead of treating the patient from a state of illness, the emphasis is to promote wellness of
the individual. This approach adheres to the achievement of the health level to a better appropriate
level as explained by various definitions of health.
5 Following the holistic approach makes the person healthier and happier and also empowers and
enriches the person to become a peak performer.

 Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and
                 Enriching Human Resources
How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer?
                                 Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N

                                       Patient Personal Details
Full Postal Address:
Country:                               Religion:
Telephone number:                      Mobile number:
E-mail id:                             Age & Date of Birth:
Sex:                                   Occupation & Nature of work:
Guardian name and Contact number:
Marital Status (Single, Married, Divorced, or Widowed):
Referred by:

                                      Presenting Problems
                        (Use the client’s own words as much as possible)
Signs & Symptoms of the client:
       Area of the problem (where the problem is present and where it is spreading):

        Exact nature of the problem including sensations and severity:

        Factors changing the complaint:
        (In relation to time, rest, motion, temperature, weather, bathing, position, pressure, noise,
        eating specific foods, habits, sleep, menstruation, sweat, vomiting, urine, bowel movement,
        coitus, anger, fear, grief, consolation, new moon, full moon, local application, other external

When the problem began:
      (Chronological order of the problems, was it sudden or gradual)

Course of the problem:
      (Changes in respect to physical, mental, emotional, career, environmental, economic,
      nutritional aspects)

Probable Cause of the problem:
      (Causes & Events precipitating in respect to physical, mental, emotional, career,
      environmental, economic, nutritional aspects)

Duration of the problem:
       (Date of starting till recovery or chronic or frequent at regular periods)

Treatments taken for the problem:
      (Type of treatment taken, duration of the treatment, nature of treatment, medications & other
      health modalities undertaken)

                               Head to Foot Scanning of symptoms
  (Include as much as details as possible. Apart from the suggested complaints if any other signs or
                      symptoms are present, please make a note of them too.)

Head complaints:
      (Any complaints of headache, migraine, perspiration, vertigo, burning, any other sign or

Eye complaints:
      (Any complaints of vision, pain, burning, lachrymation, swelling, any other abnormal sign or

Ear complaints:
       (Any complaints of hearing, discharges, colour & odour of discharges, pain, any other
       abnormal sign or symptom)

 Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and
                 Enriching Human Resources
How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer?
                                 Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N

Nose complaints:
      (Any complaints of nose block, sneezing, difficulty in breathing, nasal discharges, sneezing,
      irritation, burning, any other abnormal sign or symptom)

Mouth complaints:
      (Any complaints of odour, salivation, taste, ulcers, toothache, grinding of teeth, swollen gums,
      bleeding gums, any other abnormal sign or symptom)

Throat complaints:
       (Any complaints of pain, mucous, irritation, burning, swelling, obstruction, any other abnormal
       sign or symptom)

Chest complaints:
       (Any complaints of cough, pain, heaviness, obstruction, breathing difficulty, expectoration,
       palpitations, discomfort, any other abnormal sign or symptom)

Abdomen & Nourishment complaints:
     (Any complaints of distension, swelling, mass, burning, irritation, acidity, appetite, desire,
     aversion, intolerance, thirst, eructation, nausea, vomiting, any other abnormal sign or

Bowel & Rectum complaints:
      (Any complaints of stool of nature, colour, character, odour, urging, frequency, evacuation,
      constipation, diarrhoea, pain, burning, irritation, mucous, bleeding, discomfort, piles, fistula,
      any other abnormal sign or symptom)

Urine complaints:
       (Any complaints of nature, colour, character of urine, sediment, odour, quantity, bleeding,
       burning, discomfort, urge, frequency, any other abnormal sign or symptom)

Perspiration complaints:
       (Any complaints of nature, colour, staining, odour, discomfort, quantity, location, any other
       abnormal sign or symptom)

Back & Extremities complaints:
      (Any complaints of pain, stiffness, injury, cramps, restricted movement, sound in movement,
      any other abnormal sign or symptom)

Hair, Nails, & Skin complaints:
        (Any complaints of hair fall, discoloration, brittleness, dryness, oily, discharge, colour, odour,
        warts, moles, itching, any other abnormal sign or symptom)

Reproductive system complaints:
      (Any complaints of sexual desire, night fall, masturbation, menstruation, clot ting, odour,
      discharge, ulcer, injury, bleeding, any other abnormal sign or symptom)

Sleep complaints:
       (Any complaints of duration, quality, sleep hygiene, frequency, insomnia, sleepiness,
       tiredness, dreams, disorder, sleep walking, enuresis, any other abnormal sign or symptom)

Past history:
        (Information regarding past illnesses)

Obstetric history:
       (Number of children, their gender, year of childbirth, nature of childbirth)
Personal history:
       (Habits of smoke, alcohol, tobacco, addictions, diet type, personal hygiene, allergies, disease
       tendencies, activity level, general built, height, weight)

 Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and
                 Enriching Human Resources
How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer?
                                 Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N

Treatment History:
      (History of treatment underwent for current & previous illnesses, type, duration, etc)

Family History:
       (Medical history of family members including parents, siblings, grandparents, immediate
       uncles & aunts, number of family members, family atmosphere, relationship with family
       members, spouse, family dynamics)

Social interaction:
        (Positions held with society, relationship with others, general opinion about the society, level
        of social interaction, any other important information)

Career growth:
       (Details of current job, previous jobs, place of work, nature of work, satisfaction at work,
       growth opportunities at work, relationship at workplace, job environment, needs at workplace,
       ideal work conditions, stress at workplace)
Environmental generals:
       (Environmental scenario at residence, place of work, general places of visit and commute)

Mental Generals:
       (Thought patterns, belief system, memory, will power, understanding, orientation to self,
       others, time & place, intellect, goals, comprehension, concentration, temperament, speech,
       caring, anxiety, guilt, any other abnormal symptom)

Emotional generals:
      (Major & minor values, emotional affiliations, feeling patterns, anger, fear, happiness,
      sadness, happiest event, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, emotional expression, aggression,
      assertiveness, avoidance, helplessness, depressing moment, memorable moment,
      personality, general mood, any other abnormal symptom)

Economic generals:
      (Socio-economic status, desired economic lifestyle, relationship with money, association with

Life span development:
Major incidents which happened in terms of milestones, trauma, normal development, school life,
college life, work, at the life spans of;
Infancy (0-2 years), (relationship with mother & parenting)
Early childhood (2-4 years), (relationship with mother & parenting)
Middle childhood (4-7 years), (relationship with parent of opposite sex, teacher & group)
Late childhood (7-12 years), (relationship with teachers, peers, parents)
Adolescence (13-24 years), (relationship with peers)
Early adulthood (25-35 years), (relationship with spouse)
Middle adulthood (35-60 years), (relationship with spouse & children)
Late adulthood (60 onwards), (relationship with spouse, children & grand children)

If money is not a problem and you have a week’s vacation, what will you like to do?

Any other information to be shared:

Guidelines to the patient:

 Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and
                 Enriching Human Resources
How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer?
                               Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N

                                 About KASHMAHARAJA
At KASHMAHARAJA, the vision is to empower and enrich human resources and the
mission is to facilitate it by PEAK PERFORMANCE COACHING.
Peak Performance Coaching is a process of facilitating Performance development to an
optimal level of empowered and enriched effectiveness and efficiency. In Peak Performance
Coaching, the desired result is established upon and coaching facilitated to improve in the
key area. Coaching is client centric and result oriented and delivered in an experiential
Based on the extensive training and practical experience and expertise, Dr Maharaja
formulated the concept of holistic approach by maximising results in eight major
functional areas of life . Growth in the eight functional areas of Human Life is facilitated by
Peak Performance Coaching by developing the parameters of;
K – Knowledge                          A - Aptitude, Abilities and Attitude
S – Skills                             H - Habits and Happiness
Based on his expertise, Dr Maharaja N, identified eight functional areas for Human Life
Development as;
1 Physical fitness.                 2 Mental preparedness.
3 Emotional appropriateness.        4 Social connectedness.
5 Environmental stability.          6 Economic abundance.
7 Career growth.                    8 Nutritional Enrichment.
For more information, about coaching offered from KASHMAHARAJA, log on to & check the blog at for regular
resources and subscribe to the e-newsletter to empower and enrich you.
                           About MAHARAJAWELLNESS
The vision at MAHARAJ AWELLNESS is to make your life healthier and happier
through Holistic Treatment using Advanced Clinical methods and Principles.
Treatment is provided with adherence to Dr Maharaja’s Definition of Health using a holistic
approach through the scientific methods of,
Homeopathy.                           Fitness and Exercise Therapy.
Nutrition.                            Hypnotherapy.
Counselling.                          Golden Ray Reiki.
For more information, about treatment offered from MAHARAJAWELLNESS, log on to & check the blog for regular resources subscribe to the e-
newsletter to make your life healthier and happier at
                           About MAHARAJAPROFESSIONALZ
As a professional service provider, the most important aspect of your business is your
relationship with your customer. And, if you have been looking for your technology support
system to help you connect with your client, you have reached the correct place.
MAHARAJAPROFESSIONALZ, Your technology enabler connecting you with your
clientele. Located in Chennai, India, I offer you the customized service plan which will
enable you to master technology and grow with your clients.
For more information, about services offered from MAHARAJAPROFESSIONALZ, log on to & check the blog for regular resources subscribe to the
e-newsletter to become technologically enabled and connected with your clientele at

 Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and
                 Enriching Human Resources
How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer?
                               Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N

If you have any questions regarding health, your medical condition, general medical details,
Homeopathy, Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Exercise Therapy, & how you can make your life
healthier and happier, for answers email to,
If you have any questions regarding training, how it can help you, need to know about
training strategies to develop Peak Performance, and other information which will empower
and enrich you to become a Peak Performer, for answers email to,

You can also connect with me though phone, through online, and through my personal web
If you have any questions regarding using technology to make yourself a brand and to
connect with your clientele, email to
Want to connect with me and know more information,
Feel free to call +91 9841118294.
You can also help me in spreading the information available in this release by the following
   - Share this release with others.
   - Share it in your social network.
   - Want to send a copy of this packet to your connections, please email me an d I will
      send you a soft copy of this entire release which you can share.
   - And if you need any services mentioned above for yourself or for others, do contact
   - And yes, if you can arrange for a complementary talk for other people in forums,
      groups, colleges, organizations, etc where you know that sharing the information
      provided in this packet, please do contact me.
Hope you have enjoyed the information provided in this release. For more such resources,
log on to my web sites (especially the blog section), and also subscribe to the newsletters;
Be Healthier and Happier. Become Empowered and Enriched.
Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N

Mrs Subha - Psychologist
Dr Maharaja's training on health was fantastic. He is knowledgeable and he imparts training
in a unique way.
Mr R K Tamizharasan Customer Service Exec. Global Analytics India (P) Ltd
Being a Psychology student, I thought just physical, mental or social factors comprise the
health. But Dr Maharaja has educated me on the other factors too. The way he made me
realize my present state of health and the way to improve my health is really amazing and
very much useful. I'm definitely going to use this. A bunch of thanks to Dr Maharaja for his
excellent session.
Mr S (Client treated with Hypnotherapy from Avadi, Chennai)
Dr Maharaja is a very good hypnotherapist whose hypnosis treatment is giving me good
benefits and relief from my complaints.

 Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and
                 Enriching Human Resources
How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer?
                               Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N

Mr Ravi Padmanabhan – Wealth Coach
Dr Maharaja was mentioning some very interesting perspective to my business which I felt
will surely increase my overall revenue. It is always a good idea for someone else to review
your current business model so they could point out some things which you may have
missed out.

Mr R (Client treated with Counselling from Rangarajapuram, Chennai)
The counselling session with Dr Maharaja was very useful in as much as the problems have
been identified and solutions, as how they appeal to me as solutions, have been prescribed.
Thus, I feel it is an intelligent way of ensuring that I implement the solutions without any
excuses. Thanks.
Mr T (Client treated with Counselling from Elephant Gate, Chennai)
I came up with challenges on my goal setting process. Dr Maharaja guided me to set these
goals in a SMART manner. I am going to rework on my goal setting process so that it's going
to be highly effective and I could achieve my goal within the specified time limit.
Mr RV (Client treated with Hypnotherapy from West Mambalam, Chennai)
I had a lot of stress. So, I underwent a hypnotic session with Dr Maharaja to get relief for my
problem. Under his hypnosis therapy session, I could get a deeply calm and relaxed state for
my mind and body. I had a really deep sleep the following night after a long time. 100%
satisfied. I pray for him to have a long, happy and prosperous life to our Guru
Mr G (Client treated with Counselling from Anna Nagar, Chennai).
My problem was having a lot of clutter in my mind. I had a counselling session with Dr
Maharaja SivaSubramanian N as house visit in my place at Nandanam and by working with
him for my problem; I could list down and categorize my needs and ambitions. As a result of
the session, I could benefit by systematising my thoughts and clear the clutter in mind.

Miss M (Client treated with Counselling from Anna Nagar, Chennai)
I had a problem of relationship issue leading to confusion. I had a counselling session with
Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N at his clinic and I could obtain a solution by which I
understood to love myself and know what I want first and then think about others needs too,
and then put them all together, see all that coincides and see all that differs. See if I can
work on differences or not and that will give me the answer. I have benefited from this
session and others can also benefit by learning to see yourself more to know what could
keep you happy and you can work towards finding them or making them happen. Looki ng
forward for my next session with Dr Maharaja N.
Mr T K (Patient treated with Homeopathy from Chennai Central, Chennai)
Dr. Maharaja SivaSubramanian N, is one who tries to attack the root cause rather than
attacking just the symptom. His treatment methodology is Holistic. He treats the person as a
whole rather than for particular symptom so that the problem doesn't relapse. All The Best
for his endeavours.
Mr S G (Client treated with Counselling from West Mambalam, Chennai)
I consulted Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian regarding my career health and the modes of
rising my standard of living including health, the advise which he gave me are very useful in
my opinion. His advice and discussion was very exhaustive and covered whatever I
expected. I hope the ways which he suggested shall be very useful to maintain good health
(physical and mental), to improve standard of living and achieve greater success in
profession and lead a peaceful life with family in the society.

 Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and
                 Enriching Human Resources

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  • 2. How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer? Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N About Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N I am Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N, a polymath. I am a Blogger, CICCO, Counsellor, Educator, Eccentric Guy, Exercise Therapist, Homeopath, Hypnotherapist, Health and Wellness Consultant, Infopreneur, Management and Organization Consultant, Marketer, Peak Performance Coach, Polymath, Reiki Healer, Skills Trainer, Technical Writer, Student. I am also immensely proud of being India's 1st Holistic Concierge Medicine Doctor and one of the youngest polymaths globally. I have undergone extensive training in the fields of Counselling, Fitness, Homoeopathy, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Kinesiology, Leadership, Management, Medicine, Nutrition, Peak Performance, Personal Branding, Personal Development, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Sports Sciences, Training & Development, Transactional Analysis, etc. My principle values and personality traits include excellence, assertiveness, empathy, co - ordination, initiating & leading change, directing effective resource handling, courage, competence, enthusiasm, wisdom, etc. Having helped hundreds of people in improving their life as a health-care consultant and peak performance coach, I live with ’Excellence’ as my 'value for life'. My dream is to facilitate one million people for achieving peak performance state and living a healthier and happier life in the next five years. S (success) can be achieved by E = MC 2 Where, E (Excellence) can be achieved by M (Motivation) and C (Competitiveness) and C (Comprehensiveness). My personal blog is you can subscribe to my personal newsletter for regular updates and information to help you become healthier and happier, empowered and enriched from my personal blog. Ms Padmaja S N - Chief Training Consultant, Victory Insights Excellence is never an accident. It is a continuous journey. Dr Maharaja has the perfect trait of both knowledge sharing and knowledge seeking without reservations, when free flow happens, Wisdom is a by-product. I am sure He possesses every quality a Health and wellness Coach should possess. I wish him All the Best. Major V V Narayanan - General Secretary, Hypnotique Circle, Chennai Dr Maharaja had excellent knowledge in his subject and a firm grasp over his topic. He had ventured to provide novel definitions over unexplored dimensions of health. He has a knack of taking the audience with him thanks to his engaging style of delivery. Excellent session full of practical application. Mr Ravi Padmanabhan - Wealth Coach Dr Maharaja was the speaker in one of the programs I attended today in Hypnotique circle. He gave a powerful presentation on concept of Health & Well Being He was able to convey this message in a very powerful way to a diverse group of audience. I thoroughly enjoyed his presentation. Mr K. Elangovan - Managing Director, Institute for Language Skills He is knowledgeable and helped me to move from normal to becoming a Peak Performer. Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and Enriching Human Resources
  • 3. How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer? Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N Definition of Health According to Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N In this page the following questions are answered; - What is Dr Maharaja’s definition of health? - What is the approach of this definition of health? - What are the benefits of Holistic Approach to the patient? Definition of Health has undergone a lot of changes over the period of human life. Many have tried to give a tangible definition of health, which is otherwise considered to be an abstract phenomenon. When health of an individual is measured using various parameters, health can be restored & sickness alleviated appropriately. Before we get on to my definition of health, let us have a look on few other popular definitions & explanations of health as proposed by many others along with the development of the fields related to health-care. 1 Health is a condition of freedom from non-curable diseases. 2 Health is a condition of freedom from disease. 3 Health is a condition of physical well being. 4 Health is a condition of psychological well being. 5 Health is a condition of physical, mental & social well-being & not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Now, let us discuss my (Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N) definition of health. Health is a condition of well-being & more than absence of disease in the following planes of health, which are; 1 Physical fitness. 2 Mental preparedness. 3 Emotional appropriateness. 4 Social connectedness. 5 Environmental stability. 6 Economic abundance. 7 Career growth. 8 Nutritional Enrichment. Physical fitness. Physical fitness can be explained as a state where the individual has little or no pain and is able to do their personal work without discomfort. The state where the individual is not prevented from engaging in an activity due to physical disability. Mental preparedness. Mental preparedness can be explained as a mental state where the individual has an acceptable thought pattern system which consists of beliefs which are constructive, exhibit characters of equality, & are devoid of selfishness. The individual should have a thought pattern of possibility thinking which should have beliefs which are clear, rational & realistically optimistic. Emotional appropriateness. Emotional appropriateness is a state concerned with the individual wherein the individual has appropriate value system, ability to feel & express emotions appropriately, adequately & rationally in a healthy manner. Social connectedness. Social connectedness can be explained as the amount of connected feeling & affiliation of the individual in a healthy manner with himself/herself, the individual’s family, & with the society at large. In this state of well-being, the individual will be in a state of ease in both giving & receiving appropriately. It is also the comfortable blending with the concerned social culture. Environmental stability. Environmental stability can be explained as the role played by the environment in developing the individual’s health & potential, as explained by the nature-nurture concept of developmental psychology. The environment of the individual should be in such a way that it should first stabilize the life of the individual & then promotes the growth & development of the individual in all ways. The environment includes geographic, political, socio-economic, society, etc. Economic abundance. Economic abundance for a healthy individual will be the state whic h every individual should achieve & maintain that they have enough wealth to meet their needs, & also are able to contribute in generating wealth for the welfare of the society. It can also be explained in a way that no individual should be restricted from achieving appropriate goals or from satisfying Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and Enriching Human Resources
  • 4. How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer? Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N appropriate needs due to shortage of wealth. Wealth will include economics of all materialistic things, principally being money, and secondary being other material resources. Career growth. Career growth is a situation in relation to occupation of a healthy individual where they are able to express themselves in a self-actualizing mode. Career health is determined by the amount of job satisfaction; the prospective growth opportunities in the job which will enable the individual to meet self needs of various forms like money, relationship, social status, significance, security, etc; & an avenue to express by working on their passion. Nutritional enrichment. Nutritional enrichment is a healthy state where the individual is able to have appropriate balanced nutrition to take care of their nutritionally health needs. Nutrition which improves health in all planes of health instead of a diet which focuses only on physical health. Nutrition which is neither below nor exceeding the needed levels, but maintained in a balanced level, enriching the individual for higher level of wellness. The sum of all parts or planes of health discussed above is the overall functional definition of health according to me. When all the parts of health are functionally in a healthy manner, spiritually also, the person can be said as to be in a healthy state. Focusing on the above mention eight functional aspects of health will help the individual to get to a higher state of health or wellness and promotes the individual to a state of self-actualization. To discuss in further detail, health needs to be seen in a higher degree as wellness. The state or level of health can be discussed in three levels (especially in reference to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs). Level of Disease. In this state, the individual is suffering from illness. An individual may or may not be able to take care of his needs in this level. Focus will be laid on to take care of primary needs of the individual like treatment, food, water, shelter, etc. Need for affiliation may also be seen in this level. Predominantly, the individual may not be able to serve the society in this state. Level of being healthy with absence of disease. In this state, the individual is relatively free from illness. An individual in this state usually is able to take care of his/her needs. The individual may also be able to contribute to a certain degree to the society. Level of wellness. This is a level where the individual is healthy in all the 8 planes as suggested by me and is healthier much beyond just physical, mental & social well-being. Individuals in this level are usually good contributors to the society and are also able to meet the need of self-actualization. To achieve this level of wellness, emphasis should be laid on health-care which focuses on treatment of illnesses along with major emphasis on preventive care like in the concierge medicine model. The Approach through this definition of health is to lay emphasis on holistic approach towards the health of the patient or client. By this approach, treatment & help is provided with the focus on the individual as a whole & not on the illness alone. The following are the benefits for the patient or the individual undergoing treatment using Holistic approach to health & disease; 1 The person is the main focus in the treatment & not the illness. The patient is treated as an individual having an illness. This approach helps in handling the treatment according to the patient & is known as client-centric treatment. 2 This approach helps to also focus on the cause of the illness, which can also be treated thus helping prevent relapses. 3 Being a holistic approach, the emphasis is also on prevention along with treatment. Prevention is always better in all ways, including being a cost-effective approach as compared to treatment after occurrence of illness. 4 Instead of treating the patient from a state of illness, the emphasis is to promote wellness of the individual. This approach adheres to the achievement of the health level to a better appropriate level as explained by various definitions of health. 5 Following the holistic approach makes the person healthier and happier and also empowers and enriches the person to become a peak performer. Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and Enriching Human Resources
  • 5. How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer? Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N Date: Patient Personal Details Name: Full Postal Address: Country: Religion: Telephone number: Mobile number: E-mail id: Age & Date of Birth: Sex: Occupation & Nature of work: Guardian name and Contact number: Marital Status (Single, Married, Divorced, or Widowed): Referred by: Presenting Problems (Use the client’s own words as much as possible) Signs & Symptoms of the client: Area of the problem (where the problem is present and where it is spreading): Exact nature of the problem including sensations and severity: Factors changing the complaint: (In relation to time, rest, motion, temperature, weather, bathing, position, pressure, noise, eating specific foods, habits, sleep, menstruation, sweat, vomiting, urine, bowel movement, coitus, anger, fear, grief, consolation, new moon, full moon, local application, other external circumstances) When the problem began: (Chronological order of the problems, was it sudden or gradual) Course of the problem: (Changes in respect to physical, mental, emotional, career, environmental, economic, nutritional aspects) Probable Cause of the problem: (Causes & Events precipitating in respect to physical, mental, emotional, career, environmental, economic, nutritional aspects) Duration of the problem: (Date of starting till recovery or chronic or frequent at regular periods) Treatments taken for the problem: (Type of treatment taken, duration of the treatment, nature of treatment, medications & other health modalities undertaken) Head to Foot Scanning of symptoms (Include as much as details as possible. Apart from the suggested complaints if any other signs or symptoms are present, please make a note of them too.) Head complaints: (Any complaints of headache, migraine, perspiration, vertigo, burning, any other sign or symptom) Eye complaints: (Any complaints of vision, pain, burning, lachrymation, swelling, any other abnormal sign or symptom) Ear complaints: (Any complaints of hearing, discharges, colour & odour of discharges, pain, any other abnormal sign or symptom) Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and Enriching Human Resources
  • 6. How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer? Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N Nose complaints: (Any complaints of nose block, sneezing, difficulty in breathing, nasal discharges, sneezing, irritation, burning, any other abnormal sign or symptom) Mouth complaints: (Any complaints of odour, salivation, taste, ulcers, toothache, grinding of teeth, swollen gums, bleeding gums, any other abnormal sign or symptom) Throat complaints: (Any complaints of pain, mucous, irritation, burning, swelling, obstruction, any other abnormal sign or symptom) Chest complaints: (Any complaints of cough, pain, heaviness, obstruction, breathing difficulty, expectoration, palpitations, discomfort, any other abnormal sign or symptom) Abdomen & Nourishment complaints: (Any complaints of distension, swelling, mass, burning, irritation, acidity, appetite, desire, aversion, intolerance, thirst, eructation, nausea, vomiting, any other abnormal sign or symptom) Bowel & Rectum complaints: (Any complaints of stool of nature, colour, character, odour, urging, frequency, evacuation, constipation, diarrhoea, pain, burning, irritation, mucous, bleeding, discomfort, piles, fistula, any other abnormal sign or symptom) Urine complaints: (Any complaints of nature, colour, character of urine, sediment, odour, quantity, bleeding, burning, discomfort, urge, frequency, any other abnormal sign or symptom) Perspiration complaints: (Any complaints of nature, colour, staining, odour, discomfort, quantity, location, any other abnormal sign or symptom) Back & Extremities complaints: (Any complaints of pain, stiffness, injury, cramps, restricted movement, sound in movement, any other abnormal sign or symptom) Hair, Nails, & Skin complaints: (Any complaints of hair fall, discoloration, brittleness, dryness, oily, discharge, colour, odour, warts, moles, itching, any other abnormal sign or symptom) Reproductive system complaints: (Any complaints of sexual desire, night fall, masturbation, menstruation, clot ting, odour, discharge, ulcer, injury, bleeding, any other abnormal sign or symptom) Sleep complaints: (Any complaints of duration, quality, sleep hygiene, frequency, insomnia, sleepiness, tiredness, dreams, disorder, sleep walking, enuresis, any other abnormal sign or symptom) Past history: (Information regarding past illnesses) Obstetric history: (Number of children, their gender, year of childbirth, nature of childbirth) Personal history: (Habits of smoke, alcohol, tobacco, addictions, diet type, personal hygiene, allergies, disease tendencies, activity level, general built, height, weight) Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and Enriching Human Resources
  • 7. How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer? Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N Treatment History: (History of treatment underwent for current & previous illnesses, type, duration, etc) Family History: (Medical history of family members including parents, siblings, grandparents, immediate uncles & aunts, number of family members, family atmosphere, relationship with family members, spouse, family dynamics) Social interaction: (Positions held with society, relationship with others, general opinion about the society, level of social interaction, any other important information) Career growth: (Details of current job, previous jobs, place of work, nature of work, satisfaction at work, growth opportunities at work, relationship at workplace, job environment, needs at workplace, ideal work conditions, stress at workplace) Environmental generals: (Environmental scenario at residence, place of work, general places of visit and commute) Mental Generals: (Thought patterns, belief system, memory, will power, understanding, orientation to self, others, time & place, intellect, goals, comprehension, concentration, temperament, speech, caring, anxiety, guilt, any other abnormal symptom) Emotional generals: (Major & minor values, emotional affiliations, feeling patterns, anger, fear, happiness, sadness, happiest event, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, emotional expression, aggression, assertiveness, avoidance, helplessness, depressing moment, memorable moment, personality, general mood, any other abnormal symptom) Economic generals: (Socio-economic status, desired economic lifestyle, relationship with money, association with money) Life span development: Major incidents which happened in terms of milestones, trauma, normal development, school life, college life, work, at the life spans of; Prenatal Infancy (0-2 years), (relationship with mother & parenting) Early childhood (2-4 years), (relationship with mother & parenting) Middle childhood (4-7 years), (relationship with parent of opposite sex, teacher & group) Late childhood (7-12 years), (relationship with teachers, peers, parents) Adolescence (13-24 years), (relationship with peers) Early adulthood (25-35 years), (relationship with spouse) Middle adulthood (35-60 years), (relationship with spouse & children) Late adulthood (60 onwards), (relationship with spouse, children & grand children) If money is not a problem and you have a week’s vacation, what will you like to do? Any other information to be shared: Guidelines to the patient: Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and Enriching Human Resources
  • 8. How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer? Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N About KASHMAHARAJA At KASHMAHARAJA, the vision is to empower and enrich human resources and the mission is to facilitate it by PEAK PERFORMANCE COACHING. Peak Performance Coaching is a process of facilitating Performance development to an optimal level of empowered and enriched effectiveness and efficiency. In Peak Performance Coaching, the desired result is established upon and coaching facilitated to improve in the key area. Coaching is client centric and result oriented and delivered in an experiential manner. Based on the extensive training and practical experience and expertise, Dr Maharaja formulated the concept of holistic approach by maximising results in eight major functional areas of life . Growth in the eight functional areas of Human Life is facilitated by Peak Performance Coaching by developing the parameters of; K – Knowledge A - Aptitude, Abilities and Attitude S – Skills H - Habits and Happiness Based on his expertise, Dr Maharaja N, identified eight functional areas for Human Life Development as; 1 Physical fitness. 2 Mental preparedness. 3 Emotional appropriateness. 4 Social connectedness. 5 Environmental stability. 6 Economic abundance. 7 Career growth. 8 Nutritional Enrichment. For more information, about coaching offered from KASHMAHARAJA, log on to & check the blog at for regular resources and subscribe to the e-newsletter to empower and enrich you. About MAHARAJAWELLNESS The vision at MAHARAJ AWELLNESS is to make your life healthier and happier through Holistic Treatment using Advanced Clinical methods and Principles. Treatment is provided with adherence to Dr Maharaja’s Definition of Health using a holistic approach through the scientific methods of, Homeopathy. Fitness and Exercise Therapy. Nutrition. Hypnotherapy. Counselling. Golden Ray Reiki. For more information, about treatment offered from MAHARAJAWELLNESS, log on to & check the blog for regular resources subscribe to the e- newsletter to make your life healthier and happier at About MAHARAJAPROFESSIONALZ As a professional service provider, the most important aspect of your business is your relationship with your customer. And, if you have been looking for your technology support system to help you connect with your client, you have reached the correct place. MAHARAJAPROFESSIONALZ, Your technology enabler connecting you with your clientele. Located in Chennai, India, I offer you the customized service plan which will enable you to master technology and grow with your clients. For more information, about services offered from MAHARAJAPROFESSIONALZ, log on to & check the blog for regular resources subscribe to the e-newsletter to become technologically enabled and connected with your clientele at Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and Enriching Human Resources
  • 9. How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer? Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N If you have any questions regarding health, your medical condition, general medical details, Homeopathy, Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Exercise Therapy, & how you can make your life healthier and happier, for answers email to, If you have any questions regarding training, how it can help you, need to know about training strategies to develop Peak Performance, and other information which will empower and enrich you to become a Peak Performer, for answers email to, You can also connect with me though phone, through online, and through my personal web site If you have any questions regarding using technology to make yourself a brand and to connect with your clientele, email to Want to connect with me and know more information, Feel free to call +91 9841118294. You can also help me in spreading the information available in this release by the following ways, - Share this release with others. - Share it in your social network. - Want to send a copy of this packet to your connections, please email me an d I will send you a soft copy of this entire release which you can share. - And if you need any services mentioned above for yourself or for others, do contact me. - And yes, if you can arrange for a complementary talk for other people in forums, groups, colleges, organizations, etc where you know that sharing the information provided in this packet, please do contact me. Hope you have enjoyed the information provided in this release. For more such resources, log on to my web sites (especially the blog section), and also subscribe to the newsletters; Be Healthier and Happier. Become Empowered and Enriched. Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N Mrs Subha - Psychologist Dr Maharaja's training on health was fantastic. He is knowledgeable and he imparts training in a unique way. Mr R K Tamizharasan Customer Service Exec. Global Analytics India (P) Ltd Being a Psychology student, I thought just physical, mental or social factors comprise the health. But Dr Maharaja has educated me on the other factors too. The way he made me realize my present state of health and the way to improve my health is really amazing and very much useful. I'm definitely going to use this. A bunch of thanks to Dr Maharaja for his excellent session. Mr S (Client treated with Hypnotherapy from Avadi, Chennai) Dr Maharaja is a very good hypnotherapist whose hypnosis treatment is giving me good benefits and relief from my complaints. Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and Enriching Human Resources
  • 10. How Can I Help you become a Healthier, Happier, Peak Performer? Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N Mr Ravi Padmanabhan – Wealth Coach Dr Maharaja was mentioning some very interesting perspective to my business which I felt will surely increase my overall revenue. It is always a good idea for someone else to review your current business model so they could point out some things which you may have missed out. Mr R (Client treated with Counselling from Rangarajapuram, Chennai) The counselling session with Dr Maharaja was very useful in as much as the problems have been identified and solutions, as how they appeal to me as solutions, have been prescribed. Thus, I feel it is an intelligent way of ensuring that I implement the solutions without any excuses. Thanks. Mr T (Client treated with Counselling from Elephant Gate, Chennai) I came up with challenges on my goal setting process. Dr Maharaja guided me to set these goals in a SMART manner. I am going to rework on my goal setting process so that it's going to be highly effective and I could achieve my goal within the specified time limit. Mr RV (Client treated with Hypnotherapy from West Mambalam, Chennai) I had a lot of stress. So, I underwent a hypnotic session with Dr Maharaja to get relief for my problem. Under his hypnosis therapy session, I could get a deeply calm and relaxed state for my mind and body. I had a really deep sleep the following night after a long time. 100% satisfied. I pray for him to have a long, happy and prosperous life to our Guru YogiRamSooratkumar. Mr G (Client treated with Counselling from Anna Nagar, Chennai). My problem was having a lot of clutter in my mind. I had a counselling session with Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N as house visit in my place at Nandanam and by working with him for my problem; I could list down and categorize my needs and ambitions. As a result of the session, I could benefit by systematising my thoughts and clear the clutter in mind. Miss M (Client treated with Counselling from Anna Nagar, Chennai) I had a problem of relationship issue leading to confusion. I had a counselling session with Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian N at his clinic and I could obtain a solution by which I understood to love myself and know what I want first and then think about others needs too, and then put them all together, see all that coincides and see all that differs. See if I can work on differences or not and that will give me the answer. I have benefited from this session and others can also benefit by learning to see yourself more to know what could keep you happy and you can work towards finding them or making them happen. Looki ng forward for my next session with Dr Maharaja N. Mr T K (Patient treated with Homeopathy from Chennai Central, Chennai) Dr. Maharaja SivaSubramanian N, is one who tries to attack the root cause rather than attacking just the symptom. His treatment methodology is Holistic. He treats the person as a whole rather than for particular symptom so that the problem doesn't relapse. All The Best for his endeavours. Mr S G (Client treated with Counselling from West Mambalam, Chennai) I consulted Dr Maharaja SivaSubramanian regarding my career health and the modes of rising my standard of living including health, the advise which he gave me are very useful in my opinion. His advice and discussion was very exhaustive and covered whatever I expected. I hope the ways which he suggested shall be very useful to maintain good health (physical and mental), to improve standard of living and achieve greater success in profession and lead a peaceful life with family in the society. Making Human Lives Healthier and Happier And Empowering and Enriching Human Resources