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Essay about Philosophy of Health
Philosophy of Health
What makes a healthy person? Surely it is more than just exercising and eating right. When we say
healthy aren't we referring to more than just being physically fit and not having any diseases or
ailments. But what else is there that makes a person truly healthy? I think that while this physical
description of healthy is a good start, there is far more to the story than this. For one to be
considered truly healthy I believe that every aspect of their life must be looked at and addressed with
the intention of making that person the best person that they can be.
First and foremost is one's spiritual health, which is the foundation on which the other aspects of that
person's life are built. In order that one more content...
Finally, ones physical health does play an important role in their overall wellness. This aspect,
while not necessarily as intrinsically important as the other aspects can play a determining role
in those areas and so is essential to one's complete health. Obviously this is the most immediately
changeable part of one' life and can be altered in many different ways, none of which are terribly
difficult and most of which bring relatively quick results. All it takes to Improve this area of a
person's health is the determination to do it and a simple plan of how to do so. Included in this plan
can be changes in diet, exercise habits and even sleep habits.
Together, health in these aspects of one's life can make a drastic difference in that persons overall
outlook and attitude toward life, others and themselves. Therefore it is important that we each do
our best to change those parts of our lives which need it and to encourage others as they attempt to
so the same.
So how should we live our lives if we want to be an all–around healthy person? What are some
choices which we should and should not make if we want to be the best person we possibly can
be? Well, I believe that these questions are probably answered differently by each person, but that
these answers can be discovered in much the same way no matter who you are. Personally, I can
look back and see numerous decisions which I have made in the past
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Essay on Careers in Healthcare
Healthcare has many different areas one can go into if interested in this field. I have chosen two that
have always been an interest to me; Nursing (particularly registered nursing) and an EMT
(Emergency Medical Technician). Both jobs are very demanding and extremely important. Both are
respected jobs and require a tremendous amount of caring for others.
There are three levels of nursing; certified Nurse Assistant (CNA), Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
or a Registered Nurse (RN). A registered nurse is the highest level of nursing. In order to practice
nursing you must have an Associate Degree in Nursing, Bachelor Degree in Nursing, or in some
cases a diploma in nursing from an accredited school. Nursing can provide many opportunities more content...
They have to be comfortable with people in the most intimate circumstance because of the nature of
dealing with different health situations. A registered nurse works with clients, their families and
communities in various settings. They can work in nursing homes, assisted living, and adult foster
care homes. Compensation for a registered nurse is pretty good. The median annual earnings in
Oregon in 2008 were $62,450, with the lowest wage being $43,410 and the highest being $76, 570.
The physical demands require that a person be physically capable of standing for long periods of
time. Nurses often assist in lifting and moving patients and can work up to 12 hour days. They must
also have technical abilities because of some of the computerized equipment. According to the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the primary hazard in patient care is blood borne
pathogens, such as hepatitis B and HIV. Nurses are exposed to a variety of infectious diseases so
they must be very careful and follow the safety guidelines. A typical day includes accessing patient
needs, creating treatment plans and evaluating their progress. They must also educate the patient and
the families involved.
The good things about having a Nursing degree is that you can choose a specialized area after you
graduate. Pediatric nursing is one area that a registered nurse might want to specialize in. A
pediatric nurse is one who cares for younger people from infant age up to the teen
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Essay on Health Promotion
"Health is defined as a state of physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence
of disease or infirmity" (WHO). Like wise health promotion is the process of increasing the
functional capacity of all people hence promote the sense of well–being. In order to accomplish this
goal all health care professionals have to work hard by submitting themselves to their patients and
community as a whole. Thus globalize health promotion should be the ultimate mission for all health
care team, especially for nurses. Nurses are the first level health care team therefore nurses should
play as a role model to all human beings. They should hold various positions in order to achieve
optimum results. In this evolving health more content...
The impacts of health promotion are healthy population and healthy environments. People need to
commit themselves in strengthening their learning skills and to change their necessary life styles in
order to improve their health.
The Purpose of Health Promotion in Nursing Practice: Health promotion is utmost important to
optimize and or to ensure a globalize good quality health. It is a multifactor approach and moreover
the health care costs can be reduced to a great extent. Thus today's bad economic condition can be
changed greatly. This enables every individual to function effectively and appropriately. It is
necessary to explore concepts of health by interactions between physical, social, psychological and
spiritual aspects of life.(Edelman 2010). To prevent further progression of diseases and various
opportunistic infections nurses should implement multiple health education strategies and teaching
styles. While assessing the patients and their families, present health status, their education,
economy, supportive systems, learning skills and its strategies all have to be taken in to
consideration. Furthermore implementing primary, secondary and tertiary preventive measures to
promote health of all populations in every country thus globalize health promotion is achievable. By
considering various aspects of health promotion, evaluating the effectiveness of assessments
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Essay on Definitions of Health
Definitions of health
It is fairly difficult to define health as there are no agreements between scholars. This is why many
sociologists focus their research on the different issues and problems of ill health.
Positive definition of health: positive health looks at the physical, emotional, intellectual aspects of a
person's wellbeing. This is in the way that they do not have any diseases or ailments.
An example of the positive definition of health in a health and social care is a nurse in who is
working in a hospital can say to one of their patients that have recently started exercising to become
more 'healthier' 'you look very healthy'.
Positive health looks at what aspects of health are there and which ones make us more
An example of holistic health could be that a psychologist's client may have bipolar disorder and
the psychologist would still focus on all of the other aspects of their client's life and not just on the
symptoms the client is experiencing of bipolar disorder.
Holistic health looks as everything as a whole and never different aspects of health individually.
World Health Organisation definition of health: the World Health Organisation defines health as "not
merely an absence of disease, but a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social
well–being." (2013 K Pritchett Class Notes)
An example of health defined by the World Health Organisation in a health and social care setting
could be that in order for a patient of a doctors surgery to be healthy they would have to have a
complete state of physical, mental, spiritual and social well–being. This means that if a patient was
in a wheel chair they could never be seen as healthy as they do not have a complete state of physical
The World Health Organisation thinks that people must have all complete aspects to be completely
The Clinical Iceberg
'The Clinical Iceberg' is a term used to call the levels of illnesses that are found from official
statistics. This is because some people do not always seek medical attention when they become ill
therefore these official statistics may not be correct and showing the 'true' levels of
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Essay about Health and Wellbeing
Health and well–being is a high priority in current health and social care provision. The importance
of promoting health and well–being is due to the dramatically increasing trend of morbidity and
mortality from health problems, illness and chronic disease. Physiotherapists have potentially a
significant role in the multidisciplinary health promotion arena. As physiotherapists can promote
health in dynamic of ways and make contribution to the community. The promotion of health to
enable individuals suffers from illness or has chronic conditions to improve their potential for
healthy living. "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well–being and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity." (WHO, 1948) more content...
Socioeconomic issue is also an important affecting factor, generally people with higher education
and higher income tends to be less prone to stress. Due to their individual live is at a greater life
quality. Quality of life can be defined as "individuals' perception of their position in life in the
context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals,
expectations, standards and concerns." (WHOQOL, 1995). Socioeconomic status tends to be
inversely related to participation in leisure–time physical activity, which may be related to people
with low incomes having less discretionary time and less access to exercise facilities and green
spaces (McNeill et al., 2006) In developed countries, people tend to have a sedentary lifestyle which
can leads to higher levels of obesity, therefore lower overall well–being. A study shown "The
percentage of all deaths in England with obesity on the certificate doubled from 0.11% in 1995 to
0.23% in 2006." (NHS choices, 2010) The researchers concluded: "There is an emerging trend of
increased certification of obesity as a cause of death in England." (NHS choices, 2010) Levels of
obesity are increasing dramatically and, if current trends continue, around 90% of men and 80% of
women will be overweight or obese by 2050. (Black, DC, 2008).
Although countries differ greatly, "two thirds of the people 15 years and older in the European
Union are not physically active at
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I Am A Healthy Life Essay
I'm living a healthy life in most aspects. Fist of all I keep healthy eating habits. I seldom skip
breakfast during my weekdays so that I'm energetic for my classes everyday. I always plan my
breakfast the day before, such as bagels or eggs. Breakfast is important so I try to make it fresh
and delightful. Sometimes I drink tea instead of coffee. Black tea is my favorite because caffeine
in it is lower than green tea or coffee. I always feel too excited after drinking coffee. I feel my
heart beating faster than usual and my hands may even shake. Usually I don't eat a lot at night,
especially before sleeping. This keeps my stomach healthy and prevents me from getting weight. I
prefer eating healthier food rather than fast food such as burgers and fries. Sushi or other Asian
dishes are always my dinner. They are light and balanced in nutrition, and good for my digest
system. However, as a college student, I have some unhealthy behaviors which are common
between me and my friends. The first one is, I always sleep after 12:00 am at night and it can be
later during the weekends. As a result of sleeping late at night, sometimes it is hard for me to get
up early in the morning. On the weekends I always wake up after 11:00 am. This is very
unhealthy because I skip my breakfast and also my biological changes. I have to get used to the
healthy routine again every Monday. Another bad behavior is that I seldom do any exercises. I
used to do it for few times every week, but later I
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Essay about Health, Safety and Nutrition
The reason I chose to do my project on a game that can hit all three areas safety, health, and
nutrition, is because all three areas are important to children and their families. As a parent I can
easily justify the role a teacher has on the lives of our children. It is usually a parent does not know
anything and the teacher is always right. In the eye's of a child. Many times well most of the time
what you teach a child it usually stays with them, and if it is presented in a fun way it is almost
certain that to stay with them longer. More important children like to share their new information
with their families, some of the information may be new. So not only are you teaching their children
you are also more content...
It took so many children to die to have car seats and seatbelts as a requirement, a safety issue Still
if we look back and compare life now to life then. Yes, many more safety issues are now
addressed,, but then again they need to be addressed, since life has changed so much. When I was
growing up many mom's were stay at home mom's, and there wase no use to be riding around we
would just stay home, where our parents could keep an eye on their children at all times.
Why health? As we all know that in today's society we see many children as well as adults who
are suffering with obesity. Also those who suffer with anorexic. Many families live in the world of
fast food. That which comes with a price. Life once again has changed from my childhood where I
ate a home cooked meal, everyday. That included breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Like most families did
at that time and there was more physical play then what we see today. Most children today rely on
television and games for fun. While physical activity gets put aside and children not burn off calories
. Nutrition falls under the same category.
It is hard to make a game that does not include a all three health, safety, and nutrition, they go hand in
With this game it gives every child a chance to win. I also took into consideration that every child
learns different. Some are kinestic learners, some visual, and others audio. With this game it does not
matter what
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Essay about Health and Wellbeing
In society today, there is an extensive range of definitions of health and wellbeing which can be
seen as both positive and negative. A Holistic view can also be identified and defined. These
definitions of health have changed over time and will carry on changing within the future.
According to where a family lives or their social class everyone will have different meanings and
views of health and wellbeing. This may be due to what one person perceives as being healthy as
another person may not. Channel 4 learning (no date) describes that a positive view of health can
be seen as when a person is more likely to achieve and sustain physical fitness from exercising and
are mentally stable. Therefor a negative view can be described when more content...
According to Floyd, Mimms and Yelding (2008) Webster's Dictionary defines health as "the
condition of being sound in body, mind and spirit... freedom from physical disease or pain." This
definition has very much taken the holistic view. Wellbeing is a term in which reflects on the
positive emphasis on health and can be broken down into six aspects know as environmental,
physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual. To achieve a high balance of wellbeing it is vital
that a person is able to balance and take care of each aspect effectively. Underdown (2007) implies
that in 1948 the World Health Organization(WHO) defines health as 'a state of complete physical,
mental and social well–being and not just the absence of disease or infirmity.' This definition took a
holistic view as it mentions mental and social wellbeing and it was supported as it focused on a
person being healthy rather than not being ill. However, this definition has been widely criticized.
Seedhouse (1986) believed that for someone to be in perfect state of health is unachievable and
There is a wide range of major genetic, social and environmental factors which influence the health
and wellbeing of children in today's society. According to The Marmot Review (2011) the more
deprived the area or district which a child lives in, the more likely it is to have social and
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Health and Exercise Essay
People spend millions of dollars every year on drugs that they are convinced that will help you lose
weight, grow hair, reduce stress, anxiety, and plenty of other things. I wish I could have all of the
money they have wasted on those products. What if they knew of something that would help them
lose weight, improve cardiovascular health, help control stress, help improve muscle, bone, and joint
health, benefit diabetic problems, and could do many other things to benefit their health? Exercise
is something that is proven to help all of these things, but not a lot of people exercise on a regular
basis. This is something that you do not have to pay for, so what is stopping everyone from
exercising? There are many positive effects more content...
Although if you're eating habits are unhealthy changing them would be a good idea. An average
woman who exercises 3.5 days a week (176minutes) will lose more significant amount of weight
than some one who does not exercise at all. But you have to understand that when you are
exercising, you are also replacing fat with muscle and muscle weighs more than fat, but I know I
would be happy if I didn't lose weight and replaced my fat with muscle. Overweight but fit people
generally have half of the death rate than people who are overweight and unfit. People who have
trained for quite a long time develop more effective mechanisms for burning fat and are capable to
remain leaner.
It does not matter what your level of fitness is, it can always be improved with normal exercise no
matter what your age, but you have to know that some kinds of exercise are more effective for
cardiovascular health than others. Any type of activity that works large groups of body muscles
for about twenty minutes increases cardiac output and metabolic rate. You should practice this at
least three to five times a week for it to be effective on the cardiovascular system. The heart will
become larger and stronger as a result of exercising so it will be able to pump more blood though the
body. The resting heart rate is slower in people who exercise because the heart needs less effort to
pump the blood. Being inactive is one of the major risks for people with coronary artery
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Health Issues Essay
Health Issues 1. Physical activity Data regarding physical activity among Puerto Rican individuals
are sparse. It is clear that these individuals have relatively high rates of obesity, diabetes and heart
disease, all of which are often accompanied by relative physical inactivity. However, this
assumption must be regarded as no more than a hypothesis. 2. Overweight and obesity Puerto Rican
diet tends to be relatively high in calories, fat, complex carbohydrates, and sodium. It is somewhat
deficient in calcium and vegetables. Younger individuals have abandoned the traditional diet for a
more Americanized diet that includes a great deal of fast food, pizza, hot dogs, canned spaghetti, more content...
Only 5.8% of Hispanic women report smoking during pregnancy; the reported rate among Puerto
Rican women during pregnancy is higher. However, smoking among young Hispanic women,
including Puerto Rican women, is lower than for White or African–American young women. Among
women who smoke, Puerto Ricans were more likely to be heavy smokers than others (48.6%
smoked more than 1/2 pack per day). Overall, among Hispanic men, the smoking rate is 26%, as
compared with 27% for White men. It is not clear whether the same rates apply for Puerto Rican
men. Tobacco use is disproportionately promoted in minority and Hispanic neighborhoods, including
Puerto Rican neighborhoods. 4. Substance abuse A 1984 study of adolescent drinking in Puerto
Rican communities suggested a lower rate of alcohol use and abuse in this population. However,
problem drinking increased when adolescents left home. The same study found that problem
drinking was substantial among mothers. 5. Responsible sexual behavior In the continental U.S.,
Puerto Rican adolescents have a relatively high rate of pregnancy among unmarried mothers, higher
than for other Hispanic groups or for white women. These women tended to be poorly educated, and
to have limited access to early pre–natal care. Puerto Ricans have been reported to be at greater risk
of contracting AIDS through sexual
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Essay about A Healthy Heart
From the very first time the heart starts pounding until the time of death, it may beat more than 3.5
billion times. The center of the circulatory system is the heart. The average heart beats 100,000
times each day, pushing around 2,000 gallons of blood throughout your body. With a life span of
70–90, the heart will beat two to three billion times and circulate 50–65 million gallons of blood.
The hearts role is to pump oxygenated blood to every cell in the body by having a continuous beat.
Throughout time the heart has created mystery, however current technology has solved most of the
mystery, there still remains an enchantment and eagerness to learn more.
In this article, we will learn the involvement of the hearts more content...
Home: Where the Heart Is – An outline and tour of the heart from Franklin Institute.
The Role of the Heart
The heart is described as the most valuable organ in the body. The function of the heart is to pump
blood throughout the body. The heart works to pump and circulate all of the materials our body
needs to operate properly. The right side of the heart receives de–oxygenated blood from the body.
The blood rides through the Tricuspid Valve into the Right Ventricle. After that, it pumps through the
Pulmonary Valve into the Pulmonary Artery. This is where the de
–oxygenated blood is taken to the
lungs to get oxygen.
What Does My Heart Do? – Information on how the heart pumps blood around the body.
Function of the Heart – Information on how the heart functions.
The Cardiovascular System– Information on the role the heart plays in the cardiovascular system.
What Does the Heart Do All Day?– A description of how your heart functions everyday.
An Overview of The Human Heart– Information on what the human heart is and how it functions.
Heart Contractions and Blood Flow – An animation of the showing how the heart pumps.
Keeping Your Heart Healthy
It is important that we do everything we can to keep our heart healthy. In America, heart disease is
the greatest cause of death. An estimate of 64 million Americans have some form of cardiovascular
disease. Creating simple changes in your life can prevent cardiovascular problems and assist in
living a
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Definition Of Health
My definition of health is when one feels an overall sensation of healthiness across all 7 aspects of
health. A person who focuses independently on each aspect of health, views them as separate
entities, and in doing so tries to improve them each individually without thoughts of the other
aspects, will rarely ever reach a state of good health. One achieves health through the recognition that
all the aspects of health are interconnected and changes in one aspect directly or indirectly influence
others and application of this knowledge to their everyday life. At this time in my life, not all 7
dimensions of health are equal to me. As a stressed out first year science student I am personally
placing more emphasis on my intellectual/mental health, my emotional health, and my occupational
health. My ambition to learn and achieve high grades has left me in a position where I find I often
neglect my physical health, social health, environmental health, and spiritual health by isolating more content...
Considering that these are only two of the seven aspects of health, and that one should be healthy in
all seven aspects to be considered truly healthy, this statement is false. An example of someone who
is unhealthy yet looks fine and is not in pain would perhaps be someone who is unsatisfied with
their career and has taken to isolating themselves from their family, friends, and coworkers; while
they appear physically fit and possibly even in good mental health, they are not healthy
occupationally or socially and if they stay in this situation long enough, they might begin to see the
negative effects of this unhealthiness in other aspects of their
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An Essay About Health

  • 1. Essay about Philosophy of Health Philosophy of Health What makes a healthy person? Surely it is more than just exercising and eating right. When we say healthy aren't we referring to more than just being physically fit and not having any diseases or ailments. But what else is there that makes a person truly healthy? I think that while this physical description of healthy is a good start, there is far more to the story than this. For one to be considered truly healthy I believe that every aspect of their life must be looked at and addressed with the intention of making that person the best person that they can be. First and foremost is one's spiritual health, which is the foundation on which the other aspects of that person's life are built. In order that one more content... Finally, ones physical health does play an important role in their overall wellness. This aspect, while not necessarily as intrinsically important as the other aspects can play a determining role in those areas and so is essential to one's complete health. Obviously this is the most immediately changeable part of one' life and can be altered in many different ways, none of which are terribly difficult and most of which bring relatively quick results. All it takes to Improve this area of a person's health is the determination to do it and a simple plan of how to do so. Included in this plan can be changes in diet, exercise habits and even sleep habits. Together, health in these aspects of one's life can make a drastic difference in that persons overall outlook and attitude toward life, others and themselves. Therefore it is important that we each do our best to change those parts of our lives which need it and to encourage others as they attempt to so the same. So how should we live our lives if we want to be an all–around healthy person? What are some choices which we should and should not make if we want to be the best person we possibly can be? Well, I believe that these questions are probably answered differently by each person, but that these answers can be discovered in much the same way no matter who you are. Personally, I can look back and see numerous decisions which I have made in the past Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Careers in Healthcare Healthcare has many different areas one can go into if interested in this field. I have chosen two that have always been an interest to me; Nursing (particularly registered nursing) and an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician). Both jobs are very demanding and extremely important. Both are respected jobs and require a tremendous amount of caring for others. There are three levels of nursing; certified Nurse Assistant (CNA), Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or a Registered Nurse (RN). A registered nurse is the highest level of nursing. In order to practice nursing you must have an Associate Degree in Nursing, Bachelor Degree in Nursing, or in some cases a diploma in nursing from an accredited school. Nursing can provide many opportunities more content... They have to be comfortable with people in the most intimate circumstance because of the nature of dealing with different health situations. A registered nurse works with clients, their families and communities in various settings. They can work in nursing homes, assisted living, and adult foster care homes. Compensation for a registered nurse is pretty good. The median annual earnings in Oregon in 2008 were $62,450, with the lowest wage being $43,410 and the highest being $76, 570. The physical demands require that a person be physically capable of standing for long periods of time. Nurses often assist in lifting and moving patients and can work up to 12 hour days. They must also have technical abilities because of some of the computerized equipment. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the primary hazard in patient care is blood borne pathogens, such as hepatitis B and HIV. Nurses are exposed to a variety of infectious diseases so they must be very careful and follow the safety guidelines. A typical day includes accessing patient needs, creating treatment plans and evaluating their progress. They must also educate the patient and the families involved. The good things about having a Nursing degree is that you can choose a specialized area after you graduate. Pediatric nursing is one area that a registered nurse might want to specialize in. A pediatric nurse is one who cares for younger people from infant age up to the teen Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Health Promotion "Health is defined as a state of physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" (WHO). Like wise health promotion is the process of increasing the functional capacity of all people hence promote the sense of well–being. In order to accomplish this goal all health care professionals have to work hard by submitting themselves to their patients and community as a whole. Thus globalize health promotion should be the ultimate mission for all health care team, especially for nurses. Nurses are the first level health care team therefore nurses should play as a role model to all human beings. They should hold various positions in order to achieve optimum results. In this evolving health more content... The impacts of health promotion are healthy population and healthy environments. People need to commit themselves in strengthening their learning skills and to change their necessary life styles in order to improve their health. The Purpose of Health Promotion in Nursing Practice: Health promotion is utmost important to optimize and or to ensure a globalize good quality health. It is a multifactor approach and moreover the health care costs can be reduced to a great extent. Thus today's bad economic condition can be changed greatly. This enables every individual to function effectively and appropriately. It is necessary to explore concepts of health by interactions between physical, social, psychological and spiritual aspects of life.(Edelman 2010). To prevent further progression of diseases and various opportunistic infections nurses should implement multiple health education strategies and teaching styles. While assessing the patients and their families, present health status, their education, economy, supportive systems, learning skills and its strategies all have to be taken in to consideration. Furthermore implementing primary, secondary and tertiary preventive measures to promote health of all populations in every country thus globalize health promotion is achievable. By considering various aspects of health promotion, evaluating the effectiveness of assessments Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Definitions of Health Definitions of health It is fairly difficult to define health as there are no agreements between scholars. This is why many sociologists focus their research on the different issues and problems of ill health. Positive definition of health: positive health looks at the physical, emotional, intellectual aspects of a person's wellbeing. This is in the way that they do not have any diseases or ailments. An example of the positive definition of health in a health and social care is a nurse in who is working in a hospital can say to one of their patients that have recently started exercising to become more 'healthier' 'you look very healthy'. Positive health looks at what aspects of health are there and which ones make us more content... An example of holistic health could be that a psychologist's client may have bipolar disorder and the psychologist would still focus on all of the other aspects of their client's life and not just on the symptoms the client is experiencing of bipolar disorder. Holistic health looks as everything as a whole and never different aspects of health individually. World Health Organisation definition of health: the World Health Organisation defines health as "not merely an absence of disease, but a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well–being." (2013 K Pritchett Class Notes) An example of health defined by the World Health Organisation in a health and social care setting could be that in order for a patient of a doctors surgery to be healthy they would have to have a complete state of physical, mental, spiritual and social well–being. This means that if a patient was in a wheel chair they could never be seen as healthy as they do not have a complete state of physical well–being. The World Health Organisation thinks that people must have all complete aspects to be completely healthy. The Clinical Iceberg 'The Clinical Iceberg' is a term used to call the levels of illnesses that are found from official statistics. This is because some people do not always seek medical attention when they become ill therefore these official statistics may not be correct and showing the 'true' levels of Get more content on
  • 5. Essay about Health and Wellbeing Health and well–being is a high priority in current health and social care provision. The importance of promoting health and well–being is due to the dramatically increasing trend of morbidity and mortality from health problems, illness and chronic disease. Physiotherapists have potentially a significant role in the multidisciplinary health promotion arena. As physiotherapists can promote health in dynamic of ways and make contribution to the community. The promotion of health to enable individuals suffers from illness or has chronic conditions to improve their potential for healthy living. "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well–being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." (WHO, 1948) more content... Socioeconomic issue is also an important affecting factor, generally people with higher education and higher income tends to be less prone to stress. Due to their individual live is at a greater life quality. Quality of life can be defined as "individuals' perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns." (WHOQOL, 1995). Socioeconomic status tends to be inversely related to participation in leisure–time physical activity, which may be related to people with low incomes having less discretionary time and less access to exercise facilities and green spaces (McNeill et al., 2006) In developed countries, people tend to have a sedentary lifestyle which can leads to higher levels of obesity, therefore lower overall well–being. A study shown "The percentage of all deaths in England with obesity on the certificate doubled from 0.11% in 1995 to 0.23% in 2006." (NHS choices, 2010) The researchers concluded: "There is an emerging trend of increased certification of obesity as a cause of death in England." (NHS choices, 2010) Levels of obesity are increasing dramatically and, if current trends continue, around 90% of men and 80% of women will be overweight or obese by 2050. (Black, DC, 2008). Although countries differ greatly, "two thirds of the people 15 years and older in the European Union are not physically active at Get more content on
  • 6. I Am A Healthy Life Essay I'm living a healthy life in most aspects. Fist of all I keep healthy eating habits. I seldom skip breakfast during my weekdays so that I'm energetic for my classes everyday. I always plan my breakfast the day before, such as bagels or eggs. Breakfast is important so I try to make it fresh and delightful. Sometimes I drink tea instead of coffee. Black tea is my favorite because caffeine in it is lower than green tea or coffee. I always feel too excited after drinking coffee. I feel my heart beating faster than usual and my hands may even shake. Usually I don't eat a lot at night, especially before sleeping. This keeps my stomach healthy and prevents me from getting weight. I prefer eating healthier food rather than fast food such as burgers and fries. Sushi or other Asian dishes are always my dinner. They are light and balanced in nutrition, and good for my digest system. However, as a college student, I have some unhealthy behaviors which are common between me and my friends. The first one is, I always sleep after 12:00 am at night and it can be later during the weekends. As a result of sleeping late at night, sometimes it is hard for me to get up early in the morning. On the weekends I always wake up after 11:00 am. This is very unhealthy because I skip my breakfast and also my biological changes. I have to get used to the healthy routine again every Monday. Another bad behavior is that I seldom do any exercises. I used to do it for few times every week, but later I Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about Health, Safety and Nutrition The reason I chose to do my project on a game that can hit all three areas safety, health, and nutrition, is because all three areas are important to children and their families. As a parent I can easily justify the role a teacher has on the lives of our children. It is usually a parent does not know anything and the teacher is always right. In the eye's of a child. Many times well most of the time what you teach a child it usually stays with them, and if it is presented in a fun way it is almost certain that to stay with them longer. More important children like to share their new information with their families, some of the information may be new. So not only are you teaching their children you are also more content... It took so many children to die to have car seats and seatbelts as a requirement, a safety issue Still if we look back and compare life now to life then. Yes, many more safety issues are now addressed,, but then again they need to be addressed, since life has changed so much. When I was growing up many mom's were stay at home mom's, and there wase no use to be riding around we would just stay home, where our parents could keep an eye on their children at all times. Why health? As we all know that in today's society we see many children as well as adults who are suffering with obesity. Also those who suffer with anorexic. Many families live in the world of fast food. That which comes with a price. Life once again has changed from my childhood where I ate a home cooked meal, everyday. That included breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Like most families did at that time and there was more physical play then what we see today. Most children today rely on television and games for fun. While physical activity gets put aside and children not burn off calories . Nutrition falls under the same category. It is hard to make a game that does not include a all three health, safety, and nutrition, they go hand in hand. With this game it gives every child a chance to win. I also took into consideration that every child learns different. Some are kinestic learners, some visual, and others audio. With this game it does not matter what Get more content on
  • 8. Essay about Health and Wellbeing In society today, there is an extensive range of definitions of health and wellbeing which can be seen as both positive and negative. A Holistic view can also be identified and defined. These definitions of health have changed over time and will carry on changing within the future. According to where a family lives or their social class everyone will have different meanings and views of health and wellbeing. This may be due to what one person perceives as being healthy as another person may not. Channel 4 learning (no date) describes that a positive view of health can be seen as when a person is more likely to achieve and sustain physical fitness from exercising and are mentally stable. Therefor a negative view can be described when more content... According to Floyd, Mimms and Yelding (2008) Webster's Dictionary defines health as "the condition of being sound in body, mind and spirit... freedom from physical disease or pain." This definition has very much taken the holistic view. Wellbeing is a term in which reflects on the positive emphasis on health and can be broken down into six aspects know as environmental, physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual. To achieve a high balance of wellbeing it is vital that a person is able to balance and take care of each aspect effectively. Underdown (2007) implies that in 1948 the World Health Organization(WHO) defines health as 'a state of complete physical, mental and social well–being and not just the absence of disease or infirmity.' This definition took a holistic view as it mentions mental and social wellbeing and it was supported as it focused on a person being healthy rather than not being ill. However, this definition has been widely criticized. Seedhouse (1986) believed that for someone to be in perfect state of health is unachievable and unrealistic. There is a wide range of major genetic, social and environmental factors which influence the health and wellbeing of children in today's society. According to The Marmot Review (2011) the more deprived the area or district which a child lives in, the more likely it is to have social and Get more content on
  • 9. Health and Exercise Essay People spend millions of dollars every year on drugs that they are convinced that will help you lose weight, grow hair, reduce stress, anxiety, and plenty of other things. I wish I could have all of the money they have wasted on those products. What if they knew of something that would help them lose weight, improve cardiovascular health, help control stress, help improve muscle, bone, and joint health, benefit diabetic problems, and could do many other things to benefit their health? Exercise is something that is proven to help all of these things, but not a lot of people exercise on a regular basis. This is something that you do not have to pay for, so what is stopping everyone from exercising? There are many positive effects more content... Although if you're eating habits are unhealthy changing them would be a good idea. An average woman who exercises 3.5 days a week (176minutes) will lose more significant amount of weight than some one who does not exercise at all. But you have to understand that when you are exercising, you are also replacing fat with muscle and muscle weighs more than fat, but I know I would be happy if I didn't lose weight and replaced my fat with muscle. Overweight but fit people generally have half of the death rate than people who are overweight and unfit. People who have trained for quite a long time develop more effective mechanisms for burning fat and are capable to remain leaner. It does not matter what your level of fitness is, it can always be improved with normal exercise no matter what your age, but you have to know that some kinds of exercise are more effective for cardiovascular health than others. Any type of activity that works large groups of body muscles for about twenty minutes increases cardiac output and metabolic rate. You should practice this at least three to five times a week for it to be effective on the cardiovascular system. The heart will become larger and stronger as a result of exercising so it will be able to pump more blood though the body. The resting heart rate is slower in people who exercise because the heart needs less effort to pump the blood. Being inactive is one of the major risks for people with coronary artery Get more content on
  • 10. Health Issues Essay Health Issues 1. Physical activity Data regarding physical activity among Puerto Rican individuals are sparse. It is clear that these individuals have relatively high rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease, all of which are often accompanied by relative physical inactivity. However, this assumption must be regarded as no more than a hypothesis. 2. Overweight and obesity Puerto Rican diet tends to be relatively high in calories, fat, complex carbohydrates, and sodium. It is somewhat deficient in calcium and vegetables. Younger individuals have abandoned the traditional diet for a more Americanized diet that includes a great deal of fast food, pizza, hot dogs, canned spaghetti, more content... Only 5.8% of Hispanic women report smoking during pregnancy; the reported rate among Puerto Rican women during pregnancy is higher. However, smoking among young Hispanic women, including Puerto Rican women, is lower than for White or African–American young women. Among women who smoke, Puerto Ricans were more likely to be heavy smokers than others (48.6% smoked more than 1/2 pack per day). Overall, among Hispanic men, the smoking rate is 26%, as compared with 27% for White men. It is not clear whether the same rates apply for Puerto Rican men. Tobacco use is disproportionately promoted in minority and Hispanic neighborhoods, including Puerto Rican neighborhoods. 4. Substance abuse A 1984 study of adolescent drinking in Puerto Rican communities suggested a lower rate of alcohol use and abuse in this population. However, problem drinking increased when adolescents left home. The same study found that problem drinking was substantial among mothers. 5. Responsible sexual behavior In the continental U.S., Puerto Rican adolescents have a relatively high rate of pregnancy among unmarried mothers, higher than for other Hispanic groups or for white women. These women tended to be poorly educated, and to have limited access to early pre–natal care. Puerto Ricans have been reported to be at greater risk of contracting AIDS through sexual Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about A Healthy Heart From the very first time the heart starts pounding until the time of death, it may beat more than 3.5 billion times. The center of the circulatory system is the heart. The average heart beats 100,000 times each day, pushing around 2,000 gallons of blood throughout your body. With a life span of 70–90, the heart will beat two to three billion times and circulate 50–65 million gallons of blood. The hearts role is to pump oxygenated blood to every cell in the body by having a continuous beat. Throughout time the heart has created mystery, however current technology has solved most of the mystery, there still remains an enchantment and eagerness to learn more. In this article, we will learn the involvement of the hearts more content... Home: Where the Heart Is – An outline and tour of the heart from Franklin Institute. The Role of the Heart The heart is described as the most valuable organ in the body. The function of the heart is to pump blood throughout the body. The heart works to pump and circulate all of the materials our body needs to operate properly. The right side of the heart receives de–oxygenated blood from the body. The blood rides through the Tricuspid Valve into the Right Ventricle. After that, it pumps through the Pulmonary Valve into the Pulmonary Artery. This is where the de –oxygenated blood is taken to the lungs to get oxygen. What Does My Heart Do? – Information on how the heart pumps blood around the body. Function of the Heart – Information on how the heart functions. The Cardiovascular System– Information on the role the heart plays in the cardiovascular system. What Does the Heart Do All Day?– A description of how your heart functions everyday. An Overview of The Human Heart– Information on what the human heart is and how it functions. Heart Contractions and Blood Flow – An animation of the showing how the heart pumps. Keeping Your Heart Healthy It is important that we do everything we can to keep our heart healthy. In America, heart disease is the greatest cause of death. An estimate of 64 million Americans have some form of cardiovascular disease. Creating simple changes in your life can prevent cardiovascular problems and assist in living a Get more content on
  • 12. Definition Of Health My definition of health is when one feels an overall sensation of healthiness across all 7 aspects of health. A person who focuses independently on each aspect of health, views them as separate entities, and in doing so tries to improve them each individually without thoughts of the other aspects, will rarely ever reach a state of good health. One achieves health through the recognition that all the aspects of health are interconnected and changes in one aspect directly or indirectly influence others and application of this knowledge to their everyday life. At this time in my life, not all 7 dimensions of health are equal to me. As a stressed out first year science student I am personally placing more emphasis on my intellectual/mental health, my emotional health, and my occupational health. My ambition to learn and achieve high grades has left me in a position where I find I often neglect my physical health, social health, environmental health, and spiritual health by isolating more content... Considering that these are only two of the seven aspects of health, and that one should be healthy in all seven aspects to be considered truly healthy, this statement is false. An example of someone who is unhealthy yet looks fine and is not in pain would perhaps be someone who is unsatisfied with their career and has taken to isolating themselves from their family, friends, and coworkers; while they appear physically fit and possibly even in good mental health, they are not healthy occupationally or socially and if they stay in this situation long enough, they might begin to see the negative effects of this unhealthiness in other aspects of their Get more content on