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Dominica Carib People: The Kalinago                                                               Page 1 of 5

  Dominica Carib People: The Kalinago 70
  By irclay

  Kalinago: a culture on the edge
  Kent Auguiste, was my host and Taxi driver. A
  Carib/Kalinago by birth and by nature, he spend
  hours educating me on Kalinago folklore, and the
  experience of growing up as a Carib in Dominica.
  Not a happy story; deprived of education, and
  robbed of their sense of worth by religious
  doctrine, he says. "We all become Peter, Paul
  and Mary. Our ancestral Kalinago names are lost
  now, a sad fate for the first people of this land,
  who have been here for 5000 years".

  Kent was the prefect man for the job. He was a
  good teacher, patient and knowledgeable and
  very well connected. His brother had been Chief
  of the Carib/Kalinago people and he was friendly
  with everyone, it seemed. We met the new Chief,
  Garnett Joseph, and we talked about history,                  See all 10 photos
  education, culture, religion and beliefs, about
                                                          Source: Kent among the herbs at Carib
  heath, prejudice, the state of the nation and the
  future. All in one day, traveling from Roseau to
  the Carib/Kalinago Territories and back via
  Jungle Bay. We picked up several people on the
  way, one a Kalinago woman traveling to the
  Territories and another a bright young man who
  was foreman on a project, building a jungle
  retreat for an America executive. At our stops we
  met and chatted with all sorts of beautiful
  Kalinago people.

  Here is the story from that day and the months of
  research, reading and thinking that followed It is
  influenced interpretations and comparisons
  which are entirely personal and not intended to
  speak for a people or their culture.

  I worry a lot about writing about other people and
  cultures that I am not part of. I reconcile that with
  the fact that we are all able to think, observe and
  have insights, and to become informed. With that
  we are entitled to a point of view and sometimes
  we have a right to share it.

  Dominica; a Fortress for the Kalinago
  The history of Dominica is the history of the
  Caribbean with a salient difference - Dominica
  was a fortress like no other Island. It withstood
  countless invasions and become a Kingdom of
  the Kalinago people.

  The Dominica fortress, with its thick forest, steep
  mountains and few harbors, was hard to
  penetrate. The Kalinago People -fearless,
  inventive and totally in-tuned to nature- were               Dominica Mountain Fortress
  tireless in the defense of their island. "They were
  master of the Dominica island fortress," Kent tells                                                      12/3/2010
Dominica Carib People: The Kalinago                                                                             Page 2 of 5

  me. "The Africans, French, English and Spanish
  Invaders thought the Kalinago of Dominica were
  superhuman spirits. A Kalinago would appear 20
  paces in front of you, out of nowhere and just as
  suddenly disappear like a spirit meting into air".

  A network of lookouts and inter-island
  communication (canoes) kept them informed on
  the intruders, men with shiny heads and the sun
  in their arms. They came in from the North in
  great towering ships that moved down to
  Dominica, powered by the wind in huge square                       Caribbean early map

  canvas sails.

  Columbus is thought to be the first European to
  land on the Caribbean Shores and his journals
  are of a friendly and hospitable Tanio people
  (Arawaks) that he met along the way.

         "Columbus and his crew, landing on an
         island in the Bahamas on October 12,
         1492 were the first Europeans to
         encounter the Taíno people. Columbus
                                                               View from the Kaligano Territories
         They traded with us and gave us
         everything they had, with good will...they
         took great delight in pleasing us...They
         are very gentle and without knowledge of
         what is evil; nor do they murder or
         steal...Your highness may believe that in
         all the world there can be no better
         people ...They love their neighbours as
         themselves, and they have the sweetest
         talk in the world, and are gentle and
         always laughing." wikipedia                              Historic Gallion Cabrits Fort

  Tanio & Kalinago>>

  But those that followed Columbus had more than discovery in mind. They were after gold, control of the
  seas and sugar. Each invading nation -the Dutch, British, French and Spanish- fought to take the
  islands and make them their own. The indigenous people were enslaved, in many cases. Bands of
  sailors, loose on Iand for the first time in ages, reportedly plundered villages, took the women and killed
  the men. The atrocities committed are well known.

  Dominica, lying far south, had the advantage of hindsight. The Arawak people who lived in the north got
  the message out. They paddled in relays, from island to island and signal post to signal post, and
  warned their neighbours in the south of what to expect. Many invading forces were beaten off and
  ambushed on the open beaches of Dominica by invisible spirits shooting poisoned arrows from
  somewhere in a jungle.

  So successful were the Dominican Kalinago that both the French and English ceded control of the
  island to them at different times.

  Kalinago Rule
  In 1660 Governor Willoughby of Barbados
  appointed a young 30-year-old Carib Chief
  named Carib Warner as Lieutenant Governor of
  Dominica. Carib Warner was a Carib of mixed
  race, son of Sir Thomas Warner, the English
  colonizer of St. Kitts, for whom Carib Warner's
  Dominican mother worked. Carib Warner grew
  up in the stately St. Kitts home of an English
  Lord until the age of 13, when his farther died.                                                                    12/3/2010
Dominica Carib People: The Kalinago                                                                            Page 3 of 5

  He was a clever diplomat and played the English
  and the French well, wining the respect of his
  people and of Willoughby. But the British too
  were divided; those in Barbados controlled the
  wealth of sugar and in the leeward islands
  of Antigua and St. Kitts, other Brits brimmed with
  jealousy. Sir Thomas' rightful son, Phip Warner,
  conspired to change the situation and in 1674
  landed in Dominica and under the guise of
  friendship, entrapped and murdered his half-
  brother Carib Warner and massacred his village
  (now called Massac). Its a sad story of English
  conspiracy and a betrayal which continued for
  decades. Despite several treaties, right up to
  1748, declaring that Dominica belonged to
  the Kalinago, greed for sugar wealth drove the
  French and English to continue to fight over the
                                                                       Territories rule

  The Caribs are a people very much betrayed. Betrayed in popular myths that made Kent's friends afraid
  to visit his village in case they were eaten. "We were not cannibals, but ignorance of our ways and
  character, condemned us to that," says Kent. They were betrayed by treaties that meant nothing,
  betrayed by opportunity, preduce, jealousy and finally by neglect.

  There are only 3000 Caribs remaining. They live in eight villages on the East Coast of Dominica in an
  area of approx. 3700 acres called the Carib Territory. They have their own chief and also a
  representative in the house of assembly. They tend to be private and separate people, and their culture
  has not changed greatly. Today Caribs by birth are entitled to live in the Carib Territories. A Carib can
  cultivate any available land and thus lay claim to it. They are an agricultural people, relying on nature
  for medicine, food, heath and care of spirit and mind. There is a herb for everything, from feeling sad to
  healing the body or the mind.

  Kalinago Today

  The Carib/Kalinago Territory has been compared
  to American and Canadian reserves in a lot of
  respects. But it is different in key areas. The
  Territory was ceded to the Kalinago, which was
  significant and unique in the Caribbean. But they
  were largely ignored and marginalized with no
  attempt to educate and assimilate, as was the
  case in America. This was both good and bad.                        Tending the land.
  They were spared the indignity of been torn from
  families and boarded into schools far away
  where abuse and disrespect was rampant. But
  they lacked an education, and were thus dis-
  enfranchised from taking a more active role in
  the affairs of the land. In time, Kalinago leaders
  spoke out and demanded more: More voice and
  more inclusion in the modernization taking in
  place in Dominica. They wanted schools, roads
  and electricity.

  They are not a people who have lost their way,
                                                                Craft shop in Carib Territories
  as we see in many Canadian reserves where
  drugs and alcohol fill the gap in a life without
  much hope or expectation. The great experiment
  in The North has robbed some native people of
  their own way of life and has given them little in
  return. Kalinago have not lost a way of life. They
  live off the land, and use it well. They fish, make                                                                   12/3/2010
Dominica Carib People: The Kalinago                                                                              Page 4 of 5

  crafts, built boats and sail out to sea in small
  canoes, riding the waves with the skills of their

  Assimilation was not the objective but in the
  name of preservation many have been negligent.
  The culture has largely been ignored by both the
  Caribs themselves and the governments of the
  time. When Kent went to school he was one of
  only 3 Caribs ever to attend a secondary school.
  The school in Roseau was several hours away
  from his home, which meant he had to rent
  somewhere to live nearby. This the family could
  not afford and soon he was forced to abandon
  school. For an intelligent person it was a great
  disappointment, an insult, and a rejection. Kent
  became one of the new breed of radicals that
  voiced concern and criticized the Government for
  its neglect of his people. He still talks out on all
  sorts of issues, on the radio and wherever he

  Myth, mysticism and magic in Carib Cuture.

  Kalinago are a friendly and gentle people and they coexist with governments and non-Kalinago in quiet
  respect. Ancient art shows Kalinago offering fruit and drink to welcome the strangers from another land.
  It is their way; they are not a fearful people, but they do not seek conflict and they choose a simple life
  living with nature. They are one with nature and fit into the Dominica landscape as naturally as the birds
  and animals of the jungle. Like spirits of the jungle, unmatched in agility, stamina and natural
  knowledge. The Kalinago knowledge of herbs and plants is exceptional. It is said they use over 300
  different herbs for medicine are some of the best bush doctors in the Caribbean.

  In Kalinago folklore, there was always a shaman, a sort of mystic healer they called the Pyie Man. He
  cured illness with herbs and spells and smoke. Smoke as used in some Christian ceremonies and as
  used by Shamballa Buddhist to cleanse and ward off spirits. The Pyie man believed in spirits and called
  on the power of nature to heal afflicted souls. Herb baths were used to cleanse and restore health.
  There was a herb for every ailment. In some ways the Pyie man was similar to the African Voodoo and
  the Afro-Carib Obeah and native Shaman.

  All belief systems merged and influenced each other over time. Aspects of Christian ceremonials and
  sacraments such as the use of oils, herbs and blessed communion wafers were integrated in the
  beliefs and over the decades, the Kalinago accept Christianity as a part, but not a replacement, of what
  they believe. The African mask and rituals too found their way into worship and practice. The Kalinago
  People believe in nature; a community of common knowledge, unity and balance. They believe in unity
  and balance above all; knowing that taking power away has a personal and universal effect, that giving
  enriches all. To many Kalinago, God is the supreme being, as natural as nature, powerful, majestic,
  eternal, universal and present in everything.

  A Culture revived

  The construction of the Historic Kalinago Village, was an attempt to restore, or at least document, the
  culture. It is a valuable museum of a history, but many fault it for being unreal. Kalinago do not live as
  they did, nor do they dance in costumes as portrayed in the tourist festivals. Still, it is of value and the
  attention from the outside does endear a sense of a people and culture that was and should be.

  Pride is not a feature of the Kalinago Culture but pride can be the basis for its preservation. The blood
  line is dying gradually by intermarriage, emigration and an aging population with a low birth rate. The
  past Kalinago Chief, Charles Williams, suggested that Kalinago should only marry Caribs, but that went
  down like a lead balloon.

  Some think it is already too late; that the true Kalinago by birth is an exception. What needs now to be
  preserved is a culture and a history. Blood alone need not define a culture. History has many
  examples: Carib Warner was appointed as chief of his people although of mixed race and raised as the
  sun of an English lord. The Kalinago Carib culture is also a state of mind. It has purpose and stands as
  an example of a way of life that should be preserved.                                                                     12/3/2010
Dominica Carib People: The Kalinago                                                                    Page 5 of 5

  Useful Dopminica links
    • Caribbean Stories - Dominica Discovery
      Hollywood was here with Johnny Depp and his Pirates of the Caribbean, but hardly a footprint
      remains of the cast and the crew. Dominica changes slowly, The island moves with a contented
      crowd, 70,000...
    • Dominica hotels | Travel and Tourism | activities | Dominica holidays
      Dominica Travel Adventure Planning and Bookings. Use Booking Dominica as your guide to all
      hotels, accomodations and activities in Dominica. vacation hotel resorts and apartments, all-
      inlusive Resorts, Vacation Package Bookings, Villas
    • Travelers Insight Magazine- Dominica - on Demand print- buy online
      Travelers Insights Magazine brings you a unique look into the people and culture of a travel
      destination. Its a great guide and story
    • Kalinago (Carib) Resistance to European Colonisation of the Caribbean | Caribbean Quarterly |
      Find A
      Kalinago (Carib) Resistance to European Colonisation of the Caribbean from Caribbean Quarterly
      provided by Find Articles at BNET                                                           12/3/2010

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Cultural Tourism: Dominica Carib People: The Kalinago

  • 1. Dominica Carib People: The Kalinago Page 1 of 5 Dominica Carib People: The Kalinago 70 By irclay Kalinago: a culture on the edge Kent Auguiste, was my host and Taxi driver. A Carib/Kalinago by birth and by nature, he spend hours educating me on Kalinago folklore, and the experience of growing up as a Carib in Dominica. Not a happy story; deprived of education, and robbed of their sense of worth by religious doctrine, he says. "We all become Peter, Paul and Mary. Our ancestral Kalinago names are lost now, a sad fate for the first people of this land, who have been here for 5000 years". Kent was the prefect man for the job. He was a good teacher, patient and knowledgeable and very well connected. His brother had been Chief of the Carib/Kalinago people and he was friendly with everyone, it seemed. We met the new Chief, Garnett Joseph, and we talked about history, See all 10 photos education, culture, religion and beliefs, about Source: Kent among the herbs at Carib heath, prejudice, the state of the nation and the Territories. future. All in one day, traveling from Roseau to the Carib/Kalinago Territories and back via Jungle Bay. We picked up several people on the way, one a Kalinago woman traveling to the Territories and another a bright young man who was foreman on a project, building a jungle retreat for an America executive. At our stops we met and chatted with all sorts of beautiful Kalinago people. Here is the story from that day and the months of research, reading and thinking that followed It is influenced interpretations and comparisons which are entirely personal and not intended to speak for a people or their culture. I worry a lot about writing about other people and cultures that I am not part of. I reconcile that with the fact that we are all able to think, observe and have insights, and to become informed. With that we are entitled to a point of view and sometimes we have a right to share it. Dominica; a Fortress for the Kalinago The history of Dominica is the history of the Caribbean with a salient difference - Dominica was a fortress like no other Island. It withstood countless invasions and become a Kingdom of the Kalinago people. The Dominica fortress, with its thick forest, steep mountains and few harbors, was hard to penetrate. The Kalinago People -fearless, inventive and totally in-tuned to nature- were Dominica Mountain Fortress tireless in the defense of their island. "They were master of the Dominica island fortress," Kent tells 12/3/2010
  • 2. Dominica Carib People: The Kalinago Page 2 of 5 me. "The Africans, French, English and Spanish Invaders thought the Kalinago of Dominica were superhuman spirits. A Kalinago would appear 20 paces in front of you, out of nowhere and just as suddenly disappear like a spirit meting into air". A network of lookouts and inter-island communication (canoes) kept them informed on the intruders, men with shiny heads and the sun in their arms. They came in from the North in great towering ships that moved down to Dominica, powered by the wind in huge square Caribbean early map canvas sails. Columbus is thought to be the first European to land on the Caribbean Shores and his journals are of a friendly and hospitable Tanio people (Arawaks) that he met along the way. "Columbus and his crew, landing on an island in the Bahamas on October 12, 1492 were the first Europeans to encounter the Taíno people. Columbus wrote: View from the Kaligano Territories They traded with us and gave us everything they had, with good will...they took great delight in pleasing us...They are very gentle and without knowledge of what is evil; nor do they murder or steal...Your highness may believe that in all the world there can be no better people ...They love their neighbours as themselves, and they have the sweetest talk in the world, and are gentle and always laughing." wikipedia Historic Gallion Cabrits Fort Tanio & Kalinago>> But those that followed Columbus had more than discovery in mind. They were after gold, control of the seas and sugar. Each invading nation -the Dutch, British, French and Spanish- fought to take the islands and make them their own. The indigenous people were enslaved, in many cases. Bands of sailors, loose on Iand for the first time in ages, reportedly plundered villages, took the women and killed the men. The atrocities committed are well known. Dominica, lying far south, had the advantage of hindsight. The Arawak people who lived in the north got the message out. They paddled in relays, from island to island and signal post to signal post, and warned their neighbours in the south of what to expect. Many invading forces were beaten off and ambushed on the open beaches of Dominica by invisible spirits shooting poisoned arrows from somewhere in a jungle. So successful were the Dominican Kalinago that both the French and English ceded control of the island to them at different times. Kalinago Rule In 1660 Governor Willoughby of Barbados appointed a young 30-year-old Carib Chief named Carib Warner as Lieutenant Governor of Dominica. Carib Warner was a Carib of mixed race, son of Sir Thomas Warner, the English colonizer of St. Kitts, for whom Carib Warner's Dominican mother worked. Carib Warner grew up in the stately St. Kitts home of an English Lord until the age of 13, when his farther died. 12/3/2010
  • 3. Dominica Carib People: The Kalinago Page 3 of 5 He was a clever diplomat and played the English and the French well, wining the respect of his people and of Willoughby. But the British too were divided; those in Barbados controlled the wealth of sugar and in the leeward islands of Antigua and St. Kitts, other Brits brimmed with jealousy. Sir Thomas' rightful son, Phip Warner, conspired to change the situation and in 1674 landed in Dominica and under the guise of friendship, entrapped and murdered his half- brother Carib Warner and massacred his village (now called Massac). Its a sad story of English conspiracy and a betrayal which continued for decades. Despite several treaties, right up to 1748, declaring that Dominica belonged to the Kalinago, greed for sugar wealth drove the French and English to continue to fight over the island. Territories rule Betrayal The Caribs are a people very much betrayed. Betrayed in popular myths that made Kent's friends afraid to visit his village in case they were eaten. "We were not cannibals, but ignorance of our ways and character, condemned us to that," says Kent. They were betrayed by treaties that meant nothing, betrayed by opportunity, preduce, jealousy and finally by neglect. There are only 3000 Caribs remaining. They live in eight villages on the East Coast of Dominica in an area of approx. 3700 acres called the Carib Territory. They have their own chief and also a representative in the house of assembly. They tend to be private and separate people, and their culture has not changed greatly. Today Caribs by birth are entitled to live in the Carib Territories. A Carib can cultivate any available land and thus lay claim to it. They are an agricultural people, relying on nature for medicine, food, heath and care of spirit and mind. There is a herb for everything, from feeling sad to healing the body or the mind. Kalinago Today Territories The Carib/Kalinago Territory has been compared to American and Canadian reserves in a lot of respects. But it is different in key areas. The Territory was ceded to the Kalinago, which was significant and unique in the Caribbean. But they were largely ignored and marginalized with no attempt to educate and assimilate, as was the case in America. This was both good and bad. Tending the land. They were spared the indignity of been torn from families and boarded into schools far away where abuse and disrespect was rampant. But they lacked an education, and were thus dis- enfranchised from taking a more active role in the affairs of the land. In time, Kalinago leaders spoke out and demanded more: More voice and more inclusion in the modernization taking in place in Dominica. They wanted schools, roads and electricity. They are not a people who have lost their way, Craft shop in Carib Territories as we see in many Canadian reserves where drugs and alcohol fill the gap in a life without much hope or expectation. The great experiment in The North has robbed some native people of their own way of life and has given them little in return. Kalinago have not lost a way of life. They live off the land, and use it well. They fish, make 12/3/2010
  • 4. Dominica Carib People: The Kalinago Page 4 of 5 crafts, built boats and sail out to sea in small canoes, riding the waves with the skills of their ancestors. Assimilation was not the objective but in the name of preservation many have been negligent. The culture has largely been ignored by both the Caribs themselves and the governments of the time. When Kent went to school he was one of only 3 Caribs ever to attend a secondary school. The school in Roseau was several hours away from his home, which meant he had to rent somewhere to live nearby. This the family could not afford and soon he was forced to abandon school. For an intelligent person it was a great disappointment, an insult, and a rejection. Kent became one of the new breed of radicals that voiced concern and criticized the Government for its neglect of his people. He still talks out on all sorts of issues, on the radio and wherever he can. Myth, mysticism and magic in Carib Cuture. Kalinago are a friendly and gentle people and they coexist with governments and non-Kalinago in quiet respect. Ancient art shows Kalinago offering fruit and drink to welcome the strangers from another land. It is their way; they are not a fearful people, but they do not seek conflict and they choose a simple life living with nature. They are one with nature and fit into the Dominica landscape as naturally as the birds and animals of the jungle. Like spirits of the jungle, unmatched in agility, stamina and natural knowledge. The Kalinago knowledge of herbs and plants is exceptional. It is said they use over 300 different herbs for medicine are some of the best bush doctors in the Caribbean. In Kalinago folklore, there was always a shaman, a sort of mystic healer they called the Pyie Man. He cured illness with herbs and spells and smoke. Smoke as used in some Christian ceremonies and as used by Shamballa Buddhist to cleanse and ward off spirits. The Pyie man believed in spirits and called on the power of nature to heal afflicted souls. Herb baths were used to cleanse and restore health. There was a herb for every ailment. In some ways the Pyie man was similar to the African Voodoo and the Afro-Carib Obeah and native Shaman. All belief systems merged and influenced each other over time. Aspects of Christian ceremonials and sacraments such as the use of oils, herbs and blessed communion wafers were integrated in the beliefs and over the decades, the Kalinago accept Christianity as a part, but not a replacement, of what they believe. The African mask and rituals too found their way into worship and practice. The Kalinago People believe in nature; a community of common knowledge, unity and balance. They believe in unity and balance above all; knowing that taking power away has a personal and universal effect, that giving enriches all. To many Kalinago, God is the supreme being, as natural as nature, powerful, majestic, eternal, universal and present in everything. A Culture revived The construction of the Historic Kalinago Village, was an attempt to restore, or at least document, the culture. It is a valuable museum of a history, but many fault it for being unreal. Kalinago do not live as they did, nor do they dance in costumes as portrayed in the tourist festivals. Still, it is of value and the attention from the outside does endear a sense of a people and culture that was and should be. Pride is not a feature of the Kalinago Culture but pride can be the basis for its preservation. The blood line is dying gradually by intermarriage, emigration and an aging population with a low birth rate. The past Kalinago Chief, Charles Williams, suggested that Kalinago should only marry Caribs, but that went down like a lead balloon. Some think it is already too late; that the true Kalinago by birth is an exception. What needs now to be preserved is a culture and a history. Blood alone need not define a culture. History has many examples: Carib Warner was appointed as chief of his people although of mixed race and raised as the sun of an English lord. The Kalinago Carib culture is also a state of mind. It has purpose and stands as an example of a way of life that should be preserved. 12/3/2010
  • 5. Dominica Carib People: The Kalinago Page 5 of 5 Useful Dopminica links • Caribbean Stories - Dominica Discovery Hollywood was here with Johnny Depp and his Pirates of the Caribbean, but hardly a footprint remains of the cast and the crew. Dominica changes slowly, The island moves with a contented crowd, 70,000... • Dominica hotels | Travel and Tourism | activities | Dominica holidays Dominica Travel Adventure Planning and Bookings. Use Booking Dominica as your guide to all hotels, accomodations and activities in Dominica. vacation hotel resorts and apartments, all- inlusive Resorts, Vacation Package Bookings, Villas • Travelers Insight Magazine- Dominica - on Demand print- buy online Travelers Insights Magazine brings you a unique look into the people and culture of a travel destination. Its a great guide and story • Kalinago (Carib) Resistance to European Colonisation of the Caribbean | Caribbean Quarterly | Find A Kalinago (Carib) Resistance to European Colonisation of the Caribbean from Caribbean Quarterly provided by Find Articles at BNET 12/3/2010