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Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawdrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Does Mars effect on Earth – Moon Motion?123
The Author Authorized To Be Used By
Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous
A Student–Physics Department- Physics &
Mathematics Faculty –
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) - Moscow – Russia
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis and
Theory of Functions Department)
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN
University) - Moscow – Russia
Phone +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83
The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo – Egypt –11th
April March 202045
This paper discusses 3 basic points which are:7
Point) Mars Immigration Theory which explain the Earth Moon Origin8
Point) Mars & Earth Moon Motions Interaction – where I claim that – both10
Motions depend on each other regardless the distance11
Point) a deep analysis for the force causes the plant motion – because I claim13
that- the planet moves by a force more stronger and effective geometrically than th14
gravity definition as written in the modern physics book1516
Let's remember "Mars Immigration Theory" to pass the point No. 117
- Mars original orbital distance was 84 mkm and Mars had immigrated from it to its19
new orbital distance 227.9 mkm – Through this Motion from 84 mkm to 227.920
mkm Mars had collided with Venus and then Mars had collided with Earth also21
- From these Collisions debris Earth Moon is created –also from the debris Mars22
had found its moons and the rest debris were attracted by Jupiter, creating The23
Asteroid Belt –24
- Mars Immgration Theory simply supports "The Giant-impact hypothesis" but25
there's no another planet caused the collisions – instead Mars itself did by its26
motion from its orginal point 84 mkm to its current one 227.9 mkm27
"Mars Immigration Theory" solves The Giant –Impact Hypothesis difficulties29
- The Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) Origin– is Venus – because the moon is30
created by 3 planets debris – that's why the three planets rock are found…31
- Why Venus Has No Moon? – Because Mars moved from 84 mkm to 227.9 mkm33
and pushed all debris with its motion direction – far from Venus – but Earth has34
greater Mass and the debris lost their motion high momentum – so Earth could35
attrackt some debris and create its moon36
- Why The Iron Oxide (Feo) of the Moon= (13%)? This also is solved because The38
rate (13%) is a middle between Mars rate (18%) and the terrestrial mantle (8%).39
The Giant-impact hypothesis supports Mars Immigration Theory41
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawdrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
1- Introduction1
The paper abstracted remembered us by Mars immigration theory – for more details2
please review my papers mentioned in the paper references3
Now let's move to the 2nd
Point) Mars & Earth Moon Motions Interaction – where I claim that – both7
Motions depend on each other regardless the distance8
Let's start with Data as usual9
I - Data10
Mars moves per solar day 0.524 degrees (= 1/1.9 degrees Mars orbital inclination)12
The Earth Moon moves per solar day 13.18 degrees14
13.18 deg x1.9 deg (Mars Orbital Inclination) =25.2 deg2
(Mars Axial Tilt =25.2 deg)16
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 27.3 days (the Earth Moon orbital period) x 25.218
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) x 1.920
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 687 days (Mars orbital period) x 2π22
II – Discussion24
Regardless any explanation for the previous data – the main question is25
It's understandable that Mars motion per solar day (0.524 degrees) depends on the26
solar day period …………..And27
It's understandable that the Earth Moon motion per solar day (13.18 degrees) depends28
on the solar day period29
But …..How30
Mars orbital inclination (1.9 degrees) or Mars axial tilt (25.2 degrees) can depend on31
the solar day Period? How that can be possible?32
The previous equation tells that – Earth radius is created relative to Earth Motion36
Distance per solar day – how the matter can be created as a function of time?!37
We will discuss that in point No. 3 of this paper – so let's refer to the paper contents38
The Paper Contents40
Point No. 2- Methodology41
Point No. 3- Mars and Earth Moon Motions Interaction42
Point No. 4- The Masses Gravity analysis43
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawdrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
2- Methodology1
Why Jupiter diameter =142984 km? ….. Why we need to answer such question?2
I use the planets data analysis in my study for the solar system geometry – I try to test3
our vision toward the solar system creation and Motion –4
So – in my research – clearly – I compare between the planets data and the physics5
acceptable theories to see if there's a consistency between both6
Why Jupiter diameter =142984 km? is a question has no clear answer – the diameter7
creation is attributed to different (unknown) historical circumstances & records …8
Based on that:9
If Jupiter diameter =142984 km = 8 planets diameters total – such data – has no any11
geometrical effect in the solar system understanding – the data simply is found by12
pure coincidence…! Also13
If Jupiter diameter 142984 km x 5040 = 720.7 mkm (Mercury Jupiter Distance)15
Where Mercury Day needs 5040 seconds to be =176 solar days and Mercury moves16
during its day period (175.94 solar days) a distance = 720.7 mkm – or17
If Jupiter diameter 142984 km = 1 million km /7 where Mercury orbital inclination19
=7 degrees and 1 degree = 1 mkm because Mercury orbital circumference =36020
degrees = 360 mkm21
Such data also gives us no better understanding for the solar system…22
How The Matter Is Created? the ancient question – is removed from the book – and24
we accept that the matter is a continuous miracle found without an explanation!25
That's why I use the planets data to discover the solar system geometry …26
I accept the historical records about how the planet is created if there's a proof– For27
example – a person had an accident and his arm was cut in this accident – So can this28
person still have 2 arms Now? We need a proof for the historical record29
About what we argue here?31
The person has lost his arm but still can live… the planet has changed its data but still32
can revolve around the sun! the person personality is still (almost) the same – and the33
planet still can do its geometrical role-34
The person is not a body- And – The Planet Is Not Just A Matter36
That's why I ask – why Jupiter diameter =142984 km? because we try to discover the38
geometrical power which is found behind the planet diameter creation!39
Earth Circumference = the (5) inner planets diameters total! Why…?41
The planet is NOT just a matter – The Matter Is Created By A Geometrical42
Powerful Hand - the matter is created as one player in a team – with the space – the43
time –the energy – the motion – many other players –44
If the person is over-bleeding – he will die and his personality will be disappeared46
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawdrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
The body is the main key behind which the human power is hidden1
The planet matter is the key behind which the geometrical great power is hidden2
That's why we ask how the matter is created? can Kepler help us?3
"Kepler thus assumed that the volumes of the planets were proportional to their5
distances to the sun and the quantity of matter they contained to the square root of6
this distance, so that planetary densities varied inversely as square root of the7
orbital radius and is this ad hoc way be could reproduced his third law (T2
varies with8
) and absorb into physical Astronomy" "From Eudexus to Einstein A history of9
Mathematical astronomy"(page 198-199) C.M. Linton–Cambridge university Press…10
Deep Discussion12
Why the planet density is changed relative to its orbital distance?!13
Kepler – Since hundreds of years- told that – the solar system is one building and15
each planet is a part of this same building – or16
The solar system is one machine and each planet is a gear of this same machine…17
We don't like this idea! Why?19
Because our eyes see the planets are separated matters from each other- we consider20
that- Where the space separates the planets from each other – so they are21
independent planets (matters)! – Our eyes see by this way and refuse to understand22
any other idea –So we see the mirage and believe it's a real water23
What if we wrongly see this vision? Let's test it – do we know what's the space? How25
the space is created or from what stuff? The naïve vision tells us –the space is the26
nothingness – and found without creation!27
Kepler told - Planet matter is created based on geometrical rules- it's Not the Big28
Bang description (Why? because it's NOT The Random Creation Concept)29
The planets were created (as parts of the same one building – which necessitates to30
create these planets data depending on each other –and because of that the data shows31
this dependency)32
Based on this explanation – can the planet diameter (matter) is created in relationship34
with Planet orbital distance (Space)? i.e the matter and Space are created with35
specific rates to each other to do one geometrical job, Can that be possible?!36
Lorentz Length Contraction Phenomenon tells the answer! Why?? BECAUSE38
Lorentz Length Contraction Phenomenon deals with a Particle length as a distance –39
both are contracted by high velocity motion!40
As if the matter (a particle length) is equivalent to the space (a distance)41
So the ancient question- how the matter is created- was not negligent completely –42
but there are different tries accumulate the knowledge to support our investigation.43
The Planets Data analysis is a way to test our ideas and review our visions to know if45
we see the real water or just a mirage.46
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawdrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3- Mars and Earth Moon Motions Interaction1
3-1 The Basic Data 3-2 The Discussion2
3-1 The Basic Data3
Group No. (I)4
Mars moves per solar day 0.524 degrees (= 1/1.9 degrees Mars orbital inclination)6
The Earth Moon moves per solar day 13.18 degrees8
13.18 deg x1.9 deg (Mars Orbital Inclination) =25.2 deg2
(Mars Axial Tilt =25.2 deg)10
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 27.3 days (the Earth Moon orbital period) x 25.212
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) x 1.914
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 687 days (Mars orbital period) x 2π16
687 days (Mars orbital period)+ 6.2 days = 2 x 346.6 days (The Nodal Year)18
(3.1 degree = Jupiter axial tilt)19
(8) The rate 1.920
a- Earth Orbital distance 149.6 mkm =1.9 x 78.3 mkm (Earth Mars Distance)21
b- Mars Orbital distance 227.9 mkm =1.9 x 119.7 mkm (Venus Mars Distance)22
c- Earth Mars Distance 78.3 mkm =1.9 x 41.4 mkm (Venus Earth Distance)23
Group No. (II)25
(9) Earth Moon diameter x the sun diameter = Jupiter orbital circumference26
(10) Earth Moon circumference x Jupiter Circumference =Jupiter orbital circumference27
Group No. (III)39
(14) Jupiter orbital circumference = the (4) inner planets orbital circumferences40
total + Mars orbital circumference (Mars is used 2 times)41
(15)Mars Circumference 21346.6 km x the moon circumference 10921km= 233 mkm43
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawdrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3-2 The Discussion1
Let's summarize the idea in clear words in following:2
- We have a piece of cloth (for example) – and from this piece – we make a shirt4
and shoe – and a handkerchief and a bag for a woman and a cap- and also a cover5
for a table and also a curtain for the window!6
- This was The Solar System Geometry8
- We see planets matters - distances – light – space….etc all of these components10
are created from the same stuff and relative to each other geometrically – so if we11
need to change some planet diameter length we may have to change its day period12
- Let's try to use this idea to explain the previous data14
Equation No. (15)16
Mars Circumference 21346.6 km x the moon circumference 10921km= 233 mkm17
The previous equation tells that – the moon diameter is created by effect of Mars19
circumference! Why? and how??20
Mars Immgration Theory provides no explanation here – it tells only that Mars22
caused the collisions and from the debris the Earth Moon was created!23
But why the Moon diameter =3475 km?25
It doesn't depend on Earth Mass or strong force to attract the debris – the moon26
diameter is created by the cooperation between the planets! And now in this equation27
we see Mars effect on the moon creation!28
Why this idea is correct?? Because29
233 mkm = 0.3 mkm/sec (Light Known Velocity) x 778.6 seconds31
light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) travels during 778.6 seconds a distance =233mkm!33
What a big deal??34
778.6 seconds but Jupiter orbital distance = 778.6 mkm35
The Idea Summary37
It's a light motion38
All what we see in the solar system is a light motion – the planets matters – distances39
– periods of time ….etc all planets data is found by light motion- So the planet moves40
following a light motion but we don't see the light motion but we see the planet41
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawdrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Why Jupiter orbital distance (778.6 mkm) is used here?? …Let's remember1
The solar system is created by a light motion2
- Suppose there's a light velocity =1.16 mkm/sec and also suppose Mercury position3
is defined based on 50 seconds…so4
- Light with velocity 1.16 mkm/sec during 50 seconds travels a distance =58 mkm =5
Mercury orbital distance6
- Mercury orbital circumference =360 mkm – this value will be used as 360 seconds7
because we deal with high velocity motions (light motions) – so8
- 360 seconds x 0.3 mkm/sec (light known velocity) = 108 mkm (Venus Orbital9
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) needs 720 seconds to pass 108 mkm x 211
(Venus Orbital Diameter)12
- The value 108 mkm x 2 x 2 =432 mkm is required to produce 720 seconds x 213
- (720 mkm =Mercury Jupiter distance) and the double value 720 x 2 is required for14
Mercury Jupiter Orbital Diameter15
- The value 432 mkm will be used as a time period16
- Light with velocity 1.16 mkm/sec during 432 seconds will pass 500 mkm17
- Light known velocity (0.3mkm/ sec) needs 500 seconds to pass through Earth18
orbital distance (149.6 mkm)19
Note Please20
Mercury, Venus and Earth orbital distances are created depeding on their distances to21
jupiter to the sun without Any Outer Help22
- Jupiter Saturn Distance =655 mkm – this value will be used as time24
- Light with velocity 1.16 mkm/sc during 655 seconds will be 760 mkm25
- Light known velocity (0.3mkm/sec) during 760 seconds will pass a distance26
=227.9 mkm = Mars orbital distance27
- 778.6 seconds x Light known velocity (0.3mkm/sec) =233 mkm (error 2.5%30
with 227.9Mars orbital distance) Where (778.6 mkm = Jupiter orbital distance)31
This equation shows that Mars orbital distance (227.9 mkm) can't be created as the33
other 3 inner planets (error 2.5% disprove it) - So The Moon diameter is created to34
help Mars to overcome this same distance 778.6 mkm and to produce Mars (new)35
orbital distance (227.9 mkm) based on it –36
That means – Because37
Earth Moon Diameter = 3475 mkm – Mars orbtil distance becomes =227.9 mkm38
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawdrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Jupiter Orbital Circumference (4900 mkm)1
I- Data2
Let's remember the introduction data3
a. Venus Jupiter distance 670.4mkm = Venus orbital circumference 680 mkm (1.4%)4
b. Earth Jupiter distance 928 mkm = Earth orbital circumference 940 mkm (1.3%)5
c. Mercury moves during its day period a distance = 720.7 mkm = Mercury Jupiter6
distance. (no error)7
New Data9
Equation No. (1)10
3413 mkm =360 mkm (Mercury)+680 mkm (Venus) +940 (Earth) mkm +1433 mkm11
Equation No. (2)12
4900 mkm (Jupiter Orbital Circumference) = 3413 mkm +1433 mkm13
II- Discussion15
The previous data we have discussed before – and this data is the reason why Venus16
Jupiter Relationship is so effective one17
Equation No. 118
3413 mkm = The Inner Planets Orbital Circumferences Total19
As the equation shows clearly- this idea we know perfectly20
Equation No. 221
4900 mkm = Jupiter orbital circumference = 3413 mkm +1433 mkm22
This equation we know also – it tells Jupiter Orbital Circumference is created23
depending on the inner planet orbital circumferences total24
The mutual relationship is seen clearly– let's summarize it in following:25
The distances between the inner planets and Jupiter = these inner planets orbital26
circumferences - that means –the inner planets orbital circumferences are created as a27
result of Jupiter effect on these inner planets motions…28
Jupiter Orbital Circumference is created as the inner planets orbital circumferences30
total –31
i.e. The orbital circumferences of these 5 planets (Jupiter & the inner planets) are32
created by a mutual relationship between the inner planets and Jupiter.33
The idea is clear but not trustee ……Why?35
Venus during its orbital period (224.7 days) moves a distance =680 mkm =Venus38
Jupiter Distance 670.4 mkm (1.4%) – so Venus almost supports the idea39
Earth follows the rule as Venus perfectly but – the distance 928 mkm can be created41
only when Earth and Jupiter be at different sides from the sun that means – Earth42
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawdrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
orbital distance 149.6 mkm + Jupiter orbital distance 778.6 mkm= 928 mkm which is1
equal 940 mkm (Earth orbital circumference) (1.3%)2
But ..Mercury uses its day period (=2 Mercury orbital period)-and so Mercury doesn't4
follow perfectly the previous rule! The question is why Mercury day period =4222.65
hours = 2 x Mercury Orbital Period?6
Mars moves during its orbital period (687 days) a distance = 1433 mkm = Saturn9
Orbital Distance.10
Spite Mars Orbital Distance 1433 mkm is used in Jupiter orbital circumference11
definition (2 times), but Mars Orbital Distance isn't defined by the distance between12
Mars And Jupiter!13
A Deep Discussion15
Let's summarize the idea clearly16
- By some way Jupiter effect on 3 inner planets to make them create their orbital18
circumferences = their distances to Jupiter (Approximately)19
- Mars orbit circumference is defined by Saturn effect21
- Jupiter Orbital Circumference is created depends on the inner planets orbital23
circumferences total24
- So, There's A Mutual Relationship between Jupiter and these 3 inner planets26
(Mercury, Venus and Earth)27
The idea is clear …. We have only 2 questions29
- 1st
Question / How Jupiter effect on the 3 inner planets orbital circumferences?30
- 2nd
Question / Why Mars orbital circumference is exceptional? Spite of that still31
works as a partner in Jupiter orbital circumference (even with double values of32
Mars Orbital Circumferences)?33
Let's answer these questions in following …35
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawdrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Jupiter Creates The 3 Planets Distances1
I- Data2
Equation No. (3)3
Light with velocity 1.16 mkm/sec during (4224 seconds) passes a distance = 49004
mkm = Jupiter orbital circumference (But Mercury Day Period =4222.6 hours)56
Equation No. (4)7
4224 mkm = 2π x 670.4 mkm (Venus Jupiter Distance) (0.2%)8
Equation No. (5)9
(5040 seconds /4224 seconds) = (778.6 mkm / 149.6 mkm)10
Mercury Day Period needs 5040 seconds to be 176 days12
788.6 mkm = Jupiter Orbital Distance 149.6 mkm = Earth Orbital Distance14
Equation No. (6)15
4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) = 4224 x 24.6 hours (Mars rotation Period)16
II- Discussion17
Equation No. (3)18
This equation tells us a light passes Jupiter orbital circumference in 4224 seconds that19
creates the relationship between Jupiter and the inner planets –20
Simply a light beam is sent from Jupiter to the inner planets and this light beam21
(energy) creates this effect of Jupiter on the inner planets22
Simply this effect is seen in The Value 4224 Seconds23
This value is seen in different forms in the solar planets – means – it's seen in time24
period or distance value – because we deal with light motion ( high velocity motion)25
and because of that the value 4224 is seen in different forms in the inner planets and26
these different forms causes the change in the rule (the inner planet define its orbital27
circumference to be equal its distance to Jupiter) – this rule isn't followed perfectly by28
the 3inner planets in the form because each planet receive the 4224 in different form.29
Mercury sees the value 4224 as 4222.6 hours (Mercury Day Period)31
Venus sees the value 4224 as 4224 mkm (= 2π x 670.4 mkm Venus Jupiter Distance)32
Earth sees the value 4224 as 4224 seconds in the following equation33
Equation No. (5)34
(5040 seconds /4224 seconds) = (778.6 mkm / 149.6 mkm)35
So, Earth orbital distance is created relative to Jupiter orbital distance based on the36
rate between 5040 seconds and the value 4224 seconds –37
And based on both orbital distances – the distance between Earth and Jupiter is38
created 928 mkm = 778.6 mkm +149.6 mkm39
Equation No. (6)40
4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) = 4224 x 24.6 hours (Mars rotation Period)41
Note please42
4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) = 687 days (Mars orbital Period) x 2π43
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawdrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation No.6 tells, Jupiter Value (4224) can't effect on Mars Orbital Circumference1
(1433.5 mkm) because Mars Orbital Circumference = Saturn Orbital Distance – and2
that means – Saturn effects on Mars Orbital Circumference – but still the value 42243
effects on Mars data through its Mars rotation period – and based on this effect –4
some dependency is created between Mars & Jupiter Orbital Periods5
Please Note7
Mercury and Mars deal with the value 4224 as a period of time – but8
Venus deals with this same value 4224 as a distance value – and9
Earth deals with this same value 4224 as a rate with another value (5040 seconds)10
(5040 seconds is required to make Mercury Day Period = 176 solar days)11
A Conclusion13
Jupiter Practices Some Effect On All Inner Planets By The Value 4224 – And14
Through This Effect – 3 Planets Orbital Circumferences Are Created To Be15
Equal These Planet Distances To Jupiter.16
By what energy these 3inner planets were created? Because19
We have concluded frequently before that…20
The 3 planets circumferences (Mercury, Venus & Earth) must be created by the21
Energy reflected by Neptune into 2 Trajectories of energy – each one contains (8640022
mkm) (this question we should deal in Point No. 4 of this paper "Jupiter Energy")23
So for now we will accept the following Conclusions25
The Conclusions26
These 3 inner planets circumferences are created by this light beam whose velocity28
1.16 mkm/sec travels for 4224 seconds, And because of that – the 3 planets define29
their orbital circumferences to be equal their distances to Jupiter –30
Jupiter Orbital Circumference Is Created depends On The Inner Planets Orbital32
There's A Mutual Effect Between The Inner Planets & Jupiter36
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawdrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3-The Gravity Force Analysis1
Earth Moon is born by the collisions Mars did with Venus (at First) and Earth (at2
Second) – from these collisions debris the Moon is created3
The idea is clear but can't answer many left questions behind4
Let's discuss one question only5
Example No.1:7
Why the moon diameter =3475 km?8
The story tells us that the moon diameter is created from the collisions debris so the9
moon diameter is created based on Earth Mass gravity force – if Earth Mass is less so10
the moon will be less in diameter and Mass …etc11
So the number 3475 km is found by some complex pure coincidences and we can't12
answer the question … why the moon diameter =3475 km?13
Based on that … the following data is just useless:15
1- The moon diameter x the sun diameter =Jupiter orbital circumference16
2- The moon circumference x Jupiter Circumference =Jupiter orbital circumference17
3- The moon circumference x 1.9 = Mars diameter19
4- The moon circumference x 3.4 = Venus diameter20
(Where 1.9 deg = Mars orbital inclination and 3.4 deg= Venus orbital inclination)21
5- The moon circumference x 86400 seconds (a solar day) = 940 mkm (Earth orbital24
6- The moon circumference x 27.3 = 300000 km26
Equation No. 528
tells that, if Earth revolves around the sun in one solar day only – so its moon29
circumference will = a distance of Earth motion for 1 second period of time30
Equation No. 632
tells that, if Earth moon rotates around its axis once per solar day ( as Earth does) so33
the moon will pass during its orbital period (27.3 days) a distance = light known34
velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) travel during 1 second period of time35
There's no any pure coincidence here – Newton gravity force is so complex than its37
definition in our physics book – Newton knew about the gravity forces more than38
what he written already – and if we can't catch the geometrical effect of the gravity39
forces we can't understand how the solar system works…40
To make this discussion more clear let's discuss how any planet can effect on its42
neighbor and here we discuss Earth effect on Mars motion43
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawdrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Example No.2:1
(a) Earth Moon distance at perigee radius (363000 km)= the outer planets diameters2
total (error 1%)3
Earth Moon distance at apogee radius (406000 km)= the solar planets diameters total5
(c )6
The distance between Perigee and apogee (40000 km) (Space only) = the (5) inner7
planets diameters total = Earth Circumference8
Saturn Circumference = Earth Moon Distance at total solar eclipse radius10
(e) For full analytical data please review11
Earth Moon Orbit Triangle Analysis (Revised)
Please take a while to review the previous figure – how the matter is created? it's the17
question which we still try to answer – and may we will try again later…18
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawdrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Research Paper "The Solar Planets Order Still Shows More Puzzles"2
Die Ordnung Der Sonnenplaneten Zeigt Noch Mehr Rätsel4
Mars Immigration Theory6 (English Text)7
or8 (German Text)9
The Giant-impact hypothesis supports "Mars Immigration Theory" (III)10
Lorentz Length Contraction (More Discussion)12
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna15
Associate professor - Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005)16
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt
Full list of publications:
Mr.Gerges Francis Tawdrous +20102253229218
Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty19
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +20102253229220
Curriculum Vitae
E-mail mrwaheid@gmail.com22
Facebook https://www.facebook.com24
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My Research Basic Questions (I)
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Solar Planets Move Together In One Unified Motion (As A Train Motion)
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My Research Basic Arguments (Part II):
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Moon Orbit Triangle Analysis (Revised)
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Research 1st Hypothesis Discussion (II)
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My Research Basic Questions (I)
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My Research Basic Questions (I)
Direction Of Energy Through The Solar Group
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Is the 2737 Phenomenon a real one (II)
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Does Planet Day Period Depend On Its Circumference (VI)
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Gerges francis
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Gerges francis
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Gerges francis
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Gerges francis
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Gerges francis
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Gerges francis
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Gerges francis
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Gerges francis
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Gerges francis
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Gerges francis
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Gerges francis
Earth and Moon Motions Interaction
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Gerges francis
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Gerges francis
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Gerges francis
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Gerges francis

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Is the 2737 Phenomenon a real one (III)
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The Earth is Older Than The Sun
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Does Mars effect on The Earth Moon Motion?

  • 1. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawdrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 1 Does Mars effect on Earth – Moon Motion?123 The Author Authorized To Be Used By Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous A Student–Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty – Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) - Moscow – Russia Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions Department) Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) - Moscow – Russia Phone +201022532292 E-Mail: Curriculum Vitae Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83 E-Mail:, Website The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo – Egypt –11th April March 202045 Abstract6 This paper discusses 3 basic points which are:7 (1st Point) Mars Immigration Theory which explain the Earth Moon Origin8 9 (2nd Point) Mars & Earth Moon Motions Interaction – where I claim that – both10 Motions depend on each other regardless the distance11 12 (3rd Point) a deep analysis for the force causes the plant motion – because I claim13 that- the planet moves by a force more stronger and effective geometrically than th14 gravity definition as written in the modern physics book1516 Let's remember "Mars Immigration Theory" to pass the point No. 117 18 - Mars original orbital distance was 84 mkm and Mars had immigrated from it to its19 new orbital distance 227.9 mkm – Through this Motion from 84 mkm to 227.920 mkm Mars had collided with Venus and then Mars had collided with Earth also21 - From these Collisions debris Earth Moon is created –also from the debris Mars22 had found its moons and the rest debris were attracted by Jupiter, creating The23 Asteroid Belt –24 - Mars Immgration Theory simply supports "The Giant-impact hypothesis" but25 there's no another planet caused the collisions – instead Mars itself did by its26 motion from its orginal point 84 mkm to its current one 227.9 mkm27 28 "Mars Immigration Theory" solves The Giant –Impact Hypothesis difficulties29 - The Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) Origin– is Venus – because the moon is30 created by 3 planets debris – that's why the three planets rock are found…31 32 - Why Venus Has No Moon? – Because Mars moved from 84 mkm to 227.9 mkm33 and pushed all debris with its motion direction – far from Venus – but Earth has34 greater Mass and the debris lost their motion high momentum – so Earth could35 attrackt some debris and create its moon36 37 - Why The Iron Oxide (Feo) of the Moon= (13%)? This also is solved because The38 rate (13%) is a middle between Mars rate (18%) and the terrestrial mantle (8%).39 i.e.40 The Giant-impact hypothesis supports Mars Immigration Theory41
  • 2. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawdrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 2 1- Introduction1 The paper abstracted remembered us by Mars immigration theory – for more details2 please review my papers mentioned in the paper references3 4 Now let's move to the 2nd Point5 6 (2nd Point) Mars & Earth Moon Motions Interaction – where I claim that – both7 Motions depend on each other regardless the distance8 Let's start with Data as usual9 I - Data10 (1)11 Mars moves per solar day 0.524 degrees (= 1/1.9 degrees Mars orbital inclination)12 (2)13 The Earth Moon moves per solar day 13.18 degrees14 (3)15 13.18 deg x1.9 deg (Mars Orbital Inclination) =25.2 deg2 (Mars Axial Tilt =25.2 deg)16 (4)17 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 27.3 days (the Earth Moon orbital period) x 25.218 (5)19 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) x 1.920 (6)21 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 687 days (Mars orbital period) x 2π22 23 II – Discussion24 Regardless any explanation for the previous data – the main question is25 It's understandable that Mars motion per solar day (0.524 degrees) depends on the26 solar day period …………..And27 It's understandable that the Earth Moon motion per solar day (13.18 degrees) depends28 on the solar day period29 But …..How30 Mars orbital inclination (1.9 degrees) or Mars axial tilt (25.2 degrees) can depend on31 the solar day Period? How that can be possible?32 33 34 35 The previous equation tells that – Earth radius is created relative to Earth Motion36 Distance per solar day – how the matter can be created as a function of time?!37 We will discuss that in point No. 3 of this paper – so let's refer to the paper contents38 39 The Paper Contents40 Point No. 2- Methodology41 Point No. 3- Mars and Earth Moon Motions Interaction42 Point No. 4- The Masses Gravity analysis43 4445 RadiusEarth motiondailyEarth distanceMoonEarth distanceorbitalEarth DiameterMoonThe DiameterSunThe 
  • 3. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawdrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 3 2- Methodology1 Why Jupiter diameter =142984 km? ….. Why we need to answer such question?2 I use the planets data analysis in my study for the solar system geometry – I try to test3 our vision toward the solar system creation and Motion –4 So – in my research – clearly – I compare between the planets data and the physics5 acceptable theories to see if there's a consistency between both6 Why Jupiter diameter =142984 km? is a question has no clear answer – the diameter7 creation is attributed to different (unknown) historical circumstances & records …8 Based on that:9 (1)10 If Jupiter diameter =142984 km = 8 planets diameters total – such data – has no any11 geometrical effect in the solar system understanding – the data simply is found by12 pure coincidence…! Also13 (2)14 If Jupiter diameter 142984 km x 5040 = 720.7 mkm (Mercury Jupiter Distance)15 Where Mercury Day needs 5040 seconds to be =176 solar days and Mercury moves16 during its day period (175.94 solar days) a distance = 720.7 mkm – or17 (3)18 If Jupiter diameter 142984 km = 1 million km /7 where Mercury orbital inclination19 =7 degrees and 1 degree = 1 mkm because Mercury orbital circumference =36020 degrees = 360 mkm21 Such data also gives us no better understanding for the solar system…22 23 How The Matter Is Created? the ancient question – is removed from the book – and24 we accept that the matter is a continuous miracle found without an explanation!25 That's why I use the planets data to discover the solar system geometry …26 I accept the historical records about how the planet is created if there's a proof– For27 example – a person had an accident and his arm was cut in this accident – So can this28 person still have 2 arms Now? We need a proof for the historical record29 30 About what we argue here?31 The person has lost his arm but still can live… the planet has changed its data but still32 can revolve around the sun! the person personality is still (almost) the same – and the33 planet still can do its geometrical role-34 35 The person is not a body- And – The Planet Is Not Just A Matter36 37 That's why I ask – why Jupiter diameter =142984 km? because we try to discover the38 geometrical power which is found behind the planet diameter creation!39 40 Earth Circumference = the (5) inner planets diameters total! Why…?41 The planet is NOT just a matter – The Matter Is Created By A Geometrical42 Powerful Hand - the matter is created as one player in a team – with the space – the43 time –the energy – the motion – many other players –44 BUT45 If the person is over-bleeding – he will die and his personality will be disappeared46
  • 4. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawdrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 4 The body is the main key behind which the human power is hidden1 The planet matter is the key behind which the geometrical great power is hidden2 That's why we ask how the matter is created? can Kepler help us?3 4 "Kepler thus assumed that the volumes of the planets were proportional to their5 distances to the sun and the quantity of matter they contained to the square root of6 this distance, so that planetary densities varied inversely as square root of the7 orbital radius and is this ad hoc way be could reproduced his third law (T2 varies with8 a3 ) and absorb into physical Astronomy" "From Eudexus to Einstein A history of9 Mathematical astronomy"(page 198-199) C.M. Linton–Cambridge university Press…10 11 Deep Discussion12 Why the planet density is changed relative to its orbital distance?!13 14 Kepler – Since hundreds of years- told that – the solar system is one building and15 each planet is a part of this same building – or16 The solar system is one machine and each planet is a gear of this same machine…17 18 We don't like this idea! Why?19 Because our eyes see the planets are separated matters from each other- we consider20 that- Where the space separates the planets from each other – so they are21 independent planets (matters)! – Our eyes see by this way and refuse to understand22 any other idea –So we see the mirage and believe it's a real water23 24 What if we wrongly see this vision? Let's test it – do we know what's the space? How25 the space is created or from what stuff? The naïve vision tells us –the space is the26 nothingness – and found without creation!27 Kepler told - Planet matter is created based on geometrical rules- it's Not the Big28 Bang description (Why? because it's NOT The Random Creation Concept)29 The planets were created (as parts of the same one building – which necessitates to30 create these planets data depending on each other –and because of that the data shows31 this dependency)32 33 Based on this explanation – can the planet diameter (matter) is created in relationship34 with Planet orbital distance (Space)? i.e the matter and Space are created with35 specific rates to each other to do one geometrical job, Can that be possible?!36 37 Lorentz Length Contraction Phenomenon tells the answer! Why?? BECAUSE38 Lorentz Length Contraction Phenomenon deals with a Particle length as a distance –39 both are contracted by high velocity motion!40 As if the matter (a particle length) is equivalent to the space (a distance)41 So the ancient question- how the matter is created- was not negligent completely –42 but there are different tries accumulate the knowledge to support our investigation.43 Shortly44 The Planets Data analysis is a way to test our ideas and review our visions to know if45 we see the real water or just a mirage.46 47
  • 5. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawdrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 5 3- Mars and Earth Moon Motions Interaction1 3-1 The Basic Data 3-2 The Discussion2 3-1 The Basic Data3 Group No. (I)4 (1)5 Mars moves per solar day 0.524 degrees (= 1/1.9 degrees Mars orbital inclination)6 (2)7 The Earth Moon moves per solar day 13.18 degrees8 (3)9 13.18 deg x1.9 deg (Mars Orbital Inclination) =25.2 deg2 (Mars Axial Tilt =25.2 deg)10 (4)11 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 27.3 days (the Earth Moon orbital period) x 25.212 (5)13 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) x 1.914 (6)15 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 687 days (Mars orbital period) x 2π16 (7)17 687 days (Mars orbital period)+ 6.2 days = 2 x 346.6 days (The Nodal Year)18 (3.1 degree = Jupiter axial tilt)19 (8) The rate 1.920 a- Earth Orbital distance 149.6 mkm =1.9 x 78.3 mkm (Earth Mars Distance)21 b- Mars Orbital distance 227.9 mkm =1.9 x 119.7 mkm (Venus Mars Distance)22 c- Earth Mars Distance 78.3 mkm =1.9 x 41.4 mkm (Venus Earth Distance)23 24 Group No. (II)25 (9) Earth Moon diameter x the sun diameter = Jupiter orbital circumference26 (10) Earth Moon circumference x Jupiter Circumference =Jupiter orbital circumference27 (11)28 29 30 31 (12)32 33 34 35 (13)36 37 38 Group No. (III)39 (14) Jupiter orbital circumference = the (4) inner planets orbital circumferences40 total + Mars orbital circumference (Mars is used 2 times)41 42 (15)Mars Circumference 21346.6 km x the moon circumference 10921km= 233 mkm43 44 45 RadiusEarth motiondailyEarth distanceMoonEarth distanceorbitalEarth DiameterMoonThe DiameterSunThe  3.0 37.4 MassEarth MassUranus MassMercury MassVenus DiameterUranus nces)CircumfereSatrun(2 DiameterMoon DiameterUranus DiameterMercury RadiusJupiter  4.1 MassJupiter TotalMassesPlanets DiametersJupiter2 TotalDiametersPlanets 
  • 6. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawdrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 6 3-2 The Discussion1 Let's summarize the idea in clear words in following:2 3 - We have a piece of cloth (for example) – and from this piece – we make a shirt4 and shoe – and a handkerchief and a bag for a woman and a cap- and also a cover5 for a table and also a curtain for the window!6 7 - This was The Solar System Geometry8 9 - We see planets matters - distances – light – space….etc all of these components10 are created from the same stuff and relative to each other geometrically – so if we11 need to change some planet diameter length we may have to change its day period12 also!13 - Let's try to use this idea to explain the previous data14 15 Equation No. (15)16 Mars Circumference 21346.6 km x the moon circumference 10921km= 233 mkm17 18 The previous equation tells that – the moon diameter is created by effect of Mars19 circumference! Why? and how??20 21 Mars Immgration Theory provides no explanation here – it tells only that Mars22 caused the collisions and from the debris the Earth Moon was created!23 24 But why the Moon diameter =3475 km?25 It doesn't depend on Earth Mass or strong force to attract the debris – the moon26 diameter is created by the cooperation between the planets! And now in this equation27 we see Mars effect on the moon creation!28 Why this idea is correct?? Because29 30 233 mkm = 0.3 mkm/sec (Light Known Velocity) x 778.6 seconds31 i.e.32 light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) travels during 778.6 seconds a distance =233mkm!33 What a big deal??34 778.6 seconds but Jupiter orbital distance = 778.6 mkm35 36 The Idea Summary37 It's a light motion38 All what we see in the solar system is a light motion – the planets matters – distances39 – periods of time ….etc all planets data is found by light motion- So the planet moves40 following a light motion but we don't see the light motion but we see the planet41 motion42
  • 7. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawdrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 7 Why Jupiter orbital distance (778.6 mkm) is used here?? …Let's remember1 The solar system is created by a light motion2 - Suppose there's a light velocity =1.16 mkm/sec and also suppose Mercury position3 is defined based on 50 seconds…so4 - Light with velocity 1.16 mkm/sec during 50 seconds travels a distance =58 mkm =5 Mercury orbital distance6 - Mercury orbital circumference =360 mkm – this value will be used as 360 seconds7 because we deal with high velocity motions (light motions) – so8 - 360 seconds x 0.3 mkm/sec (light known velocity) = 108 mkm (Venus Orbital9 Distance)10 - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) needs 720 seconds to pass 108 mkm x 211 (Venus Orbital Diameter)12 - The value 108 mkm x 2 x 2 =432 mkm is required to produce 720 seconds x 213 - (720 mkm =Mercury Jupiter distance) and the double value 720 x 2 is required for14 Mercury Jupiter Orbital Diameter15 - The value 432 mkm will be used as a time period16 - Light with velocity 1.16 mkm/sec during 432 seconds will pass 500 mkm17 - Light known velocity (0.3mkm/ sec) needs 500 seconds to pass through Earth18 orbital distance (149.6 mkm)19 Note Please20 Mercury, Venus and Earth orbital distances are created depeding on their distances to21 jupiter to the sun without Any Outer Help22 But23 - Jupiter Saturn Distance =655 mkm – this value will be used as time24 - Light with velocity 1.16 mkm/sc during 655 seconds will be 760 mkm25 - Light known velocity (0.3mkm/sec) during 760 seconds will pass a distance26 =227.9 mkm = Mars orbital distance27 28 NOTE PLEASE29 - 778.6 seconds x Light known velocity (0.3mkm/sec) =233 mkm (error 2.5%30 with 227.9Mars orbital distance) Where (778.6 mkm = Jupiter orbital distance)31 32 This equation shows that Mars orbital distance (227.9 mkm) can't be created as the33 other 3 inner planets (error 2.5% disprove it) - So The Moon diameter is created to34 help Mars to overcome this same distance 778.6 mkm and to produce Mars (new)35 orbital distance (227.9 mkm) based on it –36 That means – Because37 Earth Moon Diameter = 3475 mkm – Mars orbtil distance becomes =227.9 mkm38
  • 8. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawdrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 8 Jupiter Orbital Circumference (4900 mkm)1 I- Data2 Let's remember the introduction data3 a. Venus Jupiter distance 670.4mkm = Venus orbital circumference 680 mkm (1.4%)4 b. Earth Jupiter distance 928 mkm = Earth orbital circumference 940 mkm (1.3%)5 c. Mercury moves during its day period a distance = 720.7 mkm = Mercury Jupiter6 distance. (no error)7 8 New Data9 Equation No. (1)10 3413 mkm =360 mkm (Mercury)+680 mkm (Venus) +940 (Earth) mkm +1433 mkm11 Equation No. (2)12 4900 mkm (Jupiter Orbital Circumference) = 3413 mkm +1433 mkm13 14 II- Discussion15 The previous data we have discussed before – and this data is the reason why Venus16 Jupiter Relationship is so effective one17 Equation No. 118 3413 mkm = The Inner Planets Orbital Circumferences Total19 As the equation shows clearly- this idea we know perfectly20 Equation No. 221 4900 mkm = Jupiter orbital circumference = 3413 mkm +1433 mkm22 This equation we know also – it tells Jupiter Orbital Circumference is created23 depending on the inner planet orbital circumferences total24 The mutual relationship is seen clearly– let's summarize it in following:25 The distances between the inner planets and Jupiter = these inner planets orbital26 circumferences - that means –the inner planets orbital circumferences are created as a27 result of Jupiter effect on these inner planets motions…28 Now29 Jupiter Orbital Circumference is created as the inner planets orbital circumferences30 total –31 i.e. The orbital circumferences of these 5 planets (Jupiter & the inner planets) are32 created by a mutual relationship between the inner planets and Jupiter.33 34 The idea is clear but not trustee ……Why?35 Because36 (1)37 Venus during its orbital period (224.7 days) moves a distance =680 mkm =Venus38 Jupiter Distance 670.4 mkm (1.4%) – so Venus almost supports the idea39 (2)40 Earth follows the rule as Venus perfectly but – the distance 928 mkm can be created41 only when Earth and Jupiter be at different sides from the sun that means – Earth42
  • 9. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawdrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 9 orbital distance 149.6 mkm + Jupiter orbital distance 778.6 mkm= 928 mkm which is1 equal 940 mkm (Earth orbital circumference) (1.3%)2 (3)3 But ..Mercury uses its day period (=2 Mercury orbital period)-and so Mercury doesn't4 follow perfectly the previous rule! The question is why Mercury day period =4222.65 hours = 2 x Mercury Orbital Period?6 (4)7 Mars8 Mars moves during its orbital period (687 days) a distance = 1433 mkm = Saturn9 Orbital Distance.10 Spite Mars Orbital Distance 1433 mkm is used in Jupiter orbital circumference11 definition (2 times), but Mars Orbital Distance isn't defined by the distance between12 Mars And Jupiter!13 14 A Deep Discussion15 Let's summarize the idea clearly16 17 - By some way Jupiter effect on 3 inner planets to make them create their orbital18 circumferences = their distances to Jupiter (Approximately)19 20 - Mars orbit circumference is defined by Saturn effect21 22 - Jupiter Orbital Circumference is created depends on the inner planets orbital23 circumferences total24 25 - So, There's A Mutual Relationship between Jupiter and these 3 inner planets26 (Mercury, Venus and Earth)27 28 The idea is clear …. We have only 2 questions29 - 1st Question / How Jupiter effect on the 3 inner planets orbital circumferences?30 - 2nd Question / Why Mars orbital circumference is exceptional? Spite of that still31 works as a partner in Jupiter orbital circumference (even with double values of32 Mars Orbital Circumferences)?33 34 Let's answer these questions in following …35 36 37
  • 10. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawdrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 10 Jupiter Creates The 3 Planets Distances1 I- Data2 Equation No. (3)3 Light with velocity 1.16 mkm/sec during (4224 seconds) passes a distance = 49004 mkm = Jupiter orbital circumference (But Mercury Day Period =4222.6 hours)56 Equation No. (4)7 4224 mkm = 2π x 670.4 mkm (Venus Jupiter Distance) (0.2%)8 Equation No. (5)9 (5040 seconds /4224 seconds) = (778.6 mkm / 149.6 mkm)10 Where11 Mercury Day Period needs 5040 seconds to be 176 days12 And13 788.6 mkm = Jupiter Orbital Distance 149.6 mkm = Earth Orbital Distance14 Equation No. (6)15 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) = 4224 x 24.6 hours (Mars rotation Period)16 II- Discussion17 Equation No. (3)18 This equation tells us a light passes Jupiter orbital circumference in 4224 seconds that19 creates the relationship between Jupiter and the inner planets –20 Simply a light beam is sent from Jupiter to the inner planets and this light beam21 (energy) creates this effect of Jupiter on the inner planets22 Simply this effect is seen in The Value 4224 Seconds23 This value is seen in different forms in the solar planets – means – it's seen in time24 period or distance value – because we deal with light motion ( high velocity motion)25 and because of that the value 4224 is seen in different forms in the inner planets and26 these different forms causes the change in the rule (the inner planet define its orbital27 circumference to be equal its distance to Jupiter) – this rule isn't followed perfectly by28 the 3inner planets in the form because each planet receive the 4224 in different form.29 So30 Mercury sees the value 4224 as 4222.6 hours (Mercury Day Period)31 Venus sees the value 4224 as 4224 mkm (= 2π x 670.4 mkm Venus Jupiter Distance)32 Earth sees the value 4224 as 4224 seconds in the following equation33 Equation No. (5)34 (5040 seconds /4224 seconds) = (778.6 mkm / 149.6 mkm)35 So, Earth orbital distance is created relative to Jupiter orbital distance based on the36 rate between 5040 seconds and the value 4224 seconds –37 And based on both orbital distances – the distance between Earth and Jupiter is38 created 928 mkm = 778.6 mkm +149.6 mkm39 Equation No. (6)40 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) = 4224 x 24.6 hours (Mars rotation Period)41 Note please42 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) = 687 days (Mars orbital Period) x 2π43
  • 11. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawdrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 11 Equation No.6 tells, Jupiter Value (4224) can't effect on Mars Orbital Circumference1 (1433.5 mkm) because Mars Orbital Circumference = Saturn Orbital Distance – and2 that means – Saturn effects on Mars Orbital Circumference – but still the value 42243 effects on Mars data through its Mars rotation period – and based on this effect –4 some dependency is created between Mars & Jupiter Orbital Periods5 6 Please Note7 Mercury and Mars deal with the value 4224 as a period of time – but8 Venus deals with this same value 4224 as a distance value – and9 Earth deals with this same value 4224 as a rate with another value (5040 seconds)10 (5040 seconds is required to make Mercury Day Period = 176 solar days)11 12 A Conclusion13 Jupiter Practices Some Effect On All Inner Planets By The Value 4224 – And14 Through This Effect – 3 Planets Orbital Circumferences Are Created To Be15 Equal These Planet Distances To Jupiter.16 17 But18 By what energy these 3inner planets were created? Because19 We have concluded frequently before that…20 The 3 planets circumferences (Mercury, Venus & Earth) must be created by the21 Energy reflected by Neptune into 2 Trajectories of energy – each one contains (8640022 mkm) (this question we should deal in Point No. 4 of this paper "Jupiter Energy")23 24 So for now we will accept the following Conclusions25 The Conclusions26 (1)27 These 3 inner planets circumferences are created by this light beam whose velocity28 1.16 mkm/sec travels for 4224 seconds, And because of that – the 3 planets define29 their orbital circumferences to be equal their distances to Jupiter –30 (2)31 Jupiter Orbital Circumference Is Created depends On The Inner Planets Orbital32 Circumferences.33 (3)34 i.e.35 There's A Mutual Effect Between The Inner Planets & Jupiter36 37 38 39 40
  • 12. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawdrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 12 3-The Gravity Force Analysis1 Earth Moon is born by the collisions Mars did with Venus (at First) and Earth (at2 Second) – from these collisions debris the Moon is created3 The idea is clear but can't answer many left questions behind4 Let's discuss one question only5 6 Example No.1:7 Why the moon diameter =3475 km?8 The story tells us that the moon diameter is created from the collisions debris so the9 moon diameter is created based on Earth Mass gravity force – if Earth Mass is less so10 the moon will be less in diameter and Mass …etc11 So the number 3475 km is found by some complex pure coincidences and we can't12 answer the question … why the moon diameter =3475 km?13 14 Based on that … the following data is just useless:15 1- The moon diameter x the sun diameter =Jupiter orbital circumference16 2- The moon circumference x Jupiter Circumference =Jupiter orbital circumference17 And18 3- The moon circumference x 1.9 = Mars diameter19 4- The moon circumference x 3.4 = Venus diameter20 (Where 1.9 deg = Mars orbital inclination and 3.4 deg= Venus orbital inclination)21 22 Also23 5- The moon circumference x 86400 seconds (a solar day) = 940 mkm (Earth orbital24 circumference)25 6- The moon circumference x 27.3 = 300000 km26 27 Equation No. 528 tells that, if Earth revolves around the sun in one solar day only – so its moon29 circumference will = a distance of Earth motion for 1 second period of time30 31 Equation No. 632 tells that, if Earth moon rotates around its axis once per solar day ( as Earth does) so33 the moon will pass during its orbital period (27.3 days) a distance = light known34 velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) travel during 1 second period of time35 36 There's no any pure coincidence here – Newton gravity force is so complex than its37 definition in our physics book – Newton knew about the gravity forces more than38 what he written already – and if we can't catch the geometrical effect of the gravity39 forces we can't understand how the solar system works…40 41 To make this discussion more clear let's discuss how any planet can effect on its42 neighbor and here we discuss Earth effect on Mars motion43 44
  • 13. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawdrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 13 Example No.2:1 (a) Earth Moon distance at perigee radius (363000 km)= the outer planets diameters2 total (error 1%)3 (b)4 Earth Moon distance at apogee radius (406000 km)= the solar planets diameters total5 (c )6 The distance between Perigee and apogee (40000 km) (Space only) = the (5) inner7 planets diameters total = Earth Circumference8 (d)9 Saturn Circumference = Earth Moon Distance at total solar eclipse radius10 (e) For full analytical data please review11 Earth Moon Orbit Triangle Analysis (Revised) 14 15 Discussion16 Please take a while to review the previous figure – how the matter is created? it's the17 question which we still try to answer – and may we will try again later…18
  • 14. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawdrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 14 References1 Research Paper "The Solar Planets Order Still Shows More Puzzles"2 Die Ordnung Der Sonnenplaneten Zeigt Noch Mehr Rätsel4 Mars Immigration Theory6 (English Text)7 or8 (German Text)9 The Giant-impact hypothesis supports "Mars Immigration Theory" (III)10 Lorentz Length Contraction (More Discussion)12 14 Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna15 Associate professor - Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005)16 List of publications on Google Scholar List of publications on ZentralBlatt Full list of publications: 17 Mr.Gerges Francis Tawdrous +20102253229218 Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty19 Gerges Francis Tawdrous +20102253229220 Curriculum Vitae E-mail mrwaheid@gmail.com22 Linkedln Facebook https://www.facebook.com24 Researcherid ORCID Quora Google Academia List of publications