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Joon Ha
Department of Mathematics, Howard University, Washington DC.
Estimating Relative Beta-Cell Function During Continuous
Glucose Monitoring and Its Clinical Applications
Glucose Pattern Leading to Type 2 Diabetes (T2D)
Glucose does not increase much until reaching the threshold and sharply rises
Mason et al., Diabetes 2007;56:2054-2061
mean of 50 Pima Indians
Good Biomarker?
What is a good biomarker?
• Robustness to detect progression to the disease; already
substantially changed before onset of the disease (counter
example; blood glucose), leading to an early biomarker
• Prediction of the disease, typically assessed by Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve (ROC) or Survival Analysis (longitudinal),
leading to a good predictor
• Identifying metabolic characteristics, leading to personalized
Novel Biomarker
Mean Glucose vs. Novel Biomarker
Mason et al., Diabetes
1. Summary of current metabolic parameter surrogates during various glucose
challenge tests
2. Novel marker during standard oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs)
3. Novel marker during Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM)
4. Clinical applications:
A) Personalized intervention
B) Detecting subjects at high risk on a plane of disposition index
C) Heterogeneity and Homogeneity across Ethnics
Gold standard measurements of metabolic parameters
• Insulin resistance and β-cell dysfunction are key pathophysiological factors
for onset of type 2 diabetes (T2D)1
• Two clamp experiments are generally accepted as the “gold standard” to
measure the two risk factors2,3
• β-cell function relative to insulin sensitivity (i.e., Disposition Index [cDI] =
insulin sensitivity x insulin secretion) is considered the strongest metabolic
predictor for T2D4,5
• However, not practical for large-scale studies; up to 4 hours experiment time
and highly skilled labor and thus are cost-prohibitive
1Hannon., Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci, 2015; 2Arslanian S., Horm Res, 2005; 3Sjaarda L., Diabetes Care, 2013
4Bergman N. R. et al., Diabetes, 2002; 5Utzschneider M.K., Diabetes Care, 2013
Hyperinsulinemic-Euglycemic clamp: Peripheral insulin sensitivity
Hyperglycemic clamp: Beta-cell function
Frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance tests (FSIGT)
• Blood samples collected every 2 min to 30 minutes during two hours: 22
Glucose and Insulin measurements
• Beta-cell function: Acute insulin response to Glucose (AIRg), AUC I of the first
10 minutes
• Insulin sensitivity: fitting the minimal math to G, MINMOD, R. Bergman;
Banting Medalist
High Risk
Insulin Sensitivity (10-4/(µU/ml)*min)
G constant Normal G
SI =2.0
AIRG =400
SI =0.4
AIRG =2000
• DI originally derived
from Intravenous
Glucose Tolerance Test
Current Metabolic Estimates during OGTTs
• Insulin Resistance or Sensitivity: HOMA-IR, QUICKI, Matsuda Index
• Beta-cell Function: HOMA-B, Insulinogenic Index(IGI)
• Relative Beta-Cell Function: fDI(HOMA-B*(1/HOMA-IR), oDI (IGI*Matsuda)
• All are built by algebraic formulae using single and average measurements
rather than glucose and insulin profiles
• Current mathematical model-derived estimates require frequently
sampled OGTTs up to 6 hours (11 G, 11 I, 11 C-peptide points), Cobelli’s
model and Mari’s model; not applicable for large-scale epidemiological
• Standard OGTTs (G, I at 0,30,60,90,120) that underwent under clinical
settings. However, the current math models (Cobelli and Mari) are not
applicable to estimate metabolic parameters with standard OGTTs
Pancreatic b-cells
(Insulin Secretion)
(Hepatic Glucose
Plasma Insulin
Glucose Space
(G Effectiveness)
(Glucose Uptake)
Novel metabolic parameters During Standard OGTTs
= 𝑶𝑮𝑻𝑻(𝒕) + 𝑯𝑮𝑷(𝑰, 𝑺𝑰) − 𝑬𝑮𝑶 + 𝑺𝑰𝑰 𝑮
𝑰𝑺𝑹(𝝈, 𝑮) − 𝒌𝑰 6,7
mDI = SI*s
• Estimation: SI and s
• Data: G and I, at 5 time points:
t=0, 30, 60, 90, 120 min
Ha J., Satin L., Sherman A., Endocrinology 2016; Ha J. and Sherman A., AJP Endo. Metabolism 2020, Ha et al. Diabetes 2021
Mathematical DI with (mDI) and without Insulin (mDI-woI)
mDI with insulin
mDI = SI*s
• Uses glucose and insulin at 5 time points of OGTT
t=0, 30, 60, 90, 120 min
• Estimates SI and s separately
mDI-woI = SI*s
mDI without insulin
• Uses glucose only, t=0, 30, 60, 90, 120 min
• Cannot estimate SI and s separately
• Estimates mDI
ADA 2021, Young Investigator Award
Joon Ha 2021
Rationale for no requirement of insulin
Courtesy from Max Springer,
U of Maryland
Rationale for no requirement of insulin (cont’d)
Courtesy from Max Springer,
U of Maryland
mDI vs. mDI-woI
mDI-woI is excellently correlated with mDI
Data: Dr. Sangsoo Kim, the Pusan National University
Hospital, South Korea
N= 137, mean age=50.5, mean BMI=24.2, Male=48%.
Mean Glucose and Glycemic Excursion
• mDI-woI detects mean G and Glycemic excursion
• Large change in mDI-woI, but small change in mean G
Good Predictor
: ROC Analysis to detect T2D and PreDM
Good Detector
Cross-sectional data
• N=5742 (Non-diabetes) and OGTTs
every two years
• Outcome: DM over the course of
14 year-longitudinal study
Good Predictor
: Longitudinal Confirmation
Korean Genome Epidemiology Study
Data: Dr. Sangsoo Kim, PNUH, South Korea
Robustness of mDI –woI (longitudinal, N=215)
N=215 who developed from NGT at baseline to PDM and T2D
mDI-woI substantially changed
at onset of Prediabetes
Summary, so far
• Model insulin sensitivity, b-cell function, and DI agree well with
clamp parameters in obese youth
• mDI-woI correlates with mDI with insulin
• mDI-woI is a good and robust predictor
Relative Beta-Cell Function during CGM
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM)
Real-time Glucose Reading
• Real-time glucose monitoring; daily average glucose and glycemic excursion
• glucose measurements collected in interstitial fluid (ISF G)
• Insulin measurements not collected
• Less invasive and relatively cheap
Peaks of ISF G tend to delay and
Diabetes Care. 2003;26(8):2405-2409. doi:10.2337/diacare.26.8.2405
Can we estimate relative beta-cell function with CGM?
• Current math models cannot do this because they require insulin measurements
• Our model can do (Ha and Sherman AJP 2020, Ha et al. Diabetes 2021)
• Goal: Estimate relative beta-cell function, mDI-CGM during CGM
BG vs. ISF G
Step 1: Relative Beta-cell function During an OGTT
wearing a CGM device
= 𝑶𝑮𝑻𝑻(𝒕) + 𝑯𝑮𝑷(𝑰, 𝑺𝑰) − 𝑬𝑮𝑶 + 𝑺𝑰𝑰 𝑮
𝑰𝑺𝑹(𝝈, 𝑮) − 𝒌𝑰 6,7
mDI-ISF = SI*s
• Estimation: SI and s
• Data: ISF at 5 time points:
t=0, 30, 60, 90, 120 min
Ha J., Satin L., Sherman A., Endocrinology 2016; Ha J. and Sherman A., AJP Endo. Metabolism 2020, Ha et al. Diabetes 2021
• Assumption: Discrepancy Between BG and ISF G is
• A data set for Step 1: BG and ISF G during OGTTs;
Patients wear a CGM sensor during an OGTT;
Glucose load same for all patients, 75 g
Mean ISF and Glycemic Excursion vs. mDI_ISF
mDI-ISF detects mean G and excursion G
Step 2: Relative Beta-cell function During CGM in a free
living environment
= 𝑶𝑮𝑻𝑻(𝒕) + 𝑯𝑮𝑷(𝑰, 𝑺𝑰) − 𝑬𝑮𝑶 + 𝑺𝑰𝑰 𝑮
𝑰𝑺𝑹(𝝈, 𝑮) − 𝒌𝑰 6,7
• Estimation: Si ,s, and Glucose Appearance
• mDI-CGM = SI*s
Ha J., Satin L., Sherman A., Endocrinology 2016; Ha J. and Sherman A., AJP Endo. Metabolism 2020, Ha et al. Diabetes 2021
• CGMs at 25 time points during a meal
t=0, 10, 20, 30, … 240 min
• A total amount of carbo intakes during a meal
Carbohydrate intakes: Can-Pro 5.0 (web ver.), The Korean Nutrient Society
• Assumption: Discrepancy Between BG and ISF G is
• A CGM data set with free-living environments for Step
2; Glucose load estimated with carbo intakes
Mean CGM vs. mDI_CGM
mDI-CGM detects mean G
Summary, so far
• The mathematical model enables to estimate relative beta-
cell function during OGTTs and CGM without insulin
• mDI-CGM predicts mean G
• mDI-woI and mDI-CGM are cost effective for large scale
epidemiological studies and beneficial for patient care.
Clinical Applications
Personalized intervention with estimated SI and BCF
• Model-derived beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity characterize glucose tolerance status
• Insulin resistance is a manageable risk factor
-Lifestyle intervention could be more effective with insulin resistance subjects than weak beta function
• Insulin resistance and weak beta-cell function groups have the same level of mDI
Weak beta-cell function
Insulin resistance
Which group is
at higher risk?
Detecting subjects who are at high risk in DI plane
Six subtypes of Non-diabetes:
Machine learning algorithm
N=325, Non-diabetes
BMI=24.3, PNUH
Normal Function
Insulin Sensitive
Weak Function
Mild Insulin Resistance
Weak Function
Insulin Resistance
Normal Function
Insulin Resistance
Mild DysFunction
Insulin Resistance
Strong Function
Severe Insulin Resistance
Survival Analysis
Insulin sensitivity vs. beta-cell function
Risk Assessment of six subtypes of Non-diabetes
(KoGes, 16 years follow-up)
• Cluster C is at the highest risk and followed by E, B, D, F, A
• A+B+C: 82%, D:8.5%, E:7.9%, F:1.2%
• Weakest beta-cell function class C is at the highest risk
Longitudinal Changes of Clusters
Transition Matrix Table
• AàB and BàC are most frequently observed
• AàBàC is the most common pathway to progression to diabetes
Longitudinal Changes of Clusters
Most common pathway to T2D:
Koreans vs. Pima Indians
Koreans Pima Indians
Beta-cell function increases and decrease,
as insulin resistance worsens
Population Fit
AUC_G vs. mDI_woI curve is universal
across different ethnics)
AUCG-mDI Curve May Be Universal
AUCG-mDI Curve May Be Universal
All groups lie
on nearly the
same curve
0 2 4 6
Cut-point of mDI-woI to predict T2D( KoGes)
0 2 4 6 8
Progressors vs. Non-progressors
AUC G vs. mDI-woI
Progressors have smaller mDI at baseline
0 2 4 6
Progressors vs. Non-progressors
2h-PG, 1h-PG, FPG vs. mDI-woI, mDI
Fasting Glucose of the two groups at baseline are not different, suggesting that
Fasting Glucose is not a good predictor to progression to diabetes in Koreans
Progressors have smaller mDI at baseline
Summary, overall
• Model insulin sensitivity, b-cell function, and DI agree well with
conventional surrogates, but outperform to predict dysglycemia
• Model-derived insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function could have
potential to be implemented in personalized therapies.
• mDI-woI and mDI best predict diabetes, compared to current diabetes
criteria, G0, G120, A1c, and oDI, based on a longitudinal study
• A combination of machine learning algorithm and model parameters
identifies 6 subtypes of Non-diabetes and reveals the most common
pathway of progression to diabetes in a cohort of Korean population;
potential to apply for other cohorts
• A longitudinal Confirmation of mDI-CGM with
Young African Americans, Howard University
Future Directions
•mDI-woI is a reliable indicator of dysglycemia
(PreDM and DM)
•mDI-woI is suitable for large scale observational
and interventional studies to assess b-cell function
• s and SI are good surrogates for beta-cell function
and insulin sensitivity
Minimum Data points for math model derived metabolic surrogates
5G + 5I
5G + 2I or 3G + 3I
3G (t=0, 60, 120)
CGM + Carbo
FPG + FPI + A1c
SI, beta-cell function, DI
SI, beta-cell function, DI
DI (ongoing)
Six subtypes with a machine
learning algorithm (ongoing)
Funding Source
• dkNET, Pilot Study of Bioinformatics for a new PI, NIDDK, NIH
with title “Estimating Relative Beta-Cell Function During Cont
inuous Glucose Monitoring”
• Brain Pool Program of South Korea, Department of Endocrin
ology and Metabolism Pusan National University Hospital, Pu
san: May 2022 – Dec 2024 titled “Finding a Robust Early Bio
marker of Progression to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Using a No
vel Mathematical Model”
• Howard University Start-up Fund 49
Sangsoo Kim, MD, Division of Endocrinology,
Pusan National University Hospital, South Korea
Collaborators and data sources
Jinmi Kim, Ph.D, Department of Biostatistics,
Clinical Trial Center, Biomedical Research Institute,
Pusan National University Hospital, South Korea
Team of Division of Endo. and Meta., PNUH
Wook Yi, MD
Sori Yang, MD
Myoungsoo Lim, MD
Doohwa Kim, MD
Minsoo Kim, Ph.D. Candidate
Hyejung Jae, RN
15-year longitudinal data of Pima Indians
Pima Indian Data:
Clifton Bogardus,
Phoenix, NIDDK, NIH,
A community
with very high
rates of obesity
and diabetes
Consultants and data sources
Stephanie Chung
Anne Sumner
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Obesity Branch, NIDDK, NIH.
Arthur Sherman, Ph. D.
Thank you
Questions and Comments

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dkNET Webinar: Estimating Relative Beta-Cell Function During Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Its Clinical Applications 03/10/2023

  • 1. Joon Ha Department of Mathematics, Howard University, Washington DC. 1 Estimating Relative Beta-Cell Function During Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Its Clinical Applications
  • 2. Glucose Pattern Leading to Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) Glucose does not increase much until reaching the threshold and sharply rises 2 Mason et al., Diabetes 2007;56:2054-2061 mean of 50 Pima Indians Good Biomarker?
  • 3. What is a good biomarker? • Robustness to detect progression to the disease; already substantially changed before onset of the disease (counter example; blood glucose), leading to an early biomarker • Prediction of the disease, typically assessed by Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (ROC) or Survival Analysis (longitudinal), leading to a good predictor • Identifying metabolic characteristics, leading to personalized therapies
  • 4. Novel Biomarker Mean Glucose vs. Novel Biomarker Mason et al., Diabetes 2007;56:2054-2061 Symmetric
  • 5. Contents 1. Summary of current metabolic parameter surrogates during various glucose challenge tests 2. Novel marker during standard oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs) 3. Novel marker during Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) 4. Clinical applications: A) Personalized intervention B) Detecting subjects at high risk on a plane of disposition index C) Heterogeneity and Homogeneity across Ethnics
  • 6. Gold standard measurements of metabolic parameters • Insulin resistance and β-cell dysfunction are key pathophysiological factors for onset of type 2 diabetes (T2D)1 • Two clamp experiments are generally accepted as the “gold standard” to measure the two risk factors2,3 • β-cell function relative to insulin sensitivity (i.e., Disposition Index [cDI] = insulin sensitivity x insulin secretion) is considered the strongest metabolic predictor for T2D4,5 • However, not practical for large-scale studies; up to 4 hours experiment time and highly skilled labor and thus are cost-prohibitive 1Hannon., Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci, 2015; 2Arslanian S., Horm Res, 2005; 3Sjaarda L., Diabetes Care, 2013 4Bergman N. R. et al., Diabetes, 2002; 5Utzschneider M.K., Diabetes Care, 2013 Hyperinsulinemic-Euglycemic clamp: Peripheral insulin sensitivity Hyperglycemic clamp: Beta-cell function
  • 7. Frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance tests (FSIGT) • Blood samples collected every 2 min to 30 minutes during two hours: 22 Glucose and Insulin measurements • Beta-cell function: Acute insulin response to Glucose (AIRg), AUC I of the first 10 minutes • Insulin sensitivity: fitting the minimal math to G, MINMOD, R. Bergman; Banting Medalist IGT G DI High Risk Insulin Sensitivity (10-4/(µU/ml)*min) Insulin Secretion ( µ U/ml) G constant Normal G SI =2.0 AIRG =400 DI=800 SI =0.4 AIRG =2000 DI=800 AIR G • DI originally derived from Intravenous Glucose Tolerance Test (IVGTT)
  • 8. Current Metabolic Estimates during OGTTs • Insulin Resistance or Sensitivity: HOMA-IR, QUICKI, Matsuda Index • Beta-cell Function: HOMA-B, Insulinogenic Index(IGI) • Relative Beta-Cell Function: fDI(HOMA-B*(1/HOMA-IR), oDI (IGI*Matsuda) • All are built by algebraic formulae using single and average measurements rather than glucose and insulin profiles • Current mathematical model-derived estimates require frequently sampled OGTTs up to 6 hours (11 G, 11 I, 11 C-peptide points), Cobelli’s model and Mari’s model; not applicable for large-scale epidemiological studies. • Standard OGTTs (G, I at 0,30,60,90,120) that underwent under clinical settings. However, the current math models (Cobelli and Mari) are not applicable to estimate metabolic parameters with standard OGTTs
  • 9. Pancreatic b-cells (Insulin Secretion) s (b-cell function) Liver (Hepatic Glucose Production) HGP Plasma Insulin I(t) k Glucose Space G(t) EG0 (G Effectiveness) OGTT (75g) Muscle (Glucose Uptake) SII Novel metabolic parameters During Standard OGTTs 𝒅𝑮 𝒅𝒕 = 𝑶𝑮𝑻𝑻(𝒕) + 𝑯𝑮𝑷(𝑰, 𝑺𝑰) − 𝑬𝑮𝑶 + 𝑺𝑰𝑰 𝑮 𝒅𝑰 𝒅𝒕 = 𝜷 𝑽 𝑰𝑺𝑹(𝝈, 𝑮) − 𝒌𝑰 6,7 mDI = SI*s • Estimation: SI and s • Data: G and I, at 5 time points: t=0, 30, 60, 90, 120 min Ha J., Satin L., Sherman A., Endocrinology 2016; Ha J. and Sherman A., AJP Endo. Metabolism 2020, Ha et al. Diabetes 2021
  • 10. Mathematical DI with (mDI) and without Insulin (mDI-woI) mDI with insulin mDI = SI*s • Uses glucose and insulin at 5 time points of OGTT t=0, 30, 60, 90, 120 min • Estimates SI and s separately mDI-woI = SI*s mDI without insulin • Uses glucose only, t=0, 30, 60, 90, 120 min • Cannot estimate SI and s separately • Estimates mDI ADA 2021, Young Investigator Award Joon Ha 2021
  • 11. Rationale for no requirement of insulin Courtesy from Max Springer, U of Maryland
  • 12. Rationale for no requirement of insulin (cont’d) Courtesy from Max Springer, U of Maryland
  • 13. mDI vs. mDI-woI mDI-woI is excellently correlated with mDI Data: Dr. Sangsoo Kim, the Pusan National University Hospital, South Korea N= 137, mean age=50.5, mean BMI=24.2, Male=48%.
  • 14. Mean Glucose and Glycemic Excursion • mDI-woI detects mean G and Glycemic excursion • Large change in mDI-woI, but small change in mean G
  • 16. : ROC Analysis to detect T2D and PreDM T2D PreDM Good Detector Cross-sectional data
  • 17. • N=5742 (Non-diabetes) and OGTTs every two years • Outcome: DM over the course of 14 year-longitudinal study Good Predictor : Longitudinal Confirmation Korean Genome Epidemiology Study (KoGes) Data: Dr. Sangsoo Kim, PNUH, South Korea
  • 18. Robustness of mDI –woI (longitudinal, N=215) N=215 who developed from NGT at baseline to PDM and T2D mDI-woI substantially changed at onset of Prediabetes
  • 19. Summary, so far • Model insulin sensitivity, b-cell function, and DI agree well with clamp parameters in obese youth • mDI-woI correlates with mDI with insulin • mDI-woI is a good and robust predictor
  • 21. Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Real-time Glucose Reading • Real-time glucose monitoring; daily average glucose and glycemic excursion • glucose measurements collected in interstitial fluid (ISF G) • Insulin measurements not collected • Less invasive and relatively cheap BG ISF G Peaks of ISF G tend to delay and decrease Diabetes Care. 2003;26(8):2405-2409. doi:10.2337/diacare.26.8.2405 Can we estimate relative beta-cell function with CGM? • Current math models cannot do this because they require insulin measurements • Our model can do (Ha and Sherman AJP 2020, Ha et al. Diabetes 2021) • Goal: Estimate relative beta-cell function, mDI-CGM during CGM BG vs. ISF G
  • 22. Step 1: Relative Beta-cell function During an OGTT wearing a CGM device 𝒅𝑮 𝒅𝒕 = 𝑶𝑮𝑻𝑻(𝒕) + 𝑯𝑮𝑷(𝑰, 𝑺𝑰) − 𝑬𝑮𝑶 + 𝑺𝑰𝑰 𝑮 𝒅𝑰 𝒅𝒕 = 𝜷 𝑽 𝑰𝑺𝑹(𝝈, 𝑮) − 𝒌𝑰 6,7 mDI-ISF = SI*s • Estimation: SI and s • Data: ISF at 5 time points: t=0, 30, 60, 90, 120 min Ha J., Satin L., Sherman A., Endocrinology 2016; Ha J. and Sherman A., AJP Endo. Metabolism 2020, Ha et al. Diabetes 2021 • Assumption: Discrepancy Between BG and ISF G is uniform • A data set for Step 1: BG and ISF G during OGTTs; Patients wear a CGM sensor during an OGTT; Glucose load same for all patients, 75 g
  • 23. Mean ISF and Glycemic Excursion vs. mDI_ISF mDI-ISF detects mean G and excursion G
  • 24. Step 2: Relative Beta-cell function During CGM in a free living environment 𝒅𝑮 𝒅𝒕 = 𝑶𝑮𝑻𝑻(𝒕) + 𝑯𝑮𝑷(𝑰, 𝑺𝑰) − 𝑬𝑮𝑶 + 𝑺𝑰𝑰 𝑮 𝒅𝑰 𝒅𝒕 = 𝜷 𝑽 𝑰𝑺𝑹(𝝈, 𝑮) − 𝒌𝑰 6,7 Output: • Estimation: Si ,s, and Glucose Appearance rate • mDI-CGM = SI*s Ha J., Satin L., Sherman A., Endocrinology 2016; Ha J. and Sherman A., AJP Endo. Metabolism 2020, Ha et al. Diabetes 2021 Input: • CGMs at 25 time points during a meal t=0, 10, 20, 30, … 240 min • A total amount of carbo intakes during a meal Carbohydrate intakes: Can-Pro 5.0 (web ver.), The Korean Nutrient Society • Assumption: Discrepancy Between BG and ISF G is uniform • A CGM data set with free-living environments for Step 2; Glucose load estimated with carbo intakes
  • 25. Mean CGM vs. mDI_CGM mDI-CGM detects mean G
  • 26. Summary, so far • The mathematical model enables to estimate relative beta- cell function during OGTTs and CGM without insulin measurements • mDI-CGM predicts mean G • mDI-woI and mDI-CGM are cost effective for large scale epidemiological studies and beneficial for patient care.
  • 28. Personalized intervention with estimated SI and BCF • Model-derived beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity characterize glucose tolerance status • Insulin resistance is a manageable risk factor -Lifestyle intervention could be more effective with insulin resistance subjects than weak beta function • Insulin resistance and weak beta-cell function groups have the same level of mDI Weak beta-cell function Insulin resistance Which group is at higher risk?
  • 29. Detecting subjects who are at high risk in DI plane
  • 30. Six subtypes of Non-diabetes: Machine learning algorithm N=325, Non-diabetes Age=48.2, BMI=24.3, PNUH Normal Function Insulin Sensitive (NF IS) Weak Function Mild Insulin Resistance (WF MIR) Weak Function Insulin Resistance (WF IR) Normal Function Insulin Resistance (MDF IR) Mild DysFunction Insulin Resistance (MDF SIR) Strong Function Severe Insulin Resistance (SF SIR) A B F E D C G I
  • 31. Survival Analysis Insulin sensitivity vs. beta-cell function Risk Assessment of six subtypes of Non-diabetes (KoGes, 16 years follow-up) • Cluster C is at the highest risk and followed by E, B, D, F, A • A+B+C: 82%, D:8.5%, E:7.9%, F:1.2% • Weakest beta-cell function class C is at the highest risk
  • 32. Longitudinal Changes of Clusters Transition Matrix Table • AàB and BàC are most frequently observed • AàBàC is the most common pathway to progression to diabetes A B Longitudinal Changes of Clusters
  • 33. Most common pathway to T2D: Koreans vs. Pima Indians Koreans Pima Indians Beta-cell function increases and decrease, as insulin resistance worsens Population Fit
  • 34. AUC_G vs. mDI_woI curve is universal across different ethnics)
  • 35. AUCG-mDI Curve May Be Universal
  • 36.
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  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40. AUCG-mDI Curve May Be Universal All groups lie on nearly the same curve 0 2 4 6 mDI-woI
  • 41. Cut-point of mDI-woI to predict T2D( KoGes) 0 2 4 6 8 mDI-woI 1.59
  • 42. Progressors vs. Non-progressors AUC G vs. mDI-woI Progressors have smaller mDI at baseline Non-progressor baseline Progressor baseline 0 2 4 6 mDI-woI
  • 43. Progressors vs. Non-progressors 2h-PG, 1h-PG, FPG vs. mDI-woI, mDI Fasting Glucose of the two groups at baseline are not different, suggesting that Fasting Glucose is not a good predictor to progression to diabetes in Koreans Progressors have smaller mDI at baseline mDI
  • 44. Summary, overall • Model insulin sensitivity, b-cell function, and DI agree well with conventional surrogates, but outperform to predict dysglycemia • Model-derived insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function could have potential to be implemented in personalized therapies. • mDI-woI and mDI best predict diabetes, compared to current diabetes criteria, G0, G120, A1c, and oDI, based on a longitudinal study • A combination of machine learning algorithm and model parameters identifies 6 subtypes of Non-diabetes and reveals the most common pathway of progression to diabetes in a cohort of Korean population; potential to apply for other cohorts
  • 45. Conclusions • A longitudinal Confirmation of mDI-CGM with Young African Americans, Howard University Future Directions •mDI-woI is a reliable indicator of dysglycemia (PreDM and DM) •mDI-woI is suitable for large scale observational and interventional studies to assess b-cell function • s and SI are good surrogates for beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity
  • 46. Minimum Data points for math model derived metabolic surrogates Outcomes 5G + 5I 5G + 2I or 3G + 3I 5G 3G (t=0, 60, 120) CGM + Carbo FPG + FPI + A1c SI, beta-cell function, DI SI, beta-cell function, DI DI DI DI (ongoing) Six subtypes with a machine learning algorithm (ongoing) Data
  • 47. Funding Source • dkNET, Pilot Study of Bioinformatics for a new PI, NIDDK, NIH with title “Estimating Relative Beta-Cell Function During Cont inuous Glucose Monitoring” • Brain Pool Program of South Korea, Department of Endocrin ology and Metabolism Pusan National University Hospital, Pu san: May 2022 – Dec 2024 titled “Finding a Robust Early Bio marker of Progression to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Using a No vel Mathematical Model” • Howard University Start-up Fund 49
  • 48. Sangsoo Kim, MD, Division of Endocrinology, Pusan National University Hospital, South Korea Collaborators and data sources Jinmi Kim, Ph.D, Department of Biostatistics, Clinical Trial Center, Biomedical Research Institute, Pusan National University Hospital, South Korea Team of Division of Endo. and Meta., PNUH Wook Yi, MD Sori Yang, MD Myoungsoo Lim, MD Doohwa Kim, MD Minsoo Kim, Ph.D. Candidate Hyejung Jae, RN
  • 49. 15-year longitudinal data of Pima Indians 51 Pima Indian Data: Clifton Bogardus, Phoenix, NIDDK, NIH, A community with very high rates of obesity and diabetes
  • 50. Consultants and data sources Stephanie Chung Anne Sumner Diabetes, Endocrinology and Obesity Branch, NIDDK, NIH. Arthur Sherman, Ph. D. NIDDK, NIH, MD