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DIY Acne Laser Treatment
With the advent of affordable
laser devices, it’s now possible
to do it all by yourself, in the
comfort of your own home.
„„ How Does Laser Therapy Work?.....................................................................3
„„ Scar Treatment......................................................................................................4
„„ Limitations of the system...................................................................................5
„„ The technicalities of acne laser treatment.....................................................6
„„ Acne Laser Treatment Programs......................................................................8
„„ Laser Resurfacing...............................................................................................10
„„ The Advancement Of Acne Laser Treatment...............................................14
„„ Laser Treatment for Acne Scar Removal......................................................17
„„ Doing it yourself.................................................................................................20
„„ Recommended Products..................................................................................22
„„ Brighttherapy SL-50 Light Therapy Cold Laser Cluster............................23
„„ LightStim Acne Light Therapy..........................................................................24
„„ Quasar Power Pack
   (Baby Quasar Red and Baby Quasar Blue Light Therapies).....................25
„„ Sirius SS-77 Aurora Light Therapy System....................................................26

                                                                                                       Page 2 of 27
Acne laser treatment is a method that has helped millions to get rid of acne. Each
year, individuals find out that the over the counter medications that they get at
their local drug store just do not provide enough help to them. They have likely
tried several products and can not find method to get rid of acne. Acne laser
treatment can actually help to stop acne once and for all for many individuals.
Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
In common parlance, the term laser usually refers to a device based on this
principle, rather than to the principle itself.

How Does Laser Therapy Work?
Acne laser treatment is just what it sounds like. The technician will use a very
powerful and small laser to effectively trigger the acne. Usually, the procedure
will be done because the acne is being caused, at least in part, by over producing
oils in the skin. The laser will get to these glands that are under the skin and
causing the oils and destroy them. While this seems harsh, laser acne treatment
is virtually painless. There are no ramifications to having these glands destroyed
either. Once the glands stop producing oils, the bacteria that cause acne will not
have an optimal place to grow. This in turn effectively stops acne.
It is important to know that in most causes acne treatments will not necessary
cure the acne that is already on your face or body. This will usually be done with
antibiotics. Once the oils slow or stop though, there will be fewer outbreaks of
acne on the face or body once these heal.

                                                                 Page 3 of 27
Scar Treatment
            Another option for the use of acne laser treatment is that in which the acne
            scars can be removed. This very powerful laser can actually remove the top
            layers of your skin near and on the scar. When new skin grows back, it will be
            healthy and scars are either gone or they are not as visible. Acne scar laser
            treatment is fast becoming a way to get rid of acne scars that have been on a
            person’s body for years..

Acne laser treatment is just what it sounds like.The technician will use a very
powerful and small laser to effectively trigger the acne.

            In either treatment, laser acne treatment can be quite effective. In some cases,
            there will be the need for several treatments to be done, though. The only bad
            part of acne laser treatment is that it is not necessarily cheap. With the several
            treatments that may be necessary, it may be quite expensive. Yet, even with that
            said, the results for laser treatments are amazing for many.
            If some one has acne, they have a lot of spots on their face, neck and body. Acne
            is very common among teenagers. It is the most unfortunate situation for the
            youth to have stubborn case of acne on their face. For, that is the stage of life,
            when they like to be not only healthy but much more attractive and presentable!

                                                                             Page 4 of 27
Common skin problems related to acne include skin rashes; popping of
blackheads, whiteheads and nodules in the form of pimples and acne; and
formation of dry, oily areas and reddish-brown blotches on skin. Greasy and spicy
foods can also cause acne prone skin.
Healing of the acne lesion is not the end of the problem. It is the beginning of
a new series of problems, to solve which a lot of patience and understanding is
required. Repeated trips to the clinic of the dermatologist are necessary thus.
The post inflammatory effects caused by acne are part of the skin’s natural
healing process. Medication and practices in vogue can only help facilitate this
healing process. Laser therapy, in the treatment of acne, is still at the kindergarten
level. Researchers and scientists in this area are themselves confused a lot, and
so far, unable to arrive at definite conclusions. Their problem is also the same as
faced by the specialists of acne treatment in other branches of science.
No single treatment is right for everyone. Type of skin varies from person to
person. The topography and skin texture of each person is different. Therefore,
the person who opts for and the person who gives treatment, both have to be
realistic about the results, while tasking up the option of laser treatment.

Limitations of the system
Two types of acne patients are likely to opt for laser therapy. One, those who
are interested in getting rid of the scars, pimples or whatever it may be, on

                                                                   Page 5 of 27
emergency basis and secondly those who are willing to wait but wanting to
have a permanent cure. The typical side effects that go with other systems of
acne treatment are applicable to laser therapy as well. The damage is likely to be
caused by the laser system that is still in the stage of research and development.
Well, no one should be in a hurry to own it.
Laser treatment specialists are also fully aware of the limitations of the present
system. Proper skin care will still remain a problem even after you get rid of
the unwanted part of the skin. Improved tissue metabolism that will boost the
blood flow to pores, causing them to open, is the only answer. e researchers are
not themselves convinced about the efficacy of laser treatment, how can your
dermatologist advise you to go fort it? Even if he does, you please be guided by
what you have decided for you!

The technicalities of acne laser treatment
A common approach to treating acne is to target the bacteria that produces
the inflammation associated with acne known as Propionobacterium Acnes, or P.
acnes. P. acnes releases porphyrins, which are naturally occurring molecules in the
body. When porphyrins absorb certain wavelengths of light, free radical damage is
produced which destroys the bacteria.
Porphyrins absorb light best in the blue wavelength range – 400 nm to 430 nm. A
low intensity blue light source (405 nm to 420 nm) has been studied for the
treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory acne. In the study, two 15-minute

                                                                 Page 6 of 27
exposures a week for a period of four weeks produced a 60 percent reduction in
            acne in 80 percent of patients. Reported remissions from acne lasted as long as
            three to eight months..

Laser treatment specialists are also fully aware of the limitations of the present
system. Proper skin care will still remain a problem even after you get rid of the
unwanted part of the skin.

            Another way to treat acne using laser technology is to damage the sebaceous
            glands by a thermal or heat effect. In a recent study, a 1450 nm diode laser was
            used to perform four treatments one month apart. There was 100 percent
            clearing of acne in 16 of the 17 patients evaluated six months after the last
            treatment. Skin biopsies performed immediately after treatment showed heat-
            induced alterations of the sebaceous glands, reducing the amount of oil produced.
            Photopneumatic therapy combines an intense pulsed light (IPL) laser with a low-
            impact vacuum. The procedure removes excess oil and dead skin cells from the
            blocked pores of the patient. Photopneumatic therapy is effective for treating
            blackheads, whiteheads, and some other types of acne. However, it is not so
            effective for treating acne nodules and cysts.
            “While lasers have been used successfully for acne scarring for years, their
            use in actually controlling existing acne is a major breakthrough and could be
            an excellent alternative for those patients who have had minimal success with

                                                                            Page 7 of 27
traditional therapies,” explained by a dermatologist. “However, this treatment is
still investigational and not widely available yet. So not all patients will have access
to it and the procedure is not covered by insurance.”
Patients need to be aware that many states do not distinguish who can and
cannot perform procedures with laser/light sources. “Since skin treatments using
lasers can carry potential side effects, they should be performed by a qualified
physician or under direct physician supervision. I encourage patients to ask their
physician questions about who will be performing laser surgery, including their
qualifications,” cautioned by the dermatologist.

Acne Laser Treatment Programs
Laser therapy is an appealing treatment for acne: no messy creams, no drugs and
minimal risk of side effects. Although approved to treat acne scarring, Pulsed dye
laser therapy is also being used for the treatment of active inflammatory acne
vulgaris. More research is needed before this laser therapy may be recommended
as an acne treatment.” Pulsed-dye laser treatment for inflammatory acne
vulgarisOctober 2003. Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of pulsed
dye laser therapy in the treatment of acne. More research is needed before
this laser therapy may be recommended as an acne treatment. The study
authors concluded, “More research is needed before this laser therapy may be
recommended as an acne treatment”.

                                                                     Page 8 of 27
Previous studies have indicated that light therapy and laser treatment can actually
           improve acne. Successful removal by ruby laser of darkened ink after ruby laser
           treatment of mismatched tattoos for acne scars. The laser treatment program
           for acne scar removal is somewhat different than acne laser treatment. produces
           advanced pulsed light and laser systems for treatment of hair removal, leg veins,
           acne, and pigmented and vascular lesion removal. Excellent waxing services (using
           a very high-grade, mint oil-infused stripless wax), top-notch laser hair removal,
           acne laser treatments and skin rejuvenation. skin resurfacing, laser wrinkle
           removal, vein treatment, acne removal, birth mark removal ...
           With laser acne scar treatment, the focus is on developing new collagen in the
           lower layer of skin. When an acne patient faces pitting, or deep holes, in the skin
           as a result of acne, there is a treatment called laser resurfacing. This assists in
           better evaluation of your skin and for more effective acne laser spectrum light
           treatments. The CO2 laser vaporizes thin layers of the skin and tightens collagen
           fibers, which makes it an appropriate treatment for depressed acne scars.

Laser therapy is an appealing treatment for acne: no messy creams, no drugs and
minimal risk of side effects.

           Most acne blemish laser treatment methods are painless and effective, but they
           also come at a noticeable price. A successful acne blemish laser treatment
           may include various types of laser exposure such as carbon dioxide lasers or

                                                                            Page 9 of 27
nonablative lasers. The Carbon Dioxide laser is also known to produce higher
levels of pigmentation during the acne blemish laser treatment . one of the best
methods for acne blemish laser treatment. The Carbon Dioxide laser is also
known to produce higher levels of pigmentation during the acne blemish laser
treatment. Patients of acne blemish laser treatment use creams to numb the area
where the laser will be applied, so the process is virtually painless.
V-Beam (Pulsed Dye Laser) is commonly used for the treatment of red acne
scars, stretch marks and keloids, which are thickened scar tissue. Here you will
find information about acne laser scar treatment. The Er:YAG laser should be
reserved for sculpting of individual scar edges and treatment of mild acne scars.
Scar Treatment Another option for the use of acne laser treatment is that in
which the acne scars can be removed.
Pulsed-dye laser treatment for inflammatory acne vulgaris: randomised controlled
trial. Pulsed-dye laser treatment for inflammatory acne vulgaris: Randomised
controlled trial. Pulsed-dye laser treatment for inflammatory acne vulgaris:
randomized controlled trial. However, few randomized, controlled clinical trials
have examined the value of lasers for treating acne and none show conclusively
whether the treatments actually work.

Laser Resurfacing
Laser resurfacing or “laser peels” is generally used to minimize the appearance of
fine lines, mainly in the areas around the mouth and the eyes.

                                                                Page 10 of 27
It is also an effective solution for treating facial scars or areas of uneven
Laser resurfacing is performed both on the whole face as well as in specific
The procedure is frequent done in conjunction with another cosmetic operation,
such as a facelift or eyelid surgery.
The benefits of laser resurfacing of skins are ahead of those offered by another
skin rejuvenation option. It is the best treatment to ensure overall improvement
of chronically photo damaged skin.
Skin damage caused by photo aging is presented in various forms like rhytides
and actinic keratoses, scarring from severe acne, surgery, or trauma. These are all
cosmetic disfigurements posing psychological problems to the patients. Most of
these problems can be effectively cured by laser scar resurfacing.
The laser resurfacing procedure uses a light beam from a CO2 laser. The idea is
to vaporize the upper layers of damaged skin at specific and controlled levels of
A significantly positive side of laser resurfacing is that it produces less bleeding,
bruising and post-operative discomfort than is typically seen with other
resurfacing methods.

                                                                    Page 11 of 27
Eligibility for laser resurfacing
Before you proceed for laser resurfacing, you need to consult a doctor to check
your eligibility.
The consultation will include a careful assessment of the problematic area.
Your skin condition will also play a crucial role in this regard. For example, dark
skin types are more likely to complications from skin pigmentation after laser

Skin conditions helpful for laser resurfacing
A full-face laser resurfacing is likely to produce dramatic result mainly in
aged, sun-damaged skin where actinic and seborrheic keratosis, lentigines, and
telangiectasias are common. Besides, CO2 laser surgery seemingly gives good
results for all scar types.
However, laser scar resurfacing is a better option for saucer-shaped distensible
areas, rather than pitted scars for which dermabrasion is a better option.
Laser scar resurfacing is also a suitable option for problems like atrophic facial
scars, hypertrophic scars and traumatic scars, which can also be ablated with
considerable improvement of their appearance.
Laser scar resurfacing is of great help in blending the scar with the texture and
color of the patient’s skin.

                                                                  Page 12 of 27
Skin conditions not suitable for laser resurfacing
However, laser resurfacing has certain limitations as well. For example, the
procedure is not that effective in treating the nasolabial folds.

Risks and uncertainties in laser resurfacing
Handling of laser resurfacing by a qualified and experienced surgeon reduces the
chances and level of complications. However, the outcome of the surgery is not
completely predictable.
The risks you should be prepared for in this surgery include:
•	 burns or other injuries caused by the heat of the laser energy
•	 scarring
•	 obvious lightening or darkening of the skin area that has been treated.
Sometimes the healing seems abnormal or delayed. Besides, sometimes there is
evidence of abnormal pigmentation or scarring. In such cases additional coercive
measures and treatment may be required.
The risks can be reduced to a great extent by choosing a plastic surgeon specially
trained in laser surgery.

                                                                Page 13 of 27
The Advancement Of Acne Laser Treatment
           The advancement of laser treatment and technology has brought therapy into the
           new century and is the suggested treatment for acne and acne scarring. Laser
           therapy is an appealing treatment for acne: no messy creams, no drugs and
           minimal risk of side effects. Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of pulsed
           dye laser therapy in the treatment of acne. More research is needed before this
           laser therapy may be recommended as an acne treatment. Although approved to
           treat acne scarring, Pulsed dye laser therapy is also being used for the treatment
           of active inflammatory acne vulgaris. More research is needed before this laser
           therapy may be recommended as an acne treatment.” Pulsed-dye laser treatment
           for inflammatory acne vulgaris.

The advancement of laser treatment and technology has brought therapy into the
new century and is the suggested treatment for acne and acne scarring.

           Previous studies have indicated that light therapy and laser treatment can actually
           improve acne. This policy addresses treatment of acne vulgaris using pulsed dye
           laser or photodynamic therapy. The study authors concluded, “More research is
           needed before this laser therapy may be recommended as an acne treatment”.
           - Additional research is needed before laser therapy can be recommended as
           a treatment for acne, according to a study. Objective To evaluate the clinical
           efficacy of pulsed dye laser therapy in the treatment of acne.

                                                                           Page 14 of 27
The Er:YAG laser should be reserved for sculpting of individual scar edges and
treatment of mild acne scars. Here you will find information about acne laser
scar treatment. With laser acne scar treatment, the focus is on developing
new collagen in the lower layer of skin. The laser treatment program for acne
scar removal is somewhat different than acne laser treatment. Scar Treatment
Another option for the use of acne laser treatment is that in which the acne
scars can be removed. If you feel that your scars might need something more
long term, then start saving for acne scar laser treatment. The only known
treatment that has worked in acne scar removal is acne scar laser treatment.
V-Beam (Pulsed Dye Laser) is commonly used for the treatment of red acne
scars, stretch marks and keloids, which are thickened scar tissue. natural acne
skin care treating acne acne cyst acne problems acne treatment for teenager acne
scar laser treatment .
When an acne patient faces pitting, or deep holes, in the skin as a result of acne,
there is a treatment called laser resurfacing. In acne laser treatment, a laser is
used to remove areas of damaged skin, layer by layer. Skin care maintenance can
also be prescribed to compliment the acne laser treatment. They might also apply
the laser inconsistently, leaving your skin slightly uneven after the acne treatment
with laser. Excellent waxing services (using a very high-grade, mint oil-infused
stripless wax), top-notch laser hair removal, acne laser treatments and skin
Most acne blemish laser treatment methods are painless and effective, but they
also come at a noticeable price. A successful acne blemish laser treatment

                                                                Page 15 of 27
may include various types of laser exposure such as carbon dioxide lasers or
nonablative lasers. The Carbon Dioxide laser is also known to produce higher
levels of pigmentation during the acne blemish laser treatment . one of the best
methods for acne blemish laser treatment.

A therapy for acne without side effects
Laser appears to be a good therapy for acne without to much risk of side effects.
Lasers and light-based systems have become one of the more common modalities
to treat a wide variety of skin disorders, including acne vulgaris, during the past
ten years.
A lot of patients do not respond adequately or develop side effects with the
various oral and topical treatments available for the treatment of acne. Hence, the
growing demand by patients who suffered from acne for a faster, safer, and side-
effect-free novel therapy.
The Dermatology and Lasers Clinic from Tel Aviv Msq, Caesarea, Israel, studied
this concerning situation in order to address the role of light therapy in the
armamentarium of treatments for acne vulgaris, to discuss photobiology aspects
and biomedical optics, to review current technologies of laser/light-based devices,
to review the clinical experience and results, and to outline clinical guidelines and
treatment considerations, as they reported.

                                                                 Page 16 of 27
After a series of clinical trials, results show that 85 per cent of the patients show
           an important quantitative reduction in at least 50 per cent of their lesions after
           four biweekly treatments. Approximately 20 per cent of cases demonstrate that
           acne eradication may reach 90 per cent. Three months after the last treatment,
           clearance is approximately 70 per cent to 80 per cent. Meanwhile, the non-
           respondent rate is 15 per cent to 20 per cent.
           According to researchers, laser and light-based therapies are a safe and effective
           modality for the treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory acne vulgaris. After

Laser appears to be a good therapy for acne without to much risk of side effects.
Lasers and light-based systems have become one of the more common modalities
to treat a wide variety of skin disorders, including acne vulgaris, during the past
ten years.

           comparing to the effects of oral antibiotics, amelioration of acne by light therapy
           offers faster resolution and fewer side effects and leads to patient satisfaction.

           Laser Treatment for Acne Scar Removal
           Acne scar laser treatment stands out among all acne treatments in effectiveness.
           Acne scarring comes under cosmetic disfigurements posing psychological
           problems to the patients. It is notable here that most of these can very well be
           corrected using laser as skin resurfacing modality.

                                                                             Page 17 of 27
Acne scar laser treatment involves using a light beam from a carbon dioxide laser.
The latter vaporizes the upper layers of damaged skin at specific and controlled
levels of penetration.

Improvements in technology
The development of selective photothermolysis has caused significant advances
in the use of laser technology for skin resurfacing. The improved technology has
helped reduce residual thermal damage. By using shorter pulse durations of laser
light, the minimizing of thermal damage significantly reduced the risk for scarring
on the skin.
The latest procedures involve an intense beam of light to destroy the skin tissue
instantly. As of now, carbon dioxide and Er:YAG laser reportedly offer best acne
treatments. They are able to perform highly specific vaporization of tissue using
powerfully focused light to precisely remove the skin layers. Thus they vaporize
the ridges of scars and wrinkles and smoothing out the surface of the skin.

Best lasers for acne scar removal
Er:YAG laser offers the best acne scar laser treatment. The benefit of Er:YAG
laser for superficial to moderate acne scar removal stems from the fact that this
laser produces less thermal damage compared to other types of laser.

                                                                Page 18 of 27
The short pulsed Er:YAG laser has a water absorption coefficient 16 times
greater than that of the carbon dioxide laser. The water in the tissue absorbs
most of the energy of these lasers. That results in minimal optical penetration
depth and thermal damage.
The more limited penetration of these lasers into the skin triggers a
histopathological improvement less pronounced than that of carbon dioxide
laser. However, Er:YAG laser shows potential as an acne scar removal treatment
especially in the treatment of mild to moderate superficial rhytides and scars. In
fact it is the best acne scar laser treatment for acne scars that are not very deep.

                                                                 Page 19 of 27
Doing it yourself
           As we have seen, lasers work by emitting pulsing light waves of sufficient intensity
           to repair scar tissue, acne and to reduce reddening of the skin by neutralizing the
           bacteria that cause acne. As well as this, they can reduce the production of sebum
           (facial oils) . Laser treatment can also be used in conjunction with conventional
           acne treatments, thereby accelerating the whole process of recovery.
            Traditionally, laser therapy was only available from dermatologists and plastic
            surgeons. However, with the advent of affordable laser treatment devices, it is
            now possible to carry out laser treatment in the safety of your own home.

The lasers used in these device are sometimes not visible to the human eye.
However, they are just as dangerous to the eye as intense visible light. You should
therefore never look directly at the laser and always wear goggles when advised.
Naturally, you should also keep laser devices out of the reach of children.

            You can now purchase fairly powerful handheld devices capable of treating mild
            and moderate forms of acne. Unfortunately, anyone who has “industrial strength”
            acne will still need to consult a dermatologist. Although still fairly new, these
            devices are approved for use by the FDA and have been proven in clinical trials to
            produce consistent results.

                                                                            Page 20 of 27
These devices are quick, convenient and easy to use and, unlike so many acne
medications, do not dehydrate and irritate the skin.
Whether they will suit you will normally
depend on the severity of your skin
condition. Also if you have a large
number of small pimples, which need to
be targeted individually, you may find the
whole process quite time-consuming.
As with any other piece of equipment,
these devices will take some getting
used to.You will also need to be both
patient and consistent in your usage: no
pain, no gain!
Improvements are usually visible within
a couple of weeks. However, you must
also be prepared that changes are not
always as dramatic as one might wish.
Most dermatologists also advice taking a break of a week or two after every few
weeks treatment cycle to prevent skin becoming overly sensitive; but, apart from
that, there is no reason why home laser devices cannot be used continually.

                                                              Page 21 of 27
Recommended Products
If you are considering home laser treatment, to get you started on your
investigations, we’ve put together a compilation of four of the top models
currently available.
„„ Brighttherapy SL-50 Light Therapy Cold Laser Cluster

„„ LightStim Acne Light Therapy

„„ Quasar Power Pack
   (Baby Quasar Red and Baby Quasar Blue Light Therapies)

„„ Sirius SS-77 Aurora Light Therapy System


                                                               Page 22 of 27
Brighttherapy SL-50 Light Therapy Cold Laser Cluster
The BrightTherapy SL50 Light Therapy Laser features 8 “red” and 4 “infrared”
lasers. The “red” skin care lasers are designed for anti-aging skin treatment as well
as being effective for treating acne, cold sores, stretch marks and bruises. The
device has a dual function in that it can also be used for pain relief.
The “Infrared” lasers feature a deep
penetrating infrared laser Light
technology designed to reach deeper
than the standard “red” laser. While
the standard “red” laser penetrates
about 1-2 cm of the skin the
infrared goes twice as deep (4-5cm)
to muscular tissue, joints, & bones
to rejuvenate, and increase blood
circulation at the deepest level using a
process know as Bio-Stimulation.
The increased blood circulation
promotes faster cellular regeneration
leading to faster healing times and
healthier tissue. LLLT Infrared Lasers have been
proven in clinical trials to promote faster healing
times and reduce pain.

                                                                 Page 23 of 27
LightStim Acne Light Therapy
 The LightStim Acne Light Therapy
device is a great skin care tool to
stop, heal and prevent acne. This
treatment treats acne at its core by
killing propionibacterium acnes: the
bacterium assoicated with acne. The
LED light will also soothe redness and
inflammation as well as shrink large
The light helps heal existing breakouts,
shrink enlarged pores, calm inflammation,
and soothe redness. The Acne Light
Therapy will also help to heal acne scars,
get rid of blackheads. It uses blue, red and
infrared LED lights to target acne at its core
and can be used on all skin types including
sensitive skin.

                                                 Page 24 of 27
Quasar Power Pack
(Baby Quasar Red and Baby Quasar Blue Light Therapies)
The Quasar Power Pack (Baby Quasar & Baby Blue) allows users to use two
types of photo rejuvenation devices in the comfort of their
own home. FDA approved, both Baby Quasar and Baby Blue
stimulate the aggregation of collagen to surface on
desired parts of the skin so that users may
achieve a more youthful appearance.
Clinical studies in the U.K. have
found that the combination of
red and blue light therapy help
treat inflammatory acne. Both
gentle and highly effective, the
Baby Quasar and Baby Blue help
control bacteria and the release
of sebum that is found in hair
Ideal for anywhere on the face,
this Quasar Power Pack includes
two different types of light therapy; the Baby Blue helps increase lymphatic system
activity, kill or disable temperature sensitive bacteria and viruses that cause acne,
and stimulate tissue repair and healing while releasing enhancing enzymes.

                                                                 Page 25 of 27
Sirius SS-77 Aurora Light Therapy System
Sirius aurora is a handheld light therapy system that employs LED light therapy
technology: a noninvasive, low-level, non-thermal light energy. LED stands for light
emitting diodes that give off energy in the form of light. They are compact,
durable, powerful, bright, efficient, and last up to 10,000 hours.
Sirius aurora is the only
handheld light therapy
system with 3
treatment panels
for aging, acne, and
hyperpigmentation. Intended
specifically for home use, it was
developed to be easy to use and user-friendly.
It boasts features such as portability, long-lasting and durable treatment panels,
continuous and pulsating modes, timer, automatic shutdown, large treatment
surface area, and modular design, it offers unparalleled safety, convenience, and

                                                                 Page 26 of 27

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DIY Acne Laser Treatment

  • 1. DIY Acne Laser Treatment With the advent of affordable laser devices, it’s now possible to do it all by yourself, in the comfort of your own home.
  • 2. Contents „„ How Does Laser Therapy Work?.....................................................................3 „„ Scar Treatment......................................................................................................4 „„ Limitations of the system...................................................................................5 „„ The technicalities of acne laser treatment.....................................................6 „„ Acne Laser Treatment Programs......................................................................8 „„ Laser Resurfacing...............................................................................................10 „„ The Advancement Of Acne Laser Treatment...............................................14 „„ Laser Treatment for Acne Scar Removal......................................................17 „„ Doing it yourself.................................................................................................20 „„ Recommended Products..................................................................................22 „„ Brighttherapy SL-50 Light Therapy Cold Laser Cluster............................23 „„ LightStim Acne Light Therapy..........................................................................24 „„ Quasar Power Pack (Baby Quasar Red and Baby Quasar Blue Light Therapies).....................25 „„ Sirius SS-77 Aurora Light Therapy System....................................................26 Page 2 of 27
  • 3. Acne laser treatment is a method that has helped millions to get rid of acne. Each year, individuals find out that the over the counter medications that they get at their local drug store just do not provide enough help to them. They have likely tried several products and can not find method to get rid of acne. Acne laser treatment can actually help to stop acne once and for all for many individuals. Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. In common parlance, the term laser usually refers to a device based on this principle, rather than to the principle itself. How Does Laser Therapy Work? Acne laser treatment is just what it sounds like. The technician will use a very powerful and small laser to effectively trigger the acne. Usually, the procedure will be done because the acne is being caused, at least in part, by over producing oils in the skin. The laser will get to these glands that are under the skin and causing the oils and destroy them. While this seems harsh, laser acne treatment is virtually painless. There are no ramifications to having these glands destroyed either. Once the glands stop producing oils, the bacteria that cause acne will not have an optimal place to grow. This in turn effectively stops acne. It is important to know that in most causes acne treatments will not necessary cure the acne that is already on your face or body. This will usually be done with antibiotics. Once the oils slow or stop though, there will be fewer outbreaks of acne on the face or body once these heal. Page 3 of 27
  • 4. Scar Treatment Another option for the use of acne laser treatment is that in which the acne scars can be removed. This very powerful laser can actually remove the top layers of your skin near and on the scar. When new skin grows back, it will be healthy and scars are either gone or they are not as visible. Acne scar laser treatment is fast becoming a way to get rid of acne scars that have been on a person’s body for years.. Acne laser treatment is just what it sounds like.The technician will use a very powerful and small laser to effectively trigger the acne. In either treatment, laser acne treatment can be quite effective. In some cases, there will be the need for several treatments to be done, though. The only bad part of acne laser treatment is that it is not necessarily cheap. With the several treatments that may be necessary, it may be quite expensive. Yet, even with that said, the results for laser treatments are amazing for many. If some one has acne, they have a lot of spots on their face, neck and body. Acne is very common among teenagers. It is the most unfortunate situation for the youth to have stubborn case of acne on their face. For, that is the stage of life, when they like to be not only healthy but much more attractive and presentable! Page 4 of 27
  • 5. Common skin problems related to acne include skin rashes; popping of blackheads, whiteheads and nodules in the form of pimples and acne; and formation of dry, oily areas and reddish-brown blotches on skin. Greasy and spicy foods can also cause acne prone skin. Healing of the acne lesion is not the end of the problem. It is the beginning of a new series of problems, to solve which a lot of patience and understanding is required. Repeated trips to the clinic of the dermatologist are necessary thus. The post inflammatory effects caused by acne are part of the skin’s natural healing process. Medication and practices in vogue can only help facilitate this healing process. Laser therapy, in the treatment of acne, is still at the kindergarten level. Researchers and scientists in this area are themselves confused a lot, and so far, unable to arrive at definite conclusions. Their problem is also the same as faced by the specialists of acne treatment in other branches of science. No single treatment is right for everyone. Type of skin varies from person to person. The topography and skin texture of each person is different. Therefore, the person who opts for and the person who gives treatment, both have to be realistic about the results, while tasking up the option of laser treatment. Limitations of the system Two types of acne patients are likely to opt for laser therapy. One, those who are interested in getting rid of the scars, pimples or whatever it may be, on Page 5 of 27
  • 6. emergency basis and secondly those who are willing to wait but wanting to have a permanent cure. The typical side effects that go with other systems of acne treatment are applicable to laser therapy as well. The damage is likely to be caused by the laser system that is still in the stage of research and development. Well, no one should be in a hurry to own it. Laser treatment specialists are also fully aware of the limitations of the present system. Proper skin care will still remain a problem even after you get rid of the unwanted part of the skin. Improved tissue metabolism that will boost the blood flow to pores, causing them to open, is the only answer. e researchers are not themselves convinced about the efficacy of laser treatment, how can your dermatologist advise you to go fort it? Even if he does, you please be guided by what you have decided for you! The technicalities of acne laser treatment A common approach to treating acne is to target the bacteria that produces the inflammation associated with acne known as Propionobacterium Acnes, or P. acnes. P. acnes releases porphyrins, which are naturally occurring molecules in the body. When porphyrins absorb certain wavelengths of light, free radical damage is produced which destroys the bacteria. Porphyrins absorb light best in the blue wavelength range – 400 nm to 430 nm. A low intensity blue light source (405 nm to 420 nm) has been studied for the treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory acne. In the study, two 15-minute Page 6 of 27
  • 7. exposures a week for a period of four weeks produced a 60 percent reduction in acne in 80 percent of patients. Reported remissions from acne lasted as long as three to eight months.. Laser treatment specialists are also fully aware of the limitations of the present system. Proper skin care will still remain a problem even after you get rid of the unwanted part of the skin. Another way to treat acne using laser technology is to damage the sebaceous glands by a thermal or heat effect. In a recent study, a 1450 nm diode laser was used to perform four treatments one month apart. There was 100 percent clearing of acne in 16 of the 17 patients evaluated six months after the last treatment. Skin biopsies performed immediately after treatment showed heat- induced alterations of the sebaceous glands, reducing the amount of oil produced. Photopneumatic therapy combines an intense pulsed light (IPL) laser with a low- impact vacuum. The procedure removes excess oil and dead skin cells from the blocked pores of the patient. Photopneumatic therapy is effective for treating blackheads, whiteheads, and some other types of acne. However, it is not so effective for treating acne nodules and cysts. “While lasers have been used successfully for acne scarring for years, their use in actually controlling existing acne is a major breakthrough and could be an excellent alternative for those patients who have had minimal success with Page 7 of 27
  • 8. traditional therapies,” explained by a dermatologist. “However, this treatment is still investigational and not widely available yet. So not all patients will have access to it and the procedure is not covered by insurance.” Patients need to be aware that many states do not distinguish who can and cannot perform procedures with laser/light sources. “Since skin treatments using lasers can carry potential side effects, they should be performed by a qualified physician or under direct physician supervision. I encourage patients to ask their physician questions about who will be performing laser surgery, including their qualifications,” cautioned by the dermatologist. Acne Laser Treatment Programs Laser therapy is an appealing treatment for acne: no messy creams, no drugs and minimal risk of side effects. Although approved to treat acne scarring, Pulsed dye laser therapy is also being used for the treatment of active inflammatory acne vulgaris. More research is needed before this laser therapy may be recommended as an acne treatment.” Pulsed-dye laser treatment for inflammatory acne vulgarisOctober 2003. Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of pulsed dye laser therapy in the treatment of acne. More research is needed before this laser therapy may be recommended as an acne treatment. The study authors concluded, “More research is needed before this laser therapy may be recommended as an acne treatment”. Page 8 of 27
  • 9. Previous studies have indicated that light therapy and laser treatment can actually improve acne. Successful removal by ruby laser of darkened ink after ruby laser treatment of mismatched tattoos for acne scars. The laser treatment program for acne scar removal is somewhat different than acne laser treatment. produces advanced pulsed light and laser systems for treatment of hair removal, leg veins, acne, and pigmented and vascular lesion removal. Excellent waxing services (using a very high-grade, mint oil-infused stripless wax), top-notch laser hair removal, acne laser treatments and skin rejuvenation. skin resurfacing, laser wrinkle removal, vein treatment, acne removal, birth mark removal ... With laser acne scar treatment, the focus is on developing new collagen in the lower layer of skin. When an acne patient faces pitting, or deep holes, in the skin as a result of acne, there is a treatment called laser resurfacing. This assists in better evaluation of your skin and for more effective acne laser spectrum light treatments. The CO2 laser vaporizes thin layers of the skin and tightens collagen fibers, which makes it an appropriate treatment for depressed acne scars. Laser therapy is an appealing treatment for acne: no messy creams, no drugs and minimal risk of side effects. Most acne blemish laser treatment methods are painless and effective, but they also come at a noticeable price. A successful acne blemish laser treatment may include various types of laser exposure such as carbon dioxide lasers or Page 9 of 27
  • 10. nonablative lasers. The Carbon Dioxide laser is also known to produce higher levels of pigmentation during the acne blemish laser treatment . one of the best methods for acne blemish laser treatment. The Carbon Dioxide laser is also known to produce higher levels of pigmentation during the acne blemish laser treatment. Patients of acne blemish laser treatment use creams to numb the area where the laser will be applied, so the process is virtually painless. V-Beam (Pulsed Dye Laser) is commonly used for the treatment of red acne scars, stretch marks and keloids, which are thickened scar tissue. Here you will find information about acne laser scar treatment. The Er:YAG laser should be reserved for sculpting of individual scar edges and treatment of mild acne scars. Scar Treatment Another option for the use of acne laser treatment is that in which the acne scars can be removed. Pulsed-dye laser treatment for inflammatory acne vulgaris: randomised controlled trial. Pulsed-dye laser treatment for inflammatory acne vulgaris: Randomised controlled trial. Pulsed-dye laser treatment for inflammatory acne vulgaris: randomized controlled trial. However, few randomized, controlled clinical trials have examined the value of lasers for treating acne and none show conclusively whether the treatments actually work. Laser Resurfacing Laser resurfacing or “laser peels” is generally used to minimize the appearance of fine lines, mainly in the areas around the mouth and the eyes. Page 10 of 27
  • 11. It is also an effective solution for treating facial scars or areas of uneven pigmentation. Laser resurfacing is performed both on the whole face as well as in specific regions. The procedure is frequent done in conjunction with another cosmetic operation, such as a facelift or eyelid surgery. The benefits of laser resurfacing of skins are ahead of those offered by another skin rejuvenation option. It is the best treatment to ensure overall improvement of chronically photo damaged skin. Skin damage caused by photo aging is presented in various forms like rhytides and actinic keratoses, scarring from severe acne, surgery, or trauma. These are all cosmetic disfigurements posing psychological problems to the patients. Most of these problems can be effectively cured by laser scar resurfacing. The laser resurfacing procedure uses a light beam from a CO2 laser. The idea is to vaporize the upper layers of damaged skin at specific and controlled levels of penetration. A significantly positive side of laser resurfacing is that it produces less bleeding, bruising and post-operative discomfort than is typically seen with other resurfacing methods. Page 11 of 27
  • 12. Eligibility for laser resurfacing Before you proceed for laser resurfacing, you need to consult a doctor to check your eligibility. The consultation will include a careful assessment of the problematic area. Your skin condition will also play a crucial role in this regard. For example, dark skin types are more likely to complications from skin pigmentation after laser treatment. Skin conditions helpful for laser resurfacing A full-face laser resurfacing is likely to produce dramatic result mainly in aged, sun-damaged skin where actinic and seborrheic keratosis, lentigines, and telangiectasias are common. Besides, CO2 laser surgery seemingly gives good results for all scar types. However, laser scar resurfacing is a better option for saucer-shaped distensible areas, rather than pitted scars for which dermabrasion is a better option. Laser scar resurfacing is also a suitable option for problems like atrophic facial scars, hypertrophic scars and traumatic scars, which can also be ablated with considerable improvement of their appearance. Laser scar resurfacing is of great help in blending the scar with the texture and color of the patient’s skin. Page 12 of 27
  • 13. Skin conditions not suitable for laser resurfacing However, laser resurfacing has certain limitations as well. For example, the procedure is not that effective in treating the nasolabial folds. Risks and uncertainties in laser resurfacing Handling of laser resurfacing by a qualified and experienced surgeon reduces the chances and level of complications. However, the outcome of the surgery is not completely predictable. The risks you should be prepared for in this surgery include: • burns or other injuries caused by the heat of the laser energy • scarring • obvious lightening or darkening of the skin area that has been treated. Sometimes the healing seems abnormal or delayed. Besides, sometimes there is evidence of abnormal pigmentation or scarring. In such cases additional coercive measures and treatment may be required. The risks can be reduced to a great extent by choosing a plastic surgeon specially trained in laser surgery. Page 13 of 27
  • 14. The Advancement Of Acne Laser Treatment The advancement of laser treatment and technology has brought therapy into the new century and is the suggested treatment for acne and acne scarring. Laser therapy is an appealing treatment for acne: no messy creams, no drugs and minimal risk of side effects. Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of pulsed dye laser therapy in the treatment of acne. More research is needed before this laser therapy may be recommended as an acne treatment. Although approved to treat acne scarring, Pulsed dye laser therapy is also being used for the treatment of active inflammatory acne vulgaris. More research is needed before this laser therapy may be recommended as an acne treatment.” Pulsed-dye laser treatment for inflammatory acne vulgaris. The advancement of laser treatment and technology has brought therapy into the new century and is the suggested treatment for acne and acne scarring. Previous studies have indicated that light therapy and laser treatment can actually improve acne. This policy addresses treatment of acne vulgaris using pulsed dye laser or photodynamic therapy. The study authors concluded, “More research is needed before this laser therapy may be recommended as an acne treatment”. - Additional research is needed before laser therapy can be recommended as a treatment for acne, according to a study. Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of pulsed dye laser therapy in the treatment of acne. Page 14 of 27
  • 15. The Er:YAG laser should be reserved for sculpting of individual scar edges and treatment of mild acne scars. Here you will find information about acne laser scar treatment. With laser acne scar treatment, the focus is on developing new collagen in the lower layer of skin. The laser treatment program for acne scar removal is somewhat different than acne laser treatment. Scar Treatment Another option for the use of acne laser treatment is that in which the acne scars can be removed. If you feel that your scars might need something more long term, then start saving for acne scar laser treatment. The only known treatment that has worked in acne scar removal is acne scar laser treatment. V-Beam (Pulsed Dye Laser) is commonly used for the treatment of red acne scars, stretch marks and keloids, which are thickened scar tissue. natural acne skin care treating acne acne cyst acne problems acne treatment for teenager acne scar laser treatment . When an acne patient faces pitting, or deep holes, in the skin as a result of acne, there is a treatment called laser resurfacing. In acne laser treatment, a laser is used to remove areas of damaged skin, layer by layer. Skin care maintenance can also be prescribed to compliment the acne laser treatment. They might also apply the laser inconsistently, leaving your skin slightly uneven after the acne treatment with laser. Excellent waxing services (using a very high-grade, mint oil-infused stripless wax), top-notch laser hair removal, acne laser treatments and skin rejuvenation. Most acne blemish laser treatment methods are painless and effective, but they also come at a noticeable price. A successful acne blemish laser treatment Page 15 of 27
  • 16. may include various types of laser exposure such as carbon dioxide lasers or nonablative lasers. The Carbon Dioxide laser is also known to produce higher levels of pigmentation during the acne blemish laser treatment . one of the best methods for acne blemish laser treatment. A therapy for acne without side effects Laser appears to be a good therapy for acne without to much risk of side effects. Lasers and light-based systems have become one of the more common modalities to treat a wide variety of skin disorders, including acne vulgaris, during the past ten years. A lot of patients do not respond adequately or develop side effects with the various oral and topical treatments available for the treatment of acne. Hence, the growing demand by patients who suffered from acne for a faster, safer, and side- effect-free novel therapy. The Dermatology and Lasers Clinic from Tel Aviv Msq, Caesarea, Israel, studied this concerning situation in order to address the role of light therapy in the armamentarium of treatments for acne vulgaris, to discuss photobiology aspects and biomedical optics, to review current technologies of laser/light-based devices, to review the clinical experience and results, and to outline clinical guidelines and treatment considerations, as they reported. Page 16 of 27
  • 17. After a series of clinical trials, results show that 85 per cent of the patients show an important quantitative reduction in at least 50 per cent of their lesions after four biweekly treatments. Approximately 20 per cent of cases demonstrate that acne eradication may reach 90 per cent. Three months after the last treatment, clearance is approximately 70 per cent to 80 per cent. Meanwhile, the non- respondent rate is 15 per cent to 20 per cent. According to researchers, laser and light-based therapies are a safe and effective modality for the treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory acne vulgaris. After Laser appears to be a good therapy for acne without to much risk of side effects. Lasers and light-based systems have become one of the more common modalities to treat a wide variety of skin disorders, including acne vulgaris, during the past ten years. comparing to the effects of oral antibiotics, amelioration of acne by light therapy offers faster resolution and fewer side effects and leads to patient satisfaction. Laser Treatment for Acne Scar Removal Acne scar laser treatment stands out among all acne treatments in effectiveness. Acne scarring comes under cosmetic disfigurements posing psychological problems to the patients. It is notable here that most of these can very well be corrected using laser as skin resurfacing modality. Page 17 of 27
  • 18. Acne scar laser treatment involves using a light beam from a carbon dioxide laser. The latter vaporizes the upper layers of damaged skin at specific and controlled levels of penetration. Improvements in technology The development of selective photothermolysis has caused significant advances in the use of laser technology for skin resurfacing. The improved technology has helped reduce residual thermal damage. By using shorter pulse durations of laser light, the minimizing of thermal damage significantly reduced the risk for scarring on the skin. The latest procedures involve an intense beam of light to destroy the skin tissue instantly. As of now, carbon dioxide and Er:YAG laser reportedly offer best acne treatments. They are able to perform highly specific vaporization of tissue using powerfully focused light to precisely remove the skin layers. Thus they vaporize the ridges of scars and wrinkles and smoothing out the surface of the skin. Best lasers for acne scar removal Er:YAG laser offers the best acne scar laser treatment. The benefit of Er:YAG laser for superficial to moderate acne scar removal stems from the fact that this laser produces less thermal damage compared to other types of laser. Page 18 of 27
  • 19. The short pulsed Er:YAG laser has a water absorption coefficient 16 times greater than that of the carbon dioxide laser. The water in the tissue absorbs most of the energy of these lasers. That results in minimal optical penetration depth and thermal damage. The more limited penetration of these lasers into the skin triggers a histopathological improvement less pronounced than that of carbon dioxide laser. However, Er:YAG laser shows potential as an acne scar removal treatment especially in the treatment of mild to moderate superficial rhytides and scars. In fact it is the best acne scar laser treatment for acne scars that are not very deep. Page 19 of 27
  • 20. Doing it yourself As we have seen, lasers work by emitting pulsing light waves of sufficient intensity to repair scar tissue, acne and to reduce reddening of the skin by neutralizing the bacteria that cause acne. As well as this, they can reduce the production of sebum (facial oils) . Laser treatment can also be used in conjunction with conventional acne treatments, thereby accelerating the whole process of recovery. Traditionally, laser therapy was only available from dermatologists and plastic surgeons. However, with the advent of affordable laser treatment devices, it is now possible to carry out laser treatment in the safety of your own home. SAFETY FIRST! The lasers used in these device are sometimes not visible to the human eye. However, they are just as dangerous to the eye as intense visible light. You should therefore never look directly at the laser and always wear goggles when advised. Naturally, you should also keep laser devices out of the reach of children. You can now purchase fairly powerful handheld devices capable of treating mild and moderate forms of acne. Unfortunately, anyone who has “industrial strength” acne will still need to consult a dermatologist. Although still fairly new, these devices are approved for use by the FDA and have been proven in clinical trials to produce consistent results. Page 20 of 27
  • 21. These devices are quick, convenient and easy to use and, unlike so many acne medications, do not dehydrate and irritate the skin. Whether they will suit you will normally depend on the severity of your skin condition. Also if you have a large number of small pimples, which need to be targeted individually, you may find the whole process quite time-consuming. As with any other piece of equipment, these devices will take some getting used to.You will also need to be both patient and consistent in your usage: no pain, no gain! Improvements are usually visible within a couple of weeks. However, you must also be prepared that changes are not always as dramatic as one might wish. Most dermatologists also advice taking a break of a week or two after every few weeks treatment cycle to prevent skin becoming overly sensitive; but, apart from that, there is no reason why home laser devices cannot be used continually. Page 21 of 27
  • 22. Recommended Products If you are considering home laser treatment, to get you started on your investigations, we’ve put together a compilation of four of the top models currently available. „„ Brighttherapy SL-50 Light Therapy Cold Laser Cluster „„ LightStim Acne Light Therapy „„ Quasar Power Pack (Baby Quasar Red and Baby Quasar Blue Light Therapies) „„ Sirius SS-77 Aurora Light Therapy System „ Page 22 of 27
  • 23. Brighttherapy SL-50 Light Therapy Cold Laser Cluster The BrightTherapy SL50 Light Therapy Laser features 8 “red” and 4 “infrared” lasers. The “red” skin care lasers are designed for anti-aging skin treatment as well as being effective for treating acne, cold sores, stretch marks and bruises. The device has a dual function in that it can also be used for pain relief. The “Infrared” lasers feature a deep penetrating infrared laser Light technology designed to reach deeper than the standard “red” laser. While the standard “red” laser penetrates about 1-2 cm of the skin the infrared goes twice as deep (4-5cm) to muscular tissue, joints, & bones to rejuvenate, and increase blood circulation at the deepest level using a process know as Bio-Stimulation. The increased blood circulation promotes faster cellular regeneration leading to faster healing times and healthier tissue. LLLT Infrared Lasers have been proven in clinical trials to promote faster healing times and reduce pain. Page 23 of 27
  • 24. LightStim Acne Light Therapy The LightStim Acne Light Therapy device is a great skin care tool to stop, heal and prevent acne. This treatment treats acne at its core by killing propionibacterium acnes: the bacterium assoicated with acne. The LED light will also soothe redness and inflammation as well as shrink large pores. The light helps heal existing breakouts, shrink enlarged pores, calm inflammation, and soothe redness. The Acne Light Therapy will also help to heal acne scars, get rid of blackheads. It uses blue, red and infrared LED lights to target acne at its core and can be used on all skin types including sensitive skin. Page 24 of 27
  • 25. Quasar Power Pack (Baby Quasar Red and Baby Quasar Blue Light Therapies) The Quasar Power Pack (Baby Quasar & Baby Blue) allows users to use two types of photo rejuvenation devices in the comfort of their own home. FDA approved, both Baby Quasar and Baby Blue stimulate the aggregation of collagen to surface on desired parts of the skin so that users may achieve a more youthful appearance. Clinical studies in the U.K. have found that the combination of red and blue light therapy help treat inflammatory acne. Both gentle and highly effective, the Baby Quasar and Baby Blue help control bacteria and the release of sebum that is found in hair follicles. Ideal for anywhere on the face, this Quasar Power Pack includes two different types of light therapy; the Baby Blue helps increase lymphatic system activity, kill or disable temperature sensitive bacteria and viruses that cause acne, and stimulate tissue repair and healing while releasing enhancing enzymes. Page 25 of 27
  • 26. Sirius SS-77 Aurora Light Therapy System Sirius aurora is a handheld light therapy system that employs LED light therapy technology: a noninvasive, low-level, non-thermal light energy. LED stands for light emitting diodes that give off energy in the form of light. They are compact, durable, powerful, bright, efficient, and last up to 10,000 hours. Sirius aurora is the only handheld light therapy system with 3 interchangeable treatment panels for aging, acne, and hyperpigmentation. Intended specifically for home use, it was developed to be easy to use and user-friendly. It boasts features such as portability, long-lasting and durable treatment panels, continuous and pulsating modes, timer, automatic shutdown, large treatment surface area, and modular design, it offers unparalleled safety, convenience, and value. Page 26 of 27