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Disobedience Essay
Disobedience is a valuable human traits because through disobedience it have bring great change in the society which have impact all people around
the world. For example people who disobedience the law to bring change in their society are such as Martin Luther king, Malala yousafzai, and
Mahatma gandhi. These three people had a great impact on people's lives and change the society forever by disobedience.
Martin Luther king a man who impacted many people's lives through the disobedience. As he have said , " An individual who breaks a law that
conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its
injustice, is in really expressing the more content...
Her view on the importance of education for girls in her country, but not only on her country. "I speak not for myself but for those without voice..
those who have fought for their rights...their rights to live in peace,their rights to be treated with dignity up their rights, to equality of opportunity,
their right to be educated",she also said this. She rose to fame as a speaker for promoting education for girls that are in the swat valley of Pakistan. She
didn't just stand for her village girls but for everyone who know the importance of education and want to be educated. Because she disobedience the
Taliban rule she was able to bring change in her society and make an impact all people around the world by making them aware girls live under taliban
rule and the importance of education for women.
Mahatma Gandhi changed India's history forever through disobedience. Even though he disobeyed the law he had a good reason to. India was
under the British rule and the people were doing as british were telling them to do because they had no other option. Gandhi was the one who didn't
do as the british said, but instead stood against it because he knew that what they were doing was unfair. As he have said, "A man who was
completely innocent, offered himself as a sacrifice for the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world. It was a perfect
act". He disobeyed the british laws to free
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Essay On Civil Disobedience
Starting with one of the most famous works on civil disobedience by Thoreau, it is important to remember that "we are the resistance." The people
of America have a right to do what is moral, and to act against an order that is immoral. Especially with the state of society, and the recent election
of Donald trump as the new president as the united states, people seem to forget that the government is not the end all be all when it comes to
morality. As seen in the news and through our own eyes, people are upset with the state of the government at the moment, and it is turning the
American people against one another. In a way, it is up to the people to bring back order. It isn't uncommon for a leader to pass a bill or law in which
the outcome may be harmful to a group of people, for example the recently passed legislation to continue the DAPL more content...
It is possible to create change if it is peaceful, but civil disobedience, like other forms of protest, has consequences. Charles Frankel writes in his article
about how, if not peaceful, disobedient actions turn into riots and people get hurt. He mentions in his article that "Nevertheless, it is possible to
indicate some of the principal issues that are raised by civil disobedience, some of the more common mistakes that are made in thinking about these
issues, and, at least in outline, the apВproach that one man would take toВward such issues." In some cases, people forget to think before they resist,
and that is what leads a peaceful resistance, into something far more dangerous. The DAPL pipeline protests are an example of this. At first the
protests were peaceful, and making progress towards stopping the pipeline that would have been built in the middle of sacred land, but when people
began to get angry, the protests turned violent. The government had to send in the national guard to keep protesters from destroying
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Essay about Disobedience
This is a critique of Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem by Eric Fromm, written in 1963. Fromm states in his article that disobedience
is what originally
set the human race on the path to thinking on their own, but obedience to authority in the
end will be what kills us all. Overall his article has several compelling reasons to believe
his theory, but it is also not completely believable for several reasons. There are several
points that are debatable and his high use of emotion alone could cause one to question
his article on a whole. Fromm being a psychoanalyst, sociologist, historian, and
philosopher may have contributed to his using the pull of emotion so much.
In his article more content...
If a
person is not they will continue to obey because at least this way they feel as if they are a
part of that power. Throughout history man has not been able to do this and as a result the
majority of people has been kept under the authority of the minority. It has been taught
that disobedience is wrong and obedience is right, thus the ability to keep the masses
under control. In order to break free from the masses it is necessary to disobey and then
know true freedom.
Adolf Eichmann, who was responsible for many deaths, stated after being
captured that he was only following orders. Fromm then concludes that people have
become so ingrained in the process that they often no longer even realize that they are
obeying, thus making it nearly impossible to break the cycle.
First, there are several fallacies in Fromm's article. Fromm states that Adam and
Eve were a part of the garden, not above it. That they had to disobey to break this bond
with nature, in order to free of it. That to be fully human man must learn to rely on his
own powers. Yet according to the NIV Bible the story ofAdam and Eve goes quite
differently. It states that God made man, and that man was to rule over all the earth (NIV
Bible, Gen.1:26). Man's time in the
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Essay about Civil Disobedience
The political concepts of justice and how a society should be governed have dominated literature through out human history. The concept of
peacefully resisting laws set by a governing force can be first be depicted in the world of the Ancient Greeks in the works of Sophocles and actions of
Socrates. This popular idea has developed over the centuries and is commonly known today as civil disobedience. Due to the works of Henry David
Thoreau and Martin Luther King Jr. civil disobedience is a well–known political action to Americans; first in the application against slavery and second
in the application against segregation. Thoreau's essay "Civil Disobedience" and King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail" are the leading arguments in more content...
Thoreau makes that evident in the following quote from his essay: "There are thousands who are in opinion opposed to slavery... who yet in effect do
nothing to put an end to [it]; who, esteeming themselves children of Washington and Franklin, sit down with their hands in their pockets, and say that
they know not what to do, and do nothing; and even postpone the question of freedom to the question of free–trade..." (Thoreau, 270). Thoreau
demands civil disobedience from his fellow countryman to correct the errors of the government in regards to slavery and the war of his time.
Thoreau defines this concept as a deed of willful resistance, obtained by disobeying the hypocritical laws. One deed he offers his countrymen to
consider as their deed of civil disobedience, is a refusal to pay taxes. Another deed, one Thoreau highly recommends, is to avert oneself from conspiring
with the government in refusing to actively participate in it. Most importantly civil disobedience is civil. Meaning that the resistance to the government
is peaceful and non–violent in it's methods. King's work in civil disobedience seems to be in agreement with Thoreau in regarding civil disobedience as
a duty of his fellow countrymen. King demands justice for the African Americans in the civil rights movement of the 1960s in his letter. King's famous
line to call the people out to demand justice from the government, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere," (Schulke,
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Persuasive Essay On Disobedience
Most of our lives are spent pleasing people, whether they are our parents when we are young, our teachers when we go to school, our friends and
peers in everyday life, or our bosses when we go to work. There also comes a time in our lives when being disobedient is met with consequences.
Some disagree that" obedience is a virtue... [,and] disobedience is a vice," and that disobedience is not only obligatory, but the only way to be to
free. This isn't saying that disobedience is acceptable, but there needs to be an agreement for both sides to achieve freedom, both mentally and
physically, at its fullest potential. Erich Fromm states, "Human history began with an act of disobedience, and it is not unlikely that it will be
terminated by an act of obedience." The movie "A Few Good Men" demonstrates Fromm's idea that obedience can cause destruction when the marines
obey their superiors orders without hesitation to harm one of their fellow soldiers.
The director Rob Reiner of A Few Good Men explained a story about how actions of obedience can destroy "humanistic conscience" within
individuals when driven by a corrupt authority. Two Marines, Lance Corporal Harold W. Dawson and Private First Class Louden Downey give
their views as to what happened: the receive an order from the platoon commander Lieutenant Kendrick to give Santiago a code red. Dawson and
Downey enter Santiago's barracks and put a rag in his mouth and put duct tape around his head. They then pulled the tape off, and there was blood
all down Santiago's face. Dawson quickly called an ambulance, but no one was present to see him make the call. When the ambulance arrived
Dawson and Downey were arrested for the murder of Private First Class William T. Santiago. Based onPhilip Zimbardo's "Lucifer Effect" and Erich
Fromm's "Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem", one can see Dawson and Downey were only "conforming to the group norm" and
responding to "irrational authority" or in other words " at the wrong place at the wrong time" which makes them innocent against the charge of murder.
In a period during Philip Zimbardo's talk, he stated that the point was to see what would happen if he put "really good people in a bad place".
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Persuasive Essay On Disobedience
Disobedience has been a man's virtue ever since laws have been constructed. As a progression that has developed in our society , it is safely to
indicate that disobedience is morally acceptable by the common people. In order for change, people have demonstrated disobedience successfully to
promote social progress, change is impossible without disobedience.Our society has failed to realize that there is no such thing a "perfect society".
There are people in our society who agree with change and would sacrifice themselves for it through violence and multiple times of rejection. Many
individuals known as the majority simply do not like change. This majority is the group that construct these laws that we must follow. Thoreau states ,"
A majority is permitted , and for a long period continue, to rule, is not because they are mostly likely right, nor because this seems fairest to the
minority, but because they are physically the strongest." Although we do perceive the system as the strongest, citizens still use disobedience to
challenge the system's authority. Disobedience is a man's virtue when our natural rights are being violated by the majority . In order for change to occur
the common people must use disobedience to fight the injustice in their society to promote social progress.
There have been certain individuals and events that have been present in our history that have embellished the importance of disobedience. In the
speech "The Ballot or the Bullet" by Malcolm X states , " Any time you demonstrate against segregation and a man has the audacity to put a police
dog on you , kill that dog ,kill him,i'm telling you,kill that dog." X indicates that you must use violence to fight for justice.This validates Wilde's
claim that disobedience is a man virtue because once your natural rights are violated you are granted with the authority of defending them .Once an
immense amount of change occurs, they will realize that disobedience is the successful way to make social progress . With activiste being aware of
the following consequences the overall goal was to seek for change. Martin Luther King jr. was a civil rights activist during the civil rights movement .
In his letter from the
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Persuasive Essay On Disobedience
"Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through
disobedience and through rebellion." Disobedience Generates Progress: An Argumentative Response Irish author, Oscar Wilde, claims that
disobedience is a valuable human trait and promotes social progress. Wilde's claims are extremely valid with the support of Malcolm X's
philosophy, the disobedience of Jim Crow Laws, and Civil War. Many people think that disobedience puts progress on hold or decreases progress. A
time that this happened was during Malcolm X's black power philosophy which was when he got his followers to use violence because in his opinion
the peaceful protests were taking too long. These protests, both violent and peaceful, were created to get rid of segregation. Malcolm X disobeyed the
predominantly white system, at the time, by using violence and even though non–violent protests don't always succeed, utilizing violence is not the
answer. This only led to more trouble than intended by causing countless more deaths due to these violent protests. This disobedience didn't help
anything, but create more riots and chaos. A handful of people also believe that disobedience is the root of failure. During everyday life, when you
make a mistake, say at a job, you may get fired because you disobeyed a rule or law. This causes people to believe that being obedient is the only
way to accomplish anything. The struggle of failing based on disobedience makes others believe that it can't possibly make the world better, like
murder for example. If someone murders another, you are obviously looked down upon on your actions because you disobeyed what the world
established as wrong, but we murder people all the time during war and battle to save those in our own country. So how are you going to say that's
not okay? If murder is wrong, why is it okay for us to do it to our hostile countries? In the Civil War, the idea from the Northern states point of view
was to abolish slavery; which would then help lead to an end of segregation. There were more than half a million people that died during the Civil
War, and those deaths are what impacted the world today based on
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Dalrymple's Just Do What The Pilot Tells You
Power and Disobedience Power is the root of disobedience. Theodore Dalrymple, a British physician, explains how disobedience can affect how one
will act towards authority in the article, "Just Do What the Pilot Tells You." Disobedience can be one of the main factors of why people believe they
have total power. Although Dalrymple argues that people who are disobedient are looking for attention, he is also arguing that a person with bad
authority is actually wanting power or control over the situation. Dalrymple begins his article by doing a summarization of Milgram's experiment
where Milgram demonstrates how ordinary people would do sinister things just because they were to told by an authority figure. Dalrymple uses
Milgram's more content...
The parents were blaming the way their child was acting on the teacher, who serves as the representative authority. Dalrymple is able to this use
example from someone he has encountered, which can give a greater impact on his article. With the impact of other someone else's experience with
bad authority and the parents wanting control over the position, he was able to incorporate a way that his article does not just relate to him and his
own experiences, but it can also relate to the greater community. Dalrymple gives many excellent ways of why disobedient people are looking for
attention. People will change their actions in a split second if they know a greater authority figure is overlooking them in a way that it will effect them
poorly in the long term of things. An anecdote he gives in the article is of when a woman who is supposedly against all authority above her, though she
listens to all the directions the pilot had just instructed her to do (120). Once again Dalrymple uses actual examples that happen today. Dalrymple uses
his own technique to understand why this woman might act this way towards authority. Dalrymple questioned her ways of going against authority, and
she told him it was because of the way the authority treated her in her own church (120). This woman is seeking attention just simply because she is
against all authority, though she changes her actions when the orders were presented to her in a behavioral
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Essay on Civil Disobedience
All throughout world history, human beings have participated in acts of civil disobedience. However, in the last two centuries the belief and practice
of it has been in full swing and has even brought on major historical events, especially concerning equal rights and just laws. Three major firm
believers and activists in civil disobedience were Henry David Thoreau, Martin Luther King Jr., and Gandhi. All three of these men participated in
acts of civil disobedience but each in his own way and for different reasons. Henry David Thoreau believed that a certain war tax was unjust during
the Mexican War and he refused to pay it. This then lead to his arrest and one day in jail where he wrote the essay "Civil Disobedience."
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The person in the passage does not even talk about using negotiations to achieve their goal, instead they directly refuse to follow a rule which a
direct rebellion toward the government. This passage relates to Thoreau's method of civil disobedience the most. The reason for this is because
Thoreau believed that he had a moral obligation to himself to do what he thought was right, instead of a government who does what they believe is
right for its people and themselves. Thoreau stated this best when he said, " the only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time
what I think is right." This is exactly what the first quote was stating, that the protester has an obligation to himself first and can do anything including
directly disobey an unjust rule in order to fulfill that obligation. Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi on the other hand believed in negotiating with the
government first before participating in acts of civil disobedience and they also believed that everyone should still follow the rules and laws, only
disobeying them if they oppressed human beings. Martin Luther King Jr. expresses this belief when he stated that, " Nonviolent direct action seeks to
create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks so to
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Essay On Civil Disobedience
It is clearly stated in the Bill of Rights that it is "the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of
grievances." In other words, civil disobedience falls in the right of the people, so if they want to protest against something they consider an injustice, as
it is happening now with people protesting against Donald Trump's executive order that "bands travel from seven Muslim–majority countries," they
can, because it is within their civil rights.It goes the same with any other free society. A free society is characterized by the people's freedom to live
the life they wish to live as long as it doesn't interfere with another person's freedom, that includes the freedom to peacefully more
Martin Luther King Jr., one of the most well know peaceful protesters in American, and perhaps the world, once said that "somewhere [he] read that the
greatness of America was the right to protest for rights," I strongly believe that to be true, because thanks to his peaceful protest African Americans
now–a–day get to live with the equality that they deserve, and that Martin Luther King Jr. could only dream of. Another example, will be one of the
most known acts of civil disobedience, an act executed by Rosa Parks. In December 1st, 1955 Rosa parks refused to give up her seat to a white male,
something that at the time was against the law, which resulted in her getting arrested. That simple act of protest led to the "Montgomery Bus Boycott,"
in which "African American refused to ride the city buses in Montgomery, Alabama, to protest segregated seating." The boycott lasted a total of 381
days, and resulted in the U.S. Supreme Court ordering " Montgomery to integrate its bus system."In conclusion, peaceful protest is never a waste of
time, if anything it can last a whole
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Essay on Civil Disobedience
Civil Disobedience
Henry Thoreau wrote an essay about it in the 19th century. Martin Luther King, Jr. preached it in the South. Mahatma Gandhi encouraged it in India.
Nelson Mandela went to jail for promoting it. The Bible says that Paul, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were all guilty of it.
According, "civil disobedience encompasses the active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government or of an
occupying power without resorting to physical violence."
As Christians, the dilemma is to follow the precepts of government to the letter and violate the commandments of God, or remain faithful to God, and
become an enemy of the government. Martin Luther King fought against more content...
Being a strong man of God, there is no doubt that King saw how his disobedience to the law was in direct conflict with the word of God.
Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are
sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant
talk of foolish men .
Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and
considerate, and to show true humility toward all men .
So, Dr. King chose to subscribe to and to witness about the commandment to "love your neighbor as thy self." In keeping with this commandment, he
was on the wrong side of laws that were meant to keep a portion of God's creations as less than rest of the community. But he was also keeping with the
commandment of God.
The Old Testament has various examples of men of God practicing civil disobedience. When Nebuchadnezzar built huge idols and demanded that every
one worship them whenever music played, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to worship anything or anyone other than God himself.
Nebuchadnezzar made it clear that they would be tossed into the fiery furnace. They refused, were put into the furnace, and delivered by God .
King Darius made a decree that there would no praying in his
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Essay On Civil Disobedience
"The concept of righteous civil disobedience is incompatible with the concept of the American legal system."
It is because, I agree with Morris I Leibman from the in the position that civil disobedience does not work with American legal systems
or democratic legal systems in general, that I am compelled to negate today's resolution, Resolved: Civil disobedience in a democracy is morally
justified. For clarification of my position, I offer the following definitions:
Word: Civil
Source: The American Heritage High School dictionary Definition: Sufficiently observing or benefiting accepted social usage; not rude.
Word: Disobedience
Source The American Heritage High School Dictionary Definition: refusal or failure to more content...
In Negating the resolution, I offer the following contentions:
Contention 1: Civil Disobedience is a selfish act because we reside in a democracy. In a democracy, people vote for a representative which mean the
majority rules; this is important because using logic you can determine that the people committing civil disobedience are the minority, because if they
were the majority their representative would be the leader, or simply they would get their way, meaning that they wouldn't be out there protesting, and
breaking the law if they were satisfied with the current status of the democracy. The way this impacts my value, and criterion, is that they are out there
protesting, because their morality and their perception of justice tells them to, and this could be any group, like Neo–Nazis or the KKK because their
moral compass is so twisted that they go out into the street to protest, because they aren't satisfied, even if it undermines another individual. Ultimately
civil disobedience is selfish because it fails to keep the majority in mind.
Contention 2: Civil disobedience leads to anarchy, as Morris I Leidman from the states, " the plain fact of human nature is that
organized disobedience of masses stirs up the primitive," my opponent may claim that once they become a riot it is no longer civil disobedience, and
this is true, but this changes nothing of their acts that lead to a riot. the
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Essay On Disobedience And Through Rebellion
through disobedience and through rebellion." Wilde's claims are valid because disobedience is a valuable human trait which does promote social
progress. Over time, America has revolutionized in monumental ways. In the 21st century, all of American society has had the gift of being more
privileged and more fortunate. We are not divided by race or religion. We have learned to put our differences aside and unite as one. What we have
now is a country that was built on sacrifices. Susan. B.Anthony is one of those who changed the world significantly. She devoted her life to seeking
equality between women and men. Her disobedience is what caused her to be the leading figure in the abolitionist and women's voting rights
movement. She desired more content...
Martin Luther King is a man who fought for the rights for African Americans. He believed all men were created equal. He brought attention to racial
injustice.In 1963, King gave a speech that is known as "I Have a Dream" which caught the ears of many. It brought attention to how equality was a
necessity for people to peacefully co–exist. He wanted to eradicate racism and discrimination to promote a better society. A society where everyone
has equal freedom, where African Americans weren't seen as inferior to those who were not of color. In his speech, he stated " I have a dream that
my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
This puts emphasis on how one's color should not destine millions of people's' lives. It should not dictate how you are treated, how you are seen,
and it should not confine your limitations of living a life free of poverty. He influenced many people to want to petition to abolish segregation and it
is because of his disobedience that we have learned to love each other for who we are . His disobedience is what shaped the world to learn to
appreciate our differences, for that is what makes our nation diverse and
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Persuasive Essay On Disobedience
Picture this: there is a large party being held where kids are dressed up, listening to music, and dancing around with their friends. This seems like
clean fun. Right? According to all the adults in the town where these kids come from this should not be allowed. Participating in dancing or
listening to rock music anywhere at anytime is illegal. To do any of these things is essentially breaking the laws that they have put in place. The
kids however still try and go around this law and drive for an hour to listen to this music and dance outside of town. This happened in the movie but
it is also an example of the sort of disobedience we see. to what they have been told to do. Disobedience is the refusal or neglect to obey something or
someone (Merriam–Webster). We see or hear about this almost everywhere. There are many different reasons that people have to listen to when
they are being told to do something by an authority figure in their lives and disobedience is one of them. Why do we listen to authority, and is
disobedience such a bad thing? Disobedience? Is that really such a bad thing? If we went around and asked our parents, teachers, mentors, or anyone
else who is a positive role model in our lives their answer might say yes. That is because that is what they have probably been taught since they were
young. Most people have probably always heard when an authority figure tells someone to do something or tells someone to stop doing something you
do it or stop doing it.
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Persuasive Essay On Disobedience
Disobedience a failure or refusal to obey rules or someone in authority. What we make of this is what determines who we are and what we chose
to do. You can listen to what you are told to do, or you can disobey. To follow you may be following blindly, without a cause, without an idea in you
mind at all. You don't know what other options you could've went with, you are following blindly. Unable to see, unable to figure anything truly
out, you are a mindless being conforming to whatever is 'good'. You do what media tells you to do, you follow whatever order you are given, but
all you are is a mindless human. Or you can break the control over your mind and take it upon yourself to defeat this, to defeat this order. To fight,
to rebel, to resistance what the man tells you to do. When you disobey is when you are truly living, and when you truly live you can't go back to
being dead once more. There has been many figures who showed rebellious actions. Some not so kind, when you look at what is known as the
Black Lives Matter, you will see acts of violence, acts so cruel and harsh that it does not seem like you are even capable of overcoming these harsh
acts. Or when you look at the Women's March, they attacked Starbucks, and other shops that did nothing wrong, as an act of 'rebellious' or an act of
'showing that women should have rights'. This is not the way to go about, it is not how you win, this is a mess, this is a true disaster. Chaos and terror
ripping at every
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Essay On Civil Disobedience
In 2017, civil disobedience is alive and well. In fact, it seems to be flourishing under the presidency of Donald Trump. The NAACP promises more
peaceful and legal protests with regard to our new US leader. Occupy Inauguration protest erupted throughout major metropolitan areas on the day he
took office. Federal employees are now enrolling in civil disobedience classes. Workers are showing their internal dissent and are showing their
contempt for the government administration. Freezes on federal hiring, firing of the Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, and new regulations
hindering the entrance into the US by certain targeted Muslim–based countries is causing great disdain. Immigrant rights and racial equality are at the
base of public uprisings in our more content...
Complacency is not healthy, so when a culture perceives threats to its existence, it is healthy to disagree. Disagreement spurs conversation. Complacent
sheep can be led off of a cliff easily. Everything from immigration to secret–money funding political campaigns has dominated the media. The healthy
thing that is taking place in our society right now is that people are engaged in their surroundings and are very aware of politics right now. Many
people that have never voted before voted in this past election. This is a wonderful thing. The same–ness from politics is really gone. There is a new
pool of ideas out there in the political arena– be it right or wrong thinking. Any time there is true controversy, new ideas come to light about how to
solve issues. It does not necessarily mean there will be total agreement with given political views, but it does mean that there will be a discussion. The
stage is really set to turn the tables of passive–aggressive behavior into an actual fire in society that invokes and stimulates real changes in our culture.
This can all be done without physical violence, weaponry, property damage or physical
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Disobedience in Children Essay
"How can you learn lessons in here? Why, there's hardly room for you, and no room at all for any lesson–books!" (Carroll, 1993 p21). Piaget
(1896–1980) came up with a theory called cognitive development, which occurs in four stages in every child's emotional development. The first two
stages are from birth until the child reaches his or her seventh year of life where they will become aware of its environment by visual, touching and
sound. During the third stage and fourth stage, the concrete and formal operations, the child will typically ask questions to understand the complexions
of things surrounding the child and to satisfy their curiosity and exploring mind. Children at these stages usually step out of their comfort zones and try more content...
One of major lectures from parents is respect. Inside the autobiography of Uhlberg (2008), there were a lot of stories where Myron showed
disrespect towards his parents, especially during his preteen years, which is during the fourth stage. One of the parts where he displayed disrespect
towards his parents was at a parent and teacher night when Myron's parents got the opportunity to meet with his teacher. Since his parents were deaf,
they used Myron as an interpreter. One of the words of wisdom that children often hear from their parents is to do what they are told. When the
teacher started to explain that Myron had the worst discipline problem in the class, Myron decided to interpret differently and told his parents that he
was the best student in the class. He unintentionally disobeyed one of the words of wisdom even though he was trying to cover up so that his parents
could be proud of their son. Another disrespect towards parents is showed in the movie, Pan's Labyrinth, a young girl, Ofelia disobeyed her mother and
the general when she did not show up to the formal dinner that they had (Del Toro, 2006).
Parents often lecture children not to wander off on their own, yet Ofelia disobeys by wandering off on her own. She did that because she did not
want to be where she was. She was forced to leave her home to move in with the General, because of her mother's decision. She felt that she was
keeping herself busy by exploring the new environment but in
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Essay On Civil Disobedience
Civil disobedience, while sometimes necessary to push the envelope sealed by the majority within our civilization, primarily breeds negative impacts
in a free society. Although nonviolent resistance in the face of unjust regulations has prevailed in the past, inimical baggage always accompanies the
attainments. The resistance to a law begins with a disagreement with it or how it affects people in the first place; if there were no people in favor of
the opposition, there would be no reason to push against it. However, the existence of law means that there are those who support it, meaning acts of
civil disobedience are rooted in disagreement. While the point of civil disobedience is to express discontent with an undesirable circumstance and to
demand change without using brute force or violence, it still creates a tense milieu between the more content...
We have seen plenty of changes accumulate throughout history with the use of civil disobedience, immense and minuscule. The Civil Rights
Movement is one of the most famous and relevant instances in which peaceful resistance achieved imperative change. Even a victory, however, does
not come without its own consequences; reaching the goals of a movement does not mean everything is said and done. After the Civil Rights
Movement ended in 1968, racism and discrimination did not disappear. Within the decade after the Movement, the Ku Klux Klan experienced a surge
in members. Even the Supreme Court did not fully conform; instead of upholding the recently implemented laws against segregation and making
Baconsfield Park, listed as all white, integrate, they chose to close it. Even if change has transpired, there will still be those who continue to disagree
with the movement and will be unhappy with the alterations, because a change in law does not equate to change in
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Essay on Civil Disobedience
Civil disobedience is the term assigned to actions taken by individuals to sway public opinion about laws that individuals deem unfair or unjust. Actions
taken are usually nonviolent, and can include sit–ins, mass demonstrations, picket lines, and marches. Citizens are acting on their consciences,
demonstrating highly advanced moral reasoning skills. Generally, these advanced skills fall into Kohlberg's Six Stages of Moral Development, Stage
Five and Six in particular. Characteristics of civil disobedience include no expression of anger, no cursing or insults, no retaliation, and submission to
punishment by law enforcement. Historically, there have been many instances of civil disobedience: women's suffrage, more
History has recorded the role civil disobedience has played in many social reforms: the civil rights movement, women's suffrage, abolition of slavery,
environmental demonstrations, labor union strikes, and anti–war movements. In each instance, citizens were motivated by deep–seated, conscientious
beliefs that laws were wrong; all legal means, ie: lobbying, court appearances, petitioning, and legal protests, but were often ignored by political
machinations and powerful individuals. Such was their moral convictions regarding what they experienced or believed to be injustices, individuals
were willing to give up personal comfort and safety in order to effect change. Generally, citizens taking part in civil disobedience employed
noncompliance. Noncompliance is not considered as an act of hostility toward police; it is a form of resistance wherein those involved in the protest go
"limp", or become passive. Citizens simply refuse to comply with officer direction, since the foundation for nonviolence is to undergo a risk to one's
self without causing harm to others (, nd, para 15). Noncompliance, as a technique, was influenced by Ghandi and the passive resistance
techniques used to end British rule of South Africa (, nd). Ghandi's directives for those engaged in civil disobedience included: not to
express anger, never retaliate, submit to orders, submit to
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Disobedience Essay

  • 1. Disobedience Essay Disobedience is a valuable human traits because through disobedience it have bring great change in the society which have impact all people around the world. For example people who disobedience the law to bring change in their society are such as Martin Luther king, Malala yousafzai, and Mahatma gandhi. These three people had a great impact on people's lives and change the society forever by disobedience. Martin Luther king a man who impacted many people's lives through the disobedience. As he have said , " An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in really expressing the more content... Her view on the importance of education for girls in her country, but not only on her country. "I speak not for myself but for those without voice.. those who have fought for their rights...their rights to live in peace,their rights to be treated with dignity up their rights, to equality of opportunity, their right to be educated",she also said this. She rose to fame as a speaker for promoting education for girls that are in the swat valley of Pakistan. She didn't just stand for her village girls but for everyone who know the importance of education and want to be educated. Because she disobedience the Taliban rule she was able to bring change in her society and make an impact all people around the world by making them aware girls live under taliban rule and the importance of education for women. Mahatma Gandhi changed India's history forever through disobedience. Even though he disobeyed the law he had a good reason to. India was under the British rule and the people were doing as british were telling them to do because they had no other option. Gandhi was the one who didn't do as the british said, but instead stood against it because he knew that what they were doing was unfair. As he have said, "A man who was completely innocent, offered himself as a sacrifice for the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world. It was a perfect act". He disobeyed the british laws to free Get more content on
  • 2. Essay On Civil Disobedience Starting with one of the most famous works on civil disobedience by Thoreau, it is important to remember that "we are the resistance." The people of America have a right to do what is moral, and to act against an order that is immoral. Especially with the state of society, and the recent election of Donald trump as the new president as the united states, people seem to forget that the government is not the end all be all when it comes to morality. As seen in the news and through our own eyes, people are upset with the state of the government at the moment, and it is turning the American people against one another. In a way, it is up to the people to bring back order. It isn't uncommon for a leader to pass a bill or law in which the outcome may be harmful to a group of people, for example the recently passed legislation to continue the DAPL more content... It is possible to create change if it is peaceful, but civil disobedience, like other forms of protest, has consequences. Charles Frankel writes in his article about how, if not peaceful, disobedient actions turn into riots and people get hurt. He mentions in his article that "Nevertheless, it is possible to indicate some of the principal issues that are raised by civil disobedience, some of the more common mistakes that are made in thinking about these issues, and, at least in outline, the apВproach that one man would take toВward such issues." In some cases, people forget to think before they resist, and that is what leads a peaceful resistance, into something far more dangerous. The DAPL pipeline protests are an example of this. At first the protests were peaceful, and making progress towards stopping the pipeline that would have been built in the middle of sacred land, but when people began to get angry, the protests turned violent. The government had to send in the national guard to keep protesters from destroying Get more content on
  • 3. Essay about Disobedience This is a critique of Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem by Eric Fromm, written in 1963. Fromm states in his article that disobedience is what originally set the human race on the path to thinking on their own, but obedience to authority in the end will be what kills us all. Overall his article has several compelling reasons to believe his theory, but it is also not completely believable for several reasons. There are several points that are debatable and his high use of emotion alone could cause one to question his article on a whole. Fromm being a psychoanalyst, sociologist, historian, and philosopher may have contributed to his using the pull of emotion so much. In his article more content... If a person is not they will continue to obey because at least this way they feel as if they are a part of that power. Throughout history man has not been able to do this and as a result the majority of people has been kept under the authority of the minority. It has been taught that disobedience is wrong and obedience is right, thus the ability to keep the masses
  • 4. under control. In order to break free from the masses it is necessary to disobey and then know true freedom. Adolf Eichmann, who was responsible for many deaths, stated after being captured that he was only following orders. Fromm then concludes that people have become so ingrained in the process that they often no longer even realize that they are obeying, thus making it nearly impossible to break the cycle. First, there are several fallacies in Fromm's article. Fromm states that Adam and Eve were a part of the garden, not above it. That they had to disobey to break this bond with nature, in order to free of it. That to be fully human man must learn to rely on his own powers. Yet according to the NIV Bible the story ofAdam and Eve goes quite differently. It states that God made man, and that man was to rule over all the earth (NIV Bible, Gen.1:26). Man's time in the Get more content on
  • 5. Essay about Civil Disobedience The political concepts of justice and how a society should be governed have dominated literature through out human history. The concept of peacefully resisting laws set by a governing force can be first be depicted in the world of the Ancient Greeks in the works of Sophocles and actions of Socrates. This popular idea has developed over the centuries and is commonly known today as civil disobedience. Due to the works of Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King Jr. civil disobedience is a well–known political action to Americans; first in the application against slavery and second in the application against segregation. Thoreau's essay "Civil Disobedience" and King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail" are the leading arguments in more content... Thoreau makes that evident in the following quote from his essay: "There are thousands who are in opinion opposed to slavery... who yet in effect do nothing to put an end to [it]; who, esteeming themselves children of Washington and Franklin, sit down with their hands in their pockets, and say that they know not what to do, and do nothing; and even postpone the question of freedom to the question of free–trade..." (Thoreau, 270). Thoreau demands civil disobedience from his fellow countryman to correct the errors of the government in regards to slavery and the war of his time. Thoreau defines this concept as a deed of willful resistance, obtained by disobeying the hypocritical laws. One deed he offers his countrymen to consider as their deed of civil disobedience, is a refusal to pay taxes. Another deed, one Thoreau highly recommends, is to avert oneself from conspiring with the government in refusing to actively participate in it. Most importantly civil disobedience is civil. Meaning that the resistance to the government is peaceful and non–violent in it's methods. King's work in civil disobedience seems to be in agreement with Thoreau in regarding civil disobedience as a duty of his fellow countrymen. King demands justice for the African Americans in the civil rights movement of the 1960s in his letter. King's famous line to call the people out to demand justice from the government, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere," (Schulke, Get more content on
  • 6. Persuasive Essay On Disobedience Most of our lives are spent pleasing people, whether they are our parents when we are young, our teachers when we go to school, our friends and peers in everyday life, or our bosses when we go to work. There also comes a time in our lives when being disobedient is met with consequences. Some disagree that" obedience is a virtue... [,and] disobedience is a vice," and that disobedience is not only obligatory, but the only way to be to free. This isn't saying that disobedience is acceptable, but there needs to be an agreement for both sides to achieve freedom, both mentally and physically, at its fullest potential. Erich Fromm states, "Human history began with an act of disobedience, and it is not unlikely that it will be terminated by an act of obedience." The movie "A Few Good Men" demonstrates Fromm's idea that obedience can cause destruction when the marines obey their superiors orders without hesitation to harm one of their fellow soldiers. The director Rob Reiner of A Few Good Men explained a story about how actions of obedience can destroy "humanistic conscience" within individuals when driven by a corrupt authority. Two Marines, Lance Corporal Harold W. Dawson and Private First Class Louden Downey give their views as to what happened: the receive an order from the platoon commander Lieutenant Kendrick to give Santiago a code red. Dawson and Downey enter Santiago's barracks and put a rag in his mouth and put duct tape around his head. They then pulled the tape off, and there was blood all down Santiago's face. Dawson quickly called an ambulance, but no one was present to see him make the call. When the ambulance arrived Dawson and Downey were arrested for the murder of Private First Class William T. Santiago. Based onPhilip Zimbardo's "Lucifer Effect" and Erich Fromm's "Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem", one can see Dawson and Downey were only "conforming to the group norm" and responding to "irrational authority" or in other words " at the wrong place at the wrong time" which makes them innocent against the charge of murder. In a period during Philip Zimbardo's talk, he stated that the point was to see what would happen if he put "really good people in a bad place". Zimbardo's Get more content on
  • 7. Persuasive Essay On Disobedience Disobedience has been a man's virtue ever since laws have been constructed. As a progression that has developed in our society , it is safely to indicate that disobedience is morally acceptable by the common people. In order for change, people have demonstrated disobedience successfully to promote social progress, change is impossible without disobedience.Our society has failed to realize that there is no such thing a "perfect society". There are people in our society who agree with change and would sacrifice themselves for it through violence and multiple times of rejection. Many individuals known as the majority simply do not like change. This majority is the group that construct these laws that we must follow. Thoreau states ," A majority is permitted , and for a long period continue, to rule, is not because they are mostly likely right, nor because this seems fairest to the minority, but because they are physically the strongest." Although we do perceive the system as the strongest, citizens still use disobedience to challenge the system's authority. Disobedience is a man's virtue when our natural rights are being violated by the majority . In order for change to occur the common people must use disobedience to fight the injustice in their society to promote social progress. There have been certain individuals and events that have been present in our history that have embellished the importance of disobedience. In the speech "The Ballot or the Bullet" by Malcolm X states , " Any time you demonstrate against segregation and a man has the audacity to put a police dog on you , kill that dog ,kill him,i'm telling you,kill that dog." X indicates that you must use violence to fight for justice.This validates Wilde's claim that disobedience is a man virtue because once your natural rights are violated you are granted with the authority of defending them .Once an immense amount of change occurs, they will realize that disobedience is the successful way to make social progress . With activiste being aware of the following consequences the overall goal was to seek for change. Martin Luther King jr. was a civil rights activist during the civil rights movement . In his letter from the Get more content on
  • 8. Persuasive Essay On Disobedience "Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion." Disobedience Generates Progress: An Argumentative Response Irish author, Oscar Wilde, claims that disobedience is a valuable human trait and promotes social progress. Wilde's claims are extremely valid with the support of Malcolm X's philosophy, the disobedience of Jim Crow Laws, and Civil War. Many people think that disobedience puts progress on hold or decreases progress. A time that this happened was during Malcolm X's black power philosophy which was when he got his followers to use violence because in his opinion the peaceful protests were taking too long. These protests, both violent and peaceful, were created to get rid of segregation. Malcolm X disobeyed the predominantly white system, at the time, by using violence and even though non–violent protests don't always succeed, utilizing violence is not the answer. This only led to more trouble than intended by causing countless more deaths due to these violent protests. This disobedience didn't help anything, but create more riots and chaos. A handful of people also believe that disobedience is the root of failure. During everyday life, when you make a mistake, say at a job, you may get fired because you disobeyed a rule or law. This causes people to believe that being obedient is the only way to accomplish anything. The struggle of failing based on disobedience makes others believe that it can't possibly make the world better, like murder for example. If someone murders another, you are obviously looked down upon on your actions because you disobeyed what the world established as wrong, but we murder people all the time during war and battle to save those in our own country. So how are you going to say that's not okay? If murder is wrong, why is it okay for us to do it to our hostile countries? In the Civil War, the idea from the Northern states point of view was to abolish slavery; which would then help lead to an end of segregation. There were more than half a million people that died during the Civil War, and those deaths are what impacted the world today based on Get more content on
  • 9. Dalrymple's Just Do What The Pilot Tells You Power and Disobedience Power is the root of disobedience. Theodore Dalrymple, a British physician, explains how disobedience can affect how one will act towards authority in the article, "Just Do What the Pilot Tells You." Disobedience can be one of the main factors of why people believe they have total power. Although Dalrymple argues that people who are disobedient are looking for attention, he is also arguing that a person with bad authority is actually wanting power or control over the situation. Dalrymple begins his article by doing a summarization of Milgram's experiment where Milgram demonstrates how ordinary people would do sinister things just because they were to told by an authority figure. Dalrymple uses Milgram's more content... The parents were blaming the way their child was acting on the teacher, who serves as the representative authority. Dalrymple is able to this use example from someone he has encountered, which can give a greater impact on his article. With the impact of other someone else's experience with bad authority and the parents wanting control over the position, he was able to incorporate a way that his article does not just relate to him and his own experiences, but it can also relate to the greater community. Dalrymple gives many excellent ways of why disobedient people are looking for attention. People will change their actions in a split second if they know a greater authority figure is overlooking them in a way that it will effect them poorly in the long term of things. An anecdote he gives in the article is of when a woman who is supposedly against all authority above her, though she listens to all the directions the pilot had just instructed her to do (120). Once again Dalrymple uses actual examples that happen today. Dalrymple uses his own technique to understand why this woman might act this way towards authority. Dalrymple questioned her ways of going against authority, and she told him it was because of the way the authority treated her in her own church (120). This woman is seeking attention just simply because she is against all authority, though she changes her actions when the orders were presented to her in a behavioral Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Civil Disobedience All throughout world history, human beings have participated in acts of civil disobedience. However, in the last two centuries the belief and practice of it has been in full swing and has even brought on major historical events, especially concerning equal rights and just laws. Three major firm believers and activists in civil disobedience were Henry David Thoreau, Martin Luther King Jr., and Gandhi. All three of these men participated in acts of civil disobedience but each in his own way and for different reasons. Henry David Thoreau believed that a certain war tax was unjust during the Mexican War and he refused to pay it. This then lead to his arrest and one day in jail where he wrote the essay "Civil Disobedience." more content... The person in the passage does not even talk about using negotiations to achieve their goal, instead they directly refuse to follow a rule which a direct rebellion toward the government. This passage relates to Thoreau's method of civil disobedience the most. The reason for this is because Thoreau believed that he had a moral obligation to himself to do what he thought was right, instead of a government who does what they believe is right for its people and themselves. Thoreau stated this best when he said, " the only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think is right." This is exactly what the first quote was stating, that the protester has an obligation to himself first and can do anything including directly disobey an unjust rule in order to fulfill that obligation. Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi on the other hand believed in negotiating with the government first before participating in acts of civil disobedience and they also believed that everyone should still follow the rules and laws, only disobeying them if they oppressed human beings. Martin Luther King Jr. expresses this belief when he stated that, " Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks so to Get more content on
  • 11. Essay On Civil Disobedience It is clearly stated in the Bill of Rights that it is "the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." In other words, civil disobedience falls in the right of the people, so if they want to protest against something they consider an injustice, as it is happening now with people protesting against Donald Trump's executive order that "bands travel from seven Muslim–majority countries," they can, because it is within their civil rights.It goes the same with any other free society. A free society is characterized by the people's freedom to live the life they wish to live as long as it doesn't interfere with another person's freedom, that includes the freedom to peacefully more content... Martin Luther King Jr., one of the most well know peaceful protesters in American, and perhaps the world, once said that "somewhere [he] read that the greatness of America was the right to protest for rights," I strongly believe that to be true, because thanks to his peaceful protest African Americans now–a–day get to live with the equality that they deserve, and that Martin Luther King Jr. could only dream of. Another example, will be one of the most known acts of civil disobedience, an act executed by Rosa Parks. In December 1st, 1955 Rosa parks refused to give up her seat to a white male, something that at the time was against the law, which resulted in her getting arrested. That simple act of protest led to the "Montgomery Bus Boycott," in which "African American refused to ride the city buses in Montgomery, Alabama, to protest segregated seating." The boycott lasted a total of 381 days, and resulted in the U.S. Supreme Court ordering " Montgomery to integrate its bus system."In conclusion, peaceful protest is never a waste of time, if anything it can last a whole Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Civil Disobedience Civil Disobedience Henry Thoreau wrote an essay about it in the 19th century. Martin Luther King, Jr. preached it in the South. Mahatma Gandhi encouraged it in India. Nelson Mandela went to jail for promoting it. The Bible says that Paul, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were all guilty of it. According, "civil disobedience encompasses the active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government or of an occupying power without resorting to physical violence." As Christians, the dilemma is to follow the precepts of government to the letter and violate the commandments of God, or remain faithful to God, and become an enemy of the government. Martin Luther King fought against more content... Being a strong man of God, there is no doubt that King saw how his disobedience to the law was in direct conflict with the word of God. Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men . Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men . So, Dr. King chose to subscribe to and to witness about the commandment to "love your neighbor as thy self." In keeping with this commandment, he was on the wrong side of laws that were meant to keep a portion of God's creations as less than rest of the community. But he was also keeping with the commandment of God. The Old Testament has various examples of men of God practicing civil disobedience. When Nebuchadnezzar built huge idols and demanded that every one worship them whenever music played, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to worship anything or anyone other than God himself. Nebuchadnezzar made it clear that they would be tossed into the fiery furnace. They refused, were put into the furnace, and delivered by God .
  • 13. King Darius made a decree that there would no praying in his Get more content on
  • 14. Essay On Civil Disobedience "The concept of righteous civil disobedience is incompatible with the concept of the American legal system." It is because, I agree with Morris I Leibman from the in the position that civil disobedience does not work with American legal systems or democratic legal systems in general, that I am compelled to negate today's resolution, Resolved: Civil disobedience in a democracy is morally justified. For clarification of my position, I offer the following definitions: Word: Civil Source: The American Heritage High School dictionary Definition: Sufficiently observing or benefiting accepted social usage; not rude. Word: Disobedience Source The American Heritage High School Dictionary Definition: refusal or failure to more content... In Negating the resolution, I offer the following contentions: Contention 1: Civil Disobedience is a selfish act because we reside in a democracy. In a democracy, people vote for a representative which mean the majority rules; this is important because using logic you can determine that the people committing civil disobedience are the minority, because if they were the majority their representative would be the leader, or simply they would get their way, meaning that they wouldn't be out there protesting, and breaking the law if they were satisfied with the current status of the democracy. The way this impacts my value, and criterion, is that they are out there protesting, because their morality and their perception of justice tells them to, and this could be any group, like Neo–Nazis or the KKK because their moral compass is so twisted that they go out into the street to protest, because they aren't satisfied, even if it undermines another individual. Ultimately civil disobedience is selfish because it fails to keep the majority in mind. Contention 2: Civil disobedience leads to anarchy, as Morris I Leidman from the states, " the plain fact of human nature is that organized disobedience of masses stirs up the primitive," my opponent may claim that once they become a riot it is no longer civil disobedience, and this is true, but this changes nothing of their acts that lead to a riot. the Get more content on
  • 15. Essay On Disobedience And Through Rebellion through disobedience and through rebellion." Wilde's claims are valid because disobedience is a valuable human trait which does promote social progress. Over time, America has revolutionized in monumental ways. In the 21st century, all of American society has had the gift of being more privileged and more fortunate. We are not divided by race or religion. We have learned to put our differences aside and unite as one. What we have now is a country that was built on sacrifices. Susan. B.Anthony is one of those who changed the world significantly. She devoted her life to seeking equality between women and men. Her disobedience is what caused her to be the leading figure in the abolitionist and women's voting rights movement. She desired more content... Martin Luther King is a man who fought for the rights for African Americans. He believed all men were created equal. He brought attention to racial injustice.In 1963, King gave a speech that is known as "I Have a Dream" which caught the ears of many. It brought attention to how equality was a necessity for people to peacefully co–exist. He wanted to eradicate racism and discrimination to promote a better society. A society where everyone has equal freedom, where African Americans weren't seen as inferior to those who were not of color. In his speech, he stated " I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." This puts emphasis on how one's color should not destine millions of people's' lives. It should not dictate how you are treated, how you are seen, and it should not confine your limitations of living a life free of poverty. He influenced many people to want to petition to abolish segregation and it is because of his disobedience that we have learned to love each other for who we are . His disobedience is what shaped the world to learn to appreciate our differences, for that is what makes our nation diverse and Get more content on
  • 16. Persuasive Essay On Disobedience Picture this: there is a large party being held where kids are dressed up, listening to music, and dancing around with their friends. This seems like clean fun. Right? According to all the adults in the town where these kids come from this should not be allowed. Participating in dancing or listening to rock music anywhere at anytime is illegal. To do any of these things is essentially breaking the laws that they have put in place. The kids however still try and go around this law and drive for an hour to listen to this music and dance outside of town. This happened in the movie but it is also an example of the sort of disobedience we see. to what they have been told to do. Disobedience is the refusal or neglect to obey something or someone (Merriam–Webster). We see or hear about this almost everywhere. There are many different reasons that people have to listen to when they are being told to do something by an authority figure in their lives and disobedience is one of them. Why do we listen to authority, and is disobedience such a bad thing? Disobedience? Is that really such a bad thing? If we went around and asked our parents, teachers, mentors, or anyone else who is a positive role model in our lives their answer might say yes. That is because that is what they have probably been taught since they were young. Most people have probably always heard when an authority figure tells someone to do something or tells someone to stop doing something you do it or stop doing it. Get more content on
  • 17. Persuasive Essay On Disobedience Disobedience a failure or refusal to obey rules or someone in authority. What we make of this is what determines who we are and what we chose to do. You can listen to what you are told to do, or you can disobey. To follow you may be following blindly, without a cause, without an idea in you mind at all. You don't know what other options you could've went with, you are following blindly. Unable to see, unable to figure anything truly out, you are a mindless being conforming to whatever is 'good'. You do what media tells you to do, you follow whatever order you are given, but all you are is a mindless human. Or you can break the control over your mind and take it upon yourself to defeat this, to defeat this order. To fight, to rebel, to resistance what the man tells you to do. When you disobey is when you are truly living, and when you truly live you can't go back to being dead once more. There has been many figures who showed rebellious actions. Some not so kind, when you look at what is known as the Black Lives Matter, you will see acts of violence, acts so cruel and harsh that it does not seem like you are even capable of overcoming these harsh acts. Or when you look at the Women's March, they attacked Starbucks, and other shops that did nothing wrong, as an act of 'rebellious' or an act of 'showing that women should have rights'. This is not the way to go about, it is not how you win, this is a mess, this is a true disaster. Chaos and terror ripping at every Get more content on
  • 18. Essay On Civil Disobedience In 2017, civil disobedience is alive and well. In fact, it seems to be flourishing under the presidency of Donald Trump. The NAACP promises more peaceful and legal protests with regard to our new US leader. Occupy Inauguration protest erupted throughout major metropolitan areas on the day he took office. Federal employees are now enrolling in civil disobedience classes. Workers are showing their internal dissent and are showing their contempt for the government administration. Freezes on federal hiring, firing of the Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, and new regulations hindering the entrance into the US by certain targeted Muslim–based countries is causing great disdain. Immigrant rights and racial equality are at the base of public uprisings in our more content... Complacency is not healthy, so when a culture perceives threats to its existence, it is healthy to disagree. Disagreement spurs conversation. Complacent sheep can be led off of a cliff easily. Everything from immigration to secret–money funding political campaigns has dominated the media. The healthy thing that is taking place in our society right now is that people are engaged in their surroundings and are very aware of politics right now. Many people that have never voted before voted in this past election. This is a wonderful thing. The same–ness from politics is really gone. There is a new pool of ideas out there in the political arena– be it right or wrong thinking. Any time there is true controversy, new ideas come to light about how to solve issues. It does not necessarily mean there will be total agreement with given political views, but it does mean that there will be a discussion. The stage is really set to turn the tables of passive–aggressive behavior into an actual fire in society that invokes and stimulates real changes in our culture. This can all be done without physical violence, weaponry, property damage or physical Get more content on
  • 19. Disobedience in Children Essay "How can you learn lessons in here? Why, there's hardly room for you, and no room at all for any lesson–books!" (Carroll, 1993 p21). Piaget (1896–1980) came up with a theory called cognitive development, which occurs in four stages in every child's emotional development. The first two stages are from birth until the child reaches his or her seventh year of life where they will become aware of its environment by visual, touching and sound. During the third stage and fourth stage, the concrete and formal operations, the child will typically ask questions to understand the complexions of things surrounding the child and to satisfy their curiosity and exploring mind. Children at these stages usually step out of their comfort zones and try more content... One of major lectures from parents is respect. Inside the autobiography of Uhlberg (2008), there were a lot of stories where Myron showed disrespect towards his parents, especially during his preteen years, which is during the fourth stage. One of the parts where he displayed disrespect towards his parents was at a parent and teacher night when Myron's parents got the opportunity to meet with his teacher. Since his parents were deaf, they used Myron as an interpreter. One of the words of wisdom that children often hear from their parents is to do what they are told. When the teacher started to explain that Myron had the worst discipline problem in the class, Myron decided to interpret differently and told his parents that he was the best student in the class. He unintentionally disobeyed one of the words of wisdom even though he was trying to cover up so that his parents could be proud of their son. Another disrespect towards parents is showed in the movie, Pan's Labyrinth, a young girl, Ofelia disobeyed her mother and the general when she did not show up to the formal dinner that they had (Del Toro, 2006). Parents often lecture children not to wander off on their own, yet Ofelia disobeys by wandering off on her own. She did that because she did not want to be where she was. She was forced to leave her home to move in with the General, because of her mother's decision. She felt that she was keeping herself busy by exploring the new environment but in Get more content on
  • 20. Essay On Civil Disobedience Civil disobedience, while sometimes necessary to push the envelope sealed by the majority within our civilization, primarily breeds negative impacts in a free society. Although nonviolent resistance in the face of unjust regulations has prevailed in the past, inimical baggage always accompanies the attainments. The resistance to a law begins with a disagreement with it or how it affects people in the first place; if there were no people in favor of the opposition, there would be no reason to push against it. However, the existence of law means that there are those who support it, meaning acts of civil disobedience are rooted in disagreement. While the point of civil disobedience is to express discontent with an undesirable circumstance and to demand change without using brute force or violence, it still creates a tense milieu between the more content... We have seen plenty of changes accumulate throughout history with the use of civil disobedience, immense and minuscule. The Civil Rights Movement is one of the most famous and relevant instances in which peaceful resistance achieved imperative change. Even a victory, however, does not come without its own consequences; reaching the goals of a movement does not mean everything is said and done. After the Civil Rights Movement ended in 1968, racism and discrimination did not disappear. Within the decade after the Movement, the Ku Klux Klan experienced a surge in members. Even the Supreme Court did not fully conform; instead of upholding the recently implemented laws against segregation and making Baconsfield Park, listed as all white, integrate, they chose to close it. Even if change has transpired, there will still be those who continue to disagree with the movement and will be unhappy with the alterations, because a change in law does not equate to change in Get more content on
  • 21. Essay on Civil Disobedience Abstract Civil disobedience is the term assigned to actions taken by individuals to sway public opinion about laws that individuals deem unfair or unjust. Actions taken are usually nonviolent, and can include sit–ins, mass demonstrations, picket lines, and marches. Citizens are acting on their consciences, demonstrating highly advanced moral reasoning skills. Generally, these advanced skills fall into Kohlberg's Six Stages of Moral Development, Stage Five and Six in particular. Characteristics of civil disobedience include no expression of anger, no cursing or insults, no retaliation, and submission to punishment by law enforcement. Historically, there have been many instances of civil disobedience: women's suffrage, more content... History has recorded the role civil disobedience has played in many social reforms: the civil rights movement, women's suffrage, abolition of slavery, environmental demonstrations, labor union strikes, and anti–war movements. In each instance, citizens were motivated by deep–seated, conscientious beliefs that laws were wrong; all legal means, ie: lobbying, court appearances, petitioning, and legal protests, but were often ignored by political machinations and powerful individuals. Such was their moral convictions regarding what they experienced or believed to be injustices, individuals were willing to give up personal comfort and safety in order to effect change. Generally, citizens taking part in civil disobedience employed noncompliance. Noncompliance is not considered as an act of hostility toward police; it is a form of resistance wherein those involved in the protest go "limp", or become passive. Citizens simply refuse to comply with officer direction, since the foundation for nonviolence is to undergo a risk to one's self without causing harm to others (, nd, para 15). Noncompliance, as a technique, was influenced by Ghandi and the passive resistance techniques used to end British rule of South Africa (, nd). Ghandi's directives for those engaged in civil disobedience included: not to express anger, never retaliate, submit to orders, submit to Get more content on