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Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia
How would you feel if you woke up to a nightmare, where governmental laws and regulations
dictate that a fully autonomous and happy person should die? Of course, you would not want the
nightmare again and you would stand up in protest and fight against such laws. Almost all human
beings firmly believe that they have the right to live and whatever life may throw along our way,
and that others cannot dictate it or impact that sense of right or belonging. It is the very nature of
our survival or we would have gone extinct a long time ago. In a similar case, don't we have a right
to choose death instead of depending on others for basic functions like eating, dressing, going to the
restroom or to bed? How does it make any sense for the government to deem euthanasia or
Physician–Assisted–Suicide (herein known as PAS for the rest of this paper) as illegal even to
people who cannot endure the loss of dignity and even worse watch as their rights being snatched
by a government? Euthanasia and PAS has been controversial through the ages and people often
reason that a person cannot take control of his or her own life and end it, citing various reasons for
it. It is not rational when the person did not ask for this illness, and merely looking for a better
solution to the effect. Opponents of euthanasia and PAS, the people who make up the core of
anti–euthanasia views have various claims against it but often miss out on the reality, in places
where it has been legalized. They
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Euthanasia Essay examples
Euthanasia is often called "mercy killing". It is intentionally making someone die, rather than
allowing that person to die naturally. It is sometimes the act of ending someone's life, who is
terminally ill, or is suffering in severe pain. Euthanasia is mostly illegal in the world today.
Euthanasia can be considered a form of suicide, if the person afflicted with the problem actively
does it. The person volunteering to commit the act to that person can also consider it a form of
The positive side of Euthanasia is that it ends a person's suffering in this world. Many physicians and
psychiatrists believe that it may a humane act. From a virtue ethics point of view, it may be
appropriate. What we seek in human existence is to more content...
The benefits are numerous in that the person euthanized would cease suffering, and the families
would begin the healing process from grief and/or depression from the situation.
From Mill's perspective, the person volunteering for euthanasia has a liberty to do what he/she
wants. Mill has written that if the person does not cause harm to others, it is the person's right, or
liberty, to do what they please. If a person wants euthanasia, then that person has the sole liberties to
choose such an act, and depart society and life. Nobody is being other than the person wishing it,
and it is a volunteered act.
Brandt argues for approval of euthanasia, but killing human beings is wrong, because it injures that
person and goes against the preferences of self–preservation. However, Brandt says that the above is
not present in the issue of euthanasia, so it may be permissible. Brandt says that not all killing is
injury, so not all killing is wrong. One should pay attention to one's expressed wishes he says.
Euthanasia could be considered doing a person a favor, because you cannot injure something if you
are relieving it of pain.
The negative side of euthanasia is that it goes against natural law ethics, because we do not let
nature take its course. We are disturbing what is occurring or happening naturally to the person.
Every person has a natural inclination to continue living. It is also said
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Proponents of anti–euthanasia argue that the desire to die is caused by depression, and as such is
fully treatable. While it is true that debilitating illnesses and terminal conditions cause
is not only common but expected. However, no degree of depression treatment can change the
circumstances of a patient's condition: terminal is terminal. There is no escape, other than death, that
can change these circumstances. Depression medication and counselling are not going to magically
return one's self–worth, satisfaction, or ease suffering when presented with the inevitable. This is not
an argument that some cases can benefit from euthanasia, but how can those cases be conducted in an
ethical, non–abusive
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Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia
Most of us have been in the position where our pets fall very ill and old. What did we do? Some of
us put them down, letting them rest peacefully. Others? We let them live on to carry out their lives
naturally. Now think deeper. Is this something we do to humans also? Euthanasia. A singular word
with a huge controversial stance. Euthanasia is the practice of physician–assisted suicide to the
terminally ill. With such a broad history, the topic has taken the world by storm.
Dating as far back in 460 through 370 BC, according to medical news today, it was mentioned in the
Hippocratic oath, "To please no one will I prescribe a deadly drug nor give advice which may cause
his death." However in the 1300s in English common law suicide was considered a criminal act
which included euthanasia. Continuing into 1478 through 1535 Thomas Moore, an English lawyer,
a scholar as well as author and statesman, envisioned a utopian community as one to provide death to
those whose illness' were dubious of feeling burdensome to lingering pain. Ezekiel Emanuel, erudite
in bioethics, stated the modern era of physician–assisted suicide was encouraged by the availability
of anesthetics in the early 1800s. Following in New York in 1828 The anti–euthanasia law passed
which was the first known laws of euthanasia in the United States of America. A peak and support
for euthanasia arrive in the 1900s again 30 years later in 1930 and again in 1960 for an interest of
the practice. Yet in 1961
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Euthanasia Essay : Euthanasia And Euthanasia
Euthanasia is a Greek word which means gentle and easy death. However, it is the other way
around. It is not a gentle or easy death because there is not a type of death which called gentle in
the world. According to writer Prof. Ian Dowbiggin, in Ancient Greece people used euthanasia
without the patient 's permission. It means that in Ancient Greece they did not care about the
voluntariness. Also, there are just few doctors who obey the rules of the Hippocratic Oath. (250)
After Christianity, the church found out how evil suicide was and they told people killing another
person or themselves was a brutal behavior. For a short time, nobody questioned euthanasia deeply.
However, during reforms, euthanasia became known again. According to research that made in NY
about euthanasia and assisted suicide, Renaissance and Reformation authors challenged church
against Euthanasia and they succeeded. (80) In other words, the church made euthanasia illegal.
The reason for this accomplishment was euthanasia did more harm than good and it was open to
abuse also it was misused by doctors. Doctors use euthanasia to earn more money and for other
benefits. They can kill people by saying there is no preference They can make money by killing
people who want to die, but not suffering a disease. Unfortunately, there are some countries which
legalized euthanasia. However, euthanasia should not be legalized because, it weakens medical
research, it up against with the medical ethics and doctors '
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Euthanasia Essay
Intentionally making someone die, rather than allowing that person to die naturally is the definition
of euthanasia according to the International Anti–Euthanasia Task Force (Euthanasia: Answer to
Frequently Asked Questions, 1). This definition, itself, does not sound very appealing. The practice
of euthanasia in any shape or form should never be legalized in the United States and should be
banned wherever it is presently legal. Whether it be the assisted suicides associated with
"Doctor Death", Jack Kevorkian, or just simply taking away a patient's life support from
them, no form of euthanasia should be administered. The administration techniques, the
consequences if it were legal, and whether it is right or if it is wrong, more content...
This sounds exaggerated, but it really could happen. Amidst the advancement of medical science,
euthanasia has started to be practiced in some developed countries. For instance, the Dutch practice
euthanasia legally and regularly. Now fifteen percent of all deaths in that country are from the
practice of euthanasia alone (Euthanasia: Answer to Frequently Asked Questions, 4). People should
be scared people and put this argument over euthanasia in perspective.
Euthanasia is debated all the time on whether it is right or wrong. Some say it is a right that a
human has and others say it is a sin and is morally wrong. Who knows the right answer?
Euthanasia seems to be contradictory to the doctor's code of ethics, which is to preserve life. It is
believed that doctors should take the patients away from suffering and extend the life of patients.
Also, scientists can easily prove a person living, but they cannot easily prove a person dying.
Because miracles can happen at any time and any place, life should be prolonged as long as
possible. Therefore, so long as a patient has a chance to live, a doctor should make every effort to
cure him.
There are many negative views associated with euthanasia. It is definitely wrong according to The
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Essay about Active Euthanasia is Murder
"Euthanasia is not about the right to die. It's about the right to kill."–International Anti–Euthanasia
Task Force It seems impossible for me to claim I am anti–euthanasia or pro–euthanasia because there
are two ways of participating in the or passive. After researching the topic, I have
concluded that I cannot support active euthanasia because it seems to follow the same principle as person killing another. I do not believe it is anyone's right to decide when, or how, a
person's life should end. On the other hand, I cannot say I am totally against suicide or passive
euthanasia. Although I do not condone suicide, I respect a person's right to decide between his
personal life and death. As far more content...
The controversy surrounding euthanasia has been around for decades. Euthanasia was legalized in
Germany more than 50 years ago, decriminalized in Holland about 20 years ago and in Canada, it
has been the subject of repeated discussions, including Bills introduced to Parliament, Civil and
Criminal Court cases, Law Reform Commission Reports, and Medical Association resolutions.
According to the University of Alberta Developmental Disabilities Centre, "each of these discussions
has concluded that the dangers of permitting the willful destruction of human life by another human
being far outweighs any benefits gained by legalization (Sobsey)." Also, in November 1991,
Washington State voted on a proposal to legalize "physician aid–in–dying" ––to include both assisted
suicide and euthanasia. The plan failed with 54 percent of the public voting against it. This statistic
shows that a majority of people feel that euthanasia is morally wrong and do not feel comfortable
condoning such activity ("When").
For years, advocates such as Kevorkian have directed the glory of euthanasia towards people who are
living "uncomfortably" due to problems such as depression, mental instability, or terminal illnesses.
These advocates argue that suffering patients
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Ethics of Euthanasia Essay
As patients come closer to the end of their lives, certain organs stop performing as well as they use
to. People are unable to do simple tasks like putting on clothes, going to the restroom without
assistance, eat on our own, and sometimes even breathe without the help of a machine. Needing to
depend on someone for everything suddenly brings feelings of helplessness much like an infant
feels. It is easy to see why some patients with terminal illnesses would seek any type of relief from
this hardship, even if that relief is suicide. Euthanasia or assisted suicide is where a physician would
give a patient an aid in dying. "Assisted suicide is a controversial medical and ethical issue based on
the question of whether, in certain situations, more content...
Whether murder is done in a peaceful, non painful way or in a very gruesome, unimaginable way,
it is still considered murder. Physicians have no way of knowing 'what is best for the patient'
especially if that patient's terminal illness prevents them from speaking. Not only is assisted
suicide considered murder, it also goes against Physicians' Hippocratic Oath. "Hippocratic Oath:
An oath (or promise) all physicians must swear to uphold, regarding the ethical practices of the
medical profession" (Lee). By allowing doctors to stray from this oath, it will be easier for them to
aid in or carry out assisted suicides when it will never be entirely necessary for them to consider the
option. "In 2005, Texas doctors removed two patients from life support without advanced directions
and against the wishes of the patient's family" (Pawlick). By not legalizing assisted suicides, families
will be able to decide when their family member is physically unable to continue with the provided
treatments, but only when the patient themselves can no longer communicate their wishes and no
document stating how they should go about the situation has been left in their families possession.
Ethical issues are not the only problem. Some argue that euthanasia also creates issues from a legal
perspective. "One legal question is whether assisted suicide violates the Controlled Substances Act, a
federal law governing the distribution of drugs" (Lee). Such
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Pros And Cons Of Passive Euthanasia
Bryan Euyoque 4/24/17
Economics behind Euthanasia
In an ethics class I took in high school, I have learned about many controversial topics. One that
caught my attention specifically was euthanasia or the "right to die" as some call it. There are many
types of Euthanasia, including active and passive. In class we debated the difference between the
two and why passive euthanasia is legal and active is not. Active euthanasia is defined as "a person
directly and deliberately causing the patient 's death." (Forms of euthanasia) Passive euthanasia is
when "death is brought about by an omission of a certain thing required for life to continue." (Forms
of euthanasia) Examples of passive euthanasia more content...
If the point of euthanasia is to end suffering, then passive euthanasia does not seem like a good
option. (The conventional Doctrine) When it comes to passive euthanasia the disease is what kills
the individual. Those who qualify for passive euthanasia are mostly suffering from excruciatingly
painful diseases. Passive euthanasia does not seem like the way to go if minimizing pain is the
goal. As a result, "in many cases where it is right to let a patient die, it is also right to practice active
euthanasia" (The conventional Doctrine)
Those not in favor of euthanasia believe it is wrong to kill another human being even if it means
saving them a lot of pain. An argument those who oppose euthanasia use is that "euthanasia weakens
society's respect for the sanctity of life" (Anti–euthanasia arguments) Sanctity of life means "Human
life must be respected regardless of age, gender, race, religion, social status or potential for
success. Life is good in and of itself, not just as a means to achieve an end." (Arguments against
euthanasia). In other words, no one has the power to end another person's life regardless if their
intentions are good or bad. Laws like "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights" were created to
legally enforce the sanctity of life. Euthanasia would be a violation to this law thus should not be
legal. Subsequently the argument from nature by J. Gay–Williams is also used in
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Euthanasia Essay example
Euthanasia, also known as mercy killing is a practice of ending a life to release an individual from
an incurable disease or intolerable suffering. Euthanasia has been accepted both legally and morally
in various forms in many societies but not in all. "In ancient Greece and Rome it was permissible in
some situations to help others die. For example, the Greek writer Plutarch mentioned that in Sparta
infanticide was practiced on children who lacked "health and vigor." Both Socrates and
Plato sanctioned forms of euthanasia in certain cases. Voluntary euthanasiafor the elderly was an
approved custom in several ancient societies." With the rise of organized religion, euthanasia became
morally and ethically abhorrent. Christianity, more content...
Derek first founded the Hemlock Society in 1980 after the tragic death of his wife Jean. Jean had
bone cancer and suffered a lot of pain and eventually took her own life with Dereks help.
There are also some organizations that feel euthanasia should be illegal. One such organization is the
I.A.E.T.F. which stands for the International Anti–Euthanasia Task Force. The I.A.E.T.F. is an
information center for many different groups, one such group is Hospice. Hospice is a program
designed to assist patients and families at the end of life. "Hospice care is to provide
symptom–directed, supportive care and to address the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual
needs of the patients, families and caregivers" of terminally ill individuals. Basically hospice doesn't
believe in any form of euthanasia. The focus of Hospice is pain management. If you can manage the
pain through medications it is thought by this group that you don't have to take your life.
Currently, there is only one state where euthanasia is legal this state is Oregon. New York currently
believes that euthanasia should be illegal, but has set up pain management programs. There are two
main documents in New York that help the dying patient gain a sense of control ever the end of
their life these are the do not resuscitate (DNR) and the health care proxy. The do not resuscitate or
DNR form states simply that when respirations and
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Essay about Anti Euthanasia
If someone is terminally ill, should a doctor be allowed, with consent from the patient and their
family, to give the person an overdose in order to end the person's life?
Being sick and weak has driven people to wish they were dead. People like to be strong and
powerful and able, and many cannot cope with reality once they lose the abilities they once had.
They become helpless and fragile and it is embarrassing for them to have others see them that way.
Some medical patients loose the drive to live. Certain doctors, such as Dr. Jack Kevorkian (who
helped approximately 130 people with 'physician–assisted suicide'), see the anguish this causes them,
and have interceded to help them achieve death by giving the patients overdoses more
It is hard to refuse a person death when all they see is suffering, but that doctor could be struck with
the knowledge that a person's life was in his hands, and he threw it away with one injection.
Physician–assisted suicide puts a humongous responsibility on doctors. If and when doctors are
given this responsibility–to advise families when their loved ones are beyond help, and to play the
deadly hand–it is putting a lot of power into their hands. They could be mistaken, and a wrong
diagnosis could lead to the murder of a savable person. Or, worse than that, they could tell the
family that all hope is loss because of a lack of time, staff, or resources, and the doctor may be too
proud to admit it, or he/she may think that it is a waste to invest in the elderly. They may always
state that the patient is going to die from their affliction and suggest euthanasia in order to save
their hospital the trouble of housing the sickly. Along with the patient being possibly savable,
doctors and family may give up on hope too soon. If a patient is told that he or she has six more
months to live with a bit of pain or weakness, he or she may decide to commit suicide before
letting nature take its course. This denies them any precious time that may be spent with friends
and relatives in their final days, and, however slim it might be, it leaves no chance for a miracle
recovery or discovering a medical error, meaning that the patient has a lot more time
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Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia
The World Medical Association (WMA) defines euthanasia as "the act of deliberately ending the life
of a patient, even at the patient's own request or at the request of close relatives." Euthanasia refers
to physician–assisted suicide, mercy killing and withdrawal of unwanted medical treatment (Taqi
266). It is debatably one of the most controversial issues in the fields of theology and medicine.
Euthanasia stems from the Greek word for "a good death".
Euthanasia is known to be either passive or active. Active Euthanasia refers to intentionally using
lethal substances or forces as a way of terminating life. Passive Euthanasia is withholding or
withdrawing measures that are necessary for the continuation of life. Some examples of passive
euthanasia consist of dialysis, inotropes, antibiotics and artificial ventilation (Taqi 266). Within this,
euthanasia may also be voluntary, involuntary or nonvoluntary. A person's consent is required for
euthanasia to be considered voluntary. If considered nonvoluntary, like in many cases of persons in
vegetative states, the subject has not requested aid in dying. Involuntary euthanasia is defined as
carrying out the act against a person whom can provide consent but was not given the choice, or did
not want to die. An example of such was the Nazi Euthanasia Program, "Operation–T4", of October
1939 where Hitler informally ordered killing of the disabled and/or elderly, as well as children.
Approximately 200,000 lives were claimed in
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Essay Pro Euthanasia
When someone is inevitably dying and in inexplicable pain is it really a crime to grant their wishes
and end their suffering? As of right now euthanasia is illegal in many countries and is a very
controversial topic. Is it compassion for the patient helping them in ending their life or murder? The
doctor is not giving death as an option, it is the patients choice and even where it is legal there are
many rules. Euthanasia should not be considered a crime because the patient is not being murdered;
they are having their suffering end in a painless, humane way out of compassion for the patient and
their family.
Euthanasia is defined by the World Book Millennium 2000 encyclopaedia as, "the practise of
painlessly ending the lives of more content...
The reason to legalize euthanasia is clear, these people need to have the choice to die with dignity.
Dr. Jack Kevorkian more commonly known as Dr. Death is greatly known for his opinion that
euthanasia should be legalized and his work with patients seeking help. He was very important in
showing euthanasia and voicing his opinion on the subject so the public could not ignore the
importance of the matter. Dr. Kevorkian was said to have been involved with 130 suicides by
patients who wanted to end their own lives (Nicol and Wylie 17). He had two machines he used to
help the patients, one an injection and the other a mask, however both machines were operated by
the patient and although Dr. Kevorkian was taken to court many times for these he was not
convicted because the patient was in control. He was very careful as to not actually commit the act
himself until he was contacted by Thomas Youk, a young with Lou Gheric's disease; Lou Gheric's
disease is when the muscle stop working and eventually the patient chokes to death. Tom's condition
prevented him from actually operating the machines and therefore Dr. Kevorkian decided that he
would operate the machine himself because he cared greatly about all his patients and could not let
Tom live in his constant fear (Nicol and Wylie 11). Dr. Kevorkian taped Tom's wishes and then
himself hooking up the machine and pushing the button to inject the drugs. He then proceed to
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Conservative Arguments Against Euthanasia
On the contrary, Conservative have an opposite position. Moreland (1991) suggests that that act
of suicide violates many laws that pertain to nature, ethics, and religion. Man's very nature is to
exist; if man begins to want to deliberately take his life, then this violates the natural law of living.
Suicide "violates one's sanctity of life", in that we have the obligation to protect life and respect
oneself. Moreover, these believe connect to the religious idea that we have a duty to use our life
in the way God wants. Ultimately, God is the giver of life, and therefore our body is sacred. The
reason God allows hardship is because he is allowing a way for individuals to grow in their faith,
press forward in despite obstacles, and teach others to do the same. By teaching others, this coincides
to the idea that life has a duty to the more content...
Yet, it is important to considered both sides (whether liberal or conservative point of views) in
order to personally justify the mortality of this issue. So far five states have legalized euthanasia,
with many more states on the verge to legalizing it as well. Van Leeuwen (2000) believes that this
is relatively an issue for the states to decide. However, with such liberties could also bring about
concern: giving physicians too much authority over vulnerable patients, the integrity of the human
body, and preservation of life itself. Research done by Selle and Roberts (1994) suggest that
euthanasia has led to the death of unwanted newborns with disabilities and the act of shutting down
monitors for individuals in a vegetated state. Despite totally polar viewpoints, it is ultimately up to
people's own ethical, religious, or natural beliefs to decide the morality of this
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Argumentive Essay Against Euthanasia
The mind is a terrible thing to waste, stated by anti–drug commercials. We all will either appreciate
or underrate our life based on certain experiences we live through. Many go through dramatic
experiences that make life uncomfortable or more strenuous than surrounding patrons do. Religious
beliefs often affect the reasoning of decisions and the importance of life. Some people live in a
vegetable status since their body is still performing, but their mind is not. The government will not
allow their death since it is unconstitutional and deemed as murder. Euthanasia ends a life and is
exercised regularly overseas. The immoral act of euthanasia defies humanity and the purpose of life.
Some feel euthanasia more content...
Latest medical research results indicate the possibility that many brain–injured people have more
activity in their minds than anyone previously knew. The indecency alone should fulfill a person
contemplating euthanasia to be immoral. According to Ecclesiastes 8:8 ?There is no man that
hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit, neither hath he power in the day of death: and there
is no discharge in that war, neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it.? 1
Corinthians 6:20 further states ?For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your
body, and in your spirit, which are God's.? This statement resolves that your life is important and
that the future lies in decisions you make and God allows. For the unbelievers the fact of
removing yourself from this world defies others? respect and feelings towards you. By allowing
voluntary euthanasia, the door will be open for involuntary euthanasia approval. One leading
medical ethicist, Professor Richard Hare, said more than twenty years ago, "We shall begin by
doing it because the patient is in intolerable pain, but we shall end up doing it because it is Friday
afternoon and we want to get away for the weekend.? Seeing any type of death except works by
God as normal would over time numb society causing life to be less important than some already
see it. Many laws pass without the consideration of the future. If euthanasia were legal, other avenues
would become legal
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Euthanasia Essay
Euthanasia – Response to Anti Euthanasia Essay
Euthanasia is a topic that provokes as much controversy as capital punishment, primarily because it
is irreversible. The question of euthanasia being right or wrong is one that most would prefer left
alone. However, recent publicity on changes to existing laws has ignited considerable discussion and
has forced open the door to a much wider audience. The issues related to direct euthanasia have
raised many questions in my mind, to which I am still searching for answers. I believe it is
necessary to consider arguments, both, for and against, in order to come to any conclusion. In this
paper I will address Brian Clowes' article in the "Pro–Life Activist's Encyclopedia",
located on more content...
Yet, his persistent use of medical cases where patients were classified as irreversibly comatose
and where all decisions regarding their continual treatment were made by others, neglects to
recognize the numerous cases of terminally ill patients, who simply ask for the right to control
their own destiny and to die with dignity. His use of extreme cases, all of which were found in
'National Right to Life News', gives the reader a distorted picture and neglects the many types of
cases where the prolonging of life would be cruel, inhumane and immoral. (Johnstone, 1994:353)
EUTHANASIA SETS A BAD EXAMPLE? I would ask what kind of example are we giving our
young by prolonging life at whatever cost to the person? Is quantity of life always the best option? Is
the taking of human life always wrong? In the 18th century William Mitford, an English historian
stated "Men fear death, as if unquestionably the greatess evil, and yet no man knows that it
may not be the greatest good." (Bradley, Daniels & Jones, 1969:194) Here the author
compares the act of suicide among the young with the act of euthanasia with the terminally ill. He
believes, in making euthanasia an acceptable social practice, it will inevitably have negative
repercussions on the rest of society. The writer argues that by condoning euthanasia, we condone
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Arguments For And Against Euthanasia Essay
Euthanasia is the practice of ending an individual's life in order to relieve them from an incurable
disease or unbearable suffering. The term euthanasia is derived from the Greek word for "good
death" and originally referred to as "intentional killing" ( Patelarou, Vardavas, Fioraki, Alegakis,
Dafermou, & Ntzilepi, 2009). Euthanasia is a controversial topic which has raised a great deal of
debate globally. Although euthanasia has received great exposure in the professional media, there
are some sticky points that lack clarity and need to be addressed. Euthanasia is a divisive topic, and
different interpretations of its meaning, depend on whether the person supports it or not. While a
few societies have accepted euthanasia, there more content...
The patient voluntarily wanted to end his life because he was suffering from Lou Gehrigs's disease
(Siu, 2008). Since then, the controversy over active euthanasia has remained an ethical dilemma for
healthcare providers, patients and their family members in America and the rest of the world. The
general public's belief is that, health–care providers have professional obligations to save the lives of
their patients regardless of their health status. The majority of the public feels that, healthcare
workers' involvement in the euthanasia practice is a betrayal of the "do no harm" oath. When a
healthcare worker is involved in either active or passive euthanasia, it can be viewed as a
disregard to this value. However, the proponents for euthanasia claim that a physician turning down
a suffering patient's request to end their life is also a violation to the "do no harm" oath (Siu,
2008). The right to die falls under patient's autonomy and the basic question is whether individuals
should be allowed to end their lives if they choose to do so (Sanders & Chaloner 2007). Those in
the healthcare sector grapple with this notion on a daily bases because they have to practice under
the codes of ethics guidelines. Nurses and doctors should be cautious in their practice as they balance
the patient's autonomy and their professional ethics and guidelines. Sanders & Chaloner (2007)
pointed out that nurses and doctors know that a patient's autonomy
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Euthanasia Dbq
Out of the 196 countries in the world, only nine countries have legalized euthanasia or assisted
suicide," a quote brought up by Storypick. (). Euthanasia is one of the most controversial topics
currently, but what can euthanasia offer patients and people all around the United States? People
have different opinions and facts about euthanasia; so what are the pros and cons? In the end,
euthanasia should be legalized because people will face pain mental and physical, people's opinions
should not be deterred as well with a death that will contain dignity, despite the moral thoughts it
goes against. 10.2 Firstly people with the diagnosis of terminal illness can face horrible mental and
physical pain up until the point they die. Risks, such more content...
People, are incensed because in Muslim beliefs one is not allowed to commit suicide, which also
applies to Christianity. (Source I). Several Journalists have also stated against euthanasia because
they believe that life is truthfully sanctified and that "God" created life, so one cannot choose to
die. (Source A). The Hippocratic oath as well specifically reads that doctors or physicians are not
sanctioned to kill patients. (Source M). Even though many people are against euthanasia the citizens
still want options for the end of their own life. (Source C). If the alternatives are inadequate and
regulated the agony of the patients does not go away; numerous places have already legalized
euthanasia, such as the Netherlands in 2002 being the first. Similarly, Japan's Shintoists believe that
people and patients should be sanctioned to die if they request for it. (Source C). In the Netherlands,
85 percent of the doctors will and can also consider facilitating patients and people in death. (Source
B). Even though the Hippocratic oath states that doctors are not to kill their patients, there are two
main forms of euthanasia– passive and active. (Source C). The two central forms of euthanasia do
not go against regulations because subsequently those doctors have to be in accordance with the
patients and people. (Source C).
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Euthanasia Is Not A Bad Thing
Austin 1
Taylor Austin, in her term paper "Euthanasia" argues euthanasia can save many people from
suffering, but it also shouldn 't be taken advantage of. Austin supports her argument by explaining
that euthanasia isn't a bad thing and people should have the right to choose what they do with their
lives. The authors purpose is to inform the reader in order to/so that euthanasia isn't a bad thing it
could help many people but there should still be restrictions. The author write in a formal tone for
the American Studies English teachers at Granite Hills High School.
Five years ago, Joe was a retired landscaper and a loving father and grandpa. Joe was a very active
man only wanting the best for himself. Everyday he would wake up make himself a healthy
breakfast, go on a walk and take his grandchildren to school. He never ever thought of anything in
a negative way everything was always seen positively. Every time you would see him he would
have the biggest smile on his face but one day Joe took a visit to the doctors and things weren't
looking so good. Joe had been diagnosed with stage five esophageal cancer that had spread to the
lining and his colon, the doctor told him it was too late to save him. Joe spent the rest of his life in
and out of the hospital. It was a rough time for his kids Laura and Gabe now because they both
worked full time and had to change their schedules to get their kids to school and to make time to
see their father in the
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End of life – Euthanasia – Arguments for and against euthanasia. (2006, April 1). Retrieved
November 6, 2015.
This article sets out the most vital and most recurrently adduced arguments for and against
euthanasia. Each subdivision takes as its root, one aspect of the discussion. For example, autonomy
and the inviolability of life, designating how it is probable to argue both for and against euthanasia,
correspondingly, on the basis of the identical facet. It suggests "The account will include such
arguments as take a positive point of reference in the individual concept as well as some that take
critical issue with it. For instance, the arguments that home in on the incompatibility of euthanasia
with autonomy, whereas among other things the other section contains arguments that are based on
a critique of the actual concept of the sanctity of life." Supporters of euthanasia encourage the
authorization of killing on appeal of the patient in a few situations. Never the less the article also
anticipates how the problem of euthanasia is not only legalization but also the way and
circumstances it should be legalized for. It is vital to distinguish between negative and positive
reasoning of self–determination concerning assisted suicide. It helps us to differentiate a positive
right of self–determination regarding euthanasia and a negative right of self–determination regarding
euthanasia. Helps us identify the fundamental difference stating how the first form of legalization,
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Anti Euthanasia Essay

  • 1. Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia Original: How would you feel if you woke up to a nightmare, where governmental laws and regulations dictate that a fully autonomous and happy person should die? Of course, you would not want the nightmare again and you would stand up in protest and fight against such laws. Almost all human beings firmly believe that they have the right to live and whatever life may throw along our way, and that others cannot dictate it or impact that sense of right or belonging. It is the very nature of our survival or we would have gone extinct a long time ago. In a similar case, don't we have a right to choose death instead of depending on others for basic functions like eating, dressing, going to the restroom or to bed? How does it make any sense for the government to deem euthanasia or Physician–Assisted–Suicide (herein known as PAS for the rest of this paper) as illegal even to people who cannot endure the loss of dignity and even worse watch as their rights being snatched by a government? Euthanasia and PAS has been controversial through the ages and people often reason that a person cannot take control of his or her own life and end it, citing various reasons for it. It is not rational when the person did not ask for this illness, and merely looking for a better solution to the effect. Opponents of euthanasia and PAS, the people who make up the core of anti–euthanasia views have various claims against it but often miss out on the reality, in places where it has been legalized. They Get more content on
  • 2. Euthanasia Essay examples Euthanasia is often called "mercy killing". It is intentionally making someone die, rather than allowing that person to die naturally. It is sometimes the act of ending someone's life, who is terminally ill, or is suffering in severe pain. Euthanasia is mostly illegal in the world today. Euthanasia can be considered a form of suicide, if the person afflicted with the problem actively does it. The person volunteering to commit the act to that person can also consider it a form of murder. The positive side of Euthanasia is that it ends a person's suffering in this world. Many physicians and psychiatrists believe that it may a humane act. From a virtue ethics point of view, it may be appropriate. What we seek in human existence is to more content... The benefits are numerous in that the person euthanized would cease suffering, and the families would begin the healing process from grief and/or depression from the situation. From Mill's perspective, the person volunteering for euthanasia has a liberty to do what he/she wants. Mill has written that if the person does not cause harm to others, it is the person's right, or liberty, to do what they please. If a person wants euthanasia, then that person has the sole liberties to choose such an act, and depart society and life. Nobody is being other than the person wishing it, and it is a volunteered act. Brandt argues for approval of euthanasia, but killing human beings is wrong, because it injures that person and goes against the preferences of self–preservation. However, Brandt says that the above is not present in the issue of euthanasia, so it may be permissible. Brandt says that not all killing is injury, so not all killing is wrong. One should pay attention to one's expressed wishes he says. Euthanasia could be considered doing a person a favor, because you cannot injure something if you are relieving it of pain. The negative side of euthanasia is that it goes against natural law ethics, because we do not let nature take its course. We are disturbing what is occurring or happening naturally to the person. Every person has a natural inclination to continue living. It is also said Get more content on
  • 3. Proponents of anti–euthanasia argue that the desire to die is caused by depression, and as such is fully treatable. While it is true that debilitating illnesses and terminal conditions cause is not only common but expected. However, no degree of depression treatment can change the circumstances of a patient's condition: terminal is terminal. There is no escape, other than death, that can change these circumstances. Depression medication and counselling are not going to magically return one's self–worth, satisfaction, or ease suffering when presented with the inevitable. This is not an argument that some cases can benefit from euthanasia, but how can those cases be conducted in an ethical, non–abusive Get more content on
  • 4. Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia Most of us have been in the position where our pets fall very ill and old. What did we do? Some of us put them down, letting them rest peacefully. Others? We let them live on to carry out their lives naturally. Now think deeper. Is this something we do to humans also? Euthanasia. A singular word with a huge controversial stance. Euthanasia is the practice of physician–assisted suicide to the terminally ill. With such a broad history, the topic has taken the world by storm. Dating as far back in 460 through 370 BC, according to medical news today, it was mentioned in the Hippocratic oath, "To please no one will I prescribe a deadly drug nor give advice which may cause his death." However in the 1300s in English common law suicide was considered a criminal act which included euthanasia. Continuing into 1478 through 1535 Thomas Moore, an English lawyer, a scholar as well as author and statesman, envisioned a utopian community as one to provide death to those whose illness' were dubious of feeling burdensome to lingering pain. Ezekiel Emanuel, erudite in bioethics, stated the modern era of physician–assisted suicide was encouraged by the availability of anesthetics in the early 1800s. Following in New York in 1828 The anti–euthanasia law passed which was the first known laws of euthanasia in the United States of America. A peak and support for euthanasia arrive in the 1900s again 30 years later in 1930 and again in 1960 for an interest of the practice. Yet in 1961 Get more content on
  • 5. Euthanasia Essay : Euthanasia And Euthanasia Euthanasia is a Greek word which means gentle and easy death. However, it is the other way around. It is not a gentle or easy death because there is not a type of death which called gentle in the world. According to writer Prof. Ian Dowbiggin, in Ancient Greece people used euthanasia without the patient 's permission. It means that in Ancient Greece they did not care about the voluntariness. Also, there are just few doctors who obey the rules of the Hippocratic Oath. (250) After Christianity, the church found out how evil suicide was and they told people killing another person or themselves was a brutal behavior. For a short time, nobody questioned euthanasia deeply. However, during reforms, euthanasia became known again. According to research that made in NY about euthanasia and assisted suicide, Renaissance and Reformation authors challenged church against Euthanasia and they succeeded. (80) In other words, the church made euthanasia illegal. The reason for this accomplishment was euthanasia did more harm than good and it was open to abuse also it was misused by doctors. Doctors use euthanasia to earn more money and for other benefits. They can kill people by saying there is no preference They can make money by killing people who want to die, but not suffering a disease. Unfortunately, there are some countries which legalized euthanasia. However, euthanasia should not be legalized because, it weakens medical research, it up against with the medical ethics and doctors ' Get more content on
  • 6. Euthanasia Essay Intentionally making someone die, rather than allowing that person to die naturally is the definition of euthanasia according to the International Anti–Euthanasia Task Force (Euthanasia: Answer to Frequently Asked Questions, 1). This definition, itself, does not sound very appealing. The practice of euthanasia in any shape or form should never be legalized in the United States and should be banned wherever it is presently legal. Whether it be the assisted suicides associated with "Doctor Death", Jack Kevorkian, or just simply taking away a patient's life support from them, no form of euthanasia should be administered. The administration techniques, the consequences if it were legal, and whether it is right or if it is wrong, more content... This sounds exaggerated, but it really could happen. Amidst the advancement of medical science, euthanasia has started to be practiced in some developed countries. For instance, the Dutch practice euthanasia legally and regularly. Now fifteen percent of all deaths in that country are from the practice of euthanasia alone (Euthanasia: Answer to Frequently Asked Questions, 4). People should be scared people and put this argument over euthanasia in perspective. Euthanasia is debated all the time on whether it is right or wrong. Some say it is a right that a human has and others say it is a sin and is morally wrong. Who knows the right answer? Euthanasia seems to be contradictory to the doctor's code of ethics, which is to preserve life. It is believed that doctors should take the patients away from suffering and extend the life of patients. Also, scientists can easily prove a person living, but they cannot easily prove a person dying. Because miracles can happen at any time and any place, life should be prolonged as long as possible. Therefore, so long as a patient has a chance to live, a doctor should make every effort to cure him. There are many negative views associated with euthanasia. It is definitely wrong according to The Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about Active Euthanasia is Murder "Euthanasia is not about the right to die. It's about the right to kill."–International Anti–Euthanasia Task Force It seems impossible for me to claim I am anti–euthanasia or pro–euthanasia because there are two ways of participating in the or passive. After researching the topic, I have concluded that I cannot support active euthanasia because it seems to follow the same principle as person killing another. I do not believe it is anyone's right to decide when, or how, a person's life should end. On the other hand, I cannot say I am totally against suicide or passive euthanasia. Although I do not condone suicide, I respect a person's right to decide between his personal life and death. As far more content... The controversy surrounding euthanasia has been around for decades. Euthanasia was legalized in Germany more than 50 years ago, decriminalized in Holland about 20 years ago and in Canada, it has been the subject of repeated discussions, including Bills introduced to Parliament, Civil and Criminal Court cases, Law Reform Commission Reports, and Medical Association resolutions. According to the University of Alberta Developmental Disabilities Centre, "each of these discussions has concluded that the dangers of permitting the willful destruction of human life by another human being far outweighs any benefits gained by legalization (Sobsey)." Also, in November 1991, Washington State voted on a proposal to legalize "physician aid–in–dying" ––to include both assisted suicide and euthanasia. The plan failed with 54 percent of the public voting against it. This statistic shows that a majority of people feel that euthanasia is morally wrong and do not feel comfortable condoning such activity ("When"). For years, advocates such as Kevorkian have directed the glory of euthanasia towards people who are living "uncomfortably" due to problems such as depression, mental instability, or terminal illnesses. These advocates argue that suffering patients Get more content on
  • 8. Ethics of Euthanasia Essay As patients come closer to the end of their lives, certain organs stop performing as well as they use to. People are unable to do simple tasks like putting on clothes, going to the restroom without assistance, eat on our own, and sometimes even breathe without the help of a machine. Needing to depend on someone for everything suddenly brings feelings of helplessness much like an infant feels. It is easy to see why some patients with terminal illnesses would seek any type of relief from this hardship, even if that relief is suicide. Euthanasia or assisted suicide is where a physician would give a patient an aid in dying. "Assisted suicide is a controversial medical and ethical issue based on the question of whether, in certain situations, more content... Whether murder is done in a peaceful, non painful way or in a very gruesome, unimaginable way, it is still considered murder. Physicians have no way of knowing 'what is best for the patient' especially if that patient's terminal illness prevents them from speaking. Not only is assisted suicide considered murder, it also goes against Physicians' Hippocratic Oath. "Hippocratic Oath: An oath (or promise) all physicians must swear to uphold, regarding the ethical practices of the medical profession" (Lee). By allowing doctors to stray from this oath, it will be easier for them to aid in or carry out assisted suicides when it will never be entirely necessary for them to consider the option. "In 2005, Texas doctors removed two patients from life support without advanced directions and against the wishes of the patient's family" (Pawlick). By not legalizing assisted suicides, families will be able to decide when their family member is physically unable to continue with the provided treatments, but only when the patient themselves can no longer communicate their wishes and no document stating how they should go about the situation has been left in their families possession. Ethical issues are not the only problem. Some argue that euthanasia also creates issues from a legal perspective. "One legal question is whether assisted suicide violates the Controlled Substances Act, a federal law governing the distribution of drugs" (Lee). Such Get more content on
  • 9. Pros And Cons Of Passive Euthanasia Bryan Euyoque 4/24/17 Economics behind Euthanasia In an ethics class I took in high school, I have learned about many controversial topics. One that caught my attention specifically was euthanasia or the "right to die" as some call it. There are many types of Euthanasia, including active and passive. In class we debated the difference between the two and why passive euthanasia is legal and active is not. Active euthanasia is defined as "a person directly and deliberately causing the patient 's death." (Forms of euthanasia) Passive euthanasia is when "death is brought about by an omission of a certain thing required for life to continue." (Forms of euthanasia) Examples of passive euthanasia more content... If the point of euthanasia is to end suffering, then passive euthanasia does not seem like a good option. (The conventional Doctrine) When it comes to passive euthanasia the disease is what kills the individual. Those who qualify for passive euthanasia are mostly suffering from excruciatingly painful diseases. Passive euthanasia does not seem like the way to go if minimizing pain is the goal. As a result, "in many cases where it is right to let a patient die, it is also right to practice active euthanasia" (The conventional Doctrine) Those not in favor of euthanasia believe it is wrong to kill another human being even if it means saving them a lot of pain. An argument those who oppose euthanasia use is that "euthanasia weakens society's respect for the sanctity of life" (Anti–euthanasia arguments) Sanctity of life means "Human life must be respected regardless of age, gender, race, religion, social status or potential for success. Life is good in and of itself, not just as a means to achieve an end." (Arguments against euthanasia). In other words, no one has the power to end another person's life regardless if their intentions are good or bad. Laws like "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights" were created to legally enforce the sanctity of life. Euthanasia would be a violation to this law thus should not be legal. Subsequently the argument from nature by J. Gay–Williams is also used in Get more content on
  • 10. Euthanasia Essay example Euthanasia, also known as mercy killing is a practice of ending a life to release an individual from an incurable disease or intolerable suffering. Euthanasia has been accepted both legally and morally in various forms in many societies but not in all. "In ancient Greece and Rome it was permissible in some situations to help others die. For example, the Greek writer Plutarch mentioned that in Sparta infanticide was practiced on children who lacked "health and vigor." Both Socrates and Plato sanctioned forms of euthanasia in certain cases. Voluntary euthanasiafor the elderly was an approved custom in several ancient societies." With the rise of organized religion, euthanasia became morally and ethically abhorrent. Christianity, more content... Derek first founded the Hemlock Society in 1980 after the tragic death of his wife Jean. Jean had bone cancer and suffered a lot of pain and eventually took her own life with Dereks help. There are also some organizations that feel euthanasia should be illegal. One such organization is the I.A.E.T.F. which stands for the International Anti–Euthanasia Task Force. The I.A.E.T.F. is an information center for many different groups, one such group is Hospice. Hospice is a program designed to assist patients and families at the end of life. "Hospice care is to provide symptom–directed, supportive care and to address the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of the patients, families and caregivers" of terminally ill individuals. Basically hospice doesn't believe in any form of euthanasia. The focus of Hospice is pain management. If you can manage the pain through medications it is thought by this group that you don't have to take your life. Currently, there is only one state where euthanasia is legal this state is Oregon. New York currently believes that euthanasia should be illegal, but has set up pain management programs. There are two main documents in New York that help the dying patient gain a sense of control ever the end of their life these are the do not resuscitate (DNR) and the health care proxy. The do not resuscitate or DNR form states simply that when respirations and Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about Anti Euthanasia If someone is terminally ill, should a doctor be allowed, with consent from the patient and their family, to give the person an overdose in order to end the person's life? Being sick and weak has driven people to wish they were dead. People like to be strong and powerful and able, and many cannot cope with reality once they lose the abilities they once had. They become helpless and fragile and it is embarrassing for them to have others see them that way. Some medical patients loose the drive to live. Certain doctors, such as Dr. Jack Kevorkian (who helped approximately 130 people with 'physician–assisted suicide'), see the anguish this causes them, and have interceded to help them achieve death by giving the patients overdoses more content... It is hard to refuse a person death when all they see is suffering, but that doctor could be struck with the knowledge that a person's life was in his hands, and he threw it away with one injection. Physician–assisted suicide puts a humongous responsibility on doctors. If and when doctors are given this responsibility–to advise families when their loved ones are beyond help, and to play the deadly hand–it is putting a lot of power into their hands. They could be mistaken, and a wrong diagnosis could lead to the murder of a savable person. Or, worse than that, they could tell the family that all hope is loss because of a lack of time, staff, or resources, and the doctor may be too proud to admit it, or he/she may think that it is a waste to invest in the elderly. They may always state that the patient is going to die from their affliction and suggest euthanasia in order to save their hospital the trouble of housing the sickly. Along with the patient being possibly savable, doctors and family may give up on hope too soon. If a patient is told that he or she has six more months to live with a bit of pain or weakness, he or she may decide to commit suicide before letting nature take its course. This denies them any precious time that may be spent with friends and relatives in their final days, and, however slim it might be, it leaves no chance for a miracle recovery or discovering a medical error, meaning that the patient has a lot more time Get more content on
  • 12. Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia The World Medical Association (WMA) defines euthanasia as "the act of deliberately ending the life of a patient, even at the patient's own request or at the request of close relatives." Euthanasia refers to physician–assisted suicide, mercy killing and withdrawal of unwanted medical treatment (Taqi 266). It is debatably one of the most controversial issues in the fields of theology and medicine. Euthanasia stems from the Greek word for "a good death". Euthanasia is known to be either passive or active. Active Euthanasia refers to intentionally using lethal substances or forces as a way of terminating life. Passive Euthanasia is withholding or withdrawing measures that are necessary for the continuation of life. Some examples of passive euthanasia consist of dialysis, inotropes, antibiotics and artificial ventilation (Taqi 266). Within this, euthanasia may also be voluntary, involuntary or nonvoluntary. A person's consent is required for euthanasia to be considered voluntary. If considered nonvoluntary, like in many cases of persons in vegetative states, the subject has not requested aid in dying. Involuntary euthanasia is defined as carrying out the act against a person whom can provide consent but was not given the choice, or did not want to die. An example of such was the Nazi Euthanasia Program, "Operation–T4", of October 1939 where Hitler informally ordered killing of the disabled and/or elderly, as well as children. Approximately 200,000 lives were claimed in Get more content on
  • 13. Essay Pro Euthanasia When someone is inevitably dying and in inexplicable pain is it really a crime to grant their wishes and end their suffering? As of right now euthanasia is illegal in many countries and is a very controversial topic. Is it compassion for the patient helping them in ending their life or murder? The doctor is not giving death as an option, it is the patients choice and even where it is legal there are many rules. Euthanasia should not be considered a crime because the patient is not being murdered; they are having their suffering end in a painless, humane way out of compassion for the patient and their family. Euthanasia is defined by the World Book Millennium 2000 encyclopaedia as, "the practise of painlessly ending the lives of more content... The reason to legalize euthanasia is clear, these people need to have the choice to die with dignity. Dr. Jack Kevorkian more commonly known as Dr. Death is greatly known for his opinion that euthanasia should be legalized and his work with patients seeking help. He was very important in showing euthanasia and voicing his opinion on the subject so the public could not ignore the importance of the matter. Dr. Kevorkian was said to have been involved with 130 suicides by patients who wanted to end their own lives (Nicol and Wylie 17). He had two machines he used to help the patients, one an injection and the other a mask, however both machines were operated by the patient and although Dr. Kevorkian was taken to court many times for these he was not convicted because the patient was in control. He was very careful as to not actually commit the act himself until he was contacted by Thomas Youk, a young with Lou Gheric's disease; Lou Gheric's disease is when the muscle stop working and eventually the patient chokes to death. Tom's condition prevented him from actually operating the machines and therefore Dr. Kevorkian decided that he would operate the machine himself because he cared greatly about all his patients and could not let Tom live in his constant fear (Nicol and Wylie 11). Dr. Kevorkian taped Tom's wishes and then himself hooking up the machine and pushing the button to inject the drugs. He then proceed to Get more content on
  • 14. Conservative Arguments Against Euthanasia On the contrary, Conservative have an opposite position. Moreland (1991) suggests that that act of suicide violates many laws that pertain to nature, ethics, and religion. Man's very nature is to exist; if man begins to want to deliberately take his life, then this violates the natural law of living. Suicide "violates one's sanctity of life", in that we have the obligation to protect life and respect oneself. Moreover, these believe connect to the religious idea that we have a duty to use our life in the way God wants. Ultimately, God is the giver of life, and therefore our body is sacred. The reason God allows hardship is because he is allowing a way for individuals to grow in their faith, press forward in despite obstacles, and teach others to do the same. By teaching others, this coincides to the idea that life has a duty to the more content... Yet, it is important to considered both sides (whether liberal or conservative point of views) in order to personally justify the mortality of this issue. So far five states have legalized euthanasia, with many more states on the verge to legalizing it as well. Van Leeuwen (2000) believes that this is relatively an issue for the states to decide. However, with such liberties could also bring about concern: giving physicians too much authority over vulnerable patients, the integrity of the human body, and preservation of life itself. Research done by Selle and Roberts (1994) suggest that euthanasia has led to the death of unwanted newborns with disabilities and the act of shutting down monitors for individuals in a vegetated state. Despite totally polar viewpoints, it is ultimately up to people's own ethical, religious, or natural beliefs to decide the morality of this Get more content on
  • 15. Argumentive Essay Against Euthanasia Euthanasia The mind is a terrible thing to waste, stated by anti–drug commercials. We all will either appreciate or underrate our life based on certain experiences we live through. Many go through dramatic experiences that make life uncomfortable or more strenuous than surrounding patrons do. Religious beliefs often affect the reasoning of decisions and the importance of life. Some people live in a vegetable status since their body is still performing, but their mind is not. The government will not allow their death since it is unconstitutional and deemed as murder. Euthanasia ends a life and is exercised regularly overseas. The immoral act of euthanasia defies humanity and the purpose of life. Some feel euthanasia more content... Latest medical research results indicate the possibility that many brain–injured people have more activity in their minds than anyone previously knew. The indecency alone should fulfill a person contemplating euthanasia to be immoral. According to Ecclesiastes 8:8 ?There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit, neither hath he power in the day of death: and there is no discharge in that war, neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it.? 1 Corinthians 6:20 further states ?For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.? This statement resolves that your life is important and that the future lies in decisions you make and God allows. For the unbelievers the fact of removing yourself from this world defies others? respect and feelings towards you. By allowing voluntary euthanasia, the door will be open for involuntary euthanasia approval. One leading medical ethicist, Professor Richard Hare, said more than twenty years ago, "We shall begin by doing it because the patient is in intolerable pain, but we shall end up doing it because it is Friday afternoon and we want to get away for the weekend.? Seeing any type of death except works by God as normal would over time numb society causing life to be less important than some already see it. Many laws pass without the consideration of the future. If euthanasia were legal, other avenues would become legal Get more content on
  • 16. Euthanasia Essay Euthanasia – Response to Anti Euthanasia Essay Euthanasia is a topic that provokes as much controversy as capital punishment, primarily because it is irreversible. The question of euthanasia being right or wrong is one that most would prefer left alone. However, recent publicity on changes to existing laws has ignited considerable discussion and has forced open the door to a much wider audience. The issues related to direct euthanasia have raised many questions in my mind, to which I am still searching for answers. I believe it is necessary to consider arguments, both, for and against, in order to come to any conclusion. In this paper I will address Brian Clowes' article in the "Pro–Life Activist's Encyclopedia", located on more content... Yet, his persistent use of medical cases where patients were classified as irreversibly comatose and where all decisions regarding their continual treatment were made by others, neglects to recognize the numerous cases of terminally ill patients, who simply ask for the right to control their own destiny and to die with dignity. His use of extreme cases, all of which were found in 'National Right to Life News', gives the reader a distorted picture and neglects the many types of cases where the prolonging of life would be cruel, inhumane and immoral. (Johnstone, 1994:353) EUTHANASIA SETS A BAD EXAMPLE? I would ask what kind of example are we giving our young by prolonging life at whatever cost to the person? Is quantity of life always the best option? Is the taking of human life always wrong? In the 18th century William Mitford, an English historian stated "Men fear death, as if unquestionably the greatess evil, and yet no man knows that it may not be the greatest good." (Bradley, Daniels & Jones, 1969:194) Here the author compares the act of suicide among the young with the act of euthanasia with the terminally ill. He believes, in making euthanasia an acceptable social practice, it will inevitably have negative repercussions on the rest of society. The writer argues that by condoning euthanasia, we condone Get more content on
  • 17. Arguments For And Against Euthanasia Essay Euthanasia is the practice of ending an individual's life in order to relieve them from an incurable disease or unbearable suffering. The term euthanasia is derived from the Greek word for "good death" and originally referred to as "intentional killing" ( Patelarou, Vardavas, Fioraki, Alegakis, Dafermou, & Ntzilepi, 2009). Euthanasia is a controversial topic which has raised a great deal of debate globally. Although euthanasia has received great exposure in the professional media, there are some sticky points that lack clarity and need to be addressed. Euthanasia is a divisive topic, and different interpretations of its meaning, depend on whether the person supports it or not. While a few societies have accepted euthanasia, there more content... The patient voluntarily wanted to end his life because he was suffering from Lou Gehrigs's disease (Siu, 2008). Since then, the controversy over active euthanasia has remained an ethical dilemma for healthcare providers, patients and their family members in America and the rest of the world. The general public's belief is that, health–care providers have professional obligations to save the lives of their patients regardless of their health status. The majority of the public feels that, healthcare workers' involvement in the euthanasia practice is a betrayal of the "do no harm" oath. When a healthcare worker is involved in either active or passive euthanasia, it can be viewed as a disregard to this value. However, the proponents for euthanasia claim that a physician turning down a suffering patient's request to end their life is also a violation to the "do no harm" oath (Siu, 2008). The right to die falls under patient's autonomy and the basic question is whether individuals should be allowed to end their lives if they choose to do so (Sanders & Chaloner 2007). Those in the healthcare sector grapple with this notion on a daily bases because they have to practice under the codes of ethics guidelines. Nurses and doctors should be cautious in their practice as they balance the patient's autonomy and their professional ethics and guidelines. Sanders & Chaloner (2007) pointed out that nurses and doctors know that a patient's autonomy Get more content on
  • 18. Euthanasia Dbq Out of the 196 countries in the world, only nine countries have legalized euthanasia or assisted suicide," a quote brought up by Storypick. (). Euthanasia is one of the most controversial topics currently, but what can euthanasia offer patients and people all around the United States? People have different opinions and facts about euthanasia; so what are the pros and cons? In the end, euthanasia should be legalized because people will face pain mental and physical, people's opinions should not be deterred as well with a death that will contain dignity, despite the moral thoughts it goes against. 10.2 Firstly people with the diagnosis of terminal illness can face horrible mental and physical pain up until the point they die. Risks, such more content... People, are incensed because in Muslim beliefs one is not allowed to commit suicide, which also applies to Christianity. (Source I). Several Journalists have also stated against euthanasia because they believe that life is truthfully sanctified and that "God" created life, so one cannot choose to die. (Source A). The Hippocratic oath as well specifically reads that doctors or physicians are not sanctioned to kill patients. (Source M). Even though many people are against euthanasia the citizens still want options for the end of their own life. (Source C). If the alternatives are inadequate and regulated the agony of the patients does not go away; numerous places have already legalized euthanasia, such as the Netherlands in 2002 being the first. Similarly, Japan's Shintoists believe that people and patients should be sanctioned to die if they request for it. (Source C). In the Netherlands, 85 percent of the doctors will and can also consider facilitating patients and people in death. (Source B). Even though the Hippocratic oath states that doctors are not to kill their patients, there are two main forms of euthanasia– passive and active. (Source C). The two central forms of euthanasia do not go against regulations because subsequently those doctors have to be in accordance with the patients and people. (Source C). Get more content on
  • 19. Euthanasia Is Not A Bad Thing Austin 1 Precis Taylor Austin, in her term paper "Euthanasia" argues euthanasia can save many people from suffering, but it also shouldn 't be taken advantage of. Austin supports her argument by explaining that euthanasia isn't a bad thing and people should have the right to choose what they do with their lives. The authors purpose is to inform the reader in order to/so that euthanasia isn't a bad thing it could help many people but there should still be restrictions. The author write in a formal tone for the American Studies English teachers at Granite Hills High School. Introduction Five years ago, Joe was a retired landscaper and a loving father and grandpa. Joe was a very active man only wanting the best for himself. Everyday he would wake up make himself a healthy breakfast, go on a walk and take his grandchildren to school. He never ever thought of anything in a negative way everything was always seen positively. Every time you would see him he would have the biggest smile on his face but one day Joe took a visit to the doctors and things weren't looking so good. Joe had been diagnosed with stage five esophageal cancer that had spread to the lining and his colon, the doctor told him it was too late to save him. Joe spent the rest of his life in and out of the hospital. It was a rough time for his kids Laura and Gabe now because they both worked full time and had to change their schedules to get their kids to school and to make time to see their father in the Get more content on
  • 20. Euthanasia End of life – Euthanasia – Arguments for and against euthanasia. (2006, April 1). Retrieved November 6, 2015. This article sets out the most vital and most recurrently adduced arguments for and against euthanasia. Each subdivision takes as its root, one aspect of the discussion. For example, autonomy and the inviolability of life, designating how it is probable to argue both for and against euthanasia, correspondingly, on the basis of the identical facet. It suggests "The account will include such arguments as take a positive point of reference in the individual concept as well as some that take critical issue with it. For instance, the arguments that home in on the incompatibility of euthanasia with autonomy, whereas among other things the other section contains arguments that are based on a critique of the actual concept of the sanctity of life." Supporters of euthanasia encourage the authorization of killing on appeal of the patient in a few situations. Never the less the article also anticipates how the problem of euthanasia is not only legalization but also the way and circumstances it should be legalized for. It is vital to distinguish between negative and positive reasoning of self–determination concerning assisted suicide. It helps us to differentiate a positive right of self–determination regarding euthanasia and a negative right of self–determination regarding euthanasia. Helps us identify the fundamental difference stating how the first form of legalization, Get more content on