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     A Bolivian girl waits
     to be screened for
     diabetes. For more, p.4.

     Winner for
                                                                             page 2

     NONPROFIT INNOVATION // 2011 Drucker Award                                       page 7
                                                                                                  William Vazquez for Abbott Fund

     THIS REPORT WAS PAID FOR BY A GENEROUS BEQUEST   + Japan Relief Update page 6
                                                                   WINTER 2011 DIRECTRELIEF.ORG          1

    The case for pessimism is easy to make.
    News reports provide ample evidence
    every day, with reminders about being
    in the worst economic period since the
    Great Depression, scary budget trends and
    teetering performance among governments,
    the creeping grip of poverty grabbing more
    people, the increasing frequency of large-
    scale emergencies, and other existential
    threats to humanity ranging from
    climate to disease.
        Direct Relief works every day with
    people experiencing a worst-case
    scenario, both in the immediate
    emergencies that rivet attention
    and the slow-motion tragedies that
    don’t, such as those that unfold in
    deep poverty. These situations don’t
    lend themselves to thoughtless,
    sunny optimism. That is why it is
    so extraordinary to see optimism
    emerge, every day, from the most
    unlikely of sources.

    Here are

2   DIRECTRELIEF.ORG   WINTER 2011   Photos: CHASS, Heidi Breeze-Harris for One by One, Kristin Brown, Edna Adan University Hospital, Shaleece Haas, Jenny Hutain, Annie Maxwell, Margaret Molloy, Mission of Mercy, Lindsey Pollaczek,
                                     Daniel Rothenberg, Dan Smith, Liba Taylor, William Vazquez for Abbott Fund, Rob Wang, Brett Williams, Alison Wright
                                                                       PROBLEMS CAN
                                                                       BE SOLVED.

                                                            The #1 killer of children under
                                                            5 doesn’t have to be.
                                                            Twenty years ago, the diagnosis of HIV was a death sentence. Now,
                                                            it is not. Millions of people can now live, thrive, and be productive
                                                            members of society with access to medications that did not exist
                                                            or were far too expensive.
                                                               Childhood pneumonia is killing more children under the age of
                                                            five than anything else, yet it too is a problem that can be solved.

                                                            Childhood Pneumonia
                                                            What it is. Childhood pneumonia is an infection of the lungs,
                                                            often caused by common viruses.

                                                            Why it matters. Pneumonia is more deadly for children
                                                            than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined.

                                                            Who it’s affecting. Pneumonia is the leading cause
                                                            of death in children under the age of five, killing an estimated 1.6
                                                            million children worldwide each year. The majority of childhood
                                                            deaths from pneumonia occur in developing countries where
                                                            access to care is limited.

                                                            What can be done.                Pneumonia is treatable with
                                                            low-cost, simple health interventions, such as antibiotics,
                                                            oxygen concentrators, and inhalers.

                                                            Direct Relief’s plan. Within the next year,
                                                            Direct Relief is committed to helping 50,000 kids with pneumonia
                                                            receive care. By working with healthcare providers in 10 countries,
                                                            Direct Relief will broaden access to medications critical to treating
                                            Jodie Willard

                                                            childhood pneumonia in the most vulnerable communities around
                                                            the world.

Why are you hopeful?

                                     JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST
                                                                                                        & LEARN HOW ZYNGA
BRETT WILLIAMS,                                                                                         AND DIRECT RELIEF
Direct Relief Director of                                                                               ARE TRANSFORMING

                                     CHILDHOOD PNEUMONIA
International Programs                                                                                  ONLINE GAMING INTO
"I know that getting something                                                                          REAL LIFE AID.
as simple as antibiotics in the                                                                         DIRECTRELIEF.ORG/ZYNGA
right doctor’s hands can save a
child’s life, and we can do that."
                                                                                                   WINTER 2011   DIRECTRELIEF.ORG   3
                   BENEFITS OF
                   ARE PROFOUND.

    An Innovative Approach to
    Fighting Diabetes in Bolivia
    At least 19 million people have diabetes in Latin America
    and the Caribbean, and that number is expected to nearly
    double by 2025.
       As daunting as these statistics are, the day-to-day realities
    of living with diabetes in an area without adequate care are
    far worse. Fortunately, the many health complications related
    to diabetes can be minimized or eliminated entirely through
    early detection and changes in daily lifestyle.
       At ground zero of the disease in Bolivia, in the city of
    Cochabamba, where an estimated 10 percent of adults
    are suffering from diabetes, the country’s only institution
    providing diabetes prevention, care, and treatment services
    is El Centro Vivir Con Diabetes (CVCD). It also happens to be
    one of the best in the world. In 2009, CVCD was named one of

                                                                                                                                                                                                    William Vazquez for Abbott Fund
    six International Diabetes Federation Centers of Education,
    and in 2011, one of World Diabetes Foundation’s Centers of
       CVCD focuses on screening, lifestyle education, and
    nutritional counseling, along with providing treatment for the
    most common diseases that accompany diabetes.
                                                                                                                William Vazquez for Abbott Fund

       Abbott, the Abbott Fund, and Direct Relief support CVCD                                                                                    A Bolivian woman waits to be screened for
                                                                                                                                                  diabetes at one of CVCD’s mobile testing sites.
    with cash assistance, medicine, and medical supplies that aid
    in screening for diabetes and the treatment of diabetes-related                                                                               LEFT:
                                                                                                                                                  CVCD uses Direct Relief-donated iPads to
    conditions, such as visual, neural, and circulatory problems.                                                                                 record a patient who has tested positive for
                                                                                                                                                  diabetes, making referral to a CVCD clinic
       In a new collaboration, Direct Relief provided CVCD with                                                                                   seamless.
    iPads to integrate electronic medical records for mobile and
    clinical data collection, management, and visualization. This
    technology has bolstered CVCD’s already strong mobile
                                                                           Why are you hopeful?
    testing program, Prevenir, which has screened more than
    100,000 Bolivians for diabetes.
                                                                           ELIZABETH DUARTE GOMEZ, M.D.,
                                                                           El Centro Vivir Con Diabetes Founder and Director
                                                                           “The happiness we feel at being able to give to those in need,
                                                                           without worrying about what it costs, is indescribable. Direct
                                                                           Relief and Abbott provide us with materials for quality medical

5 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT DIABETES                                            care, and thus allow our dreams to come true.”

k 25 MILLION AMERICANS—1 in 12—affected. If trends continue, could be 1 in 3 by 2050. l 7TH LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN THE U.S. m 346 MILLION PEOPLE WORLDW

Why are
                                                                                                                                                                you hopeful?

                                                                                                                                                               MELANIE ROBY,
                                                                                                                                                             Executive Director,
                                                                                                                                                            Dr. Albert B. Cleage
                                                                                                                                                                Senior Memorial
                                                                                                                                                                   Health Center,
                                                                                                                                                                       Detroit, MI
                                                                                                                                                                “For our diabetic
                                                                                                                                                          patients in particular,

                                                                                                                                   Venice Family Clinic
                                                                                                                                                                  it is so hard to
                                                                                                                                                            monitor and control
                                                                                                                                                                   their diabetes
                                                                                                                                                                because they are
                                                                                                                                                                 unable to afford
                                                                                                                                                              their supplies and
                                                                                                                                                               medications. It is
                                                                                                                                                            because of generous
                                                                                                                                                           donations like Direct
                                                                                                                                                             Relief’s that we are
                                                                                                                                                          able to fight the good
                              THINGS CAN BE DONE BETTER,                                                                                                       fight and provide
                                                                                                                                                           necessary healthcare
                              FASTER, AND CHEAPER.                                                                                                         services for our most

           Helping Uninsured U.S. Patients with Diabetes
           Nonprofit safety-net community clinics and health centers are the medical
           homes for low-income patients without insurance, providing care to millions
           of patients annually. They are also key providers of health care for the
           unemployed. Numerous studies have shown that when a rise in unemployment
           occurs, so does the number of patients seeking care at clinics and health centers.
                                                                                                              BY THE NUMBERS
                Over the past several years, the unemployment rate has experienced a
           greater increase than in the previous two decades, causing many people to lose
           their health insurance. This presents serious challenges to those diagnosed with
           chronic diseases, especially the 25 million people in the United States with
           diabetes. Direct Relief’s partner-clinics and health centers have reported a sharp                        10 million insulin syringes
           increase in the numbers of patients seeking treatment.                                                        donated & distributed
                To address this growing challenge, Direct Relief USA and BD developed
           a program to assist people with insulin-dependent diagnosed diabetes,                          803 clinics and health centers providing
           providing 10 million insulin syringes and pen needles to a nationwide network                          care to 5 million patients
           of nonprofit clinics. Additionally, Direct Relief and BD, in partnership with the
           National Association of Community Health Centers and the National Association                                All 50 states
           of Free and Charitable Clinics, distributed two nationwide surveys to better
           understand the need for insulin injection products and to gauge the increase in
                                                                                                                In 2010, health centers reported
           patient populations.                                                                                  6.5% of patients had a primary
                With information provided by 803 clinic and health center respondents                                 diagnosis of diabetes
           spanning all 50 states, Direct Relief and BD have been able to support                            Findings from Direct Relief survey analysis in 2009 and 2011
           treatment for tens of thousands of patients.                                                         and the Health Resources and Services Administration.

WIDE affected n 80% of people with diabetes live in low- and middle-income countries o Total deaths from diabetes projected to rise by more than 50% IN NEXT 10 YEARS

                                                                                                                                   WINTER 2011                   DIRECTRELIEF.ORG    5
Direct Relief-
                           JAPAN EARTHQUAKE & TSUNAMI RELIEF                                                   supported Peace
                                                                                                               Boat has provided
                                                                                                               more than 100,000
                                                                                                               meals for people
                                                                                                               affected by the

                       TALENT IS
                       AND PEOPLE
                       STILL CARE.

    In emergencies, community-based
    groups do the heavy lifting.
    During emergencies, the local clinics and hospitals that Direct

                                                                                                                                   Peace Boat,
    Relief works with are often too busy and spread too thin to worry
    about fundraising to support their efforts, and they quickly run
    out of the money and resources needed to do the job. They are,
    however, at the heart of the work being done to save lives and
    repair communities.
       In Japan, Direct Relief—in partnership with the Japanese
    American Citizens League (JACL)—leveraged the generous
                                                                                                Why are you hopeful?
    attention received by granting 100 percent of funding and
    resources to these small, grassroots groups, in full. This
                                                                                            MARK PINCUS, CEO, Zynga, Inc.
    ensures that those with the most at stake in an emergency—the
                                                                                           “Zynga and Direct Relief connect
    healthcare providers who are among the people affected—with
                                                                                              millions of people around the
    the greatest potential to save lives and repair and rehabilitate
                                                                                            world through online games to
    injuries have the means to do so.
                                                                                            do offline good in a novel, easy,
                 Direct                                                                               and meaningful way.”

    $2.5                                       1/4                                     8
                                                           of which thanks to
                     ILLION                               Zynga, Facebook,       TO
                                                                                           JAPANESE RELIEF 
                    in GRANTS                               Mafia Wars players            RECOVERY GROUPS

    Why are you hopeful?

    FLOYD MORI, JACL National Executive Director/CEO
    “While the recovery prospects in Japan will run long-term, the basic
    values of community and sacrifice give me great hope that human
    suffering will be minimized and rebuilding will be accomplished.”                        where does the aid go?
                                                                                                See for yourself.
6   DIRECTRELIEF.ORG   WINTER 2011                                                 
                                                                — Charity Navigator

                                                                              — Forbes

    LEVERAGE               $1 spent = $25 of medical aid
     rick wartzman, Drucker Institute Executive Director:
	   “[Direct Relief’s] fundamental insight—to take the best in private-sector technology
      and uniquely adapt it for the social sector—has greatly strengthened a weak
      link in the medical supply chain…Its efforts demonstrate that social-sector
      organizations can achieve the very highest levels of efficiency.   ”
                                                                                           WINTER 2011   DIRECTRELIEF.ORG                                                      7
Leave a Legacy
               A bequest or planned gift to Direct Relief can extend your generosity beyond your lifetime. Your commitment and
              dedication will help people in the U.S. and around the world affected by poverty, disaster, and civil unrest live better,
            healthier lives far into the future. With such a gift, you will be included in the Legacy Society, which recognizes visionary
                                    and caring individuals who have included Direct Relief in their estate plans.

                                              For more information on planned giving, visit, or contact
                                                                  Kerri Murray, at or (805) 964-4767.

                                                                                       LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS
    Dotsy  Jack Adams                  Marjorie B. Cullman Trust           Estate of June Gaudy             Estate of Yvonne C. Lucassen          William J. Partridge Revocable    Estate of Robert H. Sommer
    Ms. Jane H. Alexander               Roy R.  Laurie M. Cummins          Kate  Dick Godfrey              Evelyn C. Lund Charitable                Living Trust                   Estate of K. Walter Stawicki
    Anner Trust                            Fund                             Ed  Mary Harvey Trust              Remainder Trust                    Jody  Don Petersen               Estate of Elaine F. Stepanek
    Anonymous                           Estate of Margaret E. Davis         Mrs. Raye Haskell                Estate of Robert Maclean              Mr. Juan Posada                   Walter  Mae Stern Trust
    Estate of Rhea Applewhite           Estate of Peter M. Dearden          Betty  Stan Hatch               Marilyn  Frank* Magid                Estate of Nancy Roberts           The Anna Stuurmans
    Dr.  Mrs. Gilbert L. Ashor         Estate of H. Guy Di Stefano         Estate of Dorothy S. Hitchcock   Audrey E. Martinson                   Estate of Paul N. Roberts            Revocable Trust
    Miriam  William* Bailey            The Grant C. Ehrlich Trust          Terrence Joseph Hughes           Martone Family Trust                  Estate of Maria Rosmann           Estate of Elna Theusen
    Estate of Charles H. Bell           Mr.  Mrs. Ted Ewing                Estate of Dorothy Humiston       Kathleen  Bruce McBroom              The Babette L. Roth Irrevocable   Estate of Wilbur H. Thies, Sr.
    Merle E. Betz, Jr.                  Estate of Elsie Feibes              Pat  Dick Johnson               Ms. Estelle Meadoff                      Trust                              Emily P. Thies
    Mr. Joseph F. Bleckel               Estate of Florence Feiler           Ms. Beverly A. Jones             Mr. Michael Mendelson                 Maryan  Richard Schall           Grace A. Tickner
    Mrs. Helen J. Brown                 Estate of Howard C. Fenton          Estate of Judith Jones           Mr.  Mrs. Frank B. Miles             The Petar Schepanovich*           Tilton Family Foundation
    Estate of Marguerite Bulf           Peggy  Gary                        Mrs. Marvel Kirby                Patricia McNulty Mitchell                 Kathleen Schepanovich        Donn V. Tognazzini
    Don Bullick                            Finefrock                        John Michael Koelsch             Charles J.  Esther R. Mlynek Trust      Trust                          Carol Van den Assem Trust
    William S. Burtness                 June Breton Fisher                  Mr. James Kohn                   Estate of Regis J. Morris             Nancy  Bill* Schlosser           Estate of Marie L. Van Schie
    Ms. Carol Carson                    Estate of Mario J. Frosali          The Anette La Hough Trust        Connie Smith Nevins                   Estate of June H. Schuerch        Bettine*  Lawrence Wallin
    Estate of Charlotte Castalde        Mildred K. Fusco Trust              Dorothy Largay  Wayne Rosing    Estate of James Orr                   Estate of Margaret H. Smith       Linda Seltzer Yawitz
    Ms. Patricia Clancy                 Estate of Monica Gallagher          Kenneth R. Loh                   Estate of Harold A. Parma             Estate of Thelma R. Smith         Marjorie Lynn Zinner
    The Crosby Fund                     Sandra Garcia                       Estate of Barbara Jeanne Lotz                                          Mrs. Fred Smithcors
                                                                                                                                                                                     * deceased

                                                                                                                                                                                     NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION
                                                                                                                                                                                        U.S. POSTAGE PAID
                                                                                                                                                                                       SANTA BARBARA, CA
     27 S. LA PATERA LANE                                                                                                                                                                  PERMIT #756
     SANTA BARBARA, CA 93117
     TEL: 805.964.4767 TOLL-FREE: 800.676.1638
     FAX: 805.681.4838
     ww w .D i r e ct r e l i e f . o rg

     CHAIR Thomas J. Cusack
     VICE CHAIR John Romo
     SECRETARY Rita Moya
     TREASURER Patrick Enthoven

     Kendall Bishop • Jon E. Clark • Lawrence Dam • Patty DeDominic
     Hon. Paul G. Flynn • Gregg L. Foster • Dorothy Gardner • Ernest J. Getto
     J. Michael Giles • Bert Green, M.D. • Raye Haskell • W. Scott Hedrick
     Priscilla Higgins, Ph.D. • Angel Iscovich, M.D. • Ellen K. Johnson
     Nancy Walker Koppelman • Dorothy F. Largay, Ph.D. • Donald J. Lewis
     Mari Mitchel • Jeanne Newman • Mary Louise Scully, M.D. • James Selbert
     Ayesha Shaikh, M.D. • George Short • Gary R. Tobey

     INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD                                 CHAIR EMERITI
     Lawrence R. Glenn • E. Carmack Holmes, M.D.                  Richard Godfrey
     S. Roger Horchow • Stanley S. Hubbard • Jon B. Lovelace      Stanley C. Hatch
     Donald E. Petersen • Richard L. Schall • John W. Sweetland   Denis Sanan
                                                                  Nancy Schlosser
     PRESIDENT EMERITUS Sylvia Karczag
     DIRECTOR EMERITUS Dorothy Adams

     PRESIDENT  CEO Thomas Tighe

                                                                                                                                                   LEARN MORE. ///////////

     Get Connected with Direct Relief                                                                                                              SPREAD THE WORD. ///////
                                                                                                                                                   SEE VIDEO. //////////////

8     DIRECTRELIEF.ORG             WINTER 2011

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Direct Relief Newsletter Winter 2011

  • 1. IN y oUE 8 ge f pa V legaIcN G GI youNT r CO A Bolivian girl waits to be screened for diabetes. For more, p.4. THE CASE FOR OPTIMISM Winner for page 2 NONPROFIT INNOVATION // 2011 Drucker Award page 7 William Vazquez for Abbott Fund D IRECTRELIEF. O R G THIS REPORT WAS PAID FOR BY A GENEROUS BEQUEST + Japan Relief Update page 6 WINTER 2011 DIRECTRELIEF.ORG 1
  • 2. THE CASE FOR OPTIMISM The case for pessimism is easy to make. News reports provide ample evidence every day, with reminders about being in the worst economic period since the Great Depression, scary budget trends and teetering performance among governments, the creeping grip of poverty grabbing more people, the increasing frequency of large- scale emergencies, and other existential threats to humanity ranging from climate to disease. Direct Relief works every day with people experiencing a worst-case scenario, both in the immediate emergencies that rivet attention and the slow-motion tragedies that don’t, such as those that unfold in deep poverty. These situations don’t lend themselves to thoughtless, sunny optimism. That is why it is so extraordinary to see optimism emerge, every day, from the most unlikely of sources. Here are 4 REASONS FOR OPTIMISM. 2 DIRECTRELIEF.ORG WINTER 2011 Photos: CHASS, Heidi Breeze-Harris for One by One, Kristin Brown, Edna Adan University Hospital, Shaleece Haas, Jenny Hutain, Annie Maxwell, Margaret Molloy, Mission of Mercy, Lindsey Pollaczek, Daniel Rothenberg, Dan Smith, Liba Taylor, William Vazquez for Abbott Fund, Rob Wang, Brett Williams, Alison Wright
  • 3. SEEMINGLY INSURMOUNTABLE PROBLEMS CAN BE SOLVED. The #1 killer of children under 5 doesn’t have to be. Twenty years ago, the diagnosis of HIV was a death sentence. Now, it is not. Millions of people can now live, thrive, and be productive members of society with access to medications that did not exist or were far too expensive. Childhood pneumonia is killing more children under the age of five than anything else, yet it too is a problem that can be solved. Childhood Pneumonia What it is. Childhood pneumonia is an infection of the lungs, often caused by common viruses. Why it matters. Pneumonia is more deadly for children than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined. Who it’s affecting. Pneumonia is the leading cause of death in children under the age of five, killing an estimated 1.6 million children worldwide each year. The majority of childhood deaths from pneumonia occur in developing countries where access to care is limited. What can be done. Pneumonia is treatable with low-cost, simple health interventions, such as antibiotics, oxygen concentrators, and inhalers. Direct Relief’s plan. Within the next year, Direct Relief is committed to helping 50,000 kids with pneumonia receive care. By working with healthcare providers in 10 countries, Direct Relief will broaden access to medications critical to treating Jodie Willard childhood pneumonia in the most vulnerable communities around the world. Why are you hopeful? JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST & LEARN HOW ZYNGA BRETT WILLIAMS, AND DIRECT RELIEF Direct Relief Director of ARE TRANSFORMING CHILDHOOD PNEUMONIA International Programs ONLINE GAMING INTO "I know that getting something REAL LIFE AID. as simple as antibiotics in the DIRECTRELIEF.ORG/ZYNGA right doctor’s hands can save a child’s life, and we can do that." WINTER 2011 DIRECTRELIEF.ORG 3
  • 4. THE POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF TECHNOLOGY ARE PROFOUND. An Innovative Approach to Fighting Diabetes in Bolivia At least 19 million people have diabetes in Latin America and the Caribbean, and that number is expected to nearly double by 2025. As daunting as these statistics are, the day-to-day realities of living with diabetes in an area without adequate care are far worse. Fortunately, the many health complications related to diabetes can be minimized or eliminated entirely through early detection and changes in daily lifestyle. At ground zero of the disease in Bolivia, in the city of Cochabamba, where an estimated 10 percent of adults are suffering from diabetes, the country’s only institution providing diabetes prevention, care, and treatment services is El Centro Vivir Con Diabetes (CVCD). It also happens to be one of the best in the world. In 2009, CVCD was named one of William Vazquez for Abbott Fund six International Diabetes Federation Centers of Education, and in 2011, one of World Diabetes Foundation’s Centers of Excellence. CVCD focuses on screening, lifestyle education, and nutritional counseling, along with providing treatment for the most common diseases that accompany diabetes. William Vazquez for Abbott Fund ABOVE: Abbott, the Abbott Fund, and Direct Relief support CVCD A Bolivian woman waits to be screened for diabetes at one of CVCD’s mobile testing sites. with cash assistance, medicine, and medical supplies that aid in screening for diabetes and the treatment of diabetes-related LEFT: CVCD uses Direct Relief-donated iPads to conditions, such as visual, neural, and circulatory problems. record a patient who has tested positive for diabetes, making referral to a CVCD clinic In a new collaboration, Direct Relief provided CVCD with seamless. iPads to integrate electronic medical records for mobile and clinical data collection, management, and visualization. This technology has bolstered CVCD’s already strong mobile Why are you hopeful? testing program, Prevenir, which has screened more than 100,000 Bolivians for diabetes. ELIZABETH DUARTE GOMEZ, M.D., El Centro Vivir Con Diabetes Founder and Director “The happiness we feel at being able to give to those in need, without worrying about what it costs, is indescribable. Direct Relief and Abbott provide us with materials for quality medical 5 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT DIABETES care, and thus allow our dreams to come true.” k 25 MILLION AMERICANS—1 in 12—affected. If trends continue, could be 1 in 3 by 2050. l 7TH LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN THE U.S. m 346 MILLION PEOPLE WORLDW 4 DIRECTRELIEF.ORG WINTER 2011
  • 5. Why are you hopeful? MELANIE ROBY, Executive Director, Dr. Albert B. Cleage Senior Memorial Health Center, Detroit, MI “For our diabetic patients in particular, Venice Family Clinic it is so hard to monitor and control their diabetes because they are unable to afford their supplies and medications. It is because of generous donations like Direct Relief’s that we are able to fight the good THINGS CAN BE DONE BETTER, fight and provide necessary healthcare FASTER, AND CHEAPER. services for our most underprivileged population.” Helping Uninsured U.S. Patients with Diabetes Nonprofit safety-net community clinics and health centers are the medical homes for low-income patients without insurance, providing care to millions of patients annually. They are also key providers of health care for the unemployed. Numerous studies have shown that when a rise in unemployment occurs, so does the number of patients seeking care at clinics and health centers. BY THE NUMBERS Over the past several years, the unemployment rate has experienced a greater increase than in the previous two decades, causing many people to lose their health insurance. This presents serious challenges to those diagnosed with chronic diseases, especially the 25 million people in the United States with diabetes. Direct Relief’s partner-clinics and health centers have reported a sharp 10 million insulin syringes increase in the numbers of patients seeking treatment. donated & distributed To address this growing challenge, Direct Relief USA and BD developed a program to assist people with insulin-dependent diagnosed diabetes, 803 clinics and health centers providing providing 10 million insulin syringes and pen needles to a nationwide network care to 5 million patients of nonprofit clinics. Additionally, Direct Relief and BD, in partnership with the National Association of Community Health Centers and the National Association All 50 states of Free and Charitable Clinics, distributed two nationwide surveys to better understand the need for insulin injection products and to gauge the increase in In 2010, health centers reported patient populations. 6.5% of patients had a primary With information provided by 803 clinic and health center respondents diagnosis of diabetes spanning all 50 states, Direct Relief and BD have been able to support Findings from Direct Relief survey analysis in 2009 and 2011 treatment for tens of thousands of patients. and the Health Resources and Services Administration. WIDE affected n 80% of people with diabetes live in low- and middle-income countries o Total deaths from diabetes projected to rise by more than 50% IN NEXT 10 YEARS WINTER 2011 DIRECTRELIEF.ORG 5
  • 6. Direct Relief- JAPAN EARTHQUAKE & TSUNAMI RELIEF supported Peace Boat has provided more than 100,000 meals for people affected by the earthquake. TALENT IS EVERYWHERE, AND PEOPLE STILL CARE. In emergencies, community-based groups do the heavy lifting. During emergencies, the local clinics and hospitals that Direct Peace Boat, Relief works with are often too busy and spread too thin to worry about fundraising to support their efforts, and they quickly run out of the money and resources needed to do the job. They are, however, at the heart of the work being done to save lives and repair communities. In Japan, Direct Relief—in partnership with the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL)—leveraged the generous Why are you hopeful? attention received by granting 100 percent of funding and resources to these small, grassroots groups, in full. This MARK PINCUS, CEO, Zynga, Inc. ensures that those with the most at stake in an emergency—the “Zynga and Direct Relief connect healthcare providers who are among the people affected—with millions of people around the the greatest potential to save lives and repair and rehabilitate world through online games to injuries have the means to do so. do offline good in a novel, easy, Direct and meaningful way.” Relief and JACL $2.5 1/4 8 of which thanks to M ILLION Zynga, Facebook, TO JAPANESE RELIEF in GRANTS Mafia Wars players RECOVERY GROUPS Why are you hopeful? FLOYD MORI, JACL National Executive Director/CEO “While the recovery prospects in Japan will run long-term, the basic values of community and sacrifice give me great hope that human suffering will be minimized and rebuilding will be accomplished.” where does the aid go? See for yourself. 6 DIRECTRELIEF.ORG WINTER 2011
  • 7. 100% OF CONTRIBUTIONS GO TO PROGRAMS. DONATE AT DIRECTRELIEF.ORG — Charity Navigator — Forbes LEVERAGE $1 spent = $25 of medical aid 2011 PETER F. DRUCKER AWARD WINNER FOR NONPROFIT INNOVATION rick wartzman, Drucker Institute Executive Director: “[Direct Relief’s] fundamental insight—to take the best in private-sector technology and uniquely adapt it for the social sector—has greatly strengthened a weak link in the medical supply chain…Its efforts demonstrate that social-sector organizations can achieve the very highest levels of efficiency. ” WINTER 2011 DIRECTRELIEF.ORG 7
  • 8. Leave a Legacy A bequest or planned gift to Direct Relief can extend your generosity beyond your lifetime. Your commitment and dedication will help people in the U.S. and around the world affected by poverty, disaster, and civil unrest live better, healthier lives far into the future. With such a gift, you will be included in the Legacy Society, which recognizes visionary and caring individuals who have included Direct Relief in their estate plans. For more information on planned giving, visit, or contact Kerri Murray, at or (805) 964-4767. LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Dotsy Jack Adams Marjorie B. Cullman Trust Estate of June Gaudy Estate of Yvonne C. Lucassen William J. Partridge Revocable Estate of Robert H. Sommer Ms. Jane H. Alexander Roy R. Laurie M. Cummins Kate Dick Godfrey Evelyn C. Lund Charitable Living Trust Estate of K. Walter Stawicki Anner Trust Fund Ed Mary Harvey Trust Remainder Trust Jody Don Petersen Estate of Elaine F. Stepanek Anonymous Estate of Margaret E. Davis Mrs. Raye Haskell Estate of Robert Maclean Mr. Juan Posada Walter Mae Stern Trust Estate of Rhea Applewhite Estate of Peter M. Dearden Betty Stan Hatch Marilyn Frank* Magid Estate of Nancy Roberts The Anna Stuurmans Dr. Mrs. Gilbert L. Ashor Estate of H. Guy Di Stefano Estate of Dorothy S. Hitchcock Audrey E. Martinson Estate of Paul N. Roberts Revocable Trust Miriam William* Bailey The Grant C. Ehrlich Trust Terrence Joseph Hughes Martone Family Trust Estate of Maria Rosmann Estate of Elna Theusen Estate of Charles H. Bell Mr. Mrs. Ted Ewing Estate of Dorothy Humiston Kathleen Bruce McBroom The Babette L. Roth Irrevocable Estate of Wilbur H. Thies, Sr. Merle E. Betz, Jr. Estate of Elsie Feibes Pat Dick Johnson Ms. Estelle Meadoff Trust Emily P. Thies Mr. Joseph F. Bleckel Estate of Florence Feiler Ms. Beverly A. Jones Mr. Michael Mendelson Maryan Richard Schall Grace A. Tickner Mrs. Helen J. Brown Estate of Howard C. Fenton Estate of Judith Jones Mr. Mrs. Frank B. Miles The Petar Schepanovich* Tilton Family Foundation Estate of Marguerite Bulf Peggy Gary Mrs. Marvel Kirby Patricia McNulty Mitchell Kathleen Schepanovich Donn V. Tognazzini Don Bullick Finefrock John Michael Koelsch Charles J. Esther R. Mlynek Trust Trust Carol Van den Assem Trust William S. Burtness June Breton Fisher Mr. James Kohn Estate of Regis J. Morris Nancy Bill* Schlosser Estate of Marie L. Van Schie Ms. Carol Carson Estate of Mario J. Frosali The Anette La Hough Trust Connie Smith Nevins Estate of June H. Schuerch Bettine* Lawrence Wallin Estate of Charlotte Castalde Mildred K. Fusco Trust Dorothy Largay Wayne Rosing Estate of James Orr Estate of Margaret H. Smith Linda Seltzer Yawitz Ms. Patricia Clancy Estate of Monica Gallagher Kenneth R. Loh Estate of Harold A. Parma Estate of Thelma R. Smith Marjorie Lynn Zinner The Crosby Fund Sandra Garcia Estate of Barbara Jeanne Lotz Mrs. Fred Smithcors * deceased NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID SANTA BARBARA, CA 27 S. LA PATERA LANE PERMIT #756 SANTA BARBARA, CA 93117 TEL: 805.964.4767 TOLL-FREE: 800.676.1638 FAX: 805.681.4838 ww w .D i r e ct r e l i e f . o rg BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR Thomas J. Cusack VICE CHAIR John Romo SECRETARY Rita Moya TREASURER Patrick Enthoven Kendall Bishop • Jon E. Clark • Lawrence Dam • Patty DeDominic Hon. Paul G. Flynn • Gregg L. Foster • Dorothy Gardner • Ernest J. Getto J. Michael Giles • Bert Green, M.D. • Raye Haskell • W. Scott Hedrick Priscilla Higgins, Ph.D. • Angel Iscovich, M.D. • Ellen K. Johnson Nancy Walker Koppelman • Dorothy F. Largay, Ph.D. • Donald J. Lewis Mari Mitchel • Jeanne Newman • Mary Louise Scully, M.D. • James Selbert Ayesha Shaikh, M.D. • George Short • Gary R. Tobey INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD CHAIR EMERITI Lawrence R. Glenn • E. Carmack Holmes, M.D. Richard Godfrey S. Roger Horchow • Stanley S. Hubbard • Jon B. Lovelace Stanley C. Hatch Donald E. Petersen • Richard L. Schall • John W. Sweetland Denis Sanan Nancy Schlosser HONORARY BOARD PRESIDENT EMERITUS Sylvia Karczag CHAIR EMERITUS Jean Hay DIRECTOR EMERITUS Dorothy Adams PRESIDENT CEO Thomas Tighe LEARN MORE. /////////// Get Connected with Direct Relief SPREAD THE WORD. /////// SEE VIDEO. ////////////// 8 DIRECTRELIEF.ORG WINTER 2011