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Digital4 Health Communication
Digitalization of Journalism
Επιμορφωτική ημερίδα για τους δημοσιογράφους υγείας
Athens Plaza/ 30.03.2015
by Antonis Theodoridis
Digital Marketing and Communication expert
Ποια είναι η κατάσταση σήμερα ?
Τι γίνεται στο εξωτερικό
Ποιά είναι τα προβλήματα
Τι έχει αλλάξει
Πως μπορείς να γίνεις πιο
Πως μπορείς να γίνεις πιο
Ποιές είναι οι ανάγκες των άλλων
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
"... Αν δεν μπορώ να σε
ακούσω δεν θα μπορώ
να σε ακολουθώ και να
καταλάβω αυτά που λες
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
#Topic 1: Ποια είναι η κατάσταση σήμερα;
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
Πόσο ψηφιακοί είστε;
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
#Topic 1
Ποιες ψηφιακές πλατφόρμες χρησιμοποιείτε στην Ελλάδα του 21ου αιώνα?
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
Ποιες ψηφιακές πλατφόρμες χρησιμοποιείτε στην Ελλάδα του 21ου αιώνα?
over 1 bilion 24.442.025
409.000.000more than 1 million
#Topic 1
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
- 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute
- Half of YouTube views are on mobile devices
- YouTube is localized in 75 countries and available
in 61 languages
- Over 6 billion hours of content are watched each month
- As of 2013, 345 of the Fortune 500 companies have
a corporate YouTube account
- 1.19 billion mobile monthly active users (Dec14)
- 890 million people log onto Facebook daily (Dec14)
/ -
- 18 minutes is the average time spent on Facebook
per visit
- 48% of 18-34 year olds who check Facebook
when they wake up
- 1 million links shared every 20 min
- 58 millions the average number of tweets per day
- 5 days it takes for 1 billion tweets
- 40% of Twitters who don’t tweet but watch other
people tweet
- 43 % of Twitter users who use their phone to tweet
- 9,100 of tweets that happen every second
- 49% of LinkedIn visits via mobile
- 1.15 million average number of daily LinkedIn mobile
job views
- more than 3 million active job listings on LinkedIn
- more than 1 million long-form posts on the platform
#Topic 1
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
" the future of communication will be the video language "
video magazines vlogs
mobilenews social networking
data trackingweareble tech
behaviorable ehealth
#Topic 1
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
Πλεονεκτήματα - Μειονεκτήματα
5- Worldwide Connectivity
- Commonality of Interest
- Real-Time Information Sharing
- Free Advertising
- Increased News Cycle Speed
- Face to Face Connections
are Endangered
- Cyberbullying and Crimes
Against Children
- Risks of Fraud or Identity Theft
- Time Waster
- Corporate Invasion of Privacy
Ερεύνησε τι λέει ο κόσμος σου για σένα
Προσέλκυσε περισσότερο κόσμο γρήγορα
Αύξησε την φήμη σου και την αναγνωρισιμότητα σου
Μικρό κόστος σε σύγκριση με παραδοσιακά μέσα
Οι λέξεις ταξιδεύουν ταχύτατα
Δύσκολη προσπάθεια να μείνω στην επικαιρότητα
και στην πραγματικότητα
Ουπς λάθος account. Διαχείριση λογαριασμών
Κούραση από πλήθος μηνυμάτων από τις
πλατφόρμες που εχω κάνει register
Χρειάζεται να δαπανήσεις χρόνο τόσο στην
εξοικείωση όσο και στην χρήση
#Topic 1
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
#Topic 2: Τι γίνεται στο εξωτερικό;
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
Τι λένε οι έρευνες για τους δημοσιογραφους;
• Ένας στους δύο δημοσιογράφους έχει ως κύρια πηγή
πληροφόρησης τα social media!
• 78% των δημοσιογράφων χρησιμοποιούν τα social media σε
καθημερινή βάση
• 73% των δημοσιογράφων προσεγγίζουν τις ομάδες - στόχο
τους με δημοσιεύσεις σε εβδομαδιαία βάση.
• 57% των δημοσιογράφων θεωρούν τα social media ιδανικό
μέσο για την επικοινωνία τους με τους επαγγελματίες των
δημοσίων σχέσεων.
• 63% των δημοσιογράφων χρησιμοποιούν τα social media σε
εβδομαδιαία βάση για να διατηρήσουν τις σχέσεις τους με τους
φορείς που τους ενδιαφέρουν.
#Topic 2:
Source : έρευνα ING 2014/ 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
59% των δημοσιογράφων είναι σε εβδομαδιαία
επαφή με εργαζόμενους ή/και μέλη της
διοίκησης των οργανισμών που τους
72% των δημοσιογράφων θεωρούν τα social
media σημαντικά για την καθημερινή εργασία
56% των δημοσιογράφων δεν είναι πλέον σε
θέση να ασκούν τα καθήκοντά τους χωρίς τα
social media. Το ένα τέταρτο των
δημοσιογράφων δήλωσε ότι είναι σε θέση να
εργάζεται χωρίς τα social media.
68% των δημοσιογράφων πιστεύουν ότι η
δημοσιογραφία δεν μπορεί πλέον να
λειτουργήσει χωρίς τα social media.
Τι λένε οι έρευνες για τους δημοσιογραφους;
#Topic 2:
Source : έρευνα ING 2014/ 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
#Topic 2:
What type of media are they using?
Source : 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
#Topic 2:
Journalists social media activity
Source : 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
#Topic 2:
Impact Of Social Media On Work
Source : 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
#Topic 3: Ποια είναι τα προβλήματα που υπάρχουν;
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
Ποια είναι το πιο συνήθη προβλήματα στο χώρο της
δημοσιογραφίας στην ψηφιακή εποχή;
Μη επαρκή γνώση και
Citizen Journalism vs
Pro Journalists
#Topic 3:
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
Μη Επαρκή γνώση και εξοικίωση
#Topic 3:
• Γνωρίζω τα βασικά
• Ακολουθώ μονο αυτά που
κάνουν οι άλλοι
• Δεν με ενδιαφέρει αυτό το μέσο
• Την δουλειά αυτή την κάνουν
άλλοι για μένα
• Θα μου τα εξηγήσει το παιδί
• Δεν ξέρω ποιος θα με βοηθήσει
• Δεν έχω λέφτα
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
#Topic 3:
Αντιγραφή δημοσιευμάτων
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
#Topic 3:
• Ανταγωνισμός
• Εξέλιξη της
• Ηλικία
• Εργασία
• Αντίληψη
• Δημιουργικότητα
• Αποτελεσματικότητα
• Χρόνος
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
Citizen vs Journalist
The concept of citizen
journalism (also known as
"public", "participatory",
"democratic",[1] "guerrilla"[2]
or "street" journalism[3]) is
based upon public citizens
"playing an active role in the
process of collecting,
reporting, analyzing, and
disseminating news and
source: Citizen Journalists produce Professional
" People without journalism skills, training and experience
can use different tools of modern technology like mobile
phones to report on events, their work is being
systematically vetted,corrected and edited before
broadcast or publication. "
#Topic 3:
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
#Topic 4: Τι έχει αλλάξει;
© 30.3.2015 - By Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
Τι έχει αλλάξει;
Rise of mobile internet
More engagement from the public
Geo-location news and augmented
reality in journalism
Companies community digital
teams included by journalists,
content editors and Social Media
Rise of video language (vportals, v-
zines, nlogs e.t.c.)
Wearable Technology
#Topic 4:
© 30.3.2015 - By Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
Rise of mobile internet
Video Portals
#Topic 4:
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
“ news organizations have
not exploited the wonderful
opportunities that
geolocation capability in
mobile devices offers “
Why consumers use geolocation apps
• Coupons
• Badges and passport stamps
• Social Engagement
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
Video magazine example
#Topic 4:
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
Be creative
#Topic 5: Πως μπορείς να γίνεις πιο δημιουργικός
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
6 top tools to be creative
Create your own interactive infographic for
free and engage your audience
2,615,842 infographics created
Use Infogram to tell your story with data.
Create your presentation news and share
them with the public
Become a rockstar presenter with Prezi presentation software.
Used by over 50 million people and 80% of Fortune 500 companies.
Create and share your timeline stories
#Topic 5:
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
6 top tools to be creative
Adobe Voice
There’s power in your voice
Turn your story into a stunning animated video. In minutes.
Popcorn Maker adds interactive features to videos,
such as click-through links, maps, social media and a
rticles from other websites.
Journalists can use Popcorn Maker in online videos to link
to related content on their own websites, or to outside
content such as a source’s Twitter feed or website
Everyone has a story that matters.
Pitch an idea. Explain a concept. Inspire action
#Topic 5:
Atavist lets you control your work. Tell your story and
do it justice—whether you want to engage readers, b
uild a business, or just riff all day
url: Compose brilliantly, design beautifully, publish easily, and
even sell. No coding required.
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
14 tips to make your tweet updates more creative
#Topic 5:
1. Questions -Tweet out a straightforward question that’s easy to answer and you’ll likely see a jump in e
2. Product Photos
3. Videos - Videos are a good way to share your thoughts on a topic
4. Slide Decks - It can be hard to convey meaty content in 140 characters. Sharing slides solves that probl
5. Reviews and Testimonials - Retweeting public accolades from real customers Those reviews and testim
onials help you build trust and help prospects overcome any skepticism they may have.
6. Other People’s Content - Sharing is caring! Retweeting is one of the easiest ways to update and it benef
its both parties involved: You create relationships and they’re exposed to a wider audience
7. News - Twitter has become a major source for staying current with news and trends. In fact, many peo
ple rely on Twitter for their news updates
8. Your Thoughts - Do you have recurring thoughts about a topic? Share them with your followers. You’ll
be surprised how many of your followers have the same thoughts as well.
9. Peek Behind the Scenes - More brands are adopting the trend of giving fans a behind-the-scenes look a
t their company. It provides transparency and gives an authentic voice to your business.
10. Live Tweets - You can live-tweet anything that would interest your followers. It can be a niche-related c
onference or even a popular show or event. Just be sure to use the appropriate hashtag
11. Quotes - Quotes are always popular no matter what social media platform you’re on. The reason people
like them so much is that they’re often general enough to relate to a wide audience.
12. Memes - A meme is a popular image paired with a funny phrase. They’re great to share because readers
respond well to visual content and like a little humor in their Twitter stream.
13. Tips - Consistently posting helpful daily or weekly tips keeps your audience coming back, and the tips
aren’t too hard to come up with.
14. Trending Hashtags - Hashjacking (also known as trendjacking) is when you use popular hashtags withi
n your own tweets in order to gain extra exposure. You can find trending hashtags on the left side of yo
ur profile. Pay particular attention to those that are trending in your area or country.
#Topic 6: Πως μπορείς να γίνεις πιο αποτελεσματικός
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
1. Vine
3. SoundCloud
4. SnapChat
5. Hootsuite
6. Vimeo
7. Storify
8. Haiku Deck
9. audioBoom
10.Explain Everything
#Topic 6:
There is a fantastic world out there,
the only thing you need is to explore it
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
#Topic 6:
#Topic 7: ποιες είναι οι ανάγκες των άλλων
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
Pharmaceuticals Companies
Patients & HCPs
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
Companies need more than a banner
campaign or article . Mixed technologie
s and innovative ideas
Startups in digital health need
collaboration and digital culture
Patients need transparency and accurate n
ews in order to be engaged. HCPs need di
gital culture and collaboration in order to im
prove their quality services
#Topic 7:
Thank you
Email: | Twitter: @theodoan | Skype ID: anthony.theodoridis
30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
Help links
1. Creative content :
2. Journalists Toolbox :
3. :
5. The Freelance Writer’s Handbook :

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Digitalization of Journalism

  • 1. Text Digital4 Health Communication Digitalization of Journalism Επιμορφωτική ημερίδα για τους δημοσιογράφους υγείας Athens Plaza/ 30.03.2015 by Antonis Theodoridis Digital Marketing and Communication expert
  • 2. Topics Ποια είναι η κατάσταση σήμερα ? Τι γίνεται στο εξωτερικό Ποιά είναι τα προβλήματα Τι έχει αλλάξει Πως μπορείς να γίνεις πιο δημιουργικός Πως μπορείς να γίνεις πιο αποτελεσματικός Ποιές είναι οι ανάγκες των άλλων 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 3. "... Αν δεν μπορώ να σε ακούσω δεν θα μπορώ να σε ακολουθώ και να καταλάβω αυτά που λες ..." 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 4. #Topic 1: Ποια είναι η κατάσταση σήμερα; 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 5. Πόσο ψηφιακοί είστε; 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 6. #Topic 1 Ποιες ψηφιακές πλατφόρμες χρησιμοποιείτε στην Ελλάδα του 21ου αιώνα? 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 7. Ποιες ψηφιακές πλατφόρμες χρησιμοποιείτε στην Ελλάδα του 21ου αιώνα? 900.000.000 347.000.000 120.000.000 42.000.000 100.000.000 250.000.000 645.750.000 65.000.000 110.000.000 over 1 bilion 24.442.025 409.000.000more than 1 million #Topic 1 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 8. STATISTICS - USAGE 4 IMPORTANT PLATFORMS USED BY JOURNALISTS - 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute - Half of YouTube views are on mobile devices - YouTube is localized in 75 countries and available in 61 languages - Over 6 billion hours of content are watched each month - As of 2013, 345 of the Fortune 500 companies have a corporate YouTube account - 1.19 billion mobile monthly active users (Dec14) - 890 million people log onto Facebook daily (Dec14) sourse: / - - 18 minutes is the average time spent on Facebook per visit - 48% of 18-34 year olds who check Facebook when they wake up - 1 million links shared every 20 min sourse: - - 58 millions the average number of tweets per day - 5 days it takes for 1 billion tweets - 40% of Twitters who don’t tweet but watch other people tweet - 43 % of Twitter users who use their phone to tweet - 9,100 of tweets that happen every second sourse: - 49% of LinkedIn visits via mobile - 1.15 million average number of daily LinkedIn mobile job views - more than 3 million active job listings on LinkedIn - more than 1 million long-form posts on the platform sourse: - #Topic 1 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 9. Thoughts " the future of communication will be the video language " video magazines vlogs vnewspapers mobilenews social networking data trackingweareble tech behaviorable ehealth #Topic 1 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 10. Πλεονεκτήματα - Μειονεκτήματα 5- Worldwide Connectivity - Commonality of Interest - Real-Time Information Sharing - Free Advertising - Increased News Cycle Speed - Face to Face Connections are Endangered - Cyberbullying and Crimes Against Children - Risks of Fraud or Identity Theft - Time Waster - Corporate Invasion of Privacy + Ερεύνησε τι λέει ο κόσμος σου για σένα Προσέλκυσε περισσότερο κόσμο γρήγορα Αύξησε την φήμη σου και την αναγνωρισιμότητα σου Μικρό κόστος σε σύγκριση με παραδοσιακά μέσα Οι λέξεις ταξιδεύουν ταχύτατα Δύσκολη προσπάθεια να μείνω στην επικαιρότητα και στην πραγματικότητα Ουπς λάθος account. Διαχείριση λογαριασμών Κούραση από πλήθος μηνυμάτων από τις πλατφόρμες που εχω κάνει register Χρειάζεται να δαπανήσεις χρόνο τόσο στην εξοικείωση όσο και στην χρήση journalism - general #Topic 1 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 11. #Topic 2: Τι γίνεται στο εξωτερικό; 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 12. Τι λένε οι έρευνες για τους δημοσιογραφους; • Ένας στους δύο δημοσιογράφους έχει ως κύρια πηγή πληροφόρησης τα social media! • 78% των δημοσιογράφων χρησιμοποιούν τα social media σε καθημερινή βάση • 73% των δημοσιογράφων προσεγγίζουν τις ομάδες - στόχο τους με δημοσιεύσεις σε εβδομαδιαία βάση. • 57% των δημοσιογράφων θεωρούν τα social media ιδανικό μέσο για την επικοινωνία τους με τους επαγγελματίες των δημοσίων σχέσεων. • 63% των δημοσιογράφων χρησιμοποιούν τα social media σε εβδομαδιαία βάση για να διατηρήσουν τις σχέσεις τους με τους φορείς που τους ενδιαφέρουν. #Topic 2: Source : έρευνα ING 2014/ 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 13. 59% των δημοσιογράφων είναι σε εβδομαδιαία επαφή με εργαζόμενους ή/και μέλη της διοίκησης των οργανισμών που τους ενδιαφέρουν. 72% των δημοσιογράφων θεωρούν τα social media σημαντικά για την καθημερινή εργασία τους. 56% των δημοσιογράφων δεν είναι πλέον σε θέση να ασκούν τα καθήκοντά τους χωρίς τα social media. Το ένα τέταρτο των δημοσιογράφων δήλωσε ότι είναι σε θέση να εργάζεται χωρίς τα social media. 68% των δημοσιογράφων πιστεύουν ότι η δημοσιογραφία δεν μπορεί πλέον να λειτουργήσει χωρίς τα social media. Τι λένε οι έρευνες για τους δημοσιογραφους; #Topic 2: Source : έρευνα ING 2014/ 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 14. #Topic 2: What type of media are they using? Source : 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 15. #Topic 2: Journalists social media activity Source : 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 16. #Topic 2: Impact Of Social Media On Work Source : 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 17. #Topic 3: Ποια είναι τα προβλήματα που υπάρχουν; 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 18. Ποια είναι το πιο συνήθη προβλήματα στο χώρο της δημοσιογραφίας στην ψηφιακή εποχή; Μη επαρκή γνώση και εξοικείωση Αντιγραφή δημοσιευμάτων Φόβος Citizen Journalism vs Pro Journalists #Topic 3: 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 19. Μη Επαρκή γνώση και εξοικίωση #Topic 3: • Γνωρίζω τα βασικά • Ακολουθώ μονο αυτά που κάνουν οι άλλοι • Δεν με ενδιαφέρει αυτό το μέσο • Την δουλειά αυτή την κάνουν άλλοι για μένα • Θα μου τα εξηγήσει το παιδί μου • Δεν ξέρω ποιος θα με βοηθήσει • Δεν έχω λέφτα 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 21. #Topic 3: Fear • Ανταγωνισμός • Εξέλιξη της τεχνολογίας • Ηλικία • Εργασία • Αντίληψη • Δημιουργικότητα • Αποτελεσματικότητα • Χρόνος 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 22. Citizen vs Journalist The concept of citizen journalism (also known as "public", "participatory", "democratic",[1] "guerrilla"[2] or "street" journalism[3]) is based upon public citizens "playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing, and disseminating news and information. source: Citizen Journalists produce Professional Journalism? " People without journalism skills, training and experience can use different tools of modern technology like mobile phones to report on events, their work is being systematically vetted,corrected and edited before broadcast or publication. " source: ED.pdf #Topic 3: 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 23. Metamorphosis #Topic 4: Τι έχει αλλάξει; © 30.3.2015 - By Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 24. Τι έχει αλλάξει; Rise of mobile internet More engagement from the public Geo-location news and augmented reality in journalism Companies community digital teams included by journalists, content editors and Social Media Experts Rise of video language (vportals, v- zines, nlogs e.t.c.) Wearable Technology #Topic 4: © 30.3.2015 - By Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 25. Newspaper Video platforms Rise of mobile internet Video Portals #Topic 4: 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 26. Source: “ news organizations have not exploited the wonderful opportunities that geolocation capability in mobile devices offers “ Why consumers use geolocation apps • Coupons • Badges and passport stamps • Social Engagement 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 27. Video magazine example #Topic 4: 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 28. Be creative #Topic 5: Πως μπορείς να γίνεις πιο δημιουργικός 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 29. 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan) 6 top tools to be creative 1 Create your own interactive infographic for free and engage your audience url: 2,615,842 infographics created Use Infogram to tell your story with data. 2 Create your presentation news and share them with the public url: Become a rockstar presenter with Prezi presentation software. Used by over 50 million people and 80% of Fortune 500 companies. Create and share your timeline stories url: 3 STORIES DISPLAYED ON MAPS GEO-LOCATED INTERACTIVE TIMELINES WITH A SOCIAL TWIST #Topic 5:
  • 30. 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan) 6 top tools to be creative 4 Adobe Voice There’s power in your voice Turn your story into a stunning animated video. In minutes. url: 5 Popcorn Maker adds interactive features to videos, such as click-through links, maps, social media and a rticles from other websites. url: Journalists can use Popcorn Maker in online videos to link to related content on their own websites, or to outside content such as a source’s Twitter feed or website Everyone has a story that matters. Pitch an idea. Explain a concept. Inspire action #Topic 5: 6 Atavist lets you control your work. Tell your story and do it justice—whether you want to engage readers, b uild a business, or just riff all day url: Compose brilliantly, design beautifully, publish easily, and even sell. No coding required.
  • 31. 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan) 14 tips to make your tweet updates more creative #Topic 5: 1. Questions -Tweet out a straightforward question that’s easy to answer and you’ll likely see a jump in e ngagement. 2. Product Photos 3. Videos - Videos are a good way to share your thoughts on a topic 4. Slide Decks - It can be hard to convey meaty content in 140 characters. Sharing slides solves that probl em 5. Reviews and Testimonials - Retweeting public accolades from real customers Those reviews and testim onials help you build trust and help prospects overcome any skepticism they may have. 6. Other People’s Content - Sharing is caring! Retweeting is one of the easiest ways to update and it benef its both parties involved: You create relationships and they’re exposed to a wider audience 7. News - Twitter has become a major source for staying current with news and trends. In fact, many peo ple rely on Twitter for their news updates 8. Your Thoughts - Do you have recurring thoughts about a topic? Share them with your followers. You’ll be surprised how many of your followers have the same thoughts as well. 9. Peek Behind the Scenes - More brands are adopting the trend of giving fans a behind-the-scenes look a t their company. It provides transparency and gives an authentic voice to your business. 10. Live Tweets - You can live-tweet anything that would interest your followers. It can be a niche-related c onference or even a popular show or event. Just be sure to use the appropriate hashtag 11. Quotes - Quotes are always popular no matter what social media platform you’re on. The reason people like them so much is that they’re often general enough to relate to a wide audience. 12. Memes - A meme is a popular image paired with a funny phrase. They’re great to share because readers respond well to visual content and like a little humor in their Twitter stream. 13. Tips - Consistently posting helpful daily or weekly tips keeps your audience coming back, and the tips aren’t too hard to come up with. 14. Trending Hashtags - Hashjacking (also known as trendjacking) is when you use popular hashtags withi n your own tweets in order to gain extra exposure. You can find trending hashtags on the left side of yo ur profile. Pay particular attention to those that are trending in your area or country. Sourse:
  • 32. #Topic 6: Πως μπορείς να γίνεις πιο αποτελεσματικός 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 33. 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan) 1. Vine 2. 3. SoundCloud 4. SnapChat 5. Hootsuite 6. Vimeo 7. Storify 8. Haiku Deck 9. audioBoom 10.Explain Everything #Topic 6:
  • 34. There is a fantastic world out there, the only thing you need is to explore it 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan) #Topic 6:
  • 35. #Topic 7: ποιες είναι οι ανάγκες των άλλων 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan)
  • 36. Pharmaceuticals Companies startups Patients & HCPs 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan) Companies need more than a banner campaign or article . Mixed technologie s and innovative ideas Startups in digital health need collaboration and digital culture environment Patients need transparency and accurate n ews in order to be engaged. HCPs need di gital culture and collaboration in order to im prove their quality services #Topic 7:
  • 37. Thank you Email: | Twitter: @theodoan | Skype ID: anthony.theodoridis 30.3.2015 – by Antonis Theodoridis (theodoan) Help links 1. Creative content : 2. Journalists Toolbox : 3. : 4. 2015 EDELMAN MEDIA FORECAST : 5. The Freelance Writer’s Handbook :