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Anas Ali | CDM
Business & Marketing Program Co-founder @ OmniPlan
Digital Marketing Manager @ Allympiapass for 6 countries
6 years experience in digital marketing
Co-founder of:
Digital Marketing Workshop
During which you will be familiarized with the
fundamentals you need to know as a successful
electronic marketer prior to starting the
execution of electronic advertising campaigns.
What a digital marketer should
know before starting?
What Is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic
device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search
engines, social media, email, and their websites to connect with current
and prospective customers.
What Is Traditional Marketing?
Traditional marketing is a type of marketing that is hard to ignore and includes the
traditional ads we encounter on a daily basis. Many of the common and most tried offline
marketing tactics come under the following five major categories: - Print (magazines,
newspapers, etc.), - Broadcast (TV, radio, etc.), - Direct Mail (catalogues, postcards, etc.), -
Telephone (telemarketing, sms marketing, etc.), - Outdoor (billboards, fliers, etc.)
Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing
Reduced cost ‫أقل‬ ‫تكلفة‬-
Real time result ‫الوقت‬ ‫بنفس‬ ‫نتائج‬-
Non-intrusive ‫التطفل‬ ‫عدم‬-
Higher engagement ‫أكبر‬ ‫تفاعل‬-
Quicker publicity ‫أسرع‬ ‫إشهار‬-
Non Interruptive ‫متداخلة‬ ‫غير‬-
Good For All Stages Of Fields ‫المجاالت‬ ‫جميع‬ ‫تناسب‬-
Easy analytics ‫أسهل‬ ‫بشكل‬ ‫األداء‬ ‫تحليل‬-
The selling techniques Four P’s
The selling techniques that we use today heavily rely on the infamous
Four P’s of marketing:
product, price, place, and promotion.
Every successful business knows how integral it is to create a proper sales
funnel. By leveraging the four P’s of marketing, a business can actually lead its
prospects and customers through any sales funnel and see favorable results.
Target Market / Audience
A target market is a group of consumers or
organizations most likely to buy a company's
products or services. Because those buyers are
likely to want or need a company's offerings, it
makes the most sense for the company to focus
its marketing efforts on reaching them.
A target audience is a specific group of people
with shared characteristics who are most likely to
be interested in your products or services.
Businesses typically use demographic information
to define their target audience.
Markets / Audiences
A Broad Market refers to the
movement of the market as a
whole, rather than a specific
industry or sector.
A niche market is a subset of a
larger market with its own particular
needs or preferences, which may
be different from the larger market
Sport Shoes
General/Broad Vs. Niche
MENA & GCC Markets
MENA: The Middle East and North Africa
GCC: Gulf Cooperation Council
Audience, Segment & Persona !
“ Segment Your Audience with Multiple User Personas “
Audience, basic information !
- Who do you sell to?
- Where are they based?
- What do they need?
- Why do they buy?
- How do they find you?
So now you have:
- Demographics: such as: age, religion, gender, family size, income,
and education
- Job Titles
- Sales insights
- Desirable attributes
Audience Motivation
- What motivates your audience?
- What challenges do they face?
- What do they think about?
- What interests them?
Customer survey can be powerful.
Topics and Interests
- What is your audience learning (Topics)?
- What is your audience discussing on SM?
- What else is available to your audience
Segment !
Customer segments:
groups of individuals on your customer base who are
similar in specific ways relevant your marketing
objectives, such as age, gender, interests and
purchase behavior.
Examples of customer segments would be:
Gender: Men
Age Group: 18-25
Behavior: Customers who have bought product X in
the last 3 months and have spent more than £500
with you
Segment !
Geographics: Country, City, Language
Demographics: Age, Gender, Income, Education level, Family Status, Occupation(Job
Psychographics: AIO: Activity, Interests, Opinions. Concerns
Behavioral: Purchase, Usage, Occasion
Persona !
Demographics: Age, Live, Social
Main Problems
Needs & Goals
Where to find
A buyer persona is a semi-fictional
representation of your ideal customer based on
market research and real data about your
existing customers. When creating your buyer
persona(s), consider including customer
demographics, behavior patterns, motivations,
and goals. The more detailed you are, the
Use personas to capture and
Customer needs
Customer pain points
Customer motivations and
Persona !
Audience Types in digital marketing
Broad/General Match Audience
Narrow/Niche/specific Match Audience
Custom Audience
LAL (Look a Like) Audience
Will generate Will generate
Customers Types:
Brand Customer: One Time Purchase
Loyal Customer: Multiple Purchases
Lapsed Customer: Seasonal Customer
or Customer interested in deals
Challenges we face with customers
Time Consuming/Delivery
Customer Support and Following
It’s #complicated…
Missing product information
Web/App UI/UX
Friendly Web UE and responsive
Marketing Funnel
Goal: To show the value of your product
or service, provide educational content
and build a relationship with your
Do: Educate, be helpful.
Don’t: Sell, give specific details of your
products/services too much, try to get
your subscribers to purchase.
Consideration / Interesting
Goal: To build a deeper relationship with
your subscriber, introduce them to your
product/service and nurture them with
contextual or targeted content.
Do: Provide educational content tailored
to your subscriber, deliver content that is
product specific, be helpful.
Don’t: Be too salesy, send content that
isn’t applicable to your subscriber.
Goal: To convince your subscriber to purchase.
Do: Talk about the benefits of your
product/service, show off your product/service,
offer discounts and promotions to convince
subscribers to purchase, create a sense of
urgency to compel subscribers to purchase right
Don’t: Overwhelm subscribers with sales assets
and sales calls.
Goal: To retain your customers and instill loyalty
by delighting subscribers with helpful content
and awesome service.
Do: Give helpful information, send educational
content relevant to your customers.
Don’t: Stop interacting with your customers or
adding value.
Goal: To turn your customers into fans who
talk about your company and refer you to
their friends.
Do: Connect with your loyal customers, keep
delighting your customers with awesome
content and service, collect feedback.
Don’t: Forget about your customers.
Leads /Potential Customers
A lead is a potential sales
* individual
* or organization
that expresses an interest in your
goods or services. Leads are typically
obtained through:
- the referral of an existing customer
- or through a direct response to advertising or publicity.
Leads Types
Soft Lead
Hard Lead
Dead Lead
What is Lead Funnel ?
A = Attention
I = Interest
D = Desire
A = Action
Reach / Impressions
Click – Like – Share – Mention
Comment – Send Message
Lead Form Registration, Call
Top Of Funnel
Middle Of Funnel
Bottom Of Funnel
Ready to buy
What is Lead Funnel ?
Stages through which customs pass
Un Aware
Aware /
No Action
/ Inactive
Potential Order,
Many Visits,
Add To Cart
E-Commerce - Business Models
User Experience
encompasses all aspects of
the end-user's interaction with
the company, its services,
products, Web and App.
User experience
User experience (UX) focuses on having a deep
understanding of users:
- what they need
- what they value
- their abilities
- their limitations. ...
UX best practices promote improving the quality of
the user's interaction with and perceptions of your
product and any related services.
To Improve Web/App UE
✓ Check your site speed
✓ Be responsive and mobile-friendly
✓ Clear and concise navigation
✓ Use more white space
✓ Be consistent
✓ Search box
✓ Filtration
✓ Reviews / Testimonials
Information required for the digital marketer
/ Action
Aware User
Un Aware User
27% of
browse social
media before
taking action
More than 75%
of users use
the mobile
phone instead
of desktop
If you don’t have responsive
web (Mobile version)
You will lose too much
AB Testing
AB Testing
A / B testing (sometimes called
split testing) is comparing two
versions of:
- web page
- App Screen
- Landing Page
- Ad/Campaign Caption
- Ad/Campaign Artwork
- Audience
- Language
- Other
to see which one performs better. You
compare two web pages by showing
the two variants (let's call them A and
B) to similar visitors at the same time.
The one that gives a better conversion
rate, wins!
AB Testing Samples:
AB Testing Samples:
AB Testing Samples:
DM Channels
✓ Website
✓ Email Marketing,
✓ Push Notifications
✓ Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC),
✓ Search Engine Optimization (SEO),
✓ Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
✓ Display Advertising,
✓ Social Media Marketing (SMM)
✓ Content Marketing,
✓ Affiliate Marketing,
✓ Online Public Relations,
✓ Mobile Marketing
✓ Influencers
✓ Automation Marketing
✓ Video Marketing
DM Channels | Website
The success of your website in the marketing process must match the
- Friendly UI/UX (User Interfaces and User Experience)
- Responsive (Mobile Version)
- Achieve your desired goals with ease and speed, Like: Generate New
Leads, Purchases … etc.
• 64% of mobile web users abandon pages if they don’t load within 10
• 35% of executives could not make an intended purchase because
the website they visited wasn’t mobile-friendly.
• 90% uses mobile devices to research business purchases.
DM Channels | Content Marketing
Content marketing means acting like a
publisher, consistently creating content that
our customers actually like to read and
share. Content marketing is how build an
audience and attract subscribers who opt-in to
allow you into their already over-crowded
email inbox.
This is very different from advertising.
Advertising means occasionally interrupting the
content your audience actually wants, in order
to sell them a product or introduce your brand.
Many of us opt-out of unwanted advertising.
Advertising is not something we typically want
to read and share. Advertising is how publishers
monetize their traffic.
DM Channels | Email Marketing
Be always in contact with your clients and
potential customers through email
marketing regarding their favorite reading
topics concerning the service or product or
new deals.
Don’t send emails to anybody who unless
he gives you permission to do so.
DM Channels | Web/App Push Notifications
Keeps you always in touch
with your current and
potential customers who
use your own App or visit
DM Channels | PPC – SEM - SEO
PPC: Pay Per Click – Paid Ads
SEM: Paid Search Engine Marketing – Paid Ads
SEO: Organic Search Engine Optimization – Free
DM Channels | PPC – SEM
PPC & SEM (Two terms for one concept):
a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time
one of their ads is clicked. Essentially, it’s a way of buying visits to your
site, rather than attempting to “earn” those visits organically.
DM Channels | SEO
(SEO) (Unpaid) is the process of affecting the online visibility of
a website or a web page in a web search engine's unpaid
results—often referred to as "natural", "organic", or "earned" results.
In general,
DM Channels | SEO & SEM
DM Channels | Display Advertising / Google
Display Network GDN
Display advertising (banner advertising) is
a form of advertising that conveys a
commercial message visually using text,
logos, animations, videos, photographs, or
other graphics. Display advertisers
frequently target users with particular traits
to increase the ads' effect.
DM Channels | Social media marketing (SMM)
Social media marketing (SMM) refers
to techniques that target social
networks and applications to spread
brand awareness or promote
particular products. Social media
marketing campaigns usually center
DM Channels | Social media marketing (SMM)
Owned Vs. Earned Vs. Paid Media
Owned Media / controlled by the brand
Any content or digital properties controlled by the brand,
including websites, social media pages/accounts, company
blogs, etc.
Earned Media / controlled by users
Any type of brand-related media—social shares, reposts,
retweets, positive reviews, user-generate content, PR mentions
that originate from social media users, not from the brand itself.
Paid Media / controlled by the brand
Banner ads, pre-roll YouTube ads, brand sponsored posts on social
media influencer channels, and paying to promote pieces of
content are all examples of paid media.
DM Channels | Social media marketing (SMM)
Types Of SEM Campaigns & Strategies:
Hashtag Campaigns
Many companies now use branded hashtag campaigns to inspire audiences to
create and share their own brand-related content.
Giveaways & Contests
Hosting a contest or distributing promotional codes can generate social buzz and
encourage social media users to take a specific action. Like user-generated content
Viral Videos
To increase exposure, producing highly relatable, creative, funny, and/or shocking
content is often an effective strategy for reaching new consumers and facilitating
social conversations.
Takeovers by Influencers
Social media takeovers involve allowing a social media user (often a celebrity, digital
influencer, or expert) to take control of a brand's owned media channel for a set
period of time.
DM Channels | Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is the
process of earning a
commission by promoting
other people’s (or
company’s) products. You
find a product you like,
promote it to others and earn
a piece of the profit for each
sale that you make.
DM Channels | Online Public Relations
Digital PR is an online marketing
strategy used by businesses to
increase their online presence.
- journalists
- bloggers
- influencers
- online press releases
DM Channels | Online Public Relations
Types of Digital PR Strategy:
• Publishing articles online to gain high-quality backlinks
• Networking with journalists and editors to gain backlinks
• Press releases and syndicating newsworthy content to gain press features
• Blogger outreach to gain backlinks and mentions on relevant blogs
• Influencer marketing to gain mentions on influential social media accounts
• Affiliate programs that pay bloggers who refer customers to your business a
• Offline press events or blogger events that aim to gain online coverage
Sharing and syndicating infographics
DM Channels | Online Public Relations
DM Channels | Mobile Marketing
• Mobile Applications
• Mobile Banner Ads
• Mobile Commerce
• Mobile Website Version (Responsive)
• Bluetooth
• QR Codes
• Voice
DM Channels | Automation Marketing
Marketing automation refers to
the software that exists with the
goal of automating marketing
Many marketing departments
have to automate repetitive
tasks such as emails, social
media, and other website
actions. The technology of
marketing automation makes
these tasks easier.
Important terms for each digital marketer
Reach , Impression
Engagement, Like, Follow, Share, Comment, Mention
Click, Traffic
CTA: Call To Action (Buttons)
CTR: Click Through Rate / Relevancy
CPR: Cost Per Result / CPC: Cost Per Click / CPM: Cost Per Impression
CPI: Cost Per Install
Conversion , CR: Conversion Rate, LTV: Lifetime Value
Churn, Retention, Frequency, Destination URL, Pixels, Events
SDKs: Software development kit
Some of the tools witch are necessary for
digital marketing
SEO: seositecheckup, Alexa, Youst, Webmaster tool, Keywords Planner (Adword), NAP
Page (Google My Business),, moz, seochecker
Campaigns Launching: Facebook, Insta, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn Ad Manager &
Google Adwords.
Email Marketing/Landing Pages: Mailchimp, Hubspot, zoho
Push Notifications (App): Pushwoosh
Web/App Performance: GA, GTM, Firebase, Heatmap
Website/Blog Building: Wix, Wordpress
Ads Analytics & Tracking: Ads Managers, GA, Third Party Tools
Reporting: Excel & Word
Requirements for Tools Integration
- Create Social Media Ads Managers
- Create Adword Account
- Create GA Account
- Create Webmaster tool account
- Create GTM Account
- Integrate Web and App with all tools
- Web Tracking: Pixels, Events & Goals
- App Tracking: SDKs, Events & Goals
A digital marketer needs the following resources
to perform his/her duties:
✓ Graphic Designer
✓ Copywriter
✓ Technical Guy
✓ Moderator
DM Stages
Teaser - Goals
Pre-Launch (Testing) - Goals
Real launch - Goals
Before starting, what should you do?
You should refer to the:
Operational and Logistic Teams
Financial Team
UGC Content: User-Generated Content ?!
Short for user-generated content, UGC is the term
used to describe any form of content such as
video, blogs, discussion form posts, digital images,
audio files, and other forms of media that was
created by consumers or end-users of an online
system or service and is publicly available to others
consumers and end-users. User-generated content
is also called consumer generated media(CGM).
When Coca Cola brought out their
personalized coke bottles, the world went crazy
for them. Dubbed the “Share a Coke”
campaign, it took off all over the world with
bottles named after people in every different
UGC Content ?!
- More Than 50% of the modern social media users seek out UGC
before making big purchase decision.
- 87% of consumers agree that favorable reviews confirm their
decision to purchase a product.
DM Process
✓ Strategy Building
✓ Implementation
✓ Tracking & Analytics
✓ Reporting
✓ Optimization
DM Process | Strategy Building
✓ Goals
✓ Market Research
✓ Roadmap
✓ Digital Marketing Plan
DM Strategy
- Work out your goals
- Research you audience
- Research your channels – Where are your audience?
- Content Formats – Include blogging, video and UGC highly
- Plan content and schedule
DM Process | Macro Goals
Refer to The Marketing Funnel slides
DM Process | Micro Goals
Social: Following, Like, Share, Mention, Comments
Website/App: Traffic, App Install, Lower bounce rate, Greater Session
Duration, High conversion rate, wonderful/easy UE, More Leads
Ads/Campaigns: Achieving the desired goal at the lowest cost
User Behavior: Buy the fastest and easiest way, Access to the loyalty
Sales: Achieve better sales at lower cost, Increase the retention rate
(Renewal), decrease the churn rate
DM Process | Market Research
Understand The User:
- Behavior
- Interests
- Demographic
- Culture
- Age
- Languages
- Gender
Segments / Target Audience
The best Advertising Channels
DM Process | Roadmap
✓ Dates
✓ Teaser Phase
✓ AB Testing/ Per-Launch Phase
✓ Launch Phase
DM Process | Digital Marketing Plan
✓ Channels
✓ Ads Objective
✓ Artworks & Media Content
✓ Artworks & Media Captions
✓ CTAs
✓ Ads Captions
✓ Ad Headline
✓ Ad Short Desc
✓ Budgeting & Estimations of Results
Tracking & Analytics - Tools
- Ads Managers
- GA
- Firebase
- Third Party Tools
- Heatmap
- GA
- GA
- Firebase
Ads Tracking & Analytics - KPIs
CTR/ Relevancy
CAC: Customer A question Cost
ROI: Return on investment
Web/App Tracking & Analytics - KPIs
✓ Traffic/Visits
✓ Session duration
✓ BR
✓ Goals/Conversions
✓ Exit Pages
✓ User Behavior/Funnel
User Behavior Tracking & Analytics - KPIs
✓ Churn Rate
✓ Retention Rate
Optimization Goals
✓ Improve Ads Performance
✓ Decrease CPR For Ads
✓ Increase CTR For Ads
✓ Increase CR For Ads
✓ Increase Retention Rate For Users
✓ Decrease Churn Rate For Users
✓ Increase User LTV
✓ Improve Web/App UX
Thank you…. ☺

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Digital Marketing Workshop

  • 1. Anas Ali | CDM Business & Marketing Program Co-founder @ OmniPlan Digital Marketing Manager @ Allympiapass for 6 countries 6 years experience in digital marketing Co-founder of: LinkedIn:
  • 2. Digital Marketing Workshop During which you will be familiarized with the fundamentals you need to know as a successful electronic marketer prior to starting the execution of electronic advertising campaigns.
  • 3. What a digital marketer should know before starting?
  • 4. What Is Digital Marketing? Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and their websites to connect with current and prospective customers.
  • 5. What Is Traditional Marketing? Traditional marketing is a type of marketing that is hard to ignore and includes the traditional ads we encounter on a daily basis. Many of the common and most tried offline marketing tactics come under the following five major categories: - Print (magazines, newspapers, etc.), - Broadcast (TV, radio, etc.), - Direct Mail (catalogues, postcards, etc.), - Telephone (telemarketing, sms marketing, etc.), - Outdoor (billboards, fliers, etc.)
  • 6. Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing Reduced cost ‫أقل‬ ‫تكلفة‬- Real time result ‫الوقت‬ ‫بنفس‬ ‫نتائج‬- Non-intrusive ‫التطفل‬ ‫عدم‬- Higher engagement ‫أكبر‬ ‫تفاعل‬- Quicker publicity ‫أسرع‬ ‫إشهار‬- Non Interruptive ‫متداخلة‬ ‫غير‬- Good For All Stages Of Fields ‫المجاالت‬ ‫جميع‬ ‫تناسب‬- Easy analytics ‫أسهل‬ ‫بشكل‬ ‫األداء‬ ‫تحليل‬-
  • 7. The selling techniques Four P’s The selling techniques that we use today heavily rely on the infamous Four P’s of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion. Every successful business knows how integral it is to create a proper sales funnel. By leveraging the four P’s of marketing, a business can actually lead its prospects and customers through any sales funnel and see favorable results.
  • 8. Target Market / Audience A target market is a group of consumers or organizations most likely to buy a company's products or services. Because those buyers are likely to want or need a company's offerings, it makes the most sense for the company to focus its marketing efforts on reaching them. A target audience is a specific group of people with shared characteristics who are most likely to be interested in your products or services. Businesses typically use demographic information to define their target audience.
  • 9. Markets / Audiences Broad A Broad Market refers to the movement of the market as a whole, rather than a specific industry or sector. A niche market is a subset of a larger market with its own particular needs or preferences, which may be different from the larger market Broad Niche Example Shoes Sport Shoes Women Shoes Broad Niche
  • 11. MENA & GCC Markets MENA: The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) GCC: Gulf Cooperation Council
  • 12. Audience, Segment & Persona ! “ Segment Your Audience with Multiple User Personas “
  • 13. Audience, basic information ! - Who do you sell to? - Where are they based? - What do they need? - Why do they buy? - How do they find you? So now you have: - Demographics: such as: age, religion, gender, family size, income, and education - Job Titles - Sales insights - Desirable attributes
  • 14. Audience Motivation - What motivates your audience? - What challenges do they face? - What do they think about? - What interests them? Customer survey can be powerful.
  • 15. Topics and Interests - What is your audience learning (Topics)? - What is your audience discussing on SM? - What else is available to your audience (Competitors)?
  • 16. Segment ! Customer segments: groups of individuals on your customer base who are similar in specific ways relevant your marketing objectives, such as age, gender, interests and purchase behavior. Examples of customer segments would be: Gender: Men Age Group: 18-25 Behavior: Customers who have bought product X in the last 3 months and have spent more than £500 with you
  • 17. Segment ! Geographics: Country, City, Language Demographics: Age, Gender, Income, Education level, Family Status, Occupation(Job Title/Position) Psychographics: AIO: Activity, Interests, Opinions. Concerns Behavioral: Purchase, Usage, Occasion
  • 18. Persona ! Name Occupation Demographics: Age, Live, Social Status Behaviors Main Problems Needs & Goals Where to find A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers. When creating your buyer persona(s), consider including customer demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, and goals. The more detailed you are, the better. Use personas to capture and communicate: Customer needs Customer pain points Customer motivations and expectations
  • 20. Audience Types in digital marketing Broad/General Match Audience Narrow/Niche/specific Match Audience Custom Audience LAL (Look a Like) Audience Broad Narrow Custom Audiences LALs Audiences Will generate Will generate
  • 21. Customers Types: Brand Customer: One Time Purchase Loyal Customer: Multiple Purchases Lapsed Customer: Seasonal Customer or Customer interested in deals
  • 22. Challenges we face with customers Pricing Time Consuming/Delivery Customer Support and Following It’s #complicated… Missing product information Web/App UI/UX Friendly Web UE and responsive
  • 24. Awareness Goal: To show the value of your product or service, provide educational content and build a relationship with your subscriber. Do: Educate, be helpful. Don’t: Sell, give specific details of your products/services too much, try to get your subscribers to purchase.
  • 25. Consideration / Interesting Goal: To build a deeper relationship with your subscriber, introduce them to your product/service and nurture them with contextual or targeted content. Do: Provide educational content tailored to your subscriber, deliver content that is product specific, be helpful. Don’t: Be too salesy, send content that isn’t applicable to your subscriber.
  • 26. Conversion Goal: To convince your subscriber to purchase. Do: Talk about the benefits of your product/service, show off your product/service, offer discounts and promotions to convince subscribers to purchase, create a sense of urgency to compel subscribers to purchase right away. Don’t: Overwhelm subscribers with sales assets and sales calls.
  • 27. Loyalty Goal: To retain your customers and instill loyalty by delighting subscribers with helpful content and awesome service. Do: Give helpful information, send educational content relevant to your customers. Don’t: Stop interacting with your customers or adding value.
  • 28. Advocacy Goal: To turn your customers into fans who talk about your company and refer you to their friends. Do: Connect with your loyal customers, keep delighting your customers with awesome content and service, collect feedback. Don’t: Forget about your customers.
  • 29. Leads /Potential Customers A lead is a potential sales * individual * or organization that expresses an interest in your goods or services. Leads are typically obtained through: - the referral of an existing customer - or through a direct response to advertising or publicity.
  • 30. Leads Types Soft Lead Hard Lead Dead Lead
  • 31. What is Lead Funnel ? A = Attention I = Interest D = Desire A = Action Reach / Impressions Click – Like – Share – Mention Comment – Send Message Lead Form Registration, Call ToFu Top Of Funnel MoFu Middle Of Funnel BoFu Bottom Of Funnel Awareness Interested Ready to buy
  • 32. What is Lead Funnel ?
  • 33. Stages through which customs pass Un Aware Aware / No Action Soft Action Hard Action Customer Loyal Customer Churned / Inactive Dead Install, Engagement Lead/Register Potential Order, Many Visits, Many Engagement, Add To Cart Multi Purchases, Renewals/ Retention
  • 35. User Experience encompasses all aspects of the end-user's interaction with the company, its services, products, Web and App.
  • 36. User experience User experience (UX) focuses on having a deep understanding of users: - what they need - what they value - their abilities - their limitations. ... UX best practices promote improving the quality of the user's interaction with and perceptions of your product and any related services.
  • 37. To Improve Web/App UE ✓ Check your site speed ✓ Be responsive and mobile-friendly ✓ Clear and concise navigation ✓ Use more white space ✓ Be consistent ✓ Search box ✓ Filtration ✓ Reviews / Testimonials
  • 38. Information required for the digital marketer Marketing / Action Aware User Un Aware User +60% 27% of customers browse social media before taking action More than 75% of users use the mobile phone instead of desktop If you don’t have responsive web (Mobile version) You will lose too much
  • 40. AB Testing A / B testing (sometimes called split testing) is comparing two versions of: - web page - App Screen - Landing Page - Ad/Campaign Caption - Ad/Campaign Artwork - Audience - Language - Other to see which one performs better. You compare two web pages by showing the two variants (let's call them A and B) to similar visitors at the same time. The one that gives a better conversion rate, wins!
  • 44. DM Channels ✓ Website ✓ Email Marketing, ✓ Push Notifications ✓ Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC), ✓ Search Engine Optimization (SEO), ✓ Search Engine Marketing (SEM) ✓ Display Advertising, ✓ Social Media Marketing (SMM) ✓ Content Marketing, ✓ Affiliate Marketing, ✓ Online Public Relations, ✓ Mobile Marketing ✓ Influencers ✓ Automation Marketing ✓ Video Marketing
  • 45. DM Channels | Website The success of your website in the marketing process must match the following: - Friendly UI/UX (User Interfaces and User Experience) - Responsive (Mobile Version) - Achieve your desired goals with ease and speed, Like: Generate New Leads, Purchases … etc. Facts: • 64% of mobile web users abandon pages if they don’t load within 10 seconds. • 35% of executives could not make an intended purchase because the website they visited wasn’t mobile-friendly. • 90% uses mobile devices to research business purchases.
  • 46. DM Channels | Content Marketing Content marketing means acting like a publisher, consistently creating content that our customers actually like to read and share. Content marketing is how build an audience and attract subscribers who opt-in to allow you into their already over-crowded email inbox. This is very different from advertising. Advertising means occasionally interrupting the content your audience actually wants, in order to sell them a product or introduce your brand. Many of us opt-out of unwanted advertising. Advertising is not something we typically want to read and share. Advertising is how publishers monetize their traffic.
  • 47. DM Channels | Email Marketing Be always in contact with your clients and potential customers through email marketing regarding their favorite reading topics concerning the service or product or new deals. Don’t send emails to anybody who unless he gives you permission to do so.
  • 48. DM Channels | Web/App Push Notifications Keeps you always in touch with your current and potential customers who use your own App or visit website.
  • 49. DM Channels | PPC – SEM - SEO PPC: Pay Per Click – Paid Ads SEM: Paid Search Engine Marketing – Paid Ads SEO: Organic Search Engine Optimization – Free
  • 50. DM Channels | PPC – SEM PPC & SEM (Two terms for one concept): a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Essentially, it’s a way of buying visits to your site, rather than attempting to “earn” those visits organically.
  • 51. DM Channels | SEO (SEO) (Unpaid) is the process of affecting the online visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine's unpaid results—often referred to as "natural", "organic", or "earned" results. In general,
  • 52. DM Channels | SEO & SEM
  • 53. DM Channels | Display Advertising / Google Display Network GDN Display advertising (banner advertising) is a form of advertising that conveys a commercial message visually using text, logos, animations, videos, photographs, or other graphics. Display advertisers frequently target users with particular traits to increase the ads' effect.
  • 54. DM Channels | Social media marketing (SMM) Social media marketing (SMM) refers to techniques that target social networks and applications to spread brand awareness or promote particular products. Social media marketing campaigns usually center around
  • 55. DM Channels | Social media marketing (SMM) Owned Vs. Earned Vs. Paid Media Owned Media / controlled by the brand Any content or digital properties controlled by the brand, including websites, social media pages/accounts, company blogs, etc. Earned Media / controlled by users Any type of brand-related media—social shares, reposts, retweets, positive reviews, user-generate content, PR mentions that originate from social media users, not from the brand itself. Paid Media / controlled by the brand Banner ads, pre-roll YouTube ads, brand sponsored posts on social media influencer channels, and paying to promote pieces of content are all examples of paid media.
  • 56. DM Channels | Social media marketing (SMM) Types Of SEM Campaigns & Strategies: Hashtag Campaigns Many companies now use branded hashtag campaigns to inspire audiences to create and share their own brand-related content. Giveaways & Contests Hosting a contest or distributing promotional codes can generate social buzz and encourage social media users to take a specific action. Like user-generated content (UGC) Viral Videos To increase exposure, producing highly relatable, creative, funny, and/or shocking content is often an effective strategy for reaching new consumers and facilitating social conversations. Takeovers by Influencers Social media takeovers involve allowing a social media user (often a celebrity, digital influencer, or expert) to take control of a brand's owned media channel for a set period of time.
  • 57. DM Channels | Affiliate Marketing Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people’s (or company’s) products. You find a product you like, promote it to others and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make.
  • 58. DM Channels | Online Public Relations Digital PR is an online marketing strategy used by businesses to increase their online presence. - journalists - bloggers - influencers - online press releases
  • 59. DM Channels | Online Public Relations Types of Digital PR Strategy: • Publishing articles online to gain high-quality backlinks • Networking with journalists and editors to gain backlinks • Press releases and syndicating newsworthy content to gain press features • Blogger outreach to gain backlinks and mentions on relevant blogs • Influencer marketing to gain mentions on influential social media accounts • Affiliate programs that pay bloggers who refer customers to your business a commission • Offline press events or blogger events that aim to gain online coverage Sharing and syndicating infographics
  • 60. DM Channels | Online Public Relations
  • 61. DM Channels | Mobile Marketing • SMS • Mobile Applications • Mobile Banner Ads • Mobile Commerce • Mobile Website Version (Responsive) • MMS • Bluetooth • QR Codes • Voice
  • 62. DM Channels | Automation Marketing Marketing automation refers to the software that exists with the goal of automating marketing actions. Many marketing departments have to automate repetitive tasks such as emails, social media, and other website actions. The technology of marketing automation makes these tasks easier.
  • 63. Important terms for each digital marketer Reach , Impression Engagement, Like, Follow, Share, Comment, Mention Click, Traffic CTA: Call To Action (Buttons) CTR: Click Through Rate / Relevancy CPR: Cost Per Result / CPC: Cost Per Click / CPM: Cost Per Impression CPI: Cost Per Install Conversion , CR: Conversion Rate, LTV: Lifetime Value Churn, Retention, Frequency, Destination URL, Pixels, Events SDKs: Software development kit
  • 64. Some of the tools witch are necessary for digital marketing SEO: seositecheckup, Alexa, Youst, Webmaster tool, Keywords Planner (Adword), NAP Page (Google My Business),, moz, seochecker Campaigns Launching: Facebook, Insta, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn Ad Manager & Google Adwords. Email Marketing/Landing Pages: Mailchimp, Hubspot, zoho Push Notifications (App): Pushwoosh Web/App Performance: GA, GTM, Firebase, Heatmap Website/Blog Building: Wix, Wordpress Ads Analytics & Tracking: Ads Managers, GA, Third Party Tools Reporting: Excel & Word
  • 65. Requirements for Tools Integration - Create Social Media Ads Managers - Create Adword Account - Create GA Account - Create Webmaster tool account - Create GTM Account - Integrate Web and App with all tools - Web Tracking: Pixels, Events & Goals - App Tracking: SDKs, Events & Goals
  • 66. A digital marketer needs the following resources to perform his/her duties: ✓ Graphic Designer ✓ Copywriter ✓ Technical Guy ✓ Moderator
  • 67. DM Stages Teaser - Goals Pre-Launch (Testing) - Goals Real launch - Goals
  • 68. Before starting, what should you do? You should refer to the: Operational and Logistic Teams Financial Team
  • 69. UGC Content: User-Generated Content ?! Short for user-generated content, UGC is the term used to describe any form of content such as video, blogs, discussion form posts, digital images, audio files, and other forms of media that was created by consumers or end-users of an online system or service and is publicly available to others consumers and end-users. User-generated content is also called consumer generated media(CGM). When Coca Cola brought out their personalized coke bottles, the world went crazy for them. Dubbed the “Share a Coke” campaign, it took off all over the world with bottles named after people in every different destination. Reviews Testimonials
  • 70. UGC Content ?! Facts! - More Than 50% of the modern social media users seek out UGC before making big purchase decision. - 87% of consumers agree that favorable reviews confirm their decision to purchase a product.
  • 71. DM Process ✓ Strategy Building ✓ Implementation ✓ Tracking & Analytics ✓ Reporting ✓ Optimization
  • 72. DM Process | Strategy Building ✓ Goals ✓ Market Research ✓ Roadmap ✓ Digital Marketing Plan
  • 73. DM Strategy - Work out your goals - Research you audience - Research your channels – Where are your audience? - Content Formats – Include blogging, video and UGC highly - Plan content and schedule
  • 74. DM Process | Macro Goals Refer to The Marketing Funnel slides
  • 75. DM Process | Micro Goals Social: Following, Like, Share, Mention, Comments Website/App: Traffic, App Install, Lower bounce rate, Greater Session Duration, High conversion rate, wonderful/easy UE, More Leads Ads/Campaigns: Achieving the desired goal at the lowest cost User Behavior: Buy the fastest and easiest way, Access to the loyalty level Sales: Achieve better sales at lower cost, Increase the retention rate (Renewal), decrease the churn rate
  • 76. DM Process | Market Research Understand The User: - Behavior - Interests - Demographic - Culture - Age - Languages - Gender Personas Segments / Target Audience The best Advertising Channels
  • 77. DM Process | Roadmap ✓ Dates ✓ Teaser Phase ✓ AB Testing/ Per-Launch Phase ✓ Launch Phase
  • 78. DM Process | Digital Marketing Plan ✓ Channels ✓ Ads Objective ✓ Artworks & Media Content ✓ Artworks & Media Captions ✓ CTAs ✓ Ads Captions ✓ Ad Headline ✓ Ad Short Desc ✓ Budgeting & Estimations of Results
  • 79. Tracking & Analytics - Tools Campaigns: - Ads Managers - GA - Firebase - Third Party Tools Website: - Heatmap - GA App: - GA - Firebase
  • 80. Ads Tracking & Analytics - KPIs Reach Imp Engagement Clicks Spending CTR/ Relevancy Frequency CPR Spending Conversions CR CAC: Customer A question Cost ROI: Return on investment
  • 81. Web/App Tracking & Analytics - KPIs ✓ Traffic/Visits ✓ Session duration ✓ BR ✓ Goals/Conversions ✓ Exit Pages ✓ User Behavior/Funnel ✓ UI/UX
  • 82. User Behavior Tracking & Analytics - KPIs ✓ Churn Rate ✓ Retention Rate ✓ LTV
  • 83. Optimization Goals ✓ Improve Ads Performance ✓ Decrease CPR For Ads ✓ Increase CTR For Ads ✓ Increase CR For Ads ✓ Increase Retention Rate For Users ✓ Decrease Churn Rate For Users ✓ Increase User LTV ✓ Improve Web/App UX