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Dr. Ravindra
Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce
Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur, Rewari
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
Digital Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
In this ever advancing century of digital
millennial, social media is playing a key role in
both the success and failure of many
organizations. There is hence an immense need
of a sound social media strategy for every
organization to succeed in this digital world.
Why Social Media Strategy?
‘If a sound social media strategy could make
Barak Obama the president of United State, it
could for sure help you excel at your business.’
In the early 2007, Barak Obama was a little known
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
running for presidential election against the
democrat nominee and household name,
Hillary Clinton, wife of the former president of
the United States, Bill Clinton. But on 4
November, 2008 Obama was the first
African-American to win the United States
Presidential Election by nearly 200 electoral
and 8.5 million popular votes. A major share
of the credit for this remarkable success has
to go to his efficient social media campaign.
You must be curious as to what did Obama
do to get such a social media success. He
crafted and executed social media strategy
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
The Internet Revolution
According to the marketer’s report, nearly one-
third of the world’s population has used social
media regulatory in 2016.
In India, the number of social media users was
206.5 million in 2016. Along with the increasing
number of users and advancing technology, the
number of social media platforms and
messaging applications are also increasing day
by day. With people present in such large
numbers, social media provides ample
marketing opportunities to companies to reach
out to the right people at the right time.
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in
What is Social Media Strategy?
Social media strategy refers to the step-by-step
methodological approach to achieve a certain objective
using social media. The major objectives of social media
can be classified as follows:
• Customer engagement.
• Brand building.
• Lead generation and conversions.
Also, few organizations also develop social media strategies
for achieving other objectives such as;
• Innovation and new product development.
• Human resource (mostly recruitment)
• Understanding the voice of the customer.
• Search engine optimization.
• Grow business partnerships.
According to an e-marketer study, the most important
objectives of social media are regarding engagement, brand
awareness and leads.
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in
4.1 How to Build a Successful Strategy?
Social media strategy can be best formulated with the help of the social
media strategy cycle (shown in the figure). Each step in the cycle is
further explained with the help of examples in this section.
4.1.1 Listen: ‘Most people do not listen with
the intent to understand: they listen with the
intent to reply.’ These lines by Stephen
R. Covey applies to both life and
social media.
Listening is an important skill,
which is often overridden by one’s
perception. In the light of social media
strategy, listening is the art of
discovering valuable insights from
people’s public expressions all over the
internet. But, organizations often set
social media goals as per their individual perceptions
and fail to listen to what their stakeholders have to stay. This leads to
setting up
Set Goals
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
of misleading goals for social media campaigns and these
faulty goals will further creep into the social media strategy
Listening refers to the various platforms on the Internet
through which one could listen to the voice of the customer.
An active cross-platform and holistic listening is the key to
success. Cross-platform listening is the art of listening to and
understanding the audience; it is about peeking into their
lives and deriving valuable insights. Holistic listening is the
art of listening to the market and industry trends in general
and not being too brand specific. The differences between
just ‘listening’ and ‘cross-platform and holistic listening’ is
given in the table;
Listening Cross-Platform and Holistic Listening
Look at brand specific trends. Look at market trends and overall industry activity.
Drive insights from social
media post
Derive insights from social media posts, images,
blog posts and comments, search trends, organic
search and customer bios, and profiles.
Examine only online content. Examine online content and also offline behaviour
through various studies and experiments.
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
1. Example of Listening
a. Paytm Karo: Paytm was launched in 2010 by One97
Communications as a mobile and DTH recharge
platform. Later, with the growing market demand, in
2004, it launched the mobile wallet and in one year
grew to 23 million wallets. Through this is
considerable growth, most of the customer base was
largely confined to the metropolitan cities. The huge
market in Tier-1 and Tier-2 cities still remained
(i) The listening Exercise: Market research showed that
for the Tier-1 and Tier-2 city customers, the world of
online payments was becoming confusing. There are
too many online payment options such as Net
Banking, Debit Card, Credit Card, PayUMoney, Visa
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
(ii) Strategy and Results: Paytm decided not to
approach customers as one more payment method
of the same kind. They wanted to shift the
perception to a new frame of reference, i.e. to a
new currency.
So, to bring about this change in people’s
perception, the ad commercials showed everyday
situations like struggling with an auto drivers for
change. An integrated media approach covering
television commercials, radio advertisements, and
social media platforms helped in reaching out to the
masses and gave the campaign a mass appeal.
As a result, in just 10 months, the number of
Paytm wallets increased from 23 million to 105
million and Paytm became the most trusted brand
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
b. Kissanpur: Hindustan Unilever’s Kissan Tomato
Ketchup, which markets itself, as made from 100
percent real tomatoes often faces competition from
locally-made cheaper and low-quality products.
Kissan had to figure out a way to outweigh its
competitors and create a brand differentiator for
(i) Listening Exercise: On further analyzing the
voice of the consumer, the company found that
consumers, in general, judged the quality of
ketchup based on the quality of tomatoes it is made
from. They thought that ketchup is made from
pumpkin and other cheap ingredients. In addition to
that, people also thought that the better the quality
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
out of this perception among its customers. Kissan
decided to find a way out to communicate to the
customers the quality of the tomatoes it uses.
(ii) Strategy and Results: Kissan came out with the
unique concept of Grow what you eat. Eat what you
grow. The company tweaked its ketchup bottle a bit
to accommodate tomato seeds in every bottle.
Further, a fictitious farmland named kissanpur was
created, and all its customers (specially mothers
along with their children) were encouraged to show
these seeds and grow tomato plants. Also,
everyone was encouraged to interact and share
their progress though the website-
2. Tools to Listen
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
provide a quick and an effective way to collect,
process and analyze the huge amounts of data
generated as shown in figure;
Main Functions of Listening Tools
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
Some free listening tools which marketers must
utilise are as follow:
a. Google Alerts: Google Alerts is a free content
change detection and notification service. The
website is Once the
search term (s) are defined, any new content
found or change recognised related to the defined
search term is notified via e-mail. The new
content found could be blogs, news articles,
scientific papers, etc. The user receives an alert
email about the latest news, articles the topic. The
email frequency and other aspects can be
customised as per the user’s requirement.
b. Google Trends: Google Trends is a web facility
which shows how often a term is searched,
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
the trends in general and also the industry-specific
trends in particular. For example, if one is working
in the education industry and would like to compare
the popularity of Engineering, MBBS, and MBA
degrees, Google Trends could be put to use.
Further, this data can also be customized as per
time, geography, search media (YouTube, News,
Images, etc.) and categories (arts, entertainment,
automotive, etc.) based on one’s requirement. For
example, if one is operating in the sports industry,
the latest happening and trending topics related to
sports could be accessed through Google Trends.
c. Twitter Search: Twitter is a powerful media of
expression for the public. With over 500 million
tweets everyday, it is a powerhouse of opinion and
information. Filtering and finding
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
the right data from this huge stack of information
can easily be done through the Twitter Advanced
Search feature. This feature can be used to
generate leads, know the statement around the
brand, reach out to dissatisfied customers, etc. For
example, a freelance graphic designer based on
Bengaluru is looking for prospective clients. Setting
up a Twitter search with the query, ‘graphic
designers in Bangalore?’ will give the results.
d. Social Mention: Social Mention is an online media
search engine that searches the user-generated
content such as blogs, videos, comments, news
articles, social media posts, etc., and drives
meaningful insights useful to the social media
marketer. This search can further be filtered based
on various aspects using the advanced search
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
are – (i) strength, (ii) sentiment, (iii) passion, and (iv)
reach. They have been discussed in detail in the
following section:
(i) Strength: Strength is the likelihood that the keyword
is being discussed on social media.
(ii) Sentiment: It is the ratio of positive to negative
mentions on social media. For example, 4:1 ratio
implies that for every four positive mentions, there is
1 negative mention.
(iii) Passion: It is the measure of the likelihood that
individuals talking about the keywords will repeatedly
talk about it. For example, the passion score of 30
percent indicates that considerable fewer people
repeatedly talk about the keyword i.e., every mention
about keyword on social media are by a different
(iv) Reach: Reach is the measure of the range of
influence. The reach of 61 percent implies that out of
every 100 mentions, 61 mentions are by 61 unique
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
Now, the processed and analyzed data can be
used to gain valuable insights about various
aspects that could impact the advertiser’s
3. Features of Social Media Listening Tools
Some of the features of social media tools that give
valuable insights are as follows:
a. Monitor Keywords: Social Media Tools provide
automated platforms for monitoring key words
relevant to a brand. The key words may include
brand mentions, industry related keywords, any
complaints, or feedback about the brand, etc.
Monitoring all these keywords is very important for
reputation management and understanding the
general sentiment around the brand.
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
b. Measure Performance: Social media campaign
effectiveness is often measured through various
metrics which are described in the later. These
performance metrics can be readily calculated and
accessed in real time using comprehensive data
visualization techniques. Dashboards for each
campaign and each platform can be created for
microanalysis. These dashboards can be used to
measure the reach; conversions, lead generated,
etc., from a social media post.
c. Track Trends: Trends are very valuable to a social
media market. These trends, when incorporated
into the social media marketing activity, will help in
reaching to the audience quickly and organically.
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
marketing methodology. For example, live video
streaming of events on social media platforms, use of
artificial intelligence bots to address customers,
personalized marketing etc. The second type of trends
is some idea or concept which have caught the
attention of a large number of users. These may or may
not be related to a brand or industry. For example
Gangnam Style dance, Ice Bucket Challenge, etc.
Further, continuous monitoring of the industry trends
and keywords will help to keep track of the trendsetters
in the industry. These trendsetters are often the key
influencers and could be used to reach a larger
audience. Let us now examine the influencers from a
theoretical lens.
(i) Influencers in Social Media Strategy: The most
important element in a network is an influencer. They
can be loosely defined as individuals who have the
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
on the spread of information. Influencers seems to
possess a set of related but differentiated
attributes, usually credibility, expertise, connectivity
or centrality. Credibility is an indicator of affective
trust while expertise is more related to cognitive
aspects of trust. Centrality is related to the
importance of the individual within the network
while connectivity is an indicator of cohesiveness of
the network. These attributes allow them to
influence a disproportionately large number of
others. Anybody can be an influencer owing to their
set of attributes. An everyday individual
communicating with their friends might have
credibility within their group. Subject matter experts
and public figures may have credibility as well as
connectivity and centrality. But these individuals
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
they can influence. The question then is who is
better posited to seed new content online – a friend
with credibility or a public figure with connectivity?
Academic literature does not agree on who is more
important or cost effective. We will examine below
which route to take depending on the brand’s
Influence can be either direct or indirect through a
‘cascade of influence’. Flower and Christakis (2003)
intuitively explain this idea through a comparison -
like when a stone is thrown in a pond, the ripples
will be smaller and smaller as one moves outwards.
Typically the strongest ‘network’ effects are directly
with friends (one degree of separation). That is, a
closer friend might find an individual more credible
and be more influenced by them. These effects also
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
(three degrees). This also means the individual will
be connected to only so many people – limiting their
reach to only those who are part of their network.
Granovetter (1973) explored direct influence
through small –scale interaction based on the
strength of relationships between two individuals or
‘dyadic ties’. Granovetter argues that the stronger
the tie between two individuals are, the more their
friendship network overlap. Stronger ties will hence
limit the spread of information as people only
spread information they think nobody else knows
Individuals not directly linked to influencer can still
be influenced. In this case the influencers are the
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
However, the importance of opinion leaders in a
social network does not lie in formal power or
prestige (Nisbet and Kotcher, 2009). Instead it is
their ability to serve as a ‘connective
communication tissue that alert their peers to what
matters among political events, social issues, and
consumer choices’. These influencers will interpret
media information they receive or their own
personal experiences and then pass it to others.
This means that content may not always reach the
public directly. This is the idea of the two-step flow
theory (Katz and Lazarsfeld, 1955) – opinion
leaders receive the information first, who will then
mediate the transmission of information to those
connected to them. These intermediaries are
essential for a very important reason – that it is not
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
theory suggests the opinion leader is an ‘intermediary’.
This means that an opinion leader can be invaluable in
shaping online conversations strategically.
d. Decision Making: According to e-marketer, 49
percent of the marketing executives use social media to
make critical decisions and better understand
customers, products, and markets. The social media
tools come in handy to understand if there is buzz
about the brand or not, if the sentiment is positive or
negative, what are the brand associations, are these
associations the key evaluative criteria for a category?
These insights help in identifying the objectives of
social media strategy. For instance if buzz is less then
the objective could be to increase it, if the sentiment is
negative then the objective could be to convert
negative attitude into positive, or if the brand
association is weak then the objective is to strengthen
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
predict the future happenings. By using this, the tools
will be able to suggest the best time to post on different
platforms, predict best demographics for social media
marketing etc.
4.1.2 Goal Setting: Based on the results of the listening
exercise, one can generally arrive at a set of positive
and negative sentiments prevailing about their brand in
the market. The goals should be set to strengthen the
positive notions about the brand further and eliminate
any negative views.
Also, in specific cases, goal setting may involve
bringing in view perceptions about the brand among the
various stakeholders. At times, goal setting may also
include brand repositioning.
4.1.3 Strategy: After defining a set of goals to achieve,
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
consists of three main parts – (i) content strategy,
(ii) target group, and (iii) platform. Let us discuss
them in detail in this section.
(i) Content Strategy: Content strategy forms the
heart and soul of social media marketing. It is the
art of creating valuable content for the target
An ideal content strategy is one, which receives
‘word-of-mouth publicity’ (earn media) from key
influencers in the industry. This is only possible
when the content is really compelling. The only way
to do this successfully is to create content which
satisfies the following three criteria and is at the
intersection of them, as shown in figure in next
slide. The criteria are that the content should:
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
• Be unique to the organization.
• Resonate with the audience interests.
The international shipping company
‘Maersk Line’ crafted a unique story
about transporting a giraffe named
Nakuru. This story gained immense
attention and became viral.
Figure: Content
Unique to
Company :
in line with
the brand
story, vision
and mission
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
a. 70/20/10 Content Approach: 70/20/10 approach
is a simple framework which will help to craft a
balanced content strategy. Having the same kind
of content always may not be appealing to the
audience. On the other hand, always trying to
experiment with the new type of content may be
risky and may not be practically feasible. The
70/20/10 approach trying to solve this paradox
and helps to strike a balance in terms of the type
of the content developed. According to this
approach, the content developed should be of
three variants in different proportions. The three
variant are as follow:
(i) Low -Risk Content: This should constitute about
70 percent of the content. It should mostly have
everyday content mostly for customer
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
should be medium risk content i.e. innovative, it should
create deep involvement and help attain scale.
(iii) High-Risk Content: The high risk content should
constitute about 10 percent of the content and must be
used to create expectations upfront. It has equal
chances of success and failure, and each of them
should be looked from a learning perspective.
b. 50-50 Content: As a rule of thumb, not more than 50
percent of the content must be brand related. The other
50 percent should be non-branded and should be a mix
of humour, entertainment, monthly themes, seasonal
themes, product updates, current affairs, etc.
c. Brand Mnemonic: A mnemonic is a learning technique
that aids memory. They are strong communication tools
which help in quick brand association and brand recall.
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
quick brand association and brand recall. Also,
these mnemonics help in defining the brand
character and building the brand image. Brand
mnemonics may include logos, taglines, brand
mascots, etc. Some of the example are:
(i) Marlboro: Marlboro’s brand mnemonic is a
cowboy in American countryside that depicts a
world existing in the American psyche and whose
values are freedom, ruggedness and
individualism. The viewers thus perceive the
brand Marlboro as free, rugged, and
individualistic. Marlboro uses this brand
mnemonic in its social media and marketing
(ii) McDonald’s: The famous McDonald’s clown with
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
d. Brand Story: Simon Sinek, the author of Start With
Why, says, ‘People don’t buy what you do, they buy why
you do it.’ A brand story answers the latter part of the
statement. It tends to communicate with the customer,
what the brand believes in and the unique reason for
the existence of the brand. The fonts used, the colours
used, the type of image used, the marketing messages
etc., often are means of conveying the brand identity
and play a major role in defining the brand story.
e. Engagement Ladder: The customer interaction can
range from tactical to strategic. The varying levels of
interaction with the organization are structurally defined
using the social media engagement ladder. Figure
represent the engagement ladder. Further, each step is
(i) Rating and Reviews: The ideal customer is not one
who buys in big volumes but one who posts rating and
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
influence hundreds of other people. For example,
every time someone buys a product on its website,
Amazon asks them to rate the product, which takes a
few seconds. Further, it slowly increases the level of
engagement by asking the customer to write a
review, which takes a few minutes. Ratings and
reviews from an important part of a brand’s after
sales strategy.
Figure: Social Media Engagement Ladder
Brand Eg: Lego
Advertisement Eg:
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
(ii) Discussions: The next step in engagement is to
involve the customers more actively in discussions.
This is done through the creation of a question-and-
answer platform within the website or through a
blog. Often, experts may also step in to answer
customer queries. This is again done by Amazon on
their website. One can post queries regarding the
product on the product page. Also, Home Depot Ask
is another example. Home Depot has created a
community of users to help each other.
(iii) Ideas: At times, companies crowd source idea.
Through this mode of engagement, companies get
to know the pulse of the customer and can plan
their research and development activities
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
and develop a new products. Dell has earned 10
million dollars revenues by converting Ideastorm
ideas into reality.
(iv) Advertisements: Organization can involve their
audience in the creation of the advertisement. This
helps to develop an emotional connect with the
advertisement. For example, Chrysler supplied
graphics, music, photos, and video clips and asked
the audience to make an ad. The best ads would
be part of the Super Bowl commercials. Kraft Food
also crowd sourced advertisement.
(v) Brands: Brands can engage customers even
before the product launch. It can help in creating
initial buzz and emotional connect with the product.
One such example is of the Boeing Dreamliner.
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
around 500,000 votes cast online from 160
(vi) Products: The highest level of customer
engagement is by making the customer an integral
part of product development. Through this, the
customers’ interest in the product rises as they are
involved in the development process. For example,
Peugeot invited the online audience to submit new
car designs, attracting 4 million page views.
Further, the company built a prototype and asked
software developers to put it into a video game.
Lego is another classic example. Lego building
blocks were popular only among boys. They did
listening exercise and found consumer insight that
girls also like to build but while boys build outside
their homes, girls like to build inside homes. Logo
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
girls and today the company has a wide variety of toys
for girls.
Other few notable points about the content are as
• It should include things such as quotes, contents,
myths/facts, humour, festivals and offline initiatives.
• It should never be recycled, rather, it should be
• It should be rich with images and visually appealing
• It should initiate conversations, and customer
engagement must be the key driver.
• It should aim at developing an emotional connect with
the customer.
f. Context in Content Strategy: Context form a critical
part of the entire content strategy, especially ‘news
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
chance of backlash if the message is not
communicated properly. Also, the message should
be such that it does not hurt the market sentiments.
Most successful social media campaigns have
always turned the current happenings to their
advantage. This is best seen in AMUL
Aligning one’s content with the existing market
happenings puts their social media activity directly
into context, and the content activity grows with the
growing buzz about the context.
On the other hand, setting up the context
inorganically, not in coherence with the market
requires immense effort and huge budgets. The
campaign, in that case, would be a new trendsetter.
This is generally done by big brands during new
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
2. Target Group: Clearly defining and targeting a specific
set of the audience will help one promote the most
relevant aspects of their business to each set of
audience. These sets of the audience may be the
general public, employees, customers, opinion leaders,
investors etc. The content strategy should be different
for different target audiences. The content that will
appeal to customers is very different from the content
that will appeal to opinion leaders or general public. For
example, table in next slide shows the interests of
various sets of audiences. Marketers often fail in social
media because they do not segment target audiences
and do not customize the content according to the
target audiences.
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
social media strategy might help in identifying the
right target group:
• Who are the best or most profitable clients?
• Which group of customers makes up the bulk of the
• What do all these customer have in common?
Next, asking questions about the various demographic
and psychographic factors will help in targeting people
Audience Interests
Customers Product benefits, product features, discounts, price, delivery,
warranty, data about sales figures, etc.
Opinion leaders Industry insights, forecasts, new product development,
innovations, comparative study, trends, analyst reports, etc.
General Public Humour, entertainment, CSR activity, community
engagement, etc.
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
interests. For example,
• What are the age range and median age?
• Is the group primarily male or female?
• Are they urban dwellers or suburbanites?
• Are they highly educated?
• What are their special hobbies or interest?
• What is their income range?
To sum it up, the concept of one recipe for all does not
work in the world of social media marketing.
3. Platform: Different target groups are present in
different concentrations on various social media
platforms. It is essential to reach out to the chosen
target group on the right platform, else all
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
the efforts and spending may be in vain. For
example, if the target audience is opinion leaders.
Twitter may be the platform of choice; if the target
audience is general public, Facebook may be the
apt choice; and for a B2B company targeting
consumers, LinkedIn may be more relevant.
Moreover, the mood of the audience on various
platforms is also an important factor to be
considered. For example, an investor might be
active on both ‘Facebook’ and ‘LinkdIn’. But, in
general people are more entertainment oriented
while surfing through Facebook and business
oriented while scrolling through LinkdIn. Thus, the
chances of conversation of a post targeted at
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
Further, in the case of psychographic targeting, the
youth could be targeted on the latest social media
platforms like Snapchat and Instagram, whereas
the elderly population could be targeted on
Facebook and Twitter.
4.1.4 Implementation: Planning only solves half the
problem, it is implementation which is the key to
success. In the case of social media,
implementation consists of two parts- (i) timely
posts, and (ii) reaction checks.
1. Timely Posts: Analytics must be used to identify
the right time to post. The content should be
scheduled at apt and regular intervals. This
schedule may include the date, time, theme of the
post, person/team responsible, etc. This activity is
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
(i) Buffer: Buffer ( is a tool for
managing and scheduling the social media
activities across various social platforms. It also
helps to drive traffic and increase fan
engagement by publishing content at best
possible time. It has a 14-day free trial version
and a paid version.
(ii) TweetDeck: TweetDeck
( is a dashboard
application for effective management of multiple
twitter accounts. It can also be used for
scheduling tweets. Also, it can be used to track
real-time conversations the advertiser or their
organization is interested in.
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
• Theme of the post.
• The person/team responsible.
• Post title.
• Submission date.
• Posting date and time.
• Link to post.
2. Reaction Checks: In social media marketing, reaction
check fall under the category of crisis management. At
times, although well-planned, some social media posts
may backfire. In order to avoid excessive damage, the
audience’s reaction to every post should be assessed.
This is better explained with the help of the following
Consider the OLA cabs’ YouTube ad campaign video
titled ‘Micro Stories: Too Expensive to take Girlfriend
Out on a Date?”
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
This video faced huge backlash on twitter, as the
audience perceived it as sexist and demeaning the
independence of women. OLA cabs were quick to
respond, and immediately took off the ad and could
minimize the damage caused.
4.1.5 Measure: Measurement of social media
performance is still evolving. There is no one fixed
method for assessing success/failure and different
companies use different methods.
A better approach would be to define the
measurement metrics right at the beginning while
deciding the campaign goals. This is better
explained in Table through hypothetical example in
the next slide.
The campaign will be considered a success if the
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
measure the performance of a campaign are:
• Conversation Rate: Number of comments/reach.
• Amplification Rate: Number of share or re-
• Applause Rate: Number of likes or favorites/reach.
Calculating these three metrics will help in measuring
Goal Outline Goal Defined as Measurable Metrics
Increase the brand reach Achieve 100 brand mentions through re-
tweets, Get 50 shares/post on Face-book.
Recruit through employee
Receive 100 employee referrals.
Get customer feedback about a
product/Get customer inputs for a
new product R & D
Get the survey form filled by 1000 prospective
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
of the fans. These can further be calculated on page
level and post level. While the page-level analysis gives
the overall picture of the social media engagement with
the fan page, the post-level analysis helps in
understanding the performance of each post. The post-
level analysis also helps in knowing which kind of posts
work and which do not.
Apart from these, there are two more derived metrics
to evaluate the social media performance- (i)
engagement rate, and (ii) economic value.
(i) Engagement Rate: Engagement rate is the sum of
likes, comments, and shares as a percentage of reach.
Thus, engagement rate can be expressed using the
following formula:
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
Total Interactions (e.g. Likes + Shares +
Comments on FB post)
Engagement Rate =
Total Reach(Number of people who
viewed the post)
Weights can be given to different types of engagement
(for example four to share, two to comment and one to
like) to calculate weighted score and that can be divided
by reach to arrive at an engagement rate. At times,
while comparing the engagement rates of various
competitors, we do not have the data about the
denominator (Total Reach) in the above formula. In
such cases, either we calculate weighted average
engagement score per post or we calculate the average
number of likes per post, the average number of
comments per post, and the average number of shares
or re-tweets per post. Alternatively, we can use the total
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
Total Interactions (e.g. Likes + Shares +
Comments on FB post)
Engagement Rate =
Total Fans (Number of people who likes the FB
fan post)
(ii) Economic Value: It refers to the economic value per
visitor for social media considering both macro and
micro conversion. Thus economic value can be
expressed as:
Economic Value = Short-term Revenue + Long-term
In this formula:
Short-term Revenue is the revenue generated due to
macro conversation i.e., conversations which lead to an
immediate revenue generation activity. This, in general,
includes such as the immediate purchase of a product.
Long-term Revenue is the revenue generated due to
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
immediately, but in the long term. This includes activities
such as subscribing to the monthly newsletter,
requesting for a quotation, etc. These act may lead to
the purchase of the product/service in the long term.
Table outline the differences between short-term and
long-term revenues.
Further, the economic value per lead generated from
social media can be measured by calculating the
economic value of conversions as a percentage of the
total social media leads. This can be expressed as:
Short-term Revenue Long-term Revenue
Macro Conversions Micro Conversions
When someone pre-orders
the phone
When some-one goes through the brochure or
subscribes for an alert when the phone is ready
for sale.
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
Total Value of
Value Per Lead Generated =
Total Number of
Here, the total value of conversions is calculated
as the product of a number of conversions and the
value of each conversion.
Moreover, the value per lead generated can be
calculated separately for each platform, and the
values obtained for different platforms could be
used to see which platform has higher value per
lead. For example:
Total Value of Conversions
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Similarly, value per lead generated for other platforms
such as Twitter (Vt), LinkdIn (Vl), Instagram (Vi) could
be calculated, and these values (Vf, Vt, Vl, Vi) can be
compared to check for the platform with the highest
value per lead.
4.1.6 Improve: Once the results are measured and
compared with the goals, the next focus should be on
restructuring the strategy to meet the goals. If the goals
are met, then, the listening exercise should be repeated
to establish new goals and a new campaign to meet
these goals.
Thus, the social media strategy cycle is completed. At
any point in time, an organization’s social media team
should be actively performing any one of the steps. It is
a continuous process, and there is always scope for
improvement. Organization may even at times in
parallel execute multiple campaigns on different
Face-book Marketing
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
Face-book is the most widely used social media
platform with over 1.7 billion active users. A repository
of people and their choice, this platform is a boon to
With an ambition to improve the laundry experience of
Singaporeans, a laundry service company was started
in 2014 which leveraged mobile technology to create
an efficient and hassle free experience. Like any other
startup, the company wanted to find new customers
and increase sales. To realize this goal, the company
decided to use Face-book as their primary marketing
platform. They introduced a Face-book campaign which
was run for four months. During this period, the
company created its online community from scratch,
using Face-book to establish its brand identity in
Singapore. It posted 2-3 times a week on its Face-book
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
company news and photos from staff events or
community projects to showcase the human side of
the brand.
The four month campaign achieved fantastic
results, which are as follow:
• 4× increase in customers (from 500 to over 2000).
• 30 × percent month-on-month sales increase during
the campaign.
• 3 × return on ad spend.
• 5 leads generated per month during the campaign.
• 7000 views for one video.
This was a huge boost for a start-up. Every year,
many start-ups shut down as they are unable to
achieve even a fraction of the aforementioned
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
special about Face-book that it could give the much
needed ‘fillip’ to this start-up?
In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg along with four other
Harvard mates launched Facebook as ‘The Facebook’
in a dorm room. Initially, it was a social networking
platform only for the Harvard community. Over time, it
expanded to other Colleges and Universities and
further to the world for public access.
Today, Facebook is revolutionizing the way in which
people and business interact. It is a huge storehouse of
information about people, their likes and dislikes, etc.
5.1 Face-book for Business
Facebook Business is an effective digital marketing
platform. Most marketers consider it a part of their
digital marketing plan. This
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
section explains the different components of Face-
book marketing.
5.1.1 Face-book Fan Engagement: The number of
users on Face-book is increasing exponentially with
each passing day. The enormous volume of content
generated may make Face-book newsfeed
overcrowded. Hence, there is a need for some filter. As
per Face-book, without filter, users may see around
1500 posts in their newsfeed on an average. It is
reduced to 300 posts by applying the filter called as
EdgeRank Algorithm. For a page, the algorithm works
in such a way that typically a post by business can
reach only about two percent of its fans.
1. EdgeRank Algorithm: EdgeRank algorithm decides
what is displayed in the newsfeed and how high it is
to be placed. Every activity on Face-book, be it status
update, like, comment is called an edge. EdgeRank is
the sum of edges that the edge in question has.
Each Edge is made up of three major factors: (i)
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
EdgeRank ∑ uewede
u = Affinity Score between user and edge creator
w = Weight for the edge type (status, comment,
like, tag, etc.)
d = Time Decay Factor based on when the edge
was created.
a. Affinity Score: The affinity score is decided upon
how often a fan interacts with the brand’s Face-
book page. The mode of interaction may be liking,
commenting, sharing, responding to the
advertiser’s event invite, etc. It also includes the
brand’s engagement with its fans. Engagement
includes aspects such as replies to fans’
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
b. Weight: Each mode of the audiences’ interaction with
the post has a certain weight. In genera, the weight is
Shares > Comments > Likes >Clicks.
c. Time Decay: Time decay is the freshness factor of
content. The most recent content gets the highest score
and tend to be higher up in the news feed. As per the
post gets older, it tends to be pushed down in the news
Along with these three major factors, hundreds of other
factors are used to analyze the worth of the content.
Few of the other factors are as follows:
• Post which receive immense attention are checked for
click baiting, and if found suspicious, they are ranked
lower in the algorithm.
• Post related to the current tending topic often receive
higher EdgeRank scores and gain a lot of organic
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
• Content that is highly promotional and includes marketing
brochures is considerably ranked lower by Face-book.
• Posts which tag other users are most likely to receive higher
EdgeRank scores and thus have higher reach.
• Posts in which the Face-book page admins interact with the
audience by replying to their comments get higher scores and
tend to have better organic reach.
• Text-only content receive lower scores, whereas posts with
images never put up previously on Face-book receive higher
After analyzing all such factors, the posts with higher EdgeRank
are displaying at the top of the news feed.
2. Fan Types: Face-book fans, based on the level of management,
can be divided into five categories.
a. Super Fans: They have bought from you and influenced others
to buy from you. Have given permission for data also.
b. Purchasing Fans: They have bought from you and given
permission for data.
c. Advocate Fans: They have spread word of mouth about you
and grown your fans.
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e. Potential Fans: They are friends of your fans.
This conversion of potential fans to customers can be
done either organically, through word-of-mouth publicity
or inorganically, through paid media on Face-book.
3. Organic Marketing: Organic Marketing on Face-book
is becoming more and more competitive with the
increasing number of online businesses. As per the
Analytics and Reporting firm Locowise, Face-book
pages with less than 1000 likes have 22.8 percent
reach. This is because, pages with lower number of
fans have mostly organically built up fans who are
interested in the work done by the organization and thus
follow every step keenly.
The aforementioned algorithm created a chaos in the
marketing world since despite spending lot of dollars
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
companies were unable to reach their fans.
To tackle such intense competition, Face-book, VP
Brian Boland says,
‘Publish great content-content that teaches
people something, entertains them, makes them
think or, in some other way, adds value to their
Great content, which is interesting to the users, will
provoke them to interact with the content in some
way and will further help in increasing the organic
reach, thus overcoming the limited reach problem.
This lands us into the 3E strategy for Face-book
content marketing.
4. 3E Strategy for Organic Content: The three
parts of the organic content are- (i) excite, (ii)
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
We will now discuss these parts of the strategy in
(i) Excite: Millions of people post content on Face-book
every day, but only about 300 posts make it to each
user’s newsfeed. Therefore, in such a cut-throat
competition, a good post is one which can grab the
audiences’ attention in the initial 2 or 3 seconds.
Having an attention-grabbing headline is one such
way, as; ‘Beat the Heat’ summer special, ‘water
Melon”. The content should be such that the target
audience relate to it instantly.
(ii) Entertain: Most people use social media to distract
themselves from their regular work and relax. As a
Face-book marketer, it is essential to keep in mind
that the posts serve this purpose. Entertainment need
not necessarily be fun or humorous. It could also
include facts, stories, pictures, etc. which people can
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
the audience may sometimes annoy them. It is thus
judicious to combine entertainment with education. In
case of niche businesses, it is important that the posts
are informative and can also solve problems of the
Apart from the 3E strategy to develop organic content,
there are few other content marketing ideas that can
help to increase a business organic reach.
5. Evergreen Content: The content which receives high
engagement rates even after long periods of posting it
is known as evergreen content. Such content is highly
valuable to a digital marketer, since it is possible to
analyse the uniqueness of such posts and develop
other content around them. This will help increase the
organic reach of the posts. Such content may be
posted multiple times, to reach people in different time
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
6. Content with Human Touch: At times, it is essential to
shift from the regular promotional posts and add some
human touch to the Face-book page. It can be done by
simply posting about an event which happened at the
office or a fun trip the employee went to. Little things
like addressing the fans by their names in the
comments section also help in a big way.
7. Emotions and Content Virality: Marketers wish that
their content goes viral so that it reaches as many
people as possible. Virality is the extent of influence of
social media information. The question then is what
makes content go viral? The direct measures of virality,
according to research are the total number of views,
share or votes for posts. They have also used time
taken to attain certain thresholds as a strong predictor
of virality. There are three points of focus here- (i) who
spread the content i.e., network structure; (ii) why do
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
about the content that makes it more influential i.e., the
ability to raise sentiment. As we have already discussed
influencers in the chapter on social media strategy, let us
focus on the motivations for sharing and the effect of the
ability to raise sentiment on content sharing.
a. Motivations: Content can be broadly classified into two
divisions- (i) practically useful and (ii) emotionally potent. It
is also possible that these may overlap. Users often share
content that they think is practically useful. This kind of
sharing can be for altruistic reasons, for self-enhancement
purposes or for social bonding. Homans (1958) had argued
that individuals share practically useful content as it has a
social exchange value. Research has also found that people
may share it to generate reciprocity.
The second argument is that individual share content for
self-enhancement. Like the clothes they wear or the brand
they use to exhibit their self-image, consumers share viral
content to represent their identity to others, especially when
they feel that it matches their perception of themselves. In a
group, people may share emotionally charged content to
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
b. Sentiments: Bruni et al. (2012) analyze multimedia
content on Twitter and identify these intuitive patterns-
(i) post with a link to photos or videos are re-tweeted
more than those without a link, (ii) posts linking photos
are re-tweeted more than posts linking videos, and (iii)
post linking videos leads to more sentiment arousal
than posts linking photos. There are two conclusions
that we can draw from these findings. Individuals find it
more rewarding to share content that has pictures or
videos because these communicate the message
better. But we find that videos are re-tweeted less than
pictures- probably because it takes a longer time to
watch the videos till completion; a picture is much
easier. Then what about the videos that are re-tweeted?
These are re-tweeted despite the time investment
needed from the user to watch because it evokes
powerful sentiment. This is a strong indicator that
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
valence, strong or weak in arousal (activation).
Research finds that positive content is more viral than
negative content. However, more than valence,
literature identifies ‘activation’ of emotion as a stronger
predictor. Literature on emotion identifies awe (positive),
anger (negative) and anxiety (negative) as high arousal
sentiments. Sadness was found to be a low arousal
emotion. Content that evokes either awe/anxiety is
reported to be more viral. Content that evokes sadness
is less viral. All these factors are good indicators of what
makes people share certain content, and provide insight
into designing effective viral marketing campaigns.
8. Paid Marketing: Paid marketing is a boon for all those
companies which would like to reach out quickly to a
large set of audience. It helps to build up a huge fans
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
done by running ad campaigns for various
5.2 Anatomy of an ad Campaign
The structure of a Face-book ad campaign is
defined in three levels. They are- (i) ad campaign,
(ii) Ad set, and (iii) Ad.
5.2.1 Ad Campaign: The Face-book ad campaign is
the foundation stone for ads. It is at this level that
the end goals of running ads such as getting more
page likes, app installs etc., are defined. Further
optimization of the ad in the next two stages
depends on what the company choose as their
objective to be at this level.
5.2.2 Ad Set: At the set level, a business defines
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bidding, scheduling, pricing, delivery, etc. All these
techniques help to focus the ad on a certain set of
audience as per the company’s requirement. An ad
campaign can have multiple ad sets, each with a
different combination of optimization techniques.
5.2.3 Ad: The ad is what the audiences see. It may
include the ad creative, videos, images, text, call-to-
action buttons, etc. Also, there can be multiple ads
within a single ad set. The ad design is a very crucial
aspect as it plays an important role in grabbing the
customer’s attention.
5.3 Adverts
Face-book Adverts refer to the advertisements on the
Face-book. They are the heart and soul of the entire
marketing exercise which happens on the platform. The
adverts can be used in various formats for fulfillment of
different objectives by organizations.
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5.3.1 Types of Adverts: Now let us see different
types of adverts and how they can be mapped to
different marketing objectives.
1. Page Post Engagement Adverts: Page Post
Engagement Adverts are used to increase the
audience engagement on the post. This is done
through the Boost Post option on the page itself or
through Ads Manager. It is recommended to use
the latter as its provide more targeting and
advanced setting options. By boosting, a post gets
more people to see, like, comment on and share
the page’s content on Face-book. It can also be
used to introduce the business to new audiences.
Moreover, boosting also helps in gaining insights
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
2. Page Like Adverts: Page Like Advert is an
advertisement to inorganically get more people to like
fan page. This is specially useful because, in a way, it
reduces the need for page post engagement adverts. In
other words, higher the number of fans there are on the
page, higher is the organic reach of the post, and
consequently, higher are the chances of people
engaging organically.
3. Website Clicks and Conversions Adverts: Face-
book provides the option to run advertisements to
redirect people to the company’s website. Whenever,
users click on the ad, they are redirected to the
website. Further, it is also possible to track conversions
after landing on to the site. This can be done by simply
inserting a snippet of code to the HTML of the website.
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
access the internet through mobile device.
Considering this, engagement on mobile is
increasingly becoming important for businesses.
Face-book’s app installs and engagement adverts
enable the business to connect with audiences who
are most likely to install the business app. Also,
these types of adverts can be used to promote user
activity on the app such as making a purchase,
booking a service or playing a game. Detailed
reports about the user activity can also be obtained
to know the bottlenecks for conversions on the
5. Video Adverts: Video is not only the most
effective way of storytelling but is also the easiest
way to build an emotional connect with the
consumer. People spend more than 100 million
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
with drama unfolding can capture the attention of
viewers and help in achieving business outcomes.
These video adverts can help in communicating the
brand’s story and raising awareness about the brand.
6. Carousel Format Adverts: The Carousel Format
Adverts allows showcasing multiple products in a single
advert or developing a story across multiple images in
a single advert. They are the most cost effective form of
adverts because at the cost of a single advert unit
multiple messages can be delivered to the audience
through multiple images.
7. Dynamic Adverts: Often, when as audiences search
for a flight ticket or try to book a hotel, they see
corresponding adverts all over their Face-book news
feed. Such advertisements shown by Face-book fall
under the Dynamic Adverts category. Businesses
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
can promote relevant products to audience who
have browsed their website or mobile app in the
past. Further, these types of adverts help in
personalizing ads per their interest of the audience.
For example, while studying about Forex trading, I
researched online about the various Forex brokers
and platforms. Couple of hours later, I found the
advert of a Forex company in my Face-book new
Many a times, the products an audience searches
for on Amazon, instantly shows up as product
advertisements from Amazon in their Face-book
news feed. These adverts are also dynamic
adverts, but just that businesses need to upload a
catalogue of products they would like to promote.
Whenever a user views a product on the business
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adverts are very effective in driving sales, as the
audience see only adverts related to the products
they have recently browsed or have shown interest
8. Lead Adverts: Lead Adverts specifically help in
generating leads for businesses. They help in
creating contact forms in the adverts that are pre-
populated with contact details such as email
addresses. Face-book’s Lead Adverts provide
people with a quick and safe way to sign up to
receive information from businesses, such as
newsletters, offers and quotes.
9. Canvas Adverts: Canvas is an immersive mobile-
only advert for businesses to showcase their
products or communicate their brand story. It is a
combination of images, videos and call-to-action
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load quickly (nearly 10 times faster than the mobile
browser) so that users can browse through the
contents, slide through the carousel of images, zoom,
tilt and view panoramic images of the canvas and have
a seamless experience. It is like a mini site within Face-
book. Its advantage is that the user need not go outside
Face-book as the ad in preloaded on to the Face-book
10. Offer Claim Adverts: These adverts are designed
particularly to communicate to the customers any
discount/offers that might be running on the
products/services. Whenever audiences claim an offer,
they are redirected to the online store to shop and the
related offer is applied at checkout. Offer claim adverts
are most effective in boosting sales-they have better
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
11. Local Awareness Advert: Local Awareness Adverts
enables hyper local businesses to reach audiences
nearby their business, thus increasing foot falls. They
allow inclusion of specialized options like a ‘Get
Direction’ button, to help the audience locate the
business. Businesses can do radius targeting to reach
people near them. It is good for businesses that wish to
encourage footfalls in their stores, malls, restaurants.
5.3.2 Adverts Targeting: After selecting the right type of
advert for the business, reaching out to the right people
is critical for success of the advert. This can be done
through Face-book adverts’ audience targeting option.
1. Custom Audience: Custom audience are specific set
of people who have interacted with a business
previously on Face-book or any other platform in one
way or the other. In other words, by
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
choosing to show an advert to custom audiences,
businesses can show the advert to people who
have downloaded their app, visited their website,
commented on a post on their Face-book fan page,
downloaded an e-Book from their website, etc.
Custom audiences can be created from four major
sources- (i) Customer file, (ii) website traffic, (iii) app
activity, and (iv) engagement on Face-book.
(i) Customer File: Custom audience can be created
from the Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) data of the business. It can also be
generated by integrating the CRM data from other
third party software like Sales force, MailChimp,
Zapier, etc. The data set of customers the business
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
various aspects of this data such as phone number,
date of birth, email id, first name, last name, Face-book
app user id etc. and maps it with the Face-book profile
of the customer. After customer profile mapping, the
adverts are shown to those customer only. For
example, a car dealer has data about customers who
have taken a test drive. He/She can show ads to these
users on Face-book.
Furthermore, Face-book allows businesses to sort the
entire set of CRM customers into buckets, based on
their interests. For example, a set of customers are
interested in badminton, another set who are movie
buffs. Business can do custom advertising by
combining CRM data with Face-book’s API to create a
personalization server combining CRM data with user’s
profile and interest information on Face-book. They can
offer free one-year badminton academy membership to
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
grater chances of conversion.
(ii) Website Traffic: In order to generate custom
audience based on website traffic, Face-book tracks all
the people visiting the business website. In the process,
a dynamic database of audience is generated and the
adverts are displayed to the people on this database.
For tracking people visiting or acting on the website,
Face-book requires the business to add a Face-book
pixel on to their website. Apart from tracking the
audience, the pixel also helps in generating dynamic
(iii) App Activity: This mode of generating custom
audience allows to build up a very niche database of
people who take an action on the app. This can be done
by simply integrating the Face-book SDK with the app.
For example, by using this, businesses can generate a
database of people who rate their app, who viewed
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
in the app, etc. Every time a user performs the
specified action, they are added to the custom audience
(iv) Engagement on Face-book: This is a comparatively
new option for targeting custom audience. In this option,
businesses can build up a database of people who have
previously interact with their content on Face-book in
one way or the other. Further, they can classify and
build separate database of people based on the type of
2. Lookalike Targeting: This allow businesses to target
people similar to their fans or similar to their custom
audience, which could be based on CRM data or
website visitors or users who engaged with them. This
targeting method is very powerful and effective as it can
expand the reach to new users who are likely to behave
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
targeting people similar to them will have high
likelihood of conversion.
3. Generic Targeting: Generic targeting works well
for companies that have no specific customer
database and would like to run an advert addressed
to any set of audience satisfying certain criteria. It
allows businesses to filter out Face-book users
based on various factors and arrive at a target
group for advertising. The filtering factors are as
a. Location: Location can be defined based on
countries, states, pin codes, regions etc., and bulk
locations can be added by uploading data from a
spreadsheet. In addition, Face-book gives
businesses the choice of including time to the
location with options such as, targeting people who
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
b. Demographics: Demographic factors such as
age, gender and language can be chosen to define
the target audience of the advert.
4. Detailed Targeting: Detailed targeting allows the
advertiser to target audiences based on
demographic such as education, field of study,
school, college, workplace, etc. Face-book has
factual data which is entered by users in their
profiles and those can be used for targeting. The
advantage is that demographic information is
accurate as it is based on objective factual data and
not inferred dat. Another option is to target based on
interest. Face-book infers interests based on the
content users’ shares and likes, pages they are fan
of and interests expressed in their profile.
Considering that users spend a lot of time on Face-
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
is behavioral targeting which includes online behaviour,
digital activities, device, operating systems used, etc.
for targeting.
Detailed targeting allows businesses to reach niche
audience. For example, they can choose to target
‘people who belong to the generation X and people who
are dating and people are who like coffee’ or ‘people
who use Window 10 operating system and have liberal
political view’. Such detailed targeting increases the
conversion rate manifold.
5. Connections: Businesses can target their own fans or
friends of fans to increase their customer base. They
can also choose to exclude their fans. This may be
relevant because organically they can reach only 2-7
percent their fans. Hence, running paid ads can help
reach their fans.
6. Best Practices: Face-book provides innumerous
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order to reach out to the optimum set of audience.
Let us look at the best practices in adverts targeting
based on the advert objectives. It is advised that
these objectives are to be achieved one after the
a. Website traffic or Website Engagement: The
post in this segment should be informative
enough to drive customers to a business website.
An already established business should focus on
two major audience sets- (i) Face-book fans, and
(ii) recent website visitors.
But, if the company have just started and do not
have enough Face-book fans or website visitors,
it should focus on three aspects- (i) lookalike
audience, (ii) people with similar interests as the
advertiser’s business, and (iii) people with
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b. Page Likes: People who are most likely to like a
business page are those who have interacted with
them previously and have found some sort of value
or interest in the content that they circulate. So, it is
more advisable to run page like campaigns
targeting the following- (i) recent website visitors,
and (ii) custom audience.
The custom audience could be people who have
had any type of offline or online interaction with the
business. For example, it could be the set people
who have left their business cards at the company’s
outlet or people who have downloaded a recent e-
In case a business does not have enough audience
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and then drive them to like the page. Targeting lookalike
audience might also help at times, but it is not as
effective as the former method.
c. Subscribe or Install Apps: The targeting for this
objective should be focused, as narrow targeting
increases the success rate and reduces the cost of
advertising. Targeting in this case should be very
specific such as- (i) people who have visited a specific
page on the website, and (ii) people who have reacted
to set of posts related to a topic on Face-book. By
narrowing down targeting, the audience pool may limit.
If a business has very few audience to target, then
targeting all the website visitors might help in achieving
better results.
d. Sales: This is the goal every marketers tries to reach
too early. All the steps previously mentioned are often
ignored and marketers try to sell products to a wide set
of audience and thus see poor conversion rates. These
aforementioned steps set up the right platform for sales
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
install apps, and (ii) people who have previously purchased
from the company.
Again, even in this case, if the business do not have
sufficient number of audience to target to, it can increase the
spread of its campaign by choosing the next set of audience
i.e., people who have visited its website or even further, its
Face-book fans.
5.3.3 Adverts Placement: The adverts on Face-book can be
placed at different positions on different devices. Either
Face-book can be allowed to automatically choose the best
position for the adverts or businesses can choose an advert
position manually.
1. Desktop News Feed: Desktop news feed refers to the
posts which appear in the middle of the Face-book
webpage. These adverts generally appear along with the
other updates from Face-book friends and are called
‘native ads’.
2. Mobile News Feed: Mobile news feed is very much like
the desktop news feed except that the adverts in this case
appears in the mobile device.
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3. Right Column: Right column adverts is a
desktop/laptop only position. There is no such
scope of advert placement in the mobile device.
These right column advertisements are generally
less expensive and less effective than the news
feed adverts as they are non-native ads.
5.3.4 Adverts Bidding: With more than 1.7 billion
monthly users and 3 million advertisers, users
might often be flooded with too many adverts.
Adverts bidding is Face-book’s way of channelizing
these adverts and delivering them to relevant
users. The Face-book Adverts’ bidding process
does not declare its winner based only on the
amount spent for advertising but on a total value
score. This total value score is a function of the
following three factors- (i) Relevance score, (ii)
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
1. Relevance Score: Relevance score is a Face-book metric
that determines the relevance of an advert to the target
audience. It is calculated based on the performance of the
advert and the interaction of the audience with the advert.
If the adverts relevance score is high, it is more likely to be
shown to the audience. The score will range from 1 to 10
and can be determined only after the adverts has about
500 impressions.
2. Estimated Action Rate: Action rate refers to the
likelihood of a user taking a positive action on a business
advert to get the desired result from it. This action rate
could be improved by choosing the advert objectives that
align with the business goals. For example, a company in
the cooking equipment segment is running two Face-book
advert campaigns, one for increasing the brand
awareness and the other for generating sales. Let us
assume there are two sets of audience. The first set
consists of people who are interested in cooking in
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
equipment, and are derived from Face-book based
on the users’ past action (the second set is
generally a subset of the first set of audience and is
automatically derived by face-book if the advert is
targeted at generating sales.) For these two
campaigns, let us see how the estimated action rate
varies with the target audience.
Goal/Target Audience Audience Interested in
Audience Optimised by
Face-book for Sale
Brand Awareness High EAR Moderate EAR
Sales Generation Low EAR High EAR
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
Table show that those adverts whose goal is to raise
brand awareness have high EARs when delivered to
general audience interested in cooking; whereas,
adverts targeting sale generation have high EARs
when delivered to audience optimized for sale by Face-
book. This is how Face-book decides the estimated
action rates based on the goal of the advert and the
audience. Many other factors play a role in deciding the
(a) Relevance Score v/s Estimated Action Rate: While
relevance score is used to estimate applicability of an
adverts is to the audience, estimated action rate
measures the likelihood of a user performing a desired
action on the advert. For example, consider you are
social media manager of a company making products
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
Relevance Score Estimated Action Score
Low (as the product is not relevant to
the audience and they ignore the
Low (once they ignore the advert, the
chance of clicking on the advert is
almost zero.)
Relevance Score Estimated Action Score
High (as the product is related to the
audience and they might show some
interest in the advert)
Low (though the product is of interest to
the audience, they might not like
specific aspects of the product like the
colour, design, etc., so they do not tend
to take the act according to the
advertiser’s desire [purchase, download
brochure, etc.])
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3. Advertiser Bid Rate: Advertiser bid rate is the amount
the advertisers are willing to spend on an advert to
achieve the targeted goal. Face-book allows to bid this
rate in the following two variations:
(a) Automatic Bid: The automatic bid is decided by Face-
book dynamically on an auction by auction basis. In
this method, the bid price is calculated with the goal of
spending the entire budget throughout the advert
campaign period in order to achieve the desired
outcome. This automatic bidding is effective in the
initial period, while the business is still figuring out the
market dynamics.
(b) Manual Bid: Manual bid is optimal for use, once the
business figures out what works for it and what does
not. In this bid, the business decides the maximum
price it is willing to pay in order to achieve a goal by
running an advert. Face-book optimizes the delivery of
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
In a nutshell, the advert winner is decided based on a total
value score which is derived from the three factors
previously mentioned. The winning advert with the highest
total value score is then delivered to the audience. It can be
mathematically represented in the following manner:
Total Value Score =f(Relevbance Score, Estimated
Action Rate, Bid Price)
An important point to be noted here is that, as the total value
score varies with the aforementioned three factors, as time
progresses, marketers should focus on increasing the
relevance score and estimated action rate and reduce the
bid price. By doing this, businesses can attain the required
objectives efficiently, with lower budgets. Table will help in
understanding how a marketer should target each of the
factors to achieve the desired total value score, in different
periods of time.
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Costing: Face-book allows businesses to choose the basis on
which they would like to pay face-book for their adverts. The bid
amount can be decided in majorly four different variation- (i) cost
per click (CPC), (ii) Impressions (Cost Per Mille- CPM (Mille =
1000), (iii) cost per action/conversion (CPA), (iv) cost per like.
5.3.5 Adverts Budget: While all the aspects about adverts
previously mentioned provide unlimited opportunities to marketers,
the budget often becomes a limiting factor. Thus, there is
immense need to optimize the adverts budget. Face-book allows
businesses to decide their advertising budget in two different
variations- (i) Daily budget.
(ii) Lifetime budget.
Relevance Score Estimated Action
Bid price
Initial Adverts ---- ---- High
In Course of Time High High Low
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
1. Daily Budget: Daily budget is the average
amount a business might spend each day on the
advert. This daily average amount is calculated
over a week i.e., the budget spent on a particular
day may very (maximum variation is of 25 percent)
but the daily average calculated every week will
remain the same. Face-book gives itself a margin
of 25 percent simply because it might find better
opportunities to show adverts to users some days
and might not find opportunities at time.
2. Lifetime Budget: Lifetime budget is the maximum
amount a business might spend during the entire
duration of time it choose to run the advert. The
duration of the advert can be defined, how much
you’d like to spend; the actual spending may be at
times lower than the prescribed amount. If Face-
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
advert, the amount spent will not exceed the
prescribed budget in any case.
5.3.6 Advert scheduling: Advert scheduling allows a
business to decide on the specific hours and days
of the week when the adverts will be delivered. This
feature is provided to advertisers who opt for
lifetime budget. Advertiser can choose the time
frame in which they would like their ads to be
delivered. The smallest time frame the advertiser
can choose is one hour.
When is the Best Time to Post Content?
After looking at the schedule, the first question that
arises is, how to choose a particular time slot every
week from the 168 hours that is available? There is
no definitive answer to this. It varies from business
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
The best way to determine the optimum time to post
content is to go through the advert insights of the past
three months. Then, find the post that has had the
greatest reach and highest number of impressions, and
see when the better performing adverts were posted.
Based on this data, the advertiser should try to draw
some conclusions as to when is the best time to post
content. Also, by accessing the insights page, they can
see when most of their fans are online.
Per a blog by Hubspot- the world’s leading inbound
marketing and sales platform- if a business has just
started with Face-book marketing, then 1:00 p.m. to
4:00 p.m. is the best time to post content on weekdays;
and 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. during weekend. Also, it is
observed that Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday get
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
5.3.7 Adverts Objective: Adverts objective answers the
question, “Why you would like to run this campaign the
first place?” Face-book broadly identified three major
objectives per the needs of the advertisers. They are- (i)
awareness, (ii) consideration, and (iii) conversion.
These objectives have been discussed in detail in the
following slide.
1. Awareness: As the name suggests, the objective in
this case is to raise awareness among the audience
about the business. This helps in building brand recall
by showing the advert multiple times to the audience.
Once this objective is selected, Face-book will
optimize for building awareness. This is done through
two types of adverts. They are as follow:
• Brand awareness (page like advert).
• Local awareness advert.
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
2. Consideration: After the customer come across
the brand multiple times, they will need more
information about the business and will want to
interact with the advertiser before making a
purchase. Consideration intends to fulfill this
objective. The adverts responsible are explain in
section 5.3.1. They are as follow:
• Traffic (website click and conversion adverts)
• Engagement.
- Page post engagement advert.
- Page promotion advert.
- Offer claim advert.
- Event response advert.
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
• App installs and engagement advert.
• Video views advert.
• Lead generation advert.
3. Conversion: After engaging with a prospective
customer, the target for any business is to
purchase the brand’s product or service.
Conversion could be both in-store conversions and
online conversions. The three kind of adverts under
this objective have been explained in section 5.3.1.
They are as follows:
• Conversions (website and mobile).
• Product catalogue sale advert.
• Store visits (Local awareness adverts).
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5.3.8 Advert optimization: Advert optimization, is the act of choosing what
the advertiser would want the advert to do for them. It defines how the
target audiences interact with the adverts to meet the objective. Based
on the advertiser’s choices, Face-book optimizes the adverts delivery for
best results in the most cost efficient manner. Let us understand with the
help of Table the different ways in which you can manage your advert.
Traffic to
Link Clicks Impressions Daily Unique Reach Conversion
deliver s the
advert to people,
who are most
likely to click the
advert and visit
your website.
delivers your
advert as many
times as
possible to
your audience.
This in a way
helps to build
brand recall.
The advert will
shown to a user
only once, thus
maximizing the
number of unique
deliveries of the
adverts. This helps
in reaching new
The advert
will be shown
to people
who are likely
to convert on
the website at
the lowest
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
On the other hand, say your objective of running the
advert set is conversion them to achieve these
conversions, you could optimize your adverts
delivery for conversions (delivery of ads to people
who are most likely to click- at the lowest cost),
impressions, link clicks (delivery of ads to people
who are likely to click) or daily unique reach.
Face-book also gives an option to optimize clicks.
Clicks is often misunderstood by many marketers.
Optimizing for clicks does not necessarily mean
optimizing for ‘link clicks’. Here, clicks could mean
any kind of click on the advert, which may be photo
click, like, comment or any other random click.
As a digital marketer, the advertiser can choose any
one of these alternatives, for optimizing their advert.
In most cases, it is better to choose the
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
option is in accordance with their objective. The other
choices become relevant especially when they are
running multiple adverts with different objectives.
5.3.9 Advert Delivery: Advert delivery decides the pace
of showing the ads to the target audience. Face-book
allows two modes of delivery- (i) standard delivery, and
(ii) accelerated delivery.
(i) Standard Delivery: Standard delivery is the most
widely chosen advert delivery method. Here, the
adverts are shown throughout the day during the
entire campaign period.
(ii) Accelerated Delivery: Accelerated delivery is meant
to delivery adverts to the audience as quickly as
possible. This delivery method is specially useful
while marketing time- sensitive events and those
events which need to quickly reach their targeted
audience. Manual bid pricing is required for opting for
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
5.4 Face-book Insights
Face-book insights is a powerful tool which gives
you the ability to use Face-book data to the
advertiser’s advantage. Face-book data can be
used for mainly two purposes – (i) analyzing the
audience, and (ii) analyzing the fans’ activities.
5.4.1 Audience Insights: Audience insight is a tool
which helps the business to learn more about a
certain set of audience. It can be accessed from the
search bar in the Ads Manager. The set of
audiences could be Face-book fans, current
customers or any other group of people on Face-
book. Understanding more about a set of audience
will help the advertiser tailor their advertising per
their interests and choices, thus increasing the
chances of conversion. The audience insights can
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
(iv) target. Let us discuss them in detail.
(i) Build: At the build stage, the advertiser needs to
decide the set of audience they would like to explore
further. By default, Face-book gives them 3 options to
build their audience. These include everyone on Face-
book, those people who are connected only with the
brand’s page, and a custom audience.
If the brand prefer to know in general about a typical
Face-book use, then choosing everyone on Face-book
will work for it. By choosing this option, the advertiser
can further filter people based on their requirement.
There are also some advance features for filtering
people based on behaviour, interest, relationship
status, device ownership, etc.
(ii) Find: After selecting the audience set to build upon in
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
advertiser needs to further narrow down on the audience
set. Find helps in doing that. They can filter the audience
based on various factors such as location, age, gender
In case of advertiser chooses the ‘people connected to
your page’ option, they can choose the page for which
they would like to know the audience insights.
In the case of custom audience, they can choose a set
of audience they had previously created based on their
CRM data, email lists, phone numbers, website
audience, etc, and explore the audience insights for that
(iii) Compare: The compare option lets an advertiser
compare their audience with the typical Face-book user.
This exercise helps in understanding the reach potential
of the advert. For example, if the characteristics of the
audience set match with only five percent of the Face-
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
(iv) Target: Once an advertiser compare their
audience set with the typical Face-book user, they
can modify their audience as per choice and then
save this audience set for future reference. While
creating a new advert, the advertiser can simply use
this pre-defined audience set, thus eliminating the
need for setting audience preferences again.
5.4.2 Page Insights: Face-book page insights are
the best way to track the audience interaction with a
brand’s Face-book fan page. With this data about
audience interaction, the brand will be able to
deduce various conclusions about the best time to
post, content that works, people to target, etc. They
will be able to understand what works for the
business and what does not. Further, page insights
have various tabs which are explained in the
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
1. Page Overview: This is a high-level overview of
the page activity and the audience’s interaction
with the page. It contains information of the
performance of various posts of the page and the
page in general.
2. Likes: Insights about page likes helps the
advertiser to understand about the sources of their
Face-book page likes, the number of organic and
paid likes and, the number of unlike their fan page
received. Knowing these metric s helps in
analyzing which advert is working and which is
5.5 Other Marketing Tools
5.5.1 Face-book Groups: Face-book groups is
useful in building the community of a brand’s
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
feedback or provide any kind of support or assistance to
1. Product Sales: Face-book groups allow a brand to
sell their products/services within the group. It is a
completely free and highly effective method of
promoting products to the people. The probability of
conversion is also very high as the people in the group
have already interacted with the business at least
2. Polls: Polls in Face-book groups allows to take
feedback from the people in the group about a new
product idea or an existing product. Such first-hand
customer feedback is very critical for the success of
the business. Also, the brand can always get one-on-
one feedback about the customer’s thoughts through
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
it to the members is a free and effective method to
update all group members about an upcoming
event. The advertiser can also share information
about the speakers and take members’ input about
what they expect from the event.
Apart from using all these features for marketing
purposes, a brand can also use Face-book groups
for internal communication within its team. The
business can invite its employees to join the group
and it could be used as a communication platform
for the team. It can even create and edit documents
on the group.
5.5.2 Hashtags: In this method of promotion, all
posts related to a topic are linked with a specific
term preceded by a hashtag (#). These hashtags on
Face-book are clickable and when the audience
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
have been posted with that respective hash-tag.
They can be used for the following purposes.
1.Increasing Reach: Hash-tags help to increase a
brand’s reach to the audience who are browsing
post related to their hash-tag. By including a hash-
tag in the post, a brand can reach out to new people
who would not be able to see the post otherwise.
2. Branding: Hash-tag can be used for branding
purposes, specially during new product launches or
during any significant changes in the business.
3. Promote Events: A third use of hash-tag is to
promote special events by the business. These
hash-tags, when used in all posts related to the
event, helps in gaining quick publicity. For example,
Unmaad- The Cultural Festival of IIMB uses the
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
It is very important to check if the hash-tags are
really improving the reach of the post. Else, a
business should try a different and a more
appealing hash-tag.
5.5.3 Face-book Apps: Face-book apps are optional
third –party additions to Face-book pages, which
allow the advertiser to customize their fan page and
add special features to it so as to enhance the user
experience on page. These apps can be used for
different purposes as per the brand’s requirement.
1. Tab Apps: Tab Apps can be used to create
customized tabs on the Face-book page of the
advertiser for integrating things that are critical to
the business, but are not available on the Face-
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
social media account profiles, etc.
Various third party apps such as Customize, Tab-
foundry, Woobox, MailChimp, Wishpond, etc. are
examples of Tab Apps. These apps may have both
free and paid versions.
Tab apps also allow to integrate other social media
pages such as YouTube in the Face-book page. The
advertiser can thus showcase video from YouTube
channel and select a video that they wish to feature.
Visitors can view the video without having to leave
Face-book. Similarly the business can also integrate
their Instagram account and show photos and
videos within a tab on their Face-book page.
Other social media accounts such as Twitter and
Pinterest can also integrated. The advertiser can
also showcase their business newsletter so that
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
Face-book. They can also create a form so that users
can subscribe to it.
The tabs can also be used to provide some privileges
to the existing fans as well as for acquiring new fans.
The brand can fan-gate their custom tabs so that new
visitors must first like the page in order to see the
content on custom tabs.
Tab apps also facilitate the integration of catalogues
with Face-book tabs so that users can browse through,
and with one click they can be redirected to website
where they can buy. A restaurant’s page can have their
menu on tab. Visitors can browse through it as they do
on the website and can also book table and make
2. Customized Apps: Customized apps are custom-
made Face-book apps by organizations that are used to
serve a specific purpose. Unlike the regular third-party
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
activity. With such high level of customization, the
chances of success of a campaign are very high. On
the flipside, designing customized apps requires a bit of
technical expertise as they are not readily available.
5.5.4 Face-book Live: Face-book live is a feature that
lets the advertiser communicate with their audience by
broadcasting in real time. This can be used specially for
live streaming any of the brand’s events, new product
launches, broadcasting expert interviews, etc.
The following is a list of things that an advertiser could
do with their content from Face-book live.
• Record the video, edit it and post it later on the Face-
book page for audience who missed the recording.
• Extract the audio from the Face-book live video, make
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
correction to the audio and then create a podcast.
• Convert the podcast audio into text format and then
post video captions to the recorded version of the
live video. They can also create multiple blog posts
with this text version of the recording.
• Create an info-graphic out of the important
information from this recording and post it on Face-
book and other platforms.
• Use excerpts from the live recording in future
marketing campaigns.
Face-book Live sessions can be used to promote
content through multiple ways and engage
audience in different formats.
5.5.5 Face-book Avatar: Face-book Avatar is a
temporary profile picture Face-book users which to,
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
support for an event or a cause. Avatar build up a lot of
curiosity in the users and thereby quickly gain a lot of
attention. It is thus a great way to promote a social
media campaign on Face-book.
One such Face-book avatar was used during the 2016
US Elections, by Hillary Clinton. People who supported
her changed their Face-book profile picture to an avatar.
This helped spread the word about Hillary Clinton
among the friends of people who changed their profile
5.6 Other Essentials
Let us now examine some tools and techniques for
implementing Face-book marketing.
5.6.1 Face-book Ads Manager: Face-book ads
manager is the basic advert campaign creation and
management tool used by relatively new advertisers
who are not well versed with Face-book advertising. Its
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
monitoring and optimizing campaign results.
Though a basic tool, Face-book Ads Manager is a
better tool for monitoring results, as the dash board
are editable and easy to use.
5.6.2 Face-book Power Editor: Face-book power
editor is an advanced tool for experienced Face-
book marketers. It makes it easy for the user to
handle volumes and multiple advert campaigns at
once. This tool was initially introduced to easily edit
advert campaigns although it serves multiple
purposes now.
With the power editor, marketer can easily access
advanced feature like advert target duplication,
simultaneous multiple advert creation, etc.
1. Ads Manager versus Power Editor- What to
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
for most of their marketing activity and spend a
very small proportion of your time on Face-book
marketing should use the Face-book Ads manager.
On the contrary, if the advertiser is a full-time Face-
book marketer and their organization has laid big
bets on Face-book marketing, then they will benefit
from the use of Face-book power editor.
In the long run, it is good to learn how to use the
power editor, as all the new updates in advert
campaign management are rolled out first on the
Power Editor.
5.6.3 Useful Design Tools:
1. Powtoon: Powtoon is cloud-based software for
creating animated presentations and videos,
available in both free and paid versions. It is a great
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
and requires no technical expertise to create
2. Canva: Canva is cloud based graphic design
software which caters to the design needs of people
who do not have any prior technical expertise in
graphic design. It is simple and easy to use with a
drag-and-drop interface. It can be used to edit
photos, create poster, banners, info-graphics,
business cards, etc. and is available in both free
and paid versions.
3. Info-gram: Info-gram is an online tool used to
create info-graphics, data visualizations and
interactive chars. It has both free and paid versions
and has a simple drag-and-drop facility. Advertiser
LinkedIn Marketing
Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce
LinkedIn is social networking site that has specifically
proven to be valuable platform for an individual’s career
and professional life. Over 467 million users in over 200
countries use LinkedIn to build their relationships with
potential customers, clients, partner and colleagues.
The site is dedicated to building strategic relationship
that could help members in their professional lives,
unlike other social networking sites where you might
become ‘friends’ with anyone and everyone. LinkedIn, is
the fourth fasted growing social network after Face-
book, YouTube, and Twitter.
Their earnings are majorly from the premium
subscriptions, marketing and talent solutions.
When it comes to directing traffic to the main site,
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Digital marketing ppt 3

  • 1. Dr. Ravindra Assistant Professor Department of Commerce Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur, Rewari 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce Digital Marketing Unit-3
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  • 3. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce running for presidential election against the democrat nominee and household name, Hillary Clinton, wife of the former president of the United States, Bill Clinton. But on 4 November, 2008 Obama was the first African-American to win the United States Presidential Election by nearly 200 electoral and 8.5 million popular votes. A major share of the credit for this remarkable success has to go to his efficient social media campaign. You must be curious as to what did Obama do to get such a social media success. He crafted and executed social media strategy
  • 4. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce The Internet Revolution According to the marketer’s report, nearly one- third of the world’s population has used social media regulatory in 2016. In India, the number of social media users was 206.5 million in 2016. Along with the increasing number of users and advancing technology, the number of social media platforms and messaging applications are also increasing day by day. With people present in such large numbers, social media provides ample marketing opportunities to companies to reach out to the right people at the right time.
  • 5. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce What is Social Media Strategy? Social media strategy refers to the step-by-step methodological approach to achieve a certain objective using social media. The major objectives of social media can be classified as follows: • Customer engagement. • Brand building. • Lead generation and conversions. Also, few organizations also develop social media strategies for achieving other objectives such as; • Innovation and new product development. • Human resource (mostly recruitment) • Understanding the voice of the customer. • Search engine optimization. • Grow business partnerships. According to an e-marketer study, the most important objectives of social media are regarding engagement, brand awareness and leads.
  • 6. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce 4.1 How to Build a Successful Strategy? Social media strategy can be best formulated with the help of the social media strategy cycle (shown in the figure). Each step in the cycle is further explained with the help of examples in this section. 4.1.1 Listen: ‘Most people do not listen with the intent to understand: they listen with the intent to reply.’ These lines by Stephen R. Covey applies to both life and social media. Listening is an important skill, which is often overridden by one’s perception. In the light of social media strategy, listening is the art of discovering valuable insights from people’s public expressions all over the internet. But, organizations often set social media goals as per their individual perceptions and fail to listen to what their stakeholders have to stay. This leads to setting up Set Goals Strategies Implement Improve Measure Listen
  • 7. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce of misleading goals for social media campaigns and these faulty goals will further creep into the social media strategy cycle. Listening refers to the various platforms on the Internet through which one could listen to the voice of the customer. An active cross-platform and holistic listening is the key to success. Cross-platform listening is the art of listening to and understanding the audience; it is about peeking into their lives and deriving valuable insights. Holistic listening is the art of listening to the market and industry trends in general and not being too brand specific. The differences between just ‘listening’ and ‘cross-platform and holistic listening’ is given in the table; Listening Cross-Platform and Holistic Listening Look at brand specific trends. Look at market trends and overall industry activity. Drive insights from social media post Derive insights from social media posts, images, blog posts and comments, search trends, organic search and customer bios, and profiles. Examine only online content. Examine online content and also offline behaviour through various studies and experiments.
  • 8. Continue….. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce 1. Example of Listening a. Paytm Karo: Paytm was launched in 2010 by One97 Communications as a mobile and DTH recharge platform. Later, with the growing market demand, in 2004, it launched the mobile wallet and in one year grew to 23 million wallets. Through this is considerable growth, most of the customer base was largely confined to the metropolitan cities. The huge market in Tier-1 and Tier-2 cities still remained untapped. (i) The listening Exercise: Market research showed that for the Tier-1 and Tier-2 city customers, the world of online payments was becoming confusing. There are too many online payment options such as Net Banking, Debit Card, Credit Card, PayUMoney, Visa
  • 9. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce (ii) Strategy and Results: Paytm decided not to approach customers as one more payment method of the same kind. They wanted to shift the perception to a new frame of reference, i.e. to a new currency. So, to bring about this change in people’s perception, the ad commercials showed everyday situations like struggling with an auto drivers for change. An integrated media approach covering television commercials, radio advertisements, and social media platforms helped in reaching out to the masses and gave the campaign a mass appeal. As a result, in just 10 months, the number of Paytm wallets increased from 23 million to 105 million and Paytm became the most trusted brand
  • 10. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce b. Kissanpur: Hindustan Unilever’s Kissan Tomato Ketchup, which markets itself, as made from 100 percent real tomatoes often faces competition from locally-made cheaper and low-quality products. Kissan had to figure out a way to outweigh its competitors and create a brand differentiator for itself. (i) Listening Exercise: On further analyzing the voice of the consumer, the company found that consumers, in general, judged the quality of ketchup based on the quality of tomatoes it is made from. They thought that ketchup is made from pumpkin and other cheap ingredients. In addition to that, people also thought that the better the quality
  • 11. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce out of this perception among its customers. Kissan decided to find a way out to communicate to the customers the quality of the tomatoes it uses. (ii) Strategy and Results: Kissan came out with the unique concept of Grow what you eat. Eat what you grow. The company tweaked its ketchup bottle a bit to accommodate tomato seeds in every bottle. Further, a fictitious farmland named kissanpur was created, and all its customers (specially mothers along with their children) were encouraged to show these seeds and grow tomato plants. Also, everyone was encouraged to interact and share their progress though the website- 2. Tools to Listen
  • 12. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce provide a quick and an effective way to collect, process and analyze the huge amounts of data generated as shown in figure; Figure Main Functions of Listening Tools Trade Sites Twitter New Sites Blogs Press Face- book Forums Review Sites Collection Processing Analysis
  • 13. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce Some free listening tools which marketers must utilise are as follow: a. Google Alerts: Google Alerts is a free content change detection and notification service. The website is Once the search term (s) are defined, any new content found or change recognised related to the defined search term is notified via e-mail. The new content found could be blogs, news articles, scientific papers, etc. The user receives an alert email about the latest news, articles the topic. The email frequency and other aspects can be customised as per the user’s requirement. b. Google Trends: Google Trends is a web facility which shows how often a term is searched,
  • 14. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce the trends in general and also the industry-specific trends in particular. For example, if one is working in the education industry and would like to compare the popularity of Engineering, MBBS, and MBA degrees, Google Trends could be put to use. Further, this data can also be customized as per time, geography, search media (YouTube, News, Images, etc.) and categories (arts, entertainment, automotive, etc.) based on one’s requirement. For example, if one is operating in the sports industry, the latest happening and trending topics related to sports could be accessed through Google Trends. c. Twitter Search: Twitter is a powerful media of expression for the public. With over 500 million tweets everyday, it is a powerhouse of opinion and information. Filtering and finding
  • 15. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce the right data from this huge stack of information can easily be done through the Twitter Advanced Search feature. This feature can be used to generate leads, know the statement around the brand, reach out to dissatisfied customers, etc. For example, a freelance graphic designer based on Bengaluru is looking for prospective clients. Setting up a Twitter search with the query, ‘graphic designers in Bangalore?’ will give the results. d. Social Mention: Social Mention is an online media search engine that searches the user-generated content such as blogs, videos, comments, news articles, social media posts, etc., and drives meaningful insights useful to the social media marketer. This search can further be filtered based on various aspects using the advanced search
  • 16. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce are – (i) strength, (ii) sentiment, (iii) passion, and (iv) reach. They have been discussed in detail in the following section: (i) Strength: Strength is the likelihood that the keyword is being discussed on social media. (ii) Sentiment: It is the ratio of positive to negative mentions on social media. For example, 4:1 ratio implies that for every four positive mentions, there is 1 negative mention. (iii) Passion: It is the measure of the likelihood that individuals talking about the keywords will repeatedly talk about it. For example, the passion score of 30 percent indicates that considerable fewer people repeatedly talk about the keyword i.e., every mention about keyword on social media are by a different user. (iv) Reach: Reach is the measure of the range of influence. The reach of 61 percent implies that out of every 100 mentions, 61 mentions are by 61 unique
  • 17. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce Now, the processed and analyzed data can be used to gain valuable insights about various aspects that could impact the advertiser’s organization. 3. Features of Social Media Listening Tools Some of the features of social media tools that give valuable insights are as follows: a. Monitor Keywords: Social Media Tools provide automated platforms for monitoring key words relevant to a brand. The key words may include brand mentions, industry related keywords, any complaints, or feedback about the brand, etc. Monitoring all these keywords is very important for reputation management and understanding the general sentiment around the brand.
  • 18. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce b. Measure Performance: Social media campaign effectiveness is often measured through various metrics which are described in the later. These performance metrics can be readily calculated and accessed in real time using comprehensive data visualization techniques. Dashboards for each campaign and each platform can be created for microanalysis. These dashboards can be used to measure the reach; conversions, lead generated, etc., from a social media post. c. Track Trends: Trends are very valuable to a social media market. These trends, when incorporated into the social media marketing activity, will help in reaching to the audience quickly and organically.
  • 19. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce marketing methodology. For example, live video streaming of events on social media platforms, use of artificial intelligence bots to address customers, personalized marketing etc. The second type of trends is some idea or concept which have caught the attention of a large number of users. These may or may not be related to a brand or industry. For example Gangnam Style dance, Ice Bucket Challenge, etc. Further, continuous monitoring of the industry trends and keywords will help to keep track of the trendsetters in the industry. These trendsetters are often the key influencers and could be used to reach a larger audience. Let us now examine the influencers from a theoretical lens. (i) Influencers in Social Media Strategy: The most important element in a network is an influencer. They can be loosely defined as individuals who have the
  • 20. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce on the spread of information. Influencers seems to possess a set of related but differentiated attributes, usually credibility, expertise, connectivity or centrality. Credibility is an indicator of affective trust while expertise is more related to cognitive aspects of trust. Centrality is related to the importance of the individual within the network while connectivity is an indicator of cohesiveness of the network. These attributes allow them to influence a disproportionately large number of others. Anybody can be an influencer owing to their set of attributes. An everyday individual communicating with their friends might have credibility within their group. Subject matter experts and public figures may have credibility as well as connectivity and centrality. But these individuals
  • 21. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce they can influence. The question then is who is better posited to seed new content online – a friend with credibility or a public figure with connectivity? Academic literature does not agree on who is more important or cost effective. We will examine below which route to take depending on the brand’s objective. Influence can be either direct or indirect through a ‘cascade of influence’. Flower and Christakis (2003) intuitively explain this idea through a comparison - like when a stone is thrown in a pond, the ripples will be smaller and smaller as one moves outwards. Typically the strongest ‘network’ effects are directly with friends (one degree of separation). That is, a closer friend might find an individual more credible and be more influenced by them. These effects also
  • 22. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce (three degrees). This also means the individual will be connected to only so many people – limiting their reach to only those who are part of their network. Granovetter (1973) explored direct influence through small –scale interaction based on the strength of relationships between two individuals or ‘dyadic ties’. Granovetter argues that the stronger the tie between two individuals are, the more their friendship network overlap. Stronger ties will hence limit the spread of information as people only spread information they think nobody else knows about. Individuals not directly linked to influencer can still be influenced. In this case the influencers are the
  • 23. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce However, the importance of opinion leaders in a social network does not lie in formal power or prestige (Nisbet and Kotcher, 2009). Instead it is their ability to serve as a ‘connective communication tissue that alert their peers to what matters among political events, social issues, and consumer choices’. These influencers will interpret media information they receive or their own personal experiences and then pass it to others. This means that content may not always reach the public directly. This is the idea of the two-step flow theory (Katz and Lazarsfeld, 1955) – opinion leaders receive the information first, who will then mediate the transmission of information to those connected to them. These intermediaries are essential for a very important reason – that it is not
  • 24. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce theory suggests the opinion leader is an ‘intermediary’. This means that an opinion leader can be invaluable in shaping online conversations strategically. d. Decision Making: According to e-marketer, 49 percent of the marketing executives use social media to make critical decisions and better understand customers, products, and markets. The social media tools come in handy to understand if there is buzz about the brand or not, if the sentiment is positive or negative, what are the brand associations, are these associations the key evaluative criteria for a category? These insights help in identifying the objectives of social media strategy. For instance if buzz is less then the objective could be to increase it, if the sentiment is negative then the objective could be to convert negative attitude into positive, or if the brand association is weak then the objective is to strengthen
  • 25. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce predict the future happenings. By using this, the tools will be able to suggest the best time to post on different platforms, predict best demographics for social media marketing etc. 4.1.2 Goal Setting: Based on the results of the listening exercise, one can generally arrive at a set of positive and negative sentiments prevailing about their brand in the market. The goals should be set to strengthen the positive notions about the brand further and eliminate any negative views. Also, in specific cases, goal setting may involve bringing in view perceptions about the brand among the various stakeholders. At times, goal setting may also include brand repositioning. 4.1.3 Strategy: After defining a set of goals to achieve,
  • 26. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce consists of three main parts – (i) content strategy, (ii) target group, and (iii) platform. Let us discuss them in detail in this section. (i) Content Strategy: Content strategy forms the heart and soul of social media marketing. It is the art of creating valuable content for the target audience. An ideal content strategy is one, which receives ‘word-of-mouth publicity’ (earn media) from key influencers in the industry. This is only possible when the content is really compelling. The only way to do this successfully is to create content which satisfies the following three criteria and is at the intersection of them, as shown in figure in next slide. The criteria are that the content should:
  • 27. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce • Be unique to the organization. • Resonate with the audience interests. The international shipping company ‘Maersk Line’ crafted a unique story about transporting a giraffe named Nakuru. This story gained immense attention and became viral. Figure: Content Strategy Customer Resonate Competition: Unique to the organization Company : in line with the brand story, vision and mission
  • 28. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce a. 70/20/10 Content Approach: 70/20/10 approach is a simple framework which will help to craft a balanced content strategy. Having the same kind of content always may not be appealing to the audience. On the other hand, always trying to experiment with the new type of content may be risky and may not be practically feasible. The 70/20/10 approach trying to solve this paradox and helps to strike a balance in terms of the type of the content developed. According to this approach, the content developed should be of three variants in different proportions. The three variant are as follow: (i) Low -Risk Content: This should constitute about 70 percent of the content. It should mostly have everyday content mostly for customer
  • 29. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce should be medium risk content i.e. innovative, it should create deep involvement and help attain scale. (iii) High-Risk Content: The high risk content should constitute about 10 percent of the content and must be used to create expectations upfront. It has equal chances of success and failure, and each of them should be looked from a learning perspective. b. 50-50 Content: As a rule of thumb, not more than 50 percent of the content must be brand related. The other 50 percent should be non-branded and should be a mix of humour, entertainment, monthly themes, seasonal themes, product updates, current affairs, etc. c. Brand Mnemonic: A mnemonic is a learning technique that aids memory. They are strong communication tools which help in quick brand association and brand recall.
  • 30. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce quick brand association and brand recall. Also, these mnemonics help in defining the brand character and building the brand image. Brand mnemonics may include logos, taglines, brand mascots, etc. Some of the example are: (i) Marlboro: Marlboro’s brand mnemonic is a cowboy in American countryside that depicts a world existing in the American psyche and whose values are freedom, ruggedness and individualism. The viewers thus perceive the brand Marlboro as free, rugged, and individualistic. Marlboro uses this brand mnemonic in its social media and marketing communication. (ii) McDonald’s: The famous McDonald’s clown with
  • 31. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce d. Brand Story: Simon Sinek, the author of Start With Why, says, ‘People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.’ A brand story answers the latter part of the statement. It tends to communicate with the customer, what the brand believes in and the unique reason for the existence of the brand. The fonts used, the colours used, the type of image used, the marketing messages etc., often are means of conveying the brand identity and play a major role in defining the brand story. e. Engagement Ladder: The customer interaction can range from tactical to strategic. The varying levels of interaction with the organization are structurally defined using the social media engagement ladder. Figure represent the engagement ladder. Further, each step is explained. (i) Rating and Reviews: The ideal customer is not one who buys in big volumes but one who posts rating and
  • 32. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce influence hundreds of other people. For example, every time someone buys a product on its website, Amazon asks them to rate the product, which takes a few seconds. Further, it slowly increases the level of engagement by asking the customer to write a review, which takes a few minutes. Ratings and reviews from an important part of a brand’s after sales strategy. Figure: Social Media Engagement Ladder Product Brand Eg: Lego Advertisement Eg: Boeing
  • 33. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce (ii) Discussions: The next step in engagement is to involve the customers more actively in discussions. This is done through the creation of a question-and- answer platform within the website or through a blog. Often, experts may also step in to answer customer queries. This is again done by Amazon on their website. One can post queries regarding the product on the product page. Also, Home Depot Ask is another example. Home Depot has created a community of users to help each other. (iii) Ideas: At times, companies crowd source idea. Through this mode of engagement, companies get to know the pulse of the customer and can plan their research and development activities
  • 34. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce and develop a new products. Dell has earned 10 million dollars revenues by converting Ideastorm ideas into reality. (iv) Advertisements: Organization can involve their audience in the creation of the advertisement. This helps to develop an emotional connect with the advertisement. For example, Chrysler supplied graphics, music, photos, and video clips and asked the audience to make an ad. The best ads would be part of the Super Bowl commercials. Kraft Food also crowd sourced advertisement. (v) Brands: Brands can engage customers even before the product launch. It can help in creating initial buzz and emotional connect with the product. One such example is of the Boeing Dreamliner.
  • 35. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce around 500,000 votes cast online from 160 countries. (vi) Products: The highest level of customer engagement is by making the customer an integral part of product development. Through this, the customers’ interest in the product rises as they are involved in the development process. For example, Peugeot invited the online audience to submit new car designs, attracting 4 million page views. Further, the company built a prototype and asked software developers to put it into a video game. Lego is another classic example. Lego building blocks were popular only among boys. They did listening exercise and found consumer insight that girls also like to build but while boys build outside their homes, girls like to build inside homes. Logo
  • 36. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce girls and today the company has a wide variety of toys for girls. Other few notable points about the content are as follows: • It should include things such as quotes, contents, myths/facts, humour, festivals and offline initiatives. • It should never be recycled, rather, it should be reimagined. • It should be rich with images and visually appealing content. • It should initiate conversations, and customer engagement must be the key driver. • It should aim at developing an emotional connect with the customer. f. Context in Content Strategy: Context form a critical part of the entire content strategy, especially ‘news
  • 37. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce chance of backlash if the message is not communicated properly. Also, the message should be such that it does not hurt the market sentiments. Most successful social media campaigns have always turned the current happenings to their advantage. This is best seen in AMUL advertisement. Aligning one’s content with the existing market happenings puts their social media activity directly into context, and the content activity grows with the growing buzz about the context. On the other hand, setting up the context inorganically, not in coherence with the market requires immense effort and huge budgets. The campaign, in that case, would be a new trendsetter. This is generally done by big brands during new
  • 38. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce exercises. 2. Target Group: Clearly defining and targeting a specific set of the audience will help one promote the most relevant aspects of their business to each set of audience. These sets of the audience may be the general public, employees, customers, opinion leaders, investors etc. The content strategy should be different for different target audiences. The content that will appeal to customers is very different from the content that will appeal to opinion leaders or general public. For example, table in next slide shows the interests of various sets of audiences. Marketers often fail in social media because they do not segment target audiences and do not customize the content according to the target audiences.
  • 39. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce social media strategy might help in identifying the right target group: • Who are the best or most profitable clients? • Which group of customers makes up the bulk of the business? • What do all these customer have in common? Next, asking questions about the various demographic and psychographic factors will help in targeting people Audience Interests Customers Product benefits, product features, discounts, price, delivery, warranty, data about sales figures, etc. Opinion leaders Industry insights, forecasts, new product development, innovations, comparative study, trends, analyst reports, etc. General Public Humour, entertainment, CSR activity, community engagement, etc.
  • 40. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce interests. For example, • What are the age range and median age? • Is the group primarily male or female? • Are they urban dwellers or suburbanites? • Are they highly educated? • What are their special hobbies or interest? • What is their income range? To sum it up, the concept of one recipe for all does not work in the world of social media marketing. 3. Platform: Different target groups are present in different concentrations on various social media platforms. It is essential to reach out to the chosen target group on the right platform, else all
  • 41. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce the efforts and spending may be in vain. For example, if the target audience is opinion leaders. Twitter may be the platform of choice; if the target audience is general public, Facebook may be the apt choice; and for a B2B company targeting consumers, LinkedIn may be more relevant. Moreover, the mood of the audience on various platforms is also an important factor to be considered. For example, an investor might be active on both ‘Facebook’ and ‘LinkdIn’. But, in general people are more entertainment oriented while surfing through Facebook and business oriented while scrolling through LinkdIn. Thus, the chances of conversation of a post targeted at
  • 42. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce Further, in the case of psychographic targeting, the youth could be targeted on the latest social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram, whereas the elderly population could be targeted on Facebook and Twitter. 4.1.4 Implementation: Planning only solves half the problem, it is implementation which is the key to success. In the case of social media, implementation consists of two parts- (i) timely posts, and (ii) reaction checks. 1. Timely Posts: Analytics must be used to identify the right time to post. The content should be scheduled at apt and regular intervals. This schedule may include the date, time, theme of the post, person/team responsible, etc. This activity is
  • 43. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce (i) Buffer: Buffer ( is a tool for managing and scheduling the social media activities across various social platforms. It also helps to drive traffic and increase fan engagement by publishing content at best possible time. It has a 14-day free trial version and a paid version. (ii) TweetDeck: TweetDeck ( is a dashboard application for effective management of multiple twitter accounts. It can also be used for scheduling tweets. Also, it can be used to track real-time conversations the advertiser or their organization is interested in.
  • 44. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce • Theme of the post. • The person/team responsible. • Post title. • Submission date. • Posting date and time. • Link to post. 2. Reaction Checks: In social media marketing, reaction check fall under the category of crisis management. At times, although well-planned, some social media posts may backfire. In order to avoid excessive damage, the audience’s reaction to every post should be assessed. This is better explained with the help of the following example. Consider the OLA cabs’ YouTube ad campaign video titled ‘Micro Stories: Too Expensive to take Girlfriend Out on a Date?”
  • 45. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce This video faced huge backlash on twitter, as the audience perceived it as sexist and demeaning the independence of women. OLA cabs were quick to respond, and immediately took off the ad and could minimize the damage caused. 4.1.5 Measure: Measurement of social media performance is still evolving. There is no one fixed method for assessing success/failure and different companies use different methods. A better approach would be to define the measurement metrics right at the beginning while deciding the campaign goals. This is better explained in Table through hypothetical example in the next slide. The campaign will be considered a success if the
  • 46. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce measure the performance of a campaign are: • Conversation Rate: Number of comments/reach. • Amplification Rate: Number of share or re- tweets/reach. • Applause Rate: Number of likes or favorites/reach. Calculating these three metrics will help in measuring Goal Outline Goal Defined as Measurable Metrics Increase the brand reach Achieve 100 brand mentions through re- tweets, Get 50 shares/post on Face-book. Recruit through employee referrals. Receive 100 employee referrals. Get customer feedback about a product/Get customer inputs for a new product R & D Get the survey form filled by 1000 prospective customers.
  • 47. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce of the fans. These can further be calculated on page level and post level. While the page-level analysis gives the overall picture of the social media engagement with the fan page, the post-level analysis helps in understanding the performance of each post. The post- level analysis also helps in knowing which kind of posts work and which do not. Apart from these, there are two more derived metrics to evaluate the social media performance- (i) engagement rate, and (ii) economic value. (i) Engagement Rate: Engagement rate is the sum of likes, comments, and shares as a percentage of reach. Thus, engagement rate can be expressed using the following formula:
  • 48. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce Total Interactions (e.g. Likes + Shares + Comments on FB post) Engagement Rate = Total Reach(Number of people who viewed the post) Weights can be given to different types of engagement (for example four to share, two to comment and one to like) to calculate weighted score and that can be divided by reach to arrive at an engagement rate. At times, while comparing the engagement rates of various competitors, we do not have the data about the denominator (Total Reach) in the above formula. In such cases, either we calculate weighted average engagement score per post or we calculate the average number of likes per post, the average number of comments per post, and the average number of shares or re-tweets per post. Alternatively, we can use the total
  • 49. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce Total Interactions (e.g. Likes + Shares + Comments on FB post) Engagement Rate = Total Fans (Number of people who likes the FB fan post) (ii) Economic Value: It refers to the economic value per visitor for social media considering both macro and micro conversion. Thus economic value can be expressed as: Economic Value = Short-term Revenue + Long-term Revenue In this formula: Short-term Revenue is the revenue generated due to macro conversation i.e., conversations which lead to an immediate revenue generation activity. This, in general, includes such as the immediate purchase of a product. Long-term Revenue is the revenue generated due to
  • 50. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce immediately, but in the long term. This includes activities such as subscribing to the monthly newsletter, requesting for a quotation, etc. These act may lead to the purchase of the product/service in the long term. Table outline the differences between short-term and long-term revenues. Further, the economic value per lead generated from social media can be measured by calculating the economic value of conversions as a percentage of the total social media leads. This can be expressed as: Short-term Revenue Long-term Revenue Macro Conversions Micro Conversions When someone pre-orders the phone When some-one goes through the brochure or subscribes for an alert when the phone is ready for sale.
  • 51. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce Total Value of Conversions Value Per Lead Generated = Total Number of Leads Here, the total value of conversions is calculated as the product of a number of conversions and the value of each conversion. Moreover, the value per lead generated can be calculated separately for each platform, and the values obtained for different platforms could be used to see which platform has higher value per lead. For example: Total Value of Conversions
  • 52. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce Similarly, value per lead generated for other platforms such as Twitter (Vt), LinkdIn (Vl), Instagram (Vi) could be calculated, and these values (Vf, Vt, Vl, Vi) can be compared to check for the platform with the highest value per lead. 4.1.6 Improve: Once the results are measured and compared with the goals, the next focus should be on restructuring the strategy to meet the goals. If the goals are met, then, the listening exercise should be repeated to establish new goals and a new campaign to meet these goals. Thus, the social media strategy cycle is completed. At any point in time, an organization’s social media team should be actively performing any one of the steps. It is a continuous process, and there is always scope for improvement. Organization may even at times in parallel execute multiple campaigns on different
  • 53. Face-book Marketing 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce Introduction Face-book is the most widely used social media platform with over 1.7 billion active users. A repository of people and their choice, this platform is a boon to marketers. With an ambition to improve the laundry experience of Singaporeans, a laundry service company was started in 2014 which leveraged mobile technology to create an efficient and hassle free experience. Like any other startup, the company wanted to find new customers and increase sales. To realize this goal, the company decided to use Face-book as their primary marketing platform. They introduced a Face-book campaign which was run for four months. During this period, the company created its online community from scratch, using Face-book to establish its brand identity in Singapore. It posted 2-3 times a week on its Face-book
  • 54. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce company news and photos from staff events or community projects to showcase the human side of the brand. The four month campaign achieved fantastic results, which are as follow: • 4× increase in customers (from 500 to over 2000). • 30 × percent month-on-month sales increase during the campaign. • 3 × return on ad spend. • 5 leads generated per month during the campaign. • 7000 views for one video. This was a huge boost for a start-up. Every year, many start-ups shut down as they are unable to achieve even a fraction of the aforementioned
  • 55. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce special about Face-book that it could give the much needed ‘fillip’ to this start-up? In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg along with four other Harvard mates launched Facebook as ‘The Facebook’ in a dorm room. Initially, it was a social networking platform only for the Harvard community. Over time, it expanded to other Colleges and Universities and further to the world for public access. Today, Facebook is revolutionizing the way in which people and business interact. It is a huge storehouse of information about people, their likes and dislikes, etc. 5.1 Face-book for Business Facebook Business is an effective digital marketing platform. Most marketers consider it a part of their digital marketing plan. This
  • 56. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce section explains the different components of Face- book marketing. 5.1.1 Face-book Fan Engagement: The number of users on Face-book is increasing exponentially with each passing day. The enormous volume of content generated may make Face-book newsfeed overcrowded. Hence, there is a need for some filter. As per Face-book, without filter, users may see around 1500 posts in their newsfeed on an average. It is reduced to 300 posts by applying the filter called as EdgeRank Algorithm. For a page, the algorithm works in such a way that typically a post by business can reach only about two percent of its fans. 1. EdgeRank Algorithm: EdgeRank algorithm decides what is displayed in the newsfeed and how high it is to be placed. Every activity on Face-book, be it status update, like, comment is called an edge. EdgeRank is the sum of edges that the edge in question has. Each Edge is made up of three major factors: (i)
  • 57. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce EdgeRank ∑ uewede u = Affinity Score between user and edge creator w = Weight for the edge type (status, comment, like, tag, etc.) d = Time Decay Factor based on when the edge was created. a. Affinity Score: The affinity score is decided upon how often a fan interacts with the brand’s Face- book page. The mode of interaction may be liking, commenting, sharing, responding to the advertiser’s event invite, etc. It also includes the brand’s engagement with its fans. Engagement includes aspects such as replies to fans’
  • 58. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce b. Weight: Each mode of the audiences’ interaction with the post has a certain weight. In genera, the weight is Shares > Comments > Likes >Clicks. c. Time Decay: Time decay is the freshness factor of content. The most recent content gets the highest score and tend to be higher up in the news feed. As per the post gets older, it tends to be pushed down in the news feed. Along with these three major factors, hundreds of other factors are used to analyze the worth of the content. Few of the other factors are as follows: • Post which receive immense attention are checked for click baiting, and if found suspicious, they are ranked lower in the algorithm. • Post related to the current tending topic often receive higher EdgeRank scores and gain a lot of organic
  • 59. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce • Content that is highly promotional and includes marketing brochures is considerably ranked lower by Face-book. • Posts which tag other users are most likely to receive higher EdgeRank scores and thus have higher reach. • Posts in which the Face-book page admins interact with the audience by replying to their comments get higher scores and tend to have better organic reach. • Text-only content receive lower scores, whereas posts with images never put up previously on Face-book receive higher scores. After analyzing all such factors, the posts with higher EdgeRank are displaying at the top of the news feed. 2. Fan Types: Face-book fans, based on the level of management, can be divided into five categories. a. Super Fans: They have bought from you and influenced others to buy from you. Have given permission for data also. b. Purchasing Fans: They have bought from you and given permission for data. c. Advocate Fans: They have spread word of mouth about you and grown your fans.
  • 60. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce e. Potential Fans: They are friends of your fans. This conversion of potential fans to customers can be done either organically, through word-of-mouth publicity or inorganically, through paid media on Face-book. 3. Organic Marketing: Organic Marketing on Face-book is becoming more and more competitive with the increasing number of online businesses. As per the Analytics and Reporting firm Locowise, Face-book pages with less than 1000 likes have 22.8 percent reach. This is because, pages with lower number of fans have mostly organically built up fans who are interested in the work done by the organization and thus follow every step keenly. The aforementioned algorithm created a chaos in the marketing world since despite spending lot of dollars
  • 61. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce companies were unable to reach their fans. To tackle such intense competition, Face-book, VP Brian Boland says, ‘Publish great content-content that teaches people something, entertains them, makes them think or, in some other way, adds value to their lives.’ Great content, which is interesting to the users, will provoke them to interact with the content in some way and will further help in increasing the organic reach, thus overcoming the limited reach problem. This lands us into the 3E strategy for Face-book content marketing. 4. 3E Strategy for Organic Content: The three parts of the organic content are- (i) excite, (ii)
  • 62. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce We will now discuss these parts of the strategy in detail. (i) Excite: Millions of people post content on Face-book every day, but only about 300 posts make it to each user’s newsfeed. Therefore, in such a cut-throat competition, a good post is one which can grab the audiences’ attention in the initial 2 or 3 seconds. Having an attention-grabbing headline is one such way, as; ‘Beat the Heat’ summer special, ‘water Melon”. The content should be such that the target audience relate to it instantly. (ii) Entertain: Most people use social media to distract themselves from their regular work and relax. As a Face-book marketer, it is essential to keep in mind that the posts serve this purpose. Entertainment need not necessarily be fun or humorous. It could also include facts, stories, pictures, etc. which people can
  • 63. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce the audience may sometimes annoy them. It is thus judicious to combine entertainment with education. In case of niche businesses, it is important that the posts are informative and can also solve problems of the fans. Apart from the 3E strategy to develop organic content, there are few other content marketing ideas that can help to increase a business organic reach. 5. Evergreen Content: The content which receives high engagement rates even after long periods of posting it is known as evergreen content. Such content is highly valuable to a digital marketer, since it is possible to analyse the uniqueness of such posts and develop other content around them. This will help increase the organic reach of the posts. Such content may be posted multiple times, to reach people in different time
  • 64. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce 6. Content with Human Touch: At times, it is essential to shift from the regular promotional posts and add some human touch to the Face-book page. It can be done by simply posting about an event which happened at the office or a fun trip the employee went to. Little things like addressing the fans by their names in the comments section also help in a big way. 7. Emotions and Content Virality: Marketers wish that their content goes viral so that it reaches as many people as possible. Virality is the extent of influence of social media information. The question then is what makes content go viral? The direct measures of virality, according to research are the total number of views, share or votes for posts. They have also used time taken to attain certain thresholds as a strong predictor of virality. There are three points of focus here- (i) who spread the content i.e., network structure; (ii) why do
  • 65. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce about the content that makes it more influential i.e., the ability to raise sentiment. As we have already discussed influencers in the chapter on social media strategy, let us focus on the motivations for sharing and the effect of the ability to raise sentiment on content sharing. a. Motivations: Content can be broadly classified into two divisions- (i) practically useful and (ii) emotionally potent. It is also possible that these may overlap. Users often share content that they think is practically useful. This kind of sharing can be for altruistic reasons, for self-enhancement purposes or for social bonding. Homans (1958) had argued that individuals share practically useful content as it has a social exchange value. Research has also found that people may share it to generate reciprocity. The second argument is that individual share content for self-enhancement. Like the clothes they wear or the brand they use to exhibit their self-image, consumers share viral content to represent their identity to others, especially when they feel that it matches their perception of themselves. In a group, people may share emotionally charged content to
  • 66. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce b. Sentiments: Bruni et al. (2012) analyze multimedia content on Twitter and identify these intuitive patterns- (i) post with a link to photos or videos are re-tweeted more than those without a link, (ii) posts linking photos are re-tweeted more than posts linking videos, and (iii) post linking videos leads to more sentiment arousal than posts linking photos. There are two conclusions that we can draw from these findings. Individuals find it more rewarding to share content that has pictures or videos because these communicate the message better. But we find that videos are re-tweeted less than pictures- probably because it takes a longer time to watch the videos till completion; a picture is much easier. Then what about the videos that are re-tweeted? These are re-tweeted despite the time investment needed from the user to watch because it evokes powerful sentiment. This is a strong indicator that
  • 67. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce valence, strong or weak in arousal (activation). Research finds that positive content is more viral than negative content. However, more than valence, literature identifies ‘activation’ of emotion as a stronger predictor. Literature on emotion identifies awe (positive), anger (negative) and anxiety (negative) as high arousal sentiments. Sadness was found to be a low arousal emotion. Content that evokes either awe/anxiety is reported to be more viral. Content that evokes sadness is less viral. All these factors are good indicators of what makes people share certain content, and provide insight into designing effective viral marketing campaigns. 8. Paid Marketing: Paid marketing is a boon for all those companies which would like to reach out quickly to a large set of audience. It helps to build up a huge fans
  • 68. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce done by running ad campaigns for various purposes. 5.2 Anatomy of an ad Campaign The structure of a Face-book ad campaign is defined in three levels. They are- (i) ad campaign, (ii) Ad set, and (iii) Ad. 5.2.1 Ad Campaign: The Face-book ad campaign is the foundation stone for ads. It is at this level that the end goals of running ads such as getting more page likes, app installs etc., are defined. Further optimization of the ad in the next two stages depends on what the company choose as their objective to be at this level. 5.2.2 Ad Set: At the set level, a business defines
  • 69. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce bidding, scheduling, pricing, delivery, etc. All these techniques help to focus the ad on a certain set of audience as per the company’s requirement. An ad campaign can have multiple ad sets, each with a different combination of optimization techniques. 5.2.3 Ad: The ad is what the audiences see. It may include the ad creative, videos, images, text, call-to- action buttons, etc. Also, there can be multiple ads within a single ad set. The ad design is a very crucial aspect as it plays an important role in grabbing the customer’s attention. 5.3 Adverts Face-book Adverts refer to the advertisements on the Face-book. They are the heart and soul of the entire marketing exercise which happens on the platform. The adverts can be used in various formats for fulfillment of different objectives by organizations.
  • 70. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce 5.3.1 Types of Adverts: Now let us see different types of adverts and how they can be mapped to different marketing objectives. 1. Page Post Engagement Adverts: Page Post Engagement Adverts are used to increase the audience engagement on the post. This is done through the Boost Post option on the page itself or through Ads Manager. It is recommended to use the latter as its provide more targeting and advanced setting options. By boosting, a post gets more people to see, like, comment on and share the page’s content on Face-book. It can also be used to introduce the business to new audiences. Moreover, boosting also helps in gaining insights
  • 71. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce 2. Page Like Adverts: Page Like Advert is an advertisement to inorganically get more people to like fan page. This is specially useful because, in a way, it reduces the need for page post engagement adverts. In other words, higher the number of fans there are on the page, higher is the organic reach of the post, and consequently, higher are the chances of people engaging organically. 3. Website Clicks and Conversions Adverts: Face- book provides the option to run advertisements to redirect people to the company’s website. Whenever, users click on the ad, they are redirected to the website. Further, it is also possible to track conversions after landing on to the site. This can be done by simply inserting a snippet of code to the HTML of the website.
  • 72. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce access the internet through mobile device. Considering this, engagement on mobile is increasingly becoming important for businesses. Face-book’s app installs and engagement adverts enable the business to connect with audiences who are most likely to install the business app. Also, these types of adverts can be used to promote user activity on the app such as making a purchase, booking a service or playing a game. Detailed reports about the user activity can also be obtained to know the bottlenecks for conversions on the application. 5. Video Adverts: Video is not only the most effective way of storytelling but is also the easiest way to build an emotional connect with the consumer. People spend more than 100 million
  • 73. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce with drama unfolding can capture the attention of viewers and help in achieving business outcomes. These video adverts can help in communicating the brand’s story and raising awareness about the brand. 6. Carousel Format Adverts: The Carousel Format Adverts allows showcasing multiple products in a single advert or developing a story across multiple images in a single advert. They are the most cost effective form of adverts because at the cost of a single advert unit multiple messages can be delivered to the audience through multiple images. 7. Dynamic Adverts: Often, when as audiences search for a flight ticket or try to book a hotel, they see corresponding adverts all over their Face-book news feed. Such advertisements shown by Face-book fall under the Dynamic Adverts category. Businesses
  • 74. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce can promote relevant products to audience who have browsed their website or mobile app in the past. Further, these types of adverts help in personalizing ads per their interest of the audience. For example, while studying about Forex trading, I researched online about the various Forex brokers and platforms. Couple of hours later, I found the advert of a Forex company in my Face-book new feed. Many a times, the products an audience searches for on Amazon, instantly shows up as product advertisements from Amazon in their Face-book news feed. These adverts are also dynamic adverts, but just that businesses need to upload a catalogue of products they would like to promote. Whenever a user views a product on the business
  • 75. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce adverts are very effective in driving sales, as the audience see only adverts related to the products they have recently browsed or have shown interest in. 8. Lead Adverts: Lead Adverts specifically help in generating leads for businesses. They help in creating contact forms in the adverts that are pre- populated with contact details such as email addresses. Face-book’s Lead Adverts provide people with a quick and safe way to sign up to receive information from businesses, such as newsletters, offers and quotes. 9. Canvas Adverts: Canvas is an immersive mobile- only advert for businesses to showcase their products or communicate their brand story. It is a combination of images, videos and call-to-action
  • 76. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce load quickly (nearly 10 times faster than the mobile browser) so that users can browse through the contents, slide through the carousel of images, zoom, tilt and view panoramic images of the canvas and have a seamless experience. It is like a mini site within Face- book. Its advantage is that the user need not go outside Face-book as the ad in preloaded on to the Face-book platform. 10. Offer Claim Adverts: These adverts are designed particularly to communicate to the customers any discount/offers that might be running on the products/services. Whenever audiences claim an offer, they are redirected to the online store to shop and the related offer is applied at checkout. Offer claim adverts are most effective in boosting sales-they have better
  • 77. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce 11. Local Awareness Advert: Local Awareness Adverts enables hyper local businesses to reach audiences nearby their business, thus increasing foot falls. They allow inclusion of specialized options like a ‘Get Direction’ button, to help the audience locate the business. Businesses can do radius targeting to reach people near them. It is good for businesses that wish to encourage footfalls in their stores, malls, restaurants. 5.3.2 Adverts Targeting: After selecting the right type of advert for the business, reaching out to the right people is critical for success of the advert. This can be done through Face-book adverts’ audience targeting option. 1. Custom Audience: Custom audience are specific set of people who have interacted with a business previously on Face-book or any other platform in one way or the other. In other words, by
  • 78. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce choosing to show an advert to custom audiences, businesses can show the advert to people who have downloaded their app, visited their website, commented on a post on their Face-book fan page, downloaded an e-Book from their website, etc. Custom audiences can be created from four major sources- (i) Customer file, (ii) website traffic, (iii) app activity, and (iv) engagement on Face-book. (i) Customer File: Custom audience can be created from the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) data of the business. It can also be generated by integrating the CRM data from other third party software like Sales force, MailChimp, Zapier, etc. The data set of customers the business
  • 79. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce Continue... various aspects of this data such as phone number, date of birth, email id, first name, last name, Face-book app user id etc. and maps it with the Face-book profile of the customer. After customer profile mapping, the adverts are shown to those customer only. For example, a car dealer has data about customers who have taken a test drive. He/She can show ads to these users on Face-book. Furthermore, Face-book allows businesses to sort the entire set of CRM customers into buckets, based on their interests. For example, a set of customers are interested in badminton, another set who are movie buffs. Business can do custom advertising by combining CRM data with Face-book’s API to create a personalization server combining CRM data with user’s profile and interest information on Face-book. They can offer free one-year badminton academy membership to
  • 80. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce grater chances of conversion. (ii) Website Traffic: In order to generate custom audience based on website traffic, Face-book tracks all the people visiting the business website. In the process, a dynamic database of audience is generated and the adverts are displayed to the people on this database. For tracking people visiting or acting on the website, Face-book requires the business to add a Face-book pixel on to their website. Apart from tracking the audience, the pixel also helps in generating dynamic adverts. (iii) App Activity: This mode of generating custom audience allows to build up a very niche database of people who take an action on the app. This can be done by simply integrating the Face-book SDK with the app. For example, by using this, businesses can generate a database of people who rate their app, who viewed
  • 81. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce in the app, etc. Every time a user performs the specified action, they are added to the custom audience database. (iv) Engagement on Face-book: This is a comparatively new option for targeting custom audience. In this option, businesses can build up a database of people who have previously interact with their content on Face-book in one way or the other. Further, they can classify and build separate database of people based on the type of engagement. 2. Lookalike Targeting: This allow businesses to target people similar to their fans or similar to their custom audience, which could be based on CRM data or website visitors or users who engaged with them. This targeting method is very powerful and effective as it can expand the reach to new users who are likely to behave
  • 82. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce targeting people similar to them will have high likelihood of conversion. 3. Generic Targeting: Generic targeting works well for companies that have no specific customer database and would like to run an advert addressed to any set of audience satisfying certain criteria. It allows businesses to filter out Face-book users based on various factors and arrive at a target group for advertising. The filtering factors are as follows: a. Location: Location can be defined based on countries, states, pin codes, regions etc., and bulk locations can be added by uploading data from a spreadsheet. In addition, Face-book gives businesses the choice of including time to the location with options such as, targeting people who
  • 83. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce b. Demographics: Demographic factors such as age, gender and language can be chosen to define the target audience of the advert. 4. Detailed Targeting: Detailed targeting allows the advertiser to target audiences based on demographic such as education, field of study, school, college, workplace, etc. Face-book has factual data which is entered by users in their profiles and those can be used for targeting. The advantage is that demographic information is accurate as it is based on objective factual data and not inferred dat. Another option is to target based on interest. Face-book infers interests based on the content users’ shares and likes, pages they are fan of and interests expressed in their profile. Considering that users spend a lot of time on Face-
  • 84. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce is behavioral targeting which includes online behaviour, digital activities, device, operating systems used, etc. for targeting. Detailed targeting allows businesses to reach niche audience. For example, they can choose to target ‘people who belong to the generation X and people who are dating and people are who like coffee’ or ‘people who use Window 10 operating system and have liberal political view’. Such detailed targeting increases the conversion rate manifold. 5. Connections: Businesses can target their own fans or friends of fans to increase their customer base. They can also choose to exclude their fans. This may be relevant because organically they can reach only 2-7 percent their fans. Hence, running paid ads can help reach their fans. 6. Best Practices: Face-book provides innumerous
  • 85. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce order to reach out to the optimum set of audience. Let us look at the best practices in adverts targeting based on the advert objectives. It is advised that these objectives are to be achieved one after the other. a. Website traffic or Website Engagement: The post in this segment should be informative enough to drive customers to a business website. An already established business should focus on two major audience sets- (i) Face-book fans, and (ii) recent website visitors. But, if the company have just started and do not have enough Face-book fans or website visitors, it should focus on three aspects- (i) lookalike audience, (ii) people with similar interests as the advertiser’s business, and (iii) people with
  • 86. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce b. Page Likes: People who are most likely to like a business page are those who have interacted with them previously and have found some sort of value or interest in the content that they circulate. So, it is more advisable to run page like campaigns targeting the following- (i) recent website visitors, and (ii) custom audience. The custom audience could be people who have had any type of offline or online interaction with the business. For example, it could be the set people who have left their business cards at the company’s outlet or people who have downloaded a recent e- book. In case a business does not have enough audience
  • 87. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce and then drive them to like the page. Targeting lookalike audience might also help at times, but it is not as effective as the former method. c. Subscribe or Install Apps: The targeting for this objective should be focused, as narrow targeting increases the success rate and reduces the cost of advertising. Targeting in this case should be very specific such as- (i) people who have visited a specific page on the website, and (ii) people who have reacted to set of posts related to a topic on Face-book. By narrowing down targeting, the audience pool may limit. If a business has very few audience to target, then targeting all the website visitors might help in achieving better results. d. Sales: This is the goal every marketers tries to reach too early. All the steps previously mentioned are often ignored and marketers try to sell products to a wide set of audience and thus see poor conversion rates. These aforementioned steps set up the right platform for sales
  • 88. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce install apps, and (ii) people who have previously purchased from the company. Again, even in this case, if the business do not have sufficient number of audience to target to, it can increase the spread of its campaign by choosing the next set of audience i.e., people who have visited its website or even further, its Face-book fans. 5.3.3 Adverts Placement: The adverts on Face-book can be placed at different positions on different devices. Either Face-book can be allowed to automatically choose the best position for the adverts or businesses can choose an advert position manually. 1. Desktop News Feed: Desktop news feed refers to the posts which appear in the middle of the Face-book webpage. These adverts generally appear along with the other updates from Face-book friends and are called ‘native ads’. 2. Mobile News Feed: Mobile news feed is very much like the desktop news feed except that the adverts in this case appears in the mobile device.
  • 89. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce 3. Right Column: Right column adverts is a desktop/laptop only position. There is no such scope of advert placement in the mobile device. These right column advertisements are generally less expensive and less effective than the news feed adverts as they are non-native ads. 5.3.4 Adverts Bidding: With more than 1.7 billion monthly users and 3 million advertisers, users might often be flooded with too many adverts. Adverts bidding is Face-book’s way of channelizing these adverts and delivering them to relevant users. The Face-book Adverts’ bidding process does not declare its winner based only on the amount spent for advertising but on a total value score. This total value score is a function of the following three factors- (i) Relevance score, (ii)
  • 90. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce 1. Relevance Score: Relevance score is a Face-book metric that determines the relevance of an advert to the target audience. It is calculated based on the performance of the advert and the interaction of the audience with the advert. If the adverts relevance score is high, it is more likely to be shown to the audience. The score will range from 1 to 10 and can be determined only after the adverts has about 500 impressions. 2. Estimated Action Rate: Action rate refers to the likelihood of a user taking a positive action on a business advert to get the desired result from it. This action rate could be improved by choosing the advert objectives that align with the business goals. For example, a company in the cooking equipment segment is running two Face-book advert campaigns, one for increasing the brand awareness and the other for generating sales. Let us assume there are two sets of audience. The first set consists of people who are interested in cooking in
  • 91. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce equipment, and are derived from Face-book based on the users’ past action (the second set is generally a subset of the first set of audience and is automatically derived by face-book if the advert is targeted at generating sales.) For these two campaigns, let us see how the estimated action rate varies with the target audience. Table Goal/Target Audience Audience Interested in Cooking Audience Optimised by Face-book for Sale Generation Brand Awareness High EAR Moderate EAR Sales Generation Low EAR High EAR
  • 92. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce Table show that those adverts whose goal is to raise brand awareness have high EARs when delivered to general audience interested in cooking; whereas, adverts targeting sale generation have high EARs when delivered to audience optimized for sale by Face- book. This is how Face-book decides the estimated action rates based on the goal of the advert and the audience. Many other factors play a role in deciding the EAR. (a) Relevance Score v/s Estimated Action Rate: While relevance score is used to estimate applicability of an adverts is to the audience, estimated action rate measures the likelihood of a user performing a desired action on the advert. For example, consider you are social media manager of a company making products
  • 93. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce Table Case-1 Case-2 Relevance Score Estimated Action Score Low (as the product is not relevant to the audience and they ignore the advert) Low (once they ignore the advert, the chance of clicking on the advert is almost zero.) Relevance Score Estimated Action Score High (as the product is related to the audience and they might show some interest in the advert) Low (though the product is of interest to the audience, they might not like specific aspects of the product like the colour, design, etc., so they do not tend to take the act according to the advertiser’s desire [purchase, download brochure, etc.])
  • 94. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce 3. Advertiser Bid Rate: Advertiser bid rate is the amount the advertisers are willing to spend on an advert to achieve the targeted goal. Face-book allows to bid this rate in the following two variations: (a) Automatic Bid: The automatic bid is decided by Face- book dynamically on an auction by auction basis. In this method, the bid price is calculated with the goal of spending the entire budget throughout the advert campaign period in order to achieve the desired outcome. This automatic bidding is effective in the initial period, while the business is still figuring out the market dynamics. (b) Manual Bid: Manual bid is optimal for use, once the business figures out what works for it and what does not. In this bid, the business decides the maximum price it is willing to pay in order to achieve a goal by running an advert. Face-book optimizes the delivery of
  • 95. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce In a nutshell, the advert winner is decided based on a total value score which is derived from the three factors previously mentioned. The winning advert with the highest total value score is then delivered to the audience. It can be mathematically represented in the following manner: Total Value Score =f(Relevbance Score, Estimated Action Rate, Bid Price) An important point to be noted here is that, as the total value score varies with the aforementioned three factors, as time progresses, marketers should focus on increasing the relevance score and estimated action rate and reduce the bid price. By doing this, businesses can attain the required objectives efficiently, with lower budgets. Table will help in understanding how a marketer should target each of the factors to achieve the desired total value score, in different periods of time.
  • 96. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce Table Costing: Face-book allows businesses to choose the basis on which they would like to pay face-book for their adverts. The bid amount can be decided in majorly four different variation- (i) cost per click (CPC), (ii) Impressions (Cost Per Mille- CPM (Mille = 1000), (iii) cost per action/conversion (CPA), (iv) cost per like. 5.3.5 Adverts Budget: While all the aspects about adverts previously mentioned provide unlimited opportunities to marketers, the budget often becomes a limiting factor. Thus, there is immense need to optimize the adverts budget. Face-book allows businesses to decide their advertising budget in two different variations- (i) Daily budget. (ii) Lifetime budget. Factors/Period Relevance Score Estimated Action Rate Bid price Initial Adverts ---- ---- High In Course of Time High High Low
  • 97. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce 1. Daily Budget: Daily budget is the average amount a business might spend each day on the advert. This daily average amount is calculated over a week i.e., the budget spent on a particular day may very (maximum variation is of 25 percent) but the daily average calculated every week will remain the same. Face-book gives itself a margin of 25 percent simply because it might find better opportunities to show adverts to users some days and might not find opportunities at time. 2. Lifetime Budget: Lifetime budget is the maximum amount a business might spend during the entire duration of time it choose to run the advert. The duration of the advert can be defined, how much you’d like to spend; the actual spending may be at times lower than the prescribed amount. If Face-
  • 98. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce advert, the amount spent will not exceed the prescribed budget in any case. 5.3.6 Advert scheduling: Advert scheduling allows a business to decide on the specific hours and days of the week when the adverts will be delivered. This feature is provided to advertisers who opt for lifetime budget. Advertiser can choose the time frame in which they would like their ads to be delivered. The smallest time frame the advertiser can choose is one hour. When is the Best Time to Post Content? After looking at the schedule, the first question that arises is, how to choose a particular time slot every week from the 168 hours that is available? There is no definitive answer to this. It varies from business
  • 99. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce The best way to determine the optimum time to post content is to go through the advert insights of the past three months. Then, find the post that has had the greatest reach and highest number of impressions, and see when the better performing adverts were posted. Based on this data, the advertiser should try to draw some conclusions as to when is the best time to post content. Also, by accessing the insights page, they can see when most of their fans are online. Per a blog by Hubspot- the world’s leading inbound marketing and sales platform- if a business has just started with Face-book marketing, then 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. is the best time to post content on weekdays; and 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. during weekend. Also, it is observed that Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday get
  • 100. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce 5.3.7 Adverts Objective: Adverts objective answers the question, “Why you would like to run this campaign the first place?” Face-book broadly identified three major objectives per the needs of the advertisers. They are- (i) awareness, (ii) consideration, and (iii) conversion. These objectives have been discussed in detail in the following slide. 1. Awareness: As the name suggests, the objective in this case is to raise awareness among the audience about the business. This helps in building brand recall by showing the advert multiple times to the audience. Once this objective is selected, Face-book will optimize for building awareness. This is done through two types of adverts. They are as follow: • Brand awareness (page like advert). • Local awareness advert.
  • 101. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce 2. Consideration: After the customer come across the brand multiple times, they will need more information about the business and will want to interact with the advertiser before making a purchase. Consideration intends to fulfill this objective. The adverts responsible are explain in section 5.3.1. They are as follow: • Traffic (website click and conversion adverts) • Engagement. - Page post engagement advert. - Page promotion advert. - Offer claim advert. - Event response advert.
  • 102. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce • App installs and engagement advert. • Video views advert. • Lead generation advert. 3. Conversion: After engaging with a prospective customer, the target for any business is to purchase the brand’s product or service. Conversion could be both in-store conversions and online conversions. The three kind of adverts under this objective have been explained in section 5.3.1. They are as follows: • Conversions (website and mobile). • Product catalogue sale advert. • Store visits (Local awareness adverts).
  • 103. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce 5.3.8 Advert optimization: Advert optimization, is the act of choosing what the advertiser would want the advert to do for them. It defines how the target audiences interact with the adverts to meet the objective. Based on the advertiser’s choices, Face-book optimizes the adverts delivery for best results in the most cost efficient manner. Let us understand with the help of Table the different ways in which you can manage your advert. Table Advert objective Traffic to website Adverts Optimize for Link Clicks Impressions Daily Unique Reach Conversion Face-book deliver s the advert to people, who are most likely to click the advert and visit your website. Face-book delivers your advert as many times as possible to your audience. This in a way helps to build brand recall. The advert will shown to a user only once, thus maximizing the number of unique deliveries of the adverts. This helps in reaching new audience. The advert will be shown to people who are likely to convert on the website at the lowest cost.
  • 104. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce On the other hand, say your objective of running the advert set is conversion them to achieve these conversions, you could optimize your adverts delivery for conversions (delivery of ads to people who are most likely to click- at the lowest cost), impressions, link clicks (delivery of ads to people who are likely to click) or daily unique reach. Face-book also gives an option to optimize clicks. Clicks is often misunderstood by many marketers. Optimizing for clicks does not necessarily mean optimizing for ‘link clicks’. Here, clicks could mean any kind of click on the advert, which may be photo click, like, comment or any other random click. As a digital marketer, the advertiser can choose any one of these alternatives, for optimizing their advert. In most cases, it is better to choose the
  • 105. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce option is in accordance with their objective. The other choices become relevant especially when they are running multiple adverts with different objectives. 5.3.9 Advert Delivery: Advert delivery decides the pace of showing the ads to the target audience. Face-book allows two modes of delivery- (i) standard delivery, and (ii) accelerated delivery. (i) Standard Delivery: Standard delivery is the most widely chosen advert delivery method. Here, the adverts are shown throughout the day during the entire campaign period. (ii) Accelerated Delivery: Accelerated delivery is meant to delivery adverts to the audience as quickly as possible. This delivery method is specially useful while marketing time- sensitive events and those events which need to quickly reach their targeted audience. Manual bid pricing is required for opting for
  • 106. Continue…. 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce 5.4 Face-book Insights Face-book insights is a powerful tool which gives you the ability to use Face-book data to the advertiser’s advantage. Face-book data can be used for mainly two purposes – (i) analyzing the audience, and (ii) analyzing the fans’ activities. 5.4.1 Audience Insights: Audience insight is a tool which helps the business to learn more about a certain set of audience. It can be accessed from the search bar in the Ads Manager. The set of audiences could be Face-book fans, current customers or any other group of people on Face- book. Understanding more about a set of audience will help the advertiser tailor their advertising per their interests and choices, thus increasing the chances of conversion. The audience insights can
  • 107. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce (iv) target. Let us discuss them in detail. (i) Build: At the build stage, the advertiser needs to decide the set of audience they would like to explore further. By default, Face-book gives them 3 options to build their audience. These include everyone on Face- book, those people who are connected only with the brand’s page, and a custom audience. If the brand prefer to know in general about a typical Face-book use, then choosing everyone on Face-book will work for it. By choosing this option, the advertiser can further filter people based on their requirement. There are also some advance features for filtering people based on behaviour, interest, relationship status, device ownership, etc. (ii) Find: After selecting the audience set to build upon in
  • 108. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce advertiser needs to further narrow down on the audience set. Find helps in doing that. They can filter the audience based on various factors such as location, age, gender etc. In case of advertiser chooses the ‘people connected to your page’ option, they can choose the page for which they would like to know the audience insights. In the case of custom audience, they can choose a set of audience they had previously created based on their CRM data, email lists, phone numbers, website audience, etc, and explore the audience insights for that set. (iii) Compare: The compare option lets an advertiser compare their audience with the typical Face-book user. This exercise helps in understanding the reach potential of the advert. For example, if the characteristics of the audience set match with only five percent of the Face-
  • 109. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce (iv) Target: Once an advertiser compare their audience set with the typical Face-book user, they can modify their audience as per choice and then save this audience set for future reference. While creating a new advert, the advertiser can simply use this pre-defined audience set, thus eliminating the need for setting audience preferences again. 5.4.2 Page Insights: Face-book page insights are the best way to track the audience interaction with a brand’s Face-book fan page. With this data about audience interaction, the brand will be able to deduce various conclusions about the best time to post, content that works, people to target, etc. They will be able to understand what works for the business and what does not. Further, page insights have various tabs which are explained in the
  • 110. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce 1. Page Overview: This is a high-level overview of the page activity and the audience’s interaction with the page. It contains information of the performance of various posts of the page and the page in general. 2. Likes: Insights about page likes helps the advertiser to understand about the sources of their Face-book page likes, the number of organic and paid likes and, the number of unlike their fan page received. Knowing these metric s helps in analyzing which advert is working and which is not. 5.5 Other Marketing Tools 5.5.1 Face-book Groups: Face-book groups is useful in building the community of a brand’s
  • 111. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce feedback or provide any kind of support or assistance to them. 1. Product Sales: Face-book groups allow a brand to sell their products/services within the group. It is a completely free and highly effective method of promoting products to the people. The probability of conversion is also very high as the people in the group have already interacted with the business at least once. 2. Polls: Polls in Face-book groups allows to take feedback from the people in the group about a new product idea or an existing product. Such first-hand customer feedback is very critical for the success of the business. Also, the brand can always get one-on- one feedback about the customer’s thoughts through
  • 112. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce it to the members is a free and effective method to update all group members about an upcoming event. The advertiser can also share information about the speakers and take members’ input about what they expect from the event. Apart from using all these features for marketing purposes, a brand can also use Face-book groups for internal communication within its team. The business can invite its employees to join the group and it could be used as a communication platform for the team. It can even create and edit documents on the group. 5.5.2 Hashtags: In this method of promotion, all posts related to a topic are linked with a specific term preceded by a hashtag (#). These hashtags on Face-book are clickable and when the audience
  • 113. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce have been posted with that respective hash-tag. They can be used for the following purposes. 1.Increasing Reach: Hash-tags help to increase a brand’s reach to the audience who are browsing post related to their hash-tag. By including a hash- tag in the post, a brand can reach out to new people who would not be able to see the post otherwise. 2. Branding: Hash-tag can be used for branding purposes, specially during new product launches or during any significant changes in the business. 3. Promote Events: A third use of hash-tag is to promote special events by the business. These hash-tags, when used in all posts related to the event, helps in gaining quick publicity. For example, Unmaad- The Cultural Festival of IIMB uses the
  • 114. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce It is very important to check if the hash-tags are really improving the reach of the post. Else, a business should try a different and a more appealing hash-tag. 5.5.3 Face-book Apps: Face-book apps are optional third –party additions to Face-book pages, which allow the advertiser to customize their fan page and add special features to it so as to enhance the user experience on page. These apps can be used for different purposes as per the brand’s requirement. 1. Tab Apps: Tab Apps can be used to create customized tabs on the Face-book page of the advertiser for integrating things that are critical to the business, but are not available on the Face-
  • 115. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce social media account profiles, etc. Various third party apps such as Customize, Tab- foundry, Woobox, MailChimp, Wishpond, etc. are examples of Tab Apps. These apps may have both free and paid versions. Tab apps also allow to integrate other social media pages such as YouTube in the Face-book page. The advertiser can thus showcase video from YouTube channel and select a video that they wish to feature. Visitors can view the video without having to leave Face-book. Similarly the business can also integrate their Instagram account and show photos and videos within a tab on their Face-book page. Other social media accounts such as Twitter and Pinterest can also integrated. The advertiser can also showcase their business newsletter so that
  • 116. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce Face-book. They can also create a form so that users can subscribe to it. The tabs can also be used to provide some privileges to the existing fans as well as for acquiring new fans. The brand can fan-gate their custom tabs so that new visitors must first like the page in order to see the content on custom tabs. Tab apps also facilitate the integration of catalogues with Face-book tabs so that users can browse through, and with one click they can be redirected to website where they can buy. A restaurant’s page can have their menu on tab. Visitors can browse through it as they do on the website and can also book table and make reservations. 2. Customized Apps: Customized apps are custom- made Face-book apps by organizations that are used to serve a specific purpose. Unlike the regular third-party
  • 117. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce activity. With such high level of customization, the chances of success of a campaign are very high. On the flipside, designing customized apps requires a bit of technical expertise as they are not readily available. 5.5.4 Face-book Live: Face-book live is a feature that lets the advertiser communicate with their audience by broadcasting in real time. This can be used specially for live streaming any of the brand’s events, new product launches, broadcasting expert interviews, etc. The following is a list of things that an advertiser could do with their content from Face-book live. • Record the video, edit it and post it later on the Face- book page for audience who missed the recording. • Extract the audio from the Face-book live video, make necessary
  • 118. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce correction to the audio and then create a podcast. • Convert the podcast audio into text format and then post video captions to the recorded version of the live video. They can also create multiple blog posts with this text version of the recording. • Create an info-graphic out of the important information from this recording and post it on Face- book and other platforms. • Use excerpts from the live recording in future marketing campaigns. Face-book Live sessions can be used to promote content through multiple ways and engage audience in different formats. 5.5.5 Face-book Avatar: Face-book Avatar is a temporary profile picture Face-book users which to,
  • 119. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce support for an event or a cause. Avatar build up a lot of curiosity in the users and thereby quickly gain a lot of attention. It is thus a great way to promote a social media campaign on Face-book. One such Face-book avatar was used during the 2016 US Elections, by Hillary Clinton. People who supported her changed their Face-book profile picture to an avatar. This helped spread the word about Hillary Clinton among the friends of people who changed their profile picture. 5.6 Other Essentials Let us now examine some tools and techniques for implementing Face-book marketing. 5.6.1 Face-book Ads Manager: Face-book ads manager is the basic advert campaign creation and management tool used by relatively new advertisers who are not well versed with Face-book advertising. Its
  • 120. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce monitoring and optimizing campaign results. Though a basic tool, Face-book Ads Manager is a better tool for monitoring results, as the dash board are editable and easy to use. 5.6.2 Face-book Power Editor: Face-book power editor is an advanced tool for experienced Face- book marketers. It makes it easy for the user to handle volumes and multiple advert campaigns at once. This tool was initially introduced to easily edit advert campaigns although it serves multiple purposes now. With the power editor, marketer can easily access advanced feature like advert target duplication, simultaneous multiple advert creation, etc. 1. Ads Manager versus Power Editor- What to
  • 121. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce for most of their marketing activity and spend a very small proportion of your time on Face-book marketing should use the Face-book Ads manager. On the contrary, if the advertiser is a full-time Face- book marketer and their organization has laid big bets on Face-book marketing, then they will benefit from the use of Face-book power editor. In the long run, it is good to learn how to use the power editor, as all the new updates in advert campaign management are rolled out first on the Power Editor. 5.6.3 Useful Design Tools: 1. Powtoon: Powtoon is cloud-based software for creating animated presentations and videos, available in both free and paid versions. It is a great
  • 122. Continue… 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce and requires no technical expertise to create videos. 2. Canva: Canva is cloud based graphic design software which caters to the design needs of people who do not have any prior technical expertise in graphic design. It is simple and easy to use with a drag-and-drop interface. It can be used to edit photos, create poster, banners, info-graphics, business cards, etc. and is available in both free and paid versions. 3. Info-gram: Info-gram is an online tool used to create info-graphics, data visualizations and interactive chars. It has both free and paid versions and has a simple drag-and-drop facility. Advertiser
  • 123. LinkedIn Marketing 2/17/2021 Dr. Ravindra, Assistant Professor in Commerce Introduction LinkedIn is social networking site that has specifically proven to be valuable platform for an individual’s career and professional life. Over 467 million users in over 200 countries use LinkedIn to build their relationships with potential customers, clients, partner and colleagues. The site is dedicated to building strategic relationship that could help members in their professional lives, unlike other social networking sites where you might become ‘friends’ with anyone and everyone. LinkedIn, is the fourth fasted growing social network after Face- book, YouTube, and Twitter. Their earnings are majorly from the premium subscriptions, marketing and talent solutions. When it comes to directing traffic to the main site,