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Digital marketing is undoubtedly the major sector that is showing growth in an industry
which has struggled with the recession and resulting financial problems. Traditional
roadside billboards, print advertisements and direct mail have all suffered, but digital
alternatives are starting to become more prevalent, such as digital billboards and
transport advertisements, and advertisements in digital editions of print media, such as
mobile applications for traditional publications.
SMIT is coined from „Sales & Marketing with Information Technology‟ which aptly
defines Digital Marketing in Web 2.0 era. SMIT set up in August, 2011 is a Pvt. Ltd.
Company and hires a team of professional employees from Marketing & I.T. background
with a cumulative experience of over 45+ years. SMIT currently has office in
Ahmedabad and employs 25+ full time resources, besides 10+ virtual resources.
We had did a literature review covering various research reports and research papers that
was carried out between a duration of 2001 to 2014.Till date whatever research were
done in digital marketing is limited to only few particular areas, such as digital marketing
awareness and acceptance in the market. But no study has been conducted on digital
marketing preference, attitude and perception. So, in order to full fill this gap we had
undertaken a research on awareness, perception and comparative position of digital
marking with traditional marketing. For this purpose we had taken Ahmedabad as sample
area and divided it into two categories east & west Ahmedabad.
We have surveyed 120 industrialists, retail store and other Showroom of area of East &
West Ahmedabad. Among them most of the industrialist are doing Email Marketing.
Primary objectives behind the studies are to know perception level, awareness level of
digital marketing and maximum digital activities done by industrialist. We had used
judgemental sampling method and selection of the sample was done on two criteria. 1)
Sample selected must be from geographical area of Ahmedabad city. 2) Sample must
have industrial business & doing marketing of their product & services. Our sample is
industrialist of Ahmedabad region. We have conducted a survey of 120 samples to know
the awareness and perception of Digital Marketing. A structured questionnaire was used
as data collection instrument and analysis was done using various analytical tool such as
descriptive statistics, factor analysis, independent T-test. Study was limited to
Ahmedabad city.
For data analysis table and charts were used. Main objectives behind doing digital
marketing is for creating social/business network, drive sales, to increase visibility &
brand awareness, and engaging costumer. Drive sales is only objective for doing
business activities. Industrialists are more conscious about their market reputation, so
they are create their social/ business network using digital marketing. Mean score
analysis reveals that maximum of the respondents were agree on the matter that the reach
of digital marketing at large scale.
An independent sample T test was conducted to compare average response of
industrialist for digital marketing and traditional marketing. The testing enhances that
there is a difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing on various
dimensions such as flexibility, ROI, expected results, geographical reach, trust
worthiness and large scale of operation.
Through the study we came to know that Digital marketing is an emerging area
especially in these days of instant results. According to the result revealed from study,
we can say that most of the respondents are accepting the new way of doing the
marketing as compared to the traditional marketing. From all of the respondents most of
the people are aware about the digital marketing services and some of are using the most
of the services. Most of the respondents said that digital marketing is costly but more
flexible. Industrialist spent only 10 percentage for their digital marketing services
management from overall yearly expense. According to the study most of the
respondents are doing the search engine optimization activity and E-mail/E-newsletter
marketing activity. At the end of the research we found that still approximately 50
percentage industrialist will like to switchover from traditional marketing to digital
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
The digital revolution has impacted consumers and businesses alike. Over the past
decade technology and the way it is used has changed drastically. The Internet, once
purely a source of information has become a place where people meet to share their
stories and experiences, a platform for discussion and debate, a source of
entertainment and much more. Furthermore, the Web has several important marketing
aspects that enable companies to boost their performance: 24 hours online;
multimedia compatible; globally available; interactive; micromarketing compatible;
integration ready. (Rowley, 2004, p. 26)
As a result, the marketing profession has also changed. A variety of new tools are
available that can build brand awareness, increase brand loyalty and improve the
bottom line. Now more than ever marketers can interact with their consumers,
understand what they want and communicate the benefits of their solutions.
Furthermore, technology provides marketers with an opportunity to add value in ways
that were once unthinkable.
As more and more consumers began adapting to new technology, businesses
followed. They developed websites, set up YouTube channels and Facebook pages.
They use these tools to provide information, connect with their consumers and build
relationships that they hope will lead to new, loyal and passionate customers.
However, these tools also reflect the brand and tell consumers a great deal about the
brand. Simply creating these websites with no strategy behind them can be costly,
because as much as technology has opened many doors it is also keeping the world
more connected. Communication across continents now takes seconds, not weeks.
When consumers experience your brand through the web (positively or negatively)
the impact is immediate. Nutella is a perfect example; when many passionate
consumers began creating online communities around the brand the company
intervened – preventing consumers from using the Nutella name – and the company
suffered as a result (Cova & Pace, 2006).
The fact is the Internet‟s influence is growing and it is not a fad that will be replaced –
it is here to stay. It is important to understand how well marketers have adapted to the,
digital revolution‟ and why. By understanding the reasons companies have or have
not successfully adapted to a web-oriented world, recommendations can be made as to
how businesses can optimize their digital marketing strategies
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
The present business arena has a lot of scope for digital marketing, which is an
upcoming technique of increasing business. Keeping in mind the present dependence
on social media, digital marketing can be considered as most imperative among all the
other important marketing strategies necessary to make a business efficacious and to
reach out to targeted customers around the globe. With the elevated popularity of
social media platforms, many companies are taking advantage of advanced digital
marketing strategies to nurture and market their products and services globally.
Aurelius has made a niche for itself by offering Digital Marketing, Search Engine
Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Internet Branding, reputation management, PPC
services to its clients in USA and Miami. Keeping in mind the continuous changes in
the search engine trends and the increase in competency of the search engine services
in approach and Digital Marketing techniques, Aurelius provides 100% Digital
Marketing centric professional SMO services in USA. Aurelius provides advanced
SMO services that cater to the need of current marketing trends. Our prompt as well
as professional services make us the leading SEO Company in Miami as well.
There are numerous Digital marketing Companies in USA which offer all-inclusive
set of digital marketing services that market the clientele's products and services.
Their highly skilled team of professionals come up with inventive strategies that are
cost-effective as well as support the customer's business goals. These skilled Digital
marketing companies in USA are responsible for providing Client-centric and User-
friendly applications including dynamic website development, e-commerce web
businesses, Strategic web consulting for Internet marketing including SEO, SEM,
Social Media and analytics & reporting. Being an eminent Digital marketing company
in USA, Aurelius offer strategic solutions to emerging companies to redefine their
business by using ingenious ideas and cutting-edge web technology. There are endless
number of companies which offer SMO services USA, but undoubtedly Aurelius has
emerged as one-stop-shop for all kind of digital marketing needs, bestowing proven
digital marketing methodologies.
1.1 Global Scenerio
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Digital marketing budgets total 2.5% of revenue and will increase 9% this year .The
Gartner survey aimed to examine how marketers allocate budgets, where the largest
investments will be made, and which activities contribute most to marketing success.
This post follows that logic, and breaks Gartner‟s key findings into benchmark stats
on budget, talent and results .Before you read any further, here are some quick facts
about the survey: According to Gartner, research is based on an online survey of 253
marketers from U.S. companies with more than $500 million in annual revenue.
Survey participants cover 6 industries, including: financial services, healthcare, high-
tech, manufacturing, media and retail. The survey was conducted in November and
December of 2012.
Budget: Digital Marketing Spend
 Marketers spent an average 10.4% of their 2012 revenue overall on marketing
activities, including salaries, traditional and digital activities, advertising,
research and software. The range spans from 5 through 15%.
 A total of 43% of respondents said 2013 operating budgets will increase this
year; 7% note budgets will remain steady; and 10% expect a tightened budget.
 Digital marketing spending averages 2.5% of company revenue.
The survey found that digital marketing spending averages 2.5% of company revenue.
So, of that digital marketing budget, where are resources allocated? The following
chart breaks it down with advertising, content creation, search and web as leading
48% of marketers plan to increase their budgets for digital marketing in 2014. 46% of
B2B organizations automate their marketing campaigns today, it is expected that 81%
will adopt the practice by 2014.
Social – Twitter, LinkedIn
91% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute content, followed by Twitter at
85%. Social is about converged media to connect buyers to brand across entire sales
cycle. According to an Invest is IQ Research Study, 64% of all the visits to corporate
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
website came from LinkedIn. In 2014, ramp up your social media presence with
consistent and
quality updates on LinkedIn and Twitter. Incorporate rich media, micro-videos,
device ready content and messaging.
Spending on advertising using digital media channels is continuing to grow in market
share despite economic conditions slowing down the growth of overall advertising
spending. In 2014 the advertising sector is focused on the future opportunities offered
by multi-screen developments. In other words, a cross-marketing approach involving
multiple devices including TV, touchscreen tablets, computers, laptops, mobile
phones etc. In addition, advertisers and content developers/providers are eyeing off
the potential opportunities offered by the Over-The-Top (OTT) content distributed by
Smart TVs. Digital marketing as a whole remains a growth area, as marketers shift
towards these types of advertising methods at the expense of traditional formats.
This report provides an overview and analysis of Digital Media marketing with a
focus on the following digital advertising platforms – Internet (including social
media), TV (including Smart TV) and Mobile. The report is designed to provide
current observations which may assist investors, analysts and industry participants in
making investment and business decisions.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
The birth of the internet
The internet is the newest and youngest medium, having been around in its current
form for just about 20 years. The very first interconnected computer network was
developed as a joint project between the US military and several research
organisations, and went live in 1969. New advances came slowly at first: network
email was invented in 1971 (though the system was very slow and
primitive),international connections were established in 1973, the term “internet” was
first used in 1974 and the first real online protocols were introduced in the
1980s.Everything accelerated in the early 1990s as Tim Berners-Lee, acknowledged
as the creator of the internet as we know it today, built on his earlier revolutionary
work and released the UR L protocol, web browser software and the World Wide
Web to the public. By 1993, businesses started taking an interest in the internet the
debate raged about whether they were permitted to use the internet for commercial
purposes, since it had been established as a strictly educational and non-commercial
arena. Eventually, however, the businesses won out and the last of these restrictions
were dissolved in 1995.
Early internet giants like Yahoo and Amazon launched their online platforms in the
mid-1990s amid a wave of new search portals, including Alta Vista, Excite and info
seek. Google launched in 1998, taking search to a new level of accuracy and
convenience. Other commercial websites, like the auction site eBay, began to
dominate the web, solidifying the interactive and global commercial potential of the
internet. In 2004, the concept of “web 2.0” – the interactive, commercial, cooperative
and user-centric web – exploded into public consciousness. Its main characteristics
were the rise of social networking, the invention of tools that made creating and
customising personal pages increasingly simple, and the big push by online marketers
to make their advertising and products more accessible and desirable to online
markets. Commercial strategies have become more prevalent and innovative since
then. Recent years have seen a growth in web consciousness as users become more
adept at filtering and steering online content.
In December 1995, the internet had 16 million users, which equated to 0.4% of the
world‟s total population. It surpassed 100 million users in early 1998and continued to
1.2 History of the Industry
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
grow exponentially since then. The 1 billionth user joined in December 2005.
According to Internet World Stats, there were 2 billion users online by June 2010 –
that‟s 30% of the world‟s population.
Websites first
The first marketing activity online started in the early 1990s with the creation of
simple, text-based websites with basic information about a product or company.
These were complemented with basic emails – often unsolicited spam – that shared
information in a rudimentary way. As web tools evolved, so too did the websites,
incorporating images, sounds, videos and more advanced formatting styles.
The rise of the social web
Despite some failed marketing strategies – the annoying pop-up adverts that appeared
in 2001 were quickly neutralised by pop-up blocker programs – online marketing
recovered and grew rapidly in tandem with the rise of the social, sharing based web
2.0. The corresponding rise in online commerce – notably auction websites, online
retailers and banking – has added to the financial focus of the web. The last and most
profound change to the marketing space was the rise of social media, which was
gradual from
2004 and meteoric from 2006. Social media platforms, such as social networking
sites, opened the space for user-filtered and recommended content – including
marketing material. As the social media platforms grew and people created
exponentially more connections with each other, the vision of viral marketing – the
online equivalent of word of mouth became real.
Your website is the hub of your digital world – and perhaps the most important
element in your whole digital marketing strategy. It‟s a vital piece of online real estate
to which all of your other online activity will direct your prospects. A lot of the digital
marketing techniques discussed in this book are about generating traffic to your
website – but traffic in itself is worthless. To become valuable, traffic must be
converted – and that‟s essentially what your website should be: a conversion engine
for the traffic being directed to it.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Part and parcel of the website is SEO, or the process of aligning content on your
website to what your prospects are actively searching for, and presenting it in a
manner that makes it accessible to both people and search engines. The Organic or
natural search results (the results in the middle of the search engine results page) are
the place to be if you want to increase targeted traffic to your website.
Pay-per-click search advertising (PPC)
Pay-per-click advertising offers you a way to buy your way on to the search results
pages for chosen keywords or key phrases. Depending on your business and what Key
words you want to rank for, this can be an extremely effective way of generating
search engine traffic quickly, although as the medium continues to gain in popularity
more competitive keywords are becoming prohibitively expensive for smaller
Social networking
A relatively new marketing opportunity, but one that can potentially offer highly
targeted advertising to niche social groups based on profile information they volunteer
through sites like Bebo, Facebook, My Space and others.
E-mail marketing
the granddaddy of internet marketing, suffering something of a crisis in the wake of
perpetual spam bombardment, but still an important tool in the digital marketer‟s
arsenal, particularly when it comes to maintaining ongoing relationships with existing
Customers and prospects who‟ve „opted in‟ to receive information.
Digital Marketing versus Traditional Marketing
The debate continues as to whether digital marketing is overpowering and surpassing
traditional marketing or not. Many think that for the most part, digital marketing has
taken over and traditional marking barely exists, if at all. Recent occurrences such as
the magazine giant, Newsweek switching to totally digital publications cause ripples
throughout the marketing arena. Over the last year or so traditional marketing had
fallen nearly 160% while in the same time frame expenses for digital marketing
increased over 14%. Are there any real advantages to using digital marketing over
traditional means? And what is the big difference between these two anyway?
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Being the most popular social media platform in India with more than 62 million
users, Facebook is the favourite playground for social media-savvy organizations in
India to banter in everyday conversations and organize engaging promotions and
contests for fans. 89.6% of all surveyed organizations placed Facebook as the most
important platform for engagement. Interestingly, there were more than 100 Facebook
campaigns in India in 2012, which translates to more than 8 campaigns running
simultaneously per month.
With social media marketing campaigns being Facebook heavy, some organizations
are looking at other platforms to differentiate themselves. More than half of the
organizations surveyed placed Twitter as the second-most important channel. A
trending topic on Twitter for a good reason is perhaps one of the most coveted
benchmarks .However, featuring there for the wrong reasons is a big crisis in the
making. According to a story in Economic Times, advertising agencies today have
started to create YouTube specific ads as against re-purposing TV commercials.
Blogging followed YouTube as the most important platform for organizations.
Blogging particularly is important when organizations want to share thought
leadership or trends in
An area of mass interest. For instance, a fashion blog, a movie blog or technology
blog. Blogging is also popular among B2B organizations for thought leadership
purposes .
Every online user around the globe is aware of the fact that search engines are the
most powerful, effective and most used means for prospective clients to find your
website. But merely lying down right below among thousands of search results is not
a very advisable scheme for searchers as well as spiders. Thus, strenuous efforts must
be made to ensure that your website ranks at least within the top 30 entries whenever
you plug in a search term in your favourite search engine.
1.3 Indian Market Scenario
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Keeping digital talent in line with predicted growth in spend and technology
development levels, looks set to be one of the key challenges for the market in 2014,
according to the survey findings. Of those respondents polled, only 20% are planning
to recruit within their media. A surprise findings of the research was that only 20% of
organizations are planning to recruit in 2014 and this is out of synch with growth
predictions of 20%. While the economy is bouncing back, digital marketing is
suffering from a skills shortage as senior roles are left unfilled.
As digital evolves, both clients and agencies will find it much harder to hire
specialists, either due to a lack of talent or experience, or increasingly, affordability as
those with experience demand higher salary levels to reflect their expertise. 80% of
those surveyed claimed they would not be recruiting digital marketing specialists
within the next 12 months.
Digital marketing continues to grow, increasing its hold on the global market share of
the entire advertising market, with digital marketing market predicted to reach
US$185.4 billion by 2017. According‟s the Global Entertainment and Media Outlook
2013-2017 report by PwC, to help us begin to understand the future of the marketing
industry. This insight gives us a picture of just how different the landscape will look
like in a few years‟ time, in terms of the wider marketing industry, and also
importantly, the impact it will have on our individual job roles. It‟s time to start
looking at a new way of marketing.
1. In 2013, digital marketing grew significantly. The global market reached, a
growth of 17% which elevated it to a 20% share of the global advertising
2. Growth in the digital marketing landscape can be traced to the developing
markets where there are significant periods of growth. Beyond this, the
developed markets are also growing and contributing to the global figure.
1.4 Growth of the Industry
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
3. In 2017 the market will reach US$185.4 billion worldwide, which is a
staggering 29% share of the total global advertising market. At a growth of
over 13% over just five years this makes it the second biggest spend after TV.
4. The most significant share of the digital marketing market growth is search,
which will lead with a 41% market share in 2017.
5. The display market is set to grow at a rate of 10%, reaching in 2017. This
prompts the discussion of how new creative developments will be needed to
create stand out display advertising.
 Due to rapid demand, Digital Marketing Agencies will double in quantity.
Small and medium businesses are now beginning to understand the power of content
marketing and need consulting services to help with the proliferation of tools
available. With the proliferation of point solutions to manage, measure and report on
various online and social activities, small and medium businesses are turning to
digital marketing agencies to help them take over these efforts. The unprecedented
demand contributes to the increase in digital marketing agencies – from owner-
operated agencies to consultants, all the way to creative agencies offering more online
services. The number of agencies will likely double within the next 3-5 years.
 Email grows even bigger
With the increase of social media, content marketing and mobile usage, email
marketing is also growing at astonishing rates. In 2013 we will see even bigger
growth as more businesses adopt online marketing.
 All marketing campaigns will be integrated marketing campaigns.
Last year saw a surge in digital marketing adoption with the establishment of channels
like social media and content marketing, as well as the emergence of new channels
like mobile. We expect 2013 to be the year of integrated channel campaigns as
marketers aspire to leverage cross channel digital campaigns to deliver real-time
results at a lower cost. Providers that can convert unknown traffic to known traffic by
leveraging an integrated tool set will have a big advantage.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Figure 1 Total Online Ad Spend
Figure 2 Indian Digital Marketing Growth
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
1) Ebrandz
eBrandz is considered amongst the best Search
Engine Optimization companies in the world (Source
: Digit Magazine Nov 2005). As an industry leader
with more than 8 years of experience, eBrandz probably has the highest number of
successful case studies and client testimonials. With offices located in 4 major cities
of the world including New York, Mumbai and Singapore and with a team of 250
marketing experts, eBrandz has successfully executed more than 6000 Search
Marketing campaigns for clients based in over 40 countries in the past four years. Our
clientele includes global majors like Citibank, Cardservice International (which
processes 60 per cent of all ecommerce credit card transactions in the US), ILSmart
(the world‟s biggest e-marketplace for the aviation, marine and defence industries),
Manpower Inc. (Fortune 500 Company) and Union Diamond (A Forbes Magazine
“Best of the Web” rated site), to name a few… Due to very competitive prices,
eBrandz has been able to partner with more than 80 agencies in US, UK, Canada,
Australia and few other countries. We provide private label services to these agencies.
2) OMLogic
OMLogic Consulting is a strategic and comprehensive online
marketing service partner, founded by four serial
entrepreneurs in 2007, on a shoe-string budget. Since
then, we have come a long way, helping business
houses harness the power and magic of the web, to expand their reach and take on
bigger players in the game. As a hard-core online marketing specialist, OMLogic has
profound business domain expertise, along with high technology competence. We
have mastered the craft of creating innovative strategies & solutions, be it Search
Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing or Paid Search (PPC).
1.5 Top Companies in Industries
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
3) Webchutney
Webchutney works with leading companies in
India by developing award winning and
memorable experiences for brands to connect,
engage with and build sustained relationships with
their consumers online.
Our clients include Airtel, Microsoft, Unilever, Marico, Titan, MasterCard, Barclays,
Proctor & Gamble among others. We work with them in areas of online advertising,
website design, mobile marketing and social media. Ranked as India‟s Number 1
Digital Agency, Webchutney is committed to leading the interactive marketing
We are a team of over 200 digital marketing professionals across New Delhi, Mumbai
and Bangalore.
We are a digital advertising company with rich experience in a
wide array of business verticals ranging from education, financial
services, utilities, real estate to travel, retail and e-commerce.
Helping you connect with your target consumers online, we
develop digital marketing programs that define your charisma in the e-market. The
plethora of services on our platter that includes Pay Per Click, Social Media
Optimization, Search Engine Optimization and Email marketing results in generating
leads and online sales.
Our result driven approach showcases your services in just the apt manner and the
world class tracking tools help you convert your online sales into prospective
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Chapter 2
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
SMIT is derived from „Sales and Marketing with Information Technology‟ and
provides effectual solutions for digital marketing to boost the productivity of our
client‟s business. Smit is one of the emerging search engine marketing company and
digital internet marketing company in Ahmedabad & Mumbai and aim to unleash the
power of digital media to achieve business objectives of their clients. Their
professional team comprises of young, talented & passionate people and we help
brands in developing the best online strategy for online marketing.
At SMIT, They are passionate about businesses going more digital and strive to
provide effective business results for our esteemed clients. Their expertise lies in
applying e-Marketing knowledge for complex business issues and delivering robust
solutions to give the best online customer experience. Smit help brands and
companies to listen, leverage and engage in online marketing.
Smit empower their valuable clients with their learning and understandings about
their business on online and offer customized services for the best online marketing
verticals for their marketing campaigns. As an online digital marketing company in
India, Company offer detailed and planned digital strategy, planning and creativity
resulting in successful online marketing campaigns. SMIT approaches brand
communications as a whole and they understand their client‟s brand inside out and
create user experiences across various mediums like web, video and social media.
From core competencies like SEO, PPC to Social Media services, they have all the digital
bases combined with the best talent to help you. To experience results focused on
digital marketing which can be measured, optimized and enhance our ROI, feel free to
call our digital marketing agency.
2.1 Smit Digital Marketing Agency
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
 Privacy Policy
Company’s Commitment to Privacy
At SMIT, they regard the privacy of our website visitors. They acknowledge that the
detail belongs to you and assure to treat it accordingly. Under mentioned statement
manifests their privacy policy in detail and will explain our online information
practices or the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and
used by them. The policy applies to and all other
websites owned/operated directly under the SMIT Digital Marketing brand name. If
there are any prominent changes in these policies in the future, details of any such
changes will be notified on this webpage.
Use of Personal and Non-Personal Information
They collect two types of information from our website visitors - personal and non-
personal details. Access to the public pages of SMIT website does not require any
registration. Non-personal information is asked to keep track of the total number of
guests visiting SMIT website and to make endeavor to improve our website. The non-
personal details they monitor includes the operating system and browser type being
used by our visitors; sections of the websites viewed; date and time of visit; host or
service-provider details, and identification of the referring site. These details are used
only for our internal use and are not sold or even disclosed to any third parties.
Personal information, such as name, address or contact details, are collected only
when voluntarily provided by the website visitors like at the time of registering for
our website‟s newsletter mailing list, participating in events, registering for our
referral program, permissions to comment on our blog, submit us your resumes, etc.
Access to pages having content specific to our channel partner, or existing clients is
password-protected and requires pre-registration. Personal details collected through
registration is kept confidential and are not disclosed to third parties except as may be
required by law.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
The personal information collected can be used to send our email or call/sms (if not
under DND) as depicted in the field of interest by the website visitor with us.
Under all circumstances email address will always remain private and will not be sold
or supplied to any third party vendors.
Use of Cookies & IP Addresses Information
SMIT may, at times, place an electronic Cookie in the browser files of a visitor's
computer or track them by their IP Address. They are pieces of information that a site
sends to an individual‟s computer hard drive for maintaining records. They do not
enable us to get any personal information about our visitors; however, they do enable
SMIT to evaluate visitors‟ use of our website. This evaluation assists us to understand
better which sections of our websites are mostly viewed, useful and popular, so we
can make improvements and updates accordingly. SMIT does not use cookies or IP
Address info to get details from a visitor‟s computer.
Uses of the Information
Company use information about client in the following ways:
 To ensure that content from their site is presented in the most effective manner
for clients and for their computer.
 To provide clients with information, products or services that they request
from clients, where clients have consented to be contacted for such purposes.
 To carry out their obligations arising from any Agreements entered between
Client and them.
 To allow clients to participate in interactive features of their service, when
customers choose to do so.
 To notify clients about changes to their service or any general information
with regards to company.
 If one do not want the company to use his/her data in this way, he/she can
unsubscribe explicitly by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided in all
company‟s emails. One can also email them to remove
his/her email address from its mailing lists.
Their Commitment to Data Security
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of
information, they have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial
procedures to safeguard and secure the information they collect online. Access to their
visitors' information is restricted to authorized employees only who need the
information to perform a specific job. Furthermore, all employees are regularly
updated on company‟s security and privacy practices.
Links to Other Websites
SMIT is not responsible for the availability, content or accuracy of any other pages or
other sites linked via this website. Portions of this site contain links to outside
products, services and resources and all relationships are between visitors and that
linked website and do not involve there Any concerns about such products, services or
resources should be directed to the particular linked website. They do not guarantee or
warranty the accuracy or completeness of the information or content on such sites, nor
the quality of products or services provided or sold through that linked website.
Internet Communication
The privacy of interaction over the Internet is not guaranteed, as the Internet is not a
secure medium. SMIT does not take any responsibility for any harm, loss, or damage,
which you may incur by sending personal or confidential details over the Internet by
or to SMIT.
By accessing this site, you provide your consent to SMIT‟s on-line privacy policy. If
you do not agree to these conditions, please avoid using this site. They reserve the
right, at our discretion, to change, update, delete, modify, or add any portion of this
policy from time to time.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Be a dynamic digital marketing agency for emerging Medias like web & mobile and
strive to be among the top 10 digital marketing agencies of India
We aim to work with Mid-Sized India based Companies who are interested for
extensive Digital marketing services/Solutions to grow their international or national
sales or those mid-sized companies which are based from outside India and are
interested for extensive digital marketing services to grow their national sales.
SMIT would strive for excellence in services delivery and ROI driven digital
marketing campaigns that directly impact client‟s sales and/or business result.
2.2 Vision and Mission
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Marketing isn‟t a one-time effort but an on-going process. It requires constant
monitoring and ample resources to yield desired results. At SMIT, They delineate a
marketing strategy understanding our business needs and run tailor-made marketing
campaigns thereby help improve your website‟s ranking, reputation and brand
visibility. They focus on organic, real and customized marketing service which is the
best way to get the desired results, higher return of investment (ROI) and increased
Whether you have a new website or an existing one but are struggling to get more
web visitors for your online web shop, they can deliver you extensive web marketing
services to enhance your web traffic flow. They aim to redefine your web identity
with the help of experiential tips and tricks to help you surpass your competitors.
Their services are easy to customize and scalable.
 There are various kinds of services provided by the Company.
2.3 Services
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
 Search Marketing
Any business, big or small would want to generate more traffic to their website to get
more inbound sales inquiries. Most of the Internet users do not go beyond first page
for the search item they are trying to find and over half of search engine usage results
to the first step in the buying process. So, if your website is not optimized for search
engines, it would not be found by your prospect buyers.
PPC advertising is the most cost-effective way of reaching your target audience.
When your prospect customer uses the search engine to find your products or
services, you want to ensure that your ads appear on the top spot. With PPC ads, your
advertisement will be displayed when prospect‟s keyword query matches your
keyword list or when a site displays relevant content.
 Social Marketing
Social media
Social media is a platform which lets you interact directly with your target audience.
More than 30% of B2B marketers are spending millions of dollars each year on social
media marketing. Social media takes on many different forms such as social
networking, bookmarking, content, micro blogs and more. Presence on enhances your
brand‟s visibility and reputation. Social media marketing is an ongoing activity, the
purpose of which is to continuously engage with your customers.
Net Working
Your social media strategy does not end after building profile on social media. It is
just the first step. It is important that you build strong connections and network with
people who share similar interest and showcase your industry expertise by sharing
knowledge across social communities. Doing so will help build your brand reputation
and differentiate your product or service offerings from competition. This is further
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
enhanced by continuous engagement with your target audience which helps build
stronger relationships and increase trust in your offerings.
 E-Mail Marketing
Email marketing/E-newsletter is the most effective form of marketing mix, provided
that the communication is well-drafted, well-timed and sent to the correct target
audience. It is meant to build loyalty, trust and customer relationships. Email/E-
newsletter takes many forms ranging from company news or announcements to keep
your customer base abreast of new developments, brand promotion campaigns or
sales/business development messages. The biggest advantage of this form of
marketing is that it is very easy to track return on investment and campaign
E-Coupon /E-certificate
E-coupon or E-certificate is the most effective form of pull marketing. It is used to
grab the attention of the reader and elicit a response. It can be delivered through email
campaigns or downloaded through other websites such as social media,
manufacturer‟s own website and other e-commerce sites. Customers may also sign-up
to receive coupons or certificates via email and redeem them when they make a
 Video Marketing
Webinars or web based seminars are the most effective and convenient way of
conducting remote knowledge sharing sessions with your target audience. As
Webinars are hosted remotely, it saves a lot of cost and increases operational
efficiency. It removes the location barriers as audience can join remotely from any
part of the world. This form of marketing yields higher returns due to its reusability
through webinar recording and replay. Webinars also help engage your target
audience and answering their questions live, help you showcase your expertise and
gauge their level of interest in your products or service offerings.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
It is highly important that your business or corporate presentation represents your
ideas and credentials well. They have to be aligned as per audience, their areas of
interest and business needs. You can build compelling visual presentations with
animations and graphics to keep your audience interested. Your sales, product,
training or marketing presentation needs to be right mix of compelling design and
strong messaging to help you enhance your brand positioning and communicate true
value to participating audience.
Online Demos or Demo videos with voice help your target audience see your
offerings in action understand your product or services and its advantages. It also
serves as an online help manual for your existing client base which demonstrates how
your product or service works and how to troubleshoot in case of any performance
issues. Short „How-to‟ videos are interesting and easier to understand as compared to
a lengthy help document.
Collateral Marketing
Case Study
Client case-studies are the most trusted form of communication which you can send to
your prospects. It outlines the success story of how your product or service was
successfully able to resolve client‟s business problem. It can take a simple text based
form or can be made interesting with visuals and animations. Video-based case
studies are the most popular format today due to its ease of integration with website
and other web-based media. It also wins over the traditional document due its ease of
Survey Marketing
Web Reviews
To showcase your company or product/service credentials, Web reviews are the most
trusted form of third party credentials. It helps you establish your company‟s
credibility for employees, investors or prospect buyers. Five star ratings from reputed
testing companies or reviewers is the best testimony of your company‟s performance
as compared to your competition.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
For Startups
They love working with startups with a potential idea, good team and fresh
management approach. A lot of startups require some incubation help, but hardly
there‟s any available. Under our startups program, they work with you as your
exclusive web marketing partner for a minimum of 12 months to maximum 36
months period where they charge a small upfront project commitment fee (ideally
10% of what it would be in actual) and thereafter earn via Pay for Performance model.
So if they have delivered well and your sales have picked up they get their due per
lead/client, else we take nothing.
They take up everything right from putting up your website to comprehensive web
marketing. The idea is to help you stay focused on your core expertise without
worrying for marketing plans and spending.
For Manufacturers
Typically manufacturing involves juggling with too many challenges that begin right
from the redtapism for permissions, to setting up the facility, labor availability,
production quantity, quality consistency and finally delivering into the market. So
mostly it is a tussle of time and focus between the productions vs. marketing for the
owners. Manufacturers can be lot relieved if they get someone to take off the
marketing burden from their shoulders.
They have expert business analyst with background in manufacturing who
understands the typical pain the manufacturers, go through in context of marketing of
Clients product. Ideally under this program, the business analyst studies your product
in detail and takes up all the jobs right from market research, messaging &
positioning, web marketing and web sales promotions to directly deliver only the
confirmed orders into your mail box. So they take up everything right from putting up
your website to comprehensive web marketing.
2.4 Segments
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
This solution package is specifically suitable for those visionary manufacturers who
prefer standard and consistent services from one-roof vendor even though it might be
at some premium charges.
For Service Companies
Service companies have quickly emerged as the largest employment generator in the
last few decades. People are willing to pay (a premium too) for good services.
So if you are in one of those excellent domains that have some promising potential
but lack the in-house skills or resources to undertake comprehensive web marketing to
build your brand and generate more sales, they have a solution for you. No matter
whether you are a brick and click company or just click company.
For this, they assign you our expert business analyst from service company
background, who would study your services in detail and take up all the jobs right
from market research, messaging & positioning, web marketing and web sales
promotions to directly deliver only the confirmed orders into your mail box. It would
have everything from putting up your website to comprehensive web marketing and
taking care of it.
This solution package is specifically suited for those visionary service companies who
prefer standard and consistent web marketing assistance from one-roof vendor even
though it might be at some premium charges.
For Exporters
It‟s always a costly affair to setup your international sales shop and run marketing
activities to get export orders. Web has made it easier for your customers to approach
you for export orders, no matter where you are based in.
They specialize in working with those e-commerce businesses that have their base
here (in India) but are willing to grow their international sales with extensive web
marketing activities.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
So if you have a potentially good product-line and are open to an exclusive web
marketing partnership with us for a minimum of 12 months to maximum 24 months
period on a Pay for Performance model, they may be good to go with for. They would
charge a small upfront project commitment fee (ideally 25% of what it would be in
actually) and thereafter it is‟s all based on per lead/client.
You can thereby continue to stay focused on your e-commerce site management and
product deliveries leaving all the pains related to heavily marketing it over the web on
us. You can save time and resources that would else be diverted towards your web
marketing activities.
There‟s a dedicated project manager at our end for the execution of this entire
comprehensive mix of web marketing activities to ensure that they help you realize
your sales goals.
Expert Solutions For:
 Travel & Tourism
 Hotels & Resorts
 Medical Centers
 Education Institutes
 Event Organizers
 Garments Exporters
 Automobile Exporters
 Insurance Companies
 Consumer Electronics
 Mobiles & Laptops
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Chapter 3
Literature Review
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
According to (EL-Gohary) Electronic Marketing (E-Marketing) can be viewed as a
new philosophy and a modern business practice involved with the marketing of
goods, services, information and ideas via the Internet and other electronic means. By
reviewing the relevant literature it is noticed that definitions of electronic marketing
(E Marketing) vary according to each author's point of view, background and
specialization. For that digital marketing as “The use of electronic data and
applications for planning and executing the conception, distribution and pricing of
ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and
organizational goals”. This paper will look at how companies developing digital
products could use social media to develop and execute a viral marketing campaign.
According to (Fletcher) from the perspective of the Internet, place and promotion
figure very prominently and can be addressed directly through the technologies of the
Web. However, there are also web based services that are influenced by the product
and price aspects. In a marketing conscious organization, each marketing activity is
measured by consideration of its return on investment and customer life time value.
These variables are informed by, for example, the number of sales and activity
generates and the profit returned through each activity. A marketing activity, in terms
of online presence, can therefore be crudely measured by the number of sales that
were generated as a result of an online advertisement or in relation to website metrics
such as the number of unique visitors per month. In the increasingly sophisticated
Web 2.0 environment, marketing activity can also be quantified as the number of
followers on Twitter, friends on a Facebook group page, and on a corporate blog.
The recent technological advancements - in mobile devices, multi-touch screens,
cloud computing, and the advancements in the way we interact with the devices – has
allowed the companies to deliver content and services in very easy, fast and
interactive ways. With more and more people using social networks like Twitter,
Facebook, Blogs, YouTube etc., the way these products are being marketed is
changing as well. For example, using viral marketing, KIK - a cross platform mobile
phone application was downloaded 1 million times in just 15 days after its launch
(KIK 2010). In another example, Viber was able to achieve 1 million downloads in
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
just 5 days (Appchronicles 2010). It has since amassed 10 million (Tec crunch 2011)
According to (Nimitak, March-2011) Marketing, I-Marketing, Web Marketing,
Online Marketing is the marketing of products or services over the Internet. As we all
know that how the technology has changed the face of New India. As a result, e-
Marketing has grown to gargantuan proportions as it has been able to deliver the
goods with regards to measuring the return on investments. Be it a Financial Sector,
Health Sector, Education Sector or Business Sector, the various changes came out.
Even e-Marketing has had a large impact on several previously retail-oriented
industries including music, film, pharmaceuticals, banking, flea markets, as well as
the advertising industry itself. In all of the Business Sector has been largely benefited
by this technological transformation.
According to (Padungsang, Feb.2012) Internet marketing has become bigger than
television and radio advertising. Since consumers are always busy and have no time
to wait in line or drive from store to store looking for items, they have turned to the
internet. Organizations have caught on to this type of shopping and have gladly
obliged consumers with the availability of their products. Internet marketing is
referred to as the marketing of products or services over the Internet, also known as
digital marketing, web marketing, online marketing, search marketing or e-marketing,
marketing is used by the consumers.
According to (Ishrawat, November-2012) Digital Marketing is the practice of
promoting products and services using database-driven online distribution channels to
reach consumers in a timely, relevant, personal and cost-effective manner. Digital
marketing includes email marketing, mobile marketing, search engine optimization
(SEO) and pay per click in this paper, we discuss the various marketing trends. How
will digital marketing offer value to audiences and encourage them to share content to
help online visibility. We first show that digital marketing is the combination of push
and pull Internet technologies to execute marketing campaigns. In this paper we find
the new Methodologies for promotion of products using Digital marketing Keywords:
Push and Pull Digital Marketing, search engine optimization, Social Marketing
optimization, Pay-Per-Click.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Marketing supports the reaching of organizational goals by focusing on the
identification and satisfaction of customer needs, thus it can also contribute
considerably in achieving the objectives of non-profit organizations such as libraries.
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the literature on the
incorporation of marketing notions and the implementation of marketing techniques in
library management. It reviews definitions, present different opposing views,
marketing issues, social media and Web 2.0 and opinions on the adoption of
marketing in a non-profit organization environment, and examines different
successful examples of marketing implementation, concentrating on the gains
resulting from such a move.
A thorough literature search on various databases and on various aspects of this topic
was reviewed. The literature review is organized on emerging themes directly drawn
from the literature, thematically and chronologically within each section. It aims to
identify the changing perspectives, the current challenges, and the benefits offered by
examining information science specialists' views. The main marketing concepts are
identified throughout a strategic planning approach, which has been recommended as
the most successful by the majority of researchers (Garofallou, 2013).
The cost efficiency and diversity of digital channels facilitate marketers‟ frequent and
interactive communication with their customers. Digital channels like the Internet,
email, mobile phones and digital television offer new prospects to cultivate customer
relationships. However, there are a few models explaining how digital marketing
communication (DMC) works from a relationship marketing perspective, especially
for cultivating customer loyalty. Draw together previous research into an integrative
conceptual model that explains how the key elements of DMC - frequency and
content of brand communication, personalization, and interactivity - can lead to
improved customer value, commitment, and loyalty (Merisavo, June-2008).
The internet has provided an inexpensive and efficient way for companies to create
an additional electronic sales channel to market their products. Like any marketing
channels, the goal is to increase sales and one method that delivers content that is
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relevant to electronic commerce termed as e- personalization. The current E-
commerce channels can be enhanced through the use of personalization techniques
provided that companies with the products, contents and information them alive.
However, privacy and accuracy of personal information plays an important role in
personalized contents which has raised the questions of government inter venation in
to the realm of e- personalization (Alan, 2005).
Literature Gap
Till date whatever research were done in digital marketing is limited to only few
particular areas, such as digital marketing awareness and acceptance in the market.
But no study has been conducted on digital marketing preference, attitude and
perception. So, in order to full fill this gap we had undertaken a research on
awareness, perception and comparative position of digital marking with traditional
marketing. For this purpose we had taken Ahmedabad.
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Chapter 4
Introduction About Title
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“A study on awareness and perception of Digital Marketing in Ahmedabad city.”
1. Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact
1. Expressed in discrete numerical form, especially for use by a computer or other
electronic device
2. Expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1, typically represented by values of a physical
quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization
1. The ways in which a company encourages people to buy its products by deciding on
price, type of customer, and advertising policy
1. A person or organization that buys goods or services from a store or other business.
2. A person or thing of a specified kind that one has to deal with: "a tough customer".
Client - Purchaser - Buyer - Shopper - Patron - Vendee
1. The ability to see, hears, or become aware of something through the senses.
2. The state of being or process of becoming aware of something in such a way.
Realization - Understanding – Comprehension
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Chapter 5
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
5.1 Title of Research
A Study On Awareness and Perception of Digital Marketing in Ahmedabad city
5.2 Research Objectives
Research methodology refers to the systematic method consisting of enunciating the
problem, formulating hypothesis, collective facts or data, analyzing the facts and
reaching certain conclusion either in the form of solutions towards the concerned
problem or in certain generalization for some theoretical formulation.
Primary objective
 To know the perception level of digital marketing
 To know the awareness level of digital marketing
 To know the maximum digital activity done by industrialist
Secondary objective
 To find out the budget spent on web/mobile marketing by respondents in
Ahmedabad city
 To know the web/mobile marketing activities, which are used by respondents to
promote their product and service
 To find out since how long the respondents are doing web/mobile marketing
 To find out how the respondents manage their web/mobile marketing activities
 To know the approx. amount spent on digital marketing activities from total
expense budget
 To find out reasons for not undertaking web/mobile marketing activities
 To find out the key factors that would be important for respondents for selecting an
external agency for digital marketing
 To do the comparison of traditional marketing with web/mobile marketing for
getting better ROI
 To know the readiness of respondents to switchover from traditional marketing to
digital marketing
 To know the perception on flexibility of digital marketing
 To know the perception on difficulty level in digital marketing to measure ROI
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 To know the perception on expected results of digital marketing
 To know the perception on toughness on use of digital marketing
 To know the perception on trust worthiness of digital marketing
 To know the perception geographical reach of digital marketing
 To know the perception reach of the digital marketing on large scale
 To know the perception of effectiveness of digital marketing to promote business
 To know the perception of cost of digital marketing
5.3 Research Design
The research design is Descriptive in nature. The research design is a blueprint for
fulfilling the objectives & answering the questions. Selecting the research design is
complicated due to availability of large variety of methods, techniques, procedures,
protocol and sampling plans. So to understand and describe the current market
phenomena for Awareness and growth of digital marketing among the Consumers,
DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN has been applied in Quantities research. In
that CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY has been applied, as units are measured from a
sample of the population.
5.4 Sources of Data
Primary Data
The data which is collected from first-hand experience is known as primary data. This
data serves as the main source of data for any research based project work. The data
can be collected in many ways as mentioned below:
 Questionnaires
 Personal Visit, etc
Secondary Data
Secondary data consist of published material, or any other reference material which
can be useful in the particular project. The source of secondary data are many such as,
Research paper, internet. In our survey, we have collected information from websites.
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5.5 Data Collection Method
The data collection method used in this research is survey method. Here the data are
systematically recorded from the respondents. Face to face informal interviews were
done for data collection. At the end of the questionnaire the visiting card of respective
respondent was taken for reference purpose. Questionnaire is been used as form of
research instrument and it is the interviewer Administered.
5.6 Sample
Our sample is industrialist of Ahmedabad region. We have conducted a survey of 600
samples to know the awareness and perception of Digital Marketing.
5.7 Sampling Method
In our study, we had used judgmental sampling method as our sample was decided
on the basis of two criteria. 1) Sample selected must be from geographical area of
Ahmedabad city. 2) Sample must have industrial business & doing marketing of their
product & services.
5.8 Data Collection Instrument
For the collection of data, we have used Structured Questionnaire.
5.9 Analysis tools
Test to be applied for analysis of study will be as follows:
 Descriptive Statistics
 Mean Score
 Factor Analysis
 Independent T- test (Hypothesis Testing)
 Pair-T Test (Hypothesis Testing)
Statistical Software:
 SPSS 20
 Microsoft Excel 2010
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5.10 Limitations of Study
Our Study was limited to Ahmedabad only.
Independent T-test
H0:1 There is no difference in average opinion regarding flexibility of digital
marketing between respondents of two different types of firm.
H1:1 There is a difference in average opinion regarding flexibility of digital
marketing between respondents of two different types of firm.
H0:2 There is a difference in average opinion regarding difficulty to measure ROI of
digital marketing between respondents of two different types of firm.
H1:2 There is no difference in average opinion regarding difficulty to measure ROI of
digital marketing between respondents of two different types of firm.
H0:3 There is a difference in average opinion regarding digital marketing does not
give expected results between respondents of two different types of firm.
H1:3 There is no difference in average opinion regarding digital marketing does not
give expected results between respondents of two different types of firm.
H0:4 There is a difference in average opinion regarding Using of digital marketing is
tough task between respondents of two different types of firm.
H1:4 There is no difference in average opinion regarding Using of digital marketing is
tough task between respondents of two different types of firm.
H0:5 There is a difference in average opinion regarding trust worthiness of digital
marketing between respondents of two different types of firm.
H1:5 There is no difference in average opinion regarding trust worthiness of digital
marketing between respondents of two different types of firm.
H0:6 There is a difference in average opinion regarding Reach of digital marketing is
fast between respondents of two different types of firm.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
H1:6 There is no difference in average opinion regarding Reach of digital marketing
is fast between respondents of two different types of firm.
H0:7 There is no difference in average opinion regarding Reach of digital marketing
is at large scale is fast between respondents of two different types of firm.
H1:7 There is a difference in average opinion regarding Reach of digital marketing is
at large scale between respondents of two different types of firm.
H0:8 There is a difference in average opinion regarding effectiveness of digital
marketing to promote business between respondents of two different types of firm.
H1:8 There is no difference in average opinion regarding effectiveness of digital
marketing to promote business between respondents of two different types of firm.
H0:9 There is no difference in average opinion regarding cost of digital marketing
between respondents of two different types of firm.
H1:9 There is a difference in average opinion regarding cost of digital marketing
between respondents of two different types of firm.
H0:10 There is a difference in average opinion regarding flexibility of digital
marketing between respondents of two different types of area.
H1:10 There is no difference in average opinion regarding flexibility of digital
marketing between respondents of two different types of area.
H0:11 There is a difference in average opinion regarding difficulty to measure ROI of
digital marketing between respondents of two different types of Area.
H1:11 There is no difference in average opinion regarding difficulty to measure ROI
of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of Area.
H0:12 There is a difference in average opinion regarding digital marketing does not
give expected results between respondents of two different types of Area.
H1:12 There is no difference in average opinion regarding digital marketing does not
give expected results between respondents of two different types of Area.
H0:13 There is a difference in average opinion regarding Using of digital marketing is
tough task between respondents of two different types of Area.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
H1:13 There is no difference in average opinion regarding Using of digital marketing
is tough task between respondents of two different types of Area.
H0:14 There is a difference in average opinion regarding trust worthiness of digital
marketing between respondents of two different types of Area.
H1:14 There is no difference in average opinion regarding trust worthiness of digital
marketing between respondents of two different types of Area.
H0:15 There is a difference in average opinion regarding Reach of digital marketing
is fast between respondents of two different types of Area.
H1:15 There is no difference in average opinion regarding Reach of digital marketing
is fast between respondents of two different types of Area.
H0:16 There is a difference in average opinion regarding Reach of digital marketing
is at large scale is fast between respondents of two different types of area.
H1:16 There is no difference in average opinion regarding Reach of digital marketing
is at large scale between respondents of two different types of area.
H0:17 There is a difference in average opinion regarding effectiveness of digital
marketing to promote business between respondents of two different types of area.
H1:17 There is no difference in average opinion regarding effectiveness of digital
marketing to Promote business between respondents of two different types of area.
H0:18 There is a difference in average opinion regarding cost of digital marketing
between respondents of two different types of Area.
H1:18 There is no difference in average opinion regarding cost of digital marketing
between respondents of two different types of Area.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Chapter 6
Data Analysis &
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Que1. Is your Company currently spending any budget on web/mobile
marketing activities?
[Objective: - To know whether the industrialist, retail store are aware about digital
Table 1 Shows the table of percentage industrialists are aware about digital marketing
Particular Respondents %
Yes 70 58.33%
No 50 41.67%
Total 120 100.00%
Graph 1 Shows the graph of industrialists are awareness about digital marketing
 Here the above question is the qualifying question.
 The above question was asked to know whether the industrialists, retail store are
aware about digital marketing or not.
 The above table & pie chart show that all 70 industrialists, retail store are aware
about digital marketing and 50 industrialists are not aware about digital marketing.
Awareness of Digital Marketing
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Service used
Search Engine Optimization
Pay Per Click
Social Media Marketing
Email/E-Newsletters Marketing
Nothing Specific, But Interested
Que2. Which of the following web/mobile marketing activities you’re currently
using to promote your company’s product/service?
[Objective: - To know which type of digital marketing activities industrialists are using.]
Table 2 shows the table of frequency & percentage of digital marketing activities used by respondents
Particular Respodents %
Search Engine Optimization 51 29.48%
Pay Per Click 35 20.23%
Social Media Marketing 45 26.01%
Forums/Communities/Flash Demos/Blogs 23 13.29%
Email/E-Newsletters Marketing 17 9.83%
Nothing Specific, But Interested 2 1.16%
Total 173 100.00%
Graph 2 Shows the graph of frequency & percentage of digital marketing activities used by respondents
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 The above question is multiple choice questions.
 We had taken response from 120 people but due to multiple choice answers, some
of the people are doing more than one activity. So the total response is 173.
 The above question was asked to know which type of activities done by
 The above table & pie chart show that all 27 percent industrialist are using Social
media Marketing, 30 percent industrialists are using Search Engine Optimization
(SEO) and other people are using other digital marketing activities.
 Normally, every industry having their own website and for that they do search
engine optimization, while email services is fast and less costly. So they are using
this service for marketing activities.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Que3. Since how long is your company doing web/mobile marketing activities?
[Objective: - To know since how long industrialists, retail store are using digital
Table 3 Shows the percentage of time duration industrialists are using digital marketing
Particular Respondents %
< 6 Months 1 1.43%
6-12 Months 19 27.14%
1-2 Years 30 42.86%
> 2 years 20 28.57%
Total 70 100.00%
Graph 3 Shows the graph of percentage time duration industrialists are using digital marketing
 We had taken response from 120 industrialists but only 70 industrialists are using
digital marketing. From that 70 industrialist we analyze the time duration since
they using digital marketing services.
 The above question was asked to know since how long industrialists are using the
digital marketing.
 The above table & pie chart show that 43% percent industrialists are using digital
marketing from more than one- two years .
Time Duration of Using Digital Marketing
< 6 Months
6-12 Months
1-2 Years
> 2 years
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Que4. How do you currently manage your web/mobile marketing activities?
[Objective: - To know how industrialist, retail store are managing their digital
marketing activities.]
Table 4 Shows the table of different ways that how people are doing digital marketing activities.
 We had taken response from 120 industrialist but only 70 from them are using
digital marketing activities.
 The above question was asked to know how industrialist managing their digital
marketing activities.
 The above table & pie chart show that all 28 % percent industrialist are doing
digital marketing by their own team, 16 % percent industrialists are managing
digital marketing through outside agencies. 56 % industrialists are managing
digital marketing activities by both ways.
Way of Managing Digital Marketing
In House Team
Outside Agency
Im looking for Agency
Particular Respondents %
In House Team 20 28.57%
Outside Agency 11 15.71%
Both 39 55.71%
Im looking for
0 0.00%
Total 70 100.00%
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Objective of Digital Markrting
Increase Visibility & Brand
Customer Engagement
Measurable Results
Social/Business Networking
Higher ROI
Drive Sales
Que5. State the main marketing objective for doing web/mobile marketing?
[Objective: - To know main objectives of industrialist, retail store behind doing
web/mobile marketing activities.]
Table 5 Shows the table of main objectives for doing web/mobile marketing activities.
Perticular Respondent %
Increase Visibility & Brand
34 21.52%
Customer Engagement 49 31.01%
Measurable Results 20 12.66%
Social/Business Networking 21 13.29%
Higher ROI 19 12.03%
Drive Sales 14 8.86%
Competitive Advantage 1 0.63%
Totle 158 100.00%
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
 We had taken response from 120 industrialists. As this is multiple choice
questions, total number of response is 158.
 The above question was asked to know the main objectives behind doing digital
 38 % are use for a Customer engagement,21 % are use for Brand awareness.
 Drive sales is objective for doing business activities. Industrialists are more
conscious about their market reputation, so they are create their social/ business
network using digital marketing.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Que6. What amount of your yearly marketing budget would be spent for
web/mobile marketing activities?
[Objective: - To know yearly approx. budget spent by industrialist, retail store for
digital marketing activities.]
0% 0%
Particular Respondents %
0-5% 16 22.86%
5-10% 50 71.43%
11-15% 4 5.71%
16-25% 0 0.00%
>25% 0 0.00%
Total 70 100.00%
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
 We had taken response from 120 industrialists but 70 respondents are spending
budget for digital marketing.
 The above question was asked to know approx. budget spent by industries for
digital marketing activities.
 The above table & pie chart show that 23 % percent industries are spending 0 to 5
percent from their annual expense. While percent industries are spending between
6 to 10 percent of their annual expense.
 We came to know from this question that for any large or small scale industries
there is high amount of investment for their business. Digital marketing
adoption is not that much costly compared to their other expenses. So overall
they spent maximum 5-10 percent amount for managing digital marketing
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Que7. What are reasons for not undertaking web/mobile marketing activities?
[Objective: - To know reasons for not undertaking digital marketing activities.]
Table 6 Shows the table of percentage how industrialist managing their digital marketing activities
Particular Respondent %
We don't consider web/mobile marketing as effective tool to
our sales
30 34.88%
We have budget constraints so are not open to try web/mobile
marketing currently
25 29.07%
We don't have enough internal resources to drive web/mobile
marketing activities
14 16.28%
We are looking for good web/mobile marketing vendor who can
deliver result oriented programs
0 0.00%
We do not need any kind of marketing as our product/service
just sells
17 19.77%
Total 86 100.00%
Chart Title
We don't consider
web/mobile marketing as
effective tool to our sales
We have budget
constraints so are not open
to try web/mobile
marketing currently
We don't have enough
internal resources to drive
web/mobile marketing
We are looking for good
web/mobile marketing
vendor who can deliver
result oriented programs
We do not need any kind of
marketing as our
product/service just sells
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
 We had taken response from 120 industrialists, retail store but 86 respondents
were not undertaking digital marketing for their industries.
 The above question was asked to know the reason for not undertaking digital
 The above table & pie chart show that 17 percent industries, store were not
undertaking digital marketing because their product is just depends on selling
there is not any need of doing marketing.
 30 % are not requiring any digital marketing activity.
 25% are a budget constraint.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Que8. What are the major reasons for not doing web/mobile marketing
[Objective: - To know major reasons for not undertaking digital marketing activities.]
Table 7 Shows the graph of major reasons for not doing digital marketing activity.
Major Reason for not doing Digital
Budget Constraints
Not Aware of
Web/Mobile Market
Confused About
Measuring ROI
Can’t Trust an External
Lack of Resource for
Particular Respondent %
Budget Constraints 25 29.41%
Not Aware of Web/Mobile
27 31.76%
Confused About Measuring ROI 15 17.65%
Can’t Trust an External Agency 4 4.71%
Lack of Resource for Execution 14 16.47%
Total 85 100.00%
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
 We had taken response from 120 industrialists but 50 respondents were not
undertaking digital marketing for their industries. This question is multiple choice
questions. So, some of them respondent give more than two reasons that‟s why
here the response numbers are 85.
 The above question was asked to know the major reason for not undertaking
digital marketing.
 32 Percent are not awareness of Digital Marketing.
 The above table & pie Chart show 16 percent industries having problem of
execution of digital marketing due to lake of resources. Some of them are not that
much aware about such digital marketing activities. 29 percent small Retail and
wholesaler, industries had budget problem and some of them are just doing job
work so they did not required such digital marketing activities.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Que9. Which are the key factors that would be important for you while selecting
an external agency for managing your web/mobile marketing activities?
[Objective: - To know the important key factors for selection of external agency for
managing their industries, store digital marketing activities.]
Table 8 Shows the important factors for selecting external agency for managing web/mobile marketing activities.
2% Cost for Campaign
Range of Services
Reference from
Agency's Client
Availability of Pay-Per-
Performance Option
Agency's Market Share,
Resources & Revenues
Particular Respondent %
Cost for Campaign 57 30.16%
Range of Services 70 37.04%
Reference from Colleague/Friend 23 12.17%
Agency's Client Portfolio/Market Reputation 28 14.81%
Availability of Pay-Per-Performance Option 7 3.70%
Agency's Market Share, Resources &
4 2.12%
Total 189 100.00%
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
 We had taken response from 120 industrialists, retail store but this is multiple
choice questions .So, respondent give more than two reasons that‟s why here the
response numbers are 189.
 The above question was asked to know the key factors for industrialists, store for
selecting an external agency to manage digital marketing for their firm.
 The above table & pie chart show 38 percent industries select external agency on
the bases of its range of services. 30 percent industries select external agency on
the bases of cost for campaign. 15 percent industries select external agency on the
basis of market reputation or company current clients list.
 Every industry is maintaining their services. Services are most important factor
for any kind of selection. Cost is second most important factor but it is not
accepted by many industries even though it is excellent, as cost of service is out of
the budget that one cannot afford. They also want to know their current clients
name and their market reputation for taking work from them.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Que10. Do you think that web/mobile marketing activities give better ROI
compared to any other traditional marketing like print, Radio, TV or Outdoors?
[Objective: - To know the industrialist,store perception on ROI by comparing Digital
marketing with traditional marketing.]
Table 9 Shows the table of comparison of digital marketing with traditional marketing on base of ROI
 We had taken response from 120 industrialists to know their perception about ROI
by comparing digital marketing with traditional marketing.
 The above table & chart show 50 percent industrialists were agreed that
compared to traditional marketing, digital marketing give better ROI. 50
percent industrialists said that traditional marketing is still better than
digital marketing on the bases of ROI.
Comparision of digital Marketing
with traditional marketing
Particular Respondents %
Yes 60 50.00%
No 60 50.00%
Total 120 100.00%
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Que11. Would you agree to cut size your budget in other traditional marketing
like print, Radio, TV or Outdoors to capitalize more on web/mobile
[Objective: - To know the important key factors for selection of external agency for
managing their industries, store digital marketing activities.]
Table 10 Shows the table of readiness to switchover on digital marketing from traditional marketing
 We had taken response from 120 industrialists, retail store to know in future they
would like to cut size of their traditional marketing budget to invest more in
digital marketing activities.
 The above table & pie chart show 42 % percent industries Moderatly cut
size of their budget of traditional marketing and invest that money in digital
marketing. 51 percent industries not agreed to switch over from traditional
marketing to digital marketing.
Readiness to Swith Over on digital
Marketing from Treditional
Particular Respodents %
Strictly 9 7.50%
Moderately 50 41.67%
No 61 50.83%
Total 120 100.00%
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Que12. For Below given statement give your opinion by marking against your
response for Digital Marketing.
1= Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Neutral 4= Disagree 5=Strongly Disagree
Table 11 Shows the table of Mean score of the factor on which respondent agreed
Particular Mean
Digital marketing is flexible 2.75
If I use Digital marketing for my business, it will be difficult to measure ROI
for my business.
Digital marketing does not give expected result. 3.083333
Using of Digital marketing is tuff task. 3.016667
Digital marketing in not trust worthy. 3.125
Reach of digital marketing is fast. 2.475
Reach of digital marketing is at large scale. 2.283333
Digital marketing is an effective tool to promote business. 2.225
Digital Marketing is costly 1.75
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
 Here, we can see the mean score analysis of the various factors about digital
 From 120 respondents only 70 industrialist, retail store using digital marketing.
We can easily identify that factors like flexibility, trust worthiness and cost of the
digital marketing agreed between strongly agree and agree. We can see other
factors also which are fall between agree and neutral.
 Maximum of the respondents were agree on the matter that the reach of
digital marketing at large scale.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Que13. Type of Firm
Table 12 Shows table of type of firm
 Here, table & graph shows that 120 industrials are 72 sole proprietor and 42 are
Partnership firm.
Type of firm
Sole Proprietor
Partnership firm
Particular Respondents %
Sole Proprietor 72 60.00%
Partnership firm 48 40.00%
Total 120 100.00%
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Que14. Type of Area
Table 13 Shows table of type of area
 Here, table & graph shows that 120 industrials,reteil 51 are from east region of
Ahmedabad and 69 are from west region of Ahmedabad.
East Ahmedabad
West Ahmedabad
Particular Respondents %
East Ahmedabad 51 42.50%
69 57.50%
Total 120 100.00%
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Annual Income
Table 15 shows a income
2% 0%
Annual Income
Particular Respondents %
<1000000 51 42.50%
1000000-2000000 46 38.33%
2000000-3000000 21 17.50%
3000000-400000 2 1.67%
>4000001 0 0.00%
Total 120 100.00%
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Annual Sales
Table 16 shows a Annual sales
Annual Sales
Particular Respondents %
<2500000 39 32.50%
33 27.50%
40 33.33%
>50000000 8 6.67%
Total 120 100.00%
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Chapter 7
Inferential Statistics
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
 Here the data on type of area and type of firm of the respondent and data of
Kurtosis & Skewness are not at 0. So from that it can be said that the data are not
normally distributed and further test can be applied. Skew is a measure of
symmetry. In our Test, we have found that skewness of distribution is greater
than 0.00. A normal distribution has skewness =0. So we can say that our
distribution is not symmetric.
 Kurtosis is a measure of peakeness and the fat – tails that associate with less
density in the middle. A normal distribution has kurtosis = 3 or excess. Here
Kurtosis is less than 1.00. So we can say that our distribution is not symmetric.
Here we have found that our samples are not a normally distributed population
which reflects that further test can be applied.
 Skewness: indicator used in distribution analysis as a sign of asymmetry and
deviation from normal distribution:
Descriptive Statistic
N Minimu
Mean Std.
Skewness Kurtosis
Statistic Statistic Statisti
Statistic Statisti
of firm
120 1 2 1.40 .492 .242 .413 .221 -1.860 .438
Area 120 1 2 1.58 .496 .246 -.307 .221 -1.938 .438
120 1 4 1.78 .791 .625 .615 .221 -.506 .438
l sales
120 1 4 2.14 .955 .913 .181 .221 -1.131 .438
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
 Skewness > 0 - Right skewed distribution - most values are concentrated
on left of the mean, with extreme values to the right.
 Skewness < 0 - Left skewed distribution - most values are concentrated on
the right of the mean, with extreme values to the left.
 Skewness = 0 - mean = median, the distribution is symmetrical around the
 Kurtosis - indicator used in distribution analysis as a sign of flattening or
"peakeness" of a distribution.
 Kurtosis > 3 - Leptokurtic distribution, sharper than a normal distribution,
with values concentrated around the mean and thicker tails. This means
high probability for extreme values.
 Kurtosis < 3 - Platykurtic distribution, flatter than a normal distribution
with a wider peak. The probability for extreme values is less than for a
normal distribution, and the values are wider spread around the mean.
 Kurtosis = 3 - Mesokurtic distribution - normal distribution for example.
Table 17 shows reliability statistics
Interapretation :
 Generally the Cronbach‟s Alpha is used to measure the reliability of the data.
Data having .60 are considered as reliable.
 Here the value is 0.696 which suggethat this analysis is reliable.
Reliability Statistics
N of Items
.632 9
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Factor Analysis
Level of satisfaction from the digital marketing.
Table 18 Shows table of KMO and Bartlett's Test
Interpretation: -
The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy for the various
Attributes categories Measured is 0.661., which indicates the scale is appropriate and
helps in extracting the factor. The ideal measure for this test (KMO>0.50) and here in
this case KMO is 0.661 indicates the variables are measuring a common factor. Again
Bartlett‟s test of spherecity indicated the inter-correlation matrix is factorable and
inter-correlation matrix come from a population in which the variables are non-
Total Variance Explained
Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 2.668 29.644 29.644 2.668 29.644 29.644
2 2.469 27.433 57.077 2.469 27.433 57.077
3 1.069 11.875 68.952 1.069 11.875 68.952
4 1.021 11.345 80.297 1.021 11.345 80.297
5 .495 5.503 85.800
6 .437 4.852 90.652
7 .367 4.082 94.734
8 .303 3.366 98.100
9 .171 1.900 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Bartlett's Test of
Approx. Chi-Square 405.449
df 36
Sig. .000
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Interpretation: -
It is cleared from the above table that four components cover 50% of the data
under Principle Component Analysis method and cover considerable variation. Study
reveals the fact Suggestion from which has very high influence in terms of the
flexibility of digital marketing. Again rotated component matrix makes the situation
Crystal Clear and helps in identifying the crucial factors.
It is cleared from the above table that four components are extracted. flexibility of
digital marketing, Difficulty in measuring ROI, toughness in use of digital marketing,
effectiveness of promoting business of digital marketing are in component one. Trust
worthiness, Reach of digital marketing is fast, reach of digital marketing is at large
scale are in component two. Digital marketing is costly fall in component three.
Digital marketing does not give expected results.
Component Score Coefficient Matrix
1 2 3 4
Flexible .284
difficult to measure ROI .432
Digital marketing not give
expected result
digital marketing tuff task .352
not trust worthy .341
digital marketing is fast .355
Large Scale .275
Effective tool for promote
Costly .812
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Table 20 Shows table of factor matrix
Factor Matrix
Digital marketing is flexible.
Usability of
Digital marketing
Difficult to measure ROI
Digital marketing is an effective to promote business
Using of Digital marketing is tuff task
Digital marketing in not trust worthy Merit & Demerit
of Digital
Reach of digital marketing is fast
Reach of digital marketing is at large scale
Digital marketing does not give expected result
Digital Marketing is costly Cost
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
a. 4 components extracted.
 Flexibility of digital marketing, Measurement of ROI, Effectiveness to
promote business & tuff task are component which are added in factor a named as
usability of Digital marketing. Non trustworthiness of Digital marketing, fast,
large scale of digital marketing are component which are added in factor a named
merit & demerit of digital marketing. Digital marketing does not give expected
result is named as average performance. Digital marketing is costly is define as
cost factor.
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
Independent Sample T Test
H0:1An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for
Flexibility of digital marketing among the Sole proprietorship & partnership
firm. There is difference in Average response for Flexibility of digital marketing
among the Sole proprietorship (M=2.79, SD=1.43) & partnership firm (M=1.257,
SD=0.181) conditions; t (356) =.465, p = 0.642. These results reveals that there is
somewhat difference in average opinion regarding flexibility of digital marketing
between respondents of two different types of firm.
H0:2An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for
difficulty to measure ROI among the Sole proprietorship & partnership firm.
There is difference in Average response for difficulty to measure ROI among the
Sole proprietorship (M=2.89, SD=0.618) & partnership firm (M=2.96, SD=0.824)
conditions; t (356) =-.527, p = 0.795. These results reveals that there is minor
difference in average opinion regarding difficulty to measure ROI of digital
marketing between respondents of two different types of firm.
H0:3An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for
digital marketing does not give expected results among the Sole proprietorship &
partnership firm. There is difference in Average response for digital marketing
does not give expected results among the Sole proprietorship (M=2.96, SD=0.599)
& partnership firm (M=3.27, SD=0.893) conditions; t (356) =-2.007, p = 0.047.
These results reveals that there is somewhat difference in average opinion regarding
digital marketing does not give expected results between respondents of two different
types of firm.
H0:4An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for
using of digital marketing is tough task among the Sole proprietorship &
partnership firm. There is difference in Average response for using of digital
marketing is tough task among the Sole proprietorship (M=2.86, SD=0.901) &
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
partnership firm (M=3.25, SD=0.812) conditions; t (356) =-2.395, p = 0.018. These
results reveals that there is somewhat difference in average opinion regarding using
of digital marketing is tough task between respondents of two different types of firm.
H0:5An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for
trust worthiness of digital marketing among the Sole proprietorship &
partnership firm. There is difference in Average response for trust worthiness of
digital marketing among the Sole proprietorship (M=2.93, SD=0.893) &
partnership firm (M=3.42, SD=0.821) conditions; t (356) =-3.015, p = 0.003. These
results reveals that there is very less difference in average opinion regarding trust
worthiness of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of firm.
H0:6An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for
Reach of digital marketing is fast among the Sole proprietorship & partnership
firm. There is difference in Average response for Reach of digital marketing is fast
among the Sole proprietorship (M=2.46, SD=0804) & partnership firm (M=2.50,
SD=0.715) conditions; t (356) =-0.291, p = 0.712. These results reveals that there is
somewhat difference in average opinion regarding reach of digital marketing is fast
between respondents of two different types of firm.
H0:7An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for
Reach of digital marketing is at large scale among the Sole proprietorship &
partnership firm. There is difference in Average response for Reach of digital
marketing is at large scale among the Sole proprietorship (M=2.18, SD=.811) &
partnership firm (M=2.44, SD=0.769) conditions; t (356) =-1.736, p = 0.85. These
results reveals that ther is somewhat difference in average opinion regarding reach of
digital marketing is at large scale between respondents of two different types of firm.
H0:8An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for
effectiveness of digital marketing to promote business among the Sole
S.V Institute of Management , Kadi
proprietorship & partnership firm. There is difference in Average response for
effectiveness of digital marketing to promote business among the Sole
proprietorship (M=2.28, SD=0.933) & partnership firm (M=2.15, SD=0.899)
conditions; t (356) =-0.760, p = 0.441. These results reveals that there is somewhat
difference in average opinion regarding reach of digital marketing is at large scale
between respondents of two different types of firm.
H0:9An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for
cost of digital marketing among the Sole proprietorship & partnership firm.
There is difference in Average response for cost of digital marketing among the Sole
proprietorship (M=1.85, SD=0.816) & partnership firm (M=1.60, SD=0.765)
conditions; t (356) =1.638, p = 0.104. These results reveals that there is somewhat
difference in average opinion regarding cost of digital marketing between
respondents of two different types of firm.
H0:10An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response
for Flexibility of digital marketing among the East Ahmedabad & West
Ahmedabad. There is difference in Average response for Flexibility of digital
marketing among the East Ahmedabad (M=2.85, SD=1.433) & East Ahmedabad
(M=2.90, SD=0.975) conditions; t (356) =-1.59, p = 0.119 These results reveals that
there is somewhat difference in average opinion regarding flexibility of digital
marketing between respondents of two different types of Area.
H0:11An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response
for difficulty to measure ROI among the East Ahmedabad & West Ahmedabad.
There is difference in Average response for difficulty to measure ROI among the
East Ahmedabad (M=2.92, SD=0.440) & West Ahmedabad (M=2.91, SD=0.853)
conditions; t (356) =0.065, p = 0.948. These results reveals that there is somewhat
difference in average opinion regarding difficulty to measure ROI of digital
marketing between respondents of two different types of Area.
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
A study an awareness on digital marketing
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A study an awareness on digital marketing

  • 1. vii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Digital marketing is undoubtedly the major sector that is showing growth in an industry which has struggled with the recession and resulting financial problems. Traditional roadside billboards, print advertisements and direct mail have all suffered, but digital alternatives are starting to become more prevalent, such as digital billboards and transport advertisements, and advertisements in digital editions of print media, such as mobile applications for traditional publications. SMIT is coined from „Sales & Marketing with Information Technology‟ which aptly defines Digital Marketing in Web 2.0 era. SMIT set up in August, 2011 is a Pvt. Ltd. Company and hires a team of professional employees from Marketing & I.T. background with a cumulative experience of over 45+ years. SMIT currently has office in Ahmedabad and employs 25+ full time resources, besides 10+ virtual resources. We had did a literature review covering various research reports and research papers that was carried out between a duration of 2001 to 2014.Till date whatever research were done in digital marketing is limited to only few particular areas, such as digital marketing awareness and acceptance in the market. But no study has been conducted on digital marketing preference, attitude and perception. So, in order to full fill this gap we had undertaken a research on awareness, perception and comparative position of digital marking with traditional marketing. For this purpose we had taken Ahmedabad as sample area and divided it into two categories east & west Ahmedabad. We have surveyed 120 industrialists, retail store and other Showroom of area of East & West Ahmedabad. Among them most of the industrialist are doing Email Marketing. Primary objectives behind the studies are to know perception level, awareness level of digital marketing and maximum digital activities done by industrialist. We had used judgemental sampling method and selection of the sample was done on two criteria. 1) Sample selected must be from geographical area of Ahmedabad city. 2) Sample must have industrial business & doing marketing of their product & services. Our sample is industrialist of Ahmedabad region. We have conducted a survey of 120 samples to know
  • 2. viii the awareness and perception of Digital Marketing. A structured questionnaire was used as data collection instrument and analysis was done using various analytical tool such as descriptive statistics, factor analysis, independent T-test. Study was limited to Ahmedabad city. For data analysis table and charts were used. Main objectives behind doing digital marketing is for creating social/business network, drive sales, to increase visibility & brand awareness, and engaging costumer. Drive sales is only objective for doing business activities. Industrialists are more conscious about their market reputation, so they are create their social/ business network using digital marketing. Mean score analysis reveals that maximum of the respondents were agree on the matter that the reach of digital marketing at large scale. An independent sample T test was conducted to compare average response of industrialist for digital marketing and traditional marketing. The testing enhances that there is a difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing on various dimensions such as flexibility, ROI, expected results, geographical reach, trust worthiness and large scale of operation. Through the study we came to know that Digital marketing is an emerging area especially in these days of instant results. According to the result revealed from study, we can say that most of the respondents are accepting the new way of doing the marketing as compared to the traditional marketing. From all of the respondents most of the people are aware about the digital marketing services and some of are using the most of the services. Most of the respondents said that digital marketing is costly but more flexible. Industrialist spent only 10 percentage for their digital marketing services management from overall yearly expense. According to the study most of the respondents are doing the search engine optimization activity and E-mail/E-newsletter marketing activity. At the end of the research we found that still approximately 50 percentage industrialist will like to switchover from traditional marketing to digital marketing.
  • 3. ix
  • 5. 1 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Chapter-1 Introduction
  • 6. 2 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi The digital revolution has impacted consumers and businesses alike. Over the past decade technology and the way it is used has changed drastically. The Internet, once purely a source of information has become a place where people meet to share their stories and experiences, a platform for discussion and debate, a source of entertainment and much more. Furthermore, the Web has several important marketing aspects that enable companies to boost their performance: 24 hours online; multimedia compatible; globally available; interactive; micromarketing compatible; integration ready. (Rowley, 2004, p. 26) As a result, the marketing profession has also changed. A variety of new tools are available that can build brand awareness, increase brand loyalty and improve the bottom line. Now more than ever marketers can interact with their consumers, understand what they want and communicate the benefits of their solutions. Furthermore, technology provides marketers with an opportunity to add value in ways that were once unthinkable. As more and more consumers began adapting to new technology, businesses followed. They developed websites, set up YouTube channels and Facebook pages. They use these tools to provide information, connect with their consumers and build relationships that they hope will lead to new, loyal and passionate customers. However, these tools also reflect the brand and tell consumers a great deal about the brand. Simply creating these websites with no strategy behind them can be costly, because as much as technology has opened many doors it is also keeping the world more connected. Communication across continents now takes seconds, not weeks. When consumers experience your brand through the web (positively or negatively) the impact is immediate. Nutella is a perfect example; when many passionate consumers began creating online communities around the brand the company intervened – preventing consumers from using the Nutella name – and the company suffered as a result (Cova & Pace, 2006). The fact is the Internet‟s influence is growing and it is not a fad that will be replaced – it is here to stay. It is important to understand how well marketers have adapted to the, digital revolution‟ and why. By understanding the reasons companies have or have not successfully adapted to a web-oriented world, recommendations can be made as to how businesses can optimize their digital marketing strategies
  • 7. 3 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi The present business arena has a lot of scope for digital marketing, which is an upcoming technique of increasing business. Keeping in mind the present dependence on social media, digital marketing can be considered as most imperative among all the other important marketing strategies necessary to make a business efficacious and to reach out to targeted customers around the globe. With the elevated popularity of social media platforms, many companies are taking advantage of advanced digital marketing strategies to nurture and market their products and services globally. Aurelius has made a niche for itself by offering Digital Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Internet Branding, reputation management, PPC services to its clients in USA and Miami. Keeping in mind the continuous changes in the search engine trends and the increase in competency of the search engine services in approach and Digital Marketing techniques, Aurelius provides 100% Digital Marketing centric professional SMO services in USA. Aurelius provides advanced SMO services that cater to the need of current marketing trends. Our prompt as well as professional services make us the leading SEO Company in Miami as well. There are numerous Digital marketing Companies in USA which offer all-inclusive set of digital marketing services that market the clientele's products and services. Their highly skilled team of professionals come up with inventive strategies that are cost-effective as well as support the customer's business goals. These skilled Digital marketing companies in USA are responsible for providing Client-centric and User- friendly applications including dynamic website development, e-commerce web businesses, Strategic web consulting for Internet marketing including SEO, SEM, Social Media and analytics & reporting. Being an eminent Digital marketing company in USA, Aurelius offer strategic solutions to emerging companies to redefine their business by using ingenious ideas and cutting-edge web technology. There are endless number of companies which offer SMO services USA, but undoubtedly Aurelius has emerged as one-stop-shop for all kind of digital marketing needs, bestowing proven digital marketing methodologies. 1.1 Global Scenerio
  • 8. 4 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Digital marketing budgets total 2.5% of revenue and will increase 9% this year .The Gartner survey aimed to examine how marketers allocate budgets, where the largest investments will be made, and which activities contribute most to marketing success. This post follows that logic, and breaks Gartner‟s key findings into benchmark stats on budget, talent and results .Before you read any further, here are some quick facts about the survey: According to Gartner, research is based on an online survey of 253 marketers from U.S. companies with more than $500 million in annual revenue. Survey participants cover 6 industries, including: financial services, healthcare, high- tech, manufacturing, media and retail. The survey was conducted in November and December of 2012. Budget: Digital Marketing Spend  Marketers spent an average 10.4% of their 2012 revenue overall on marketing activities, including salaries, traditional and digital activities, advertising, research and software. The range spans from 5 through 15%.  A total of 43% of respondents said 2013 operating budgets will increase this year; 7% note budgets will remain steady; and 10% expect a tightened budget.  Digital marketing spending averages 2.5% of company revenue. The survey found that digital marketing spending averages 2.5% of company revenue. So, of that digital marketing budget, where are resources allocated? The following chart breaks it down with advertising, content creation, search and web as leading priorities. 48% of marketers plan to increase their budgets for digital marketing in 2014. 46% of B2B organizations automate their marketing campaigns today, it is expected that 81% will adopt the practice by 2014. Social – Twitter, LinkedIn 91% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute content, followed by Twitter at 85%. Social is about converged media to connect buyers to brand across entire sales cycle. According to an Invest is IQ Research Study, 64% of all the visits to corporate
  • 9. 5 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi website came from LinkedIn. In 2014, ramp up your social media presence with consistent and quality updates on LinkedIn and Twitter. Incorporate rich media, micro-videos, device ready content and messaging. Spending on advertising using digital media channels is continuing to grow in market share despite economic conditions slowing down the growth of overall advertising spending. In 2014 the advertising sector is focused on the future opportunities offered by multi-screen developments. In other words, a cross-marketing approach involving multiple devices including TV, touchscreen tablets, computers, laptops, mobile phones etc. In addition, advertisers and content developers/providers are eyeing off the potential opportunities offered by the Over-The-Top (OTT) content distributed by Smart TVs. Digital marketing as a whole remains a growth area, as marketers shift towards these types of advertising methods at the expense of traditional formats. This report provides an overview and analysis of Digital Media marketing with a focus on the following digital advertising platforms – Internet (including social media), TV (including Smart TV) and Mobile. The report is designed to provide current observations which may assist investors, analysts and industry participants in making investment and business decisions.
  • 10. 6 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi The birth of the internet The internet is the newest and youngest medium, having been around in its current form for just about 20 years. The very first interconnected computer network was developed as a joint project between the US military and several research organisations, and went live in 1969. New advances came slowly at first: network email was invented in 1971 (though the system was very slow and primitive),international connections were established in 1973, the term “internet” was first used in 1974 and the first real online protocols were introduced in the 1980s.Everything accelerated in the early 1990s as Tim Berners-Lee, acknowledged as the creator of the internet as we know it today, built on his earlier revolutionary work and released the UR L protocol, web browser software and the World Wide Web to the public. By 1993, businesses started taking an interest in the internet the debate raged about whether they were permitted to use the internet for commercial purposes, since it had been established as a strictly educational and non-commercial arena. Eventually, however, the businesses won out and the last of these restrictions were dissolved in 1995. Early internet giants like Yahoo and Amazon launched their online platforms in the mid-1990s amid a wave of new search portals, including Alta Vista, Excite and info seek. Google launched in 1998, taking search to a new level of accuracy and convenience. Other commercial websites, like the auction site eBay, began to dominate the web, solidifying the interactive and global commercial potential of the internet. In 2004, the concept of “web 2.0” – the interactive, commercial, cooperative and user-centric web – exploded into public consciousness. Its main characteristics were the rise of social networking, the invention of tools that made creating and customising personal pages increasingly simple, and the big push by online marketers to make their advertising and products more accessible and desirable to online markets. Commercial strategies have become more prevalent and innovative since then. Recent years have seen a growth in web consciousness as users become more adept at filtering and steering online content. In December 1995, the internet had 16 million users, which equated to 0.4% of the world‟s total population. It surpassed 100 million users in early 1998and continued to 1.2 History of the Industry
  • 11. 7 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi grow exponentially since then. The 1 billionth user joined in December 2005. According to Internet World Stats, there were 2 billion users online by June 2010 – that‟s 30% of the world‟s population. Websites first The first marketing activity online started in the early 1990s with the creation of simple, text-based websites with basic information about a product or company. These were complemented with basic emails – often unsolicited spam – that shared information in a rudimentary way. As web tools evolved, so too did the websites, incorporating images, sounds, videos and more advanced formatting styles. The rise of the social web Despite some failed marketing strategies – the annoying pop-up adverts that appeared in 2001 were quickly neutralised by pop-up blocker programs – online marketing recovered and grew rapidly in tandem with the rise of the social, sharing based web 2.0. The corresponding rise in online commerce – notably auction websites, online retailers and banking – has added to the financial focus of the web. The last and most profound change to the marketing space was the rise of social media, which was gradual from 2004 and meteoric from 2006. Social media platforms, such as social networking sites, opened the space for user-filtered and recommended content – including marketing material. As the social media platforms grew and people created exponentially more connections with each other, the vision of viral marketing – the online equivalent of word of mouth became real. Website Your website is the hub of your digital world – and perhaps the most important element in your whole digital marketing strategy. It‟s a vital piece of online real estate to which all of your other online activity will direct your prospects. A lot of the digital marketing techniques discussed in this book are about generating traffic to your website – but traffic in itself is worthless. To become valuable, traffic must be converted – and that‟s essentially what your website should be: a conversion engine for the traffic being directed to it.
  • 12. 8 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Search engine optimization (SEO) Part and parcel of the website is SEO, or the process of aligning content on your website to what your prospects are actively searching for, and presenting it in a manner that makes it accessible to both people and search engines. The Organic or natural search results (the results in the middle of the search engine results page) are the place to be if you want to increase targeted traffic to your website. Pay-per-click search advertising (PPC) Pay-per-click advertising offers you a way to buy your way on to the search results pages for chosen keywords or key phrases. Depending on your business and what Key words you want to rank for, this can be an extremely effective way of generating search engine traffic quickly, although as the medium continues to gain in popularity more competitive keywords are becoming prohibitively expensive for smaller businesses. Social networking A relatively new marketing opportunity, but one that can potentially offer highly targeted advertising to niche social groups based on profile information they volunteer through sites like Bebo, Facebook, My Space and others. E-mail marketing the granddaddy of internet marketing, suffering something of a crisis in the wake of perpetual spam bombardment, but still an important tool in the digital marketer‟s arsenal, particularly when it comes to maintaining ongoing relationships with existing Customers and prospects who‟ve „opted in‟ to receive information. Digital Marketing versus Traditional Marketing The debate continues as to whether digital marketing is overpowering and surpassing traditional marketing or not. Many think that for the most part, digital marketing has taken over and traditional marking barely exists, if at all. Recent occurrences such as the magazine giant, Newsweek switching to totally digital publications cause ripples throughout the marketing arena. Over the last year or so traditional marketing had fallen nearly 160% while in the same time frame expenses for digital marketing increased over 14%. Are there any real advantages to using digital marketing over traditional means? And what is the big difference between these two anyway?
  • 13. 9 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Being the most popular social media platform in India with more than 62 million users, Facebook is the favourite playground for social media-savvy organizations in India to banter in everyday conversations and organize engaging promotions and contests for fans. 89.6% of all surveyed organizations placed Facebook as the most important platform for engagement. Interestingly, there were more than 100 Facebook campaigns in India in 2012, which translates to more than 8 campaigns running simultaneously per month. With social media marketing campaigns being Facebook heavy, some organizations are looking at other platforms to differentiate themselves. More than half of the organizations surveyed placed Twitter as the second-most important channel. A trending topic on Twitter for a good reason is perhaps one of the most coveted benchmarks .However, featuring there for the wrong reasons is a big crisis in the making. According to a story in Economic Times, advertising agencies today have started to create YouTube specific ads as against re-purposing TV commercials. Blogging followed YouTube as the most important platform for organizations. Blogging particularly is important when organizations want to share thought leadership or trends in An area of mass interest. For instance, a fashion blog, a movie blog or technology blog. Blogging is also popular among B2B organizations for thought leadership purposes . Every online user around the globe is aware of the fact that search engines are the most powerful, effective and most used means for prospective clients to find your website. But merely lying down right below among thousands of search results is not a very advisable scheme for searchers as well as spiders. Thus, strenuous efforts must be made to ensure that your website ranks at least within the top 30 entries whenever you plug in a search term in your favourite search engine. 1.3 Indian Market Scenario
  • 14. 10 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Keeping digital talent in line with predicted growth in spend and technology development levels, looks set to be one of the key challenges for the market in 2014, according to the survey findings. Of those respondents polled, only 20% are planning to recruit within their media. A surprise findings of the research was that only 20% of organizations are planning to recruit in 2014 and this is out of synch with growth predictions of 20%. While the economy is bouncing back, digital marketing is suffering from a skills shortage as senior roles are left unfilled. As digital evolves, both clients and agencies will find it much harder to hire specialists, either due to a lack of talent or experience, or increasingly, affordability as those with experience demand higher salary levels to reflect their expertise. 80% of those surveyed claimed they would not be recruiting digital marketing specialists within the next 12 months. Digital marketing continues to grow, increasing its hold on the global market share of the entire advertising market, with digital marketing market predicted to reach US$185.4 billion by 2017. According‟s the Global Entertainment and Media Outlook 2013-2017 report by PwC, to help us begin to understand the future of the marketing industry. This insight gives us a picture of just how different the landscape will look like in a few years‟ time, in terms of the wider marketing industry, and also importantly, the impact it will have on our individual job roles. It‟s time to start looking at a new way of marketing. 1. In 2013, digital marketing grew significantly. The global market reached, a growth of 17% which elevated it to a 20% share of the global advertising market. 2. Growth in the digital marketing landscape can be traced to the developing markets where there are significant periods of growth. Beyond this, the developed markets are also growing and contributing to the global figure. 1.4 Growth of the Industry
  • 15. 11 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi 3. In 2017 the market will reach US$185.4 billion worldwide, which is a staggering 29% share of the total global advertising market. At a growth of over 13% over just five years this makes it the second biggest spend after TV. 4. The most significant share of the digital marketing market growth is search, which will lead with a 41% market share in 2017. 5. The display market is set to grow at a rate of 10%, reaching in 2017. This prompts the discussion of how new creative developments will be needed to create stand out display advertising.  Due to rapid demand, Digital Marketing Agencies will double in quantity. Small and medium businesses are now beginning to understand the power of content marketing and need consulting services to help with the proliferation of tools available. With the proliferation of point solutions to manage, measure and report on various online and social activities, small and medium businesses are turning to digital marketing agencies to help them take over these efforts. The unprecedented demand contributes to the increase in digital marketing agencies – from owner- operated agencies to consultants, all the way to creative agencies offering more online services. The number of agencies will likely double within the next 3-5 years.  Email grows even bigger With the increase of social media, content marketing and mobile usage, email marketing is also growing at astonishing rates. In 2013 we will see even bigger growth as more businesses adopt online marketing.  All marketing campaigns will be integrated marketing campaigns. Last year saw a surge in digital marketing adoption with the establishment of channels like social media and content marketing, as well as the emergence of new channels like mobile. We expect 2013 to be the year of integrated channel campaigns as marketers aspire to leverage cross channel digital campaigns to deliver real-time results at a lower cost. Providers that can convert unknown traffic to known traffic by leveraging an integrated tool set will have a big advantage.
  • 16. 12 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Figure 1 Total Online Ad Spend 1 1 Figure 2 Indian Digital Marketing Growth
  • 17. 13 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi 1) Ebrandz eBrandz is considered amongst the best Search Engine Optimization companies in the world (Source : Digit Magazine Nov 2005). As an industry leader with more than 8 years of experience, eBrandz probably has the highest number of successful case studies and client testimonials. With offices located in 4 major cities of the world including New York, Mumbai and Singapore and with a team of 250 marketing experts, eBrandz has successfully executed more than 6000 Search Marketing campaigns for clients based in over 40 countries in the past four years. Our clientele includes global majors like Citibank, Cardservice International (which processes 60 per cent of all ecommerce credit card transactions in the US), ILSmart (the world‟s biggest e-marketplace for the aviation, marine and defence industries), Manpower Inc. (Fortune 500 Company) and Union Diamond (A Forbes Magazine “Best of the Web” rated site), to name a few… Due to very competitive prices, eBrandz has been able to partner with more than 80 agencies in US, UK, Canada, Australia and few other countries. We provide private label services to these agencies. 2) OMLogic OMLogic Consulting is a strategic and comprehensive online marketing service partner, founded by four serial entrepreneurs in 2007, on a shoe-string budget. Since then, we have come a long way, helping business houses harness the power and magic of the web, to expand their reach and take on bigger players in the game. As a hard-core online marketing specialist, OMLogic has profound business domain expertise, along with high technology competence. We have mastered the craft of creating innovative strategies & solutions, be it Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing or Paid Search (PPC). 1.5 Top Companies in Industries
  • 18. 14 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi 3) Webchutney Webchutney works with leading companies in India by developing award winning and memorable experiences for brands to connect, engage with and build sustained relationships with their consumers online. Our clients include Airtel, Microsoft, Unilever, Marico, Titan, MasterCard, Barclays, Proctor & Gamble among others. We work with them in areas of online advertising, website design, mobile marketing and social media. Ranked as India‟s Number 1 Digital Agency, Webchutney is committed to leading the interactive marketing industry. We are a team of over 200 digital marketing professionals across New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. 3)Adglobal360 We are a digital advertising company with rich experience in a wide array of business verticals ranging from education, financial services, utilities, real estate to travel, retail and e-commerce. Helping you connect with your target consumers online, we develop digital marketing programs that define your charisma in the e-market. The plethora of services on our platter that includes Pay Per Click, Social Media Optimization, Search Engine Optimization and Email marketing results in generating leads and online sales. Our result driven approach showcases your services in just the apt manner and the world class tracking tools help you convert your online sales into prospective customers.
  • 19. 15 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Chapter 2 ABOUT SMIT DIGITAL MARKETING PVT. LTD.
  • 20. 16 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi SMIT is derived from „Sales and Marketing with Information Technology‟ and provides effectual solutions for digital marketing to boost the productivity of our client‟s business. Smit is one of the emerging search engine marketing company and digital internet marketing company in Ahmedabad & Mumbai and aim to unleash the power of digital media to achieve business objectives of their clients. Their professional team comprises of young, talented & passionate people and we help brands in developing the best online strategy for online marketing. At SMIT, They are passionate about businesses going more digital and strive to provide effective business results for our esteemed clients. Their expertise lies in applying e-Marketing knowledge for complex business issues and delivering robust solutions to give the best online customer experience. Smit help brands and companies to listen, leverage and engage in online marketing. Smit empower their valuable clients with their learning and understandings about their business on online and offer customized services for the best online marketing verticals for their marketing campaigns. As an online digital marketing company in India, Company offer detailed and planned digital strategy, planning and creativity resulting in successful online marketing campaigns. SMIT approaches brand communications as a whole and they understand their client‟s brand inside out and create user experiences across various mediums like web, video and social media. From core competencies like SEO, PPC to Social Media services, they have all the digital bases combined with the best talent to help you. To experience results focused on digital marketing which can be measured, optimized and enhance our ROI, feel free to call our digital marketing agency. 2.1 Smit Digital Marketing Agency
  • 21. 17 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi  Privacy Policy Company’s Commitment to Privacy At SMIT, they regard the privacy of our website visitors. They acknowledge that the detail belongs to you and assure to treat it accordingly. Under mentioned statement manifests their privacy policy in detail and will explain our online information practices or the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used by them. The policy applies to and all other websites owned/operated directly under the SMIT Digital Marketing brand name. If there are any prominent changes in these policies in the future, details of any such changes will be notified on this webpage. Use of Personal and Non-Personal Information They collect two types of information from our website visitors - personal and non- personal details. Access to the public pages of SMIT website does not require any registration. Non-personal information is asked to keep track of the total number of guests visiting SMIT website and to make endeavor to improve our website. The non- personal details they monitor includes the operating system and browser type being used by our visitors; sections of the websites viewed; date and time of visit; host or service-provider details, and identification of the referring site. These details are used only for our internal use and are not sold or even disclosed to any third parties. Personal information, such as name, address or contact details, are collected only when voluntarily provided by the website visitors like at the time of registering for our website‟s newsletter mailing list, participating in events, registering for our referral program, permissions to comment on our blog, submit us your resumes, etc. Access to pages having content specific to our channel partner, or existing clients is password-protected and requires pre-registration. Personal details collected through registration is kept confidential and are not disclosed to third parties except as may be required by law.
  • 22. 18 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi The personal information collected can be used to send our email or call/sms (if not under DND) as depicted in the field of interest by the website visitor with us. Under all circumstances email address will always remain private and will not be sold or supplied to any third party vendors. Use of Cookies & IP Addresses Information SMIT may, at times, place an electronic Cookie in the browser files of a visitor's computer or track them by their IP Address. They are pieces of information that a site sends to an individual‟s computer hard drive for maintaining records. They do not enable us to get any personal information about our visitors; however, they do enable SMIT to evaluate visitors‟ use of our website. This evaluation assists us to understand better which sections of our websites are mostly viewed, useful and popular, so we can make improvements and updates accordingly. SMIT does not use cookies or IP Address info to get details from a visitor‟s computer. Uses of the Information Company use information about client in the following ways:  To ensure that content from their site is presented in the most effective manner for clients and for their computer.  To provide clients with information, products or services that they request from clients, where clients have consented to be contacted for such purposes.  To carry out their obligations arising from any Agreements entered between Client and them.  To allow clients to participate in interactive features of their service, when customers choose to do so.  To notify clients about changes to their service or any general information with regards to company.  If one do not want the company to use his/her data in this way, he/she can unsubscribe explicitly by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided in all company‟s emails. One can also email them to remove his/her email address from its mailing lists. Their Commitment to Data Security
  • 23. 19 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, they have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information they collect online. Access to their visitors' information is restricted to authorized employees only who need the information to perform a specific job. Furthermore, all employees are regularly updated on company‟s security and privacy practices. Links to Other Websites SMIT is not responsible for the availability, content or accuracy of any other pages or other sites linked via this website. Portions of this site contain links to outside products, services and resources and all relationships are between visitors and that linked website and do not involve there Any concerns about such products, services or resources should be directed to the particular linked website. They do not guarantee or warranty the accuracy or completeness of the information or content on such sites, nor the quality of products or services provided or sold through that linked website. Internet Communication The privacy of interaction over the Internet is not guaranteed, as the Internet is not a secure medium. SMIT does not take any responsibility for any harm, loss, or damage, which you may incur by sending personal or confidential details over the Internet by or to SMIT. Consent By accessing this site, you provide your consent to SMIT‟s on-line privacy policy. If you do not agree to these conditions, please avoid using this site. They reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, update, delete, modify, or add any portion of this policy from time to time.
  • 24. 20 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Vision Be a dynamic digital marketing agency for emerging Medias like web & mobile and strive to be among the top 10 digital marketing agencies of India Mission We aim to work with Mid-Sized India based Companies who are interested for extensive Digital marketing services/Solutions to grow their international or national sales or those mid-sized companies which are based from outside India and are interested for extensive digital marketing services to grow their national sales. SMIT would strive for excellence in services delivery and ROI driven digital marketing campaigns that directly impact client‟s sales and/or business result. 2.2 Vision and Mission
  • 25. 21 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Marketing isn‟t a one-time effort but an on-going process. It requires constant monitoring and ample resources to yield desired results. At SMIT, They delineate a marketing strategy understanding our business needs and run tailor-made marketing campaigns thereby help improve your website‟s ranking, reputation and brand visibility. They focus on organic, real and customized marketing service which is the best way to get the desired results, higher return of investment (ROI) and increased sales. Whether you have a new website or an existing one but are struggling to get more web visitors for your online web shop, they can deliver you extensive web marketing services to enhance your web traffic flow. They aim to redefine your web identity with the help of experiential tips and tricks to help you surpass your competitors. Their services are easy to customize and scalable.  There are various kinds of services provided by the Company. Services Search Marketing Email Marketing Social Marketing Video Marketing Collateral Marketing Survey Marketing 2.3 Services
  • 26. 22 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi  Search Marketing SEO Any business, big or small would want to generate more traffic to their website to get more inbound sales inquiries. Most of the Internet users do not go beyond first page for the search item they are trying to find and over half of search engine usage results to the first step in the buying process. So, if your website is not optimized for search engines, it would not be found by your prospect buyers. PPC PPC advertising is the most cost-effective way of reaching your target audience. When your prospect customer uses the search engine to find your products or services, you want to ensure that your ads appear on the top spot. With PPC ads, your advertisement will be displayed when prospect‟s keyword query matches your keyword list or when a site displays relevant content.  Social Marketing Social media Social media is a platform which lets you interact directly with your target audience. More than 30% of B2B marketers are spending millions of dollars each year on social media marketing. Social media takes on many different forms such as social networking, bookmarking, content, micro blogs and more. Presence on enhances your brand‟s visibility and reputation. Social media marketing is an ongoing activity, the purpose of which is to continuously engage with your customers. Net Working Your social media strategy does not end after building profile on social media. It is just the first step. It is important that you build strong connections and network with people who share similar interest and showcase your industry expertise by sharing knowledge across social communities. Doing so will help build your brand reputation and differentiate your product or service offerings from competition. This is further
  • 27. 23 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi enhanced by continuous engagement with your target audience which helps build stronger relationships and increase trust in your offerings.  E-Mail Marketing E-mail/E-newsletter Email marketing/E-newsletter is the most effective form of marketing mix, provided that the communication is well-drafted, well-timed and sent to the correct target audience. It is meant to build loyalty, trust and customer relationships. Email/E- newsletter takes many forms ranging from company news or announcements to keep your customer base abreast of new developments, brand promotion campaigns or sales/business development messages. The biggest advantage of this form of marketing is that it is very easy to track return on investment and campaign effectiveness. E-Coupon /E-certificate E-coupon or E-certificate is the most effective form of pull marketing. It is used to grab the attention of the reader and elicit a response. It can be delivered through email campaigns or downloaded through other websites such as social media, manufacturer‟s own website and other e-commerce sites. Customers may also sign-up to receive coupons or certificates via email and redeem them when they make a purchase.  Video Marketing Webinars Webinars or web based seminars are the most effective and convenient way of conducting remote knowledge sharing sessions with your target audience. As Webinars are hosted remotely, it saves a lot of cost and increases operational efficiency. It removes the location barriers as audience can join remotely from any part of the world. This form of marketing yields higher returns due to its reusability through webinar recording and replay. Webinars also help engage your target audience and answering their questions live, help you showcase your expertise and gauge their level of interest in your products or service offerings.
  • 28. 24 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Presentation It is highly important that your business or corporate presentation represents your ideas and credentials well. They have to be aligned as per audience, their areas of interest and business needs. You can build compelling visual presentations with animations and graphics to keep your audience interested. Your sales, product, training or marketing presentation needs to be right mix of compelling design and strong messaging to help you enhance your brand positioning and communicate true value to participating audience. Demo Online Demos or Demo videos with voice help your target audience see your offerings in action understand your product or services and its advantages. It also serves as an online help manual for your existing client base which demonstrates how your product or service works and how to troubleshoot in case of any performance issues. Short „How-to‟ videos are interesting and easier to understand as compared to a lengthy help document. Collateral Marketing Case Study Client case-studies are the most trusted form of communication which you can send to your prospects. It outlines the success story of how your product or service was successfully able to resolve client‟s business problem. It can take a simple text based form or can be made interesting with visuals and animations. Video-based case studies are the most popular format today due to its ease of integration with website and other web-based media. It also wins over the traditional document due its ease of understanding. Survey Marketing Web Reviews To showcase your company or product/service credentials, Web reviews are the most trusted form of third party credentials. It helps you establish your company‟s credibility for employees, investors or prospect buyers. Five star ratings from reputed testing companies or reviewers is the best testimony of your company‟s performance as compared to your competition.
  • 29. 25 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi For Startups They love working with startups with a potential idea, good team and fresh management approach. A lot of startups require some incubation help, but hardly there‟s any available. Under our startups program, they work with you as your exclusive web marketing partner for a minimum of 12 months to maximum 36 months period where they charge a small upfront project commitment fee (ideally 10% of what it would be in actual) and thereafter earn via Pay for Performance model. So if they have delivered well and your sales have picked up they get their due per lead/client, else we take nothing. They take up everything right from putting up your website to comprehensive web marketing. The idea is to help you stay focused on your core expertise without worrying for marketing plans and spending. For Manufacturers Typically manufacturing involves juggling with too many challenges that begin right from the redtapism for permissions, to setting up the facility, labor availability, production quantity, quality consistency and finally delivering into the market. So mostly it is a tussle of time and focus between the productions vs. marketing for the owners. Manufacturers can be lot relieved if they get someone to take off the marketing burden from their shoulders. They have expert business analyst with background in manufacturing who understands the typical pain the manufacturers, go through in context of marketing of Clients product. Ideally under this program, the business analyst studies your product in detail and takes up all the jobs right from market research, messaging & positioning, web marketing and web sales promotions to directly deliver only the confirmed orders into your mail box. So they take up everything right from putting up your website to comprehensive web marketing. 2.4 Segments
  • 30. 26 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi This solution package is specifically suitable for those visionary manufacturers who prefer standard and consistent services from one-roof vendor even though it might be at some premium charges. For Service Companies Service companies have quickly emerged as the largest employment generator in the last few decades. People are willing to pay (a premium too) for good services. So if you are in one of those excellent domains that have some promising potential but lack the in-house skills or resources to undertake comprehensive web marketing to build your brand and generate more sales, they have a solution for you. No matter whether you are a brick and click company or just click company. For this, they assign you our expert business analyst from service company background, who would study your services in detail and take up all the jobs right from market research, messaging & positioning, web marketing and web sales promotions to directly deliver only the confirmed orders into your mail box. It would have everything from putting up your website to comprehensive web marketing and taking care of it. This solution package is specifically suited for those visionary service companies who prefer standard and consistent web marketing assistance from one-roof vendor even though it might be at some premium charges. For Exporters It‟s always a costly affair to setup your international sales shop and run marketing activities to get export orders. Web has made it easier for your customers to approach you for export orders, no matter where you are based in. They specialize in working with those e-commerce businesses that have their base here (in India) but are willing to grow their international sales with extensive web marketing activities.
  • 31. 27 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi So if you have a potentially good product-line and are open to an exclusive web marketing partnership with us for a minimum of 12 months to maximum 24 months period on a Pay for Performance model, they may be good to go with for. They would charge a small upfront project commitment fee (ideally 25% of what it would be in actually) and thereafter it is‟s all based on per lead/client. You can thereby continue to stay focused on your e-commerce site management and product deliveries leaving all the pains related to heavily marketing it over the web on us. You can save time and resources that would else be diverted towards your web marketing activities. There‟s a dedicated project manager at our end for the execution of this entire comprehensive mix of web marketing activities to ensure that they help you realize your sales goals. Expert Solutions For:  IT & ITES  Travel & Tourism  Hotels & Resorts  Medical Centers  Education Institutes  Event Organizers  Garments Exporters  Automobile Exporters  Insurance Companies  Consumer Electronics  Mobiles & Laptops
  • 32. 28 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Chapter 3 Literature Review
  • 33. 29 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi According to (EL-Gohary) Electronic Marketing (E-Marketing) can be viewed as a new philosophy and a modern business practice involved with the marketing of goods, services, information and ideas via the Internet and other electronic means. By reviewing the relevant literature it is noticed that definitions of electronic marketing (E Marketing) vary according to each author's point of view, background and specialization. For that digital marketing as “The use of electronic data and applications for planning and executing the conception, distribution and pricing of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals”. This paper will look at how companies developing digital products could use social media to develop and execute a viral marketing campaign. According to (Fletcher) from the perspective of the Internet, place and promotion figure very prominently and can be addressed directly through the technologies of the Web. However, there are also web based services that are influenced by the product and price aspects. In a marketing conscious organization, each marketing activity is measured by consideration of its return on investment and customer life time value. These variables are informed by, for example, the number of sales and activity generates and the profit returned through each activity. A marketing activity, in terms of online presence, can therefore be crudely measured by the number of sales that were generated as a result of an online advertisement or in relation to website metrics such as the number of unique visitors per month. In the increasingly sophisticated Web 2.0 environment, marketing activity can also be quantified as the number of followers on Twitter, friends on a Facebook group page, and on a corporate blog. The recent technological advancements - in mobile devices, multi-touch screens, cloud computing, and the advancements in the way we interact with the devices – has allowed the companies to deliver content and services in very easy, fast and interactive ways. With more and more people using social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, YouTube etc., the way these products are being marketed is changing as well. For example, using viral marketing, KIK - a cross platform mobile phone application was downloaded 1 million times in just 15 days after its launch (KIK 2010). In another example, Viber was able to achieve 1 million downloads in
  • 34. 30 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi just 5 days (Appchronicles 2010). It has since amassed 10 million (Tec crunch 2011) downloads. According to (Nimitak, March-2011) Marketing, I-Marketing, Web Marketing, Online Marketing is the marketing of products or services over the Internet. As we all know that how the technology has changed the face of New India. As a result, e- Marketing has grown to gargantuan proportions as it has been able to deliver the goods with regards to measuring the return on investments. Be it a Financial Sector, Health Sector, Education Sector or Business Sector, the various changes came out. Even e-Marketing has had a large impact on several previously retail-oriented industries including music, film, pharmaceuticals, banking, flea markets, as well as the advertising industry itself. In all of the Business Sector has been largely benefited by this technological transformation. According to (Padungsang, Feb.2012) Internet marketing has become bigger than television and radio advertising. Since consumers are always busy and have no time to wait in line or drive from store to store looking for items, they have turned to the internet. Organizations have caught on to this type of shopping and have gladly obliged consumers with the availability of their products. Internet marketing is referred to as the marketing of products or services over the Internet, also known as digital marketing, web marketing, online marketing, search marketing or e-marketing, marketing is used by the consumers. According to (Ishrawat, November-2012) Digital Marketing is the practice of promoting products and services using database-driven online distribution channels to reach consumers in a timely, relevant, personal and cost-effective manner. Digital marketing includes email marketing, mobile marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) and pay per click in this paper, we discuss the various marketing trends. How will digital marketing offer value to audiences and encourage them to share content to help online visibility. We first show that digital marketing is the combination of push and pull Internet technologies to execute marketing campaigns. In this paper we find the new Methodologies for promotion of products using Digital marketing Keywords: Push and Pull Digital Marketing, search engine optimization, Social Marketing optimization, Pay-Per-Click.
  • 35. 31 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Marketing supports the reaching of organizational goals by focusing on the identification and satisfaction of customer needs, thus it can also contribute considerably in achieving the objectives of non-profit organizations such as libraries. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the literature on the incorporation of marketing notions and the implementation of marketing techniques in library management. It reviews definitions, present different opposing views, marketing issues, social media and Web 2.0 and opinions on the adoption of marketing in a non-profit organization environment, and examines different successful examples of marketing implementation, concentrating on the gains resulting from such a move. A thorough literature search on various databases and on various aspects of this topic was reviewed. The literature review is organized on emerging themes directly drawn from the literature, thematically and chronologically within each section. It aims to identify the changing perspectives, the current challenges, and the benefits offered by examining information science specialists' views. The main marketing concepts are identified throughout a strategic planning approach, which has been recommended as the most successful by the majority of researchers (Garofallou, 2013). The cost efficiency and diversity of digital channels facilitate marketers‟ frequent and interactive communication with their customers. Digital channels like the Internet, email, mobile phones and digital television offer new prospects to cultivate customer relationships. However, there are a few models explaining how digital marketing communication (DMC) works from a relationship marketing perspective, especially for cultivating customer loyalty. Draw together previous research into an integrative conceptual model that explains how the key elements of DMC - frequency and content of brand communication, personalization, and interactivity - can lead to improved customer value, commitment, and loyalty (Merisavo, June-2008). The internet has provided an inexpensive and efficient way for companies to create an additional electronic sales channel to market their products. Like any marketing channels, the goal is to increase sales and one method that delivers content that is
  • 36. 32 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi relevant to electronic commerce termed as e- personalization. The current E- commerce channels can be enhanced through the use of personalization techniques provided that companies with the products, contents and information them alive. However, privacy and accuracy of personal information plays an important role in personalized contents which has raised the questions of government inter venation in to the realm of e- personalization (Alan, 2005). Literature Gap Till date whatever research were done in digital marketing is limited to only few particular areas, such as digital marketing awareness and acceptance in the market. But no study has been conducted on digital marketing preference, attitude and perception. So, in order to full fill this gap we had undertaken a research on awareness, perception and comparative position of digital marking with traditional marketing. For this purpose we had taken Ahmedabad.
  • 37. 33 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Chapter 4 Introduction About Title
  • 38. 34 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi TITLE “A study on awareness and perception of Digital Marketing in Ahmedabad city.” MEANING OF AWARENESS 1. Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact Synonyms Cognizant-Conscious-Sensible-Awake-Alert-Watchful-Vigilant MEANING OF DIGITAL 1. Expressed in discrete numerical form, especially for use by a computer or other electronic device 2. Expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1, typically represented by values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization Synonyms Numerical-Cardinal-Ordinal MEANING OF MARKETING 1. The ways in which a company encourages people to buy its products by deciding on price, type of customer, and advertising policy Synonyms Promoting-Selling-Advertising MEANING OF CUSTOMER 1. A person or organization that buys goods or services from a store or other business. 2. A person or thing of a specified kind that one has to deal with: "a tough customer". Synonyms Client - Purchaser - Buyer - Shopper - Patron - Vendee MEANING OF PERCEPTION 1. The ability to see, hears, or become aware of something through the senses. 2. The state of being or process of becoming aware of something in such a way. Synonyms Realization - Understanding – Comprehension
  • 39. 35 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Chapter 5 Research Methodology
  • 40. 36 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi 5.1 Title of Research A Study On Awareness and Perception of Digital Marketing in Ahmedabad city 5.2 Research Objectives Research methodology refers to the systematic method consisting of enunciating the problem, formulating hypothesis, collective facts or data, analyzing the facts and reaching certain conclusion either in the form of solutions towards the concerned problem or in certain generalization for some theoretical formulation. Primary objective  To know the perception level of digital marketing  To know the awareness level of digital marketing  To know the maximum digital activity done by industrialist Secondary objective  To find out the budget spent on web/mobile marketing by respondents in Ahmedabad city  To know the web/mobile marketing activities, which are used by respondents to promote their product and service  To find out since how long the respondents are doing web/mobile marketing activities.  To find out how the respondents manage their web/mobile marketing activities currently  To know the approx. amount spent on digital marketing activities from total expense budget  To find out reasons for not undertaking web/mobile marketing activities  To find out the key factors that would be important for respondents for selecting an external agency for digital marketing  To do the comparison of traditional marketing with web/mobile marketing for getting better ROI  To know the readiness of respondents to switchover from traditional marketing to digital marketing  To know the perception on flexibility of digital marketing  To know the perception on difficulty level in digital marketing to measure ROI
  • 41. 37 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi  To know the perception on expected results of digital marketing  To know the perception on toughness on use of digital marketing  To know the perception on trust worthiness of digital marketing  To know the perception geographical reach of digital marketing  To know the perception reach of the digital marketing on large scale  To know the perception of effectiveness of digital marketing to promote business  To know the perception of cost of digital marketing 5.3 Research Design The research design is Descriptive in nature. The research design is a blueprint for fulfilling the objectives & answering the questions. Selecting the research design is complicated due to availability of large variety of methods, techniques, procedures, protocol and sampling plans. So to understand and describe the current market phenomena for Awareness and growth of digital marketing among the Consumers, DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN has been applied in Quantities research. In that CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY has been applied, as units are measured from a sample of the population. 5.4 Sources of Data Primary Data The data which is collected from first-hand experience is known as primary data. This data serves as the main source of data for any research based project work. The data can be collected in many ways as mentioned below:  Questionnaires  Personal Visit, etc Secondary Data Secondary data consist of published material, or any other reference material which can be useful in the particular project. The source of secondary data are many such as, Research paper, internet. In our survey, we have collected information from websites.
  • 42. 38 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi 5.5 Data Collection Method The data collection method used in this research is survey method. Here the data are systematically recorded from the respondents. Face to face informal interviews were done for data collection. At the end of the questionnaire the visiting card of respective respondent was taken for reference purpose. Questionnaire is been used as form of research instrument and it is the interviewer Administered. 5.6 Sample Our sample is industrialist of Ahmedabad region. We have conducted a survey of 600 samples to know the awareness and perception of Digital Marketing. 5.7 Sampling Method In our study, we had used judgmental sampling method as our sample was decided on the basis of two criteria. 1) Sample selected must be from geographical area of Ahmedabad city. 2) Sample must have industrial business & doing marketing of their product & services. 5.8 Data Collection Instrument For the collection of data, we have used Structured Questionnaire. 5.9 Analysis tools Test to be applied for analysis of study will be as follows:  Descriptive Statistics  Mean Score  Factor Analysis  Independent T- test (Hypothesis Testing)  Pair-T Test (Hypothesis Testing) Statistical Software:  SPSS 20  Microsoft Excel 2010
  • 43. 39 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi 5.10 Limitations of Study Our Study was limited to Ahmedabad only. Hypothesis Independent T-test H0:1 There is no difference in average opinion regarding flexibility of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of firm. H1:1 There is a difference in average opinion regarding flexibility of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of firm. H0:2 There is a difference in average opinion regarding difficulty to measure ROI of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of firm. H1:2 There is no difference in average opinion regarding difficulty to measure ROI of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of firm. H0:3 There is a difference in average opinion regarding digital marketing does not give expected results between respondents of two different types of firm. H1:3 There is no difference in average opinion regarding digital marketing does not give expected results between respondents of two different types of firm. H0:4 There is a difference in average opinion regarding Using of digital marketing is tough task between respondents of two different types of firm. H1:4 There is no difference in average opinion regarding Using of digital marketing is tough task between respondents of two different types of firm. H0:5 There is a difference in average opinion regarding trust worthiness of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of firm. H1:5 There is no difference in average opinion regarding trust worthiness of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of firm. H0:6 There is a difference in average opinion regarding Reach of digital marketing is fast between respondents of two different types of firm.
  • 44. 40 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi H1:6 There is no difference in average opinion regarding Reach of digital marketing is fast between respondents of two different types of firm. H0:7 There is no difference in average opinion regarding Reach of digital marketing is at large scale is fast between respondents of two different types of firm. H1:7 There is a difference in average opinion regarding Reach of digital marketing is at large scale between respondents of two different types of firm. H0:8 There is a difference in average opinion regarding effectiveness of digital marketing to promote business between respondents of two different types of firm. H1:8 There is no difference in average opinion regarding effectiveness of digital marketing to promote business between respondents of two different types of firm. H0:9 There is no difference in average opinion regarding cost of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of firm. H1:9 There is a difference in average opinion regarding cost of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of firm. H0:10 There is a difference in average opinion regarding flexibility of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of area. H1:10 There is no difference in average opinion regarding flexibility of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of area. H0:11 There is a difference in average opinion regarding difficulty to measure ROI of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of Area. H1:11 There is no difference in average opinion regarding difficulty to measure ROI of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of Area. H0:12 There is a difference in average opinion regarding digital marketing does not give expected results between respondents of two different types of Area. H1:12 There is no difference in average opinion regarding digital marketing does not give expected results between respondents of two different types of Area. H0:13 There is a difference in average opinion regarding Using of digital marketing is tough task between respondents of two different types of Area.
  • 45. 41 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi H1:13 There is no difference in average opinion regarding Using of digital marketing is tough task between respondents of two different types of Area. H0:14 There is a difference in average opinion regarding trust worthiness of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of Area. H1:14 There is no difference in average opinion regarding trust worthiness of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of Area. H0:15 There is a difference in average opinion regarding Reach of digital marketing is fast between respondents of two different types of Area. H1:15 There is no difference in average opinion regarding Reach of digital marketing is fast between respondents of two different types of Area. H0:16 There is a difference in average opinion regarding Reach of digital marketing is at large scale is fast between respondents of two different types of area. H1:16 There is no difference in average opinion regarding Reach of digital marketing is at large scale between respondents of two different types of area. H0:17 There is a difference in average opinion regarding effectiveness of digital marketing to promote business between respondents of two different types of area. H1:17 There is no difference in average opinion regarding effectiveness of digital marketing to Promote business between respondents of two different types of area. H0:18 There is a difference in average opinion regarding cost of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of Area. H1:18 There is no difference in average opinion regarding cost of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of Area.
  • 46. 42 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Chapter 6 Data Analysis & Interpretation
  • 47. 43 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Que1. Is your Company currently spending any budget on web/mobile marketing activities? [Objective: - To know whether the industrialist, retail store are aware about digital marketing.] Table 1 Shows the table of percentage industrialists are aware about digital marketing Particular Respondents % Yes 70 58.33% No 50 41.67% Total 120 100.00% Graph 1 Shows the graph of industrialists are awareness about digital marketing Interpretation:  Here the above question is the qualifying question.  The above question was asked to know whether the industrialists, retail store are aware about digital marketing or not.  The above table & pie chart show that all 70 industrialists, retail store are aware about digital marketing and 50 industrialists are not aware about digital marketing. 58% 42% Awareness of Digital Marketing Yes No
  • 48. 44 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi 30% 20% 26% 13% 10% 1% Service used Search Engine Optimization Pay Per Click Social Media Marketing Forums/Communities/Flash Demos/Blogs Email/E-Newsletters Marketing Nothing Specific, But Interested Que2. Which of the following web/mobile marketing activities you’re currently using to promote your company’s product/service? [Objective: - To know which type of digital marketing activities industrialists are using.] Table 2 shows the table of frequency & percentage of digital marketing activities used by respondents Particular Respodents % Search Engine Optimization 51 29.48% Pay Per Click 35 20.23% Social Media Marketing 45 26.01% Forums/Communities/Flash Demos/Blogs 23 13.29% Email/E-Newsletters Marketing 17 9.83% Nothing Specific, But Interested 2 1.16% Total 173 100.00% Graph 2 Shows the graph of frequency & percentage of digital marketing activities used by respondents
  • 49. 45 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Interpretation:  The above question is multiple choice questions.  We had taken response from 120 people but due to multiple choice answers, some of the people are doing more than one activity. So the total response is 173.  The above question was asked to know which type of activities done by industrialists.  The above table & pie chart show that all 27 percent industrialist are using Social media Marketing, 30 percent industrialists are using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and other people are using other digital marketing activities.  Normally, every industry having their own website and for that they do search engine optimization, while email services is fast and less costly. So they are using this service for marketing activities.
  • 50. 46 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Que3. Since how long is your company doing web/mobile marketing activities? [Objective: - To know since how long industrialists, retail store are using digital marketing.] Table 3 Shows the percentage of time duration industrialists are using digital marketing Particular Respondents % < 6 Months 1 1.43% 6-12 Months 19 27.14% 1-2 Years 30 42.86% > 2 years 20 28.57% Total 70 100.00% Graph 3 Shows the graph of percentage time duration industrialists are using digital marketing Interpretation:  We had taken response from 120 industrialists but only 70 industrialists are using digital marketing. From that 70 industrialist we analyze the time duration since they using digital marketing services.  The above question was asked to know since how long industrialists are using the digital marketing.  The above table & pie chart show that 43% percent industrialists are using digital marketing from more than one- two years . 1% 27% 43% 29% Time Duration of Using Digital Marketing < 6 Months 6-12 Months 1-2 Years > 2 years
  • 51. 47 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Que4. How do you currently manage your web/mobile marketing activities? [Objective: - To know how industrialist, retail store are managing their digital marketing activities.] Table 4 Shows the table of different ways that how people are doing digital marketing activities. Interpretation:  We had taken response from 120 industrialist but only 70 from them are using digital marketing activities.  The above question was asked to know how industrialist managing their digital marketing activities.  The above table & pie chart show that all 28 % percent industrialist are doing digital marketing by their own team, 16 % percent industrialists are managing digital marketing through outside agencies. 56 % industrialists are managing digital marketing activities by both ways. 28% 16% 56% 0% Way of Managing Digital Marketing In House Team Outside Agency Both Im looking for Agency Particular Respondents % In House Team 20 28.57% Outside Agency 11 15.71% Both 39 55.71% Im looking for Agency 0 0.00% Total 70 100.00%
  • 52. 48 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi 21% 31% 13% 13% 12% 9% 1% Objective of Digital Markrting Increase Visibility & Brand Awareness Customer Engagement Measurable Results Social/Business Networking Higher ROI Drive Sales Que5. State the main marketing objective for doing web/mobile marketing? [Objective: - To know main objectives of industrialist, retail store behind doing web/mobile marketing activities.] Table 5 Shows the table of main objectives for doing web/mobile marketing activities. Perticular Respondent % Increase Visibility & Brand Awareness 34 21.52% Customer Engagement 49 31.01% Measurable Results 20 12.66% Social/Business Networking 21 13.29% Higher ROI 19 12.03% Drive Sales 14 8.86% Competitive Advantage 1 0.63% Totle 158 100.00%
  • 53. 49 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Interpretation:  We had taken response from 120 industrialists. As this is multiple choice questions, total number of response is 158.  The above question was asked to know the main objectives behind doing digital marketing.  38 % are use for a Customer engagement,21 % are use for Brand awareness.  Drive sales is objective for doing business activities. Industrialists are more conscious about their market reputation, so they are create their social/ business network using digital marketing.
  • 54. 50 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Que6. What amount of your yearly marketing budget would be spent for web/mobile marketing activities? [Objective: - To know yearly approx. budget spent by industrialist, retail store for digital marketing activities.] 23% 71% 6% 0% 0% Respodents 0-5% 5-10% 11-15% 16-25% >25% Particular Respondents % 0-5% 16 22.86% 5-10% 50 71.43% 11-15% 4 5.71% 16-25% 0 0.00% >25% 0 0.00% Total 70 100.00%
  • 55. 51 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Interpretation:  We had taken response from 120 industrialists but 70 respondents are spending budget for digital marketing.  The above question was asked to know approx. budget spent by industries for digital marketing activities.  The above table & pie chart show that 23 % percent industries are spending 0 to 5 percent from their annual expense. While percent industries are spending between 6 to 10 percent of their annual expense.  We came to know from this question that for any large or small scale industries there is high amount of investment for their business. Digital marketing adoption is not that much costly compared to their other expenses. So overall they spent maximum 5-10 percent amount for managing digital marketing activities.
  • 56. 52 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Que7. What are reasons for not undertaking web/mobile marketing activities? [Objective: - To know reasons for not undertaking digital marketing activities.] Table 6 Shows the table of percentage how industrialist managing their digital marketing activities Particular Respondent % We don't consider web/mobile marketing as effective tool to our sales 30 34.88% We have budget constraints so are not open to try web/mobile marketing currently 25 29.07% We don't have enough internal resources to drive web/mobile marketing activities 14 16.28% We are looking for good web/mobile marketing vendor who can deliver result oriented programs 0 0.00% We do not need any kind of marketing as our product/service just sells 17 19.77% Total 86 100.00% Interpretation: 35% 29% 16% 0% 20% Chart Title We don't consider web/mobile marketing as effective tool to our sales We have budget constraints so are not open to try web/mobile marketing currently We don't have enough internal resources to drive web/mobile marketing activities We are looking for good web/mobile marketing vendor who can deliver result oriented programs We do not need any kind of marketing as our product/service just sells
  • 57. 53 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi  We had taken response from 120 industrialists, retail store but 86 respondents were not undertaking digital marketing for their industries.  The above question was asked to know the reason for not undertaking digital marketing.  The above table & pie chart show that 17 percent industries, store were not undertaking digital marketing because their product is just depends on selling there is not any need of doing marketing.  30 % are not requiring any digital marketing activity.  25% are a budget constraint.
  • 58. 54 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Que8. What are the major reasons for not doing web/mobile marketing activities? [Objective: - To know major reasons for not undertaking digital marketing activities.] Table 7 Shows the graph of major reasons for not doing digital marketing activity. 29% 32% 18% 5% 16% Major Reason for not doing Digital Markrting Budget Constraints Not Aware of Web/Mobile Market Confused About Measuring ROI Can’t Trust an External Agency Lack of Resource for Execution Particular Respondent % Budget Constraints 25 29.41% Not Aware of Web/Mobile Market 27 31.76% Confused About Measuring ROI 15 17.65% Can’t Trust an External Agency 4 4.71% Lack of Resource for Execution 14 16.47% Total 85 100.00%
  • 59. 55 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Interpretation:  We had taken response from 120 industrialists but 50 respondents were not undertaking digital marketing for their industries. This question is multiple choice questions. So, some of them respondent give more than two reasons that‟s why here the response numbers are 85.  The above question was asked to know the major reason for not undertaking digital marketing.  32 Percent are not awareness of Digital Marketing.  The above table & pie Chart show 16 percent industries having problem of execution of digital marketing due to lake of resources. Some of them are not that much aware about such digital marketing activities. 29 percent small Retail and wholesaler, industries had budget problem and some of them are just doing job work so they did not required such digital marketing activities.
  • 60. 56 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Que9. Which are the key factors that would be important for you while selecting an external agency for managing your web/mobile marketing activities? [Objective: - To know the important key factors for selection of external agency for managing their industries, store digital marketing activities.] Table 8 Shows the important factors for selecting external agency for managing web/mobile marketing activities. 30% 37% 12% 15% 4% 2% Cost for Campaign Range of Services Reference from Colleague/Friend Agency's Client Portfolio/Market Reputation Availability of Pay-Per- Performance Option Agency's Market Share, Resources & Revenues Particular Respondent % Cost for Campaign 57 30.16% Range of Services 70 37.04% Reference from Colleague/Friend 23 12.17% Agency's Client Portfolio/Market Reputation 28 14.81% Availability of Pay-Per-Performance Option 7 3.70% Agency's Market Share, Resources & Revenues 4 2.12% Total 189 100.00%
  • 61. 57 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Interpretation:  We had taken response from 120 industrialists, retail store but this is multiple choice questions .So, respondent give more than two reasons that‟s why here the response numbers are 189.  The above question was asked to know the key factors for industrialists, store for selecting an external agency to manage digital marketing for their firm.  The above table & pie chart show 38 percent industries select external agency on the bases of its range of services. 30 percent industries select external agency on the bases of cost for campaign. 15 percent industries select external agency on the basis of market reputation or company current clients list.  Every industry is maintaining their services. Services are most important factor for any kind of selection. Cost is second most important factor but it is not accepted by many industries even though it is excellent, as cost of service is out of the budget that one cannot afford. They also want to know their current clients name and their market reputation for taking work from them.
  • 62. 58 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Que10. Do you think that web/mobile marketing activities give better ROI compared to any other traditional marketing like print, Radio, TV or Outdoors? [Objective: - To know the industrialist,store perception on ROI by comparing Digital marketing with traditional marketing.] Table 9 Shows the table of comparison of digital marketing with traditional marketing on base of ROI Interpretation:  We had taken response from 120 industrialists to know their perception about ROI by comparing digital marketing with traditional marketing.  The above table & chart show 50 percent industrialists were agreed that compared to traditional marketing, digital marketing give better ROI. 50 percent industrialists said that traditional marketing is still better than digital marketing on the bases of ROI. 50%50% Comparision of digital Marketing with traditional marketing Yes No Particular Respondents % Yes 60 50.00% No 60 50.00% Total 120 100.00%
  • 63. 59 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Que11. Would you agree to cut size your budget in other traditional marketing like print, Radio, TV or Outdoors to capitalize more on web/mobile marketing? [Objective: - To know the important key factors for selection of external agency for managing their industries, store digital marketing activities.] Table 10 Shows the table of readiness to switchover on digital marketing from traditional marketing Interpretation:  We had taken response from 120 industrialists, retail store to know in future they would like to cut size of their traditional marketing budget to invest more in digital marketing activities.  The above table & pie chart show 42 % percent industries Moderatly cut size of their budget of traditional marketing and invest that money in digital marketing. 51 percent industries not agreed to switch over from traditional marketing to digital marketing. 7% 42%51% Readiness to Swith Over on digital Marketing from Treditional Marketing Strictly Moderately No Particular Respodents % Strictly 9 7.50% Moderately 50 41.67% No 61 50.83% Total 120 100.00%
  • 64. 60 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Que12. For Below given statement give your opinion by marking against your response for Digital Marketing. 1= Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3= Neutral 4= Disagree 5=Strongly Disagree Table 11 Shows the table of Mean score of the factor on which respondent agreed Particular Mean Digital marketing is flexible 2.75 If I use Digital marketing for my business, it will be difficult to measure ROI for my business. 2.916667 Digital marketing does not give expected result. 3.083333 Using of Digital marketing is tuff task. 3.016667 Digital marketing in not trust worthy. 3.125 Reach of digital marketing is fast. 2.475 Reach of digital marketing is at large scale. 2.283333 Digital marketing is an effective tool to promote business. 2.225 Digital Marketing is costly 1.75 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Series1
  • 65. 61 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Interpretation:  Here, we can see the mean score analysis of the various factors about digital marketing.  From 120 respondents only 70 industrialist, retail store using digital marketing. We can easily identify that factors like flexibility, trust worthiness and cost of the digital marketing agreed between strongly agree and agree. We can see other factors also which are fall between agree and neutral.  Maximum of the respondents were agree on the matter that the reach of digital marketing at large scale.
  • 66. 62 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Que13. Type of Firm Table 12 Shows table of type of firm Interpretation:  Here, table & graph shows that 120 industrials are 72 sole proprietor and 42 are doing Partnership firm. 60% 40% Type of firm Sole Proprietor Partnership firm Particular Respondents % Sole Proprietor 72 60.00% Partnership firm 48 40.00% Total 120 100.00%
  • 67. 63 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Que14. Type of Area Table 13 Shows table of type of area Interpretation:  Here, table & graph shows that 120 industrials,reteil 51 are from east region of Ahmedabad and 69 are from west region of Ahmedabad. 43% 58% Area East Ahmedabad West Ahmedabad Particular Respondents % East Ahmedabad 51 42.50% West Ahmedabad 69 57.50% Total 120 100.00%
  • 68. 64 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Annual Income Table 15 shows a income 42% 38% 18% 2% 0% Annual Income <1000000 1000000-2000000 2000000-3000000 3000000-400000 >4000001 Particular Respondents % <1000000 51 42.50% 1000000-2000000 46 38.33% 2000000-3000000 21 17.50% 3000000-400000 2 1.67% >4000001 0 0.00% Total 120 100.00%
  • 69. 65 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Annual Sales Table 16 shows a Annual sales 32% 28% 33% 7% Annual Sales <2500000 2500001-10000000 10000000-50000000 >50000000 Particular Respondents % <2500000 39 32.50% 2500001- 10000000 33 27.50% 10000000- 50000000 40 33.33% >50000000 8 6.67% Total 120 100.00%
  • 70. 66 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Chapter 7 Inferential Statistics
  • 71. 67 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Interpretation:  Here the data on type of area and type of firm of the respondent and data of Kurtosis & Skewness are not at 0. So from that it can be said that the data are not normally distributed and further test can be applied. Skew is a measure of symmetry. In our Test, we have found that skewness of distribution is greater than 0.00. A normal distribution has skewness =0. So we can say that our distribution is not symmetric.  Kurtosis is a measure of peakeness and the fat – tails that associate with less density in the middle. A normal distribution has kurtosis = 3 or excess. Here Kurtosis is less than 1.00. So we can say that our distribution is not symmetric. Here we have found that our samples are not a normally distributed population which reflects that further test can be applied.  Skewness: indicator used in distribution analysis as a sign of asymmetry and deviation from normal distribution: Descriptive Statistic N Minimu m Maximu m Mean Std. Deviatio n Varianc e Skewness Kurtosis Statisti c Statistic Statistic Statisti c Statistic Statisti c Statisti c Std. Erro r Statisti c Std. Erro r Type of firm 120 1 2 1.40 .492 .242 .413 .221 -1.860 .438 Area 120 1 2 1.58 .496 .246 -.307 .221 -1.938 .438 Annua l incom e 120 1 4 1.78 .791 .625 .615 .221 -.506 .438 Annua l sales 120 1 4 2.14 .955 .913 .181 .221 -1.131 .438
  • 72. 68 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi  Skewness > 0 - Right skewed distribution - most values are concentrated on left of the mean, with extreme values to the right.  Skewness < 0 - Left skewed distribution - most values are concentrated on the right of the mean, with extreme values to the left.  Skewness = 0 - mean = median, the distribution is symmetrical around the mean.  Kurtosis - indicator used in distribution analysis as a sign of flattening or "peakeness" of a distribution.  Kurtosis > 3 - Leptokurtic distribution, sharper than a normal distribution, with values concentrated around the mean and thicker tails. This means high probability for extreme values.  Kurtosis < 3 - Platykurtic distribution, flatter than a normal distribution with a wider peak. The probability for extreme values is less than for a normal distribution, and the values are wider spread around the mean.  Kurtosis = 3 - Mesokurtic distribution - normal distribution for example. Table 17 shows reliability statistics Interapretation :  Generally the Cronbach‟s Alpha is used to measure the reliability of the data. Data having .60 are considered as reliable.  Here the value is 0.696 which suggethat this analysis is reliable. Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items .632 9
  • 73. 69 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Factor Analysis Level of satisfaction from the digital marketing. Table 18 Shows table of KMO and Bartlett's Test Interpretation: - The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy for the various Attributes categories Measured is 0.661., which indicates the scale is appropriate and helps in extracting the factor. The ideal measure for this test (KMO>0.50) and here in this case KMO is 0.661 indicates the variables are measuring a common factor. Again Bartlett‟s test of spherecity indicated the inter-correlation matrix is factorable and inter-correlation matrix come from a population in which the variables are non- collinear. Total Variance Explained Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % 1 2.668 29.644 29.644 2.668 29.644 29.644 2 2.469 27.433 57.077 2.469 27.433 57.077 3 1.069 11.875 68.952 1.069 11.875 68.952 4 1.021 11.345 80.297 1.021 11.345 80.297 5 .495 5.503 85.800 6 .437 4.852 90.652 7 .367 4.082 94.734 8 .303 3.366 98.100 9 .171 1.900 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .661 Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 405.449 df 36 Sig. .000
  • 74. 70 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Interpretation: - It is cleared from the above table that four components cover 50% of the data under Principle Component Analysis method and cover considerable variation. Study reveals the fact Suggestion from which has very high influence in terms of the flexibility of digital marketing. Again rotated component matrix makes the situation Crystal Clear and helps in identifying the crucial factors. Interpretation It is cleared from the above table that four components are extracted. flexibility of digital marketing, Difficulty in measuring ROI, toughness in use of digital marketing, effectiveness of promoting business of digital marketing are in component one. Trust worthiness, Reach of digital marketing is fast, reach of digital marketing is at large scale are in component two. Digital marketing is costly fall in component three. Digital marketing does not give expected results. Component Score Coefficient Matrix Component 1 2 3 4 Flexible .284 difficult to measure ROI .432 Digital marketing not give expected result .463 digital marketing tuff task .352 not trust worthy .341 digital marketing is fast .355 Large Scale .275 Effective tool for promote business .269 Costly .812 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
  • 75. 71 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Table 20 Shows table of factor matrix Factor Matrix Factor Digital marketing is flexible. Usability of Digital marketing Difficult to measure ROI Digital marketing is an effective to promote business Using of Digital marketing is tuff task Digital marketing in not trust worthy Merit & Demerit of Digital Marketing Reach of digital marketing is fast Reach of digital marketing is at large scale Digital marketing does not give expected result Average Performance Digital Marketing is costly Cost Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a. 4 components extracted. Interpretation:  Flexibility of digital marketing, Measurement of ROI, Effectiveness to promote business & tuff task are component which are added in factor a named as usability of Digital marketing. Non trustworthiness of Digital marketing, fast, large scale of digital marketing are component which are added in factor a named merit & demerit of digital marketing. Digital marketing does not give expected result is named as average performance. Digital marketing is costly is define as cost factor.
  • 76. 72 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi Independent Sample T Test H0:1An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for Flexibility of digital marketing among the Sole proprietorship & partnership firm. There is difference in Average response for Flexibility of digital marketing among the Sole proprietorship (M=2.79, SD=1.43) & partnership firm (M=1.257, SD=0.181) conditions; t (356) =.465, p = 0.642. These results reveals that there is somewhat difference in average opinion regarding flexibility of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of firm. H0:2An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for difficulty to measure ROI among the Sole proprietorship & partnership firm. There is difference in Average response for difficulty to measure ROI among the Sole proprietorship (M=2.89, SD=0.618) & partnership firm (M=2.96, SD=0.824) conditions; t (356) =-.527, p = 0.795. These results reveals that there is minor difference in average opinion regarding difficulty to measure ROI of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of firm. H0:3An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for digital marketing does not give expected results among the Sole proprietorship & partnership firm. There is difference in Average response for digital marketing does not give expected results among the Sole proprietorship (M=2.96, SD=0.599) & partnership firm (M=3.27, SD=0.893) conditions; t (356) =-2.007, p = 0.047. These results reveals that there is somewhat difference in average opinion regarding digital marketing does not give expected results between respondents of two different types of firm. H0:4An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for using of digital marketing is tough task among the Sole proprietorship & partnership firm. There is difference in Average response for using of digital marketing is tough task among the Sole proprietorship (M=2.86, SD=0.901) &
  • 77. 73 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi partnership firm (M=3.25, SD=0.812) conditions; t (356) =-2.395, p = 0.018. These results reveals that there is somewhat difference in average opinion regarding using of digital marketing is tough task between respondents of two different types of firm. H0:5An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for trust worthiness of digital marketing among the Sole proprietorship & partnership firm. There is difference in Average response for trust worthiness of digital marketing among the Sole proprietorship (M=2.93, SD=0.893) & partnership firm (M=3.42, SD=0.821) conditions; t (356) =-3.015, p = 0.003. These results reveals that there is very less difference in average opinion regarding trust worthiness of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of firm. H0:6An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for Reach of digital marketing is fast among the Sole proprietorship & partnership firm. There is difference in Average response for Reach of digital marketing is fast among the Sole proprietorship (M=2.46, SD=0804) & partnership firm (M=2.50, SD=0.715) conditions; t (356) =-0.291, p = 0.712. These results reveals that there is somewhat difference in average opinion regarding reach of digital marketing is fast between respondents of two different types of firm. H0:7An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for Reach of digital marketing is at large scale among the Sole proprietorship & partnership firm. There is difference in Average response for Reach of digital marketing is at large scale among the Sole proprietorship (M=2.18, SD=.811) & partnership firm (M=2.44, SD=0.769) conditions; t (356) =-1.736, p = 0.85. These results reveals that ther is somewhat difference in average opinion regarding reach of digital marketing is at large scale between respondents of two different types of firm. H0:8An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for effectiveness of digital marketing to promote business among the Sole
  • 78. 74 S.V Institute of Management , Kadi proprietorship & partnership firm. There is difference in Average response for effectiveness of digital marketing to promote business among the Sole proprietorship (M=2.28, SD=0.933) & partnership firm (M=2.15, SD=0.899) conditions; t (356) =-0.760, p = 0.441. These results reveals that there is somewhat difference in average opinion regarding reach of digital marketing is at large scale between respondents of two different types of firm. H0:9An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for cost of digital marketing among the Sole proprietorship & partnership firm. There is difference in Average response for cost of digital marketing among the Sole proprietorship (M=1.85, SD=0.816) & partnership firm (M=1.60, SD=0.765) conditions; t (356) =1.638, p = 0.104. These results reveals that there is somewhat difference in average opinion regarding cost of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of firm. H0:10An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for Flexibility of digital marketing among the East Ahmedabad & West Ahmedabad. There is difference in Average response for Flexibility of digital marketing among the East Ahmedabad (M=2.85, SD=1.433) & East Ahmedabad (M=2.90, SD=0.975) conditions; t (356) =-1.59, p = 0.119 These results reveals that there is somewhat difference in average opinion regarding flexibility of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of Area. H0:11An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare Average response for difficulty to measure ROI among the East Ahmedabad & West Ahmedabad. There is difference in Average response for difficulty to measure ROI among the East Ahmedabad (M=2.92, SD=0.440) & West Ahmedabad (M=2.91, SD=0.853) conditions; t (356) =0.065, p = 0.948. These results reveals that there is somewhat difference in average opinion regarding difficulty to measure ROI of digital marketing between respondents of two different types of Area.