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your handy guide to mental health
for people in Manchester 2010
Produced by
©Mind in Manchester 2009

Mind in Manchester
The Progress Centre
Charlton Place
Ardwick Green
M12 6HS

Telephone 0161 272 8205
your handy guide to mental health
for people in Manchester 2010

inside this guide:
• your questions answered about mental health
• what you can expect from services in Manchester
with thanks!
                                                   your handy guide to mental health
                                                   for people in Manchester 2010
This is a general guide and not an authoritative   Thanks go to:
statement of medical fact or the law. Errors and   The Manchester Public Health Development Service, who provided much of the information
omissions excepted. This guide cannot be assumed   and for supporting this project
to endorse any organisations listed.
                                                   Having a Voice, who provided the material on Recovery
                                                   This guide was originally produced with the help and support of a group of members of
                                                   Having A Voice, who drew on their experience as mental health service users and of recovery
                                                   to decide on the size, presentation and content and who also took many of the photographs.
                                                   Additional photographs by Vicky Barton and David Spencer
                                                   Project management by Justin Larner
                                                   Mind, who provided information from their leaflets on mental health
                                                   Designed and produced by Andrassy Design 01484 434844

                                                   This guide was funded by Manchester Primary Care Trust
help!                                    IN CRISIS?                                   see page 109      P
                                         Concerned about your mental health?          pages 7 – 25      P
your handy guide to sources of support
for people in Manchester 2010
                                         How to look after your mental health         pages 27 – 35     P
                                         Getting help from your GP                    pages 37 – 41     P
                                         NHS primary care mental health services      pages 43 – 47     P
                                         NHS secondary care mental health services    pages 49 –63      P
                                         Getting help from a voluntary organisation   pages 65 – 73     P
                                         Services that meet your particular needs     pages 75 – 101    P
                                         Web links                                    pages 103 – 107   P
Section 1

“I’d like others to know there
 is light at the end of the
                                  Concerned about your
 tunnel. You can do it. Just
 ’cause you’ve got some kind
                                  mental health?
 of a mental health issue you
 can still live a normal
 existence. You can still carry
 on your life as normal.”
Alcohol and drugs
    Mental health problems are very common. Around six million people in             Problem drug use is when a person          Manchester for people who have both

                                                                                                                                                                           Concerned about your mental health?
    Britain have this diagnosis at any one time. They can be caused by physical,     admits to having a problem with either     drug (or alcohol) and mental health
    mental or social conditions, or any combination of these. A physical or          prescribed (such as painkillers given to   problems. Their families and carers can
                                                                                     you by your doctor) or non prescribed      also get help. You can refer yourself or
    mental illness, past experiences, difficult relationships and stresses such as   drugs (such as cannabis or heroin).        agencies you are working with can
    unemployment and drug or alcohol problems can all play a part.                   Many people take drugs because they        refer you.
                                                                                     make them feel good for a short time,      For referrals, referral advice and
    The early signs of mental distress can include changes in mood (up or            and sometimes people use drugs to self     appointments phone the Single Point
    down), changes in sleep, unexplained symptoms such as headaches                  medicate. Continual use can lead to a      of Accesss (SPA) on 0161 276 6155.
                                                                                     dependency. Alcohol is often used to
    or stomach aches, lowered energy levels through to hearing and seeing            help us relax and feel better, but
    things that other people do not.                                                 alcohol is actually a depressant and can   Talk To Frank is a confidential 24 hour
                                                                                     make conditions like depression worse.     helpline and website where you can
    This section describes common mental health problems and gives contact                                                      get unbiased information about drugs
                                                                                     Sometimes people have a mental             in over 120 languages.
    details of a national organisation that can provide more information on          health issue at the same time as a drug
    each issue. See the ‘Getting Help from Your GP’ (on page 37) and ‘Getting        or alcohol problem. This is often known    Talk To Frank

                                                                                                                                                                           Section 1
                                                                                     as having a 'dual diagnosis'. Each         0800 77 66 00
    Help from a Voluntary Organisation’ (on page 65) sections for help locally.                                                 textphone 0800 917 8765
                                                                                     problem can affect the other.
                                                                                     Dual Diagnosis clinics have been set
8                                                                                    up in north, central and south
     Anger is an emotion which helps us deal       anger, then it would be wise to seek help    The Alternatives to Violence Project is a

                                                                                                                                            Concerned about your mental health?
     with challenges in our life. However,         – from your doctor, your community           national organisation with an office in
     how we use our anger is important.            mental health nurse, from friends and        Manchester that provides workshops in
     Some people tend to become angry              family, from self-help groups etc. Talking   managing anger and negotiating
     easily (a “short fuse”), and some have        about where your anger is coming from        peaceful relationships.
     problems controlling their anger.             is also a good way of exploring negative     Alternatives to Violence Project
     Suppressed feelings of anger, or anger        emotions. Cognitive behavioural therapy      0161 832 3660 (Manchester office)
     turned inwards can lead to low mood,          can also be effective in dealing with
     lack of assertiveness and self esteem,        anger.                             
     and self harm. There are techniques you
     can use to manage anger better.
     Expressing your angry feelings
     assertively, not aggressively, is the best
     way to express anger. To do this, you
     have to learn how to make clear what
     your needs are, and how to get them

                                                                                                                                            Section 1
     met, without hurting others. ‘Diverting’
     it into physical or creative activities can
     be a way of using anger in a positive
     way. If you feel unable to control your
Anxiety                                                                            Autism and Asperger Syndrome
     Anxiety can be experienced by anyone,     Anxiety UK offers support to people      Autism is a lifelong developmental         There is also a condition called

                                                                                                                                                                           Concerned about your mental health?
     for example before public speaking or a   experiencing anxiety disorders which     disability that affects the way a person   Asperger Syndrome, which is a form of
     job interview. An anxiety disorder is     includes obsessive compulsive disorder   communicates and relates to people         autism, used to describe people who
     when a person experiences the             (OCD) and post traumatic stress          around them. Children and adults with      are usually at the higher functioning
     symptoms of anxiety to such an extent     disorder (PTSD)                          autism have difficulties with everyday     end of the autistic spectrum.
     that it interferes with their everyday    Anxiety UK                               social interaction. Their ability to       The National Autistic Society
     life. These symptoms can include          08444 775 774                            develop friendships is generally limited   0845 070 4004
     feeling overcome with panic,                        as is their capacity to understand other
     restlessness, breathlessness, excessive                     people’s emotional expression. People
     worrying or being unable to control                                                with autism can often have
     disturbing thoughts. These symptoms                                                accompanying learning disabilities but
     can escalate into panic attacks, a                                                 everyone with the condition shares a
     sudden bout of intense terror which is                                             difficulty in making sense of the world.
     not a natural response to real danger.

                                                                                                                                                                           Section 1
Dementia                                                                               Depression
     Dementia is a disorder which affects          The Alzheimer's Society is a             Depression can happen to anyone as        The Depression Alliance offers

                                                                                                                                                                             Concerned about your mental health?
     how the brain works. The term                 membership organisation which runs a     part of a natural grieving process such   information by phone, email and
     'dementia' describes a group of               helpline and coordinates local support   as at the end of a relationship.          through their website, also links to
     symptoms that affect people in many           groups.                                  Depression becomes ‘clinical’ when        local self-help groups.
     ways. Dementia affects all types of                                                    symptoms such as apathy, loss of          National Information Line
     things such as memory, thinking,                                                       energy, suicidal thoughts, sleep or       0845 123 23 20
     behaviour and personality, which can          Alzheimer's Society Helpline             appetite changes persist or go beyond
                                                   0845 300 0336                                                            
     be a life changing experience. There are                                               normal mood changes. Symptoms can
     lots of types of dementia which can be              also include headaches, stomach or
     difficult to recognise at first, as changes                    general pain even when the person
     can sometimes be small and gradual.                                                    does not complain of feeling depressed.
     Medication, talking therapies and                                                      One in twenty persons will suffer
     lifestyle changes can help in managing                                                 serious or clinical depression at some
     symptoms and adapting to life                                                          time in their lives.
     changes.                                                                               People who are depressed may be seen
                                                                                            by others as lazy or difficult but any

                                                                                                                                                                             Section 1
                                                                                            attempts to make them ‘snap out of it’
                                                                                            will fail. Depression responds well to
                                                                                            counselling, Cognitive Behavioural
                                                                                            Therapy (CBT), self-help or medication.
Eating disorders                                                                     Manic depression
     Eating disorders are serious conditions   beat (Beating Eating Disorders) offers a   This is often referred to as ‘Bipolar     The Manic Depression Fellowship

                                                                                                                                                                      Concerned about your mental health?
     which can be potentially life             helpline and access to local self-help     Disorder’ and is where a person           (MDF) can offer information,
     threatening. They consist of complex      and support groups.                        alternates between a ‘high’ (manic) and   membership and links to sources
     symptoms centred around food, body        beat                                       ‘low’ (depressive) mood. This can be      of help.
     weight, body shape, and low self-         0845 634 1414                              over as little as a week over a longer    Manic Depression Fellowship
     esteem. Eating disorders affect people                           timescale of up to several years. Manic   0845 434 9970 for enquiries
     of all ages but are more common in                            Depression occurs in phases but it is
     young women. Women suffer from                                                       possible to remain well for long
     these disorders 10 times as often as                                                 periods.
     men and they most often start in the
     teenage years. The most commonly
     recognised disorders are bulimia and
     anorexia but people often present with
     a variety of combinations of

                                                                                                                                                                      Section 1
Section 1
Concerned about your mental health?
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder                                             Personality disorder
     This is a condition where the individual   OCD Action                     Personality disorder refers to when        BPDWORLD

                                                                                                                                                   Concerned about your mental health?
     suffers obsessive and persistent           Help and information line on   your beliefs and attitudes are different   Helpline 0844 357 4567
     thoughts or ritualistic behaviour such     0845 390 6232                  from most other people’s who can find
     as hand washing, hoarding and           this behaviour unusual, unexpected or
     arranging objects. The person feels           perhaps offensive. There are many
     unable to control the behaviour and                                       different kinds of personality disorder,
     this can be distressing. OCD is                                           including Antisocial Personality
     common, with one person in thirty                                         Disorder, Paranoid, Schizoid, and
     suffering at any one time. It responds                                    Borderline.
     well to treatment, including Cognitive                                    BPDWORLD is a national organisation
     Behavioural Therapy or medication.                                        that provides counselling, support and
     OCD Action is a national charity that                                     online information on issues around
     provides information and support on                                       personality disorders, particularly
     Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Body                                       Borderline Personality Disorder.
     Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD),
     Compulsive Skin Picking (CSP),

                                                                                                                                                   Section 1
     Trichotillomania (TTM) to both adults
     and children.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder                                                          Pre and Postnatal Depression
     Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)      emotional and physical reactions, and        Pre and post-natal depression is a           The Association for Post Natal Illness

                                                                                                                                                                                   Concerned about your mental health?
     describes a range of psychological         changes in behaviour, which may              common and treatable condition, and          provides a telephone helpline,
     symptoms people may experience             include reliving aspects of the trauma,      is different from the ‘baby blues’.          information leaflets for sufferers and
     following a traumatic event, which is      avoiding memories and being easily           Post-natal Depression (PND) is what          healthcare professionals as well as a
     outside the usual human experience.        aroused, including irritability and          happens when you become depressed            network of volunteers, (telephone and
     The World Health Organisation has          panic response to anything to do             after having a baby. Sometimes, there        postal), who have themselves
     defined it as: ‘A delayed or protracted    with the trauma.                             may be an obvious reason, often there        experienced postnatal illness.
     response to a stressful event or           Help and treatment for post traumatic        is none. It can be particularly              Association for Post Natal Illness
     situation (either short or long-lasting)   stress disorder can be offered by your GP.   distressing when you have so looked          020 7386 0868
     of an exceptionally threatening or long-                                                forward to having your baby through
     lasting nature, which is likely to cause   Combat Stress can offer advice,              the months of pregnancy. You may feel
     pervasive distress in almost anyone.’      treatment and rehabilitation to people       guilty for feeling like this, or even feel
                                                who have served in the Army or Navy.         that you can’t cope with being a
     If you have faced a traumatic
     experience, you may simply feel            Combat Stress                                mother. It can last for weeks or several
     emotionally numb to begin with,            01372 841600                                 months. Mild PND can be helped by
     and feelings of distress may not                 better support from family and friends;

                                                                                                                                                                                   Section 1
     emerge straight away. But sooner or                      more severe PND will need extra help
     later, you are likely to develop                                                        from your GP, health visitor or, in some
                                                                                             cases, mental health professionals.

Schizophrenia                                                                Self harm
     This is not the ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ split   Rethink                            Self harm involves self-injury or         National Self Harm Network supports

                                                                                                                                                                      Concerned about your mental health?
     personality of popular opinion, but a     National Advice Service            poisoning. It may be viewed by many       survivors and people who self-harm.
     disorder where there is a disturbance     0207 840 3188   professionals as a cry for help or        They are available through the website,
     in a person’s thoughts and feelings,                    manipulative behaviour but people use     by email or in writing to P.O. Box 7264
     with symptoms including a progressive                                        self harm as a coping strategy to deal    Nottingham NG1 6WJ
     withdrawal from reality,                                                     with their feelings and emotions.
     hallucinations, delusions, apathy and                                        Self harm can be an addictive-like
     emotional instability. Hearing voices                                        behaviour and the frequency and
     can be a symptom, but many people                                            severity may increase. Support and
     hear voices but do not otherwise                                             help can be given to increase an
     display any symptoms.                                                        individual’s resilience and self-esteem
     Rethink offers advice, information and                                       therefore making life easier to cope
     a range of local services for people                                         with and reducing the need for
     affected by schizophrenia or other                                           self-harm.                                “Keep on going”
     severe mental illness.

                                                                                                                                                                      Section 1
Section 2

                                                                            How to look after your
                                                                            mental health

     “Depression doesn’t have a hold on me like it did before. I have
      control now, and although it’s something I have to deal with almost
26    on a daily basis, it is no longer something I’m ashamed of.”
Understanding mental health                   Staying Mentally Healthy
     There are plenty of things that you can do to      There are plenty of resources available that   Self Help

                                                                                                                                                   How to look after your mental health
                                                        can help you to understand mental health       There are plenty of things that you can
     contribute to your mental health and well-being.   better.                                        do to contribute to your mental health
                                                        • All Manchester’s local libraries have a      and well-being.
     “The biggest difference for me between now           range of books, leaflets, audio tapes and    • Eat well, what you eat affects how
      and then is that now I know these feelings          resources about mental health and well-        you're feeling, so eating food which is
                                                          being at the ‘Health Information Point’.       good for your body will be good for
      won’t last forever and that nothing is ever                                                        your mind too. Eat a proper, well-
                                                        • Bookshops often have a well-being section
      really as bad as it seems.”                         which can include a range of mental            balanced diet that includes fresh fruit
                                                          health books that you might find useful.       and vegetables. Bananas, turkey, oily
                                                                                                         fish such as tuna and mackerel are all
                                                        • The Internet is a valuable source of           good mood food. More
                                                          information about mental health. A range       polyunsaturated fats, vitamins and
                                                          of self help information is available from     minerals have been shown to help
                                                          the Mental Health in Manchester website        with depressive conditions,
                                                          at, including leaflets         schizophrenia, dementia and ADHD. It

                                                                                                                                                   Section 2
                                                          and audio guides in various languages.         is advisable to consult a doctor or
                                                          See the Web links section on page 103 for      health professional before making any
                                                          recommended websites.                          major changes to your diet, especially
                                                                                                         if you are on any medication.
Staying Mentally Healthy
     • Socialise, seeing friends and relatives or   • Spiritual beliefs, many people who have        • Sleep well. People can become very         Reducing Stress

                                                                                                                                                                                             How to look after your mental health
       getting involved in new activities is just     spiritual beliefs find these help them to        distressed when they feel they are not     Worries about money, housing or
       as important as eating well. Your local        cope with mental health problems and             getting a good night’s sleep, which can    employment can build up and add to
       library is a great source of information       give purpose to their lives. Such beliefs        make it harder to get off to sleep.        your stress. Good advice, when you feel
       about activities and groups in your area.      may be based on a particular religion or         Having a regular schedule, not napping     able to cope, may relieve some of your
     • Volunteering is a great way to meet            on privately held views. If you hold such        during the day and avoiding alcohol or     anxiety. If you don't know who to ask,
       new people and gain new experiences.           beliefs, you may find them a source of           caffeine can all contribute to a better    remember that your local Citizens'
       It can boost one’s self esteem and             inner strength.                                  night's sleep.                             Advice Bureau (CAB) is a good source of
       confidence. It also gives people             • Get out and about, being active might          Self help groups                             free, independent and confidential
       something to focus on other than their         involve something as simple as taking          Self-help groups are available for a range   advice. CAB workers are used to giving
       problems. See for lots        the dog for a walk or going for a swim.        of issues and life situations.               information in a way that can be easily
       of information about volunteering.             Physical activity of half an hour or more      See the section 'Getting Help from a         understood, on issues ranging from
                                                      every day, such as going for a walk, swim      Voluntary Organisation' for more details.    benefits and debts to legal problems and
     • Being creative can also help you to                                                                                                        family and personal matters. See the
       relax. Art and creativity can help people      or to the gym can improve mental well-         These groups can help in creating a
                                                      being as well as physical health. If this is   support network for encouragement,           section 'Services that meet your
       to find an outlet for their emotions. This                                                                                                 particular needs' for more details.
       could be through painting, drawing,            undertaken in a park or countryside, it        understanding, trust and acceptance,

                                                                                                                                                                                             Section 2
       photography, sculpture, carving,               can also help with spiritual well-being.       practical help, gentle guidance, respect     Relaxation
       needlework and embroidery, creative            You can even be referred for 'exercise on      and empathy and fun.                         Relaxation is particularly important. It
       writing, poetry or crafts.                     prescription' by your GP. See page 46 for                                                   enables the body to renew its energy
                                                      more details.                                                                               and the mind to feel calm and
Staying Mentally Healthy                                                       Advance directives
     refreshed. Although underlying                                                 An advance directive is now recognised        medicine you prefer to be given, but

                                                                                                                                                                              How to look after your mental health
     problems will remain, you will                                                 under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 as         these will simply be a consideration
     probably feel more able to deal with                                           a legally enforceable document. An            and not legally enforceable.
     them. However, it is often very hard to                                        advance directive (also known as an           The Mental Capacity Act aims to
     relax when you are distressed. In this                                         ‘advance statement’, ‘advance refusal’        protect people who are seen to lack the
     case, learning a relaxation technique or                                       or ‘living will’) is a way of making a        capacity to make their own decisions
     a therapy such as yoga may help.                                               person’s views known if he or she             about treatment. It makes law the
     The important thing is to find ways that                                       should become mentally incapable of           principle that if someone else has to
                                                “I just blurted it out one day to   giving consent to treatment, or making
     work for you. There may be times when                                                                                        make a decision on your behalf, then
     you need support from other people,         my GP and I was really surprised   informed choices about treatment, at          that decision must be in your 'best
     and it is important to seek help and not                                       some future time.                             interests'. All practical steps must have
                                                 at just how serious he took it
     feel you have to struggle on alone.                                            An advance directive must be in               been taken to enable a person to make
                                                 and the way I was supported.       writing, signed and witnessed, and if it      decisions before deciding that they lack
                                                 I guess I was very lucky”          applies to life-sustaining treatment          capacity.
                                                                                    there must be a statement that the
                                                                                    decision stands even if life is at risk. An

                                                                                                                                                                              Section 2
                                                                                    advance decision is only legally
                                                                                    enforceable in terms of refusing
                                                                                    medical treatment. It can include
                                                                                    statements such as the type of
Advance directives                                                                                                   Advocacy
     You can make an advance decision to        The Act created the Independent         “Recovery is not the easy         Advocacy is where a person represents

                                                                                                                                                                      How to look after your mental health
     refuse treatment, or register a Lasting    Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA)                                           another’s interests as if they were their
     Power of Attorney with the Office of       Service. The service can advocate for    option. Recovery is a complex,   own. An advocate is someone
     the Public Guardian. See                   those who lack capacity and who need     difficult and exhilarating       independent of mental health services for more         to make major decisions, e.g. moving                                      who can help you to make sure that
     details. This is a legal document that     accommodation, serious medical           journey involving bad days       your voice is heard by professionals. He
     names another person who can make          interventions. IMCA advocates may        and hard work. Hope has to       or she can accompany you to meetings
     decisions on your behalf if you lack       also attend care reviews and adult                                        with professionals. They can help you
     capacity.                                  protection meetings where                live amongst this.”              ask the questions you need to, and
     If you do not draw up an LPA, a Court of   appropriate. In Manchester, the IMCA                                      make sure that you get your message
     Protection can appoint a deputy who        service is provided by Rethink,                                           across.
     will make decisions in your best           phone 0161 245 3251.                                                      See the section ‘Getting Help from a
     interests.                                                                                                           Voluntary Organisation’ (on page 65)
                                                                                                                          for details of organisations that provide
                                                                                                                          advocacy in the community.

                                                                                                                                                                      Section 2
“My GP told me, assertively, to go and
      buy a bar of chocolate, sit in the park
      and look at the flowers, to appreciate
      the world and all its wonders. He also
                                                section 3
      prescribed some medication.
      I thought he was mad, but I went and
      did it and now I am very grateful. The
      medication alone was only keeping
                                                Getting help from your GP
      me where I was.”

Getting help from your GP
     If you think you have a problem with your       To get more out of your appointment          could do to help you feel better and
                                                     with your GP think about the following       recover. For mild to moderate
     mental well being and would like some help,
                                                     questions before you go:                     depression and anxiety there are a
     the first step is usually to talk to your GP.                                                number of things that can help which
                                                     • How are you feeling, and what are
     You might think that mental health is not         your symptoms?                             your GP may recommend:
     something that GPs are familiar with but in     • How long have you been feeling             • Exercise and social activities, such as
                                                                                                    going for a swim or seeing friends.

                                                                                                                                              Getting help from your GP
     fact 1 in 3 appointments concern patients’        like this?
                                                                                                  • Talking therapies to help you explore
     emotional well being including mild or          • How is it affecting your life;
                                                       is it preventing you doing normal            your feelings and emotions.
     moderate depression and anxiety. If you are                                                    Counselling is a process where a
                                                       activities or something you
     not registered with a GP simply go to your        normally enjoy?                              person works in partnership with a
                                                                                                    counsellor on issues that may be
     local surgery with your medical details.        • Are you looking after yourself .e.g.         causing distress in their lives.
     See 'Find your local GP or health service' on     getting enough sleep, taking some            Counselling provides an opportunity
     page 107 or phone NHS Direct on 0845 46 47        exercise, eating properly?                   for a person to talk about their
                                                                                                    problems and feelings, in an

                                                                                                                                              Section 3
                                                     The GP will firstly check if there are any
                                                     physical causes to your illness, such as       environment which is safe and
                                                     a recent bout of flu, diabetes or heart        confidential.
                                                     disease and then suggest what you
Getting help from your GP
    • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)          Medication                                    than the doctor who prescribes them.        You have the right, by law, to make an
      involves a therapist helping you             Medication that may be prescribed by a        They may be more aware of possible side     informed decision about which
      understand what triggers your depression     GP include                                    effects, and also possible interactions     treatment to have, and whether or not
      by identifying any harmful or unhelpful      • antidepressants                             with other drugs (this is when a drug       to accept the treatment a doctor
      thoughts which can make you depressed.       • anti-anxiety drugs (also often prescribed   changes the effect of other drugs you are   suggests. To consent properly, you need
      The aim of CBT is to help you change how       as sleeping tablets), which are often       taking, makes them less effective, or       to have enough information to
      you think and what you do in the future        referred to as 'minor tranquillisers'       causes additional side effects).            understand what the treatment is, how
      so you can break the cycle of depression.    • lithium, which is prescribed for bipolar    Pharmacists are usually very willing to     it will affect you and what risks it holds.

                                                                                                                                                                                           Getting help from your GP
      Computerised CBT programmes, such as           disorder (manic depression)                 discuss drugs with patients, and some       You should learn about its chance of
      ‘Beating the Blues’ (that you can work       • antipsychotics                              high-street chemists have space set aside   success, and if there are any alternatives
      through in your own time at your own         If you are prescribed medication from         where you can talk privately.               to it. Generally, you can only receive
      pace) are now available from Self Help       your GP, you should find with it an           Many people would like to have the          treatment that you have specifically
      Services (see their entry in the section     information sheet called a patient            information about their proposed            agreed to.
      ‘Getting Help from a Voluntary               information leaflet (PIL), in accordance      treatment before they are given the         The Mind website
      Organisation’ on page 65) and free           with a European Union directive. This         prescription for it, and not after they
      websites listed in the ‘Web Links’ section   gives more information on the drug and        have got it from the pharmacist and         has more information on medication
      (page 103).                                  potential side effects. You should also       taken it home. The following are issues     with useful factsheets that can be read

                                                                                                                                                                                           Section 3
   • Referral to a Clinical Psychologist who is    consider talking to your pharmacist.          you might like to discuss with your         on-line or ordered through Mind
     trained in psychological treatments.          Pharmacists are drug specialists, and may     doctor when she or he gives you a           Publications.
     They will talk through problems and           be more knowledgeable about your drugs        prescription for a drug:
40 find ways of solving them over a number
     of sessions.
“There is no guarantee that tomorrow all your issues
 will disappear so be prepared for a long journey.
 Try to remember some parts of journeys can be tough
 and hard going but you always meet some great
                                                            section 4
 characters that can make parts of the journey enjoyable”

                                                            NHS Primary Care
                                                            Mental Health Services
NHS Primary Care Mental Health Services
     Manchester Primary Care Mental Health Services offer   The service provides talking therapies      Primary Care Mental Health Team
                                                            using a range of approaches including       (North Districts)
     short term therapeutic interventions to residents,
                                                            counselling, cognitive behavioural          0161 231 0017
     aged 16 and older, who are registered with a           therapy, problem solving, and guided
     Manchester GP and who have common mental health        self help. (However, please note that       Primary Care Mental Health Team
                                                            currently the Central Districts team        (Central Districts)
     problems such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks,   does not provide a counselling service).    0161 861 2343
     obsessions, compulsions and stress related problems.   Also, mental health advice and
                                                            information, and signposting or             Primary Care Mental Health Team
                                                            referring to other services as required.    (South Districts)
                                                            The aim is to work in partnership with      0161 946 8260
                                                            service users who wish to take an
                                                            active role in making changes to            For more information about services
                                                            improve and maintain their mental           offered by these teams visit the
                                                            health.                                     Manchester Primary Care Trust website
                                                            There are three Primary Care Mental

                                                                                                                                                Section 4
                                                            Health Teams in Manchester, who can
                                                            accept referrals from GP’s, other           Mental health pages are in the Health
                                                            professionals, as well as self referrals.   Information section. See page 77 for
44                                                                                                      details of the African and Caribbean
                                                                                                        Primary Care Mental Health Team.
Other NHS services that can support mental health

                                                                                                                                                                                NHS Primary Care Mental Health Services
     Community Health Trainers                  Exercise on Referral schemes              Condition Management Programme             Patient Advice and Liason Service
     A free service offering one to one         Activity and exercise can boost our       (CMP)                                      (PALS)
     support for a healthier life. A health     mood. A moderate amount of exercise       This is a 13 week programme aimed at       PALS is a confidential service (we don’t
     trainer will offer practical support and   has been found to be beneficial in        helping clients to better understand       share information without your
     guidance, for example in becoming          treating mild depression as medication.   and manage their health condition, to      permission) that can listen to your
     more active, eating healthily, managing    There are exercise referral schemes       improve their quality of life and regain   concerns and suggestions, provide on
     stress, sleeping soundly, stopping         (sometimes known as ‘exercise on          control. It is available to people who     the spot information about NHS
     smoking. Phone 0161 861 2548 and a         prescription’) across Manchester.         live in Manchester, Salford and Trafford   services, help sort out problems quickly
     Health Trainer will contact you.           If you live in North Manchester contact   and in receipt of Incapacity Benefit or    on your behalf, help you contact other
     Expert Patient Programme                   PACE on 0161 681 0940, Central            Employment Support Allowance.              organisations and record any feedback
     The Expert Patient’s Programme is a        Manchester contact ALFA on                Attendance on the programme does           or comments. The service can advise
     free 6 week course that helps people       0161 833 4434 or South Manchester         not affect benefits in any way. Clients    and support patients, their families or
     find ways of managing their health         contact SMILE on 0161 946 9438.           who attend CMP are seen by qualified       carers.
     condition more positively. For more                                                  health professionals from a range of       To contact PALS please phone:
     information and to find a course near                                                backgrounds and are offered:               0161 219 9451
     you phone 0161 219 9424.                                                             individual interventions; group work to

                                                                                                                                                                                Section 4
                                                                                          look at managing anxiety/depression
                                                                                          and or pain; along with a computer
                                                                                          aided self help programme, Beating the
                                                                                          Blues. Further information can be
46                                                                                        obtained by phoning 0161 219 9424.
section 5

“you have to keep
 going no matter what,
                         NHS Secondary Care
 don’t ever give up”
                         Mental Health Services
NHS Secondary Care Mental Health Services
                                                             NHS Secondary Care Mental Health Services
     Secondary Care services help people who are             Referrals to services provided by the Trust would,
                                                             in most cases, be through the Single Point of
     diagnosed with a severe or enduring mental illness
                                                             Access (SPA). Phone 0161 276 6155
     under a Care Plan, through the Community Mental         Fax 0161 276 6154.
     Health Teams, Community Living services, hospital
     or specialist services. Secondary care is provided by   Manchester Social Care services can be accessed
     Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust          through the Manchester Contact Service for Social
                                                             Care on 0161 255 8250. Outside office hours, the
     who can be contacted on 0161 882 1000 or see
                                                             number is staffed by the Emergency Duty Social                                        Work Service. You can refer yourself or someone
                                                             else. This number can also be used if you are
                                                             concerned about the mistreatment of a child or a
                                                             vulnerable adult, or to report a hate crime.

                                                             The Trust operates a Patients Advice and Liaison

                                                                                                                  section 5
                                                             Service which aims to help and advise patients,
                                                             their families and carers. Phone the PALS
                                                             Coordinator, Park House, North Manchester
50                                                           General Hospital, Crumpsall, Manchester M8 5RB
                                                             on 0161 918 4047 or 07815 284660.
NHS Secondary Care Mental Health Services
     The Care Programme Approach
     The Care Programme Approach               • Appointment of a care co-ordinator,
     includes:-                                  who will normally be a Community
     • An assessment of health and social        Psychiatric Nurse, a Mental Health
       care needs.                               Social Worker, or an Occupational
     • Formation of a Care Plan which
       identifies the health and social care   • Regular care plan review meetings
       required from the NHS, voluntary or       every 3-6 months, which involve the
       private organisations or through          care co-ordinator, psychiatrist and
       Direct Payments. The care plan could      any other workers, carers or family
                                                 members who are giving care or
       include medication, risks
                                                 support.                              “I was volunteering full time, that’s when
       management and arrangements for
       physical care also any actions needed                                            I knew I was ready to go back to work.
       for housing, domestic support,
       income or benefits, occupation,                                                  I am now in full time employment”
       training or employment and cultural
       or faith needs.

                                                                                                                                    section 5
NHS Secondary Care Mental Health Services
                                                                                     Community Services
     Community Mental Health Teams             Early Intervention in Psychosis       Community Living Services                • Benchmark Furniture Design & Build
     Community Mental Health Teams             The Early Intervention in Psychosis   The Community Living services help         offers opportunities for people with
     (CMHTs), provide treatment and            Service works with people aged        people on a Care Plan to learn new         severe and enduring mental health
     support under a Care Plan. The teams      between 14 and 35 who are currently   skills, regain self-confidence, and to     needs to gain skills and experience.
     work closely with primary care,           undergoing, or who have undergone,    remain independent whilst living in        Phone 0161 283 5826.
     voluntary organisations together with     their first psychotic episode. The    their own homes, helping to reduce       • Start in Manchester is an Arts and
     user and carer groups, to provide an      service works to a person centred,    readmission to hospital and enabling       Mental Health Project for Adults,
     assessment service for new patients       recovery focused social inclusion     service users to move on to the future     providing art and gardening courses.
     and provide long term care for patients   model. Phone 0161 277 6830 or email   of their choice. Referral to Community     Phone 0161 257 0675.
     in the community.                          Living Services is by GP or Community
                                                                                     Mental Health Team worker.               • Mainway Enterprises is a service
     Direct Payments                                                                                                            offering work activity, skills training
     Direct Payments are made to                                                     • The 3 Day Centres provide                and confidence building.
     individuals who have been assessed as                                             opportunities for people to meet         Phone 0161 720 2330.
     needing social care services so that                                              others and engage in activities that
     they can make their own                                                           can contribute to wellbeing within a
     arrangements. These payments can be                                               supported environment. Phone:

                                                                                                                                                                          section 5
     made on a regular, occasional or one-                                             Hall Lane 0161 945 7609,
     off basis. Contact Direct Payments on                                             Harpurhey 0161 205 0118 and
     0161 255 8250 (the Contact Service                                                Victoria Park 0161 224 1308.
section 5
NHS Secondary Care Mental Health Services
NHS Secondary Care Mental Health Services
     Specialist Services
     The Manchester Assertive Outreach            Emergency Mental Health Services        Crisis Resolution Service                 Psychological Services
     service is a partnership between HARP        The PEARL (Psychiatric Emergency,       The Crisis Resolution Home Treatment      Psychology and Psychiatry services,
     and Manchester Mental Health and             Assessment, and Referral & Liaison)     service works across the city through     including clinical psychology and
     Social Care Trust, aiming to engage          team is a multidisciplinary emergency   three teams working in North, Central     psychotherapy are provided at
     with people with severe and enduring         response team operating 24 hours a      and South Manchester covering the         Chorlton House, Gaskell House,
     mental health needs who are not being        day, seven days a week. Referral by     needs of the Manchester residents.        Macartney House, North Manchester
     reached by mainstream mental heath           mental health professionals only.       These services offer an alternative to    General Hospital and Laureate House
     services. The service takes referrals from   Phone 0161 901 1477 or 0161 901 1478.   inpatient care with intensive support     (Wythenshawe Hospital). These include
     any source, including self-referrals.                                                in the home environment for up to 6       psychosexual services at the Rawnsley
     Phone 0845 0068 999 (8am-8pm, 7 days)        The SAFE Team                           months. Referral to these teams is your   Building, offering mainly cognitive and
     or email          The SAFE Team (Self-Harm,               GP, Primary Care worker or any mental     behavioural therapies for sexual
                                                  Assessment, Follow-up and               health professional. Phone                dysfunctions.
     The Homeless Team will directly help         Engagement) works with people
     people with severe or enduring mental                                                0161 720 2045 for the North Team,         Eating Disorders
                                                  admitted from Accident and              0161 276 5368 for Central and
     health needs who are homeless, have a        Emergency who have self harmed                                                    Eating Disorders Service, which is a city
     Manchester connection and are not                                                    0161 882 1140 or 0161 882 1029 for        wide specialist adult assessment and
                                                  including follow-up in the community.   South.
     currently seeing a psychiatrist or other     Phone 0161 276 8865.                                                              psychotherapy service to patients with

                                                                                                                                                                                section 5
     mental health service, concentrating                                                                                           eating disorders including: Anorexia
     on short-term intervention.                                                                                                    nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating
     Phone 0161 273 6908.                                                                                                           Disorder and other forms of eating
NHS Secondary Care Mental Health Services
     Specialist Services                                                                                                        Hospital Treatment
     PRAMMBS (Psychiatric Referral,          Alcohol & Drugs                             Older people                           Many people receive specialist mental
     Assessment and Management of            Alcohol and Drug Assessment and Care        Older Adult inpatient and outpatient   health care and treatment in the
     Mothers and Babies Service) Northwest   Management Teams assess needs               hospital services are provided at      community. However, some people can
     is a regional service for women with    under community care legislation and        Manchester Royal Infirmary, North      experience severe mental health
     babies who have moderate to severe      can arrange support for anyone aged         Manchester General Hospital and        problems that require admission to
     mental health problems including        18 to 64 with alcohol or drug problems.     Wythenshawe Hospital                   hospital for assessment and treatment.
     post-natal depression.                  They also undertake carers                                                         Inpatient and outpatient hospital
                                             assessments. The Brian Hore Unit can                                               services are provided at the three main
                                             offer counselling and an intensive 5                                               Trust sites at Manchester Royal
                                             week patient detox programme with                                                  Infirmary, North Manchester General
                                             specialist psychiatry service. There is a                                          Hospital and Wythenshawe Hospital.
                                             Dual Diagnosis Day Centre for clients                                              These include short term services to
                                             open 7 days a week.                                                                help people through a crisis. See (page
                                             Phone 0161 217 4166.                                                               114) 'What to do in a crisis' for

                                                                                                                                                                          section 5
NHS Secondary Care Mental Health Services
     Hospital Treatment
     The Mental Health Act                         process if there are concerns about        The patient can appeal against their         Hospital Advocacy
     Admissions to the acute mental health         keeping you and others safe.               detention to the hospital managers or        If you need someone to speak on your
     ward in the hospital can be voluntary,        Approved Mental Health Practitioners       the Mental Health Review Tribunal.           behalf in the hospital, patients of
     on the advice of a GP or other health         are specially trained in both mental       Hospital staff have a duty to provide        Manchester Mental Health and Social
     professional, or compulsorily under a         health and the law relating to it. They    information to the patient in writing of     Care Trust acute wards and Monet
     'section' of the Mental Health Act. People    are appointed by local authorities to      their rights when they are admitted. The     House, can use Rethink Manchester
     can only be detained if the strict criteria   interview and assess people and can        Mental Health Review Tribunal has the        Mental Health Advocacy Service. They
     laid down in the Act are met.                 make an application for admission          power to discharge the order or agree to     can be contacted either on the ward or
     Under the 2007 Mental Health Act, an          where they consider that detention is      continued detention. The nearest             on 0161 245 3268.
     application for assessment or                 the most appropriate way of providing      relative, as defined by the act, will also
     'appropriate medical treatment' must be       care and treatment.                        be informed in writing of their right to
     made by an Approved Mental Health                                                        request discharge of the patient. The
                                                   The most common civil sections of the      nearest relative has a number of rights
     Practitioner (AMHP) and be supported in       Act under which patients are
     writing by two registered medical                                                        and powers, including requesting that an
                                                   compulsorily admitted to a hospital are:   AMHP investigate the person's situation
     practitioners. The recommendation
     must include a statement about why an         • section 2 admission to hospital for up   if they believe the person needs to be in

                                                                                                                                                                                    section 5
     assessment and/or treatment is                  to 28 days for assessment                hospital, the right to be informed of any
     necessary, and why other methods of           • section 3 admission to hospital for up   detention and to request discharge from
     dealing with the patient are not                to six months for treatment              a 'section'. Patients have the right to
     appropriate. The police may assist in the     • section 4 admission on an emergency      make an application to 'displace' their
62                                                   basis for up to 72 hours                 Nearest Relative.
“I seriously wanted to die, so I rang the
                                              section 6
 Samaritans. A kind lady listened to me for
 over three hours. That was 10 years ago”

                                              Getting help from a
                                              voluntary organisation
Getting help from a voluntary organisation
                                                              Some useful organisations to contact
     There are many charities and voluntary organisations     Ann Lee Centre                            Crisis Point
                                                              0845 120 3711                             0161 225 9500
     in Manchester providing mental health services. They
                                                              24 Albert Road, Levenshulme M19 2FP
     can range in size from a few volunteers to large                Mental health crisis support centre
     organisations providing a range of services. They have   12 Hilton St M1 1JF                       where people can manage or resolve
     in common the fact that they are governed by             A membership project that aims to         their crisis and develop strategies to
                                                                                                        prevent or better manage such crises in
     volunteers and volunteers generally provide their        provide and strengthen community
                                                              connections for people who have           the future. The service can work with
     services supported by paid staff.                                                                  people with complex needs and anyone
                                                              experienced severe and enduring
                                                              mental health issues. Once an             can make a referral, including self
     Voluntary organisations are independent from the                                                   referrals. Services including
                                                              individual has been referred to the
     NHS, so if you go for counselling from a voluntary       service and accepted by the current       accommodation (offering stays of up to
     organisation they will not share this information with   members, they can choose a personal       10 nights), advice and information, and
                                                              worker who will help them realise their   non-residential one-to-one sessions for
     your doctor. Generally their services work on a                                                    up to 6 sessions for people unable or
                                                              goals in life.
     ‘self referral’ basis where you go directly to them to                                             unwilling to use the accommodation

                                                                                                                                                  section 6
     access the service.                                                                                service.

Getting help from a voluntary organisation
     Some useful organisations to contact
     Cruse Bereavement Care                   Gaddum Centre Advice and                   HARP                                     Hearing Voices Network
     (Manchester Branch)                      Information Service                        (Health Advocacy Resource Project)       0845 122 8641
     0161 236 8103                            0161 839 0421                              0161 226 9907                            (Enquiries and Information)                                                    
     Central Hall, Oldham Street M1 1JN       Gaddum House, 6 Great Jackson St,          Zion Community Resource Centre,          79 Lever Street, Manchester M1 1FL
     Promotes the well-being of bereaved      Manchester M15 4AX                         339 Stretford Road, Hulme M15 4ZY        Information, support and
     people and enables anyone bereaved       Answers questions about social and         A range of services and projects for     understanding to people who hear
     by death to understand their grief and   health care needs, people's rights under   people with mental health needs.         voices and those who support them.
     cope with their loss. Provides           Community Care, Disability and             These include advice, information,       Helpline 0845 122 8642 for voice
     counselling, support, information and    Children's legislation with access to a    advocacy and support, welfare rights     hearers only Tuesday 1:00 - 4:00pm.
     advice also education and training       large and complex database. Staff can      and financial issues and housing         The Network also offers a quarterly
     services.                                identify a wide range of resources         advice. Supported training takes place   newsletter for members, training and
     Day by Day Helpline                      available which could be practical,        in the Harp Cafe and the Zion garden     conferences for people who hear
     0844 477 9400                            advisory, emotional or financial.          and elsewhere.                           voices, carers, workers, students and

                                                                                                                                                                          section 6
     Young person's freephone helpline                                                                                            anyone interested in finding out more
     0808 808 1677                                                                                                                about hearing voices.

“Try to learn to appreciate
                                                                                     the small things, no matter

                                                                                                                   Getting help from a voluntary organisation
     Some useful organisations to contact
                                                                                     how small. For example, if
     St Luke’s Drop-in                          The Art project has a resident
     0161 273 1538                              community artist who works with      someone says hello or
                                                groups and individuals in a well-                                                 smiles at you, try to smile
                                                equipped drop-in arts studio.
     St Lukes Neighbourhood Centre,             Phone Alison on 0161 273 1492.       or say hello. They may be
     Stockport Road, Longsight M13 9AB
     (corner of Stockport road and                                                   feeling just like you”
     Devonshire St South)
     Mental health drop-ins, including a
     variety of activities and a woman-
     friendly atmosphere. Tea, coffee and
     soft drinks are available. Activities
     include TV and games. Complementary
     therapy is available in the Treatment
     Rooms. Counselling available. Advice
     sessions on housing related legal

                                                                                                                   section 6
     advice, welfare rights and benefits,
     debt and asylum related issues.
     Women only services available. Please
     phone for details of all these services.
Getting help from a voluntary organisation
     Some useful organisations to contact
     Mood Swings Network                       Relate                                     Self Help Services                         Therapy programme Beating the Blues
     0845 123 6050                             (Greater Manchester South)                 0844 477 9971                              by GP or self referral.                    0161 872 0303                    
     23 New Mount Street,                    
     City Centre M4 4DE                                      Zion Community Resource Centre, 339
     Support for people, also their families   346 Chester Rd, Cornbrook M16 9EZ          Stretford Road, Hulme M15 4ZY.
     and friends, who are affected by mood     Counselling service for adults             Self Help Services facilitate support
     disorders, for example, bi-polar (manic   experiencing problems with their           groups that provide a free space for
     depression), depression, schizophrenia.   personal relationships. Relate will help   people to discuss life experiences and
     Young Persons’ Support Group meets        you whether you are married or not         to exchange advice/coping strategies.
     3rd Thursday every month, 6-9pm.          and whatever your age, race, personal      Essentially the self-help groups help to
     Services include Drop in Tuesday 1-4pm    beliefs, sexual orientation or social      break isolation and provide people
     each week. Carers Support Group and       background. Services for families,         with the opportunity to take control of
     Carers Pamper Day, 2nd Thursday every     young people as well as counselling        their own lives and manage their own
     month, 1-4pm, and treatments by           and skills therapy for adults. Services    problems.

                                                                                                                                                                           section 6
     appointment only.                         are charged for on a sliding scale         Check the website for a full list of
                                               according to income but grants are         groups and new developments.
                                               available.                                 Self Help Services also offer the
                                                                                          Computerised Cognitive Behavioural
section 7

Services that meet
your particular needs
Black and ethnic minority communities

                                                                                                                             Services that meet your particular needs
     “Being out in the countryside,       African and Caribbean                     and tribunals, counselling,
                                          Mental Health Services                    employment, education and training
      especially when I am on top of a    0161 226 9562                             advice and support to prisoners in
      hill, clears my head and helps me   admin@acmhs-                              Manchester. Drop-ins and support
                                                  groups are also provided for service
      put things in perspective”                                                    users and carers.
                                          Windrush Millennium Centre,
                                          70 Alexandra Road, Moss Side              The organisation also has a Primary
                                          Manchester M16 7WD                        Care Mental Health Team working
                                                                                    with people 16-65 years of age, living
                                          African and Caribbean Mental Health       in Manchester and who have common
                                          Services (ACMHS) is a local               mental health problems including
                                          organisation providing support to         stress.
                                          African and African Caribbean people
                                          who are 18-65 years of age suffering
                                          from mental ill health.
                                          Services provided include support,

                                                                                                                             section 7
                                          casework, advocacy including welfare
                                          rights, benefits, attending ward rounds

Black and ethnic minority communities

                                                                                                                                                                                Services that meet your particular needs
     Irish Community Care Manchester              LMCP Carelink                               Manchester Advice Linkworker Service   The Linkworker service provides female
     0161 205 9105                                0161 226 4632                                                                      and male advice workers who speak a                            African Caribbeans 0161 245 7055       range of different languages spoken                                                               Arabic 0161 245 7070                   within minority ethnic communities
                                                  95a Princess Road, Moss Side M14 4TH                                               within Manchester. They can give
     289 Cheetham Hill Road,                      The project aims to enable older Asian      Bangla/Sylheti 0161 245 7056           people advice and information in their
     Cheetham, M19 3PZ                            people and their carers to access           Bosnian 0161 245 7068                  first language as well as in English.
     Advice, information and support for          religiously and culturally sensitive                                               Advice can be offered on benefits,
                                                                                              Chinese 0161 245 7058                  housing, tax credits, debt, consumer
     Irish and wider community in                 services. It provides information and
     Manchester. Projects for Irish Travellers,   support for older Asian people and          Gujarati/Kutchi 0161 245 7065          problems, Council services, basic
     young people, elderly. Advice and            their carers. Services include drop-ins                                            immigration problems (but not
                                                                                              Somali 0161 245 7059
     casework on welfare benefits, housing,       with activities such as aerobics, English                                          asylum), health services, legal services
     ID, health issues, training, and             classes, craftwork, painting, sewing,       Urdu/Punjabi 0161 234 5601             and access to education and training.
     returning to live in Ireland. Men’s over     yoga, and gym. Languages spoken             Vietnamese 0161 245 7067
     40s group. Over 50s Social and Craft         include Gujarati, Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi
     group. Outreach sessions in                  and Bengali.

                                                                                                                                                                                section 7

Black and ethnic minority communities

                                                                                                                                                                           Services that meet your particular needs
     Manchester Mental Health                    Pakistani Resource Centre                The Roby                               Wai Yin - Kwan Wai Project
     Linkwork Scheme                             0161 237 1125                            0161 257 2653                          0161 237 5908
     0161 276 5259                                               
     Rawnsley Building, Manchester Royal         1 Great Marlborough Street M1 5NJ        307 Dickenson Road,                    Woolwich House, 61 Mosley St,
     Infirmary, Oxford Road M13 9WL              Counselling, emotional and practical     Longsight, M13 0NG                     Manchester, M2 3HZ
     Provides an interpreter service             support to Asian individuals             Drop-ins and other mental health       The Kwan Wai (Mental Health) Project
     between mental health professionals         experiencing mental ill health, their    support services and activities,       supports clients who have a range of
     and service users, carers and families      carers and families. This includes       including South Asian mens and         mental health difficulties. We offer
     with little or no English. The service is   advocacy on behalf of our clients and    womens groups, parent and toddlers     one to one support and advice, provide
     available in 44 languages ranging from      appear in the courts, tribunals and      group and a counselling service for    a drop-in on Fridays, assist people to
     Albanian to Yoruba. The Linkwork            D.S.S. hearings in order to ensure our   people living in the Longsight area.   access all levels of mental health care
     Scheme can also provide translations of     clients gain equal access to services,                                          and work closely in partnership with
     written material and hold cultural          also work with prisoners and their                                              statutory and non-statutory
     awareness sessions.                         families in conjunction with the                                                organisations. Wai Yin provides

                                                                                                                                                                           section 7
                                                 National Probation Service in                                                   specialist services for the Chinese
                                                 Greater Manchester.                                                             community, although their services are
                                                                                                                                 open to all communities.

Carers                                                                                 Children and young people

                                                                                                                                                                               Services that meet your particular needs
     Carers Advocacy Service                     Manchester Carer’s Centre                  42nd Street                              Brook Advisory Centre
     0161 214 3933                               0161 835 2995                              0161 832 0169                            0161 237 3001
                                                     Minicom 0161 831 7616          
     Gaddum House, 6 Great Jackson Street      
     M15 4AX                                     west/manchester                               Commonwealth House,
     Advice, information and advocacy            Beswick House, Beswick Row M4 4PR          2nd Floor, Swan Buildings, 20 Swan       81 Lever Street (near Great Ancoats
     service for anyone who is concerned         Provides a range of information, advice,   Street, Manchester M4 5JW                Street), Manchester, M1 1FL
     about care for their relatives. This is a   advocacy, emotional support and            Supports young people under stress       Free confidential counselling, sex
     free and confidential service for anyone    practical support services for carers in   aged 14-25 in a safe environment,        advice, contraception (including
     who has concerns about the care being       Manchester. These include Carers           including counselling and various        emergency contraception), and testing
     provided to people in residential or        Breaks Service which supports carers to    groups, including groups for young       for STIs for young people up to the age
     nursing care. The service will also help    be able to take a break and enjoy some     men and women. Offers activities, e.g.   of 19. Counselling around any issue,
     you to question the decisions being         leisure time and Carers Drop in on         drama, art, relaxation and trips out     not just sex and relationships.
     made in respect of your relative.           Thursday mornings.                         locally.
                                                 Carersline 0161 835 4090 offers

                                                                                                                                                                               section 7
                                                 telephone advice, information and

Children and young people                  Debt, employment and money advice

                                                                                                                                  Services that meet your particular needs
     YASP                                       Breakthrough UK                          Greater Manchester Pay and
     0161 221 3054                              0161 273 5412                            Employment Rights Advice Service                     0161 839 3888                     
     832 Stockport Road, Levenshulme            The Manchester Employment Support        4th floor, Swan Buildings, 20 Swan St
     M19 3AW                                    Team supports disabled people who -      M4 5JW
     Information and advice on benefits,        live within the boundaries of the City   Provides free, confidential Employment
     welfare rights, housing, law, health       of Manchester into employment and        Advice, Information and Support to
     issues, education, and drugs/alcohol for   work-related training. We will work      anyone in Greater Manchester who is
     people aged 15-25 years with mental        with disabled people and employers to    experiencing problems at work or who
     health needs. Internet cafe with           gain and sustain employment, or          wants to know what their rights are.
     inexpensive and nutritious hot meals       training for work. The Employment
     and snacks.                                Advocacy service provides independent
                                                support to disabled people of working
                                                age to enter, or stay in, work or

                                                                                                                                  section 7
Help directory2010 (2)
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Help directory2010 (2)

  • 1. help! your handy guide to mental health for people in Manchester 2010
  • 2.
  • 3. Produced by ©Mind in Manchester 2009 Mind in Manchester The Progress Centre Charlton Place Ardwick Green Manchester M12 6HS Telephone 0161 272 8205
  • 4. help! your handy guide to mental health for people in Manchester 2010 inside this guide: • your questions answered about mental health • what you can expect from services in Manchester
  • 5. with thanks! your handy guide to mental health for people in Manchester 2010 This is a general guide and not an authoritative Thanks go to: statement of medical fact or the law. Errors and The Manchester Public Health Development Service, who provided much of the information omissions excepted. This guide cannot be assumed and for supporting this project to endorse any organisations listed. Having a Voice, who provided the material on Recovery This guide was originally produced with the help and support of a group of members of Having A Voice, who drew on their experience as mental health service users and of recovery to decide on the size, presentation and content and who also took many of the photographs. Additional photographs by Vicky Barton and David Spencer Project management by Justin Larner Mind, who provided information from their leaflets on mental health Designed and produced by Andrassy Design 01484 434844 This guide was funded by Manchester Primary Care Trust
  • 6. help! IN CRISIS? see page 109 P Concerned about your mental health? pages 7 – 25 P your handy guide to sources of support for people in Manchester 2010 How to look after your mental health pages 27 – 35 P Getting help from your GP pages 37 – 41 P NHS primary care mental health services pages 43 – 47 P NHS secondary care mental health services pages 49 –63 P Getting help from a voluntary organisation pages 65 – 73 P Services that meet your particular needs pages 75 – 101 P Web links pages 103 – 107 P 4
  • 7. Section 1 “I’d like others to know there is light at the end of the Concerned about your tunnel. You can do it. Just ’cause you’ve got some kind mental health? of a mental health issue you can still live a normal existence. You can still carry on your life as normal.”
  • 8. Alcohol and drugs Mental health problems are very common. Around six million people in Problem drug use is when a person Manchester for people who have both Concerned about your mental health? Britain have this diagnosis at any one time. They can be caused by physical, admits to having a problem with either drug (or alcohol) and mental health mental or social conditions, or any combination of these. A physical or prescribed (such as painkillers given to problems. Their families and carers can you by your doctor) or non prescribed also get help. You can refer yourself or mental illness, past experiences, difficult relationships and stresses such as drugs (such as cannabis or heroin). agencies you are working with can unemployment and drug or alcohol problems can all play a part. Many people take drugs because they refer you. make them feel good for a short time, For referrals, referral advice and The early signs of mental distress can include changes in mood (up or and sometimes people use drugs to self appointments phone the Single Point down), changes in sleep, unexplained symptoms such as headaches medicate. Continual use can lead to a of Accesss (SPA) on 0161 276 6155. dependency. Alcohol is often used to or stomach aches, lowered energy levels through to hearing and seeing help us relax and feel better, but things that other people do not. alcohol is actually a depressant and can Talk To Frank is a confidential 24 hour make conditions like depression worse. helpline and website where you can This section describes common mental health problems and gives contact get unbiased information about drugs Sometimes people have a mental in over 120 languages. details of a national organisation that can provide more information on health issue at the same time as a drug each issue. See the ‘Getting Help from Your GP’ (on page 37) and ‘Getting or alcohol problem. This is often known Talk To Frank Section 1 as having a 'dual diagnosis'. Each 0800 77 66 00 Help from a Voluntary Organisation’ (on page 65) sections for help locally. textphone 0800 917 8765 problem can affect the other. Dual Diagnosis clinics have been set 8 up in north, central and south
  • 9. Anger Anger is an emotion which helps us deal anger, then it would be wise to seek help The Alternatives to Violence Project is a Concerned about your mental health? with challenges in our life. However, – from your doctor, your community national organisation with an office in how we use our anger is important. mental health nurse, from friends and Manchester that provides workshops in Some people tend to become angry family, from self-help groups etc. Talking managing anger and negotiating easily (a “short fuse”), and some have about where your anger is coming from peaceful relationships. problems controlling their anger. is also a good way of exploring negative Alternatives to Violence Project Suppressed feelings of anger, or anger emotions. Cognitive behavioural therapy 0161 832 3660 (Manchester office) turned inwards can lead to low mood, can also be effective in dealing with lack of assertiveness and self esteem, anger. and self harm. There are techniques you can use to manage anger better. Expressing your angry feelings assertively, not aggressively, is the best way to express anger. To do this, you have to learn how to make clear what your needs are, and how to get them Section 1 met, without hurting others. ‘Diverting’ it into physical or creative activities can be a way of using anger in a positive way. If you feel unable to control your 10
  • 10. Anxiety Autism and Asperger Syndrome Anxiety can be experienced by anyone, Anxiety UK offers support to people Autism is a lifelong developmental There is also a condition called Concerned about your mental health? for example before public speaking or a experiencing anxiety disorders which disability that affects the way a person Asperger Syndrome, which is a form of job interview. An anxiety disorder is includes obsessive compulsive disorder communicates and relates to people autism, used to describe people who when a person experiences the (OCD) and post traumatic stress around them. Children and adults with are usually at the higher functioning symptoms of anxiety to such an extent disorder (PTSD) autism have difficulties with everyday end of the autistic spectrum. that it interferes with their everyday Anxiety UK social interaction. Their ability to The National Autistic Society life. These symptoms can include 08444 775 774 develop friendships is generally limited 0845 070 4004 feeling overcome with panic, as is their capacity to understand other restlessness, breathlessness, excessive people’s emotional expression. People worrying or being unable to control with autism can often have disturbing thoughts. These symptoms accompanying learning disabilities but can escalate into panic attacks, a everyone with the condition shares a sudden bout of intense terror which is difficulty in making sense of the world. not a natural response to real danger. Section 1 12
  • 11. Dementia Depression Dementia is a disorder which affects The Alzheimer's Society is a Depression can happen to anyone as The Depression Alliance offers Concerned about your mental health? how the brain works. The term membership organisation which runs a part of a natural grieving process such information by phone, email and 'dementia' describes a group of helpline and coordinates local support as at the end of a relationship. through their website, also links to symptoms that affect people in many groups. Depression becomes ‘clinical’ when local self-help groups. ways. Dementia affects all types of symptoms such as apathy, loss of National Information Line things such as memory, thinking, energy, suicidal thoughts, sleep or 0845 123 23 20 behaviour and personality, which can Alzheimer's Society Helpline appetite changes persist or go beyond 0845 300 0336 be a life changing experience. There are normal mood changes. Symptoms can lots of types of dementia which can be also include headaches, stomach or difficult to recognise at first, as changes general pain even when the person can sometimes be small and gradual. does not complain of feeling depressed. Medication, talking therapies and One in twenty persons will suffer lifestyle changes can help in managing serious or clinical depression at some symptoms and adapting to life time in their lives. changes. People who are depressed may be seen by others as lazy or difficult but any Section 1 attempts to make them ‘snap out of it’ will fail. Depression responds well to counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), self-help or medication. 14
  • 12. Eating disorders Manic depression Eating disorders are serious conditions beat (Beating Eating Disorders) offers a This is often referred to as ‘Bipolar The Manic Depression Fellowship Concerned about your mental health? which can be potentially life helpline and access to local self-help Disorder’ and is where a person (MDF) can offer information, threatening. They consist of complex and support groups. alternates between a ‘high’ (manic) and membership and links to sources symptoms centred around food, body beat ‘low’ (depressive) mood. This can be of help. weight, body shape, and low self- 0845 634 1414 over as little as a week over a longer Manic Depression Fellowship esteem. Eating disorders affect people timescale of up to several years. Manic 0845 434 9970 for enquiries of all ages but are more common in Depression occurs in phases but it is young women. Women suffer from possible to remain well for long these disorders 10 times as often as periods. men and they most often start in the teenage years. The most commonly recognised disorders are bulimia and anorexia but people often present with a variety of combinations of symptoms. Section 1 16
  • 13. Section 1 Concerned about your mental health?
  • 14. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Personality disorder This is a condition where the individual OCD Action Personality disorder refers to when BPDWORLD Concerned about your mental health? suffers obsessive and persistent Help and information line on your beliefs and attitudes are different Helpline 0844 357 4567 thoughts or ritualistic behaviour such 0845 390 6232 from most other people’s who can find as hand washing, hoarding and this behaviour unusual, unexpected or arranging objects. The person feels perhaps offensive. There are many unable to control the behaviour and different kinds of personality disorder, this can be distressing. OCD is including Antisocial Personality common, with one person in thirty Disorder, Paranoid, Schizoid, and suffering at any one time. It responds Borderline. well to treatment, including Cognitive BPDWORLD is a national organisation Behavioural Therapy or medication. that provides counselling, support and OCD Action is a national charity that online information on issues around provides information and support on personality disorders, particularly Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Body Borderline Personality Disorder. Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), Compulsive Skin Picking (CSP), Section 1 Trichotillomania (TTM) to both adults and children. 20
  • 15. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Pre and Postnatal Depression Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) emotional and physical reactions, and Pre and post-natal depression is a The Association for Post Natal Illness Concerned about your mental health? describes a range of psychological changes in behaviour, which may common and treatable condition, and provides a telephone helpline, symptoms people may experience include reliving aspects of the trauma, is different from the ‘baby blues’. information leaflets for sufferers and following a traumatic event, which is avoiding memories and being easily Post-natal Depression (PND) is what healthcare professionals as well as a outside the usual human experience. aroused, including irritability and happens when you become depressed network of volunteers, (telephone and The World Health Organisation has panic response to anything to do after having a baby. Sometimes, there postal), who have themselves defined it as: ‘A delayed or protracted with the trauma. may be an obvious reason, often there experienced postnatal illness. response to a stressful event or Help and treatment for post traumatic is none. It can be particularly Association for Post Natal Illness situation (either short or long-lasting) stress disorder can be offered by your GP. distressing when you have so looked 020 7386 0868 of an exceptionally threatening or long- forward to having your baby through lasting nature, which is likely to cause Combat Stress can offer advice, the months of pregnancy. You may feel pervasive distress in almost anyone.’ treatment and rehabilitation to people guilty for feeling like this, or even feel who have served in the Army or Navy. that you can’t cope with being a If you have faced a traumatic experience, you may simply feel Combat Stress mother. It can last for weeks or several emotionally numb to begin with, 01372 841600 months. Mild PND can be helped by and feelings of distress may not better support from family and friends; Section 1 emerge straight away. But sooner or more severe PND will need extra help later, you are likely to develop from your GP, health visitor or, in some cases, mental health professionals. 22
  • 16. Schizophrenia Self harm This is not the ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ split Rethink Self harm involves self-injury or National Self Harm Network supports Concerned about your mental health? personality of popular opinion, but a National Advice Service poisoning. It may be viewed by many survivors and people who self-harm. disorder where there is a disturbance 0207 840 3188 professionals as a cry for help or They are available through the website, in a person’s thoughts and feelings, manipulative behaviour but people use by email or in writing to P.O. Box 7264 with symptoms including a progressive self harm as a coping strategy to deal Nottingham NG1 6WJ withdrawal from reality, with their feelings and emotions. hallucinations, delusions, apathy and Self harm can be an addictive-like emotional instability. Hearing voices behaviour and the frequency and can be a symptom, but many people severity may increase. Support and hear voices but do not otherwise help can be given to increase an display any symptoms. individual’s resilience and self-esteem Rethink offers advice, information and therefore making life easier to cope a range of local services for people with and reducing the need for affected by schizophrenia or other self-harm. “Keep on going” severe mental illness. Section 1 24
  • 17. Section 2 How to look after your mental health “Depression doesn’t have a hold on me like it did before. I have control now, and although it’s something I have to deal with almost 26 on a daily basis, it is no longer something I’m ashamed of.”
  • 18. Understanding mental health Staying Mentally Healthy There are plenty of things that you can do to There are plenty of resources available that Self Help How to look after your mental health can help you to understand mental health There are plenty of things that you can contribute to your mental health and well-being. better. do to contribute to your mental health • All Manchester’s local libraries have a and well-being. “The biggest difference for me between now range of books, leaflets, audio tapes and • Eat well, what you eat affects how and then is that now I know these feelings resources about mental health and well- you're feeling, so eating food which is being at the ‘Health Information Point’. good for your body will be good for won’t last forever and that nothing is ever your mind too. Eat a proper, well- • Bookshops often have a well-being section really as bad as it seems.” which can include a range of mental balanced diet that includes fresh fruit health books that you might find useful. and vegetables. Bananas, turkey, oily fish such as tuna and mackerel are all • The Internet is a valuable source of good mood food. More information about mental health. A range polyunsaturated fats, vitamins and of self help information is available from minerals have been shown to help the Mental Health in Manchester website with depressive conditions, at, including leaflets schizophrenia, dementia and ADHD. It Section 2 and audio guides in various languages. is advisable to consult a doctor or See the Web links section on page 103 for health professional before making any recommended websites. major changes to your diet, especially if you are on any medication. 28
  • 19. Staying Mentally Healthy • Socialise, seeing friends and relatives or • Spiritual beliefs, many people who have • Sleep well. People can become very Reducing Stress How to look after your mental health getting involved in new activities is just spiritual beliefs find these help them to distressed when they feel they are not Worries about money, housing or as important as eating well. Your local cope with mental health problems and getting a good night’s sleep, which can employment can build up and add to library is a great source of information give purpose to their lives. Such beliefs make it harder to get off to sleep. your stress. Good advice, when you feel about activities and groups in your area. may be based on a particular religion or Having a regular schedule, not napping able to cope, may relieve some of your • Volunteering is a great way to meet on privately held views. If you hold such during the day and avoiding alcohol or anxiety. If you don't know who to ask, new people and gain new experiences. beliefs, you may find them a source of caffeine can all contribute to a better remember that your local Citizens' It can boost one’s self esteem and inner strength. night's sleep. Advice Bureau (CAB) is a good source of confidence. It also gives people • Get out and about, being active might Self help groups free, independent and confidential something to focus on other than their involve something as simple as taking Self-help groups are available for a range advice. CAB workers are used to giving problems. See for lots the dog for a walk or going for a swim. of issues and life situations. information in a way that can be easily of information about volunteering. Physical activity of half an hour or more See the section 'Getting Help from a understood, on issues ranging from every day, such as going for a walk, swim Voluntary Organisation' for more details. benefits and debts to legal problems and • Being creative can also help you to family and personal matters. See the relax. Art and creativity can help people or to the gym can improve mental well- These groups can help in creating a being as well as physical health. If this is support network for encouragement, section 'Services that meet your to find an outlet for their emotions. This particular needs' for more details. could be through painting, drawing, undertaken in a park or countryside, it understanding, trust and acceptance, Section 2 photography, sculpture, carving, can also help with spiritual well-being. practical help, gentle guidance, respect Relaxation needlework and embroidery, creative You can even be referred for 'exercise on and empathy and fun. Relaxation is particularly important. It writing, poetry or crafts. prescription' by your GP. See page 46 for enables the body to renew its energy more details. and the mind to feel calm and 30
  • 20. Staying Mentally Healthy Advance directives refreshed. Although underlying An advance directive is now recognised medicine you prefer to be given, but How to look after your mental health problems will remain, you will under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 as these will simply be a consideration probably feel more able to deal with a legally enforceable document. An and not legally enforceable. them. However, it is often very hard to advance directive (also known as an The Mental Capacity Act aims to relax when you are distressed. In this ‘advance statement’, ‘advance refusal’ protect people who are seen to lack the case, learning a relaxation technique or or ‘living will’) is a way of making a capacity to make their own decisions a therapy such as yoga may help. person’s views known if he or she about treatment. It makes law the The important thing is to find ways that should become mentally incapable of principle that if someone else has to “I just blurted it out one day to giving consent to treatment, or making work for you. There may be times when make a decision on your behalf, then you need support from other people, my GP and I was really surprised informed choices about treatment, at that decision must be in your 'best and it is important to seek help and not some future time. interests'. All practical steps must have at just how serious he took it feel you have to struggle on alone. An advance directive must be in been taken to enable a person to make and the way I was supported. writing, signed and witnessed, and if it decisions before deciding that they lack I guess I was very lucky” applies to life-sustaining treatment capacity. there must be a statement that the decision stands even if life is at risk. An Section 2 advance decision is only legally enforceable in terms of refusing medical treatment. It can include statements such as the type of 32
  • 21. Advance directives Advocacy You can make an advance decision to The Act created the Independent “Recovery is not the easy Advocacy is where a person represents How to look after your mental health refuse treatment, or register a Lasting Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) another’s interests as if they were their Power of Attorney with the Office of Service. The service can advocate for option. Recovery is a complex, own. An advocate is someone the Public Guardian. See those who lack capacity and who need difficult and exhilarating independent of mental health services for more to make major decisions, e.g. moving who can help you to make sure that details. This is a legal document that accommodation, serious medical journey involving bad days your voice is heard by professionals. He names another person who can make interventions. IMCA advocates may and hard work. Hope has to or she can accompany you to meetings decisions on your behalf if you lack also attend care reviews and adult with professionals. They can help you capacity. protection meetings where live amongst this.” ask the questions you need to, and If you do not draw up an LPA, a Court of appropriate. In Manchester, the IMCA make sure that you get your message Protection can appoint a deputy who service is provided by Rethink, across. will make decisions in your best phone 0161 245 3251. See the section ‘Getting Help from a interests. Voluntary Organisation’ (on page 65) for details of organisations that provide advocacy in the community. Section 2 34
  • 22. “My GP told me, assertively, to go and buy a bar of chocolate, sit in the park and look at the flowers, to appreciate the world and all its wonders. He also section 3 prescribed some medication. I thought he was mad, but I went and did it and now I am very grateful. The medication alone was only keeping Getting help from your GP me where I was.” 36
  • 23. Getting help from your GP If you think you have a problem with your To get more out of your appointment could do to help you feel better and with your GP think about the following recover. For mild to moderate mental well being and would like some help, questions before you go: depression and anxiety there are a the first step is usually to talk to your GP. number of things that can help which • How are you feeling, and what are You might think that mental health is not your symptoms? your GP may recommend: something that GPs are familiar with but in • How long have you been feeling • Exercise and social activities, such as going for a swim or seeing friends. Getting help from your GP fact 1 in 3 appointments concern patients’ like this? • Talking therapies to help you explore emotional well being including mild or • How is it affecting your life; is it preventing you doing normal your feelings and emotions. moderate depression and anxiety. If you are Counselling is a process where a activities or something you not registered with a GP simply go to your normally enjoy? person works in partnership with a counsellor on issues that may be local surgery with your medical details. • Are you looking after yourself .e.g. causing distress in their lives. See 'Find your local GP or health service' on getting enough sleep, taking some Counselling provides an opportunity page 107 or phone NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 exercise, eating properly? for a person to talk about their problems and feelings, in an Section 3 The GP will firstly check if there are any physical causes to your illness, such as environment which is safe and a recent bout of flu, diabetes or heart confidential. disease and then suggest what you 38
  • 24. Getting help from your GP • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Medication than the doctor who prescribes them. You have the right, by law, to make an involves a therapist helping you Medication that may be prescribed by a They may be more aware of possible side informed decision about which understand what triggers your depression GP include effects, and also possible interactions treatment to have, and whether or not by identifying any harmful or unhelpful • antidepressants with other drugs (this is when a drug to accept the treatment a doctor thoughts which can make you depressed. • anti-anxiety drugs (also often prescribed changes the effect of other drugs you are suggests. To consent properly, you need The aim of CBT is to help you change how as sleeping tablets), which are often taking, makes them less effective, or to have enough information to you think and what you do in the future referred to as 'minor tranquillisers' causes additional side effects). understand what the treatment is, how so you can break the cycle of depression. • lithium, which is prescribed for bipolar Pharmacists are usually very willing to it will affect you and what risks it holds. Getting help from your GP Computerised CBT programmes, such as disorder (manic depression) discuss drugs with patients, and some You should learn about its chance of ‘Beating the Blues’ (that you can work • antipsychotics high-street chemists have space set aside success, and if there are any alternatives through in your own time at your own If you are prescribed medication from where you can talk privately. to it. Generally, you can only receive pace) are now available from Self Help your GP, you should find with it an Many people would like to have the treatment that you have specifically Services (see their entry in the section information sheet called a patient information about their proposed agreed to. ‘Getting Help from a Voluntary information leaflet (PIL), in accordance treatment before they are given the The Mind website Organisation’ on page 65) and free with a European Union directive. This prescription for it, and not after they websites listed in the ‘Web Links’ section gives more information on the drug and have got it from the pharmacist and has more information on medication (page 103). potential side effects. You should also taken it home. The following are issues with useful factsheets that can be read Section 3 • Referral to a Clinical Psychologist who is consider talking to your pharmacist. you might like to discuss with your on-line or ordered through Mind trained in psychological treatments. Pharmacists are drug specialists, and may doctor when she or he gives you a Publications. They will talk through problems and be more knowledgeable about your drugs prescription for a drug: 40 find ways of solving them over a number of sessions.
  • 25. “There is no guarantee that tomorrow all your issues will disappear so be prepared for a long journey. Try to remember some parts of journeys can be tough and hard going but you always meet some great section 4 characters that can make parts of the journey enjoyable” . NHS Primary Care Mental Health Services
  • 26. NHS Primary Care Mental Health Services Manchester Primary Care Mental Health Services offer The service provides talking therapies Primary Care Mental Health Team using a range of approaches including (North Districts) short term therapeutic interventions to residents, counselling, cognitive behavioural 0161 231 0017 aged 16 and older, who are registered with a therapy, problem solving, and guided Manchester GP and who have common mental health self help. (However, please note that Primary Care Mental Health Team currently the Central Districts team (Central Districts) problems such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, does not provide a counselling service). 0161 861 2343 obsessions, compulsions and stress related problems. Also, mental health advice and information, and signposting or Primary Care Mental Health Team referring to other services as required. (South Districts) The aim is to work in partnership with 0161 946 8260 service users who wish to take an active role in making changes to For more information about services improve and maintain their mental offered by these teams visit the health. Manchester Primary Care Trust website There are three Primary Care Mental Section 4 Health Teams in Manchester, who can accept referrals from GP’s, other Mental health pages are in the Health professionals, as well as self referrals. Information section. See page 77 for 44 details of the African and Caribbean Primary Care Mental Health Team.
  • 27. Other NHS services that can support mental health NHS Primary Care Mental Health Services Community Health Trainers Exercise on Referral schemes Condition Management Programme Patient Advice and Liason Service A free service offering one to one Activity and exercise can boost our (CMP) (PALS) support for a healthier life. A health mood. A moderate amount of exercise This is a 13 week programme aimed at PALS is a confidential service (we don’t trainer will offer practical support and has been found to be beneficial in helping clients to better understand share information without your guidance, for example in becoming treating mild depression as medication. and manage their health condition, to permission) that can listen to your more active, eating healthily, managing There are exercise referral schemes improve their quality of life and regain concerns and suggestions, provide on stress, sleeping soundly, stopping (sometimes known as ‘exercise on control. It is available to people who the spot information about NHS smoking. Phone 0161 861 2548 and a prescription’) across Manchester. live in Manchester, Salford and Trafford services, help sort out problems quickly Health Trainer will contact you. If you live in North Manchester contact and in receipt of Incapacity Benefit or on your behalf, help you contact other Expert Patient Programme PACE on 0161 681 0940, Central Employment Support Allowance. organisations and record any feedback The Expert Patient’s Programme is a Manchester contact ALFA on Attendance on the programme does or comments. The service can advise free 6 week course that helps people 0161 833 4434 or South Manchester not affect benefits in any way. Clients and support patients, their families or find ways of managing their health contact SMILE on 0161 946 9438. who attend CMP are seen by qualified carers. condition more positively. For more health professionals from a range of To contact PALS please phone: information and to find a course near backgrounds and are offered: 0161 219 9451 you phone 0161 219 9424. individual interventions; group work to Section 4 look at managing anxiety/depression and or pain; along with a computer aided self help programme, Beating the Blues. Further information can be 46 obtained by phoning 0161 219 9424.
  • 28. section 5 “you have to keep going no matter what, NHS Secondary Care don’t ever give up” Mental Health Services
  • 29. NHS Secondary Care Mental Health Services NHS Secondary Care Mental Health Services Secondary Care services help people who are Referrals to services provided by the Trust would, in most cases, be through the Single Point of diagnosed with a severe or enduring mental illness Access (SPA). Phone 0161 276 6155 under a Care Plan, through the Community Mental Fax 0161 276 6154. Health Teams, Community Living services, hospital or specialist services. Secondary care is provided by Manchester Social Care services can be accessed Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust through the Manchester Contact Service for Social Care on 0161 255 8250. Outside office hours, the who can be contacted on 0161 882 1000 or see number is staffed by the Emergency Duty Social Work Service. You can refer yourself or someone else. This number can also be used if you are concerned about the mistreatment of a child or a vulnerable adult, or to report a hate crime. The Trust operates a Patients Advice and Liaison section 5 Service which aims to help and advise patients, their families and carers. Phone the PALS Coordinator, Park House, North Manchester 50 General Hospital, Crumpsall, Manchester M8 5RB on 0161 918 4047 or 07815 284660.
  • 30. NHS Secondary Care Mental Health Services The Care Programme Approach The Care Programme Approach • Appointment of a care co-ordinator, includes:- who will normally be a Community • An assessment of health and social Psychiatric Nurse, a Mental Health care needs. Social Worker, or an Occupational Therapist. • Formation of a Care Plan which identifies the health and social care • Regular care plan review meetings required from the NHS, voluntary or every 3-6 months, which involve the private organisations or through care co-ordinator, psychiatrist and Direct Payments. The care plan could any other workers, carers or family members who are giving care or include medication, risks support. “I was volunteering full time, that’s when management and arrangements for physical care also any actions needed I knew I was ready to go back to work. for housing, domestic support, income or benefits, occupation, I am now in full time employment” . training or employment and cultural or faith needs. section 5 52
  • 31. NHS Secondary Care Mental Health Services Community Services Community Mental Health Teams Early Intervention in Psychosis Community Living Services • Benchmark Furniture Design & Build Community Mental Health Teams The Early Intervention in Psychosis The Community Living services help offers opportunities for people with (CMHTs), provide treatment and Service works with people aged people on a Care Plan to learn new severe and enduring mental health support under a Care Plan. The teams between 14 and 35 who are currently skills, regain self-confidence, and to needs to gain skills and experience. work closely with primary care, undergoing, or who have undergone, remain independent whilst living in Phone 0161 283 5826. voluntary organisations together with their first psychotic episode. The their own homes, helping to reduce • Start in Manchester is an Arts and user and carer groups, to provide an service works to a person centred, readmission to hospital and enabling Mental Health Project for Adults, assessment service for new patients recovery focused social inclusion service users to move on to the future providing art and gardening courses. and provide long term care for patients model. Phone 0161 277 6830 or email of their choice. Referral to Community Phone 0161 257 0675. in the community. Living Services is by GP or Community Mental Health Team worker. • Mainway Enterprises is a service Direct Payments offering work activity, skills training Direct Payments are made to • The 3 Day Centres provide and confidence building. individuals who have been assessed as opportunities for people to meet Phone 0161 720 2330. needing social care services so that others and engage in activities that they can make their own can contribute to wellbeing within a arrangements. These payments can be supported environment. Phone: section 5 made on a regular, occasional or one- Hall Lane 0161 945 7609, off basis. Contact Direct Payments on Harpurhey 0161 205 0118 and 0161 255 8250 (the Contact Service Victoria Park 0161 224 1308. number). 54
  • 32. section 5 NHS Secondary Care Mental Health Services
  • 33. NHS Secondary Care Mental Health Services Specialist Services The Manchester Assertive Outreach Emergency Mental Health Services Crisis Resolution Service Psychological Services service is a partnership between HARP The PEARL (Psychiatric Emergency, The Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Psychology and Psychiatry services, and Manchester Mental Health and Assessment, and Referral & Liaison) service works across the city through including clinical psychology and Social Care Trust, aiming to engage team is a multidisciplinary emergency three teams working in North, Central psychotherapy are provided at with people with severe and enduring response team operating 24 hours a and South Manchester covering the Chorlton House, Gaskell House, mental health needs who are not being day, seven days a week. Referral by needs of the Manchester residents. Macartney House, North Manchester reached by mainstream mental heath mental health professionals only. These services offer an alternative to General Hospital and Laureate House services. The service takes referrals from Phone 0161 901 1477 or 0161 901 1478. inpatient care with intensive support (Wythenshawe Hospital). These include any source, including self-referrals. in the home environment for up to 6 psychosexual services at the Rawnsley Phone 0845 0068 999 (8am-8pm, 7 days) The SAFE Team months. Referral to these teams is your Building, offering mainly cognitive and or email The SAFE Team (Self-Harm, GP, Primary Care worker or any mental behavioural therapies for sexual Assessment, Follow-up and health professional. Phone dysfunctions. The Homeless Team will directly help Engagement) works with people people with severe or enduring mental 0161 720 2045 for the North Team, Eating Disorders admitted from Accident and 0161 276 5368 for Central and health needs who are homeless, have a Emergency who have self harmed Eating Disorders Service, which is a city Manchester connection and are not 0161 882 1140 or 0161 882 1029 for wide specialist adult assessment and including follow-up in the community. South. currently seeing a psychiatrist or other Phone 0161 276 8865. psychotherapy service to patients with section 5 mental health service, concentrating eating disorders including: Anorexia on short-term intervention. nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Phone 0161 273 6908. Disorder and other forms of eating disorder. 58
  • 34. NHS Secondary Care Mental Health Services Specialist Services Hospital Treatment PRAMMBS (Psychiatric Referral, Alcohol & Drugs Older people Many people receive specialist mental Assessment and Management of Alcohol and Drug Assessment and Care Older Adult inpatient and outpatient health care and treatment in the Mothers and Babies Service) Northwest Management Teams assess needs hospital services are provided at community. However, some people can is a regional service for women with under community care legislation and Manchester Royal Infirmary, North experience severe mental health babies who have moderate to severe can arrange support for anyone aged Manchester General Hospital and problems that require admission to mental health problems including 18 to 64 with alcohol or drug problems. Wythenshawe Hospital hospital for assessment and treatment. post-natal depression. They also undertake carers Inpatient and outpatient hospital assessments. The Brian Hore Unit can services are provided at the three main offer counselling and an intensive 5 Trust sites at Manchester Royal week patient detox programme with Infirmary, North Manchester General specialist psychiatry service. There is a Hospital and Wythenshawe Hospital. Dual Diagnosis Day Centre for clients These include short term services to open 7 days a week. help people through a crisis. See (page Phone 0161 217 4166. 114) 'What to do in a crisis' for addresses. section 5 . 60
  • 35. NHS Secondary Care Mental Health Services Hospital Treatment The Mental Health Act process if there are concerns about The patient can appeal against their Hospital Advocacy Admissions to the acute mental health keeping you and others safe. detention to the hospital managers or If you need someone to speak on your ward in the hospital can be voluntary, Approved Mental Health Practitioners the Mental Health Review Tribunal. behalf in the hospital, patients of on the advice of a GP or other health are specially trained in both mental Hospital staff have a duty to provide Manchester Mental Health and Social professional, or compulsorily under a health and the law relating to it. They information to the patient in writing of Care Trust acute wards and Monet 'section' of the Mental Health Act. People are appointed by local authorities to their rights when they are admitted. The House, can use Rethink Manchester can only be detained if the strict criteria interview and assess people and can Mental Health Review Tribunal has the Mental Health Advocacy Service. They laid down in the Act are met. make an application for admission power to discharge the order or agree to can be contacted either on the ward or Under the 2007 Mental Health Act, an where they consider that detention is continued detention. The nearest on 0161 245 3268. application for assessment or the most appropriate way of providing relative, as defined by the act, will also 'appropriate medical treatment' must be care and treatment. be informed in writing of their right to made by an Approved Mental Health request discharge of the patient. The The most common civil sections of the nearest relative has a number of rights Practitioner (AMHP) and be supported in Act under which patients are writing by two registered medical and powers, including requesting that an compulsorily admitted to a hospital are: AMHP investigate the person's situation practitioners. The recommendation must include a statement about why an • section 2 admission to hospital for up if they believe the person needs to be in section 5 assessment and/or treatment is to 28 days for assessment hospital, the right to be informed of any necessary, and why other methods of • section 3 admission to hospital for up detention and to request discharge from dealing with the patient are not to six months for treatment a 'section'. Patients have the right to appropriate. The police may assist in the • section 4 admission on an emergency make an application to 'displace' their 62 basis for up to 72 hours Nearest Relative.
  • 36. “I seriously wanted to die, so I rang the section 6 Samaritans. A kind lady listened to me for over three hours. That was 10 years ago” Getting help from a voluntary organisation
  • 37. Getting help from a voluntary organisation Some useful organisations to contact There are many charities and voluntary organisations Ann Lee Centre Crisis Point 0845 120 3711 0161 225 9500 in Manchester providing mental health services. They 24 Albert Road, Levenshulme M19 2FP can range in size from a few volunteers to large Mental health crisis support centre organisations providing a range of services. They have 12 Hilton St M1 1JF where people can manage or resolve in common the fact that they are governed by A membership project that aims to their crisis and develop strategies to prevent or better manage such crises in volunteers and volunteers generally provide their provide and strengthen community connections for people who have the future. The service can work with services supported by paid staff. people with complex needs and anyone experienced severe and enduring mental health issues. Once an can make a referral, including self Voluntary organisations are independent from the referrals. Services including individual has been referred to the NHS, so if you go for counselling from a voluntary service and accepted by the current accommodation (offering stays of up to organisation they will not share this information with members, they can choose a personal 10 nights), advice and information, and worker who will help them realise their non-residential one-to-one sessions for your doctor. Generally their services work on a up to 6 sessions for people unable or goals in life. ‘self referral’ basis where you go directly to them to unwilling to use the accommodation section 6 access the service. service. 66
  • 38. Getting help from a voluntary organisation Some useful organisations to contact Cruse Bereavement Care Gaddum Centre Advice and HARP Hearing Voices Network (Manchester Branch) Information Service (Health Advocacy Resource Project) 0845 122 8641 0161 236 8103 0161 839 0421 0161 226 9907 (Enquiries and Information) Central Hall, Oldham Street M1 1JN Gaddum House, 6 Great Jackson St, Zion Community Resource Centre, 79 Lever Street, Manchester M1 1FL Promotes the well-being of bereaved Manchester M15 4AX 339 Stretford Road, Hulme M15 4ZY Information, support and people and enables anyone bereaved Answers questions about social and A range of services and projects for understanding to people who hear by death to understand their grief and health care needs, people's rights under people with mental health needs. voices and those who support them. cope with their loss. Provides Community Care, Disability and These include advice, information, Helpline 0845 122 8642 for voice counselling, support, information and Children's legislation with access to a advocacy and support, welfare rights hearers only Tuesday 1:00 - 4:00pm. advice also education and training large and complex database. Staff can and financial issues and housing The Network also offers a quarterly services. identify a wide range of resources advice. Supported training takes place newsletter for members, training and Day by Day Helpline available which could be practical, in the Harp Cafe and the Zion garden conferences for people who hear 0844 477 9400 advisory, emotional or financial. and elsewhere. voices, carers, workers, students and section 6 Young person's freephone helpline anyone interested in finding out more 0808 808 1677 about hearing voices. 68
  • 39. “Try to learn to appreciate the small things, no matter Getting help from a voluntary organisation Some useful organisations to contact how small. For example, if St Luke’s Drop-in The Art project has a resident 0161 273 1538 community artist who works with someone says hello or groups and individuals in a well- smiles at you, try to smile equipped drop-in arts studio. St Lukes Neighbourhood Centre, Phone Alison on 0161 273 1492. or say hello. They may be Stockport Road, Longsight M13 9AB (corner of Stockport road and feeling just like you” . Devonshire St South) Mental health drop-ins, including a variety of activities and a woman- friendly atmosphere. Tea, coffee and soft drinks are available. Activities include TV and games. Complementary therapy is available in the Treatment Rooms. Counselling available. Advice sessions on housing related legal section 6 advice, welfare rights and benefits, debt and asylum related issues. Women only services available. Please phone for details of all these services. 70
  • 40. Getting help from a voluntary organisation Some useful organisations to contact Mood Swings Network Relate Self Help Services Therapy programme Beating the Blues 0845 123 6050 (Greater Manchester South) 0844 477 9971 by GP or self referral. 0161 872 0303 23 New Mount Street, City Centre M4 4DE Zion Community Resource Centre, 339 Support for people, also their families 346 Chester Rd, Cornbrook M16 9EZ Stretford Road, Hulme M15 4ZY. and friends, who are affected by mood Counselling service for adults Self Help Services facilitate support disorders, for example, bi-polar (manic experiencing problems with their groups that provide a free space for depression), depression, schizophrenia. personal relationships. Relate will help people to discuss life experiences and Young Persons’ Support Group meets you whether you are married or not to exchange advice/coping strategies. 3rd Thursday every month, 6-9pm. and whatever your age, race, personal Essentially the self-help groups help to Services include Drop in Tuesday 1-4pm beliefs, sexual orientation or social break isolation and provide people each week. Carers Support Group and background. Services for families, with the opportunity to take control of Carers Pamper Day, 2nd Thursday every young people as well as counselling their own lives and manage their own month, 1-4pm, and treatments by and skills therapy for adults. Services problems. section 6 appointment only. are charged for on a sliding scale Check the website for a full list of according to income but grants are groups and new developments. available. Self Help Services also offer the Computerised Cognitive Behavioural 72
  • 41. section 7 Services that meet your particular needs
  • 42. Black and ethnic minority communities Services that meet your particular needs “Being out in the countryside, African and Caribbean and tribunals, counselling, Mental Health Services employment, education and training especially when I am on top of a 0161 226 9562 advice and support to prisoners in hill, clears my head and helps me admin@acmhs- Manchester. Drop-ins and support groups are also provided for service put things in perspective” users and carers. Windrush Millennium Centre, 70 Alexandra Road, Moss Side The organisation also has a Primary Manchester M16 7WD Care Mental Health Team working with people 16-65 years of age, living African and Caribbean Mental Health in Manchester and who have common Services (ACMHS) is a local mental health problems including organisation providing support to stress. African and African Caribbean people who are 18-65 years of age suffering from mental ill health. Services provided include support, section 7 casework, advocacy including welfare rights, benefits, attending ward rounds 76
  • 43. Black and ethnic minority communities Services that meet your particular needs Irish Community Care Manchester LMCP Carelink Manchester Advice Linkworker Service The Linkworker service provides female 0161 205 9105 0161 226 4632 and male advice workers who speak a African Caribbeans 0161 245 7055 range of different languages spoken Arabic 0161 245 7070 within minority ethnic communities 95a Princess Road, Moss Side M14 4TH within Manchester. They can give 289 Cheetham Hill Road, The project aims to enable older Asian Bangla/Sylheti 0161 245 7056 people advice and information in their Cheetham, M19 3PZ people and their carers to access Bosnian 0161 245 7068 first language as well as in English. Advice, information and support for religiously and culturally sensitive Advice can be offered on benefits, Chinese 0161 245 7058 housing, tax credits, debt, consumer Irish and wider community in services. It provides information and Manchester. Projects for Irish Travellers, support for older Asian people and Gujarati/Kutchi 0161 245 7065 problems, Council services, basic young people, elderly. Advice and their carers. Services include drop-ins immigration problems (but not Somali 0161 245 7059 casework on welfare benefits, housing, with activities such as aerobics, English asylum), health services, legal services ID, health issues, training, and classes, craftwork, painting, sewing, Urdu/Punjabi 0161 234 5601 and access to education and training. returning to live in Ireland. Men’s over yoga, and gym. Languages spoken Vietnamese 0161 245 7067 40s group. Over 50s Social and Craft include Gujarati, Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi group. Outreach sessions in and Bengali. section 7 Levenshulme. 78
  • 44. Black and ethnic minority communities Services that meet your particular needs Manchester Mental Health Pakistani Resource Centre The Roby Wai Yin - Kwan Wai Project Linkwork Scheme 0161 237 1125 0161 257 2653 0161 237 5908 0161 276 5259 Rawnsley Building, Manchester Royal 1 Great Marlborough Street M1 5NJ 307 Dickenson Road, Woolwich House, 61 Mosley St, Infirmary, Oxford Road M13 9WL Counselling, emotional and practical Longsight, M13 0NG Manchester, M2 3HZ Provides an interpreter service support to Asian individuals Drop-ins and other mental health The Kwan Wai (Mental Health) Project between mental health professionals experiencing mental ill health, their support services and activities, supports clients who have a range of and service users, carers and families carers and families. This includes including South Asian mens and mental health difficulties. We offer with little or no English. The service is advocacy on behalf of our clients and womens groups, parent and toddlers one to one support and advice, provide available in 44 languages ranging from appear in the courts, tribunals and group and a counselling service for a drop-in on Fridays, assist people to Albanian to Yoruba. The Linkwork D.S.S. hearings in order to ensure our people living in the Longsight area. access all levels of mental health care Scheme can also provide translations of clients gain equal access to services, and work closely in partnership with written material and hold cultural also work with prisoners and their statutory and non-statutory awareness sessions. families in conjunction with the organisations. Wai Yin provides section 7 National Probation Service in specialist services for the Chinese Greater Manchester. community, although their services are open to all communities. 80
  • 45. Carers Children and young people Services that meet your particular needs Carers Advocacy Service Manchester Carer’s Centre 42nd Street Brook Advisory Centre 0161 214 3933 0161 835 2995 0161 832 0169 0161 237 3001 Minicom 0161 831 7616 Gaddum House, 6 Great Jackson Street M15 4AX west/manchester Commonwealth House, Advice, information and advocacy Beswick House, Beswick Row M4 4PR 2nd Floor, Swan Buildings, 20 Swan 81 Lever Street (near Great Ancoats service for anyone who is concerned Provides a range of information, advice, Street, Manchester M4 5JW Street), Manchester, M1 1FL about care for their relatives. This is a advocacy, emotional support and Supports young people under stress Free confidential counselling, sex free and confidential service for anyone practical support services for carers in aged 14-25 in a safe environment, advice, contraception (including who has concerns about the care being Manchester. These include Carers including counselling and various emergency contraception), and testing provided to people in residential or Breaks Service which supports carers to groups, including groups for young for STIs for young people up to the age nursing care. The service will also help be able to take a break and enjoy some men and women. Offers activities, e.g. of 19. Counselling around any issue, you to question the decisions being leisure time and Carers Drop in on drama, art, relaxation and trips out not just sex and relationships. made in respect of your relative. Thursday mornings. locally. Carersline 0161 835 4090 offers section 7 telephone advice, information and support. 82
  • 46. Children and young people Debt, employment and money advice Services that meet your particular needs YASP Breakthrough UK Greater Manchester Pay and 0161 221 3054 0161 273 5412 Employment Rights Advice Service 0161 839 3888 832 Stockport Road, Levenshulme The Manchester Employment Support 4th floor, Swan Buildings, 20 Swan St M19 3AW Team supports disabled people who - M4 5JW Information and advice on benefits, live within the boundaries of the City Provides free, confidential Employment welfare rights, housing, law, health of Manchester into employment and Advice, Information and Support to issues, education, and drugs/alcohol for work-related training. We will work anyone in Greater Manchester who is people aged 15-25 years with mental with disabled people and employers to experiencing problems at work or who health needs. Internet cafe with gain and sustain employment, or wants to know what their rights are. inexpensive and nutritious hot meals training for work. The Employment and snacks. Advocacy service provides independent support to disabled people of working age to enter, or stay in, work or training. section 7 84