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Differences Involved In The Digestive System
The digestive system is one of the main organ systems. The first process in the digestive system is to
consume the food. This is called ingestion. The digestive system is what absorbs and breaks down
the food and drinks that were eaten. The digestive organs break down food in two ways, mechanical
digestion and chemical digestion. In mechanical digestion, the processes starts from the mouth to the
stomach. During this process the food gets broken into smaller sizes. Then from there chemical
digestions begins to occur. Chemical digestion is when many different enzymes break down the
molecules so that they can be absorbed. Chemical digestion begins in the mouth and continues in the
intestines. The mouth does two things, mechanical breakdown of ... Show more content on ...
The food is changed into chyme which is a slimy material. The chyme gets mixed with highly acidic
gastric juice and strong digestive enzymes in the stomach. This is to prepare the chyme for the small
intestine. There are hormones like gastine and molin that help move the chyme and pump gastric
juice. The chyme then goes to the first part of the small intestine called the duodenum. The small
intestines have three parts which are the duodenum, jejunum, and the ileum. The small intestines
break down the chyme by enzymes from the pancreas and bile. The pancreas produces insulin which
controls metabolism in the blood and enzymes that break down fats, carbohydrates, and protein.
Then the gallbladder releases the bile it stores into the duodenum to absorb fats. The duodenum is
mostly the continuous breakdown of the chyme while the jejunum and ileum absorb the nutrients.
All the nutrients get absorbed from the foods (vitamins, proteins, minerals, fats, and carbohydrates)
that travel into the bloodstream throughout the body. This is the third main function called
absorption. The liver absorbs all the nutrients from the small intestines. Another thing that the liver
does is it makes chemicals from the nutrients it absorbs that the body needs. It also breaks down
poisons and drugs in the body. From the small intestines come the large intestines (colon) that are
attached to the small
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Evolution Of Bile Salts
What is bile?
Bile is a green–colored liquid used for digestion that is created by the liver and stored by the
gallbladder. There are bile acids (bile salts). They are used to absorb fats and for digestion. The
absorption of fats happens in the small intestine.–types/bile–duct–
How and why is this important to evolution?
Bile has bile salts, or in other words, bile acids in it. Previous studies of fish, whose bile should
remain the same no matter what they eat, have shown that there were changes in the bile salt
synthetic pathway. The original bile salt synthetic pathway was thin and very simple. Over many
generations, it has become longer
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Patients With Large Common Bile Duct Stones
This prospective study was performed on 124 patients with large common bile duct stones (> 1 cm)
between August 2014 and August 2016. Our exclusion criteria included: age less than 18 years,
patients with contraindication to ERCP (history of contrast dye anaphylaxis, severe
cardiopulmonary disease, and recent myocardial infarction), acute pancreatitis or cholangitis at the
time of the procedure, previous history of ES, concomitant cholangiocarcinona or stricture, or
intrahepatic duct stone.
Patients were randomly assigned to either EPLBD group or ES group after confirming the presence
of large bile duct stones during the initial ERCP. The simple randomization was conducted by means
of random number created in Microsoft Office Excel 2007. The endoscopists were blinded before
confirming CBD stones during the initial ERCP. If biliary cannulation failed or precut was done
during the initial ERCP, the patients were excluded.
The medical ethical committee of our medical centers approved the study protocol and all patients
provided written informed consent before entering the study. All patients subjected to complete
assessment including proper history, clinical examination, laboratory investigations (complete blood
count, liver and renal function tests, blood sugar, and serum amylase), and imaging studies
(ultrasonography and/or CT, MRCP).
All ERCP procedures were performed by experienced endoscopists using the standard
duodenoscope (ED–3440T and ED–3485T, Pentax) in the
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Patients With Large Common Bile Duct Stones
Patients and methods
This prospective study was performed on 124 patients with large common bile duct stones (> 1 cm)
between August 2014 and August 2016. Our exclusion criteria included: age less than 18 years,
patients with contraindication to ERCP (history of contrast dye anaphylaxis, severe
cardiopulmonary disease, and recent myocardial infarction), acute pancreatitis or cholangitis at the
time of the procedure, previous history of ES, concomitant cholangiocarcinona or stricture, or
intrahepatic duct stone.
Patients were randomly assigned to either EPLBD group or ES group after confirming the presence
of large bile duct stones during the initial ERCP. The simple randomization was conducted by means
of random number created in Microsoft Office Excel 2007. The endoscopists were blinded before
confirming CBD stones during the initial ERCP. If biliary cannulation failed or precut was done
during the initial ERCP, the patients were excluded.
The medical ethical committee of our medical centers approved the study protocol and all patients
provided written informed consent before entering the study. All patients subjected to complete
assessment, including proper history, clinical examination, laboratory investigations (complete
blood count, liver and renal function tests, blood sugar, and serum amylase), and imaging studies
(ultrasonography and/or CT, MRCP).
All ERCP procedures were performed by experienced endoscopists using the standard
duodenoscope (ED–3440T and ED–3485T,
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Peristalsis And Involuntary Muscle Contractions
The Alimentary Canal is a system which contains different sections and organs that work together to
digest substances. Food substances pass through the alimentary canal which starts at the mouth and
eventually ends up at the anus. Ingestion is the consumption of a substance through the mouth e.g.
eating or drinking. The mouth increases surface area for chemical digestion as Salivary glands
produce Saliva which contains amylase to breakdown starch. Saliva also contains mineral salts to
keep PH constant and Mucin to make food slimy and easier to pass down the oesophagus. Peristalsis
is the movement of food by coordinated involuntary muscle contractions. Peristalsis is used in the
oesophagus, stomach, and intestines to transport food.
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Simone Biles Research Paper
"I am not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps, I am the first Simone biles" Simone Arianne Biles.
Because Simone Biles is confident, she became more determined to met her goals. In this essay you
will learn about the life of Simone Arianne Bile and how she became the world's greatest gymnast.
Abandoned Yet Found Simone was born in Ohio in 1997. Sadly at a young age she and her older
sister Adira were place in foster care due to her mother's substance abuse. Luckily their grandparents
Ron and Nellie Biles adopted them. After some time they started to call them mom and dad. They
discovered Simone's ability at a young age , she would bounce and tumble around. Due to a
cancelled field trip they when to a nearby gym the coaches realized how talented she was so they
sent her home with a ... Show more content on ...
When Simone started going to the olympics she was not as great as she it now. Also she it shorter
than other gymnast she is 4'9.On July 1, 2011, at the 2011 American Classic in Houston. She placed
third all–around, first on vault and beam, fourth on floor , and eighth on bars. Later that month,
Simone competed at the 2011 U.S. Classic in Chicago, Illinois, where she placed twentieth all–
around, fifth on beam and floor. After that she started home school that allowed her 20 hours in the
gym to become around 32 hours. That ment she missed prom and other social events. Simone first
meet after that was in 2012 and in American Classic in Huntsville, Texas where she placed first all–
around and on vault, tied for second on floor , placed third on beam and fourth on bars. She did
many more meet after that getting first all around every time. After the olympics Simone started
traveling all around the world. With her best friends and team members of usa and part of the final
five Simone Biles, Aly Raisman, Gabby Douglas ,Laurie Hernandez ,and Madison Kocian. She it
now training for the next olympics waiting to take home
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How Digestive System Work Together
The digestive system helps the humans break down food and turn it into nutrients. The digestive
system is made up of a lot of different organs such as salivary glands, pharynx, mouth, esophagus,
stomach, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, large intestine, and pancreas. Salivary glands produce
saliva, which keeps the mouth and other parts of the digestive system moist. The pharynx role in the
digestive system is to connect the nose and mouth to the esophagus. The mouth is used for putting in
food and also eating the food. The esophagus has only one function and it is to carry food, saliva,
and liquid. The stomach receives the food from the esophagus and secretes acid and enzymes that
digest food. The liver regulates the composition of blood, ... Show more content on
It has organs that have different roles to help the digestive system do its job. One of the organs,
names is the esophagus. It is a muscular tube around the throat area, it is connected to the stomach,
its job is to carry food down it.The stomach is located on the left side of the abdominal cavity. Its
job is to break down the food it uses acid to help it when doing its job. Next to the stomach is the
small intestine. The small intestine is a long, thin tube that is located in just inferior in the stomach
and takes up most of the space in the abdominal cavity. Its job is to absorb nutrients and materials
next is the gall bladder it is located under the liver and its job is to store and recycle excess bile from
the small intestine so that it can be reused for the digestion of subsequent meals. After the
gallbladder is the large intestine. It is a long thick tube that is located under the stomach and wraps
around the borders of the small intestine it job is to absorbed water. Finally, there is the pancreas it a
large gland located just inferior and posterior to the stomach. And its job is to further break down
food after it has left the
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The Digestive System And The Circulatory System
The Digestive System 1.1
The digestive system is comprised of a group of organs known as the alimentary canal, which is one
continues tube that runs from the oral cavity to the anus. The second set of organs that make up the
digestive system are the Accessory organs.
The digestive system has six main functions: ingestion, secretion, mixing and movement, digestion,
absorption, and excretion of food (Tortora & Derrickson, 2009).
Alimentary canal
Organ Structure Function Diagram
Mouth The mouth is made up of the checks hard and soft palates, internally and externally covered
with skin. The mouth is where food enters the body and the process of digestion starts via
mechanical and chemical digestion. oesophagus The oesophagus is a long tube ... Show more
content on ...
Salivary Glands The salivary glands surround the mouth. There are 3 sets of salivary glands. The
saliva moistens the food to lubricate it as it passes through the mouth; it also begins the process of
chemical digestion.
Liver The liver is accessory organ of the digestive system which is triangle in shape. The liver is
located to the right of the stomach and above the small intestine. The main functions of the liver in
digestion are production and secretion of bile into the small intestine.
Gallbladder The gallbladder is a pear shaped organ located just behind the liver. The gallbladder
stores the bile and recycles any excess bile from the small intestine.
Pancreas The pancreas is a fairly large gland which is about 15cm in length. The head is connected
to the duodenum. The pancreas secretes many different digestive enzymes into the small intestine
via the duodenum to aid in the completion of chemical digestion.
(Tortora & Derrickson, 2009)
Diagrams from:
Enzyme Function of the liver and pancreas 1.2
The chyme arrives in the duodenum and the pancreas releases pancreatic juices packed with
enzymes that break down fats, carbohydrates, and proteins these are: Pancreatic lipase, amylase, and
protease. Bile is then realised by the gall bladder – this bile is produced by the liver, with the gall
bladder being the bile duct – this helps to breakdown
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An Investigation to Find the Effect of Bile Salts of on...
I have investigated that if there is an effect of bile salts on the digestion of lipids in the milk. When
lipids are broken down in to fatty acids and glycerol (see below), the acid lowers the pH of the
mixture. To help me determine and measure the digestion of lipids, a pH indicator phenolphthalein
has been used to measure the pH of the mixtures. The pH indicator will change the colour from pink
to either white (if bile is not contained) or brown (if bile is contained), this will indicate that the
solution is changing from alkaline to acidic. So if I want to use phenolphthalein, I will have to firstly
make the mixtures alkaline. This will be achieved by ... Show more content on ...
sx = ∑x2 – (∑x)2 n n – 1
I will draw a table in which I will work out '∑x2' and '(∑x)2'. Treatment tube number Time/seconds
(x) x2
8 101 10201
9 98 9604
10 103 10609
∑x = 302 ∑x2 = 30414
(∑x)2 = 91204
The standard deviation for the y:
Sx = ∑x2 – (∑x)2 n n n – 1 = (30414– (91204 ÷ 3)) ÷ 2 = (30414– 30401.3*) ÷ 2 = 12.7 ÷ 2 = 6.35
The standard deviation for the y:
Sy = ∑y2 – (∑y)2 n n n – 1
I will draw a table in which I will work out '∑y2' and '(∑y)2'. Treatment tube number Time/seconds
(y) y2
5 12 144
6 14 196
7 16 256
∑x = 42 ∑x2 = 596
(∑x)2 = 1764
Sy = ∑y2 – (∑y)2 n n n – 1 = (596– (1764 ÷ 3)) ÷ 2 = (596– 588) ÷ 2 = 8 ÷ 2 = 4 My null
hypothesis is that bile salts have no effect on the digestion of lipid and lipase will still breakdown
the fat, the reaction times will be the same.
The critical value of probability is 0.05. The critical value at '4' degrees of freedom with probability
'0.05' is 2.776.
tcalc = x – y sx2 + sy2 n1
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The Gallbladder Case Study
The gallbladder is located under the right lobe of the liver. It stores bile that produced by the liver
until it releases into the duodenum to expedite absorption of fats, fat–soluble vitamins, minerals
which is part of the digestive system. According to Jorden's symptoms such as mild pain in
midepigastric region, radiating to the right upper quadrant of the abdomen and right subscapular are,
as his nurse, I could acknowledge the reasons cause all that symptoms are due to cholesterol
problem. It's a major constituent of gallstone which is one of the gallbladder disorders. Patient who
experience it will be in a high risk of inflamed gallbladder due to a big heavy consumption of high–
fat meal. And also because the gallbladder is located under ... Show more content on
The pear–shaped organ's job is to collect and store bile to help the body digest fats. If it's not
working, then it cannot digest fat. His body will store that fats from days to days causing
uncontrollable gain weight which at the end causing gallstones that lead to pain in the abdominal,
bloating, nausea, and vomiting (WebMD, 2016). Jordan is on 14 years old, and he weighs 275
pounds. That is one of the biggest risk of gallstones: obese. He need to follow a low–fat diet and try
to lose weight "slowly According to WebMD, here are the list of foods that good for Jordan's
condition, include fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat, poultry, and fish, whole grains, and low–fat
dairy products (2016). More importantly, what Jordan did to try to lose weight is incorrect, he has to
lose weight but gradually, not go for couple days without eating that is an incorrect way. He also has
to try to avoid food that contain high–fat foods such as fried foods, high processed foods, red meat.
Also, exercising, participate in physical and social activities like going to the gym on school days,
communicate with his friends. Lastly, I will explain to his mom about the fat genes that she thinks it
goes in the family and there's nothing they can do about it. Jordan is very
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Bear, Lion's Digestive System
A similarity that is present between the bear, lion, and koalas digestive system is that they all have
small intestines. In all of the animals' digestive system they have small intestine which absorbs all
the nutrients and minerals from the food that they have eaten. Small intestine, or small bowel, is a
hollow tube about 20 feet long that runs from the stomach to the beginning of the large intestine.
The small intestine breaks down food from the stomach and absorbs much of the nutrients from the
The duodenum is the first part of the small intestine. The main role of the duodenum is to complete
the first phase of digestion. In this section of the intestine, food from the stomach is mixed with
enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the gallbladder. The enzymes and bile help break down
The jejunum is the second part of the small intestine. After food is broken down in the duodenum, it
moves to the jejunum, where the inside walls absorb the food's nutrients. The inside walls of the
jejunum have many circular folds, which make its surface area large enough to absorb all of the
nutrients that the body needs.
The ileum is the third part of the small intestine. It absorbs bile acids, which are returned to the liver
to be made into more bile, then stored in the ... Show more content on ...
The oesophagus is a muscular tube, about 25cm long, with a sphincter (valve) at each end. Its
function is to transport food and fluid, after being swallowed, from the mouth to the stomach. No
absorption of nutrients takes place in the oesophagus. A mouthful of food which has been chewed
and swallowed is called a bolus. This is propelled from the pharynx (throat) into the oesophagus,
and is swept towards the stomach in peristaltic waves. These muscular contractions are involuntary,
and cannot normally be felt. When food is not passing through, the oesophagus is folded in, or
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Gallstones Research Paper
What is Gallstones in Cats?
The cat's gallbladder is a small, balloon–shaped organ that is located in the lobes of the liver. Its
primary function is releasing bile into the digestive tract to aid in the digestion of food.
Cholelithiasis is a condition that causes small stones, or choleliths, to form in the gallbladder. These
stones are typically made of calcium carbonate mixed with other secreted substance and minerals.
Though gallstones are rare in cats, the presence of large stones is a medical emergency as the stones
can block the bile from being released and cause problems with the liver, digestive system and the
Symptoms of Gallstones in Cats
Symptoms may be mild or not present at all until the gallstone blocks the flow of bile from the
gallbladder. Typical symptoms include:
Lack of appetite
Weight loss
Abdominal pain
Jaundice, which will present with yellowing of the inner ears, whites ... Show more content on ...
The ultrasound will look for the presence of gallstones, inflammation of the liver, blockage of the
bile duct, thickened gallbladder walls or an oversized bile duct tract. An ultrasound can detect
gallstones that are two millimeters or larger in size.
Treatment of Gallstones in Cats
No Treatment
Small gallstones that aren't causing symptoms or digestive problems may not need any treatment.
These stones are typically found during an ultrasound for another condition, such as pregnancy.
Antibiotics will be prescribed to the cat to clear infections or bacterial complications that are
causing the gallstones to form. Antibiotics may also be prescribed before surgery in order to prevent
infection from occurring after surgery. Ursodeoxycholic acid may be prescribed twice a day in order
to dissolve small gallstones that aren't blocking the bile duct. S–Adenosylmethionine, or SAMe,
may also be given in order to improve bile production and function of the liver.
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Liposomes
Liposomes are artificial vesicles with lipid bilayer which are made of phospholipids and cholesterol.
Liposomes have certain limitations like tendency to be taken up by the RES system, in the body.
When given orally they increases the absorption, clinical potency, and decreases the toxicity of the
drug. As they also resembles nanoemulsions in transparency, fluid like consistency, they are also
good for cosmetic preparations.
Every new approach in the targeted therapy of rheumatoid arthritis could contribute to the
effectiveness in treating the chronic disease.
Advantages of Lipids Lipids are a class of materials which includes fatty acids, glycerides,
phospholipids, sphingolipids, waxes and sterols etc. They may be poorly soluble in water, but have
other characteristic properties like hydrophilic and hydrophobic portions which can be identified by
their fatty acid composition, melting point, HLB value, and their solubility in solvents like
Glycerine and other organic solvents. Vegetable oils and primarily used in the preparation of
different types of formulations. A adult's ... Show more content on ...
They also provide a favourable hydrophobic environment to delay the drug release. This
characteristic property has been extensively used in the development of sustained release dosage
forms like beads, tablets, suspensions, implants. Their hydrophobic properties can also be used for
masking the unpalatable taste of certain drugs by hot melt coating. Lipids also offer advantages for
preparation of drugs with low melting point or poor compression properties. Development of Lipid–
based drug delivery system have been developed over the years, mostly for oral delivery.
Formulations can be classified as: Liquid lipid–based formulations eg. Emulsions or microemulsions
(oil/water; water/oil, bicontinuous
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Simone Biles Research Papers
She's just a girl who had won over 14 champion medals. Who is that you are probably wondering.
Well "that girl" is Simone Biles. Biles won over 10 gold medals in the sport of gymnastics. Some
people say that simone can do tumbling passes on the balance beam that some olympians can't even
do on floor. Some say that is true some say that is false.
Simone Biles was born on March 14, 1997 in Ohio. Mrs.Biles aka Simone Biles mother had a drug
addiction and could not care for Simone and her sister. Ron and Nellie (simone's grandparents) took
care of SImone Biles and her sister. Soon after that they were adopted my Ron and Nellie. Ron and
Nellie are actually the parents of Simone Biles mothers. Biles found her paction for gymnastics ...
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She has a sister Adria and a brother Adam. She did not live with her mother as a child, she lived
with her grandparents. Simone Biles was actually adopted. She was adopted by her grandparents.
Many people are spreading the rumor that Simone Biles has a boyfriend. People caught up with
Mariano (Biles boyfriend who is a Brazilian gymnast) and he said that they are just friends and they
meet up at competitions. Simone is 20 years old and has no children. Biles father Ron Biles was in
the air force and Biles mom Nellie became a nurse. Simone Biles younger sister Adria is also a
gymnast, she has not been in the olympics but there is a possibility she can be. Simone Biles got
adopted by Ron's (Simones grandpa/ father) sister while Biles and her sister lived with Ron and
Simone Biles is not only a big daredevil with all her tricks but also has a weakness, Biles HATES
bee's. In fact, in her flowers at the Rio olympics there was a bee in her flowers she dropped the
flowers and ran off the podium and backed off until the bee flew away. Simone Biles is also the
shortest out of 555 gymnasts competing in Rio. (She is 4–feet–9) Biles loves German shepard and
recently lost one of her shepherds. Overall Simone Biles is almost an unbeatable
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Break Down Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are one of the main types of macronutrients that move throughout the digestive
system. Starting inside of the mouth, the carbohydrate travels through the body until it gets broken
down. The mouth has two forms of digestion, mechanical or chemical. Mechanical digestion
includes chewing food, while chemical digestion uses saliva. The salivary glands belong to the
accessory organs of the digestive tract, but play a very important role in digestion. They produce
amylase, which breaks down the starch amylose and amylopectin into smaller portions. Breaking
down starch, is an example of where chemical digestion occurs in the mouth. When carbohydrates
go through the esophagus, mechanical digestion takes place by the use of peristalsis. ... Show more
content on ...
Fiber is the only remaining carbohydrate that travels inside of the large intestine. The body
eliminates the leftover fiber in stool. Just like carbohydrates, fats also travel through the digestive
tract. The only organ not involved with fats is the large intestine. Beginning in the mouth, chemical
digestion occurs due to the lingual lipase melting some of the fat in the food. Once the food enters
the esophagus, chemical and mechanical digestion takes place. Like discussed earlier, peristalsis
mixes the food, but in this case it involves mixing the fat with gastric juices. Chemically, gastric
lipase breaks down the fats. Before the fat can move to the small intestine, a few important
accessory organs play a role with fat and bile. Bile is produced in the liver, and then sent to the
gallbladder. Once in the gallbladder, the bile gets released into the small intestine. The small
intestine, helps the bile emulsify the fat into small globules. Lastly, pancreatic lipase, from the
pancreas breaks down the fats into monoglycerides, glycerol, and free fatty
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Essay On L Fermentum
leucine. This display the possibility of L. fermentum to enhance the bioavailability of milk protein
and consequently the infant growth and development (Basavanna & Prapulla, 2013).
The gut microbiota and fat metabolism
Lactobacilli have the proficiency to hydrolyze bile salts via the secretion of bile salt hydrolase
enzymes (Kumar et al., 2011). This hinders bile salt reabsorption and in sequence increase bile salt
loss in fecal. This result in a decrease of serum cholesterol because of the involvement of cholesterol
in bile acid synthesis (Favier et al., 1995). Also, dietary supplementation with propionic acid
demonstrated hypocholesterolemic influences in rats and pigs (Thacker et al., 1981; Chen et al.,
1984). Propionate may inhibit ... Show more content on ...
PYY favorably binds to the neuropeptide Y receptor type 2 (Y2), highly expressed in the
hypothalamus, which is recognized to be an essential for appetite control (Broberger et al., 2008). In
rats, consumption of lactitol, a fermentable carbohydrate, dramatically augmented postprandial PYY
plasma level, and reduced weight gain compared with control. However, in human, acute
supplementation of lactitol was linked with a significant reduction of postprandial PYY drop at 5
hours and a trend to decreased appetite (Gee & Johnson, 2005). Moreover, following fermentable
carbohydrates supplementation, increased plasma PYY and GLP–1 levels have been detected in rats
(Zhou et al., 2008), and human individuals (Greenway et al., 2007). GLP–1 is released after food
consumption (Elliott et al., 1993), has been revealed to delay gastric emptying (Nauck et al., 1997),
and gut motility (Schirra et al., 2002) in humans, inhibit food intake (Turton et al., 1996). SCFA
might control entire transit time of digesta throughout the intestine (Dass et al., 2007). Entire gut
transit time was statistically associated with fecal SCFA concentrations especially butyrate (Lewis &
Heaton, 1997). Also, butyrate administration via dietary supplementation stimulated energy
expenditure and promoted mitochondrial function in mice (Gao et al., 2009). SCFA have been
described to cause satiety and reduce food intake. In human, it was shown that the dietary
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Gastrointestinal Illness Caused By The Species
Cryptosporidiosis is one of the most known gastrointestinal illness caused by the genus of
Cryptosporidium. Cryptosporidiosis, according to the CDC, has become one of the most common
causes of waterborne diseases in the United States, with outbreaks increasing annually. An outbreak
of Cryptosporidiosis, in Milwaukee in 1993 affected around 400,000 people and was traced to the
city 's water supply (NFID, 2008). The most common symptom associated with this disease is
Cryptosporidiosis is an infection caused by the spore–forming protozoan known as Cryptosporidia
(Jacqueline, 2015). Protozoa are a group of parasites that infect the human intestine. Parasites are
organisms that live within another organism and obtain ... Show more content on ...
The most known cause or reason that you can get Cryptosporidiosis is by digesting contaminated
water, but also it can be spread by humans through sexual behavior (Jacqueline, 2015). A person can
get infected with Cryptosporidiosis by digesting contaminated water, this can occur through
drinking or swimming in infected water, swallowing or putting something infected in the mouth
(such as fingers), being exposed to human feces through sexual contact , or by eating uncooked food
(such as salad greens) that has been contaminated (John et al. 2012). Most people who experience
significant symptoms from Cryptosporidiosis have an altered immune system, and suffer from
diseases such as AIDS and cancer (Jaqueline, 2015). Due to a protective outer shell,
Cryptosporidium can live outside of the body for several months and are very resistant to the
chlorine–based disinfectants that are often used to treat water sources (GEEH, 2013).
Clinical Manifestation Cysts of Cryptosporidia mature in the intestine and bile ducts within three to
five days of ingestion. Many individuals are infected without any illness, but the major symptom of
Cryptosporidiosis is diarrhea, which is often watery. Also some other symptoms you may have with
this disease are Dehydration, low–grade fever, nausea, and abdominal cramps (Jaqueline, 2015). The
people who contract Cryptosporidiosis and have a normal immune
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Hepatic Functions
1) What are the Hepatic Ducts and what do they do? The Hepaticduct that carries bile from the liver
into the common bile ductwhich conveys it to the duodenum (the upper part of the small intestine).
2) What do Kupffer Cells do and where are they found?kupffer cells are located in the liver. and
they remove bacteria from the inner lining of the hepatic sinusoid. (Webmd)
3) What is "Bile" and why is it important? Bile is a digestive juice secreted by the liver and stored in
the gallbladder; aids in the digestion of fats. (Webmd)
4) Where is the Gall Bladder located? What is its function?The gallbladder is a pear–shaped, hollow
structure located under the liver and on the right side of the adobmen.The gallbladder is a reservoir
for storing bile, which is produced by the liver. Bile is released into the duodenum and aids in
digestion, ... Show more content on ...
Most of it is the "exocrine pancreas" which produces digestive enzymes, helping you to break down
and absorb food in the small intestine. (Webmd)
6) What Endocrine function does it have? Where is Insulin produced and why is it important?
endocrine pancreas" which produce various hormones. The classic example is insulin seeing as it is
deficient in diabetes, which acts to decrease blood sugar levels. The endocrine pancreas also releases
glucagon which has the opposite effect to insulin in that it raises blood sugar levels, ghrelin which is
in the control of appetite and somatostatin which regulates other hormones. (webmd)
7) Differentiate between the Cephalic , Gastric and Intestinal Phases of Digestion.Cephalic– occurs
before food enters the digestive system. thought/sight of food triggers Vagus nerve to increase
production of saliva by salivary glands.
Intestinal– occurs when food leaves the stomach thru pyloric valve and enters the duodenum. the
presence of chyme stimulates the production of intestinal gastrin to digest the food.
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First Pass Metabolism
Liver is the main organ for the metabolism of exogenous material. As first pass metabolism is the
major elimination route of many drugs the drug exposure in the liver can be very high and hence
there is a significant incidence of Drug Induced Liver Injury (DILI) associated with this.
The liver; as represented in figure 1 receives blood from two sources:
 Arterial blood from the right and left hepatic arteries, which are branches of the coeliac axis2.
 Venous blood from the hepatic portal vein, which drains much of the alimentary tract, from the
stomach to the rectum, and the spleen2.
Blood leaves the liver through the hepatic veins which drain in the inferior vena cava2.Bile is
formed in the liver and drains from it into the right and left
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Cholelithiasis Research Paper
Cholelithiasis (also called gallstones) is a form of gallbladder disease in which gallstones form in
the gallbladder. The gallbladder is an organ that stores bile. Bile is made in the liver, and it helps
digest fats. Gallstones begin as small crystals and slowly grow into stones. Gallstone pain occurs
when the gallbladder contracts and a gallstone is blocking the duct. Pain can also occur when a stone
passes out of the duct.
What are the causes?
This condition [is / may be] caused by:
What increases the risk?
The following factors may make you more likely to develop this condition:
Being female.
Having multiple pregnancies. Health care providers sometimes advise removing diseased
gallbladders before future pregnancies.
Eating a diet ... Show more content on ...
Tenderness to the touch.
In some cases, when gallstones do not move into the bile duct, people have no pain or symptoms.
These are called "silent" gallstones.
How is this diagnosed?
This condition [is / may be] diagnosed [by / based on / with / during] ____.
How is this treated?
Treatment for gallstones depends on the severity of the condition. Silent gallstones do not need
treatment. In severe cases, emergency surgery may be required. Options for treatment include:
Medicines. These do not always work and may take 6–12 months or more for them to work.
Shock wave treatment (extracorporeal biliary lithotripsy). In this treatment, an ultrasound machine
sends shock waves to the gallbladder to break gallstones into smaller pieces that can then be passed
into the intestines, or be dissolved by medicine.
Surgery to remove the gallbladder. This is the most common treatment. Attacks almost always come
back and surgery is usually required for permanent treatment.
Follow these instructions at home:
Take over–the–counter and prescription medicines only as told by your health care provider.
Follow a low–fat diet until you are seen again by your health care provider. Fat causes the
gallbladder to contract, which can result in
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The Effects Of My Life
"Cancer, a failing gallbladder, crohns disease," I stare at the wall rummaging through all the
problems I could be facing in this moment. The surge of pain in the upper right quadrant of my
abdomen strikes me unexpectedly, throwing me into a spiraling episode of assumption and google
searches. The only results yielded by these searches were virtually every terminal disease that had
this symptom. It was now that I realized this could be a potentially life altering circumstance.
All my life I had never had a physical impairment; therefore, you can imagine when I began feeling
even the slightest amount of pain I felt like I was going mad. My trips to the gastroenterologist
started in my sophomore year. I quickly grew tired of showing up ... Show more content on ...
I lay on the stretcher in tears being rolled away from my family, silently screaming, and bursting
with a terrible anxiety like never before. "We are going to place this mask over your nose and
mouth, just breathe in and out as normal," says the anesthesiologist. The air I was forced to breathe
in smelt explicitly like nail polish remover. I woke up with an atrocious headache and some
immobility. Once again not a thing was wrong with me according to the results which angered me to
no end. How come my life is still being consumed by this pain and yet my results say I'm perfectly
healthy? My last major and only test left that my gastroenterologist had to offer me was a
colonoscopy. Nobody wants to have to experience one of these, especially at the prime age of 16.
Anyhow if this meant yielding another possible reason for this ghastly pain then you bet I was going
to be right back on that stretcher within the next few months. I had my better days, even some no
pain at all; but the days I did have it were some of the worst days of my life. The colonoscopy
brought nothing more than another disappointing sheet of doctor words, and a few pictures of my
intestines (which were kind of interesting so at least if I had any perk to this situation it was this).
The doctors work was done and there was no more for him to try so I guess it was back to google
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Essay On Biodegradable Stents
Since the late eighties, stenting has been the primary means of treating stenosed passageways within
the body. This started with self–expanding bare metal stents; however, these stents could eventually
lead to restenosis of vessels. In the Gastrointestinal system in particular, these stents tend to migrate
and are difficult to remove at a later date. Though stenting in the GI system with these methods
initially treated the pathologies, they could lead to additional cost and stress to the patient later on.
With the recent development of biodegradable stents, this problem could be eliminated. With the use
of biodegradable materials or biomaterials in stenting, the complications from metal of even plastic
stenting could be eliminated due to ... Show more content on ...
This metabolism is facilitated by the body's natural pH of 7–7.4 which is conducive to this process
Biodegradable stents have been used for treatment of refractory benign stenoses including those in
the ureters, urethra, trachea, bile ducts, pancreas, small intestine, colon and esophagus (3). The first
biodegradable stents for the gastrointestinal tract were made from polylactic acid and were
developed by Goldin (4). He tested this stent on several patients to treat esophageal stenoses;
however, his prototypes were unable to maintain sufficient radial force for longer than three weeks
and they also degraded too quickly. Later, advancements were made with a material called
polydioxanone, which is a crystalline, biodegradable polymer with many ester–linkages. This type
of stent had greater integrity and retained its radial force for 6 to 8 weeks after placement, and in 11
to 12 weeks, the stents began to degrade. The degradation speed was also linked to pH; the lower the
pH or the more acidic, the faster the stent fragmented (1).
Biodegradable stents have found great use in treating stenoses of the esophagus and achalasia.
Esophageal stenoses are generally related to gastroesophageal reflux developed after esophageal
surgery or radiation therapy (5). Typically, this is treated with dilators and balloons and in 80% to
90% of cases it initially works, but 30% to 60% of patients see their stenoses recur (1). In order to
keep their esophagi patent,
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Psychology and Yellow Bile Essay
1–29–12 Intro to Psychology Morgan Herda 1. Jack is a second–grade student. He seems to have no
interest in learning, often daydreaming in class and frequently disrupting the class by throwing
objects at other students. Describe how a biopsychosocial approach might provide both an integrated
explanation of Jack's classroom behavior and practical suggestions for helping Jack to cope more
effectively with the challenges he faces. Jack is in second grade and is having a hard time behaving
in school. Such as not paying attention and disrupting the class. Those two factors seem to play into
integrated biopsychosocial. Biopsychosocial has three different elements to it: biological,
psychological, and social–cultural. These three ... Show more content on ...
The survey will also hopefully let them figure something out about themselves. The last method of
how psychologists observe and describe behavior is naturalistic observations. Psychologists use this
in natural environments and can provide research and answer questions. Naturalistic observations do
not explain behavior but describes it, according to our book. 3. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates believed that
four basic body fluids (blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm) influenced human behavior,
emotions, and personality. Use your understanding of the body's rapid and slow chemical
communication systems to support or refute the general logic of Hippocrates' theory. The ancient
Green physician Hippocartes believed blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm, played a major
role in human behavior, emotions, and personality. I don't think blood, black bile, yellow bile, and
phlegm, have to do with anything controlling your human behavior, emotions, and personality. I
believe your mood and what you are exactly going through that day make up why your human
behavior, emotions, and personality are the way they are. Another reason why I don't fully believe
Hippocartes beliefs are because he had no actual proof of his reasoning. 4. Describe how an
understanding of both a normally functioning brain and a split brain enables us to better appreciate
the fact that most information processing takes place outside of
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Illegal Killing and Trafficking of Black Bears Essay
Illegal Killing and Trafficking of Black Bears
The illegal killing and trafficking of animal parts has long been a global concern. With trading at an
estimated 6 billion dollars annually, poaching has become the world's second most profitable crime
activity behind illegal drug trade. In its prevalence, poaching has driven many species to the point of
Animals around the world are killed each day for their body parts. In Africa, elephant tusks are a
valuable source of ivory used in jewelry. Moreover, the horns of rhinoceros could command up to
$5,000 in the black market. The mothers of newborn mountain gorillas are often killed so that their
young ones could be shipped to foreign countries for research or display. ... Show more content on ...
A known compound found in bile, ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), has been used in western
medicine to treat liver disorders. A gall can command up to $10,000 in east Asia. Its price is about
20 times the street price of cocaine per ounce. Globally, the market in bear parts is estimated at $2
For obvious reasons, bears have become increasingly rare. Five of the eight bear species in the
world are endangered. In Korea, where they were ounce abundant, black bears are virtually extinct
now with a population between 20 to 300. The population of bears in Russia is dwindling rapidly as
a result of gall trafficking by the Russian Mafia. Bear populations have decreased to the point that
China is now using bear farms to obtain gall. Bears are kept cruelly in small cages that are often
fitted to their body so that they cannot move. A steel catheter surgically implanted to their gall
bladder removes bile from their bodies daily. However, instead of saving bears as claimed, bear
farms have only instigated poaching by increasing demands for gall.
As bear populations decreased in Asia, more traffickers turned to North America where there are a
considerable number of bears. Although poaching also occurs in the United States, the problem
appears to be worse in Canada. This may be attributed to less
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Symptoms And Treatment Of Pancreatic Cancer
Intraductal papillary mucinous duct neoplasms of the pancreas (IPMN–p) are one of the subtypes of
cystic neoplasms of the pancreas. They are neoplasms that arise in the pancreatic ducts and can be
visualized as they are usually greater than 0.5 inch in length. They are comprised of tall mucin–
producing columnar cells, that have the capability of transforming into pancreatic cancer if left
untreated. Their ability to develop into pancreatic cancer is one of the main reasons behind their
significance. IPMNs commonly exhibit cell atypia, papillary propagation, and cyst production. Their
main feature is the ability to produce copious amounts of fluid.
In general pancreatic cysts are not an uncommon finding on abdominal computerized tomography
(CT) scans. A study done at University College Dublin in 2008, in which, 2,832 abdominal CT scans
were evaluated for presence of pancreatic cysts, showed that 2.6% of people have pancreatic cysts.
These patients had no history of pancreatic disease, and had no pancreatic symptoms at the time of
the scan i.e the abdominal scan was done for other reasons. Pancreatic cysts increased with age, with
zero cysts found in patients below 40 and up to 8.7% of scans of those above 80 years of age had
cysts present. (12)
IPMNs of the pancreas can occur in either the main pancreatic duct or in one of its branches. The
smaller the branch size in which the neoplasm arose, the higher the likelihood of a less aggressive
neoplasm. Tumors
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Daily Administration Of T. Vulgaris By The Oral Route At A...
3. Results
The study has established that daily administration of T. vulgaris by the oral route at a dose of 500
mg/kg for 10 days did not cause any mortality or any observable toxic effects in mice of GII. Mice
were alert with no alternation of their behavioral pattern, any gastrointestinal tract disorder or
respiratory distress. From the histopathological observations, there were not any observable changes
in the livers at the giving dose compared to the normal controls (Figure 1).
3.1. Histopathological results
Macroscopically, the liver of T. gondii infected group showed a mild degree of enlargement and
focally extensive necrosis, however in T. vulgaris treated mice; the livers appeared more or less
healthy. Microscopically, the livers of T. gondii–infected mice (GIII) showed focal areas of necrosis
with a mild degree of inflammatory cellular infiltrate; mainly lymphocytes that were very obvious in
the portal area and Toxoplasma cysts were observed between the hepatocytes (Figure 2). However,
in the infected immunosuppressed group (GIV), the histopathological features of liver progressed
from moderate to severe, in which there was a dissociation of hepatic cords pattern with generalized
necrosis of the hepatocytes. Also, there was marked dilatation and congestion of the hepatoportal
blood vessels. It was observed that some of Toxoplasma cysts ruptured, releasing tachyzoites to the
sinusoids and invading the other hepatocytes and kupffer cells. Also, there was kupffer
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Pp Lab Report Digestion Essay
Effect of Dietary Fiber on Transit Time and Bile
Hope Schallert
Dr. Weithop
Dietary fiber will: increase transit time
Dietary fiber will increase the amount of bile acid in solution
Materials and Methods
Effect of Dietary Fiber on Transit Time
1. Dependent variable. number of radiopaque markers in GI tract
2. Independent variable. amount and type of fiber in meal
3. Controlled variables. calories in meal, nutrients in meal
Effect of Dietary Fiber on Bile Acid Adsorption
1. Dependent variable. amount of bile acids in solution
2. Independent variable. amount of fiber in meal
3. Controlled variables. moisture in meal, size of meal particles, calories and ... Show more content
on ...
again I am going to assume this is soluble since I have not done it yet RC42 17 0 LC33 21 4 SC13
17 4Total 83 54 8
8. Which meal had the least percentage of markers in the total colon at 24 hours?
Insoluble fiber–rich diet
Table 5. Effect of Dietary Fiber on Bile Acid Adsorption
Experimental Optical density (OD) of colored filtrate (reflects amount of bile 1 – OD (reflects
amount of bile acid adsorbed by food particles)
acid in filtrate)
Bile Acid
Standard Fiber–Rich Fiber–rich
Bile Acid
Standard Fiber–Rich Fiber–rich
With Buffer meal without meal with
meal with With Buffer meal without meal with
meal with
Solution (No bile bile acid Without Bile bile acid Solution (No bile bile acid Without Bile bile acid
Effect of Dietary Fibers on Bile Acid Adsorption
9. Which had the greatest average OD (amount of bile acid in filtrate), the standard meal with bile
acid or the fiber–rich meal with bile acid? Standard meal
10. Which had the greatest average 1– OD (amount of bile acid adsorbed to meal particles), the
standard meal with bile acid or the fiber–rich meal with bile acid? fiber rich meal
Laboratory Report/ Hope Schallert/ Effect of Dietary Fiber on Transit Time and Bile/ Dr.
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Simone Biles: A Gymnast
"Surround yourself with the dreamers. The doors. The believers and thinkers; but most of all
surround yourself with those who see greatness within you don't see it yourself." – Simone Biles
The U.S.A gymnast that rose to fame by the time she was 19. She has trained all of her life to get to
the points she got to. It was her dream to compete in the Olympics one day. She won many
competitions and was always ready to compete. She was ready to take on any competition and
always wanted to win. Did Simone Biles get to the Olympics? How did she rise to fame? Life before
Gymnastics Simone Biles was born in Columbus, Ohio on March 14, 1997. As Simone was starting
to grow up her mother was having trouble with drugs and alcohol. Since her mother was ... Show
more content on ...
Men and women. She had much fun on that tour where she got to tumble and flip around. Now she
is living life and she is on Dancing With The Stars, with her partner Sasha, she was in the final four
but, sadly she got voted off of the show in Monday May 15, 2017. Simone has had a very successful
life and her fans and number one supporters are very proud of her. Even though she has fallen many
times and has failed at competitions, it has all payed off she went to the Olympics won five medals
and is one of the best gymnasts in the world. Every supporter is very proud of her and are happy that
she went so far with her gymnastics career. One person that is extremely proud of her is her coach
Aimee Boorman. Aimee has been training her from the beginning and has not given up on her.
Aimee took her all the way to the Olympics. Simone has made great accomplishments in life and is
a hero and inspiration to
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Cholelithiasis Research Paper
Cholelithiasis, are the reaming's of the digestive fluid bile, which form within the gallbladder. They
vary in size and shape from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball.[1] Cholelithiasis
occur when there is an imbalance in the chemical constituents of bile that result in precipitation of
one or more of the components. Gallstone disease is often thought to be a major affliction in modern
society.[2] However, cholelithiasis must have been known to humans for many years, since they
have been found in the gallbladders of Egyptian mummies dating back to 1000 BC.[3,4] This
disease is however, a worldwide medical problem, even though there are geographical variations in
gallstone prevalence[5,6,7,8,9,10,11] Cholelithiasis are becoming increasingly common. They are
seen in all age groups, but the incidence increases with age.[12] About a quarter of women over 60
years will develop them.[13] In mostbcases they do not ... Show more content on ...
In Pakistan and in Western societies more than seventy percent of cholelithiasis are made of
cholesterol, either pure or mixed with pigment, mucoglycoprotein, and calcium carbonate. Pure
cholesterol crystals are soft, and protein gives strength of cholesterol stones. Cholesterol
cholelithiasis form when the cholesterol concentration in bile surpasses the capability of bile to hold
it in
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GST T1-1
Study Information (Type of study, Location, Purpose, Study Design, Subjects, Subject Selection)
This was a cross–sectional study done to determine the relationship of 1,2–Dichloropropane (1,2–
DCP) and cholangiocarcinoma in Japanese men working in a printing company. The researchers
took men who had developed the disease already, compared their liver and bile duct samples to
those of healthy individuals, and found some noticeable differences in those who were more
exposed to 1,2–DCP. They had a test group of 8 men with cholangiocarcinoma and a control group
of 13 human livers from autopsy files in order to do an immunohistochemical analysis to determine
the effects of 1,2–DCP on the genes and proteins. They chose the sample that they did because ...
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The extent of the GST T1–1 expressions differ from person to person. Hardly any normal human
samples had the expression for CYP2E1. Comparing the diseased human livers to those of the
control group, the test group had similar expressions of GST T1–1. None of the test group samples
showed an expression for the gene CYP2E1. For the test group, there was the dominant presence of
a marker of DNA double–strand break, γ–H2AX. For the control group, less than half of the liver
samples displayed this marker. It was clear that those who were exposed to 1,2–DCP had more of an
expression of this DNA marker in their non–neoplastic biliary epithelial cells of the large bile duct
than those in the control group with no exposure to 1,2–DCP. Those livers which had been exposed
to 1,2–DCP had signs of a tumor protein in their cells and bile ducts called p53. This study is
extremely difficult to read if it is something you are not used to. The researchers are assuming that
you know all of the concepts which made this especially difficult to comprehend. Also, there may
not have been enough liver and bile duct samples to make a definitive claim of the relationship
between 1,2–DCP and cholangiocarcinoma. The researchers were extremely thorough and did not
have to spend too much time searching for the affected men or the healthy livers which saved time
and money for this
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Bumble Bee Digestive System Research Paper
The purpose of the digestive system is to transport food to the ventricles of the bumble bee, further
break down food to be absorbed into the via the blood, and to excrete what can't be used as waste.
Their digestive system can be divided into three various parts called the foregut, midgut, and
hindgut. A long piece of proboscis ends with a spoon–like appendage, fully equipped with longish
thick hair, to function as a tongue for bumble bees. Food rises to the throat by a thin capillary tube
located in the middle of the piece of proboscis. By creating a sucking movement with the muscles of
the pharynx, the bee can accelerate feeding. The esophagus runs from the head and into the
abdomen to form a honey goiter. The honey goiter can hold up to
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Cholelithiasis Research Paper
Cholelithiasis also knows as gallstones occurs in the gallbladder, the function of the gallbladder is to
store and concentrate bile. Cholelithiasis occurs when the balance that keeps cholesterol, calcium,
bile salts solution is altered. The bile secreted by the liver is supersaturated with cholesterol
therefore it come out as a solid. Immobility, pregnancy and inflammation or obstructive lesions of
the biliary system decreases bile flow. The stones may stay in the gallbladder or move to the cystic
duct or the common bile duct. The main clinical manifestations would be severe pain. The pain can
be so severe that is can cause diaphoresis and tachycardia, when the pain slows down the patients
may notice a residual tenderness in the right upper
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What Are Branches And Thies Affect The Skins Of Human Skin
The cheeks are composed of subcutaneous fat, covered with outer skin. The fat is atop the facial
muscles responsible for assisting a person for speech, the chewing of food in the mouth and
facilitating facial expressions. Moist stratified squamous epithelium line the inner layers of the
cheeks. The opening of the oral cavity is formed by the meeting of the anterior regions of the cheeks
and the posterior region of the lips. The lips are responsible for manipulating speech–related
functions. One of the most easily movable organs of the human body, the lips are primarily made up
of flesh. The lips are also in charge of helping the teeth process the food, transport the food into the
mouth, and making it possible for infants to suck milk during infancy. ... Show more content on ...
They consist of an interior lining of moist stratified squamous epithelium and an exterior covering
of skin. The substance of the cheek includes the buccinators muscle which flattens the cheek against
the teeth, and the buccal fat pad, which rounds out the profile on the side of the face. The lips and
cheeks are important in mastication and speech. They help manipulate food within the oral cavity
and hold it in place while the teeth crush or tear it. They also help form words when we speak. A
large number of the muscles of facial expression are involved in moving the cheeks and lips. The
lips are muscular structures formed mostly by the orbicularis oris muscle and connective tissue. The
outer surfaces of the lips are covered by
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Gall Bladder And Pancreas Research Paper
The pancreas and the gall bladder are two of the most important organs of the digestive system.
Together they help with the digestion process. The pancreas and the gall bladder work together with
different functions, the gallbladder stores bile that comes from the liver so that it can be used for
meals later on and the pancreas produces pancreatic juice that contains digestive enzymes that help
break down food. In order to maintain the body stable and healthy, we need the help of the
gallbladder and pancreas to function correctly. Which is why, we, as humans should take care of our
organs. ( Tim Taylor, Pancreas and Gall Bladder) The gallbladder, is located just behind the liver.
The liver has bile ducts and that is how it is connected to
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Epipharyngeal Memory Study Guide
Epipharyngeal groove – *On the dorsal surface of roof of pharynx, another groove is present called
epipharyngeal groove. *Its lateral wall is made up of ciliated cells. d) Peripharyngeal bands –*These
are a pair of narrow ciliated tracts originating from the anterior end of endostyle. *They run upward
along the lateral sides of the pharynx and become united dorsally with the epipharyngeal groove. ...
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*Epipharyngeal groove opens posteriorly into oesophagus. Oesophagus – *It is a short narrow and
ciliated structure
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Case Study Of Choolelithiasis
Chapter–2 Review of literature Case study 1– Cholelithiasis Cholelithiasis includes the closeness of
gallstones that are solidifications that structure within the biliary tract, additional typically than not
within the vesica. Choledocholithiasis alludes to the closeness of one or additional gallstones within
the basic gall channel (CBD). Treatment of gallstones depends on upon the part of malady.
Background And high prevalence of vesica diseases (GBD) in Northern Asian country guaranteed a
population survey into environmental risk factors. Discussion The risk factors historically connected
with GBC embody lithiasis, obesity, generative factors, rubor and specific chemicals the constraints
of medical specialty studies on GBC ar little sample sizes and issues in quantifying exposure to
purported risk factors different studies relate to prevalence of GST. Gallstones aren't the sole issue.
A 'syndrome approach' was adopted to research risk factors during a high–prevalence population.
All vesica diseases like rubor, GST, vesica polyp and GBC detectable with United States of America
were enclosed along with diet, habits and environmental pollutants ... Show more content on ...
It was estimated at 51 per 100 000 population. Three patients were later confirmed histological. It is
possible that US may underestimate the numbers. Although the identification by US of GBC is
lower in this survey, its percentage indicates a higher prevalence. The lower prevalence of GST with
high prevalence of GBC suggests different factors the numerous native factors for GBD were
consumption of chickpeas and drinking unprotected water. A cluster analysis furthermore points to
role of impure water in Vaishali
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Gallbladder Attacks Essay
The Causes of Gallbladder Attacks
I. Introduction: It is estimated that approxiamately 10 to 20 percent of the population in the United
States and Western Europe are currently being affected by Gallbladder attacks.
Thesis statement: These attacks are mainly caused by the development of gallstones in the
gallbladder. II. Definition.
A. Gallbladder
B. Gallstones
III. Causes.
A. Obesity
B. Estrogen
C. Ethnicity
D. Age and gender
IV. Symptoms.
A. Chronic indigestion
B. Sudden, steady and moderate–to– intense pain in your upper abdomen
C. Nausea and vomiting
V. Diagnosis.
A. Ultrasound
B. Cholecystogram
It might sound interesting to explore the reason why ... Show more content on ...
Obesity is one of the major risk factors for gallstones, especially in women. A large clinical study
showed that being even moderately overweight increases one's risk for developing gallstones.
Secondly, excess estrogen from pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills
appears to increase cholesterol levels in bile and decrease gallbladder movement, both of which can
lead to gallstones.
Ethnicity is another important factor. According to scientists, Native Americans have a genetic
predisposition to secrete high levels of cholesterol in bile. In fact, they have the highest rates of
gallstones in the United States. A majority of Native American men have gallstones by age 60.
Among the Pima Indians of Arizona, 70 percent of women have gallstones by age 30. Mexican–
Americans men and women of all ages also have high rates of gallstones.
The fourth factor is Cholesterol–lowering drugs. Drugs that lower cholesterol levels in blood
actually increase the amount of cholesterol secreted in bile. This in turn can increase the risk of
Another factor is rapid weight loss. As the body metabolizes fat during rapid weight loss, it causes
the liver to secrete extra cholesterol into bile, which can cause gallstones.
Gallstones may sometimes cause certain symptoms. These symptoms include Chronic Indigestion,
which have symptoms such as nausea, heartburn and bloating.
Sudden, steady and
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Courage To Soar By Simone Biles
Olympic gymnast and four–time gold medalist Simone Biles has revealed that she shares her
Christian faith with other kids she encounters to help them conquer their downfalls.
Biles, who momentarily took a break from her gymnastics training for a vacation and some family
time, is currently promoting her autobiography titled "Courage to Soar." The Olympic champion
also talked about the role of Christian faith in the things she is passionate about, Chron relays.
"I wanted to talk about family, competition and things like downfalls and injuries so that kids can
understand that I go through those things, too," said Biles. "Kids today talk about faith, and I think
it's OK for me to share my faith so kids can see how it helps you through the whole
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Simone Biles Research Paper
Have you ever heard of the Olympic gymnast, Simone Biles? She has been a gymnast since she was
eight years old. She is a gymnast that went to the 2016 Rio Olympics. I hope in the paper you learn
about her.
Simone Biles was born on March 14, 1997. She was born in Columbus, Ohio. She grew up with her
grandparents. They are Ronnie and Nellie Biles. She grew up with them because her mother was
addicted to certain substances. Her sister was born two years after her. Her sister's name is Adria
Biles. As a child, Simone was homeschooled. Her sister was homeschooled with her. Simone did not
go to gymnastics class to begin with. She went on a daycare field trip to a gymnastic arena. She then
started doing a backflips off her mailbox after ... Show more content on ...
One is that she is the most decorated female gymnast. She holds that record with fourteen
championship medals. She is also the first African American gymnast that won an all– around world
title. She is the third American women to be in an all–around national championship four times in a
row. She is the shortest Olympic gymnast out of all 555 Olympic gymnasts. She is four feet nine
inches. She only weighs 104 pounds. She is also has the record for most gold medals won by a
female gymnast. She hold that record with ten gold medals. She has won every tournament she has
entered in the P&G Championship since 2013. She has won twelve titles in a row. In all of the
twelve titles she has scored over 62 points. While on a few gymnast are able to get 60. She has
fourteen total medals for world championships. That the most for a female gymnast ever. In 2013 to
2015, she won ten gold medals in world championship. In 2013 to 2016, she won eleven United
States national gold medals in championships. Simone Biles, only 19 years old, took home four gold
medals in St. Louis at the 2016 nationals. She was part of the "Final Five" at the 2016 Summer
Olympics in Rio de Janerio.
She is wonderful at gymnastics. She has created her own move called the "Biles". She invented and
performed this move in 2013. In this move she fully extends her body and does a double flip layout,
or some might say two backflips, a half twist in the air, and blindly lands. It's
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Differences Involved In The Digestive System

  • 1. Differences Involved In The Digestive System The digestive system is one of the main organ systems. The first process in the digestive system is to consume the food. This is called ingestion. The digestive system is what absorbs and breaks down the food and drinks that were eaten. The digestive organs break down food in two ways, mechanical digestion and chemical digestion. In mechanical digestion, the processes starts from the mouth to the stomach. During this process the food gets broken into smaller sizes. Then from there chemical digestions begins to occur. Chemical digestion is when many different enzymes break down the molecules so that they can be absorbed. Chemical digestion begins in the mouth and continues in the intestines. The mouth does two things, mechanical breakdown of ... Show more content on ... The food is changed into chyme which is a slimy material. The chyme gets mixed with highly acidic gastric juice and strong digestive enzymes in the stomach. This is to prepare the chyme for the small intestine. There are hormones like gastine and molin that help move the chyme and pump gastric juice. The chyme then goes to the first part of the small intestine called the duodenum. The small intestines have three parts which are the duodenum, jejunum, and the ileum. The small intestines break down the chyme by enzymes from the pancreas and bile. The pancreas produces insulin which controls metabolism in the blood and enzymes that break down fats, carbohydrates, and protein. Then the gallbladder releases the bile it stores into the duodenum to absorb fats. The duodenum is mostly the continuous breakdown of the chyme while the jejunum and ileum absorb the nutrients. All the nutrients get absorbed from the foods (vitamins, proteins, minerals, fats, and carbohydrates) that travel into the bloodstream throughout the body. This is the third main function called absorption. The liver absorbs all the nutrients from the small intestines. Another thing that the liver does is it makes chemicals from the nutrients it absorbs that the body needs. It also breaks down poisons and drugs in the body. From the small intestines come the large intestines (colon) that are attached to the small ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Evolution Of Bile Salts What is bile? Bile is a green–colored liquid used for digestion that is created by the liver and stored by the gallbladder. There are bile acids (bile salts). They are used to absorb fats and for digestion. The absorption of fats happens in the small intestine.–types/bile–duct– cancer–cholangiocarcinoma/medical–illustrations How and why is this important to evolution? Bile has bile salts, or in other words, bile acids in it. Previous studies of fish, whose bile should remain the same no matter what they eat, have shown that there were changes in the bile salt synthetic pathway. The original bile salt synthetic pathway was thin and very simple. Over many generations, it has become longer ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Patients With Large Common Bile Duct Stones This prospective study was performed on 124 patients with large common bile duct stones (> 1 cm) between August 2014 and August 2016. Our exclusion criteria included: age less than 18 years, patients with contraindication to ERCP (history of contrast dye anaphylaxis, severe cardiopulmonary disease, and recent myocardial infarction), acute pancreatitis or cholangitis at the time of the procedure, previous history of ES, concomitant cholangiocarcinona or stricture, or intrahepatic duct stone. Patients were randomly assigned to either EPLBD group or ES group after confirming the presence of large bile duct stones during the initial ERCP. The simple randomization was conducted by means of random number created in Microsoft Office Excel 2007. The endoscopists were blinded before confirming CBD stones during the initial ERCP. If biliary cannulation failed or precut was done during the initial ERCP, the patients were excluded. The medical ethical committee of our medical centers approved the study protocol and all patients provided written informed consent before entering the study. All patients subjected to complete assessment including proper history, clinical examination, laboratory investigations (complete blood count, liver and renal function tests, blood sugar, and serum amylase), and imaging studies (ultrasonography and/or CT, MRCP). All ERCP procedures were performed by experienced endoscopists using the standard duodenoscope (ED–3440T and ED–3485T, Pentax) in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Patients With Large Common Bile Duct Stones Patients and methods This prospective study was performed on 124 patients with large common bile duct stones (> 1 cm) between August 2014 and August 2016. Our exclusion criteria included: age less than 18 years, patients with contraindication to ERCP (history of contrast dye anaphylaxis, severe cardiopulmonary disease, and recent myocardial infarction), acute pancreatitis or cholangitis at the time of the procedure, previous history of ES, concomitant cholangiocarcinona or stricture, or intrahepatic duct stone. Patients were randomly assigned to either EPLBD group or ES group after confirming the presence of large bile duct stones during the initial ERCP. The simple randomization was conducted by means of random number created in Microsoft Office Excel 2007. The endoscopists were blinded before confirming CBD stones during the initial ERCP. If biliary cannulation failed or precut was done during the initial ERCP, the patients were excluded. The medical ethical committee of our medical centers approved the study protocol and all patients provided written informed consent before entering the study. All patients subjected to complete assessment, including proper history, clinical examination, laboratory investigations (complete blood count, liver and renal function tests, blood sugar, and serum amylase), and imaging studies (ultrasonography and/or CT, MRCP). All ERCP procedures were performed by experienced endoscopists using the standard duodenoscope (ED–3440T and ED–3485T, ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Peristalsis And Involuntary Muscle Contractions The Alimentary Canal is a system which contains different sections and organs that work together to digest substances. Food substances pass through the alimentary canal which starts at the mouth and eventually ends up at the anus. Ingestion is the consumption of a substance through the mouth e.g. eating or drinking. The mouth increases surface area for chemical digestion as Salivary glands produce Saliva which contains amylase to breakdown starch. Saliva also contains mineral salts to keep PH constant and Mucin to make food slimy and easier to pass down the oesophagus. Peristalsis is the movement of food by coordinated involuntary muscle contractions. Peristalsis is used in the oesophagus, stomach, and intestines to transport food. Digestion ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Simone Biles Research Paper "I am not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps, I am the first Simone biles" Simone Arianne Biles. Because Simone Biles is confident, she became more determined to met her goals. In this essay you will learn about the life of Simone Arianne Bile and how she became the world's greatest gymnast. Abandoned Yet Found Simone was born in Ohio in 1997. Sadly at a young age she and her older sister Adira were place in foster care due to her mother's substance abuse. Luckily their grandparents Ron and Nellie Biles adopted them. After some time they started to call them mom and dad. They discovered Simone's ability at a young age , she would bounce and tumble around. Due to a cancelled field trip they when to a nearby gym the coaches realized how talented she was so they sent her home with a ... Show more content on ... When Simone started going to the olympics she was not as great as she it now. Also she it shorter than other gymnast she is 4'9.On July 1, 2011, at the 2011 American Classic in Houston. She placed third all–around, first on vault and beam, fourth on floor , and eighth on bars. Later that month, Simone competed at the 2011 U.S. Classic in Chicago, Illinois, where she placed twentieth all– around, fifth on beam and floor. After that she started home school that allowed her 20 hours in the gym to become around 32 hours. That ment she missed prom and other social events. Simone first meet after that was in 2012 and in American Classic in Huntsville, Texas where she placed first all– around and on vault, tied for second on floor , placed third on beam and fourth on bars. She did many more meet after that getting first all around every time. After the olympics Simone started traveling all around the world. With her best friends and team members of usa and part of the final five Simone Biles, Aly Raisman, Gabby Douglas ,Laurie Hernandez ,and Madison Kocian. She it now training for the next olympics waiting to take home ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. How Digestive System Work Together The digestive system helps the humans break down food and turn it into nutrients. The digestive system is made up of a lot of different organs such as salivary glands, pharynx, mouth, esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, large intestine, and pancreas. Salivary glands produce saliva, which keeps the mouth and other parts of the digestive system moist. The pharynx role in the digestive system is to connect the nose and mouth to the esophagus. The mouth is used for putting in food and also eating the food. The esophagus has only one function and it is to carry food, saliva, and liquid. The stomach receives the food from the esophagus and secretes acid and enzymes that digest food. The liver regulates the composition of blood, ... Show more content on ... It has organs that have different roles to help the digestive system do its job. One of the organs, names is the esophagus. It is a muscular tube around the throat area, it is connected to the stomach, its job is to carry food down it.The stomach is located on the left side of the abdominal cavity. Its job is to break down the food it uses acid to help it when doing its job. Next to the stomach is the small intestine. The small intestine is a long, thin tube that is located in just inferior in the stomach and takes up most of the space in the abdominal cavity. Its job is to absorb nutrients and materials next is the gall bladder it is located under the liver and its job is to store and recycle excess bile from the small intestine so that it can be reused for the digestion of subsequent meals. After the gallbladder is the large intestine. It is a long thick tube that is located under the stomach and wraps around the borders of the small intestine it job is to absorbed water. Finally, there is the pancreas it a large gland located just inferior and posterior to the stomach. And its job is to further break down food after it has left the ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Digestive System And The Circulatory System The Digestive System 1.1 The digestive system is comprised of a group of organs known as the alimentary canal, which is one continues tube that runs from the oral cavity to the anus. The second set of organs that make up the digestive system are the Accessory organs. The digestive system has six main functions: ingestion, secretion, mixing and movement, digestion, absorption, and excretion of food (Tortora & Derrickson, 2009). Alimentary canal Organ Structure Function Diagram Mouth The mouth is made up of the checks hard and soft palates, internally and externally covered with skin. The mouth is where food enters the body and the process of digestion starts via mechanical and chemical digestion. oesophagus The oesophagus is a long tube ... Show more content on ... Salivary Glands The salivary glands surround the mouth. There are 3 sets of salivary glands. The saliva moistens the food to lubricate it as it passes through the mouth; it also begins the process of chemical digestion. Liver The liver is accessory organ of the digestive system which is triangle in shape. The liver is located to the right of the stomach and above the small intestine. The main functions of the liver in digestion are production and secretion of bile into the small intestine. Gallbladder The gallbladder is a pear shaped organ located just behind the liver. The gallbladder stores the bile and recycles any excess bile from the small intestine. Pancreas The pancreas is a fairly large gland which is about 15cm in length. The head is connected to the duodenum. The pancreas secretes many different digestive enzymes into the small intestine via the duodenum to aid in the completion of chemical digestion. (Tortora & Derrickson, 2009) Diagrams from: Enzyme Function of the liver and pancreas 1.2 The chyme arrives in the duodenum and the pancreas releases pancreatic juices packed with enzymes that break down fats, carbohydrates, and proteins these are: Pancreatic lipase, amylase, and protease. Bile is then realised by the gall bladder – this bile is produced by the liver, with the gall bladder being the bile duct – this helps to breakdown ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. An Investigation to Find the Effect of Bile Salts of on... AN INVESTIGATION TO FIND THE EFFECT OF BILE SALTS OF ON THE DIGESTION OF LIPIDS I have investigated that if there is an effect of bile salts on the digestion of lipids in the milk. When lipids are broken down in to fatty acids and glycerol (see below), the acid lowers the pH of the mixture. To help me determine and measure the digestion of lipids, a pH indicator phenolphthalein has been used to measure the pH of the mixtures. The pH indicator will change the colour from pink to either white (if bile is not contained) or brown (if bile is contained), this will indicate that the solution is changing from alkaline to acidic. So if I want to use phenolphthalein, I will have to firstly make the mixtures alkaline. This will be achieved by ... Show more content on ... sx = ∑x2 – (∑x)2 n n – 1 I will draw a table in which I will work out '∑x2' and '(∑x)2'. Treatment tube number Time/seconds (x) x2 8 101 10201 9 98 9604 10 103 10609 ∑x = 302 ∑x2 = 30414 (∑x)2 = 91204 The standard deviation for the y: Sx = ∑x2 – (∑x)2 n n n – 1 = (30414– (91204 ÷ 3)) ÷ 2 = (30414– 30401.3*) ÷ 2 = 12.7 ÷ 2 = 6.35 The standard deviation for the y: Sy = ∑y2 – (∑y)2 n n n – 1 I will draw a table in which I will work out '∑y2' and '(∑y)2'. Treatment tube number Time/seconds (y) y2 5 12 144 6 14 196 7 16 256 ∑x = 42 ∑x2 = 596 (∑x)2 = 1764 Sy = ∑y2 – (∑y)2 n n n – 1 = (596– (1764 ÷ 3)) ÷ 2 = (596– 588) ÷ 2 = 8 ÷ 2 = 4 My null hypothesis is that bile salts have no effect on the digestion of lipid and lipase will still breakdown the fat, the reaction times will be the same.
  • 18. The critical value of probability is 0.05. The critical value at '4' degrees of freedom with probability '0.05' is 2.776. tcalc = x – y sx2 + sy2 n1 ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. The Gallbladder Case Study The gallbladder is located under the right lobe of the liver. It stores bile that produced by the liver until it releases into the duodenum to expedite absorption of fats, fat–soluble vitamins, minerals which is part of the digestive system. According to Jorden's symptoms such as mild pain in midepigastric region, radiating to the right upper quadrant of the abdomen and right subscapular are, as his nurse, I could acknowledge the reasons cause all that symptoms are due to cholesterol problem. It's a major constituent of gallstone which is one of the gallbladder disorders. Patient who experience it will be in a high risk of inflamed gallbladder due to a big heavy consumption of high– fat meal. And also because the gallbladder is located under ... Show more content on ... The pear–shaped organ's job is to collect and store bile to help the body digest fats. If it's not working, then it cannot digest fat. His body will store that fats from days to days causing uncontrollable gain weight which at the end causing gallstones that lead to pain in the abdominal, bloating, nausea, and vomiting (WebMD, 2016). Jordan is on 14 years old, and he weighs 275 pounds. That is one of the biggest risk of gallstones: obese. He need to follow a low–fat diet and try to lose weight "slowly According to WebMD, here are the list of foods that good for Jordan's condition, include fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat, poultry, and fish, whole grains, and low–fat dairy products (2016). More importantly, what Jordan did to try to lose weight is incorrect, he has to lose weight but gradually, not go for couple days without eating that is an incorrect way. He also has to try to avoid food that contain high–fat foods such as fried foods, high processed foods, red meat. Also, exercising, participate in physical and social activities like going to the gym on school days, communicate with his friends. Lastly, I will explain to his mom about the fat genes that she thinks it goes in the family and there's nothing they can do about it. Jordan is very ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Bear, Lion's Digestive System A similarity that is present between the bear, lion, and koalas digestive system is that they all have small intestines. In all of the animals' digestive system they have small intestine which absorbs all the nutrients and minerals from the food that they have eaten. Small intestine, or small bowel, is a hollow tube about 20 feet long that runs from the stomach to the beginning of the large intestine. The small intestine breaks down food from the stomach and absorbs much of the nutrients from the food. The duodenum is the first part of the small intestine. The main role of the duodenum is to complete the first phase of digestion. In this section of the intestine, food from the stomach is mixed with enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the gallbladder. The enzymes and bile help break down food. The jejunum is the second part of the small intestine. After food is broken down in the duodenum, it moves to the jejunum, where the inside walls absorb the food's nutrients. The inside walls of the jejunum have many circular folds, which make its surface area large enough to absorb all of the nutrients that the body needs. The ileum is the third part of the small intestine. It absorbs bile acids, which are returned to the liver to be made into more bile, then stored in the ... Show more content on ... The oesophagus is a muscular tube, about 25cm long, with a sphincter (valve) at each end. Its function is to transport food and fluid, after being swallowed, from the mouth to the stomach. No absorption of nutrients takes place in the oesophagus. A mouthful of food which has been chewed and swallowed is called a bolus. This is propelled from the pharynx (throat) into the oesophagus, and is swept towards the stomach in peristaltic waves. These muscular contractions are involuntary, and cannot normally be felt. When food is not passing through, the oesophagus is folded in, or ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Gallstones Research Paper What is Gallstones in Cats? The cat's gallbladder is a small, balloon–shaped organ that is located in the lobes of the liver. Its primary function is releasing bile into the digestive tract to aid in the digestion of food. Cholelithiasis is a condition that causes small stones, or choleliths, to form in the gallbladder. These stones are typically made of calcium carbonate mixed with other secreted substance and minerals. Though gallstones are rare in cats, the presence of large stones is a medical emergency as the stones can block the bile from being released and cause problems with the liver, digestive system and the kidneys. Symptoms of Gallstones in Cats Symptoms may be mild or not present at all until the gallstone blocks the flow of bile from the gallbladder. Typical symptoms include: Lack of appetite Weight loss Vomiting Abdominal pain Jaundice, which will present with yellowing of the inner ears, whites ... Show more content on ... The ultrasound will look for the presence of gallstones, inflammation of the liver, blockage of the bile duct, thickened gallbladder walls or an oversized bile duct tract. An ultrasound can detect gallstones that are two millimeters or larger in size. Treatment of Gallstones in Cats No Treatment Small gallstones that aren't causing symptoms or digestive problems may not need any treatment. These stones are typically found during an ultrasound for another condition, such as pregnancy. Medication
  • 25. Antibiotics will be prescribed to the cat to clear infections or bacterial complications that are causing the gallstones to form. Antibiotics may also be prescribed before surgery in order to prevent infection from occurring after surgery. Ursodeoxycholic acid may be prescribed twice a day in order to dissolve small gallstones that aren't blocking the bile duct. S–Adenosylmethionine, or SAMe, may also be given in order to improve bile production and function of the liver. Intravaneous ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Liposomes Liposomes Liposomes are artificial vesicles with lipid bilayer which are made of phospholipids and cholesterol. Liposomes have certain limitations like tendency to be taken up by the RES system, in the body. When given orally they increases the absorption, clinical potency, and decreases the toxicity of the drug. As they also resembles nanoemulsions in transparency, fluid like consistency, they are also good for cosmetic preparations. Every new approach in the targeted therapy of rheumatoid arthritis could contribute to the effectiveness in treating the chronic disease. Advantages of Lipids Lipids are a class of materials which includes fatty acids, glycerides, phospholipids, sphingolipids, waxes and sterols etc. They may be poorly soluble in water, but have other characteristic properties like hydrophilic and hydrophobic portions which can be identified by their fatty acid composition, melting point, HLB value, and their solubility in solvents like Glycerine and other organic solvents. Vegetable oils and primarily used in the preparation of different types of formulations. A adult's ... Show more content on ... They also provide a favourable hydrophobic environment to delay the drug release. This characteristic property has been extensively used in the development of sustained release dosage forms like beads, tablets, suspensions, implants. Their hydrophobic properties can also be used for masking the unpalatable taste of certain drugs by hot melt coating. Lipids also offer advantages for preparation of drugs with low melting point or poor compression properties. Development of Lipid– based drug delivery system have been developed over the years, mostly for oral delivery. Formulations can be classified as: Liquid lipid–based formulations eg. Emulsions or microemulsions (oil/water; water/oil, bicontinuous ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Simone Biles Research Papers She's just a girl who had won over 14 champion medals. Who is that you are probably wondering. Well "that girl" is Simone Biles. Biles won over 10 gold medals in the sport of gymnastics. Some people say that simone can do tumbling passes on the balance beam that some olympians can't even do on floor. Some say that is true some say that is false. Childhood Simone Biles was born on March 14, 1997 in Ohio. Mrs.Biles aka Simone Biles mother had a drug addiction and could not care for Simone and her sister. Ron and Nellie (simone's grandparents) took care of SImone Biles and her sister. Soon after that they were adopted my Ron and Nellie. Ron and Nellie are actually the parents of Simone Biles mothers. Biles found her paction for gymnastics ... Show more content on ... She has a sister Adria and a brother Adam. She did not live with her mother as a child, she lived with her grandparents. Simone Biles was actually adopted. She was adopted by her grandparents. Many people are spreading the rumor that Simone Biles has a boyfriend. People caught up with Mariano (Biles boyfriend who is a Brazilian gymnast) and he said that they are just friends and they meet up at competitions. Simone is 20 years old and has no children. Biles father Ron Biles was in the air force and Biles mom Nellie became a nurse. Simone Biles younger sister Adria is also a gymnast, she has not been in the olympics but there is a possibility she can be. Simone Biles got adopted by Ron's (Simones grandpa/ father) sister while Biles and her sister lived with Ron and Nellie. Simone Biles is not only a big daredevil with all her tricks but also has a weakness, Biles HATES bee's. In fact, in her flowers at the Rio olympics there was a bee in her flowers she dropped the flowers and ran off the podium and backed off until the bee flew away. Simone Biles is also the shortest out of 555 gymnasts competing in Rio. (She is 4–feet–9) Biles loves German shepard and recently lost one of her shepherds. Overall Simone Biles is almost an unbeatable ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Break Down Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are one of the main types of macronutrients that move throughout the digestive system. Starting inside of the mouth, the carbohydrate travels through the body until it gets broken down. The mouth has two forms of digestion, mechanical or chemical. Mechanical digestion includes chewing food, while chemical digestion uses saliva. The salivary glands belong to the accessory organs of the digestive tract, but play a very important role in digestion. They produce amylase, which breaks down the starch amylose and amylopectin into smaller portions. Breaking down starch, is an example of where chemical digestion occurs in the mouth. When carbohydrates go through the esophagus, mechanical digestion takes place by the use of peristalsis. ... Show more content on ... Fiber is the only remaining carbohydrate that travels inside of the large intestine. The body eliminates the leftover fiber in stool. Just like carbohydrates, fats also travel through the digestive tract. The only organ not involved with fats is the large intestine. Beginning in the mouth, chemical digestion occurs due to the lingual lipase melting some of the fat in the food. Once the food enters the esophagus, chemical and mechanical digestion takes place. Like discussed earlier, peristalsis mixes the food, but in this case it involves mixing the fat with gastric juices. Chemically, gastric lipase breaks down the fats. Before the fat can move to the small intestine, a few important accessory organs play a role with fat and bile. Bile is produced in the liver, and then sent to the gallbladder. Once in the gallbladder, the bile gets released into the small intestine. The small intestine, helps the bile emulsify the fat into small globules. Lastly, pancreatic lipase, from the pancreas breaks down the fats into monoglycerides, glycerol, and free fatty ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Essay On L Fermentum leucine. This display the possibility of L. fermentum to enhance the bioavailability of milk protein and consequently the infant growth and development (Basavanna & Prapulla, 2013). The gut microbiota and fat metabolism Lactobacilli have the proficiency to hydrolyze bile salts via the secretion of bile salt hydrolase enzymes (Kumar et al., 2011). This hinders bile salt reabsorption and in sequence increase bile salt loss in fecal. This result in a decrease of serum cholesterol because of the involvement of cholesterol in bile acid synthesis (Favier et al., 1995). Also, dietary supplementation with propionic acid demonstrated hypocholesterolemic influences in rats and pigs (Thacker et al., 1981; Chen et al., 1984). Propionate may inhibit ... Show more content on ... PYY favorably binds to the neuropeptide Y receptor type 2 (Y2), highly expressed in the hypothalamus, which is recognized to be an essential for appetite control (Broberger et al., 2008). In rats, consumption of lactitol, a fermentable carbohydrate, dramatically augmented postprandial PYY plasma level, and reduced weight gain compared with control. However, in human, acute supplementation of lactitol was linked with a significant reduction of postprandial PYY drop at 5 hours and a trend to decreased appetite (Gee & Johnson, 2005). Moreover, following fermentable carbohydrates supplementation, increased plasma PYY and GLP–1 levels have been detected in rats (Zhou et al., 2008), and human individuals (Greenway et al., 2007). GLP–1 is released after food consumption (Elliott et al., 1993), has been revealed to delay gastric emptying (Nauck et al., 1997), and gut motility (Schirra et al., 2002) in humans, inhibit food intake (Turton et al., 1996). SCFA might control entire transit time of digesta throughout the intestine (Dass et al., 2007). Entire gut transit time was statistically associated with fecal SCFA concentrations especially butyrate (Lewis & Heaton, 1997). Also, butyrate administration via dietary supplementation stimulated energy expenditure and promoted mitochondrial function in mice (Gao et al., 2009). SCFA have been described to cause satiety and reduce food intake. In human, it was shown that the dietary ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Gastrointestinal Illness Caused By The Species Cryptosporidiosis is one of the most known gastrointestinal illness caused by the genus of Cryptosporidium. Cryptosporidiosis, according to the CDC, has become one of the most common causes of waterborne diseases in the United States, with outbreaks increasing annually. An outbreak of Cryptosporidiosis, in Milwaukee in 1993 affected around 400,000 people and was traced to the city 's water supply (NFID, 2008). The most common symptom associated with this disease is Diarrhea. Pathophysiology Cryptosporidiosis is an infection caused by the spore–forming protozoan known as Cryptosporidia (Jacqueline, 2015). Protozoa are a group of parasites that infect the human intestine. Parasites are organisms that live within another organism and obtain ... Show more content on ... The most known cause or reason that you can get Cryptosporidiosis is by digesting contaminated water, but also it can be spread by humans through sexual behavior (Jacqueline, 2015). A person can get infected with Cryptosporidiosis by digesting contaminated water, this can occur through drinking or swimming in infected water, swallowing or putting something infected in the mouth (such as fingers), being exposed to human feces through sexual contact , or by eating uncooked food (such as salad greens) that has been contaminated (John et al. 2012). Most people who experience significant symptoms from Cryptosporidiosis have an altered immune system, and suffer from diseases such as AIDS and cancer (Jaqueline, 2015). Due to a protective outer shell, Cryptosporidium can live outside of the body for several months and are very resistant to the chlorine–based disinfectants that are often used to treat water sources (GEEH, 2013). Clinical Manifestation Cysts of Cryptosporidia mature in the intestine and bile ducts within three to five days of ingestion. Many individuals are infected without any illness, but the major symptom of Cryptosporidiosis is diarrhea, which is often watery. Also some other symptoms you may have with this disease are Dehydration, low–grade fever, nausea, and abdominal cramps (Jaqueline, 2015). The people who contract Cryptosporidiosis and have a normal immune ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Hepatic Functions 1) What are the Hepatic Ducts and what do they do? The Hepaticduct that carries bile from the liver into the common bile ductwhich conveys it to the duodenum (the upper part of the small intestine). (Webmd) 2) What do Kupffer Cells do and where are they found?kupffer cells are located in the liver. and they remove bacteria from the inner lining of the hepatic sinusoid. (Webmd) 3) What is "Bile" and why is it important? Bile is a digestive juice secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder; aids in the digestion of fats. (Webmd) 4) Where is the Gall Bladder located? What is its function?The gallbladder is a pear–shaped, hollow structure located under the liver and on the right side of the adobmen.The gallbladder is a reservoir for storing bile, which is produced by the liver. Bile is released into the duodenum and aids in digestion, ... Show more content on ... Most of it is the "exocrine pancreas" which produces digestive enzymes, helping you to break down and absorb food in the small intestine. (Webmd) 6) What Endocrine function does it have? Where is Insulin produced and why is it important? endocrine pancreas" which produce various hormones. The classic example is insulin seeing as it is deficient in diabetes, which acts to decrease blood sugar levels. The endocrine pancreas also releases glucagon which has the opposite effect to insulin in that it raises blood sugar levels, ghrelin which is in the control of appetite and somatostatin which regulates other hormones. (webmd) 7) Differentiate between the Cephalic , Gastric and Intestinal Phases of Digestion.Cephalic– occurs before food enters the digestive system. thought/sight of food triggers Vagus nerve to increase production of saliva by salivary glands. Intestinal– occurs when food leaves the stomach thru pyloric valve and enters the duodenum. the presence of chyme stimulates the production of intestinal gastrin to digest the food. ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. First Pass Metabolism Liver is the main organ for the metabolism of exogenous material. As first pass metabolism is the major elimination route of many drugs the drug exposure in the liver can be very high and hence there is a significant incidence of Drug Induced Liver Injury (DILI) associated with this. The liver; as represented in figure 1 receives blood from two sources:  Arterial blood from the right and left hepatic arteries, which are branches of the coeliac axis2.  Venous blood from the hepatic portal vein, which drains much of the alimentary tract, from the stomach to the rectum, and the spleen2. Blood leaves the liver through the hepatic veins which drain in the inferior vena cava2.Bile is formed in the liver and drains from it into the right and left ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Cholelithiasis Research Paper Introduction Cholelithiasis (also called gallstones) is a form of gallbladder disease in which gallstones form in the gallbladder. The gallbladder is an organ that stores bile. Bile is made in the liver, and it helps digest fats. Gallstones begin as small crystals and slowly grow into stones. Gallstone pain occurs when the gallbladder contracts and a gallstone is blocking the duct. Pain can also occur when a stone passes out of the duct. What are the causes? This condition [is / may be] caused by: What increases the risk? The following factors may make you more likely to develop this condition: Being female. Having multiple pregnancies. Health care providers sometimes advise removing diseased gallbladders before future pregnancies. Eating a diet ... Show more content on ... Tenderness to the touch. In some cases, when gallstones do not move into the bile duct, people have no pain or symptoms. These are called "silent" gallstones. How is this diagnosed? This condition [is / may be] diagnosed [by / based on / with / during] ____. How is this treated? Treatment for gallstones depends on the severity of the condition. Silent gallstones do not need treatment. In severe cases, emergency surgery may be required. Options for treatment include: Medicines. These do not always work and may take 6–12 months or more for them to work. Shock wave treatment (extracorporeal biliary lithotripsy). In this treatment, an ultrasound machine sends shock waves to the gallbladder to break gallstones into smaller pieces that can then be passed into the intestines, or be dissolved by medicine. Surgery to remove the gallbladder. This is the most common treatment. Attacks almost always come back and surgery is usually required for permanent treatment. Follow these instructions at home: Take over–the–counter and prescription medicines only as told by your health care provider. Follow a low–fat diet until you are seen again by your health care provider. Fat causes the gallbladder to contract, which can result in ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Effects Of My Life "Cancer, a failing gallbladder, crohns disease," I stare at the wall rummaging through all the problems I could be facing in this moment. The surge of pain in the upper right quadrant of my abdomen strikes me unexpectedly, throwing me into a spiraling episode of assumption and google searches. The only results yielded by these searches were virtually every terminal disease that had this symptom. It was now that I realized this could be a potentially life altering circumstance. All my life I had never had a physical impairment; therefore, you can imagine when I began feeling even the slightest amount of pain I felt like I was going mad. My trips to the gastroenterologist started in my sophomore year. I quickly grew tired of showing up ... Show more content on ... I lay on the stretcher in tears being rolled away from my family, silently screaming, and bursting with a terrible anxiety like never before. "We are going to place this mask over your nose and mouth, just breathe in and out as normal," says the anesthesiologist. The air I was forced to breathe in smelt explicitly like nail polish remover. I woke up with an atrocious headache and some immobility. Once again not a thing was wrong with me according to the results which angered me to no end. How come my life is still being consumed by this pain and yet my results say I'm perfectly healthy? My last major and only test left that my gastroenterologist had to offer me was a colonoscopy. Nobody wants to have to experience one of these, especially at the prime age of 16. Anyhow if this meant yielding another possible reason for this ghastly pain then you bet I was going to be right back on that stretcher within the next few months. I had my better days, even some no pain at all; but the days I did have it were some of the worst days of my life. The colonoscopy brought nothing more than another disappointing sheet of doctor words, and a few pictures of my intestines (which were kind of interesting so at least if I had any perk to this situation it was this). The doctors work was done and there was no more for him to try so I guess it was back to google ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Essay On Biodegradable Stents Since the late eighties, stenting has been the primary means of treating stenosed passageways within the body. This started with self–expanding bare metal stents; however, these stents could eventually lead to restenosis of vessels. In the Gastrointestinal system in particular, these stents tend to migrate and are difficult to remove at a later date. Though stenting in the GI system with these methods initially treated the pathologies, they could lead to additional cost and stress to the patient later on. With the recent development of biodegradable stents, this problem could be eliminated. With the use of biodegradable materials or biomaterials in stenting, the complications from metal of even plastic stenting could be eliminated due to ... Show more content on ... This metabolism is facilitated by the body's natural pH of 7–7.4 which is conducive to this process (2). Biodegradable stents have been used for treatment of refractory benign stenoses including those in the ureters, urethra, trachea, bile ducts, pancreas, small intestine, colon and esophagus (3). The first biodegradable stents for the gastrointestinal tract were made from polylactic acid and were developed by Goldin (4). He tested this stent on several patients to treat esophageal stenoses; however, his prototypes were unable to maintain sufficient radial force for longer than three weeks and they also degraded too quickly. Later, advancements were made with a material called polydioxanone, which is a crystalline, biodegradable polymer with many ester–linkages. This type of stent had greater integrity and retained its radial force for 6 to 8 weeks after placement, and in 11 to 12 weeks, the stents began to degrade. The degradation speed was also linked to pH; the lower the pH or the more acidic, the faster the stent fragmented (1). Biodegradable stents have found great use in treating stenoses of the esophagus and achalasia. Esophageal stenoses are generally related to gastroesophageal reflux developed after esophageal surgery or radiation therapy (5). Typically, this is treated with dilators and balloons and in 80% to 90% of cases it initially works, but 30% to 60% of patients see their stenoses recur (1). In order to keep their esophagi patent, ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Psychology and Yellow Bile Essay 1–29–12 Intro to Psychology Morgan Herda 1. Jack is a second–grade student. He seems to have no interest in learning, often daydreaming in class and frequently disrupting the class by throwing objects at other students. Describe how a biopsychosocial approach might provide both an integrated explanation of Jack's classroom behavior and practical suggestions for helping Jack to cope more effectively with the challenges he faces. Jack is in second grade and is having a hard time behaving in school. Such as not paying attention and disrupting the class. Those two factors seem to play into integrated biopsychosocial. Biopsychosocial has three different elements to it: biological, psychological, and social–cultural. These three ... Show more content on ... The survey will also hopefully let them figure something out about themselves. The last method of how psychologists observe and describe behavior is naturalistic observations. Psychologists use this in natural environments and can provide research and answer questions. Naturalistic observations do not explain behavior but describes it, according to our book. 3. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates believed that four basic body fluids (blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm) influenced human behavior, emotions, and personality. Use your understanding of the body's rapid and slow chemical communication systems to support or refute the general logic of Hippocrates' theory. The ancient Green physician Hippocartes believed blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm, played a major role in human behavior, emotions, and personality. I don't think blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm, have to do with anything controlling your human behavior, emotions, and personality. I believe your mood and what you are exactly going through that day make up why your human behavior, emotions, and personality are the way they are. Another reason why I don't fully believe Hippocartes beliefs are because he had no actual proof of his reasoning. 4. Describe how an understanding of both a normally functioning brain and a split brain enables us to better appreciate the fact that most information processing takes place outside of ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Illegal Killing and Trafficking of Black Bears Essay Illegal Killing and Trafficking of Black Bears The illegal killing and trafficking of animal parts has long been a global concern. With trading at an estimated 6 billion dollars annually, poaching has become the world's second most profitable crime activity behind illegal drug trade. In its prevalence, poaching has driven many species to the point of extinction. Animals around the world are killed each day for their body parts. In Africa, elephant tusks are a valuable source of ivory used in jewelry. Moreover, the horns of rhinoceros could command up to $5,000 in the black market. The mothers of newborn mountain gorillas are often killed so that their young ones could be shipped to foreign countries for research or display. ... Show more content on ... A known compound found in bile, ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), has been used in western medicine to treat liver disorders. A gall can command up to $10,000 in east Asia. Its price is about 20 times the street price of cocaine per ounce. Globally, the market in bear parts is estimated at $2 billion. For obvious reasons, bears have become increasingly rare. Five of the eight bear species in the world are endangered. In Korea, where they were ounce abundant, black bears are virtually extinct now with a population between 20 to 300. The population of bears in Russia is dwindling rapidly as a result of gall trafficking by the Russian Mafia. Bear populations have decreased to the point that China is now using bear farms to obtain gall. Bears are kept cruelly in small cages that are often fitted to their body so that they cannot move. A steel catheter surgically implanted to their gall bladder removes bile from their bodies daily. However, instead of saving bears as claimed, bear farms have only instigated poaching by increasing demands for gall. As bear populations decreased in Asia, more traffickers turned to North America where there are a considerable number of bears. Although poaching also occurs in the United States, the problem appears to be worse in Canada. This may be attributed to less ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Symptoms And Treatment Of Pancreatic Cancer Introduction: Intraductal papillary mucinous duct neoplasms of the pancreas (IPMN–p) are one of the subtypes of cystic neoplasms of the pancreas. They are neoplasms that arise in the pancreatic ducts and can be visualized as they are usually greater than 0.5 inch in length. They are comprised of tall mucin– producing columnar cells, that have the capability of transforming into pancreatic cancer if left untreated. Their ability to develop into pancreatic cancer is one of the main reasons behind their significance. IPMNs commonly exhibit cell atypia, papillary propagation, and cyst production. Their main feature is the ability to produce copious amounts of fluid. In general pancreatic cysts are not an uncommon finding on abdominal computerized tomography (CT) scans. A study done at University College Dublin in 2008, in which, 2,832 abdominal CT scans were evaluated for presence of pancreatic cysts, showed that 2.6% of people have pancreatic cysts. These patients had no history of pancreatic disease, and had no pancreatic symptoms at the time of the scan i.e the abdominal scan was done for other reasons. Pancreatic cysts increased with age, with zero cysts found in patients below 40 and up to 8.7% of scans of those above 80 years of age had cysts present. (12) IPMNs of the pancreas can occur in either the main pancreatic duct or in one of its branches. The smaller the branch size in which the neoplasm arose, the higher the likelihood of a less aggressive neoplasm. Tumors ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Daily Administration Of T. Vulgaris By The Oral Route At A... 3. Results The study has established that daily administration of T. vulgaris by the oral route at a dose of 500 mg/kg for 10 days did not cause any mortality or any observable toxic effects in mice of GII. Mice were alert with no alternation of their behavioral pattern, any gastrointestinal tract disorder or respiratory distress. From the histopathological observations, there were not any observable changes in the livers at the giving dose compared to the normal controls (Figure 1). 3.1. Histopathological results Macroscopically, the liver of T. gondii infected group showed a mild degree of enlargement and focally extensive necrosis, however in T. vulgaris treated mice; the livers appeared more or less healthy. Microscopically, the livers of T. gondii–infected mice (GIII) showed focal areas of necrosis with a mild degree of inflammatory cellular infiltrate; mainly lymphocytes that were very obvious in the portal area and Toxoplasma cysts were observed between the hepatocytes (Figure 2). However, in the infected immunosuppressed group (GIV), the histopathological features of liver progressed from moderate to severe, in which there was a dissociation of hepatic cords pattern with generalized necrosis of the hepatocytes. Also, there was marked dilatation and congestion of the hepatoportal blood vessels. It was observed that some of Toxoplasma cysts ruptured, releasing tachyzoites to the sinusoids and invading the other hepatocytes and kupffer cells. Also, there was kupffer ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Pp Lab Report Digestion Essay LABORATORY REPORT Activity: Effect of Dietary Fiber on Transit Time and Bile Name: Hope Schallert Instructor: Dr. Weithop Date: 03.08.2015 Predictions Dietary fiber will: increase transit time Dietary fiber will increase the amount of bile acid in solution Materials and Methods Effect of Dietary Fiber on Transit Time 1. Dependent variable. number of radiopaque markers in GI tract 2. Independent variable. amount and type of fiber in meal 3. Controlled variables. calories in meal, nutrients in meal Effect of Dietary Fiber on Bile Acid Adsorption 1. Dependent variable. amount of bile acids in solution 2. Independent variable. amount of fiber in meal 3. Controlled variables. moisture in meal, size of meal particles, calories and ... Show more content on ... again I am going to assume this is soluble since I have not done it yet RC42 17 0 LC33 21 4 SC13 17 4Total 83 54 8 8. Which meal had the least percentage of markers in the total colon at 24 hours?
  • 56. Insoluble fiber–rich diet Table 5. Effect of Dietary Fiber on Bile Acid Adsorption Experimental Optical density (OD) of colored filtrate (reflects amount of bile 1 – OD (reflects amount of bile acid adsorbed by food particles) Trials acid in filtrate) Bile Acid Standard Standard Fiber–Rich Fiber–rich Bile Acid Standard Standard Fiber–Rich Fiber–rich With Buffer meal without meal with Meal meal with With Buffer meal without meal with Meal meal with Solution (No bile bile acid Without Bile bile acid Solution (No bile bile acid Without Bile bile acid Fibers) Fibers) 1 1 0 0.47 0 0.32 0 1 0.53 1 0.68 2 1 0 0.45 0 0.3 0 1 0.55 1 0.70 3 1 0
  • 57. 0.51 0 0.41 0 1 0.49 1 0.59 Average 1 0 0.48 0 0.34 0 1 0.52 1 0.66 Effect of Dietary Fibers on Bile Acid Adsorption 9. Which had the greatest average OD (amount of bile acid in filtrate), the standard meal with bile acid or the fiber–rich meal with bile acid? Standard meal 10. Which had the greatest average 1– OD (amount of bile acid adsorbed to meal particles), the standard meal with bile acid or the fiber–rich meal with bile acid? fiber rich meal Laboratory Report/ Hope Schallert/ Effect of Dietary Fiber on Transit Time and Bile/ Dr. ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Simone Biles: A Gymnast "Surround yourself with the dreamers. The doors. The believers and thinkers; but most of all surround yourself with those who see greatness within you don't see it yourself." – Simone Biles The U.S.A gymnast that rose to fame by the time she was 19. She has trained all of her life to get to the points she got to. It was her dream to compete in the Olympics one day. She won many competitions and was always ready to compete. She was ready to take on any competition and always wanted to win. Did Simone Biles get to the Olympics? How did she rise to fame? Life before Gymnastics Simone Biles was born in Columbus, Ohio on March 14, 1997. As Simone was starting to grow up her mother was having trouble with drugs and alcohol. Since her mother was ... Show more content on ... Men and women. She had much fun on that tour where she got to tumble and flip around. Now she is living life and she is on Dancing With The Stars, with her partner Sasha, she was in the final four but, sadly she got voted off of the show in Monday May 15, 2017. Simone has had a very successful life and her fans and number one supporters are very proud of her. Even though she has fallen many times and has failed at competitions, it has all payed off she went to the Olympics won five medals and is one of the best gymnasts in the world. Every supporter is very proud of her and are happy that she went so far with her gymnastics career. One person that is extremely proud of her is her coach Aimee Boorman. Aimee has been training her from the beginning and has not given up on her. Aimee took her all the way to the Olympics. Simone has made great accomplishments in life and is a hero and inspiration to ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Cholelithiasis Research Paper Cholelithiasis, are the reaming's of the digestive fluid bile, which form within the gallbladder. They vary in size and shape from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball.[1] Cholelithiasis occur when there is an imbalance in the chemical constituents of bile that result in precipitation of one or more of the components. Gallstone disease is often thought to be a major affliction in modern society.[2] However, cholelithiasis must have been known to humans for many years, since they have been found in the gallbladders of Egyptian mummies dating back to 1000 BC.[3,4] This disease is however, a worldwide medical problem, even though there are geographical variations in gallstone prevalence[5,6,7,8,9,10,11] Cholelithiasis are becoming increasingly common. They are seen in all age groups, but the incidence increases with age.[12] About a quarter of women over 60 years will develop them.[13] In mostbcases they do not ... Show more content on ... In Pakistan and in Western societies more than seventy percent of cholelithiasis are made of cholesterol, either pure or mixed with pigment, mucoglycoprotein, and calcium carbonate. Pure cholesterol crystals are soft, and protein gives strength of cholesterol stones. Cholesterol cholelithiasis form when the cholesterol concentration in bile surpasses the capability of bile to hold it in ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. GST T1-1 Study Information (Type of study, Location, Purpose, Study Design, Subjects, Subject Selection) This was a cross–sectional study done to determine the relationship of 1,2–Dichloropropane (1,2– DCP) and cholangiocarcinoma in Japanese men working in a printing company. The researchers took men who had developed the disease already, compared their liver and bile duct samples to those of healthy individuals, and found some noticeable differences in those who were more exposed to 1,2–DCP. They had a test group of 8 men with cholangiocarcinoma and a control group of 13 human livers from autopsy files in order to do an immunohistochemical analysis to determine the effects of 1,2–DCP on the genes and proteins. They chose the sample that they did because ... Show more content on ... The extent of the GST T1–1 expressions differ from person to person. Hardly any normal human samples had the expression for CYP2E1. Comparing the diseased human livers to those of the control group, the test group had similar expressions of GST T1–1. None of the test group samples showed an expression for the gene CYP2E1. For the test group, there was the dominant presence of a marker of DNA double–strand break, γ–H2AX. For the control group, less than half of the liver samples displayed this marker. It was clear that those who were exposed to 1,2–DCP had more of an expression of this DNA marker in their non–neoplastic biliary epithelial cells of the large bile duct than those in the control group with no exposure to 1,2–DCP. Those livers which had been exposed to 1,2–DCP had signs of a tumor protein in their cells and bile ducts called p53. This study is extremely difficult to read if it is something you are not used to. The researchers are assuming that you know all of the concepts which made this especially difficult to comprehend. Also, there may not have been enough liver and bile duct samples to make a definitive claim of the relationship between 1,2–DCP and cholangiocarcinoma. The researchers were extremely thorough and did not have to spend too much time searching for the affected men or the healthy livers which saved time and money for this ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Bumble Bee Digestive System Research Paper The purpose of the digestive system is to transport food to the ventricles of the bumble bee, further break down food to be absorbed into the via the blood, and to excrete what can't be used as waste. Their digestive system can be divided into three various parts called the foregut, midgut, and hindgut. A long piece of proboscis ends with a spoon–like appendage, fully equipped with longish thick hair, to function as a tongue for bumble bees. Food rises to the throat by a thin capillary tube located in the middle of the piece of proboscis. By creating a sucking movement with the muscles of the pharynx, the bee can accelerate feeding. The esophagus runs from the head and into the abdomen to form a honey goiter. The honey goiter can hold up to ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Cholelithiasis Research Paper Cholelithiasis also knows as gallstones occurs in the gallbladder, the function of the gallbladder is to store and concentrate bile. Cholelithiasis occurs when the balance that keeps cholesterol, calcium, bile salts solution is altered. The bile secreted by the liver is supersaturated with cholesterol therefore it come out as a solid. Immobility, pregnancy and inflammation or obstructive lesions of the biliary system decreases bile flow. The stones may stay in the gallbladder or move to the cystic duct or the common bile duct. The main clinical manifestations would be severe pain. The pain can be so severe that is can cause diaphoresis and tachycardia, when the pain slows down the patients may notice a residual tenderness in the right upper ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. What Are Branches And Thies Affect The Skins Of Human Skin The cheeks are composed of subcutaneous fat, covered with outer skin. The fat is atop the facial muscles responsible for assisting a person for speech, the chewing of food in the mouth and facilitating facial expressions. Moist stratified squamous epithelium line the inner layers of the cheeks. The opening of the oral cavity is formed by the meeting of the anterior regions of the cheeks and the posterior region of the lips. The lips are responsible for manipulating speech–related functions. One of the most easily movable organs of the human body, the lips are primarily made up of flesh. The lips are also in charge of helping the teeth process the food, transport the food into the mouth, and making it possible for infants to suck milk during infancy. ... Show more content on ... They consist of an interior lining of moist stratified squamous epithelium and an exterior covering of skin. The substance of the cheek includes the buccinators muscle which flattens the cheek against the teeth, and the buccal fat pad, which rounds out the profile on the side of the face. The lips and cheeks are important in mastication and speech. They help manipulate food within the oral cavity and hold it in place while the teeth crush or tear it. They also help form words when we speak. A large number of the muscles of facial expression are involved in moving the cheeks and lips. The lips are muscular structures formed mostly by the orbicularis oris muscle and connective tissue. The outer surfaces of the lips are covered by ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Gall Bladder And Pancreas Research Paper The pancreas and the gall bladder are two of the most important organs of the digestive system. Together they help with the digestion process. The pancreas and the gall bladder work together with different functions, the gallbladder stores bile that comes from the liver so that it can be used for meals later on and the pancreas produces pancreatic juice that contains digestive enzymes that help break down food. In order to maintain the body stable and healthy, we need the help of the gallbladder and pancreas to function correctly. Which is why, we, as humans should take care of our organs. ( Tim Taylor, Pancreas and Gall Bladder) The gallbladder, is located just behind the liver. The liver has bile ducts and that is how it is connected to ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Epipharyngeal Memory Study Guide Epipharyngeal groove – *On the dorsal surface of roof of pharynx, another groove is present called epipharyngeal groove. *Its lateral wall is made up of ciliated cells. d) Peripharyngeal bands –*These are a pair of narrow ciliated tracts originating from the anterior end of endostyle. *They run upward along the lateral sides of the pharynx and become united dorsally with the epipharyngeal groove. ... Show more content on ... *Epipharyngeal groove opens posteriorly into oesophagus. Oesophagus – *It is a short narrow and ciliated structure ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Case Study Of Choolelithiasis Chapter–2 Review of literature Case study 1– Cholelithiasis Cholelithiasis includes the closeness of gallstones that are solidifications that structure within the biliary tract, additional typically than not within the vesica. Choledocholithiasis alludes to the closeness of one or additional gallstones within the basic gall channel (CBD). Treatment of gallstones depends on upon the part of malady. Background And high prevalence of vesica diseases (GBD) in Northern Asian country guaranteed a population survey into environmental risk factors. Discussion The risk factors historically connected with GBC embody lithiasis, obesity, generative factors, rubor and specific chemicals the constraints of medical specialty studies on GBC ar little sample sizes and issues in quantifying exposure to purported risk factors different studies relate to prevalence of GST. Gallstones aren't the sole issue. A 'syndrome approach' was adopted to research risk factors during a high–prevalence population. All vesica diseases like rubor, GST, vesica polyp and GBC detectable with United States of America were enclosed along with diet, habits and environmental pollutants ... Show more content on ... It was estimated at 51 per 100 000 population. Three patients were later confirmed histological. It is possible that US may underestimate the numbers. Although the identification by US of GBC is lower in this survey, its percentage indicates a higher prevalence. The lower prevalence of GST with high prevalence of GBC suggests different factors the numerous native factors for GBD were consumption of chickpeas and drinking unprotected water. A cluster analysis furthermore points to role of impure water in Vaishali ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Gallbladder Attacks Essay The Causes of Gallbladder Attacks Outline I. Introduction: It is estimated that approxiamately 10 to 20 percent of the population in the United States and Western Europe are currently being affected by Gallbladder attacks. Thesis statement: These attacks are mainly caused by the development of gallstones in the gallbladder. II. Definition. A. Gallbladder B. Gallstones III. Causes. A. Obesity B. Estrogen C. Ethnicity D. Age and gender IV. Symptoms. A. Chronic indigestion B. Sudden, steady and moderate–to– intense pain in your upper abdomen C. Nausea and vomiting V. Diagnosis. A. Ultrasound B. Cholecystogram Conclusion It might sound interesting to explore the reason why ... Show more content on ... Obesity is one of the major risk factors for gallstones, especially in women. A large clinical study showed that being even moderately overweight increases one's risk for developing gallstones. Secondly, excess estrogen from pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills appears to increase cholesterol levels in bile and decrease gallbladder movement, both of which can lead to gallstones. Ethnicity is another important factor. According to scientists, Native Americans have a genetic predisposition to secrete high levels of cholesterol in bile. In fact, they have the highest rates of gallstones in the United States. A majority of Native American men have gallstones by age 60. Among the Pima Indians of Arizona, 70 percent of women have gallstones by age 30. Mexican– Americans men and women of all ages also have high rates of gallstones.
  • 78. The fourth factor is Cholesterol–lowering drugs. Drugs that lower cholesterol levels in blood actually increase the amount of cholesterol secreted in bile. This in turn can increase the risk of gallstones. Another factor is rapid weight loss. As the body metabolizes fat during rapid weight loss, it causes the liver to secrete extra cholesterol into bile, which can cause gallstones. Gallstones may sometimes cause certain symptoms. These symptoms include Chronic Indigestion, which have symptoms such as nausea, heartburn and bloating. Sudden, steady and ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Courage To Soar By Simone Biles Olympic gymnast and four–time gold medalist Simone Biles has revealed that she shares her Christian faith with other kids she encounters to help them conquer their downfalls. Biles, who momentarily took a break from her gymnastics training for a vacation and some family time, is currently promoting her autobiography titled "Courage to Soar." The Olympic champion also talked about the role of Christian faith in the things she is passionate about, Chron relays. "I wanted to talk about family, competition and things like downfalls and injuries so that kids can understand that I go through those things, too," said Biles. "Kids today talk about faith, and I think it's OK for me to share my faith so kids can see how it helps you through the whole ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Simone Biles Research Paper Have you ever heard of the Olympic gymnast, Simone Biles? She has been a gymnast since she was eight years old. She is a gymnast that went to the 2016 Rio Olympics. I hope in the paper you learn about her. Simone Biles was born on March 14, 1997. She was born in Columbus, Ohio. She grew up with her grandparents. They are Ronnie and Nellie Biles. She grew up with them because her mother was addicted to certain substances. Her sister was born two years after her. Her sister's name is Adria Biles. As a child, Simone was homeschooled. Her sister was homeschooled with her. Simone did not go to gymnastics class to begin with. She went on a daycare field trip to a gymnastic arena. She then started doing a backflips off her mailbox after ... Show more content on ... One is that she is the most decorated female gymnast. She holds that record with fourteen championship medals. She is also the first African American gymnast that won an all– around world title. She is the third American women to be in an all–around national championship four times in a row. She is the shortest Olympic gymnast out of all 555 Olympic gymnasts. She is four feet nine inches. She only weighs 104 pounds. She is also has the record for most gold medals won by a female gymnast. She hold that record with ten gold medals. She has won every tournament she has entered in the P&G Championship since 2013. She has won twelve titles in a row. In all of the twelve titles she has scored over 62 points. While on a few gymnast are able to get 60. She has fourteen total medals for world championships. That the most for a female gymnast ever. In 2013 to 2015, she won ten gold medals in world championship. In 2013 to 2016, she won eleven United States national gold medals in championships. Simone Biles, only 19 years old, took home four gold medals in St. Louis at the 2016 nationals. She was part of the "Final Five" at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janerio. She is wonderful at gymnastics. She has created her own move called the "Biles". She invented and performed this move in 2013. In this move she fully extends her body and does a double flip layout, or some might say two backflips, a half twist in the air, and blindly lands. It's ... Get more on ...